Santos Lamban, PAHRA: Death Penalty in The Philippines
Santos Lamban, PAHRA: Death Penalty in The Philippines
Santos Lamban, PAHRA: Death Penalty in The Philippines
The Philippines was the first Asian country that abolished the death penalty in 1987. But six years after it has
reimposed the death penalty, the Philippines has overtaken its Asian neighbors and has the most number of death
The repeal of death penalty came about with the promulgation of a new Constitution after the ouster of the Marcos
dictatorship. The lesson of Martial Law, underscored by the more than 10,000 victims who were either tortured,
disappeared or summarily executed, was that the state alone should not be given the awful power of life and death
over its citizens.
Within less than a year, however, the military establishment was lobbying for its reimposition as a means to combat the
"intensifying" offensives of the CPP/NPA guerrillas. Gen. Fidel V. Ramos, then Chief of the Armed Forces of the
Philippines and later elected President of the Philippines in 1992, was among those who were strongly calling for the
reintroduction of the death penalty against rebellion, murder and drug trafficking.
In mid 1987, a bill to reinstate the death penalty was submitted to Congress. Military pressure was very much evident
in the preamble which cited the pestering insurgency as well as the recommendations of the police and the military as
compelling reasons for the reimposition of the death penalty. The bill cited recent right wing coup attempts as an
example of the alarming deterioration of peace and order and argued for the death penalty both as an effective
deterrent against heinous crimes and as a matter of simple retributive justice .
The bill which was promoted as a counter-insurgency bill was passed by the House of Representatives in 1988. Three
similar bills, introduced in 1989 failed to get approval of the Senate and the bill was shelved into the archives.
However, in the preceding five years, public opinion, articulated by leading political figures had been flowing in the
direction of support for the death penalty as a form of 'retributive justice'. A series of horrific, widely publicized crimes
including rape, murder and kidnapping-for-ransom reinforced public fears that lawlessness and criminality had reached
unprecedented levels. The tabloid reports painted a bloody picture, widely reporting on high profile murder, rape and
kidnapping cases. The view that the death penalty was necessary to fight criminality became a popular notion.
When Ramos was elected as President in 1992, he declared that the reimposition of the death penalty would be one of
his priorities. Political offenses such as rebellion were dropped from the bill. However, the list of crimes was expanded
to include economic offenses such as smuggling and bribery.
In December 1993, RA 7659 restoring the death penalty was signed into law. The law makers argued the deteriorating
crime situation was a compeling reason for its reimposition. The main reason given was that the death penalty is a
deterrent to crime. In 1996, RA 8177 was approved, stipulating lethal injection as the method of execution.
According to Republic Act No. 7659, death penalty is a penalty for crimes that are "heinous for being grievous, odious
and hateful offenses and which, by reason of their inherent or manifest wickedness, viciousness, atrocity and
perversity are repugnant and outrageous to the common standards and norms of decency and morality in a just,
civilized and ordered society." Death penalty is a cruel, futile and dangerous punishment for "very serious reasons and
with due judicial process." According to Amnesty International, a worldwide movement of people working for
internationally recognized human rights; death penalty is the ultimate, irreversible denial of human rights. Thus, they
worked towards abolishing it in order to "end the cycle of violence created by a system riddled with economic and
racial bias and tainted with human error."
Next, I would like to present a brief background on death penalty in the Philippines. In 1987, the Philippines made
history by becoming the first Asian country in modern times to abolish the death penalty for all crimes. However, six
years later, in 1993, the death penalty was reintroduced in the Philippines for 46 different offences. Such of those are
murder, rape, parricide, infanticide and qualified bribery, among others. Executions resumed in 1999 until year 2000
when former President Estrada announced a moratorium on executions. This has been continued by current President
Arroyo, in practice, throughout her presidency. Now, under her rule, the death penalty is again abolished .
I am in favor of abolishing the death penalty law in the Philippines. Allow me to present my arguments. First, it violates
the right to live. Second, it is a very cruel practice. Third, it is anti-poor. Last, death penalty defeats its purpose.
First, the imposition of death penalty violates a person's right to live. Article III Section 1 of the 1987 Constitution,
otherwise known as the Bill of Rights, states that "No person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property…" By
imposing death penalty, the right of a criminal to live is being violated.
Furthermore, it is a known fact that majority of Filipinos are Catholics. As said, we have one of the world's largest
Christian populations. According to the Ten Commandments of the Church, thou shall not kill. Therefore, nobody is
given the right to commit the lives of others. Whether that person is a criminal or not, nobody has the right to
play God and take the life that He has given. Filipinos should "respect and value the sanctity of human life and uphold
the virtue and religious doctrines that are expected of us as a dominant Christian nation."
Second, it is a very cruel, inhuman and irreversible practice. It is very cruel and in human because persons are killed.
This alone is proof. Once a person is killed, the act cannot be reversed.
Third, death penalty is anti-poor. In a country like the Philippines with a very slow, sometimes inefficient, unfair and
unjust judicial system, death penalty is simply not viable. Majority of the 1200 people on the death row are poor.
Maybe, for some, being there is what they deserve. But for many, it is poverty that brought them there. Not everyone in
that row should die. Many are simply there because they ran against some filthy rich and powerful person or they could
not afford to get a good lawyer to defend them. A study showed that "death penalty is anti-poor as the underprivileged
who cannot afford the services of competent counsels are oftentimes the ones convicted of death penalty". "Studies
have shown that the death penalty is disproportionately imposed on the poorest, least educated and most vulnerable
members of society. It takes the lives of offenders who might otherwise have been rehabilitated."
Lastly, death penalty does not live up to its purpose. It is not able to serve its purpose which is to prevent crimes and to
preserve peace and order. According to the President, in a letter she sent to Senate President Franklin M. Drilon, the
imposition of death penalty "was shown to have not served its principal purpose of effectively deterring the commission
of heinous crimes". Clearly, even with death penalty imposed, the Philippines still continued to project high and rising
crime rates in the country. If death penalty is effective, there should have been less crimes but it is quite the contrary.
Also, there are no concrete evidence like studies or tests that could prove that the imposition of death penalty really
prevents crime thus maintaining peace and order in the country.
To cap off this essay, death penalty is the punishment served to those who have committed crimes that are "heinous
for being grievous, odious and hateful offenses and which, by reason of their inherent or manifest wickedness,
viciousness, atrocity and perversity are repugnant and outrageous to the common standards and norms of decency
and morality in a just, civilized and ordered society." I am in favor of the abolition of death penalty because first, its
imposition violates the right to live. Second, it is a very cruel, inhuman and irreversible act. Third, death penalty is anti-
poor. Lastly, death penalty does not serve its purpose of preventing crimes and preserving peace and order.