Zakat: 1. Literal Meaning 2. Connotative Meanings

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Around 1400 years ago, a system of social security was introduced which turned semi-barbaric, desert
faring Arabian tribes into one of the most prosperous and advanced nations in the world. This social
security system involves transfer of surplus wealth from the rich to the poor to alleviate poverty in a
sustainable way so that all people can enjoy their legitimate rights to live a life of safety and dignity. This
groundbreaking economic system is called zakat.

Meaning of Zakat
1. Literal Meaning
To purify and increase in a thing.

2. Connotative Meanings
Sum of amount which Muslims pays to the poor people of the community. Its minimum amount has
been fixed at 2.5% of the wealth that has been in one’s possession for a year, for the sake of Allah’s

Significance of Zakat
The Holy Quran has mentioned Zakat more than eighty times. It is a duty from Allah similar to the duty
of ‘Salat’. Allah commands in the Holy Quran

“So establish Salat and give Zakat, and hold fast to Allah”

(Al-Nisa: 11)

Zakat is one of the five pillars of Islam. The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said:

“Islam was built upon five pillars: to witness that there is no God but Allah and that Muhammad
(SAW) is His servant and messenger, performing prayer, giving Zakat, performing pilgrimage
and fasting the month of Ramadhan”

Zakat as an Obligation
Zakat in Previous Religions
“And we inspired to them the doing of good deeds, establishment of prayer, and giving of zakah”

(Al-Ambia: 73)

Distribution of Zakat
“Alms are for the poor and needy. For those employed to administer the funds. For those whose
hearths have been (recently) reconciled (to truth); for those in bondage and in debt. In the cause of
Allah; and for the way farer. (Thus is it) ordained by Allah. And Allah is full of knowledge and

(Al-Tauba: 60)

1. Fuqarah and masakeen “Extremely poor persons”

2. Aamileen “Collectors of zakat”
3. Mu-Allafate-Quloobuhum “Those whose hearts are allured to Islam”
4. Ar-Riqaab “Freeing the slave”
5. Gaarimeen “Debtors”
6. Fi-Sabeelillah “In the way of Allah”
7. Ibnus Sabeel “Traveler”

Impacts of Zakat
1. Social Impacts
a) Peace and Prosperity
Zakat ensures social justice by bringing financial balance among various strata of society. It
decreases the crime rate and terrorist inclinations among the society members. Thus the whole
society strives together and achieves development and prosperity. Equal distribution of wealth
curtails the rate of unemployment and reduces chances of economic recession.

b) Best Check against hoarding

Zakat is not levied on the income rather on the savings and hoarded items. So the person who pays
Zakat every year, prefers to invest his wealth and get it increased, lest it should dwindle year after year.
In this way, the literal meaning of Zakat is ‘Growth’ materializes. The Prophet (S.A.W) said,

“Every day two angels come down from Heaven and one of them says, ‘O Allah! Compensate every
person who spends in Your Cause,’ and the other (angel) says, ‘O Allah! Destroy every miser.’“

(Hazrat Abu Huraira (R.A))

2. Moral Impacts
a) Human Brotherhood
Zakat brings the people closer to each other and ensures real brotherhood in the true sense of the word
and spirit. The holy Quran has made performance of ‘Salat’ and payment of ‘Zakat’ both as pre-
requisites of Islamic brotherhood.

b) Discouraging Beggary
Discouraging Beggary If everyone pays Zakat from among the haves, no poor and the unfortunate
would have to resort to begging. Now-a-days, we find beggary as a menace facing many societies.
Islam on one hand, ordered the affluent to care about the destitute and, on the other, prohibited the
poor and the needy from stretching hands before others. Narrates Abu Huraira (RA) that the holy
Prophet said:-
“Whoever begs from people so as to accumulate more riches, he is asking for a live coal (fire)
from Hell, so let him ask for a lot or little”

3. Spiritual Impacts
a) Generosity
Man is naturally greedy and his thirst for more and more material gains never satisfies. Zakat is a
sort of journey from inside to the outside. He learns to come out of the race of personal interests and
think for other human beings. He extends financial help to the poor and the needy. It cleanses an
individual from avarice, selfishness and miserliness. The holy Prophet (SAW) has said:

“Avoid from avarice (extreme greed for wealth or material gain) as people before you were annihilated
due to avarice.”

b) Sincerity of Faith
Zakat is also called “Sadaqa” which is derived from “Sidq” which means truth. Proper calculation
of assets and capital for the sake of excluding prescribed amount for the poor and the needy, is an
ample proof of the individual’s sincerity of faith.


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