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M3A and B - Adia Reginald B - EDITED

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Face-to-face (F2F) learning refers to a learning delivery modality where the teacher and learner/s
are physically in one venue. There are opportunities for active engagement, immediate feedback
and socioemotional development of learners. It may be conducted in any available physical learning

-The traditional delivery of instruction that involves actual contact to the learners. The direct
transmission of knowledge from the teacher to students without the usage of any media.

Distance learning refers to a learning delivery modality where a learner is given materials or access to
resources and he/she undertakes self-directed study at home or in another venue. Learners engage in
independent learning at home or in any physical learning space applicable, by using learning materials
that are accessible either online, stored on CD/DVD/USB Flash drive, or in printed form, or by viewing TV
lessons or listening to radio-based instruction while being geographically distant from the teacher. The
teacher supervises and monitors the learner’s progress and provides remediation and enhancement
when needed and possible. Assistance may be provided by a learning facilitator who may be a parent or
any member of the family, or a community stakeholder.

Blended learning refers to a learning delivery modality using a combination of the features of F2F
learning and distance learning. It can be (1) F2F and modular distance learning; (2) F2F and online
distance learning; (3) F2F and TV-based instruction/Radio-based instruction; or (4) F2F and any
combination of the other types of distance learning.

-This modality comprises of different alternative mode of delivery by combining at least two. It can be
modular approach, online teaching, and TV-Radio aided instruction (Distance Learning).

Home schooling refers to an alternative learning delivery mode (ADM) that provides learners with
access to formal education while staying in an out-of-school environment, with parents, guardians, or
tutors as authorized facilitators instead of classroom teachers. This does not preclude going to a school
on specific periods to develop learning competencies that require the use of laboratory, equipment, and
others. It uses any or a combination of the various learning delivery modalities.

-A tutorial-based instruction wherein parents hire teachers or parents themselves conduct teaching at
home. Usually it is a 1 on 1 setup.

Question: Which of the LDMs do not have a face-to-face learning component?

Distance learning
Home schooling if done via distance learning
-The Learning Delivery Modalities discussed in the modules that are anchored in the Learning Continuity
Plan (LCP) were utilized in various ways of delivery of instruction. As the survey of the most public
schools, it was evident that Distance Learning is only the possible option without risking the health and
safety of the teachers and the students. Distance learning has no element of F2F learning as this focuses
on the following: modular, online, and media-based instruction. Blended Learning (BL) was also
encouraged by combining two approaches.


Distance Distinguishi Essential Role of Role of Parent or Role of School

Learning ng Feature Resources Teacher Household
Modality Member
Modular -K-12 -SLMs (print -Monitoring -Leaning -Provider of LMs.
Distance compliant. or soft and Facilitators -Touch point
Learning -MELCs are copies(e- feedback -Instructional
(MDL) achieved. copy)) for support
-Attainable -DepEd consultation
goals. Portal and
-Flexible -Copies of intervention
time frame. video lessons thru various
thru flash online
drive or CD. platforms.
Online -Virtual -SLMs (e- -Teachers -Learning -Schools may adopt a
Distance substitute copy) shall facilitators/house combination of both
Learning to actual -DepEd present hold partners like synchronous and
(ODL) contact Learning lessons in parents, guardians asynchronous online
teaching. Resources more than or responsible teaching in
-Can be Portal, one format adults at home consideration
facilitated DepEd within the supervise of the Screen Time
through Commons. learners’ and monitor the Guidelines by Age as
digital -Copies of capacity; screen time of the recommended by the
platforms. video lessons this is to learners. American Academy of
online(Edmo address Pediatrics (AAP) and
do, google the diverse World Health
classroom, learning Organization (WHO)
Schoology) profile of
when it
comes to
ng and
TV- -TV- and -Materials -Monitoring -Guidance from -Schools shall provide
Based radio-based for learning and parents/learning the learners, as well as
Instructi lessons exercises, feedback facilitators during their
on (TVBI) utilized for enrichment and viewing/listening parents/guardians/lear
these activities, intervention time shall be ning facilitators the
platforms and . required. broadcast
are assessment schedule of lessons.
converted may be
self- provided in
learning printed form.
where the
sequence of
n is similar
with what
learners use
in online
Radio- -Audio- -Access to -Regularly -Set reminders for -Spearheading the
Based based the local reminding the subject and dissemination of
Instructi instruction radio students also monitor the information via SMS or
on (RBI) that frequency. about the students if they social media.
requires schedule of are listening
attentive every
listening learning
skill. area.
Blended - -Combination -Strategies -Combination of -Schools which adopt
Distance Combinatio of the three for learners’ the three above any combination of the
Learning n of the above engagemen above three types of
above three t in all types distance learning must
types of of distance meet the
distance learning requirements of each
learning shall be type.
must meet utilized
ts of each


Ranking (1 to 5, from easiest to Type of DL Why?

hardest to implement)
1 MDL This offline approach only requires printing
of modules based on the MELCs and be
distributed to the learners. It only needs
printer and printing materials funded by the

The only risk would be the distribution that

involves physical contact to parents and
community officers. For this, following
safety protocols can ease the problem.
2 ODL An alternative to F2F via digital platform.
This would be a good option in teaching as
you can directly instruct students via online.
But this necessitates internet access and
computer that are costly.
3 TVI Can be viewed via local TV channel
transmission. It is free and accessible
anytime. The only drawback is the possible
negligence of students int eh schedule of TV
4 BDL This modality is actually a promising one
when it comes in outcome of learning
because it ventures dual approaches. But
having combined modalities will entail
double preparation and extra effort.
5 RBI Learners are usually visually inclined when
it comes in learning. Opting to do radio-
aided instruction will just be boring for


Learner Group Targeted Intervention

Learners without parents or household member a. Establishing a chat support system to
who can guide and support their learning at address possible queries.
home b. Regular monitoring via SMS or video call.
c. Video tutorial as supplementary guided
Beginning readers (K to 3) a. Parent as reading facilitators.
b. Assistance from Big brother and Big
c. Downloadable audio for phonemes
Struggling readers (Grades 4-12) a. Parent as reading facilitators.
b. Assistance from Big brother and Big
c. Modified reading materials either printed
or digital copy.
d. Video tutorial for basic sounds and
No access to devices and Internet a. Delivery of printed modules.
b. TV and Radio-aided instruction. (If
Inaccessible (living in remote and/or unsafe a. Digital/online instruction if signal
areas) reception is evident.
b. Community coordination with the
barangay officials.
Indigenous Peoples a. Local partnership with the community
officials governing the Indigenous people.
b. Crafting of materials adhering in the
principle of localization and
Person with Disablities a. Parent or guardian as learning
b. Technical assistance from teachers
specializing in SPED and PWD curriculum
Others? Specify. a. Evaluation of different inhibiting factors
prior in designing modalities.


1. What is Lesson Designing or Lesson Planning?

Lesson designing or lesson planning is the process of determining what learning opportunities students
in school will have by planning “the content of instruction, selecting teaching materials, designing the
learning activities and grouping methods, and deciding on the pacing and allocation of instructional
time” (Virginia Department of Education, as cited in DepEd Order No. 42, s. 2016). Well-prepared and
well-planned lessons are fundamental to ensuring the delivery of quality teaching and learning in
schools. In order for the design to be effective, teachers need to consider the learners’ characteristics
and be responsive to the needs of the learners.

2. Why is Lesson Designing Important?

Lesson designing helps ensure that:

● time is maximized for instruction and learning

● lessons are responsive to learner’s needs
● teachers set learning targets for learners
● teachers carry out a lesson successfully
● teachers master their learning area content
● teachers become more reflective about their teaching
● learners successfully reach the set learning goals

3. What are the three elements or components of a well-designed lesson?

● Clearly articulated lesson objectives (What should be taught?)

● Well-selected and logically sequenced presentation of learning resources and activities to help
learners meet the objectives (How should it be taught?)
● Appropriate and timely assessment activities that provide relevant information and feedback for both
teachers and learners (How should learning be assessed?)


Before the Lesson Lesson Proper After the Lesson

1. Review previous lesson 1. Explain, model, demonstrate, 1. Wrap up activities
2. Clarify concepts from and illustrate the concepts, 2. Emphasize key information
previous lesson ideas, skills, or processes that and concepts discussed
3. Present warm-up activities to students will eventually 3. Ask learners to recall key
establish interest in new lesson internalize activities and concepts
4. Check learner’s prior 2. Help learners understand and discussed
knowledge about the new master new information 4. Reinforce what teacher has
lesson 3. Provide learners with taught
5. Present connection between feedback 5. Assess whether lesson has
old and new lesson and 4. Check for learners’ been mastered
establish purpose for new understanding 6. Transfer ideas and concepts
lesson to new situations
6. State lesson objectives as
guide for learners


Answer: VI. Reflection

According to DepEd Order No. 42, s. 2016: The reflection part of the DLL and DLP should be filled up
after the lesson is delivered. Teachers are encouraged to think about their lessons, particularly the parts
that went well and the parts that were weak and write about those briefly. In the reflection, teachers
can share their thoughts and feelings about their lessons including things about the lesson that were
successfully implemented and which ones need improvement or could be adjusted in the future.
Teachers can also take note of the number of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation, the number of
learners who require additional activities for remediation, and the difficulties teachers encountered that
their principal or supervisor can help solve.


Lesson 2 Activity 4: Learning Tasks

Learning Delivery Modality (select one): ☒ODL ☐MDL ☐TV/RBI ☐BL
Grade Level and Learning G8 EsP
Lesson/Topic: Ako ay ako dahil sa Kinagisnan kong Pamilya
Learning Objectives: 1.1 Natutukoy ang mga Gawain o karanasan sa sariling
pamilya na kapupulutan ng aral o may positibong
impluwensiya sa sarili. (EsP8PBIa-1.1 )

Learning Resources/Materials Learners Module


Part of Lesson / Learning Tasks Check if Additional Remarks:

already (ex. can be done via voice calls, can be
facilitated by a household partner, can be
present in the
done via a learning activity sheet, can be
SLM presented via an internet- based resource,
can be facilitated during a synchronous
learning session, etc.)
Before the Lesson
1. Review previous lesson
2. Clarify concepts from previous lesson
3. Present warm-up activities to establish
interest in new lesson
4. Check learner’s prior knowledge about
the new lesson
5. Present connection between old and new
lesson and establish purpose for new
6. State lesson objectives as guide for
Lesson Proper
1. Explain, model, demonstrate, and
the concepts, ideas, skills, or processes
students will eventually internalize.
2. Help learners understand and master new
3. Provide learners with feedback. Can be done by sending individual
evaluation thru chat or phone call or
can be written and be sent on the
next pick-up of modules.
4. Check for learners’ understanding
After the Lesson
1. Wrap up activities
2. Emphasize key information and concepts
3. Ask learners to recall key activities and
concepts discussed
4. Reinforce what teacher has taught The SLM has various activities
included varying diagnostic and
formative assessments.
Supplementary worksheets can also
be provided to learners depending on
the level of assessment they need.
5. Assess whether lesson has been
6. Transfer ideas and concepts to new

1. For the learning tasks not found in the SLM you examined, what materials or resources can you
create or curate to supplement the SLM?
Feedback mechanism would be a backlog in the distance learning particularly in modular
approach. Teachers can actually modify the process of providing feedback from F2F into virtual
mode. As a sort of examples, teachers can send private message on the learning feedback of
the student, phone calls or video calls can also be used upon the availability of devices and
internet connection and written form of learning feedback may possibly tapped as alternative in
actual verbal evaluation.

2. What kind of additional support can you give: a) the learner, and/or b) the household partner so
that they are guided throughout the lesson?
(A) For the learner, additional support can be addressed by providing video tutorials accessible
in FB page, messenger or Youtube channel. Regular monitoring and establishing chat
support system in answering their daily queries can address their problem and confusion.
(B) For household partner, providing simplified instructions in each module through written text
or video. Teachers should encouraged household partners to ask for help anytime.

3. How can the teacher gather feedback on the different learning tasks, in order to refine or modify
current and future lessons?
Revisiting the entire process of the chosen MDL and identifying the strengths and loops for
revision. FGD will play a vital source of fresh ideas and innovative concept that can quench the
desire to craft an effective and efficient mode of delivery instruction.


How to Adapt the Assessment Method in DL

Example: I will send a three-item quiz via text message before the lesson. Based on the
responses. I will take note of the common misconception and clarify them to the
Short Quiz
learners during our online session or via text message.

1. KWL Activities This activity can be done in 3 parts as in beginning, during and at the end of the
lesson. This will stimulate learners mind in connecting the information provided.
Teachers can post the questions in designated chat group/SMS (optional) in the
course of the lesson.

2. Open-Ended Questions An activity requiring sufficient time in accomplishing because it is usually subjective
type. This can be sent via chat or an additional worksheet in printed modules.

3. Fact or Bluff Can identify learner’s prior knowledge about the topic. Administered in chat form via
messenger and can be transformed into form of game.

4. Performance Tasks A summative assessment form at the end of the quarter or opted in every lesson.
This can be accessed via printed modules or video output to be sent in the messenger
or email.

5. Written Works This will function as additional activities supporting the tasks in the modified


1. A portfolio mainly displays the academic achievements of the learner. – FALSE
2. Testimonies of parents/guardians and learning facilitators regarding the learner’s progress may
be included in a portfolio. - TRUE
3. There is a fixed list of items that should be included in a portfolio. - FALSE
4. The teacher can only comment on a learner's portfolio. - FALSE
5. For asynchronous learning, teachers allow learners to work on their outputs during their own
time. The latter will submit the portfolio within the schedule that the teachers set. - TRUE
6. The learners may submit, store, and manage their portfolio via file sharing programs or they
may submit the actual softcopies of their work saved on a CD/DVD/USB flash drive. - TRUE
7. Portfolios of DL learners with outputs in hard copies or physical forms may be handed over to
the teacher by the parents or learning facilitators. - TRUE


1. These are the knowledge, understanding, skills, and attitudes that learners need to demonstrate in
every lesson and/or learning task.
Answer: c) learning competencies
2. These are the formative learning opportunities given to learners to engage them in the subject matter
and to enhance their understanding of the content.
Answer: d) learning task
3. This refers to the prescribed subject that learners take.
Answer: a) learning area
4. This refers to the method of submission of learning outputs preferred by the learner/parent based on
their context.
Answer: b) mode of delivery


Create WHLP

(Attached file)


Weekly Home Learning Plan Individual Monitoring Plan

Purpose A tool to guide learners and A tool for monitoring learners
learning facilitators or who lag behind based on the
household partners in tracking results of their formative and
the subject areas to be tackled summative assessments
and activities to perform at
home By providing specific
intervention, the teacher may
possibly aid the difficulty of
student in acquiring the
essential skills. This will also
serve as tracker of academic
For whom? Learners and learning facilitator Teachers and learning facilitator
or household partner. or household partner.

Designed for the entire class This plan was crafted to address
with varying intelligence and the needs of disadvantage
needs. This should be provided students upon determining that
to parents and students prior in they are struggling in attaining
opening of the class and be the LCs.
reiterated every quarter.
Formulated for individual
approach to clearly prescribed
effective interventions and
check out their academic
Components Learning area, learning Learner’s needs, intervention
competencies, learning tasks, strategies, monitoring date,
mode of delivery learner’s status
Has to be communicated to Yes Yes


Individual Learning Monitoring Tool


Learner’s Name: Rosario Isabel Alino

Grade Level: Grade 8

Intervention Learner’s Status

Learning Learner’s Monitoring
Strategies Insignificant Significant
Area Needs Date Mastery
Provided Progress Progress
Filipino Reading span Introduction 10/12/2020
for lengthy of scanning
passages. and skimming

text for visual
English Comprehensio Usage of 10/12/2020
n level for text context clues.
with unfamiliar
terms. Self-made

practice for
short to long
Math Insufficient Providing brief 10/13/2020
concepts of reviewers of
lessons. prerequisite
Science Visual valuing Use PPTs for 10/14/2020
in scientific aided-
context. instruction of

that can be
accessible via

diagrams and
(colored if
AP Unsustainable Create note 10/14/2020
storing of facts. bank to list
in the lesson.
EsP 10/14/2020
TLE Acquisition of Video tutorial 10/15/2020
necessary skills or
(hands-on demonstration
task). for hands on

TV programs
to the skill
MAPEH Guided Video tutorial 10/16/2020
instruction or
particularly in demonstration
performance- for hands-on
based tasks. task.

TV programs
to the skill

Learner is not making significant progress in a timely manner. Intervention strategies

need to be revised.
Status Learner is making significant progress. Continue with the learning plan.
Learner has reached mastery of the competencies in learning plan.

Source: DepEd Memorandum DM-CI-2020-00162



1. Based on the map, what resources should you have in order to implement the LDM
adopted by your School/Division?
– Our school implement Online Distance Leaning (ODL), Modular Distance Learning (MDL) and Blended
Learning so in order to achieve this LDM we need to have printed Self Learning Modules (SLM). This SLM
will be distributed to the learners.

2. Do you have the complete resources for the Distance LDM needed in class? If the LRs are
not complete or not available, what steps will you take to make these available? What are
your options to substitute these missing LRs?
– The school already downloaded the prescribed modules sent by the SDO. But supplementary materials
that will enable teachers to incorporate different strategies and approaches were basically in need to
augment learning progress. Shortage of downloadable learning materials would not be an excuse during
this time, as the Department sanctioned DepEd Commons and LRMDS as authorized portal for LRs.

When the possibilities of no materials are available even in the DepEd portals, the need to be
resourceful and creative in the part of the teachers is highly encouraged.

Working to produce additional activity sheets must be aligned in the LCs found in the MELCs and the
components of assessment. Teachers must also be careful in using concepts derived from other
resources thus, the need for citation is in need. Video or digital materials can also be used if the
students have their access to devices and the internet.

3. What support will you need to maximize the use of the two DepEd-sanctioned LR Portals?
From whom can you get this support?
– Using the DepEd LR we can easily find and obtain our need SLM. But before we can
open the portal we need to have an interne access and permission of the administrator.
– From our ICT coordinator designated as the admin of the portal.
--Fast and stable internet connection is highly beneficial in the context of new normal teaching. Most of
the tasks are relying on the digital copies sent via email or google drive and meetings were conducted in
various online video conferencing applications. Likewise, researching and downloading LRs depend on
the internet connectivity.
--technical assistance in accessing the DepEd portal for LMs can be done even in school through the help
of designated LRMDS coordinator. Teachers can create their account and can fully navigate the portal
and look for materials suited in their learning area. In the absence of LRMDS coordinator, the teacher
can directly ask support from the school head or in the supervisor in-charge of learning resources.

4. Based on your evaluation of the materials, are they appropriate to the level and characteristics of
learners? Are there learners who might be disadvantaged by the materials (based on reading ability,
level of learning independence, level of household support, distance)? What adjustments will you
make in terms of the LRs?
We can’t deny that some learners may lag behind in terms of academic absorption because the SLMs
were crafted for general use. The fear of incompatible activities to the learners’ knowledge was
greatly bothering the teachers. We can actually devise some adjustment through these interventions.

a. Tiered approach can be applied to addressed incompatibility of worksheets to learner’s skill.

Teachers can adjust learning tasks by providing multi-level activities from easy to complex. In this
manner, teacher can provide suitable materials for students in different level.
b. Video-based and PPTs instructional materials. Learners are usually visual dependent, the need to
augment visual component may possibly increase learning retention.


1. In your LAC Session, share and discuss your answers from the previous activity. What support can you
provide to your colleagues and what support can you get from them in terms of LRs? Take note of the
insights that you can gather from your colleagues and write them in your Study Notebook.
– After the discussions and exchanging of ideas we come up with the different ideas regarding LR.
Learning Resources and SLM are now ready to our portal given by the national for our modular Distant
learning so the only help that my colleagues can offer is to print the SLM for distribution to our learners.


1. Given the LDM adopted in your School, how can the two DepEd portals respond to your LR
needs and those of your learners’? How do they complement the LRs that you already have?
– In our school we adapted a Modular Distant Learning, by the help of the two Deped portals
we can easily access of Learning resources and SLM. We can obtain our learning modules
online so it eases the burden for us teachers. Paperless LR fast and well-ordered process in
giving LRs.

2. What are the challenges in accessing the LRs in the portals both for you and your learners?
How will you overcome these challenges?
– Internet connection is the main concern in accessing the portal but some students and
teacher has a slow internet speed. The other concern is it need a cellular phone or laptop to
enter the portal so as an adviser, I downloaded first the specific LR and I personally distribute
it to my learner to ensure that everyone can get their copy.

-In the digital composition of new normal teaching, the main struggle of both teachers and students is
the reliable internet connectivity. Technical glitches may also bar in successful access of the portal and
can only be aided by the LRMDS or ICT coordinator of the school or in the division office. In some
circumstances, teachers may find the DepEd portal to have insufficient materials available in every
learning area probably because of the protocols in evaluation and review that take time prior in
uploading the materials evaluated by the experts.

3. What support will you need to be able to maximize the use of the LR Portals? From whom
can you get this support?
– What support will you need to maximize the use of the two DepEd-sanctioned LR Portals?
From whom can you get this support? Using the DepEd LR we can easily find and obtain our
need SLM. But before we can open the portal we need to have an internet access and
permission of the administrator. From our ICI coordinator designated as the admin of the

-Fast and stable internet connection is highly beneficial in the context of new normal teaching. Most of
the tasks are relying on the digital copies sent via email or google drive and meetings were conducted in
various online video conferencing applications. Likewise, researching and downloading LRs depend on
the internet connectivity.

-Technical assistance in accessing the DepEd portals for LMs can be done even in school through the
help of designated LRMDS coordinator. Teachers can create their account and can fully navigate the
portal and look for materials suited in their learning area. In the absence of LRMDS coordinator, the
teacher can directly ask support from the school head or in the supervisor in-charge of learning
1. In your next LAC Session, share and discuss your answers to the questions in Activity 1.
Explore how you can help and support each other in using the LR portals. Jot down the
insights and helpful information regarding the use of the LR portals in your Study Notebook.
– During the LAC session we knew that one in our group is an admin of the said portal in our
school. We had shared our personal experience in using the learning Portals and after the
session we agreed to use the portal frequently in addressing need in teaching ang regarding LRs.


Study the LR Rapid Assessment Tool. Download an LR from either DepEd Commons or LRMDS Portal and
assess the material using the tool. Answer the following questions in your Study Notebook.

1. Was the material able to meet all the requirements?

-Yes, The downloaded LR from the DepEd Commons was able to meet the requirement in the new
normal teaching particularly in the Modular Distance Learning (MDL). The module was comprised of the
necessary learning competency derived from the MELCs, tasks are grounded from diagnostic, formative
and summative assessments, theories and lectures are funneled and only highlighted the essential
-In addition, traditional formatting and lay-outing was observed possibly because of economical
considerations. Putting many images may cause congestion in the pages appearance and they resort in
using gray scaled pictures to lessen ink consumption.

2. Were there any questions in the assessment tool where you answered “No” or “Cannot Be
Determined”? What decision will you make on the LR material? Why?
-As the DepEd Commons is a sanctioned portal wherein reviews and evaluations are made prior in
uploading the LRs; teachers may feel at ease when it comes in content, technicalities, and legalities.
Curriculum experts conducted rigorous scrutiny of the activities, lessons, assessment tasks and
authorship of each module.

-Furthermore, because of the economical considerations given by the DepEd authorities, the need to
reproduce the modules in black and white print (if applicable in key stages) and reduction of images
integrated in the modules were strictly abide. The need to supplement visual-aided instructional
materials and videos can subside this drawback.

3. Are there other aspects of the material not covered by the tool but still need to be assessed? Specify
which aspect/s.
-The component of LR Rapid Assessment Tool was already directive in the need for assessing a material
for general use. If adding another aspect may be possible, in my point of view, including Adaptability of
the Content into Localize Transformation can be also considered, because the downloaded materials
from DepEd portals are usually for general use across the country, there exist the need for localization of
text and examples.
4. How does this exercise help you in picking the right and appropriate LRs for your lesson
and your learners?
-This assessment tool was a great help for us teachers in choosing the best LR for our subject
matter. It taught us to consider first all requirements needed in obtaining our desired LR.
-We are now updated on the necessary key points in evaluating the materials downloaded both in
DepEd and Non-DepEd sites. Teachers must be ken observer in usage and selection of their LRs and
assessment tasks.


1. Based on the Assessment Tool, how does the material from a non-DepEd Portal compare
with the LR from the DepEd Portal?
– DepEd prescribe LRs are reliable and aligned in the basic requirement needed for choosing
LR’s while non DepEd LR’s sometimes deviate from the requirements of standard LR’s.

2. Based on the results of the Assessment Tool, what improvements do the materials — both
from DepEd and Non-DepEd portals — still need?
– DepEd materials before posting to the DepEd portal were being examined by the DepEd
personnel so I think there’s no revisions for that but non DepEd materials of course need to
be examined first and must be aligned to the assessment tool given by DepEd.

3. How does this exercise help you in picking the right and appropriate LRs for your lesson
and your learners?
– Because of this exercise and assessment tool I can now choose better Learning Resources for
my subject matter.


Choose one of the LR materials that you have developed. Assess this material using the same
tool. Answer the following questions in Your Study Notebook:
1. How does your material compare with the ones that are obtained from the online
-Comparing the material obtained in the online portals and the self-made learning material both
envision that students will learn and grow academically. I actually prefer to use Strategic Intervention
Material (SIM) for easy and innovative crafting of lessons. Aside from the famous characters/cartoons
that were incorporated in the SIM, the usage of images augment visual aesthetics of the material. SIM
can be directed into localized materials as well because the creator has the freedom to recapture the
content without sacrificing the essence of the learning competencies.

2. What improvements do you still need to make in your developed material?

-Need to improve the sources of the activity and the type of font to make it readable to my
students. Also I will consider the culture and gender fair next time.
-Variety of activities and assessment task that will suit learners in different level of intelligence and skill.
-Incorporate feedback mechanism for further improvement of the material.
-Securing a low mb digital copy for online resources.


1. Share and discuss your answers to the questions in Activities 1, 2, and 3 in your next LAC Session. Jot
down insights and information that can be useful to you in choosing the appropriate LR’s.
-After the LAC session we had seen a clearer view in making our own LR’s and in choosing
and downloading LR’s in our DepEd portal.
-A member of the group suggested that we must adapt this tool and use it every time we
make our own LR’s.

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