3 S 3: R QMS: Ection Ecommendations For The Implementation of The
3 S 3: R QMS: Ection Ecommendations For The Implementation of The
3 S 3: R QMS: Ection Ecommendations For The Implementation of The
• Identify the scope of its QMS, as well as the normative references it complies with.
• Identify the processes needed for its quality management system and their
• Determine the sequence and interaction of such processes.
• Establish criteria and methods needed to ensure that the operation and the control of
such processes are effective.
• Ensure the availability of resources and information necessary to support the
operation and monitoring of these processes.
• Monitor, measure and analyze the results of these processes.
• Implement actions aimed to achieve the planned results and to seek continual
improvement of the system.
The scope of the Quality Management System is the provision of some of the
following services:
Introduction to Quality Management for EDXRF practice - Pursuing ISO/IEC 17025:2005 accreditation.
Section 3: Recommendations for the implementation of the QMS
A relation of the authorities and subordination chain from the highest levels of the
parent organization (if any) must be described and stated. A typical structure
diagram for a public organization could be:
Introduction to Quality Management for EDXRF practice - Pursuing ISO/IEC 17025:2005 accreditation.
Section 3: Recommendations for the implementation of the QMS
In the field of nuclear science, technologies and their applications: through technology
transfer, services a nd research, t o c ontribute t o t he implementation o f the Agency's
programmes o n s ustainable d evelopment b y t he e ffective us e o f nuc lear s ciences i n
monitoring of the environment, food and agriculture, human health, industry, physical
and chemical sciences, and the management of water resources.
Introduction to Quality Management for EDXRF practice - Pursuing ISO/IEC 17025:2005 accreditation.
Section 3: Recommendations for the implementation of the QMS
A. To ensure that the management of the ORGANIZATION and the service support
provided to its customers are maintained and performed in accordance with the
principles of a QMS established in compliance with ISO/IEC 17025:2005.
B. To ensure that the tests and/or calibration are made following validated procedures
and that the provided calibration results are traceable to SI units and comply to
ISO/IEC 17025:2005;
C. To ensure that all staff members involved in activities within the scope of the
quality management system are aware of the quality policy, its documentation and
implementation, and continuously evaluate opportunities for improving the group’s
Introduction to Quality Management for EDXRF practice - Pursuing ISO/IEC 17025:2005 accreditation.
Section 3: Recommendations for the implementation of the QMS
The Quality Management System shall include the following key elements:
• A Quality Manual.
• A system for keeping documented and validated calibration instructions, well
documented operational procedures and corresponding records.
• Instrumentation that is periodically calibrated and checked to ensure traceability of
the calibration results and the quality of the maintenance/repair services.
• A clear and comprehensive statement of uncertainty in the measured quantities and
in the reported values resulting from the electrical calibrations.
Introduction to Quality Management for EDXRF practice - Pursuing ISO/IEC 17025:2005 accreditation.
Section 3: Recommendations for the implementation of the QMS
The ISO/IEC 17025:2005 outline provides a thorough and easy readable drawing-up.
The addition of some sections to this outline is a practical choice to ensure compliance
to both standards in an easy way.
The following table comprises a list of procedures that are needed to ensure the
harmonic functioning of the quality management system and to establish the inter-
relation between some of its components:
Introduction to Quality Management for EDXRF practice - Pursuing ISO/IEC 17025:2005 accreditation.
Section 3: Recommendations for the implementation of the QMS
• It is beneficial to the user who learns to look for information in set places.
• It acts as a check list for the person who prepares the procedure or instruction.
• It makes the use of different forms related to the Quality Management System more
transparent and allows the use of cross references.
• To maintain the standard format and to minimize the hazard for requirements to be
• To make clear the status of a current document (approval date and current version).
For example: Procedures and records related to workflow control and IQC
must be reviewed by the QM, whereas technical procedures must be reviewed
by the Technical Manager.
All the documentation must be approved by the top manager of the organization.
Introduction to Quality Management for EDXRF practice - Pursuing ISO/IEC 17025:2005 accreditation.
Section 3: Recommendations for the implementation of the QMS
The Quality Manager shall control the accomplishment of the plan of audits and to
participate in all of the activities related with the audits. The Technical Manager and the
top management shall design the remediation plans and to make them effective in
The laboratory shall have a policy and procedures that shall be implemented when any
aspect of its management system and testing and/or calibration work, or the results of
this work, do not conform to its own procedures or the agreed requirements of the
Top management is responsible for ensuring that the causes of the complaints are
thoroughly investigated, proper actions planned and realized in due time.
When an XRF laboratory subcontracts work, this work shall be placed with a competent
subcontractor (the subcontractor must complies with ISO/IEC 17025:2005 for the work
in question).
The laboratory shall advise the customer of the arrangement in writing and, when
appropriate, gain the approval of the customer, preferably in writing.
The laboratory is responsible to the customer for the subcontractor’s work, except in the
case where the customer or a regulatory authority specifies which subcontractor is to be
The laboratory shall maintain a register of all subcontractors that it uses for tests and/or
The following pad illustrates some of the procedures related to the specific case of
EDXRF practice:
Introduction to Quality Management for EDXRF practice - Pursuing ISO/IEC 17025:2005 accreditation.
Section 3: Recommendations for the implementation of the QMS
Due to the wide range of applications for XRF techniques, changes in any a-priori
defined requirement for analytical services should occur in order to solve
challenges. Keeping a constant communication with the customer is the only way to
pursue agreement in regard to any modifications or changes arising from
unexpected findings. Be always sure that:
Introduction to Quality Management for EDXRF practice - Pursuing ISO/IEC 17025:2005 accreditation.
Section 3: Recommendations for the implementation of the QMS
Introduction to Quality Management for EDXRF practice - Pursuing ISO/IEC 17025:2005 accreditation.
Section 3: Recommendations for the implementation of the QMS
Quality control data shall be analysed and, where they are found to be outside pre-
defined criteria, planned action shall be taken to correct the problem and to prevent
incorrect results from being reported.
The control encompasses the analytical process starting with the sample entering the
laboratory and ending with the analytical report. The most important tools in XRF quality
control are the analysis of duplicate samples and the use of control charts. Blind
duplicates are included in the analysis to monitor the precision, whereas reference
materials are analyzed as control samples to monitor in control charts the long term
stability in method performance. The results of each run (group of samples analyzed
within a request for service) are then accepted or rejected if both IQC requirements are
From the requirement on the analytical results the analyst sets up the control program:
Samples fulfilling all these requirements are not always available. Therefore there are
several choices of control samples:
• Certified Reference Material which elemental mass fractions are known with
inaccuracies less than those resulting from the intended analytical method are the
ideal choice
• Test routine sample characterized by alternate analytical methods (in-house material)
• Reference material, standard solution or in-house material
• Reference materials, standard solutions or spiked materials
Introduction to Quality Management for EDXRF practice - Pursuing ISO/IEC 17025:2005 accreditation.
Section 3: Recommendations for the implementation of the QMS
Though there are several types of control charts, these two are the most important used
for the internal quality control in XRF laboratories:
• X-charts
• Range-charts
One of the oldest and simplest types of control chart is the X-chart, which is based on
the distribution of the control values around a true or expected value. It can be used to
monitor the combination of systematic and random effects for control values, based on
single results or on a mean of multiple analyses. Using a reference material as control
sample, the bias may be monitored by comparing the mean control value over time with
the reference value.
X-charts are used to monitor if a bias arise in the results of analysis of a control
materials, thus serving to prove whether the method performance remains under stable
operation. It is worth to notice that the latter is valid for any sample matrix and
elemental concentration order similar to those of the control sample. If a run comprises
different types of matrices or different concentration ranges, it is advisable to include
more than a control sample on each run.
Introduction to Quality Management for EDXRF practice - Pursuing ISO/IEC 17025:2005 accreditation.
Section 3: Recommendations for the implementation of the QMS S ETTING THE CONTROL LIMITS AND THE CENTRAL LINE IN X- CHART
The control limits can be set based on method performance – statistical control limits
or according to the requirement on within-laboratory re producibility – target control
The control limits are calculated from the The control limits are set based on
historical results obtained during the the requirement on the analytical
analysis of the control sample. For at least quality. The standard deviation for
12 analysis carried out during a certain time the control chart, s, is estimated
period, e.g. a month, the standard deviation from the requirement on
(s) of the results is calculated. This reproducibility.
population of results must be free of out-of-
control results.
Warning limits shall be set at +2s and – 2s. Warning limits shall be set at +2s
and – 2s.
Action limits shall be set at +3s and – 3s.
Action limits shall be set at +3s
Note: The statistical control limits are and – 3s.
constantly updated with the more recent
results under statistical control.
The central line in the control chart can be the calculated mean value of the control
values or a reference value for the control sample. In most cases a mean central line is
The mean value is estimated from control The control sample is a reference
values obtained during a longer time. material or a well-characterised
The central line is set to this mean value.
The central line is set to the
assigned (reference or certified)
The uncertainty of the range (absolute difference) of replicate values R = |x1 - x2|can
be assessed as
Introduction to Quality Management for EDXRF practice - Pursuing ISO/IEC 17025:2005 accreditation.
Section 3: Recommendations for the implementation of the QMS
If the values of the replicate results can be considered as part of a Gaussian probability
distribution, then in only 5 % of the cases the differences will exceed
As in XRF the precision of the results is mainly conditioned by the counting statistics,
the precision of the results improves with the increase in the concentration of the
element. There are two possible scenarios for a run of analysis: the concentration of the
element is similar in all the samples, or the concentration spans within a broad range.
Case 1: The results of duplicate analysis of a control material having the concentration
of the element similar to those expected in the unknown samples can serve to assess if
the precision correspond to the expected value.
Case 2: Samples contain the element in a broad range of concentration, and therefore
the precision of the results changes in a relatively broad range. The quality control
manager must request a second run of analysis, this time including duplicates of some
of the analyzed samples, as to cover the range of concentrations found during the initial
Introduction to Quality Management for EDXRF practice - Pursuing ISO/IEC 17025:2005 accreditation.
Section 3: Recommendations for the implementation of the QMS
If 5 or more consecutive points are above the 50 % limit then the analysis is moving out
of control and corrective action is needed. Occasionally points will lie above the 95 %
limit (about 1 in every 20 points) but points falling above the 99 % limit indicate the
need for corrective action. If too many zero values occur it is likely that the results have
been rounded to a digit not representing the meaningful precision.
The range value on the R mean -chart can be used to calculate the standard deviation of
the analyses by using the equation:
where S is the standard deviation, R are the ranges and N is the number of samples run
in duplicate.
and only 5 % of the ranges can exceed the warning limit calculated as
Introduction to Quality Management for EDXRF practice - Pursuing ISO/IEC 17025:2005 accreditation.
Section 3: Recommendations for the implementation of the QMS
A1 ≤ A2
A 1 = |V ref - V lab |
ALP: Acceptable Limit of Precision, set for each analyte as a function of its concentration
level and ease of determination.
A result must obtain an "Acceptable" score in both criteria to be assigned the final score
of "Acceptable".
Introduction to Quality Management for EDXRF practice - Pursuing ISO/IEC 17025:2005 accreditation.
Section 3: Recommendations for the implementation of the QMS
• Trueness: the closeness of agreement between the average value obtained from a
large series of test results and the accepted reference value (true value).
• Precision: the closeness of agreement between independent test results obtained
under stipulated conditions.
• Uncertainty due to counting statistics: Owing to the statistical nature of the measured
signal, the standard deviation of the peak area N can be assumed as √N. In the case
of spectrum fitting, the uncertainty due to the quality of peak fit must be accounted
as well. This source becomes one of the largest in the case of low counting statistics.
• When using Certified Reference Materials for the calibration of the model, the
uncertainty of the calibration is affected by the uncertainty of the certified values of
the CRMs.
• Depending on the procedure followed to estimate the effective sample attenuation,
the uncertainty of the attenuation correction can be significant.
Other sources must be carefully evaluated in each analytical procedure.
Introduction to Quality Management for EDXRF practice - Pursuing ISO/IEC 17025:2005 accreditation.
Section 3: Recommendations for the implementation of the QMS
provided that either y(x 1 , x 2 ...x n ) is linear in x i or u(x i ) is small compared to x i , the
partial differentials (∂y/∂x i ) can be approximated by:
Thus u(y,x i ) is just the difference between the values of y calculated for [x i +u(x i )] and
x i respectively.
The assumption of linearity or small values of u(x i )/x i will not be closely met in all
cases. Nonetheless, the method does provide acceptable accuracy for practical purposes
when considered against the necessary approximations made in estimating the values of
u(x i ).
Confirmation by examination and provision of objective evidence that the particular
requirements for a specific intended use are fulfilled.
• sampling
• handling
• transportation.
Introduction to Quality Management for EDXRF practice - Pursuing ISO/IEC 17025:2005 accreditation.
Section 3: Recommendations for the implementation of the QMS
All influences of changes which are made in the validated methods should be
documented and a new validation should be carried out. Validation is always a balance
between costs, risks and technical possibilities
The range and accuracy of the values obtainable from validated methods should include:
There are many cases in which the range and uncertainty of the values can only be
given in a simplified way due to lack of information.
Introduction to Quality Management for EDXRF practice - Pursuing ISO/IEC 17025:2005 accreditation.
Section 3: Recommendations for the implementation of the QMS
When the measurement result is higher than the Decision Threshold, it is possible to
affirm that the element is present in the analyzed sample. There exists, however, an
established probability α (usually of 5 %) of finding background measurements above
the Decision Threshold, where background comprise blank signal, interferences and
For the calculation of the Decision Threshold, the only required data is the probability
function of background (standard uncertainty of background) obtained from the
measurement of background.
The Detection Limit is the characteristic limit that responds to the following question:
what would be the real concentration (of an element in the analyzed sample) that would
give a measurement result below the Decision Threshold with an established probability
β (usually of 5 %).
Introduction to Quality Management for EDXRF practice - Pursuing ISO/IEC 17025:2005 accreditation.
Section 3: Recommendations for the implementation of the QMS
The calculation of the Detection Limit requires the knowledge of the probability function
of the measurement result (standard uncertainty of the measurement result). Validation
shall include:
In the case of analyzing samples of intermediate or infinite thickness the detection limits
can be calculated as:
As the probability distribution of the results of a series of measurements for any of these
signals can be considered as close to a Poisson distribution, the value √N of must be
estimated in the more general case as: