LNM 1 Worksheet 2 - Nominative and Accusative Cases
LNM 1 Worksheet 2 - Nominative and Accusative Cases
LNM 1 Worksheet 2 - Nominative and Accusative Cases
Instructions: Analyze the following English sentences by identifying their three basic
structural parts: (1) underline subjects (2) double underline verbs, (3) box off objects. Then
copy these onto the chart below and provide the corresponding Latin forms (putting subjects
and objects into the correct case) and write the correct case in parentheses after then noun.
Object(s) NONE!
3. Afterward, the sailor and the farmer care for* the poet.
*Since there is more than one subject, you will need to change the -t ending of the verb to -nt: cūrat cūrant. (You will learn more
about this in Chapter 2.)
English Latin
English Latin
Object(s) NONE!!!