Practical Research 2 Module 1 PDF
Practical Research 2 Module 1 PDF
Practical Research 2 Module 1 PDF
Module Number
ADDRESS: _________________________________________________________
Activity 1 4
Discussion: Quantitative Research Defined 5
Activity 2 5
Activity 6 16
Discussion: Writing the Research Introduction 17
Activity 7 20
Activity 8 (Performance Task 1) 21
Activity 9 22
Discussion: Research Questions and Hypotheses 23
Activity 10 25
Activity 11 (Performance Task 2) 26
Activity 12 27
Discussion: Writing the Scope and Delimitations 27
Activity 13 28
Activity 14 (Performance Task 3) 28
Activity 15 29
Discussion: Formulating Conceptual Framework 29
Activity 16 31
Activity 17 (Performance Task 4) 32
Activity 18 32
Discussion: Defining the Terms 33
Activity 19 34
Activity 20 34
Activity 21 (Performance Task 5) 35
Performance Standards:
decide on suitable quantitative research in different areas of interest
Content Standards
You are expected to demonstrate your understanding of:
1. the characteristics, strengths, weaknesses, and kinds of quantitative research;
2. the importance of quantitative research across fields.
Learning Competencies
At the end of the lesson, you should be able to:
1. describe the characteristics, and strengths and weaknesses of quantitative
research; and
2. illustrate the importance of quantitative research across fields.
Identify the nature of the following research titles by writing QN for Quantitative and QL
for Qualitative before the number.
______ 1. The Use of Progressive Relaxation and Hypnosis to increase Tennis Skill
Learning: A Pilot Study
______ 2. Through the Lens of a Rebellious Child: A Multiple Case Study
______ 3. Job Satisfaction and Employee Turnover Intention among Private Companies
______ 4. The Relationship between News Consumption and Individual Perceptions of
Security in Iraq
______ 5. No Pain, No Gain: Portraits of Working Students in Davao City
a) Which titles are quantitative in nature? _______________
b) What are your bases for determining which titles are quantitative?
Write S on the space provided if a quantitative approach is SUITABLE for the given
question, and NS if NOT.
No matter how carefully planned and designed the research is, there are still some
limitations to it, which makes the process of research, cyclical. These limitations are
according to Barrot (2017):
1. The researcher may replicate or repeat 1. The research cannot provide in-depth
the study in other contexts for information for describing and
validation. explaining a phenomenon.
2. The findings are generalizable to large 2. The research lacks the ability to
population. provide a comprehensive textual
description of human experience.
3. The process of gathering the data are 3. Responses of participants are strictly
generally less demanding. limited to what has been asked.
4. The researcher can use software for 4. The study design is inflexible due to
easier data analysis. the rigidity and robustness of the
5. The validity and reliability of the results 5. Self-reported data may not be very
can be measured which will lessen the accurate due to overestimation or
degree of subjectivity. underestimation of their skills during
the assessment.
Point out at least one (1) strength and one (1) weakness of the following research plans:
1. The class planned to conduct a research that would determine whether a diet of
blueberries influence aging which will involve 19-month-old rats. In the study, one
group of rats will be fed with their standard diet, while the other three groups will be
fed with diet supplemented with blueberry, strawberry, and spinach powder. After eight
weeks, the rats were given with memory test and motor skill test.
2. A research wanted to interview the school principal to find out the joys, challenges,
and triumphs in running a rural school.
Quantitative research has been present since time immemorial. Our ancestors,
from the earliest civilizations have been doing various experiments in order to make our
living better. Because of their efforts, the results of their laborious works, undeniably, have
offered various solutions to our problems which caused great impact in our society. For
instance, in educational settings, especially in higher education are engrossed in
conducting researches in order to identify the degree of problems and provide
suggestions that could improve pedagogical practices and policies which later, will be
passed to the future educators. Also, these educator-researchers could help validate,
test, and challenge the existing pedagogical practices in order to contextualize and
localize those practices to cater the needs of the learners (Faltado, Bombita, Boholano,
& Pogoy, 2016).
Listed below are the benefits that quantitative research can offer to specific
strands, as well as the field of interest you wanted to explore.
Try to consider this: a pandemic which suddenly broke out and has been
spreading to neighboring countries which affected the lives of people – no
medicine available yet; a machine that could predict today’s weather; accuracy
and precision of building’s measurements, as well as the sustainability of the
ecology that will be affected. Quantitative research can help alleviate the
burdens of the people working and benefiting from the sectors involved. In
medical settings, quantitative research can help determine if the newly
developed medicine is effective through number of trials before being
administered and consumed by the public.
Another is peoples’ dependency on technology. Almost everything can be
accessible through technology. Without it, computing large numbers without
the help of super-computers would be a tragedy for an accountant. Also, there
would be millions of lives taken away due to unpreparedness whenever a
typhoon comes, as no one can predict where would it land next. One of the
necessities nowadays, cellular phones or smart phones. Before, you have to
wait for a month for you to receive the reply of your loved one in abroad. Now,
in just a second, you can even talk to them via phone applications.
What about the building that you are residing in? Without proper knowledge
on engineering and architecture, you might not be able to see the sun the next
day when a strong earthquake hits your place.
The materials used in building our houses, making and processing our food,
and designing our clothes are products of countless experiments – a type of
quantitative research. And these things are basically the building blocks of our
You might want to consider the following topics as your interest in research:
Conducting quantitative research in this field would help examine the trends
and tendencies in the use of information technology. The following topics might
perk your interest to conduct a research on this:
For more research topics, you may visit the following site:
You may not now realize it but conducting researches (either quantitative or
qualitative) would put you into so much advantage due to institutions who are tied-up with
several organizations looking for interesting researches and would generously provide
the funding required for the said project. Also, there are academic institutions in the
national and international arena which are offering academic scholarships for
undergraduate, graduate, and post-graduate studies. By creating a research, not only you
can help the sectors, but you can also enjoy travelling while sharing your paper to others.
The following is an excerpt of Senator Cynthia Villar’s statement on research:
1. Based on her statement, discuss the importance of conducting a research in the field
of agriculture.
“One hundred fifty million sa research, P265 million sa calamity assistance, and then
P468 (million) ’yung sa machinery out of your budget na P1.2 billion. So ibig mong
sabihin, bakit parang lahat ng inyong budget puro research? Baliw na baliw kayo sa
research. Aanhin niyo ba ’yung research? Ako, matalino akong tao pero ’di ko
maintindihan ’yung research ninyo, lalo na ’yung farmer. Gusto ba ng farmer ’yung
research? ’Di ba ang gusto nila eh tulungan niyo naman sila?”
– Cynthia Villar on Department of Agriculture’s Budget on Research
Retrieved from:
2. Should the policies from government agencies need to be research-based? Why or
why not?
1. How can quantitative research be of help in the field of medicine, technology, and
2. Cite at least 2 strengths and 2 weaknesses from the given abstract and provide an
explanation for your basis.
1. 1.
2. 2.
Performance Standards:
1. formulate clearly the statement of research problem and research hypothesis (if
appropriate); and
2. formulate clearly conceptual framework, research hypotheses (if appropriate), and
define terms used in study
Content Standards
You are expected to demonstrate your understanding of:
Learning Competencies
At the end of the lesson, you should be able to:
1. Select a general topic about which you are interested in learning more.
o It is an imperative for you to be interested in the topic that you are trying to
work so that you will not be led into astray while you are in the process of
building your paper.
After choosing which topic you would want to work, the next step to do is to know
your topic if it is a problem or not. For you to find out, consider the criteria that would help
tell you if it is a problem.
1. Does the topic perk up a person’s curiosity and interest?
2. Does the topic show some trend or pattern?
3. Does the topic involve the experience of any kind of an
If majority of your answers are YES, then you may consider that topic as your research
project. The following can be steppingstone in exploring your desired topic:
• Actual problems encountered
• Technological changes and curricular developments
• Academic experience
• Consultations
• Consideration of existing practices and needs
• Repetition or extension of investigation
• Studies underway
Leavvy (2017) also provided this framework in formulating your working title:
General Topic Identified Problem Working Title
anxiety of students in Math
Anxiety anxiety in Math problems
Among the titles below, evaluate those titles according to the guidelines provided by
Creswell (2009) and Leavvy (2017).
1. A Cultural-Psychological Approach to Analyze Intercultural Learning: Potential
and Limits of the Structure Formation Technique
2. Design and Analysis of the Student Strengths Index (SSI) for Non-Traditional
Graduate Student
3. Effectiveness of Home Visits by Specialist Nurses in Preventing Infections for
Patients Undergoing Home Immunoglobulin Therapy as Opposed to those Not
Receiving Such Home Visits
Do the titles follow the recommendations of Creswell and Leavvy? If yes, how were the
titles crafted? If not, how should it be written?
Read the introduction of the following study:
Thus, the researchers found the need to identify the cause of the phenomenon.
2. How did the researchers write the contents of:
Paragraph 1: ___________________________________________________________
Paragraph 2: ___________________________________________________________
Paragraph 3: ___________________________________________________________
Paragraph 4: ___________________________________________________________
Paragraph 5: ___________________________________________________________
One of the problems of those who are not into academic writing, is on how to
ground their arguments. In academic writing, the researchers present their argument as
part of the introduction. Thus, introduction is the most sought out part of the research by
the readers in order to investigate if the problem posed in the study is viable. Because of
this, one must write an effective introduction to capture the interest of various sectors that
are interested in the study. For you to write an effective introduction, Swales (1990)
recommends ‘Creating A Research Space’ (CARS) Model in writing your research
introduction. CARS Model was a result of Swale’s genre analysis on research
introductions. This model has 3 moves which will be discussed in the next sections,
together with some examples.
“Despite the sudden interest of the researchers in this field, there are
concepts of x, which are not yet completely understood.”
This method, you will be demonstrating that the earlier research does not
sufficiently address all existing questions or problems.
From its name itself, you will be asking question about previous research,
suggesting that additional research needs to be done.
The recommendation of the researchers is important as it is also a good source
of research problem. The recommendation section provides suggestions for
future researchers of the same topic, in relation to the constraints that they have
had. Thus, this makes the research process a cyclical one. Hence, if you will
employ this method, you will be presenting your research as a useful extension
of existing research, in relation to the previous researches.
Evaluate the research introduction from Activity 6 using the checklist below. Put
an X if the research introductions followed the moves and steps. As for Move 2, select
only 1 way of establishing a niche. For Move 3, Steps 2 and 3 might not be present. If so,
put NA (not applicable).
Do you think that the given research introduction can be further improved? If YES, why
and how? If NO, why?
Write your research introduction by following the CARS Model of Swales. Do not
worry about the citations. Just make up your own.
*Move 1 – composed of 3-4 sentences **Moves 2 and 3 – composed of 2-3 sentences
Read the following research questions/statement of the problems by the sample
research. Then, answer the questions after.
1. What is the students’ behavior toward Mathematics when analyzed according to:
a. student activities;
b. attitudes toward Mathematics; and
c. mathematical habits of mind?
2. What is the academic performance of the students according to their:
a. Grade point average?
3. Is there a significant relationship between students’ behavior toward Mathematics
and their Academic Performance?
1. What is the question all about in items 1 and 2? What is its importance in the study?
2. Usually, the variables involved in the study follows from a test of a theory and the
specification of research questions or hypotheses that are included in the theory.
Basically, your theory and variables are connected.
Ho: There is no significant difference between the effects of verbal cues, rewards,
and no reinforcement in terms of social Interaction for children with autism and their
H1: Publicly traded firms will have higher growth rates than privately held firms.
H2: Publicly traded enterprises will have a larger international scope than state-
owned and privately held firms.
Formulate and write 2 research questions (1 descriptive and 1 inferential) and 2
hypotheses (1 null and 1 alternative) from the given research titles.
RESEARCH Descriptive Inferential Null and Alternative
TITLES Questions Questions Hypothesis
The Effects of
Employment on
the Power
Structure of the
Online Business
as Perceived by
Customers and
their Product
Internet Exposure
and Digital
Literacy of Senior
High School
Stress Level and
Productivity in
Work of Call
Center Agents
Critique the sample scope and delimitation of the study according to the guidelines
provided in the discussion.
This study aimed to determine the significant relationship between students’ behavior
toward mathematics and academic performance of all college students enrolled in
Business Mathematics. The academic performance of the respondents in Business
Mathematics will be based on their final grades at the end of the course for the second
term of the first semester of the school year 2012 – 2013. The study was conducted
using the grades which was provided by the Registrar’s Office of Holy Cross College of
Calinan particularly college department of the current school year. The researchers
focused on determining the behavior of the respondents and its effects to their
academic performance in Mathematics. Therefore, other factors that may affect the
behavior of the students were not included in this study
Are there any missing parts/sections in the sample? How can it be improved?
This is from the study of Laguatan and Reyes (2018) on Students’ Personal
Experiences and Interest in Philippine Folk Dance: Basis for Dance Program
1. Which of the following are the independent and dependent variables? What are your
2. Discuss the connection of the diagram and the title of the study.
reported based on the problem statement. In addition, Regoniel (2015) provided simplified
guidelines in crafting conceptual framework.
Step 1. Choosing your topic
What is being affected by the exposure to blue light? The sleep time
What affects the sleep time of the middle-aged man? Exposure to blue light
Conceptual framework shows the overall idea of what the research project is all
about. From the example above, the diagram could actually tell two things: the study
wants to investigate the relationship of the length of exposure to blue light (which is
measured in hours) and the sleep hours of the middle-aged man, that is correlational in
nature (this will be discussed in your Module 3, Research Designs) or the study want to
examine if the independent variable can influence the dependent variable, that is
Create a conceptual framework based on the given statement of the problem and
explain the concept.
Based on your research questions on Activity 11, formulate your conceptual framework.
Interest. This refers to the individual characteristics that one finds attractive,
fulfilling and enjoyable (Lowman, 2003). It also refers to the students’ attentiveness to
Philippine Folk Dances in terms of learning the dance steps, music, costume, and
dance history.
Folk Dance. folk dance is the vivid intimate bond of costumes, ideals and
traditions of the past through which a multitude of national characteristics in music,
steps and costumes are preserve (Tulio, 2015) It refers to the dance that embodies the
culture of the Filipino people. It consists of five major classifications the Ifugao dances,
Muslim dances, Rural dances, Spanish Influence dances and Tribal dances.
Do the terms have similarities in its dictionary meaning? If not, how did the researchers
define the terms?
In the section Definition of Terms, this is where the terms or variables are clearly
defined by the researchers in order to ground its context. There are two ways on how to
define the terms: to give the conceptual definition or the operational definition.
As for the operational definition, the terms are defined using measurable
characteristics set by the research to clearly illustrate the meaning of the terms in the
study. This is the most common method of defining the terms in research.
When defining the terms, only the terms used in the title, in the statement of the
problem and in methodology need to be defined. Also, always define the terms
OPERATIONALLY; how can these variables be measured?
Evaluate the given definition of terms according to the concepts provided in the
Assessment refers to the wide variety of methods or tools that educators use
to evaluate, measure and document the academic readiness, learning progress, skill
acquisition, or educational needs of the students.
2. Do you think the definition can still be improved? If yes, identify the things that are
needed to be improved and provided the corrected definition. If no, elaborate what
points were missing.
2. _______________________
3. _______________________
4. _______________________
A. Compare and contrast the ideas in writing a research title as proposed by Creswell
and Leavvy. Point out at least 3 ideas in each circle.
B. Based on the discussions and references given, how you should write your research
title. List down at least 4 ways.
1. ________________________________________________________________
2. ________________________________________________________________
3. ________________________________________________________________
4. ________________________________________________________________
C. Evaluate the given research title according to the guidelines given by Creswell and
Is there a need for the research title to be changed? If yes, what would be the
new research title and why? If no, why does the title do not need to be changed?
2. What do you think are the problems you will encounter in writing your research
introduction and how will you solve it?
Based on the provided research article, answer the following in not less than 7 sentences:
1. Provide at least 2 strengths and 2 weakness of the research article. Explain your
1. 1.
2. 2.
2. Following the guidelines in writing research titles, was it clearly written? Why and
3. Describe the problematic situation in the article. Is there really a need for the
research to be conducted? Why or why not?
5. Formulate the conceptual framework of the research article and explain the concept.
6. What were the statement of the problems (and hypothesis, if it has) of the article?
7. What are the definitions of the concepts suicide, stigma, and public perception in
the research article and how was it written?