Boys' Life Projects - Crystal Radio

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Step 1
What You’ll Do
Step 2
STEP 1: Wind 26-gauge wire (the green magnet wire)
around the glue stick until it covers nearly the entire cylin-
der. Keep the wire tight. Leave about six inches of wire on

Radios might seem super high-tech. But with about $10 and one
each end. Once you’re finished winding it, tape around both
ends of the cylinder to make sure the wire holds. Then,
mount the coil to the board with electrical tape.

STEP 2: Strip the ends of the wire you’ve left from each
end of the coil. Use wire stripping pliers or sandpaper. The
afternoon, you can make one at home. By Darrin Scheid - Illustrations by Dave Aikins wire is very thin. Removing the enamel and exposing about
one inch of the wire should be easy.

What You’ll Need STEP 3: Attach the wire from the right side of the coil to
* Magnet wire: Electronics supply one end of your diode. Tape the connection.
stores sell a set, for about $4, that
comes with 40 feet of 22-gauge, 75 STEP 4: Cut the end of the phone cord and strip about two
feet of 26-gauge and 200 feet of 30- inches of it. It should expose two wires. Strip those wires.
gauge magnet wire. Take your time; this wire is
If your phone
*1 set of alligator leads with clips thin. (Try this tip: Before
cord has four wires Step 4
at each end. hooking up the tiny telephone
instead of two, you have
* 1 diode: Look for IN34A diodes, cord wires, get some thicker
to figure out which two
also called “germanium diodes,” at insulated magnet wire and
will work. Take a 9-volt Step 3
Step 5
an electronics supply store. tape about two inches to each
battery and place one cord
*1 glue stick or anything similar in wire. This will make the rest
against the positive (+)
size—about 1 inch by 1 inch by 6 of the job easier.) Attach one
pole of the battery and
inches. It can be a piece of wood. It end of the wire to the ex-
another cord on the nega-
doesn’t have to be perfectly round, posed end of the diode. Tape
tive (-). When you find a
but using something round is easier that connection.
combination that makes a
for winding. clicking sound in the head-
*Electrical tape STEP 5: Connect the second
set, you have found the Step 7
*Wire stripping pliers telephone wire to the green
two wires to use.
*Telephone handset with cord. If wire coming from the left side
you don’t have an old phone that you of the coil. Before taping this connection, clip one of the
don’t use anymore, you’ll need to buy alligator leads to it. Tape those three wires together—the
a telephone cord, then borrow the alligator lead (that’s your ground wire), the telephone wire
headset long enough to make the and the wire coming from the left side of the coil.
radio work.
* One board for mounting your STEP 6: Make your antenna by clipping one of the remain-
radio—2 feet by 2 feet will work. You ing alligator lead wires to one end of the 22-gauge magnet
can make the radio without this, but wire. Leave this wire on its roll.
having a workspace and a place to
Step 6
mount the radio makes it easier to STEP 7: Scrape a thin strip of enamel from the wire
carr y around while you’re looking wrapped around the glue stick. You can do this with any
for a place to hook the ground wire. sharp object or a piece of sandpaper.

HOW YOUR RADIO WORKS The words and music are sent into a quency “sound” waves. They travel SEE IF IT WORKS • If you can’t get any signal, it’s probably your
Radios have been around for more than transmitter at a local radio station. The through the air and hit your radio antenna Attach your telephone cord to its handset. ground wire. With permission from an adult, unscrew
100 years. Your AM creation—also called a sounds are converted into electronic wire. When you touch the antenna to the Find a good ground for the alligator wire that’s connected to one bolt that holds the faceplate to a light switch or
crystal radio—will operate the same basic impulses. Those impulses are sent in coil, the impulses are pulled down to the the left side of your coil. A pipe going into the ground is perfect. outlet. Unscrew it just enough to hook your alligator
way radios did in the late 1800’s. waves up the big antenna you see at the magnetic circuit you created. Your radio Unroll the antenna wire and hang it over a tree branch with clip. Don’t remove the plate.
Sound travels through the air from a station. From there they go into the air. tosses away the carrier wave and converts help from an adult. • If you get a weak signal, it’s your antenna. If your parents have an
transmitter at one location into a receiver Each radio station has a high-frequency the sound wave back into original form— Touch the alligator clip that leads to your antenna wire to the old television antenna, hook your radio antenna wire to one of the con-
at another. Here’s how it works: “carrier” wave that it uses to send low-fre- words and music. top of the coil. You should be able to hear an AM radio signal. nections on the TV antenna wire instead of running wire up a tree.

Courtesy of BOYS’ LIFE magazine A WWW.BOYSLIFE.ORG

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