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1.1 Accessing Telnet
Click Start > Run and type Telnet in the Open box as below. Note that the IP
address in the example is the default address of the router. If you have changed the
default,enter the current IP address of the router.

Click OK. The Telnet terminal will be open. The screen will show [login].Type a valid
administrator name and press Enter . And then show [Password], type the password for
this administrator and press Enter will appears following screen.

1.2 System Commands Overview

1.2.1 User mode
When the screen appears the Vigor3900> , You have connected to the Vigor3900 CLI
and you can enter CLI commands to configure. Under Vigor3900>, only the vigor 3900
global command listed below could be used.
Vigor 3900 Global Command
apply Apply setting
enable Change to enable mode
help Display an overview of the CLI syntax
history Display the current session's command line history
logout Logout of the current CLI session
ping Send ICMP ECHO_REQUEST packets to network host
status Get current system related status
traceroute Print the route packets trace to network host
wd_off Close watch dog, ps: watch dog is running in default after reboot
exit Exit

1.apply [config]
When you modify the configure , create,delete,edit,You have to type this command to
save the equipment of set.

Change to enable mode
Vigor3900> status
Vigor3900> enable
Vigor3900# configure [command]==>enable mode

[?] Display context sensitive help. This is either a list of possible
command completions with summaries, or the full syntax of the
current command. A subsequent repeat of this key, when a
command has been resolved, will display a detailed reference.
The following keys both perform auto-completion for the current command line.
If the command prefix is not unique then the bell will ring and a subsequent
repeat of the key will display possible completions.
[enter] Auto-completes, syntax-checks then executes a command. If
there is a syntax error then offending part of the command line
will be
[space] Auto-completes, or if the command is already resolved inserts
a space.
[CTRL-A] Move to the start of the line
[CTRL-E] Move to the end of the line.
[up] Move to the previous command line held in history.
[down] Move to the next command line held in history.
[left] Move the insertion point left one character.
[right] Move the insertion point right one character.
[CTRL-C] Delete and abort the current line
[CTRL-D] Delete the character to the right on the insertion point.
[CTRL-K] Delete all the characters to the right of the insertion point.
[CTRL-U] Delete the whole line.
[backspace] Delete the character to the left of the insertion point.
!! Subsitute the the last command line
!N Substitute the Nth command line (absolute as per 'history'
!-N Substitute the command line entered N lines before (relative)

4.ping [host] [src_if]

Send ICMP ECHO_REQUEST packets to network host
[host] Target host [ ]
[src_if] Source Interface [unspecified]

5.status [command]
Get the following list system related status.

arp Get current ARP status
conn_num Get conntrack number
conntrack Get conntrack session
dhcp Get DHCP active session
firewall Get current firewall config and status
lan Get current lan status
lut Get current switch lookup table info
neighbor6 Get current IPv6 neighbor table
process Get current process status
route Get current route table
route6 Get current IPv6 route table
switch Get current switch status
system Get current system status
vpn Get current vpn status
wan Get current wan status
Note1:Type .. to go back to upper layer menu
Type exit to go back to main menu

1.2.2 enable mode

Key in “enable” command to enter enable mode. Now, you could use “configure”
command to set Vigor3900. At the same time, the vigor 3900 global commands are also
valid. Refer to the following chapters for descriptions of commonly used commands.
Vigor3900> status ---->user mode
Vigor3900> enable
Vigor3900# configure [command] ----->enable mode

Vigor 3900 configure Command

applications Configure applications
bandwidth Configure bandwidth management
fw Configure firewall service
nat Configure NAT
object_setting Configure firewall object setting
system Configure system management
terminal Configure terminal
user Configure user management
vpn Configure VPN

Note: type ? Will display a list of possible command completions with summaries,
Vigor3900 provides four functions in WAN – General Setup,Default Route, Load
Balance(include load balancer pool,rule and auto load balance for china) , Switch.
Users could use the commands below to set up the details.

Function Command DESCRIPTION

autolb auto load balance for china
defaultroute default route
lbpool configure load balancer pool
lbrule configure load balancer rule
pf Configure profile on wan
switch Configure interface

Vigor3900# configure terminal

Vigor3900@config-t# wan
Vigor3900@config-t-wan# <command>

2.1General Setup

Vigor3900 supports multi-WAN function. It allows users to access Internet and combine
the bandwidth of the WAN profiles to speed up the transmission through the network. Each
WAN port can connect to different ISPs, even if the ISPs use different technology to
provide telecommunication service (such as DSL, Cable modem, etc.). If any connection
problem occurred on one of the ISP connections, all the traffic will be guided and switched
to the normal communication port for proper operation.

In Vigor3900@config-t-wan# , users could use [pf] command to configure WAN

Profile to add or delete the profile or use “show” to get the profile list in the directory. Enter
the profile name to open it and modify the profile directly.

pf add <SectionName> Add profile on wan
pf delete <SectionName> Delete profile on wan
pf show Get configuration on wan
pf <profileName> Modify the selected profile

Vigor3900@config-t-wan# pf add <SectionName>
Vigor3900@config-t-wan# pf delete <SectionName>
Vigor3900@config-t-wan# pf show
Vigor3900@config-t-wan# pf <SectionName>

When you selected the profile or create a new profile, could use the commands below to
set up the details.
.. Go back to upper layer menu
exit Go back to config-t-wan menu
cdhost Add or remove connection detection hosts to this profile
connect DHCP/PPPoE/PPTP connect
disconnect DHCP/PPPoE/PPTP disconnect
dns Add or remove more DNS to this profile
dns6 Add or remove more ipv6 DNS to this profile
get get configuration on this profile
ipalias Add or remove IP alias to this profile
set Configure profile

Vigor3900@config-t-wan# pf <SectionName>

2.1.1 Cdhost
In Vigor3900@config-t-wan-pf<SectionName># , users could use [cdhost] command
to configure this profile's connection detection hosts of this profile. Choose the [dhcp] or
[static] item and use [add] or [remove] to set the profile.

function Item Command DESCRIPTION

Cdhost dhcp [add] Add or remove DHCP connection detection
[remove] hosts to this profile
static [add] Add or remove static connection detection
[remove] hosts to this profile

Vigor3900@config-t-wan# pf <profilename>
Vigor3900@config-t-wan-pf-<profilename># Cdhost dhcp add <profilename>
Vigor3900@config-t-wan-pf-<profilename># Cdhost static remove <profilename>

2.1.2 connect/ disconnect

In Vigor3900@config-t-wan-pf-<SectionName># , use the [connect] or [disconnect]
command to set the DHCP/PPPoE/PPTP connect ion or disconnection

Vigor3900@config-t-wan# pf <profilename>
Vigor3900@config-t-wan-pf-<profilename># connect [dhcp][pppoe][pptp]
Vigor3900@config-t-wan-pf-<profilename># disconnect [dhcp][pppoe][pptp]

2.1.3 dns
In Vigor3900@config-t-wan-pf<SectionName># , use the [dns] command to configure
the DNS server to add or remove DNS server.
**[add] Add dns server
**[remove] Remove dns server

Vigor3900@config-t-wan-pf-<profilename># dns add <IP address>
Vigor3900@config-t-wan-pf-<profilename># dns remove <IP address>

2.1.4 dns6
In Vigor3900@config-t-wan-pf-<SectionName># , users could use [dns6] command to
configure the ipv6 DNS profile. Choose the [dhcp6-ia_na] or [static6] item and use [add] or
[remove] to set this profile.

function Item Command DESCRIPTION

dns6 dhcp6-ia_na [add] Add or remove more ipv6 DNS to this profile
static6 [add] Add or remove more ipv6 DNS to this profile

Vigor3900@config-t-wan# pf <profilename>
Vigor3900@config-t-wan-pf-<profilename># dns dhcp6-ia_na add <IP address>
Vigor3900@config-t-wan-pf-<profilename># dns static6 remove <IP address>

2.1.5 ipalias
In Vigor3900@config-t-wan-pf-<SectionName># , users could use [ipalias] command
to configure the IP alias address. Choose the [dhcp] or [static] item and use [add] or
[remove] to set this profile.

function Item Command DESCRIPTION

ipalias dhcp [add] Add or remove DHCP IP alias address to this
[remove] profile
static [add] Add or remove static IP alias address to this profile

Vigor3900@config-t-wan# pf <profilename>
Vigor3900@config-t-wan-pf-<profilename># ipalias dhcp remove <IP address>
Vigor3900@config-t-wan-pf-<profilename># ipalias static add <IP address>

2.1.6 get configuration information

In Vigor3900@config-t-wan-pf-<SectionName>#,user could use [get] and the
commands below list to get configuration of the profile.

dhcp get DHCP configuration
dhcp6-ia_na get IPv6 dhcp(ia_na) configuration
global get global configuration
pppoe get PPPoE configuration
pptp get PPTP configuration
static get static configuration
static6 get IPv6 static configuration

Vigor3900@config-t-wan-pf-<SectionName># get dhcp

Vigor3900@config-t-wan-pf-<SectionName># get static

2.1.7 set configuration information

In Vigor3900@config-t-wan-pf-<SectionName>#,user could use [set] and the
commands below list to configure profiles.

dhcp Profile DHCP configuration
dhcp6-ia_na Profile IPv6 dhcp(ia_na) configuration
global Profile global configuration
pppoe Profile PPPoE configuration
pptp Profile PPTP configuration
static Profile static configuration
static6 Profile IPv6 static configuration Profile dhcp configuration

In Vigor3900@config-t-wan-pf-<SectionName># ,users could use [set dhcp]
command to configure the dhcp profile configuration, and use the commands below to set
up the details.

Vigor3900@config-t-wan-pf-<SectionName># set dhcp <command><Value>

function command Value DESCRIPTION

dhcp ipaddr dhcp_ipaddress DHCP IP address
mask dhcp_netmask DHCP mask address
hostname dhcp_hostname DHCP hostname
ipalias dhcp_ipalias DHCP IP alias address
mtu dhcp_mtu DHCP mtu/mru value (max: 1500)
cdmode dhcp_cd_mode DHCP connection detection mode
cdhost dhcp_cd_host DHCP connection detection host
cdint dhcp_cd_interval DHCP connection detection
cdretry dhcp_cd_retry DHCP connection detection retry
Note:The value could reference the description below.

Vigor3900@config-t-wan-pf-<SectionName># set dhcp ipaddr <DHCP IP address>
Vigor3900@config-t-wan-pf-<SectionName># set dhcp mask <DHCP mask address>
Vigor3900@config-t-wan-pf-<SectionName># set dhcp cdmode <ARP/PING/HTTP> Profile ipv6 dhcp(ia_na) configuration

In Vigor3900@config-t-wan-pf-<SectionName># ,users could use [set dhcp6-ia_na]
command to configure the ipv6 dhcp(ia_na) profile configuration, and use the commands
below to set up the details.

Vigor3900@config-t-wan-pf-<SectionName># set dhcp6-ia_na <command><Value>

function Command Value DESCRIPTION

dhcp6-ia_na gateway6 dhcp6_na_gateway6 dhcp6(ia_na) gateway address
dns6 dhcp6_na_dns6 dhcp6(ia_na) DNS address
Note:The value could reference the description below.

Vigor3900@config-t-wan-pf-<SectionName># set dhcp6-ia_na gateway6 <gateway

Vigor3900@config-t-wan-pf-<SectionName># set dhcp6-ia_na dns6 <DNS address> Profile global configuration
In Vigor3900@config-t-wan-pf-<SectionName># ,users could use [set global]
command to configure the global profile configuration, and use the commands below to
set up the details.

Vigor3900@config-t-wan-pf-<SectionName># set global <command><Value>

function Command Value DESCRIPTION

global status status status (Enable/Disable)
desc description profile description
vid vid vlan id
default_mac default_mac default mac (Enable/Disable)
mac macaddr MAC address
proto proto IPv4 protocol type
proto6 proto6 ipv6 protocol type (Link-Local/
Note:The value could reference the description below.

Vigor3900@config-t-wan-pf-<SectionName># set global status <enable/disable>
Vigor3900@config-t-wan-pf-<SectionName># set global vid <number> Profile pppoe configuration

In Vigor3900@config-t-wan-pf-<SectionName># ,users could use [set pppoe]
command to configure the pppoe profile configuration, and use the commands below to
set up the details.

Vigor3900@config-t-wan-pf-<SectionName># set pppoe <command><Value>

function Command Value DESCRIPTION

pppoe username pppoe_username PPPoE username
password pppoe_password PPPoE password
mtu pppoe_mtu PPPoE mtu/mru value (max: 1492)
debug pppoe_debug enable PPPoE debug
always_on pppoe_always_on enable PPPoE always on
cdint pppoe_cd_interval PPPoE connection detection
cdretry pppoe_cd_retry PPPoE connection detection retry
ipalias pppoe_ipalias PPPoE IP alias address
Note:The value could reference the description below.
Vigor3900@config-t-wan-pf-<SectionName># set pppoe username <name>
Vigor3900@config-t-wan-pf-<SectionName># set pppoe debug <enable/disable> Profile pptp configuration

In Vigor3900@config-t-wan-pf-<SectionName># ,users could use [set pptp]
command to configure the pptp profile configuration, and use the commands below to set
up the details.

Vigor3900@config-t-wan-pf-<SectionName># set pptp <command><Value>

function Command Value DESCRIPTION

pptp over pptp_over PPTP over protocol (Static/DHCP)
server pptp_server PPTP server
username pptp_username PPTP username
password pptp_password PPTP password
mtu pptp_mtu PPTP mtu/mru value (max: 1460)
debug pptp_debug enable PPTP debug (Enable/Disable)
always_on pptp_always_on enable PPTP always on
cdint pptp_cd_interval PPTP connection detection interval
cdretry pptp_cd_retry PPTP connection detection retry
Note:The value could reference the description below.

Vigor3900@config-t-wan-pf-<SectionName># set pptp over <dhcp/static>
Vigor3900@config-t-wan-pf-<SectionName># set pptp always_on <enable/disable> Profile static configuration

In Vigor3900@config-t-wan-pf-<SectionName># ,users could use [set static]
command to configure the static profile configuration, and use the commands below to set
up the details.

Vigor3900@config-t-wan-pf-<SectionName># set static <command><Value>

function Command Value DESCRIPTION

static ipaddr static_ipaddress static IP address
mask static_mask static mask address
gateway static_gateway static gateway address
dns static_dns static DNS address
ipalias static_ipalias Static IP alias address
mtu static_mtu static mtu/mru value
cdmode static_cd_mode static connection detection mode
cdhost static_cd_host static connection detection host
cdint static_cd_interval static connection detection
cdretry static_cd_retry static connection detection retry
Note:The value could reference the description below.

Vigor3900@config-t-wan-pf-<SectionName># set static ipaddr <static ip address>
Vigor3900@config-t-wan-pf-<SectionName># set static cdint <Unsigned integer> Profile static6 configuration

In Vigor3900@config-t-wan-pf-<SectionName># ,users could use [set static6]
command to configure the static6 profile configuration, and use the commands below to
set up the details.

Vigor3900@config-t-wan-pf-<SectionName># set static6 <command><Value>

Function Command Value DESCRIPTION

static6 ip6addr static_ip6address static IPv6 address
ip6length static_ip6length static IPv6 prefix length
gateway6 static_gateway6 static IPv6 gateway address
dns6 static_dns6 static IPv6 DNS address
Note:The value could reference the description below.

Vigor3900@config-t-wan-pf-<SectionName># set static6 ip6addr <static ipv6
Vigor3900@config-t-wan-pf-<SectionName># set static6 dns6 <static ipv6 DNS

2.2 Default Route

In Vigor3900@config-t-wan# , use [defaultroute] command to configure Default
Route profile ,then type the [get] or [set] command to configure the Default Route profile
details information.

**[get] get default route

**[set] configure default route

Vigor3900@config-t-wan# defaultroute get

Vigor3900@config-t-wan# defaultroute set [pool lb_pool]

Note: [pool lb_pool] the former pool is command, and the latter is value. The value
is wan profile/load balance pool.

2.3 Load Balance

2.3.1 Load Balancer Pool
In Vigor3900@config-nat# , users could use [lbpool ] command to configure Load
Balance Pool to add or delete the profile or use “show” to get the profile list in the directory.
Enter the profile name to open it and modify the profile directly.

lbpool add <SectionName> add load balancer pool
lbpool delete <SectionName> delete load balancer pool
lbpool show get load balancer pool
lbpool <SectionName> Modify the selected profile

selected the profile, then use the [get] , [set] command to configure the load balancer
pool configuration, use the [add],[remove] command to add or remove the load balancer
loadbalance interface.

**[get] get load balancer pool configuration

**[set] set load balancer pool configuration

Vigor3900@config-t-wan-lb-pool-<ProfileName># get
Vigor3900@config-t-wan-lb-pool-<ProfileName># set [mode mode] [lbif lb_iface]
[primary primary_pf] [backup backup_pf]


mode mode load balance mode (Load_Balance/Failover)
lbif lb_iface load balance interface
primary primary_pf primary profile
backup backup_pf backup profile
Note: [mode mode] the former mode is command, and the latter is value. The
value could reference the description below.

**[add] add load balancer loadbalance interface
**[remove] remove load balancer pool loadbalance interface


add lb_iface load balance interface
lb_iface_weight load balance interface weight
remove lbif lb_iface load balance interface
lb_iface_weight load balance interface weight

Vigor3900@config-t-wan-lb-pool-<ProfileName># add <lb_iface>

Vigor3900@config-t-wan-lb-pool-<ProfileName># add <lb_iface_weight>
Vigor3900@config-t-wan-lb-pool-<ProfileName># remove bif <lb_iface>
Vigor3900@config-t-wan-lb-pool-<ProfileName># remove <lb_iface_weight>
Vigor3900@config-t-wan# lbpool add <SectionName>
Vigor3900@config-t-wan-lb-pool-<ProfileName># set mode <load balance mode>
Vigor3900@config-t-wan-lb-pool-<ProfileName># set primary <primary profile>
Vigor3900@config-t-wan-lb-pool-<ProfileName># add <WAN profile configuration>

Vigor3900@config-t-wan# lbpool show
Vigor3900@config-t-wan# lbpool <SectionName>
Vigor3900@config-t-wan-lb-pool-<ProfileName># get

Vigor3900@config-t-wan-lb-pool-<ProfileName>#set backup <backup profile>

Vigor3900@config-t-wan-lb-pool-<ProfileName>#remove lbif <load balance interface>

Vigor3900@config-t-wan# lbpool delete <SectionName>

2.3.2 Load Balancer Rule

In Vigor3900@config-nat# , users could use [lbrule] command to configure Load
Balance Rule to add or delete the profile or use “show” to get the profile list in the
directory. Enter the profile name to open it and modify the profile directly.

lbrule add <profileName> add load balancer rule
lbrule delete <profileName> delete load balancer rule
lbrule show get load balancer rule
lbrule <profileName> Modify the selected profile

selected the profile, then use the [get] , [set] command to configure the load balancer
rule configuration,

**[get] get load balancer rule configuration

**[set] set load balancer rule configuration

Vigor3900@config-t-wan# lbrule add <profilename>
Vigor3900@config-t-wan-lb-rule-<profilename># set <command Value>

Vigor3900@config-t-wan# lbrule show
Vigor3900@config-t-wan# lbrule <profilename>
Vigor3900@config-t-wan-lb-rule-<profilename># get

Vigor3900@config-t-wan-lb-rule-<profilename># set [status status] [proto protocol] [sip

src_ip] [smask src_mask] [dip dest_ip] [dmask dest_mask] [dport dest_port] [dport_end
dest_port_end] [pool lb_pool]


status status status (Enable/Disable)
proto protocol protocol
sip src_ip source IP address
smask src_mask source mask
dip dest_ip destination IP address
dmask dest_mask destination mask
dport dest_port destination port
dport_end dest_port_end destination port end
pool lb_pool load balance pool/wan profile

Note: [status status] the former status is command, and the latter is value. The
value could reference the description below.

Vigor3900@config-t-wan# lbrule delete <profilename>

2.3.3 Auto load balance

In Vigor3900@config-t-wan# , use [autolb] command to configure auto load balance
profile ,then type the [get] or [set] command to configure the auto load balance profile
details information.

**[get] get auto load balance

**[set] configure auto load balance

Vigor3900@config-t-wan# autolb get
Vigor3900@config-t-wan# autolb set [status status] [telecom telecom_pool] [cnc


status status status (Enable/Disable)
telecom telecom_pool wan profile/load balance pool for cn telecom
cnc cnc_pool wan profile/load balance pool for cn cnc
Note: [status status] the former status is command, and the latter is value. The
value could reference the description below.

2.4 Switch
In Vigor3900@config-t-wan# , use [switch] command to configure Switch profile ,then
type the [interface],[mirror],[vlan] command to configure the details information.

interface Configure switch interface
mirror Configure mirror
vlan Configure switch vlan

Vigor3900@config-t-wan# switch
Vigor3900@config-t-wan-switch# [interface][mirror][vlan]

2.4.1 Configure switch Interface

In Vigor3900@config-t-wan-switch# ,users could use [interface] command to
configure Switch interface.

Vigor3900@config-t-wan# switch
Vigor3900@config-t-wan-switch# interface <intf_num>

**[intf_num] switch interface number (WAN1/WAN2/WAN3/WAN4/WAN5)

2.4.2Configure switch Mirror

In Vigor3900@config-t-wan-switch# , use [mirror ] command to configure switch
mirror profile ,then type the [get] or [set] command to configure the detail information.

**[get] Get current switch mirror

**[set] Configure switch port mirror

Vigor3900@config-t-wan# switch
Vigor3900@config-t-wan-switch# mirror get
Vigor3900@config-t-wan-switch# mirror set [status status] [mirroring mirroring]
[mirrored mirrored]


status status Switch mirror status (Enable/Disable)
mirroring mirroring Switch mirroring port (WAN1/WAN2/WAN3/WAN4/WAN5/CPU)
mirrored mirrored Switch mirrored port (WAN1/WAN2/WAN3/WAN4/WAN5/CPU)
Note: [status status] the former status is command, and the latter is value. The
value could reference the description below.

2.4.3Configure switch Vlan

In Vigor3900@config-t-wan-switch# , users could use [vlan] command to configure
Switch Vlan to add or delete the profile or use “show” to get the profile list in the directory.
Enter the profile name to open it and modify the profile directly.

vlan add <profileName> Create a new vlan
vlan delete <profileName> Delete vlan configure
vlan show Get current switch vlan configuration
vlan <profileName> Modify the selected profile

selected the profile, then use the [get],[member],[untag] command to configure the vlan

**[get] get switch vlan configuration

**[member] Configure vlan member port ,then use [add] or [remove] to add or remove
vlan member interface
**[untag] Configure vlan untag interface

Vigor3900@config-t-wan-switch# vlan add <Profilename>
Vigor3900@config-t-wan-switch-vlan-<Profilename># member add <Switch interface
Vigor3900@config-t-wan-switch-vlan-<Profilename># member remove <Switch
interface number>>
Vigor3900@config-t-wan-switch-vlan-<Profilename># untag <interface>

Vigor3900@config-t-wan-switch# vlan show
Vigor3900@config-t-wan-switch# vlan <Profilename>
Vigor3900@config-t-wan-switch-vlan-<Profilename># get

Vigor3900@config-t-wan-switch# vlan delete <Profilename>
LAN (Local Area Network) is a group of subnets regulated and ruled by router. The design
of network structure is related to what type of public IP addresses coming from your ISP.
Vigor3900 provides many functions in LAN – Users could use the commands below
to set up the details.

Function Command DESCRIPTION

interlanRoute Configure Inter-LAN routing
ipbindmac Configure IP bind Mac
iprouting Configure iprouting section
pf Configure profile on LAN
route Configure static route section
route6 Configure static route6 section
switch Configure port

Vigor3900# configure terminal

Vigor3900@config-t# lan
Vigor3900@config-t-lan# <command>

3.1 Inter-LAN routing

In Vigor3900@config-t-lan# , users could use [interlanRoute] command to configure
Inter-LAN routing, then type the [get] or [set] command to configure the Inter-LAN routing
detail information.

**[get] Show Inter-LAN routing

**[set] Configure Inter-LAN routing

Vigor3900@config-t-lan# interlanRoute get

Vigor3900@config-t-lan# interlanRoute set [status status]

Note: [status status] the former status is command, and the latter is value.
Status Value:Inter-LAN routing status (Enable/Disable)

Vigor3900@config-t-lan# interlanRoute set status enable

3.2 Profile on LAN

In Vigor3900@config-t-lan# , users could use [pf] command to configure LAN Profile
to add or delete the profile or use “show” to get the profile list in the directory. Enter the
profile name to open it and modify the profile directly.

pf add <profileName> Create a new vlan
pf delete <profileName> Delete vlan configure
pf show Get current switch vlan configuration
pf <profileName> Modify the selected profile

Vigor3900@config-t-lan# pf add <SectionName>
Vigor3900@config-t-lan# pf delete <SectionName>
Vigor3900@config-t-lan# pf show
Vigor3900@config-t-lan# pf <SectionName>

When you selected the profile or create a new profile, could use the commands below to
set up the details.

.. Go back to upper layer menu
exit Go back to config-t-lan menu
2nd_subnet Add or remove more 2nd_subnet to this profile
dhcp Configure DHCP server
dhcp6 Configure DHCP6 server
dhcprelay Configure DHCP relay agent
get get current config
radvd Configure radvd
set Configure profile

Vigor3900@config-t-lan# pf <SectionName>

3.2.1 2nd_subnet
In Vigor3900@config-t-lan-pf-<SectionName># , users could use [2nd_subnet]
command to configure the 2nd_subnet profile to add or remove 2nd_subnet .

**[add] add 2nd_subnet to this profile

**[remove] remove 2nd_subnet to this interface

Vigor3900@config-t-lan-pf-<SectionName># 2nd_subnet add <ip address>

3.2.2 Configure dhcp server

In Vigor3900@config-t-lan-pf-<SectionName># , users could use [dhcp] command to
configure dhcp server of Lan, then type the [get],[set],[dns] command to configure the
detail information.

Vigor3900@config-t-lan-pf-<SectionName># dhcp
Vigor3900@config-t-lan-pf-<SectionName>-dhcp# [dns][get][set]

**[dns] Add or remove more dns

**[get] get current config
**[set] Configure dhcp server

Vigor3900@config-t-lan-pf-<SectionName>-dhcp# dns [add][remove] <ip address>
Vigor3900@config-t-lan-pf-<SectionName>-dhcp# dns add <ip address>

Vigor3900@config-t-lan-pf-<SectionName>-dhcp# get

example- set
Vigor3900@config-t-lan-pf-<SectionName>-dhcp# set [status status] [start start] [end
end] [dns dns] [router router] [lease lease] [rdi_pool rdi_pool] [rdi_start rdi_start] [rdi_end

Vigor3900@config-t-lan-pf-<SectionName>-dhcp# set status enable


status status status (Enable/Disable)
start start pool_ip_start
end end pool_ip_end
dns dns DNS
router router router
lease lease IP lease time
rdi_pool rdi_pool specify pool for remote dial-in (Enable/Disable)
rdi_start rdi_start pool_ip_start for remote dial-in
rdi_end rdi_end pool_ip_end for remote dial-in
Note:The value could reference the description below.

Vigor3900@config-t-lan-pf-<SectionName>-dhcp# set status enable

3.2.3 Configure dhcp6 server

In Vigor3900@config-t-lan-pf-<SectionName># , users could use [dhcp6] command
to configure dhcp6 server of LAN, then in Vigor3900@config-t-lan-pf-lan1-
<SectionName>-dhcp6# use the [get] or [set] command to configure the information.
**[get] get current config
**[set] Configure dhcp6s

Vigor3900@config-t-lan-pf-<SectionName># dhcp6
Vigor3900@config-t-lan-pf-lan1-<SectionName>-dhcp6# get

Vigor3900@config-t-lan-pf-lan1-dhcp6# set [status status] [start start] [end end] [dns

Vigor3900@config-t-lan-pf-lan1-dhcp6# set status enable


status status status (Enable/Disable)
start start pool_ip_start
end end pool_ip_end
dns dns DNS
Note: [status status] the former status is command, and the latter is value. The
value could reference the description below.

3.2.4 Configure dhcp relay agent

In Vigor3900@config-t-lan-pf-<SectionName># , use [dhcprelay] command to
configure dhcp relay agent ,then type the [get] or [set] command to configure the details

**[get] get current config

**[set] Configure dhcp relay agent

Vigor3900@config-t-lan-pf-<SectionName># dhcprelay
Vigor3900@config-t-lan-pf-<SectionName>-dhcprelay# get

Vigor3900@config-t-lan-pf-<SectionName>-dhcprelay# set [status status] [wan

wan_profile] [server server_ip]
Vigor3900@config-t-lan-pf-<SectionName>-dhcprelay# set status enable


status status status (Enable/Disable)
wan wan_profile DHCP server location
server server_ip DHCP server IP
Note: [status status] the former status is command, and the latter is value. The
value could reference the description below.

3.2.5 Configure radvd

In Vigor3900@config-t-lan-pf-<SectionName># , use [radvd] command to configure
auto load balance profile ,then type the [get] or [set] command to configure the auto load
balance profile details information.

**[get] get current config

**[set] Configure radvd

Vigor3900@config-t-lan-pf-<SectionName># radvd
Vigor3900@config-t-lan-pf-<SectionName>-radvd# get

Vigor3900@config-t-lan-pf-<SectionName>-radvd# set [status status] [lifetime lifetime]


status status status (Enable/Disable)
lifetime lifetime advertisement lifetime
Note: [status status] the former status is command, and the latter is value. The
value could reference the description below.

3.2.6 get current config

In Vigor3900@config-t-lan-pf-<SectionName>#,user could use [get] to get current

Vigor3900@config-t-lan-pf-<SectionName># get
3.2.7 Configure Lan profile
In Vigor3900@config-t-lan-pf-<SectionName>#,user could use [set] to configure the
Lan profile details.

Vigor3900@config-t-lan-pf-lan1# set [status status] [desc description] [vid vid]

[default_mac default_mac] [macmacaddr] [mode mode] [ipaddr ipaddress] [mask mask]
[gateway gateway] [2nd_subnet 2nd_subnet] [proto6 proto6] [ip6addr static_ip6address]
[ip6length static_ip6length] [sla_wan dhcp6_sla_wan] [sla_id dhcp6_sla_id]

Vigor3900@config-t-lan-pf-lan1# set status enable
Vigor3900@config-t-lan-pf-lan1# set mode enable


status status status (Enable/Disable)
desc description profile description
vid vid vlan id
default_mac default_mac default mac (Enable/Disable)
mac macaddr MAC address
mode mode From this subnet to remote network, you have to
ipaddr ipaddress static LAN IP address
mask mask static LAN mask address
gateway gateway static LAN gateway addres
2nd_subnet 2nd_subnet 2nd_subnet
proto6 proto6 IPv6 protocol type (Link-Local/Static/DHCP-SLA)
ip6addr static_ip6address static ipv6 address
ip6length static_ip6length static IPv6 prefix length
sla_wan dhcp6_sla_wan DHCP SLA wan interface
sla_id dhcp6_sla_id DHCP SLA id
Note: [mode mode] the former mode is command, and the latter is value. The
value could reference the description below.

3.3 IP Routing
In Vigor3900@config-t-lan# , users could use [iprouting] command to configure IP
Routing to add or delete the profile or use “show” to get the profile list in the directory.
Enter the profile name to open it and modify the profile directly.

iprouting add <SectionName> Add iprouting section
iprouting delete <SectionName> Delete iprouting section
iprouting show Show iprouting summary
iprouting <SectionName> Modify the selected section

Vigor3900@config-t-lan# iprouting add <SectionName>
Vigor3900@config-t-lan-iprouting-<SectionName># set [status status] [wan_pf
wan_profile] [lan_pf lan_profile] [ipaddr ipaddr] [mask mask]

Vigor3900@config-t-lan# iprouting show
Vigor3900@config-t-lan# iprouting <SectionName>
Vigor3900@config-t-lan-iprouting-<SectionName># get

Vigor3900@config-t-lan-iprouting-<SectionName># set [status status] [wan_pf

wan_profile] [lan_pf lan_profile] [ipaddr ipaddr] [mask mask]


status status status (Enable/Disable)
wan_pf wan_profile WAN profile
lan_pf lan_profile LAN profile
ipaddr ipaddr IP address
mask mask mask
Note: [status status] the former status is command, and the latter is value. The
value could reference the description below.

3.4 Route
In Vigor3900@config-t-lan# , users could use [route] command to configure Route to
add or delete the profile or use “show” to get the profile list in the directory. Enter the
profile name to open it and modify the profile directly.

route add <SectionName> Add static route section
route delete <SectionName> Delete static route section
route show Show static route summary
route <SectionName> Modify the selected section

selected the profile, then use the [get] or [set] command to configure the route

**[get] Get configuration on static route

**[set] Set configuration on static route

Vigor3900@config-t-lan# route add <SectionName>
Vigor3900@config-t-lan-route- <SectionName># set [status status] [dest dest] [mask
mask] [gateway gateway] [pf profile]

Vigor3900@config-t-lan# route show
Vigor3900@config-t-lan# route <SectionName>
Vigor3900@config-t-lan-route- <SectionName># get

Vigor3900@config-t-lan-route- <SectionName># set [status status] [dest dest] [mask mask]

[gateway gateway] [pf profile]
status status status (Enable/Disable)
dest dest destination IP address
mask mask subnet mask
gateway gateway gateway IP address
pf profile network profile
Note: [status status] the former status is command, and the latter is value. The
value could reference the description below.

3.5 Route6
In Vigor3900@config-t-lan# , users could use [route] command to configure Route6
to add or delete the profile or use “show” to get the profile list in the directory. Enter the
profile name to open it and modify the profile directly.

route add <SectionName> Add static route6 section
route delete <SectionName> Delete static route6 section
route show Show static route6 summary
route <SectionName> Modify the selected section

selected the profile, then use the [get] or [set] command to configure the route6

**[get] Get configuration on static route6

**[set] Set configuration on static route6

Vigor3900@config-t-lan#route6 add <SectionName>
Vigor3900@config-t-lan-route6- <SectionName># set [status status] [dest dest]
[prefix_len prefix_len] [nexthop nexthop] [pf profile]

Vigor3900@config-t-lan#route6 show
Vigor3900@config-t-lan#route6 <SectionName>
Vigor3900@config-t-lan-route6- <SectionName># get

Vigor3900@config-t-lan-route6- <SectionName># set [status status] [dest dest]

[prefix_len prefix_len] [nexthop nexthop] [pf profile]


status status status (Enable/Disable)
dest dest destination IP address
prefix_len prefix_len prefix length
nexthop nexthop nexthop address
pf profile network profile
Note: [status status] the former status is command, and the latter is value. The
value could reference the description below.

3.6 Switch
In Vigor3900@config-t-lan# , use [switch] command to configure Switch of the LAN
profile ,then type the [interface],[mirror],[vlan] command to configure the details

interface Configure switch interface
mirror Configure mirror
vlan Configure switch vlan

Vigor3900@config-t-lan# switch
Vigor3900@config-t-lan-switch# [interface][mirror][vlan]

3.6.1 Configure switch Interface

In Vigor3900@config-t-wan-switch# ,users could use [interface] command to configure
Switch interface.

Vigor3900@config-t-lan-switch# interface <intf_num>

**[intf_num] Lan switch port (LAN1/LAN2/LAN3)

Vigor3900@config-t-lan-switch# interface show

**[show] Get lan current switch configuration

selected the Lan switch port, then use the [get] or [set] command to configure the detail

**[get] get switch interface configuration

**[set] Configure switch interface

Vigor3900@config-t-lan-switch# interface <Lan switch port>
Vigor3900@config-t-lan-switch-<Lan switch port># get

Vigor3900@config-t-lan-switch-<SectionName># set [status status] [duplex duplex]

[speed speed]


status status switch interface status (Enable/Disable)
duplex duplex switch interface duplex (Half/Full)
speed speed switch interface speed (10M/100M/1000M/Auto)
Note: [status status] the former status is command, and the latter is value. The
value could reference the description below.

3.6.2 Configure switch Mirror

In Vigor3900@config-t-lan-switch#, use [mirror] command to configure Switch Mirror
profile ,then type the [get] or [set] command to configure the Switch Mirror information.

**[get] Get current switch mirror configuration

**[set] Configure switch interface mirror

Vigor3900@config-t-lan-switch# mirror get

Vigor3900@config-t-lan-switch# mirror set [status status] [mirroring mirroring]

[mirrored mirrored]


status status Switch mirror status (Enable/Disable)
mirroring mirroring Switch mirroring port (LAN1/LAN2/LAN3/CPU)
mirrored mirrored Switch mirrored port (LAN1/LAN2/LAN3/CPU)
Note: [status status] the former status is command, and the latter is value. The
value could reference the description below.

3.7 Vlan
In Vigor3900@config-t-lan# , users could use [vlan] command to configure Vlan to
add or delete the profile or use “show” to get the profile list in the directory. Enter the
profile name to open it and modify the profile directly.

vlan add <SectionName> Create a new vlan
vlan delete <SectionName> Delete vlan configure
vlan show Get current switch vlan configuration
vlan <SectionName> Modify the selected section

selected the profile, then use the [get],[member],[untag] command to configure the vlan
**[get] get switch vlan configuration
**[member] Configure vlan member interface,then use [add] or [remove] to add or
**[untag] Configure vlan untag interface

Vigor3900@config-t-lan-switch# vlan add <SectionName>
Vigor3900@config-t-lan-switch-vlan-<SectionName># member add <Switch interface
Vigor3900@config-t-lan-switch-vlan-<SectionName># member remove <Switch
interface number>>
Vigor3900@config-t-lan-switch-vlan-<SectionName># untag <interface>

Vigor3900@config-t-lan-switch# vlan show
Vigor3900@config-t-lan-switch# vlan <SectionName>
Vigor3900@config-t-lan-switch-vlan-<SectionName># get

Vigor3900@config-t-lan-switch-vlan-<SectionName>#untag [add][remove] <interface>

**[add] Add vlan untag interface

**[remove] remove vlan untag interface

3.8 IP Bind Mac

In Vigor3900@config-t-lan# , users could use [ipbindmac] command to configure
Vlan to add or delete the profile or use “show” to get the profile list in the directory. Enter
the profile name to open it and modify the profile directly.
Also use the [get] or [set] command to configure the IP Bind Mac Mode.

ipbindmac add <SectionName> Create IP Bind Mac Profile
ipbindmac delete <SectionName> Delete IP Bind Mac Profile
ipbindmacshow Show IP Bind Mac Info
ipbindmac <SectionName> Modify the selected section
Ipbindmac get Get IP Bind Mac Mode
Ipbindmac set Set IP Bind Mac Mode

selected the profile, use the [get] or [set] command to configure the IP Bind Mac

**[get] get IP Bind Mac Configuration

**[set] Set IP Bind Mac Configuration

Vigor3900@config-t-lan# ipbindmac add <profileName>
Vigor3900@config-t-lan-ipbindmac-<profileName># set [ip ip] [macaddr macaddr]

Vigor3900@config-t-lan#ipbindmac show
Vigor3900@config-t-lan#ipbindmac <profileName>

Vigor3900@config-t-lan-ipbindmac-<profileName>#set [ip ip] [macaddr macaddr]


ip ip IP address
macaddr macaddr Mac address
Note: [ip ip] the former ip is command, and the latter is value. The value could
reference the description below.

example-ipbindmac mode
Vigor3900@config-t-lan# ipbindmac get

Vigor3900@config-t-lan# ipbindmac set [mode mode]


mode mode IP bind MAC mode (Disable/Enable/Strict_Bind)
Note: [mode mode] the former mode is command, and the latter is value. The
value could reference the description below.
NAT (Network Address Translation) is a method of mapping one or more IP
addresses and/or service ports into different specified services.Vigor3900 provides
three functions in NAT – Port Redirection, DMZ Host and Address Mapping.Users
could use the commands below to set up the details.

Functions Command DESCRIPTION

address_mapping Configure NAT address mapping
dmz Configure DMZ
port_redirect Configure NAT port redirection

Vigor3900# configure nat

Vigor3900@config-nat# [port_redirect][dmz][address_mapping]

4.1 Port Redirect

4.1.1 Port Redirect
In Vigor3900@config-nat# , users could use [port_redirect] command to configure
Port Redirect to add or delete the profile or use “show” to get the profile list in the directory.
Enter the profile name to open it and modify the profile detail configuration directly.

port_redirect add <profileName> Create port redirect profile
port_redirect delete <profileName> Delete port redirect profile
port_redirect show Show port redirect configuration
port_redirect <profileName> Open the selected profile

selected the profile, then use the [get] or [set] command to configure the address
mapping information.

**[get] Show address mapping configuration

**[set] configure NAT address mapping

Vigor3900# configure nat
Vigor3900@config-nat# port_redirect add <profileName>
Vigor3900@config-nat-pr-<profileName># get

Vigor3900@config-nat# port_redirect show
Vigor3900@config-nat# port_redirect <profileName>
Vigor3900@config-nat-pr-<profileName># get

Vigor3900@config-nat-pr-<profileName># set [status status] [public_prof public_prof]

[private_ip private_ip] [proto proto] [public_port_start public_port_start] [public_port_end
public_port_end] [private_port private_port] [useipalias useipalias] [ipalias ipalias]

Command value DESCRIPTION

status status Port redirection admin status
<Enable/ Disable>
public_prof public_prof Profile <WAN profile>
private_ip private_ip Private IP address<IP address>
proto proto Protocol <TCP / UDP / TCP/UDP>
public_port_start public_port_start source port number <number>
public_port_end public_port_end source port number <number>
private_port private_port destination port number <number>
useipalias Useipalias IP alias is used or not
ipalias ipalias IP alias <IP address>

Note: [status status] the former status is prefix, and the latter is value. The
value could reference the description below.

Vigor3900@config-nat# port_redirect delete <profileName>

4.2 DMZ Host

4.2.1 DMZ Host
In Vigor3900@config-nat# , users could use [dmz] command to configure DMZ Host
to add or delete the profile or use “show” to get the profile list in the directory. Enter the
profile name to open it and modify the profile directly.
dmz add <profileName> Create DMZ profile
dmz delete <profileName> Delete DMZ profile
dmz show Show DMZ configuration
dmz <profileName> Modify the selected profile

selected the profile, then use the [get] or [set] command to configure the address
mapping information.
**[get] Show DMZ Configuration
**[set] configure DMZ

Vigor3900@config-nat# dmz add <profileName>
Vigor3900@config-nat-dmz-<profileName># get

Vigor3900@config-nat# dmz show
Vigor3900@config-nat# dmz <profileName>
Vigor3900@config-nat-dmz-<profileName># get

Vigor3900@config-nat-dmz-<profileName># set [status status] [prof prof] [ip private_ip]

[useipalias useipalias] [ipalias ipalias]

Command value DESCRIPTION

status Status DMZ admin status < Enable/Disable>
prof prof WAN Profile<WAN profile>
ip private_ip private IP address<IP address>
useipalias Useipalias IP alias is used or not< Enable/Disable>
ipalias Ipalias IP alias<IP address>

Note: [status status] the former status is prefix, and the latter is value. The value
could reference the description below.

Vigor3900@config-nat# dmz delete <profileName>
4.3 Address Mapping
4.3.1 Address Mapping
In Vigor3900@config-nat# , users could use [address_mapping ] command to
configure Address Mapping to add or delete the profile or use “show” to get the profile list
in the directory. Enter the profile name to open it and modify the profile directly.

address_mapping Add <profileName> Create dmz profile
address_mapping Delete <profileName> Delete dmz profile
address_mapping show Show dmz configuration
address_mapping <profileName> Modify the selected profile

selected the profile, then use the [get] or [set] command to configure the address
mapping information.

**[get] Show NAT address mapping Configuration

**[set] configure NAT address mapping

Vigor3900@config-nat# address_mapping add <profileName>
Vigor3900@config-nat-addrmap-<profileName># get

Vigor3900@config-nat# address_mapping show
Vigor3900@config-nat# address_mapping <profileName>
Vigor3900@config-nat-addrmap-<profileName># get

Vigor3900@config-nat-addrmap-<profileName># set [status status] [dest dest]

[private_ip private_ip] [mask mask] [proto proto] [useipalias useipalias] [ipalias ipalias]

Command value DESCRIPTION

status status Address Mapping admin status (Enable/Disable)
dest dest WAN profile
private_ip private_ip Private IP address
mask mask Subnet Mask
proto proto Protocol (TCP / UDP / TCP/UDP / All)
useipalias useipalias IP alias is used or not (Enable/Disable)
ipalias ipalias Public IP address

Note: [status status] the former status is prefix, and the latter is value. The value
could reference the description below.

Vigor3900@config-nat# address_mapping delete <profileName>
The firewall controls the allowance and denial of packets through the router.
Vigor3900 provides six functions in Firewall – Filter Setup (IP Filter, Application
Filter, URL filter), Dos Defense, MAC Block and Port Block.Use this command to
display information about Firewall. Users could use the commands below to set up
the details.

functions Command DESCRIPTION

appfilter Application Filter Set
ddos DDoS Defense
ipfilterset IP Filter Set
macblock Configure MAC Block
protblock Configure Port Block
URL Filter URL Filter Set

Vigor3900# configure fw
Vigor3900@config-fw# <appfilter/ ddos/......>

5.1 Filter setup

5.1.1 IP Filter
In Vigor3900@config-fw# , users could use [Ipfilterset ] command to configure IP
Filter to add or delete the profile or use “show” to get the profile list in the directory. Enter
the profile name to open it and modify the profile directly.

Ipfilterset add <profileName> Create IP Filter Set profile
Ipfilterset delete <profileName> Delete IP Filter Set profile
ipfilterset show Show IP Filter Set Info
ipfilterset <profileName> Modify the selected profile

selected the profile, then use the [get].[set] or [ipfilterrule] command to configure the IP
Filter information.

**[get] Show IP Filter Set

**[ipfilterrule] Configure IP Filter Rule Detail
**[set] configure IP Filter Set

Vigor3900# configure fw
Vigor3900@config-fw# ipfilterset add <profilename>

Vigor3900@config-fw# ipfilterset show
Vigor3900@config-fw# ipfilterset <profilename>
Vigor3900@config-fw-ipset-<profilename># get
Vigor3900@config-fw-ipset-<profilename># set [status status] [comment comment]

Command value DESCRIPTION

status status group status (Enable/Disable)
comment comment commet for IP filter group

Note: [status status] the former status is command, and the latter is value. The
value could reference the description below.

Vigor3900@config-nat# ipfilterset delete <profileName> IP Filter Rule

In Vigor3900@config-ipset-<profilename># , users could use [ ipfilterrule ] command
to configure IP Filterr Rule to add or delete the profile or use “show” to get the profile list in
the directory. Enter the profile name to open it and modify the profile directly.

ipfilterrule add <profileName> Create IP Filter Rule Profile Detail
ipfilterrule delete <profileName> Delete IP Filter Rule Profile Detail
ipfilterrule show Show IP Filter Rule Profile Info Detail
ipfilterrule <profileName> Modify the selected profile

selected the profile, then use the [get].[set] or [ipfilterrule] command to configure the IP
Filter Rule information.

**[get] Show IP Filter Rule Detail configuration

**[set] configure IP Filter Rule Detail

Vigor3900@config-fw-ipset-<profilename># ipfilterrule add <profile>
Vigor3900@config-fw-ipset-<profilename>-< ipfilterrule Profilename># get

Vigor3900@config-fw-ipset-<profilename># ipfilterrule show
Vigor3900@config-fw-ipset-<profilename># ipfilterrule <profile>
Vigor3900@config-fw-ipset-<profilename>-< ipfilterrule Profilename># get
Vigor3900@config-fw-ipset-<profilename>-< ipfilterrule Profilename># set [status
status] [profile profile] [time time_profile] [srcgrp src_group] [dstgrp dst_group] [srv
service_group] [in in_intf] [out out_intf] [frag fragment][action action] [nextgrp next_group]
[syslog syslog]

Command value DESCRIPTION

status status rule status (Enable/Disable)
profile profile Profile
time time_profile Time Profile
srcgrp src_group Source IP Group
dstgrp dst_group Destination IP Group
srv service_group Service Type Group
in in_intf Input interface
out out_intf Output interface
frag fragment Fragment (do_not_care/fragment/unfragment)
action action Block action
nextgrp next_group Next group name
syslog syslog Syslog status (Enable/Disable)

Note: [status status] the former status is command, and the latter is value. The
value could reference the description below.

Vigor3900@config-nat# ipfilterrule delete <profileName>

5.1.2 Application Filter

In Vigor3900@config-fw# , users could use [appfilter] command to configure
Application Filter to add or delete the profile or use “show” to get the profile list in the
directory. Enter the profile name to open it and modify the profile directly.

appfilter Add <profileName> Create Application Filter Set profile
appfilter Delete <profileName> Delete Application Filter Set profile
appfilter show Show Application Filter Set Info
appfilter <profileName> Modify the selected profile

selected the profile, then use the [get] or [set] command to configure the Application
Filter information.

**[get] Show Application Filter Rule Detail configuration

**[set] configure Application Filter Rule

Vigor3900# configure fw
Vigor3900@config-fw# appfilter add <profilename>
Vigor3900@config-fw-appfilter-<profilename># get

Vigor3900@config-fw# appfilter show
Vigor3900@config-fw# appfilter <profilename>
Vigor3900@config-fw-appfilter-<profilename># get

Vigor3900@config-fw-appfilter-<profilename># set [status status] [time time_profile]

[srcgrp src_group] [excpgrp excp_grp] [imobj imobjects] [p2pobj p2pobjects] [protobj


status status rule status (Enable/Disable)
time time_profile Time Profile
srcgrp src_group Source IP Group
excpgrp excp_grp Exception IP Group
imobj imobjects Block IM Object
p2pobj p2pobjects Block P2P Object
protobj protobjects Block Protocol Object

Note: [status status] the former status is command, and the latter is value. The
value could reference the description below.

Vigor3900@config-nat# appfilter delete <profileName>

5.1.3 URL Filter

In Vigor3900@config-fw# , users could use [urlfilter] command to configure URL
Filter to add or delete the profile or use “show” to get the profile list in the directory. Enter
the profile name to open it and modify the profile directly.

urlfilter add <profileName> Create URL Filter Set profile
urlfilter delete <profileName> Delete URL Filter Set profile
urlfilter show Show URL Filter Set Info
urlfilter <profileName> Modify the selected profile

selected the profile, then use the [get] or [set] command to configure the URL Filter

**[get] Show URL Filter Rule Detail configuration

**[set] configure URL Filter Rule

Vigor3900# configure fw
Vigor3900@config-fw# urlfilter add <profilename>
Vigor3900@config-fw-urlfilter-<profilename># get

Vigor3900# configure fw
Vigor3900@config-fw# urlfilter show
Vigor3900@config-fw# urlfilter <profilename>
Vigor3900@config-fw-urlfilter-<profilename># get

Vigor3900@config-fw-urlfilter-<profilename>#set [status status] [time time_profile]

[srcgrp src_group] [white whitelist] [black blacklist] [fext fextobjects] [webcat webcategory]


Status Status rule status (Enable/Disable)
time time_profile Time Profile
srcgrp src_group Source IP Group
white whitelist Allow websites with matching keywords
black blacklist Block websites with matching keywords
fext fextobjects Restrict Web Feature
webcat webcategory Content Filter Forbidden Categories

Note: [status status] the former status is command, and the latter is value. The
value could reference the description below.

Vigor3900@config-nat# urlfilter delete <profileName>

5.2 DoS Defense

5.2.1 Dos
In Vigor3900@config-fw# , users could use [switch] and [system] command to get
the Dos profile information.

switch <get/set> DDoS Defense on switch
system <get/set> DDoS Defense on system

selected the profile, then use the [get] or [set] command to configure .

**[get] Get DoS Defense Configuration

**[set] Set DoS Defense Configuration

Vigor3900@config-fw# ddos
Vigor3900@config-fw-ddos# switch get

Vigor3900@config-fw-ddos# switch set [bcast bcast] [mcast mcast] [unucast unucast]

[unmcast unmcast] [rate rate]


bcast bcast Broadcast Storm Defense (Enable/Disable)
mcast mcast Multicast Storm Defense (Enable/Disable)
unucast unucast Unknown Unicast Storm Defense (Enable/Disable)
unmcast unmcast Unknown Multicast Storm Defense (Enable/Disable)
rate rate Storm Filtering Rate (unit:64 kbps)
Vigor3900@config-fw# ddos
Vigor3900@config-fw-ddos# system get

Vigor3900@config-fw-ddos# system set [status status] [syn_flood syn_flood]

[syn_flood_threshold syn_flood_threshold] [syn_flood_timeout syn_flood_timeout]
[icmp_flood icmp_flood] [icmp_flood_threshold icmp_flood_threshold] [icmp_flood_timeout
icmp_flood_timeout] [udp_flood udp_flood] [udp_flood_threshold udp_flood_threshold]
[udp_flood_timeoutudp_flood_timeout] [port_scan port_scan] [udp_flood_threshold
port_scan_threshold] [ip_options ip_options] [land land] [smurf smurf] [tracert tracert]
[syn_fragment syn_fragment] [fraggle fraggle] [teardrop teardrop] [ping_of_death ping_of_
death] [icmp_fragment icmp_fragment] [unknow_protocol unknow_protocol]


status status DDoS admin status (Enable/Disable)
syn_flood syn_flood Block syn flood attack (Enable/ Disable)
syn_flood_threshold syn_flood_threshold Syn flood threshold (Packets/sec)
syn_flood_timeout syn_flood_timeout Syn flood timeout (sec)
icmp_flood icmp_flood Block ICMP flood attack (Enable/ Disable)
icmp_flood_threshold icmp_flood_threshold ICMP flood threshold (Packets/sec)
icmp_flood_timeout icmp_flood_timeout ICMP flood timeout (sec)
udp_flood udp_flood Block UDP flood attack (Enable/ Disable)
udp_flood_threshold udp_flood_threshold UDP flood threshold (Packets/sec)
udp_flood_timeout udp_flood_timeout UDP flood timeout (sec)
port_scan port_scan Block port scan attack (Enable/ Disable)
port_scan_threshold port_scan_threshold Port scan threshold (Packets/sec)
ip_options ip_options Block IP options attack (Enable/Disable)
land land Block land attack (Enable/Disable)
smurf smurf Block smurf attack (Enable/Disable)
tracert tracert Block trace route attack (Enable/Disable)
syn_fragment syn_fragment Block SYN fragment attack
fraggle fraggle Block fraggle attack (Enable/Disable)
teardrop teardrop Block teardrop attack (Enable/Disable)
ping_of_death ping_of_death Block ping of death attack (Enable/Disable)
icmp_fragment icmp_fragment Block ICMP fragment attack
unknown_protocol unknown_protocol Block unknown protocol attack
Note: [status status] the former status is command, and the latter is value. The
value could reference the description below.

5.3 MAC Block

5.3.1 Mac Block
In Vigor3900@config-fw# , users could use [macblock] command to configure MAC
Block to add or delete the profile or use “show” to get the profile list in the directory. Enter
the profile name to open it and modify the profile directly.

macblock add <profileName> Create MAC Block profile
macblock delete <profileName> Delete MAC Block profile
macblock show Show MAC Block profile Info
macblock <profileName> Modify the selected profile

selected the profile, then use the [get] or [set] command to configure the MAC Block

**[get] Show Mac Block configuration

**[set] configure Mac Block profile

Vigor3900@config-fw# macblock add <profilename>
Vigor3900@config-fw-macblock-<profilename># get

Vigor3900@config-fw# macblock show
Vigor3900@config-fw# macblock <profilename>
Vigor3900@config-fw-macblock-<profilename># get

Vigor3900@config-fw-macblock-<profilename># set [status status] [mac mac]


status status MAC block admin status (Enable/Disable)
mac mac MAC address

Note: [status status] the former status is command, and the latter is value. The
value could reference the description below.

Vigor3900@config-fw# macblock delete <profilename>

5.4 Port Block

5.4.1 Port Block
In Vigor3900@config-fw# , users could use [portblock] command to configure Port
Block to add or delete the profile or use “show” to get the profile list in the directory. Enter
the profile name to open it and modify the profile directly.

portblock add <profileName> Create Port Block profile
portblock delete <profileName> Delete Port Block profile
portblock show Show Port Block profile Info
portblock <profileName> Modify the selected profile

selected the profile, then use the [get] or [set] command to configure the Port Block

**[get] Show Port Block configuration

**[set] configure Port Block

Vigor3900# configure fw
Vigor3900@config-fw# portblock add <profilename>
Vigor3900@config-nat-pr-<profileName># get

Vigor3900@config-fw# portblock show
Vigor3900@config-fw# portblock <profilename>
Vigor3900@config-fw-<profileName># get
Vigor3900@config-fw-portblock-<profilename># set [status status] [port port]


status status Port block admin status (Enable/Disable)
port port port number
6.Objects Setting
Vigor3900 provides many functions in Objects Setting .Users could use the
commands below to set up the details.

Funtion Command DESCRIPTION

fext_object Configure File Extension Object
im_object Configure IM Object
ip_group Configure IP Group
ip_object Configure IP Object
keyword_group Configure Keyword Group
keyword_object Configure Keyword Object
p2p_object Configure P2P Object
proto_object Configure Protocol Object
service_group Configure Service Group
service_object Configure Service Object
time_group Configure Time Group
time_object Configure Time Object
web_category Configure Web Category Object

Vigor3900# configure object_setting

Vigor3900@config-object# <fext_object/ im_object / ......>

6.1 IP Object
In Vigor3900@config-object# , users could use [ip_object] command to configure IP
Object to add or delete the profile or use “show” to get the profile list in the directory. Enter
the profile name to open it and modify the profile directly.

ip_object add <profileName> Create IP Object profile
ip_object delete <profileName> Delete IP Object profile
ip_object show Show IP Object Profile Info
ip_object <profileName> Modify the selected profile

selected the profile, then use the [get] or [set] command to configure the IP Object

**[get] Show IP Object configuration

**[set] configure IP Object

Vigor3900@config-object# ip_object add <profileName>
Vigor3900@config-object-ipobj-<profileName># get
Vigor3900@config-object# ip_object show
Vigor3900@config-object# ip_object <profileName>
Vigor3900@config-object-ipobj-<profileName># get

Vigor3900@config-object-ipobj-<profileName># set [inf interface] [type type] [sip

start_ip] [eip end_ip] [mask mask]


inf interface IP object attribute (Any/Source/Destination)
type type Address Type (Single/Range/Subnet)
sip start_ip Start IP Address
eip end_ip End IP Address
mask mask Subnet Mask

Note: [inf interface] the former inf is command, and the latter is value. The value
could reference the description below.

Vigor3900@config-object# ip_object delete <profileName>

6.2 IP Group
In Vigor3900@config-object# , users could use [ip_group] command to configure IP
Group to add or delete the profile or use “show” to get the profile list in the directory. Enter
the profile name to open it and modify the profile directly.

ip_group add <profileName> Create Service Group profile
ip_group delete <profileName> Delete IP Group profile
ip_group show Show IP Group Profile Info
ip_group <profileName> Modify the selected profile

selected the profile, then use the [get], [set],[objects] command to configure the IP
Group information.

**[get] Show IP Object Detail configuration

**[set] configure IP Object Detail
**[objects] Configure objects member
Vigor3900@config-object# ip_group add <profileName>
Vigor3900@config-object-ipgrp-<profileName># objects [add][remove] <member>

**[add] Add objects member (IP Object configuration)

**[remove] remove objects member (IP Object configuration)

Vigor3900@config-object# ip_group show
Vigor3900@config-object# ip_group <profileName>

Vigor3900@config-object-ipobj-<profileName># get

Vigor3900@config-object-ipobj-<profileName># set [inf interface] [desc description]


Inf interface IP group attribute (Any/Source/Destination)
desc description Description

Note: [inf interface] the former inf is command, and the latter is value. The value
could reference the description below.

Vigor3900@config-object# ip_object delete <profileName>

6.3 Service Type Object

In Vigor3900@config-object# , users could use [service_object] command to
configure Service Type Object to add or delete the profile or use “show” to get the profile
list in the directory. Enter the profile name to open it and modify the profile directly.

service_object add <profileName> Create Service Object Profile
service_object delete <profileName> Delete Service Object Profile
service_object show Show Service Object Profile Info
service_object <profileName> Modify the selected profile

selected the profile, then use the [get] or [set] command to configure the Service Type
Object information.

**[get] Show Service Object configuration

**[set] configure Service Object
Vigor3900@config-object# service_object add <profileName>
Vigor3900@config-object-srvobj-<profileName># [get][set] **same with the next edit

Vigor3900@config-object# service_object show
Vigor3900@config-object# service_object <profileName>
Vigor3900@config-object-srvobj-<profileName># get

Vigor3900@config-object-srvobj-<profileName># set [proto protocol]

[spt_startsrc_port_start] [spt_end src_port_end] [dpt_start dest_port_start] [dpt_end


proto protocol protocol (TCP/UDP/TCP/UDP/ICMP)
spt_start src_port_start Source port start
spt_end src_port_end Source port end
dpt_start dest_port_start Destination port start
dpt_end dest_port_end Destination port end

Note: [proto protocol] the former proto is command, and the latter is value. The
value could reference the description below.

Vigor3900@config-object# service_object delete <profileName>

6.4 Service Type Group

In Vigor3900@config-object# , users could use [service_group] command to
configure Service Group to add or delete the profile or use “show” to get the profile list in
the directory. Enter the profile name to open it and modify the profile directly.

service_group add <profileName> Create Service Group Profile
service_group delete <profileName> Delete Configure objects member Profile
service_groupshow Show Service Group Profile Info
service_group <profileName> Modify the selected profile

selected the profile, then use the [get],[set],[objects] command to configure the Service
Group information.
**[get] Show Service Group configuration
**[set] configure Service Group
**[objects] Configure objects member

Vigor3900@config-object# service_group add <profileName>
Vigor3900@config-object-ipgrp-<profileName># objects [add][remove] <member>

**[add] Add objects member

**[remove] remove objects member

Vigor3900@config-object# service_group show
Vigor3900@config-object# service_ group <profileName>
Vigor3900@config-object-srvgrp-<profileName># get

Vigor3900@config-object-srvobj-<profileName># set [desc description]

**[desc] Description

Note: [desc description ] the former desc is command, and the latter is value.

Vigor3900@config-object# service_group delete <profileName>

6.5 Keyword Object

In Vigor3900@config-object# , users could use [keyword_object] command to
configure Keyword Object to add or delete the profile or use “show” to get the profile list in
the directory. Enter the profile name to open it and modify the profile directly.

keyword_object add <profileName> Create Keyword Object profile
keyword_object delete <profileName> Delete Keyword Object profile
keyword_object show Show Keyword Object Profile Info
keyword_object <profileName> Modify the selected profile

selected the profile, then use the [get] or [member] command to configure the Keyword
Object information.

**[get] Show Keyword Object Detail configuration

**[member] configure member

Vigor3900@config-object# keyword_object add <profileName>
Vigor3900@config-object-kwobj-<profileName># get
Vigor3900@config-object-kwobj-<profileName># member [add][remove]<member>

**[add] Add objects member

**[remove] remove objects member

Vigor3900@config-object# keyword_object delete <profileName>

6.6 Keyword Group

In Vigor3900@config-nat# , users could use [keyword_ group] command to configure
Keyword Group to add or delete the profile or use “show” to get the profile list in the
directory. Enter the profile name to open it and modify the profile directly.

keyword_ group add <profileName> Create Keyword Group Profile
keyword_ group delete <profileName> Delete Keyword Group Profile
keyword_ group show Show Keyword Group Profile Info
keyword_ group <profileName> Modify the selected profile

selected the profile, then use the [get] or [set] command to configure the Keyword
Group information.

**[get] Show Keyword Group configuration

**[set] configure Keyword Group
**[objects] Configure objects member

Vigor3900@config-object# keyword_ group add <profileName>
Vigor3900@config-object-kwgrp-<profileName># objects [add][remove]<member>

**[add] Add objects member

**[remove] remove objects member

Vigor3900@config-object# keyword_ group show
Vigor3900@config-object# keyword_ group <profileName>
Vigor3900@config-object-kwgrp-<profileName># get
Vigor3900@config-object-kwgrp-<profileName># set [desc description]
**[desc] Description

Note: [desc description ] the former desc is command, and the latter is value.

Vigor3900@config-object# keyword_ group delete <profileName>

6.7 File Extension Object

In Vigor3900@config-nat# , users could use [fext_object] command to configure File
Extension Object to add or delete the profile or use “show” to get the profile list in the
directory. Enter the profile name to open it and modify the profile directly.

fext_object add <profileName> Create File Extension Object Profile
fext_object delete <profileName> Delete File Extension Object Profile
fext_object show Show File Extension Object Profile Info
fext_object <profileName> Modify the selected profile

Vigor3900@config-object# fext_object add <profileName>

Modify the selected profile then use below command to setting the File Extension Object
detail information.

activex Configure ActiveX file extension
audio Configure Audio file extension
compression Configure COMPRESSION file extension
execution Configure EXECUTION file extension
image Configure Image file extension
java Configure JAVA file extension
video Configure Video file extension

Vigor3900@config-object# fext_object add <profileName>

Vigor3900@config-object-fext-<profileName># image [add][remove] <type>

**[add] Add ACTIVEX file extension

**[remove] remove ACTIVEX file extension
Vigor3900@config-object# fext_object add <profileName>
Vigor3900@config-object-fext-<profileName># image add .bmp
Vigor3900@config-object-fext-<profileName># image add .jpg
Vigor3900@config-object-fext-<profileName># get

**[get] Show File Extension Object Detail configuration

Vigor3900@config-object# fext_object delete <profileName>

6.8 IM Object
In Vigor3900@config-nat# , users could use [ im_object] command to configure IM
Object to add or delete the profile or use “show” to get the profile list in the directory. Enter
the profile name to open it and modify the profile directly.

im_object add <profileName> Create IM Object profile
im_object delete <profileName> Delete IM Object profile
im_object show Show IM Object Profile Info
im_object <profileName> Modify the selected profile

selected the profile, then use the [get] or [member] command to configure the IM Object

**[get] Show IM Object Detail configuration

**[member] configure IM object member

Vigor3900@config-object# im_object add <profileName>
Vigor3900@config-object-im-<profileName># get

Vigor3900@config-object-im-<profileName># member [add][remove] <Im type>

**[add] Add IM type

**[remove] remove IM type
** IM type :MSN / AIM / Google-Talk / Yahoo-Msg / QQ / Web-IM / iCQ / iCHAT / SKYPE
Vigor3900@config-object# im_object show
Vigor3900@config-object# im_object <profileName>
Vigor3900@config-object-im-<profileName>## im_object <profileName>

Vigor3900@config-object# im_object delete <profileName>

6.9 P2P Object

In Vigor3900@config-object# , users could use [p2p_object ] command to configure
P2P Object to add or delete the profile or use “show” to get the profile list in the directory.
Enter the profile name to open it and modify the profile directly.

p2p_object add <profileName> Create P2P Object profile
p2p_object delete <profileName> Delete P2P Object profile
p2p_object show Show P2P Object Profile Info
p2p_object <profileName> Modify the selected profile

selected the profile, then use the [get] or [member] command to configure the P2P
Object information.

**[get] Show P2P Object Detail configuration

**[member] Configure P2P object member

Vigor3900@config-object# p2p_object add <profileName>
Vigor3900@config-object-p2p-<profileName># member [add][remove]< P2P Type>

**[add] Add p2p type

**[remove] remove p2p type
**P2P Type :SoulSeek/eDonkey/FastTrack/Gnutella/BT/OpenFT/OpenNap/Xunlei/

Vigor3900@config-object-p2p-<profileName># get

Vigor3900@config-object# p2p_object delete <profileName>

6.10 Protocol Object

In Vigor3900@config-object# , users could use [proto_object] command to configure
Protocol Object to add or delete the profile or use “show” to get the profile list in the
directory. Enter the profile name to open it and modify the profile directly.

proto_object add <profileName> Create Protocol Object profile
proto_object delete <profileName> Delete Protocol Object profile
proto_object show Show Protocol Object Profile Info
proto_object <profileName> Modify the selected profile

selected the profile, then use the [get] or [set] command to configure the Protocol
Object information.

**[get] Show Protocol Object Detail configuration

**[member] Configure Protocol object member

Vigor3900@config-object# proto_object add <profileName>
Vigor3900@config-object-proto-<profileName># member [add][remove] < Protocol

**[add] Add Protocol type

**[remove] remove Protocol type

Vigor3900@config-object-proto-<profileName># get

Vigor3900@config-object# proto_object delete <profileName>

6.11 Web Category Object

In Vigor3900@config-object# , users could use [web_category] command to Configure
Web Category Object to add or delete the profile or use “show” to get the profile list in the
directory. Enter the profile name to open it and modify the profile directly.

web_category add <profileName> Create Web Category Object Profile
web_category delete <profileName> Delete Web Category Object Profile
web_category show Show Web Category Object Profile Info
web_category <profileName> Modify the selected profile

Vigor3900@config-object# web_category add <profileName>

Vigor3900@config-object-webcate-<profileName># <command>
business Configure Web Category - business
chat Configure Web Category - chat
child_protect Configure Web Category - Child Protect
computer Configure Web Category - computer
get Show Web Category Object Detail configuration
leisure Configure Web Category - leisure
other Configure Web Category - other

6.11.1 get Web Category Object Detail configuration

Vigor3900@config-object-webcate-<profile># get

6.11.2 business
Vigor3900@config-object-webcate-<profile>#business [add][remove] <category_type>

**[add] Add Web Category business type

**[remove] remove Web Category business type
<category_type> :Business/Job-Search/Web-Based-Email

6.11.3 chat
Vigor3900@config-object-webcate-<profile># chat [add][remove] <category_type>

**[add] Add Web Category chat type

**[remove] remove Web Category chat type
<category_type> : Chat/Instant-Messaging

6.11.4 Child Protect

Vigor3900@config-object-webcate-<profile># child_protect [add][remove]

**[add] Add Web Category Child Protect type

**[remove] remove Web Category Child Protect type
<category_type> :Alcohol-And-Tobacco/Criminal-And-Activity/Gambling/Hate-And

6.11.5 computer
Vigor3900@config-object-webcate-<profile># computer [add][remove]
**[add] Add Web Category computer type
**[remove] remove Web Category computer type
<category_type>: Anonymizers/Forums-And-Newsgroups/Computers-And-Technology/

6.11.6 leisure
Vigor3900@config-object-webcate-<profile># leisure [add][remove] <category_type>

**[add] Add Web Category leisure type

**[remove] remove Web Category leisure type
<category_type> : Entertainment/Games/Sports/Travel/Leisure-And-Recreation/

6.11.7 other
Vigor3900@config-object-webcate-<profile># other [add][remove] <category_type>

**[add] Add Web Category other type

**[remove] remove Web Category other type
<category_type> : Advertisement-And-Pop-Ups/Arts/Transportation/Compromised/

6.12 Time Object

In Vigor3900@config-object# , users could use [time_object ] command to configure
Time Object to add or delete the profile or use “show” to get the profile list in the directory.
Enter the profile name to open it and modify the profile directly.

time_object add <profileName> Create Time Object Profile
time_object delete <profileName> Delete Time Object Profile
time_object show Show Time Object Profile Info
time_object <profileName> Modify the selected profile

selected the profile, then use the [get],[set],[weekdays] command to configure the Time
Object information.

**[get] Show Time Object Detail configuration

**[set] configure Time Object Detail
**[weekdays] Configure weekdays

Vigor3900@config-object# time_object add <profileName>
Vigor3900@config-object-timeobj-<profileName># weekdays add < Weekdays Type>

**[add] Add weekdays

**[remove] Remove weekdays
**Weekdays Type : Mon/Tue/Wed/Thu/Fri/Sat/Sun

Vigor3900@config-object# time_object show
Vigor3900@config-object# time_object <profileName>
Vigor3900@config-object-timeobj-<profileName># get

Vigor3900@config-object-timeobj-<profileName># set set [freq frequency] [sdate

startdate] [stime starttime] [edate enddate] [etimeendtime]


freq frequency call schedule work frequency (Once/Weekdays)
sdate startdate call schedule start date
stime starttime call schedule start time
edate enddate call schedule stop date
etime endtime call schedule stop time
Note: [freq frequency] the former freq is command, and the latter is value. The
value could reference the description below.

Vigor3900@config-object-timeobj-<profileName># weekdays [add][remove] <

Weekdays Type>

Vigor3900@config-object# time_object delete <profileName>

6.13 Time Group

In Vigor3900@config-nat# , users could use [time_group] command to configure
Time Group to add or delete the profile or use “show” to get the profile list in the directory.
Enter the profile name to open it and modify the profile directly.

time_group add <profileName> Create Time Group Profile
time_group delete <profileName> Delete Time Group Profile
time_group show Show Time Group Profile Info
time_group <profileName> Modify the selected profile

selected the profile, then use the [get],[set],[objects] command to configure the Time
Group information.

**[get] Show Time Group configuration

**[set] configure Time Group
**[objects] Configure objects member

Vigor3900@config-object# time_group add <profileName>
Vigor3900@config-object-kwgrp-<profileName># objects [add][remove] <member>

**[add] Add objects member

**[remove] remove objects member

Vigor3900@config-object# keyword_ group show
Vigor3900@config-object# keyword_ group <profileName>
Vigor3900@config-object-kwgrp-<profileName># get

Vigor3900@config-object-kwgrp-<profileName># set [desc description]

**[desc] Description
Note: [desc description] the former desc is command, and the latter is value.

Vigor3900@config-object# keyword_ group delete <profileName>
7.User Management
User Management can manage all the accounts (user profiles) to connect to Internet via
different protocols.

Vigor3900# configure user

Vigor3900@config-user# users <command>

7.1 User Profile

In Vigor3900@config-user# , users could use [port_redirect] command to configure
User Profile to add or delete the profile or use “show” to get the profile list in the directory.
Enter the profile name to open it and modify the profile directly.

users add <userName> Add application users
users delete <userName> Delete users
users show Get configuration of application users
users <userName> Modify the selected profile

selected the profile, then use the [get] or [set] command to configure the User Profile

**[get] Get users configuration system

**[set] Set Application Usert

Vigor3900@config-user# users add <profileName>
Vigor3900@config-usr-<profileName># set <command>

Vigor3900@config-usr# users show
Vigor3900@config-usr# users <profileName>
Vigor3900@config-usr-<profileName># get

Vigor3900@config-usr-<profileName># set [pass password] [pptp pptp] [if pptpif] [fixip

fixip] [sysuser sysuser] [group group] [motp en_motp] [pin motp_pin] [secret motp_secret]
pass password Password
pptp pptp PPTP/L2TP (Enable/Disable)
if pptpif PPTP/L2TP User LAN Group
fixip fixip Assign Fix IP Address
sysuser sysuser Is System User (true/false)
group group Group (User/Operator/Admin)
motp en_motp Use mOTP function (Enable/Disable)
pin motp_pin PIN code
secret motp_secret Initial Secret
Note: [pass password] the former pass is command, and the latter is value. The
value could reference the description below.

Vigor3900@config-usr# users delete <profileName>
Vigor3900 provides seven functions in Application– DDNS, RADIUS,
UpnP....,.Users could use the commands below to set up the details.

ddns Configure dynamic DNS service
exit Go back to main menu
ha Configure High Availability
rip Configure RIP
samba Configure Samba service
upnp Configure UPnP
vs Configure virtual system
wol Wake on LAN

Vigor3900# configure applications

Vigor3900@config-app# <command> <profileName>

8.1Dynamic DNS
In Vigor3900@config-app# , users could use [ddns] command to configure Dynamic
Dns.User could use “show” to get the profile list in the directory, or selected the profile,
then use the [get] or [set] command to configure the Dynamic Dns details information.

Vigor3900# configure applications

Vigor3900@config-app# ddns
Vigor3900@config-app-ddns# <command>

**[show] Show current configurations

**[get] Get ddns detail configurations
**[set] Set ddns parameters

Vigor3900@config-app-ddns# show
Vigor3900@config-app-ddns# get <profile name>

Vigor3900@config-app-ddns# set [status status] [if if-name] [provider provider] [stype
server_type] [domain domain-name] [login login-name] [pw password] [wildcard wildcard]
[backup_mx backup-mx] [mx mail-extender] <ProfileName>


status status admin status (Enable/Disable)
if if-name profile name
provider provider DDNS service provider (dyndns/no-ip/dtdns/
stype server_type DDNS service type (Dynamic/Static/Custom)
domain domain-name domain name
login login-name user login name
pw password password
wildcard wildcard wild card (Enable/Disable)
backup_mx backup-mx Backup MX (Enable/Disable)
mx mail-extender mail extender
Note: [status status] the former status is command, and the latter is value. The
value could reference the description below.

8.2 UPnP Configuration

In Vigor3900@config-app# , users could use [upnp] command to configure
UPnP.User could use the [get] or [set] command to configure the UPnP details information.

Vigor3900@config-app# upnp
Vigor3900@config-app-upnp# [get][set]

**[get] Get UPnP detail configurations

**[set] configure UPnP

Vigor3900@config-app-upnp# get
Vigor3900@config-app-upnp# set [status status] [download download] [upload upload]
[external external] [internal internal] [max_session max_session]


status status UPnP status (Enable/Disable)
download download Download speeds in kpbs
upload upload Upload speeds in kpbs
external external External Interface
internal internal Internal Interface
max_session max_session Max session
Note: [status status] the former status is command, and the latter is value. The
value could reference the description below.

8.3 Virtual System

8.3.1 configure
In Vigor3900@config-app# , users could use [vs] command to configure Virtual
System to add or delete the profile or use “show” to get the profile list in the directory.
Enter the profile name to open it and modify the profile directly.

vs add <sectionName> Add virtual system section
vs delete <sectionName> Delete virtual system section
vs show Show virtual system summary
vs <sectionName> Modify the selected profile

selected the profile, then use the [get] or [set] command to configure the Virtual System

**[get] Get configuration on virtual system

**[set] Set configuration on virtual system

Vigor3900@config-app# vs
Vigor3900@config-app-vs# vs add <sectionName>
Vigor3900@config-app-vs-<SectionName># set <command>

Vigor3900@config-app# vs
Vigor3900@config-app-vs# vs <SectionName>
Vigor3900@config-app-vs-<SectionName># get

Vigor3900@config-app-vs-<SectionName># set [status status] [vlan vlan] [df



status status virtual system status (Enable/Disable)
vlan vlan local vlan
df directly_forward directly forward without local vlan (Enable/Disable)
Note: [status status] the former status is command, and the latter is value. The
value could reference the description below.

Vigor3900@config-app-vs# vs delete <SectionName>

8.3.2 Tunnel
In Vigor3900@config-app-vs-<Section># , users could use [tunnel] command to
configure vs-tunnel section to add or delete the profile or use “show” to get the profile list in
the directory. Enter the profile name to open it and modify the profile directly.

tunnel add <sectionName> Add vs-tunnel section
tunnel delete <sectionName> Delete vs-tunnel section
tunnel show Show vs-tunnel summary
tunnel <sectionName> Modify the selected section

selected the section, then use the [get],[set],[subnet] command to configure the vs-tunnel

**[get] Get configuration on vs-tunnel

**[set] Set configuration on vs-tunnel
**[subnet] Add or remove more subnets to this tunnel

Vigor3900@config-app# vs
Vigor3900@config-app-vs# vs <SectionName>
Vigor3900@config-app-vs-<SectionName># tunnel add <SectionName>
Vigor3900@config-app-vs-<SectionName># get
Vigor3900@config-app-vs-<SectionName># tunnel show <SectionName>
Vigor3900@config-app-vs-<SectionName># tunnel <SectionName>
Vigor3900@config-app-vs-<SectionName>-tunnel-<SectionName># get
Vigor3900@config-app-vs-<SectionName>-tunnel-<SectionName># set [desc
description] [subnet subnet]

**[desc] tunnel description

**[subnet] subnet

Add more subnet or Remove the select subnet , use the [add],[remove] command to

Vigor3900@config-app-vs-<SectionName>-tunnel-<SectionName># subnet [add]

[remove] <subnet>

**[add] Add more subnets to this tunnel

**[remove] Remove more subnets to this tunnel

Vigor3900@config-app-vs-<SectionName># tunnel delete <SectionName>

8.3.3 IPSec Policy

In Vigor3900@config-app-vs-<SectionName>-tunnel-<SectionName> , users could
use [ipsecpolicy] command to configure vs- IPSec Policy section.User could choose the
ipsec policy is initate or not, then use the [get] or [set] command to configure the IPSec
Policy details information.

**[initiate] initiate ipsec policy

**[disconnect] terminate ipsec policy

**[get] Get ipsec configuration on tunnel of virtual system

**[set] Set ipsec configuration on tunnel of virtual system

Vigor3900@config-app-vs-<SectionName>-tunnel-<SectionName># ipsecpolicy

Vigor3900@config-app-vs-<SectionName>-tunnel-<SectionName>-ipsecpolicy# get
Vigor3900@config-app-vs-<SectionName>-tunnel-<SectionName>-ipsecpolicy# set
[status status] [auth auth] [leftpem leftpem] [psk psk] [secret_type secret_type][localhost
localhost] [localsubnet localsubnet] [localnext localnext] [remotehost remotehost]
[remotesubnet remotesubnet] [more_remotesubnet more_remotesubnet] [aggrmode
aggrmode] [localid localid] [remoteid remoteid][phase1keylifetimephase1keylifetime]
[phase2keylifetime phase2keylifetime] [pfs pfs] [dpd dpd][dpddelay dpddelay] [dpdtimeout
dpdtimeout] [dhcpoveripsec dhcpoveripsec] [l2tpoveripsec l2tpoveripsec] [gre gre]
[localgreip localgreip] [remotegreip remotegreip] [autogrekey autogrekey] [grekeyin
grekeyin] [grekeyout grekeyout] [ikephase1proposal ikephase1proposal]
[ikephase1authproposal ikephase1authproposal] [ikephase2proposal ikephase2proposal]
[ikephase2authproposal ikephase2authproposal] [acceptall acceptall]


status status admin status (Enable / Disable)
auth auth auth type (PSK / RSA)
leftpem leftpem leftpem
psk psk preshared key
secret_type secret_type Security protocol (ESP / AH)
localhost localhost local host
localsubnet localsubnet local subnet
localnext localnext local next hop
remotehost remotehost remote host
remotesubnet remotesubnet remote subnet
more_remotesubnet more_remotesubnet More remote subnet
aggrmode aggrmode Aggressive mode (Enable / Disable)
localid localid local peer id
remoteid remoteid remote peer id
phase1keylifetime phase1keylifetime IKE phase1 key life time
phase2keylifetime phase2keylifetime IKE phase2 key life time
pfs pfs perfect forward secrecy status
(Enable / Disable)
dpd dpd dead peer detection status (Enable / Disable)
dpddelay dpddelay DPD delay
dpdtimeout dpdtimeout DPD timeout
dhcpoveripsec dhcpoveripsec DHCP Over IPSec (Enable / Disable)
l2tpoveripsec l2tpoveripsec L2TP Over IPSec (Enable / Disable)
gre gre GRE function (Enable / Disable)
localgreip localgreip local GRE IP
remotegreip remotegreip remote GRE IP
autogrekey autogrekey auto generate GRE key (Enable / Disable)
grekeyin grekeyin GRE in key
grekeyout grekeyout GRE out key
ikephase1proposal ikephase1proposal IKE phase1 proposal
(DES_G1/DES_G2 /DES_G5 /DES_G14 /
AES192_G1 / AES192_G2 / AES192_G5 /
AES256_G1 / AES256_G2 / AES256_G5 /
AES256_G14 )
ikephase1authpropo ikephase1authpropo IKE phase1 authentication
sal sal (ALL / MD5 / SHA1)
ikephase2proposal ikephase2proposal IKE phase2 proposal
(DES_without_auth / DES_with_auth /
3DES_without_auth / 3DES_with_auth /
AES128_without_auth / AES128_with_auth /
AES192_without_auth / AES192_with_auth /
AES256_without_auth / AES256_with_auth )
ikephase2authpropo ikephase2authpropo IKE phase2 authentication
sal sal (ALL / MD5 / SHA1)
acceptall acceptall accepted proposal for dial-in (acceptall /
Note: [status status] the former status is command, and the latter is value. The
value could reference the description below.

8.4 High Availability

In Vigor3900@config-app# , users could use [ha] command to configure High
Availability .then use the [get] or [set] command to configure the High Availability

Vigor3900# configure applications

Vigor3900@config-app# ha <command>

**[get] Show High Availability Configuration

**[set] Configure High Availability

Vigor3900@config-app# ha get

Vigor3900@config-app# ha set [status status] [lan lan] [vip vip] [vhid vhid] [role role] [pip
status status status (Enable/Disable)
lan lan LAN profile
vip vip virtual IP
vhid vhid Virtual Host ID
role role Role (Master/Backup)
pip pip Peer IP
Note: [status status] the former status is command, and the latter is value. The
value could reference the description below.

8.5 RIP Configuration

In Vigor3900@config-app# , users could use [rip] command to configure Rip, then
use [show] to get the profile list in the directory or use the [get] or [pf] command to
configure the Rip details information.

Vigor3900@config-app# rip
Vigor3900@config-app-rip# <command>

**[get] Get Rip detail configurations

**[pf] Add or remove more profile to support RIP

Vigor3900@config-app# rip
Vigor3900@config-app-rip# show

Vigor3900@config-app-rip# get

Vigor3900@config-app-rip# pf [add][remove] <profilename>

**[add] Add profile to support RIP
**[remove] Remove more profile to support RIP


In Vigor3900@config-app# , users could use [sipalg] command to configure SIP
ALG, then use [get] or [set] command to configure the details information.

Vigor3900@config-app# sipalg
Vigor3900@config-app-sipalg# [get][set <command]

**[get] Get SIP ALG detail configurations

**[set] configure SIP ALG

Vigor3900@config-app# sipalg
Vigor3900@config-app-sipalg# get

Vigor3900@config-app-sipalg# set [status status] [lan if_inbound] [wan if_outbound]


status status SIP ALG status (Enable/Disable)
lan if_inbound LAN interface
wan if_outbound WAN interface
Note: [status status] the former status is command, and the latter is value. The
value could reference the description below.
8.7 Wake on LAN
In Vigor3900@config-app# , users could use [wol] command to configure Wake on
LAN . Type the host that MAC address or IP address in the IP_Bind_MAC list.

Vigor3900@config-app# wol [host]
**[host] MAC address or IP address in the IP_Bind_MAC list [ ]
VPN(A Virtual Private Network) is the extension of a private network that encompasses
links across shared or public networks like the Internet. In short, by VPN
technology, user can send data between two computers across a shared or public
network in a manner that emulates the properties of a point-to-point private link.
Vigor3900 provides three functions in VPN – LAN-to-LAN, remote dial-in and VPN
trunk.Users could use the commands below to set up the details.

lan2lan Configure LAN-to-LAN VPN tunnel
remotedialin Configure remote dial-in VPN tunnel
trunk Configure VPN trunk tunnel

Vigor3900# configure vpn

Vigor3900@config-vpn# [lan2lan][remotedialin][trunk]

9.1 Remote Dial-in

In Vigor3900@config-vpn# , users could use [remotedialin] command to configure
Remote dial-in , then use [ipsecremotedialin][l2tpserver][pptpserver] command to set the
details. Refer to the following chapters for descriptions of commonly used commands.

Vigor3900# configure vpn

Vigor3900@config-vpn# remotedialin
Vigor3900@config-vpn-remotedialin# [ipsecremotedialin][l2tpserver][pptpserver]

9.1.1 PPTP Server

In Vigor3900@config-vpn-remotedialin# , users could use [pptpserver] command to
configure pptp server ,then use the [get] or [set] command to configure the pptp server
details information.

**[get] Get configuration of pptp server

**[set] Set configuration of pptp server

Vigor3900@config-vpn-remotedialin# pptpserver
Vigor3900@config-vpn-remotedialin-pptpserver# get

Vigor3900@config-vpn-remotedialin-pptpserver# set [status status] [auth

authentication] [encp encryption] [user_auth user_authentication] [lanpf lan_profile] [mss
status status PPTP server status (Enable/Disable)
auth authentication the authenticate protocol of PPTP server (PAP /
encp encryption the encrypt length of PPTP server (40/128-
bit/128-bit/ Disable)
user_auth user_authentication the user authenticate type of PPTP server
lanpf lan_profile Choose an interface for local IP address
mss pptp_mss PPTP MSS value
Note: [status status] the former status is command, and the latter is value. The
value could reference the description below.

9.1.2 L2TP Server

In Vigor3900@config-vpn-remotedialin# , users could use [l2tpserver] command to
configure L2TP Server ,then use the [get] or [set] command to configure the L2TP Server
details information.

**[get] Get configuration of l2tp server

**[set] Set configuration of l2tp server

Vigor3900@config-vpn-remotedialin# l2tpserver
Vigor3900@config-vpn-remotedialin-l2tpserver# get

Vigor3900@config-vpn-remotedialin-l2tpserver# set [status status] [auth

authentication] [user_auth user_authentication] [lanpf lan_profile]


status status L2TP server status (Enable/Disable)
auth authentication the authenticate protocol of L2TP server
user_auth user_authentication the user authenticate type of L2TP server
lanpf lan_profile Choose an interface for local IP address
Note: [status status] the former status is command, and the latter is value. The
value could reference the description below.
9.1.3 L2TP/DHCP over ipsec profile
In Vigor3900@config-vpn-remotedialin# , users could use [ipsecremotedialin]
command to configure L2TP/DHCP over ipsec profile ,then use the [get] or [set] command
to configure the L2TP/DHCP over ipsec profile details information.

**[get] Get configuration of ipsec remote dial-in

**[set] Set configuration of ipsec remote dial-in

Vigor3900@config-vpn-remotedialin# ipsecremotedialin
Vigor3900@config-vpn-remotedialin-ipsecremotedialin# get

Vigor3900@config-vpn-remotedialin-ipsecremotedialin# set [status_l2tp status_l2tp]

[status_dhcp status_dhcp] [psk psk] [localhost localhost] [dhcp_lanif dhcp_lanif]


status_l2tp status_l2tp L2TP over IPSec status (Enable/Disable)
status_dhcp status_dhcp DHCP over IPSec status (Enable/Disable)
psk psk preshared key
ocalhost ocalhost local host
dhcp_lanif dhcp_lanif Choose an interface for DHCP over IPSec
Note: [status_l2tp status_l2tp] the former status_l2tp is command, and the latter
is value. The value could reference the description below.

9.2 LAN to LAN

In Vigor3900@config-vpn# , users could use [ lan2lan] command to configure LAN to
LAN, then use [ipsecpolicy][ipsecsetup][pptpdialin][pptpdialout] command to set the
details.Refer to the following chapters for descriptions of commonly used commands.

Vigor3900# configure vpn

Vigor3900@config-vpn# lan2lan
Vigor3900@config-vpn-l2l# [ipsecpolicy][ipsecsetup][pptpdialin][pptpdialout]

9.2.1 IPSec Policy

In Vigor3900@config-vpn-l2l# , users could use [ipsecpolicy] command to configure
IPSec Policy to add or delete the profile or use “show” to get the profile list in the directory.
Enter the profile name to open it and modify the profile directly,

ipsecpolicy add <profileName> Add IPSec section
ipsecpolicy delete <profileName> Delete IPSec policy section
ipsecpolicy show Show IPSec configuration
Ipsecpolicy <profileName> Modify the selected profile

selected the profile, could choose the IPSec policy is initate or not, then use the [get] or
[set] command to configure the IP Sec Policy details information.

**[connect] initiate ipsec policy

**[disconnect] terminate ipsec policy

**[get] Get configuration on ipsec policy

**[set] Set configuration on ipsec policy

Vigor3900@config-vpn-l2l# ipsecpolicy add <sectionName>
Vigor3900@config-vpn-l2l-<sectionName># connect
Vigor3900@config-vpn-l2l-<sectionName># get

Vigor3900@config-vpn-l2l# ipsecpolicy show
Vigor3900@config-vpn-l2l# ipsecpolicy <sectionName>
Vigor3900@config-vpn-l2l-<sectionName># get
Vigor3900@config-vpn-l2l-<sectionName># set [status status] [auth auth] [leftpem
leftpem] [psk psk] [secret_type secret_type] [localhost localhost] [localsubnet localsubnet]
[localnext localnext] [remotehost remotehost] [remotesubnet remotesubnet]
[more_remotesubnetmore_remotesubnet] [aggrmode aggrmode] [localid localid] [remoteid
remoteid] [phase1keylifetime phase1keylifetime] [phase2keylifetime phase2keylifetime][pfs
pfs] [dpd dpd][dpddelay dpddelay] [dpdtimeout dpdtimeout] [dhcpoveripsec dhcpoveripsec]
[l2tpoveripsec l2tpoveripsec] [gre gre] [localgreip localgreip] [remotegreip remotegreip]
[autogrekey autogrekey] [grekeyin grekeyin] [grekeyout grekeyout] [ikephase1proposal
ikephase1proposal] [ikephase1authproposal ikephase1authproposal] [ikephase2proposal
ikephase2proposal] [ikephase2authproposal ikephase2authproposal] [acceptall acceptall]


status status admin status (Enable/Disable)
auth auth auth type (PSK/RSA)
leftpem leftpem leftpem
psk psk preshared key
secret_type secret_type Security protocol (ESP/AH)
localhost localhost local host
localsubnet localsubnet local subnet
localnext localnext local next hop
remotehost remotehost remote host
remotesubnet remotesubnet remote subnet
more_remotesubnet more_remotesubnet More remote subnet
aggrmode aggrmode Aggressive mode (Enable/Disable)
localid localid local peer id
remoteid remoteid remote peer id
phase1keylifetime phase1keylifetime IKE phase1 key life time
phase2keylifetime phase2keylifetime IKE phase2 key life time
pfs pfs perfect forward secrecy status
dpd dpd dead peer detection status (Enable/Disable)
dpddelay dpddelay DPD delay
dpdtimeout dpdtimeout DPD timeout
dhcpoveripsec dhcpoveripsec DHCP Over IPSec (Enable/Disable)
l2tpoveripsec l2tpoveripsec L2TP Over IPSec (Enable/Disable)
gre gre GRE function (Enable/Disable)
localgreip localgreip local GRE IP
remotegreip remotegreip remote GRE IP
autogrekey autogrekey auto generate GRE key (Enable/ Disable)
grekeyin grekeyin GRE in key
grekeyout grekeyout GRE out key
ikephase1proposal ikephase1proposal IKE phase1 proposal
ikephase1authprop ikephase1authpropo IKE phase1 authentication
osal sal (ALL/MD5/SHA1)
ikephase2proposal ikephase2proposal IKE phase2 proposal
ikephase2authprop ikephase2authpropo IKE phase2 authentication
osal sal (ALL/MD5/SHA1)
acceptall acceptall accepted proposal for dial-in
Note: [status status] the former status is command, and the latter is value. The
value could reference the description below.

Vigor3900@config-vpn-l2l# ipsecpolicy delete<sectionName>

9.2.2 PPTP dail-out

In Vigor3900@config-vpn-l2l# , users could use [pptpdialout] command to configure
PPTP dail-out to add or delete the profile or use “show” to get the profile list in the
directory. Enter the profile name to open it and modify the profile directly,

pptpdialout add <profileName> Add PPTP dial-out tunnel
pptpdialout delete <profileName> Delete PPTP dial-out tunnel
pptpdialout show Show PPTP dial-out tunnel configuration
pptpdialout <profileName> Modify the selected tunnel

selected the profile, could choose the IPSec policy is initate or not, then use the [get] or
[set] command to configure the IP Sec Policy details information.

**[connect] initiate PPTP LAN-to-LAN policy

**[disconnect] terminate LAN-to-LAN policy

**[get] Get configuration on pptp dial-out tunnel

**[set] Set configuration on pptp dial-out tunnel

Vigor3900@config-vpn-l2l# pptpdialout add <sectionName>
Vigor3900@config-vpn-l2l-pptpdialout-<sectionName># connect

Vigor3900@config-vpn-l2l# pptpdialout show
Vigor3900@config-vpn-l2l# pptpdialout <sectionName>
Vigor3900@config-vpn-l2l-pptpdialout-<sectionName># get

Vigor3900@config-vpn-l2l-pptpdialout-<sectionName># set [status status] [alwayson

alwayson] [serverip serverip] [username username] [password password] [localsubnet
localsubnet] [remotesubnet remotesubnet]


status status admin status (Enable/Disable)
alwayson alwayson enable always-on or not (Enable/Disable)
serverip serverip PPTP server IP address
username username username
password password password
localsubnet localsubnet local subnet
remotesubnet remotesubnet remote subnet
Note: [status status] the former status is command, and the latter is value. The
value could reference the description below.

Vigor3900@config-vpn-l2l# pptpdialout delete <profileName>

9.2.3 PPTP dail-in

In Vigor3900@config-vpn-l2l# , users could use [pptpdial in] command to configure
PPTP dail-in to add or delete the profile or use “show” to get the profile list in the directory.
Enter the profile name to open it and modify the profile directly.

pptpdial in add <profileName> Add PPTP dial-in tunnel
pptpdial in delete <profileName> Delete PPTP dial- in tunnel
pptpdial in show Show PPTP dial- in tunnel configuration
pptpdial in <profileName> Modify the selected tunnel

selected the profile, then use the [get] or [set] command to configure the PPTP dail-in
details information, could also use the [disconnect] command to terminate the tunnel.
**[get] Get configuration on pptp dial-in tunnel
**[set] Set configuration on pptp dial-in tunnel
**[disconnect] terminate LAN-to-LAN policy

Vigor3900@config-vpn-l2l# pptpdial in add <sectionName>
Vigor3900@config-vpn-l2l-pptpdialin-<sectionName># set [status status] [username
username] [localsubnet localsubnet] [remotesubnet remotesubnet]

Vigor3900@config-vpn-l2l# pptpdial in show
Vigor3900@config-vpn-l2l# pptpdial in <sectionName>
Vigor3900@config-vpn-l2l-pptpdialin-<sectionName># get

Vigor3900@config-vpn-l2l-pptpdialin-<sectionName># set [status status] [username

username] [localsubnet localsubnet] [remotesubnet remotesubnet]

status admin status (Enable/Disable)
username username
localsubnet local subnet
remotesubnet remote subnet
Note: [status status] the former status is command, and the latter is value. The
value could reference the description below.

Vigor3900@config-vpn-l2l# pptpdial in delete <sectionName>

9.3 VPN TRUNK Manager

In Vigor3900@config-vpn# , users could use [trunk] command to configure VPN
TRUNK Manager , then use [ipseclbpool][ipseclbrule] command to set the details.Refer to
the following chapters for descriptions of commonly used commands.

Vigor3900# configure vpn

Vigor3900@config-vpn# trunk
Vigor3900@config-vpn-trunk# [ipseclbpool][ipseclbrule]

9.3.1 Load Balance Rule

In Vigor3900@config-vpn-trunk# , users could use [ipseclbrule] command to
configure Load Balance Rule to add or delete the profile or use “show” to get the profile list
in the directory. Enter the profile name to open it and modify the profile directly.
Ipseclbrule add <sectionName> Add load balancer rule
Ipseclbrule delete <sectionName> Delete load balancer rule
Ipseclbrule show Show load balancer rule
Ipseclbrule <sectionName> Modify the selected rule

selected the profile, then use the [get] or [set] command to configure the load balancer
rule information.

**[get] Get load balancer rule configuration

**[set] Set load balancer rule configuration

Vigor3900@config-vpn-trunk# ipseclbrule add <sectionName>
Vigor3900@config-vpn-ipsec-trunk-lb-rule-<sectionName># set [status status] [proto
protocol] [sip src_ip] [smask src_mask] [dip dest_ip] [dmask dest_mask] [dport dest_port]
[dport_end dest_port_end] [pool lb_pool]

Vigor3900@config-vpn-trunk# ipseclbrule show
Vigor3900@config-vpn-trunk# ipseclbrule <sectionName>
Vigor3900@config-vpn-ipsec-trunk-lb-rule-<sectionName># get

Vigor3900@config-vpn-ipsec-trunk-lb-rule-<sectionName># set [status status] [proto

protocol] [sip src_ip] [smask src_mask] [dip dest_ip] [dmask dest_mask] [dport dest_port]
[dport_end dest_port_end] [pool lb_pool]

status status status (Enable/Disable)
proto protocol protocol(ALL/TCP/UDP/TCP/UDP/ICM
sip src_ip source IP address
smask src_mask source mask
dip dest_ip destination IP address
dmask dest_mask destination mask
dport dest_port destination port
dport_end dest_port_end destination port end
pool lb_pool load balance pool
Note: [status status] the former status is command, and the latter is value. The
value could reference the description below.

Vigor3900@config-vpn-trunk# ipseclbrule delete <sectionName>

9.3.2 Load Balance Pool

In Vigor3900@config-vpn-trunk# , users could use [ ipseclbpool ] command to
configure Load Balance Pool to add or delete the profile or use “show” to get the profile list
in the directory. Enter the profile name to open it and modify the profile directly.

ipseclbpool add <sectionName> Add load balancer pool
ipseclbpool delete <sectionName> Delete load balancer pool
ipseclbpool show Show load balancer pool
ipseclbpool <sectionName> Modify the selected pool

selected the profile, then use the [get] or [set] command to configure the Load Balance
Pool information or use the [add] or [remove] command to set the load balancer
loadbalance interface.

**[get] get load balancer pool configuration

**[set] Set load balancer pool configuration

**[add] add load balancer loadbalance interface

**[remove] remove load balancer pool loadbalance interface

Vigor3900@config-vpn-trunk# ipseclbpool add <sectionName>
Vigor3900@config-vpn-trunk-ipsec-lb-pool-<sectionName># set [lbif lb_iface]
Vigor3900@config-vpn-trunk-ipsec-lb-pool-<sectionName># add <lb_iface>

Vigor3900@config-vpn-trunk# ipseclbpool show
Vigor3900@config-vpn-trunk# ipseclbpool <sectionName>
Vigor3900@config-vpn-trunk-ipsec-lb-pool-<sectionName># get

Vigor3900@config-vpn-trunk-ipsec-lb-pool-<sectionName># add <lb_iface>

Vigor3900@config-vpn-trunk-ipsec-lb-pool-<sectionName># set [lbif lb_iface]

**[lb_iface] load balance interface

Vigor3900@config-vpn-trunk# ipseclbpool delete <sectionName>
10. Bandwidth Manager
Vigor3900 provides three functions in Bandwidth Manager – bandwidth limit ,
Quality of Service andsessions limit .Users could use the commands below to set
up the details.

bandwidth_limit Configure bandwidth limit profile
qos Configure Wan QoS Service
sesslimit Configure sessions limit profile

Vigor3900# configure bandwidth

Vigor3900@config-bandwidth# [bandwidth_limit][qos][sesslimit]

10.1 QoS
In Vigor3900@config-bandwidth# , users could use [qos] command to configure
Quality of Service , then use [incoming-class][incoming-filter][outgoing-class]
[outgoing-filter] command to set the details.Refer to the following chapters for
descriptions of commonly used commands.

incoming-class Config QoS incoming class
incoming-filter Config QoS incoming filter
outgoing-class Config QoS outgoing class
outgoing-filter Config QoS outgoing filter

Vigor3900@config-bandwidth# qos
Vigor3900@config-bw-qos# [incoming-class][incoming-filter][outgoing-class][outgoing-

10.1.1 Incoming Class

In Vigor3900@config-bw-qos#, users could use [ incoming-class] command to
configure Incoming class ,then could choose the [class_ratectrl] command to Configure
incoming rate control for filter, use the [ttl_ratectrl] command to Configure Qos incoming
total rate control.

class_ratectrl Configure incoming rate control for filter
ttl_ratectrl Configure Qos incoming total rate control

Vigor3900@config-bw-qos# incoming-class
Vigor3900@config-bw-qos-in-class# [class_ratectrl][ttl_ratectrl]

selected the profile, then use the [get] or [set] command to configure the details
Vigor3900@config-bw-qos-in-class# class_ratectrl <SectionName>
Vigor3900@config-bw-qos-in-class-ratectrl-<SectionName># [get][set]

**[get] Show Queue Configuration

**[set] configure Queue weight

Vigor3900@config-bw-qos-in-class-ratectrl-<SectionName># get

Vigor3900@config-bw-qos-in-class-ratectrl-<SectionName># set [mode enable]

[rate rate]

**[mode enable] QoS Shaper Administrative Configuration (Enable/Disable)

**[rate rate] policer rate in bps

Note: [mode enable] the former mode is command, and the latter is value.

If you don't know the class ratectrl what filter have, you can use [show] to get incoming
rate control for filter.

Vigor3900@config-bw-qos-in-class# class_ratectrl show

Vigor3900@config-bw-qos-in-class# ttl_ratectrl [get][set <command>]

**[get] Show Qos incoming total rate control configuration

**[set] configure incoming total rate control

Vigor3900@config-bw-qos-in-class# ttl_ratectrl get

Vigor3900@config-bw-qos-in-class# ttl_ratectrl set [mode enable] [rate rate]

**[mode enable] Ingress rate control Administrative Configuration (Enable/Disable)

**[rate rate] Ingress rate in Kbps

Note: [mode enable] the former mode is command, and the latter is value.
10.1.2 Incoming Filter
In Vigor3900@config-bw-qos#, users could use [incoming-filter] command to configure
Incoming Filter ,then use [ftrule] to Configure incoming filter rule.

Vigor3900@config-bw-qos# incoming-filter
Vigor3900@config-bw-qos-in-filter# ftrule <SectionName>

selected the profile, then use the [get] or [set] command to configure the details

Vigor3900@config-bw-qos-in-filter-<SectionName># [get][set]

**[get] Show filter rule related configuration

**[set] configure filter rule related parameter

Vigor3900@config-bw-qos# incoming-filter
Vigor3900@config-bw-qos-in-filter# ftrule <SectionName>
Vigor3900@config-bw-qos-in-filter-<SectionName># get

Vigor3900@config-bw-qos-in-filter-<SectionName># set [policer policer] [drop drop]

[reserved reserved] [ipproto ipproto] [saddr saddr] [saddr_mask saddr_mask][sport_enable
sport_enable] [sport_min sport_min][sport_max sport_max] [daddr daddr] [daddr_mask
daddr_mask] [dport_enable dport_enable] [dport_min dport_min] [dport_max dport_max]


policer policer select the associated adm policer
drop drop Drop received packeted (Enable/Disable)
reserved reserved Reserved received packeted (Enable/Disable)
ipproto ipproto IP proto (TCP/IGMP/ICMP/UDP/None)
saddr saddr source IP address
saddr_mask saddr_mask source IP address mask
sport_enable sport_enable source port administrative status (Enable/Disable)
sport_min sport_min min source port
sport_max sport_max Max source port
daddr daddr destination IP address
daddr_mask daddr_mask destination IP address mask
dport_enable dport_enable destination port administrative status (Enable/Disable)
dport_min dport_min min destination port
dport_max dport_max Max destination port
Note: [policer policer] the former policer is command, and the latter is value. The
value could reference the description below.

If you don't know the current incoming filter rule configuration , you can use [show] to
get this information.

Vigor3900@config-bw-qos-in-filter# ftrule l show

10.1.3 Outgoing Class

In Vigor3900@config-bw-qos#, users could use [outcoming-class] command to
configure outcoming class ,then could choose the [outgoing_ratectrl] [outgoing_ttlratectrl]
[queue] to set the details information.

outgoing_ratectrl Configure outgoing class rate control
outgoing_ttlratectrl Configure outgoing total rate control
queue Configure outgoing low queue weight

Vigor3900@config-bw-qos# outcoming-class
Vigor3900@config-bw-qos-out-class# [outgoing_ratectrl][outgoing_ttlratectrl][queue]

selected the profile, then use the [get] or [set] command to configure the details

example- outgoing_ratectrl
Vigor3900@config-bw-qos# outcoming-class
Vigor3900@config-bw-qos-out-class# outgoing_ratectrl <SectionName>
Vigor3900@config-bw-qos-out-class-<SectionName># [get][set]

**[get] Show Queue Configuration

**[set] configure Queue weight

Vigor3900@config-bw-qos-out-class-<SectionName># get

Vigor3900@config-bw-qos-out-class-ratectrl-<SectionName># set [mode enable]

[rate rate]

**[mode enable] Egress rate control administrative status (Enable/Disable)

**[rate rate] Egress rate in Kbps

Note: [mode enable] the former mode is command, and the latter is value.

If you don't know the class ratectrl what filter have, you can use [show] to get incoming
rate control for filter.

Vigor3900@config-bw-qos-out-class# outgoing_ratectrl show

Vigor3900@config-bw-qos# outcoming-class
Vigor3900@config-bw-qos-in-class# ttl_ratectrl [get][set <command>]

**[get] Show Qos incoming total rate control configuration

**[set] configure incoming total rate control

Vigor3900@config-bw-qos-in-class# ttl_ratectrl get

Vigor3900@config-bw-qos-in-class# ttl_ratectrl set [mode enable] [rate rate]

**[mode enable] Ingress rate control Administrative Configuration (Enable/Disable)

**[rate rate] Ingress rate in Kbps

Note: [mode enable] the former mode is command, and the latter is value.

10.1.4 Outgoing Filter

In Vigor3900@config-bw-qos#, users could use [outcoming-filter] command to
configure outcoming-filter , then use the [outcoming_filter] command to add or delete the
profile or use “show” to get the profile list in the directory. Enter the profile name to open it
and modify the profile directly.

outgoing_filter add <profileName> Add new packet marking profile
outgoing_filter delete <profileName> Delete packet marking profile
outgoing_filter show Show current packet marking configuration
outgoing_filter <profileName> Modify the selected profile

selected the profile, then use the [get] or [set] command to configure the packet marking
**[get] Show packet marking rule
**[set] configure packet marking rule

Vigor3900@config-bw-qos# outcoming-filter
Vigor3900@config-bw-qos-out-filter# outgoing_filter add <SectionName>
Vigor3900@config-bw-qos-out-filter-<SectionName># set [status status] [srcip
soruceip] [destip destip] [servicetype servicetype] [queue queue]

Vigor3900@config-bw-qos# outcoming-filter
Vigor3900@config-bw-qos-out-filter# outgoing_filter <SectionName>
Vigor3900@config-bw-qos-out-filter-<SectionName># get

Vigor3900@config-bw-qos-out-filter-<SectionName># set [status status] [srcip

soruceip] [destip destip] [servicetype servicetype] [queue queue]


status status Enable or disable outgoing filter (Enable/Disable)
srcip srcip source IP address or IP address with mask bit
destip destip destination IP address or IP address with mask bit
servicetype servicetype User Defined Service Type
queue queue queue number (0/1/2/3/4/5/6/7)

Note: [status status] the former status is command, and the latter is value. The
value could reference the description below.

Vigor3900@config-bw-qos-out-filter# outgoing_filter delete <SectionName>
10.2 Session Limit
In Vigor3900@config-bandwidth# , users could use [sesslimit] command to configure
sessions limit to add or delete the profile or use “show” to get the profile list in the
directory. Enter the profile name to open it and modify the profile directly.

sessions limit add <sectionName> Add sessions limit profile
sessions limit delete <sectionName> Delete sessions limit profile
sessions limit show Show sessions limit profile configuration
sessions limit <sectionName> Modify the selected profile configuration

selected the profile, then use the [get] or [set] command to configure the address
mapping information.

**[get] Show sesslimit profile

**[set] configure sesslimit

Vigor3900@config-bandwidth# sesslimit add <sectionName>
Vigor3900@config-bw-sesslimit-<profile># set [status status] [srcip srcip] [session

Vigor3900@config-bandwidth# sesslimit show
Vigor3900@config-bandwidth# sesslimit <sectionName>
Vigor3900@config-bw-sesslimit-<profile># get

Vigor3900@config-bw-sesslimit-<profile># set [status status] [srcip srcip] [session


Command Command DESCRIPTION

status status Sessions limit profile admin status (Enable/Disable)
srcip srcip Soruce IP address with mask bit
session session Maximum Connection Sessions
Note: [status status] the former status is command, and the latter is value. The
value could reference the description below.

Vigor3900@config-bandwidth# sesslimit delete <sectionName>

10.3 Bandwidth Limit

In Vigor3900@config-bandwidth# , users could use [bandwidth_limit] command to
configure bandwidth limitto add or delete the profile or use “show” to get the profile list in
the directory. Enter the profile name to open it and modify the profile directly.

bandwidth_limit add <sectionName> Add a bandiwdth limit profile
bandwidth_limit delete <sectionName> Delete a bandiwdth limit profile
bandwidth_limit show Show specific bandiwdth limit profile
bandwidth_limit <sectionName> Modify the selected profile configuration

selected the profile, then use the [get] or [set] command to configure the bandwidth limit

**[get] bandwidth limit Configuration

**[set] bandwidth limit Configuration

Vigor3900@config-bandwidth# bandwidth_limit add <sectionName>
Vigor3900@config-bw-limit-<profile># set [start_ip start_ip] [end_ip end_ip] [tx tx] [rx

Vigor3900@config-bandwidth# bandwidth_limit show
Vigor3900@config-bandwidth# bandwidth_limit <sectionName>
Vigor3900@config-bw-limit-<profile># get

Vigor3900@config-bw-limit-<profile># set [start_ip start_ip] [end_ip end_ip] [tx tx] [rx



start_ip start_ip Source start IP address
end_ip end_ip Source end IP address
tx tx Transmit rate in Kbps
rx rx Receive rate in Kbps

Note: [start_ip start_ip] the former start_ip is command, and the latter is value.
The value could reference the description below.

Vigor3900@config-bandwidth# bandwidth_limit delete <sectionName>
11. System Management
For the system setup, there are several items that you have to know the way of
configuration,Vigor3900 provides many functions in system management .Users
could use the commands below to set up the details.

acc_ctrl Configure Access control
admin_passwd Configure Administrator Password
cmm Connect to Fast Forward Conntrack module monitor
config Configuration Backup and Restore
firmware manage firmware
mailalert Configure Mail Alert
ntpclient Configure NTP client
reboot system reboot
snmpagent Configure SNMP agent
syslogd Configure Syslogd Server

Vigor3900# configure system

Vigor3900@config-sys# <command>

11.1 Administrator Password

In Vigor3900@config-sys# , use the [admin_passwd] command to configure
administrator password and type the old password, new password, confirm password.

Vigor3900@config-sys# admin_passwd <oldpw> <newpw> <confpw>

**[oldpw] Old password

**[newpw] New password
**[confpw] Confirm password

11.2 Configuration Backup

In Vigor3900@config-sys# , users could use [config] command to configure
Configuration Backup , then use the Below shows the menu items to set details

Vigor3900@config-sys# config <command>

automatic Automatic backup configuration
backup Backup configuration to remote TFTP server
default_set Customized default configuration
local Create or delete configuration backup in local storage
restore Restore configuration from remote TFTP server
Vigor3900@config-sys# config automatic

**[get] Get automatic configuration

**[set] Set automatic configuration

Vigor3900@config-sys# config automatic get

Vigor3900@config-sys# config automatic set [status status] [interval interval]

[date_time date_time] [date_day date_day] [date_weekday date_weekday]


status status group status (Enable/Disable)
interval interval automatic backup interval (daily/weekly/monthly)
date_time date_time backup time in a day
date_day date_day date_day
date_weekday date_weekday date_weekday (Mon/Tue/Wed/Thu/Fri/Sat/Sun)
Note: [status status] the former status is command, and the latter is value. The
value could reference the description below.

example- backup

Vigor3900@config-sys# config backup [serverip] [filename]

**[serverip] TFTP Server IP address []

**[filename] Filename on server [cfg.tar.gz]

example- default_set

Vigor3900@config-sys# config default_set [disable][enable][get]

**[disable] Disable customized default configuration

**[enable] Enable customized default configuration
**[get] Display current customized default status

example- local

Vigor3900@config-sys# config local <command>

backup Create configuration backup in local storage
delete Delete configuration backups in local storage
download Download configuration backup from local storage to
TFTP server
list List configuration backups in local storage
restore Restore backup configuration from local storage
upload Upload configuration backup file from TFTP server to
local storage

example- restore

Vigor3900@config-sys# config restore [serverip] [filename]

**[serverip] TFTP Server IP address []

**[filename] Filename on server [cfg.tar.gz]

11.3 Syslog
In Vigor3900@config-sys# , use the [syslogd] command to configure syslog and type
the [get] or [set] command to configure the the details information.

Vigor3900@config-sys# syslogd [get][set]

**[get] Get Syslogd configuration

**[set] Set Syslogd Configuration

Vigor3900@config-sys# syslogd get

Vigor3900@config-sys# syslogd set [status status] [ip remotehost] [port remoteport]

[routername routername] [firewall firewall] [vpn vpn] [useraccess useraccess] [wan wanlog]
[others others]


status status syslogd status(Disable/Remote/Local/Both)
ip remotehost Remote Syslog Server IP
port remoteport Remote Syslog Server Port
routername routername Router Name
firewall firewall Enable Firewall syslog message (Enable/Disable)
vpn vpn Enable VPN syslog message (Enable/Disable)
useraccess useraccess Enable User Access syslog message(Enable/Disable)
wan wanlog Enable WAN Log syslog message(Enable/Disable)
others others Enable all other log message (Enable/Disable)
Note: [status status] the former status is command, and the latter is value. The
value could reference the description below.

11.4 Mail Alert

In Vigor3900@config-sys# , use the [mailalert ] command to configure Mail Alert and
type the [get],[set],[mailto] command to configure the the details information.

Vigor3900@config-sys# mailalert [get][set][mailto]

**[get] Get Mail Alert Configuration

**[mailto] Configure option -mailto in Mail Alert
**[set] Set Mail Alert Configuration

Vigor3900@config-sys# mailalert get

Vigor3900@config-sys# mailalert mailto [add] [remove]<member Email>

**[member] option - mailto

Vigor3900@config-sys# mailalert set [status status] [mailfrom mailfrom] [smtpport

smtpport] [smtpserver smtpserver] [user_login user_login] [user_name user_name]
[user_password user_password]


status status Mail Alert status (Enable/Disable)
mailfrom mailfrom Mail From
smtpport smtpport SMTP Port
smtpserver smtpserver SMTP Server
user_login user_login SMTP Server is need login or not (Enable/Disable)
user_name user_name SMTP Server is need login username
user_password user_password SMTP Server is need login password
Note: [status status] the former status is command, and the latter is value. The
value could reference the description below.
11.5 Time and Date
In Vigor3900@config-sys# , use the [ntpclient] command to configure time and date
and type the [get],[set],[manual] command to configure the the details information.

Vigor3900@config-sys# ntpclient [get][manual][set]

**[get] Get ntp client configuration

**[set] Set ntp client configuration
**[manual] manual set current time and date

Vigor3900@config-sys# ntpclient get

Vigor3900@config-sys# ntpclient manual <date>

**<date> MMDDhhmmYYYY

Vigor3900@config-sys# ntpclient set [status status] [server server] [port port] [interval
interval] [zone zone] [daylight daylight]


status status ntpclient status (NTP/Browser)
server server NTP server IP/host
port port NTP server port
interval interval request interval
zone zone time zone
daylight daylight Daylight status (Enable/Disable)
11.6 Access control
In Vigor3900@config-sys# , use the [acc_ctrl ] command to configure Access control
and type the [get],[set] command to configure the the details information.

Vigor3900@config-sys# acc_ctrl [get][set]

**[get] Show access control configuration

**[set] configure access control

Vigor3900@config-sys# acc_ctrl get

Vigor3900@config-sys# acc_ctrl set [web_allow web_allow] [web_port web_port]

[telnet_allow telnet_allow] [telnet_port telnet_port] [ssh_allow ssh_allow] [ssh_port
ssh_port] [https_allow https_allow] [https_port https_port] [user_define_ip user_define_ip]
[allow_ip1 allow_ip1] [allow_ip2 allow_ip2] [allow_ip3 allow_ip3] [wan_ping_allow wan_p
ing_allow] [lan_ping_allow lan_ping_allow]

Command Command DESCRIPTION

web_allow web_allow Enable or disable block web access
web_port web_port Config user define web service allow port
telnet_allow telnet_allow Enable or disable block telnet access
telnet_port telnet_port Config user define telnet service allow port
ssh_allow ssh_allow Enable or disable block ssh access
ssh_port ssh_port Config user define ssh service allow port
https_allow https_allow Enable or disable block HTTPS access
https_port https_port Config user define HTTPS service allow port
user_define_ip user_define_ip Enable or disable user define allow IP
allow_ip1 allow_ip1 configure first allow IP for ex,
allow_ip2 allow_ip2 configure second allow IP for ex,
allow_ip3 allow_ip3 configure third allow IP for ex,
wan_ping_allow wan_ping_allow Allow ping from the WAN (Enable/Disable)
an_ping_allow an_ping_allow Allow ping from the LAN (Enable/Disable)
Note: [web_allow web_allow] the former web_allow is command, and the latter is
value. The value could reference the description below.

11.7 SNMP Setup

In Vigor3900@config-sys# , use the [snmpagent] command to configure SNMP and
type the [get],[set] command to configure the the details information.

Vigor3900@config-sys# snmpagent [get][set]

**[get] Get SNMP Agent configuration

**[set] Set SNMP Agent configuration

Vigor3900@config-sys# snmpagent get

Vigor3900@config-sys# snmpagent set [status status] [getcommunity getcommunity]

[setcommunity setcommunity] [mgnip mgnip]

Command Command DESCRIPTION

status status snmpagent status (Enable/Disable)
getcommunity getcommunity Get Community
setcommunity setcommunity Set Community
mgnip mgnip IP Range to management
Note: [status status] the former status is command, and the latter is value. The
value could reference the description below.

11.8 Reboot system

In Vigor3900@config-sys# , use the [reboot] command to configure SNMP and type
the [default] command to reboot to factory by default .

Vigor3900@config-sys# reboot [default]

**[default] reboot to factory default [ ]
11.9 Fireware Upgrade
In Vigor3900@config-sys# , use the [firmware] command to configure firmware

Vigor3900@config-sys# firmware [upgrade]

11.10 Connect to Fast Forward Conntrack

In Vigor3900@config-sys# , use the [cmm] command to configure Connect to Fast
Forward Conntrack , then the screen will Entering character mode.

Vigor3900@config-sys# cmm

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