DN Drawing
DN Drawing
DN Drawing
• ISO 128-20:1996 Technical drawings—General principles of presentation—Part 20: Basic conventions for lines
• ISO 128-21:1997 Technical drawings—General principles of presentation—Part 21: Preparation of lines by CAD systems
• ISO 128-22:1999 Technical drawings—General principles of presentation—Part 22: Basic conventions and applications for leader lines and reference lines
• ISO 128-23:1999 Technical drawings—General principles of presentation—Part 23: Lines on construction drawings
• ISO 128-24:2014 Technical drawings—General principles of presentation—Part 24: Lines on mechanical engineering drawings
• ISO 128-30:2001 Technical drawings—General principles of presentation—Part 30: Basic conventions for views
• ISO 128-34:2001 Technical drawings—General principles of presentation—Part 34: Views on mechanical engineering drawings
• ISO 128-40:2001 Technical drawings—General principles of presentation—Part 40: Basic conventions for cuts and sections
• ISO 128-44:2001 Technical drawings—General principles of presentation—Part 44: Sections on mechanical engineering drawings
• ISO 128-50:2001 Technical drawings—General principles of presentation—Part 50: Basic conventions for representing areas on cuts and sections
ISO 129 Technical drawings—Indication of dimensions and tolerances
ISO 216 paper sizes, e.g. the A4 paper size
ISO 406:1987 Technical drawings—Tolerancing of linear and angular dimensions
ISO 1660:1987 Technical drawings—Dimensioning and tolerancing of profiles
ISO 2203:1973 Technical drawings—Conventional representation of gears
ISO 3040:1990 Technical drawings—Dimensioning and tolerancing -- Cones
ISO 3098/1:1974 Technical Drawing - Lettering - Part I: Currently Used Characters
ISO 4172:1991 Technical drawings -- Construction drawings—Drawings for the assembly of prefabricated structures
ISO 5261:1995 Technical drawings—Simplified representation of bars and profile sections
ISO 5455:1979 Technical drawings—Scales
ISO 5456 Technical drawings -- Projection methods
• ISO 5456-1:1996 Technical drawings—Projection methods—Part 1: Synopsis
• ISO 5456-2:1996 Technical drawings—Projection methods—Part 2: Orthographic representations
• ISO 5456-3:1996 Technical drawings—Projection methods—Part 3: Axonometric representations
• ISO 5456-4:1996 Technical drawings—Projection methods—Part 4: Central projection
ISO 5457:1999 Technical product documentation—Sizes and layout of drawing sheets
ISO 5459:1981 Technical drawings -- Geometrical tolerancing—Datums and datum-systems for geometrical tolerances
ISO 5845-1:1995 Technical drawings—Simplified representation of the assembly of parts with fasteners—Part 1: General principles
ISO 6410-1:1993 Technical drawings—Screw threads and threaded parts—Part 1: General conventions
ISO 6411:1982 Technical drawings—Simplified representation of centre holes
ISO 6412-1:1989 Technical drawings—Simplified representation of pipelines—Part 1: General rules and orthogonal representation
ISO 6413:1988 Technical drawings—Representation of splines and serrations
ISO 6428:1982 Technical drawings—Requirements for microcopying
ISO 6433:1981 Technical drawings -- Item references
ISO 7200:1984 Technical drawings — Title blocks
ISO 7083:1983 Technical drawings—Symbols for geometrical tolerancing—Proportions and dimensions
ISO 7437:1990 Technical drawings -- Construction drawings—General rules for execution of production drawings for prefabricated structural components
ISO 7519:1991 Technical drawings -- Construction drawings—General principles of presentation for general arrangement and assembly drawings
ISO 8015:1985 Technical drawings—Fundamental tolerancing principle
ISO 8048:1984 Technical drawings -- Construction drawings—Representation of views, sections and cuts
ISO 8560:1986 Technical drawings -- Construction drawings—Representation of modular sizes, lines and grids
ISO 8560:1986 Technical drawings—Construction drawings—Representation of modular sizes, lines and grids
ISO 8826-1:1989 Technical drawings—Rolling bearings—Part 1: General simplified representation
ISO 8826-2:1994 Technical drawings—Rolling bearings—Part 2: Detailed simplified representation
ISO 9222-1:1989 Technical drawings—Seals for dynamic application—Part 1: General simplified representation
ISO 9222-2:1989 Technical drawings—Seals for dynamic application—Part 2: Detailed simplified representation
ISO 10209-1:1992 Technical product documentation—Vocabulary—Part 1: Terms relating to technical drawings: general and types of drawings
ISO 10578:1992 Technical drawings—Tolerancing of orientation and location—Projected tolerance zone
ISO 10579:1993 Technical drawings—Dimensioning and tolerancing—Non-rigid parts
ISO 13567 is an international Computer-aided design (CAD) layer standard.
ISO 13715:2000 Technical drawings—Edges of undefined shape—Vocabulary and indications
ISO 15786:2008 Technical drawings—Simplified representation and dimensioning of holes