LM 216 Course Outline 2020 Sem 2 - Final
LM 216 Course Outline 2020 Sem 2 - Final
LM 216 Course Outline 2020 Sem 2 - Final
Name: Mrs. Fulori Liwaiono
Phone: 3232469
Email: liwaiono_f@usp.ac.fj
The course looks closely at the Planning Law in USP member countries and land use
controls. In addition, the environmental laws governing planning activities will be
introduced to students. Covenants restricting land use and easements relating to land will
be discussed.
1. Creativity: Graduates will generate new ideas and approaches to solve problems.
2. Communication: Graduates will choose appropriate language and modes of
communication to share ideas and capture understanding.
3. Critical thinking: Graduates will evaluate ideas and opinions before forming a
4. Ethics: Graduates will apply ethical reasoning to their actions and decision-making.
5. Pacific consciousness: Graduates will recognize the cultural heritage, and diversity of
Pacific societies.
6. Professionalism: Graduates will apply professional principles, values and ethics to
their work.
7. Teamwork: Graduates will collaborate with people of diverse perspectives to
achieve goals.
Week Topic
1. General Introduction & Sources of Law
2. Historical Development
3. Law of Torts
4. Planning Law in the Pacific
5. Development Control
6. Planning Permission
7. Challenging Decisions
9. Relief & Betterment
10. Environmental Legislation
11. Sustainable Development
12. Environmental Impact Assessment Process
13. Waste Management and Pollution controls
14. Enforcement
15. Revision for Final Exam
Town Planning Act (Cap 139)
Local Government Act
Land Transfer Act (Cap 131)
Land Development Act
Property Law Act (Cap 130)
Public Health Act
State Lands Acquisition Act
Subdivision of Lands Act
Environment Management Act 2005
Environmental Treaties and Conventions
The following table demonstrates the alignment of the course learning outcomes to
appropriate activities and assessments and the links to programme and USP graduate
1. Explain the statutes and Face to face Case PGO 1,2 Communicatio
conventions governing lecture series Summaries, n
environmental issues in & Weekly Tutorial Pacific
Fiji and the Pacific tutorial Hand-ins, Consciousness
sessions & Case Study Professionalism
2. Discuss the application Face to face Case PGO 1,2 Communicatio
of relevant land and lecture series Summaries, n
environmental & Weekly Tutorial Critical thinking
principles to land use tutorial Hand-ins, and
control in the Pacific to sessions & Case Study quantitative
past case studies eReaders reasoning
portfolio Pacific
3. Discuss the implications Face to face Online PGO 1,2 Communicatio
A+ A B+ B C+ C D E
85-100 78-84 71-77 64-70 57-63 50-56 40-49 0-39
For detailed regulations, please refer to the USP Handbook and Calendar.
Plagiarism, copying materials from other sources without proper referencing and
acknowledge of the source is a serious offence and will be dealt with severely. In the
Regulations Governing Academic Misconduct section of the USP Handbook & Calendar
plagiarism is defined as “the copying of another person’s creative work and using it as
one’s own – without explicitly giving credit to the original creator. Work copied without
acknowledgement from a book, from another student’s work, from the internet or from
any other source”. If lecturer is satisfied that plagiarism has occurred, they will report the
matter to the Head of School. They can reduce marks appropriately. If the matter is seen
as serious enough it can be taken to the Student Disciplinary Committee by the Head of
Please select Day Time Location
only one
1. Tuesday 5-6pm Zoom (Online)
2. Wednesday 4-5pm 014-112
3. Thursday 6-7pm 014-114