Statement On NCPCR Letter To DMs
Statement On NCPCR Letter To DMs
Statement On NCPCR Letter To DMs
5 October 2020
We, the undersigned civil society organisations, networks, groups, and individuals, working on
issues concerning human rights of children and National Human Rights Institutions, condemn the
letter issued by the National Commission for Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR), requiring all
District Magistrates in Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Telangana, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Kerala,
Meghalaya and Mizoram to restore and repatriate all children living in Child Care Institutions
(CCIs),1 except Specialised Adoption Agencies (SAA) and Observation Homes.
Despite our firm belief that institutionalisation must be the last resort, we wish to state that
removing children from institutional care, irrespective of regard for their peculiar and particular
circumstances and bypassing due process will inevitably push many children into situations of
greater risk of violence, abuse, neglect, and exploitation.
It is a well-established fact that children come back into the juvenile justice system with increased
vulnerabilities if restored to an abusive family or a situation where the family is unable to provide
due care and protection for reasons beyond their control. Unfortunately, the letter comes at a
time when the COVID-19 pandemic has rendered children and families even more vulnerable. In
the wake of COVID-19 pandemic, families have been pushed beyond the margins - from food
security to housing and livelihood, their problems, including mental health challenges, have
increased manifold. Restoring children to such a situation without considering the views of
children and their families and without an assessment cannot be in their best interest.
(1) NCPCR’s Recommendations are contrary to the purpose, principles, and spirit of the
Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2015
De-institutionalisation is an important intervention for children living in CCIs and must be taken
with careful planning and utmost care through an individualized approach. By selectively citing the
principles of institutionalisation as a measure of last resort and repatriation and restoration in
support of its exercise of suo motu cognizance, the NCPCR violates the objectives of the Juvenile
Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2015 (JJ Act, 2015) and fails to consider the other
fundamental principles of best interest of children, safety and participation.
(a) By requiring the District Magistrates to restore all children living in CCIs immediately, the
NCPCR has failed to respect the primary objective of the JJ Act, 2015, which is to ensure
an individualized child-friendly approach while determining specific interventions for care,
protection, rehabilitation and reintegration of each child in the juvenile justice system. The
definition of child friendly in Section 2(15), JJ Act, 2015, places a responsibility on all
functionaries and authorities to ensure that they also act in the ‘best interest of the child’.
Further Section 2(9), JJ Act provides the definition of “best interest” as –‘the basis for any
decision taken regarding the child, to ensure fulfilment of his basic rights and needs,
identity, social well-being and physical, emotional and intellectual development”. Read
together, these provisions obligate the NCPCR to ensure that all rights of all children in
the child protection system are respected, protected and fulfilled. The arbitrary
recommendation of the NCPCR to immediately restore and repatriate all children in CCIs
in these select States, in such haste without respecting the jurisdiction of Child Welfare
Committees empowered to pass legally binding orders in the best interest of each child is
a serious violation of the JJ Act, 2015 and administrative law.
(b) The NCPCR’s “one size fits all” approach and its assumption that restoration is the only
option belies the experiences of children who have been subjected to physical and sexual
violence, neglect and exploitation within the family. There is enough evidence to prove
that children are not safe within their own families. A study by UNICEF conducted in two
districts each in Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh and Odisha, three districts in Rajasthan and
four districts in Maharashtra in 2019 indicates 30 different forms of physical and verbal
abuse used by Indian parents on children as young as 0 to 6 years as a disciplining measure.2
The Crime in India report, 2019 suggests 8.7 per cent of cases of sexual abuse by known
offenders are by family members.3 The Jena Committee report found 5,291 children in the
age group of 0-6 years and 1,78,885 in the age group of 7-18 years in CCIs/Homes whose
parents were ‘unfit or incapacitated to take care’.4 Many children residing in a CCI are
victims of their circumstances and placed in institutions until they can be suitably
rehabilitated and reintegrated on the basis of individual care plans that vary from child to
(c) While non-institutional care is an important objective, blanket recommendations by the
NCPCR to release and restore all children residing in CCIs ignores the need for and
recognition of institutional care as a disposition available under law, especially when
restoration to the family is not in the child’s best interest. Many children are placed in CCIs
for long term care based on orders passed by Child Welfare Committees (CWCs) after due
inquiry, and therefore not all can be restored to their biological families or placed in
alternative care.
(d) Such decisions cannot be made without taking into consideration children’s views and it is
imperative that children who do not wish to return to their families for any reason are not
sent back to show compliance with such recommendations.
(2) NCPCR has bypassed and undermined the jurisdiction, powers, and functions, of
the Child Welfare Committees established under the Juvenile Justice (Care and
Protection of Children) Act, 2015
Through its recommendations, the NCPCR has undermined the jurisdiction of Child
Welfare Committees (CWCs), the statutory authority vested with the power to conduct
4 Available at: (Last accessed on 05.10.2020)
independent inquiries and determine the rehabilitation and social reintegration of children in
need of care and protection (CNCP).
a) As the premier human rights institution for monitoring the protection and promotion
of child rights in India, it is imperative for the NCPCR to monitor the implementation
of the JJ Act, 2015. NCPCR’s letter, however, reflects a blatant disregard of the
provisions of this Act, and the authority of the Child Welfare Committees established
under the said Act.
b) Section 1(4), JJ Act, 2015 implies that this Act overrides any other law in force with regard to
decisions related to restoration, rehabilitation and reintegration of CNCP. Such decisions
therefore cannot be made by the District Magistrate or any other authority except the CWC.
c) Under Section 29, JJ Act, 2015, the Child Welfare Committee (CWC), a statutory
authority established in every district, is vested with the “authority to dispose of cases
for the care, protection, treatment, development and rehabilitation of children in need
of care and protection”. The recommendation issued to the District Magistrates by the
NCPCR reduces production of such children before the CWCs to a mere formality and
takes away the discretion of the CWCs in deciding for a child as per established rules.
d) It must be noted that even the Supreme Court of India, while taking cognizance of the
difficulties imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic in Re: Contagion of COVID-19 virus in
Children Protection Homes, recognised the authority of CWCs to decide on this matter and
accordingly issued guidelines for their safety in the CCIs. The NCPCR’s
recommendations are not just in violation of the JJ Act, 2015 but also the Supreme
Court’s order.
(3) Recommendations ignore the need for preparedness of families and alternative care
measures and the larger issue of systemic failures
Due diligence calls for preparedness of children, families and the child protection system.
The NCPCR has ignored this completely in making far-fetched recommendations to be
implemented in haste.
a) There is no mention of preparing children and their families for restoration nor for
ensuring that the alternative care system has the capacity to support children who can be
restored, without subjecting them to greater distress. Individual care plans are an
essential part of restoration orders and contain a pre-release and post-release component,
emphasising not just the significance of individualised intervention but also preparedness
for restoration and follow-up, which will receive a setback if a blanket restoration drive
is carried out in the manner indicated in the letter.
b) Strengthening the system has been a continuous demand and call for adequate resources.
The child protection sector received only 0.06 per cent of the Union Budget in the year
2020-21, a reduction of 0.01 percentage points from the previous year.5 DCPUs are
unable to function at full capacity for various reasons, including shortage of personnel
as vacancies remain unfilled. The COVID-19 pandemic has added further pressure and
practical difficulties in carrying out the required tasks. The problem is more systemic and
not just about the functioning of CCIs. The NCPCR has failed to see that children end
up bearing the brunt of systemic failures.
c) A January 2019 report by NALSA indicates that state level data bases of various services,
including medical and counselling centres, de-addiction centres, hospitals, education
facilities, apprenticeship and vocational training programmes etc., are not fully
maintained by the State Child Protection Societies and District Child Protection Units.6
Clearly, connecting families to social security and welfare schemes, connecting children
to neighbourhood schools and such other measures envisaged by the NCPCR require a
significant investment in building the capacity of the system and its officers to undertake
such an exercise. Much work is required on the ground to ensure that the restoration
measures do not fail children by placing them at greater risk of harm, now or in the
future and that such measures are undertaken based in individualized inquiries for each
child in their best interest.
(4) NCPCR has exceeded its jurisdiction, mandate, and powers of inquiry under the
Commissions for Protection of Child Rights Act, 2005 (CPCR Act)
Through this order, the NCPCR has exceeded its mandate and has also displayed scant
regard for the procedures for inquiry laid down in the CPCR Act and bypassed State
Governments by addressing recommendation directly to District Magistrates.
a) The NCPCR derives its mandate, powers and functions under the CPCR Act and
NCPCR Rules, 2006. Its principal mandate is to monitor implementation of laws,
policies, and programmes for children, examine whether they are in consonance with
child rights enshrined in the Constitution of India and the UN Convention on the Rights
of the Child, 1989, and make recommendations to ensure the protection and promotion
of child rights.
b) The NCPCR has taken suo motu cognizance under Section 13(1)(j), CPCR Act “to
ensure a thorough implementation of Principle XII and XIII of Section 3 of the JJ Act,
2015.” The NCPCR relies on a social audit of CCIs, stated to have brought to their notice
certain “pitiable conditions of children in these CCIs.” No specific violations are
specified and it is also not clear whether any notice was given to State Governments to
reply to the issues arising from the violations identified during the social audit.
c) In NDTV Imagine v. NCPCR,7 the Delhi High Court held that “There appears to be no
power vested in the NCPCR to pass an ex parte order… The very nature of the power
under Section 14 envisages the issuance of a prior notice followed by an inquiry. The
power under Section 15 CPCR Act can be exercised only upon completion of an
inquiry.” In a display of scant regard for the provisions of the CPCR Act and this
judgement, the NCPCR appears to have made recommendations without completing the
inquiry process. By doing so, the NCPCR has undermined the legitimacy of human rights
institutions and violated the procedures established under the CPCR Act for inquiries
and recommendations.
d) The letter raises several concerns about the functioning of the Commission. It is
addressed directly to District Magistrates and the concerned State Governments, who
are responsible for the implementation of the JJ Act, 2015 are bypassed. Alarmingly, it
does not bear the signature of any of the sitting members of the Commission or the
Chairperson and is instead signed by a Senior Consultant in the Legal Division of the
NCPCR. The CPCR Act does not envisage recommendations being addressed to
concerned authorities or the government by non-office bearers and the NCPCR’s letter
raises questions about the appropriateness of such delegation of power.
1. Strongly condemn this letter from the NCPCR and demand immediate withdrawal of the
said letter;
2. Demand that the report on the social audit of CCIs be made available on the NCPCR’s
website immediately and inputs be invited from various stakeholders including children on
improving the functioning of CCIs;
3. Emphasise that the principles and procedures related to restoration of children in the
juvenile justice system have to be adhered to and applied based on procedures provided
under the JJ Act, 2015 and Rules as applicable in each State. A monitoring authority like
the NCPCR cannot usurp executive functions or make recommendations that are contrary
to the JJ Act, 2015 and the CPCR Act, 2005;
4. Urge all State Governments to ensure adequate staff and resources to enable adherence to
the JJ Act, 2015, by CWCs, so that children in CCIs are restored only after an inquiry by
the CWC based on the social investigation report, individual care plan, and after taking
into consideration children’s views and reports prepared by the counsellors, social workers
or welfare officers in the CCIs or from experts or an NGO authorized to work with the
District Child Protection Units or the respective CCI;
5. Urge the Ministry of Women and Child Development and Parliament to ensure that all
reports of the NCPCR pertaining to matters of special significance and security of children
are placed before them for suitable action and released in the public domain;
6. Further urge the Ministry of Women and Child Development to treat the social audit
report mentioned in the letter as a Special Report of the Commission under Section 16 of
the CPCR Act, 2005, which should be laid before each House of Parliament.
1. All India Network of Individuals and NGOs working with National and State Human
Rights Institutions (AiNNI)
2. Enfold Proactive Health Trust
3. HAQ: Centre for Child Rights
4. People’s Watch
Endorsed by:
Name Organisation/Independent City
1 A. Dhanasekar Independent Erode
2 A. Mangaiyarkarasi Independent Madurai
3 A. Mangalam Independent Madurai
4 A. Muthukumar Reaching The Unreached Theni
5 A. Muthupandi Reaching The Unreached G. Kallupatti
6 A. Packialakshmi Independent Theni
7 A. Rajalakshmi Independent Theni
8 A. Saranya Independent Coimbatore
9 A. Sekar Independent Madurai
10 A. Selva rani Independent Chennai
11 A. Udhayakumar Independent Theni
12 A.Gandhiyammal Independent Theni
13 A.Sivalingam Independent Madurai
14 A.Suneetha Independent Hyderabad
15 Aalima Zaidi AALI Lucknow
16 Aasha Ramesh Independent Bengaluru
17 Aatreyee RTE Forum HP Kangra
18 Abi Independent Coimbatore
19 Abinaya.L Independent Coimbatore
20 Abitha Lady Doak College Madurai
Association For Promotion
21 Adhana Adhana Hansi
Sustainable Development
22 Adhappan Independent Pudukkottai
23 Aditi P Kaur Mountain Children's Foundation Dehradun
24 Adv. Anjali Pawar Sakhee Pune
25 Ajisha Independent Coimbatore
26 Akila R S Independent Chennai
27 Akila R S Independent Chennai
28 Alagarsamy Independent Dindigul
29 Alagurani Reaching The Unreached Theni
30 Ali Hasan Little India Foundation Delhi
31 Ambika Independent Madurai
32 Amit Kumar sinha Jamghat - a group of street children Delhi
33 Amit Bhaduri Independent Delhi
34 Amita Joseph BCF Delhi
35 Amuthamani.A Independent Trichy
36 Amuthasuresh Independent Theni
37 Anand Benjamin Hands of Compassion Narasaraopet
Association for Promoting Social
38 Anand D Bangalore
39 Anand raj Independent Singapore
40 Andal Damodaran Independent Chennai
Angel Ratchanya
41 Independent Madurai
Priyadharshini. R
42 Anil Kumar Sharma Independent Patna
43 Anjana Mangalagiri Independent Delhi
44 Anjaneyulu Madduluri Independent Hyderabad
45 Anna Mery. A Independent Theni
46 Annadurai Child Voice Dindigul
47 Annie Namala Wada Na Todo Abhiyan Delhi
48 Antara Dev Sen Independent Delhi
49 Antony Independent Theni
50 Antony Independent Dindigul
51 Antony Paulsamy Reaching The Unreached Theni
52 Aquinas Edassery Independent Bhawanipatna
53 Archana Home of the champions Hyderabad
54 Arjun Independent Theni
55 Arlene Manoharan Enfold Proactive Health Trust Bengaluru
56 Arockia Doss Delasalle Brothers Madurai
57 Arul Arockiammal Independent Dindigul
58 Arul Santosh Imagine India Chennai
59 Arul viji Independent Dindigul
60 Arulmary Independent Tutucurin
61 Arun Independent Theni
62 Arun Independent Dindigul
63 Arun Independent Dindigul
64 Arun Dohle Against Child Trafficking (ACT) Pune
65 Arun kumar Kadhabam Trust Madurai Madurai
66 Arun kumar The American College Madurai
67 Arun Kumar. V Independent Madurai
68 Aruna M Independent Chennai
69 Arundevid Independent Dindigul
70 Arunmai Rainbow homes Hyderabad
71 Arvind Independent Dindigul
72 Arvind Independent Dindigul
73 Asaipandiammal Independent Theni
74 Asha Kayina Independent Chennai
75 Ashika Shetty Independent Bengaluru
76 Ashish Kumar HAQ: Centre for Child Rights Delhi
All India Union of Forest Working
77 Ashok Choudhary Saharanpur, UP
People (AIUFWP)
78 Ashok Kumar Dr A V Baliga Memorial Trust Delhi
79 Atiya Bose Aangan Mumbai
80 Avantika Srivastava Independent Lucknow
Government college of Engineering-
81 B. Nithya Theni
82 B. Prabakaran Independent Madurai
83 B.Girija Devi Independent Hyderabad
84 B.Lalitha Independent Coimbatore
85 B.suganyakarthick Independent Batlagundu
86 B.Violet Jeba Rani Independent Dindigul
87 Babli Singh AALI Ranchi
88 Babu Independent Chennai
89 Babu Rainbow Foundation India Hyderabad
90 Bader Sayeed Independent Chennai
91 Bader Sayeed Indepemdent Chennai
92 Baghambar Pattanaik Anti-Slavery India Bhubaneswar, Odisha
93 Balaji Independent Theni
94 Balakrishnan Ramasamy Independent Theni
95 Balasubramanian Independent Theni
96 Balasundari Reaching The Unreached Genguvarpatty
97 Banamali Montry Rainbow Foundation India Hyderabad
98 Banukutty Independent Theni
99 Barati Piche Mani Independent Chennai
100 Benitta Independent Nagarkovil
101 Berlin Monisha V S Independent Madurai
102 Bethuraj Independent Theni
103 Bhanuja Sharan Lal MSEMVS Varanasi
104 Bharti Ali HAQ: Centre for Child Rights Delhi
105 Bharti Sharma Shakti Shalini Delhi
106 Bhavani Independent Sivaganga
107 Bhubaneswari Independent Dindigul
108 Bimla Chandrasekaran Ekta
109 Bisweswari Mohanty CWC Jagatsinghpur, Odisha
110 Bondita Acharya Purva Bharati Educational Trust Jorhat, Assam
111 Booma Independent Tiruvarur
112 Boopathi Raja Independent Theni
113 Brindhadevi Reaching The Unreached Salem
114 C. Jeyachithra Independent Madurai
115 C. Muthulakshmi Independent Theni
116 C. Vasanth Independent Coimbatore
117 Ch. Narendra Independent Hyderabad
118 Chandana Chakrabarti The MARCH Hyderabad
119 Chandhini Ibrahim Al habrick Theni
120 Charu WaliKhanna SAFMA Delhi
121 Childch Independent Madurai
122 Chithra Sri Ramakrishna Hospital Coimbatore
123 Chithrakumar Independent Coimbatore
124 Chiyannari Independent Madurai
125 Christ Raj Paycho Trust Karur
126 Cithra.N Independent Coimbatore
127 D Ananda Rao Independent Bapatla
128 D. Umamaheswari Independent Theni
129 Dadenwilson Independent Theni
130 Damodaran Independent Theni
131 Darjannedunzheliyan Save childrens Muscat
132 Debabrta Dash Independent Bhubaneswar, Odisha
133 Deborah Counsel to Secure Justice Delhi
134 Deepa.S Independent Pudukottai
135 Deepika Joshi Jan Swasthya Abhiyan Raipur
136 Deepika Murali Independent Chennai
137 Deepthi Dalit Women Collective Warangal
138 Devi Independent Bodinayakanur
LRG Government Arts College For
139 Devika R Tirupur
Member Alliance for the Right to
140 Devika Singh Delhi
141 Dhanalakshmi Reaching The Unreached Theni
142 Dhanalakshmi.M Independent Dindigul
143 Dharmesh Shah Independent Kumily, Kerala
144 Dhivya. K Independent Dindigul
145 Diana Independent Kodaikanal
146 Diana Thomas Independent Delhi
147 Dikshitha Kotak Mahindra Bank Bangalore
148 Dinesh Independent Chennai
149 Divya Independent Sivaganga
150 Divya Independent Chennai
151 Divya Dhanam Independent Madurai
152 Divya praburaj Independent Chennai
153 Divya Vaishnava BUD Foundation Gurugram
154 Dolon Bhattacharyya Rainbow Homes Program Hyderabad
155 Don Bosco Care Home Independent Salem, Tamil Nadu
156 Donna Fernandes Vimochana Bengaluru
157 Dr. Arun Gupta IBFAN South Asia
158 Dr. Asha Bajpai Independent Mumbai
159 Dr. C. Jim Jesudoss Vidiyal Madurai
160 Dr. Desai Independent Theni
161 Dr. John Dayal AICU Delhi
162 Dr. Joseph Xavier Indian Social Institute Bengaluru
163 Dr. K R Antony National Health Mission Kochi
Dr. K.
165 Dr. Kiran Kamaal Prasad JEEVIKA - Jeeta Vimukti Karnataka Bengaluru
166 Dr. Kumar Askand Pandey RMLNLU Lucknow
Initiative for Health & Equity in
167 Dr. Mira Shiva Delhi
168 Dr. Mohan Rao Independent Bengaluru
169 Dr. N. Paul Sunder Singh Independent Chennai
170 Dr. Pyara Lal Garg JSA Punjab
171 Dr. Rajapandian Independent Theni
172 Dr. Rouf M Malik KOSHISH Srinagar
Dr. S. Kalaivani
174 Dr. Shikha Kapur Independent Delhi
Masya-Mewat Shiksha Evam Vikas
175 Dr. Virendra Vidrohi Alwar
Sansthan Alwar, Rajasthan
176 Edwina Pereira independent Bengaluru
177 Elamurugu M Independent Madurai
178 Enakshi Ganguly Independent Delhi
179 Eswaramoorthy Independent Coimbatore
180 Fahimuddin Centre for Child Protection - Jaipur Jaipur
181 Farooq Siddiqui Khadim e Insaniyat Foundation Delhi
182 Firoz Independent Delhi
183 Fr. Alfred Paul Don Bosco Berhampore, Odisha
Don Bosco National Forum for the
184 Fr. Thomas Aquinas Delhi
Young at Risk
Don Bosco National Forum for the
185 Fr. Tony Pellissery Delhi
Young at Risk
186 Francis Colaso Independent Bengaluru
187 G .JEMIMAH JOICE Independent Madurai
188 G. Karthika Independent Coimbatore
189 G. Muthupandi Independent Dindigul
190 G. Sumama karan Independent Hyderabad
191 G. Venkateshan Independent Batlagundu
192 Ganesh Independent Chennai
193 Ganesh Moorthy. P Independent Coimbatore
194 Ganga Independent Nagarcoil
195 Gayathri Independent Batlagundu
196 Geeta Ramaseshan Independent Chennai
197 Geeta Sajjanshetty Independent Gulbarga
198 Geetha Soceite Generale Organization Bengaluru
199 Geetha C Independent Chennai
200 Geetha. B Independent Theni
201 George Pulikuthiyil Jananeethi Thrissur
202 Girija Kumarbabu Independent Chennai
203 Gnanambal Reaching The Unreached Theni
204 Gobinathan P Independent G. Kallupatti
205 Gopalakannan Independent Chennai
206 Gowthaman Independent Theni
207 Gracy Independent Dindigul
208 Greg Almeida Don Bosco Balprafulta Mumbai
209 Gudiya kumari Independent sitamarhi
210 Gunasekaran Independent Dindigul
211 H. Maria Glory Sisters of the Good Shepherd Nagpur
212 Harleen Walia Independent Delhi
213 Harsimar Chawla Little India Foundation Delhi
214 Harun Independent G. Kallupatti
215 Hazel Lobo Independent Mumbai
216 Helping Hands Humanity CHSJ Delhi
217 Himanshu Gupta Independent Bathinda
Lungnila Elizabeth School of social
218 Hingba Senapati
COPHEE (Center for Public Health
219 Hrusikesh Panda Jajpur
and Environment Education )
220 Hyra Raju Independent Bapatla
221 Ilakkiya Independent Madurai
222 Ilamaran Independent Chennai
223 Ilamathi Independent Madurai
224 Irin Ganga Independent Nagarcovil
225 Irudaya rani Independent Theni
226 J. B. Oli Butterflies Delhi
227 J. Francis Antony Independent G. Kallupatti
228 J. Meena Independent Theni
229 J. Vinothini Independent Sivagangai
230 Jacqueline Monisha Independent Dindigul
231 Jai Ganesh Independent Chennai
232 James Milton Independent Sivagangai
233 Janaga Moorthi Independent Madurai
234 Janaki Sankaran Dil Se Cochin
235 Jancey Chaithanya Bengaluru
236 Javahar Independent Tirupur
Indian Muslims for Secular
237 Javed Anand Mumbai
Democracy (IMSD)
238 Jawahar.T Independent Chennai
239 Jawakar Independent Theni
240 Jaya Iyer Independent Delhi
241 Jaya Vel Independent Theni
242 Jayaseelan Independent Chennai
243 Jegadhees Independent Madurai
244 Jenifer Independent Trichy
245 Jenisa Independent Ariyalur
246 JenithaMary Independent Batlagundu
247 Jenson Don Bosco Welfare Society, Kochi Ernakulam
248 Jesu sharmila Independent Madurai
249 Jeya Independent Thirupur
250 Jeya Independent Thirupur
251 Jeya Senthil Independent Madurai
252 Jeya. l Independent Thirupur
253 Jeyanthi Independent Nagercoil
254 Jeyanthi.I Independent Dindigul
255 Jeyapriya Independent Kallakurichi
256 Joe Prabhu Don Bosco Anbu Illam Thiruvallur
257 John Kumar K Social Watch - Tamilnadu Chennai
258 Joseph Independent Dindigul
259 Josephine Independent Batlagundu
260 Josephine Mary Independent Theni
261 Jothi SJ Right To Food / Work West Bengal Kolkata
262 Justin Kumar Independent Chennai
263 Jyoti Dasgupta A.H.M TRUST Madurai
264 Jyotsna Jha CBPS Bengaluru
265 K K Tripathy Independent Delhi
266 K. Jayashree Organisation Hyderabad
267 K. Jeyaraman Independent Madurai
Women and Transgender Organisatie
268 K. Sajaya Hyderabad
269 K. Senbagam Independent Sriperampathur
270 K. Senthilkumar Suthanthiram Theni
271 K. Suganya Independent Madurai
272 K.Anuradha Rainbow Foundation India Hyderabad
Tiruvallur, Tamil
273 K.Murthy Pasumai Trust
274 K.Priyanka Independent Theni
275 K.Rahul Kanth Independent Madurai
276 Kalai Selvi Independent Batlagundu
277 Kalaivani Independent Madurai
278 Kalpana Purushothaman Independent Bengaluru
279 Kamya Aggarwal Independent Delhi
280 Kanaklata Kumari AALI Ranchi
281 Kanchan Kumari Independent Sitamarhi
282 Kaneez Fathima Independent Hyderabad
Grameen Vikash Shodh Avam
283 Kanhaiya Puri Tonk
Takniki Kendra Pachewar
284 Kanimozhi R Independent Chennai
285 Kanipriya Independent Oddanchatram
286 Kannan. J Independent Theni
287 Kannan.l Independent Theni
288 Kannayiram Subramanian Independent Tiruvallur
289 Karthi Independent Thanjavur
290 Karthigamahalingam Independent Madurai
291 Karthik Independent Thiruvallur
292 Karthik Raja P Independent Nilakottai
293 Kaumudi Nagaraju Learning Space Foundation Hyderabad
294 Kavita Independent Chandigarh
295 Kesavaraja Independent Chennai
Association for Rural Community Krishnagiri district,
296 Keshavraj
Development Tamil Nadu
297 Kiran Negi HESCO Dehradun
298 Kirity Roy MASUM Kolkata
299 Kokila Independent Theni
300 Komala Rangaswamy Rainbow Foundation India Bengaluru
301 Kota Ramesh Forum For Street Children Secunderabad
302 Kowsalya Independent Theni
303 Kowsalya Sekar Independent Coimbatore
304 Kowsalya.K Independent Dindigul
305 Krinna Shah Independent Surat
306 Krishnakant Chauhan PUCL Surat
307 Krishnamoorthy Independent Namakkal
308 Krishnamoorthy K. The American College Madurai
309 Krishnaveni.S St. Peter's Higher Secondary School G. Kallupatti
310 Kumar Shailabh HAQ: Centre for Child Rights Delhi
311 Kumar.S Independent Theni
312 Kumaravel. S Independent Madurai
313 L.Mariya Independent Vellore
314 Lakshmi priya Independent Theni
315 Lalita Ramdas Independent Alibag
316 Lalitha Independent Batlagundu
317 Lavanya M. Independent Dindigul
318 Lawrence Independent Kanyakumari
319 Leena Independent Patna
320 Leyandar Yesu A Independent Coimbatore
321 Lily rose Sampurna Samraksha Society Hyderabad
322 Lingam Lingam Independent Coimbatore
Centre for Education and
323 Lokesh Delhi
324 Lourdhu Raj Independent Dindigul
325 M. Abirami Independent Coimbatore
326 M. Kanjanadevi Independent Erode
327 M. Lalitha Independent Theni
328 M. Mandakini Independent Hyderabad
329 M. Parthiban Independent Chennai
330 M. Periyasamy Independent G. Kallupatti
331 M. Praveena Reaching The Unreached Theni
332 M. Sairam Kumar Independent Keelavayali (SNKL)
333 M. Senthilselvi Independent Sivagangai
334 M. Sevvanthi Independent Sivagangai
335 M. Shankar DEEPS Dharmapuri
336 M. Vimaladevi Independent Madurai
337 M.kirusha devi Independent Periyakulam
338 M.Muthupriya Independent Coimbatore
339 M.Subhacine Independent Madurai
340 M.Sudha Independent Madurai
341 M.Tamilselvi Independent Tamil Nadu
342 Madhu Bhaduri Independent Delhi
343 Madhu Mehra Partners for Law in Development Delhi
344 Madhuveena. G Reaching The Unreached G. Kallupatti
345 Maharukh Adenwalla Independent Mumbai
346 Mahendran Independent Theni
347 Mahesh Menon Independent Chennai
348 Maheshwari Independent Thirumayam
349 Makvi Independent Madurai
350 Malvendhiran Independent Hosur
351 Mamta Independent Delhi
352 Mamta Singh Independent Lucknow
353 Manikandan Independent Theni
354 Manimegalai Independent Theni
355 Manoj Kumar Independent Tirupur
356 Maria Arockiasamy Reaching The Unreached Periyakulam
357 Maria Princy Independent Dindigul
358 Mariadhas.s Independent Nagercoil
359 Marutha Muthu Independent Dindigul
360 Mary GO India trust Hyderabad
361 Maya Sharma Vikalp (Women's Group) Vadodara
362 Meena independent Madurai
363 Meera Good Shepherd Bengaluru
364 Melodijesus Independent Theni
365 Mercy St. Martha's Hospital, Bangalore Bengaluru
366 Meri Independent Madurai
367 Guntur
368 Milton Independent Sivagangai
369 Minal Chheda Independent Gandhinagar
370 Minal Chouhan Independent London
371 Mishma Independent Selam
372 Miss Janani Independent batlagundu
Missionaries Of Charity For Orphans-Mentally Challenged
373 Hyderabad
Nirmala Shishu Bhavan Children's
374 Mohamed Sheik Ibrahim S A.H.M TRUST Theni
Ringwood, NJ &
Mohammad imran Independent Lucknow India
376 Mohan Independent Nilakottai
377 Mohana Priya Independent Dindigul
378 Mohandas Independent Theni
379 Mohanpraksh Independent Thoothukudi
380 Mohd Tarique Koshish-Tiss Mumbai
381 Monika Independent Theni
382 Mounesh Independent Karur
383 Mridula Mukherjee Jawaharlal Nehru University Delhi
384 Mukti Bosco Independent Hyderabad
385 Muneesarjunan Independent Dindigul
National Platform for the Rights of
386 Muralidharan Delhi
the Disalbed
387 Murugan Independent Theni
388 Murugeswari Independent Dindigul
389 Muthu Independent Dindigul
390 Muthukumaran. M Reaching The Unreached Theni
391 Muthunaru Independent Rajapalayam
392 Muthupandi Independent Theni
393 Muvina Selvakumar Independent Madurai
394 N Akalyayuvasari Suryan FM Madurai
395 N. Chithra Independent Coimbatore
396 N. Karthick Independent Madurai
397 N. Ponni Lady Doak College Madurai
398 N. Prabha Independent Dindigul
399 N. Rajendra Prasad Independent Kodaikanal
400 Nagaraja Independent Dindigul
401 Nagaraja Independent Theni
402 Nagarajan Independent Theni
403 Nagarathna BM Mahila Shakthi forum Ramanagara
404 Nalini Juneja Independent Delhi
Centre for Social Education and Avinashi, Tirupur
405 Nambi Chelliah
Development (CSED) District, Tamil Nadu
406 Nandhini Reaching The Unreached Chennai
407 Nandita Narain St. Stephen's College, Delhi University Delhi
408 Nandita Shah Independent Mumbai
409 Nanthini Independent Madurai
410 Narayanan Durai Independent Theni
411 Narkis Banu . S Independent Madurai
412 Nathiya Independent Chennai
413 Navaneethan Independent Dindigul
414 Naveen Raj Puli Organisation Hyderabad
415 Neena Vyas Independent Delhi
416 Nicole Rangel Leher Delhi
417 Nimisha Srivastava Counsel to Secure Justice Delhi
418 Nina P Nayak Independent Bengaluru
419 Niranjanaa Independent Theni
420 Nirmala Pandey UNICEF Delhi
Centre for Social and Behaviour
421 Nishit Kumar Mumbai
Change Communication
422 Nithyaarputharaj Independent Tutucurine
423 Niti Saxena Independent Lucknow
424 Nivetha Independent Coimbatore
425 O.Muthuraj Independent Theni
426 Owais Wani KOSHISH Srinagar
427 P Vadivel Raja Independent Theni
428 P. Ajay Joseph Reaching The Unreached G. Kallupatti
429 P. Alagurani Independent Viridhunagar
430 P. Chinnadurai Independent Periyakulam
431 P. Dhanalakshmi. Independent Theni
432 P. Esther Rani Independent Periyakulam
433 P. James Mary Independent Putukottai
434 P. Janna prakasha rao Christian Mission Service Narakoduru, Guntur
435 P. Jayalakshmi Independent Dhevathanapatti
436 P. Maasi Reaching The Unreached G. Kallupatti
437 P. Pappathi Independent Theni
438 P. Ponnuthai Independent Periyakulam
439 P. Rani Reaching the unreachd G.Kallupatty
440 P. Sathya Independent Coimbatore
441 P. Tamilpandi Independent Madurai
442 P. Vetrivelmurugan Independent Coimbatore
443 P.A.Savariammal Independent Theni
444 P.Ajay joseph Reaching The Unreached G. Kallupatti
445 P.Amudha Reaching The Unreached G. Kallupatti
446 P.Antony Raj Reaching The Unreached G. Kallupatti
B. Dharamathupatti
447 P.Ganesan A.H.M TRUST
Tamil Nadu
448 Padma Velaskar Tata Institute of Social Sciences Mumbai
449 Padmaja Shaw Osmania University Hyderabad
450 Padmanabhan Independent Chennai
451 Palani Kumar Independent Theni
452 Palpandian Independent Chennai
453 Pandeeswari Reaching The Unreached Theni
454 Pandi Independent Theni
455 Pandi J Independent Tirupur
456 Pandian Independent Theni
457 Pandiyarajan. M Independent Mathurai
458 Parimalam Independent Theni
459 Parminder Singh Independent Patiala
460 Paul The fathers house Hyderabad
461 Pavithra Independent Tamil Nadu
462 Pavithran Independent Theni
463 Pavithran G Independent Chennai
464 Pavitra Independent Dindigul
465 Pawan Kumar Independent Sitamarhi
466 Peter Independent Salem, Tamil Nadu
467 Poonam Batra Delhi University Delhi
468 Pouvizhi Independent Madurai
469 Independent Madurai
470 Prabhu Independent Madurai
471 Prabhu Thaveethu Independent Tamil Nadu
472 Prabu raj RAF Chennai
473 Pradeep Independent Theni
474 Prakash Independent Chennai
475 Prakash Independent Theni
476 Prakash K Rath Independent Bhubaneswar, Odisha
477 Pranav Societe generale Bengaluru
478 Prasad Chacko Independent Ahmedabad
479 Prasanthi Deeksha Hyderabad
480 Prasath Chennai
481 Prashanth.K Sannihita Hyderabad
482 Praveen Arora Independent Delhi
483 Praveena Independent Chennai
484 Preetha Independent Periyakylam
485 Preeti Rainbow Foundation India Hyderabad
486 Prem kumar Spin foundation Hyderabad
487 Prema Independent Mathurai
488 Prema Independent Coimbatore
489 Priti Child Rights and You Delhi
490 Priti Patkar Independent Mumbai
491 Priya Independent Theni
492 Priya Independent Dindigul
493 Priya Independent Madurai
494 Priyanka. A Independent Coimbatore
495 Prof.Asha Rane Independent Mumbai
496 Psanthakumar Independent Madurai
497 Pushpa Louis Sisters of the Good Shepherd Nagpur
498 Pushpa Meenatchi Independent Sivaganga
499 Pushparani Manikandan Independent Theni
People's Action for Rural awakening
500 Puthenpura Job Ravulapalem
501 R Esai Mini Pooja Independent Madurai
502 R Manimaran Independent Theni
503 R Srivatsan Independent Secunderabad
504 R. Gousalya devi Independent Madurai
505 R. Jeyakarthik Independent Madurai
506 R. Karthic Independent Coimbatore
507 R. Mahesh Independent Nadurai
508 R. Maheshwari Independent Coimbatore
509 R. Selvi Reaching The Unreached Theni
Trust is helping for all children's and
510 R.Lavanya Erode
orphan children
511 R.Manimegalai Independent Theni
512 R.Pandimeena Independent Madurai
513 R.Pavithra Independent Madurai
514 R.Premalatha Independent Madurai
515 R.Sanjaikumar Independent Chennai
516 R.Sunil Independent Coimbatore
517 R.Yuvaraj Independent Dindigul
518 Radha Holla Independent Noida
519 Radhakohilaveni R Independent Bodinayakanur
520 RADHIKA DESAI Independent Hyderabad
521 Raghland Daniel The Satkaarya Trust Chennai
522 Raghu Tewari AMAN Almora
523 Raghunandhan. P Reaching The Unreached G. Kallupatti
524 Raja Independent Dindigul
525 Raja Kannan Independent Theni
526 Rajalakshmi Independent Srivilliputhur
527 Rajapandi Independent Dindigul
528 Rajaram P Independent Thoothukudi
529 Rajasekaran Independent Theni
530 Ram Independent
531 Ram Mohan NVS HELP Ongole
532 Ramesh Awasthi MASUM Pune
533 Ramu Independent Madur
534 Ramya. M Independent Manapparai
535 Ranganath D Aashray Foundation Hyderabad
536 Ranjana Singh Mertia Independent Jodhpur
537 Rasamadathi Independent
538 Rashiya Independent Bodi
539 Rathnavathi Reaching The Unreached Batlagundu
540 Ratnam Bethel Gospel Church Hyderabad
541 Ravi Rebbapragada Samata Visakhapatnam
542 Rayan francis J Independent Theni
India Alliance For Child Rights
543 Razia Sultan Ismail Delhi
544 Reena Mohan Independent New Delhi
545 Reeta Kaushik Samudaik Gorakhpur
546 Reka Independent Theni
547 Renu Mishra Independent Lucknow
548 Resi Joseph Good Shepherd convent Mumbai
549 Revathi Independent Coimbatore
550 Revathi Independent Dindigul
551 Riddhi Khandhar Independent Mumbai
552 Rita Manchanda Independent New Delhi
553 Rita Panicker Butterflies Delhi
554 Ritu Mehra Independent Delhi
555 Riyal Ranjith Independent Dindigul
556 Rosamma Thomas Independent Pune
557 Roseleen Vincent Independent Theni
558 RS Ismail WeCan Women's Coalition Trust Delhi
559 Ruth Alice Thomas Independent Bengaluru
560 S Ananthakumar Reaching The Unreached Theni
561 S Karunakaran Reaching The Unreached Theni
562 S. Elangovan Independent Batlagundu
563 S. Eswaramoorthi Independent Theni
564 S. Kumaravel Independent Madurai
565 S. Muthukamatchi Independent City
566 S. Padma Independent Erode
567 S. Poornima Independent Dindigul
568 S. Surush Independent Theni
569 S.Arasi Independent Theni
570 S.Gokilavani Reaching The Unreached Theni
571 S.Jayacithra Independent Coimbatore
572 S.Moham People's Watch Madurai Tamil Nadu Madurai
573 S.NagaRaj Independent Coimbatore
574 S.Pandeeshwari Independent Sivagangai
575 S.Q.Masood Independent Hyderabad
576 S.Srinivas reddy Society for Rural Development Hyderabad
577 S.Sugasinidevi Independent Chennai
578 S.Thangamadasamy Independent Coimbatore
579 S.Vishwasarathy Independent Theni
580 Sabina Khatoon Independent Sitamarhi
581 Sachi Maniar Ashiyana Foundation Mumbai
582 Sagari R Ramdas Food Sovereignty Alliance, India Hyderabad
583 Saleena Oraganisation Bangalore
584 Sampath Kumar M Uyirootal Trust Shoolagiri
585 Samsankar Reaching The Unreached G. Kallupatti
586 Sandeep Khare Vigyan Foundation Lucknow
587 Sandhiya Independent Jharkhand
588 Sangavi Independent Theni
589 Sangeeta Rege Cehat Mumbai
590 Sangeetha Independent Chennai
Commonwealth Human Rights
591 Sanjoy Hazarika Delhi
Initiative (CHRI)
592 Sanmugam Independent Theni
593 Saranya Independent Theni
594 Saranya Independent Madurai
595 Saranya. S independent Coimbatore
596 Sarath Kumar Puppala Manchikalalu Organization Hyderabad
597 Saravanan Independent Chennai
598 Sarita Vaz MyChild Bangalore
599 Saroj Kumar Independent Sitamarhi
600 Sasanka Kumar Padhi RUPAYAAN Bhubaneswar, Odisha
601 Satheesh kumar.v Independent Chennai
602 Sathish Independent Coimbatore
603 Sathya People's Watch Madurai
604 Sathyabama.S Independent Munnar
606 Satish Chowdary Chandra Helping hands humanity Hyderabad
607 Satyavati Independent Hyderabad
608 Saulina Arnold Independent Chennai
609 Seethalakshmi Independent Madurai
610 Seethalakshmi V RTU Arul Malar Primary School Genguvarpatti
611 Selva rani Independent Chennai
612 Selva rani Independent Chennai
613 Selvakumar Thiruppathi Independent Madurai
614 Selvi Independent Theni
615 Selvi. M Independent Coimbatore
616 Sendrayan Independent Theni
617 Senthil Independent Theni
618 Shahbaz Khan Shervani Independent Gloucester
619 Shahila Independent Oman
620 Shalini Gera PUCL Chhattisgarh Bilaspur
621 Shalini Vats Kimta H P Mahila Kalyan Mandal HP Kullu, Sarwari
622 Shamina.M.J Independent Batlagundu
623 Shampa Sengupta Sruti Disability Rights Centre Kolkata
624 Shanmuga Latha Independent Madurai
625 Shantha Independent Tripur
626 Shanthi Rajasekar Reaching The Unreached Theni
627 Shanthirajasekar Independent Villupuram
628 Sharanya Independent Koraput
629 Sharma Independent Coimbatore
630 Shenbagavel Independent Theni
631 Sherman Nathan Independent Theni
632 Shewli Kumar Tata Institute of Social Sciences Mumbai
633 Shiva Shankar IIT Bombay Chennai
634 Shobha Gupta Independent Delhi
635 Shradha Chonkar Independent Mumbai
636 Shreya Shree Independent Bengaluru
637 Shruthi Ramakrishnan Independent Bengaluru
638 Shubhangi Independent Lucknow
639 Siddharth K J Independent Bengaluru
640 Silveriya Selvi Independent Dindigul
641 Simple Chabra Little India Foundation Punjab
642 Siva Prabha Lady Doak College Madurai
643 Sivabalaji Independent Madurai
644 Sivaprakash J Independent Chennai
645 Smriti Shukla Independent Lucknow
646 Sneha A Independent Batlagundu
647 Snehal Shah Independent Delhi
648 Soria Nongtdu Loreto Rainbow Homes Kolkata
649 Sr. Annie Thomas Independent Karjat, Raigarh
650 Sr. Mary Jose Independent Mumbai
651 Sr. Nirmala Lakara Sisters of the Good Shepherd Mumbai
652 Sr. Sylvia Oliveira Independent Virar
653 Sravanthi Mutyala Warangal
654 Sreemoyee Sen Ram Mental Health Foundation, Kolkata Kolkata
655 Sri Teja Guntupalli Grama Sachivalayam Vijayawada
656 Sridhar Venkataraman Independent Chennai
657 Srilatha Independent Hyderabad
658 Srinivasan Yougendra Sarvodaya Jaffna
659 Steffi Independent Chennai
660 Stegana Jency.L.T. CCRD Chennai
Tamil Nadu Voluntary Health
661 Stella. M Chennai
662 Sterly Independent Dindigul
663 Steve Rocha NINE IS MINE Delhi
664 Suba Rani Independent Theni
The Society for Social Uplift Through
665 Subhash Mendhapurkar kasauli
Rural Action
666 Sudha Ramamoorthy Independent Chennai
667 Sudha Varghese Nari Gunjan Patna
668 Sudhakar G Independent Chennai
669 Sudhan RTU G kallupatti
670 sudheer joel yazali Independent Guntur
Centre for Labour Research and
671 Sudhir Katiyar Ahmedabad
672 Suganthi Good Shepherd Convent Karjat
673 Suganya J S Independent Madurai
674 Suganyakarthick Independent Batlagundu
675 Suhas Kolhekar Independent Pune
676 Suhashini Independent Dindigul
677 Sujata Madhok Independent Delhi
678 Sujata Patel Savitribai Phule Pune University Pune
679 Sukanya Independent Madurai
Campaign for Discrimination Free
680 Sukhdev Vishwapremi Palampur
Educational Institutions
681 Sulaiman j Independent G. Kallupatti
682 Suman Arya Little India Foundation Delhi
683 Sumathy Independent Dindigul
684 Sumitra Mishra Mobile Creches Delhi
685 Sunita Society for all round development Reodar
686 Suresh Independent Theni
687 Surinder Singh Maan MDD Bal Bhawan ( CCI ) Karnal
688 Suriya M Independent ariyalur
689 Surya Independent Madurai
690 Suryakant Maithani Independent Dehradun
691 Suryamani Independent Theni
692 Suryaprakash Independent Dindigul
693 Susaiyammal Independent Manapparai
694 Sushma Shreemakeupartistry Bangalore
695 Suthandradevi Independent Madurai
696 Swagata Raha Enfold Proactive Health Trust Bengaluru
697 Sweety Celin Mary Independent Madurai
698 Sweta Ghimirey Independent Delhi
699 Swetha Independent Dindigul
700 T. Ganesan independent Madurai
B. Dharmathupatti,
701 T. Muthukrishnan A.H.M TRUST
702 T. Parimaladevi Independent Theni
703 T. Rubanya Independent Bodinayakkanur
704 T. Shanmugapriya Independent Theni
705 T. Soundra Pandian Christian Mission Service GUNTUR
706 Tamanna HAQ: Centre for Child Rights Delhi
707 Tamilselvan. M Reaching The Unreached Madurai
708 Tara Narula Narula and Associates Delhi
Good Shepherd International
709 Taskila Nicholas Nepal
710 Teesta Setalvad Citizens for Justice & Peace Mumbai
RTU St Peter Higher Secondary
711 Thamilselvi P Theni
712 Therasa Independent Madurai
713 Theresa Independent Near Vijayawada
714 Thirupathy Madurai
715 Thomas Koshy Independent Hyderabad
716 U. Pavithra Independent Tamil Nadu
717 Uday Kumar Independent Theni
718 Udita Dad Independent Delhi
719 Uma Independent Mumbai
720 Uma Independent Tiruvarur
721 Umadevi Independent Theni
722 Umamaheswari Independent Bodi
723 Urvashi Tilak Counsel to Secure Justice Delhi
724 Usha Varghese Good Shepherd NGO Tadepalli
725 Uzma Perveen HAQ: Centre for Child Rights Delhi
Sannihita Center for Women and girl
726 V. Usha Rani Hyderabad
children society
727 V. Vasanthi Devi Independent Chennai
728 V.sivaranjani Independent Nagapattinam
729 Vaidehi Subramani Independent Delhi
730 Vairamani Independent Madurai
731 Vairavan Independent Dindigul
732 Vaishnavi Jayakumar Disability Rights Alliance Chennai
733 Valli Kalpana Independent Madurai
734 Vandana Prasad Independent Noida
735 Vani Subramanian Saheli Women's Resource Centre Delhi
736 Vanita Mukherjee Independent Delhi
737 Vanita Mukherjee Independent capacity New Delhi
Campaign for Housing and Tenurial
738 Varghese Theckanath Hyderabad
Rights (CHATRI)
Telangana Child Rights Protection
739 Varsha Bhargavi Hyderabad
740 Vasanthakumar Independent Theni
741 Vasumathi. A Reaching The Unreached Theni
742 Veena Naregal Institute of Economic Growth Delhi
743 Veerapandi Independent Coimbatore
744 Velmuruganb Independent Theni
745 Venkadeshwai Independent Theni
746 Venkataswamy Independent Hyderabad
747 Vennila Independent Madurai
748 Vidhya Independent Dindigul
749 Vidhya Salluri Religious of the Good Shepherd Kathmandu
750 Vidhya Salluri Religious of the Good Shepherd Kathmandu
Tulir - Centre for the Prevention and
751 Vidya Reddy Chennai
Healing of Child Sexual Abuse
752 Vidyasagar Ramamurthy Independent Chennai
753 Vignesh Independent Dindigul
754 Vignesh Independent Madurai
755 Vignesh Kumar Independent Theni
756 Vignesh. S Independent Theni
757 Vigneshvaran Independent Chennai
758 Vijay Prabakaran Independent Madurai
759 Vijay. A Independent Theni
760 Vijayakumar Independent Coimbatore
761 Vijayalakshmi Reaching The Unreached Theni
762 Viji Ganesh Independent Chennai
763 Vinayagamoorthi Independent Pudukottai
764 Vinitha Independent Batlagundu
Alpha Apperal Best Corporation Pvt.
765 Vinoth Kumar Coimbatore
766 Vinoy Ohdar Telangana
767 Vipin Bhatt Independent Ghaziabad
768 Virgil D sami Arunodhaya Chennai
769 Vishnu Independent Bengaluru
770 Vishwajeet Ghoshal Prayas JAC Society Delhi
771 Vivek Independent Tamil Nadu
772 William Nicholas Gomes Independent York, UK
773 Yasmeen Independent Erode
774 Yasmin Rose MSI Independent Theni
775 Yuman Hussain Azad India Foundation Kishanganj
776 Yuvaraj Independent Tirruppur
777 Zishaan HAQ: Centre for Child rights Delhi
778 Youth for social welfare Hyderabad