BBCGoodFoodUKNovember2015 PDF
BBCGoodFoodUKNovember2015 PDF
BBCGoodFoodUKNovember2015 PDF
EXCLUSIVE! our recipes
Nigella TESTED
‘All I want for Christmas –
from pickles to Pavlova’ Gingerbread
cake with
Tom Kerridge caramel icing
‘My ultimate holiday ham’
Edible gifts
& decorations
Festive food,
cookbooks, gifts,
gadgets & wine
Make it magical
Party food to share l Fluffy roasties – can’t be beaten!
l Glam winter cocktails l Bacon-basted turkey plus sauces, stuffings & sides
Whether you’re planning
a full-on family Christmas
or a special day for two, I fnd
that the trick is to do some
planning so that you have the
time to enjoy the preparation
as much as the occasion. Gifts
We’re here to help – this from your
issue is packed with inspiring p130
a set of
For more about this brilliant
offer, turn to page 150.
manager Lynn Swarbrick BBC One and BBC Two
Digital marketing manager Tam Fry Spokesman, Stuffed festive porchetta and Black & white rice
Phil Byles National Obesity Forum salad with cumin-roasted butternut squash
Valentina Harris President
Advertising director of Les Dames d’Escoffer
Jason Elson International, London
14 Nigella’s festive
food wishes
175 Take it to 10 Expand your recipe and at the BBC Good Food Shows DINE IN STYLE
repertoire with this hearty beef stew 17 What’s cooking News, reviews and buys Great savings on
177 Comfort & joy Easy puddings the whole 145 In next month’s issue Sneak preview 56-piece cutlery
family will love 150 BBC Good Food subscriber offers sets and a 16-piece
153 Chefs’ specials Recipes from TV shows dinnerware set
Good reads 182 Christmas cook school Timeplans, p163
14 Exclusive Nigella’s must-haves advice and ideas for your cheeseboard
55 Food lovers’ weekend Lyon 194 Classified advertisements
129 Sugar & spice How humble gingerbread 208 From your kitchen Your letters and photos
became a global favourite 209 Reader recipe Caulifower & chestnut soup
47 Gifts galore! Perfect pressies, large and Top-quality meat Half-price bedding
small, for the food lovers in your life Make our cover recipe – p126 Half-price Butcher’s Luxury duck-feather
146 Top baking gadgets Bake Off winners Cover photograph Steak Selection p181 toppers p185
pick the best. Plus, win the complete set TOBY SCOTT
Just 44.99
188 The big festive food test The Good Food Recipe CASSIE BEST
A handy four-step
team rates this year’s best buys Food styling
ladder that’s safe
193 Special deliveries Mail-order shopping SARAH COOK and
and easy to use
195 Cheers! Christmas wines and fzz CASSIE BEST
around the home
This month’s recipes and menus
RECIPE KEY Healthy option Low fat Gluten free Suitable for freezing
recipes from this issue you can rely on, and include tips and advice to
make your cooking easier.
Smart vegetarian menu for 6 All our recipes are tested thoroughly, so
they’ll work frst time for you at home.
Most are developed in our Test Kitchen
by our cookery team, with extra recipes
from food writers, TV chefs or cookbooks
– and every single one is tested before l Always use standard measuring spoons,
being included in the magazine. and never mix metric and imperial
l We keep ingredients to a minimum and Please note that recipes created for
prep time no longer than it needs to be. Advertisement features are checked by
l We help you to avoid waste by using full our cookery team but not tested in the
Shuki – warm beetroot & Truffed parsnip & packs, cans and jars where possible, or give Good Food Test Kitchen.
mushroom salad p96 brioche pudding p76 suggestions for using up leftovers.
l Where possible, we use humanely reared l Visit for advice on
meats, free-range chickens and eggs, and healthy eating and special diets, online
sustainably sourced fsh. conversion charts and thousands more
l We use unrefned sugars (such as golden triple-tested recipes.
caster sugar), unless we want white icing. You can also follow us on
l Where egg size is important, it is stated in,
the recipe. Instagram and Twitter @bbcgoodfood.
Helping you to eat well fat, sugar and salt are salt, with 1.5g or less; and low
Griddled chicory p76 Clementine, cranberry & All our recipes are analysed maximum daily amounts. in sugar, with 15g or less.
pistachio meringue by a nutritional therapist on HEALTHY Low in saturated fat,
wreath p114 a per-serving basis. Each What our recipe with 5g or less per serving;
recipe analysis includes listed symbols mean low in salt, with 1.5g or less;
ingredients only, excluding Simple recipes that and high in omega-3.
Relaxed drinks party for 8-10 optional extras such as everyone can make, even
CAL 500 calories or less per
The RIs for fat, saturated 5g or less per serving; low in
Let us know what you think BBC Good Food Magazine Reader Survey
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Terms and conditions The prize is one iPad Mini 16GB WiFi. One winner will be drawn at random after the closing date at 23.59 on 31 December 2015. Open to all residents of the UK and the
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I’ve never failed to get a Pavlova on the table Ever since I was a small child and got a
at this time of year, and I never want to. My pomegranate in my stocking, I’ve always
Lemon Pavlova is a thing of beauty. I scatter associated Christmas with these beautiful
toasted faked almonds on top, but at Christmas fruits with jewel seeds. I keep bowls heaped
these can be substituted with ruby-red with them, like edible decorations, and
pomegranate seeds. I also scatter the seeds in salads and over
puddings to give as much food as I can
a gleaming festive fourish.
This year, no festive buffet will
feel complete without a hand-
decorated savoury pie. You’ll see GF LOVES…
all kinds of twists on this British This Pudsey adult apron, l
mince pies, p30
Make a wish
FOR THE FRUIT it. Pack the rest of the mix around and
140g/5oz each raisins, sultanas and on top of the mandarin and smooth
currants over. You may have some mix left over,
How did the Stir-up Sunday custom begin? 140g/5oz glacé cherries, halved depending on the size of the basin.
Clare Hargreaves delves into the history 50g/2oz blanched almonds, chopped (If you’re not using the mandarin, just
1 medium Bramley apple, peeled, cored press it all in as you’ll have more room).
6 Tear off a sheet of foil and a sheet
ou have your basin, wooden spoon, dried and grated to give 175g/6oz fesh
fruit and spices Ð but why are you making 50ml/2f oz orange liqueur (I used of baking parchment, both about 30cm
your Christmas pudding on the last Sunday Cointreau) long. Butter the baking parchment and
before Advent? The name Stir-up Sunday derives 150ml/1/4pt medium or sweet Sherry use to cover the foil. Fold a 3cm pleat
from the Anglican ChurchÕs collect for the day in zest and juice 1 orange in the middle of the sheets, then put
The Book of Common Prayer, which starts: ÔStir FOR THE PUDDING over the pudding, buttered baking
up, we beseech thee, O Lord, the wills of thy 140g/5oz cold butter, plus extra, parchment-side down. Tie with string
faithful people; that they, plenteously bringing softened, for greasing under the lip of the basin, making a
forth the fruit of good works, may of thee be 175g/6oz dark muscovado sugar, plus handle as you go. Trim the parchment
plenteously rewarded.Õ 2 tbsp for coating the bowl and foil to about 5cm, then tuck the
The words of the prayer and its timing coincided 175g/6oz fresh white breadcrumbs foil around the parchment to seal.
with pre-Christmas preparations, which evidently 140g/5oz self-raising four 7 To cook the pudding, sit it on a
stirred a sense of humour in someone in the late 1 heaped tsp ground mixed spice heatproof saucer in a very large
Victorian period, and the link was made. But 2 large eggs, beaten saucepan, and pour in just-boiled water
thereÕs debate about just how long-standing the FOR THE MANDARIN MIDDLE to come halfway up the side of the
ÔtraditionÕ is. Some food historians, including 1 frm mandarin or large seedless basin. Cover and steam for 6 hrs, topping
Annie Gray, a panellist on BBC Radio 4Õs The clementine, weighing about 140g/5oz up the water occasionally. Alternatively,
Kitchen Cabinet, believe itÕs a lot more recent. 400g/14oz white granulated sugar place in a slow cooker, pour hot water
ÔStir-up Sunday seems to have originated as (it must be white for colour) halfway up the side of the basin and
a Victorian joke,Õ says Annie. ÔIt gained currency 2 tbsp orange liqueur cook on High for 81/2 hrs. Leave the
between the wars as people looked back with pudding to cool, and leave in a cool, dark
nostalgia to a rose-tinted past. And once 1 First, prepare the fruit. In a large place to mature. To reheat, steam in a
re-invented as a genuine tradition rather mixing bowl, combine the dried fruit, pan for 1 hr or remove the foil and
than a joke, the myth slowly gathered pace.Õ cherries, almonds and apple with the parchment, cover with cling flm and
According to ÔtraditionÕ, members of the family alcohol and the orange juice and zest. microwave on Medium for 10 mins. Cut
take it in turns to stir the pudding while each Cover with cling flm and leave for at the pudding with a sharp serrated knife,
makes a wish. But Annie says that in Victorian least a few hrs, or overnight if you can. so that the mandarin stays in place and
times, this seems unlikely. ÔThe involvement of a 2 Next, prepare the mandarin. Put it in everyone gets a piece. Serve with
whole family in making a dish doesnÕt ring true Ð a pan, cover with cold water, then cover cream or brandy butter.
in houses with servants, for example, children the surface with a scrunched-up piece of PER SERVING (10) 711 kcals • fat 16g • saturates 8g •
Black and white photograph ALAMY
were rarely welcome in the kitchen,Õ she says. baking parchment. Bring to the boil and carbs 142g • sugars 101g • fbre 3g • protein 8g • salt 0.8g
But whatever the origins, Annie believes that cook for 30 mins or until completely
Stir-up Sunday has its merits. ÔItÕs a jolly ritual, tender when poked with a cocktail stick. Tip
and if it encourages people to cook, why shouldnÕt Remove the mandarin from the water,
we accept it as a fun, modern tradition?Õ keeping 300ml of the cooking liquid in Save the cooking syrup – keep it in
â Do you cook on Stir-up Sunday? We’d love to the pan. Set aside the mandarin. the fridge – and use as a sweet base for
hear your stories and see your photos. Get in 3 Add the sugar to the cooking liquid mulled wine or festive cocktails.
touch at the addresses on page 209. in the pan and heat gently to dissolve.
800g/1lb 12oz mixed dried fruit (the TAKES 30 mins plus drying
kind that includes mixed peel) COVERS a 20cm/8in round cake
175g/6oz dried cranberries
TO FEED THE CAKE (each time) 4 tbsp apricot jam, warmed and sieved
2 tbsp dark rum icing sugar, sifted, for rolling out
1 tbsp maple syrup 750g/1lb 10oz natural marzipan
cooled boiled water or colourless alcohol
1 Start with the fruit. Pour the apple 750g/1lb 10oz white sugarpaste
juice into a saucepan and bring to a (fondant) icing
simmer. Add the butter, let it melt, then
take off the heat and add the syrup and 1 Sit the cake on a large fat plate or
rum. Put the mixed fruit and cranberries board and brush a thin layer of apricot
into a large bowl, pour over the hot rum jam over the top and sides.
mix, then cover tightly with cling flm 2 Dust the work surface with icing sugar.
and leave overnight. Lightly knead the marzipan until pliable,
2 The next day, heat oven to then roll out in one direction, turning the
160C/140C fan/gas 3. Grease and marzipan 90 degrees every few rolls
double-line a 20cm round, deep cake tin and keeping the pressure even. Keep it
with non-stick baking parchment. Beat in a circular shape, reshaping it if needed
the butter and sugar together until as you go. When large enough (about
creamy and pale, then gradually beat in 35cm across for a 20cm cake), lift over
Your basic cake recipe the eggs until light and fuffy. If the mix
starts to split or look lumpy, add 1 tbsp of
the cake. Smooth the top and sides with
your palms and trim with a knife. If you
Buttered rum the four and keep beating. Sift in the have time, leave to dry overnight.
Christmas cake four, spices and 1/4 tsp salt, and fold in 3 Clean the work surface and rolling pin.
If you’ve indulged in a cup of hot using a large spoon. Fold in the orange Using a pastry brush, lightly brush the
buttered rum in winters past, zest, nuts, soaked fruit and soaking liquid. sides with cooled boiled water or alcohol,
you’ll know what treats this cake 3 Spoon the batter into the tin, level the then cover with the sugarpaste icing,
has in store. Rum, apple juice and top, then make a slight dimple in the rolling it in the same way. Lift onto the
maple syrup – plus plenty of fruit, middle using the back of the spoon. cake, then work your way gradually
nuts and cranberries – make for Bake for 1 hr 30 mins, then reduce oven around, smoothing out any folds with
a crowd-pleasing Christmas cake to 140C/120C fan/gas 1 and bake for a your palms to avoid wrinkles forming.
that improves as it keeps. further 1 hr 45 mins or until it has risen, Polish the icing with the palms of your
Soak the fruit the night before so is a dark golden colour and a skewer hands (or a proper cake smoother) for a
you’re ready to stir up on Sunday. inserted into the middle of the cake smooth fnish. Trim with a sharp knife.
comes out clean. Put the tin on a cooling
1 OF 5
EASY A DAY rack and leave until warm. TO COVER THE TOP OF A CAKE ONLY (AS
SERVES 15-20 PREP 30 mins plus overnight 4 To feed the cake the frst time, use WITH THE MIDWINTER CANDLE CAKE)
soaking COOK 3 hrs 15 mins a cocktail stick to poke all over the top Use 500g marzipan and 500g
of the warm cake. Stir together the rum sugarpaste, and roll both into a 20cm
225g/8oz unsalted butter, softened, and maple syrup, then slowly spoon circle. Brush jam on the top of the cake.
plus extra for greasing over the cake. Cool completely, then Once the cake is topped, use a
225g/8oz light muscovado sugar remove the baking parchment, wrap straight-sided glass or jar to rub around
4 large eggs, beaten loosely in clean baking parchment the marzipan and icing to make them
225g/8oz plain four and store in an airtight tin. Feed the fush with the cake. If they’re not quite
2 tsp ground mixed spice cake every week to 10 days until you big enough, rub the top of the icing with
zest 1 small orange decorate it. the fat of your hands to make it spread a
85g/3oz pecan nuts or walnuts, PER SLICE (20) 421 kcals • fat 16g • saturates 8g • little, then use the glass or jar to smooth it.
toasted, then roughly chopped carbs 59g • sugars 50g • fbre 2g • protein 4g • salt 0.2g Turn over for three ways to decorate }
1 OF 5
2 large Bramley apples, peeled, cored MAKES 24 PREP 30 mins COOK 20-25 mins
and fnely chopped to give 450g/1lb
450g/1lb each currants, sultanas 100g/4oz soft pitted prunes, fnely
and raisins chopped (optional)
200g pot mixed candied peel 1 tbsp Armagnac or brandy (optional)
zest and juice of 1 orange and 1 lemon 450g/1lb Quick-to-mix mincemeat
450g/1lb dark muscovado sugar (see recipe, left)
11/2 tsp ground mixed spice 1 x quantity Rich sweet shortcrust
100ml/31/2f oz Armagnac or brandy, pastry (see recipe, below left), or use
plus more if needed a 500g pack ready-made pastry
200g pack beef or vegetable suet plain four, for dusting
Put everything except the suet into 140g/5oz soft unsalted butter
a large mixing bowl and mix well using 140g/5oz golden caster sugar
your hands. Leave for at least 2 hrs, or 85g/3oz self-raising four
overnight if you can. Add the suet, mix 100g/4oz ground almonds
again, then spoon into sterilised jars (see 2 large eggs, beaten
tip, bottom left) while they are still warm. 1
/2 tsp almond extract
Will keep for up to 1 year in a cool, dark handful faked almonds
place. If the mincemeat starts to look dry icing sugar, to dust
as it matures, add a little more brandy.
PER TBSP 54 kcals • fat 1g • saturates 1g • carbs 10g • 1 Heat oven to 190C/170C fan/gas 5.
sugars 10g • fbre none • protein none • salt none Mix the prunes and Armagnac into the
mincemeat and set aside. Roll out the
pastry on a lightly foured work surface
until 3mm thick, cut into circles with
Rich sweet shortcrust pastry a 7.5cm or 8cm round plain cutter and
gently press into 2 x 12-hole shallow,
non-stick bun tins.
MAKES about 500g/1lb 2oz 2 For the topping, beat together the
PREP 10 mins plus chilling butter and sugar with a wooden spoon,
then add the four, ground almonds,
280g/10oz plain four eggs, almond extract and a pinch
140g/5oz cold unsalted butter, of salt, and beat until smooth.
cut into small cubes 3 Spoon the mincemeat into the tin
4 tbsp golden caster sugar (about 1 dessertspoon into each). Spoon
1 large egg, beaten over the topping, then smooth it to the
edges of the pastry with a palette knife.
1 Put the four in a large bowl with 1/4 tsp Scatter over the faked almonds. Can
salt. Add the butter and rub it in with now be frozen for up to 1 month. Food styling JANE HORNBY | Styling SARAH BIRKS
your fngertips until the mix looks like 4 Bake for 25 mins from room
fne crumbs. temperature (or 30 mins from frozen)
2 Stir in the sugar, then slowly pour until the pies are golden, risen and the
Tip in the egg, stirring with a cutlery knife pastry feels frm at the sides. Leave
as you go to avoid any overly wet or dry to cool in the tin for 10 mins before
HOW TO STERILISE YOUR JARS patches. Scrunch to a dough with your transferring to a cooling rack. Dust with
Wash jars and lids in hot soapy water, rinse, then hands, then knead briefy until smooth. icing sugar to serve. Can be stored in an
place on a baking tray and put in a low oven for Alternatively, pulse together the butter, airtight tin for up to 3 days once cold.
10 mins or until completely dry. four and salt in a processor, then add PER MINCE PIE 284 kcals • fat 14g • saturates 7g •
Alternatively, put them through the hot cycle of the sugar and egg. Shape into 2 discs, carbs 33g • sugars 22g • fbre 1g • protein 4g • salt 0.1g
a dishwasher. If you are using jars with rubber seals, wrap in cling flm and chill for 30 mins
remove the seals and cover in just-boiled water. (if you have time).
For more festive
baking recipes, visit
When you’re looking for the uniquely smooth, savoury Gruyère flavour, there’s
only one cheese that fits the bill. Le Gruyère AOP, since 1115 AD. Le Gruyère
AOP is 100% natural, handmade with raw cow’s milk, always produced with the
same recipe as it was in 1115 AD.
For a smooth and mild yet extremely satisfying taste, Le Gruyère Classic is aged a
minimum of 5 months. Le Gruyère Reserve, which is aged for 10 month or more,
has a smooth but more robust flavour.
Both varieties are great in recipes, or sliced as a snack. Either way, we’re sure you’ll
enjoy the only cheese that has this distinct tradition.
For more information about Gruyère AOP, visit us at
Chocolate orange
cheesecake, p42
Roast sweet potato & onion 1 Heat oven to 200C/180C fan/gas 6. parchment and unroll the pastry sheets FREEZE
tart with goat’s cheese Heat 2 tbsp of the oil in a large non-stick on top – trimming the edges neatly at
This recipe makes two tarts, giving frying pan and cook the onions over this point will encourage a good rise. Open-freeze
you the flexibility to serve one a low heat for 20-25 mins or until well Leaving a 2cm gap around the edge, the assembled
and freeze one. softened and lightly browned. Add spread the onions over the pastry, then unbaked tarts on
the vinegar and cranberry sauce, and top with the sweet potatoes and goat’s the trays until solid,
A DAY simmer for 5-10 mins more, stirring until cheese. Brush the beaten egg around then remove and
SERVES 8-12 (makes 2 tarts) PREP 20 mins plus almost all the liquid has disappeared. the border of the pastry and bake in the wrap tightly in foil.
cooling COOK 1 hr 20 mins Leave to cool. oven for 35-40 mins or until the pastry Freeze for up to
2 Meanwhile, put the sweet potatoes is golden and crisp, swapping the 1 month.
3 tbsp olive oil in a bowl and toss with the remaining shelves after 20 mins. Unwrap the
6 medium red onions, fnely sliced oil, 1/2 tsp salt, 1/2 tsp pepper and the 4 Scatter over the thyme, then cut tarts and place on
5 tbsp red wine vinegar chilli fakes. Arrange on a baking tray each tart into quarters (or smaller lined baking trays
100g/4oz cranberry sauce and cook for 20 mins, turning halfway, pieces if serving more). Serve with to thaw at room
1kg/2lb 4oz sweet potatoes, peeled until softened and lightly browned. a large leafy salad. temperature for
and cut into small chunks Leave to cool. PER SERVING (8) 776 kcals • fat 45g • 11/2 hrs, then bake
1 tsp chilli fakes 3 Reduce oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4. saturates 15g • carbs 73g • sugars 22g • fbre 7g as per the recipe.
2 x 320g sheets ready-rolled puff Line two large baking trays with baking • protein 16g • salt 1.2g
3 x 100g soft goat’s cheese with rind,
broken into large chunks
beaten egg, for glazing
thyme sprigs and a large salad,
to serve
Mexican pulled
pork tacos
Mexican pulled 1 Put the marinade ingredients in a Pickled red onions FREEZE
pork tacos large, zip-seal freezer bag and squish
until well combined. Add the pork and FAT FREE Put the cooked,
onion, ensuring they’re well coated. Seal SERVES 8 PREP 5 mins plus standing cooled pork and
SERVES 8 PREP 15 mins plus overnight and put in the fridge overnight. COOK 10 mins marinade in a large
marinating COOK 4-5 hrs 2 Heat oven to 160C/140C fan/gas 3. zip-seal bag and
Transfer the pork and its marinade to Finely slice 2 medium red onions and freeze for up to
1.5kg/3lb 5oz rindless pork shoulder, a medium casserole dish. Cover with a put in a heatproof bowl. Cover with 1 month.
cut into 6 large chunks lid and place in the oven for 4-5 hrs or just-boiled water and leave to stand for To serve, heat
1 red onion, roughly chopped until the pork is very tender and falls 10 mins. oven to 200C/
FOR THE MARINADE apart when poked with a fork. Drain in Drain well, then stir in 2 tbsp white 180C fan/gas 6.
2 garlic cloves, crushed a colander, reserving the marinade, then wine vinegar or cider vinegar and Put the frozen
2-3 tbsp hot habanero chilli sauce transfer the pork to a board. 2 tbsp caster sugar. Stand for marinade and
3 tbsp tomato purée 3 Shred the pork with two forks, drizzle at least 10 mins before serving. meat in a roasting
juice 2 oranges (around 200ml/7f oz) over 4-5 tbsp of the reserved marinade, PER SERVING 33 kcals • fat none • saturates none • tin and cover with
juice 3 large limes (around and serve from the board with the Pickled a large piece of
75ml/21/2f oz) red onions (right), warmed corn tacos, foil. Reheat for
3 tbsp white wine vinegar shredded lettuce and soured cream. 30-45 mins or
2 tsp dried oregano PER SERVING 279 kcals • fat 11g • saturates 4g • until piping hot.
2 tsp ground allspice carbs 6g • sugars 5g • fbre 1g • protein 38g • salt 0.5g Once cooked,
2 tsp ground cumin drain, reserving the
1 tsp ground nutmeg marinade. On a
/2 tsp ground cloves warmed platter,
TO SERVE spoon 4-5 tbsp
Pickled red onions (see recipe, right) of the reserved
24 corn tacos, warmed marinade over the
4 Little Gem lettuces, trimmed and meat and serve as
fnely shredded per the recipe.
soured cream or half-fat crème
Alaskan yule log until stiff but not dry. Fold a third of 6 Make the meringue topping 20 mins
Topped with meringue and singed the egg whites into the cocoa mixture, before serving. Put the sugar and 175ml
with a blowtorch (or baked in a hot then gently fold in the rest until water in a pan and bring to a rolling boil
oven), this has plenty of wow factor. evenly distributed. over a high heat. Continue to boil until it
3 Pour into the prepared tin and reaches 115C on a sugar thermometer.
spread gently with a spatula. Bake in 7 Meanwhile, put the egg whites in a
SERVES 8 PREP 50 mins plus 5 hrs freezing the centre of the oven for 25 mins or large mixing bowl or tabletop mixer
COOK 35-45 mins until well risen and just beginning to and whisk the egg whites to soft peaks.
shrink away from the sides of the tin. Continue whisking at high speed and
FOR THE CHOCOLATE SPONGE Remove from the oven, loosen the very slowly trickle in the hot sugar
softened butter, for greasing edges with a round-bladed knife and syrup. The meringue will begin to
6 large eggs, separated leave to cool in the tin. thicken and become glossy after about
140g/5oz golden caster sugar 4 Prepare the flling while the cake is 10 mins. Continue to whisk until it is just
50g/2oz cocoa powder cooling. Place a large sheet of cling flm warm, then whisk in the vanilla extract.
FOR THE FILLING on the work surface, take the ice cream Use the meringue immediately, as it is
1 litre tub good-quality vanilla ice out of its tub and place on top. Working easier to work with while warm.
cream (not soft scoop) quickly, cover the ice cream with cling 8 Fit a large piping bag with a 1.5cm
FOR THE MERINGUE TOPPING flm, then press and roll into a long star nozzle and fll with the meringue.
200g/7oz caster sugar sausage shape. It will need to be 33cm Take the baking tray out of the freezer
4 large egg whites long and around 5cm wide. Wrap a and slide the log gently onto a serving
/2 tsp vanilla extract second piece of cling flm around the platter using a couple of spatulas. Pipe
frst and twist the ends to maintain the the meringue in lines down the length,
1 Put your freezer on the fast-freeze sausage shape. Return to the freezer then around the ends. Use a cook’s
setting, or clear some space in the to harden for at least 1 hr. blowtorch to scorch the meringue all
coldest part of the freezer. Heat oven to 5 Line a baking tray with baking over.Alternatively, bake for 8 mins
180C/160C fan/gas 4. Line a 23 x 33cm parchment. Take the ice cream out of the at 220C/200C fan/gas 7 or until the
Swiss roll tin with baking parchment, freezer, unwrap it and place in the centre meringue is set and lightly browned.
grease with a little butter and set aside. of the sponge. Using the parchment to Serve in generous slices (it will sit quite
2 First, make the sponge. Put the egg help you, bring up the sides to enclose happily for 5-10 mins). Please note this
yolks and sugar in a large bowl and the ice cream and carefully lift the roll recipe contains lightly cooked egg whites,
whisk with an electric whisk until thick onto the lined baking tray, rotating it which may be unsuitable for babies and
and creamy. Sift the cocoa powder so the seal is underneath. Trim the toddlers, the elderly, pregnant women
over the egg mixture and whisk in ends. Cover the cake and tin with cling and people who already feel unwell.
thoroughly. Wash and dry the beaters. flm and place in the freezer for at least PER SERVING 478 kcals • fat 18g • saturates 10g •
In a clean bowl, whisk the egg whites 4 hrs, or up to 1 week. carbs 67g • sugars 65g • fbre 1g • protein 12g • salt 0.6g
Made in the uk
Affordable luxury.
* Priced kitchen is for units only and does not include the price of any handles, worktops, appliances, sink, tap,
props, accessories or small worktop appliances. Must be purchased in the exact confguration as offered by Wren. No
substitutions or alterations can be made. One per customer.
Design inspired by coffee
Gifts galore!
Willie’s Cacao The Golden Pod
flled with salted caramel balls,
Firework ceramic
bowl (30cm), £90,
ag, .org
e b ble
ot ou
ay t ortr
d f
a- ng
5- ski Glass cheese dome and
marble board, £55, House of Fraser
‘For Santa and Rudolph!’ plate
(21cm), £25,
Marques de Valdueza
Merula extra virgin olive oil
(500ml), £9.77, Booths
The Be Sweet
Mule enamel
mug, £15,
Oliver Bonas
La Vecchia Dispensa
green label balsamic
vinegar (250ml),
£25.50 (plus p&p),
Kilner butter
churner, £28,
The East India Company tea John Lewis
caddy (125g), £12,
square bundt pan
(21.5cm), £35.95,
Malone yellow enamel pot
(30cm), £35, Habitat
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© ROYAL CANIN® SAS 2015. All Rights Reserved. *Based on a 4kg adult cat eating an average of 55g per day of ROYAL CANIN® Fit32. For full terms and conditions please see
Festive break
Les Loges in the old town
start from £140, excluding from cheese and wine to l For more gourmet goodies,
Decadent dining breakfast. It has opulent charcuterie; and many will head to Place Bellecour, an
No trip to Lyon is complete without a visit to bedrooms, a spa and a Michelin- let you try before you buy, so area packed with smart shops.
Paul Bocuse’s restaurant, L’Auberge du Pont starred restaurant. Les Loges, go hungry! Fromagerie Mons l And for sweet treats, visit
de Collonges ( The 89-year-old chef set in an interior courtyard, offers cheese & wine tastings. Palomas (chocolatier-palomas.
– one of the founders of nouvelle cuisine – has serves classic French dishes l Or try Quai com) for moreish
held three Michelin stars for 50 years. Book with imaginative twists. Try the St Antoine, an chocolate thins,
well in advance and order the Truffe soup, Lamb & stuffed vegetables with outdoor market macarons
a dish that’s been on the menu since 1975. hazelnut oil, and the spectacular along the and giant
Alternatively, work up an appetite with cheese trolley (five-course river Rhône. marshmallows.
a walk up the hill to Fourvière (or take the tasting menu, £70 per person).
le stuffing balls
ut & app
Festive red ca
Best-ever roast potatoes 1 A day or two before roasting, prepare tin and lining them up as you go) place
Over the years, we’ve made roasties the potatoes. You need chunks or each potato in the oil and use a spoon
countless times in the Good Food whole potatoes roughly the size of a to turn it so it’s completely coated.
Test Kitchen, experimenting and clementine, so peel and leave whole, Don’t worry about the oil cooling down
refining. These are amazing, and we halve or quarter accordingly. Place the too much. Once all the potatoes are in
make no excuses for the amount of potatoes in a large pan of cold, salted the tin in a single layer, not touching,
detail we’ve given – or how much water – salting is important, so don’t place the tin in the oven and cook
oil we’ve used! skip it. Bring the water to the boil and for 40 mins, undisturbed.
Our top tip? Don’t overcrowd simmer gently for about 15 mins until 3 Remove from the oven and – again,
your roasting tin. Each chunk needs the potatoes are cooked all the way meticulously – turn each potato.
to be sizzling in the tin with space through but not on the brink of collapse. Return to the oven for 20 mins, then
around it, so if you don’t have a Gently drain the potatoes in a colander, repeat the potato-turning process
tin big enough for 3kg of potatoes, but do not shake them or ruffe them again. If, at this stage, your other side
make less. You might also be up – just leave them to drain and cool. dishes allow you to, turn the oven up
surprised that we’re not using Once there is no more steam coming to 220C/200C fan/gas 7 and give the
goose fat, but we think sunflower off them, place on a tray in a single layer potatoes a fnal 20 mins. By now
oil gives the crunchiest results. and put them in the fridge, uncovered, you should have potatoes that are
until ready to roast. everything a roastie should be: deep,
EASY FIBRE 4 YOU FREE 2 Heat oven to 200C/180C/gas 6 (or golden and crunchy on the outside with
SERVES 8 PREP 30 mins plus chilling put them in when you turn it up for the an extra-fuffy middle – just sprinkle
COOK 1 hr 40 mins turkey). Pour oil into a deep roasting tin with a little sea salt to serve.
to give an even layer of about 0.5cm. PER SERVING 434 kcals • fat 17g • saturates 2g •
3kg/6lb 8oz Maris Piper potatoes Place the tin in the oven for 5 mins to carbs 61g • sugars 2g • fbre 6g • protein 7g • salt 0.6g
(we’ve tried lots of potatoes over the heat the oil, then remove from the oven.
years and these are truly the best) One at a time and working methodically
sunfower oil (starting at one corner of the roasting
r ro
SERVES 6-8 PREP 5 mins COOK 25-30 mins MAKES 16 PREP 20 mins COOK 30 mins SERVES 6-8 PREP 10 mins COOK 25 mins
900g/2lb baby carrots, washed 2 tbsp linseeds 900g/2lb Brussels sprouts, trimmed
and scrubbed 1 red onion, halved 2 onions, fnely chopped
50g/2oz butter 1 tbsp olive oil, plus extra for greasing 2 tsp vegetable oil
25g/1oz piece ginger, peeled and 200g/7oz mixed nuts of your choice 50g/2oz butter
fnely grated (we used a combination of pecans, 2 garlic cloves, crushed
2 tbsp clear honey hazelnuts and pistachios) /2 vegetable stock cube, crumbled
zest 1 orange 400g can cooked green lentils in 250ml/9f oz double cream
water, drained 1 tsp freshly grated nutmeg, plus
1 Bring a large pan of salted water to 50g/2oz breadcrumbs extra to serve
the boil and add the carrots. Simmer small bunch sage, chopped 200g/7oz vacuum-packed chestnuts,
for 5 mins until slightly tender, then drain. 1 small apple, grated roughly chopped
2 In a wide pan, heat the butter until
melting, then add the carrots, ginger, 1 Put the linseeds in a small bowl and 1 Bring a large pan of salted water to
honey and orange zest. Cook over a mix with 2 tbsp water, then set aside for the boil, add the sprouts and cook for
medium heat for 25-30 mins, turning 5-10 mins until the water thickens to a 3-4 mins until slightly tender. Drain and
them gently every now and then, until gluey consistency. Meanwhile, place the rinse under cold water.
the carrots start to go golden and sticky. onion in a food processor and whizz 2 Meanwhile, very gently fry the
3 Turn the carrots gently in the pan until fnely chopped. Heat the oil in a onions in the oil and half the butter for
every now and again until all sides are frying pan, tip in the onion and cook about 10 mins until soft. Add the garlic
browning. Season well before serving. for 5 mins until softened. and stock cube and cook for 2 mins,
PER SERVING 101 kcals • fat 6g • saturates 3g • 2 Tip the nuts into the food processor stirring, until everything is combined.
carbs 10g • sugars 9g • fbre 4g • protein 1g • salt 0.4g and whizz until coarsely chopped. Remove from the heat.
Sprinkle 3 tbsp of the nuts over a 3 Roughly chop the sprouts by hand or
Festive red cabbage plate and set aside. Add the lentils, in a food processor, then stir them in
breadcrumbs, sage, apple, linseeds (and with the onions and the rest of the
FAT A DAY FREE any liquid in the bowl), onion and plenty butter, along with the double cream and
SERVES 6-8 PREP 10 mins COOK 3 hrs of seasoning to the processor. Pulse to nutmeg. Put back on the heat and cook
blend the mixture until just combined – until the cream is bubbling. Season to
1 tbsp vegetable oil don’t chop too fnely or the stuffng will taste. Toss in the chestnuts and sprinkle
2 large onions, fnely chopped lose its nice nutty texture. over a little extra nutmeg to serve.
1 star anise 3 Line a baking tray with foil and PER SERVING (8) 321 kcals • fat 25g • saturates 14g •
1 cinnamon stick grease with a little oil. Remove the blade carbs 16g • sugars 7g • fbre 7g • protein 5g • salt 0.5g
150ml/1/4 pt red wine from the processor and oil your hands.
1 red cabbage (about 900g/2lb), Scoop out walnut-sized chunks of
shredded stuffng, roll into balls, then roll on the Salted maple-roasted
2 tbsp dark brown soft sugar plate of chopped nuts to coat. Place parsnips
2 Bramley apples, peeled and chopped on the prepared baking tray. Can be
covered with cling flm and chilled for A DAY FREE
1 Heat the oil in a large fameproof up to 2 days, or frozen for 2 months. SERVES 6-8 PREP 5 mins COOK 35-40 mins
casserole dish, add the onions and cook 4 Heat oven to 200C/180C fan/gas 6.
on a medium heat for 8-10 mins, then Unwrap (if chilled) and bake for 600g/1lb 5oz parsnips, peeled and
add the star anise and cinnamon stick. 25-30 mins until the nuts are a little quartered
2 Pour in the wine and let it simmer darker and the balls have frmed up 2 tbsp vegetable oil
until slightly reduced. Add the cabbage, slightly – they will be softer than 3 tbsp maple syrup
sugar and apples, and stir well. Season traditional stuffng balls but will 3 thyme sprigs, leaves picked
well, cover and simmer on a low heat frm up after a few mins cooling.
for 3 hrs, stirring every now and again. If you’re cooking from frozen, bake Heat oven to 220C/200C fan/gas 7.
3 Once the cabbage is tender, check the for 35-40 mins. Put the parsnips in a large roasting
seasoning. Serve in a bowl with the star PER BALL 123 kcals • fat 9g • saturates 1g • carbs 6g • tin with the oil, maple syrup, thyme
anise and cinnamon stick on top. Can be sugars 2g • fbre 2g • protein 3g • salt none leaves and some sea salt fakes.
made 1-2 days in advance or frozen for Roast for 35-40 mins until soft and
up to 4 months – simply reheat on the sticky. Scatter over a few more sea
hob before serving. salt fakes before serving.
PER SERVING (8) 112 kcals • fat 2g • saturates none • PER SERVING (8) 97 kcals • fat 3g • saturates none •
carbs 16g • sugars 14g • fbre 5g • protein 2g • salt none carbs 15g • sugars 8g • fbre 4g • protein 1g • salt none
The Big Day
/2 tbsp vegetable oil, for greasing
/2 sheet ready-rolled puff pastry
16 pork chipolatas
1 egg yolk, beaten, to glaze
2 tbsp sesame seeds
cranberry sauc
sian e
Sticky Port gravy 3 If your roasting tin is fameproof, put Buttered toast bread sauce
One thing that can stress out even it on a low fame, add the vinegar and Bread is vastly improved when you
the most experienced cooks is sizzle for a moment. Pour in the Port toast it and slather it with butter.
last-minute gravy. We’ve all been and cook until you have a thick, We’ve applied the same principle to
there – no space for any pans, glutinous paste mixed in with all the bread sauce, and you’ll really notice
fishing a dirty sieve out of the sink, ingredients – it will look quite messy! the difference in flavour.
frantically looking for a clean Add the stock and herbs, bring to the
wooden spoon… boil and cook for 10 mins. (If your tin
The solution? Make your gravy isn’t fameproof, add the vinegar, stir to SERVES 8 PREP 15 mins COOK 25 mins
ahead. This gravy contains a few loosen all the burnt bits from the tin,
unusual ingredients but they then tip into a saucepan to continue.) 140g/5oz crustless sliced white bread
come together to provide lots of 4 Turn off the heat and use a potato 85g/3oz butter
‘umami’, or savouriness, for a masher to mash everything to extract 1 onion, fnely chopped
really deep-flavoured result. as much favour out of it as you can. 1 bay leaf
Carefully pass the contents through a 1 thyme sprig
FAT sieve over another saucepan, pushing 600ml/1 pt milk
SERVES 8 PREP 25 mins COOK 1 hr 30 mins down on the contents of the sieve. pinch of ground cloves
Simmer the gravy until thick and glossy, pinch of ground nutmeg
neck and giblets from your turkey then leave to cool. Can be chilled for up 100ml/31/2f oz double cream
4 chicken wings, chopped into pieces to 3 days or frozen for up to 2 months.
(or 8 chicken wings if you don’t have Reheat the gravy and serve as it is, or 1 In a toaster or under a grill, toast the
the turkey neck and giblets) add to the turkey roasting juices for bread slices on both sides until dark
2 onions, unpeeled and quartered even more favour. brown. Leave to cool, then pulse in a
1 carrot, unpeeled and roughly PER SERVING 144 kcals • fat 3g • saturates 1g • food processor to make rough crumbs.
chopped carbs 12g • sugars 6g • fbre 1g • protein 9g • salt 1.1g 2 Heat half the butter in a saucepan
2 celery sticks, roughly chopped and cook the onion gently for about
1 garlic bulb, halved 10 mins until just starting to brown and
1 tbsp sunfower oil Persian cranberry sauce turn sticky. Add the bay leaf and thyme,
1 tbsp clear honey Middle Eastern flavours bring a new and pour over the milk. Mix in the spices
2 tbsp soy sauce dimension to traditional cranberry and season with a sprinkling of salt and
1 tbsp tomato purée sauce. The texture is thick, like a pepper. Bring to the boil and simmer
50g/2oz plain four chutney, so if you prefer a thinner gently for 5 mins.
small handful dried mushrooms consistency, add 100ml water. 3 Remove the herbs, then stir in all
(optional – but nice) but a handful of the crumbs and cook
1 tbsp red wine vinegar or Sherry FAT FREE over a low heat, simmering gently,
vinegar SERVES 8 PREP 5 mins COOK 10 mins until thickened. For a very smooth
150ml/1/4pt Port, Sherry or red wine sauce, blitz with a hand blender in
1.2 litres/2 pints chicken stock 250g/9oz fresh or frozen cranberries the pan. Can be chilled for up to 2 days
3 bay leaves 2 tbsp pomegranate molasses or or frozen for up to 2 months, then
small bunch thyme balsamic vinegar reheated to serve.
juice and fnely grated zest 1/2 orange, 4 While the sauce simmers, melt the
1 Heat oven to 220C/200C fan/gas 7. plus extra zest to serve remaining butter in a small frying pan
Tip the turkey bits and/or chicken 2 tbsp golden caster sugar, plus extra and cook until sizzling and nut-brown.
wings into a sturdy roasting tin with to taste Throw in the remaining crumbs and
the onions, carrots, celery and garlic. pinch of ground allspice cook in the butter until really crisp,
Toss in the oil and spread out into then turn off the heat.
a single layer. Place in the oven for Simply tip all the ingredients into a small 5 Add the cream to the sauce and
40 mins undisturbed – you want them saucepan and bring to a gentle simmer. heat for a few mins more, then tip into
Food styling SARAH COOK | Styling JENNY IGGLEDEN
the right side of just burnt, as this will Stir over a low heat for 10 mins until the a serving dish. Spoon over the crisp
give you lots of favour. cranberries have burst into a thick, crumbs and any remaining nutty butter
2 Remove the tin from the oven and glossy, sticky sauce. We like ours on the to serve.
mix in the honey, soy sauce and tomato sour side to give your plate a hit of PER SERVING 234 kcals • fat 17g • saturates 11g •
purée. Toss everything together until acidity, but if you prefer it sweeter add a carbs 14g • sugars 5g • fbre 1g • protein 5g • salt 0.5g
all the bits are completely coated, bit more sugar. Leave the sauce to cool,
then return to the oven for 10 mins until then sprinkle over a little orange zest to
sticky and caramelised. Remove the tin serve. Can be kept covered in the fridge
from the oven again, sprinkle over the for up to a week, or frozen for 4 months. For more Christmas
four and dried mushrooms (if using) and PER SERVING 37 kcals • fat none • saturates none •
recipes, visit
return to the oven for a fnal 10 mins. carbs 8g • sugars 7g • fbre 1g • protein none • salt none
Mark Sargeant
2 star anise little salt and pepper and the rest of the
1 tsp fenugreek seeds garam masala, then place one piece of
3 cloves salmon on one piece of pastry and cover
thumb-sized piece ginger, with half of the rice mixture. Top with
cut into large chunks the other piece of salmon, then brush
2 tsp garam masala around the pastry edges with beaten
140g/5oz basmati rice, soaked in cold egg. Cover with the second piece of
water for 30 mins, then drained pastry, pushing down well, then roll the
1 bay leaf edges over, crimp with a fork to seal and
small pack coriander, fnely chopped decorate as you like. Can be made ahead
1 red chilli, seeds kept in, fnely and chilled for 1 day. Brush all over with
chopped beaten egg and chill for 30 mins.
1 tbsp mango chutney 3 Heat oven to 220C/200C fan/gas 7.
1 tbsp lemon juice Bake in the oven for 10 mins, then turn
2 x 320g packs ready-rolled puff the oven down to 180C/160C fan/gas 4
pastry and continue to bake for about 30 mins
2 x 500g whole salmon fllets, skin until the pastry is golden brown. Set
ark, who owns Rocksalt removed and pin-boned aside in a warm place to rest for 10 mins.
restaurant in Folkestone, 2 large egg yolks, lightly beaten Serve with the rest of the rice mix
recently opened Morden (heated or cold) and the Raita (below).
& Lea in London’s Soho. He 1 Heat the oil in a frying pan and add PER SERVING (8) 647 kcals • fat 37g • saturates 12g •
worked with Gordon Ramsay for the onion, garlic, cardamom, cinnamon, carbs 45g • sugars 3g • fbre 1g • protein 33g • salt 0.9g
more than a decade and was Head fennel, star anise, fenugreek, cloves,
chef at Claridge’s, when it was ginger and 1 tsp garam masala. Cook Raita
awarded a Michelin star in 2002. over a medium heat until the onion
is a deep golden brown. Add the rice FREE
Spiced salmon coulibiac with 250ml water and the bay leaf, and SERVES 6-8 PREP 10 mins NO COOK
This is a great main for Christmas season with salt. Bring to the boil, then
Day as it can all be made in turn down to a gentle simmer. Cover and 250g/9oz Greek yogurt
advance. The unbaked coulibiac cook for 15 mins or until the liquid has 1 garlic clove, fnely grated
can be kept in the fridge for up to been absorbed and the rice is light and thumb-sized piece ginger, fnely
a day or, if the salmon has not been fuffy. Remove from the heat, tip into a grated
previously frozen, you can put it in bowl and leave to cool. Once cooled, 1
/2 small pack coriander, chopped
the freezer for up to 2 months. remove the cardamom, cinnamon stick, 1
/4 small pack mint, leaves chopped
star anise, cloves, ginger and bay leaf. juice 1/2 lime
Add the coriander, chilli, mango chutney 1
/2 tsp garam masala, plus a little
SERVES 6-8 PREP 20 mins plus cooling and lemon juice. Check the seasoning, extra to serve
COOK 50 mins cover and chill until needed. 1
/4 cucumber, grated and lightly
2 Take the pastry out of the fridge and squeezed
2 tbsp vegetable oil leave at room temperature for 10 mins.
1 onion, fnely chopped Unroll the pastry sheets, roll out to make Mix all the ingredients and season. Serve
2 garlic cloves, crushed a little wider and put each on a non-stick sprinkled with extra garam masala
2 cardamom pods, crushed baking sheet. Cover with cling flm and alongside the Spiced salmon coulibiac.
1 cinnamon stick place in the fridge to re-chill for 30 mins. PER SERVING (8) 45 kcals • fat 3g • saturates 2g •
1 tsp fennel seeds Season the salmon on both sides with a carbs 2g • sugars 1g • fbre none • protein 2g • salt 0.1g
arlier this year, butcher for these) or braising steak, turning every so often.
Marcus, judge on BBC chopped 4 Add the butter, cube by cube, and –
Two’s MasterChef: The 4 shallots, sliced when foaming – baste the fllet, turning
Professionals, opened Tredwell’s 2 garlic cloves, bashed regularly. When the fllet is caramelised,
in Covent Garden. He also runs 12 white peppercorns put in a roasting tin with the reserved
the two-Michelin-starred Marcus, 1
/4 small pack thyme herbs and garlic, and cook in the oven
in Knightsbridge, and The Gilbert 1 bay leaf for 8-12 mins, turning every 4 mins and
Scott in St Pancras. 1 litre/13/4 pints beef stock basting. To check that the beef is done,
insert a probe thermometer into the
Beef fllet with red wine sauce 1 Put the beef in a container just big centre – it should read 55-60C for
enough to ft snugly. Mix the marinade medium rare. Transfer to a board, wrap
ingredients in a bowl and tip over the loosely in foil and rest for 20 mins.
SERVES 6-8 PREP 20 mins plus at least 24 hrs beef. Cover and chill, turning and basting 5 Return the tin to the oven until the
marinating and resting COOK 1 hr 30 mins as often as possible. Leave for 24-72 hrs. butter is hot. Before serving, roll the
2 Pour the Port and wine into a large fllet in it. Serve with the sauce,
1.3kg/3lb well-aged beef fllet pan and simmer until reduced to a glaze. croquettes, carrots and garlic.
50ml/2f oz vegetable oil – this will take about 20 mins. Heat the PER SERVING (8) 636 kcals • fat 42g • saturates 14g •
100g/4oz unsalted butter, cubed oil in a separate large pan and, when carbs 5g • sugars 4g • fbre 1g • protein 39g • salt 1.8g
Parsnip croquettes 1 Heat oven to 160C/140C fan/gas 3. Put a piping bag and pipe into 3cm-thick
the parsnips in a roasting tin with the oil lengths onto a baking parchment-lined
and roast for 1 hr 30 mins. Remove from tray. Freeze for 1 hr until frm but not Want to get
MAKES about 20 PREP 35 mins plus chilling and the oven and cut into chunks. completely frozen. Remove from the ahead?
1 hr freezing COOK 1 hr 45 mins 2 Meanwhile, make the béchamel. freezer and cut into 5cm lengths. Coat You can make the
Melt the butter in a saucepan over the croquettes in the four, dip in the red wine sauce two
350g/12oz parsnips, peeled and a low heat, then add the four and whisk. egg, roll in the panko breadcrumbs, then days beforehand.
left whole Remove from the heat and add the milk place on a parchment-lined tray. Chill Cook the beef
2 tsp olive oil gradually, whisking after each addition until needed. Can be made up to this and prepare the
25g/1oz unsalted butter until combined. Return to a low heat stage up to 24 hrs in advance. croquettes
2 shallots, fnely chopped and cook, stirring, until thick. Stir in 4 To fry your croquettes, use a deep-fat up to 24 hrs ahead.
25g/1oz creamed horseradish the remaining ingredients, except the fryer or half-fll a heavy-based medium While the beef fllet
75g/21/2oz plain four Gruyère, add 1/2 tsp salt and take off the saucepan with vegetable oil and heat to rests, deep-fry the
2 large eggs, beaten heat. Add the Gruyère and mix well. 180C. Cook in small batches for 2-3 mins croquettes and
85g/3oz panko breadcrumbs 3 Once the parsnips are cool enough to until golden and cooked through. Lift remove the red
1-2 litres/13/4-31/2 pints vegetable oil, handle, purée in a food processor and the croquettes from the oil with a wine sauce from the
for deep-frying set aside. Heat the butter in a pan. Add slotted spoon and drain on kitchen fridge – tip into a
FOR THE BÉCHAMEL SAUCE the shallots and cook for 10 mins or until paper. Put on a warmed plate and cover pan and bring back
50g/2oz unsalted butter soft and golden. Tip into a large bowl with foil until ready to serve. to the boil.
50g/2oz plain four with the parsnip purée, béchamel and PER CROQUETTE 162 kcals • fat 11g • saturates 5g •
300ml/1/2pt full-fat milk horseradish. Season to taste, cover carbs 11g • sugars 2g • fbre 1g • protein 5g • salt 0.4g
75g/21/2oz cheddar, grated and cool. When almost cold, spoon into
/2 tsp Dijon mustard
/2 tbsp Worcestershire sauce
100g/4oz Gruyère, grated
en is Chef-director of the 85g/3oz unsalted butter, softened nearly smoking. Rub the chicory and
award-winning Salt Yard 100g/4oz vegetarian-style radicchio quarters with the olive oil and
Group – three central Parmesan, grated season. In batches, griddle on all sides
London restaurants specialising 1 tbsp picked thyme leaves, plus extra until tender and the leaves have slightly
in a mix of Spanish and Italian to serve blackened. Drizzle over the saba or
food. Ben often demonstrates at 2 tbsp good-quality white truffe oil, balsamic vinegar to serve.
the BBC Good Food Show. plus extra to drizzle PER SERVING 80 kcals • fat 4g • saturates 1g •
His first book, Salt Yard, was 300g/11oz brioche loaf, cut into carbs 8g • sugars 3g • fbre 2g • protein 2g • salt 0.1g
published in 2012; his second, small chunks
Grill Smoke BBQ will be published 25g/1oz blanched hazelnuts, halved
by Quadrille next spring. 1 small black truffe, thinly sliced Tip
Ingredients to seek out
1 Heat oven to 200C/180C fan/gas 6. â Saba, also known as vin cotto and
Put the parsnips on a baking tray, drizzle mosto cotto, is made from whole
with the olive oil, season well and roast pressed grape juice (or grape must)
for 30 mins or until tender and nicely that has been cooked over a very low
caramelised. Reduce the temperature temperature to produce a sweet syrup.
to 180C/160C fan/gas 4. Used in both desserts and savoury
2 In a large bowl, whisk together the sauces, saba is sold in Italian
cream, eggs, half the butter, half the delicatessens and also at
cheese and half the thyme. Season well,
then add the truffe oil, brioche and â Radicchio rosso di Treviso is a
parsnips, and leave for 10 mins. long, thin, mild-favoured variety of
3 Lightly oil a medium baking dish and radicchio. Its peppery favour becomes
tip in the soaked brioche mixture. Heat less pronounced when it’s griddled.
the remaining butter in a shallow pan You’ll fnd it in specialist greengrocers.
and cook until the butter turns brown.
Add the hazelnuts and remaining thyme
and cook for 2 mins before spooning
over the top of the pudding. Cover the
Food styling SARAH COOK | Styling JENNY IGGLEDEN
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Optimum roaster
Optimum roaster
Vintage bowl collector edition
an &
en be
Lobster, gre
Or k
e-stu duc
ffed Christmas
Lobster, green bean
& radicchio salad
Christmas duck
a special meal for us, we morning and keep it covered in the fridge.
Cook the röstis up to 8 hours in advance, then warm
have a glass of wine and them through in the oven to serve.
give each other gifts’ The tart bases can be cut out and caramelised in
the afternoon, put on a tray and topped with a sheet
Alex Hollywood of baking parchment.
to drink
Potato rösti
cakes with
sage leaves
remaining 1 tbsp oil in the frying pan to 160C/140C fan/ MAKES 200ml/7f oz PREP 10 mins
over a medium heat. Add the whole sage gas 3 when you COOK 25 mins
leaves and cook for 20 secs until crisp take out the duck,
but still green. Drain on kitchen paper then put the röstis Put 375ml red wine, such as Chinon,
and top each rösti with a fried sage leaf. in until they are 200g jam sugar, 1 star anise, 1 clove,
PER SERVING 366 kcals • fat 20g • saturates 3g • warmed through. 2.5cm piece cinnamon stick, pinch of
carbs 37g • sugars 2g • fbre 4g • protein 8g • salt 0.3g allspice and 1/2 split vanilla pod with
its scraped-out seeds in a medium
saucepan. Stir together, then heat
gently to dissolve the sugar. Turn up the
heat and boil for 20 mins until reduced
and syrupy. Strain into a small, sterilised
jam jar and leave to cool completely.
Will keep in the fridge for up to 1 month.
PER TBSP 36 kcals • fat none • saturates none •
carbs 7g • sugars 7g • fbre none • protein none •
salt none
1 OF 5
Food styling LIZZIE HARRIS | Styling SARA BIRKS | Decorative foliage | What to drink SARAH JANE EVANS MW
Sprinkle each circle with 1 tbsp sugar
and grill for 5 mins to caramelise,
watching carefully so that the sugar
doesn’t burn. Remove from the grill. Alex, an
Can be done a few hours ahead, and accomplished
left, covered, out of the fridge. home cook
2 Peel, quarter and core the apples, and food
cut into 2mm-thin slices and arrange writer, draws
on top of the pastry. Sprinkle over the inspiration
remaining sugar and pop in the oven for from her
20-25 mins until the pastry is cooked travels and her
through and golden, and the apples are food-loving family (a mix of Norwegian,
softened. Remove and allow to cool French, Scottish and Spanish).
slightly. Warm the jelly in a small pan Her first book, My Busy Kitchen (£25,
over a low heat with 1 tsp water to Hodder & Stoughton), is out now.
make it a little more runny, then brush
over the top of the tarts.
3 Tip the crème fraîche into a bowl, sift
over the icing sugar and cardamom, and
mix together. Carefully lift the warm
tarts onto serving plates and serve with Catch Paul
the cardamom crème fraîche. Hollywood cooking
WITH CREME FRAICHE 1,074 kcals • fat 58g • live at all three BBC Good Food Shows in
saturates 31g • carbs 123g • sugars 68g • fibre 2g • November. Visit
protein 12g • salt 1.3g Paul and Mary Berry will be
WITHOUT CREME FRAICHE 852 kcals • fat 38g • cooking festive dishes in a
saturates 18g • carbs 114g • sugars 60g • fibre 2g • Christmas masterclass on BBC Two in
protein 10g • salt 1.3g December.
Buying ham and soaking When it
comes to buying pork, I would only ever
go British, as it supports our farmers and
guarantees a high standard of animal
welfare. It’s up to you whether you buy
smoked or unsmoked ham, but I prefer
the favour of smoked.
Some people fnd smoked ham too
salty, in which case you will need to soak
it to get rid of excess saltiness. It’s best
to ask your butcher to advise on this.
To soak, simply leave the ham in a large
pan or bowl of cold water overnight, then
discard the water and carry on as stated.
How to cook it Boiling a ham this
size calls for a large pan, such as a
stockpot or preserving pan. If you don’t
have a pan big enough, you’ve got a
couple of options.
You could buy a 3kg boned and rolled
ham, which will be smaller but will take
the same amount of time to cook and
feed the same number of people.
Alternatively, you could slow-roast
the ham. To do this, heat the oven to
160C/140C fan/gas 3. Sit the ham in
a roasting tin and pour over 600ml
water. Add the aromatics, cover tightly
with foil and bake for fve hours. Cool
and continue from step 2 of my recipe.
Shukhi – warm beetroot
& mushroom salad
Stuffed festive porchetta
Ukrainian-born Olia
Hercules trained at
Leiths cookery school
before becoming
a chef at Ottolenghi,
and then a food stylist. She
published her frst cookbook,
Mamushka, in June. Find out
more at
Shukhi – warm beetroot 6 tbsp Sherry vinegar mushrooms until golden. Mix the vinegar,
& mushroom salad 2 tbsp brown sugar or honey sugar, garlic and some seasoning
This is my version of the salad. 3 garlic cloves, fnely grated together to make the dressing. Taste BRING THE DISH
If you’re not keen on tarragon, few tarragon sprigs, leaves chopped to ensure you have a good balance of TO THE PARTY
replace it with any herb you really small rye bread loaf, sliced and toasted sweet and sour favours – it should also This salad can be
love. Similarly, you can substitute 1
/2 small pack dill, chopped, to serve be quite garlicky. served warm or at
any good-quality vinegar, or even 4 When the beetroot is done, stir in room temperature,
add lemon juice in place of the 1 Heat oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4. the dressing and tarragon. Top the so if you’re taking
Sherry vinegar – just make sure Heat 1 tbsp of the oil in an ovenproof rye bread slices with some warm it to a friend’s
the dressing is beautifully balanced. frying pan and add the shallots. Cook beetroot salad, the mushrooms and place, don’t
Food styling EMILY KYDD | Styling LINDA BERLIN
over a medium-low heat for 5-10 mins a scattering of dill. bother reheating
FAT A DAY until the shallots start colouring a little. PER SERVING (8) 134 kcals • fat 3g • saturates none • it. Pack the
SERVES 6-8 PREP 25 mins COOK 30 mins 2 Add the beetroot, season well carbs 19g • sugars 13g • fbre 4g • protein 4g • salt 0.4g dressed beetroot
and put the pan in the oven. Cook for and cooked
2 tbsp rapeseed oil 10 mins, then stir and return to the oven mushrooms into
8 banana shallots, halved and sliced for another 10 mins until the shallots two containers.
lengthways are golden and the beetroot is cooked Toast the bread
6 beetroots (around 900g/2lb), through but still frm. when you arrive,
peeled and cut into matchsticks 3 Meanwhile, heat the remaining oil in then assemble.
200g/7oz wild or oyster mushrooms a large, non-stick frying pan and fry the
Rosie Birkett
Christmas in my house is all about feasting. It begins with
a bacon sandwich (on squishy white bread dipped in the
dripping, with Worcestershire sauce) and a glass of orange
juice. This is eaten in the living room surrounded by presents
– a sort of suspension of excitement before we tear into our
gifts. My mother always used to fit between unwrapping
presents and sorting out the Christmas lunch in her pinny,
but now that falls to me. I let Mum have a break at this time
of year. She has spent so much of her life cooking for me.
We’re pretty classic when it comes to lunch – usually
smoked salmon followed by turkey and a boozy Christmas
pud. Being a food stylist, I’m well-versed in cooking turkey,
so I experiment with new ideas and mix it up a bit. Stuffng
is a penchant of mine –
‘Christmas in probably because this was
always one of my jobs as my
my house is all mother’s sous chef – and this
festive porchetta is inspired
about feasting’ by a forcemeat stuffng I love.
Stuffed festive 1 Score the pork belly skin with a sharp together thoroughly with your hands.
porchetta knife in a cross pattern. Score down to Add the egg and mix again.
I love the way just before where the skin meets the fat, 6 Lie the pork belly on a board, skin-side
pork belly has rather than the fat itself. Bring a large down. Form the stuffng into a sausage
the crispiest, saucepan of water to a simmer and add shape running all the way down the
crunchiest the bicarbonate of soda. Lower the pork middle of the belly. Wrap the sides of the
crackling. into the water, poach gently for 5 mins, belly around the stuffng and tie with
then remove it from the water and leave butcher’s string. Place seam-side down
to cool to room temperature. in a roasting tin, uncovered, and chill
SERVES 6-8 PREP 30 mins plus at least 8 hrs 2 Meanwhile, toast the fennel seeds and for at least 2 hrs, preferably overnight. BRING THE DISH
chilling, 1 hr standing and 30 mins resting chilli fakes in a dry frying pan over a You want the skin to dry out completely TO THE PARTY
COOK 3 hrs 5 mins high heat for 1-2 mins, then tip into a so that it crisps up when you roast it. Another dish that
bowl and leave to cool. Grind the spices 7 To cook the pork, remove it from the is delicious served
1.5kg/3lb 5oz bone-out pork belly in a spice grinder or with a pestle and fridge and leave it for at least 1 hr to hot or at room
1 tbsp bicarbonate of soda mortar, then mix with 1 tbsp fne sea salt. come to room temperature before you temperature.
3 tsp fennel seeds 3 Once the pork has cooled, turn it cook it. Heat oven to 180C/160C fan/ If you want to
1 tsp chilli fakes skin-side down and pierce the underside gas 4 and cook the pork for about 2 hrs, reheat it, cut off
FOR THE STUFFING of the meat all over with a knife. Rub turning the tin every 30 mins or so. the crackling and
1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil the meat with the spiced salt rub, After 2 hrs, turn the heat up to 220C/ set aside, then
1 medium onion, fnely chopped cover and put it in the fridge for at 200C fan/gas 7 and cook for another slice the pork into
/2 fennel bulb, hard core cut out and least 8 hrs or overnight. Can be 20 mins. When the pork is done, a chunky pieces
discarded, the rest fnely chopped prepared 24 hours ahead. thermometer pushed into its centre and put in an
/2 tsp coriander seeds, crushed 4 The next day, make your stuffng. should read 77C. If the skin looks in ovenproof dish.
2 garlic cloves, crushed Heat the olive oil in a non-stick frying danger of burning, cover it with foil – Sprinkle with
250g/9oz minced pork shoulder pan and add the onion and fennel. but only do this once it has crackled. a little water,
1 slice sourdough bread, torn into Season and cook gently over a low heat 8 Once the pork has cooked, remove then cover the
small pieces for 10 mins. Add the coriander seeds from the oven and leave to rest for dish tightly with
25g/1oz toasted pine nuts and garlic, and cook for another 2 mins, 30 mins. When you’re ready to carve, foil. Cook in the
grated zest 1 unwaxed orange then add the mince. Cook for 8-10 mins put the pork on a big chopping board. oven at 160C/
3 dried apricots, fnely chopped until the mince is browned. Set aside Using a sharp knife, slice the meat into 140C fan/gas 3
3 sage leaves, fnely chopped and leave to cool. rounds. Serve the pork, stuffng and for 15-20 mins.
/2 tbsp rosemary leaves, chopped 5 Transfer the mince and onion mix to a crackling with Sabrina’s rice salad Re-crisp the
/2 tbsp lemon juice bowl and add the sourdough, pine nuts, (see overleaf). crackling under
freshly grated nutmeg orange zest, apricots, herbs, lemon juice PER SERVING (8) 480 kcals • fat 33g • saturates 11g • the grill.
1 egg, beaten and nutmeg. Season well, then mix carbs 5g • sugars 3g • fbre 1g • protein 39g • salt 3.3g
Sabrina Ghayour
Any occasion where friends and family gather
together is joyous for me, but none more so than
Christmas. The fact that everyone stops what they’re
doing to spend time with each other makes it my
favourite time of the year. I like to bring vibrant,
memorable dishes to the feast – ones that don’t leave
my guests feeling too sluggish.
Christmas lunch in my family involves a classic rib
of beef. But Boxing Day is a very different occasion
– about 20 years ago I started making Peking-style
crispy duck and pancakes. It’s a real contrast to the
Christmas roast, like my black and white salad. This
recipe is versatile too, and works as a side dish or main.
Black & white rice salad small pack dill, leaves and stalks 2 Meanwhile, bring a large saucepan
with cumin-roasted fnely chopped of water to the boil. Cook the rice for
butternut squash small pack fat-leaf parsley, leaves 20-25 mins or according to pack
This recipe adheres to the Persian and stalks fnely chopped instructions, then strain and rinse well
tradition of combining fruit with 1 large red onion, fnely diced with cold water until all the starch is
savoury flavours. The scattering 200g/7oz feta, to serve washed off and the rice is cold. Allow
of sharp, crumbly feta finishes FOR THE DRESSING to drain well. BRING THE DISH
off the dish beautifully. zest and juice 1 large unwaxed orange 3 Put the cranberries, pomegranate TO THE PARTY
4 tbsp clear honey seeds, hazelnuts, herbs, onion and To keep the salad
A DAY FREE 4-5 tbsp Sherry vinegar rice in a large bowl and mix well. looking fresh, it’s
SERVES 6-8 as a side dish PREP 15 mins 4 tbsp olive oil Make the dressing by combining all the best to dress it just
COOK 30-35 mins ingredients in a bowl with a generous before serving.
1 Heat oven to 220C/200C fan/gas 7 amount of seasoning to taste. Once the Pack the salad
1 small butternut squash (about and line a baking tray with baking squash is completely cool, gently mix into a big container
375g/13oz), peeled and cubed parchment. Put the squash on the it into the bowl of other ingredients. and take the
1 tbsp olive oil baking tray, drizzle over the olive oil, Pour over the dressing, mix well and dressing in a jam
2 tbsp cumin seeds scatter on the cumin seeds and season serve on a large platter with the feta jar. Toss it together
250g/9oz basmati & wild rice generously – use your hands to ensure crumbled over the top. just before serving,
140g/5oz dried cranberries each piece is evenly coated with oil and PER SERVING (8) 400 kcals • fat 16g • saturates 2g • and scatter with
200g/7oz pomegranate seeds seasoning. Roast for 30-35 mins until carbs 56g • sugars 28g • fbre 4g • protein 6g • salt 0.1g feta at the last
100g/4oz blanched hazelnuts, toasted the edges are caramelised, then remove minute.
and halved from the oven and leave to cool.
Ramoutar Ponche de crème 1 Heat oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4 and
Caribbean culture is so bread pudding lightly grease a 20 x 30cm baking dish
linked with cooking, eating, Ponche de crème is a traditional with a little of the butter.
drinking and spontaneous spiced festive drink, a bit like eggnog. 2 First, make the ponche de crème. In a
hospitality, but we fnd a way large bowl, using an electric hand whisk,
to elevate it to another level at beat the eggs and lime zest for 1-2 mins
Christmas. More cooks in the SERVES 6 PREP 55 mins COOK 40-45 mins until light and frothy. Gradually beat in the
kitchen, more ‘prized’ dishes evaporated milk and rum, then add the
to be tasted, and parang 50g/2oz unsalted butter, plus extra vanilla, nutmeg and bitters, and mix well.
(local folk music) blaring at for greasing Stir in the condensed milk and set aside.
all hours. There’s poinsettias 400g/14oz brioche (slightly stale, 3 Butter the brioche slices on one side
and fake snow everywhere if possible), thickly sliced and cut each in half diagonally. Layer
– as I grew up where snow 25g/1oz coconut flakes half the slices across the base of the
was a thing of storybooks, 50g/2oz raisins baking dish, butter-side down. Pour over BRING THE DISH
you can see why we’d go large pinch of freshly grated nutmeg half the ponche de crème. Scatter over TO THE PARTY
mad for it. 50g/2oz pecans, roughly chopped the coconut fakes, raisins and half the This dessert is
The front door becomes a 1 tbsp demerara sugar nutmeg, and leave for 15 mins. best baked from
revolving door, with family, FOR THE PONCHE DE CREME 4 Sprinkle over the pecans and layer the fresh, but the
friends and neighbours 4 large eggs remaining slices of brioche, butter-side brioche will
popping in at any hour, and grated zest 1 lime up, on top. Pour over the remaining beneft from
there’s always enough for all. 410g can evaporated milk ponche de crème, ensuring it soaks all a long soak in
But behind all this bacchanal, 4 tbsp good-quality dark rum the bread. Sprinkle over the remaining the custard, so
we never forget that at its 1 tsp good-quality vanilla extract nutmeg and the demerara sugar. assemble and
heart it’s a celebration of 1
/4 tsp freshly grated nutmeg 5 Put the baking dish into a roasting tin wrap well, then
love and generosity. 1
/2 tsp Angostura bitters and pour boiling water into the tin to come bake at your
397g can condensed milk halfway up the outside of the baking dish. host’s house.
TO SERVE Carefully put the tin in the oven and bake The ice cream
Grainy coconut ice cream for 40-45 mins until the custard is set and will stay frozen for
(see recipe at, the pudding is golden brown. Scatter over 20-30 mins in
For Shivi’s Grainy
or double cream pecans and coconut fakes and serve a freezer bag,
coconut ice cream
2 tbsp pecans (optional) with Grainy coconut ice cream (see left) . or serve it with
recipe to go with this dish,
2 tbsp coconut flakes (optional) PER SERVING 839 kcals • fat 43g • saturates 20g • double cream.
carbs 83g • sugars 58g • fbre 3g • protein 22g • salt 1.4g
Put thyme leaves and garlic
slices under the butter – it
looks pretty and adds favour
Perk up shop-bought
chutney by adding crisp
apple for extra crunch
Quenelles of horseradish
cream add a smart
chef’s touch l
GoatÕs cheese, pear & Chicken liver p‰tŽ Smoked salmon carpaccio
candied pecan salad Make your own horseradish cream
if you can, otherwise buy the best
A DAY FREE SERVES 4 PREP 15 mins plus chilling you can find for a stronger flavour.
SERVES 4 PREP 20 mins COOK 7-10 mins COOK 10 mins
All the individual components can
be prepped a day ahead and stored
Catch James in separate containers in the fridge
Martin cooking overnight. You can also arrange the
Find more live on stage salmon on serving plates and wrap
smart starter at the BBC Good Food Shows in Glasgow in cling flm, ready to serve.
recipes at (6–8 November), London (13–15 November)
bbcgood and Birmingham (26–29 November). Find out more at
Just like Prosciutto di San Daniele, true taste and real origins simply cannot be imitated. That is
why the European Union created the Protected Designation of Origin scheme. PDO makes regional
specialities with centuries of tradition easier to recognise. Prosciutto di San Daniele and Grana
Padano cheese are perfect companions for every dish – awarded with the prestigious quality mark.
So next time you want to enjoy the unmistakeable �lavour, look for the PDO label.
There’s something for everyone
with these dazzling do-ahead
desserts. Take your pick – gooey
chocolate, fruity meringue or a
free-from pudding featuring this
season’s on-trend favours
Recipes Cassie Best Photographs Adrian Lawrence
cranberry & pistachio
meringue wreath
Clementine, cranberry & 1 Heat oven to 140C/120C fan/gas 2 you have a sugary syrup, but the
pistachio meringue wreath and cut a piece of baking parchment cranberries are still whole. Leave to
This stunning meringue wreath large enough to line your biggest baking cool completely.
makes a showstopping centrepiece. sheet. Using a plate as a template, draw 5 When you’re ready to serve, place the
The meringues are individually a circle roughly 28cm in diameter onto meringue wreath on a large board or
portioned, which makes serving the parchment, then fip it over onto the plate. Pour the cream into a bowl, and
really simple. baking sheet so the pencil marks don’t add the zest and liqueur, if using. Whip
come into contact with the meringue. until the cream just holds soft peaks. Fill
FREE 2 Put the egg whites in a large, clean each meringue crevice with a spoonful
SERVES 10 PREP 25 mins COOK 1 hr 30 mins bowl and beat with an electric whisk of cream, then top with 1-2 slices of
until doubled in volume and holding soft clementine and some cranberries.
FOR THE MERINGUE peaks. Add the sugar 1 or 2 tbsp at a Drizzle some cranberry syrup and
4 large egg whites time, whisking continuously, until the sprinkle generously with pistachios,
200g/7oz caster sugar meringue is stiff and shiny, and the then let everyone dive in.
FOR THE TOPPING sugar has been used up. PER SERVING 304 kcals • fat 17g • saturates 8g •
100g/4oz fresh or frozen cranberries 3 Dab a blob of meringue on each carbs 32g • sugars 31g • fbre 2g • protein 4g • salt 0.1g
75g/21/2oz caster sugar corner of the parchment to stick it to
300ml pot double or whipping cream the baking sheet. Using the circle as a Tip
2 small clementines, zested, then guide, spoon 10 mounds of meringue
peeled and sliced onto the parchment in a wreath shape. MAKE AHEAD
For more festive 2 tbsp orange liqueur (optional) Create a little divot in the centre of each You can make the meringue wreath up
desserts, visit 100g/4oz pistachios (slivered ones one with the back of a teaspoon. Bake to 3 days before serving. Once cool,
bbcgood look nice, but use chopped if you for 1 hr 30 mins, then leave in the oven place on a tray lined with baking can’t fnd them) to cool completely (overnight if you can). parchment and cover with cling flm.
4 Put the cranberries and sugar in a The cranberries can also be cooked and
saucepan and bring to a simmer. Turn stored in the fridge for 3 days.
up the heat and boil for 1-2 mins, until
made easy
Fulfilling the demands of the kitchen at Christmas isn’t easy –
in association with
but with a #hothack, you can sail through this year. Lisa Faulkner
shares her cooking tricks to make festive entertaining fuss free
Openspace Oven
This genius oven can help you
prepare meals in double-quick
time with an intelligent divider that
separates the single oven into two
cooking spaces, each operated by
its own set of controls. And don’t
worry about size - it’s big enough
to ensure you’ve got plenty of
space to meet your needs.
Seasonal hacks This Christmas, make things easier and better.
Lisa Faulkner’s series of hot hacks arms you with a
cache of invaluable short cuts, tips and ideas to
make whipping up something special as easy as pie
hristmas has to be the best time of year to indulge and even kitchen equipment can not only save you precious time
really enjoy yourself when it comes to food but with and make light work of jobs, it can also keep things interesting.
so much of the season revolving around it, it’s pretty So knocking up kitchen creations to delight anyone lucky
important to get it right. This means that somebody is going to enough to sample your dishes is no problem.
be spending a lot more time than usual in the kitchen. And if You can impress your family and friends this Christmas with a
you’re reading this, it’s probably you. stunning Christmas Pavlova with spiced fruit centrepiece or
But even the most ardent of cooks can feel overwhelmed by several (they’ll be so popular, you’ll need more!) – you’ll find it’s
expectations and the sheer amount of cooking and preparation surprisingly easy to get them right with the Hotpoint Openspace
that’s required at this time of year. Oven. So take note of Hotpoint ambassador Lisa Faulkner’s hot
That’s why – if you need a reason – it’s a good idea to look hacks and how you can use them to create amazing festive
out for great ways to make things easier for yourself in the creations with a difference. If you’ve got your own clever
kitchen. A clever hack into recipes, preparation techniques and cooking tips, share them with #hothack
Hotpoint SERVES 6-8 a PREP 10 MINS
Food Procesor
250g hot smoked salmon
Lisa’s #hothack: Instead of sifting
icing sugar, try whizzing it in a 4 tbsp crème fraîche
food processor instead for fast, 3 tbsp double cream
lump-free results. Especially helpful 1 tbsp creamed horseradish
if it has clumped in the packet. zest 1/2 lemon and a
squeeze of juice
small bunch chives, snipped
competitions for a chance to
win the appliances used in
these recipes, as well as
tickets to the BBC Good Food
Show Winter, where
Hotpoint will be appearing.
Advertisement feature
Hotpoint Openspace
Lisa’s #hothack: CHRISTMAS PAVLOVA
meringue for Eton MAKES 8 SERVINGS a PREP 30 MINS
Mess with a twist: a COOK 1 HR PLUS COOLING
mix with clementines
and pomegranate.
3 egg whites
pinch of salt
200g caster sugar
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 tsp malt vinegar
50g fresh cranberries
400g tin black pitted cherries in syrup
1 cinnamon stick
4 cloves
SPICED APPLE AND 1 orange, pared
RUM TODDY 1 tbsp soft brown sugar
MAKES 2 a PREP 5 MINS 150g frozen forest fruits (defrosted)
a COOK 10 MINS 300ml double cream
James Mart
Show time is
nearly here!
Our top five picks for a delicious day out
ut a visit to the BBC Good Food Show
Winter at the top of your Christmas
preparation list this month.
Be inspired with seasonal recipe ideas and
discover delicious food and drink from over 400
producers and exhibitors. Here are our top 5
1 Festive Finds
The Show is full of festive finds, including
luxury Christmas puds from Berries Puddings,
It’s a great day out full of festive inspiration, picks to help you make the most of your day. new world wines from the Antipodean
bringing everything you need for a delicious Sommelier, and award winning blue cheeses
season together, and serving it all with a Last chance to save! Get 20% off* from Cornish Cheese. See what products top
large helping of entertainment from the best SAVE tickets when you book in advance. brands like Oxo and Baileys have in store for you
chefs around. Quote GR20. this Christmas too.
2 Top Notch Cheeses
The World Cheese Awards are judged live
at the Show with over 250 experts selecting this
3 Go home a ‘new cook’
Learn a few simple skills to improve your
cooking while at the Show. Pick up some fun
4 Bargains on the tastiest treats
Top quality artisan producers in the
Producers’ Village and Great Taste Market;
year’s winners from around 3,000 entries. Join Christmas cake decorating tips from Renshaw, regional delights in the Ludlow Producer
a tasting tour to explore the flavours yourself join a tasting session to discover the right Market; healthy food finds in the Eat Well
and visit the World Cheese Awards Deli to take beers or wines to your festive menu, or meet Pavilion; tasty tipples in the Drinks Cabinet; and
a selection of cheeses home with you. Visit our the Good Food team on the Good Food stand so much more. Visit on Black Friday for some
website for more details and to book a tour. for top insider tips. great discounts.
N !
5 Supertheatre
Experience the buzz of live
entertainment in the Supertheatre as
one of the highlights of your day.
See your favourite chef create
mouthwatering dishes live on stage,
including Good Food favourite James
Martin, the queen of baking Mary
Berry, cheeky Geordie duo the Hairy
Bikers, Michelin starred master Michel
Roux Jr. and more.
Te Hairy B
iker s
x Jr.
Micel Ro
other offer. Calls to 0844 581 1345 cost 7p per minute plus your phone company’s access charge. Not all celebrities ap-pear on all days, check the website for details. The Good Food
word mark and logo are trademarks of BBC Worldwide Limited. Copyright BBC Worldwide Limited. The BBC Good Food Shows are organised and pre-sented by River Street Events.
We gingerbread
It has become one of the iconic favours of Christmas. Cassie Best’s
stunning biscuits and cake take gingerbread to the next level
Photographs Toby Scott
Makes & bakes
ing, p1
erbre c
ad cake wi cuit i
th caramel bis
a little edible glitter, if you like. We saucepan (grease the measuring spoon remaining icing to cover the cake. icing sugar with
fooded some of the biscuits with pale with a little oil frst and the treacle will Smooth the sides using a palette knife, enough water to
blue icing (see ‘Flooding’, p120) and easily slide off). Bring to a gentle but leave peaks and dips on top for your make a thick icing,
piped white details on the others. Leave simmer and stir until combined, then snow scene. Top the cake generously transfer to a
the icing to dry for 1-2 hrs, then use a set aside to cool. Meanwhile, grease with desiccated coconut, a dusting of piping bag ftted
little more icing to stick the biscuits to 3 x 20cm loose-bottomed cake tins sieved icing sugar and some edible with a fne nozzle.
the wreath. Thread a ribbon through the with a little oil and line the bases with glitter, if you like, then decorate the top Decorate however
hole and wrap up in cellophane, if baking parchment (if you don’t have and sides with gingerbread shapes (see you like, then
giving as a gift (the ribbon is just for enough cake tins, see Only one tin?, right). If you’re not eating the cake leave to dry.
show and may not support a hung above right). If the tins are any within a few hours, store it in the fridge, Place the trees
wreath). Will keep for 2 weeks. shallower than 4cm, line but bring back to room temperature and house on top
PER SERVING (15) 330 kcals • the sides with a deep before serving. Wlll keep for 2 days. of the cake and
fat 6g • saturates 4g • carbs 65g • collar too. Heat oven to PER SERVING 626 kcals • fat 35g • saturates 15g • push the hearts
sugars 48g • fibre 1g • protein 3g • salt0.3g 180C/160C fan/gas 4. carbs 70g • sugars 54g • fbre 1g • protein 5g • salt 0.8g into the icing.
Good reads
Sugar &spice
Historian Kate Williams charts the rise of gingerbread –
from a humble biscuit to a global phenomenon
s a child, I read the story of the diplomats. The idea of ginger people The Fun of Cooking from 1915
gingerbread man again and caught on – and fairs displayed recommends cutting out your own
again. This American tale tells of gingerbread ‘newsreel’, with the latest fgure and adding currants for eyes
how he runs away from the woman who king or queen portrayed in biscuit form. and buttons. A 1920 advertisement for
baked him, to escape his fate, but he is Gingerbread fgurines fell out of Royal Baking Powder shows a little boy
foiled by a fox who gobbles him up. favour in the 17th century after they ‘Dreaming of his Gingerbread Men’.
The story is more modern than we became seen as witches’ tools. Gingerbread is now popu lar worldwide,
might think, having its frst print outing Gingerbread cake dominated for the from Russian pryanki to Dutch speculaas
in St. Nicholas magazine in 1875 – but next centuries, and the typical recipe – and, of course, Germany is the
gingerbread itself is one of our oldest features in my partner’s family’s traditional home of the gingerbread
bakes, beating sponge hands down. handwritten recipe book from 1705: house, popularised after the Brothers
The spice itself, indigenous to China, treacle, ginger, butter, four, sugar – Grimm published Hansel and Gretel
arrived in Europe via India in the 1st and, interestingly, no eggs. in 1812. We’ve all taken a fancy to
century. Ginger sweetbreads were made In Britain, Market Drayton is the gingerbread in many forms.
in ancient Greece and Asia, but the home of gingerbread – by the early
earliest record we have of a modern-style 20th century, there were four specialist Kate Williams, a social historian
bake is near Pithiviers, in what is now makers in the Shropshire town. On and author, regularly appears on BBC
North-central France, in 992, when an every childhood Lake District holiday, TV and radio. Her new novel, The Edge
Armenian monk taught the locals to we stocked up at the Grasmere of the Fall (£14.99, Orion), is out now.
make gingerbread. Gingerbread Shop, famed since Sarah
The word ‘gingerbread’ comes from Nelson created her crumbly gingerbread
the Old French ‘gingerbras’, which in 1854. At the start of the 20th century,
derives from the Latin for ginger, the gingerbread man also began to
‘zingebar’. While readying himself to appear in American cookbooks.
fght a giant, Sir Thopas, in Chaucer’s
1386 Canterbury Tales, is fed ‘Gyngebred
that was ful fyn’. He would have eaten a Medieval
rougher version than ours – made from
stale breadcrumbs, almonds, honey, gingerbread
rosewater and ginger spice. Medieval
gingerbread was widely sold at fairs,
was sold
sometimes gilded with real gold, pressed
into moulds of birds or fowers – and Sir
at fairs,
Thopas and his friends saw it as a win-win sometimes
foodstuff, both tasty and medicinal,
excellent for improving the digestion. gilded
For Shakespeare, in Love’s Labours
Lost, it is highly desirable: ‘An I had but
with gold
one penny in the world, thou shouldst
have it to buy gingerbread.’ By this point,
breadcrumbs had been replaced by four,
and the spice trade was feeding the Discover new ways
with gingerbread
passion for gingerbread. The frst record
– turn to page 122.
of gingerbread in human shape For this gingerbread
is at Elizabeth I’s court, where fgures man recipe, visit
were made to resemble visiting
Ba 1
dC s, p14
am ick
ert wit breadst
h bacon-wrapped
Christmas morning st
Christmas 100g/4oz golden caster sugar has just come together – the most
morning 100g/4oz marzipan, diced important thing is to not overmix – don’t
stollen 25g/1oz pistachios, roughly chopped worry if there are still a few foury bits.
muffns 50g/2oz toasted faked almonds 2 Quickly divide the mix between the
Lots of people 25g/1oz sultanas or raisins cases and put in the oven on the top
have sit-down 50g/2oz dried cherries or cranberries shelf. Bake for 5 mins, then lower the
breakfasts on 50g/2oz dried apricots, diced heat to 180C/160C fan/gas 4 and bake
Christmas morning, but if the kids 2 large eggs for 15 mins more until they are risen,
are keen to get into the presents, 100g/4oz unsalted butter, melted golden, and a skewer inserted into the
these can be eaten around the tree. and cooled middle of them comes out clean.
Weigh and mix all your dry 125ml/4f oz full-fat natural yogurt 3 Once they have cooled a little and
ingredients on Christmas Eve, have 1 tsp almond extract are frm enough to handle, lift out of the
the butter ready in the microwave 2 tbsp icing sugar tin onto wire racks and cool for 5 mins.
and your yogurt measured into a YOU WILL NEED Mix the icing sugar with the remaining
mixing jug in the fridge, then it’s a 12 paper muffn cases (we used tulip 1
/4 tsp cinnamon and sieve over the
doddle to make these in the morning. cases) muffns. Serve warm. Will keep for
3 days in an airtight container.
1 Heat oven to 220C/200C fan/gas 7 PER MUFFIN (12) 315 kcals • fat 15g • saturates 5g •
MAKES 10-12 (depending on your tin) and put the muffn cases in a 12-hole carbs 37g • sugars 22g • fbre 2g • protein 7g • salt 0.4g
PREP 20 mins plus cooling COOK 20 mins muffn tin. Mix the four, ground
almonds, baking powder, bicarb, 1/4 tsp
1-2 tsp sunfower oil, for greasing cinnamon, the sugar, marzipan, nuts
200g/7oz plain four and dried fruit in a mixing bowl. Whisk
50g/2oz ground almonds together the eggs, melted butter, yogurt
1 tsp each baking powder and and almond extract, then pour over the
bicarbonate of soda dry ingredients and very quickly mix
/2 tsp ground cinnamon with a wooden spoon until the mixture
CUTS INTO 10-12 slices PREP 30 mins plus
cooling COOK 1 hr–1 hr 10 mins
On sale
9 December
l Raymond Blanc cooks goose
l Party cocktails & canapés l Boxing Day buffet
l Homemade hampers l John Torode’s raised game pie
PLUS Quick winter suppers l Holiday brunch dishes
On your marks... WIN!
All our top
baking gadgets
See p148 for
TOP BUY Professional Stainless
Steel Measuring Spoons, £12,
The difference between pretty and
practical gadgets was most apparent
in this category. All three bakers said
they wouldn’t use decorated, ceramic
measuring spoons.
John These narrow ones are the best
because they go inside spice jars – I’ve
got them at home.
Edd I don’t like any of the pretty or
stylised ones – they’re never accurate.
Frances These narrow ones are a
good all-round choice, but the round
ones are quite good for balling melons!
TOP BUY Tapered Rolling Pin,
50cm, £7.50,
We looked at rolling pins ranging from
heavy marble to plain thin wood, as
well as several silicone models.
Edd You can manoeuvre this really
easily – it pivots at the thick part in
the middle, so you can easily change
your direction.
John The design means you can shape
pastry into a perfect square: you use
the tapered end to start off your pastry
ball and then use the different
thickness to squash out any
unevenness. Flour clings to wood
better as well.
Frances You don’t need to spend loads
of money on a rolling pin. I like one
that’s lightweight and quite simple.
Direct Debit: £29.99 every 12 issues (saving over 40%*) & bonus gift
New ideas
Name of your bank or building society Sort code A/C no for baking
Instructions to your bank or building society
Pay Immediate Media Co London Ltd Direct
Debits from the account detailed on this
Postcode instruction, subject to the safeguards assured by
the Direct Debit guarantee. I understand that this
Name of account holder instruction may remain with Immediate Media
Co London Ltd and, if so, details will be passed
electronically to my bank or building society.
TV recipes
Chefs’ specials
This month – a warming soup, a crowd-pleasing
pudding and clever ideas for your leftovers
Edited by Kathryn Custance Recipes tested by Home economist Petra Jackson
chestnut yule
log – p157
Spiced parsnip
& spinach soup
Spiced parsnip soups were the
staple of my childhood and teens
– those of my vintage, and older,
will most definitely remember the
popularity of the curried parsnip
soup. But this, while inspired by
that memory, is very different. It’s
rich (though without the butter
that was the hallmark of the time),
sweet and a glorious snooker-baize
green. The spinach improves the
texture and taste, adding a robust
earthiness – which, once added,
seems the obvious partner for the
more mutedly earthy parsnips.
I keep frozen organic leaf spinach
(which comes in cubes, and unfurls
into leaves as it thaws and cooks in
the soup) in the freezer at all times.
Someone once told me that
spinach draws its nutrients deep
from the soil (and it’s one of those
vegetables where it makes a real
difference if it’s organic). I don’t
know if that’s true, but somehow
this message has permeated
deep into my consciousness and
I have to obey.
SERVES 2 for supper (makes around 1 litre, with Cover with the stock, bring to the boil, NIGELLA’S STORAGE NOTES says
enough left over to make lunch for 1 the next day) then reduce the heat slightly. Put the lid Cool leftovers, then cover and put in the
PREP 10 mins COOK 25 mins on and leave to simmer with some brio fridge within 2 hrs of making. Will keep in ‘If you don’t
for 15 mins or until the parsnips are soft. the fridge for up to 3 days. own a stick
500g parsnips 2 Stir in the garam masala, add the Reheat gently in a saucepan, stirring blender, or
1 fat garlic clove frozen spinach, then put the lid back on occasionally and adding extra water if prefer a more velvet
1 litre chicken or vegetable stock and cook for 5 mins, by which time the needed, until the soup is piping hot. texture, purée the
1 tsp garam masala spinach should be thawed and hot. Cold soup can be frozen in an airtight ingredients in a
150g frozen organic leaf spinach 3 Take the pan off the heat to cool container for up to 3 months. Defrost blender. You will
lots of freshly ground nutmeg slightly and, using a stick blender, in the fridge overnight, then reheat have to do this in two
carefully blend the soup until smooth. as above. or three batches,
1 Peel the parsnips and cut them into Add a generous amount of freshly depending on the
equal-sized pieces that will cook in ground nutmeg and season to taste. size of the ‘jug’.
about the same time: that’s to say, leave You may need to add water, as this Also, you may
the skinny twigs as they are, and cut the soup tends to thicken as it stands. need to reheat it
wider bits into smaller pieces. Cut the for a few minutes
garlic into 3, then drop these and the before serving.’
parsnips into a large saucepan with a lid.
Nigella takes a pared-down approach to cooking
and eating in her new BBC Two series. According
to Nigella, it’s ‘about food that makes our life
easier, that makes us feel better, more alive and
less stressed’. Whether that’s preparing a feast
for a special occasion or a satisfying everyday
family meal, the aim is to get the right balance
between lightness and lushness, recipes that
are a pleasure both to cook and to eat.
to assist, gently but frmly roll up the says
sponge as you would a Swiss roll. Try to
keep the frst roll tight so you get a good ‘If you
spiral. Transfer to a serving plate and choose to
dust with icing sugar, or decorate with make the
a bark effect (see below). chocolate ganache
for the bark, make
JAMES’S TIP For the bark, melt 150g sure that you use
chopped milk chocolate, 100g chopped ordinary double
dark chocolate and 300ml double cream cream rather
in a bowl set over a pan of simmering than whipping or
water. Remove from the pan and leave thickened. To speed
until cool and thickened before spreading up the cooling
over the log. When it’s nearly set, use the process, sit the
tines of a fork or a palette knife to create bowl over ice and
a bark effect. give it a stir every
now and then.’
Don’t miss James Martin’s
Christmas Home Comforts
starting on Monday 7 December on
Saturday Kitchen BBC One.
A Christmas treat from James Martin.
Catch James and his guests on You can also catch
Saturday Kitchen at 10am on BBC One James cooking live at
three BBC Good Food Shows this month
Chocolate chestnut yule log the egg yolks and caster sugar in a – in Glasgow from 6-8 November, in
Forget Christmas pudding; this year large bowl until pale and fuffy. Sift in London from 13-15 November and at the
it’s all about the yule log! I’m keeping the four, then fold in gently with the Good Food Show Winter in Birmingham Recipe adapted
it simple with a light chocolate melted chocolate. from 26-29 November. For more from Saturday
sponge and traditional French rich 2 Whisk the egg whites in a clean bowl information and tickets visit Kitchen Suppers
chestnut and mascarpone filling. until stiff peaks form, then fold very (£20, Weidenfeld
gently into the chocolate mixture. or call 0844 581 1360. & Nicolson).
un-iced cake only Take care not to overmix. Carefully To buy the book
SERVES 6-8 PREP 1 hr (longer if you decorate spoon the mixture into the tin and lightly for just £16.50
with chocolate bark) COOK about 20 mins spread into the edges and corners so with free p&p, call
that the sponge bakes evenly. 01326 569444 or
FOR THE SPONGE 3 Bake for 18-20 mins or until the visit sparkledirect.
175g dark chocolate, roughly chopped sponge has risen and springs back com/goodfood.
6 eggs, separated when you gently press a fnger into the
175g caster sugar centre. Remove from the oven and leave
50g plain four to cool for a few mins. Place a clean,
2-3 tbsp icing sugar, for dusting damp tea towel over the sponge and TOMORROW’S FOOD
FOR THE FILLING place a chopping board on top. Flip Dara O Briain presents a new BBC One series
150g sweetened chestnut purée over so the cake is face down on the starting in November about the technological innovations
150ml double cream, lightly whipped tea towel. Remove the tin and peel off that will transform the ways we grow, buy and eat our food.
50g mascarpone the parchment. Cover with another Highlights include Angela Hartnett discovering how
75g cooked chestnuts, roughly clean, damp tea towel while it cools. 3D printing is exploding in the food industry, and whether
chopped 4 To make the flling, carefully mix the the ingredients for the burgers of the future are more likely
chestnut purée, whipped cream and to be found in a lab or an insect farm than a feld.
1 Heat oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4. mascarpone until just combined. Fold in Greengrocer Chris Bavin goes inside future-facing farms
Lightly grease a 23 x 33cm Swiss roll tin the chopped chestnuts. Remove the top that fourish in the desert, are staffed by robots, or whose
and line with baking parchment. Melt tea towel from the sponge, then use a crops never see daylight. Dr Shini Somara investigates the
the chocolate in a bowl set over a pan of palette knife or spatula to spread the kitchen, supermarket and restaurant of the future, and the
simmering water (ensure that the base flling to within 2cm of the sponge edge. growing ‘health by stealth’ trend – from healthy chocolate
of the bowl does not touch the water). 5 Starting from the longer side of the to technology that can persuade us to feel full faster.
Leave to cool for a few mins. Whisk cake, and using the bottom tea towel
Arancini patties 1 Tip the cold risotto into a bowl and stir 1 Whizz the chickpeas, roots, lemon juice,
If you have some leftover risotto, in the cheese. Add any scraps of cooked tahini or yogurt, oil, garlic, cumin and
one of the most delicious things meat, fsh or veg that you think will work. chilli fakes in a food processor until fairly
you can do is transform it into Add some chopped herbs, if you like, smooth. If it’s too thick, thin with some
Italian fried rice balls (or patties). taste and season if necessary, then mix hot water until you get the consistency
They’re quite good plain, with just everything together well. The mixture you like. Season to taste.
some added cheese, or with other should be sticky enough to hold together, 2 To serve, spoon the houmous into
scraps of leftover meat or veg but add a little beaten egg if needed. a bowl or onto a plate, sprinkle with a
worked into them. 2 Roll the mixture into walnut- to-golf- good pinch of crushed cumin seeds, and
ball-sized balls, then fatten to form chilli fakes (if you like), and trickle on
EASY Petra plump patties. Dust the patties with some olive or rapeseed oil. Sealed in
MAKES about 6 PREP 20 mins COOK 10 mins four, and, if you want a crispy coating, a container, this houmous keeps well
‘Arancini dip them in beaten egg, then into fne in the fridge for up to a week.
250g-350g cold, cooked risotto means breadcrumbs (just fouring is fne too).
50-70g Parmesan or other hard little 3 Heat about a 1cm depth of oil in HUGH’S TIPS Use leftover home-cooked
cheese, grated oranges in Italian. a large non-stick frying pan over a chickpeas if you like: 250g is roughly
any scraps of cooked meat or fsh, I know because as medium-high heat. Shallow-fry the equivalent to a 400g can. Cannellini beans
torn or chopped into small pieces a student I assisted arancini patties – in batches, if necessary or butter beans work well as alternatives.
any cooked veg, such as mushrooms, Valentina Harris – fairly gently until golden brown on the
courgettes, chopped small, and/or with some cookery outside and piping hot in the middle.
peas demos. I must Serve immediately.
some soft herbs, such as parsley, dill, have fried
lovage, chervil or chives, chopped hundreds of HUGH’S TIPS To make arancini with a
(optional) arancini at the surprise centre, take 2 patties (before
1 egg, beaten, to bind, if necessary time. Until I tried fouring) and make a dimple in the centre
FOR THE COATING these, I’d rather of each. Spoon flling into one, place the
plain four forgotten how other on top, dimple-side down, then
1-2 eggs, lightly beaten (optional) rice and leftovers squish the patties together to seal in the
couple of handfuls of fne could become flling. Fry as before and serve piping hot.
breadcrumbs (optional) something so FILLING OPTIONS
FOR FRYING delicious.’ l Mozzarella or blue cheese
sunfower oil l Diced ham or chunks of cooked sausage
‘This is a
way to
make use of the
frozen fruit glut from
this summer. As
Hugh suggests, soft
fruits work well, but
if you’ve got some
frozen apple, pear or
plum purée, give
those a go too.
Berry good frozen yogurt A little ground
This is so quick and easy. If you use cinnamon added to
frozen fruit, then you don’t need to the mix tastes nice.’
churn it – it’s ready to eat straight
away. You can also use this recipe as
a blueprint for other combinations.
Add some
ec b
in association with
hen you’re cooking dinner for flavour enhancers. Simply melt and stir them
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Data protection BBC Worldwide Limited and Immediate Media Company Limited (publishers of BBC Good Food)
Surrey GU6 8ND or call 01483 204455** quoting GF/0201 or visit would love to keep you informed by post, telephone or email of their special offers and promotions. Please state
at time of ordering if you do not wish to receive these from BBC Worldwide or Immediate Media Company.
£1.18 per serving
Butternut squash 100g bag spinach 2 Meanwhile, mix the squash with
& lentil dhal small pack coriander, leaves chopped the curry paste and oil, and spread out
2 limes, 1 zested and juiced, 1 cut in a single layer on a large non-stick
FAT CAL into wedges baking tray. Roast for 20-25 mins
A DAY 4 YOU 1 tbsp desiccated coconut, toasted until soft and slightly charred.
SERVES 4 PREP 15 mins COOK 40 mins 50g/2oz pomegranate seeds 3 Stir the squash, spinach, coriander,
low-fat yogurt, to serve lime zest and juice into the lentils.
600ml/1pt vegetable stock (optional) Sprinkle over the coconut and
200g/7oz green lentils, washed pomegranate seeds, and serve with lime
1 large butternut squash (about 1 Heat oven to 200C/180C fan/gas 6. wedges and low-fat yogurt, if you like.
1kg/2lb 4oz), peeled, deseeded Bring the stock to the boil in a large PER SERVING 350 kcals • fat 8g • saturates 2g •
and cut into small chunks saucepan. Tip in the lentils, cover and carbs 46g • sugars 14g • fbre 12g • protein 16g • salt 0.8g
2 tbsp mild curry paste simmer for 25-30 mins until they are
1 tbsp olive or rapeseed oil cooked but still have a bit of bite.
Chicken quesadillas 99p per serving
with mango salsa
READY IN 15 MINUTES £2.29 per serving
SERVES 2 (easily doubled) PREP 10 mins Set aside. Mix together the chicken,
COOK 4-5 mins beans and cheese. Lay a wrap on a
board and add half the flling to one half,
175g/6oz prepared mango, cut into leaving a 2cm border around the edge.
small chunks Fold the other side over the flling, as
zest and juice 1 lime you would an omelette. Repeat with the
4 spring onions, trimmed and sliced second wrap.
/2 small pack coriander, chopped 2 Put a large, non-stick frying pan over
100g/4oz roast chicken, cut into a high heat. Once hot, lift the quesadillas
small pieces into the pan and fry for 1-2 mins each
400g can black beans, drained side until the tortilla are crisp and
and rinsed golden, and the flling is hot – you may
50g/2oz cheddar, grated have to do one at a time. Cut into
2 large soft tortilla wraps wedges and serve with the salsa.
PER SERVING 465 kcals • fat 14g • saturates 7g •
1 First, make the salsa. Mix together carbs 48g • sugars 13g • fbre 11g • protein 32g • salt 1.5g
the mango, lime zest and juice, spring
onions, coriander and some seasoning.
£1 per serving
Hasselback jacket potatoes 1 Heat oven to 200C/180C fan/gas 6. Fold each piece of prosciutto back and
Cut slits into each potato, three-quarters forth as though making a fan, then
FREE of the way through, at 5mm intervals. place the slices on the tray and bake
SERVES 4 PREP 15 mins COOK 1 hr 15 mins Melt the butter with the paprika and for 10-15 mins, on the shelf below
brush all over the potatoes, pushing it the potatoes, until crisp. Remove the
4 large baking potatoes down into the slits. Place on a non-stick potatoes from the oven, spoon over
50g/2oz butter baking tray and bake in the oven for the soured cream and top with the
1 tsp smoked paprika 1 hr 15 mins until crispy and golden on crispy prosciutto to serve.
8 slices prosciutto the outside and you can easily push a PER SERVING 580 kcals • fat 24g • saturates 13g •
175ml/6fl oz half-fat soured cream skewer into the potato. carbs 68g • sugars 4g • fbre 8g • protein 19g • salt 2.0g
2 When the potatoes are nearly cooked,
line a baking tray with baking parchment. Get 10% discount & free delivery on your next order from, use 'GOODFOOD10'
at checkout. Linwoods is available in Tesco, Sainsburys, Waitrose, ASDA, Holland & Barrett, Ocado and all health food stores in the UK.
A DAY 4 YOU lime zest and juice, pour over the pork
*It is a legal requirement in the UK that knives are not sold to under-18s. To ensure that the knives are not sold to under-18s,
SERVES 4 PREP 15 mins COOK 30 mins and mix together, then set aside.
2 Put a medium pan of water on to boil.
600g/1lb 5oz pork loin steaks, Tip in the rice and cook following pack
trimmed and cut into thin strips instructions. Meanwhile, heat 1 tbsp oil
2 lemongrass stalks, outer layers in a large non-stick frying pan or wok
discarded, centre fnely chopped over a high heat and add the spring
2 tbsp reduced-salt soy sauce onions. Cook for 1-2 mins until golden
2 limes, zest and juice of 11/2, brown and softened. Lift out of the pan
/2 cut into wedges to serve onto a plate lined with kitchen paper.
300g/11oz basmati rice 3 Return the frying pan to the heat.
1-2 tbsp sunfower or rapeseed oil, If the pan is dry, add another 1 tbsp
for frying oil. Tip in the pork and marinade, and
2 bunches spring onions, trimmed stir-fry over a high heat for 4-5 mins
and cut into thirds until the pork is nearly cooked. Tip in
300g bag beansprouts the beansprouts and cabbage, and
1 Savoy or sweetheart cabbage (about stir-fry for another 3 mins until the pork
300g/11oz), shredded is cooked through and the vegetables
25g/1oz cashews, roughly chopped are slightly soft. Stir in the spring onions,
sprinkle over the cashews and serve
with the rice and lime wedges.
PER SERVING 569 kcals • fat 13g • saturates 2g •
carbs 66g • sugars 5g • fbre 5g • protein 45g • salt 0.9g
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GU6 8ND or call 01483 204455 quoting GF/0199 or visit
AMIRA rice is available in Morrisons, ASDA, Tesco, Waitrose and all good independent
retailers. Visit for a range of recipes that are the perfect
accompaniment to our Superior Aromatic rice.
Griddled chicken 1 Mix the mirin, garlic, two-thirds of the 3 Meanwhile, heat a griddle pan
with edamame mash lemon zest and juice, and 1 tbsp sesame over a medium-high heat and cook
oil in a large bowl. Add the chicken and the chicken for 3-4 mins each side
CAL FOLATE FIBRE IRON A DAY 4 YOU mix to coat. Put a large saucepan of until charred and cooked through.
FREE water on to boil. Tip in the edamame Divide the edamame mash between
SERVES 4 PREP 10 mins COOK 20 mins beans, boil for 4 mins, then add the four plates, top with the griddled
peas and cook for another 2 mins. chicken and serve.
1 tbsp mirin Drain and set aside. PER SERVING 428 kcals • fat 14g • saturates 3g •
2 garlic cloves, crushed 2 Return the pan to the heat with the carbs 22g • sugars 9g • fibre 13g • protein 46g • salt 0.2g
zest and juice 11/2 lemons remaining sesame oil, the onion, chilli
2 tbsp sesame oil and ginger, and cook for 4 mins until just
4 small skinless chicken breasts, beginning to soften. Tip the edamame
cut in half lengthways to make beans and peas back into the pan and
8 fat pieces roughly crush with a potato masher.
300g/11oz frozen edamame beans Turn off the heat and stir in the yogurt
500g/1lb 2oz frozen peas and remaining lemon zest and juice.
1 red onion, fnely chopped Add a splash of water if you need to.
1-2 red chillies, deseeded and chopped
thumb-sized piece ginger, peeled and
fnely grated
100g/4oz low-fat natural yogurt
£2.94 per serving
£1.18 per serving Chestnut & bacon linguine 1 Put a large pan of salted water on
to boil, add the linguine and cook
CAL for 8 mins or following pack instructions.
SERVES 4 PREP 2 mins COOK 13 mins 2 Meanwhile, heat a medium non-stick
frying pan on a medium heat. Add the
375g/13oz linguine or spaghetti lardons and thyme, and cook for 5 mins,
75g/21/2oz bacon lardons stirring occasionally, until golden and
6 thyme sprigs crispy. Add the chestnuts, crème fraîche,
85g/3oz vacuum-packed chestnuts, mustard and some seasoning.
cut into small pieces 3 Drain the pasta, reserving the cooking
100g/4oz half-fat crème fraîche water. Tip the pasta into the chestnut
1 tsp wholegrain mustard sauce and toss together with a splash
70g bag rocket of cooking water. Stir through the rocket
25g/1oz grated Parmesan, to serve and serve with the Parmesan.
PER SERVING 402 kcals • fat 10g • saturates 4g •
carbs 61g • sugars 2g • fbre 1g • protein 16g • salt 0.7g
Swirl the water with a spoon
before dropping in the eggs
to make a nicer shape.
et ready for a packed day of first rate
entertainment from world class chefs, pop
up restaurant and tasting experiences,
and plenty of fine food and drink to try and buy at
the BBC Good Food Show London. Here are our
tips for making the most of your visit.
Tom Keridg
Spend the morning with top chefs Dine in style at lunchtime Browse the aisles all afternoon
Arrive early so you have time to get your Dine with friends from a selection of Pop-Up Shop from 100s of brands and top quality
favourite chef’s latest cook book signed and to Restaurants including Blue Elephant, Café Spice producers as you explore the Show’s shopping
watch your culinary heroes get a grilling on the Namaste, and our very own BBC Good Food areas, including the French Market, Drinks
Interview Stage, before you head into the Kitchen. You’ll also find dishes inspired by Cabinet, Eat Well Pavilion and more. Don’t forget
Supertheatre to see them cooking delicious London’s street food scene, as well as wine or to explore the BBC Good Food Bakes & Cakes
recipes live on stage. beer tasting sessions giving you expert advice. Show too - free entry is included with your ticket.
With thanks to
our sponsors
and supporters: Show Supertheatre Interview Bakes & Cakes Shop & Drop Kitchen Appliance Book Knife
sponsor sponsor Stage sponsor Stage sponsor supporter supplier shop supplier
Take it to
10 Warming one-pot
Our Good Food Nation survey reveals that half of us can cook no more
in association with than fve recipes from memory. This new series aims to take that
number to 10. This month, try a hearty beef stew
1 OF 5
25g/1oz butter
2 large onions, sliced
into rings
6 garlic cloves, halved
3 tbsp plain flour
600g/1lb 5oz piece beef
skirt or slices of shin,
cut into large chunks
2 tbsp olive or
rapeseed oil
3 bay leaves
400ml/14fl oz
red wine
1 tbsp tomato
300ml/1/2pt strong
beef stock
Recipe and food styling SARA BUENFELD | Photograph STUART OVENDEN | Styling LUIS PERAL
Bread &
Warm up winter with these simple desserts – they’re
quick to prepare, then just pop in the oven
Recipes Katy Gilhooly and Orlando Murrin Photographs Jan Baldwin and Darren Feist
Bread & butter pudding 1 Heat oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4. 4 Remove the vanilla pod from the
Transform a stale loaf into this To make the custard, heat the milk, custard, then pour the custard over
classic British dessert, layered up cream and vanilla pod with its scraped- the pudding. Leave to soak for at least
with a rich vanilla custard. out seeds (if using) together in a 30 mins in the fridge. Sprinkle over
saucepan to just below boiling point. the demerara sugar and bake for
Meanwhile, whisk the eggs and yolk 35-40 mins until golden brown
SERVES 6 PREP 20 mins plus soaking with the caster sugar in a jug. Slowly and puffed up. Serve with cream
COOK 45 mins pour the warm milk mixture, including or ice cream.
the vanilla pod, over the eggs, stirring PER SERVING 566 kcals • fat 40g • saturates 23g •
250ml/9f oz full-fat milk constantly until smooth. Stir in the carbs 42g • sugars 29g • fbre 1g • protein 9g • salt 0.7g
300ml/1/2pt double cream vanilla extract now (if using).
1 vanilla pod, halved and seeds 2 Lightly grease an ovenproof dish
scraped out, or 1 tsp vanilla extract approximately 20 x 25 x 5cm. Cut the
3 whole large eggs and 1 egg yolk crusts from the bread slices, then butter
3 tbsp golden caster sugar both sides of the bread and cut into
8 slices of day-old white crusty bread triangles. Lay half the bread slices in the Tip
50g/2oz slightly salted butter, bottom of the dish so that they are
softened, plus extra for greasing slightly overlapping. Give it a Christmas twist
75g/21/2oz mix of sultanas and 3 Mix the dried fruit with the lemon Try swapping the bread for panettone
currants or other dried fruit zest and sprinkle half the mixture and add a splash of sweet Sherry,
zest 1/2 lemon over the bread. Layer the rest of the brandy or rum to the custard. Orange
2 tbsp demerara sugar bread on top, then sprinkle over zest will also add a festive aroma.
single cream or ice cream, to serve the remaining dried fruit.
Gather everyone around the table and enjoy
a homemade meal together – it’s easy with
Bisto Barbecue Chicken Tray Bake Made Simple
ou can’t beat a good tray bake when cooking for the family.
Soft goat’s
Strong cheese
cheddar +
+ Honey &
Christmas lavender
cake drizzle
See recipe below
Stilton frozen
+ grapes
Illustrations RACHEL BAYLY | Butter photographs PETER CASSIDY | Cheeseboard photograph SAM STOWELL | Food stylist JENNIFER JOYCE | Stylist LUIS PERAL
These go well Manchego
with any cheese. +
Thinly slice 1 pear, Chorizo-
sprinkle with 2 tsp stufed dates
golden caster See recipe below
sugar and put on
a tray lined with
baking parchment.
Bake at 140C/
120C fan/gas 1 for
1 hr until dried out.
Leave on a wire
rack to crisp
Heat oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4. Tip Combine 2 tsp clear honey, 2 tsp olive oil,
100g walnuts into a heatproof bowl and pour 1 tsp white wine vinegar, 1 tsp wholegrain
over just-boiled water. Drain after 2 mins and mustard and a small pinch of dried lavender.
toss with 2 tbsp golden caster sugar and
a pinch of sea salt fakes. Bake for 10 mins CHORIZO-STUFFED DATES
on a tray lined with baking parchment. Cool Stuff medjool dates with fnely chopped cured
completely and store in an airtight container. chorizo. Bake at 180C/160C fan/gas 4 for 10 mins.
Cook’s countdown
Whatever time you’re planning to eat, we’ve worked out what you need to do and when
9.30AM Put the turkey in the oven and
set your timer for 2 hrs 55 mins.
12.25PM Turn oven up to 200C/180C fan/
to do it. Make and freeze some dishes ahead. Or prepare them in advance and keep in the gas 6, remove the foil and cook the turkey
fridge to cook on the day. Pick and choose sides, or make them all if you’re feeding a crowd. for another 30 mins.
12.55PM Take the turkey out of the oven
MAKE AND THE DAYS LEADING UP TO CHRISTMAS and check that it’s cooked, then put onto a
warm platter, cover with foil and keep warm.
3 DAYS AHEAD l Make the Stuffng baubles Discard the fat from the roasting tin and
Freeze for up to 4 months l Make the crispy bacon (if not already frozen) keep the juices to add to the gravy, if you
l Persian cranberry sauce (or butter for the turkey (if not and chill to cook on the day like. Put the potatoes in the oven and roast
chill for up to a week ahead) already frozen) OR for 40 mins. Put the stuffng on the shelf
l Festive red cabbage l Make the Sticky Port l Make the Triple nut & apple below the potatoes and roast for 25 mins.
Freeze for up to 2 months gravy and chill (if not stuffng balls (if not already Remove the stuffng and keep warm.
l Stuffng baubles already frozen) frozen) and chill unbaked 1.35PM Turn the potatoes over in the tin
l Triple nut & apple stuffng balls 2 DAYS AHEAD CHRISTMAS EVE and return to the oven for 20 mins. Put the
l Sticky Port gravy l Weigh the turkey and work l Prepare the Pigs in puff parsnips in. Start cooking the sprouts and
l Buttered toast bread sauce out cooking time, then salt pastry blankets up to the the baby carrots.
(prepare up to the end of step 3) the turkey and chill it end of step 2, ready to 1.55PM Turn oven up to 220C/200C fan/
Freeze for up to 1 month l Make the Buttered toast bake the next day (if not gas 7. Turn the potatoes again and return
l Crispy bacon butter for the bread sauce and chill (if not already frozen) to the oven for 20 mins.
turkey already frozen) l Take anything that you 2.15PM Take the potatoes and parsnips out
l Best-ever roast potatoes l Make the Festive red have prepared ahead out of of the oven and keep warm. Put the Pigs in
(prepare up to the end of cabbage and chill (if not the freezer and put in the puff pastry blankets in the oven for
step 2) already frozen) fridge to defrost 25-30 mins. Gently reheat the Festive red
Freeze for up to 2 weeks l Prepare the Best-ever roast l Chill Champagne, wine, cabbage, Persian cranberry sauce (if you
l Pigs in puff pastry blankets potatoes up to the end of water and other drinks like it hot) and bread sauce.
(prepare up to the end of step 2) step 1 (if not already frozen) l Lay the table 2.30PM Warm the plates and serving
and chill uncovered in the dishes (if there is no room in the oven, you
fridge to roast on the day can heat the plates in a washing-up bowl of
hot water, then dry them to serve). Reheat
your gravy, adding the reserved juices from
IS YOUR TURKEY COOKED? turkey leg to pierce the skin (or use a skewer) the turkey, if you like. Carve the turkey, take
The best way to check is to use a digital and inspect the juices in the spoon. The juices the dishes to the table and ask your guests
thermometer. When cooked, turkey thighs should be pale golden or clear. If there are to sit down. Start plating up, then bring the
should be 80C and breasts 75C. Always traces of blood, return the bird to the oven. Pigs in puff pastry blankets to the table at
double-check by sticking the probe into DON’T GET IN A FLAP the last minute when they are cooked.
several different spots within the thigh Need advice? The British Turkey Helpline
or breast. If returning to the oven, allow is available 9am-5pm weekdays from
For more Christmas
10-15 mins, then re-check. If you don’t have a 1 December until Christmas Eve, and offers
dinner know-how, visit
digital thermometer, we recommend that you advice for anyone with concerns about cooking
buy one! Otherwise push a spoon under the their Christmas bird. Call 0800 783 9994.
These cotton mattress toppers are flled with white duck feathers, plus Order now and save a massive 50% off the rrp
an added 10 per cent white duck down, for extra softness and comfort –
just the thing for a restful and cosy night’s sleep. The breathable cotton Single (90 x 190 x 5cm) £44.99 (rrp £89.99)
case has internal pockets to keep the flling in place – it won’t migrate Double (135 x 190 x 5cm) £54.99 (rrp £109.99)
to the bottom. The toppers are 5cm deep and are securely held in King (150 x 200 x 5cm) £64.99 (rrp £129.99)
place with elasticated straps on each corner, so they’ll stay put all night. Super king (180 x 200 x 5cm) £79.99 (rrp £159.99)
Available in single, double, king or super king sizes.
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The Good Food team spent a week tasting and rating more than
230 products from 13 retailers to fnd this year’s very best buys
Winning main courses MULTI-ROAST GAME
Taste the Difference three-bird
CLASSIC TURKEY CROWD roast duck, turkey, guinea fowl &
Basted crown with a pork, PLEASER British pork with blackberry &
chestnut & thyme stuffng cranberry stuffng, £60, Sainsbury’s
& maple glaze, £50, Sainsbury’s We love that this is a little different, plus it is simple
This generous crown has a tempting to carve and serve. It’s wrapped in bacon and the
glaze and favoursome meat – slightly gamey. The stuffng has a good colour and texture too. Perfect
stuffng is packed with herby favour too. Feeds eight for three to four people.
to 10 comfortably.
EASY TURKEY In-store prepared, super-trimmed
Luxury British basted turkey rib of beef, £17/kg, Morrisons
with sausage & bacon stuffng, A glorious, large rib of beef with tidy
1.8kg, £11.99, Iceland bones curving out of the top – there
This turkey has a buttery favour and an attractive was a good amount of meat for 12 people. The
bacon lattice that prevents the meat drying out. favour is robust and a little gamey.
The stuffng has a frm texture and good meaty
taste. Simple to cook, feeds eight. IMPRESSIVE PORK
Hampshire outdoor STOPPER
TURKEY FOR TWO reared pork loin crown
Pork, sage & onion stuffed with Bramley apple &
turkey wrapped with bacon chestnut stuffng, pork jus and crackling,
lattice, £6, Co-op 4kg, £30, Tesco
Very neat and a generous size for two people. Wow! This pork joint stands proud and is easier
This joint is easy to carve; the stuffng doesn’t to carve than it looks. Good variety of texture
dry out and infuses the meat with lovely subtle through the cut. The crackling is a great addition.
herby favours.
STAR DUCK Specially Selected British ‘Glaze
British duck supreme SPECIAL and Bake’ salted caramel &
crown, 1.4kg, £30, bourbon glazed ham joint, 1.5kg,
Marks & Spencer £14.99, Aldi
These prepared duck legs look A ham with just the right balance between sweet
stunning. The succulent meat encases a lovely rich and salty. The shiny glaze elevates the appearance,
stuffng and it is perfectly portioned for four people. and it’s so easy to cook in its bag.
Finest hickory & oak smoked
salmon, 100g, £4.80, Tesco
Pleasantly dry and smoky without
being overpowering, this is a fabulous salmon option
to have in the fridge over the festive break.
Mushroom, cranberry & goat’s
cheese parcels, 275g, £5.99,
Very neat and pretty. These have
a deep mushroomy favour, and the flo pastry crisps
up well. A lighter choice to start your big meal.
Specially Selected British pork,
cranberry & apple stuffng slab,
420g, £1.99, Aldi
We love the smoky favour of
this stuffng. Very easy to prepare
and serve, with good seasoning and a sweet,
meaty favour.
Customer-funded winemaker
Mike Paterson
For UK residents aged 18 or over. Your voucher can be used against your first order of £99.99 or more.
Cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer. Full terms and conditions are available at:
Specially Selected Exquisite
TRADITIONAL FLAVOUR Luxury mince pies, £2.99
FRUITCAKE for six, Aldi
Signature spice A lovely, generous almondy
fruit cake, £15, Waitrose crumble top. The pastry is
This was extremely popular with our testers. thin and crisp, and the mincemeat is fruity
Soft, moist and loose-textured with a spiced and balanced. The pastry-flling ratio is
favour and subtle notes of oranges. There’s spot on too.
no icing – just simple marzipan stars and
Florentine almond shavings. MINI MINCE PIES
Mini mince pies assortment,
STUNNING CAKE £2.50, Sainsbury’s
Taste the Difference Golden We loved this selection! All open
Bow cake, £18, Sainsbury’s topped, with three choices:
A lighter sponge with quite classic, pecan and Ecclefechan
a strong boozy favour and (dried fruity mix).
masses of dramatic icing on top. Lots of
generous chunks of soft fruit too. FREE-FROM MINCE PIES
Love Life free-from
FUN SPONGE mince pies, £2.50 for
Loved by Us reindeer four, Waitrose
cake, £6, Co-op Crisp pastry with a traditional
Really chocolatey favour taste – you can’t tell that it’s made with
– incredibly soft with delicious buttercream gluten-free four. We like the tangy, fruity
on the outside, however it’s very sweet! flling as well.
Good size for six people and great value.
Icy igloo cake, Specially Selected
£10, Tesco 12-month matured Christmas
We really like this bouncy pudding, 750g, £6.99, Aldi
sponge with its buttery favour. It’s layered A boozy, classic pud – dark, rich and delicious.
with cream and jam, and is slightly less sweet We prefer the simple smooth top to jewelled
than others we tested. puddings with glacé fruit. This traditional
favourite delivers on all fronts.
Gluten-free Christmas GLUTEN-FREE
cake, £12, Marks & Spencer CHRISTMAS PUDDING
(was £129.99)
plus p&p*
(was £249.99)
plus p&p*
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Sidestep busy supermarkets this Christmas and
order festive treats straight to your home
H Rachel, seven,
STAR making the Each month we talk to one of our
Veg & cheese Instagram followers about their cooking.
rolls (Aug). Get involved at @bbcgoodfood and use
She followed #bbcgoodfood when you cook one of
the recipe, our recipes and post a photo.
and wore Ted Mason, 25,
goggles to is a student from
grate the onions! The rolls were King’s Lynn,
delicious, especially as she used Norfolk. Find him
beetroots and carrots from our on instagram @
I enjoyed ‘How to read the label’ (Sept). garden. Jo Rose, Edinburgh somethingclean_
As a mum, I’ve had lots of experience Laura wins green.
of the minefeld of food labelling. 12 bottles of When did you begin posting?
Manufacturers focus on profts, not Errazuriz Max I got into Instagram quite recently.
transparency. Consumers are left with Reserva Cabernet I wanted to share my blog recipes
misinformation, health problems and Sauvignon 2013 and improve my
ultimate responsibility. (£14.35, photography skills. likes
I no longer buy packaged products Waitrose). Describe
and cook as many of our meals from This Chilean red your style.
scratch as possible. I sympathise wine is full of My recipes are
with people lamenting the ‘nanny fresh fruit I made my frst sourdough (Sept) from fresh, vibrant,
state’ of guidelines, but if food favours with a starter I nurtured for a week. It was often seasonal and
Cacao & date
labels are deliberately ambiguous, notes of so exciting to see it grow in the oven. mostly vegan. I try
even conscientious shoppers can black pepper Amazing that something so tasty to post ideas that
be caught out. and spice. came from just three simple are healthy, exciting 180
Laura Fopp, Buckinghamshire ingredients: water, salt and four. and a bit quirky. likes
Helen Gillespie, Lancashire Your fave Good
Food recipes?
Here is my version My children (Josh, I love the recent
Cake Club of the Spiced fg, four, and Jess, six) recipe for maple-
coffee & hazlenut loved making this roasted marrow on Saffron risotto
cake (Cake Club, Plum & marzipan pie cavolo nero salad – and za’atar carrot
Sept). I made it for (Sept). They used so tasty and unusual. 128
my mam as she a fower cutter to What inspires you likes
loves a good coffee make the topping on Instagram?
cake, and this was and really enjoyed It’s an endless stream
a change from themselves. It tasted of creativity. I’m
coffee & walnut. good too. always coming across
Lee Vallely, Kathy Howard, accounts that make
BBQ avocado
Northumberland Gloucester me go ‘wow’! & pepper
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Caulifower & chestnut soup 1 Heat the oil in a large saucepan and Test Kitchen verdict
add the onion. Cook over a gentle heat We loved this creamy soup – a great
A DAY for 8-10 mins until the onion softens. way to use up leftover chestnuts from
SERVES 4 PREP 30 mins COOK 25 mins Add the caulifower, milk and stock. your Christmas cooking. Or you could
Bring to a simmer, cooking for 10-12 mins use fresh roasted chestnuts instead for
/2 tbsp olive oil, plus a drizzle to serve until the caulifower is tender. a more intensely favoured soup.
1 large onion, fnely chopped 2 Add the cream, season well and bring
Becky Lovatt, 24, 1 large caulifower (about 600g/ back to the boil. Take off the heat, throw
from Chesterfeld, 1lb 5oz), cut into forets in the chestnuts and blend with a hand How to contact us
works in digital 250ml/9f oz milk blender until smooth. Taste and add Email us at
communications 850ml/11/2pts vegetable stock more seasoning, if you like. To serve,
and lives with 150ml/1/4pt double cream top with shaved Parmesan, black pepper Write to
her family and 200g pack vacuum-packed and a drizzle of olive oil. BBC Good Food, Immediate Media Company
two pet ducks, chestnuts, roughly chopped PER SERVING 419 kcals • fat 26g • saturates 14g • Limited, Vineyard House, 44 Brook Green,
Dolly and Percy. 25g/1oz grated Parmesan, to serve carbs 32g • sugars 15g • fbre 8g • protein 11g • salt 0.7g Hammersmith, London W6 7BT
Share your
recipes and
win a prize
Send your recipe
to the addresses
above or tag us
on Instagram at
and you could win
a prize.
Becky wins a
new Le Creuset
signature cast-
iron casserole,
with toughened
enamel interior,
in Marseille blue
(rrp £175).
White Christmas
Serve these in dinky glass milk
bottles with rolled chocolate
wafers as straws.
Photograph STUART OVENDEN | Food styling MIRIAM NICE | Styling LUIS PERAL
from Lakeland and Pop
a rolled chocolate wafer in each.
PER SERVING 311 kcals • fat 17g • saturates 15g •
carbs 5g • sugars 4g • fbre none • protein 1g • salt 0.1g
Isla, 10 months. Important notice: breastfeeding is best for your baby. Follow On milk should only be used as part of
a mixed diet and not as a breastmilk substitute before 6 months. Use on the advice of your healthcare professional.
2016 Recipe calendar
advertisement feature
SERVES 8 a PREP 30 minS PluS cooling
Openspace Oven a cooK 1 hR
unbaked pie
SERVES 6 PREP 30 mins COOK 55 mins
1 onion, diced
1 celery stick, diced
50g/2oz butter
50g/2oz plain four
500ml/18f oz turkey or chicken stock
(or 100ml/31/2f oz leftover gravy mixed
with 400ml/14f oz water)
175ml/6f oz single, double, whipping
or soured cream, or crème fraîche –
or a mixture
1 tbsp Dijon or wholegrain mustard
100g/4oz mature cheddar or Stilton,
grated, plus 25g/1oz extra to sprinkle
on top
400g/14oz turkey or chicken, cut into
bite-sized chunks
200g/7oz ham, diced slightly smaller
than the turkey/chicken
100g/4oz Brussels sprouts, halved
320g sheet ready-rolled shortcrust
splash of milk or beaten egg, to glaze
mashed potato and greens, to serve
4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17
advertisement feature
Slow Juicer
Lisa’s #hothack: Making more
18 19 20 21 22 23 24 than one blend of juice? Just
pour water into the bowl and it’s
ready for your next creation!
25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Subscribe to BBC Good Food magazine today and get 5 issues for £5 For more seasonal recipes,
Call 0844 848 3414 and quote GFCAL16 visit
Champagne &
raspberry possets
These are perfect for Valentine’s Day.
If you don’t want to splash out on
Champagne, buy Cava rather than
Prosecco – the dryness works nicely
with the sweet berries and cream.
8 9 10 11 12 13 14
15 16 17 18 19 20 21
advertisement feature
Openspace Oven
Lisa’s #hothack: Make a main
22 23 24 25 26 27 28 course and dessert at the same
time by using the divider to
create separate cooking zones.
Subscribe to BBC Good Food magazine today and get 5 issues for £5 For more seasonal recipes,
Call 0844 848 3414 and quote GFCAL16 visit
Double choc hot cross buns
An indulgent twist on a traditional
Easter treat. If you love chocolate
and orange, add some orange zest
to the dry dough ingredients and soak
the raisins in a little orange juice.
14 15 16 17 18 19 20
advertisement feature
28 29 30 31
Easter Monday
For more hot hacks and recipes, visit
Bank Holiday, UK &
Republic of Ireland
BBC Good Food
(not Scotland) magazine on sale
Subscribe to BBC Good Food magazine today and get 5 issues for £5 For more seasonal recipes,
Call 0844 848 3414 and quote GFCAL16 visit
Thai fried prawn
& pineapple rice
This quick supper is perfect for a busy
weeknight. To get ahead, you could
cook your rice in advance, run it under
cold water to chill quickly, then freeze
in a food bag for up to one month.
4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17
advertisement feature
Induction Hob
Lisa’s #hothack: There’s no
18 19 20 21 22 23 24 need to worry about dried-on
food spills ever again – only the
cooking zone of the Hotpoint
Induction Hob heats up, so
you can clean up any splashes
or drips as they happen.
St George’s Day
25 26 27 28 29 30
Subscribe to BBC Good Food magazine today and get 5 issues for £5 For more seasonal recipes,
Call 0844 848 3414 and quote GFCAL16 visit
Asparagus pancakes
with smoked salmon
Make the most of the asparagus
season with these versatile
buckwheat pancakes. This makes a
lovely brunch – or pair the pancakes
with crispy chorizo, fried eggs, a
handful of salad leaves and some
tomato relish to transform them
into a satisfying supper.
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12 13 14 15
advertisement feature
Food Procesor
Lisa’s #hothack: Too posh to
16 17 18 19 20 21 22 bash? Whizz boiled sweets in a
food processor and add to
biscuits with holes in the centre
before baking – the sweets will
BBC Good Food Eat melt into the shape you’ve cut!
Well Show & BBC Good
Food Show Summer
in the City, ExCeL,
London, 20-22 May
23 24 25 26 27 28 29
Subscribe to BBC Good Food magazine today and get 5 issues for £5 For more seasonal recipes,
Call 0844 848 3414 and quote GFCAL16 visit
Strawberry & cinnamon
streusel bars
Pack these in tins for picnics or
school fêtes, or serve single bars with
a dollop of clotted cream for dessert.
When the strawberry season is over,
blackberries will work just as well.
6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Bank Holiday,
Republic of Ireland;
13 14 15 16 17 18 19
advertisement feature
27 28 29 30
Subscribe to BBC Good Food magazine today and get 5 issues for £5 For more seasonal recipes,
Call 0844 848 3414 and quote GFCAL16 visit
Fig & Serrano ham picnic bread
Eat this as it is with extra virgin olive
oil and balsamic vinegar for dunking,
or smear with soft goat’s cheese and
top with a handful of rocket.
1 2 3
4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17
advertisement feature
Hotpoint Ul ima
Bank Holiday, Fridge Freezer
Northern Ireland
Lisa’s #hothack: Cut down on
18 19 20 21 22 23 24 food waste. Use the crisper
drawers for fruit, salad and veg.
“Day 1 technology” also keeps
things fresher for longer.
25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Subscribe to BBC Good Food magazine today and get 5 issues for £5 For more seasonal recipes,
Call 0844 848 3414 and quote GFCAL16 visit
Beef skewers with
chimichurri rice salad
As the Olympics gets underway in
Rio de Janeiro this month, here’s a
way to bring some South American
sunshine to your plate.
15 16 17 18 19 20 21
advertisement feature
Combination Oven
22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Lisa’s #hothack: Fancy a
quick pizza? Add the dynamic
crisp plate to turn it into your
own pizza oven.
29 30 31
Subscribe to BBC Good Food magazine today and get 5 issues for £5 For more seasonal recipes,
Call 0844 848 3414 and quote GFCAL16 visit
Lemon roast chicken
with chorizo stuffng
This Spanish-style stuffing is packed
with flavour – and even more so if you
make it ahead. You can keep it in the
fridge for a few days before roasting
with the chicken.
advertisement feature
Dualfow Oven
Lisa’s #hothack: Got a party?
19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Make three cakes at once.
An even temperature ensures
a consistent bake for all cakes.
26 27 28 29 30
Subscribe to BBC Good Food magazine today and get 5 issues for £5 For more seasonal recipes,
Call 0844 848 3414 and quote GFCAL16 visit
Pear drizzle cake
There will be an abundance of British
pears and apples in the shops and our
gardens right now. You’ll love this new
fruity spin on a classic.
before drizzling
CUTS INTO 10-12 slices PREP 30 mins
COOK 45 mins
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
advertisement feature
Kichen Machine
Lisa’s #hothack: Combine jam,
17 18 19 20 21 22 23 marshmallows and softened
vanilla ice cream using the
Kitchen Machine’s whisk
attachment for a Rocky
Road-style dessert. Place in
the freezer until set.
24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Subscribe to BBC Good Food magazine today and get 5 issues for £5 For more seasonal recipes,
Call 0844 848 3414 and quote GFCAL16 visit
Bangers with Welsh
rarebit mash
This cheesy twist on a British classic
will keep everyone warm on Bonfire
Night. Use your favourite sausages
– herby Lincolnshire, leek or apple-
flavoured varieties all work well.
7 8 9 10 11 12 13
14 15 16 17 18 19 20
advertisement feature
Hotpoint Direct
Flame Hob
Lisa’s #hothack: Making
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 caramel for a dessert? Make
extra to serve with cakes or
ice cream as you fancy.
28 29 30
Subscribe to BBC Good Food magazine today and get 5 issues for £5 For more seasonal recipes,
Call 0844 848 3414 and quote GFCAL16 visit
Boozy brownie trife
A naughty chocolate version of a
traditional trifle, and so easy to make.
5 6 7 8 9 10 11
12 13 14 15 16 17 18
advertisement feature
Openspace Oven
Lisa’s #hothack: When making
19 20 21 22 23 24 25 a Pavlova, make extra meringue
for a Christmas Eton Mess.
Mix with clementines and
pomegranate for a seasonal
twist on a classic.
Christmas Day
26 27 28 29 30 31
Subscribe to BBC Good Food magazine today and get 5 issues for £5 For more seasonal recipes,
Call 0844 848 3414 and quote GFCAL16 visit
2016 Calendar
Ham, turkey & sprout pie Champagne & raspberry possets Double choc hot cross buns
Thai fried prawn & pineapple rice Asparagus pancakes with smoked salmon Strawberry & cinnamon streusel bars
Fig & Serrano ham picnic bread Beef skewers with chimichurri rice salad Lemon roast chicken with chorizo stuffng
Pear drizzle cake Bangers with Welsh rarebit mash Boozy brownie trife
Recipes and food styling SARAH COOK | Photographs ALEX LUCK | Styling REBECCA WILLIAMS
Editor Gillian Carter Deputy editor Elaine Stocks Art director Jonathan Whitelocke Art editor Rachel Bayly Designer Todd Slaughter Chief sub-editor Art Young
Head of production Koli Pickersgill Production manager Kate Gristwood This calendar is available with the November 2015 issue of BBC Good Food magazine. Not to
be sold separately. BBC Good Food magazine is owned by BBC Worldwide and produced on its behalf by Immediate Media Company Limited. Printed at Ancient House Press.