Test Form 1
Test Form 1
Test Form 1
7. Ahmad makes a prediction that the 11. Diagram 2 shows a pendulum.
rougher the surface, the slower the
object moves on it. What is the step of
scientific method involved?
A. Collecting data
B. Suggesting a hypothesis
C. Identifying the variables
D. Analysing data
P: Collecting data
Q: Making a conclusion
R: Planning the experiment Which of the above pendulums swings
S: Analysing and interpreting data the fastest?
T: Writing a report
14. Table 1 shows the prefixes of SI units
used in measurement.
Which of the following is the correct
order? milli kilo micro centi Mega
A. R, P, Q, S, T C. R, S, P, Q, T
B. R, Q, P, S, T D. R, P, S, Q, T Table 1
Arrange the prefix values in ascending
A. Micro, milli, centi, kilo, Mega
B. Mega, centi, micro, kilo, milli
C. Milli, kilo, micro, centi, Mega
D. Mega, kilo, centi, milli, micro
15. Which physical quantity is matched C. To measure the density of an object
correctly to its SI unit? D. To hold an object
17. Which of the following is equivalent to What is the weight of the fish if the total
3570m? mass of the crab and prawn is 2.5kg?
A. 35 700mm C. 3 570 000cm A. 0.7kg C. 1.5kg
B. 357 000dm D. 3.57Km B. 0.9kg D. 1.8kg
18. What is the difference between mass 22. Diagram 7 shows how the volume of a
and weight? stone and a cork is measured.
I they are measured using different
II They are measured in different
III They are measured in different
A. I and II only C. II and III only
B. I and III only D. I, II and III
23. Diagram 8 shows a measuring cylinder C. the specimen is always dry
which is used to measure the D. air bubbles are not formed
volume of liquid.`
27. Figure 8 shows a plant cell.
24. A student filled a measuring cylinder What is the function of the part labelled
with 50ml of water. She put in 10 X?
marbles of equal size into the water. A. To carry out photosynthesis
The water level rose to 90ml. B. To maintain the shape of the cell
C. To store mineral salts and sugar.
D. To control all the activities of the
Section B
(b) Structure Q controls the movement of substances in and out of the cell
X :____________________________________________________1(m)
Y :____________________________________________________1(m)
(b) What is the thickness of the measuring tube shown in the diagram?
_____________________________________________________ 2 (m)
(c) State two other things that can be measured by using the measuring tools as shown in
the diagram.
1. ____________________________________________________ 1(m)
2. ____________________________________________________ 1(m)
3. Table 3 shows some common hazards symbols that can be found in a science laboratory.
Table 3 4(m)
Answer Scheme
Science Test 1 Form 1
Section A
1 D
2 C
3 B
4 B
5 D
6 A
7 B
8 A
9 C
10 D
11 B
12 D
13 C
14 A
15 D
16 B
17 D
18 A
19 B
20 C
21 C
22 D
23 B
24 B
25 D
26 D
27 A
28 B
29 B
30 C
Section B
Diagram 1 shows cells M and N.
2(b) What is the thickness of the measuring tube shown in the diagram?
= d² - d¹ cm
= 2.30 – 2.15
2( c) Beaker 1(m)
glass bottle 1(m)
Radioactive Uranium
Table 3
(b) Complete the table with the correct answers
Physical quantity S.I Unit Symbol of Unit
length Metre m
Temperature Kelvin K
Mass Kilogram kg