Answer 3: Performance Evaluation

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Performance Evaluation:

To fulfill the high demand for better public transport system, there is a need to establish

attractive, safe and highly sophisticated public transport systems. In this regard, it is

essential to conduct a thorough evaluation of public transport modes. This paper gives

an overview and presents the possible ways to identify and measure the performance of

public transit system. It presents the definition and literature in respect of different

measurement models towards the public transit performance assessment coupled with

comparative study of different measurement models that can be used for performance


The Asia-Pacific region has witnessed rapid population growth and urbanization. In

2016, half of the world’s 4 billion urban dwellers lived in the region, and today 19 of the

world’s 31 megacities are in the region. According to recent projections, by 2030 urban

population in the region will reach 2.7 billion (56 per cent of total population), and by

2050 this number will reach 3.2 billion (63 per cent urban share)

The provision of sustainable urban transport is becoming a major issue due to rapid

urbanization worldwide, including in the Asia-Pacific region.

The performance of a transportation system is affected by several factors such as

human factors, vehicle factors, acceleration characteristics, braking performance etc.

These factors greatly influence the geometric design as well as design of control

facilities. Variant nature of the driver, vehicle, and roadway characteristics should be

given importance for the smooth, safe, and efficient performance of traffic in the road.
Transportation system in a city performs depends both on public investment and policy,

and on millions of decisions made daily by consumer-travelers about whether, where,

how and when to travel. Understanding how people make travel choices is key to

understanding urban transportation problems and potential solutions.

Performance evaluation of public transport system requires to understand the terms on

behalf of performance of the system to be evaluated. The evaluation can be done in two

ways based on present perception of users about the service delivered based on the

feedback provided by experienced evaluation team. Performance evaluation is defined

as the technique to evaluate how well or bad is the performance of a transit service is

under the prevailing operating condition. The performance of transit system can be

enumerated based on two distinct dimensions i.e., Service and Service quality. Service

is described as “the business transaction that take place between a donor (Service

provider) and Receiver Whereas, Service quality gives the measure of how well the

service level delivered to the commuter’s as per their expectation.

Performance Evaluation Models:


Parasuraman (1985) suggested a model for measuring service quality by measuring the

gap between the service delivered and service received. It is mostly used by market

researchers to identify customer satisfaction on behalf of service delivered. This model

represents the service quality in terms of 10 dimensions namely, Reliability,

Responsiveness, Competence, Access, Courtesy, Communication, Credibility, Security,

understandability and Tangibles.

Impact Score Technique (IST):

Federal Administration of the U.S (1999) developed a simple and effective

measurement method to evaluate customer satisfaction for transit services termed as

Impact Score Technique. The IST approach determines the relative impact of attributes

on user satisfaction by measuring relative decrease in user satisfaction when there is a

problem with the attributes.

Important Performance Analysis (IPA):

IPA was first introduced by Martilla (1977). IPA is also known as quadrant analysis

which is used in many areas due to its ease of identification of different quality

parameter that can lead to the improvement in Service quality.

Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI)

Customer Satisfaction Index is a method to determine the level of satisfaction that has

been achieved with respect to the service delivered. CSI was proposed by Supranto

(1997). CSI can be computed by using the average value of the level of expectation and

the performance of each service item.

Ordered Logit Model:

The ordered logit models are regression models for ordinal dependent variables and

the genesis behind using this model is to understand how well that output can be

predicted by the responses to other questions.

Structural Equation Modeling (SEM):

Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) methodology is a powerful multivariate analysis

technique in which a set of relationships between observed and unobserved variables

are established. It is relatively new method which began in the 1970s (Fornell, 1981), it

has been widely applied in various domain of research, including psychology,

education, social science, economics, statistics, etc.

Soft Computing Techniques:

At present soft computing techniques are also being used by researchers for

performance appraisal of different transit system. Among different soft computing

techniques Artificial Neural Network (ANN), Fuzzy logic and Genetic algorithm now a

days quite popular.

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