SIAE ALFOplus2 - User Manual Cod. MN00356E - Ediz.007 PDF

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The manual provides information on the proper use and specifications of an ALFOplus2 access link product. It outlines various safety rules, purpose and structure of the manual, and technical specifications including frequency bands.

The purpose of the manual is to provide the user with instructions and specifications for the ALFOplus2 access link product.

The manual outlines first aid for electrical shock, safety rules for proper use of the product, and instructions for correct disposal of the product.


Access Link Full Outdoor

User manual

MN.00356.E - 007
The information contained in this handbook is subject to change without notice.
Property of Siae Microelettronica. All rights reserved according to the law and according to the international
regulations. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,
electronic or mechanical, without written permission from Siae Microelettronica S.p.A.
Unless otherwise specified, reference to a Company, name, data and address produced on the screen dis-
played is purely indicative aiming at illustrating the use of the product.
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Linux term is a trademark registered by Linus Torvalds, the original author of the Linux operating system.
Linux is freely distributed according the GNU General Public License (GPL).
Other products cited here in are constructor registered trademarks.

Section 1.

1 DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY ............................................................................... 9

2 FIRST AID FOR ELECTRICAL SHOCK AND SAFETY RULES .........................................10

2.1 FIRST AID FOR ELECTRICAL SHOCK ....................................................................10
2.1.1 Artificial respiration .................................................................................10
2.1.2 Treatment of burns .................................................................................10
2.2 SAFETY RULES .................................................................................................11
ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT) .................................................................................13
2.4 INTERNAL BATTERY ..........................................................................................13

3 PURPOSE AND STRUCTURE OF THE MANUAL ............................................................14

3.1 PURPOSE OF THE MANUAL .................................................................................14
3.2 AUDIENCE BASIC KNOWLEDGE ..........................................................................14
3.3 STRUCTURE OF THE MANUAL .............................................................................14

Section 2.

4 LIST OF ACRONYMS .................................................................................................15

4.1 LIST OF ACRONYMS ..........................................................................................15

5 SYSTEM PRESENTATION ..........................................................................................17

5.1 GENERAL.........................................................................................................17
5.2 CHARACTERISTICS ...........................................................................................17
5.3 APPLICATIONS .................................................................................................18
5.3.1 ALFOplus2 connectivity ............................................................................18
5.3.2 Universal product line architecture and single SM-OS ...................................18
5.4 ALFOPLUS2 STRUCTURE ....................................................................................19
5.5 LINK CONFIGURATION ......................................................................................19
5.5.1 Single ALFOplus2 ....................................................................................20
5.5.2 Dual ALFOplus2 ......................................................................................20
5.6 ANTENNAS AND EXTERNAL BRANCHING ..............................................................21

MN.00356.E - 007 1
5.6.1 Single ODU ............................................................................................22
5.6.2 Dual ODUs and single polarization antenna.................................................22
5.6.3 Dual ODUs, 2 hybrid and DP antenna.........................................................23
5.6.4 Dual ODUs and DP antenna ......................................................................24
5.7 RADIO FUNCTIONALITIES ..................................................................................24
5.7.1 ACM ......................................................................................................25
5.7.2 RF band/High Power versions ...................................................................26
5.8 ETHERNET FUNCTIONALITIES ............................................................................26
5.8.1 Traffic treatment.....................................................................................27 Auto-negotiation ......................................................................27 MDI/MDI-X ..............................................................................27 Ingress Filtering .......................................................................28 MTU .......................................................................................28 Storm Control ..........................................................................28 MAC Learning Rules ..................................................................28 MAC Forwarding Rules ..............................................................29
5.8.2 VLAN Forwarding ....................................................................................29 IEEE 802.1q ............................................................................29 VLAN Stacking - QinQ ...............................................................30 VLAN Threatment .....................................................................30 Service Instance Mapping Criteria...............................................31 Ingress Manipulation.................................................................32
5.8.3 QoS Management ...................................................................................32 Classification with Priority Map ...................................................33 Classification with Class Map......................................................34 Policing ...................................................................................35 Metering .................................................................................35 Policy Map ...............................................................................36
5.8.4 Congestion avoidance..............................................................................36
5.8.5 Output queues........................................................................................37
5.8.6 Scheduling method .................................................................................39
5.8.7 Egress Shaping.......................................................................................39
5.8.8 Egress Manipulation ................................................................................40
5.8.9 Packet Header Compression .....................................................................40
5.8.10 ELP .......................................................................................................41
5.8.11 Link aggregation .....................................................................................42 Ethernet L1 radio link aggregation ..............................................42 LACP on LAN interfaces .............................................................42 Static LAG ...............................................................................43
5.8.12 LLF .......................................................................................................43
5.8.13 STP and RSTP.........................................................................................45 BPDU......................................................................................45 STP/RSTP configurability ...........................................................45
5.9 SYNCHRONIZATION ..........................................................................................46
5.9.1 Sources .................................................................................................46
5.9.2 Output ..................................................................................................47
5.9.3 Priority ..................................................................................................47
5.9.4 Quality and SSM .....................................................................................47
5.9.5 Source settings.......................................................................................48
5.10 SECURITY........................................................................................................49
5.11 MANAGEMENT ..................................................................................................49
5.12 LICENSE KEY ...................................................................................................49
5.13 ETHERNET MAINTENANCE..................................................................................49

2 MN.00356.E - 007
5.13.1 OAM......................................................................................................50
5.13.2 RMON ...................................................................................................51 Ethernet Statistics ....................................................................51 RMON Counters in each interface................................................52 Ethernet Services Statistics .......................................................52

6 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION ....................................................................................54

6.1 ADAPTIVE MODULATION....................................................................................54
6.2 LINE INTERFACE CHARACTERISTICS ...................................................................54
6.2.1 Ethernet electrical interface characteristics .................................................55
6.2.2 Ethernet optical interface characteristics ....................................................58
6.3 LOOPS ............................................................................................................59
6.4 POWER SUPPLY AND CABLE ...............................................................................60
6.5 POE UNITS ......................................................................................................61
6.6 PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS ....................................................................................61
6.7 SURGE AND LIGHTNING PROTECTION .................................................................63
6.8 ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS ..........................................................................63

Section 3.

7 INSTALLATION OF ALFOplus2 ..................................................................................65

7.2 GENERAL.........................................................................................................66
7.3 ELECTRICAL WIRING.........................................................................................66
7.4 CONNECTIONS TO THE SUPPLY MAINS ................................................................66
7.5 GROUNDING CONNECTION ................................................................................67
7.5.1 Mounting instruction of grounding cable KIT ICD00072F (Universal, No tools) .67
7.6 REQUIRED TOOLS FOR MOUNTING (NOT SUPPLIED) .............................................69
7.7 INSTALLATION PROCEDURE ...............................................................................69
7.8 ODU ASSEMBLING ............................................................................................69
7.8.1 Changing the polarization of the RF flange in balanced hybrid antenna
interface module.....................................................................................71
7.9 ODU INSTALLATION – SINGLE RECTANGULAR OUTPUT FLANGE ..............................73
7.10 ODU INSTALLATION – OMT OUTPUT FLANGE ........................................................74
7.11 ODU INSTALLATION – DUAL OUTPUT FLANGE ......................................................76
7.12 USER CONNECTORS..........................................................................................81
7.12.1 M12 connector........................................................................................81
7.12.2 RJ45 connector.......................................................................................86
7.13 ACCESSORIES FOR INSTALLATION .....................................................................87
7.13.1 Installation procedure of optical junction ....................................................90
7.13.2 Installation procedure of Rosenberger outdoor enclosure..............................90

MN.00356.E - 007 3
Section 4.

8 LINE-UP OF ALFOplus2 ............................................................................................93

8.1 GENERAL.........................................................................................................93
8.2 SWITCH ON .....................................................................................................93
8.3 ALARM LED CHECK ...........................................................................................94
8.4 CONNECTION PROCEDURE.................................................................................94
8.4.1 WEBLCT via MNGT port (cable F03616) ......................................................94
8.4.2 CLI session via MNGT or console port ........................................................95

9 BRIDGE MODE (WEBLCT AND CLI) ...........................................................................97

9.1 BRIDGE MODE .................................................................................................97

10 MANAGEMENT: OUT OF BAND/IN BAND ...................................................................98

10.1 GENERAL.........................................................................................................98
10.2 OUT OF BAND MANAGEMENT .............................................................................98
10.2.1 Out of band: MNGT VLAN creation (WEBLCT) ..............................................99
10.2.2 Out of band: IP Address (WEBLCT)............................................................99
10.2.3 Out of band: Setting the Agent IP (WEBLCT) .......................................... 100
10.2.4 Out of band - Remote Element List (WEBLCT) ........................................... 100
10.2.5 Out of band - Restart ............................................................................ 101
10.2.6 Out of band: IP Address, MNGT VLAN, Agent IP and Default Gateway (CLI) .. 101
10.3 IN BAND MANAGEMENT ................................................................................... 102
10.3.1 In band: MNGT VLAN creation (WEBLCT) ................................................. 102
10.3.2 In band: IP Address (WEBLCT) ............................................................... 103
10.3.3 In band: Agent IP (WEBLCT) .................................................................. 103
10.3.4 In band: Remote element list (WEBLCT) .................................................. 104
10.3.5 In band - Restart .................................................................................. 104
10.3.6 In band: IP Address, MNGT VLAN, Agent IP and Default Gateway (CLI) ...... 105

11 RADIO LINK LINE-UP .............................................................................................106

11.1 GENERAL....................................................................................................... 106
11.2 RADIO CONFIGURATOR ................................................................................... 106
11.2.1 Delete a Link in Current Radio Configuration............................................. 106
11.2.2 Create a Link in Current Radio Configuration............................................. 106
11.3 MODULATION & CAPACITY ............................................................................... 107
11.4 MODULATION & CAPACITY PARAMETERS ........................................................... 108
11.5 LINK ID ......................................................................................................... 108
11.6 FREQUENCY SETTING...................................................................................... 108
11.7 ODU POWERS (NO ATPC)................................................................................. 109
11.8 ODU POWERS (ATPC)...................................................................................... 109
11.9 OPTIMIZING ANTENNA ALIGNMENT WITH RX MEASUREMENT .............................. 110
(FROM SYV 1.1.0 ONLY)112
11.10.1XPD estimate with WEBLCT ................................................................... 112
11.10.2XPD evaluation via Xpdm.exe ................................................................ 112 Pre-requisites ........................................................................ 112 Preliminary............................................................................ 113 Xpdm.exe ............................................................................. 113 XPD antenna rotation assistance .............................................. 113

4 MN.00356.E - 007 XPD antenna rotation assistance with customized XPD thresholds . 114 XPD statistics......................................................................... 115

12 ETHERNET TRAFFIC CONFIGURATION....................................................................116

12.1 GENERAL....................................................................................................... 116
12.2 CB EXAMPLE .................................................................................................. 117
12.2.1 CB example configuration by WEBLCT...................................................... 117
12.2.2 CB example configuration by WEBLCT: PORT STATUS ................................ 117
12.2.3 CB example configuration by WEBLCT: TRAFFIC VLAN CREATION ................ 118
12.2.4 CB example configuration by WEBLCT: PORT SETTINGS ............................. 118
12.2.5 CB example configuration by CLI............................................................. 119
12.2.6 PCB example ........................................................................................ 120
12.2.7 PCB example configuration by WEBLCT .................................................... 120
12.2.8 PCB example configuration by WEBLCT: PORT STATUS .............................. 121
12.2.9 PCB example configuration by WEBLCT: TRAFFIC VLAN CREATION .............. 121
12.2.10PCB example configuration by WEBLCT: PORT SETTINGS .......................... 121
12.2.11PCB example configuration by CLI .......................................................... 122
12.3 PEB EXAMPLE................................................................................................. 123
12.3.1 PEB example configuration by WEBLCT .................................................... 123
12.3.2 PEB example configuration by WEBLCT: PORT STATUS............................... 123
12.3.3 PEB example configuration by WEBLCT: TRAFFIC VLAN CREATION .............. 124
12.3.4 PEB example configuration by WEBLCT: PORT SETTINGS ........................... 124
12.3.5 PEB Example configuration by CLI ........................................................... 125
12.4 COMMISSIONING MEASURES FOR ETHERNET TRAFFIC ........................................ 126
12.5 FIRMWARE UPDATE ........................................................................................ 126
12.5.1 Scope.................................................................................................. 126
12.5.2 Procedure of firmware update................................................................. 126
12.6 BACKUP CONFIGURATION................................................................................ 128
12.6.1 Scope.................................................................................................. 128
12.6.2 Backup/restore configuration using WEBLCT ............................................. 128

Section 5.

13 ALARMS .................................................................................................................131
13.1 GENERAL....................................................................................................... 131
13.2 ALARMS SYSTEM ............................................................................................ 131
13.2.1 LED status ........................................................................................... 132
13.2.2 Alarm group ......................................................................................... 132

14 MAINTENANCE AND TROUBLESHOOTING ...............................................................136

14.1 GENERAL....................................................................................................... 136
14.2 MAINTENANCE ............................................................................................... 136
14.2.1 Periodical checks .................................................................................. 136
14.2.2 Corrective maintenance (troubleshooting) ................................................ 137
14.3 TROUBLESHOOTING ....................................................................................... 137
14.3.1 Causes of alarm, symptoms and hypothesis.............................................. 137
14.3.2 Tools for troubleshooting ....................................................................... 138
14.3.3 Multiple alarms ..................................................................................... 138

MN.00356.E - 007 5
14.3.4 Quality alarms ...................................................................................... 138
14.3.5 Radio link affected by fading................................................................... 139
14.3.6 Radio link affected by interference .......................................................... 139

Section 6.

15 PROGRAMMING AND SUPERVISION .......................................................................141

15.1 GENERAL....................................................................................................... 141
15.2 SUPERVISION ................................................................................................ 141
15.2.1 General ............................................................................................... 142
15.2.2 ALFOplus2 - 1NE - InBand...................................................................... 142
15.2.3 ALFOplus2 - On-Site Management Port (MNG) .......................................... 143
15.2.4 Address ............................................................................................... 143
15.2.5 Console access mode ............................................................................ 144
15.3 COMPILING SCRIPT USING COMMAND RUN........................................................ 144

Section 7.

16 COMPOSITION OF OUTDOOR UNIT.........................................................................145

16.1 GENERAL....................................................................................................... 145
16.2 ODU PART NUMBER ........................................................................................ 145

Section 8.

17 INTRODUCTION .....................................................................................................147
17.1 GENERALS ..................................................................................................... 147
17.2 THROUGHPUT ................................................................................................ 148
17.3 ACM SHIFTING THRESHOLDS ........................................................................... 148

18 ALFOPLUS2 11 GHz CHARACTERISTICS .................................................................151

18.1 FOREWORD ................................................................................................... 151
18.2 INFORMATION TO USER .................................................................................. 151
18.3 AVAILABLE FREQUENCIES ............................................................................... 151
18.3.1 Transmitter characteristics ..................................................................... 157
18.3.2 Receiver characteristics ......................................................................... 159
18.4 RADIO FLANGE............................................................................................... 160
18.5 POWER SUPPLY AND CONSUMPTION ................................................................. 160

6 MN.00356.E - 007
19 ALFOplus2 18 GHz CHARACTERISTICS ...................................................................161
19.1 FOREWORD ................................................................................................... 161
19.2 AVAILABLE FREQUENCIES ............................................................................... 161
19.2.1 Transmitter characteristics ..................................................................... 165
19.2.2 Receiver characteristics ......................................................................... 166
19.3 RADIO FLANGE............................................................................................... 167
19.4 POWER SUPPLY AND CONSUMPTION ................................................................. 167

20 ALFOplus2 23 GHz CHARACTERISTICS ...................................................................168

20.1 FOREWORD ................................................................................................... 168
20.2 AVAILABLE FREQUENCIES ............................................................................... 168
20.2.1 Transmitter characteristics ..................................................................... 173
20.2.2 Receiver characteristics ......................................................................... 174
20.3 RADIO FLANGE............................................................................................... 175
20.4 POWER SUPPLY AND CONSUMPTION ................................................................. 175

21 ALFOplus2 25 GHz CHARACTERISTICS ...................................................................176

21.1 FOREWORD ................................................................................................... 176
21.2 AVAILABLE FREQUENCIES ............................................................................... 176
21.2.1 Transmitter characteristics ..................................................................... 178
21.2.2 Receiver characteristics ......................................................................... 179
21.3 RADIO FLANGE............................................................................................... 180
21.4 POWER SUPPLY AND CONSUMPTION ................................................................. 180

22 ALFOplus2 28 GHz CHARACTERISTICS ...................................................................181

22.1 FOREWORD ................................................................................................... 181
22.2 AVAILABLE FREQUENCIES ............................................................................... 181
22.2.1 Transmitter characteristics ..................................................................... 183
22.2.2 Receiver characteristics ......................................................................... 184
22.3 RADIO FLANGE............................................................................................... 185
22.4 POWER SUPPLY AND CONSUMPTION ................................................................. 185

Section 9.

23 LIST OF FIGURES ...................................................................................................187

24 LIST OF TABLES .....................................................................................................191

25 ASSISTANCE SERVICE............................................................................................193

MN.00356.E - 007 7
8 MN.00356.E - 007
Section 1.


Via Buonarroti, 21 - Cologno (MI) - Italy

Digital Radio Relay System ALFOplus2

complies with the essential requirements of article 3 of the R&TTE Directive (1999/05/EC)
and therefore is marked:

The following standards have been applied:

EN 60950-1:2006 and EN 60950-22:2006

“Safety of information technology equipment”

EN 301 489-4 v.2.1.1 (2012-11)

“Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrum Matters (ERM); ElectroMag-
netic Compatibility (EMC) standard for radio equipment and services; Part 4: Specific conditions for fixed
radio links and ancillary equipment and services”

ETSI EN 302 217-2-2 V2.2.1 (2014-04)

“Fixed Radio Systems; Characteristics and requirements for point-to-point equipment and antennas; Part
2-2: Digital systems operating in frequency bands where frequency co-ordinated is applied; Harmonized
EN covering the essential requirements of Article 3.2 of R&TTE Directive”

The equipment makes use of non-harmonized frequency bands. Following the requirements
of the R&TTE Directive (article 12) and the relevant decision of the EC, in term of classifica-
tion of Radio Equipment and Telecommunications Terminal Equipment and associated iden-
tifiers, the transmitting equipment shall carry the 'class 2' identifier:

Cologno Monzese, 14/04/2015 On behalf of SIAE MICROELETTRONICA

Chairman and Executive Officer
Alberto Mascetti

MN.00356.E - 007 9


Do not touch the bare hands until the circuit has been opened. pen the circuit by switching off the line
switches. If that is not possible protect yourself with dry material and free the patient from the con-

2.1.1 Artificial respiration

It is important to start mouth resuscitation at once and to call a doctor immediately. suggested procedure
for mouth to mouth resuscitation method is described in the Tab.1.

2.1.2 Treatment of burns

This treatment should be used after the patient has regained consciousness. It can also be employed while
artificial respiration is being applied (in this case there should be at least two persons present).


• Do not attempt to remove clothing from burnt sections

• Apply dry gauze on the burns

• Do not apply ointments or other oily substances.

10 MN.00356.E - 007
Tab.1 - Artificial respiration

Step Description Figure

Lay the patient on his back with his arms parallel to the body.
If the patient is laying on an inclined plane, make sure that his
1 stomach is slightly lower than his chest. Open the patients
mouth and check that there is no foreign matter in mouth (den-
tures, chewing gum, etc.).

Kneel beside the patient level with his head. Put an hand under
the patient’s head and one under his neck.

Lift the patient’s head and let it recline backwards as far

2 as possible.

Shift the hand from the patient’s neck to his chin and his
mouth, the index along his jawbone, and keep the other fingers
closed together.

3 While performing these operations take a good supply of oxy-

gen by taking deep breaths with your mouth open

With your thumb between the patient’s chin and mouth keep
his lips together and blow into his nasal cavities

While performing these operations observe if the patient’s

chest rises. If not it is possible that his nose is blocked: in that
case open the patient’s mouth as much as possible by pressing
on his chin with your hand, place your lips around his mouth
and blow into his oral cavity. Observe if the patient’s chest
heaves. This second method can be used instead of the first
even when the patient’s nose is not obstructed, provided his
nose is kept closed by pressing the nostrils together using the
hand you were holding his head with. The patient’s head must
be kept sloping backwards as much as possible.

Start with ten rapid expirations, hence continue at a rate of

twelve/fifteen expirations per minute. Go on like this until the
patient has regained conscious–ness, or until a doctor has as-
certained his death.


When the equipment units are provided with the plate, shown in Fig.1, it means that they contain compo-
nents electrostatic charge sensitive.

MN.00356.E - 007 11
Fig.1 - Components electrostatic charge sensitive indication

In order to prevent the units from being damaged while handling, it is advisable to wear an elasticised band
(Fig.2) around the wrist ground connected through coiled cord (Fig.3).

Fig.2 - Elasticized band

Fig.3 - Coiled cord

This device has Class I LASER modules: it is not required to have a laser warning label or other laser state-
ment (IEC 60825-1).

12 MN.00356.E - 007

(Applicable in the European Union and other European countries with separate collection systems). This
marking of Fig.4 shown on the product or its literature, indicates that it should not be disposed with other
household wastes at the end of its working life. To prevent possible harm to the environment or human
health from uncontrolled waste disposal, please separate this from other types of wastes and recycle it
responsibly to promote the sustainable reuse of material resources. Household users should contact either
the retailer where they purchased this product, or their local government office, for details of where and
how they can take this item for environmentally safe recycling. Business users should contact their supplier
and check the terms and conditions of the purchase contract. This product should not be mixed with other
commercial wastes for disposal.

Fig.4 - WEEE symbol - 2002/96/CE EN50419


Inside the equipment there is a lithium battery.

CAUTION: Risk of explosion if battery is replaced by an incorrect type. Dispose of used batteries according
to law.

MN.00356.E - 007 13


The purpose of this manual consists in providing for the user information which permit to operate and
maintain the ALFOplus radio equipment.

Warning: This manual does not include information relevant to the SCT/WebLCT management program
windows and relevant application. They will provided by the program itself as help–on line.


The following knowledge and skills are required to operate the equipment:
• a basic understanding of microwave transmission

• installation and maintenance experience on digital radio system

• a good knowledge of IP networks and routing policy.


The manual is subdivided into sections each of them developing a specific topic entitling the section.

Each section consists of a set of chapters, enlarging the main subject master.

Section 1 – User Guide

It provides the information about the main safety rules and expounds the purpose and the structure of the

Section 2 – Description and specifications

It describes a general overview of the typical applications and in particular of the whole radio equipment.

Section 3 – Installation

The mechanical installation procedures are herein set down as well as the user electrical connections.

The content of the tool kit (if supplied) is also listed.

14 MN.00356.E - 007
Section 2.



What follows is a list of acronyms used in this handbook:

- ACM Adaptive Code Modulation

- DCN Data Communication Network

- DSCP Differentiated Serviced Code Point

- ETH Ethernet
- FEC Forward Error Correction

- IDU Indoor Unit

- LoS Line of Sight

- IPV4 – IPV6 Internet Protocol Version 4 and Version 6

- LAN Local Area Network

- LCT Local Craft Terminal

- MAC Media Access Control

- MDI Medium Dependent Interface

- MDIX Medium Dependent Interface Crossover

- MSE Mean Square Error

- NE Network Element

- NLoS Non Line of Sight

- NMS Network Management System

- ODU Outdoor Unit

- QAM Quadrature Amplitude Modulation

MN.00356.E - 007 15
- QoS Quality of Service

- SCT Subnetwork Craft Terminal

- SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol

- MIMO Multiple Input Multiple Output

- TMN Telecommunication Management Network

- ToS/QoS Type/Quality of Service

- VLAN Virtual Local Area Network.

16 MN.00356.E - 007


This document contains the description of features and capability of ALFOplus2 equipment.

ALFOplus2 (see Fig.5) is a Full Outdoor microwave radio that houses, within a unique unit, two complete
TX/RX radio channels (RF Multi-core definition) to double the radio capacity and includes a complete Carrier
Ethernet features set. With 4096QAM Modulators, Ethernet Header compression, MIMO ready architecture
and 2x112MHz canalization capability, ALFOplus2 set the new standard in point to point Microwave sys-

The ALFOplus2 must be used in RAL areas (Restricted Access Location) where an equipotent bonding has
been applied. The ODU unit has a supplementary specific connector for a permanent connection to ground-
ing point intended to be installed by technical staff only.

Fig.5 - ALFOplus2 and Danger Label positions


This document contains the description of features and capability of ALFOplus2 equipment.

Dual Carrier ALFOplus2 is the first SIAE MICROELETTRONICA point to point microwave device capable of
providing, in a unique solution, highest modulation schemes and software defined architecture in a highly
integrated design.

ALFOplus2 flexibility makes it suitable perfectly to all the last generation network requirements fitting per-
fectly in Macrocell Backhaul, C-RAN CPRI transport, Macro-site Aggregations scenarios.

MN.00356.E - 007 17

ALFOplus2 is the ideal solution in urban environments for all carrier-class applications in which the typical
requirements are Ethernet connections:

• full IP radio, providing the foundation for a leading edge network

• fully integrable with 3G, 4G, LTE nodes and backhaul

• ideal for a fast and flexible evolution towards full IP network

• complementary solutions for fiber deploy

• last mile fiber extension for business customers

• ISP high capacity and performance, for LAN-to-LAN connections

• emergency wireless links

• zero footprint applications

ALFOplus2 doesn’t need any indoor unit and the power supply can be provided directly by POE through the
data cable or through a dedicated auxiliary port.

5.3.1 ALFOplus2 connectivity

ALFOplus2 offers 4xGbE traffic ports (see Fig.6):

• 2xGbE Electrical ports (1Gbps line rate): LAN3 and LAN4 (with PoE)

• 2xGbE Optical interfaces (1Gbps or 2.5Gbps line rate): LAN1 and LAN2.

Interconnection ports are present for communication between two ALFOplus2 when 2+2/4+0 configura-
tions are implemented.

Auxiliary connectors are in place for Direct Power supply feeder, Local Access and RSSI indication.
In case of protected configurations one traffic port is used as signaling interconnection interface.

Fig.6 - ALFOplus2 connector side

5.3.2 Universal product line architecture and single SM-OS

The increased number of application segments demands for a spread of microwave technologies in order
to address each of the segments in an effective and efficient way.

This scenario brings to a higher complexity in microwave portfolio challenging for the consistency of the
overall network solution and streamlined roadmap.

18 MN.00356.E - 007
SIAE MICROELETTRONICA answer is based on the adoption Unified Product Architecture, a common Ether-
net hardware and software platform through all new generation products based on two main building

• Ethernet Core unit based on powerful switching gear featuring 46Gbps switch fabric capacity, high
performance dual-core CPU and embedded IEEE1588v2 processor for advanced synchronization ca-

• SM-OS software, based on carrier-grade field proven highly interoperable protocol stack provides
complete MPLS services set and compliancy to CE2.0.

ALFOplus2 has been developed with this concept in mind: Unified Hardware and Software platform archi-


ALFOplus2 mechanical structure is made up by a main body and three possible additional antenna-interface
modules, lodged in the reserved bay (see Fig.7).

The main body is common to all applications an presents 2 antenna ports.

3 kind of antenna interface modules Main body bay lodges one of 3

can be lodged in the main body bay antenna interface modules:
OMT,Pass-through or Hybrid


Fig.7 - Composition of ALFOplus2 and interface modules

The antenna-interface module is specialized in accordance with the required application (see Fig.8):
• OMT module: it contains an OMT element that combines the two antenna ports of the main body in
a unique antenna port for H/V integrated operations (Antenna Flange is circular)

• HYB module: it contains a HYB element that combines the two antenna ports of the main body to a
unique antenna port for frequency diversity operations (Antenna Flange is rectangular with selecta-
ble polarization)

• PASSTHROUGH module: it exposes both antenna ports (Antenna Flanges are rectangular).


Radio link configurations: single and dual equipment operation is possible.

MN.00356.E - 007 19
5.5.1 Single ALFOplus2

Single ALFOplus2 RF-Dual core solution allows the following configurations (See Tab.2):

• 1+0 unprotected with second core not enabled and OMT or hybrid or dual flange assembled for fu-
ture upgrade to 2+0 configuration (second core enabling is performed with a software key)

• 2+0 CP (Co-polar)
• 2+0 AP (Alternate Polarization)

• 2+0 XPIC (Cross Polar Interference Cancellers)

Tab.2 - Single ALFOplus2 configurations (purpose, interface module, used antenna)

Single ALFOplus2 Antenna type

Interface Circular
Single waveguide Dual waveguide
Radio module waveguide
Integrated Integrated Not integrated External

Dual flange

Hybrid X X

Dual flange X


Dual flange X


5.5.2 Dual ALFOplus2

Two ALFOplus2 RF-Dual core solutions allows the following configurations (see Tab.3 and Tab.4):

• 2+2 CP equipment SW protection (under development)

• 2+2 AP equipment SW protection (under development)

• 2+2 XPIC equipment SW protection (under development)

• 4+0 CP unprotected, with aggregation of two Ethernet streams performed by external device (i.e.

• 4+0 AP unprotected, with aggregation of two Ethernet streams performed by external device (i.e.

• 4+0 XPIC unprotected, with aggregation of two Ethernet streams performed by external device (i.e.

20 MN.00356.E - 007
Tab.3 - Dual ALFOplus2 in 2+0 configurations (purpose, interface module, used antenna)

Dual ALFOplus2
Antenna type
2+0 operations
Circular Dual
module Single waveguide
Radio waveguide waveguide
Integrated Integrated Not integrated External

2+2 CP
SW protection 2 ports

Hybrid X

2+2 AP OMT
SW protection
2 ports X



SW protection
2 ports X


Tab.4 - Dual ALFOplus2 in 4+0 configurations (purpose, interface modules, used antenna)

Dual units
Antenna type
4+0 operations
Circular Dual
Radio module Single waveguide
waveguide waveguide
Integrated Integrated Not integrated External


2 ports X


4+0 CP
unprotected 2 ports

Hybrid X

4+0 AP OMT
unprotected SW
2 ports X



2 ports X



The previous Link configuration can be pointed out depending antenna and eventual external branching.

MN.00356.E - 007 21
5.6.1 Single ODU

The following configuration can be obtained by a single polarization antenna: 1+0, 2+0 CP.

The following configuration can be obtained with a double polarization antenna: 2+0 AP, 2+0 XPIC.

See Fig.8.

OMT Dual flange (no twist)

H 2+0 XPIC H 2+0, AP

Dual pol. antenna

2+0 CP or 1+0
Single pol. antenna

Fig.8 - Interface modules and carrier scheme

5.6.2 Dual ODUs and single polarization antenna

The following configurations can be obtained by a single polarization antenna, integrated or not, as in Fig.9:
2+2 CP SW/HSBY prot, 2+2 CP FD prot, 4+0 CP.




Fig.9 - Configuration with an external hybrid and a SP antenna, integrated or not

22 MN.00356.E - 007
5.6.3 Dual ODUs, 2 hybrid and DP antenna

The following configurations can be obtained by a DP antenna, not integrated, and 2 hybrids as in Fig.10:
2+2 AP SW prot, 2+2 XPIC SW prot, 4+0 XPIC.



Fig.10 - Configuration with 2 external hybrids and a not integrated DP antenna

MN.00356.E - 007 23
5.6.4 Dual ODUs and DP antenna

The following configurations can be obtained by a not integrated DP antenna as in Fig.11: 4+0 AP.



Fig.11 - Configuration with a not integrated DP antenna


The functionalities implemented in ALFOplus2 are the following:

• up to 4Gbps guaranteed radio throughput

• software activated Dual carrier RF multi-core

• 4QAM-4096QAM ACM with different FEC rate codes


• link ID

• flexible integrated branching (OMT or Hybrid internal plugs)

• full range of licensed frequency bands 6GHz to 42GHz

• bandwidths/modulation software selectable per core

• 14MHz to 112MHz for ETSI and 20MHz to 80MHz for FCC

• embedded XPIC low latency modems

• priority/quality synchr. management

24 MN.00356.E - 007
• multi-layer header compression

• low power consumption

• InBand/OutOfBand management

• Power over Ethernet or dedicated power feeders

• full featured future proof CE switch

• future proofs unified architecture and OS software platform.

5.7.1 ACM

SIAE MICROELETTRONICA implements MSE based Adaptive Coding and Modulation in all channel band-

Multiple ACM profiles are available for automatic changes in accordance with the link conditions and select-
ed parameters (highest modulation, lowest modulation, masks, power mode etc.). ACM together with QoS
fits perfectly with modern networks requirements in order to ensure the high priority traffic to be never
dropped even in the worst conditions.

ACM includes modulation schemes starting from 4QAM to 4096QAM. Additional sets of ACM profile are in-
cluded differentiating between two different FEC rate codes maximizing throughput, system gain and link
availability with the same constellation type, just changing on-fly the ratio between payload bits and pro-
tection bits in the FEC ratios. This unique set of profiles allows achieve –at the same time– higher capacity
in good propagation conditions and really higher signal strength in tough propagation conditions.
ACM feature is available in all the configurations (1+0/1+1/2+0/4+0 and XPIC). Note that ACM works in-
dependently for uplink and downlink and it is able to protect against fading up to 100dB per second.

In order to configure properly the radio link using ACM facility, an optimization must be found between
max traffic during good propagation conditions and max availability during bad propagation conditions. To
obtain this purpose the ACM can be configured via software.

ACM setting

The ACM can vary modulation profiles between two extremes defined by the operator through software
configuration: Upper modulation and Lower Modulation.

• Upper modulation - When propagation into the given radio channel is in the better condition (high
RX S/N), the radio link is working at the maximum throughput defined at Upper Modulation: the
highest modulation profile that ACM can employ

• Lower modulation - When propagation into the given radio channel is the worst channel in the worst
condition (low Rx S/N), the radio link is working at the minimum throughput, defined at Lower Mod-
ulation: the lowest modulation profile that ACM can employ.

ATPC and ACM interaction

The Automatic Transmission Power Control (ATPC) regulates the RF output power of the local transmitter
depending on the value of the RF level at the remote terminal. This value has to be preset from the local
terminal as threshold high and low. The difference between the two thresholds must be equal or higher
than 3 dB.

As soon as the received level crosses the preset Low Level threshold due to the increase of the hop atten-
uation, a microprocessor (μP) sends back to the local terminal a control to increase the transmitted power.

A good set of the thresholds is to put the ATPC Low Level threshold higher than the downshift threshold of
the highest modulation scheme of the ACM; this way, the ATPC start to work before than the downshift.
The behaviour of the system is to try to increase the PTx and so the System Gain, before than being forced
to reduce capacity due to modulation downgrade.

Resuming, the correct setting of the thresholds is when the two windows, the ATPC one and the ACM one,
are not overlapped.

MN.00356.E - 007 25
5.7.2 RF band/High Power versions

ALFOplus2 is available in several RF band with various Tx/Rx spacing and two Tx Power profiles, standard
and High Power.

• Standard power:

- 13 GHz (under development)

- 15 GHz (under development)

- 18 GHz

- 23 GHz

- 25 GHz

- 28 GHz

- 32 GHz (under development)

- 38 GHz (under development)

- 42 GHz (under development)

• High power:

- 6/8 GHz (under development)

- 11 GHz

- 13/15 GHz (under development).


ALFOplus2 is compliant with MEF9 for service functionality and MEF14 for service performance and can be
used to implement standardized Ethernet services such as E-Line, E-LAN and E-Tree providing quality of
service (QoS), scalability and reliability. Each service could be created in transparent mode or in virtual
mode sharing radio link resources between different services managing VLAN 802.1q tags.

Supported Ethernet switch functionalities are following:

• 12k jumbo frame support

• 802.3x Flow Control

• Ethernet Layer 2 transparent switching

• Configurable MTU

• MAC learning/aging

• 802.1Q full range VLAN support and independent forwarding

• VLAN tagging and QinQ support (IEEE802.1ad) and VLAN rewriting

• Multiple S-VLAN support per port

• PCP bits copy from C-VLAN to S-VLAN

• Configurable queue depth

• Traffic classification on 802.1p, DSCP, EXP bits and VLAN

• Flexible scheduling by tail drop or WRED (8 queues)

• Strict priority, RR and WDRR flexible scheduling support

• Ingress policing (CIR/EIR)

• Egress shaping based on configured classification

• Link Loss forwarding

26 MN.00356.E - 007
• Ethernet line protection (ELP)

• IEEE OAM 802.1ag OAM

• IEEE OAM 802.3ah (Data link OAM)

• MAB: MW adaptive bandwidth by OAM message support (feature jointly developed with Cisco)

• 2.5Gbps GbE Ports for cable saving installation.

5.8.1 Traffic treatment

With reference to 802.1ad, the switch can be set through WEBLCT or CLI in pre-defined configurations:

• Customer Bridge (default mode): in this mode the L2 Ethernet switch is a 802.1q aware component.
There is interoperability with customer devices that are not able to manage S-VLANs, as they are
not 802.1ad aware: only C-VLAN modality is used. Moreover, in this mode the transport over the
radio link is more efficient since a double tag is not added

• Provider Bridge: in this mode the L2 Ethernet switch is a 802.1ad aware component. The switch
operates with S-VLAN frames, forwarding the packets accordingly. Further, in accordance with MEF
requirements (basically MEF 10.2 and MEF 6.1) each EVC is identified using a S-tag, added by the
equipment at UNI ports (at Customer Edge) or received at NNI ports (at Provider Edge). If C-VLANs
are also involved a further classification is necessary as in Tab.5.

Tab.5 – Switch bridge modes

Bridge Mode (802.1ad) Description Components Port Types

Customer Bridge (or “VLAN The network element operates ac-

bridge” or “C-VLAN bridge) cording to 802.1q VLAN bridge.
This mode is supported for com- C-VLAN
patibility with networks that do
not manage the S-tag

A system comprising a single S- - Provider Network Port

Provider Core VLAN component implemented in
S-VLAN only
Bridge accordance with clause 5 of IEEE
Std 802.1q
Provider Bridge
Switch operates as a 802.1ad pro- - Provider Network Port
Provider Edge vider edge bridge with S-VLAN S-VLAN and - Customer Network Port
Bridge component and at least one C-VLAN - Customer Edge Port
C-VLAN component Auto-negotiation

Auto-negotiation standards are regarding speed from 10BaseT to 1000BaseT, regarding Duplex Half or

In addition, for 1000BaseT, auto-negotiation determines the master/slave configuration between the PHYs
at the ends of the link, necessary to establish the source of the timing control of each SETS.
Auto-negotiation is not necessary for optical interface ports with speed of 1Gbps or 2.5Gbps both Full Du-
plex. MDI/MDI-X

For Electrical interfaces only, available values are MDI, MDI-X and Auto mode.

MN.00356.E - 007 27 Ingress Filtering

In each interface, it is possible to specify which frame types are accepted or denied.

The Ingress Filtering criteria are based on the following configurable parameters:

• Acceptable Frame Types

- All: the port accepts all the following packets

- Tagged: packet containing, in its header, one TPID identified as valid by the port, one VLAN
tag different from 0 and the field “User Priority”
- Untagged: packet with a TPID not valid for the port
- Priority tagged: packet with a TPID valid for the port, a VLAN tag equal to 0 and the field
“User Priority”

- tagged only: the port accepts only the Tagged packets. Untagged and Priority Tagged packets
are rejected

- untagged and Priority Tagged: the port accepts only the Untagged and Priority Tagged packets.
Tagged packets are rejected.

Note: in case the port is configured as Customer Edge Port or Customer Network Port the only option avail-
able is “Untagged and Priority Tagged”.

• Ingress Filtering

- Enabled: the port accepts, in input, only packets with VLAN ID contained in VLAN table and the
input port must be member of this VLAN, otherwise the packet is discarded
- Disabled: the port does not execute any check and all the packets are accepted. MTU

MTU correspond to the maximum dimension (in byte) of the data field accepted by the interface without
the bytes of Ethernet header and CRC (frame size between <46-12266> in Byte (Jumbo Frames).

Packets that exceed the configured MTU size are dropped.

This configuration can be either global for the Ethernet switch or assigned per port. Storm Control

The feature limits the maximum amount of traffic that can be accepted at the input of the switch LAN ports.

This is, for each LAN port, a rate limiter (PIRL set as active for each relevant LAN interface) to the incoming
Ethernet data traffic relevant to a combination of the three following traffic types (independently from the
VLAN ID and priority level):


• MULTICAST unknown, multicast packets with destination MAC addresses not present in the MAC ta-

• UNICAST unknown, unicast packets with destination MAC addresses not present in the MAC table.

The configuration of the storm control can be done by means of a CLI script. MAC Learning Rules

The MAC learning mechanism operates on VLAN ID basis: the incoming packet is associated to a VLAN (de-
termined by Outer-VLAN tag from 1 to 4094 or assigned as Port VID) and the forwarding is allowed only
among ports configured as belonging to the same VLAN of the packet. Between the ports belonging to the
same VLAN the actual recipient port is then determined on the base of the packet destination MAC address.

28 MN.00356.E - 007
The Learning process in VLAN independent: the information learned by a VLAN is not used by other VLAN’s
to forward their frames.

The MAC Learning mode has to be activated configuring the Ethernet switch “Basic Settings” as follows (i.e.
“Global MAC Learning Status” set as “Enable”, default option). This option is common to all port of the

Note: up to 100 MAC per VLAN can be registered in the MAC table and up to 4K VLAN-ID are supported.

Note: disabling the MAC Learning does NOT allow to have the monitoring on the MAC addresses received
by LAN ports.

Special treatment of specific control protocols frames (LACP, RSTP, etc.) or multicast addresses, as defined
in MEF, is supported. In particular it is possible to:

• specify which protocols shall be discarded, transparently tunnelled or peered

• specify which frames are always sent to multicast port.

The unit can decide if the BPDUs of control protocols have to be processed and consequently managed by
the equipment that actively participates in protocols mechanisms (peered), simply transported through the
switch without any change (tunnelled), or merely terminated because of security or policy reasons (dis-

The frames of the following protocols can be managed by the switch:

• Dot1x





• IGMP. MAC Forwarding Rules

L2 forwarding function establishes the egress port for each incoming frames, on the base of its MAC ad-
dress and/or VLAN ID. Consequently, the MAC forwarding rule of each LAN interface is the following:

• MAC Destination Address + VID Basis: the incoming packet is associated to a VLAN (determined by
Outer-VLAN tag or assigned as Port VID). Within the ports belonging to the same VLAN, the egress
port is then determined on the base of the frame MAC destination address

• VID Basis: if the MAC learning option is disabled, the forwarding is performed among all ports con-
figured as belonging to the VLAN of the packets, without checking the MAC address.
Multicast and Broadcast packets are handled in the same way, i.e. forwarded to all enabled ports. Flooding
of not-unicast and unknown unicast frames is performed toward all the ports that are members of frame’s
VLAN domain, excluding the port the frame is received from.

5.8.2 VLAN Forwarding

ALFOplus2 switch works always in a VLAN aware bridge mode in which the equipment is able to manage
VLANs, recognizing, inserting and removing VLAN tags in Ethernet frames. In this sense the switch is com-
pliant with standard IEEE 802.1q and 802.1ad (QinQ). IEEE 802.1q

The Ethernet switch supports the IEEE 802.1q VLAN management.

VLAN forwarding can be configured in two different ways, depending on incoming frames:

MN.00356.E - 007 29
• based on port (“Port Default VLAN”), where the membership of the VLAN is related to a local port
attribute, regardless the packet content. This means that the membership of the VLAN is based on
the port on which traffic is received and on the frame type

• based on IEEE 802.1q TAG (“VLAN Configuration”), where the member of the VLAN is defined by
the VLAN ID (VLAN identifier) TAG content.

“Port Default VLAN” and “VLAN Configuration” are not mutually exclusive but can be used both at the same
time. VLAN Stacking - QinQ

The additional tag is defined in the standard IEEE802.1ad. VLAN stacking differentiates the traffic at dif-
ferent levels when the packets must cross networks managed by different entities (e.g. provider).

When VLAN stacking is used, one or more additional VLAN tag are added to already tagged frames: the
first VLAN tag is usually named C-VLAN, while the second VLAN tag is named S-VLAN. VLAN Threatment

The possible operations that can be performed with VLANs are strictly connected to the configuration set
on the equipment. These possible actions can be described accordingly to the standard 802.1ad network
architecture depending on switch bridge mode.

• Customer Bridge, the switch receives and elaborates untagged or C-tagged packets and VLAN type
registered in the VLAN table is C-VLAN. Port kind is Customer Port only.
The Customer Port (CP) performs the following actions:

- tag ingress untagged packets with C-tag, creating C-VLAN to forward them to the egress port

- untag C-tag packets at egress; in this case the action “untagged” has to be specified in the script
- receive already C-tagged packets and forward them to the egress port according to existing
VLAN table; if the C-tag is not present in the VLAN table the packet is dropped.

• Provider Edge Bridge, the switch manages untagged, C-tagged and S-tagged packets. VLAN type
registered in the VLAN table is S-VLAN. Three types of port are available: Customer Edge Port, Cus-
tomer Network Port and Provider Network Port.
The Customer Edge Port (CEP) performs the following actions:

- vreate a PtoP connection between two ports of the switch through an EVC, mapping an ingress
C-tagged packet to an S-tagged packet one-to-one emulating the virtual communication be-
tween the two internal ports CNP and PEP
The Customer Network Port (CNP) performs the following actions:

- receive C-tagged packets and add a S-tag at ingress, creating a S-VLAN; port type has to be
“port-based”; in this case the difference from the CEP is that all the incoming packets will be S-
tagged with the same VLAN value

- remove the S-tag at egress to render the Customer traffic as it was at the ingress part of the
Provider network; in this case the action “untagged” has to be specified in the script (this is the
only available option).
The Provider Network Port (PNP) performs the following actions:

- Receive already S-tagged packets and forward them to the egress port.
In Customer Bridge and in Provider Edge Bridge a default port VLAN ID has to be set on the “port-
based” interfaces. The PVID represents the VLAN ID that is to be assigned to:

- untagged frames

- priority-tagged frames (VLAN ID = 0)

- C-tag frames in case the switch is in Provider Bridge Mode, as the frame is considered as un-
tagged (no S-tag)
The PVID is used for port based VLAN type membership classification (ID between 1 and 4094, de-
fault = 1).

30 MN.00356.E - 007
• Provider Core Bridge, the switch manages S-tagged packets and VLAN type registered in the VLAN
table is S-VLAN. Port kind is Provider Network Port only.
The Provider Network Port (PNP) performs the following action:

- receive already S-tagged packets and forward them to the egress port.
In WEB LCT is present a static VLANs management area where it is possible modify and create VLANs (per

During the creation of a static VLAN, one port of the Switch is assigned to a specific VLAN, so that the
device connected to that port automatically becomes member of the assigned VLAN.

VLAN ID and Ethertype are defined (0x8100 C-VLAN, 0x88A8 S-VLAN).

VLAN creation can be also performed through CLI script, in accordance with 802.1ad and S-VLAN aware
configuration or with MEF specifications, creating a virtual circuit between two or more ports of the switch,
defining the proper network interfaces and mapping the incoming C-tagged frames into an S-tagged frame. Service Instance Mapping Criteria

In addition to VLAN declaration, it is important to notice also the mapping criteria that are involved in the
complete process of VLAN creation. After defining the VLANs in the VLAN table, the user can manage how
the incoming frames are organized in the existing VLANs, depending on their parameters.

In fact in this logical block the incoming is analysed to match the desired criteria for the association to an
EVC, identified by a C or S-VLAN (therefore the assignment of a transport C-tag or S-tag) and for the as-
signment to an Internal Priority level.
Mapping functionality (at UNI port) allows associating to all incoming traffic a specific VLAN ID, identifying
the Ethernet Virtual Connection (EVC). Depending on the switch operation mode, different parameters can
be considered in this classification process:

• in customer bridge the “EVC” is identified by a Carrier Ethernet VLAN ID that is inserted on the frame
at the ingress port according to the following criteria:

- Untagged or Priority tagged frames: they are associated by default to the CE VLAN identified by
the port VID (default VID associated to the port); the other C-tag fields are the following:
- Costumer EtherType: fixed to 0x8100
- C-PCP management of port VID:
- assigned by user
- remapping of DSCP.

- incoming tagged: they are be treated on the base of rules configured for the VLAN corresponding
to the C-VID of the frames

• in Provider Bridge the EVC is identified by an S-tag. Configurable mapping rules are (per each UNI-
- ingress user port: all traffic from the port is mapped on the same unique EVC

- user C-VLAN ID: all traffic associated to one or more VLAN ID (C-tag) is mapped on the same
Traffic that doesn’t match any mapping criteria is discarded or associated with a default EVC.

Multiplexing functionality are supported: various EVC (S-tag) per port. S-Tag fields are determined as be-
• S-VID: assigned by the user (EVC identifier)

• S-tag EtherType: it is configurable by the user (default is 0x88a8). The configured value is used to

- detect the S-tagged frames

- define the S-tag type to be added

• S-PCP:

- assigned by user

- copy (or in general “Remapping”) of C-tag-PCP.

MN.00356.E - 007 31 Ingress Manipulation

With CLI it’s possible to specify additional port:

• VLAN rewriting: it identifies the possibility to map an S-VLAN ID received at ingress port in another
S-VLAN ID; it works in a bidirectional way

• port mirroring: the switch sends a copy of all network frames seen on one port to another port,
where the packet can be analysed

• port Isolation: the switch forwards all frames received from a port to another specific port, regard-
less of VLAN ID or destination MAC address. In the example below, port <LAN1> forwards frames
just to <RADIO> port, <LAN2> forwards frames just to <RADIO> port as well and <RADIO> port
forwards frames just to <LAN1> and <LAN2>

• loopback: in order to create a loop of traffic incoming on an interface and outgoing from the same
interface, for example for management purposes, it is possible to set a loopback on a LAN port.

5.8.3 QoS Management

QoS refers to the ability of a network device to provide improved services to selected network traffic over
various underlying technologies, including Ethernet and wireless LANs.

In particular, QoS feature provides an improved and more predictable network services, as follows (see

• improving loss characteristics

• avoiding and managing network congestion

• prioritizing services to different kinds of network traffic

• setting traffic priorities across the network.

Fig.12 - QoS example

QoS features available on Ethernet LAN and radio ports are summarized in Fig.13.

32 MN.00356.E - 007
Fig.13 – QoS block diagram Classification with Priority Map

Each port can independently analyse the incoming frame and decide its internal priority (queue) based on
the following criteria:

• layer 2 802.1p QoS, using the 3 bits of the C-PCP or S-PCP in the tag 802.1q (depending on the
bridge mode)

• layer 3 IPv4 and IPv6, using the 6 bits of the ToS (DSCP).

The user can specify:

• the in-priority-type: L2 PCP or L3 IP-DSCP

• the input priority value (InPriority)

• the output queue value (Regen-Priority)

As default Layer 2 PCP 802.1p is enable on each port, with a 8-level default priority-map (from 0 to 7).

MN.00356.E - 007 33
The default 802.1p map, see Fig.14, cannot be removed but only modified.

Fig.14 - Default 802.1p PCP-queue map

The default Tos (DSCP) map is in Fig.15.

Fig.15 - Default ToS (DSCP) map Classification with Class Map

In order to prevent unwanted traffic or actions an admission control lists (ACL) is available, allowing the
ingress of data that respect defined criteria:

• up to 16 source or destination static MAC addresses per port (logical in case of LAG)

• port based

• IP based (Layer 3)

• C-VLAN in customer bridge mode

• C-VLAN + C-PCP in customer bridge mode

• C-VLAN for incoming double S-Tagged frames in provider bridge mode

• C-VLAN + C-PCP for incoming double S-Tagged frames in provider bridge mode

• S-VLAN for incoming double S-Tagged frames in provider bridge mode

• S-VLAN + S-PCP for incoming double S-Tagged frames in provider bridge mode

• C-VLAN + S-VLAN for incoming double S-Tagged frames in provider bridge mode

34 MN.00356.E - 007
After frames classification performed by ACL list, the internal priority definition of the frame for the queuing
procedure passes through a Class-map, used to create class of service: the class is defined by a numeric
index and based on ingress criteria of the previous L2 ACL.

A class-map matches a single Class with a single Layer 2 ACL and creates the correspondence with a single
internal priority value.

8 different Class-map are defined as default: class-map 1 to 8 match the priority-map 1 to 8 with the con-
sequent internal priority level. Default class-map cannot be removed but can be modified.

Note: a class-map has a higher priority compared to a priority-map. Policing

Traffic policing, also known as rate limiting, defines a bandwidth profile (BWP) depending on the Service
Level Specification that has been agreed upon by the Subscriber and the Service Provider.

Specifically, this phase defines a set of traffic rate limits and performs actions on traffic that is not con-
formed to the configured limits.

Here below are the main parameters involved in this process:

• CIR (Committed Information Rate): it defines the average traffic rate that a subscriber is allowed
to use, with guaranteed performances in terms of attributes for the associated service (“green”

• EIR (Excess Information Rate): it is the additional bit-rate that the subscriber can use as long as
there is no congestion (“yellow” colored)

• PIR (Peak Information Rate): it is the maximum average sending rate, i.e. CIR+EIR, beyond which
the traffic is discarded (“red colored”)

• CBS (Committed Burst Size): this value defines the maximum amount of contiguous packets that a
customer is allowed to send in a single burst

• EBS (Excess Burst Size): this value defines the extra amount of contiguous packets that occasion-
ally a customer is allowed to send, in condition of no congestion. Metering

The bandwidth profile rates are enforced through a meter algorithm which is commonly implemented as a
token bucket algorithm. The MEF has defined a two rate three colour marker (trTCM) algorithm which
marks packets based on two rates and two burst sizes, guaranteeing only the transmission of the smaller
one, and implemented via two token buckets.

Basing on the ingress filtering policies, it is possible to assign different bandwidth profiles (i.e. CIR/EIR and
CBS/EBS profiles) to the incoming Ethernet services, defining specific CIR/EIR parameters basing on:

• the type of service (e.g. voice, signaling, data, etc..)

• the specific operator (e.g. in case the microwave network is shared between two or more operators)

• the destination terminal (e.g. each NodeB can have a specific CIR/EIR profile).

Metering is applied at ingress port.

The bandwidth profile classifies the service frames into 3 "colours", each denoting a certain compliance

• green – Frames within the CIR / CBS compliance level

• yellow – Frames exceeding the CIR/CBS but are within the EIR/EBS. These frames are delivered as
"best effort". The equipment may drop some or all of these frames based on congestion conditions
in the network (available yellow tokens)

• red – Frames not conforming to the bandwidth profile are dropped, either because the rate exceeds
the sum of CIR and EIR or because there are insufficient yellow tokens to admit a frame that is
within EIR/EBS.

MN.00356.E - 007 35
SIAE switch is color blind: the packets are considered green upon entering the metering process and are
marked as yellow or red if the traffic class exceeds the correspondent bandwidth limits.

The actions that can be applied to not-compliant traffic are:

• yellow packets can be configured if to be immediately discarded or not

• red packets (i.e. the ones exceeding the CIR+EIR rate) are automatically discarded. In other words,
the rate obtained with the sum of CIR + EIR is the maximum rate allowed to be transmitted.

Notes: the bandwidth profile parameters are defined in kbps and they do not consider changes of BW due
to ACM. Policy Map

The switch allows to define a meter and to apply it to a class through the definition of a Policy-map, match-
ing a single class with a single meter.

The metering session establishes the behaviour for green, yellow and red frames.

Actions over yellow frames (exceed-action) or red frames (violate-action) can be:
• for yellow frames can optionally change the PCP. In Customer bridge it modifies C-PCP, in Provider
Bridge (edge/core) it modifies S-PCP. This commands is optional and acts after the traffic is queued
and scheduled, that means original PCP is used to schedule incoming traffic
• discards the red frames. This command is not optional and must be specified.

5.8.4 Congestion avoidance

Congestion Avoidance methods permit to discard some frames before congestion occurs.

The dropping policy depends also on the type of traffic and it can have different effects on the network.
The following dropping policies can be adopted:

• Tail: when the queue is 100% full, all the arriving packets are dropped (default configuration)

• Red (Random Early Discard): before the queue is full some incoming packets are dropped randomly,
regardless if the frames are marked yellow or green. An example of RED curve is shown in Fig.16.

- per each queue a dropping curve is defined by specifying the following “RED” parameters:
- minimum queue threshold (Smin)
- maximum queue threshold (Smax)
- max probability (Pmax)

- the arriving packet is directly queued only if the average queue size is < Smin
- depending on the packet drop probability (Pmax) the packet is either dropped or queued if the
average queue size is between Smin and Smax

- the packet is automatically dropped if the average queue size is > Smax.

• WRED (Weighted Random Early Discard): in case of WRED congestion template, the equipment OS
can manage up to 4 different traffic drop profiles for template: green/yellow for TCP and green/
yellow for not-TCP traffic; red frames are automatically dropped by the Policer, so no thresholds are

- DP (drop precedence) options are:

- 0 – low drop precedence: green frames for TCP frames
- 1 – medium drop precedence: yellow frames for TCP frames
- 3 - low drop precedence: green frames for not-TCP frames
- 4 – medium drop precedence: yellow frames for not-TCP frames

- min-threshold: min average threshold for the random detect algorithm (in byte 1-13107200)

- max-threshold: max average threshold for the random detect algorithm (in byte 1-13107200)

36 MN.00356.E - 007
- mark-probability-denominator: max probability of discarding a packet in percentage (0 – 100%)

- gain: exponential weight for determining the average queue size (1-15)

- drop-threshold-type byte: defines the working mode in byte for min and max threshold.

In general, congestion avoidance behavior can be modified for each output queues of each interface. The
same queue template (identified by a numeric index) can be applied to more queues on more than one

Fig.16 – Red Curve

5.8.5 Output queues

At least 8 queues per port are present and each queue is associated to a priority value.

There is the possibility to configure the queue parameters through ad hoc configurations, available in WEB
LCT interface. Different type of queue settings can be selected and activated, with a consequent restart
of the machine.

This configuration is then applied to all the ports (IF and LAN interfaces), with the only difference between
line ports and radio ports that can have different configurations.

The following are the available type of queue configurations with the values of the related parameters:

• Full dynamic memory see Tab.6

• Priority based memory allocation (1 radio port and 2 radio port) see Tab.7 and Tab.8

• Uniform memory allocation (1 radio port and 2 radio ports) see Tab.9 and Tab.10

• line ports dynamic memory see Tab.11

Tab.6 - Full dynamic memory

Parameter Type Buffer Size

Reference frame length [byte] 2048

Total reserved memory [Mbyte] 0

Total dynamic memory [Mbyte] 96

Radio ports reserved memory [Mbyte] 0

MN.00356.E - 007 37
Parameter Type Buffer Size

Radio ports dynamic memory [Mbyte] 17

Line ports reserved memory [Mbyte] 0

Line ports dynamic memory [Mbyte] 17

Tab.7 – Priority based memory (1 radio port)

Parameter Type Buffer Size

Reference frame length [byte] 2048

Total reserved memory [Mbyte] 81.5

Total dynamic memory [Mbyte] 14.5

Radio ports reserved memory [Mbyte] 32,16,8,4,2,1,0.512,0.256

Line ports reserved memory [Mbyte] 0.512,0.256,0.128,0.064,0.032,0.032,0.032,0.032

Line ports dynamic memory per queue [Mbyte] 14

Tab.8 – Priority based memory (2 radio ports)

Parameter Type Buffer Size

Reference frame length [byte] 2048

Total reserved memory [Mbyte] 82

Total dynamic memory [Mbyte] 14

Radio ports reserved memory [Mbyte] 16,8,4,2,1,0.512,0.256,0.128

Radio ports dynamic memory [Mbyte] 8,4,1,1,0.750,0.200,0.200,0.200

Line ports reserved memory [Mbyte] 0.512,0.256,0.128,0.064,0.032,0.032,0.032,0.032

Line ports dynamic memory [Mbyte] 0.750,0.200,0.200,0.200,0.200,0.200,0.200,0.200

Tab.9 – Uniform memory (1 radio port)

Parameter Type Buffer Size

Reference frame length [byte] 2048

Total reserved memory [Mbyte] 76.5

Total dynamic memory [Mbyte] 19.5

Radio ports reserved memory [Mbyte] 4

Radio ports dynamic memory [Mbyte] 4

Line ports reserved memory [Mbyte] 0.512

Line ports dynamic memory [Mbyte] 4.3

Tab.10 - Uniform memory (2 radio ports)

Parameter Type Buffer Size

Reference frame length [byte] 2048

Total reserved memory [Mbyte] 54

38 MN.00356.E - 007
Parameter Type Buffer Size

Total dynamic memory [Mbyte] 42

Radio ports reserved memory [Mbyte] 2

Radio ports dynamic memory [Mbyte] 7.6

Line ports reserved memory [Mbyte] 0.256

Line ports dynamic memory [Mbyte] 4.2

Tab.11 – Line ports dynamic memory (2 radio ports)

Parameter Type Buffer Size

Reference frame length [byte] 2048

Total reserved memory [Mbyte] 0

Total dynamic memory [Mbyte] 96

Line ports reserved memory [Mbyte] 0

Line ports dynamic memory per queue [Mbyte] 17

5.8.6 Scheduling method

Once the priority is assigned, the traffic in the queues is then emptied by means of specific algorithms:
• strict priority: the highest priority queue is served until it is empty, then the next and so on

• D-WRR (Weighted Round Robin): serves a number of packets for each not empty queue, based on
byte and not on frames, according to its weight ? number = mean packet size * Wi / (W1 + W2 +
... + Wn) A weight from 1 to 127 can be set
Note: D-WRR scheduler doesn’t care of queue priority to define their weight. It means that high pri-
ority queue can have less weight than a low priority queue

• mixed strict priority & D-WRR: user can select which curves are to be served as Strict Priority or
WFQ/D-WRR. Once a mixed strict-priority + D-WRR scheduler is applied to an interface, traffic of
its highest queue in strict-priority is served before than the other queues in D-WRR, according to
their weight. To configure a mixed scheduler, a D-WRR scheduler must be created; then define
queues in strict priority (served before) assigning weight 0, while for the other queues in D-WRR
assign a weight from 1 to 127

5.8.7 Egress Shaping

This feature manages output shaping for constant and bursting traffic out of a port, limiting the egress
throughput defining a rate limiter on it.

Differently from the input filtering policy, the packets are not discarded when the egress rate is reached,
but buffered and released with the selected output rate. The shaping process retains excess packets in the
buffer of the port and then schedules the excess for later transmission over increments of time. The result
of traffic shaping is a smoothed packet output rate.

The shaper is configured with a shaper template, two different parameters can be configured to drive the
rate limiter:

• rate-value: defines the maximum output rate for constant traffic in kbit/s

• burst-value: defines the maximum output burst in kbit.

MN.00356.E - 007 39
Output rate limiter acts after the traffic is queued, so scheduling is done according to defined output band-
width. No rate-limiter is defined as a default value and the burst-value is an optional one: if it is not spec-
ified all bursting traffic is totally shaped at set rate-value, avoiding any output bursting traffic.

Additionally, the switch manages output shaping per each queue as well, by defining and applying a shap-

Once a new shaper template is defined, two parameters can be configured for the rate limiter:

• CIR: defines the guaranteed reserved output bandwidth for the queue in kbit/s

• PIR: defines the exceed traffic available for the queue in kbit/s. PIR value includes also CIR value.

No parameters are specified for burst behaviour: in case of bursting traffic, it is totally shaped at CIR/PIR
value and no burst are transmitted out of the queue.
There are also some restrictions on the shaper template applications. For example one queue can match
a single shape-template, while the latter can be applied to more queues of more interfaces. A shaper tem-
plate can also be removed, assigning the shaper–template 0 to all the queues that used that own shaper.
Once the shaper isn’t applied to any queues, it can be removed from the switch. Besides, if a scheduler
parameter is changed on a queue, the shaper-template on that queue is removed.

Note: output rate limiter on queues acts before port rate-limiter.

5.8.8 Egress Manipulation

The egress manipulation function allows modifying the format of the outcoming frames.
The egress VLAN can be removed on the basis of the following criteria:

• Port Based

• Port and C-tag based.

5.8.9 Packet Header Compression

Packets belonging to the same stream have up to 90% the same header (IP and MAC addresses, TAG
Ethernet, MPLS labels, etc.). Packet Header Compression allows eliminating locally the static fields of the
packet header, transmitting over the radio link proprietary labels (Context Label) in place of these long and
repetitive header fields and reconstructing them at the output of the remote terminal.

The set of "static" information of all the packets belonging to the same flow and retained in the compres-
sion/decompression module is defined as the context of the compression.

Hop-by-hop Header Compression has the basic idea to store at both ends of a radio link all the information
that are repeated identically in all the packets belonging to the same data flow and transmit only the var-
iable fields with good gains in throughput in case of long communication streams with a great number of
packets (for example, real-time communication).

It is necessary to support a lot of streams at the same time in order to maximize the gain permitting to
have on the MW link a higher capacity reserved for payload, increasing the total throughput of the system.

In the switch a unique level Header Compression is set, in which it’s not necessary to specify what protocols
are supported but just if the compressor is enabled or disabled (completely bypassed).

The compression function will operate in the direction from LAN to Radio, while the decompression function
will operate in the opposite direction.

On the WEB LCT platform is available the contextual area of the Header Compression functionality for the
Ethernet packets in output from the LAN ports to the radio.
Every row of the table corresponds to one radio port.

The lower part of the contextual area displays protocols and modes supported by the Parser of Header
Compression functionality as in Fig.17.

40 MN.00356.E - 007
Fig.17 - WEBLCT Header Compression field

The parameter “Context Depth” indicates the total size of the Ethernet header the user wishes to compress.
The number of available contexts (i.e. the number of streams which can be managed at the same time on
the same radio link) changes inversely to the selected context depth:

• 16 bytes (up to 2048 contexts)

• 32 bytes (up to 1024 contexts)

• 64 bytes (up to 512 contexts)

• 128 bytes (up to 256 contexts).

The parameter “Parsing Mode” indicates the modality used by the compressor to parse the header of the
Ethernet packets, done in a completely automatic way. The following modalities are supported:

• IPv4/IPv6 without C.W., EoMPLS with C.W.

• EoMPLS without C.W.

• Always IPv4/IPv6.

The compressor considers the most outer header of the packet as Ethernet.

Supported protocols are:

• Ethernet, with the following assumptions:

- standard 802.1d, 802.1q (C-TAG), 802.1ad (S-TAG)

- S-TAG with not standard Ethertype (0x9100, 0x9200, 0x9300 or a configurable Ethertype value)
- 802.1ah (MAC-in-MAC or PBB) is not supported


• Pseudo-Wire "MPLS-Like"

• Control Word
• Ethernet-over-MPLS (EoMPLS)

• IPv4 and IPv6

• UDP, TCP, RTP, GTP-U, IP Tunnelling on GTP-U.

5.8.10 ELP

ELP (Ethernet Line Protection) is a proprietary feature that protects a LAN interface against cable failure
or accidental disconnection.

MN.00356.E - 007 41
It allows connecting the unit to another network element by using two LAN interfaces, configuring one port
in active status and the other in standby status, realizing a protection between two Ethernet interfaces.

When the user enables the LAG, the system automatically enables the management of the ELP switch
among the ports. The switch operates in automatic mode, i.e. the equipment actuates the switch between
the two ports when an alarm LOS is received on the LAN currently in service.

This feature requires to enable and configure the protection between two LAN interfaces, nothing else.

ELP configuration is exactly the same of LACP aggregation, except for the indication that the bundle is a
LAG for protection with the tick of the ELP check-box in the Port Channel Basic Settings window in LA Man-
ager of WEBLCT.

Two LAN ports must be added to the logical bundle in the New Aggregation window in LA Manager of WE-

Note: in Provider switch mode, the ELP can be implemented only among ports of Provider Network type.

ELP can be applied in two situations: between two SIAE units and between a SIAE and a non-SIAE units.
In both situations SIAE recommneds to enable the ELP one side only.

5.8.11 Link aggregation

Link Aggregation can be managed on ALFOplus2 in different ways:

• radio side - Layer 1 Aggregation available at radio ports

• line side - Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP) available at LAN ports

• line side - Link Aggregation in manual configuration (static LAG without LACP) Ethernet L1 radio link aggregation

In all the 2+0 configurations (with or without XPIC) ALFOplus2 manages simultaneously two 1+0 radio
links outgoing from the two radio interfaces and their capacity are aggregated.

Aggregation is always ON, it cannot be disabled.

In this case the Link Aggregation mechanism is not based on MAC hashing, but on a more efficient Layer
1 distribution of the traffic over the two radio channels. The traffic received from the line interfaces, after
the L2 Ethernet switch processing, is fragmented and labeled with proprietary protocols. The additional la-
beling is used to keep trace of the original order of the fragments before to send it over the radio. On the
receiver side the fragments are recomposed with the original order independently from the frequency
channel over which each packet has been sent.

The load balancing mechanism takes care about the imbalance of the capacity on the two radio links (for
example, in the case an ACM modulation down-switch occurs only on one radio branch). The final result is
that the traffic is balanced over the two radio channels on the basis of the available capacity only. Resil-
iency between the aggregated radio links is inherently provided by the balancing mechanisms (if one radio
channel becomes unavailable all the traffic will be sent on the other channel).

However, due to the additional labels used by the protocol, there is a little loss of capacity over the radio
link (additional overhead). This loss depends on the Ethernet packet length and, for example, is between
about 1% (1518 bytes packets) and about 7% (64bytes packets). LACP on LAN interfaces

LACP (Link Aggregation Control Protocol) allows aggregating multiple Ethernet parallel connections into a
single logical Ethernet connection. The main purpose of this protocol is to provide a single aggregated ca-
pacity that is the sum of the “n” parallel links capacities.

Link Aggregation (LAG) is implemented as a dynamic LAG: this kind of link aggregation consider a mutual
exchange of BPDUs frames between the two devices involved in the LAG mechanism, to communicate and
align each other on the active/standby links forming the logical bundle.

42 MN.00356.E - 007
The result is that some individual Gigabit Ethernet links are bundled into a single link, aggregating multiple
device ports. This port group acts as a single logical port for high-bandwidth connections between two net-
work devices. So all the LACP links are bundled to provide an increased capacity, however, at the same
time, they provide traffic redundancy as well, in case one of the links fails.
Infact the LACP balances the traffic load across all the links in the channel. If a physical link within the
group fails, the traffic previously carried over the failed link is then transferred and spread on the remaining
ones. When the link is recovered, it is automatically re-included in the LAG group.
Besides, it is possible to create protected configuration with a bundle of N interfaces in which N-1 ports are
active and the remaining one is in standby: when a failure happens on one cable, the standby port becomes
active, preserving the number of physical active cables forming the logical bundle. For setting this config-
uration the minimum number of active ports has to be equal to 2 (n+1 with n≥2).

For a correct operation of the LAG, all the selected ports must have a homogeneous configuration, i.e. the
same transmission speed, the same transmission mode (Full-Duplex) and the same MTU.

The criteria used to split and forward the traffic on the different available links is based on a hashing rule.

In ALFOplus2 are available two different hashing rules defined in WEBLCT as Load Balancing:

• MAC Source & Destination (L2 Hashing) - MAC addresses are involved in hashing op.

• IP Source & Destination (L3 Hashing) – IP addresses are involved in hashing op.

LACP must be enabled on both sides of the connection to allow the communication through BPDUs neces-
sary to the LACP operation. Static LAG

On ALFOplus2 is also possible to set a static LAG between two or more LAN interfaces. This LAG is a L2
aggregation without the LACP (there is no BPDU exchange between the two devices involved in the LAG

Also here, in case of one of the links involved in the bundle fails, it provides traffic redundancy balancing
the traffic load among all the active links.
This type of LAG can be created in the same way of LACP LAG, except for the aggregation mode set as

Note: on the two devices involved in the LAG, the same mechanism has to be configured, i.e. static or dy-

5.8.12 LLF

LLF (Link Loss Forwarding) is a feature that forces a local LAN in a LOS state in case of radio failure or
remote LAN failure. It consists in a controlled shout-down of the Ethernet link thanks to the propagation
of a Ethernet link failure condition.

The aim of this feature is to inform an external device (i.e. customer switch/router) about the radio link
failure. When the switch/router receives the LOS signal on the LAN interface connected, it can take the
proper counter actions, for example switching the traffic to the backup path.

The LLF can be configured on each LAN interface (not on radio port) and the main applications are the

• unidirectional LLF: the local LAN interface is forced in a LOS state

• bidirectional LLF: the device is able to communicate a LOS state to their counterpart, so that both
of them shut down the corresponding LAN interface.

The most common applications are based on Bidirectional LLF.

Bidirectional LLF

MN.00356.E - 007 43
In some cases, the radio link failure can be unidirectional, for example when the local equipment has an
Rx LOS but the remote receiver is OK (i.e. unidirectional radio failure due to a malfunction on the remote
transmitter). However, there could be the need to shut down the link in both directions even if there is only
a unidirectional link failure.
Using the bidirectional LLF feature in case of a fault of LAN or Radio in the local equipment, the latter can
notify this LLF status to the remote equipment through a telemetry LOS alarm. Then the remote equipment
shuts down the associated LAN ports so that the link failure is communicated in both directions.

Parameters in Bidirectional LLF

In LLF window (see Fig.18) in WEBLCT are present the following:

• alarm to circuit: indicates the possibility to propagate the LOS of a LAN port or receive the LOS from
the local radio on the correspondent circuit, provided that this circuit has been created and config-
ured on the “Mapped circuit on current port selection” area (see below); it manages the unidirec-
tional LLF

• delay time: indicates the hysteresis value (in seconds) for the LLF functionality in reception. The
alarm received from the radio direction must persist for “delay time” seconds before the equipment
disables the corresponding LAN port. In the same way, if the LAN port is disabled by LLF function-
ality, the radio alarm must be cleared on the radio for “delay time” seconds before the equipment
enables the considered LAN port

• protection mode: this option take sense in case of Ethernet link aggregation in which the user has
anyway to create two circuits, one associated to each aggregated radio direction. The LLF is acti-
vated depending on the status of the aggregated links:

- disable: the failure of just one of the links triggers the LLF activation (logic OR between the ag-
gregated links)

- enable: the failure of both links triggers the LLF activation (logic AND between the aggregated

Fig.18 – Select the LAN port that sends LLF status

In the “Mapped circuit on current port selection” area is possible to create several circuits associated to the
LAN port selected in the area above. The circuit is mainly identified by the following parameters:

• circuit ID

• link ID: it represent a specific radio interface

• LOS to circuit: it indicates the possibility to propagate a LOS alarm of the local LAN port or local Rx
to the remote equipment

• LOS insertion mode: it indicates the possibility, if more ports belong to the same circuit, to propa-
gate a LOS alarm into the circuit toward the remote equipment in case just one port is in LOS con-
dition or all the ports of the circuit are in LOS condition.

44 MN.00356.E - 007
For the correct configuration of the bidirectional LLF functionality for a radio connection, local and remote
LANs have to be associated to the same circuit ID.

5.8.13 STP and RSTP

While STP can take 30 to 50 seconds to respond to a network topology change, RSTP (IEEE 802.1d-2004)
is typically able to respond to changes within 3 × Hello times (default: 3 times 2 seconds) or within a few
milliseconds of a physical link failure. For this reason RSTP has actually replaced the STP in the most mod-
ern Ethernet networks, adding new bridge port roles in order to speed convergence following a link failure:

• root - A forwarding port that is the best port to the root bridge

• designated - A forwarding port for every LAN segment

• alternate - An alternate path to the root bridge. This path is different than using the root port

• backup - A backup/redundant path to a segment where another bridge port is already connected

• disabled - Not strictly part of RSTP, a network administrator can manually disable a port
The number of states a port can be in (RSTP switch port states) are three instead of STP's original five:

• discarding - No user data is sent over the port

• learning - The port is not forwarding frames yet, but is populating its MAC-address-table

• forwarding - The port is fully operational. BPDU

All switches with RSTP enabled generate and process data messages called Bridge Protocol Data Units (BP-
DUs). The exchange of BPDUs allows the switches to identify redundant paths and, by using the Rapid
Spanning Tree algorithm, to ensure that there is no loop path in the network identifying and blocking re-
dundant links.

The operation of RSTP is as follows:

• RSTP enables BPDU messages among switches to agree upon the Root Bridge Election
• once the root bridge is elected, every switch manages one port to communicate with the root bridge.
Therefore Root Port Election takes place on every network switch

• finally, Designated Port Election takes place in order to have only one active path towards every
network segment. STP/RSTP configurability

Common parameters:

• version: it can be set to “STP Compatible” or “RSTP Compatible”

• priority: field for the Root Bridge election. The switch with the smallest Priority is elected Root

• Tx hold count: maximum number of transmitted BPDUs in 1 s (settable between 1 and 10 s)

• max age: it controls the maximum period before a bridge port saves its configuration BPDU infor-
mation. 20 seconds by default, tunable between 6 and 40 s

• hello time: it is the period between each BPDU sent on a port. 2 seconds (s) by default, tunable
between 1 and 10 s

• forward delay: it is the period spent in the listening and learning state. 15 sec by default, tunable
between 4 and 30 s. For example, when a bridge receives a BPDU with the “Topology Change” flag
bit set, it reduces its bridging-table aging time to “forward delay” seconds

MN.00356.E - 007 45
To complete the configuration of RSTP, these parameter in the “Port Settings” card of WEBLCT must be set:

• port role: automatic role of the port, configured by the protocol operation itself

• port priority: port priority settable from 1 to 15, used to define the port status in case of equal path
• RSTP status: activation status (“Enable” or “Disable”) of the port within the protocol operation con-
text (not related to the switch basic operation)

• path cost: cost of the link outgoing from that port, used to define the port status (i.e. Root, Desig-
nated or Alternate)

The convergence time of the protocol depends on different factors:

• number of bridges that are involved in the re-configuration

• type of failure: for example a LAN disconnection is detected faster because it automatically gener-
ates a LOS alarm. For the same reason, in case of radio failure, it is recommended to enable the
LLF protocol

• RSTP configuration settings as Hello Time, Forward Delay and Max Age.


Different approaches can be done to carry the synch signal in existing networks:
• use synchronous ethernet, by synchronizing the Ethernet line CK to a reference one. In this way,
the Ethernet connections are converted to synchronized lines. In this case the precision of the CK
recovered in the peripheral site is guaranteed by the fact that the CK is transferred at physical level,
like in TDM networks

• rely on packet protocols to rebuild the CK in the peripheral nodes. The most popular protocol is IEEE
1588v2, which rely on timestamps sent over Ethernet frames. In this case the accuracy of the re-
built CK could be affected by the traffic conditions and could particularly suffer in case of too high
packet jitter or packet losses

The use of physical layer techniques allows the best performances in terms of the frequency precision of
the recovered CK: this should always be the preferred solution for frequency synchronization transport.

The SETS identify the input and output types of interfaces by the following codes:

• TE, represents an Ethernet interface (LAN) used as input CK (TE SyncE A, TE SyncE B)

• T0, represents the internal clock as output interface.

5.9.1 Sources

The selectable sources of synchronization are listed and explained below:

• radio interface (ODU/LANx): it is very important to keep in mind that all the radio interfaces are
seen as independent sources at the receiver SETS

• GbE interface (with SyncE): two of the available LAN ports could be chosen as the sources of syn-
chronization, selecting them under “TE SyncE A” and “TE SyncE B” entry list in the T0 TAB of the
equipment WEBLCT. In order to receive the synch. signal (and SSM if enabled) the GbE interface
has to be set as “Slave”

• internal clock: with the Synchronization not enabled the IDU is locked into its internal clock (SETS).

46 MN.00356.E - 007
5.9.2 Output

Once the SIAE equipment is synchronized, the clock signal has to be passed toward external equipment
through different interfaces:

• radio: the synchronism is transmitted independently on each remote radio interface

• GbE Interfaces: the Tx CK of the GbE lines is locked to the SETS. When the GbE interfaces are elec-
trical interfaces, the port role must be set as “Master”. Once the synchronization is enabled, all the
LAN interfaces are locked onto the SETS and the synchronization signal is provided onto all the LAN

5.9.3 Priority

Each synch source can be enable or disable, being available or not in the selection process. If no sync
source is enabled, the clock of the system will work as “free running”, locked to the internal oscillator and
marked with a SEC quality level.

WARNING: if all the sources are disabled, the synchronization management is disabled.

A priority method is used to define the preferred source: nine priority levels are assigned to each synchro-
nization source and are used in case two or more sources have the same quality (with SSM protocol ena-

Priority 1 corresponds to the maximum value, while the priority 9 corresponds to the minimum value.

The unit changes synch source if one of the following events occur:

• the synch source is not physically available (the cable is not stuck in the interface port or the re-
ceived signal is under the receiver minimum threshold)

• the difference between the source frequency and the internal reference source (25MHz STRATUM
3e) is greater than ± 7 ppm.
Once one of these events occurs, the SETS will switch the source of synchronization to the second accord-
ing with priority list. If also the second source listed will be unplugged or out of maximum range then the
SETS will switch to the third source and so on.

WARNING: if two sources have the same quality and priority, the SETS will choose in a random way.

5.9.4 Quality and SSM

The unit supports the SSM protocol to forward the quality of the synchronization sources and to manage
their classification (ITU-T G.781 and ITU-T G.8264). As the SSM transmits the quality of the transmitting
source, it represents a unidirectional channel between tx CK and rx CK.

According to SSM, the classification of clock quality, from better to worse, is:

• PRC: Primary Reference Clock – Best quality clock reachable (Caesium Clock)
• SSUT: Synchronization Supply Unit Transit (Rubidium Clock)

• SSUL: Synchronization Supply Unit Local

• SEC: SDH Equipment Clock (Crystal Clock)

• DNU: Do not Use – This signal informs the receiver to do not use this clock.

The quality procedure can be enable or disable in WEBLCT:

• QL-disabled mode: the sync source selection is based on the sequence enabling/alarm/priority. No
SSM messages are transmitted and possible SSM messages received are ignored. Furthermore, lack
of these messages will not be considered as a fault condition.

• QL-enabled mode: the sync source selection is performed among the available sources with a qual-
ity level higher than DNU, basing on the classification previously described; a received signal with
DNU quality is not be used. To protect against possible failures, the lack of SSM messages from a

MN.00356.E - 007 47
sync source for more than a 5 second period is detected as a failure condition and that source passes
in a wait-to-restore period. After an event of SSM message, this source quality state is restored with
the new quality level contained in the message and the timer is restored

In addition is possible to force the quality of an enabled source; in this case possible SSM messages from
this source are ignored, a lack of messages is not considered as a failure condition and no SSM messages
are sent from that port.

Unless the user forces the input/output CK quality, the output quality is the same as the input quality.

With SSM enabled, the unit selects the synch source with the following criteria:

• it chooses the sources with the highest quality

• among same quality sources, the one with the highest priority is selected

• in any case, if a DNU quality is received on the highest priority source, this latter is discarded and
the equipment selects an alternative source.

5.9.5 Source settings

The quality of the synchronism has to be enabled for each unit and can be transported on the following

• on the Ethernet Interfaces through a standard protocol (according to ITU-T G.8264)

• on the radio interface within Ethernet packets.

Maintenance configurations are available:

• forced switch: the operator forces the SETS to lock to a predetermined source (even if the cable is
unplugged or the sync signal experiences a poor quality)

• preferential switch: the selected source is preferential respect the other enabled. Without alarms or
forced sources, it is used as the generator of synchronism. In any case the quality is the main pa-
rameter of choice.

Relating to SSM, it is possible:

• visualize Rx Quality and Tx Quality

• overwrite Rx Quality and Tx Quality selecting a choices in the quality list

With SSM enabled, the unit selects a synch source with the quality available.

When the SSM is not active, in order to properly propagate the clock signal through the Ethernet electrical
interface, it is necessary to set correctly the master/slave option as the SyncE transmission has to be uni-
directional, while it’s not needed for the optical interface, as the transmission is anyway unidirectional on
each fiber.

In this case, and in general for all the LAN interfaces not selected as sync sources in “T0” TAB, the role of
the GbE ports has to be set as Master/Slave (sync direction manually selected) Auto (sync direction auto-

This because the master interface transmits the clock to the slave interface and, in case the direction of
propagation of the clock has to be changed (line failure, insufficient quality, etc.), the master/slave assign-
ment has to be re-negotiated with a consequent loss of traffic. In fact, this re-negotiation implies an inter-
ruption of the traffic indicatively from 2.5 to 3 seconds.

This is not necessary for the two possible LAN interfaces selected as TE Sync A and B: in fact, in this case,
the role is automatically set as “Auto”, or as “Slave” if the T0 signal is locked to this source.

All the Ethernet interfaces are locked on the SETS, regardless which LAN interfaces are set as sources of
synchronization. Nevertheless the “Overwrite RX Quality” and “Overwrite TX Quality” can be applied only
on the LAN interfaces used as sources of synchronization.

48 MN.00356.E - 007

Following security protocols are implemented in ALFOplus2:


• security management (SSH, SFTP)

• secure HTTP access (HTTPS)

• AES-CTR (128/256 configurable) traffic encryption (available in HTTPS connection only).


ALFOplus2 unit can be monitored via GE interfaces and via serial connector.

Management can be InBand or OutOfBand

Unit management level is in line with all the other SIAE MICROELETTRONICA products:

• configurations via SNMP v.1/v.2/v.3 datagram

• generation of “SNMP v.1/v.2/v.3 trap” for alarms

• access control to the unit by the network manager

• equipment integration in NMS5UX

• WebLCT usage

• Access control list IP based (ACL managed by WebLCT)

• DSCP/PCP on MNGT port configurable by WebLCT.


Feature Key mechanism can enable specific functionalities.

Through WEBLCT a feature key can be sent to the unit and the relevant functionalities can be unlocked.


The Service Layer OAM fully monitors a customer End-to-End Ethernet Service, i.e. CFM (Connectivity Fault
Management) useful for detecting, isolating and reporting connectivity faults.

Administration and Maintenance (OAM) standards are designed to simplify the management of Carrier
Ethernet services with end-to-end service visibility, fault isolation, reporting and continuous performance
monitoring. As specified in the IEEE 802.1ag standard, these capabilities enable providers to manage
Ethernet services regardless of the network path, topology, operators or network layer that carries the traf-
fic between service endpoints.

MN.00356.E - 007 49
5.13.1 OAM

Through CLI interface, OAM configuration is available on all Ethernet interfaces, regardless of their physical
port connection.

Main concepts are:

• Maintenance Domains (MD): these specify the Domains of operators, customers and service pro-
viders. Eight MEG Levels are and roles are:

- Customer Domain is the higher and includes both ends of the Ethernet service (three MEG Lev-
els: 7, 6, and 5)

- Service Provider Domains should have a MD lower than the Customer since include the whole
network except the End Users Provider role (two MEG Levels: 4 and 3)

- Operator Domains are lower than Service Provider Domains since just a part of the network is
included ( three MEG Levels: 2, 1, and 0).
SIAE unit: up to 32 Maintenance Domains can be specified on a single device and each MD has to
be identified by a different VLAN. At each end of a Maintenance Domain two MEPs (Maintenance End
Point) will be specified. The MEPs are “markers” that define the end of a domain and are in charge
of originating OAM frames. In a domain also MIPs (Maintenance Intermediate Points) can be spec-
ified. The MIPs are passive check-points.

• Maintenance Association (MA): association which correlates the VLAN to the MD with MEPs and
When a specified traffic needs to be monitored, it is necessary to associate the VLAN to a Domain
and so to the corresponding MEPs or MIPs. This is done through the Maintenance Association. Before
creating the MA, the VLAN, either S-VLAN or C-VLAN, has to be specified in the VLAN Table. On each
SIAE unit it is possible to set up to 32 different MA. A MA is associated with more than one VLAN
but different MAs cannot share one VLAN in a single Maintenance Domain.
• MEPs (Maintenance End Points): MEPs monitor the status of the Ethernet service provided. MEPs
mark the end point of a MD and are capable of initiating and terminating OAM frames for fault man-
agement and performance monitoring. MEPs forwards OAM messages coming from higher domains
and stops OAM messages from lower domains.

• MIPs (Maintenance Intermediate Points). MIPs are passive intermediate check-points that answer
to polling coming from MEPs. A MIP does not initiate OAM frames.

SIAE unit: each Ethernet interface can have a MEP. Once chosen the interface, the direction of the MEP has
to be specified:

• MEP Inward, entering the switch. With MEP Inward configured, the OAM PDUs are sent from the
interface toward the inside of the equipment and will follow the VLAN table.

• MEP Outward, outgoing from the switch. With MEP Outward, the OAM PDUs are sent from the in-
terface in the direction outside the equipment (OAM PDUs are sent thorough the cable toward next

• MEP ID: MEPs belonging to same MA must have different MEP IDs. In order to configure a MIP, the
MA has to be enabled on the equipment. Up to 32 MIPs or MEPs can be configured on each equip-
ment, as per SIAE recommendation.

Note: up to 1 MEP can be installed on the same port at the same level, either MEP Inward or not. This
means that 2 domains at the same level cannot exist on the same port.

Some protocols belonging to the CFM implemented in SIAE equipment, as listed here:

• Continuity Check Protocol: each MEP transmit periodically a CC message with its ID and MA and
tracks the CCMs received from other MEPs. Pulse period: 1s, 10s, 1min, 10min.
• Loopback Protocol: it is an “answer request” to another MEP/MIP or multicast. On LBM reception,
MEPs/MIPs validate the received LBM and send back a Loopback Reply to the sender. This is done
to check the status of the connection between sender and destination
SIAE units: the number of Loopback Messages is adjustable from 1 to 8192 consecutive Loopbacks.

• Remote MEP: Each MEP can check the presence of other MEPs in the same MA through means of
MEP IDs and MAC address of the interface correspondent to the MEP itself. The LBM can be used for
the following applications:

- to verify bi-directional connectivity of a MEP with a MIP or a peer MEP (both unicast and multicast

50 MN.00356.E - 007
- to perform a bi-directional in-service or out-of-service diagnostics test between a pair of peer
MEPs. This includes verifying bandwidth throughput, detecting bit errors, and so on (unicast

• Link Trace Protocol: it is a message similar to the Loopback. Every equipment reached by this mes-
sage answers to the sender providing its own MAC Address. In this way the sender knows its MA

Five types of alarm are available MEP side:

• cross-connect: the MEP is receiving CCMs from other MA/Level/Domain

• errored ccm received: the MEP is receiving invalid CCMs (RMEP ID unattended, CCM interval differ-

• remote CCM defect: the MEP is not receiving CCMs from some other MEP in its Remote MEP list

• mac status defect: the last CCM received from remote MEP indicated that the transmitting MEP’s
associated MAC is reporting an error status via the Port Status TLV

• remote defect indication: the last CCM received from remote MEP contains a RDI.
The trap messages of the first four alarms are active by default option, while the trap of the last alarm has
to be activated from CLI interface.

5.13.2 RMON

RMON (Remote Monitoring) is a standard whose function is monitoring the activity of a LAN network.
SIAE equipment support RMONv1, first MIB, as defined in RFC2819. This MIB contains real-time LAN sta-
tistics e.g. utilization, collisions and CRC errors. These counters are managed locally into the radio equip-
ment and are defined independently for each port of the device (both LAN and Radio interfaces). SIAE NMS
systems collect periodically this data and store it into the network database.

RMON implementation in SIAE Network Elements is classified into two groups:

• RMON - Ethernet Port Statistics: these data counters are collected in real time by the Network
Equipment. These data are stored in the network equipment itself

• RMON - History: collection of data counters from the network equipment. After a periodical polling
to the network element, the NMS collects all the data and these data are seen as the RMON History. Ethernet Statistics

RMON statistics are represented by counters collected for each port of the device, stored in the equipment.

This mechanism of monitoring requires the creation of a Ethernet Statistic in the “Settings” area of RMON
on WEB LCT, to enable the collection of the available metric on the interface or service. This collection can
be viewed as a punctual measure in the “Ethernet Statistics” area.

Based on the Ethernet statistics, one or more Ethernet History can be then created, to collect a number of
samples configurable by the user and store them in the equipment memory.

The following are the important settings for the Ethernet history configuration:

• buckets requested: number of sampling events registered by the RMON on the equipment, based
on the “Interval” and “Data Source” configured by the user; when the end of the buckets is reached
the process restarts cyclically, replacing the first measured entry with the new ones.

• persistence: enable the possibility to export the registered measures on a file through an FTP client;
the file is created when the user make the request to the equipment.

• interval (s): data collection has a configurable sampling period:

- from 1 to 3600 s, (persistence of the results is disabled)

- 60, 300, 600, 900, 1800, 3600 s, (persistence of the results is enabled)
In general, if the persistence of the results is enabled:

MN.00356.E - 007 51
• if the sampling interval is equal or greater than 300 s two files will be created:

- one with a number of samples equal to the bucket size and related to the previous day

- one with a number of samples equal to the bucket size and related to the current day

• if the sampling interval is less than 300 s one single file will be created, with a number of measures
equal to the double of the bucket size, independently from when the measures have been recorded. RMON Counters in each interface

• DropEvents: total number of frames received by the port dropped by the output interface due to
lack of resources. For example, LAN 1 “Rx Dropped Events” measures the frames received by LAN
1 that have NOT been transmitted on the output interface (e.g. Radio port) due to lack of resources

• Octets Rx: total number of octets of data (including those in bad packets) received by the interface

• Pkts Rx: total number of packets (including bad packets, broadcast packets, and multicast packets)

• BroadcastPkts Rx: total number of good received packets that were directed to the broadcast ad-

• MulticastPkts Rx: total number of good received packets that were directed to a multicast address

• UndersizePkts Rx: total number of packets received that were less than 64 octets long (excluding
framing bits, but including FCS octets) and were otherwise well formed

• OversizePkts Rx: total number of packets received that were longer than 1518 octets (excluding
framing bits, but including FCS octets) and were otherwise well formed

• Fragments: total number of packets received that were less than 64 octets in length and had either
a bad Frame Check Sequence (FCS) with an integral number of octets (FCS Error) or a bad FCS with
a not-integral number of octets (Alignment Error)
• CRC Align Errors Rx: total number of packets received that had a length between 64 and the Max
Packet Size configured on the equipment switch (in any case not exceeding 10240 bytes) with bad
Frame Check Sequence (FCS) and an integral number of octets (FCS Error) or a bad FCS with a not-
integral number of octets (Alignment Error)

• Pkts 64 Octets Rx: the total number of packets (including bad packets) received that were less than
64 octets in length (excluding framing bits but including FCS octets) (Not available for history col-

• Pkts xx to yy oct. Rx: the total number of packets (including bad packets) received that were be-
tween xx and yy octets in length (excluding framing bits but including FCS octets) (Not available
for history collection)

• Pkts ≥ 1024 Octets Rx: the total number of packets (including bad packets) received that were more
than 1024 octets in length (excluding framing bits but including FCS octets) (Not available for his-
tory collection).

All the counters described above are part of the RMON statistics and it is not possible to collect only a sub-
set of them. It is however possible to select on which equipment interface the RMON statistics are activat-
ed. This allows reducing the total amount of PM data, for example avoiding data collection from unused
LAN interfaces. This can be done on all LAN interfaces (regardless if electrical or optical) and on the radio
interface as well.

Note: up to 74 Ethernet Statistics and up to 74 Ethernet History can be created in total (10 based on port
and 64 based on service). Ethernet Services Statistics

In addition to the Ethernet counters per Port, on the equipment it is possible to monitor some Ethernet
Services with the following counters types:
• Port & VLAN, intended as the VLAN ID included in the related tag (C or S-tag)

• Port & Priority, i.e. frame priority imprinted on p-bits of the related tag (C or S-tag).

52 MN.00356.E - 007
Also for services an Ethernet Service Statistics has to be created before enabling the Ethernet Service His-

The Service RMON counters allow the equipment to track the VLAN Service (VLAN Tag):

• related to VLAN History, no more than one probe can be created on the same VLAN

• on each equipment an History collection can be set for up to 40 different VLANs.

The Priority statistics are based on PCP field (p-bits) in the VLAN tag: a probe for each priority/queue can
be created.
Differently from RMON counters, Service and Priority counters can be activated only for the following var-

• Octets Tx: total number of octets of data (including those in bad packets) transmitted

• Pkts Tx: total number of packets transmitted

• Octets Rx: total number of octets of data (including those in bad packets) received by the interface

• Pkts Rx: total number of packets (including bad packets, broadcast packets, and multicast packets)

• Received Discard Pkts: total number of discarded packets at ingress in case of VLAN forbidden, pol-
icy exceeded, MAC source deny (ACL)

• Sent Discard Pkts: total number of discarded packets at egress in case of exceeded port egress rate,
output shaping, exceeded MTU

• Received Unicast Pkts: the total number of received unicast packets (including bad packets)

• Sent Unicast Pkts: the total number of sent unicast packets (including bad packets)
• Received Not Unicast Pkts: the total number of received not-unicast packets (including bad packets)

• Sent Not Unicast Pkts: the total number of sent not-unicast packets (including bad packets).

Note: up to 74 Ethernet Statistics and up to 74 Ethernet History can be created in total (10 based on port
and 64 based on service).

MN.00356.E - 007 53

In the further page all the technical specification of ALFOplus2.

In Section 8. DESCRIPTIONS AND SPECIFICATION more details regarding the available ALFOplus2 version
depending on RF frequency.


ALFOplus2 implements an adaptive modulation algorithm to improve the system gain when the quality of
the received signal become insufficient to guarantee an error free link.

Adaptive modulation guarantees error free and hitless unidirectional downshifts with fading speed up to 30
dB/s. Ethernet frames aren’t lost in case of upshift and downshift events.

The ACM shifting thresholds are shown in Tab.28, Tab.29, Tab.30 and Tab.31.


The line interfaces (LAN3 and LAN4 GE with PoE facilities, LAN1 and LAN2 optical up to 2.5Gbps) are con-
nected to an embedded Ethernet switch. Ethernet traffic is forwarded to the radio interface through 2x 2.5
Gbps port, one for radio branch (BB, IF and RF unit). Network synchronism can be acquired and provided
by each Ethernet switch port.

See Fig.19 for ALFOplus2 block diagrams.

54 MN.00356.E - 007
Main DC/DC,

Eth. Switch Frame Processing & Modem RF-unit1




(Packet Process) TX/RX




LAN2 RF-unit2






LAN1 channel2
RXdem IF


data, prot. protocol

Cntr Ch
To/From other ODU

Fig.19 - ALFOplus2 blocks diagram

6.2.1 Ethernet electrical interface characteristics

RJ45 interfaces have lightining protection.

- Gigabit electrical Ethernet connector6 LAN3 RJ45 10/100/1000BaseT

LAN4 RJ45 10/100/1000BaseT

- Ethernet cable category CAT5e/CAT6

- Ethernet cable max length 100m

- Power over Ethernet 7 IEEE 802.3af PoE

- Ethernet latency see Tab.12

Tab.12 - Latency

One way delay (msec) Physical modes (64 bytes)

Channel size (MHz) 4QAM 16QAM 32QAM 64QAM 128QAM 256QAM 512QAM 1K QAM 2K QAM 4K QAM

14 1.023 0.776 0.680 0.641 0.608 0.614 0.603 0.577 0.575 0.567

20 0.747 0.570 0.528 0.487 0.472 0.451 0.437 0.438 0.437 0.433

28 0.507 0.382 0.348 0.329 0.326 0.323 0.310 0.309 0.299 0.297

30 0.493 0.407 0.352 0.338 0.322 0.310 0.307 0.299 0.302 0.295

40 0.388 0.292 0.263 0.265 0.247 0.240 0.238 0.233 0.238 0.233

50 0.416 0.344 0.336 0.318 0.309 0.306 0.306 0.299 0.299 0.297

MN.00356.E - 007 55
56 0.384 0.315 0.297 0.283 0.278 0.276 0.272 0.272 0.269 0.266

60 0.378 0.297 0.289 0.281 0.271 0.269 0.263 0.262 0.262 0.259

80 0.282 0.246 0.234 0.224 0.221 0.215 0.213 0.211 0.210 0.208

112 0.217 0.185 0.181 0.177 0.172 0.169 0.169 0.168 0.167 0.166

One way delay (msec) Physical modes (128 bytes)

Channel size (MHz) 4QAM 16QAM 32QAM 64QAM 128QAM 256QAM 512QAM 1K QAM 2K QAM 4K QAM

14 1.052 0.751 0.718 0.672 0.637 0.612 0.583 0.593 0.573 0.573

20 0.778 0.577 0.550 0.497 0.471 0.453 0.451 0.450 0.440 0.427

28 0.548 0.373 0.359 0.347 0.325 0.322 0.309 0.312 0.310 0.306

30 0.542 0.381 0.372 0.336 0.322 0.312 0.309 0.302 0.301 0.297

40 0.401 0.293 0.282 0.260 0.251 0.246 0.235 0.237 0.237 0.231

50 0.436 0.352 0.334 0.328 0.312 0.309 0.302 0.301 0.298 0.300

56 0.387 0.311 0.299 0.289 0.282 0.275 0.272 0.268 0.268 0.268

60 0.386 0.303 0.293 0.283 0.272 0.268 0.267 0.264 0.261 0.257

80 0.289 0.241 0.235 0.225 0.219 0.218 0.213 0.213 0.212 0.211

112 0.225 0.185 0.182 0.176 0.175 0.171 0.169 0.169 0.168 0.167

One way delay (msec) Physical modes (256 bytes)

Channel size (MHz) 4QAM 16QAM 32QAM 64QAM 128QAM 256QAM 512QAM 1K QAM 2K QAM 4K QAM

14 1.158 0.801 0.703 0.653 0.658 0.610 0.613 0.602 0.587 0.580

20 0.859 0.586 0.555 0.528 0.471 0.481 0.464 0.453 0.446 0.436

28 0.521 0.392 0.385 0.359 0.337 0.323 0.316 0.319 0.317 0.308

30 0.526 0.392 0.380 0.349 0.326 0.324 0.320 0.315 0.309 0.306

40 0.406 0.307 0.285 0.263 0.260 0.254 0.248 0.240 0.235 0.240

50 0.425 0.356 0.340 0.334 0.325 0.311 0.309 0.305 0.304 0.300

56 0.394 0.319 0.306 0.295 0.284 0.279 0.277 0.272 0.274 0.271

60 0.387 0.314 0.293 0.285 0.278 0.273 0.267 0.267 0.265 0.262

80 0.310 0.252 0.240 0.228 0.222 0.219 0.218 0.216 0.216 0.214

112 0.231 0.196 0.186 0.181 0.176 0.174 0.172 0.170 0.170 0.169

One way delay (msec) Physical modes (512 bytes)

Channel size (MHz) 4QAM 16QAM 32QAM 64QAM 128QAM 256QAM 512QAM 1K QAM 2K QAM 4K QAM

14 1.188 0.818 0.735 0.695 0.643 0.634 0.617 0.602 0.606 0.601

20 0.834 0.629 0.579 0.517 0.498 0.483 0.469 0.463 0.456 0.450

28 0.623 0.419 0.400 0.372 0.344 0.349 0.334 0.317 0.329 0.315

30 0.598 0.445 0.387 0.358 0.353 0.332 0.333 0.317 0.313 0.315

40 0.458 0.330 0.304 0.273 0.267 0.264 0.249 0.246 0.245 0.246

50 0.462 0.372 0.352 0.339 0.329 0.318 0.319 0.313 0.307 0.308

56 0.427 0.337 0.314 0.302 0.294 0.284 0.287 0.282 0.281 0.276

60 0.387 0.323 0.309 0.288 0.286 0.280 0.278 0.272 0.272 0.266

56 MN.00356.E - 007
80 0.326 0.255 0.247 0.233 0.231 0.226 0.222 0.219 0.219 0.218

112 0.241 0.205 0.190 0.187 0.182 0.179 0.176 0.175 0.174 0.173

One way delay (msec) Physical modes (1024 bytes)

Channel size (MHz) 4QAM 16QAM 32QAM 64QAM 128QAM 256QAM 512QAM 1K QAM 2K QAM 4K QAM

14 1.522 0.982 0.897 0.771 0.728 0.711 0.666 0.687 0.643 0.639

20 1.061 0.732 0.659 0.593 0.574 0.523 0.508 0.510 0.490 0.485

28 0.718 0.480 0.445 0.416 0.384 0.380 0.353 0.350 0.347 0.336

30 0.727 0.478 0.430 0.398 0.371 0.360 0.360 0.348 0.343 0.338

40 0.572 0.375 0.345 0.318 0.289 0.282 0.278 0.268 0.270 0.259

50 0.548 0.410 0.379 0.371 0.352 0.344 0.331 0.325 0.326 0.323

56 0.503 0.358 0.352 0.321 0.314 0.304 0.297 0.298 0.291 0.289

60 0.464 0.354 0.343 0.311 0.301 0.293 0.291 0.286 0.287 0.283

80 0.356 0.285 0.269 0.249 0.248 0.237 0.235 0.231 0.232 0.228

112 0.271 0.225 0.207 0.201 0.192 0.188 0.186 0.184 0.182 0.182

One way delay (msec) Physical modes (1280 bytes)

Channel size (MHz) 4QAM 16QAM 32QAM 64QAM 128QAM 256QAM 512QAM 1K QAM 2K QAM 4K QAM

14 1.584 0.998 0.910 0.815 0.766 0.715 0.703 0.675 0.682 0.666

20 1.119 0.746 0.684 0.607 0.597 0.559 0.532 0.522 0.516 0.501

28 0.773 0.523 0.455 0.440 0.401 0.393 0.364 0.355 0.360 0.352

30 0.763 0.536 0.474 0.429 0.404 0.386 0.372 0.360 0.356 0.344

40 0.560 0.395 0.346 0.325 0.301 0.295 0.286 0.279 0.276 0.269

50 0.570 0.429 0.398 0.370 0.360 0.351 0.343 0.339 0.333 0.330

56 0.481 0.382 0.353 0.332 0.319 0.314 0.310 0.302 0.299 0.296

60 0.479 0.376 0.339 0.325 0.311 0.304 0.298 0.294 0.293 0.285

80 0.380 0.298 0.279 0.260 0.250 0.246 0.241 0.238 0.236 0.233

112 0.286 0.228 0.215 0.203 0.198 0.193 0.191 0.188 0.187 0.186

One way delay (msec) Physical modes (1518 bytes)

Channel size (MHz) 4QAM 16QAM 32QAM 64QAM 128QAM 256QAM 512QAM 1K QAM 2K QAM 4K QAM

14 1.650 1.071 0.962 0.856 0.794 0.734 0.709 0.710 0.686 0.677

20 1.253 0.808 0.724 0.658 0.575 0.570 0.563 0.532 0.520 0.519

28 0.816 0.559 0.486 0.449 0.420 0.402 0.384 0.365 0.370 0.535

30 0.827 0.544 0.482 0.439 0.398 0.394 0.375 0.370 0.366 0.352

40 0.593 0.397 0.379 0.333 0.315 0.305 0.288 0.285 0.279 0.273

50 0.587 0.437 0.412 0.380 0.369 0.355 0.346 0.342 0.338 0.336

56 0.505 0.391 0.373 0.339 0.330 0.318 0.314 0.310 0.305 0.301

60 0.519 0.380 0.347 0.333 0.322 0.310 0.306 0.299 0.297 0.292

80 0.397 0.298 0.282 0.265 0.260 0.252 0.248 0.243 0.241 0.237

112 0.301 0.237 0.222 0.212 0.202 0.199 0.196 0.193 0.191 0.190

MN.00356.E - 007 57
One way delay (msec) Physical modes (4000 bytes)

Channel size (MHz) 4QAM 16QAM 32QAM 64QAM 128QAM 256QAM 512QAM 1K QAM 2K QAM 4K QAM

14 2.789 1.609 1.394 1.239 1.101 1.021 0.960 0.922 0.904 0.869

20 2.102 1.206 1.038 0.909 0.831 0.770 0.728 0.712 0.691 0.667

28 1.435 0.844 0.723 0.633 0.568 0.552 0.518 0.487 0.476 0.461

30 1.350 0.818 0.701 0.614 0.575 0.527 0.504 0.478 0.470 0.462

40 0.995 0.618 0.533 0.472 0.431 0.413 0.390 0.376 0.376 0.356

50 0.908 0.618 0.547 0.495 0.469 0.448 0.435 0.419 0.416 0.405

56 0.822 0.537 0.486 0.442 0.422 0.403 0.385 0.375 0.373 0.362

60 0.806 0.521 0.485 0.435 0.407 0.385 0.377 0.363 0.363 0.352

80 0.605 0.419 0.376 0.347 0.330 0.313 0.307 0.297 0.296 0.288

112 0.449 0.327 0.295 0.273 0.258 0.250 0.243 0.237 0.234 0.230

One way delay (msec) Physical mode (9100 bytes)

Channel size (MHz) 4QAM 16QAM 32QAM 64QAM 128QAM 256QAM 512QAM 1K QAM 2K QAM 4K QAM

14 4.968 2.721 2.284 1.901 1.676 1.535 1.443 1.376 1.317 1.235

20 3.653 2.039 1.698 1.434 1.295 1.162 1.100 1.035 1.001 0.957

28 2.460 1.359 1.153 1.005 0.872 0.815 0.765 0.710 0.704 0.662

30 2.401 1.367 1.137 0.988 0.857 0.793 0.750 0.700 0.688 0.664

40 1.775 1.015 0.873 0.747 0.673 0.614 0.581 0.549 0.534 0.510

50 1.549 0.936 0.819 0.724 0.656 0.618 0.588 0.559 0.550 0.533

56 1.344 0.827 0.733 0.638 0.585 0.549 0.525 0.504 0.496 0.480

60 1.304 0.802 0.709 0.616 0.569 0.533 0.508 0.490 0.483 0.463

80 0.995 0.642 0.557 0.497 0.456 0.431 0.412 0.399 0.393 0.380

112 0.729 0.484 0.429 0.386 0.357 0.339 0.329 0.317 0.312 0.304

6.2.2 Ethernet optical interface characteristics

- Gigabit optical Ethernet connector LAN1 SFP 1000BaseX/(2.5 Gbps)

LAN2 SFP 1000BaseX/(2.5 Gbps)

- Fiber max length depending on SFP module (see Tab.13)

Tab.13 - Optical interface characteristics

Gigabit 2.5 Gbps

Parameter Multi Mode Multi Mode

50/125 m 62.5/125 m 50 m 62.5/125 m

Operating distance up to 550m up to 500m

Optical center wavelength 850 nm 850 nm

Optcal transmit power -2 ÷ -9.5 dBm -3 ÷ -10 dBm

58 MN.00356.E - 007
Gigabit 2.5 Gbps

Parameter Multi Mode Multi Mode

50/125 m 62.5/125 m 50 m 62.5/125 m

Receive sensitivity -17 dBm -22 dBm

Average receive power max 0 dBm 0 dBm

Compliance 1000BaseSX 2500BaseX

IEEE 802.3z IEEE 802.3z

Transceiver type Pluggable

Connector type LC


To check the correct operation a set of local and remote loops are made available. The commands are for-
warded by the WebLCT program. The loop is a manual operation that can be activated for a timeout period
specified by operator (0-172800sec.). The available loop facilities are:
• loopback on Ethernet LAN PORT (1)

• loopback on TRx port (2)

• I/Q loop: activation command of I/Q loop operates on both branch; RF transmission is squelched

Main DC/DC,
Power Aux DC/DC

Frame Processing & Modem RF-unit1


Eth. Switch 2 I/Q TX/RX
(Packet Process)


TXmod channel1


RXdem OL1





TXmod channel2

RXdem IF


data, prot. protocol

To/From other ODU

Fig.20 - Available loops

MN.00356.E - 007 59

Power supply can be provided at the 48V port and at the electrical Ethernet ports (in case of PoE).

- Operating voltage range -37Vdc (38Vdc in case of PoE)/Vin/ -60Vdc

(floating input)

- Circuit breaker 12A type C

- P.E max current limit 850mA (per one pair)

- Power consumption 8 see Tab.14

- Cable max length see Tab.15

- Power cable operating temp.  60°C

Tab.14 - ALFOplus2 power consumption

RF Guaranteed (W) Typical (W) Typical @ Min power (ATPC) (W)

11 GHz HP 90 80 72

RF  15 GHz 70 60 54

Tab.15 - Cable max length

Battery supply voltage Battery supply voltage

90W equipment
(40.5 Vdc) (46 Vdc)

M10154 (0.75mmq) 25.00 50.00

M10166 (1.5mmq) 50.00 100.00

M10184 (2.5mmq) 80.00 200.00

Battery supply voltage Battery supply voltage

70W equipment
(40.5 Vdc) (46 Vdc)

M10154 (0.75mmq) 30.00 80.00

M10166 (1.5mmq) 60.00 150.00

M10184 (2.5mmq) a. 100.00 250.00

a. An adapter is required

60 MN.00356.E - 007

ALFOplus2 can be supplied by PoE units; in Tab.16 there is a list of suggested PoE units (all the PoE units
are protected against short circuit, overvoltage, overcurrent).

Tab.16 - List of suggested PoE units

Unit code Description Manufacturer

D60082 4 units PoEplus SIAE

G52005 Ethernet regenerator and PoE injector SIAE

G52006 Ethernet regenerator and PoE splitter SIAE

G52007 ODU AC PoE injector SIAE

G52008 ODU DC PoE injector SIAE


PoE units different from suggested can be used but absolutely with short circuit, overvoltage, overcurrent


ALFOplus2 physical dimensions include Hybrid or OMT module. See Fig.21:

- wxhxd 252mm x 363mm x 148mm (frequency 15GHz)
252mm x 363mm x 176mm (frequency < 15 GHz)

- Unit Weight 8Kg (frequency 15GHz)

11.5Kg (frequency < 11GHz)

MN.00356.E - 007 61


62 MN.00356.E - 007

- Protection Method Gas dischargers: in accordance to EN 301 489

and IEC 61000-4-5 Class4


- Operational temperature range -33°C ÷ +55°C

- Temperature range of degraded performances -40°C ÷ +60°C

- Environmental conditions and environmental tests ETSI EN 300 019 Class 4.1

- Class 1.2 Storage, Class 2.3 Transportation

- Operational humidity Weather proof according to IP65

environmental class.

- Thermal Resistance Thermal resistance 0.5°C/W.

- Operating voltage range -37.5 ÷ -60 Vdc

- PoE operating voltage range -38.5 ÷ -60 Vdc

- Wind resistance < 150/200 Km/h (operation/survival).

MN.00356.E - 007 63
64 MN.00356.E - 007
Section 3.




The installation, maintenance or removal of antenna systems requires qualified, experienced personnel.
SIAE installation instructions have been written for such personnel.

Antenna system should be inspected once a year by qualified personnel to verify proper installation, main-
tenance and condition of equipment.

SIAE disclaims any liability or responsibility for the results of improper or unsafe installation practices.

ALFOplus2 equipment is a full-outdoor IP Ethernet radio link system operating in various band frequency
RF bands coverage up to 42 GHz for transport capacity up to 2036 Mbit/s, designed to establish LAN-LAN

For the details related to the actual used frequency band refer to the label on the equipment.

The system is provided with an integrated antenna.

Warning: Class 2 radio equipment subject to Authorisation of use. The equipment can operate only at the
frequencies authorised by the relevant National Authority.

Warning: The deployment and use of this equipment shall be made in agreement with the national regu-
lation for the Protection from Exposure to Electromagnetic Field.

Warning: The symbol indicates that, within the European Union, the product is subject to separate
collection at the product end-of-life. Do not dispose of these products as unsorted municipal waste. For
more information, please contact the relevant supplier for verifying the procedure of correct disposal.

MN.00356.E - 007 65

ALFOplus2 radio system is made up of an outdoor unit, housed a metallic shield.

Compliance to electromagnetic compatibility is guaranteed through the following precautionary measures:

• during the design phase

- use of protection circuits against lightning by means of gas dischargers

- use of filters on the power supply input circuits against noise propagating on the power supply
• during the installation phase

- use of shielded cables

- use of ground connections.

The installation phases of the whole system are described in the following paragraphs and it must be done
only by service person suitably trained.

Remember that the whole radio link can work only if ODUs chosen for local and remote side have equal
sub-band and different SSB (H and L).


The electrical wiring must be done using appropriate cables thus assuring the equipment responds to the
electromagnetic compatibility standards.

The cable terminates to flying connectors which have to be connected to the corresponding connectors on
the equipment front.

Position and pin-out of the equipment connectors are available in this section.


During the final installation, protect the ALFOplus2 by a magneto-thermal switch (not supplied with the
equipment), whose characteristics must comply with the laws in force in one’s country.

The disconnection from the supply mains is made disconnecting the 48V connector M12 5Pin from the ODU
or disconnecting the LAN PoE cable.

The typical magneto thermal switch has characteristics at least 48 Vdc @12A with overcurrent relay class
“C” or “K” tripping curve.
Seal the M12 connector when it isn’t used, in order to avoid the removal of the cover without tools (coupling

The operating temperature of power cable must be at least 60°C.

66 MN.00356.E - 007

Fig.22 and annexed legend show how to perform the grounding connections.

The ODU must be connected to ground with the available grounding bolt M08303 and eyelet terminal
M06614, making reference to details of Fig.21.

Indoor 7
4 3 4
6 2
(+) (-)
Station Local
ground ground
ground rack


1. Ethernet Switch chassis grounding point. The cross section area of the cable used must be  4 sq.

2. ODU (ALFOplus2) grounding M6 bolt copper faston type. The cross section area of the cable used
must be  16 sq. mm

3. IDU–ODU interconnection cable (in example M02472 cat5)

4. Grounding cable kit type cable copper or copper alloy to connect the shield of interconnection cable.

5. Battery grounding point of IDU to be connected to earth by means of a cable with a section area
2.5 sq. mm. Length  10 m.

6. Grounding cords connected to a real earth internal of station. The cross section area of the cable
must be  16 sq. mm

7. Surge arrester (when needed).

Fig.22 - Grounding connection

7.5.1 Mounting instruction of grounding cable KIT ICD00072F (Univer-

sal, No tools)

Please, follow the procedure (see Tab.17):

MN.00356.E - 007 67
Tab.17 - Mounting Instructions


Remove the cable jacket by 30mm width approximate-

Take care not to damage the copper conductor. Clean
and dry the application area.

Remove the protective film from the butyle sealing

Put the contact in position on the cable, by firmly press-
ing on the cable jacket, checking the adherence of the
butyle sealing paste. The contact is firmly positioned on
the cable jacket.

Wrap the copper mesh around the contact and outer

conductor (at least 4 revolutions).
Block the mesh terminal under the contact tooth.
Cut the exceeding mesh length.

Remove the self-agglomerating tape protective film.

Carefully wrap tight the tape around contact and cable,
following the suitable mean line.
Tape adheres remaining in position and progressively

Connect the earthing cable.

68 MN.00356.E - 007

• N.1 7mm torque wrench

• N.2 13mm torque wrench

• N.1 15 mm torque wrench

• N.1 17 mm torque wrench

• N.1 3 mm Allen wrench.


The installation sequence is the following:

• ODU assembling: the proper antenna interface module is installed over the ALFOplus2
• Installation of the ODU:

- Single output flange - installation of the ODU over the antenna by means of the standard mount-
ing kit
- Dual output flanges - installation of the supporting plate and of the ODU over it

• ODU grounding.


Various version of antenna interface modules are available (each of them with proper screws included).

For every frequency three versions are available: OMT, Balanced Hybrid and Dual Flange (polarization can
be set).

See Section 7. COMPOSITION for the proper SIAE code.

The antenna interface adapter is shown in Fig.23 and the ALFOplus2 cavity in Fig.24.

The antenna interface module assembling procedure is the following (see Fig.23 and Fig.24):

• insert the antenna interface adapter in the proper cavity of the ALFOplus2

• move the module slightly to match the correct positioning of the protruding ODU gasket in the
adapter peripheral groove
• insert the screws and the relevant washers in the following order:

- 1 and 2 (and check again the correct positioning of the module) and screw them (not too strong,
the final tightening will be done when all the screws are inserted)

- 3 and 4 and screw them not definitely

- 5, 6, 7, 8 and screw them not definitely

• check the correct positioning of the adapter on the ODU

• tighten all the screws in the following order: 1 and 2, 3 and 4, 5 and 6, 7 and 8.

MN.00356.E - 007 69
Groove for
ODU gasket

External side Internal side

Fig.23 – Antenna adapter module (left: external side - right: internal side)

ODU gasket

Fig.24 – ODU cavity

70 MN.00356.E - 007
7.8.1 Changing the polarization of the RF flange in balanced hybrid an-
tenna interface module

In Fig.25 Balanced Hybrid antenna interface module is shown with RF flange set for vertical polarization.

Fig.25 - Balanced Hybrid antenna interface module with the RF flange set for vertical polariza-
The procedure to change the polarization of RF flange from vertical to horizontal is the following:

• unscrew the four screws of the RF flange and uninstall it without losing the O-ring between flange
and ODU

• in the rear of the RF flange there is a polarizer with a reference screw in V (vertical) position, un-
screw only the two screws in the polarizer and turn it just to have the reference screw in H (hori-
zontal) position as in Fig.26 and tighten the two screws in the new position

• check the presence of the O-ring in the groove and install the RF flange with the reference in H po-
sition, insert the four screws and tighten them diagonally: the first screw and after its diagonally
opposite and after the last two.

Now the RF flange of the Balanced Hybrid antenna interface module is in horizontal polarization as in

MN.00356.E - 007 71
Fig.26 – Polarizer setting inside the RF flange

Fig.27 - Balanced Hybrid antenna interface module with the RF flange set for horizontal polari-

72 MN.00356.E - 007

In this case the standard mounting flange (Z21823) is used (see Fig.28).

Use centring ring and relevant screws and the 4 M10 bolts to install the mounting flange on the ALFOplus2.

M10 screws

Z21823 flange

Fig.28 – ALFOplus with Standard mounting flange

Install the antenna using the antenna installation guide (specific for each antenna) inside the antenna box

provided by antenna producer. Keep attention to the polarization of the antenna feeder depending on re-
quested polarization.

After the antenna is installed onto the pole, the ODU must be installed:

• position the three holes circular flange (1) on the antenna flange and align the three holes on the
circular flange with the three relevant holes on the antenna flange as in Fig.29.

• insert and tighten the three 3mm M4 Allen screws (2) using a 3mm Allen wrench (torque = 2 Nm)

• add lubricant paste, e.g. MOLYKOTE P-40, on threads of four 25mm M10 bolts (3). The sliding sur-
faces should be cleaned. The paste should then be applied with a suitable brush, rag or grease gun.
It should not be mixed with grease or oils. Chemical protective gloves should be worn where re-
peated or prolonged contact can occur. Screw partially the four M10 bolts (3) on the antenna back
plate: each bolt should be tightened to have the square head out of the hole of about 13-14mm
(the thickness of hook (4), use 15mm spanner)

• apply seal and lubricant grease Dow Corning 4 to the O-ring, protecting fingers with gloves, and
insert in the proper track on the ODU flange

• position the ODU vertically near the four bolts on the antenna flange and align the ODU to match
the polarization of the antenna feeder.
• after the right position has been found, rotate 30° counter clockwise the ODU and approach the
ODU to the antenna flange in order to have the four slots of the Standard Lock cross between the
four bolts

MN.00356.E - 007 73
• rotate 30° clockwise the ODU to hook each slots on the relevant bolt

• when each slot is firmly hooked on the relevant bolt, tighten each bolt (use 15mm spanner,

3 (Torque 46Nm)


2 (Torque 2Nm)

Fig.29 – Installation of single flange ALFOplus2 over the antenna


Only for OMT ALFOplus2 the mounting flange is the Z22011 with a closed slot placed in upper position (see

Install the antenna using the antenna installation guide that is inside the antenna box. Keep attention to
the position of the antenna feeder depending on requested setting.

74 MN.00356.E - 007
Z22011 flange

M10 screws

Fig.30 – ALFOplus with Standard mounting flange

Proceed as in Fig.31 in order to install the centring ring on the antenna flange:

• position the three holes centring ring (1) over the antenna flange aligning the three holes on the
ring with the three relevant holes on the antenna flange

• insert and tighten the three 3mm M4 Allen screws (2) using a 3mm Allen wrench (torque = 2 Nm).

Now the ALFOplus2 must be installed over the antenna inserting the ALFOplus2 flange inside the centring
ring previously mounted. See again Fig.31:

• add a lubricant paste, e.g. MOLYKOTE P-40, on threads of four 25mm M10 bolts (3). The sliding
surfaces must remain cleaned. The lubricant paste (no mixing with grease or oils) has to be applied
with a suitable brush or grease gun and chemical protective gloves must be worn.

• screw partially on the antenna back only the three M10 bolts (3) relevant the three open slots (the
fourth bolt that must enter in the closed slot will be inserted after). Each bolt must leave the square
head out of the hole of about 13-14mm just to permit the positioning of the open slots (4) of the
Z22011 flange. Use 15mm spanner.

• apply seal and lubricant grease Dow Corning 4 to the O-ring, protecting fingers with gloves, and
insert it in the proper grove on the ODU flange

• position the ODU vertically close to the three bolts on the antenna flange and align the ODU flange
to match the antenna feeder. When the right position has been found, rotate the ODU 30° counter-
clockwise and approach it to the antenna flange in order to have the slots of the flange cross be-
tween the bolts.

• rotate 30° clockwise the ODU to hook each slots on the relevant bolt and tighten them (use 15mm
spanner, torque=46mm)

• insert the last bolt in the closed slot and tighten it (use 15mm spanner, torque=46Nm)

If the position needs some adjustment to match correctly the two polarizations (a rotation of +/-5° can be
set), unscrew all the four bolts and tighten them again when the alignment is obtained. The presence of
the closed slot allows this procedure without the danger of dropping down the ODU.

MN.00356.E - 007 75
3 (Torque 46Nm)


2 (Torque 2Nm)

Fig.31 – Installation of OMT flange ALFOplus2 over the antenna


The material is in kit V60519

• install the antisliding strip 1 and the plastic blocks 2 onto the pole
• hang the tooth of the supporting plate 3 onto the plastic blocks: two possibilities depending if the
rectangular opening must be on the left (see Fig.32) or on the right (see in Fig.34 and Fig.35) re-
spect the pole.

• secure the plate to the pole with the two fixing bracket for 60–114 mm pole (see Fig.32). Bolts and
nuts are available on the supporting plate kit. Use the four screws 5 and items 6, 7, 8, 9. Tightening
torque must be 32 Nm.

• install the ALFOplus2 (see Fig.33) on the supporting plate using the six bolts M10 (shorter than the
four screws 5) through the six mounting holes (see Fig.34). When all the bolts are positioned, tight-
en them (use 15mm spanner, torque=46mm)

• from the two RF flanges of ALFOplus2 two wave guides are necessary to connect them to the an-
tennas as in Fig.35.

76 MN.00356.E - 007

mounting holes

Fig.32 – Pole mounting of dual flanges ALFOplus2

MN.00356.E - 007 77
mounting holes

Fig.33 – Mounting holes

78 MN.00356.E - 007
Fig.34 - Installation of dual flanges ALFOplus2

MN.00356.E - 007 79
Fig.35 - Dual flanges ALFOplus2 with waveguides connected to the two RF flanges

80 MN.00356.E - 007

ALFOplus2 provides 2xM12 5pin connector and 4 Ethernet ports as shown in Fig.44.

The Ethernet ports are:

• 2 LAN SFP (1 Gbps or 2.5 Gbps) Optic Rosenberger connectors: LAN1 and LAN2
• 2 LAN RJ45 (1 Gbps) Electric Rosenberger connectors, with surge arrester: LAN3 and LAN4.

Warning: If cable is not inserted, close the port with relevant cap to ensure waterproofing.

7.12.1 M12 connector

There are 2 separated M12 5 pin straight circular connector for different applications:

• 48V port

• MNGT port.

The available cables already assembled are:

• F03594 cable for laboratory use only (see Fig.36) dedicated for 48V port only

• F03616 maintenance cable (remove it after commissioning pointing) (see Fig.37) dedicated for
MNGT port only

• F03622 console cable (remove it after use) (see Fig.38) dedicated for 48V port only

48V port

• Used as a port for the secondary power supply source 48Vdc, when the power over Ethernet injector
through the data LAN cable is not available or it is possible use with both power source (PoE and
48V ports).
• If necessary, console port pins are present (see Tab.18). Use cables F03594 or F03622 and a hy-
perterminal session (params: 115000, 8, N, 1) to access and login.

• The interface doesn’t have lightning protection.

Tab.18 - Pinout 48V connector

Pinout Description

1 Vdc (-) = -48 Volts

2 Vdc (+) = 0 Volts

3 Rx_Console

4 Tx_Console

5 GND_Console

Shield Ground

MNGT port

Pinout in Tab.19.

• It is a dedicated port used for local management only (fast Ethernet 100BaseT) also called On-
SMNGT (On-Site Management)

• During alignment of antenna (see Fig.37).

MN.00356.E - 007 81
• The interface has lightning protection.

Tab.19 - Pinout MNGT connector

Pinout Description





5 Vpointing (+)

Shield Vpointing (-)

82 MN.00356.E - 007
Fig.36 - F03594 cable for lab use only

Warning: ALFOplus2 don’t use connectors 8 and 4 of F03594. Protect them.

MN.00356.E - 007 83
Fig.37 - F03616 maintenance cable (to remove after commission pointing)

84 MN.00356.E - 007
Fig.38 - F03622 console cable (remove it after use)

MN.00356.E - 007 85
7.12.2 RJ45 connector

The electrical RJ45 connection to ALFOplus2 is guaranteed only with coded connector. Part to be assembled
(see Tab.20).

Tab.20 - Part to be assembled

SIAE code Description View

Data cable SF/UTP CAT5e for outdoor

(AWG24) 100 Ohm

Indoor RJ45 boot protection black


P03192 Indoor RJ45 shielded plug

1000Base-T Gigabit Ethernet cables and connectors

Please be aware that modifying Ethernet cables improperly may cause loss of network connectivity. Please
follow colours of wiring.

Tab.21 - Wiring 1000Base-T

Assignment T568A T568B

1000Base-T Colour wire Colour wire







86 MN.00356.E - 007
Assignment T568A T568B
1000Base-T Colour wire Colour wire



Straight cable EIA/TIA-568B

Fig.39 - Straight Ethernet cable

Fig.40 - RJ-45 Pinout

Fig.41 - Indoor RJ45 unshielded assembly


In the following a list of materials to be used during installation.

MN.00356.E - 007 87
Tab.22 - Accessories for installation

SIAE code Descriptions View

a. b. Junction optical box IP66, for fallen of

optical cable to connect 1 ODU

a Fibre optical junction optical box for 1


a. b Junction box IP66, for fallen of optical

cable to connect 2 ODU

M03148 9x360 nylon ties cable

ICD00072F Universal kit cable grounding

a. Optical box IP67


88 MN.00356.E - 007
SIAE code Descriptions View

Rosenberger outdoor enclosure

(for LC fiber and RJ45 LAN cable)

a. The boxes do not foresee replacement seal.

b. If the second ODU connection takes place much later than the first one, it is possible that the closing
of U00922 box doesn’t guarantee the seal tightness.

MN.00356.E - 007 89
7.13.1 Installation procedure of optical junction


Fig.42 - Components

7.13.2 Installation procedure of Rosenberger outdoor enclosure

The kit P20101 Rosenberger outdoor enclosure is an universal outdoor connector used for LC fiber and RJ45
LAN cable. Follow the graphical passages in Fig.43 for fiber assembly, the same procedure can be used for
RJ45 LAN outdoor cable.

90 MN.00356.E - 007
Fig.43 - P20101 assembly procedure

MN.00356.E - 007 91
92 MN.00356.E - 007
Section 4.



The line-up consists of the following steps:

• switch on equipment

• alarm leds check

• connection procedure
• equipment configuration (through PC software)

• optimizing antenna orientation

• check of Ethernet connections

• quality evaluation with performance monitoring

All the parameters set on local unit must be set on remote one also. Local and remote units must be in the
same subnet.

This is a list of procedures for a fast and “basic” line-up to be performed after a correct installation.


Checks to be performed before switching on the unit are:

• check external power supply voltage.

• antenna presence - check the connection between ODU output flange and antenna.

If everything is correct, switch on the ODU.

MN.00356.E - 007 93

On the front panel of ODU unit there are two LEDs dedicated to show unit alarms. Further information about
alarms can be found onto the Section 5. MAINTENANCE.


ALFOplus2 line-up can be done via MNGT (Gi 0/4) port using WEBLCT or Hyperterminal and via console
port using Hyperterminal only. LAN1 and LAN2 are disabled by default.

The factory default IP addresses are ODU L and ODU H.

The max number of users connected to the same radio at the same time is:

• CLI sessions = 7
• WebLCT users = 4.

LAN2 - Gi0/9 LAN3 - Gi0/6

Optical interface Electrical interface (with PoE)

LAN1 - Gi0/7 LAN4 - Gi0/5

Optical interface Electrical interface (with PoE)

MNGT - Gi0/4 <— F03616: RJ45, VAGC

48Vdc <— F03622: 48Vdc, RS232@115200bps 8N1N

48Vdc <— F03622: 48Vdc

TRX - Gi0/3 (radio flange)

To antenna/wave guide

Fig.44 - Connectors and ports

See also connection to paragraph 8.4.1 WEBLCT via MNGT port (cable F03616).

See also connection to paragraph 8.4.2 CLI session via MNGT or console port.

8.4.1 WEBLCT via MNGT port (cable F03616)

• Connect Laptop to MNGT port via F03616 cable

• open a browser (IE 9) and

94 MN.00356.E - 007
• write unit default IP address

• write username: admin

• write password: admin

• click Login button.

Warning: PC and ALFOplus2 must be in the same subnet.

Fig.45 - Login window

8.4.2 CLI session via MNGT or console port

Open a hyperterminal session via MNGT port (cable F03616):

• open Hyperterminal and, in the window Connection Description, write the name/icon for the con-

• set host address: the radio IP address, Port number= 23, connection using: TCP/IP (Winsock)

• click the OK button

• at the prompt SM-OS login: write admin

• at the prompt Password: write admin

• push Enter to have the prompt SM-OS#

Warning: PC and ALFOplus2 must be in the same subnet.

Open a hyperterminal session via console port (cable F03622):

• open Hyperterminal and, in the window Connection Description, write the name/icon for the con-

• set serial COM speed=115200bps, data bits=8, parity=none, stop bit=1 and flow control=none

• click on OK button

• at the prompt SM-OS login: write admin

• at the prompt Password: write admin

• push Enter to have the prompt SM-OS#

MN.00356.E - 007 95
• type show nvram to know the actual IP address

Fig.46 - Hyperterminal login and result of “show nvram” command

96 MN.00356.E - 007


• Customer Bridge CB (ETHERTYPE 0x8100)

• Provider Bridge PCB (ETHERTYPE 0x9100 or 0x88A8)

• Provider Edge Bridge PEB (ETHERTYPE any).

In WEBLCT select Base Band menu, Ethernet, Bridge Mode Conf.:

• Select the Bridge Mode: Customer Bridge

• Click Apply and Confirm

...the ALFOplus2 restarts automatically (traffic affecting).

V ia W E B LC T

V ia C LI
Command Purpose
SM-OS# c t; bridge-mode customer #Enable Customer Bridge (802.1q)
SM-OS# c t; bridge-mode provider-core #Enable Provider Bridge (802.1ad)
SM-OS# c t; bridge-mode provider-edge # Enable Provider Edge Bridge

Fig.47 - Bridge mode setting (Customer Bridge is default)

MN.00356.E - 007 97


Management configuration can be:

• Out of Band (factory default) – Traffic and management use separate ports (This is a simulated Out
of Band: a dedicated VLAN, the VLAN1, is used)

- Traffic port – LAN1, LAN2, LAN3, LAN4

- Management ports – MNGT (VLAN1 factory default)

• In Band – Traffic and management use the same ports with management in a defined and specific
VLAN not used by traffic

- Traffic ports – LAN1, LAN2, LAN3 and LAN4

- Management ports – LAN1, LAN2, LAN3, LAN4 and MNGT (VLAN127 in the example).

LAN1 Gi 0/7
Optical 1/2.5G

LAN2 Gi 0/9
Optical 1/2.5G

LAN3 ALFOplus2 Gi 0/3

Gi 0/6
Electrical 1G TRX
LAN4 Gi 0/5
Electrical 1G

MNGT Gi 0/4
Electrical 100M

Fig.48 - Names of all Ethernet ports


Out of Band Management configuration can be made by WEBLCT or by CLI.

This is the default configuration but, just in case, it can be created again:

- MNGT VLAN creation (Vid=1)

- Address

- Agent IP Address

98 MN.00356.E - 007
- Remote Element List

- Restart


- MNGT VLAN creation (Vid=1), IP address, Agent IP Address and default gateway.

10.2.1 Out of band: MNGT VLAN creation (WEBLCT)

For the Out of band example, involved ports are: MNGT, LAN2 and TRX. Among them MNGT and LAN2 are

In WEBLCT select Base Band menu, Ethernet and VLAN:

• select Static VLANs card and click Add: Static VLAN Configuration window is open

• set VLAN ID, VLAN name, Member Ports (MNGT gi0/4, LAN2 gi0/9, Radio gi0/3), Untagged Ports
(MNGT gi0/4, LAN2 gi0/9) and Ether Type used (0x8100)

• click Apply and confirm

• now VLAN 1 can be used for Out of Band manag.

Fig.49 - MNGT VLAN creation

10.2.2 Out of band: IP Address (WEBLCT)

In WEBLCT select Base Band menu, DCN and MNGT Port Configuration.
• Set IP Address, Net Mask, Default Gateway and VLAN ID (Default OoB Vid =1)

• Click Apply and Confirm, click Store and Confirm

Fig.50 - IP address setting

MN.00356.E - 007 99
Attention: with the port in pPNP (proprietary PNP, available in PEB mode only) the MNGT traffic can be C-
Tagged (8100 ethertype) or Untagged depending on the Untagged Ports setting in VLAN table (at the line
relevant the VLAN used for Out of band emulation).

10.2.3 Out of band: Setting the Agent IP (WEBLCT)

In WEBLCT select Equipment Properties, General Info Card.

• Write Agent IP Address (copy from IP Address below)

• Click Apply and confirm.

Fig.51 - Agent IP setting

10.2.4 Out of band - Remote Element List (WEBLCT)

Into WebLCT at right position:

• Press the button to expand Remote Element List window

• Clear and Apply new list

• Add station, type “SIAE LINK” and press OK

• Select the station just created and add local element:

- IP address: type local radio IP agent address

- type of element: managed by SCT

Press OK, Apply and Confirm.

• Add remote element:

- IP address: type remote radio IP agent address

- Type of element: Remote link

Press OK, Apply and Confirm.

100 MN.00356.E - 007

Fig.52 - Remote element list

10.2.5 Out of band - Restart

Into WebLCT at position:

• Equipment menu
• Main - Equipment properties, in General Info

• Press the button System Restart and Confirm.

10.2.6 Out of band: IP Address, MNGT VLAN, Agent IP and Default Gate-
way (CLI)

This is the CLI script for the setup of Out of Band Management. Add the script after SM-OS#.

#Customer bridge


bridge-mode customer

#set MTU=2048byte

system MTU 2048

#set VLAN 1

vlan 1

ports gi0/9 gi0/4 gi0/3 untagged gi0/9 gi0/4 name Out_of_band


#Set Interface VLAN 1 for Out of Band management

default ip vlan id 1

#Set new Ip address/SubnetMask

default ip address subnet-mask

#Set default gateway

MN.00356.E - 007 101

default gateway route

#Configure management interfaces

interface gigabitethernet 0/4;

switchport priority default 7; switchport ingress-filter; no shutdown


interface gigabitethernet 0/9;

switchport pvid 1; switchport priority default 7; switchport ingress-filter; no shutdown


interface gigabitethernet 0/3

shutdown; no negotiation; speed 2500; no shutdown




For the In Band example, the ports involved are: MNGT, LAN1, LAN2 and TRX. MNGT is untagged.

In Band management configuration can be set using WEBLCT or using CLI.


• MNGT VLAN creation

• MNGT (gi0/4) IP address and InBand management

• Agent IP Address

• Remote Element List

• Restart


MNGT VLAN creation, MNGT (gi0/4) IP address and Agent IP Address, InBand Vid and default gateway.

10.3.1 In band: MNGT VLAN creation (WEBLCT)

In WEBLCT select Base Band menu, Ethernet and VLAN.

• Select Static VLANs card and click Add: Static VLAN Configuration window is open

• Set VLAN ID (Vid=127), VLAN name, Member Ports, Untagged Ports (among the previous) and
Ether Type used
• Click Apply and confirm

• Now the new VLAN can be used for management.

102 MN.00356.E - 007

Fig.53 - VLAN 127 creation

10.3.2 In band: IP Address (WEBLCT)

In WEBLCT select Base Band menu, DCN and MNGT Port Configuration.

• Set IP Address, Net Mask, Default Gateway and mngt VLAN ID (in example Vid =127)

• Click Apply and Confirm, click Store and Confirm

• ...if this is the last operation regarding management (...Agent IP has been set?), click Restart and

Fig.54 - IP address setting

10.3.3 In band: Agent IP (WEBLCT)

In WEBLCT select Equipment Properties, General Info Card.

• Write Agent IP Address (copy from IP Address below)

• Click Apply and confirm

• If MNGT port address and MNGT VLAN have been already set, it’s time to restart the ALFOplus2:
click System Restart and confirm.

MN.00356.E - 007 103

Fig.55 - Agent IP setting

10.3.4 In band: Remote element list (WEBLCT)

Into WebLCT at right position:

• press the button to expand Remote Element List window

• Clear and Apply new list

• add station, type “SIAE LINK” and press OK

• select the station just creates and add local address:

- IP address; type local radio IP agent address

- type of element: managed by SCT

Press OK, Apply and Confirm.

• Add remote element:

- IP address: type remote radio IP agent address

- type of element: remote link

Press OK, Apply and Confirm.

10.3.5 In band - Restart

In WebLCT at position:

• Equipment menu

• Main - Equipment properties

• Press the button System Restart and Confirm.

104 MN.00356.E - 007

10.3.6 In band: IP Address, MNGT VLAN, Agent IP and Default Gateway

This is the CLI script for the setup of In Band Management. Add the script after SM-OS#.

#Customer bridge


bridge-mode customer

#Set MTU=2048byte

System MTU 2048

#add VLAN 127

vlan 127

ports gigabitethernet 0/4 untagged gigabitethernet 0/4 name In_Band

ports add gigabitethernet 0/3 gigabitethernet 0/7 gigabitethernet 0/9


#Set new Interface VLAN 127 for inband management

default ip vlan id 127

#Set new Ip address/SubnetMask

default ip address subnet-mask

#Set default gateway

default gateway route

#Set Management interfaces

interface gigabitethernet 0/4;

switchport priority default 7; switchport ingress-filter; no shutdown


interface gigabitethernet 0/3

shutdown; no negotiation; speed 2500; no shutdown



MN.00356.E - 007 105



The radio link setup is made up by:

• radio configurator

• modulation & capacity setting

• link ID setting

• frequency setting

• Tx power setting (no ATPC)

• Tx power setting (ATPC)

All these operations are achieved via WEBLCT. In following paragraphs these operations are explained.


In WEBLCT select Equipment menu, Radio Configurator.

If the Link configuration present in Current Radio Configuration card is correct, go to next paragraph if not
delete it.

11.2.1 Delete a Link in Current Radio Configuration

• Select Delete a Link and push Next

• Select the Link to delete and push Done

Now the current Radio Configuration is empty.

11.2.2 Create a Link in Current Radio Configuration

• Select Create New Link and push Next

• Proceed as in fig. NEW LINK. In Select Link Type menu select the desired configuration and, in Avail-
able Radio list, the Radio to use (one in case of 1+0, 2 in case of 2+0 XPIC). Push Done.

106 MN.00356.E - 007

Fig.56- New link


In WEBLCT select Equipment menu, BW & Mod./Link ID.

In Modulation & Capacity card, the following parameters must be set:

• ACM Engine Disabled (single modul. Profile)

- set Bandwidth: 14, 20, 28, 30, 40, 50, 56, 60, 80 or 112 MHz

- set Ref Modul ...that is the used one: 4, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048 or 4096QAM

- click Apply and Confirm

• ACM Engine Enabled (modul. Profile varies between lower and upper depending on S/N in Rx)

- set Bandwidth, Reference Modulation, Lower and Upper Profiles (see previous case for details)

- click Apply and Confirm.

Fig.57 - Modulation and capacity

In ACM table is listed the Ethernet capacity relevant to the Active Modulation.

MN.00356.E - 007 107


• Modulation profiles 4, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048 and 4096QAM
4QAM and 16QAM have the strong version also; the modulation is the
same but the payload in the strong case is lower because of a bigger over-
head (stronger protection code).

• ACM Engine Enabled adaptive modulation (between Lower and Upper profiles):

• ACM Engine Disabled fixed modulation

• Reference modulation if ACM=Disabled, Ref. Modulation is the used modulation

if ACM=Enabled, Ref. Modulation limits the Tx power: output cannot
overtake the Ref Modul Tx Power (Max performance if Ref.Modulation
is 4QAM)

• Lower profile lower modulation profile used by ACM

• Higher profile higher modulation profile used by ACM

• ACM Table capacity of the link.

11.5 LINK ID

In WEBLCT select Equipment menu, BW & Mod./Link ID.

Select Local Link ID card:

• set the value used as Link ID between 1 and 255, 0=parameter not used and not checked

• click Apply and Confirm

• ...set the same Link ID value on remote unit. In case of Link ID mismatch (the unit receives a signal
with a Link ID different from the expected one) the alarm LinkID is active.

Fig.58 - Link ID setting


In WEBLCT select Radio menu, Radio Branch.

Select ODU Setting card:

• in Dplx Freq. menu select the desired value (Dplx freq. Is the Tx/Rx spacing) and push Apply and

• in Tx Freq. menu select the desired Tx Freq. value in MHz (Local Tx Freq. = Rem Rx Freq.)

108 MN.00356.E - 007

• in field Measurements Resolution select the resolution of Tx and Rx power reading
No manual operations must be active on the radio.

• click Apply and Confirm.

Fig.59 - Tx frequency setting and measurement resolution

Note: On remote IDU Tx and Rx frequencies are the opposite respect the local.


In WEBLCT select Radio menu, Radio Branch.

Select ODU Powers card:

• in Tx Power Control select Manual, ATPC is disabled

• in Ptx slide select the value in dBm for the Tx power (30 dB range)

• click Apply and Confirm.

Fig.60 - Manual Tx power setting


In WEBLCT select Radio menu, Radio Branch, select ODU Powers card:

MN.00356.E - 007 109

• in Tx Power Control select Automatic, ATPC is active

• in Ptx slide set the value in dBm for the Max Tx power (30 dB range)

• in ATPC Regulation set the dynamics of ATPC (from 30dB to 1dB), if max Regulation is required,
flag the ATPC Full Range (up to 30dB of attenuation)
• in ATPC Thresholds on Local PRx set the two thresholds to define the desired Rx power obtained
through remote side Tx power regulation (, advised=5dB)

• click Apply and Confirm.

Note: the difference between low ATPC threshold and upper modulation downshift threshold must be bigger
than 10dB.

There is no alarm if Rx Power is out from the range defined by ATPC thresholds.

Fig.61 - ATPC setting


When the whole radio link is on, antenna alignment can be optimised. Antenna alignment optimization is
performed depending on the Rx signal power at local and remote equipment and evaluating both local and
remote S/N value maximizing them. There are two possibilities to see the Rx signal power level:

• through WebLCT interface (by means of MNGT or other unabled port)

• relevant branch 1(A) through a voltmeter connected to MNGT port on the ODU (F03616 cable - see

In order to get the Rx signal power level via software, connect the PC to ALFOplus2 and start the WebLCT.

Into WebLCT is shown in the top status bar (Rx1A= -value dBm) see Fig.52:

110 MN.00356.E - 007

If you’re using a voltmeter the Rx signal power level is available on the MNGT port of ODU, the measure-
ment can be performed with a proper cable (see Fig.37). Following this last procedure, the voltage you’re
reading with the voltmeter is proportional to Rx power level, refer to Tab.23.

Tab.23 - Voltage measured in 48V port

Error [dB] @
Received Signal [dBm] Signal Output [V] Error [dB] @25°C
-33°C ÷ +65°C

-20 3 ±2 ±4

-30 2.5 ±2 ±4

-40 2 ±2 ±4

-50 1.5 ±2 ±4

-60 1 ±2 ±4

-70 0.5 ±2 ±4

-80 0 ±2 ±4

Formula RSSI=Offset + (Signal Output)/Slope

Slope (V/dB) 0.05

Offset (dBm) -80

Typical Rx signal power level  -40 dBm.

It is the most important item to optimise the antenna alignment, but in a situation of interference Rx level
can be good, BER acceptable but S/N margin low. This means that when Rx fields will decrease then BER
will increase fast. The situation can be easily shown with WebLCT software looking at Signal Quality level.
Into WebLCT Software select:

• Equipment menu

• Maintenance

• S/N Meas. card (see Fig.62)

• XPD card (see Fig.63) useful in XPIC link.

The best antenna alignment gives the higher Rx signal power level with the higher S/N ratio (see Fig.62)
and higher XPD (in XPIC link).

Fig.62 - S/N measurement monitoring

MN.00356.E - 007 111


In ALFOplus2 link with XPIC, an useful measure is the XPD regarding the two polarization.

Two different ways for the XPD estimate are available: via WEBLCT and via XPDM.exe.

11.10.1 XPD estimate with WEBLCT

In radio link with XPIC another tool is useful for the optimization of antenna alignment, the XPD measure-

Into WEBLCT Software select:

• equipment menu

• equipment

• XPIC (see Fig.63).

In XPD field are shown the XPD measurements of the two polarization.

In order to maximize the values can be necessary tuning the polarization of the antenna itself (just to ro-
tate slightly the feeder)
If the antenna is separated from ALFOplus2 structure, the antenna position must be tuned

If antenna is integrated, all the ALFOplus2 must be rotated as in paragraph 7.10 ODU installation – OMT
output flange.
An optimal value for the TRX A and TRX B XPDs, is the antenna XPD ±1dB (29dB < optimal < 35dB).

Fig.63 - XPD

11.10.2 XPD evaluation via Xpdm.exe

The ALFOplus2 XPDmeter allows local and remote terminals XPD statistics acquisition, as well local equip-
ment LEDs driving for correct antenna (or ALFOplus2) rotation.

This is implemented by “Xpdm.exe” Windows program.

Equipment LEDs switch to normal operation mode (alarm reporting) at the end of Xpdm program, after a
short timeout. Pre-requisites

Successful execution of program “Xpdm.exe” has some pre-requisites:

112 MN.00356.E - 007

• system version 01.01.00 or successive running on ALFOplus2

• IP access to remote terminal established

• UDP port 56020, 56021 not blocked by firewalls

• unspecific Windows computer with command line interface (“DOS like”). Preliminary

For proper operation, some preliminary operation is needed:

• copy “Xpdm.exe” into a local folder

• open a command line interface (“DOS like”)

• select this folder as the current folder of the command line interface. Xpdm.exe

Invoking “Xpdm” without any parameter, the following help screen will be displayed:


ALFOplus2 XPDmeter (Ver 01.04)

Usage: Xpdm [loc ip [rem ip] <-l led control> <thr low [29]> <thr high [35]>

[loc ip] local terminal IP address (mandatory parameter), unit has SYV 1.1.0 at least

[rem ip] remote terminal IP address (mandatory parameter), unit has SYV 1.1.0 at least

-l led control enabled, otherwise XPD acquisition only

<thr low> maximum XPD value for red led activation (optional, default 29 dB)

<thr high> minimum XPD value for orange led activation (optional, default 35 dB)

Different operation modes are available, by different calling conventions:

• antenna rotation assistance

• antenna rotation assistance with customized XPD thresholds

• XPD statistics.

Warning: LED position and names are shown in Fig.79. XPD antenna rotation assistance

By invoking “Xpdm” program with the following parameters:

E:\Utility\Radio\Xpdm>Xpdm –l

antenna rotation assistance is activated. Local equipment LEDs are set in according to acquired local and
remote XPD values for both polarizations (H & V):

• red LED insufficient XPD (less than 29 dB)

• green LED corrected XPD (between 29 and 35 dB)

• orange LED excessive XPD (more than 35 dB).

Antenna rotation is optimal when both LEDs are turned to green.

MN.00356.E - 007 113

Equivalent LEDs information is displayed on laptop screen.

E:\Utility\Radio\Xpdm>Xpdm –l

ALFOplus2 XPDmeter (Ver 01.04)

Reply from Xpd 34 34/Hi 35dB Orange/Green (LED radio A/radio B)

Reply from Xpd 34 34/Hi 35dB Orange/Green (LED radio A/radio B)

Reply from Xpd 34 34/Hi 35dB Orange/Green (LED radio A/radio B)

Reply from Xpd 34 34/Hi 35dB Orange/Green (LED radio A/radio B)

Reply from Xpd 34 34/Hi 35dB Orange/Green (LED radio A/radio B)

Reply from Xpd 34 34/Hi 35dB Orange/Green (LED radio A/radio B)

Reply from Xpd 34 34/Hi 35dB Orange/Green (LED radio A/radio B)

Reply from Xpd 34 34/Hi 35dB Orange/Green (LED radio A/radio B)

Reply from Xpd 34 34/Hi 35dB Orange/Green (LED radio A/radio B)

Reply from Xpd 34 34/Hi 35dB Orange/Green (LED radio A/radio B)
Reply from Xpd 34 34/Hi 35dB Orange/Green (LED radio A/radio B)

Reply from Xpd 34 34/Hi 35dB Orange/Green (LED radio A/radio B)

Reply from Xpd 34 34/Hi 35dB Orange/Green (LED radio A/radio B)
Reply from Xpd 34 34/Hi 35dB Orange/Green (LED radio A/radio B)

Reply from Xpd 34 34/Hi 35dB Orange/Green (LED radio A/radio B)

Reply from Xpd 34 34/Hi 35dB Orange/Green (LED radio A/radio B)

Xpdm statistics for

Packets: Sent = 16 16 / 16 16, Received = 16 16 / 16 16,

Elapsed time: 6 s

Xpd cumulative statistics (min<ave<max):

Local TrxA Local TrxB Remote TrxA Remote TrxB

33.5<33.5<33.5 34.2<34.3<34.3 / 35.1<35.2<35.2 35.0<35.0<35.0 XPD antenna rotation assistance with customized XPD thresholds

By invoking “Xpdm” program with the following parameters:

E:\Utility\Radio\Xpdm>Xpdm –l 32 37

Is possible to override the typical XPD thresholds for special cases. Behavior of program “Xpdm” is however
similar to previous case.

Local equipment LEDs are set in according to acquired local and remote XPD values for both polarizations
(H & V):

• red LED insufficient XPD (less than 32dB)

• green LED corrected XPD (between 32 and 37dB)

• orange LED excessive XPD (more than 37dB).

Antenna rotation is optimal when both LEDs are turned to green.

114 MN.00356.E - 007 XPD statistics

By invoking “Xpdm” program with the following parameters:


XPD cumulative statistics start, displaying current local and remote XDP values for both polarizations.

At the program termination (by CTRL+C key pressing), cumulative statistics are displayed.


ALFOplus2 XPDmeter (Ver 01.04)

Reply from Xpd 42.4 39.2/42.6 42.4 dB /

Reply from Xpd 42.5 39.2/42.6 42.3 dB /

Reply from Xpd 42.5 39.2/42.5 42.4 dB /

Reply from Xpd 42.4 39.2/42.6 42.4 dB /

Reply from Xpd 42.4 39.3/42.6 42.4 dB /

Reply from Xpd 42.4 39.2/42.7 42.3 dB /

Xpdm statistics for

Packets: Sent = 31 31 / 31 31, Received = 31 31 / 31 31,

Elapsed time: 12 s

Xpd cumulative statistics (min<ave<max):

Local TrxA Local TrxB Remote TrxA Remote TrxB

42.3<42.4<42.5 39.2<39.2<39.4 / 42.5<42.6<42.7 42.3<42.4<42.5

Xpdm statistics detail the minimum, average and maximum values of all estimated XPD values inside

This operational mode doesn’t activate local equipment LEDs. Cumulative statistics are always available at
every Xpdm program termination.

MN.00356.E - 007 115



Some examples of traffic port configuration are suggested in the following paragraphs using two ports only,
LAN1 and LAN2 on local and remote unit.

Other ports can be used following the same procedures here shown.

Three main configurations “pipe” are suggested depending on traffic kind and Bridge mode:
• CB for untagged traffic and known C-tagged traffic

• PCB for known S-tagged traffic

• PEB for untagged traffic and unknown C-tagged traffic.

Suggested configurations are with In Band management where both the LAN1 and LAN2 ports are used for
traffic and management.
In case of Out of Band management only LAN1 port can be used for traffic and so in the following examples
all the commands referred to LAN2 port (second pipe) have to be avoided.

Pipe 1: Local LAN1 port <--> Remote LAN1 port

Pipe 2: Local LAN2 port <--> Remote LAN2 port

The two pipes contain segregated traffic.

116 MN.00356.E - 007


Units in Customer Bridge mode: the transmitted traffic is untagged and/or known C-tagged.

U ntag g ed traffic
C -tag g ed ≠ Vid10, Vid 20
OK D ropped
Know n C -tag g ed (VID and p) C 10-p2
S -tag g ed traffic

Def VID=101
Def VID=101
DEF p=6
DEF p=6

C 101-p6
C 10-p2
B C 10-p2
C 10-p2 1

C 102-p6
2 C 2

C CB C 20-p2

C 20-p2
C 20-p2
Def VID=102
Def VID=102
DEF p=6
DEF p=6

Fig.64 - Configuration for untagged and known C-tagged traffic in Customer Bridge mode

This traffic configuration can be set via:

• CLI.

See following paragraphs.

12.2.1 CB example configuration by WEBLCT

Using the WEBLCT with the units in Customer Bridge mode:

• Port Status

• Traffic VLAN creation

• Port Settings.

12.2.2 CB example configuration by WEBLCT: PORT STATUS

In WEBLCT select Base Band menu, Ethernet and Port Manager:

• select Phisical Interface

• set the following parameters

- Admin State Enabled

- Auto Neg. selected


- MTU 46Byte up to 12266Byte (can be done with port disabled only)

MN.00356.E - 007 117

- Bridge Port Type Customer Bridge

• push Apply and confirm.

Fig.65 - Port status

12.2.3 CB example configuration by WEBLCT: TRAFFIC VLAN CREATION

In WEBLCT select Base Band menu, Ethernet and VLAN:

• select Static VLANs card and click Add: Static VLAN Configuration window is open

• set VLAN ID, VLAN name, Member Ports, Untagged Ports (among the previous) and Ether Type
used, Click Apply and confirm
• now the new VLAN can be used for traffic

• repeat for all VLANs.

Fig.66 - CB VLAN creation

12.2.4 CB example configuration by WEBLCT: PORT SETTINGS

In WEBLCT select Base Band menu, Ethernet and VLAN

• select adjacent card: Port Settings

• set the following parameters:

- Acceptable Frame Types All

- Ingress Filtering Enabled

- PVID Port Default (example: 101, 102)

- Default User priority Port Default (example: 6)

• push Apply and confirm.

118 MN.00356.E - 007

Fig.67 - CB Port setting

12.2.5 CB example configuration by CLI

This is the script for the setting of traffic configuration described in Fig.64.

SM-OS# c t

#Enable customer bridge

SM-OS(config)# Bridge mode customer

#Pipe1 for untagged traffic on LAN1

SM-OS(config)# vlan 101

SM-OS(config-vlan)# ports gigabitethernet 0/3 gigabitethernet 0/7 untagged gigabitethernet 0/7 name

SM-OS(config-vlan)# exit

SM-OS(config)# interface gigabitethernet 0/7

SM-OS(config-if)# shutdown; switchport pvid 101; switchport priority default 6 1; switchport ingress-filter;
mtu 2048; negotiation; no shutdown

SM-OS(config-if)# exit

SM-OS(config)# vlan 10
SM-OS(config-vlan)# ports gigabitethernet 0/7 gigabitethernet 0/3 name Vlan10

SM-OS(config-vlan)# exit

#Pipe2 for untagged traffic on LAN2

SM-OS(config)# vlan 102

SM-OS(config-vlan)# ports gigabitethernet 0/3 gigabitethernet 0/9 untagged gigabitethernet 0/9 name

SM-OS(config-vlan)# exit

SM-OS(config)# interface gigabitethernet 0/9

SM-OS(config-if)# shutdown; switchport pvid 102; switchport priority default 6 1; switchport ingress-filter;
mtu 2048; negotiation; no shutdown

SM-OS(config-if)# exit

1 For CLI only:

- switchport svlan-priotype fixed 6 -> assign a fixed SVLAN Priority (i.e. p=6)
- switchport svlan-priotype copy -> copy incoming CVLAN Priority as SVLAN Priority

MN.00356.E - 007 119

SM-OS(config)# vlan 20

SM-OS(config-vlan)# ports gigabitethernet 0/9 gigabitethernet 0/3 name Vlan20

SM-OS(config-vlan)# exit

SM-OS(config)# interface gigabitethernet 0/3

SM-OS(config-if)# shutdown; switchport ingress-filter; mtu 2048; no negotiation; speed 2500; no shut-

SM-OS(config-if)# exit

12.2.6 PCB example

Units in Provider Core Bridge mode (Provider Bridge 802.1ad): the transmitted traffic is known S-tagged

S 101-p6
S -tag g ed ≠ Vid101, Vid 102

OK C -tag g ed traffic D ropped

S 101-p6 C 1 0-p2
U ntag g ed

S 101- p6
A S 101- p6
S 101-p6 C 10-p2 S 101-p6 C 10-p2
B S 101- p6
S 101-p6 C 10-p2


2 S 102- p6
C 2
S 102- p6
S 102- p6
S 102-p6 C 20-p2
S 102-p6 C 20-p2
D S 102-p6 C 20-p2

Fig.68 - Configuration for known S-tagged traffic in Provider Core Bridge mode

This traffic configuration can be set via:


• CLI.

See following paragraphs.

12.2.7 PCB example configuration by WEBLCT

Using the WEBLCT with the units in Provider Core Bridge mode:

• Port Status

• Traffic VLAN creation

• Port Settings.

120 MN.00356.E - 007

12.2.8 PCB example configuration by WEBLCT: PORT STATUS

In WEBLCT select Base Band menu, Ethernet and Port Manager

• select Physical Interface

• set the following parameters:

- Admin State enabled

- Auto Neg. selected or not

- MDI/MDIX auto

- MTU 46Byte up to 12266Byte (can be done with port disabled only)

- Bridge Port Type provider network

• push Apply and confirm.

Fig.69 - PB Port status

12.2.9 PCB example configuration by WEBLCT: TRAFFIC VLAN CREATION

In WEBLCT select Base Band menu, Ethernet and VLAN

• select Static VLANs card and click Add: Static VLAN Configuration window is open

• set VLAN ID, VLAN name, Member Ports and Ether Type used, Click Apply and confirm

• now the new VLAN can be used for traffic

• repeat for all VLANs.

Fig.70 - PB VLAN creation

12.2.10 PCB example configuration by WEBLCT: PORT SETTINGS

In WEBLCT select Base Band menu, Ethernet and VLAN

• Select adjacent card: Port Settings

MN.00356.E - 007 121

• Set the following parameters:

- Acceptable Frame Types all

- Ingress Filtering enabled

• push Apply and confirm.

Fig.71 - PB Port setting

12.2.11 PCB example configuration by CLI

This is the script for the setting of traffic configuration described in Fig.68.
SM-OS# c t

SM-OS(config)# bridge-mode provider-core

SM-OS(config)# vlan 101

SM-OS(config-vlan)# ports gigabitethernet 0/3 gigabitethernet 0/7 name Vlan101

SM-OS(config-vlan)# exit

SM-OS(config)# interface gigabitethernet 0/4

SM-OS(config-if)# shutdown; switchport ingress-filter; mtu 2048; negotiation; no shutdown

SM-OS(config-if)# exit

SM-OS(config)# vlan 102

SM-OS(config-vlan)# ports gigabitethernet 0/3 gigabitethernet 0/9 name Vlan102

SM-OS(config-vlan)# exit

SM-OS(config)# interface gigabitethernet 0/9

SM-OS(config-if)# shutdown; switchport ingress-filter; mtu 2048; negotiation; no shutdown

SM-OS(config-if)# exit

SM-OS(config)# interface gigabitethernet 0/3

SM-OS(config-if)# shutdown; switchport ingress-filter; mtu 2048; no negotiation; speed 2500; no shut-

SM-OS(config-if)# exit

122 MN.00356.E - 007


Units in Provider Edge Bridge mode. The transmitted traffic is untagged and/or unknown C-tagged.

U ntag g ed traffic
OK S -tag g ed traffic D ropped

U nk now n C -tag g ed (VID and p) 10 -p2

Def VID=101 Def VID=101

DEF p=6 DEF p=6

S 101-p6
C 10-p2
B A C 10-p2
S 101-p6 C 10-p2

S 102-p6 CNP
2 C 2

S 102-p6 C 20-p2
C 20-p2 D D C 20-p2
Def VID=102 Def VID=102
DEF p=6 DEF p=6

Fig.72 - Configuration for untagged and unknown C-tagged traffic in Provider Edge Bridge mode
This traffic configuration can be set via:


• CLI.
See following paragraphs.

12.3.1 PEB example configuration by WEBLCT

Using the WEBLCT with the units in Provider Edge Bridge mode:

• Port Status

• Traffic VLAN creation

• Port Settings.

12.3.2 PEB example configuration by WEBLCT: PORT STATUS

In WEBLCT select Base Band menu, Ethernet and Port Manager:

• select Physical Interface

• set the following parameters:

- Admin State Enabled

MN.00356.E - 007 123

- Auto Neg. selected or not


- MTU 46Byte up to 12266Byte (can be done with port disabled only)

- Bridge Port Type Customer Network (port-based)

• push Apply and confirm.

Fig.73 - PEB Port status

12.3.3 PEB example configuration by WEBLCT: TRAFFIC VLAN CREATION

In WEBLCT select Base Band menu, Ethernet and VLAN

• select Static VLANs card and click Add: Static VLAN Configuration window is open

• set VLAN ID, VLAN name, Member Ports, Untagged Ports (among the previous) and Ether Type
(0x88A8), Click Apply and confirm
• now the new VLAN can be used for traffic

• repeat for all VLANs.

Fig.74 - PEB VLAN creation

12.3.4 PEB example configuration by WEBLCT: PORT SETTINGS

In WEBLCT select Base Band menu, Ethernet and VLAN

• select adjacent card: Port Settings

• Set the following parameters:

- Acceptable Frame Types UnTagged and Priority Tagged

- Ingress Filtering Enabled

- PVID Port Default (example: 101, 102)

- Default User priority Port Default (example: 6)

• push Apply and confirm.

124 MN.00356.E - 007

Fig.75 - PEB Port setting

12.3.5 PEB Example configuration by CLI

This is the script for the setting of traffic configuration described in Fig.72.

SM-OS# c t

#Enable provider edge bridge

SM-OS(config)# Bridge-mode provider-edge

SM-OS(config)# vlan 101

SM-OS(config-vlan)# ports gigabitethernet 0/3 gigabitethernet 0/7 untagged gigabitethernet 0/7 name

SM-OS(config-vlan)# vlan egress ether-type STAG

SM-OS(config-vlan)# exit
SM-OS(config)# interface gigabitethernet 0/7

SM-OS(config-if)# shutdown; bridge port-type customerNetworkPort port-based; switchport svlan-prio-

type fixed 6; switchport pvid 101; switchport priority default 6 2; switchport ingress-filter; mtu 2048; ne-
gotiation; no shutdown

SM-OS(config-if)# exit

SM-OS(config)# vlan 102

SM-OS(config-vlan)# ports gigabitethernet 0/3 gigabitethernet 0/9 untagged gigabitethernet 0/9 name

SM-OS(config-vlan)# vlan egress ether-type STAG

SM-OS(config-vlan)# exit

SM-OS(config)# interface gigabitethernet 0/9

SM-OS(config-if)# shutdown; bridge port-type customerNetworkPort port-based; switchport svlan-prio-

type fixed 6; switchport pvid 102; switchport priority default 6 2; switchport ingress-filter; mtu 2048; ne-
gotiation; no shutdown

SM-OS(config-if)# exit

SM-OS(config)# interface gigabitethernet 0/3

2 For CLI only:

- switchport svlan-priotype fixed 6 -> assign a fixed SVLAN Priority (i.e. p=6)
- switchport svlan-priotype copy -> copy incoming CVLAN Priority as SVLAN Priority

MN.00356.E - 007 125

SM-OS(config-if)# shutdown; switchport ingress-filter; mtu 2048; no negotiation; speed 2500; no shut-

SM-OS(config-if)# exit.


Verify with the appropriate Ethernet analyser the Ethernet performances of equipment before commission-
ing of the link.

After checking commissioning measures it is mandatory to fill “SIAE commissioning report” and send it to
SIAE database, ready to be checked when necessary.

These reports are very important for SIAE and for the customer because they certify the conformity of SIAE


Firmware can be updated using the software WebLCT Console. There are two different memory benches:
one containing the running firmware and the other the stand-by firmware. This permits to download a new
firmware release to the stand-by bench without cutting the traffic

Use “Bench Switch” to activate the bench in stand-by (SW restart will be performed).

The firmware file for ALFOplus2 is N50052.

12.5.1 Scope

Scope of this paragraph is to provide a procedure that describes, step by step, how to perform the software
upgrade of ALFOplus2 equipment. Downloading time depends on connection used between PC and

Warning: In order to transfer data, “WebLCT Console” running is necessary.

12.5.2 Procedure of firmware update

Follow the steps below to perform the software upgrade of ALFOplus2.

Boot download

1. Unzip files E82xxx in a suitable directory of the PC used to performed the upgrade.

2. Connect to the equipment using the WebLCT (login as “Admin”).

3. Open the Software Download window:

- using WebLCT select Software Info&Maint (see Fig.76) from Equipment Menu and press
Upgrade (see Fig.77)

126 MN.00356.E - 007

4. Select the file E82xxx.dwl (boot firmware) from the directory boot_ e82xxx_xxyyzz

5. Select Only difference or not present/peripheral as download mode

6. Start the download and confirm by clicking on the window that pops-up.

7. At the end of the boot firmware download, the equipment Controller will automatically restart. Wait
for the restart to be completed.

System Version Download

1. Unzip files N50052 in a suitable directory of the PC used to performed the upgrade.

2. Connect to the equipment using the WebLCT (login as “Admin”)

3. Open the Software Download window:

- using WebLCT select Software Info&Maint (see Fig.76) from Equipment Menu and press
Upgrade (see Fig.77)

4. Select the file N50052.dwl (system version) from the directory bin

5. Select Forced as download mode

6. Start the download and confirm by clicking on the window that pops-up

7. At the end of the system version download, to activate the new system version a bench switch is
required: click on Bench switch confirm by clicking on the window that pops-up.

Warning: The bench switch affects Ethernet traffic during device re-configuration.

WebLCT Download

1. Connect to the equipment using the WebLCT (login as “Admin”)

2. In Equipment menu - Software Info&Maint - WebLCT - Upload Manager press Browse and
select the file “N96126_XXYYZZ”
3. Press the button Upload and Confirm

4. After the update it is recommended to clear temporary internet files, cookies and history of the used

Warning: WebLCT can be uploaded from the IP Address/Uploader.html.

Fig.76 - Software download procedure

MN.00356.E - 007 127

Fig.77 - Upgrade software


12.6.1 Scope

This chapter describes the procedure to backup the configuration.

Warning: In order to transfer data, “WebLCT console” running is necessary.

12.6.2 Backup/restore configuration using WEBLCT

Backup Configuration

Foreword: It is advisable to backup the configuration after the first installation. Proceed as follows:

1. select Backup/Restore Configuration in the Main menu

2. in the field Backup File name write the name of the configuration file you are going to upload in the
PC, complete with the full path of its folder

3. push Backup. The status of the backup procedure is shown in the “Operation Status” field.

128 MN.00356.E - 007

Restore Configuration

Once the spare Controller has been installed or every time the saved configuration is necessary, proceed
as follow:

1. Select Backup/Restore Configuration in the Main menu

2. In the field Restore file name write the name of the configuration file you are going to download in
the ODU, complete with the full path of its folder
3. Push Restore. The status of the backup procedure is shown in the “operation Status” field. During
Restore operation the equipment creates a backup configuration, you can come back to this config-
uration at the end of the restore pushing Revert (see Fig.78).

Fig.78 - Backup/Restore configuration

MN.00356.E - 007 129

130 MN.00356.E - 007
Section 5.



In this document a description of alarms is present, in order to help operators to perform equipment trou-


There are two way to detect alarms:

• through LEDs

• through WebLCT

For each part of the units, groups of alarms are defined. These alarms can be independent or interdepend-
ent with each other, according to the real causes that generated them.

Alarms are divided into 4 severity levels according to the effects that an alarm might cause to the regular
operation of the unit detecting it. Levels are prioritised as follows:

• Critical (red): out-of-service, hw failure, urgent alarm

• Major (orange): loss of signal, minimum residual functionality, urgent alarm

• minor (yellow): failure neither urgent, high residual functionality, not urgent alarm

• warning (light blue): indication or wrong configuration, not urgent alarm

• none (green): no alarm or masked alarm.

Critical and Major alarms indicate impossibility of executing a service, hence the faulty units needs to be
serviced. Minor level represents the not urgent alarms which do not prejudice service continuity. Warning
level indicates malfunctions that might be locally removed without having to replace the unit. Alarm sever-
ity can be modified or masked in “Alarm severity configuration” via WebLCT by the operator.

MN.00356.E - 007 131

13.2.1 LED status

ALFOplus2 has 2 LEDs on frontal side of the case (see Fig.79).

Radio B Radio A

Fig.79 - ALFOplus2 alarm LEDs

The LEDs can be red or green.

Information provided, relevant radio A or radio B, are:

• Green on no alarm

• Green blinking radio link down (Rx Baseband, Demodulator Fail)

• Red on internal failure (Unit fail, Modulator fail, PTX fail, VCO fail)
• Red blinking (both LEDs) external alarm (LAN LOS, no distinction if Radio A or B).

In order to obtain LEDs status stability, a minute is necessary to pass the boot.

13.2.2 Alarm group

Alarms are divided in groups to refer to a particular functionality and are characterized by programmable
severity. Alarms, with group and a short description, are listed into Tab.24.
In the following you can find a class list and the item they describe:

• COMMON – Failure or status relevant to whole equipment

• ETH LAN - Failure on Ethernet traffic

• P.M. G.828 – Performance monitoring on signal quality

• P.M. ACM - Performance monitoring on ACM

• P.M. Rx Power – Performance monitoring on received signal

• P.M. Tx Power – Performance monitoring on transmitted signal

• Plug-in module - Alarm on plug-in device

• Queue depth - Alarm on queue config.

• RADIO - Alarm on Tx/Rx section of radio

• SETS - Synchronisation alarm or status

• Unit - Hardware or software unit alarm

• OAM - Operation and maintenance.

132 MN.00356.E - 007

Tab.24 - Alarm severity list

Class WebLCT name Description Default severity

Equip Manual Operation At least one manual operation active Warning

COMMON softwareDownloadStatus At least one manual operation active Warning

equipManagerWakeUpAlarm Wake up active

ETH LAN Eth Lan Phy Link Loss Loss of Ethernet signal Major

PM ACM - 24H Alarm Major

ACM measurements on received radio
PM ACM - 15M Alarm signal Major

pm G828 - 24H SepAlarm Major

pm G828 - 15M SepAlarm Major

pm G828 - UAS Alarm Major

Quality measurements on signal received
P.M. G.828 pm G828 - 24H Ses Alarm a Major

pm G828 - 24H ES Alarm Major

pm G828 - 15M Ses Alarm Major

pm G828 - 15M ES Alarm Major

pm RxPwr - 24H Rlts Alarm Rx Power measurements on signal re- Major

P.M. Rx Power
ceived a.
pm RxPwr - 15M Rlts Alarm Major

pm TxPwr - 24H Rlts Alarm Tx Power measurements on signal trans- Major

P.M. Tx Power
mitted a.
pm TxPwr - 15M Rlts Alarm Major

Plug-in module Plug-in Module Alarm SPF module is missing Major

Mismatch in the configuration of the

Queue Depth Queue Depth Profile Mismatch Warning
queues of the Ethernet switch

MN.00356.E - 007 133

Class WebLCT name Description Default severity

Wrong configuration set in local &remote

Radio Configuration Mismatch Major

Radio Rx Quality Low Warning Degraded received signal quality Warning

Radio Rx Quality Low Alarm Insufficient received signal quality Major

Radio Rx AGC Alarm AGC Failure Major

Radio Rt Vco Fail VCO failure Major

Radio Tx Power Alarm Tx power excessive or insufficient Major

Radio Rx Power Low Alarm Rx power below the fixed threshold Major

Capacity is reduced because the working

Radio Reduced Capacity Warning
profile is nit the upper one

Radio Invalid Frequency Alarm Set Wrong frequency on radio link Major

Radio Equip Ber Sync Loss Alarm BER/Sync loss on received radio signal Warning

Remote Demodulator Fail Remote demodulator out of lock Major

Radio Demodulator Fail Alarm Local demodulator out of lock Major

Radio Equip Link Telemetry Fail

Link telemetry channel not received Major

Radio Equip Link ID Alarm Wrong Link ID received Major

XPIC disabled by FMP; check status of the
XPIC Procedure Block alarm Major
link and of the radios

TxOff by FMP under remote request;

XPIC RemTx Off alarm Major
check status of the link and of the radios

RT internal params mismatch: restore

No matching radio alarm Major
factory default

TxOff: internal calibration in progress;

Configuration in Progress Major
wait for end of operation

Local Radio Alarm Synthesis At least one alarm in local radio Major

Remote Radio Alarm Synthesis At least one alarm in remote radio Major

Remote Idu Alarm Synthesis At least one alarm in remote baseband Major

L1 Fail Alarm L1 aggregation fail Major

L1 aggregation degraded: excessive la-

L1 Degrade Alarm tency due to config mismatch: check link Major

L1 aggregation realignment: L1 realign-

L1 Realignment Alarm Major
ment due to link errors

LLF at Radio Port side: check status of the

LLF Alarm Major

134 MN.00356.E - 007

Class WebLCT name Description Default severity

Timing Sync Active Status Timing Sync is active Status

Timing Sync Drift Alarm Selected Synch bad quality Major

Timing Sync Los Alarm Selected Synch missing Major

Timing Generator Holdover Status Equipment in holdover status Warning

Timing Generator Free Running
Equipment in Free Running status Warning

Timing Generator T0 Fail Alarm T0 synch missing Major

T4 Squelch alarm Major

Active Status SETS in use Status

Unit SW Mismatch Alarm SW mismatch detected on the unit Major

Unit HW Mismatch Alarm HW mismatch detected on the unit Major

Unit Unit Not Responding Alarm No response from the unit Major

Unit Missing Alarm Missing condition on the unit Major

Unit Fail Alarm Failure on the unit Major

A local MEP receives RDI from remote

RDI CCM Alarm Warning

A local MEP receives MAC status down

MAC Status Alarm Major
from remote MEPs

OAM A local MEP does not receive CCM from

Remote CCM Alarm Major
remote MEPs

Error CCM Alarm A local MEP receives unexpected CCM Major

A local MEP receives unexpected CCM

XCon CCM Alarm Major
from other domains

a. Regarding periods of 15 minutes or 24 hours.

MN.00356.E - 007 135



In the following pages are listed all the procedures necessary to ALFOplus2 maintenance.

When corrective maintenance is necessary, a troubleshooting procedure helps the operator to identify the
unit to replace.


Maintenance consists of two phases:

1. periodical checks to be carried out using WebLCT

2. corrective maintenance.

Periodical checks serve to detect correct radio performance without the presence of any alarm condition.

Corrective maintenance takes place as soon as one or more alarm conditions are in existence. Operation
sequence to be carried out is shown in “Troubleshooting” paragraph.

14.2.1 Periodical checks

Routine maintenance consists in a series of checks aiming to verify the correct operating mode.

These checks are made through WebLCT program, installed on a PC.

Items to be checked are:

• Tx power (i.e., attenuation value in dB vs. nominal value)

• Rx field (value measured must comply with that resulting from hop calculation)

• S/N (presence of possible interference)

• BER (values measured must comply with hop calculations)

How these operations are carried out is specified in “Line–up” section or, more widely, in ALFOplus2 man-

136 MN.00356.E - 007

14.2.2 Corrective maintenance (troubleshooting)

Corrective maintenance starts as soon as one or more alarm arrear.

Troubleshooting purpose is to locate the faulty unit and replace it with a spare after having verified that
the cause of faulty is not external to the equipment.

See paragraph 14.3 TROUBLESHOOTING for details.


14.3.1 Causes of alarm, symptoms and hypothesis

Troubleshooting must be performed as soon as one of the following situations occurs:

• alarms are present (revealed by front LEDs, WebLCT or NMS5UX/NMS5LX)

• traffic is interrupted

• Rx signal quality and/or Rx signal level are lower than the expected

• performances (SE, SES,BBE, .....) are not the expected ones.

By means of alarms, historical alarms and “Performance monitoring” the operator can imagine the cause
of the problem. By means of loops, causes can be confirmed and a solution can be applied.

It is important to collect following information:

• just one link is alarmed or also others in the same area

• link is down or with Rx quality problems only

• it is a continuous or a fleeting problem

• both link ends are affected or only one of them

• one or all the tributaries/LAN ports are affected by problems

• the problem can be caused or not by weather conditions

• in alarm histories of local and remote side, the same situation is present or not

• any recent operations or commands have been performed over the link, or not

• the link has been without problems for a long time or the link is a “problematic” one

• the link has been just installed or not.

If local investigation is necessary be sure to have:

• spare parts (same code)

• laptop with connection cables and batteries.

Warning: If power supply alarms are present, these must be faced at first. If test LED is ON, check if any
manual operations that can cut the traffic are present or not.

MN.00356.E - 007 137

14.3.2 Tools for troubleshooting


Use following WebLCT facilities to investigate on the link:

• status of alarms

• performance monitoring in the last 48h (Rx quality, modulation profile, Rx power)

• configuration file

• loops and manual operation


Use following NMS5LX/NMS5UX facilities to investigate on the link and/or network:

• status of alarms

• performance monitoring (Rx quality, modulation profile, Rx power)

• configuration file

• loops and manual operation.

Warning: refer to proper software manuals for information relevant to these items.

14.3.3 Multiple alarms

Alarms can have two “directions”:

• Tx - This line starts in LAN Interfaces and arrives at RF output flange: when a situation of more
alarms is occurring, the most significative alarm of them is the lower in Tx direction, all the others
are probably caused by this

• Rx - This line starts in RF flange and arrive at the LAN interfaces: when a situation of more alarms
is occurring, the most significative alarm is the higher in Rx direction, all the others after are prob-
ably caused by this.


1. Radio 1A RT VCO Fail alarm in the ODU causes alarms also in IF circuits (Rx dir.) ->Demodulator
Fail alarm

2. An antenna input < -80dBm can cause the sequence of alarms: Rx Power Low -> Demodulator Fail
alarm -> Rx Quality warning and Rx Quality alarm…all of them can be caused by a Tx failure on
remote unit.

14.3.4 Quality alarms

Present alarms:
• Rx Quality Warning BER<10-10

• Rx Quality Alarm BER<10-6.

In order to understand why quality alarms are present, RxPwr performance window must be used (in NMS,
WebLCT, SCT) as in Fig.80.

138 MN.00356.E - 007

Fig.80 - Rx power levels and RX quality alarms

14.3.5 Radio link affected by fading

This problem is revealed by low Rx level (how much lower depends on the severity of tropospheric phe-
nomena) and consequent low quality in Rx signal, in both directions of the link.

Rain, multipath fading, rain drop depolarization and diffraction cause Reduced capacity notification alarm,
Rx Power low, Rx Quality warning, Rx quality alarm, Telemetry fail.

These alarms are fleeting because of the fluctuating attenuation:

• F>10 GHz the fading is given by rain (for F>30 GHz rain is a serious problem)

• F<10 GHz the fading is given by ducting and multipath.

When propagation problems occur, the link performance will be restored as the weather gets back to nor-
mal and if problems persist (Rx level remain different from normal) the reason must be searched in wrong
antenna disalignment (probably caused by strong wind or snow/ice over its surface).

14.3.6 Radio link affected by interference

Radio link affected by interference has quality problems in one direction only (possible alarms are Rx Qual-
ity warning, Rx Quality alarm, Telemetry fail… increasing the interference severity).

Rx level in the interfered site is not reduced by interference.

When these symptoms occur, check if new radio links have been installed in close areas (higher the fre-
quency, smaller the search radius).

In any case interference can be confirmed by a spectrum analyser through a multi-angle investigation per-
formed at antenna side.

MN.00356.E - 007 139

140 MN.00356.E - 007
Section 6.



ALFOplus2 is programmed and supervised using CLI, WebLCT or NMS5UX/LX. These software are fully de-
scribed in separated manuals.

Warning: Operating system compatibility for WLC are Windows XP or Windows7.


The description of management plane is differentiated on the base of the possible product interconnections
and applications.

In ALFOplus2 the ports that can participate to the management plane are the following:

• LAN1 and LAN2: optical interface

• LAN3 and LAN4: electrical interface

• MGMT: On site management port (OnSMng). FE for local access connection only.

Basically the management plane can be shared with the data plane (In band management) or supported
via dedicated and independent channel (Out of Band). Moreover it could be managed at L2 or L3 level.

In the following the supported schemes are listed, on the base of configuration and management scheme
is intended to be supported independently from the Data Plane configurations (Customer Bridge mode or
Provider Bridge mode).

Warning: Only MNGT and TRX ports are enabled by default. All the other interfaces (LAN1, LAN2, LAN3 and
LAN4) are disabled.

MN.00356.E - 007 141

15.2.1 General

In general the management plane can be configured using CLI (see separated software manual). In par-
ticular, for management purpose, the LAN interfaces can be configured as follow:

• Disable - the management is not transported for that LAN

• Local Access Only - LAN is dedicated to the management and it allows to reach the local CPU only

• In Band - LAN is configured to transport both management and data: management is differentiated
by dedicated VLan

• Drop Node - LAN is dedicated to the management and it is possible to access to both local CPU and
the rest of the network.

These management configurations are shown in the following paragraphs in examples where only LAN1
and LAN2 are employed but all the ports can be used with the limit of the bitrate allowed by the media
(LAN1 and LAN2 are optical with bitrate 2.5Gbps and LAN3 and LAN4 are electrical with bitrate 1Gbps).

15.2.2 ALFOplus2 - 1NE - InBand

In this configuration the management plane transport is shared with the data plane (see Fig.81). The dif-
ferentiation is obtained by managing different VLANs. A VLAN dedicated to the management shall be de-
fined (VLANmng) and configured by the user.

Within "InBand context" it shall be possible to:

• Define which ports participate to the VLANmng and the port connectivity scheme to obtain the de-
sired reachability (local only or also remote)

• In particular it shall be possible to dedicate a LAN to the management only (in this case untagged
management frames at this interface shall be supported, see "Drop Node" configuration)

• Configure the priority of management VLAN (PCP) and ToS.

Fig.81 shows an example of LAN1, P, TRX Port as member of the VLANmng.

µP µP

1 1
2 2

Switch Switch


Fig.81 - Example of InBand management, LAN1 with local and remote visibility

142 MN.00356.E - 007

µP µP

1 1
2 2

Switch Switch


Fig.82 - In band Management example, LAN2 port is dedicated to the management and accesses
to local CPU only

Restrictions in selection could be present in case of incompatible LAN configurations at physical layer or
data plane (for example, if two LANs are in ELP or LAG the management is InBand).

15.2.3 ALFOplus2 - On-Site Management Port (MNG)

The MNGT port is dedicated to the management for "On-Site" use only. This access mode is expected to
be used during first installation or replacement cases, for example to configure the system, check system
status, recover NE configurations.

µP µP

1 1
2 VIDMng 2

MNGT Switch Switch MNGT

Fig.83 - Management traffic to/from On-Site Management port (1+0 case)

15.2.4 Address

The unit uses a single IP address associated at the management port of controller and a single "default

MN.00356.E - 007 143

15.2.5 Console access mode

The “Console access” is available in 48V port through serial port (F03594 or F03622 cable) via Hyperter-
minal (115200bps,n,8,1):

• Default login: admin

• Default password: admin


Some Ethernet configurations may require further settings and executed by CLI commands (i.e.: manage-
ment VLAN, bridge mode change, ...).

CLI commands can be sent locally or remotely line by line in a Hyperterminal session.

The script file are an alternative way to perform commands, respect to access the system from local con-
sole connector.
ALFOplus2 allows to execute on microprocessor flash a script previously loaded without command inter-

Script procedure:

• create a textual script (suggested editor “Notepad++”)

• start and configure a TFTP server (suggested TFTP32 for Windows or tftpd on Linux/Unix)

• login SM-OS via CLI

• load the script (e.g.: script.txt) to microprocessor non volatile memory via TFTP with command
SM-OS# copy tftp://server_ip/script.txt flash:script.txt

• execute the commands

SM-OS# run script flash:/backup/script.txt

• the script must be in UNIX/OSX textual format (using i.e. “Notepad plus plus”)
• the file name must not contain special characters, including _ or -.

144 MN.00356.E - 007

Section 7.



There are several versions of ALFOplus2, each of them with different hardware characteristics. If one of
these is inserted improperly in local and remote side, radio link doesn’t work.

Following statements:

• the ODU must be assembled with proper antenna adapter module. See Tab.26 for the code relevant
frequency and characteristics.

• you must have 2 ODUs, the first working in the lower selected subband and the second one working
in the correspondent higher subband; e.g. 1L-1H, 2H-2L, etc....
Unit part number, hardware layout and equipment composition are subject to change without notice.


Every version is identified by a specific part number shown on a label attached on ODU.

Other information such as power consumption, allowed configuration, feature key, system version, part
number P/N and serial number S/N are also written.

Tab.25 - ALFOplus2 versions

Code Description Go-Return [MHz] RF Subband

GC8606 ODU ALFOplus2 11 E/O 490/530/500 11GHz 1L

GC8607 ODU ALFOplus2 11 E/O 490/530/500 11GHz 1H

GC8608 ODU ALFOplus2 11 E/O 490/530 11GHz 2L

MN.00356.E - 007 145

Code Description Go-Return [MHz] RF Subband

GC8609 ODU ALFOplus2 11 E/O 490/530 11GHz 2H

GC8610 ODU ALFOplus2 11 E/O 490/530/500 11GHz 3L

GC8611 ODU ALFOplus2 11 E/O 490/530/500 11GHz 3H

GC8700 ODU ALFOplus2 18 E/O 1010 18GHz 1L

GC8701 ODU ALFOplus2 18 E/O 1010 18GHz 1H

GC8702 ODU ALFOplus2 18 E/O 1010 18GHz 2L

GC8703 ODU ALFOplus2 18 E/O 1010 18GHz 2H

GC8904 ODU ALFOplus2 18 E/O 1010 18GHz 3L

GC8705 ODU ALFOplus2 18 E/O 1010 18GHz 3H

GC8716 ODU ALFOplus2 18 E/O 1560 18GHz 1L

GC8717 ODU ALFOplus2 18 E/O 1560 18GHz 1H

GC8718 ODU ALFOplus2 23 E/O 1008 23GHz 1L

GC8719 ODU ALFOplus2 23 E/O 1008 23GHz 1H

GC8720 ODU ALFOplus2 23 E/O 1008 23GHz 2L

GC8721 ODU ALFOplus2 23 E/O 1008 23GHz 2H

GC8726 ODU ALFOplus2 23 E/O 1200/1232 23GHz 1L

GC8727 ODU ALFOplus2 23 E/O 1200/1232 23GHz 1H

GC8728 ODU ALFOplus2 23 E/O 1200/1232 23GHz 2L

GC8729 ODU ALFOplus2 23 E/O 1200/1232 23GHz 2H

GC8730 ODU ALFOplus2 23 E/O 1200/1232 23GHz 3L

GC8731 ODU ALFOplus2 23 E/O 1200/1232 23GHz 3H

GC8736 ODU ALFOplus2 25 E/O 1008 25GHz 1L

GC8737 ODU ALFOplus2 25 E/O 1008 25GHz 1H

GC8738 ODU ALFOplus2 25 E/O 1008 25GHz 2L

GC8739 ODU ALFOplus2 25 E/O 1008 25GHz 2H

GC8756 ODU ALFOplus2 28 E/O 1008 28GHz 1L

GC8757 ODU ALFOplus2 28 E/O 1008 28GHz 1H

GC8758 ODU ALFOplus2 28 E/O 1008 28GHz 2L

GC8759 ODU ALFOplus2 28 E/O 1008 28GHz 2H

Tab.26 - Antenna adapter modules

Antenna adapter module
11 18 23 25 28

OMT V60493 V60501 V60504 V60507 V60496

Hybrid V60494 V60500 V60503 V60506 V60497

Dual flange V60495 V60499 V60499 V60499 V60498

146 MN.00356.E - 007

Section 8.



In this chapter are listed all the characteristics of ALFOplus2, common to all the versions and relevant the
various frequencies.

Common to all frequency of ALFOplus 2 are:

• throughput
• quality and SNR

• ACM shifting thresholds

Frequency by frequency:

• frequency range

• Rx characteristics (typical and guaranteed sensitivities)

• Tx characteristics

• power consumption

• RF flange

• Tx power.

MN.00356.E - 007 147


Tab.27 - Net Radio Throughput in Mbit/s versus channel bandwidth for ALFOplus2 equipment
(1+0 configuration)

Modulation Channel bandwidth (MHz)

14 20 28 30 40 56 80 112

4QAMs 17.0 23.0 35.0 35.5 48.0 71.0 99.0 142.5

4QAM 20.0 27.0 41.0 41.5 56.5 83.5 116.0 167.5

16QAMs 35.0 47.0 71.5 72.5 98.5 142.5 198.0 285.5

16QAM 40.0 54.0 82.5 83.5 113.5 164.5 229.0 330.0

32QAM 50.5 68.0 103.5 105.0 142.5 205.5 286.0 412.0

64QAM 63.5 85.0 129.5 131.5 178.0 262.0 364.5 525.0

128QAM 76.5 103.0 156.5 159.0 215.0 311.0 432.5 623.0

256QAM 86.5 116.5 177.0 180.0 243.5 358.5 498.5 718.0

512QAM 96.5 130.0 197.0 200.5 271.5 399.5 555.0 799.5

1024QAM 106.0 142.5 220.0 224.0 303.0 446.0 620.5 893.5

2048QAM 112.5 151.5 230.0 233.5 316.5 468.0 651.0 937.0

4096QAM - - 251.0 255.0 348.0 511.5 711.5 1024.0


In this paragraph are present the ACM upshift and downshift thresholds depending on the bandwidth.

4096QAM modulation scheme is not available with 14MHz channel bandwidth.

148 MN.00356.E - 007

Tab.28 - ACM thresholds for 14MHz bandwidth

Modulation BER 1E-6

Down-shift [dB] Up-shift [dB]
Schemes (@SNR in dB)

4SQAM 6.9 -- 15.5

4QAM 8.4 13.5 19

16SQAM 12.8 17 21

16QAM 14 18.5 23

32QAM 17.6 21 26

64QAM 20.7 24 29
128QAM 24.2 27 32

256QAM 27.5 30 35.7

512QAM 30.9 33.7 38.2

1024QAM 34.1 36.7 41

2048QAM 36.3 39.2 --


Tab.29 – ACM thresholds for 28MHz bandwidth

Modulation BER 1E-6 (@SNR in

Down-shift [dB] Up-shift [dB]
Schemes dB)

4SQAM 6.9 15

4QAM 8.4 13 19
16SQAM 12.9 17 20.5

16QAM 14 18.5 23

32QAM 17.6 21 26

64QAM 20.7 24 29
128QAM 24.4 27 32

256QAM 27.3 30 35.2

512QAM 30.6 33.2 38.5

1024QAM 34.4 37 40

2048QAM 36 38.5 42.9

4096QAM 39.4 41.7

MN.00356.E - 007 149

Tab.30 – ACM thresholds for 56MHz bandwidth

Modulation BER 1E-6 (@SNR in

Down-shift [dB] Up-shift [dB]
Schemes dB)

4SQAM 6.6 15

4QAM 8.4 13 19

16SQAM 12.5 17 20.5

16QAM 13.6 18.5 23

32QAM 16.9 21 26

64QAM 20 24 28.3
128QAM 23.3 26.3 31.5

256QAM 26.6 29.5 34.7

512QAM 29.7 32.7 37.5

1024QAM 33.3 36 39

2048QAM 35 37.7 42.3

4096QAM 38.4 41.1

Tab.31 – ACM thresholds for 112MHz bandwidth

Modulation BER 1E-6 (@SNR Down-shift [dB] Up-shift [dB]

Schemes in dB)

4SQAM 6.6 -- 15
4QAM 8.4 13 19

16SQAM 12.6 17 20.5

16QAM 13.9 18.5 23

32QAM 17.1 21 26

64QAM 20 24 28.2
128QAM 23.1 26.2 31.2
256QAM 26.4 29.2 34.2

512QAM 29.4 32.3 37

1024QAM 32.9 35.5 39

2048QAM 34.9 37.7 42

4096QAM 38 40.8

150 MN.00356.E - 007



The reported values are guaranteed if not specially defined otherwise.

The equipment complies with the following international standards:

• EN 301 489-4 for EMC

• ITU-R F.387-10 and CEPT T/R 12-06 for RF channel arrangement

• FCC CFR Title 47 Part 101

• EN 302 217 for digital point to point fixed radio

• EN 300 132-2 characteristics of power supply

• EN 300 019 Climatic Characteristics (Operation: Class 4.1 for ODU; storage: class 1.2; transport:
class 2.3)

• EN 60950-22, EN 60950-1 and UL 60950 for Safety

• IEEE 802.3 for Ethernet interfaces

• This device has been verified as per FCC 47 CFR part 101 and has been found to meet its relevant
• This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two condi-

- this device may not cause harmful interference

- this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause unde-
sired operation.


Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the
user’s authority to operate the equipment.


- Frequency band see Tab.32

MN.00356.E - 007 151

Tab.32 - Frequency band

Frequency range Duplex spacing Reference

(MHz) (MHz) recommendation

CEPT T/R 12-06

10700 - 11700 530
ITU-R F.387-10

CEPT T/R 12-06

10700 - 11700 490 ITU-R F.387-10
FCC CFR Title 47 Part 101

10700 - 11700 500 FCC CFR Title 47 Part 101

- Modulation scheme 4QAMs/4QAM/16QAMs/16QAM/32QAM/64QAM/


- Channel bandwidth 14, 28, 30, 40, 56, 80 MHz

- Capacity see Tab.33

- RF filter range Wide Filter Option see Tab.34

- Transceiver tuning range see Tab.34

The frequency carrier limits are given in Tab.35, Tab.36, Tab.37 and Tab.38.

Tab.33 - Net Radio Throughput in Mbit/s versus channel bandwidth for ALFOplus2 equipment
(1+0 configuration)

Channel bandwidth (MHz)

14 28 30 40 56 80

4QAMs 17.0 35.0 35.5 48.0 71.0 99.0

4QAM 20.0 41.0 41.5 56.5 83.5 116.0

16QAMs 35.0 71.5 72.5 98.5 142.5 198.0

16QAM 40.0 82.5 83.5 113.5 164.5 229.0

32QAM 50.5 103.5 105.0 142.5 205.5 286.0

64QAM 63.5 129.5 131.5 178.0 262.0 364.5

128QAM 76.5 156.5 159.0 215.0 311.0 432.5

256QAM 86.5 177.0 180.0 243.5 358.5 498.5

512QAM 96.5 197.0 200.5 271.5 399.5 555.0

1024QAM 106.0 220.0 224.0 303.0 446.0 620.5

2048QAM 112.5 230.0 233.5 316.5 468.0 651.0

4096QAM - 251.0 255.0 348.0 511.5 711.5

Tab.34 - Filter sub-bands for ALFOplus2 11GHz

FREQUENCY RANGE: 10.7 ÷ 11.7 MHz - GO-RETURN: 490 MHz

CEPT T/R 12-06 and ITU-R F.387-10 - f0=11200 MHz
FCC CFR Title 47 Part 101

RF Filter Tuning Range

Sub Band Lower Half Limits [MHz] Upper Half Limits [MHz]

152 MN.00356.E - 007

1 10715 - 10895 11205 - 11385

2 10875 - 11055 11365 - 11545 180

3 11035 - 11215 11525 - 11705

FREQUENCY RANGE: 10.7 ÷ 11.7 MHz - GO-RETURN: 530 MHz

CEPT T/R 12-06 and ITU-R F387-10 - f0=11200 MHz

RF Filter Tuning Range

Sub Band Lower Half Limits [MHz] Upper Half Limits [MHz]

1 10695 - 10875 11225 - 11405

2 10855 - 11035 11385 - 11565 180

3 11015 - 11195 11545 - 11725

FREQUENCY RANGE: 10.7 ÷ 11.7 MHz - GO-RETURN: 500 MHz

FCC CFR Title 47 Part 101

RF Filter Tuning Range

Sub Band Lower Half Limits [MHz] Upper Half Limits [MHz]

1 10700 - 10730 11200 - 11230

3 11170 - 11200 11670 - 11700

MN.00356.E - 007 153

Tab.35 - 10700 MHz - 11700 MHz band - CEPT T/R 12-06 and ITU-R F.387-10 -
Go-return 490 MHz - 180 MHz RF Frequency carrier limits

FREQUENCY RANGE: 10700 ÷ 11700 MHz - CEPT T/R 12-06 and ITU-R F.387-10-
GO-RETURN: 490 MHz - 180 MHz RF Filter Tuning Range


Channel Lower half of the band Higher half of the band

Lowest Frequency Highest Frequency Lowest Frequency Highest Frequency
[MHz] Carrier [MHz] Carrier [MHz] Carrier [MHz] Carrier [MHz]

14 10722 10888 11212 11378

28 10729 10881 11219 11371

40 10735 10875 11225 11365

56 10743 10867 11233 11357

80 10755 10855 11245 11345


Channel Lower half of the band Higher half of the band

Lowest Frequency Highest Frequency Lowest Frequency Highest Frequency
[MHz] Carrier [MHz] Carrier [MHz] Carrier [MHz] Carrier [MHz]

14 10882 11048 11372 11538

28 10889 11041 11379 11531

40 10895 11035 11385 11525

56 10903 11027 11393 11517

80 10915 11015 11405 11505


Lower half of the band Higher half of the band

bandwidth Lowest Frequency Highest Frequency Lowest Frequency Highest Frequency
Carrier [MHz] Carrier [MHz] Carrier [MHz] Carrier [MHz]

14 11042 11208 11532 11698

28 11049 11201 11539 11691

40 11055 11195 11545 11685

56 11063 11187 11553 11677

80 11075 11175 11565 11665

154 MN.00356.E - 007

Tab.36 - 10700 MHz - 11700 MHz band - CEPT T/R 12-06 and ITU-R F.387-10 -
Go-return 530 MHz - Frequency carrier limits

FREQUENCY RANGE: 10700 ÷ 11700 MHz - CEPT T/R 12-06 and ITU-R F.387-10 - GO-RETURN: 530 MHz
- 180 MHz RF Filter Tuning Range


Channel Lower half of the band Higher half of the band

Lowest Frequency Highest Frequency Lowest Frequency Highest Frequency
[MHz] Carrier [MHz] Carrier [MHz] Carrier [MHz] Carrier [MHz]

14 10702 10868 11232 11398

28 10709 10861 11239 11391

40 10715 10855 11245 11385

56 10723 10847 11253 11377

80 10735 10835 11265 11365


Channel Lower half of the band Higher half of the band

Lowest Frequency Highest Frequency Lowest Frequency Highest Frequency
[MHz] Carrier [MHz] Carrier [MHz] Carrier [MHz] Carrier [MHz]

14 10862 11028 11392 11558

28 10869 11021 11399 11551

40 10875 11015 11405 11545

56 10883 11007 11413 11537

80 10895 11995 11425 11525


Lower half of the band Higher half of the band

bandwidth Lowest Frequency Highest Frequency Lowest Frequency Highest Frequency
Carrier [MHz] Carrier [MHz] Carrier [MHz] Carrier [MHz]

14 11022 11188 11552 11718

28 11029 11181 11559 11711

40 11035 11175 11565 11705

56 11043 11167 11573 11697

80 11055 11155 11585 11685

MN.00356.E - 007 155

Tab.37 - 10700 MHz - 11700 MHz band - FCC CFR Title 47 Part 101 - Go-Return 490 MHz -
Frequency carrier limits

FREQUENCY RANGE: 10700 ÷ 11700 MHz - FCC CFR Title 47 Part 101
Go-Return: 490 MHz - 180 MHz RF Filter Tuning Range


Channel Lower half of the band Higher half of the band

Lowest Frequency Highest Frequency Lowest Frequency Highest Frequency
[MHz] Carrier [MHz] Carrier [MHz] Carrier [MHz] Carrier [MHz]

30 10730 10880 11220 11370

40 10735 10875 11225 11365

80 10755 10855 11245 11345


Channel Lower half of the band Higher half of the band

Lowest Frequency Highest Frequency Lowest Frequency Highest Frequency
[MHz] Carrier [MHz] Carrier [MHz] Carrier [MHz] Carrier [MHz]

30 11890 11040 11380 11530

40 11895 11035 11385 11525

80 10915 11015 11405 11505


Lower half of the band Higher half of the band

bandwidth Lowest Frequency Highest Frequency Lowest Frequency Highest Frequency
Carrier [MHz] Carrier [MHz] Carrier [MHz] Carrier [MHz]

30 11050 11200 11540 11690

40 11055 11195 11545 11685

80 11075 11175 11565 11665

156 MN.00356.E - 007

Tab.38 - 10700 MHz - 11700 MHz band - FCC CFR Title 47 Part 101 - Go-Return 500 MHz - Fre-
quency carrier limits

FREQUENCY RANGE: 10700 ÷ 11700 MHz - FCC CFR Title 47 Part 101
Go-Return: 500 MHz - 30 MHz RF filter tuning range


Channel Lower half of the band Higher half of the band

Lowest Frequency Highest Frequency Lowest Frequency Highest Frequency
[MHz] Carrier [MHz] Carrier [MHz] Carrier [MHz] Carrier [MHz]

30 10715 10715 11215 11215

40 - - - -

80 - - - -


Channel Lower half of the band Higher half of the band

Lowest Frequency Highest Frequency Lowest Frequency Highest Frequency
[MHz] Carrier [MHz] Carrier [MHz] Carrier [MHz] Carrier [MHz]

30 11185 11185 11685 11685

40 - - - -

80 - - - -

18.3.1 Transmitter characteristics

- Maximum transmit power see Tab.39

Tab.39 - Maximum transmit power

Nominal Output Power Guaranteed Output Nominal Power

[dBm] Power [dBm] Tolerance

4QAMs 29 27

4QAM 29 27

16QAMs 26 24

16QAM 26 24

32QAM 26 24

64QAM 25 23
±2 dB
128QAM 25 23

256QAM 24 22

512QAM 24 22

1024QAM 23 21

2048QAM 23 21

4096QAM 23 21

- Transmit power with ACM Hybrid Mode: the ACM profiles above the
reference modulation transmit in Peak Constant
Mode (i.e. each modulation transmits the output

MN.00356.E - 007 157

power indicated in the table above). Below the
reference modulation the Mean Constant Mode is
RTPC attenuation is applied to Tx power of lower
modulation; higher modulations can transmit at
their maximum power if they do not overcome the
power transmitted at lower modulation.

- Tx bandwidth see Tab.34

- Frequency agility following ITU-R/CEPT channel plans or at 250 kHz


- Built-in transmit power attenuation range 30 dB

- Attenuation Step 1 dB step

- RTPC attenuation range 30 dB

- Accuracy of built-in transmit power attenuation ±2 dB

- Automatic Transmit Power Control (ATPC) range 30 dB

- ATPC Attenuation Step 1 dB

- Spurious emissions according to ETSI EN 301 390

- RF frequency stability ±5 ppm

±10 ppm (including ageing)

- Muting attenuation 60 dB

158 MN.00356.E - 007

18.3.2 Receiver characteristics

- Receiver bandwidth See Tab.34

- Noise Figure 7.5 dB

- Guaranteed receiver sensitivities 3

[dBm] see Tab.40

- Typical receiver sensitivities (dBm) 2dB better (lower) than guaranteed receiver

Tab.40 - Guaranteed receiver sensitivities (dBm)


BER=10-6 -89.0 -87.5 -83.0 -82.0 -78.5 -75.0

BER=10-10 -87.0 -85.5 -81.0 -80.0 -76.5 -73.0

BER=10-6 -86.0 -84.5 -80.0 -79.0 -75.0 -72.0

BER=10-10 -84.0 -82.5 -78.0 -77.0 -73.0 -70.0

BER=10-6 -86.0 -84.5 -80.0 -78.5 -75.0 -72.0

BER=10-10 -84.0 -82.5 -78.0 -76.5 -73.0 -70.0

BER=10-6 -85.0 -83.0 -78.5 -77.5 -74.0 -71.5

BER=10-10 -83.0 -81.0 -76.5 -75.5 -72.0 -69.5

BER=10-6 -83.0 -81.5 -77.5 -76.0 -73.0 -70.0

BER=10-10 -81.0 -79.5 -75.5 -74.0 -71.0 -68.0

BER=10-6 -82.0 -80.0 -75.5 -74.5 -71.0 -68.5

BER=10-10 -80.0 -78.0 -73.5 -72.5 -69.0 -66.5


BER=10-6 -71.5 -68.5 -65.0 -62.0 -59.5 -

BER=10-10 -69.5 -66.5 -63.0 -60.0 -57.5 -

BER=10-6 -68.5 -65.5 -62.0 -58.5 -57.0 -53.5

BER=10-10 -66.5 -63.5 -60.0 -56.5 -55.0 -51.5

BER=10-6 -68.5 -65.5 -62.0 -58.5 -56.5 -53.0

BER=10-10 -66.5 -63.5 -60.0 -56.5 -54.5 -51.0

BER=10-6 -67.5 -65.0 -61.5 -57.5 -56.0 -52.5

BER=10-10 -65.5 -63.0 -59.5 -55.5 -54.0 -50.5

BER=10-6 -66.5 -63.0 -60.0 -56.5 -55.0 -51.5

BER=10-10 -64.5 -61.0 -58.0 -54.5 -53.0 -49.5

BER=10-6 -65.0 -62.0 -59.0 -55.5 -53.5 -50.0

BER=10-10 -63.0 -60.0 -57.0 -53.5 -51.5 -48.0

- Rx Spurious emissions according to ETSI EN 301 390

- AGC dynamic range from -21 dBm to Threshold @ BER=10-6

3 Typical receiver sensitivities are 2 dB lower

MN.00356.E - 007 159

- Accuracy of Rx level indication @ 25 C° (PC reading)±2dB in the range -22dBm ÷ Thresholds @

- Accuracy of Rx level indication over the

whole temperature range (PC reading) ±3dB in the range -50dBm ÷ Thresholds @
±4dB in the range -49dBm ÷ -22dBm

- Maximum input level for BER 10-6 -21dBm for modulations below 64QAM
-22dBm for modulations below 64QAM/128QAM
-23dBm for modulations below 256QAM/512QAM
-24dBm for modulations equal or higher than

- Residual BER (RBER) 10-12


- Radio WG flange type UBR 220 (ODU configuration with hybrid and
flange kit)
UBR 220 (ODU configuration Dual Flange and
flange kit)
C 255 (ODU configuration with OMT)


- Operating voltage range -37.5 ÷ -60Vdc

- PoE operating voltage range -38.5 ÷ -60Vdc

- Power consumption see Tab.41

Tab.41 - Power consumption

Typical power consumption (W) Guaranteed power consumption (W)

80.0  90.0

160 MN.00356.E - 007



The equipment complies with the following international standards:

• EN 301 489-4 for EMC

• ITU-R F.595 and CEPT Rec T/R 12-03 for RF channel arrangement

• FCC CFR Title 47 Part 101

• EN 302 217 for digital point to point fixed radio

• EN 300 132-2 characteristics of power supply

• EN 300 019 Climatic Characteristics (operation: class 4.1 for ODU; storage: class 1.2; transport:
class 2.3)

• EN 60950-22 and EN 60950-1 for safety

• IEEE 802.3-2012 for Ethernet interfaces


- Frequency band see Tab.60

Tab.42 - Frequency band

Frequency range Duplex spacing Reference

(MHz) (MHz) recommendation

17700 - 19700 1010 ITU-R F.595 - CEPT T/R 12-03

17700 - 19700 1008 N.A. a

17700 - 19700 1560 ITU-R F.595 - Annex 7

17700 - 19700 1560 FCC CFR Title 47 Part 101

a. Base on national regulations

- Modulation scheme 4QAMs/4QAM/16QAMs/16QAM/32QAM/64QAM/

4096QAM 4

- Channel bandwidth 13.75, 20, 27.5, 30, 40, 50, 55 and 110 MHz

- Capacity see Tab.61

- RF filter range Wide Filter Option see Tab.61

4 4096QAM modulation scheme is not available with 14MHz and 20 MHz channel bandwidth.

MN.00356.E - 007 161

- Transceiver tuning range see Tab.61

Tab.43 - Filter sub-bands for ALFOplus2 18GHz

FREQUENCY RANGE: 17700 ÷ 19700 MHz - GO-RETURN: 1010 MHz

ITU-R F.595 - CEPT REC T/R 12-03 - f0=18700 MHz

RF Filter Tuning Range

Sub Band Lower Half Limits [MHz] Upper Half Limits [MHz]

1 17699 - 18058 18709 - 19068 359

2 18016 - 18375 19026 - 19385 359

3 18332 - 18691 19342 - 19701 359

FREQUENCY RANGE: 17700 ÷ 19700 MHz - GO-RETURN: 1008 MHz

RF Filter Tuning Range

Sub Band Lower Half Limits [MHz] Upper Half Limits [MHz]

1 17701 - 18058 18709 - 19066 357

2 18018 - 18375 19026 - 19383 357

3 18334 - 18691 19342 - 19699 357

FREQUENCY RANGE: 17700 ÷ 18140 MHz paired with 19260 - 19700 MHz
Go-return: 1560 MHz - ITU-R F.595 - Annex 7
FCC CFR Title 47 Part 101

RF Filter Tuning Range

Sub Band Lower Half Limits [MHz] Upper Half Limits [MHz]

1 17700 - 18140 19260 - 19700 440

The frequency carrier limits are given in Tab.44, Tab.45, Tab.46 and Tab.47.

Tab.44 - 17700 - 19700 MHz band - ITU-R F.595 - Annex 7 - Go-Return 1010 MHz - Frequency
carrier limits

FREQUENCY RANGE: 17700 - 19700 MHz - ITU-R F.595 - Annex 7

Go-return: 1010 MHz - 359 MHz RF Filter Tuning Range


Lower half of the band Higher half of the band

Lowest Frequency Highest Frequency Lowest Frequency Highest Frequency
[MHz] a
Carrier [MHz] Carrier [MHz] Carrier [MHz] Carrier [MHz]

13.75 17706 18051 18716 19061

27.5 17712.75 18044.25 18722.75 19054.25

55 17726.5 18030.5 18736.5 19040.5

110 17754 18003 18764 19013


Channel Lower half of the band Higher half of the band

Lowest Frequency Highest Frequency Lowest Frequency Highest Frequency
[MHz] a. Carrier [MHz] Carrier [MHz] Carrier [MHz] Carrier [MHz]

13.75 18023 18368 19033 19378

27.5 18029.75 18361.25 19039.75 19371.25

55 18043.5 18347.5 19053.5 19357.5

162 MN.00356.E - 007

110 18071 18320 19081 19330


Lower half of the band Higher half of the band

Lowest Frequency Highest Frequency Lowest Frequency Highest Frequency
[MHz] a.
Carrier [MHz] Carrier [MHz] Carrier [MHz] Carrier [MHz]

13.75 18339 18684 19349 19694

27.5 18345.75 18677.25 19355.75 19687.25

55 18359.5 18663.5 19369.5 19673.5

110 18387 18636 19397 19646

a. The actual channel bandwidth is compliant with a channel spacing of 7, 13.75, 27.5 and 55 MHz re-

Tab.45 - 17700 - 18140 MHz paired with 19260 - 19700 MHz band - ITU-R F.595 - Annex 7 -
Go-return 1560 MHz - Frequency carrier limits

FREQUENCY RANGE: 17700 - 18140 MHz paired with 19260 - 19700 MHz - ITU-R F.595 - Annex 7
Go-return: 1560 MHz - 440 MHz RF Filter Tuning Range


Lower half of the band Higher half of the band

Lowest Frequency Highest Frequency Lowest Frequency Highest Frequency
[MHz] a
Carrier [MHz] Carrier [MHz] Carrier [MHz] Carrier [MHz]

13.75 17707 18133 19267 19693

27.5 17713.75 18126.25 19273.75 19686.25

55 17727.5 18112.5 19287.5 19672.5

110 17756 18084 19316 19644

a. The actual channel bandwidth is compliant with a channel spacing of 7, 13.75, 27.5 and 55 MHz re-

Tab.46 - 17700 - 19700 MHz band - Go-Return 1008 MHz - Frequency carrier limits

FREQUENCY RANGE: 17700 - 19700 MHz - Go-return: 1008 MHz - 357 MHz RF Filter Tuning Range


Lower half of the band Higher half of the band

Lowest Frequency Highest Frequency Lowest Frequency Highest Frequency
Carrier [MHz] Carrier [MHz] Carrier [MHz] Carrier [MHz]

13.75 17708 18051 18716 19059

27.5 17714.75 18044.25 18722.75 19052.25

55 17728.5 18030.5 18736.5 19038.5

110 17754 18003 18764 19013


Channel Lower half of the band Higher half of the band

Lowest Frequency Highest Frequency Lowest Frequency Highest Frequency
[MHz] Carrier [MHz] Carrier [MHz] Carrier [MHz] Carrier [MHz]

MN.00356.E - 007 163

13.75 18025 18368 19033 19376

27.5 18031.75 18361.25 19039.75 19369.25

55 18045.5 18347.5 19053.5 19355.5

110 18073 18320 19081 19328


Lower half of the band Higher half of the band

Lowest Frequency Highest Frequency Lowest Frequency Highest Frequency
Carrier [MHz] Carrier [MHz] Carrier [MHz] Carrier [MHz]

13.75 18341 18684 19349 19692

27.5 18347.75 18677.25 19355.75 19685.25

55 18361.5 18663.5 19369.5 19671.5

110 18389 18636 19397 19644

Tab.47 - 17700 - 18140 MHz paired with 19260 - 19700 MHz band - FCC CFR Title 47 Part 101 -
Go-return 1560 MHz - Frequency carrier limits

FREQUENCY RANGE: 17700 - 19700 MHz - FCC CFR Title 47 Part 101
Go-return: 1560 MHz - 440 MHz RF Filter Tuning Range


Channel Lower half of the band Higher half of the band

Lowest Frequency Highest Frequency Lowest Frequency Highest Frequency
[MHz] Carrier [MHz] Carrier [MHz] Carrier [MHz] Carrier [MHz]

20 17710 18130 19270 19690

30 17715 18125 19275 19685

40 17720 18120 19280 19680

50 17725 18115 19295 19675

80 17740 18100 19300 19660

164 MN.00356.E - 007

19.2.1 Transmitter characteristics

- Tx bandwidth see Tab.60

- Frequency agility following ITU-R/CEPT channel plans or at 250 kHz


- Built-in transmit power attenuation range 30 dB

- Attenuation Step 1 dB step

- RTPC attenuation range 30 dB

- Accuracy of built-in transmit power attenuation ±2 dB

- Automatic Transmit Power Control (ATPC) range 30 dB

- ATPC Attenuation Step 1 dB

- Spurious emissions according to ETSI EN 301 390

- RF frequency stability ±5 ppm (including ageing)

- Transmit power with ACM Hybrid Mode: the ACM profiles above the
reference modulation transmit in Peak Constant
Mode (i.e. each modulation transmits the output
power indicated in the table above). Below the
reference modulation the Mean Constant Mode is
followed. RTPC attenuation is applied to Tx power
of lower modulation; higher modulations can
transmit at their maximum power if they do not
overcome the power transmitted at lower

- Maximum transmit power see Tab.63

Tab.48 - Maximum transmit power

Nominal Output Power Guaranteed Output Nominal Power

[dBm] Power [dBm] Tolerance

4QAMs 23 21

4QAM 23 21

16QAMs 21 19

16QAM 21 19

32QAM 21 19

64QAM 19 17
±2 dB
128QAM 19 17

256QAM 18 16

512QAM 18 16

1024QAM 17 15

2048QAM 17 15

4096QAM 17 15

MN.00356.E - 007 165

19.2.2 Receiver characteristics

- Receiver bandwidth See Tab.61

- Noise Figure 7.5 dB

- Guaranteed receiver sensitivities (dBm) see Tab.64

- Typical receiver sensitivities (dBm) 2dB better (lower) than guaranteed receiver

Tab.49 - Sensitivity (guaranteed values)


BER=10-6 -88.5 -87.0 -82.5 -81.5 -78.0 -74.5

BER=10-10 -86.5 -85.0 -80.5 -79.5 -76.0 -72.5

BER=10-6 -87.0 -85.5 -81.5 -80.0 -76.5 -73.5

BER=10-10 -85.0 -83.5 -79.5 -78.0 -74.5 -71.5

BER=10-6 -85.5 -84.0 -79.5 -78.5 -74.5 -71.5

BER=10-10 -83.5 -82.0 -77.5 -76.5 -72.5 -69.5

BER=10-6 -85.5 -84.0 -79.5 -78.0 -74.5 -71.5

BER=10-10 -83.5 -82.0 -77.5 -76.0 -72.5 -69.5

BER=10-6 -84.5 -82.5 -78.0 -77.0 -73.5 -71.0

BER=10-10 -82.5 -80.5 -76.0 -75.0 -71.5 -69.0

BER=10-6 -83.5 -81.5 -77.0 -76.0 -72.5 -70.0

BER=10-10 -81.5 -79.5 -75.0 -74.0 -70.5 -68.0

BER=10-6 -82.5 -81.0 -77.0 -75.5 -72.5 -69.5

BER=10-10 -80.5 -79.0 -75.0 -73.5 -70.5 -67.5

BER=10-6 -79.5 -78.0 -73.5 -72.5 -69.0 -66.5

BER=10-10 -77.5 -76.0 -71.5 -70.5 -67.0 -64.5


BER=10-6 -71.0 -68.0 -64.5 -61.5 -59.0 -

BER=10-10 -69.0 -66.0 -62.5 -59.5 -57.0 -

BER=10-6 -70.0 -66.5 -63.5 -60.0 -58.0 -

BER=10-10 -68.0 -64.5 -61.5 -58.0 -56.0 -

BER=10-6 -68.0 -65.0 -61.5 -58.0 -56.5 -53.0

BER=10-10 -66.0 -63.0 -59.5 -56.0 -54.5 -51.0

BER=10-6 -68.0 -65.0 -61.5 -58.0 -56.0 -52.5

BER=10-10 -66.0 -63.0 -59.5 -56.0 -54.0 -50.5

BER=10-6 -67.0 -64.5 -61.0 -57.0 -55.5 -52.0

BER=10-10 -65.0 -62.5 -59.0 -55.0 -53.5 -50.0

BER=10-6 -66.5 -63.5 -60.0 -56.5 -55.0 -51.5

BER=10-10 -64.5 -61.5 -58.0 -54.5 -53.0 -49.5

166 MN.00356.E - 007

BER=10-6 -66.0 -62.5 -59.5 -56.0 -54.5 -51.0
BER=10-10 -64.0 -60.5 -57.5 -54.0 -52.5 -49.0

BER=10-6 -63.0 -60.0 -57.0 -53.5 -51.5 -48.0

BER=10-10 -61.0 -58.0 -55.0 -51.5 -49.5 -46.0

- Rx Spurious emissions according to ETSI EN 301 390

- AGC dynamic range from -21 dBm to Threshold @ BER=10-6

- Accuracy of Rx level indication @ 25 C° (PC reading)±2dB in the range -22dBm ÷ Thresholds @


- Accuracy of Rx level indication over the

whole temperature range (PC reading) ±3dB in the range -50dBm ÷ Thresholds @
±4dB in the range -49dBm ÷ -22dBm

- Maximum input level for BER 10-6 -21 dBm for modulations below 64QAM
-22 dBm for modulations equal or higher than

- Residual BER (RBER) 10-12


- Radio WG flange type UBR 220 (ODU configuration with hybrid and
flange kit)
UBR 220 (ODU configuration Dual Flange and
flange kit)
C 165 (ODU configuration with OMT)


- Operating voltage range -37.5 ÷ -60Vdc

- PoE operating voltage range -38.5 ÷ -60Vdc

- Power consumption see Tab.65

Tab.50 - Power consumption

Typical power consumption (W) Guaranteed power consumption (W)

60.0  70.0

MN.00356.E - 007 167



The equipment complies with the following international standards:

• EN 301 489-4 for EMC

• ITU-R F.637-3 and CEPT Rec T/R 13-02 for RF channel arrangement

• FCC CFR Title 47 Part 101

• EN 302 217 for digital point to point fixed radio

• EN 300 132-2 characteristics of power supply

• EN 300 019 Climatic Characteristics (operation: class 4.1 for ODU; storage: class 1.2; transport:
class 2.3)

• EN 60950-22 and EN 60950-1 for safety

• IEEE 802.3-2012 for Ethernet interfaces.


- Frequency band see Tab.60

Tab.51 - Frequency band

Frequency range Duplex spacing Reference

(MHz) (MHz) recommendation

22000 - 23600 1008 ITU-R F.637-3 - Annex 3 - CEPT T/R 13-02

21200 - 23600 1232 ITU-R F.637-3 - Annex 1

21200 - 23600 1200 ITU-R F.637-3 - Annex 4

21200 - 23600 1200 FCC CFR Title 47 Part 101

- Modulation scheme 4QAMs/4QAM/16QAMs/16QAM/32QAM/64QAM/

4096QAM 5

- Channel bandwidth 14, 20, 28, 30, 40, 50, 56 and 112 MHz

- Capacity see Tab.61

- RF filter range Wide Filter Option see Tab.61

- Transceiver tuning range see Tab.61

5 4096QAM modulation scheme is not available with 14MHz and 20MHz channel bandwidth.

168 MN.00356.E - 007

Tab.52 - Filter sub-bands for ALFOplus2 23GHz

FREQUENCY RANGE: 22000 ÷ 23600 MHz - GO-RETURN: 1008 MHz

ITU-R F.637-3 - Annex 3 and CEPT REC T/R 13-02 - f0=21196 MHz

RF Filter Tuning Range

Sub Band Lower Half Limits [MHz] Upper Half Limits [MHz]

1 22002.75 - 22338.75 23010.75 - 23346.75

2 22254.75 - 22590.75 23262.75 - 23598.75

FREQUENCY RANGE: 21200 ÷ 23600 MHz - GO-RETURN: 1232 MHz

ITU-R F.637-3 - Annex 1 - f0=21196 MHz

RF Filter Tuning Range

Sub Band Lower Half Limits [MHz] Upper Half Limits [MHz]

1 21186 - 21682 22418 - 22914 496

2 21550 - 22018 22782 - 23250 468

3 21886 - 22382 23118 - 23614 496

FREQUENCY RANGE: 21200 ÷ 23600 MHz - GO-RETURN: 1200 MHz

ITU-R F.637-3 - Annex 4 - f0=21196 MHz
FCC CFR Title 47 Part 101

RF Filter Tuning Range

Sub Band Lower Half Limits [MHz] Upper Half Limits [MHz]

1 21177 - 21673 22377 - 22873 496

2 21591 - 22059 22791 - 23259 468

3 21927 - 22423 23127 - 23623 496

The frequency carrier limits are given in Tab.53, Tab.54, Tab.55 and Tab.56.

Tab.53 - 22000 - 23600 MHz band - ITU-R F.637-3 - Annex 3 and CEPT T/R 13-02 -
Go-Return 1008 MHz - Frequency carrier limits

FREQUENCY RANGE: 22000 - 23600 MHz - GO-RETURN: 1008 MHz - ITU-R F.637-3 - Annex 3 and
CEPT T/R 13-02 - 336 MHz RF Filter Tuning Range


Channel Lower half of the band Higher half of the band

Lowest Frequency Highest Frequency Lowest Frequency Highest Frequency
[MHz] Carrier [MHz] Carrier [MHz] Carrier [MHz] Carrier [MHz]

14 22009.75 22331.75 23017.75 23339.75

28 22016.75 22324.75 23024.75 23332.75

56 22030.75 22310.75 23038.75 23318.75

112 22058.75 22282.75 23066.75 23290.75


Lower half of the band Higher half of the band

bandwidth Lowest Frequency Highest Frequency Lowest Frequency Highest Frequency
Carrier [MHz] Carrier [MHz] Carrier [MHz] Carrier [MHz]

14 22261.75 22583.75 23269.75 23591.75

28 22268.75 22576.75 23276.75 23584.75

MN.00356.E - 007 169

56 22282.75 22562.75 23290.75 23570.75

112 22310.75 22534.75 23318.75 23542.75

Tab.54 - 21200 - 23600 MHz band - ITU-R F.637-3 - Annex 1 - Go-return 1232 MHz -
Frequency carrier limits

FREQUENCY RANGE: 21200 - 23600 MHz - GO-RETURN: 1232 MHz - ITU-R F.637-3 - Annex 1


Lower half of the band Higher half of the band

Lowest Frequency Highest Frequency Lowest Frequency Highest Frequency
Carrier [MHz] Carrier [MHz] Carrier [MHz] Carrier [MHz]

14 21193 21675 22425 22907

28 21200 21668 22432 22900

56 21214 21654 22446 22886

112 21242 21626 22474 22858


Lower half of the band Higher half of the band

Lowest Frequency Highest Frequency Lowest Frequency Highest Frequency
Carrier [MHz] Carrier [MHz] Carrier [MHz] Carrier [MHz]

14 21557 22011 22789 23243

28 21564 22004 22796 23236

56 21578 21990 22810 23222

112 21606 21962 22838 23194


Channel Lower half of the band Higher half of the band

Lowest Frequency Highest Frequency Lowest Frequency Highest Frequency
[MHz] Carrier [MHz] Carrier [MHz] Carrier [MHz] Carrier [MHz]

14 21893 22375 23125 23607

28 21900 22368 23132 23600

56 21914 22354 23146 23586

112 21942 22326 21174 23558

Tab.55 - 21200 - 23600 MHz band - ITU-R F.637-3 - Annex 4 - Go-return 1200 MHz -
Frequency carrier limits

FREQUENCY RANGE: 21200 - 23600 MHz - GO-RETURN: 1200 MHz - ITU-R F.637-3 - Annex 4


Channel Lower half of the band Higher half of the band

Lowest Frequency Highest Frequency Lowest Frequency Highest Frequency
[MHz] Carrier [MHz] Carrier [MHz] Carrier [MHz] Carrier [MHz]

14 21184 21666 22384 22866

28 21191 21659 22391 22859

56 21205 21645 22405 22845

170 MN.00356.E - 007

112 21233 21617 22433 22817


Lower half of the band Higher half of the band

Lowest Frequency Highest Frequency Lowest Frequency Highest Frequency
Carrier [MHz] Carrier [MHz] Carrier [MHz] Carrier [MHz]

14 21598 22052 22798 23252

28 21605 22045 22805 23245

56 21619 22031 22819 23231

112 21647 22003 22847 23203


Lower half of the band Higher half of the band

Lowest Frequency Highest Frequency Lowest Frequency Highest Frequency
Carrier [MHz] Carrier [MHz] Carrier [MHz] Carrier [MHz]

14 21934 22416 23134 23616

28 21941 22409 23141 23609

56 21955 22395 23155 23595

112 21983 22367 23183 23567

Tab.56 - 21200 - 23600 MHz band - FCC CFR Title 47 Part 101 - Go-return 1200 MHz - Frequency
carrier limits

FREQUENCY RANGE: 21200 - 23600 MHz - GO-RETURN: 1200 MHz - FCC CFR Title 47 Part 101 -
405.5-400-403.5 MHz RF Filter tuning range


Lower half of the band Higher half of the band

bandwidth Lowest Frequency Highest Frequency Lowest Frequency Highest Frequency
Carrier [MHz] Carrier [MHz] Carrier [MHz] Carrier [MHz]

20 21187 21663 22387 22863

30 21192 21658 22392 22858

40 21197 21653 22397 22853

50 21202 21548 23402 22848


Lower half of the band Higher half of the band

Lowest Frequency Highest Frequency Lowest Frequency Highest Frequency
Carrier [MHz] Carrier [MHz] Carrier [MHz] Carrier [MHz]

20 21601 22049 22801 23249

30 21606 22044 22806 23244

40 21611 22039 22811 23239

50 21616 22034 22816 23254


MN.00356.E - 007 171

Lower half of the band Higher half of the band
Lowest Frequency Highest Frequency Lowest Frequency Highest Frequency
Carrier [MHz] Carrier [MHz] Carrier [MHz] Carrier [MHz]

20 21937 22413 23137 23613

30 21942 22408 23142 23608

40 21947 22403 23147 23603

50 21952 22398 23152 23598

172 MN.00356.E - 007

20.2.1 Transmitter characteristics

- Tx bandwidth see Tab.60

- Frequency agility following ITU-R/CEPT channel plans or at 250 kHz


- Built-in transmit power attenuation range 30 dB

- Attenuation Step 1 dB step

- RTPC attenuation range 30 dB

- Accuracy of built-in transmit power attenuation ±2 dB

- Automatic Transmit Power Control (ATPC) range 30 dB

- ATPC Attenuation Step 1 dB

- Spurious emissions according to ETSI EN 301 390

- RF frequency stability ±5 ppm (including ageing)

- Transmit power with ACM Hybrid Mode: the ACM profiles above the
reference modulation transmit in Peak Constant
Mode (i.e. each modulation transmits the output
power indicated in the table above). Below the
reference modulation the Mean Constant Mode is
followed. RTPC attenuation is applied to Tx power
of lower modulation; higher modulations can
transmit at their maximum power if they do not
overcome the power transmitted at lower

- Maximum transmit power see Tab.63

Tab.57 - Maximum transmit power

Nominal Output Power Guaranteed Output Nominal Power

[dBm] Power [dBm] Tolerance

4QAMs 23 21

4QAM 23 21

16QAMs 21 19

16QAM 21 19

32QAM 21 19

64QAM 19 17
±2 dB
128QAM 19 17

256QAM 18 16

512QAM 18 16

1024QAM 17 15

2048QAM 17 15

4096QAM 17 15

MN.00356.E - 007 173

20.2.2 Receiver characteristics

- Receiver bandwidth See Tab.61

- Noise Figure 7.5 dB

- Guaranteed receiver sensitivities (dBm) see Tab.64

- Typical receiver sensitivities (dBm) 2dB better (lower) than guaranteed receiver

Tab.58 - Sensitivity (guaranteed values)


BER=10-6 -88.5 -87.0 -82.5 -81.5 -78.0 -74.5

BER=10-10 -86.5 -85.0 -80.5 -79.5 -76.0 -72.5

BER=10-6 -87.0 -85.5 -81.5 -80.0 -76.5 -73.5

BER=10-10 -85.0 -83.5 -79.5 -78.0 -74.5 -71.5

BER=10-6 -85.5 -84.0 -79.5 -78.5 -74.5 -71.5

BER=10-10 -83.5 -82.0 -77.5 -76.5 -72.5 -69.5

BER=10-6 -85.5 -84.0 -79.5 -78.0 -74.5 -71.5

BER=10-10 -83.5 -82.0 -77.5 -76.0 -72.5 -69.5

BER=10-6 -84.5 -82.5 -78.0 -77.0 -73.5 -71.0

BER=10-10 -82.5 -80.5 -76.0 -75.0 -71.5 -69.0

BER=10-6 -83.5 -81.5 -77.0 -76.0 -72.5 -70.0

BER=10-10 -81.5 -79.5 -75.0 -74.0 -70.5 -68.0

BER=10-6 -82.5 -81.0 -77.0 -75.5 -72.5 -69.5

BER=10-10 -80.5 -79.0 -75.0 -73.5 -70.5 -67.5

BER=10-6 -79.5 -78.0 -73.5 -72.5 -69.0 -66.5

BER=10-10 -77.5 -76.0 -71.5 -70.5 -67.0 -64.5


BER=10-6 -71.0 -68.0 -64.5 -61.5 -59.0 -

BER=10-10 -69.0 -66.0 -62.5 -59.5 -57.0 -

BER=10-6 -70.0 -66.5 -63.5 -60.0 -58.0 -

BER=10-10 -68.0 -64.5 -61.5 -58.0 -56.0 -

BER=10-6 -68.0 -65.0 -61.5 -58.0 -56.5 -53.0

BER=10-10 -66.0 -63.0 -59.5 -56.0 -54.5 -51.0

BER=10-6 -68.0 -65.0 -61.5 -58.0 -56.0 -52.5

BER=10-10 -66.0 -63.0 -59.5 -56.0 -54.0 -50.5

BER=10-6 -67.0 -64.5 -61.0 -57.0 -55.5 -52.0

BER=10-10 -65.0 -62.5 -59.0 -55.0 -53.5 -50.0

BER=10-6 -66.5 -63.5 -60.0 -56.5 -55.0 -51.5

BER=10-10 -64.5 -61.5 -58.0 -54.5 -53.0 -49.5

174 MN.00356.E - 007

BER=10-6 -66.0 -62.5 -59.5 -56.0 -54.5 -51.0
BER=10-10 -64.0 -60.5 -57.5 -54.0 -52.5 -49.0

BER=10-6 -63.0 -60.0 -57.0 -53.5 -51.5 -48.0

BER=10-10 -61.0 -58.0 -55.0 -51.5 -49.5 -46.0

- Rx Spurious emissions according to ETSI EN 301 390

- AGC dynamic range from -21 dBm to Threshold @ BER=10-6

- Accuracy of Rx level indication @ 25 C° (PC reading)±2dB in the range -22dBm ÷ Thresholds @


- Accuracy of Rx level indication over the

whole temperature range (PC reading) ±3dB in the range -50dBm ÷ Thresholds @
±4dB in the range -49dBm ÷ -22dBm

- Maximum input level for BER 10-6 -21 dBm for modulations below 64QAM
-22 dBm for modulations equal or higher than

- Residual BER (RBER) 10-12


- Radio WG flange type UBR 220 (ODU configuration with hybrid and
flange kit)
UBR 220 (ODU configuration Dual Flange and
flange kit)
C 220 (ODU configuration with OMT)


- Operating voltage range -37.5 ÷ -60Vdc

- PoE operating voltage range -38.5 ÷ -60Vdc

- Power consumption see Tab.65

Tab.59 - Power consumption

Typical power consumption (W) Guaranteed power consumption (W)

60.0  70.0

MN.00356.E - 007 175



The equipment complies with the following international standards:

• EN 301 489-4 for EMC

• ITU-R F.748-3 and CEPT Rec T/R 13-02 for RF channel arrangement

• EN 302 217 for digital point to point fixed radio

• EN 300 132-2 characteristics of power supply

• EN 300 019 Climatic Characteristics (operation: class 4.1 for ODU; storage: class 1.2; transport:
class 2.3)

• EN 60950-22 and EN 60950-1 for safety

• IEEE 802.3 for Ethernet interfaces


- Frequency band see Tab.60

Tab.60 - Frequency band

Frequency range Duplex spacing Reference

(GHz) (MHz) recommendation

24.5 - 26.5 1008 ITU-R F.483-3 - CEPT T/R 13-02

- Modulation scheme 4QAMs/4QAM/16QAMs/16QAM/32QAM/64QAM/

4096QAM 6

- Channel bandwidth 14, 28, 40, 56 and 112 MHz

- Capacity see Tab.27

- RF filter range Wide Filter Option see Tab.61

- Transceiver tuning range see Tab.61

6 4096QAM modulation scheme is not available with 14MHz channel bandwidth.

176 MN.00356.E - 007

Tab.61 - Filter sub-bands for ALFOplus2 25GHz

FREQUENCY RANGE: 24.5 ÷ 26.5 GHz - GO-RETURN: 1008 MHz

ITU-R F.748-3 - Annex 1 and CEPT REC T/R 13-02 - f0=25501 MHz

RF Filter Tuning Range

Sub Band Lower Half Limits [MHz] Upper Half Limits [MHz]

1 24549 - 24997 25557 - 26005

2 24997 - 25445 26005 - 26453

The frequency carrier limits are given in Tab.62.

Tab.62 - 24.5 - 26.5 GHz - Go-Return 1008 MHz - Frequency carrier limits

FREQUENCY RANGE: 24.5 ÷ 26.5 GHz - GO-RETURN: 1008 MHz - 448 MHz RF Filter Tuning Range


Lower half of the band Higher half of the band

Lowest Frequency Highest Frequency Lowest Frequency Highest Frequency
Carrier [MHz] Carrier [MHz] Carrier [MHz] Carrier [MHz]

14 24556 24990 25564 25998

28 24563 24983 25571 25991

40 24569 24997 25577 25985

56 24577 24969 25585 25977

112 24605 24941 25613 25949


Channel Lower half of the band Higher half of the band

Lowest Frequency Highest Frequency Lowest Frequency Highest Frequency
[MHz] Carrier [MHz] Carrier [MHz] Carrier [MHz] Carrier [MHz]

14 25004 25438 26012 26446

28 25011 25431 26019 26439

40 25017 25425 26025 26433

56 25025 25417 26033 26425

112 25053 25389 26061 26397

MN.00356.E - 007 177

21.2.1 Transmitter characteristics

- Tx bandwidth see Tab.60

- Frequency agility following ITU-R/CEPT channel plans or at 250 kHz


- Built-in transmit power attenuation range 30 dB

- Attenuation Step 1 dB step

- RTPC attenuation range 30 dB

- Accuracy of built-in transmit power attenuation ±2 dB

- Automatic Transmit Power Control (ATPC) range 30 dB

- ATPC Attenuation Step 1 dB

- Spurious emissions according to ETSI EN 301 390

- RF frequency stability ±5 ppm (including ageing)

- Transmit power with ACM Hybrid Mode: the ACM profiles above the
reference modulation transmit in Peak Constant
Mode (i.e. each modulation transmits the output
power indicated in the table above). Below the
reference modulation the Mean Constant Mode is
followed. RTPC attenuation is applied to Tx power
of lower modulation; higher modulations can
transmit at their maximum power if they do not
overcome the power transmitted at lower

- Maximum transmit power see Tab.63

Tab.63 - Maximum transmit power

Nominal Output Power Guaranteed Output Nominal Power

[dBm] Power [dBm] Tolerance

4QAMs 22 20

4QAM 22 20

16QAMs 20 18

16QAM 20 18

32QAM 20 18

64QAM 18 16
±2 dB
128QAM 18 16

256QAM 17 15

512QAM 17 15

1024QAM 16 14

2048QAM 16 14

4096QAM 16 14

178 MN.00356.E - 007

21.2.2 Receiver characteristics

- Receiver bandwidth See Tab.61

- Noise Figure 7.5 dB

- Guaranteed receiver sensitivities (dBm) see Tab.64

- Typical receiver sensitivities (dBm) 2dB better (lower) than guaranteed receiver

Tab.64 - Sensitivity (guaranteed values)


BER=10-6 -88.0 -86.5 -82.0 -81.0 -77.5 -74.0

BER=10-10 -86.0 -84.5 -80.0 -79.0 -75.5 -72.0

BER=10-6 -85.0 -83.5 -79.0 -78.0 -74.0 -71.0

BER=10-10 -83.0 -81.5 -77.0 -76.0 -72.0 -69.0

BER=10-6 -84.0 -82.0 -77.5 -76.5 -73.0 -70.5

BER=10-10 -82.0 -80.0 -75.5 -74.5 -71.0 -68.5

BER=10-6 -82.0 -80.5 -76.5 -75.0 -72.0 -69.0

BER=10-10 -80.0 -78.5 -74.5 -73.0 -70.0 -67.0

BER=10-6 -79.0 -77.5 -73.0 -72.0 -68.5 -66.0

BER=10-10 -77.0 -75.5 -71.0 -70.0 -66.5 -64.0


BER=10-6 -70.5 -67.5 -64.0 -61.0 -58.5 -

BER=10-10 -68.5 -65.5 -62.0 -59.0 -56.5 -

BER=10-6 -67.5 -64.5 -61.0 -57.5 -56.0 -52.5

BER=10-10 -65.5 -62.5 -59.0 -55.5 -54.0 -50.5

BER=10-6 -66.5 -64.0 -60.5 -56.5 -55.0 -51.5

BER=10-10 -64.5 -62.0 -58.5 -54.5 -53.0 -49.5

BER=10-6 -65.5 -62.0 -59.0 -55.5 -54.0 -50.5

BER=10-10 -63.5 -60.0 -57.0 -53.5 -52.0 -48.5

BER=10-6 -62.5 -59.5 -56.5 -53.0 -51.0 -48.0

BER=10-10 -60.5 -57.5 -54.5 -51.0 -49.0 -46.0

- Rx Spurious emissions according to ETSI EN 301 390

- AGC dynamic range from -21 dBm to Threshold @ BER=10-6

- Accuracy of Rx level indication @ 25 C° (PC reading)±2dB in the range -22dBm ÷ Thresholds @


- Accuracy of Rx level indication over the

whole temperature range (PC reading) ±3dB in the range -50dBm ÷ Thresholds @
±4dB in the range -49dBm ÷ -22dBm
- Maximum input level for BER 10-6 -21 dBm for modulations below 64QAM
-22 dBm for modulations equal or higher than
-23 dBm for modulations below 256QAM/512QAM

MN.00356.E - 007 179

-24 dBm for modulations equal or higher than

- Residual BER (RBER) 10-12


- Radio WG flange type UBR 220 (ODU configuration with hybrid and
flange kit)
UBR 220 (ODU configuration Dual Flange and
flange kit)
C 255 (ODU configuration with OMT)


- Operating voltage range -37.5 ÷ -60Vdc

- PoE operating voltage range -38.5 ÷ -60Vdc

- Power consumption see Tab.65

Tab.65 - Power consumption

Typical power consumption (W) Guaranteed power consumption (W)

60.0  65.0

180 MN.00356.E - 007



The equipment complies with the following international standards:

• EN 301 489-4 for EMC

• ITU-R F.748-4 and CEPT Rec T/R 13-02 for RF channel arrangement

• EN 302 217 for digital point to point fixed radio

• EN 300 132-2 characteristics of power supply

• EN 300 019 Climatic Characteristics (operation: class 4.1 for ODU; storage: class 1.2; transport:
class 2.3)

• EN 60950-22 and EN 60950-1 for safety

• IEEE 802.3-2012 for Ethernet interfaces


- Frequency band see Tab.60

Tab.66 - Frequency band

Frequency range Duplex spacing Reference

(GHz) (MHz) recommendation

27.5 - 29.5 1008 ITU-R F.483-4 - CEPT T/R 13-02

- Modulation scheme 4QAMs/4QAM/16QAMs/16QAM/32QAM/64QAM/


- Channel bandwidth 14, 28, 40, 56 and 112 MHz

- Capacity see Tab.27

- RF filter range Wide Filter Option see Tab.61

- Transceiver tuning range see Tab.61

7 4096QAM modulation scheme is not available with 14MHz channel bandwidth.

MN.00356.E - 007 181

Tab.67 - Filter sub-bands for ALFOplus2 28GHz

FREQUENCY RANGE: 27.5 ÷ 29.5 GHz - GO-RETURN: 1008 MHz

ITU-R F.748-4 - Annex 1 and CEPT REC T/R 13-02

RF Filter Tuning Range

Sub Band Lower Half Limits [MHz] Upper Half Limits [MHz]

1 24549 - 24997 25557 - 26005

2 24997 - 25445 26005 - 26453

The frequency carrier limits are given in Tab.62.

Tab.68 - 27.5 - 29.5 GHz - Go-Return 1008 MHz - Frequency carrier limits

FREQUENCY RANGE: 27.5 ÷ 29.5 GHz - GO-RETURN: 1008 MHz - 448 MHz RF Filter Tuning Range


Lower half of the band Higher half of the band

Lowest Frequency Highest Frequency Lowest Frequency Highest Frequency
Carrier [MHz] Carrier [MHz] Carrier [MHz] Carrier [MHz]

14 27555.5 27989.5 28563.5 28997.5

28 27562.5 27982.5 28570.5 28990.5

56 27576.5 27968.5 28584.5 28976.5

112 27604.5 27940.5 28612.5 28948.5


Channel Lower half of the band Higher half of the band

Lowest Frequency Highest Frequency Lowest Frequency Highest Frequency
[MHz] Carrier [MHz] Carrier [MHz] Carrier [MHz] Carrier [MHz]

14 28003.5 28437.5 29011.5 29445.5

28 28010.5 28430.5 29018.5 29438.5

56 28024.5 28416.5 29032.5 29424.5

112 28052.5 28388.5 29060.5 29396.5

182 MN.00356.E - 007

22.2.1 Transmitter characteristics

- Tx bandwidth see Tab.60

- Frequency agility following ITU-R/CEPT channel plans or at 250 kHz


- Built-in transmit power attenuation range 30 dB

- Attenuation Step 1 dB step

- RTPC attenuation range 30 dB

- Accuracy of built-in transmit power attenuation ±2 dB

- Automatic Transmit Power Control (ATPC) range 30 dB

- ATPC Attenuation Step 1 dB

- Spurious emissions according to ETSI EN 301 390

- RF frequency stability ±5 ppm (including ageing)

- Transmit power with ACM Hybrid Mode: the ACM profiles above the
reference modulation transmit in Peak Constant
Mode (i.e. each modulation transmits the output
power indicated in the table above). Below the
reference modulation the Mean Constant Mode is
followed. RTPC attenuation is applied to Tx power
of lower modulation; higher modulations can
transmit at their maximum power if they do not
overcome the power transmitted at lower

- Maximum transmit power see Tab.63

Tab.69 - Maximum transmit power

Nominal Output Power Guaranteed Output Nominal Power

[dBm] Power [dBm] Tolerance

4QAMs 21 19

4QAM 21 19

16QAMs 19 17

16QAM 19 17

32QAM 19 17

64QAM 17 15 ±2 dB

128QAM 17 15

256QAM 16 14

512QAM 16 14

1024QAM 15 13

2048QAM 15 13

MN.00356.E - 007 183

22.2.2 Receiver characteristics

- Receiver bandwidth See Tab.61

- Noise Figure 7.5 dB

- Guaranteed receiver sensitivities (dBm) see Tab.64

- Typical receiver sensitivities (dBm) 2dB better (lower) than guaranteed receiver

Tab.70 - Sensitivity (guaranteed values)


BER=10-6 -86.5 -85.0 -80.5 -79.5 -76.0 -72.5

BER=10-10 -84.5 -83.0 -78.5 -77.5 -74.0 -70.5

BER=10-6 -83.5 -82.0 -77.5 -76.5 -72.5 -69.5

BER=10-10 -81.5 -80.0 -75.5 -74.5 -70.5 -67.5

BER=10-6 -80.5 -79.0 -75.0 -73.5 -70.5 -67.5

BER=10-10 -78.5 -77.0 -73.0 -71.5 -68.5 -65.5

BER=10-6 -77.5 -76.0 -71.5 -70.5 -67.0 -64.5

BER=10-10 -75.5 -74.0 -69.5 -68.5 -65.0 -62.5


BER=10-6 -69.0 -66.0 -62.5 -59.5 -57.0

BER=10-10 -67.0 -64.0 -60.5 -57.5 -55.0

BER=10-6 -66.0 -63.0 -59.5 -56.0 -54.5

BER=10-10 -64.0 -61.0 -57.5 -54.0 -52.5

BER=10-6 -64.0 -60.5 -57.5 -54.0 -52.5

BER=10-10 -62.0 -58.5 -55.5 -52.0 -50.5

BER=10-6 -61.0 -58.0 -55.0 -51.5 -49.5

BER=10-10 -59.0 -56.0 -53.0 -49.5 -47.5

- Rx Spurious emissions according to ETSI EN 301 390

- AGC dynamic range from -21 dBm to Threshold @ BER=10-6

- Accuracy of Rx level indication @ 25 C° (PC reading)±2dB in the range -22dBm ÷ Thresholds @

- Accuracy of Rx level indication over the

whole temperature range (PC reading) ±3dB in the range -50dBm ÷ Thresholds @
±4dB in the range -49dBm ÷ -22dBm
- Maximum input level for BER 10-6 -21 dBm for modulations below 64QAM
-22 dBm for modulations below 64QAM/128QAM
-23 dBm for modulations below 256QAM/512QAM
-24 dBm for modulations equal or higher than

- Residual BER (RBER) 10-12

184 MN.00356.E - 007


- Radio WG flange type UBR 320 (ODU configuration with hybrid and
flange kit)
UBR 320 (ODU configuration Dual Flange and
flange kit)
C 255 (ODU configuration with OMT)


- Operating voltage range -37.5 ÷ -60Vdc

- PoE operating voltage range -38.5 ÷ -60Vdc

- Power consumption see Tab.65

Tab.71 - Power consumption

Typical power consumption (W) Guaranteed power consumption (W)

60.0  65.0

MN.00356.E - 007 185

186 MN.00356.E - 007
Section 9.


Fig.1 - Components electrostatic charge sensitive indication................................................ 12

Fig.2 - Elasticized band .................................................................................................. 12

Fig.3 - Coiled cord ......................................................................................................... 12

Fig.4 - WEEE symbol - 2002/96/CE EN50419 .................................................................... 13

Fig.5 - ALFOplus2 and Danger Label positions ................................................................... 17

Fig.6 - ALFOplus2 connector side..................................................................................... 18

Fig.7 - Composition of ALFOplus2 and interface modules .................................................... 19

Fig.8 - Interface modules and carrier scheme.................................................................... 22

Fig.9 - Configuration with an external hybrid and a SP antenna, integrated or not .................. 22

Fig.10 - Configuration with 2 external hybrids and a not integrated DP antenna ..................... 23

Fig.11 - Configuration with a not integrated DP antenna ..................................................... 24

Fig.12 - QoS example .................................................................................................... 32

Fig.13 – QoS block diagram ............................................................................................ 33

Fig.14 - Default 802.1p PCP-queue map ........................................................................... 34

Fig.15 - Default ToS (DSCP) map .................................................................................... 34

Fig.16 – Red Curve........................................................................................................ 37

Fig.17 - WEBLCT Header Compression field....................................................................... 41

Fig.18 – Select the LAN port that sends LLF status ............................................................. 44

Fig.19 - ALFOplus2 blocks diagram .................................................................................. 55

Fig.20 - Available loops .................................................................................................. 59

Fig.21 .......................................................................................................................... 62

Fig.22 - Grounding connection ........................................................................................ 67

Fig.23 – Antenna adapter module (left: external side - right: internal side) ........................... 70

Fig.24 – ODU cavity....................................................................................................... 70

MN.00356.E - 007 187

Fig.25 - Balanced Hybrid antenna interface module with the RF flange set for vertical polarization

Fig.26 – Polarizer setting inside the RF flange ................................................................... 72

Fig.27 - Balanced Hybrid antenna interface module with the RF flange set for horizontal polarization

Fig.28 – ALFOplus with Standard mounting flange ............................................................. 73

Fig.29 – Installation of single flange ALFOplus2 over the antenna ........................................ 74

Fig.30 – ALFOplus with Standard mounting flange ............................................................. 75

Fig.31 – Installation of OMT flange ALFOplus2 over the antenna .......................................... 76

Fig.32 – Pole mounting of dual flanges ALFOplus2.............................................................. 77

Fig.33 – Mounting holes ................................................................................................. 78

Fig.34 - Installation of dual flanges ALFOplus2 .................................................................. 79

Fig.35 - Dual flanges ALFOplus2 with waveguides connected to the two RF flanges................. 80

Fig.36 - F03594 cable for lab use only.............................................................................. 83

Fig.37 - F03616 maintenance cable (to remove after commission pointing) ........................... 84

Fig.38 - F03622 console cable (remove it after use) ........................................................... 85

Fig.39 - Straight Ethernet cable....................................................................................... 87

Fig.40 - RJ-45 Pinout ..................................................................................................... 87

Fig.41 - Indoor RJ45 unshielded assembly ........................................................................ 87

Fig.42 - Components ..................................................................................................... 90

Fig.43 - P20101 assembly procedure ............................................................................... 91

Fig.44 - Connectors and ports ......................................................................................... 94

Fig.45 - Login window .................................................................................................... 95

Fig.46 - Hyperterminal login and result of “show nvram” command ...................................... 96

Fig.47 - Bridge mode setting (Customer Bridge is default) .................................................. 97

Fig.48 - Names of all Ethernet ports................................................................................. 98

Fig.49 - MNGT VLAN creation .......................................................................................... 99

Fig.50 - IP address setting.............................................................................................. 99

Fig.51 - Agent IP setting .............................................................................................. 100

Fig.52 - Remote element list ......................................................................................... 101

Fig.53 - VLAN 127 creation ........................................................................................... 103

Fig.54 - IP address setting............................................................................................ 103

Fig.55 - Agent IP setting .............................................................................................. 104

Fig.56 - New link.......................................................................................................... 107

Fig.57 - Modulation and capacity ................................................................................... 107

Fig.58 - Link ID setting ................................................................................................ 108

Fig.59 - Tx frequency setting and measurement resolution................................................ 109

Fig.60 - Manual Tx power setting................................................................................... 109

Fig.61 - ATPC setting ................................................................................................... 110

Fig.62 - S/N measurement monitoring ........................................................................... 111

Fig.63 - XPD ............................................................................................................. 112

Fig.64 - Configuration for untagged and known C-tagged traffic in Customer Bridge mode .... 117

Fig.65 - Port status...................................................................................................... 118

Fig.66 - CB VLAN creation ............................................................................................ 118

188 MN.00356.E - 007

Fig.67 - CB Port setting ................................................................................................ 119

Fig.68 - Configuration for known S-tagged traffic in Provider Core Bridge mode ................... 120

Fig.69 - PB Port status ................................................................................................. 121

Fig.70 - PB VLAN creation............................................................................................. 121

Fig.71 - PB Port setting ................................................................................................ 122

Fig.72 - Configuration for untagged and unknown C-tagged traffic in Provider Edge Bridge mode .

Fig.73 - PEB Port status ............................................................................................... 124

Fig.74 - PEB VLAN creation ........................................................................................... 124

Fig.75 - PEB Port setting .............................................................................................. 125

Fig.76 - Software download procedure ........................................................................... 127

Fig.77 - Upgrade software ............................................................................................ 128

Fig.78 - Backup/Restore configuration............................................................................ 129

Fig.79 - ALFOplus2 alarm LEDs ..................................................................................... 132

Fig.80 - Rx power levels and RX quality alarms ............................................................... 139

Fig.81 - Example of InBand management, LAN1 with local and remote visibility ................... 142

Fig.82 - In band Management example, LAN2 port is dedicated to the management and accesses
to local CPU only .......................................................................................................... 143

Fig.83 - Management traffic to/from On-Site Management port (1+0 case) ......................... 143

MN.00356.E - 007 189

190 MN.00356.E - 007

Tab.1 - Artificial respiration .............................................................................................11

Tab.2 - Single ALFOplus2 configurations (purpose, interface module, used antenna) ...............20

Tab.3 - Dual ALFOplus2 in 2+0 configurations (purpose, interface module, used antenna)........21

Tab.4 - Dual ALFOplus2 in 4+0 configurations (purpose, interface modules, used antenna) ......21

Tab.5 – Switch bridge modes ...........................................................................................27

Tab.6 - Full dynamic memory...........................................................................................37

Tab.7 – Priority based memory (1 radio port).....................................................................38

Tab.8 – Priority based memory (2 radio ports) ...................................................................38

Tab.9 – Uniform memory (1 radio port).............................................................................38

Tab.10 - Uniform memory (2 radio ports) ..........................................................................38

Tab.11 – Line ports dynamic memory (2 radio ports) ..........................................................39

Tab.12 - Latency ............................................................................................................55

Tab.13 - Optical interface characteristics ...........................................................................58

Tab.14 - ALFOplus2 power consumption ............................................................................60

Tab.15 - Cable max length ..............................................................................................60

Tab.16 - List of suggested PoE units .................................................................................61

Tab.17 - Mounting Instructions ........................................................................................68

Tab.18 - Pinout 48V connector .........................................................................................81

Tab.19 - Pinout MNGT connector ......................................................................................82

Tab.20 - Part to be assembled .........................................................................................86

Tab.21 - Wiring 1000Base-T ............................................................................................86

Tab.22 - Accessories for installation ..................................................................................88

Tab.23 - Voltage measured in 48V port ........................................................................... 111

Tab.24 - Alarm severity list............................................................................................ 133

Tab.25 - ALFOplus2 versions.......................................................................................... 145

Tab.26 - Antenna adapter modules ................................................................................. 146

Tab.27 - Net Radio Throughput in Mbit/s versus channel bandwidth for ALFOplus2 equipment (1+0
configuration) ............................................................................................................... 148

Tab.28 - ACM thresholds for 14MHz bandwidth................................................................. 149

Tab.29 – ACM thresholds for 28MHz bandwidth ................................................................ 149

Tab.30 – ACM thresholds for 56MHz bandwidth ................................................................ 150

Tab.31 – ACM thresholds for 112MHz bandwidth............................................................... 150

Tab.32 - Frequency band............................................................................................... 152

Tab.33 - Net Radio Throughput in Mbit/s versus channel bandwidth for ALFOplus2 equipment (1+0
configuration) ............................................................................................................... 152

Tab.34 - Filter sub-bands for ALFOplus2 11GHz ................................................................ 152

Tab.35 - 10700 MHz - 11700 MHz band - CEPT T/R 12-06 and ITU-R F.387-10 -
Go-return 490 MHz - 180 MHz RF Frequency carrier limits .................................................. 154

MN.00356.E - 007 191

Tab.36 - 10700 MHz - 11700 MHz band - CEPT T/R 12-06 and ITU-R F.387-10 -
Go-return 530 MHz - Frequency carrier limits .................................................................... 155

Tab.37 - 10700 MHz - 11700 MHz band - FCC CFR Title 47 Part 101 - Go-Return 490 MHz -
Frequency carrier limits.................................................................................................. 156

Tab.38 - 10700 MHz - 11700 MHz band - FCC CFR Title 47 Part 101 - Go-Return 500 MHz - Fre-
quency carrier limits ...................................................................................................... 157

Tab.39 - Maximum transmit power ................................................................................. 157

Tab.40 - Guaranteed receiver sensitivities (dBm).............................................................. 159

Tab.41 - Power consumption ................................................................................................................. 160

Tab.42 - Frequency band............................................................................................... 161

Tab.43 - Filter sub-bands for ALFOplus2 18GHz ................................................................ 162

Tab.44 - 17700 - 19700 MHz band - ITU-R F.595 - Annex 7 - Go-Return 1010 MHz - Frequency
carrier limits .................................................................................................................162

Tab.45 - 17700 - 18140 MHz paired with 19260 - 19700 MHz band - ITU-R F.595 - Annex 7 -
Go-return 1560 MHz - Frequency carrier limits .................................................................. 163

Tab.46 - 17700 - 19700 MHz band - Go-Return 1008 MHz - Frequency carrier limits ............. 163

Tab.47 - 17700 - 18140 MHz paired with 19260 - 19700 MHz band - FCC CFR Title 47 Part 101 -
Go-return 1560 MHz - Frequency carrier limits .................................................................. 164

Tab.48 - Maximum transmit power ................................................................................. 165

Tab.49 - Sensitivity (guaranteed values) ......................................................................... 166

Tab.50 - Power consumption ................................................................................................................. 167

Tab.51 - Frequency band............................................................................................... 168

Tab.52 - Filter sub-bands for ALFOplus2 23GHz ................................................................ 169

Tab.53 - 22000 - 23600 MHz band - ITU-R F.637-3 - Annex 3 and CEPT T/R 13-02 -
Go-Return 1008 MHz - Frequency carrier limits ................................................................. 169

Tab.54 - 21200 - 23600 MHz band - ITU-R F.637-3 - Annex 1 - Go-return 1232 MHz -
Frequency carrier limits.................................................................................................. 170

Tab.55 - 21200 - 23600 MHz band - ITU-R F.637-3 - Annex 4 - Go-return 1200 MHz -
Frequency carrier limits.................................................................................................. 170

Tab.56 - 21200 - 23600 MHz band - FCC CFR Title 47 Part 101 - Go-return 1200 MHz - Frequency
carrier limits .................................................................................................................171

Tab.57 - Maximum transmit power ................................................................................. 173

Tab.58 - Sensitivity (guaranteed values) ......................................................................... 174

Tab.59 - Power consumption ................................................................................................................. 175

Tab.60 - Frequency band............................................................................................... 176

Tab.61 - Filter sub-bands for ALFOplus2 25GHz ................................................................ 177

Tab.62 - 24.5 - 26.5 GHz - Go-Return 1008 MHz - Frequency carrier limits .......................... 177

Tab.63 - Maximum transmit power ................................................................................. 178

Tab.64 - Sensitivity (guaranteed values) ......................................................................... 179

Tab.65 - Power consumption ................................................................................................................. 180

Tab.66 - Frequency band............................................................................................... 181

Tab.67 - Filter sub-bands for ALFOplus2 28GHz ................................................................ 182

Tab.68 - 27.5 - 29.5 GHz - Go-Return 1008 MHz - Frequency carrier limits .......................... 182

Tab.69 - Maximum transmit power ................................................................................. 183

Tab.70 - Sensitivity (guaranteed values) ......................................................................... 184

Tab.71 - Power consumption ................................................................................................................. 185

192 MN.00356.E - 007


For more information, refer to SIAE MICROELETTRONICA.

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194 MN.00356.E - 007

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