CHN Questions With Rationale
CHN Questions With Rationale
CHN Questions With Rationale
Easter School Road, Guisad, Baguio City
Phone: (074) 424-5483
7. It provides summary of data on health services 11. Tsaang gubat is a shrub with small, shiny nice-
delivery and selected program accomplished looking leaves that grows in wild uncultivated
indicators at the barangay, municipality/city, and areas and forests. This herb is known as remedy
district, provincial, regional and national levels. for which ailment
A. Family treatment record( the fundamental A. Diarrhea and stomach ache
block of FHSIS; it is a document upon which B. Anti-edema and anti-urolithiasis(sambong)
the presenting symptoms or complaints of C. Rheumatism and swollen gums(yerba
the patient on consultation and the buena)
diagnosis, treatment and date of treatment D. Asthma, cough fever(lagundi)
is recorded)
B. Target client list( second building block of 12. This law created the Philippine Institute of
FHSIS; used to plan and carry out patient traditional and Alternative health care
care and service delivery( e.g. determining A. RA 6675(Generics Acts of 1998)
targets of a program) ; used to report B. RA 7719(National Blood Service)
services delivered and to provide clinic level C. RA 8423
data base) D. RA 6425(Dangerous Drug Act)
C. Field health services and information
system(has four major components: 13. Administrative order No. 3A s. 2000: Guidelines
family treatment record; target client on Vitamin A and Iron Supplementation of the
list; tally reporting forms and output Department of health indicates which of the
reports) following is not the first priority of Vit A
D. Reporting forms supplementation
A. All active vitamin A deficiency cases
8. A medicinal herb that has chrysophanic acid, a B. 6-59 months old children with diarrhea
fungicide used to treat fungal infections, like C. Post-partum/ lactating mother within one
ringworms and scabies. This is also known as month after delivery
bayabas-bayabasan. D. Pregnant women
A. Ulasimang bato(commonly known as pansit- (DOH AO No.: 3A s. 2000: Guidleines
pansitan;it’s main purpose is to lower uric on Vitamin A and Iron
acid for clients with rheumatism and gout) Supplementation priority targets:
B. Guava(effective as wound antiseptic) First priority: all active Vitamin A
C. Tsaang gubat(also known as carmona deficiency cases; 6-59 months old high
retusa; use to treat stomach risk groups (1st 2nd 3rd degree
D. Akapulko underweight children with measles,
ARI, diarrhea); post-partum/lactating
9. Which is not included in the ten medicinal plants mother within one month after
that the DOH through its “Traditonal Health delivery
Program” have endorsed: Second priority: 60-72 month old high
A. Mamordica charantia risk preschoolers; pregnant women
B. Ulasimang bato
C. Ginger
57. A breast cancer screening program screened 60. This determines how congested a place is and
8000 women and discovered 35 women has implications in terms of adequacy of basic
previously diagnosed with breast cancer, and 20 health services present in the community.
with no history of breast cancer were diagnosed A. Urban rural distribution(illustrates the
as a result of the screening. The prevalence portion of the people living in urban
proportion would reflect which of the following? compared to the rural areas)
A. Current and past breast cancer events B. Crowding index(describes the ease by which
in this population of women( the a communicable disease will be transmitted
prevalence proportion is a measure of from one host to another susceptible host)
existing disease in a population at a C. Population pyramid(graphical presentation
particular time; e.g. the number of of the age composition of the population)
existing cases divided by the current D. Population density(can be derived by
population) dividing the number of people living in
B. Newly diagnosed cases of breast cancer in a given land area)
this population of women