Curriculum Design Is The Planning Period When Instructors Organize The Instructional Units For Their

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Name : Lindu Asmara

NIM : 1808103166

Class : 5A


1. Curriculum design is the planning period when instructors organize the instructional units for their
course. Curriculum design involves planning activities, readings, lessons, and assessments that achieve
educational goals. 
Curriculum design can be segmented into three forms. These include subject-centered design, learner-
centered design and problem-centered design. Subject-centered design focuses on a specific discipline
while learner-centered design focuses on students’ own interests and goals. Problem-centered design
focuses on specific issues and how to source solutions.

2. So, the video are talking about 20 Principles that can help teachers to :

1. Function as a design guide for activities and courses

2. Evaluate existing courses

3. Help teachers incorporate what they learn from reseacrh into their courses

4. Use self reflection

5. Function as a guide for teacher learning

There are :

1. Method and Principles

Method : a way of teaching or a foundation for teaching

Needs :

teachers who will use the knowledge gained from research in their curriculum design content &

1. Frequency

-include items that occur frequently in the language, including vocabularya= and grammar

-Courses should master high-frequency item first ; low frequency items and strategies for learning low
frequency items should be talked later

-verify that materials being used include high frequency item

-teachers can be supplement high frequency items in courses that lacck them
-teacherss can ignore low-frequency items when they occur before the completion of high frequency
item mastery

-teachers should provide opportunity to practice high-frequency items in and out of class

2. Strategies

Courses should include teaching language learning that language learners can learn to become
independent and autonomous learners. Strategies can include learning strategies ,coping strategies and
meta linguistic

3.Space retrieval

Courses should include "increasingly, repeated opportunities" to practice high-frequency items in a

variety of contexts.

4. Language system

question should include a focus on form. When teaching vocabulary writing or any other skill, teachers
should include a focus on the grammatical

5. Keep moving forward and spiral upward

develop a list of skils, database items, learning strategies and content to be used as a checklist to ensure
that items are being taught and reviewed throughout the course or program. It would also be a good
shared these items with the students in order to give them a goal to reach

6. Teachability

The greatest impact of teaching occurs when learners are ready to learn it. Prepare teaching materials
that will guide learners through their stage and on to higher stages

7. Learning burden

take advantage of prior knowledge and cognate words to help learners acquire language more quickly.
Recognised and take advanatge of the similarities in first language more quickly advance language

8. Interference

ensure that items being taught in a course complement and do not interfere with each others

2. Format and presentation

1. Motivation

make it interesting, make it achievable, make them independent leaarners ,give reward and challenges
2. Balance the four strands

3. Comprehensible input : provide significant amounts of interseting comprehensible input

4. Fluency : incorporate fluency activities in and out of class

5. Pushed output : make activities that require learners to produce both in spokeen and written form

6. deliberate language focused learning : it satisfies linguistic curiosity it can heeld speed up learning

7. time on task : keep students focused on learning ,make it interesting

8. Depth of processing : opportunities for deep analysis and deep processing

9. Integrate motivation : create motivational conditions, maintained and promote motivation

10. Learning style : opportunities for students to work with their own learning styles

3.Monitoring and Assessment

1. ongoing needs and environment analysis : ensure that course development begins with an analysisi of
need and analysis of the environment

2. Feedback : ensure that significant meaningful, usable feedback opportunities exist in the course

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