2009-01hw2 Ans PDF
2009-01hw2 Ans PDF
2009-01hw2 Ans PDF
When we combine the 2 sectors at the equilibrium, we have the following system:
Y −C −I = G0 1 −1 −1 0 Y G0
−b(1 − t)Y +C = a −b(1 − t) 1 0 0 C a
I +ei = d 0 0 1 e I d
kY −li = M0 k 0 0 −l i M0
(c) To answer, we need to calculate the determinant of the coecient matrix found in
(b). Since it is a (4,4)-matrix, we need to use the expansion in cofactors: we develop
according to the third row that contains 2 zeros (any other expansion acceptable!)
1 −1 −1 0
−b(1 − t) 1 0 0
0 0 1 e
k 0 0 −l
1 −1 0 1 −1 −1
= +1 × det −b(1 − t) 1 0 − e × det −b(1 − t) 1 0
k 0 −l k 0 0
à ! à !
1 −1 −1 −1
= −l det − ek det
−b(1 − t) 1 1 0
= l[b(1 − t) − 1] − ek
6= 0 by assumption
where the third equality follows from an expansion according to the third column for
the rst (3,3)-matrix and an expansion according to the third row for the second one.
Since the determinant of the coecient matrix of the system is nonzero, Cramer's rule
applies and we have:
G0 −1 −1 0
a 1 0 0
d 0 1 e
M0 0 0 −l
Y∗ =
l[b(1 − t) − 1] − ek
e l
Y∗ = M0 + (a + g + G0 )
ek + l[1 − b(1 − t)] ek + [1 − b(1 − t)]
Note: Coecient ek+l[1−b(1−t)] is called money-supply multiplier.
Coecient ek+[1−b(1−t)] is called government-expenditure coecient.
Next, I should get rid of y in L3. However, to do so, I have to multiply L2 by (2 + a):
this is a valid transformation only when (2 + a) 6= 0. We then have 2 cases.
- case 1: a = −2. The system writes:
x + 2y + 3z = 1 L1
x = (67/6) − 2b
− y + 11z = 3 − b L3 ⇔ y = b − 29/6
+ − 18z = 3 L2 z = −1/6
There is a unique solution for any real number b. There is 0 degree of freedom.
- case 2: a 6= −2. The system writes:
x + 2y + 3z = 1 L1
− y + (9 − a)z = 3 − b L2
+ [−(9 − a)(2 + a) + 18]z = (2 + a)(b − 3) − 3 (2 + a)L2 − L3
Next, I should be able to deduce z as a function of the parameter from L3. But I can
only do that if the coecient of z in L3 is nonzero. First we nd the values of a for
which this coecient is 0:
There are innitely many solutions. We have been able to express them as functions of
1 variable only (z ), so it means that there is 1 degree of freedom.
- case ii): a 6= 0 and a 6= 7 (ie coecient of z in L3 is nonzero). The system writes:
(9−a)(2+a)(b−3)−3(9−a) (2+a)(b−3)−3
x = 1 − 2y − 3z
x = 1−2
18−(9−a)(2+a) − 2(b − 3) − 3 18−(9−a)(2+a)
y = (9 − a)z + (b − 3) ⇔ y = (9−a)(2+a)(b−3)−3(9−a)
18−(9−a)(2+a) + (b − 3)
z = 18−(9−a)(2+a) z = (2+a)(b−3)−3
3. (a)
0 1 1
M − I = −1 −2 −1
α α α−1
The determinant is obtained after an expansion in cofactors according to the rst row
(other expansions possible!):
¯ ¯ ¯ ¯
¯ −1 −1 ¯ ¯ −1 −2 ¯
¯ ¯ ¯ ¯
|M − I| = − ¯ ¯+¯ ¯=α−1
¯ α α−1 ¯ ¯ α α ¯
(c) M 2 v = M (M v) = M v = v, · · · , so M n v = v for all n. We can easily demonstrate
this formula by recurrence.
(b) We are now looking for matrix A of orderÃ2 (non!necessarily symmetric), solution
a b
of the equation A2 = O2 . Therefore, let A = . Then, we have:
c d
à ! à !
a + bc = 0
a + bc b(a + d) 0 0 b(a + d) = 0
A2 = O2 ⇔ = ⇔
c(a + d) bc + d2 0 0
c(a + d) = 0
bc + d2 = 0
a = −bc (i)
b = 0 or a = −d (ii)
c = 0 or a = −d (iii)
d = −bc (iv)
There are several cases:
- case 1: b = 0 then from equations (i) and (iv), we deduce that a = d = 0; c is a free
parameter (ie it can be any real number). So the family of matrices solutions of the
equation can be written as:
à !
0 0
Ac = where c is any real number
c 0
Note1 : the unique symmetric solution we found in (a) belongs to this family when
c = 0.
- case 2: c = 0 and b 6= 0 then from equations (i) and (iv), we deduce that a = d = 0;
b is a free non-zero parameter. So the family of matrices solutions of the equation can
be written as:
à !
0 b
Ab = where b is any non-zero real number
0 0
Note2 : we exclude the case b = 0 because it already belongs to the previous family.
- case 3: b 6= 0 and c 6= 0 then from equation (ii) d = −a; from equation (iv)
c = −(d2 /b) = −(a2 /b); a and b are 2 free parameters. So the family of matrices
solutions of the equation can be written as:
à !
a b
Aa,b = where a, b are any non-zero real numbers
(−a2 /b) −a
Note3 : I chose here as free parameters a and b (ie all the other variables are expressed
as functions of a and b). This is not the only
à possibility: for
! instance, you can choose a
a (−a2 /c)
and c and you get family of matrices: A = where a, c are any non-zero
c −a
real numbers. And the 2 families are equivalent in the sense that they give the exact
same family of matrices when their parameters take all the possible values.
Note4 : all the solutions we have found are non-symmetric matrices (except family 1
when c = 0). So there is no contradiction with question (a).
Note5 : this system cannot be solved by Gaussian elimination since it is nonlinear.
(c) We have to check that all solutions can be written in general as A = pq 0 with p, q
column-vectors of size 2 s.t. p0 q = 0. The three families can be reexpressed as follows:
à ! à ! à !
0 0 0 ³ ´ ³ ´ c
Ac = = c 0 and 0 1 =0
c 0 1 0
à ! à ! à !
0 b 1 ³ ´ ³ ´ 0
Ab = = 0 b and 1 0 =0
0 0 0 b
à ! à ! à !
a b 1 ³ ´ ³ ´ a
Aa,b = = a b and 1 (−a/b) =0
(−a2 /b) −a (−a/b) b