Ingles Unidad # 3 The Family

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UNIT 3 Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios

Ramón pacheco Díaz


Brayan Carroll Perez

The extended familiy activity

Business administración
V semestre

November 18, 2019

Please look at the chart formal tiles on the textbook, page 3, and complete the form.
Title: __________________________
Last/family name: _________________
First/ Given name
Nationality: ____________________
Occupation: ____________________
Names’ member group: _______________

Workshop guide

Unit 1
Learning objectives
Communicative goals
 Report news about relationship.
 Describe extended families
 Compare people
 Discuss family cultural tradition

 The extended family
 Relationships and marital status
 Other family relationship
 Similarities and differences

Listening skills
 Listen to classify
 Listen to infer
 Listen to identify similarities and differences.
 Listen to take notes
 Listen for details


 Linking sounds

The Extended Family

Part one
1. Listen to the people planning to go out.

A: Step one: watch the Video: “My family is coming in one hour".
While watching listen carefully and repeat the conversation at least three times.
Bob: that’s your cousin teddy
Bob: He’s a waiter
Bob: He’s single, and he likes rock music
Cheryl: it’s my brother eddy
Cheryl: He’s a doctor
Cheryl: He’s got a wife and two kids, and He likes classical music
Cheryl: how about this one?
Bob: I don’t know
Bob: a cousin, no your brother, an uncle
Cheryl: it’s my aunt Judy
Bob: sorry, MRS. Morris
Bob: she looks, like your uncle
Cheryl: tell me something about her
Bob: she’s an architect
Cheryl: artist
Bob: married
Cheryl: divorced
Bob: two kids
Bob: three kids
Bob: four kids
Bob: five kids
Cheryl: no, kids
Cheryl: only eight more
Cheryl: here’s an easy one
Bob: I don’t know
Cheryl: it’s my father
Bob: I know who your father is!
Bob: why are you showing me photos of your father?
Cheryl: my family is coming in one hour
Cheryl: now pay attention
Bob: why do you have such a large family?
Cheryl: it’s not that large
Bob: not that large?
Bob: you have six brothers and sister, fourteen a aunts and uncles
Bob: who knows how many cousins, nieces and nephews?
Bob: I’d say that’s a large family
Cheryl: they’re not all coming over
Bob: no, just eighteen of them
Cheryl: I’m sorry, honey
Cheryl: I just want then to like you
Cheryl: calm down
Cheryl: it’s ok
Cheryl: you’re doing fine
Bob: ok
Bob: I’m ok
Bob: your cousin john

Top Notch Video 9:
B: Role play: With partners from your studying group, via skype, practice the conversation model in the
video. Upload a video as learning evident of practicing the conversation model.

C: Focus on language: Look at the script While you listen to and answer the following questions.
1- Who´s Eddy?
It’s my brother
2- What does Eddy do?
He’s a doctor
3- How many kids does Eddy have?
He had two kids
4- What kind of music does Eddy like?
He likes classical music
5- Who’s Judy?
It’s my aunt

6- What does Judy do?

She’s an artist
7- Is Judy married?
She’s divorced
8- Who’s coming in one hour?
My family is coming in one hour
9- How many brothers and sisters does Cheryl have?
You have six brothers and sister

Part two
1. Complete the chart. Use the vocabulary from page 26 of the Student’s Book.

Family relationships
Word for males Words for females Words for males and females
son daughter children
uncle  Aunt    Uncles
brother  Mother   Parents
 nephew Mother in law   grandparents
cousi  Wife   sibling 
 father Cousin   husbands 
2. Complete the sentences with the correct family relationship.
a. My sister´s son is my _nephew_____________________
b. My mother´s parents are my _grandparents________________
c. My mother´s brother´s son is my ____cousin_____________
d. My sister´s __husband____________ is my brother-in-law.
e. My brother´s daughter is my ____niece________________
f. My wife´s parents are my __in- laws____________________

3. CHALLENGE. Look at the family tree website. Complete the sentences.

a. Maureen is a daughter-in-law, a wife, a sister-in-law, and a mother.

b. Carries is a daughter, a _in-law, a _sister, and an _aunt.
c. Seth is a _son, a _brother, a _grandchild, and an _nephew_.
d. Rick is a _husband, a __father__, a _father in-law, and an_ grandfather.

4. Complete the sentences. Use words from the box.

Twins adopted an only

1. My cousin Karen doesn´t have any brothers or sisters. She’s _adopted_______________.
2. Maddie and her brother Thomas were born on the same
day. They´re __twins_________.
3. Jake´s mom and dad aren´t his birth parents. He´s


5. Match the words with similar meanings. Write the letter

on the line.

___A____ 1. Divorced a. married but not living together

____D___ 2. Single b. ex-husband and ex-wife
___E____ 3. Married c. planning to get married
___C____ 4. Engaged d. not married
___B___ 5. Separated e. husband and wife
____F___ 6. Widowed f. husband or wife is dead

6. Complete the sentences. Use live, have, or work in the simple present tense.
1. She´s married. She ___live________ in apartment, but they ____do_______ with her husband.
2. He´s single. He ____doesn’t have__________ a wife.
3. My sister is separated. She __doesn’t have a husband, but they __do___________ in the same house.
4. She´s engaged to her co-worker, she and her fiancé ___work____________ in the same office.
5. Kevin is divorced. His two children ____lives______________ with his wife, but they visit him on weekends.

7. Complete the paragraph. Use words from the box.

Likes doesn´t Works has live Work doesn´t have lives

Juanita Díaz ___lives in Puebla, México. She

Has in a restaurant. She __likes

Latin jazz, but she __doesn’t _ rock music. She´s not

Really a rock fan. She _doesn’t have_ any children, but

She _Has _ two nieces and one nephew. They

____work_ in Tampico with Juana´s sister, Maria.

Maria and her husband Roberto ___works_ in a

School. They are both teachers.

8. Write yes / no questions and give short answers.

1. A: Do they live in New York? ___________ 5. A: __she lives with her parents?

B: Yes, they do. ________________ B: __yes, she does_____________________________

(They live in New York.) (She lives with her parents.)
2. A: _have Mrs. Kelly have a large family_ 6.A: ___do you have any children___

B: _YES, she does ___________ B: ___no,I¨don’t have _____________________________

(Mr. Kelly has a large family.) (We don`t have any children.)

3. A: __do they work in my building? _________ 7.A: ____does your husband like show tunes?__

B: _no, they don’t______________________ B: _____________no, he doesn’t like__

(They don`t work in my building.) (My husband doesn`t like show tunes)

4. A: __do you speak English at work____ 8.A: _do you live with your sister?______________________________

B: ____yes, I do ____________________ B: __no, I don’t______________________________

(I speak English at work.) (I don`t live with my sister.)

9. Choose the correct response to complete the conversation. Write the letter on the line.
A: _what’s new a. Really, that`s fantastic.
1. b. What`s new?
B: Actually, I have some good news and some bad news. c. What`s the good news?
A: ___what’s the good news d. Oh, no. I`m sorry to hear that.
2. e. What`s the bad news?
B: My niece just got married.
A: _really, that’s fantastic
B: Thanks!
A: what’s the bad news?
B: My brother and sister-in-law just got separated.
A: __oh, no I’m sorry to hear that
10. Answer the questions. Use your own words.
1. “Do you live near your parents?”
No, I don’t _
2.” Do you have any nieces or nephews?”
No, I don’t
3.” Do you work? What do you do? I do my work very well, I work as a commercial advisor

11. Read the information. Complete the statements.

1. Brianna is Ray`s _ stepfather ________________.

2. Gaby is Brianna`s ___half-sister________________.
3. Katherine is Brianna`s __stepmother______________.
4. Brianna is Jess and Avery`s __step brothers____________.
5. Brianna`s father is Jess and Avery`s _stepfather________________.

12. Complete de questions with do or does.

1. Where ____does_____________ Aidan live? 5. What time _______ does_______ your husband go to
2. When _____do______ you listen to music? 6. What _____does________ your friends call you?
3. What _______does___ you half-brother do? 7. How many brothers and sisters ____do____ you have?
4. How often ____do_____ you go to the movies?

13. Choose the correct response. Write the letter on the line.

__C__ 1. “What does Alex do?” a. In Madrid with my half-sister.

__E__ 2. “How many children does your sister have?” b. At 6:30.
_A___ 3. “Where does your mother live?” c. He works at a bookstore.
__D__ 4. “How often do you call your stepsister?” d. We talk on the phone every day.
__B__ 5. “What time do you get home from work?” e. She has three.
__F__ 6. “When do you visit your grandmother?” f. On Sunday afternoons.
__G__ 7. “What do you and your husband do?” g. We´re both teachers.

14. Look at the responses. Complete the questions.

1. A: __What does ___ Nick ___do___? 4. A: _how many you__ concert tickets _have_______ ?
B: He´s a computer programmer. B: I only have two.

2. A: where _ your cousins __live_____? 5. A: ____what time do they________ to school?

B: They live in Hong Kong. B: We go at 8:30.

3. A: ___when does_______ your mother__visit______ your? 6. A: ____________ a twin brother or sister?

B: She visits me every year in May. B: My friend Allison has a twin sister. Her name is Emma.

15. Write a paragraph about someone in your family. Use these questions for ideas.

+ Who is it? What´s his or her relationship to you? + Is he or she married or singles?
+ Where does he or she live? + How many children (or brothers and sisters) does he or
she have?
+ What does he or she do? + How often/When do you see him or her?

16. Complete the sentences. Use words from the box.

Same kind different both alike but

1. Robert and Peter wear dark suits to work. They wear the same _kind________ of clothes.
2. Megan eats salads for lunch. Fran eats cheeseburgers and French fries. They like different________ foods.
3. Elizabeth and her sister are identical twins. They look exactly _____alike_______.
4. Mike like classical music, ____but_____ Dave listens to rock and hip-hop.
5. My stepsister and I like the same music. We __both_____ download show tunes and movie soundtracks.
6. Joe and Ryan both eat at this restaurant a lot. They like the ___same_____ kind of food.

17. Look at the pictures. Complete the sentences.

1. Mary an Ida _____ have_______ wear glasses. 2. Miki is a chef ___but________ Jamie isn´t.
3. Antonio speaks English, but Yoko _doesn’t________. 4. Jim is a jazz fan, but Thomas __doesn’t like _______.

18. Look at the questions and answers. Write sentences comparing the two people.

1. Jane likes rock concerts, but Mark doesn´t. _____________

2. Jane and Mark both have MP3 players._________________

3 Chris and Lola do like coffee__________________________________________________

4. Chris likes eat a big breakfast, but Lola doesn’t __________________________________________________

5. _Mia has a big family but rose not ____________

6. _Mia doesn’t live near her parents, but rose does______

7. _they both work

8. _______john studies but sam no______

19. Choose four relatives. Write each person´s name, relationship to you, and one similarity or difference.

1. Name: ___beli heras Relationship: __girlfriend___________________________

Similarity/ Difference: ______we both like to eat French fries___________

(Circle one.)
2. Name: ______andrea armenta___________ Relationship: ___sister__________________________

Similarity/ Difference: _____i like to drink alcochol but she doesn’t____

(Circle one.)
3. Name: ____wladimir armenta________ Relationship: ____husband______________

Similarity/ Difference: __we like to play soccer___________________________________________________________

(Circle one.)
4. Name: _camilo pedraza________ Relationship: __brother in law___________________________

Similarity/ Difference: __we like to listen to happy the salsa music

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