Dry Summer Management Guide: Dairynz - Co.Nz 0800 4 Dairynz (0800 4 324 7969)

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Dry summer

management guide

0800 4 DairyNZ (0800 4 324 7969)
Successful summer management
depends on planning, monitoring
and taking action.

In recent years, significant dry periods have been a feature of summer farming in
many regions. It is important that farmers take steps to minimise the impact of
a dry period to minimise stress, protect next season's production and to achieve
maximum profitability from the current season.

Farmers in areas prone to dry conditions should have a well thought through
contingency plan for the summer dry. The following information and resources
will be useful to develop your own summer management strategy.
Have a summer management plan

Every farm should have a summer management plan. This is a must, setting out key
decision points concerning stock and feed management and the dates when critical
actions should occur.

Tip – For those without a plan, use the template on the back page or visit the
DairyNZ Farmfacts Summer Management Plan (1-31) and Setting up the farm for
a dry summer (1-32). Alternatively, your farm consultant may be able to help you
develop a plan tailored for your own situation.

Monitor the situation

Regular monitoring of both the farm and wider situation is important, as it allows you
to evaluate the options available for stock and feed management, based on the most
accurate information. A weekly farm walk, monthly monitoring of BCS and keeping up
to date with industry online information and news will help achieve this.

DairyNZ Farmwatch: dairynz.co.nz/farmwatch

DairyNZ Farmwatch provides farmers with a weekly summary of the on-farm situation
throughout New Zealand. Regional advice from DairyNZ farming specialists as well as
links to other helpful regional sites are also featured.

MetService: metservice.co.nz
Short and long range regional weather forecasts are available here.

NIWA's Climate Explorer: niwa.cri.nz

Climate Explorer provides farmers and other irrigation managers a way of ensuring
that irrigators are running only when they are needed. The web site provides long
term trends and estimates of soil moisture levels for 80 sites around New Zealand.

Manage body condition score

Sensible management of body condition score (BCS) is crucial to the protection of next
season's production. Mixed aged cows need to be at BCS 5.0 by next calving, first and
second calvers at BCS 5.5, so pulling condition off them now for the sake of continued
production makes no sense. It will cost you far more to put it back on later.

Monitor the BCS of your cows and heifers regularly (every 3-4 weeks), even if away at
grazing during a summer dry period.

Management options include:

• Getting all known culls off the farm as soon as possible.
Don’t carry cull cows for the sake of it. If sending them to slaughter, remember
that they must be fit for transport and able to bear weight on all four limbs

• Drying mature animals off based on BCS and somatic cell count (SCC).
As a safeguard, have a final dry-off date and stick to it. Drying off low producers
and young stock early, when they are in good condition, also makes sense, as it
will reduce the pressure on the available resources

• Milking low BCS cows once-a-day in early autumn.

Tip – For more information visit dairynz.co.nz/drysummer and refer to the culling
cows factsheet.
Use supplements wisely

Feeding supplements can keep animals in production longer than would otherwise be
possible in a dry summer.

• First and foremost, earmark 10-14 days of supplement for the period after rain
(approximately 100kg DM/cow). There will be a lot of pasture decay at this time
and you will need something to keep your cows going, allowing pasture to recover.
Remember to include your winter supplement requirements in your planning as well

• Supplements can increase stock water intakes, so systems must be in place to cope
with the increased demand. Consider providing water in the yards to reduce the
demand on troughs in the paddock after milking

• Offer pasture silage to stock first, as it will have more protein than maize silage.
Avoid using autumn/winter supplements if possible. Use them only as a last resort
after drying off the entire herd

• If grazing turnips, make sure you give enough of them to meet cow energy demands
and that all animals can feed at once

• Bought in supplements such as Palm Kernel Extract/Tapioca mixes and maize silage are
an option. Seek professional advice before using unfamiliar feed mixes on your stock.

Supplements can be profitable providing you apply best practice management and
purchase the supplement at the right price.

Only purchase and feed out supplements if you have:

• Residuals below 7 clicks or less on the rising plate meter (under 1500 kgDM/ha using
the winter formula)

• Determined the maximum supplement price you can afford to pay and still make a profit

• The ability to avoid feed losses and wastage when storing and feeding out the supplement.

The immediate milk response is unlikely to fully cover the cost, but if feeding results in
maintaining more cows in milk when it does rain the returns can be significant.

As a rule of thumb use the milk price $/kg MS to determine the value proposition
of buying feed to feed lactating cows
The rule of thumb is - if the feed cost landed on the farm, cents/kg DM exceeds 5% of the milk
price then question the likely profitability of purchasing the feed for sustaining milk production.

Example: $6.30/kgMS milk price x 5% = 6.30 x 0.05 = 0.32 cents/kg DM. 32 cents/kgDM
is a price above which careful decisions need to be made about purchasing supplements.

In this example, a profitable return from supplements costing more than 32 cents will
depend on:

• The quality of the supplement – higher energy and protein makes it more affordable

• The ability to store and feed the supplement without high levels of wastage

• The likelihood that feeding supplement results in cows still milking later in the season

• Grazing residuals being above or below desired levels. Is overgrazing already occurring?

However, as not all feeds are the same in how much protein and fat they will produce for
the same MS response and there are differences in the amount of supplement required for
BCS gain in dry cows. The rule of thumb is just that a rule of thumb and does not apply to
all situations.
Consider once-a-day milking

Alternative milking patterns, such as Once-a-day (OAD) can help take the pressure off
both staff and cows and can be an attractive option.

Switching to OAD means paying close attention to mastitis detection and management,
as SCC can rise to double that of cows milked twice-a-day and some cows may develop
clinical mastitis.

• Be careful if your bulk SCC is over 200,000 before switching to OAD, as you run the
risk of grading. At the very least, your bulk tank needs to be able to accommodate a
short term (3-4 day) doubling in SCC. Consult the SAMM plan

• For those with problematic cell counts, milking 'three times in two days' is an option
that can be used in extending rotation length and rationing feed. However, awkward
milking times may outweigh the advantages for you.

Tip – For more visit dairynz.co.nz/drysummer and refer to the OAD Farmfacts.

Look after your irrigated pasture

If you are irrigating, monitor soil moisture levels regularly.

Have a contingency plan for when water restrictions are applied. One option is to fully
water the best part of your farm, rather than watering the whole farm poorly.

Irrigated crops can provide a high return.

There may a few paddocks of deferred grazing still around. Graze these early, as both
quality and quantity of feed will drop fast.

Have a plan to avoid overgrazing (grazing to less than 3.5 cm height).

Tip – Consider signing up to NIWA’s Climate Explorer (niwa.cri.nz) to help with your planning.

Make best use of your farm advisors

Rural professionals, be they veterinarians, farm consultants, DairyNZ consulting

officers, bankers, or feed reps all have specialist knowledge, that can help you
manage a dry summer effectively. Don't be afraid to ask for help and advice as
needed. At the end of the day, their business depends on the success of your
business, so it's in their interest to help you get through.
Summer management action plan

The objective of the plan is to keep as many cows milking as long as possible without
jeopardising next season’s production. Insert your dates and figures then put on the office wall.
Note: A different plan will be required for an early summer dry than a late summer dry.
Additional copies of this action plan can be found at dairynz.co.nz/drysummer

Date: / /
Building up feed before it gets dry
Apply nitrogen to whole farm by this date
Application rate of nitrogen N/ha
Rotation length by 10 December
Rotation length by 10 January
There is no advantage going onto a longer round if it is not dry. In a dry summer where
nitrogen has been applied a rotation of 26-30 days will be adequate.

How much feed do I have on hand?

Supplements on hand now (A)
Supplement required for winter (B)
Supplement required for autumn rains (C)
A - B - C = Total available to feed out over summer
Divided by number of cows

Total feed available per cow

Divided by feed required per cow per day

Total days feeding available

Summer crops
Planting date for summer crop
Dates nitrogen to be applied to crop
Application rate of nitrogen N/ha

All known culls to be gone by
Whole herd pregnancy test date
Herd test to identify low producers/High SCC cows
Dry off high SCC cows once counts get over
Dry off cows once daily litres per cow drop below

Cow condition – I will dry off:

1st lactation cows under condition score 3 by
Cows under condition score 3 by
1st lactation cows under condition score 3.5 by
Cows under condition score 3.5 by
1st lactation cows under condition score 4 by
I will dry off whole herd if there is no rain before

0800 4 DairyNZ (0800 4 324 7969)

Tools to help guide you
through a dry summer period

Visit dairynz.co.nz/drysummer for a wide range of helpful advice on

getting through a dry summer including:

DairyNZ Farmfacts:

• Summer management overview (1-30)

• Summer management plan (1-31)

• Setting the farm up for a dry summer (1-32)

• Management in a dry summer (1-33)

• Dry summer management – culling cows (1-33b)

• Summer nutrition (1-34)

• Summer deficit feed budget – how many cows to milk (1-35)

• Tapioca (1-70)

• Palm kernel extract (PKE) (1-71)

• Weekly/10 day feed budget template – Working backwards from

target (1-82)

• Weekly/10 day feed budget template – Working forwards from

pasture cover on hand (1-83)

• Facial eczema – treatment and prevention (3-6)

• Somatic cell counts (SCC) (3-10)

• Managing heat stress in dairy cows (3-15)

• Once-a-day milking (Farmfacts section 4)

• Nitrogen use going into summer (7-3)

• Nitrogen use after a dry summer (7-4).

0800 4 DairyNZ (0800 4 324 7969)

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