Appendix A Letter To The Respondents

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Letter to the Respondents

Dear Respondents,

Greetings of Peace!
The undersigned researcher is currently undertaking a study entitled “CLINICAL
JOSEFA HOSPITAL FOUNDATION, INC”. She is presently enrolled at the Camarines
Sur Polytechnic Colleges and this research endeavor is in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for her Degree Master of Arts in Nursing.
In connection with this, the researcher would like to request for your support as a
respondent of the study by answering the questionnaire below. Rest assured that your
answers will be treated with confidentiality.
Thank you very much.


The Researcher


Thesis Adviser



Instruction: Please, fill out each item with the appropriate answers by putting a check mark (/) on the
space allotted for or by answering in words or phrases on the space provided for.

Name of the Respondents (Optional): ___________________________________________________

( ) 21 – 25 years old
( ) 26 - 30 years old
( ) 31 – 35 years old
( ) 36 – 40 years old
( ) Above 40 years old

( ) Male ( ) Female

Length of Service
( ) Above 10 years
( ) 8-10 years
( ) 5-7 years
( ) 2-4 years
( ) 0-1 year

Monthly Salary:
( ) Below Php5000
( ) Php5000 – Php8999
( ) Php9000 – Php12999
( ) Php13000 – 16999
( ) Php17000 and above

Clinical Area Assigned:

( ) General Ward
( ) Special Area
( ) Private Ward
( ) OPD and ER

PART II. Determinants of appraisal to assess the clinical competency of staff nurses at SMJHF, Inc.

Instruction: Please rate carefully and honestly. Put a check mark (/) on the boxes provided based on the
following indicators.
A. Nursing competencies of staff nurses in terms of practice in accordance 1 2 3 4
with legal principles and the code of ethics in making personal and
professional judgement.
1. Adheres to ethico-legal considerations when providing safe, quality and
professional nursing care
2. Protects clients rights based on “Patient’s Bill of Rights and Obligations.
3. Applies ethical reasoning and decision-making process to address situations
of ethical distress and moral dilemma.
4. Adheres to established norms of conduct based on the Philippine Nursing
Law and other legal, regulatory and institutional requirements relevant to
safe nursing practice.
5. Implements strategies/policies related to informed consent as it applies in
multiple contexts.
B. Nursing competency of staff nurse in terms of utilizing the nursing
process in the interdisciplinary care of clients that empowers the client
and promotes safe quality care.
1. Documents client’s responses, nursing care services rendered, processes
and outcomes of the nurse-client working relationship
2. Implements safe and quality interventions with the client to address the
health needs, problems and issues
3. Assesses with the client one’s health status.
4. Ensures a working relationship with the client and/or support system based
on trust respect and shared decision making.
5. Provide health teaching using selected planning models.
6. Evaluates with the client the health status and/or expected outcomes of
nurse-client working relationship.
7. Formulates with the client a plan of care to address the health conditions,
needs, problems and issues based on priorities.
C. Nursing competency of staff nurse in terms of maintaining complete,
accurate and up-to-date recording and reporting system.
1. Ensures completeness, integrity, safety, accessibility and security of
2. Utilizes acceptable, up to date, and available system of informatics
3. Implements system of informatics to support the delivery of health care
4. Adheres to protocols and principles of confidentiality in safekeeping and
releasing of the records and information.
5. Documents data on client care clearly, concisely, accurately, and in a timely
D. Nursing competency of staff nurse in terms of Establishing Collaborative
Relationship with Other Colleagues and Other member of the Team to
Enhance Nursing and Other Health Care Services.
1. Implements strategies or approaches to enhance and support the capability
of the client and care providers to participate in decision making.
2. Respect the role of the other members of the health team.
3. Ensures effective collaboration in the delivery of health care.
4. Supports the views of clients/families and /or care providers.
5. Acts as liaison/advocate of the client during decision making by the
interprofessional team.
E. Nursing competency of staff nurse in terms of Promoting Professional
and Personal Growth Development.
1. Models professional behavior.
2. Interprets data to show the urgency of change
3. Assumes responsibility for lifelong learning, own personal development and
maintenance of competence.
4. Engages on advocacy activities to influence health and social care service
policies and access to services.
5. Demonstrates continued competence and professional growth.

PART III. Determinants of appraisal to assess the level of job satisfaction of staff nurses at SMJHF, Inc.

Instruction: Please rate carefully and honestly. Put a check mark (/) on the boxes provided based on the
following indicators.

A. Physiologic aspect 1 2 3 4
1. Staffing scheme
2. Salary
3. Overtime Pay
4. Flexibility of Schedule
5. Shifts and Hours of Work
B. Safety Aspect
1. Job security
C. Social Aspect
1. Support from nursing management in resolving physician-nurse conflict
2. Professional relationship with:
a. Peers
b. Supervisors
c. Other members of the health team
3. Peer conflict resolution
4. Collaborating with members of the health team
5. Respect from my client
6. Respect from significant others
D. Self-Esteem
1. Opportunity to learn new skills
2. Work challenges that allow professional growth and development
3. Opportunities for educational advancement (masters, doctorate)
4. Open lines of communication with the management
5. Reward system for job well done
6. Opportunities to innovate and be creative
E. Self Actualization
1. Opportunities to attend staff meetings, patient-care conferences, and staff
development programs
2. Sharpening old skills
3. Opportunities for coaching and mentoring
4. Opportunities to be a leader

PART IV. Determinants of appraisal to determine the barriers to clinical competency enhancement of staff

Instruction: Please rate carefully and honestly. Put a check mark (/) on the boxes provided based on the
following indicators.

Barriers 1 2 3 4
1. Poor Remuneration
2. Work Scheme
3. Understaffing
4. Poor Opportunities for Continuing Eductation
5. Lack of Support from HRMO
6. Lack of Training Opportunities
7. Risk from Contracting Illness
8. Rapid Turn-Over

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