SET 2 - Materials-Engineer-Examination
SET 2 - Materials-Engineer-Examination
SET 2 - Materials-Engineer-Examination
Instruction: Choose the best answer. The Examination is good for two hours.
1. sand cone, jug (at least 4 liters), guide plate, moisture cans, sand weighing
scale, oven with temperature control, chisel, or digging tools, plastic bags
and labeling materials (tag name), is use for?
a. FDT b. Moisture Content c. Abrasion Test d. CBR Test
2. What is the standard diameter of an orifice in FDT sand cone?
a. 1.7mm b. 2.7mm c. 12.7mm d. 25mm
3. The two major components of concrete are _______and Mineral Aggregates.
a. water b. fine sand c. paste d. none of the above
4. What is the minimum sample for moisture content determination if the maximum size of particles is
50mm (2 inches)?
a. 20-1500kgs b. 25-1000kgs c. 50-1000kgs d. none of the above
5. What is the minimum mass of field sample for a maximum size of fine aggregates at 4.75mm (no.4)?
a. 25 lb b. 10 kgs c. a & b d. none of the above
6. What is the minimum mass of field sample for a maximum size of fine aggregates at 4.75mm (no.4)?
a. 25 lb b. 10 kgs c. a & b d. none of the above
7. . What is minimum mass of field samples for coarse aggregate with a maximum nominal size of aggregates of
50mm (2 inches)?
a. 75kgs b. 100 kgs c. 150 kgs d. 175 kgs
8. What is minimum mass of field samples for coarse aggregate with a maximum nominal size of aggregates
of 9.5mm (3/8”)?
a. 15kgs b. 10kgs c. 50 kgs d. 25 kgs
9. What is minimum mass of field samples for coarse aggregate with a maximum nominal size of aggregates of
12.5mm (1/2”)?
a. 15kgs b. 10kgs c. 50 kgs d. 25 kgs
10. What is minimum mass of field samples for coarse aggregate with a maximum nominal size of aggregates
of 19.0mm (3/4”)?
a. 15kgs b. 10kgs c. 50 kgs d. 25 kgs
11. What is minimum mass of field samples for coarse aggregate with a maximum nominal size of aggregates
of 25.0mm (1”)?
a. 110lbs b. 10kgs c. 25kgs d. a & c
12. What is minimum mass of field samples for coarse aggregate with a maximum nominal size of aggregates
of 37.5.0mm (1 1/2”)?
a. 110lbs b. 75kgs c. 85kgs d. a & c
13. What is minimum mass of field samples for coarse aggregate with a maximum nominal size of aggregates
of 63mm (2 1/2”)?
a. 110lbs b. 125kgs c. 185kgs d. a & c
14. What is minimum mass of field samples for coarse aggregate with a maximum nominal size of aggregates
of 75mm (3”)?
a. 110lbs b. 175kgs c. 185kgs d. 150kgs
15. What is minimum mass of field samples for coarse aggregate with a maximum nominal size of aggregates
of 90mm (3 1/2”)?
a. 110lbs b. 175kgs c. 185kgs d. 150kgs
16 What is the minimum mass of coarse aggregates retained on the 2.0mm sieve shall be set a side for sieve
analysis for 50mm (2 inches) particle size?
a. 2kgs b. 3kgs c. 4kgs d. 5kgs
17 What is the minimum mass of coarse aggregates retained on the 2.0mm sieve shall be set a side for sieve
analysis for 25mm (1 inch) particle size?
a. 2kgs b. 3kgs c. 4kgs d. 5kgs
18 What is the minimum mass of coarse aggregates retained on the 2.0mm sieve shall be set a side for sieve
analysis for 75mm (3 inches) particle size?
a. 2kgs b. 3kgs c. 4kgs d. 5kgs
19. Determines the purity of asphalt on how much bitumen is in the asphalt?
a. asphaltene b. petrolene c. solubility d. none of the above
20. The properties of asphalt depend upon this ________ substance which is soluble in petroleum solvents.
a. asphaltene b. petrolene c. solubility d. none of the above
21. Imparts ductility and high breakpoint
a. asphaltene b. petrolene c. solubility d. resin
22. The permitted variations in design requirements of aggregates subbase materials on surface irregularity
measured by a 3m straight edge.
a. +20mm b. +10mm c. -10mm d. a&c
23. The permitted variations in design requirements of aggregates sub-grade materials on surface irregularity
measured by a 3m straight edge.
a. +20mm b. +10mm c. -30mm d. -20mm
24. The permitted variations in design requirements of aggregates base course materials on surface irregularity
measured by a 3m straight edge.
a. +5mm b. +10mm c. -5mm d. -20mm
25. The permitted variations in design requirements of item 203, 206, 300 materials on surface irregularity
measured by a 3m straight edge.
a. +20mm b. +5mm c. -5mm d. -20mm
26. The permitted variations in design requirements of aggregates base course materials on crossfall or
a. 0.2% b. 0.3% c. 0.5% d. 0.4%
27. The permitted variations in design requirements of aggregates subbase materials on crossfall or camber.
a. 0.2% b. 0.3% c. 0.5% d. 0.4%
28. The permitted variations in design requirements of aggregates sub-grade materials on crossfall or camber.
a. 0.2% b. 0.3% c. 0.5% d. 0.4%
29. The permitted variations in design requirements of aggregates on 203,206,300 materials on
a. 0.2% b. 0.3% c. 0.5% d. 0.4%
30. The permitted thickness layer requirements of aggregates on base course materials.
a. ±20mm b. ±10mm c. ±15mm d. ±25mm
31. The permitted thickness layer requirements of aggregates on subbase course materials.
a. ±20mm b. ±10mm c. ±15mm d. ±25mm
32. The permitted thickness layer requirements of aggregates on sub-grade materials.
a. ±20mm b. ±10mm c. ±15mm d. none of the above
33. The permitted thickness layer requirements of aggregates on Item 203,206 materials.
a. ±20mm b. ±10mm c. ±15mm d. none of the above
34. The permitted thickness layer requirements of aggregates on Item 300 materials.
a. +15mm b. -5mm c. ±15mm d. a & b
35. The permitted variations in design requirements of item 203, 206, 300 materials on design longitudinal
grade over 25meter length on item 105, 200, 201, 203, 206, 300?
a. 0.2% b. 0.3% c. 0.1% d. 0.4%
36. A type of bitumen use in bituminous concrete surface course which is a product of the distillation of crude
a. petroleum asphalt b. coal c. tar d. none of the above
37. A type of Cut-Back asphalt whicj dissolves in diesel.
a. slow curing b. medium curing c. rapid curing d. none of the above
38. A type of cut back asphalt which dissolves in gasoline.
a. slow curing b. medium curing c. rapid curing d. none of the above
39. What is the range of tolerance in a job-mix formula of an aggregates passing No.4 and larger…
a. ± 5% b. ± 7% c. ± 4% d. ± 10%
40. What is the range of tolerance in a job-mix formula of an aggregates passing No.8 and No.100.
a. ± 5% b. ± 7% c. ± 4% d. ± 10%
41. What is the range of tolerance in a job-mix formula of an aggregates passing No.200.
a. ± 1% b. ± 2% c. ± 3% d. ± 4%
42. In the construction of bridge projects, what is the method used to determine the casting length of the
regular piles?
a. test pitting b. test piling c. steel testing d. none of the above
43. Type of emulsified asphalt that works better with wet aggregates and cold weather.
a. cationic emulsion b. anionic emulsion c. cut-back asphalt d. none of the above
44. Type of emulsified asphalt which adhere better to aggregates which has positive charges.
a. cationic emulsion b. anionic emulsion c. cut-back asphalt d. none of the above
45. The maximum permissible water-cement ratio for strength of 3,000 psi.
a. 0.50 b. 0.45 c. 0.55 d. 0.58
46. How many hours does a fine aggregates tested for specific gravity and absorption be soaked in water?
a. 4-10 hrs b. 15-19hrs c. 20-25hrs d. none of the above
47. What is the required speed of Los Angeles Abrasion Machine per minute
a. 20-25mm/min b. 20-23mm/min c. 30-33mm/min d. 35-38mm/mim
48. What is the size or diameter and weight of cast-iron spheres use in abrasion?
a. approximately 46.8 mm diameter and each weighing between 390-455 grams
b. approximately 47.8 mm diameter and each weighing between 390-455 grams
c. approximately 48.8 mm diameter and each weighing between 390-455 grams
d. approximately 49.8 mm diameter and each weighing between 390-455 grams
49. What is the required total wt. of sample for abrasion test of coarse aggregate, grading A with 12 numbers
of spheres?
a. 4584 ±25 grams b. 3330 ±25 grams c. 2500 ±25 grams d. 5,000 ±25 grams.
50. What is the required total wt. of sample for abrasion test of coarse aggregate, grading B with 11 numbers
of spheres?
a. 4584 ±25 grams b. 3330 ±25 grams c. 2500 ±25 grams d. 5,000 ±25 grams.
51. What is the required total wt. of sample for abrasion test of coarse aggregate, grading C with 8 numbers
of spheres?
a. 4584 ±25 grams b. 3330 ±20 grams c. 2500 ±25 grams d. 5,000 ±25 grams.
52. What is the required total wt. of sample for abrasion test of coarse aggregate, grading D with 6 numbers
of spheres?
a. 4584 ±25 grams b. 3330 ±25 grams c. 2500 ±12 grams d. 5,000 ±25 grams.
53. What is the required total wt. of sample for abrasion test of coarse aggregate, grading E,F,G with 12
numbers of spheres?
a. 4584 ±25 gram b. 3330 ±25 grams c. 2500 ±25 grams d. 5,000 ±25 grams.
54. What is the rotation of the Los Angeles Machine, grading A ,B,C,D per revolutions?
a. 750 revolutions b. 500 revolutions c. 1000 revolutions d. 550 revolutions.
55. What is the rotation of the Los Angeles Machine, grading E,F,G per revolutions?
a. 750 revolutions b. 500 revolutions c. 1000 revolutions d. 550 revolutions.
56. it evaluates the structural strength of coarse aggregates gives an indication of quality as determined by
resistance to impact and wear it determines whether the aggregates will have degradation during traffic of
a. CBR test b. Abrasion test c. ductility test d. all of the above
57. What is the sieve use in sieving materials form Abrasion Machine?
a. sieve # 12 (1.70mm) b. sieve # 10 (2.00mm) c. sieve # 4 (4.75 mm) d. sieve # 40 (0.425mm)
89. What is the instrument that is used for examining the quality of rigid materials such as rocks and concrete?
(This instrument or equipment is a non-destructive portable instrument with dimensions of 110 x 180 x
160mm and the main uses include the determination of concrete strength (either in-situ or pre-cast0, also
to determine the presence of voids, cracks and other imperfections.)
a. pundit ultrasonic concrete tester b. nuclear density gauge (NDG)
c. 3-meter straight-edge d. Benkelman Beam and Deflection Logger
90. What is the instrument or equipment used for surface test of concrete and asphalt pavements as soon as
the asphalt mix has been initially compacted?
a. pundit ultrasonic concrete tester b. nuclear density gauge (NDG)
c. 3-meter straight-edge d. Benkelman Beam and Deflection Logger
91. An instrument used to measure pavement deflections resulting from vehicle wheel loadings. The results
of the elastic deformation tests are used to evaluate the structural conditions of roads, and to help in the
design of road strengthening measures and road capacity improvements.
a. pundit ultrasonic concrete tester b. nuclear density gauge (NDG)
c. 3-meter straight-edge d. Benkelman Beam and Deflection Logger
92. A manually-operated device for deriving a measurement of roughness from the surface profile, which may
be expressed in terms of International Roughness Index (IRI)
a. falling weight deflectometer b. rebar locator
c. Dynamic Cone Penetration (DCP) d. MERLIN Road Roughness Measuring Device
93. What is the instrument that is used to pinpoint rebar’s, conduits, pipes, nails and other metals embedded
in concrete before cutting or drilling?
a. falling weight deflectometer b. rebar locator
c. Dynamic Cone Penetration (DCP) d. MERLIN Road Roughness Measuring Device
94. An equipment which is used to measure differential deflections between joints of a concrete pavement, to
determine the modulus of the existing slabs for use in the design of an overlay, and to estimate the
remaining life of an existing pavement
a. falling weight deflectometer b. rebar locator
c. Dynamic Cone Penetration (DCP) d. MERLIN Road Roughness Measuring Device
95. An equipment that is used for the rapid in-situ measurement of the structural properties of existing with
unbound granular materials.
a. falling weight deflectometer b. rebar locator
c. Dynamic Cone Penetration (DCP) d. MERLIN Road Roughness Measuring Device
96. This item consist of placing markings on the finished pavement. The work shall include the furnishing of
finished of premixed reflectorized traffic pain or reflectorized pavement marking paint conforming to the
requirements ASTM 248.
a. Item 606 b. Pavement marking c. none of the above d. a & b
97. The dried paint film shall not show blistering, peeling, wrinkling and discoloration when immersed in
water for______ hrs.
a. 24 hrs b. 18 hrs c. 36 hrs d. 72 hrs
98. What is the specific gravity of Pavement marking (Item 606)?
a. 1.5 min b. 2.4 min c. 1.7min d. 2.0min
99. The amount of glass beads or glass spheres requirement when mixed with the paint shall be:
a. 750 g/L b. 550 g/L c. 500 g/L d. 600 g/L
100.. The appearance of glass beads shall be transparent, colorless, and the sum of the particles that are fused,
plane , angular , and colored and contains ________ shall not exceed 20 percent.
a. pigments b. beads c. particles d. bubbles