Lawrence Cahoone: The Metaphysics of Morris R. Cohen: From Realism To Objective Relativism
Lawrence Cahoone: The Metaphysics of Morris R. Cohen: From Realism To Objective Relativism
Lawrence Cahoone: The Metaphysics of Morris R. Cohen: From Realism To Objective Relativism
From Realism to Objective Relativism
Lawrence Cahoone
See David A. Hollinger, Morris R. Cohen and the Scientific Ideal (Cambridge, Mass.:
MIT Press, 1975), xiii, and Felix Cohen, “The Holmes–Cohen Correspondence,” Journal
of the History of Ideas 9, no. 91 (January 1948): 3–52. My thanks to Professor Hollinger
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for his helpful guidance. For Cohen’s philosophy of law, politics, and history, see Law
and the Social Order: Essays in Legal Philosophy (New York: Harcourt, 1933), The Faith
of a Liberal: Selected Essays (New York: Holt, 1946), and The Meaning of History
(LaSalle, Ill.: Open Court, 1947). See also Cohen, A Dreamer’s Journey: The Autobiogra-
phy of Morris Raphael R. Cohen (Glencoe, Ill.: Free Press, 1949) and Reflections of a
Wondering Jew (Boston: Beacon Press, 1950); Leonora Cohen Rosenfield, Portrait of a
Philosopher: Morris R. Cohen in Life and Letters (New York: Harcourt, Brace & World,
1962); Cornelius Delaney, Mind and Nature: A Study of the Naturalistic Philosophies of
Cohen, Woodbridge and Sellars (Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, 1969)
and “Morris Raphael Cohen,” The Dictionary of Modern American Philosophers, vol.
1, ed. John Shook (Bristol, UK: Thoemmes Continuum), 516–18; and Susanne
Klingenstein, Jews in the American Academy, 1900–1940: The Dynamics of Intellectual
Assimilation (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1991).
Klingenstein, Jews in the American Academy.
Charles Sanders Peirce, Chance, Love, and Logic: Philosophical Essays by the Late
Charles S. Peirce, the Founder of Pragmatism, ed. Cohen (New York: Barnes and Noble,
The only exceptions were Charles Hartshorne, Weiss’s co-editor; Arthur Burks, editor
of the final two volumes of the Collected Papers; and Vincent Tomas, who edited Peirce’s
Essays in the Philosophy of Science (New York: Liberal Arts Press, 1957). See Collected
Papers of Charles Sanders Peirce, 6 vols., ed. Hartshorne and Weiss (Cambridge, Mass.:
Harvard University Press, 1931–35), and vols. 7–8, ed. Burks (Cambridge, Mass.: Har-
vard University Press, 1958); Philosophical Writings of Peirce, ed. Justus Buchler (New
York: Dover, 1940); and Values in a Universe of Chance: Selected Writings of Charles S.
Peirce, 1839–1914, ed. Philip Wiener (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1958).
Sidney Hook, “Morris R. Cohen—Fifty Years Later,” American Scholar, June 1, 1976:
Yervant Krikorian, Naturalism and the Human Spirit (New York: Columbia University
Press, 1944).
Hook reports Dewey’s remark in his “Morris R. Cohen—Fifty Years Later,” 43.
Morris R. Cohen, “The Conception of Philosophy in Recent Discussion,” Journal of
Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 7, no. 15 (1910): 401–10 (hereafter cited
as JPPSM). See also Cohen’s Studies in Philosophy and Science (New York: Henry Holt
and Co., 1949).
Hollinger, Morris R. Cohen, 89.
Cohen, A Dreamer’s Journey, 174.
Cohen, “Conception of Philosophy,” 405.
Delaney, Mind and Nature, 76n75.
Cohen, A Dreamer’s Journey, 195.
The context of Cohen’s thought was the movement that called itself real-
ism, an international North Atlantic exchange that arguably initiated
twentieth-century philosophy.17 While realism reputedly arose as a reaction
against German, English, and American idealism, its complexities have to
be understood as responding to modern thought as a whole—in Lovejoy’s
terms, a “Revolt of the Twentieth Century against the Seventeenth.”18
Morton White, A Philosopher’s Story (State College: Pennsylvania State University
Press, 1999), 21.
Ernest Nagel, “Philosophy and the American Temper,” in Sovereign Reason and Other
Studies in the Philosophy of Science (Glencoe, Ill.: Free Press, 1954), 53.
Ibid., 54–56.
See John Passmore, A Hundred Years of Philosophy (New York: Penguin, 1957).
Arthur O. Lovejoy, The Revolt Against Dualism: An Inquiry Concerning the Existence
of Ideas (New York: W. W. Norton, 1930), 1.
John Herman Randall, “Epilogue: The Nature of Naturalism,” in Krikorian, Natural-
ism and the Human Spirit, 367.
Frederick Beiser, Late German Idealism: Trendelenburg and Lotze (Oxford: Oxford
University Press, 2013). I thank John Shook for this connection.
Bertrand Russell, The Analysis of Mind (London: George Allen and Unwin, 1921), 5.
The realist explosion came between 1897 and 1904, ignited by Ernst
Mach (1897), Edmund Husserl (1901), Bertrand Russell (1903), G. E.
Moore (1903), Henri Bergson (1903), and William James (1904).22 Mach
described sensations as objective facts; Husserl called philosophers “back
to the things themselves”; Russell and Moore left idealism and “allowed
ourselves to think that the grass is green”; James rejected the difference
between physical and mental substances; and Bergson celebrated the direct
realism of intuition. James’s 1898 Berkeley address made pragmatism a
public movement, creating a three-cornered debate between idealism, prag-
matism, and realism, although pragmatists like James considered them-
selves realists.23 Shortly thereafter, in England T. P. Nunn and Samuel
Alexander promoted “English Realism.”24 Six Americans inspired by
James’s post-1904 “radical empiricism” inaugurated an “American New
Realism” in a 1910 manifesto and subsequent book.25 Russell found him-
self “in almost complete agreement” with the new realists.26
The realism debate generated a series of doctrines, some barely remem-
bered. Several of the realists were naturalists who argued that life and mind
“emerge” from matter: the Englishmen Conwy Lloyd Morgan and C. D.
Broad, Australian Samuel Alexander, Canadian R. W. Sellars, and Ameri-
cans W. M. Wheeler and G. H. Mead.27 Mach, James, and Russell
Ernst Mach, Contributions to the Analysis of the Sensations, trans. C. M. Williams
(Chicago: Open Court, 1897); Edmund Husserl, Logical Investigations, vol. 2, trans.
J. N. Findlay (London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1970); Russell, Principles of Mathemat-
ics (New York: W. W. Norton, 1903); George Edward Moore, “The Refutation of Ideal-
ism,” Mind 12, no. 48 (1903): 433–53; Henri Bergson, An Introduction to Metaphysics,
trans. T. E. Hulme (New York: G. E. Putnam and Sons, 1912); and William James, “Does
Consciousness Exist?,” JPPSM 1, no. 18 (1904): 477–91, and “A World of Pure Experi-
ence,” JPPSM 1, no. 20 (1904): 533–54, and no. 21 (1904): 561–70, republished in
James, Essays in Radical Empiricism (New York: Longman, Green and Co., 1912).
James, “Philosophical Conceptions and Practical Results,” University Chronicle 1, no.
4 (1898): 287–310.
See Thomas Percy Nunn, “Are Secondary Qualities Independent of Perception?,” Pro-
ceedings of the Aristotelian Society 10 (1909): 191–218; Samuel Alexander, The Basis of
Realism: Proceedings of the British Academy (London: Oxford University, 1914); and
Omar W. Nasim, Bertrand Russell and the Edwardian Philosophers: Constructing the
World (London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2008).
Edwin Bissell Holt, Walter Taylor Marvin, William Pepperell Montague, Ralph Barton
Perry, Walter Broughton Pitkin, and Edward Gleason Spaulding, “The Program and First
Platform of Six Realists,” JPPSM 3, no. 15 (1910): 393–40, and Holt, The New Realism:
Cooperative Studies in Philosophy (New York: Macmillan, 1912). See also Cornelis De
Waal, American New Realism: 1910–1920 (New York: Thoemmes, 2001).
Russell, “The Basis of Realism,” JPPSM 8, no. 6 (1911): 160.
Conwy Lloyd Morgan, Emergent Evolution (New York: Henry Holt and Co., 1927);
Alexander, Space, Time, and Deity (London: Macmillan, 1920); Charles Dutton Broad,
The Mind and Its Place in Nature (London: Routledge, Kegan, Paul, 1925); Roy Wood
embraced the view that matter and mind are functions of or relations
among elements that are neither.28 A related view from the new realists held
that each entity is intrinsically related to other objects (not subjects), hence
multiple. Finally, the “critical realists” arose in opposition to the new real-
ists, formulating their views in the 1921 volume Critical Realism: A Co-
operative Study of the Problem of Knowledge, including papers by Arthur
O. Lovejoy, George Santayana, Sellars, and others.29 All these views were
part of a rich discussion from 1910 to 1930.
But the slogan “realism” hid differences the realists did not always
recognize. Leaving aside value theory (i.e., aesthetic, ethical, or political
realism), we must distinguish at least five forms of realism active in the
debate. Platonic or Scholastic realism, which we might call logical realism,
holds that universals, including the abstract objects of logic and mathemat-
ics, are real independent of mental acts and physical particulars. It opposes
the nominalist claim that universal terms are merely a device for referring
to sets of particulars, as well as psychologism, which derives logic and
mathematics from habits of thought. Distinct but related is relational real-
ism, the view that relations are real independent of the mind and not reduc-
ible to substances and their properties, opposing the idealist view that
relations are properties of the knowing mind. This had been suggested by
Peirce’s associate F. E. Abbot, then by Peirce’s and Russell’s separate logics
of relations.30 Perceptual realism, often called direct or naı̈ve realism, holds
that perception grasps real things or real states of affairs, opposed by the
representationalist view of dualism. Finally are metaphysical realism and
epistemic realism; the first holds that there are mind-independent realities,
the second that the known character of things is not dependent on the
knowing. The opposite of the first is some kind of idealism; the opposite of
the second is (in contemporary terms) relativism or antirealism.
While the realists did attack metaphysical idealism, the discussion actu-
ally centered on two other issues, logical-relational realism and perceptual
realism, each dragging with them metaphysical and epistemic conse-
quences, and forming two overlapping groups. The first fought for logical
realism against nominalism and psychologism. Some claimed logical objects
and meanings “subsisted” as a “third realm” distinct from the mental and
the physical (e.g., the “golden mountain” of Alexius Meinong). The second
group argued that perception directly presents real things. If the perceived
objects are members of the “third realm,” they “subsist” like meanings.
However, for naturalists or monists who accept no division between a
realm of “essences” or “meanings” and physical things, perceptual realism
became “naı̈ve” realism.
This generated two related doctrines whose distinction only later
became clear. First, if objects are conceived as relational, then the difference
between “real” and “apparent,” “subjective” and “objective,” even “physi-
cal” and “mental” can be analyzed as two relational functions of the same
things. Is the pencil dipped in water bent or straight? Mach said the very
same fundamental content or elements “in their functional dependence [on
the perceiver] . . . are sensations. In another functional connexion they are
at the same time physical objects.”31 This came to be called “neutral
monism,” a view Russell maintained most of his life.32
Second, the bent pencil is as “objective” as the straight one. As E. B.
Holt, editor of The New Realism (and mentor of J. J. Gibson, the inventor
of ecological psychology), wrote, “things are just what they seem.”33 The
train tracks are parallel when we ride them and actually do converge in the
distance in our vision. The tracks only occur in relations, yielding two sepa-
rate but equal occurrences, the “tracks-in-relation-to-train” and “tracks-in-
relation-to-vision-when-standing-on-them.” The tracks are multiple. “All
things,” Holt argued, “physical, mental, and logical . . . subsist.”34 This
Mach, Contributions to the Analysis of the Sensations, 10–16.
Russell, “On the Nature of Acquaintance: II. Neutral Monism,” The Monist 24, no. 2
(April 1914): 161–87. See also John Ongley and Rosalind Carey, Russell: A Guide for
the Perplexed (New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2013).
Holt, introduction, The New Realism, 2. Emphasis in original. See also his The Concept
of Consciousness (London: George Allen, 1914); and Harry Haidt, Ecological Psychol-
ogy in Context: James Gibson, Roger Barker, and the Legacy of William James’s Radical
Empiricism (Mahwah, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2001), chap. 2. My thanks to
Elizabeth Baeten for this connection.
Holt, “The Place of Illusory Experience in a Realistic World,” in The New Realism,
Ibid., 366.
The latter was Montague’s term for Holt’s position. William Pepperell Montague, “The
Story of American Realism,” Philosophy: Royal Institute of Philosophy 12, no. 46 (April
1937): 151.
Arthur E. Murphy, “Objective Relativism in Whitehead and Dewey,” Philosophical
Review 36, no. 2 (1927): 122.
See Donald Oliver, “The Logic of Perspective Realism,” Journal of Philosophy 35, no.
8 (1938): 197.
Cohen, “Neo-Realism and the Philosophy of Royce,” Philosophical Review 25, no. 3
(1916): 378–82.
Cohen, “The Present Situation in the Philosophy of Mathematics,” JPPSM 8, no. 20
(1911): 542.
Ibid., 538.
Ibid., 545.
Cohen, “The New Realism,” JPPSM 10, no. 8 (1913): 199.
Cohen, “Mechanism and Causality in Physics,” JPPSM 15, no. 14 (1918): 382.
Cohen, “The Intellectual Love of God,” in Cohen, The Faith of a Liberal, 312. Orig.,
The Menorah Journal 11, no. 4 (August 1925): 332–41. Earlier version, “Amor Dei
Intellectualis,” Chronicon Spinozanum 3, no. 75c (1923): 3–19.
Hollinger, personal communication.
Cohen, A Preface to Logic (New York: Dover Publications, 1944), 10.
Ibid., 97.
Ibid., 92.
Lovejoy, “Present Philosophical Tendencies: Idealism and Realism,” JPPSM 9, no. 25
(1912): 675; Cohen, “Notes and News: Letter From Professor Cohen,” JPPSM 10, no. 1
(1913): 27–28; Lovejoy, “Discussion: Secondary Qualities and Subjectivity,” JPPSM 10,
no. 8 (1913): 214–18; Cohen, “The Supposed Contradiction in the Diversity of Second-
ary Qualities—A Reply,” JPPSM 10, no. 19 (1913): 510–12; Lovejoy, “Relativity, Real-
ity, and Contradiction,” JPPSM 11, no. 16 (1914): 421–30; Cohen, “Qualities, Relations,
and Things,” JPPSM 11, no. 23 (1914): 617–27.
Montague, “Unreal Subsistence and Consciousness,” Philosophical Review 23, no. 1
(1914): 48–64.
Cohen, “Qualities, Relations, and Things,” 620–22.
The assertion that the mental and the physical are complexes of
neutral entities may suggest the question, where and when do these
entities exist. . . . The answer is that anything may be said to exist
in a given universe of discourse if it can be shown that it occupies
a position therein. Thus Hamlet’s melancholy . . . exists in Shake-
speare’s play, and the roots of equations exist in the number sys-
tem. . . . I believe that few habits would be more useful to
philosophy than the habit of refusing to discuss whether certain
entities exist, unless we ask exist how? or in what kind of a
Cohen, “The Use of the Words Real and Unreal,” JPPSM 13, no. 23 (1916): 638.
Cohen, “The Distinction between the Mental and the Physical,” JPPSM 14, no. 10
(1917): 266–67. My emphasis.
Cohen, “Concepts and Twilight Zones,” Journal of Philosophy 24, no. 25 (1927): 769.
Cohen, A Dreamer’s Journey, 170; Hollinger, Morris R. Cohen, 119.
Cohen, “The Metaphysics of Reason and Scientific Method,” Reason and Nature: An
Essay on the Meaning of Scientific Method (New York: Dover Publications, 1931), 152–
53. My emphasis.
Judging by citations, most would ask, “what legacy?” But there is one:
Cohen seems to have been the first philosopher of the period to analyze the
world fully in the manner of what came to be called “objective relativism.”
Certainly aspects thereof were evident in Mach and James, in Holt and
other new realists by 1912. Cohen noted in 1914 that “the neo-realists have
been at pains to compile a long list of . . . instances of physical or objective
relativity.”58 Objective relativity appeared in multiple works from 1926 to
1934: in Mead’s “The Objective Reality of Perspectives” (1926); Murphy’s
essay on Whitehead and Dewey, naming the view (1927); Lovejoy’s critique
in The Revolt Against Dualism (1930); and McGilvary’s “perspective real-
ism” (1933).59 After 1934 it largely disappeared. Eventually Murphy would
ask, “What Happened to Objective Relativism?”60 It was later applied by
some to ethics.61 Yet objective relativism in its original meaning did survive
in one venue: Columbia.
The twentieth-century Columbia philosophy department began with
the arrival of the Aristotelian Woodbridge as chairman in 1902. Within
three years he had co-founded JPPSM, brought Dewey from Chicago, and
acquired Wendell T. Bush, a Harvard student of the other prominent Amer-
ican naturalist of the time, and rival to Dewey, George Santayana. This set
the stage for a unique combination of Aristotelianism, pragmatism, and
two related but competing forms of non-reductive naturalism. With judi-
cious hiring, particularly of their own students in the 1920s and ’30s—
including Schneider, Randall, Irwin Edman, Horace Friess, and James
Cohen, “Qualities, Relations, and Things,” 625.
Mead, “The Objective Reality of Perspectives,” Proceedings of the Sixth International
Congress of Philosophy, ed. Edgar Brightman (1926): 75–85, and Mind, Self, and Society;
Evander Bradley McGilvary, “Perceptual and Memory Perspectives,” Journal of Philoso-
phy 30, no. 12 (1933): 309–30; Lovejoy, The Revolt Against Dualism, 79–155; and
Oliver, “The Logic of Perspective Realism.”
Murphy, “What Happened to Objective Relativism?,” in Reason and the Common
Good (Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1963).
Larry Hickman, “Objective Relativism,” The International Encyclopedia of Ethics, ed.
Hugh LaFollette (Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2013).
See Randall, “The Department of Philosophy,” in A History of the Faculty of Philoso-
phy: Columbia University (New York: Columbia University Press, 1957).
See Andrew Jewett, “Canonizing Dewey: Naturalism, Logical Empiricism, and the Idea
of American Philosophy,” Modern Intellectual History 8, no. 1 (April 2011): 91–125.
Nagel, The Structure of Science: Problems in the Logic of Scientific Explanation (New
York: Harcourt, Brace & World, 1961).
Cohen and Nagel, An Introduction to Logic and Scientific Method (New York: Har-
court, Brace & Co., 1934).
Cohen Rosenfield, Portrait of a Philosopher, 392–408.
See Patrick Suppes, “Nagel’s Lectures on Dewey’s Logic,” in Philosophy, Science, and
Method: Essays in Honor of Ernest Nagel, ed. Sidney Morgenbesser et al. (New York: St.
Martin’s Press, 1969), 2–25.
Hollinger, Morris R. Cohen, 124.
Hollinger, personal communication.
Cohen Rosenfield, Portrait of a Philosopher, 124; and Hollinger, Morris R. Cohen,
The embedded quotation from Cohen, A Preface to Logic, 7, is at Ernest Nagel, “Logic
Without Ontology,” in Krikorian, Naturalism and the Human Spirit, 214–15, and
Nagel’s Logic Without Metaphysics and Other Essays in the Philosophy of Science (Glen-
coe, Ill.: Free Press, 1956), 61.
See Randall, The Making of the Modern Mind: A Survey of the Intellectual Background
of the Modern Age (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1926); Nature and Historical Experience:
Essays in Naturalism and in the Theory of History (New York: Columbia University
Press, 1958); The Career of Philosophy, vol. 1, From the Enlightenment to the Middle
Ages (New York: Columbia University Press, 1970); The Career of Philosophy, vol. 2,
From the German Enlightenment to the Age of Darwin (New York: Columbia University
Press, 1970); and Philosophy After Darwin: Chapters for the Career of Philosophy, vol.
3, And Other Essays (New York: Columbia University Press, 1977).
Randall, Aristotle (New York: Columbia University Press, 1960).
Randall, “The Really Real,” JPPSM 17, no. 13 (1920): 337–45.
Randall, review of American Thought: A Critical Sketch, by Morris R. Cohen, ed. Felix
Cohen, Jewish Social Studies 17, no. 1 (1955): 78.
Randall, 20 January 1930 letter to Cohen, Morris Raphael Cohen Papers [B10, F13],
Special Collections Research Center, University of Chicago Library.
Randall, “On Understanding the History of Philosophy,” Journal of Philosophy 36,
no. 17 (1939): 472.
Randall, “Metaphysics: Its Function, Consequences, and Criteria,” Journal of Philoso-
phy 43, no. 15 (1946): 406. Second emphasis Randall’s, all else mine.
Thomas Robischon, “Objective Relativism in American Philosophy,” Ph.D. thesis,
Columbia University, 1955, and “What Is Objective Relativism?,” Journal of Philosophy
55, no. 26 (1958): 1117–32. My thanks to Mariona Barkus, and to Noah Robischon for
access to Robischon’s unpublished autobiography.
McGilvary, Toward a Perspective Realism, ed. A. G. Ramsperger (LaSalle, Ill.: Open
Court, 1956).
Randall, Nature and Historical Experience, 180–93.
Randall and Justus Buchler, Philosophy: An Introduction (New York: Barnes & Noble,
1942); Readings in Philosophy, ed. Buchler, Randall, and Evelyn Shirk (New York:
Barnes & Noble, 1946).
Buchler, Nature and Judgment (New York: Columbia University Press, 1955), 128.
See also Buchler, Toward a General Theory of Human Judgment (New York: Columbia
University Press, 1951); Buchler, The Main of Light: On the Concept of Poetry (Oxford:
Oxford University Press, 1974); Beth Singer, Ordinal Naturalism: An Introduction to the
Philosophy of Justus Buchler (Lewisburg, Penn.: Bucknell University Press, 1983); and
Nature’s Perspectives: Prospects for an Ordinal Metaphysics, ed. Armen Marsoobian,
Kathleen Wallace, and Robert S. Corrington (Albany: State University of New York Press,
Buchler, Metaphysics of Natural Complexes, ed. Kathleen Wallace and Armen Marsoo-
bian, with Robert S. Corrington (Albany: State University of New York Press, 1990). The
sole reference to Cohen is at Buchler, The Concept of Method (New York: Columbia
University Press, 1961), 1–8.
considered his view a kind of naturalism, but recognized that for him “nat-
uralism” could mean nothing more than the absence of “absolutely discon-
tinuous orders,” the rejection of a “natural vs. supra-natural” distinction.
Two years before his death, he said in an interview, “I can’t really say that
‘I am a naturalist.’ ”85 If “nature” is a term for “the Whole,” a consistent
objective relativist cannot have a substantive notion of it.
What does this history teach us? Most versions of objective
relativism—from Holt to Murphy to McGilvary to Robischon—treated the
“relativity” of things to the human agent differently from the intramural
relativity or relatedness of nonhuman things. Relativity was real but linked
to the presence of an observer. That is why some called it “perspective”
realism. But Cohen summarized his view as “the position that relativity is
a characteristic of the real world and not merely a figment of intellect.”86
Nagel’s 1947 essay followed suit. Likewise Buchler’s “complex,” “integ-
rity,” “trait,” and “order” apply indifferently to any complexes; human
perspectives are merely one type of order establishing relativity. Buchler’s
relativism is fully “objective.” The template of complex-with-traits-in-an-
order applies distributively to any system of any kind. Buchler’s theory is
thus a systematic, distributive objective relativism, which Cohen imagined
piecemeal but could not achieve.
However, we must ask: isn’t objective relativism, while historically
interesting, a dead end? Doesn’t it undermine realism, as Russell and the
critical realists thought? In his 1911 paper, Russell lauded the new realists
for accepting that “a may have a relation to a term b without there being
any constituent of a corresponding to this relation.”87 Internal relations
imply a constituent or property of a that corresponds to the relation, hence
makes a difference to what a is. If a’s relations to b and to c make such a
difference, then the a of aRb and aRc are two different a’s. And if b and c
are human perceptions, they do not perceive the same a. Russell concluded
such internal relations turned the world into “jelly . . . in the fact that, if
you touched any one part of it, the whole quivered.”88 Can objective relativ-
ism avoid collapsing the world into jelly?
Russell and the objective relativists agreed on metaphysical, epistemic,
and relational realism: there are objects with mind-independent properties
Corrington, “Conversation between Justus Buchler and Robert S. Corrington,” Journal
of Speculative Philosophy 3, no. 4 (1989): 262.
Cohen, A Dreamer’s Journey, 185–86.
Russell, “The Basis of Realism,” 159.
Ray Monk, Bertrand Russell: The Spirit of Solitude, 1872–1921 (New York: Free Press,
1996), 114.
perceived or known as such, which may bear real relations. But Russell
claimed a’s properties are not dependent on its relations: Rb, Rc, etc. If b is
a perception of a, Rb is not a difference-making property of a—it is external
and/or subjective, a property of b or the mind having b. The objective rela-
tivist claims, in contrast, that the multiple occurrences of a, with distinctive
properties, including perceptions, belong to a, are functions of a in different
orders. The fact that aRb is not identical to aRc or a does not mean that a
is different in each, or that a has changed. For a is a, aRb is another com-
plex, and aRc is a third. But what, then, can aRb and aRc have to do with
a? That is the issue: how can a be one thing—identifiable and re-identifiable
as a—while “owning” non-identical aRb and aRc, each of which can be
treated as another thing?
Only by adopting the view that to be a discriminable something is to
be a sameness occurring in multiple contextual integrities that are them-
selves discriminable somethings. This is what it means to be “a thing in a
world.” Each function of a in an order is an integrity of a, while at the
same time being another thing open to a like analysis. McGilvary, who
died the year Wittgenstein’s Philosophical Investigations were published
(1953), wrote that a thing “ ‘has’ characters in the way in which a family
‘has’ members,” and is thus a “college” of relational characters.89 For
Buchler the “identity” of a complex is the “continuous relation” that
obtains between the collection of all its integrities and any of its integrit-
ies.90 More simply, we might say objective relativism holds that to dis-
criminate something is to identify it, and when identified it will be
something that obtains in multiple orders of relations and may have dif-
ferent properties in them. A unity that was the same everywhere, its prop-
erties entirely independent of relations, cannot obtain. Each complex is in
an order and is an order—or, as Cohen put it, a system. With no simples
and no Whole, analysis of a complex’s locations never terminates, but
yields a partly determinate result in each order, none of which has non-
ordinal, non-contextual priority. Right or wrong, whether compatible
with naturalism as the Columbians thought or not, that is what a consis-
tent objective relativism must hold.91 While Cohen did not formulate it
completely, he had all the pieces before anyone else.
McGilvary, Toward a Perspective Realism, 31–32.
Buchler, “Notes on the Contour of a Natural Complex,” in Metaphysics of Natural
Complexes, 215–16.
Lawrence Cahoone, The Orders of Nature (Albany: State University of New York
Press, 2013).