Five Customer-Focused Steps To Increase Profitability in The Steel Industry
Five Customer-Focused Steps To Increase Profitability in The Steel Industry
Five Customer-Focused Steps To Increase Profitability in The Steel Industry
to reduce complexity
Identify customer requirements
under consideration of process
5 Adapt personnel,
procedural and
informational skills
to facilitate the
new approach
Market situation
The consequences are rising from automotive suppliers and original import volume of 95 million tons in 2014,
overcapacity and declining utilization equipment manufacturers (OEMs) that for instance, Chinese imports in Europe
while volatility remains high (see have merged into buying powerhouses. were almost at the same level as total
Figure 1). The seriousness of this crisis Supported by sinking transportation costs production from European steelmakers—
is further intensified by growing Chinese and improving logistics capabilities, steel approximately 100 million tons per year.1
exports without ease in sight. is now produced almost anywhere in the
world and shipped at reasonable prices
At the same time, prices linger at a with reduced effort. In Europe, North
low level, and steel users have begun America and many other markets, the
to substitute competitive products like increase in exports from China is putting
aluminum or plastic components. Prices further stress on prices. With a total
have also been impacted by pressure
Figure 1. Global steel capacity continues to grow despite increasing challenges in the market.
0% 0 US$/t
2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
Wocher, Martin. “EU wehrt sich gegen Stahl-Dumping,“ Handelsblatt, 13 May 2015.
Further complication and
traditional reaction
Historically, steelmakers have reacted with temporary price
decreases and short-term cost reductions. This has taken a
toll on profits for many producers in industrialized countries.
Leading practices for
customer focus
A long-term measure that will help improve profitability and reduce
volatility is to align steel production with customer needs. The
steelmakers that pursue this strategy will have a key differentiator
in this new buyers’ market.
1 Identify customer requirements
under consideration of process
Steelmakers can better understand customers’ plans by
striving to understand their needs and communicating in a
way that addresses those needs. For instance, if customers
desire price certainty, producers can seek to offer it, rooted
in a deep understanding of the steelmaker’s own costs
throughout the internal supply chain.
Accenture has worked with many The focus on customer needs will further
companies in the resources industries to improve the understanding of buying
explore both the obvious and obscure patterns in the steel value chain overall.
needs of the customer. We link those Steelmakers can anticipate changes in
needs with the customers’ willingness demand based on early warning signs,
to pay for customization and related allowing these producers to gain a
services. We also help our clients change short-term competitive advantage by
their sales approach and organization to adapting their own market behavior
hone in on this area of opportunity. before their competitors can do so.
Steelmakers can do this in addition
In a recent steel industry analysis, for to covering the basic factors and
example, Accenture collaborated with striving for delivery as promised.
a client to jointly define and agree on
their customers’ key buying criteria
and how those related to basic factors,
such as delivery reliability or product
quality standards. After determining
this, the team interviewed customers
and developed an ideal offering that was
linked to the customers’ willingness to
pay. As a final step, Accenture developed
pricing options for various services and
products for the steelmaker.
2 Understand the profitability
range of products and services
to reduce complexity
Most steel producers have a supply and production
chain that ranges from ironmaking to semi-finished and
finished products. The diversity in steel grades, dimensions,
production paths, mechanical properties, tolerances and
surface treatments increases complexity in production
planning and execution.
Unplanned downtimes, production Therefore, Accenture recommends a 1. Either R&D efforts only led to
breakdowns or changes introduced by the strong customer focus that results in incremental rather than breakthrough
customer make production-as-planned an limiting and prioritizing product offerings innovation, or
extraordinary challenge. It becomes even for customer segments. This approach
2. Customers have not been willing
more complicated when steelmakers try provides many benefits for both the
to pay for results of extensive R&D
to adjust production based on poor data— customer and the steelmaker. A detailed
or, in some cases, no data at all. portfolio analysis of delivery performance,
real efforts and margins highlights the R&D provides the foundation for high-
With inferior or missing data, steelmakers steelmakers’ strengths in the supply and quality products and related service
exert a great deal of effort in an ad-hoc production chain. Those products and offerings. The focus must, however, shift
manner, as they try to make the supply customers in the profitable range should to collaborative R&D. Rapid innovation
and production chain more efficient become the “baseline.” can have an immediate impact. As such,
(often attempting this manually). This
steelmakers that successfully operate
threatens delivery performance and Products outside this range likely require
a short innovation and R&D cycle can
customer satisfaction, and it also leads to greater effort to ensure quality and
capture market share by immediately
lower transparency about the “real” costs delivery as promised. They can still be
responding to customer needs.
of production, lead times and ultimately offered to those customers that are
customer/order profitability. willing to pay a premium to compensate Since this approach is in line with the
for the steelmaker’s higher cost basis current market situation, it becomes clear
Considering this, it is critical to reduce and the ripple effects in planning and that the “filling the mill” mentality that
complexity in the supply and production production. However, capacity and worked in the past may actually harm
chain in order to become and stay capabilities in the production and profitability. Instead, profitability can be
profitable and to deliver as promised. supply chain, as well as pricing, have boosted by focusing on customer needs,
One way to manage this is to analyze the to be carefully evaluated to ensure the providing the right services and delivering
portfolio and identify product priorities, required margins are maintained for the as promised. These are more important
while at the same time offering limited steelmaker. Balancing product quality and than a singular focus on production
product customization based on the reliability with controlled complexity and volumes and utilization.
customer’s willingness to pay. This is a pricing are key capabilities to master.
difficult balance to achieve.
Furthermore, long-term profitability
Initially, providing a wide, unprioritized requires a portfolio that meets evolving
range of products may seem to be in the customer needs. In order to retain
interest of both the customer and the profitability, R&D efforts must serve as
steelmaker. But even if a wider range an enabler to the paradigm change and
of products targets more customers be in sync with customers’ willingness
and might be helpful for increasing the to pay. Accenture analysis shows that
utilization of production facilities, a lack today steelmakers approach R&D very
of prioritization will eventually endanger differently. We see no direct relation to
delivery performance and, with it, the improved profitability, which is based on
customers’ willingness to pay prices for one of two reasons:
products and services that are profitable
for the steelmaker.
3 Segment customers based
on service requirements
and profitability
The concept of customer segmentation is not new to the
steel industry. It has been practiced with varying complexity
and effectiveness for decades. We are suggesting an
additional element to boost effectiveness of customer
segmentation approaches for steelmakers.
The underlying goal is to fully capture products. It requires production and on factors such as their profitability and
customers’ willingness to pay for delivery processes that are based on strategic importance as a customer.
products and services. To achieve data from different systems that can
this aim, steelmakers should segment help estimate capacity and ensure the Once customer segmentation is executed,
customers and define product and processes remain profitable. In addition, the next step is to focus on new sales
service offerings based on multiple steelmakers must align these processes opportunities by reaching out directly to
dimensions (see Figure 2). This to the promised service levels. end customers, instead of going through
segmentation approach can only be done service centers and traders. Selling to the
if basic promised quality and delivery While regional and industry end customer provides an opportunity
performance are already met. However, considerations should be embedded in to reap higher profits on sales, but it
this is not only difficult to achieve, but any market segmentation, including also means understanding downstream
it also requires constant monitoring customer requirements is the key to markets by rigorously gathering market
and updating when requirements improving sales effectiveness. This needs- and customer intelligence through data.
and collaboration modes change. based approach does not mean offering
services and support to all customers for
Providing high delivery reliability for a set price. It should, however, include
customized products is more complex clearly structured service bundles that
and capital intensive than for standard are offered to groups of customers based
Figure 2. Multidimensional, needs-based customer segmentation boosts effectiveness and efficiency in sales.
It is important to remember that customer Figure 3. The paradigm change cycle displays the interlinked factors to achieve
segments cannot be developed only once. sustainable change in the steelmaking industry.
They must be in constant evolution—just
like the organization that is built around
meeting the needs of these evolving
Customer Requirements
customer groups. This approach will
and Willingness To Pay
require companies to dynamically adjust
customer segments, processes and
related business rules (see Figure 3).
Figure 4. The three dimensions of understanding the customer support the entire sales process based on actionable segmentation.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Segmentation Product & Channel Sales Pre-sales Post-sales
service offering Marketing Sales
preparation operation operation support support
How can current What product What What channel What number How should What What support
customer and service marketing fits with of sales sales resources cross-sell is required to
segments offerings are effort and customer resources will prioritize time or up-sell retain customers,
be integrated profitable? approach is segments, be allocated to between opportunities considering their
to the new effective with products each customer customer care exist per requirements,
approach and different and services? segment? and future customer characteristics,
future segments segments? opportunities? segment? attractiveness and
be treated willingness to pay
differently? for products
and services?
4 Transform supply chains
into highly reliable and
agile ecosystems
To meet the requirements of each customer segment and
benefit from the new sales approach, steel companies must
be redesigned to turn “reactive” production and a “reactive”
supply chain into a highly reliable and agile system.
An agile supply chain will help improve defective production and downtimes events. This unused capacity in the
order-to-delivery times and increase can be better compensated for because production plan of each line generates
flexibility when customer orders change, the steelmaker has the flexibility to flexibility and agility for all unplanned
for instance, by decoupling production achieve the customer specification matters that come up, including
at certain points and creating reserved later in the production process (e.g., downtimes and orders with special
production capacity. through cutting or grinding the requirements for lead time, dimensions,
material), as long as suitable decoupling grades and additional treatments.
Decoupling can take place at the point points and products were chosen.
in the material flow where a material The key challenge here is to eventually
becomes linked with a specific subsequent Decoupling points can be well executed utilize all available capacity even though
product or even the final material/product for so-called “runner” products, which some has been held back in reserve.
in the customer order (see Figure 5). are simpler to forecast (e.g., due to In other words, there is nothing wrong
Before decoupling points are identified, stable base demand from a certain with filling the mill, as long as it is not
steelmakers must narrow down the customer group). Short-term changes, at the cost of on-time delivery. With
product offering by customer segment by unexpected downtimes, special these points in mind, it is only possible to
defining the pre-products for each group. requirements and products that cannot decouple production and create a reserve
be operated through decoupling points production capacity if digital, end-to-end
Decoupling results in shorter lead times, still endanger the guarantee of delivery- processes enable better management of
decreased inventory levels for finished as-promised. When this guarantee the supply chain.
goods and increased flexibility for the is made, it means steelmakers must
steelmaker and customers. In addition, hold back capacity for unexpected
Figure 5. Decoupling points and focused products are two major levers to realize and ensure shorter order-to-delivery times
and flexibility toward order changes.
Product Variation
5 Adapt personnel, procedural
and informational skills to
facilitate the new approach
To achieve a fundamental paradigm change, processes, roles
and technology must be closely aligned. Enterprise resource
planning (ERP) systems must deliver timely and efficient
management reporting and analytics to enable integrated
planning, such as planning for machine utilization, staff
deployment and purchasing of primary materials.
This will help reduce costs and downtime One benefit for both customers and
by optimizing resources. steelmakers is increased delivery
reliability through process and data
Defined roles and responsibilities are transparency from real-time or near
specifically needed in a process-driven real-time monitoring of the production
organization that is integrated from and supply chain. Any production delays
end-to-end. Sales, operations and supply can be reported early to the customer,
chain management must work together to and capacity that has been held back in
meet customer requirements and demand. reserve can be used if necessary.
This will entail disrupting the traditional
relationships between these departments, We recommend steelmakers begin now
likely requiring redesign of decision to streamline and strengthen their
making, target setting and performance system, data and process landscape,
management approaches to elicit the while planning ahead for a larger digital
desired behavior. overhaul that will ensure a leading
position in the future.
Even though implementing a new,
integrated sales and production approach
does not immediately require a holistic
digitalization of the organization,
steelmakers should consider it for
creating an agile production and supply
chain, and for reducing the risks inherent
with scattered processes and systems in
the organization.
Authors About Accenture
Christian Seyfarth Accenture is a leading global professional
Manager, Resources services company, providing a broad
Accenture Consulting range of services and solutions in strategy, consulting, digital, technology
and operations. Combining unmatched
Patrick Eisermann experience and specialized skills
Consultant, Resources
across more than 40 industries and all
Accenture Consulting
business functions – underpinned by
the world’s largest delivery network –
Dr. Julia Oppermann Accenture works at the intersection of
Senior Manager, Resources business and technology to help clients
Accenture Consulting improve their performance and create sustainable value for their stakeholders.
With more than 373,000 people serving
Götz Erhardt clients in more than 120 countries,
Managing Director, Resources Accenture drives innovation to improve
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