TPI Tender
TPI Tender
TPI Tender
9.1 The bidder must qualify as per eligibility criteria mentioned in tender in the
Chapter 5 “Eligibility Criteria” for Third Party Inspection & Quality Assurance for
the work of “Development of Fishing Harbour at Navabundar ,Madhawad,
Veraval Ph-II , Sutrapada and Porbandar Ph-II in District of Girsomnath &
Porbandar in Gujarat State.”
10 Digital Certificate:
Bidders who wish to participate in online tenders will have to procure / should
10.1 have legally valid Digital Certificate (Class III) as per Information Technology
Act-2000 using which they can sign their electronic bids. Bidders can procure
the same from any of the license certifying Authority of India or can contact
(n)code solutions-a division of GNFC Ltd, who
are licensed Certifying Authority by Govt. of India.
10.2 All bids should be digitally signed, for details regarding digital signature
certificate and related training involved the below mentioned address
should be contacted:
(n)code Solutions-A division of GNFC Ltd.,
(n)Procure Cell,
403,GNFCInfotower,Bodakdev, Ahmedabad- 3820054 India
Reliance : +91-79-30181689
Fax : +91-79-26857321, 40007533
E-mail :
TOLL FREE NUMBER: 1800-233-7944 (EXT:501, 512, 516,
517, 525)
Website : &
10.3 Bidders who already have a valid Digital certificate need not procure a new
Digital certificate.
11 On line Submission of Tender.
Bidders can prepare & edit their offers number of times before tender
11.1 submission date & time. After tender submission date & time, bidder cannot
edit their offer submitted in any case. No written or online
request in this regard shall be granted.
Tenderer shall submit their offer i.e. Tender in Electronic format on above
11.2 mentioned website & Date shown above after Digitally signing the same.
11.3 Offers submitted without digitally signed will not be accepted.
12 Offers in physical form will not be accepted in any case.
13 Submission of Tender Fees and EMD: In physical from by RPAD/Speed Post only
Tender fee Rs. 21240/- (Rupees Twenty one thousand two hundred and
13.1 forty only) Demand Draft of any nationalized / scheduled Bank in favor of
Account officer to the Commissioner of Fisheries, Gandhinagar with a validity of
180 days shall be submitted along with the bid document.
Company Bank Details (Account no, IFSC Code and Bank Address)
Litigation history
Details of Eligibility criteria qualification and experience of Technical bid to be
attached in preliminary stage of bid document as per Chapter 3: Para 3.2
“Personal” and Chapter 5 “Eligibility Criteria”.
Technical bid to be submitted in preliminary stage of bid document
Rates to be quoted separately for both the items in Price Bid section
The qualified Bidder shall have to furnish as part of its bid, a total
PERFORMANCE SECURITY of 10% of contract value without GST (5 % as PBG on
issuing Letter of Acceptance, 2.5 % as SD in Form of FDR after issuance of
Work Order of particular project, and reaming 2.5 % will be deducted from RA
Bills.) issued by one of the nationalized / scheduled banks in favor of the
Account officer to the Commissioner of Fisheries, Gandhinagar payable at
Gandhinagar, the PERFORMANCE SECURITY, must be submitted in physical
form. The Authority shall not be liable to pay any interest on the
PERFORMANCE SECURITY and the same shall be interest free. PERFORMANCE
SECURITY for the bidder whose tender is accepted will be compulsory and no
exemption will be allowed.
The PERFORMANCE SECURITY of the successful bidder would be released after
6(six) months period. The zero date of six month will be considered from date
of actual completion of work by the bidder. The FDR of performance security
will be submitted in favor of the Account officer to the Commissioner of
Fisheries, Gandhinagar
The office address:
Commissionerate of Fisheries,
3rd Floor, Block No 10,
Dr Jivraj Mehta Bhavan,
Old Sachivalay, Gandhinagar,382010
Tender fee and EMD shall be accepted by Registered post / Speed Post only,
later than the time specified above will not be accepted in any case and
the bid of that bidder shall be considered non-responsive.
Bidder has to submit the document as said above in special condition and
shall have to submit detailed online forms. No other condition in any form
shall be considered at all, at the time of evaluation of the tender i.e. the
bidder shall have to submit unconditional offer without differing from any
of the tender condition.
15 Opening of Technical Bid (Preliminary stage)
Opening of Preliminary stage bid documents will be held on 05/09/2020 from
12:00 hrs onwards in the office of
Chief Engineer Commissioner of Fisheries,
3rd Floor, Block No 10,
Dr Jivraj Mehta Bhavan, Old Sachivalay ,Gandhinagar,382010
Intending bidders or their representative who wish to remain present at Office
of Chief Engineer, Commissioner of Fisheries, premises at the time of tender
opening can do so.
The offline technical evaluation of the tenders received on or before last
Date of submission would be done and results will be intimated to tenderer.
Price bid of only those bidders would be opened online who are found to be
eligible for the same.
16 Contacting Officer:
Further details/clarification if any required will be available from office
Chief Engineer, Office of Commissioner of Fisheries,
3rd Floor, Block No 10,
Dr Jivraj Mehta Bhavan,
Old Sachivalay ,Gandhinagar,382010
Fax No :- 079-232-53730
E-mail:,, techwing-
Name of work: - Third Party Inspection & Quality Assurance for the work of
Part I “Development of Fishing Harbour at Navabundar ,Madhawad,
Veraval Ph-II , Sutrapada and Porbandar Ph-II in District of Girsomnath
& Porbandar in Gujarat State.”
2.1 Bid document shall be duly filled and submitted in proper format provided by the
COF-GOG. Incomplete offers shall be rejected.
2.3 Any other rules and regulations in connection with the contract not contained in
this document shall be followed as per prevailing PWD manual of Gujarat State.
2.4 If a proprietary firm makes the application, it shall be signed by the proprietor
above his full name and the full name of his firm with its current address.
2.5 The applicant is expected to be aware of the project/site of TPI work before
submitting the Tender.
2.6 The Commissioner of Fisheries, Government of Gujarat reserve the right to reject
any or all the offers without assigning any reasons and the Commissioner of
Fisheries, Government of Gujarat decision shall be final and binding to all the
2.7 The bidders need to deposit the EMD amounting to Rs. 13,55,000/- in favor
“Account officer to the Commissioner of Fisheries, Gandhinagar”, payable at
Gandhinagar from any Nationalized/ Scheduled Bank only as per Finance
Department Government of Gujarat Resolution No. EMD/10/2018/18/DMO, dated
16/04/2018 and the FDR validity shall be 180 days.
2.8 Only two documents namely; DD of Tender fee and EMD in the form of FDR shall
be submitted in physical format by RPAD/Speed Post only in stipulated time limit as
2.10 The consultants are required to quote their prices for consultancy services in the
schedule -'B' given in the Bid Document. Prices shall have to be quoted on
percentage basis for Part I and on Lum Sump basis for Part II of the accepted
tender amount of the project, both in figures as well as in words.
2.11 After fulfilling the minimum eligibility criteria, the Price Bid of Bidder shall be open.
The eligible Bidder who quoted lowest rates shall be consider for selection
procedure as per Chapter 6 – Evaluation of Bid. The conditional Price Bid shall be
2.12 The consultant, whose prices are accepted, shall have to enter into agreement
with the COF-GOG, in the format mutually agreed by both the parties. All the cost
in this connection including cost of stamp paper etc shall be borne by the
2.13 All the Five (5) Projects included in the Part I are in the stage of accordance of
Technical Sanction. The procedure to accord Technical Sanction are under
progress. After that procedure for preparation of Tender Papers, Publication of
Tender notice, opening of offers, screening of bids and selection of contractor
have to carried out. It may be the case that all the projects work may not start
simultaneously or may start altogether or two projects may start together and
another in due course. Therefore, the selected consultant shall prepare for any
circumstances and shall manage manpower project wise accordingly
2.14 For any clarification, The Chief Engineer, Commissionerate of Fisheries, 3rd Floor,
Block No 10, Dr Jivraj Mehta Bhavan, Old Schivalay, Gandhinagar, 382010.
may be contacted.
2.15.1 A Bidder shall not have a conflict of interest (the “Conflict of Interest”) that affects
the Bidding Process. Any Bidder found to have a Conflict of Interest shall be
disqualified. In the event of disqualification, the CoF-GoG shall forfeit and
appropriate the Bid Security or Performance Security, as the case may be, as
The Commissioner of Fisheries, Government of Gujarat Page 7
Third Party Inspection & Quality Assurance for the work of Part I “Development of Fishing Harbour at Navabundar ,Madhawad, Veraval Ph-II , Sutrapada and
Porbandar Ph-II in District of Girsomnath & Porbandar in Gujarat State.”
2.16 The Bidder should submit a Power of Attorney as per the format at APPENDIX- IX
authorizing the signatory of the Bid to commit the Bidder.
2.17 The Bid and all communications in relation to or concerning the Bidding
Documents and the Bid shall be in English language.
2.19.1 Bidders are advised to submit their respective Bids and ascertaining for
applicable laws and regulations, and any other matter considered relevant by
2.19.2 However, it shall be deemed that by submitting a Bid, the Bidder has:
2.19.3 The CoF-GoG shall not be liable for any omission, mistake or error on the part of the
Bidder in respect of any of the above or on account of any matter or thing arising
out of or concerning or relating to RFP, the Bidding Documents or the Bidding
Process, including laws and regulations, and any other matter considered
relevant by them.
2.20.1 Not withstanding anything contained in this RFP, the CoF-GoG reserves the right
to accept or reject any Bid and to annul the Bidding Process and reject all Bids at
any time without any liability or any obligation for such acceptance, rejection or
annulment, and without assigning any reasons therefore.
2.20.2 The CoF-GoG reserves the right to reject any Bid and appropriate the Bid Security
(a) At any time, a material misrepresentation is made or uncovered, or
(b) The Bidder does not provide, within the time specified by the CoF-GoG, the
supplemental information sought by the CoF-GoG for evaluation of the Bid.
Such misrepresentation/ improper response shall lead to the disqualification of the
Bidder. If such disqualification / rejection occurs after the Bids have been opened
and the Bidder gets disqualified / rejected, then the CoF-GoG reserves the right
(i) take any such measure as may be deemed fit in the sole discretion of the CoF-
GoG including annulment of the Bidding Process.
2.20.3 In case it is found during the evaluation or at any time before signing of the
Contract Agreement or after its execution and during the period of subsistence
thereof, that one or more of the pre-qualification conditions have not been met
by the Bidder or the Bidder has made material misrepresentation or has given any
materially incorrect or false information, the Bidder shall be disqualified forthwith if
the Bidder has already been issued the LOA or has entered into the Contract
Agreement, as the case may be, the same shall, notwithstanding anything to the
contrary contained therein or in this RFP, be liable to be terminated, by a
communication in writing by the CoF-GoG to the Bidder, without the CoF-GoG
being liable in any manner whatsoever to the Bidder. In such an event, the CoF-
GoG shall forfeit and appropriate the Bid Security or Performance Security, as the
case may be, as mutually agreed genuine pre-estimated compensation and
damages payable to the CoFGoG for, inter alia, time, cost and effort of the CoF-
GoG without prejudice to any other right or remedy that may be available to the
2.20.4 The CoF-GoG reserves the right to verify all statements, information and
documents submitted by the Bidder in response to the RFP or the Bidding
Documents. Failure of the CoF-GoG to undertake such verification shall not relieve
the Bidder of its obligations or liabilities hereunder nor will it affect any rights of the
CoF-GoG there under.
2.21 Clarifications
2.21.1 Bidders requiring any clarification on the RFP may notify the CoF-GoG in writing or
by fax and e-mail. They should send in their queries before the date mentioned in
the Schedule of Bidding Process specified in NIT. CoF-GoG shall endeavor to
respond to the queries within the period specified therein, but no later than 15
(fifteen) days prior to the Bid Due Date. The responses will be uploaded online.
CoF-GoG will forward all the queries and its responses thereto, to all Bidders
without identifying the source of queries.
2.21.2 The CoF-GoG shall endeavor to respond to the questions raised or clarifications
sought by the Bidders. However, the CoF-GoG reserves the right not to respond to
any question or provide any clarification, in its sole discretion, and nothing in this
Clause shall be taken or read as compelling or requiring the CoF-GoG to respond
to any question or to provide any clarification.
2.21.3 The CoF-GoG may also on its own motion, if deemed necessary, issue
interpretations and clarifications to all Bidders. All clarifications and interpretations
issued by the CoF-GoG shall be deemed to be part of the Bidding Documents.
Verbal clarifications and information given by CoF-GoG or its employees or
representatives shall not in any way or manner be binding on the CoF-GoG.
2.23.2 Any Addendum thus issued will be sent in writing to all the Bidders.
2.23.3 In order to afford the Bidders a reasonable time for taking an Addendum into
account, or for any other reason, the CoF-GoG may, at its own discretion, extend
the Bid Due Date after considering the time required by Bidders to address such
2.24.1 The Bidder shall provide all the information sought under this RFP. The CoF-GoG
will evaluate only those Bids that are received online in the required formats and
complete in all respects.
2.24.2 The Bid shall be typed or written in indelible ink and signed by the authorized
signatory of the Bidder who shall also initial each page, in blue ink. All the
alterations, omissions, additions or any other amendments made to the Bid shall
be initialed by the person(s) signing the Bid.
2.25.1 The Bidder shall submit the Bid in the format specified at Annexure and seal it in
an envelope and also online and mark the envelope as “RFP – Third Party
Inspection & Quality Assurance for the work of “Development of Fishing Harbour
at Navabundar ,Madhawad, Veraval Ph-II , Sutrapada and Porbandar Ph-II in
District of Girsomnath & Porbandar in Gujarat State.”
2.25.2 . The Technical bid shall comprise two envelopes containing first envelope for EMD
and Tender Fee and second envelope for technical proposal / Bid shall be
submitted along with the required document and checklist. The technical
proposal envelope shall contain the technical proposal along with the supporting
documents and checklist in the format specified in Annexures. The financial
proposal shall be submitted online as per format of RPF.
2.25.3 The envelopes shall be marked in bold and legible letters to avoid confusion as:
EMD & TENDER FEE For Third Party Inspection & Quality Assurance for the work of
“Development of Fishing Harbour at Navabundar ,Madhawad, Veraval Ph-II , Sutrapada
and Porbandar Ph-II in District of Girsomnath & Porbandar in Gujarat State.”
Technical proposal For Third Party Inspection & Quality Assurance for the work of
“Development of Fishing Harbour at Navabundar ,Madhawad, Veraval Ph-II , Sutrapada
and Porbandar Ph-II in District of Girsomnath & Porbandar in Gujarat State.”
2.25.1 Applications should be submitted before 18:00 hours IST by the Application Due
Date mentioned in the Schedule of Bidding Process, to the address provided in
Tender Notice in the manner and form as detailed in this RFP Document.
Bids received by the Authority after the specified time on the Bid Due Date shall
not be eligible for consideration and shall be summarily rejected.
2.27.1 The Authority reserves the right to accept or reject all or any of the Bids without
assigning any reason whatsoever. It is not obligatory for the Authority to accept
any Bid or to give any reasons for their decision.
2.27.2 The Authority reserves the right not to proceed with the Bidding Process at any
time, without notice or liability, and to reject any Bid without assigning any
2.28.1 The Bids shall be valid for a period of not less than 180 (one hundred and eighty)
days from the Bid Due Date. The validity of Bids may be extended by mutual
consent of the respective Bidders and the Authority.
2.29 Confidentiality
2.29.1 Information relating to the examination, clarification, evaluation and
recommendation for the Bidders shall not be disclosed to any person who is not
officially concerned with the process or is not a retained professional advisor
advising the Authority in relation to, or matters arising out of, or concerning the
Bidding Process. The Authority will treat all information, submitted as part of the Bid,
in confidence and will require all those who have access to such material to treat
the same in confidence. The Authority may not divulge any such information
unless it is directed to do so by any statutory entity that has the power under law
to require its disclosure or is to enforce or assert any right or privilege of the
statutory entity and/ or the Authority.
The Authority shall not entertain any correspondence with any Bidder in relation to
acceptance or rejection of any Bid.
1) "Bid Document" means all documents mentioned under the proposed contract.
6) "Day" means calendar day of twenty-four (24) consecutive hour beginning at 0000
hours (midnight) and ending at 24:00 hours (midnight) as referred to local time at
the site.
8) „Third Party Inspection (TPI) agency‟ means the successful bidder and to whom
this contract is awarded. Third party is other than COF-GOG, Government or
contracting agency.
9) "Applicable Law" means the laws and any other instruments having the force of
law in India, as they may be issued and in force from time to time.
10) "Contract" means the Contract signed by the Parties, to which these General
Conditions of Contract are attached, together with all the documents listed in
letter of award (work order);
13) "Party" means the Client or the Third Party Inspection Agency, as the case may be,
and Parties means both of them;
14) "Services" means the work to be performed by the Third Party Inspection Agency
pursuant to this contract for the purposes of the Project, as described in TOR
Name of work: - Third Party Inspection & Quality Assurance for the work of
Part I “Development of Fishing Harbour at Navabundar ,Madhawad,
Veraval Ph-II , Sutrapada and Porbandar Ph-II in District of Girsomnath
& Porbandar in Gujarat State.”
“This QA/QC services specify the „Quality management‟ processes needed for the
construction activities conducted by the construction contractor engaged by
COF-GOG for specific work/project.”
“To achieve the above Project Objective the Project Manager will expect Client‟s
and Contractor‟s project team members for its full cooperation and support for
work target.”
Part I
ii) To deploy required experienced Technical Personnel on the site for TPI & QA to
ensure that quality on the work is maintained as per provision of relevant IS
codes and specifications of work.
iii) To provide laboratory facilities for sampling and testing, field-testing facilities
and survey equipment‟s etc. during the course of execution as mentioned in
the bid document. To carryout NDT as and when if required.
iv) To provide services for review of design and suggestions for various sections
considered for the work as and when needed. To sort out any Technical
problem arisen during the course of execution and to give proper suggestions.
Reporting requirement:
vi) The consultant shall submit to the employer 5 copies of each of the following
reports for the work. The language of reports shall be ENGLISH. These outputs
shall be on hard copy. The reports shall be prepared using MS WORD/MS
EXCEL, on the format prepared by the consultant and as approved by the
viii) The consultant‟s representative shall verify and sign all the important registers
and site records such as Cement Register, Steel Register, Cube Testing Register,
Level Books etc. pertaining to work maintained by the COF-
GOG‟s/contractor‟s representative.
ix) In case of any disputes pertaining to work during execution between the Client
and Contracting Agency, consultant‟s representative shall participate at site in
joint measurements etc. for verification.
x) The selected TPI Consultant has to perform the work of Third Party Inspection
and Quality Assurance of the work/project to ensure the quality control and
quality assurance of the entire work.
This may be detailed as
8) To ensure that all laboratory tests as laid down in the specifications are
carried out at appropriate time and materials failing to confirm to the
required specifications are promptly rejected and removed from site.
consultant under the control of the EIC of the COF-GOG and the work
manager of contractor (Contracting agency).
15) Attending the project review meetings which may be held at COF-GOG
head office as well as at site also.
Vibration Test
b) ensure that all assessors are assessing and applying competence guidelines
to the same standard;
d) ensure that all assessments and records are accurate and complete;
a) Document control
f) Quality audits
3.2.0 Only Experienced personnel shall be deployed at the work. Fresher personnel shall
not be allowed. In general, role, minimum technical capability and experience of
the personnel deployed actually at each site project for TPI work shall be as under:
work etc. OR
3) Carrying out independent tests
as may be necessary. Diploma in Civil
4) Apprising Executive Engineer or Engineering with
his Authorized Representative experience of 10
about the quality related matters years as KP or
in the work under supervision. similar capacity.
5) Maintaining the register of tests
conducted stating all relevant
6) Visit to the laboratories for the
test witness.
7) Visit to inspect quarry site for
source approval and submitting
8) Certification of the laboratory
test reports.
03 Technical 1) Supervision of the project works Graduate in Civil
Assistant assigned to them at quarry site Engineering with
(TA) 11 Nos Weigh bridge site, break water experience of 1
site, casting yard site, wharf site year in TPI
etc OR
2) Assisting CoF –GOG EIC in taking Diploma in Civil
measurement of work and Engineering with
quality monitoring. experience of 03
3) Verification and sign in the site years in TPI.
registers such as material test,
Cube test etc.
4) Assisting Key Person in day to day
TPI & QA assignment.
5) Keep records for TPI assignment.
6) Follow up actions for the
compliance of instructions given
by PM or KP for quality assurance
with reporting in case of lacuna
or deviation by the agency.
3.2.1 Minimum number of key personnel and technical assistants for engagement in
work shall be as listed above and approved by the Engineer-in-Charge of the
3.2.2 Above personnel shall be approved with their names by the Engineer-in-Charge,
before employing them in work. This selection will be made on the basis of nature
and quantum of work. The personnel so approved shall only be allowed to work
on the site.
3.2.4 Other technical personnel/Administrative Graduates required for office work and
preparing reports etc shall perform their duties in the consultant's office situated
anywhere in Gujarat.
3.2.5 The Project Manager will be overall in charge of all the project work and he is
supposed to keep in contact with the Chief Engineer of COF-GOG or his
authorized representatives for successful completion of the assignment. He is
supposed to work in his office of company situated anywhere in Gujarat and
should be available as and when called by COF-GOG representatives. He should
be approved by the Engineer-in-Charge before appointed for the work.
3.2.7 The EIC shall review periodically the consultant‟s personnel employed on work
during course of execution and accordingly furnish the details monthly to Quality
Control Division, Gandhinagar in prescribed Performa (APPENDIX -VII).
3.4 Office accommodation for technical personnel working at project site can be
made by the COF-GOG, if possible, on request from the consultant. No charges
will be taken by the COF-GOG if such accommodation is provided at the project
3.5.1 TPI consultant has to inspect the Off shore and On shore works at all the stages
during execution depending upon nature of work. As for example…
1. For Eastern and Western breakwater :He has to visit during fixing the line
alignment, During execution of Core portion Armour portion, Tetrapod /
Dollose placing, precast concrete block placing as well as casting of
concrete block tetrapods etc.
2. For Quay wall and Wharf wall: He has to visit during mobilization,
Excavation, backfilling casting and of various superstructure RCC
components such as PCC tetrapods/Dollose,Concrete blocks and placing
of fenders, anchor bolt or foundation bolts, bollard fixing.. etc.
3. For Sloping hard and beach landing: He has to visit during Excavation,
backfilling, Rolling and consolidation of earth work.
4. For Dredging work: He has to visit during Survey work, dredging work,
reclamation and back filling of excavated stuff etc.
5. Onshore Facilities like Building Works and Other Infrastructures Works etc.
(Note: The foregoing information are given in good faith,but the consultant
shall satisfy himself regarding the site condition, Contract provision of the
project execution, payment terms, methodology of execution and testing
provision of various materials etc)
Technical Assistants shall be dedicated to the each site of work. They should be
available at the site when the work is in progress at casting yard and placing.
Key personnel shall visit with a minimum frequency of twice visit per week.
However, the Engineer-in-Charge with his discretion may alter the above
frequencies in consultation with the consultant on the basis of quantum, duration,
need and nature of works in progress. The Technical Assistant is not meant for
continuous supervision. In this regard, decision of the EIC shall be final and binding.
The Project Manager shall be deployed for full time for the project and shall
perform all the activities listed in the Section 3.2.0 above.
The Key personal shall be deployed for the full time the project site and shall
perform all the activities listed in section 3.2.0 above.
The Technical assistants shall be deployed for the full time at the project site and
shall perform all the activities listed in the Section 3.2.0 above
All the above personnel shall visit the sites during the work progress and perform
their services.
Full time technical assistant shall be dedicated at casting yard, weigh bridge,
batching plant and off shore area activity includes Quality manager, Material
manager and continuous supervision of ongoing activity time to time.
3.5.3 Monthly visit schedule for the project has to be decided by the consultant in
consultation with the concern SE/EE/DEE in charge of the project. Same shall be
circulated by the concern EE to the Chief Engineer and EE(C), QC Division, COF-
GOG, Gandhinagar.
3.6 Reporting requirement:
3.6.1 The consultant shall submit to the employer 5 copies of each of the following
reports for the work. The language of reports shall be ENGLISH. These outputs shall
be on hard copy. The reports shall be prepared using MS WORD/MS EXCEL, on the
format prepared by the consultant and as approved by the COF-GOG/Engineer-
in Charge.
Three copies of report shall be submitted to Chief Engineer of COF-GOG and one
copy to the EIC, Commissioner of Fisheries, Government of Gujarat, Gandhinagar.
A copy shall also to be furnished to the concerned Deputy Executive Engineer for
verification and needful actions for incorporation in the work.
It shall include
Work plan, mobilization etc.
Site visit schedule by TPI agency, Quality assurance plan.
Preliminary assessment of potential difficulties, if any and mitigating
Design review requirement if any.
Any more information as deemed necessary.
It shall include
Details of events and main activities undertaken during the period,
inspection report of ongoing work and progress of work with respect to
work program.
Technical and quality audit reports, checking of site records maintained by
the supervisory staff etc.
Material testing, quality certification etc.
Any problem met with during the course of execution, analysis and solution
Issues related to machineries, plant and equipment to be provided by the
contracting agency, if any.
Any more information as deemed necessary.
Details in prescribed Performa (APPENDIX-IV & APPENDIX-V) shall be
incorporated with the report.
shall be borne by the contracting agency. TPI consultant shall not have
to bear this cost. However, he is responsible to see that all the sampling
done by the contracting agency are as per IS provision/norms.
ii) The consultant has to provide his own laboratory facilities/field testing
facilities including all necessary testing equipment for additional tests
required for quality assurance or in case any doubt observed by
consultant or COF-GOG regarding testing carried out by the
contracting agency. Minimum numbers of tests to be carried out by TPI
consultant individually should be 10% of the tests to be carried out by
the contracting agency as per his contract provision. All costs towards
this shall be to the consultant's account. If the consultant has no
laboratory facility/field testing facility of his own he shall tie-up with an
approved government/private laboratory having desired facilities and
equipment. List of such approved laboratories is as per APPENDIX-III. The
consultant has to submit Tie-up Agreement to the EIC accordingly.
iii) The TPI consultant shall arrange survey equipment‟s required for a
project work, if the same are not available with the department. He
shall also assist COF-GOG/Contracting agency for survey & leveling
work etc.
iv) All machinery and equipment‟s for NDT testing if required as per IS
provisions or in case of doubtful value obtained in routine testing shall
be arranged by the TPI consultant at his cost.
v) Probable list of laboratory and survey equipment to be arranged by the
consultant for the work is given at Appendix - I.
Part II
Pre-tendering and Post Tendering Procedure for all the Five Projects
3.8 As mentioned in the Chapter 2: Para 2,13, the procedure of according Technical
Sanction is under process. After that COF-GOG intend to carryout Pre & Post Tender
procedure from the Consultant. The Scope of Work includes following main task:
3.8.1 Preparation/scrutiny of Draft Tender Papers as per General Practice laid down
by PWD Manual of the State Government and as per requirement of COF- GOG,
comprises of General Condition of Contract, Item specification, selection criteria, bill
of quantities, GAD, other drawings etc. and assistance to COF-GOG.
3.8.3 Assistance for Pre-Bid meetings, scrutiny of offers, rate analysis, agenda items
and finally selection of Agency
3.8.4 Rate offered by the selected bidder should be divided into Five parts
accordingly and should be paid on award of work to contractor.
Name of work: - Third Party Inspection & Quality Assurance for the work of
Part I: “Development of Fishing Harbour at Navabundar ,Madhawad,
Veraval Ph-II , Sutrapada and Porbandar Ph-II in District of Girsomnath
& Porbandar in Gujarat State.”
This contract, its meaning and interpretation and the relation between the parties
shall be governed by the applicable law.
4.1.2 Language
This contract has been executed in English, which shall be the binding and
controlling language for all matters relating to the meaning or interpretation of this
4.1.3 Notices
4.1.4 Locations
The services shall be performed at such locations as are specified in the tender
document or as the client may approve.
(a) The consultant shall pay taxes, duties, fees and other impositions time to time
as may be applicable excluding GST.
(b) GST :- GST shall be applicable as per the rules & regulation of GoG / GoI as
and when implemented
(c) Rates mentioned / quoted in the tender form shall be inclusive of all
applicable taxes except GST (Goods & Services Tax). COF – GOG shall pay /
reimbursed GST as per stipulations made under prevailing acts / rules of
Government of India (GoI) / Government of Gujarat (GoG).
Any other taxes, levies, imposed by Govt. of Gujarat and Govt. of India from
time to time will be chargeable to consultant.
(d)TDS On GST: GST-TDS shall be deducted from RA bill as per prevailing
Rules and as notified by GOG/GOI.
4.2 Commencement, completion, suspension and termination of contract.
The consultant shall begin carrying out the services from the date of
commencement as stipulated in the work order issued to him project to project.
Project wise separate Work Order shall be issued for all the Five (5) Projects for Part
I and separate Work Order shall be issued for Part II
4.2.2 Suspension
The client may by written notice of suspension to the consultant suspend all
payments to the consultant hereunder if the consultant fail to perform any of their
obligations under this contract, including carrying out the services, provided that
such notice of suspension (i) shall specify the nature of failure and (ii) shall request
the consultant to remedy such failure within a period not exceeding 15 days after
receipt by the consultant of such notice of suspension.
4.2.3 Termination
The client, after serving not less than 30 (thirty) days written notice of termination to
the consultant, may terminate this contract:
(a) If the consultant fails to remedy a failure in the performance of their obligations
hereunder, as specified in all notice of suspension pursuant to clause no. 4.2.2
(b) If the consultant become in solvent or bankrupt.
(c) If the consultant fails to comply with any final decision reached as a result of
arbitration proceedings.
(d) If the consultant, in the judgment of the client has engaged in corrupt or
fraudulent practices in completing the contract. Termination of the contract
may disqualify the consultant for bidding for other COF-GOG projects.
(e) The jurisdiction for arbitration shall be Gandhinagar/Ahmedabad
Time limit for completion of the TPI project work as stipulated in the work tender is
48 months for all projects from award of Work to contractor. However, the
consultant has to continue his services till actual completion of the project work by
the contracting agency.
Consultants shall not accept for their own benefit any trade commission, discount
or similar payment in connection with activities pursuant to this contract or to the
services or in the discharge of their obligations hereunder, and the consultants
shall use their best efforts to ensure that any sub-consultants, as well as the
personnel and agents of either of them, similarly shall not receive any additional
4.3.4 Confidentiality.
The consultant and/or his personnel shall not disclose any confidential information
relating to the project/work, the services, the contracts or the client's business or
operations without the prior written consent of the client.
The consultant shall take out and maintain at their own cost, insurance against the
risks and for the coverage as mentioned below, for the period of consultancy.
(a) Third Party motor vehicle liability in respect of motor vehicle used by the
consultant or his personnel.
4.3.6 To provide all necessary formats for quality control acceptable as per Indian
Standard /PWD procedure for respective works to be provided in advance to the
4.3.7 The consultant shall make no correspondence directly with the contracting
agency of the project/work or he shall give no instructions/suggestions directly to
the contracting agency. He shall convey such issues to the authorized
representative of COF-GOG only.
Reporting shall be done by the consultant regularly and within the time limit
mentioned against each type of reporting under para no. 3.6.1. If report submitted
is delayed at any stage, COF-GOG will recover the amount equivalent to 0.1% Per
Day of the total consultancy amount accepted by the COF-GOG (excluding
GST), per day, for the delay period as a penalty. The total amount of such penalty
will be limited to 10% of the total consultancy amount (excluding GST).
4.3.9. If any personnel employed on work by the consultant misbehaves with COF-
GOG‟s or contractor‟s representative, he shall be removed from the site with a
written order by the EIC and shall be prevented to engage anywhere at any work
in COF-GOG by such circular.
4.4.1 Assistance
The client shall provide the consultant and his personnel with work permits and
such other documents as shall be necessary to enable the consultant or personnel
to perform the services.
The client warrants that the consultant shall have free of charge, unimpeded
access to all land in his premises in respect of which access is required for
performance of the services.
4.4.4 Payment
In consideration of the services performed by the consultant under this contract,
the client shall make to the consultant such payments and in such manner as is
provided by clause 4.9 of General Conditions.
4.4.5 Compliance of Suggestions
Before preparing RA/Final bill of contracting agency the EIC shall comply
satisfactorily to the queries, suggestions, notes etc. issued by the TPI agency. The
EIC shall submit a copy of such compliance report to Quality Control Division in
prescribed profarma (APPENDIX -VI).
(c) Security Deposit @ 2.50 % of Contract value will be given as per issuance
of Work Order of each project in the form of FDR as mentioned for.
4.6.1 Definition
For the purpose of this contract, "Force majeure" means an event which is beyond
the reasonable control of a party, and which makes a party's performance of its
obligations here under impossible or so impractical as reasonably to be
considered impossible in the circumstances, and includes, but is not limited, to
acts of God, war (declared or undeclared), riots, civil disorder, are
(a) Within the power of the party invoking force majeure to prevent,
confiscation or any other action by Government agencies.
(b) Force majeure shall not include (i) any event which is caused by the
negligence or intentional action of a party employees, nor (ii) any event
which a diligent party could reasonably have been expected to both (A)
take in to account at the time of the conclusion of this contract and (B)
avoid or over come in the carrying out of its obligations hereunder.
(c) Force majeure shall not include insufficiency of funds or failure to make any
payment required hereunder.
The failure of a party to fulfill any of its obligations here under shall not be
considered to be a breach of or default under, this contract in so far as such
inability from an event of force majeure, provided that the party affected by such
an event has taken all reasonable precautions, due care and reasonable
alternative measures, all with the objective of carrying out the terms and
conditions of this contract.
4.6.3 Consultation
Not later than thirty (30) days after the consultant or COF-GOG, as the result of
force majeure, have become unable to perform their contractual obligation
under this contract, the parties shall consult with each other with a view for
agreeing on appropriate measures to be taken in the circumstances.
4.7 Arbitration
In case of dispute, the same shall be referred to a sole Arbitrator accepted by
both parties. In case of disagreement on the issue of appointment of sole
Arbitrator the dispute shall be dealt in accordance with prevailing arbitration act.
4.8 Sub-contract
The consultant shall not be permitted to assign the work to any sub-consultant.
Payment to the consultant shall be done at his accepted tender rates and as per
consent of competent authority.
4.9.1 Deleted
4.9.2 Consultant's services are linked with the execution of the particular project work.
Consultancy fees depend upon the amount of work executed on the basis of
accepted tender rates of the contracting agency.
4.9.3 Total amount of consultancy fees shall be payable on the basis of total actual
amount of the project work considering the quantities of various items actually
executed on completion of the project by the contracting agency. Thus, the basis
for payment of the consultant's fees shall be the actual total amount of the project
work considering variation in quantities as per actual execution and not the
accepted tender amount of the contracting agency.
4.9.4 Considering the above, the consultant's fees shall be paid as under :
a. 90% of consultancy fees shall be paid on the basis of payment of each bill
and on receipt of Respective Monthly progress along with report and
Certificate of final quality audit from to the contracting Consultant/agency
of the project work.
b. Remaining 10% shall be paid within 30 days after acceptance of the final
completion report by the COF-GOG as submitted by the consultant
mentioned under clause no. 3.6
4.10 Miscellaneous
4.10.1 Modification
Modification of the terms and conditions of this contract may only be made by
written agreement between the parties.
4.10.2 All monitory references and payments herein shall be in Indian Rupee Currency.
4.10.3 Authorized Representatives
Any action required or permitted to be taken, and any document required or
permitted to be executed under this contract by the client or the consultant may
be taken or executed by the officials specified as below:
A For client Chief Engineer, office of Commissioner of Fisheries,
Government of Gujarat, Gandhinagar
Tel. No.
Fax No.
E mail
Chapter -5
Eligibility Criteria
5.1 Conditions of Eligibility of Consultant
5.1.1 Applications must read carefully the minimum conditions of eligibility (the
“Conditions of Eligibility”) provided herein. Proposals of only those consultants
who satisfy the conditions of eligibility will be considered for evaluation.
5.1.2 To be eligible for evaluation of its proposal, the consultant shall fulfill the
Chapter -6
Evaluation of Bid
(b) it is received by the Bid Due Date including any extension thereof pursuant to
(c) it is signed, sealed, hard bound and marked as stipulated in Clauses 2.23 and
(f) it contains all the information (complete in all respects) as requested in this RFP
and/or Bidding Documents (in formats same as those specified);
6.2.2. The Authority reserves the right to reject any Bid which is non-responsive and no
request for alteration, modification, substitution or withdrawal shall be entertained by
the Authority in respect of such Bid.
A. Technical Evaluation:
6.3.2. Both the technical and financial Proposals (Online) shall be marked separately.
The technical proposal shall be evaluated on the following parameter and the
Technical qualifications shall be given accordingly:
1. Prior experience in carrying out similar and related assignments as per Eligibility
2. Qualification and experience of the key personnel of the proposed team for
the study;
B. Financial Evaluation:
6.3.4. The price bids of only technically qualified bidders would be opened for
further consideration. The Bidder (L1) who has quoted the lowest price will be
eligible for award of Work.
6.3.5. The detailed contents of each online Financial Proposal will be
subsequently reviewed by the Client. During the examination of Financial
Proposals, the Client‟s staff and any others involved in the evaluation process
will not be permitted to seek clarification or additional information from any
Bidder who has submitted a Financial Proposal.
6.3.6. Financial Proposals will be reviewed to ensure that the figures provided
therein are consistent with the details of the corresponding Technical Proposal.
6.3.7. Financial Proposals will be checked for computational errors, and prices
will be corrected and adjusted as necessary.
6.3.8. The total price for each Financial Proposal will be determined.
6.3.9. The Client reserves the right to reject, at its sole discretion, any or all
evaluated Financial Proposals and if necessary, calls for submission of new
Financial Proposals.
6.4 Contacts during Bid Evaluation
5.4.1 Bids shall be deemed to be under consideration immediately after they
are opened and until such time the Authority makes official intimation of
award/ rejection to the Bidders. While the Bids are under consideration,
Bidders and/ or their representatives or other interested parties are advised
to refrain from contacting by any means, the Authority and/ or their
employees/ representatives on matters related to the Bids under
6.5 Negotiations
6.5.1. Negotiations will be scheduled with the L1 bidder. Negotiations will
commence with a discussion on the proposal, proposed methodology,
staffing and any other suggestions on improving the ToR. Agreement must
then be reached on the final ToRs, the staffing, Bar Charts, which will
indicate activities, staff, and periods in the field and in the office, staff
months, logistics and reporting. Then financial negotiations will be carried
out, if required.
6.5.2. After successful negotiations with the L1bidder, CoF-GoG shall issue Letter
6.9.1. Subject to the provisions of Clause 2.29, all documents and other
information provided by the Authority or submitted by an Applicant to the
Authority shall remain or become the property of the Authority. Applicants
and the Consultant, as the case may be, are to treat all information as
strictly confidential. The Authority will not return any Proposal or any
information related thereto. All information collected, analyzed,
Chapter -7
Fraud and Corrupt Practices
7.1 The Applicants and their respective officers, employees, agents and
advisers shall observe the highest standard of ethics during the Selection
Process. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this RFP, the
Authority shall reject a Proposal without being liable in any manner
whatsoever to the Applicant, if it determines that the Applicant has, directly
or indirectly or through an agent, engaged in corrupt practice, fraudulent
practice, coercive practice, undesirable practice or restrictive practice
(collectively the “Prohibited Practices”) in the Selection Process. In such an
event, the Authority shall, without prejudice to its any other rights or
remedies, forfeit and appropriate the Bid Security or Performance Security,
as the case may be, as mutually agreed genuine pre-estimated
compensation and damages payable to the Authority for, inter alia, time,
cost and effort of the Authority, in regard to the RFP, including
consideration and evaluation of such Applicant‟s Proposal.
7.2 Without prejudice to the rights of the Authority under Clause 7.1
hereinabove and the rights and remedies which the Authority may have
under the LOA or the Agreement, if an Applicant or Consultant, as the case
may be, is found by the Authority to have directly or indirectly or through an
agent, engaged or indulged in any corrupt practice, fraudulent practice,
coercive practice, undesirable practice or restrictive practice during the
Selection Process, or after the issue of the LOA or the execution of the
Agreement, such Applicant or Consultant shall not be eligible to participate
in any tender or RFP issued by the Authority during a period of 2 (two) years
from the date such Applicant or Consultant, as the case may be, is found
by the Authority to have directly or through an agent, engaged or indulged
in any corrupt practice, fraudulent practice, coercive practice, undesirable
practice or restrictive practice, as the case may be.
7.3 For the purposes of this Section, the following terms shall have the meaning
hereinafter respectively assigned to them:
(a) “corrupt practice” means (i) the offering, giving, receiving, or soliciting,
directly or indirectly, of anything of value to influence the action of any person
connected with the Selection Process (for avoidance of doubt, offering of
employment to or employing or engaging in any manner whatsoever, directly
or indirectly, any official of the Authority who is or has been associated in any
manner, directly or indirectly with the Selection Process or the LOA or has dealt
with matters concerning the Agreement or arising there from, before or after
the execution thereof, at any time prior to the expiry of one year from the date
such official resigns or retires from or otherwise ceases to be in the service of
the Authority, shall be deemed to constitute influencing the actions of a person
connected with the Selection Process); or (ii) save as provided herein,
engaging in any manner whatsoever, whether during the Selection Process or
after the issue of the LOA or after the execution of the Agreement, as the case
may be, any person in respect of any matter relating to the Project or the LOA
Name of work:- Third Party Inspection & Quality Assurance for the work of
Part I “Development of Fishing Harbour at Navabundar
,Madhawad, Veraval Ph-II , Sutrapada and Porbandar Ph-II in
District of Girsomnath & Porbandar in Gujarat State.”
Total 1355.07
Note: 1. Project cost is the accepted tendered amount of the contract work
6. If, above details are not enclosed with the bid, then tender of TPI
consultants is non-responsive and to be rejected
Name of work: - Third Party Inspection & Quality Assurance for the work of
Development of Fishing Harbour at Navabundar, Madhawad,
Veraval Ph-II , Sutrapada and Porbandar Ph-II in District of
Girsomnath & Porbandar in Gujarat State
Salient features:
Main scope of this work is Development of Fishery harbor which mainly includes as per
Madhawad is situated in Kodinar Taluka ,which falls under Gir Somnath District. In
Kodinar taluka there are three fish landing center which are Muldwarka
,Madhwad ,and Kotda . The total fishing
operating 1387 fishing vessels.
During the year 2017-18 the total fish production from Kodinar Taluka has been
estimated 5357 MT Approx. Looking to the anticipated growth in number of boats,
it is necessary to develop new harbours. By developing new Greenfields harbours
with required facilities it is anticipated that more number of fishing boats from
nearby harbours may be diverted to Madhawad harbour. New harbour is
designed for 570 fishing boats and it is expected that about 140 numbers of trawler
boats and operated from this harbour. Suitable land is available with the State
Government for development of the new fishery harbour at Madhawad.
Looking to the need for development of New fishery harbour at Madhawad,it is
proposed to construct the same at a total estimate cost about Rs.175.07 Cr., for
which the Central Institute Engineering for Fisheries (CICEF) has already approved
the DPR of construction of the said harbour. The Fisheries Department has also
received the environment and CRZ clearances from the concerned authorities for
the said purpose.
C) Development of Fishing Harbour at Veraval Phase -II ,Ta : Veraval Dist : Gir
Somnath under Pradhan Mantri Matsya Sampada Yojna (PMMSY)
In veraval Taluka there are the fish landing locations which are Veraval light House
, Veraval Bhidia and Veraval Jaleshvar. The total numbers of registered boats is
4424 Nos out of which 2780 Nos trawlwrs 90 Nos are gillnetters and 1551 nos are
IBM/OBM boats . The average annual total landing of fish would amount
180200which is valued Rs.1,67,53 Lakhs
Gir Somnath has maximum nos of fishermen families (15289) in the state of Gujarat
The Costal line of Gir somnath district is 156 Km and constitutes 9.75 of total costal
length of the Gujarat State. The Existing Veraval fishing harbour is having a total
capacity of berthing about 750 fishing boats whereas the total numbers of
registered fishing boats at this locatation is 4424.
During the year 2017-18 the total fish production from Veraval has been estimated
2,21,22 MT Approx. The Existing harbour in Veraval is not sufficient enough to
accommodate the total fishing boats operating from Veraval and looking to the
anticipated growth numbers of boats, it is necessary to develop another new
fishing harbour with all facilities. By developing new Greenfields harbours with
required facilities it is anticipated that the presently accommodated boats can be
diverted to the proposed phase -2 fishing harbour. Suitable land is available with
the State Government for development of the new fishery harbour at Veraval
Phase –II.
Suitable land is available with the State Government for development of the new
fishery harbour at Veraval Looking to the need for development of New fishery
harbour at Veraval , it is proposed to construct the same at a total estimate cost
about Rs.260.0 Cr., for which the Central Institute Engineering for Fisheries (CICEF)
has already approved the DPR of construction of the said harbour. The Fisheries
Department has also received the environment and CRZ clearances from the
concerned authorities for the said purpose.
D) Development of Fishing Harbour at Porbandar Phase -II ,Ta : Porbandar Dist :
Porbandar under Pradhan Mantri Matsya Sampada Yojna (PMMSY)
In Porbandar district is one of the Costal Districts of Gujarat The Costal line length of
Porbandar District is 105Km and constitutes 6.56 Km of Total Costal Length of
Sr. Materials Qty. Name Reference Frequency Test Test Tests carried out by Tests
No. Executed of Test Code of Testing required required as Contractor conducted by
as per per TPI Agency
Items Consumed Qty. as Unit total execution GERI Pvt. Remarks Cent (Pass/Fail)
DETAILS OF EVENTS & PROGRESS DURING PERIOD (To be submitted monthly by TPI agency)
Note: In addition, progress report may also be incorporated in form of Bar Chart with respect to work programme.
Compliance to the observations of TPI Agency (To be submitted by EIC before each RA/Final bill of works)
Name of Work:
Name of Contractor:
Name of TPI Agency:
Sr. Observations of TPI Agency Compliance by field officer Compliance by CE Remarks
No. (C )
Name of Work:
Name of Contractor:
Name of TPI Agency: Month:
Proposal Submission Letter
The Commissioner of Fisheries,
Fisheries Department, Government of Gujarat
3rd Floor, Block No. 10
Dr.Jivraj Mehhta Bhavan
Gandhinagar, Gujarat – 382 010
Subject: Third Party Inspection & Quality Assurance for the work of “Development of
Fishing Harbour at Navabundar ,Madhawad, Veraval Ph-II , Sutrapada and
Porbandar Ph-II in District of Girsomnath & Porbandar in Gujarat State.”
I / We, the undersigned, offer to provide the consulting services for the above in
accordance with your Request for Proposal dated We are hereby submitting our
Proposal as per the prescribed formats sealed under separate envelopes. The envelope
containing “Technical Proposal” contains 01 original and 01 copy of the Technical
Proposal. The Financial Proposal is submitted online.
I/ We declare that:
(a) I/ We have examined and have no reservations to the RFP document, including any
Addendum and Corrigendum issued by the Authority.
(b) I/ We do not have any conflict of interest in accordance with Clauses 2.15.1 and
2.15.2 of the RFP document; and
(c) I/We have not directly or indirectly or through an agent engaged or indulged in any
corrupt practice, fraudulent practice, coercive practice, undesirable practice or
restrictive practice, as defined in Clause 6.3 of the RFP document, in respect of any
tender or request for proposal issued by or any agreement entered into with the
Authority or any other public sector enterprise or any government, Central or State; and
(d) I/ We hereby certify that we have taken steps to ensure that in conformity with the
provisions of Clause 6 of the RFP document, no person acting for us or on our behalf has
engaged or will engage in any corrupt practice, fraudulent practice, coercive
practice, undesirable practice or restrictive practice.
If negotiations are held during the period of validity of the Proposal, i.e., before <date>,
we undertake to negotiate on the basis of the proposed staff. Our Proposal is binding
Yours sincerely,
Authorized Signature:
Full Name:…………………………..
Name of Firm:………………………
Format for Power of Attorney for Signing of Proposal
(On Rs. 100 Stamp paper duly attested by Notary Public)
Know all men by these presents, We …………………… (name and address of the
registered office1)do hereby constitute, appoint and authorize Mr./ Ms. ……………..
(name and residential address) who is presently employed with us and holding the
position of…………………as our attorney, to do in our name and on our behalf, all such
acts, deeds and things necessary in connection with or incidental for Third Party
Inspection & Quality Assurance for the work of “Development of Fishing Harbour at
Navabundar ,Madhawad, Veraval Ph-II , Sutrapada and Porbandar Ph-II in District of
Girsomnath & Porbandar in Gujarat State.” including signing and submission of all
documents and providing information/responses to CoF-GoG in all matters in
connection with our Proposal.
We hereby declare that all acts, deeds and things done by our said attorney pursuant
to this Power of Attorney shall always be deemed to have been ratified by us and done
by us.
Dated this the Day of 201…..
(Name, Designation and Address)
(Name, Title and Address of the Attorney) Date:
1. The mode of execution of the Power of Attorney should be in accordance with
the procedure, if any, laid down by the applicable law and the charter documents of
the executant(s) and when it is so required the same should be under common seal
affixed in accordance with the required procedure.
2. Also, wherever required, the Bidder should submit for verification the extract of
the charter documents and documents such as a resolution/power of attorney in
favour of the Person executing this Power of Attorney for the delegation of power
hereunder on behalf of the Bidder.
Proforma Bank Guarantee for Performance Security
Commissioner of Fisheries,
Fisheries Department, Government of Gujarat
3rd Floor, Block No. 10
Dr. Jivraj Mehta Bhavan
Gujarat – 382 010
3. We, ............................ (indicate the name of the Bank) do hereby undertake to pay to
Authority any money so demanded notwithstanding any dispute or disputes raised by
the Consultant in any suit or proceeding pending before any court or tribunal relating
thereto, our liability under this present being absolute and unequivocal. The payment so
made by us under this bond shall be a valid discharge of our liability for payment there
under and the Consultant shall have no claim against us for making such payment.
4. We, ……………….. (indicate the name of Bank) further agree that the Guarantee
herein contained shall remain in full force and effect during the period that would be
required for the performance of the said Agreement and that it shall continue to be
enforceable till all the dues of the Authority under or by virtue of the said Agreement
have been fully paid and its claims satisfied or discharged or till the Authority certifies
that the terms and conditions of the said Agreement have been fully and properly
carried out by the said Consultant and accordingly discharges this Guarantee. Unless a
demand or claim under this Guarantee is made on us in writing on or before a period of
one year from the date of this Guarantee, we shall be discharged from all liability under
this Guarantee thereafter.
5. We, ………………… (indicate the name of Bank) further agree with the Authority that
the Authority shall have the fullest liberty without our consent and without affecting in
any manner our obligations hereunder to vary any of the terms and conditions of the
said Agreement or to extend time of performance by the said Consultant from time to
time or to postpone for any time or from time to time any of the powers exercisable by
the Authority against the said Consultant and to forbear or enforce any of the terms and
conditions relating to the said Agreement and we shall not be relieved from our liability
by reason of any such variation, or extension being granted to the said Consultant or for
any forbearance, act or omission on the part of the Authority or any indulgence by the
Authority to the said Consultant or any such matter or thing whatsoever which under the
law relating to sureties would, but for this provision, have the effect of so relieving us.
6. This Guarantee will not be discharged due to the change in the constitution of the
Bank or the Consultant(s).
7. We, ……………….. (indicate the name of Bank) lastly undertake not to revoke this
Guarantee during its currency except with the previous consent of the Authority in
8. For the avoidance of doubt, the Bank‟s liability under this Guarantee shall be
restricted to Rs. .......... crore (Rupees .......................................... crore) only. The Bank shall
be liable to pay the said amount or any part thereof only if the Authority serves a written
claim on the Bank in accordance with Paragraph 2 hereof, on or before [..........
(indicate the date falling six (6) Months after the completion of the Assignment)].
For ..............................................................
Name of Bank:
Seal of the Bank:
Dated, the of ................., 20......
(Signature, name and designation of the authorized
signatory) NOTES:
(i) The Bank Guarantee should contain the name, designation and code number of
the officer(s) signing the Guarantee.
(ii) The address, telephone no. and other details of the Head Office of the Bank as
well as of issuing Branch should be mentioned on the covering letter of issuing