Hospital Strategic Plan Presentation Example
Hospital Strategic Plan Presentation Example
Hospital Strategic Plan Presentation Example
2015 – 2019
Scarborough, ON M1W 3W3 Scarborough, ON M1P 2V5
416-495-2400 416-438-2911
Strategic Plan
2015-2019 > FORWARD TOGETHER > The Scarborough Hospital’s Strategic Plan
2 Message from the President and CEO and the Board Chair
bout The Scarborough Hospital
4 A
ur Patient Programs and Services
5 O
6 Scarborough: A Community Profile
7 The Right Plan at the Right Time
8 What Guided Us
9 Strategic Directions: T
ransforming Care
Patients as Partners
Innovation and Learning
Integrated Care Networks
Quality and Sustainability
We will work closely with the people we Working with other service providers –
serve to continually improve what we do the partners who also provide care – we
What is a healthy community? It’s a place where people can be their best and how we do it. will deliver those programs and services
and feel their best. Where they can thrive. Where there’s a spirit of support in more coordinated and responsive ways.
and determination to make things happen and move forward, no matter what. Within our own team, we will keep We will focus relentlessly on excellence and
developing leading programs and services draw on the best ideas, so that everything we
to better serve the needs of our community. do continually strengthens a healthy hospital
and a healthy community.
This spirit is alive and well in Scarborough. Based on these four ideals, The Scarborough Hospital is heading on an exciting path. We want to
share it with you. Because it will take all of us to go forward together.
People here have come together from all over the globe to build a life, Forward Together. This is the name of our strategic plan, and it’s also the philosophy that will
help it to succeed.
build families, build businesses, and build a community.
Throughout the planning process, we have sought and received a wealth of input from our community.
Like most communities, we have challenges. But we also have great We have listened to you. We have identified innovative ways to build on our stellar record of quality.
Robert Biron And now, we have set out a bold roadmap for the next four years: 2015 – 2019. We invite you to learn
strengths. Our remarkable diversity is one. So is the knowledge that we President and CEO
make great strides when we work together to tackle those challenges and more about The Scarborough Hospital’s direction – where we’re going, how we’ll get there, and what it
means to you.
improve our social and economic health. This same collaborative spirit
can make a difference in our personal health. This hospital has a proud history and legacy in the community, with 60 years of service through the
General campus and 30 years through the Birchmount campus.
The Scarborough Hospital is your hospital. It’s here to heal and comfort,
We draw strength from our past and look to our future with more confidence than ever before. We have
and to provide the highest level of care for you and your loved ones. a clear plan, superior programs and services, a dedicated team, and truly collaborative partnerships.
The Scarborough Hospital is well poised to achieve our Shared Vision, to be recognized as Canada’s
leader in providing the best health care for a global community.
Janet Dalicandro
Chair, Board of Directors
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Our Patient Programs and Services
As one of Canada’s largest urban community hospitals, The Scarborough Hospital prides itself
in delivering high quality care and advocating for the health and wellness of residents. Our wide
range of programs and services respond to the needs of the diverse Scarborough community.
Obstetrics outcomes that are some of the best, both among our peer hospitals and province-wide.
An Exemplary Status rating from Accreditation Canada, which sets the bar for quality and safety in health care.
Two consecutive Gold Quality Healthcare Awards from the Ontario Hospital Association and the Ministry
of Health and Long-Term Care, for efforts to improve care and services for patients, as well as the quality
of work-life for staff.
The 2015 Excellence in Diversity and Inclusion Award from the Canadian College of Health Leaders,
recognizing our leadership in serving a global community.
Best Practice Spotlight Organization (BPSO) candidacy from the Registered Nurses’ Association of Our Core Services as a Community Hospital
Ontario. The hospital will be designated as a BPSO in 2018, upon completing our three-year candidacy.
BPSOs are chosen to implement and evaluate internationally acclaimed best practice guidelines that 24/7 Emergency services Women’s health Diagnostic imaging
enhance patient outcomes. Critical care Paediatric care Laboratory
Medicine Cancer care Pharmacy
These and other accolades demonstrate how The Scarborough Hospital is passionate about improving Inpatient and day surgery Diabetes care Chronic disease management
Geriatric care Mental health services and prevention
the care experience, and meeting the needs of everyone it serves.
Labour and delivery
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The Right Plan at the Right Time
Health care is rapidly evolving. The needs of our patients and families, and the health care system
itself, are constantly changing. As a hospital, we have to change with them.
Progress requires collaboration. So did the process of creating this plan for our future. To get the
widest possible feedback and perspectives, The Scarborough Hospital engaged its community,
Scarborough: A Community Profile patients, physicians, Board of Directors, clinical and administrative leaders, staff, volunteers,
and health system partners.
To better understand and meet the needs of the people we serve, we created a comprehensive profile of the Together, we took a deep look at the following trends, priorities, and opportunities.
Scarborough community. It includes five areas: population, health behaviours, health status, health system
characteristics, and health system performance. The results provide critical insight into the health of the
community, and the factors influencing it. Here’s just some of what we learned.
Demographics of Scarborough: our diversity, socio-economic conditions, population
density, and the health status and behaviours of our community.
Population growth will keep spurring demand.
Scarborough has 686,300 residents, and the hospital’s catchment area is expected to grow to 716,000
by 2022. This calls for ongoing improvements to health services to deliver positive patient outcomes. Our record of care: what The Scarborough Hospital does well, and what we can do
even better.
We’re aging.
Right now, 14 per cent of the population is 65 and older. Another quarter (26.2 per cent) is between 45 and Serving the patient: we have increasingly well-informed patients who want a growing
64 years old. The largest growth rates are expected in the 60 to 80-plus age group. This will place an even
involvement in their care, and we have to put patient needs at the centre of all we do.
greater focus on initiatives to support the needs of seniors.
Our cultural diversity and socio-economic makeup affects service delivery. Health system changes: the way hospitals are funded, the importance of connecting
Scarborough is highly diverse. Some 59 per cent of residents are foreign-born, eight per cent have no knowledge care and services, and the use of new technologies and emerging trends that encourage
of either official language, and over half speak another primary language. Top 10 home languages (in order): us to adopt new ways of delivering care.
English, Tamil, Cantonese, Chinese (not otherwise specified), Mandarin, Tagalog, Urdu, Gujarati, Bengali, and Farsi.
Additionally, 20.2 per cent of the population is low income, and 27.5 per cent of children live in low income Health system plans: to succeed, we need to align with the directions of the Ministry of
families. The unemployment rate (11.1 per cent) and single-parent families (21.1 per cent) also exceed the Health and Long-Term Care (Patients First: Action Plan for Health Care, 2015) and
provincial average. All of this affects health status.
of the Central East Local Health Integration Network’s Integrated Health Service Plan.
To help this population access what is needed to maintain and improve their health, we have to consider
supports ranging from translation services to increased connections with social services.
Measures of the best care: we need to standardize our clinical practices to improve quality,
and look even more carefully at new research evidence and best practices when making
High population density has an impact on health.
Many aspects of the nature of our community directly affect the health of residents, from urban lifestyles investments in how we provide care.
(less physical activity) to health issues stemming from traffic accidents and violence.
Our people: to keep making progress, we need to continue to build on our strong culture
We can improve on key health risk factors. of team collaboration, and invest in education and research – the type that leads to
Many risk factors have strong implications for chronic diseases. Scarborough residents drink more than the innovation and creativity, leadership development, and quality improvement.
rest of Toronto, do less physical activity than the provincial average, and have lower screening rates for some
cancers (e.g. colorectal and breast) than the provincial average.
We need to find more ways to prevent certain diseases, diagnose them earlier, and manage them better. Through extensive internal and external consultations and careful analyses,
This includes improving access to well-coordinated primary care and community resources.
we explored these issues, developed and refined plans, and set a course
These and other findings will lead to additional opportunities to collaborate and provide more integrated in collaboration.
levels of service for residents.
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What Guided Us
We developed four principles, consistent with our values, which guided us through all of our strategic
planning interactions, analyses, and decision-making.
Collaborate and Engage. We believe that collaboration and meaningful engagement will lead us to
better solutions for our patients.
Innovate and Learn. We believe we can leverage the collective wisdom and creativity of our team, our
community, and others to develop innovative solutions that meet or exceed our patients’ expectations.
Network and Partner. We believe that together with our partners and patients we must co-design and
provide coordinated care across the whole patient journey.
Strengthen and Sustain. We believe our primary responsibility is to deliver better value and care
outcomes for our patients through sustainable change.
Just as important, this new strategic plan reflects Our Mission, Shared Vision, and ICARE Values,
in a way that promises to have the greatest impact on enhancing health care for our community.
Our Mission
To provide an outstanding care experience that meets the unique needs of each and every patient.
Shared Vision
To be recognized as Canada’s leader in providing the best health care for a global community.
ICARE Values
Integrity, Compassion, Accountability, Respect, Excellence
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Transforming Care
What emerged from a comprehensive planning process are four new strategic directions – our priorities that will help
us focus on what really matters and transform what we do. On the following pages, consider some major successes
already – and learn more about what’s coming next.
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Patients as
at each point, they really explained things to What’s Now For Expectant and New Mothers,
us. We enjoyed the experience.
The Scarborough Hospital Delivers
—Bukky and Abiodun Olaniyan, Parents who delivered
The Maternal Newborn and Child Care (MNCC) program at The Scarborough Hospital delivers nearly
their baby at The Scarborough Hospital
5,000 babies each year, but two recent ones made a splash. A baby that arrived at the Birchmount
campus in December 2014 and one born at the General campus in January 2015 were the hospital’s
first two water births.
“Offering water births is an important part of how our hospital respects the diversity of our patient
population, and assists expectant mothers in giving birth their way, according to their preferences,
customs, and beliefs,” says Dr. Georgina Wilcock, Co-Medical Director, MNCC.
Each year, approximately 70 per cent of the births in Scarborough occur at The Scarborough Hospital.
Expectant and new parents can access services at all stages of the birth journey. This includes pre-natal
classes, an early pregnancy assessment clinic, midwifery and doula services, umbilical cord banking,
and a breastfeeding clinic.
To maintain MNCC’s leadership, The Scarborough Hospital has made a series of vital investments,
which include expanding the midwifery program, recruiting additional obstetrician-gynaecologists,
and updating the Family Maternity Centre at the Birchmount campus.
”What The Scarborough Hospital truly delivers,” says Dr. Nathan Roth, Co-Medical Director, MNCC,
“is the ability for children and their families to benefit from world-class care close to home.”
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Innovation and
for high potential employees interested in managerial roles.
At The Scarborough Hospital, we believe in the #careercruze – early education and exposure for high school students around the many
value of lifelong learning. We are assisting students careers in health care, from clinical to administrative to support services.
in making informed choices about their future, #volunteercruze – as a complement to #careercruze, it allows students to directly observe
the roles of professionals working in the hospital while igniting a passion for volunteering.
creating an ongoing pipeline of new talent, and
supporting our staff in learning new skills and
The Code: Career program helps current and potential employees find the path that aligns
with our needs and their goals so that we can attract and retain the right team to keep providing
achieving their career goals.
outstanding care to our global community.
—Rhonda Lewis, Vice-President,
Human Resources and Patient Relations
What’s Next Landmark Centre to Bridge
Western and Eastern Medicine
Research shows that 74 per cent of Canadians will use some form of complementary medicine. This
ranges from different practices (like massage, meditation, and acupuncture) to herbal remedies, other
natural health products, and Traditional Chinese Medicine. How can patients make the best decisions
about these therapies? This is the goal of the new Centre for Integrative Medicine, launched by The
Scarborough Hospital and the University of Toronto.
Hospital health care professionals and university researchers will take an evidence-based approach to
explore how Canadians are using these therapies and how they interact with other care. With a clinical
hub to be based at the Birchmount campus, the Centre will help ensure that these increasingly popular
therapies are used safely and effectively.
Ultimately, the Centre will foster better health promotion, improved clinical practice, and more
informed choices around the safe and effective use of these therapies.
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Integrated Care
more patients.
It’s a friendly environment where we Home dialysis greatly increases comfort and reduces disruption to daily life. When appropriate,
we will implement a “home first” policy for patients starting dialysis, and shift suitable patients
are all free to talk and receive support to from in-centre haemodialysis to home-based treatment. To provide the necessary dialysis services
make healthy changes. I have definitely and supports, we will expand our network of partners.
seen improvements in my health. With more home dialysis, thanks to integrated care networks, we can meet growing demand,
and also see higher patient satisfaction and better quality outcomes.
—Mrs. Kassam, Diabetes patient who received
care and education at The Scarborough Hospital
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Quality and
We want to ensure our patients receive the highest quality of care.
To do this, we must have a consistent process and support our staff by
providing access to education and tools.
—Jackie Baptiste-Savoie, Clinical Nurse Specialist What’s Now New Processes Keep Hospital on Target
The Scarborough Hospital has reduced its rate of hospital-acquired pressure ulcers by more than
half, improving care and safety, and cutting costs by more than $350,000.
This success came through a series of coordinated organizational advances in process, systems,
and structures, including what’s known as LEAN Rapid Improvement Events (RIE). The RIE process
aims to create change and adopt best practices that add value to the patient experience and increase
patient satisfaction.
Across Canada, the rate for facility-acquired pressure ulcers was 11 per cent. The Scarborough Hospital
team set a target below a 7.4 per cent benchmark, and got that down all the way to 2.94 per cent.
“We want to ensure our patients receive the highest quality of care,” says Jackie Baptiste-Savoie,
Clinical Nurse Specialist. “To do this, we must have a consistent process and support our staff by
providing access to education and tools.”
“RIEs encourage staff to challenge the status quo and identify inefficiencies in routine practices,”
adds Alfred Ng, Director, Innovation and Performance Improvement. “It’s a great example of what
these events are meant to do.”
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Delivering on Our Plan
Many of our achievements point to how The Scarborough Hospital is already a highly innovative,
responsive, and collaborative organization. We’re building from a strong foundation, and we’re inspired
to take our hospital to the next level. Our new plan will give the entire organization a renewed focus to
move forward.
The four strategic directions will be stitched into the very fabric of this hospital. Everything we do –
our clinical, facilities, operating, information technology, engagement, and human resource plans –
will reflect and serve these directions.
As part of our commitment to progress, we are setting concrete goals (annual and long-range) in all
of these areas, and we will track and report our progress to our Board and to our community.
It takes more than plans to create the best possible health care. It takes a community. For our plan
to succeed, The Scarborough Hospital will rely on partnerships with our patients, professionals, and
fellow service providers.
It means working together, gathering, sharing, and then acting on the best ideas. It means gaining
a deep understanding of what patients truly need and want, and always looking for better ways to
meet those needs.
We believe everyone’s voice is critical to our performance and the care you receive. Our goal is to
create what matters most to you – the strongest patient experience possible. To do this, we will
develop an even closer relationship with Scarborough residents.
Our past successes were only possible through a team effort. This same spirit will guide solutions
for the future, as we take firm steps to redefine and advance how we provide health services to
our diverse community.
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