Frequently Asked Questions
1. Why has QuestNet changed to QNet?
QuestNet Limited has reorganised its business structure, and set up and brought
QNet Limited’s business directly to Hong Kong now. Pursuant to this internal
reorganisation, the multilevel marketing and direct sales business of QuestNet
Ltd will be transferred to QNet Limited. QNet Limited is incorporated as a
company in Hong Kong.
2. Is this just a new name for QuestNet, or is this a new
QNet Limited now takes up the role of QuestNet Limited in its multilevel
marketing and direct sales operation. The Directors and management of QNet
Limited will remain that of QuestNet Limited. Importantly, the visions and
missions of the Group as a whole remain unchanged. The operation of the
business will not be interrupted or affected by the transfer.
3. When will this take effect and is there anything I need to do
when the change happens?
The multilevel marketing and direct sales business of QuestNet Limited will be
transferred to QNet Limited with effect from 1 January 2010. As an IR, you do not
need to do anything on this date, with the exception of familiarising yourself with
the new Policies & Procedures.
4. What happens to the brand name QuestNet?
QuestNet is a trademarked brand, representing the business opportunity and
products of QNet. QNet is the company behind the QuestNet brand. QNet will
continue to promote its business under the tradename of QuestNet.
5. Am I still a QuestNet Independent Representative, or am I
now a QNet Independent Representative?
You are automatically transferred to become a QNet Independent
6. How will this affect my business?
Your business will not be affected in any way with this transfer.
7. Will this change the way I have to conduct my business?
No. You may continue to conduct your business without any changes or impact
as a result of the transfer.
8. Will the Compensation Plan change? What about my
commissions and bonuses?
The QuestNet Compensation Plan, commissions and bonuses will remain the
same after the transfer.
9. Is there a new Policies & Procedures? If so, where can I find
Yes, QNet has its own Policies & Procedures (P&P), which can be found online in
your Virtual Office. Please familiarise yourself with this P&P.
10. In my presentations, do I still call the business opportunity
‘the QuestNet opportunity’, or ‘the QNet opportunity’? What
about the products; are the products still QuestNet products?
You may continue to use QuestNet for all intent and purpose, as QNet will
continue to promote its business under the tradename of QuestNet. You may
refer to the QuestNet business opportunity and QuestNet products.