CHN Questions With Rationale

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Easter College

Easter School Road, Guisad, Baguio City
Phone: (074) 424-5483

Multiple Choices (100pts) ANSWER KEY (TEST 1)

2: promoting exclusive breastfeeding
1. It refers to the practice of nursing in from birth up to 4-6 months;
local/national health departments (health 3: gives advice on proper feeding of
centers, RHU’s and public schools). It is children. It also includes regular
community health nursing practiced in public weighing to monitor the growth of the
sector. children;
A. Community health nursing( broader than 4: eating of fish, meat poultry products
public health nursing because it and beans;
encompasses nursing practice in a wide 5: eating more vegetables;
variety pf community services and 6: eat cooked food in edible oil;
consumer advocate areas, and in variety of 7: consume milk and milk products;
roles, a times including independent practice 8: using iodized salt to prevent iodine
community nursing is certainly not confined deficiency;
to public health nursing agencies) 9: preventing food-borne diseases
B. Public health nursing 10; promoting healthy lifestyle
C. Nursing service(separate and distinct unit of B. Promoting exclusive breastfeeding from
the local health agency / unit which is birth up to 4-6 months
composed of nurses, midwives and C. Giving advice on proper feeding of children
auxiliaries such as barangay health workers, D. Preventing food-borne diseases
nursing aides and volunteers)
D. Public health nurse (refers to the nurses in 4. To prevent beri-beri, support normal appetite
the local health departments whether their and nerve function, what vitamin should be
official position title is Public Health Nurse or taken?
nurse or school nurse.) A. Riboflavin(Vitamin B2 helps release energy
from nutrients, support skin health, prevent
2. One of the most significant laws that deficiency manifested by cracks and redness
dramatically changed the health care delivery in at corners of the mouth)
the Philippines is through the devolution of B. Thiamine(beriberi is a vitamin
health services. This is supported by which law deficiency disease in which the body
A. RA 8976(Philippine Food Fortification) does not have enough
B. RA 9211(Tobacco Regulation Act) thiamine(Vitamin B1)
C. RA 7160(local government code in C. Niacin(also called Vitamin B3 prevents
which all structures, personnel and pellagra)
budgetary allocations from the D. Vitamin A(maintains normal vision, skin
provincial health level down to the health and prevents xeropthalmia)
barangays were devolved to the local
government units to facilitate health 5. Communal faucet system or stand posts is
service delivery) classified under what level of water supply
D. EO No. 2009 (The Family Code of the facilities
Philippines) A. Level 1(point source: a protected well or a
developed spring with an outlet but without
3. The goal 2000 Nutritional guidelines for Filipinos distribution system; serves 15 households
is to improve the nutritional status, productivity and its outreach must not be more than 250
and quality of life of the population through meters from the farthest user)
adoption of desirable practices and healthy B. Level 2(communal faucet system or
lifestyle. There are ten nutritional guidelines stand posts: has source of reservoir, a
under this program and the 8th guideline focuses piped distribution network and
on: communal faucets located at not more
A. Promoting the use of iodized salt to than 25 meters from the farthest
prevent iodine deficiency(the 10 house. It delivers water to an average
nutritional guidelines under the of 100 households, with one faucet per
program are: 4 to 6 households)
1: intended to give the message that C. Level 3(water work systems or individual
no single food provides all the house connections: has a source reservoir, a
nutrients the body needs; piped distribution network and household

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taps. Suited for densely populated urban D. Pansit pansitan
areas) (The following ar the ten medicinal plants
D. Level 4 endores by the DOH: bawang;ulasimang
bato(panist-pansitan), bayabas; lagundi;
6. Under the approved types of toilet facilities, yerba buena; sambong;
what level are on site toilet facilities of the water amaplaya(mamordica charantia); niyug-
carriage type with water-sealed and flush type niyugan; tsaang gubat; akapulko)
with septic vault/ tank disposal facilities
A. Level 1(non-water carriage toilet facility; (pit 10. Niyug-niyogan is commonly given to children
latrines, reed odorless earth closet: ) toilets above four years old as anti-helminthic. Which
requiring small amount of water to wash part of the medicinal plant you will prepare to be
waste into receiving space( pour flush and taken two hours after supper
aqua privies) A. Leaves
B. Level 2(on site toilet facilities of the B. Stem
water carriage type with water sealed C. Flower
and flushed type with septic D. Seeds(the seeds are given two hours
vault/tank disposal facilities) after supper and if no worms are
C. Level 3(water carriage types of toilet expelled the dose may be repeated
facilities connected to septic tanks and /or after week: Adult = 8-10 seeds; 7-12
to sewerage system to treatment plant.) years old = 6-7 seeds; 6-8 years old =
D. Level 4 5-6 seeds; 4-5 years old = 4-5 seeds)

7. It provides summary of data on health services 11. Tsaang gubat is a shrub with small, shiny nice-
delivery and selected program accomplished looking leaves that grows in wild uncultivated
indicators at the barangay, municipality/city, and areas and forests. This herb is known as remedy
district, provincial, regional and national levels. for which ailment
A. Family treatment record( the fundamental A. Diarrhea and stomach ache
block of FHSIS; it is a document upon which B. Anti-edema and anti-urolithiasis(sambong)
the presenting symptoms or complaints of C. Rheumatism and swollen gums(yerba
the patient on consultation and the buena)
diagnosis, treatment and date of treatment D. Asthma, cough fever(lagundi)
is recorded)
B. Target client list( second building block of 12. This law created the Philippine Institute of
FHSIS; used to plan and carry out patient traditional and Alternative health care
care and service delivery( e.g. determining A. RA 6675(Generics Acts of 1998)
targets of a program) ; used to report B. RA 7719(National Blood Service)
services delivered and to provide clinic level C. RA 8423
data base) D. RA 6425(Dangerous Drug Act)
C. Field health services and information
system(has four major components: 13. Administrative order No. 3A s. 2000: Guidelines
family treatment record; target client on Vitamin A and Iron Supplementation of the
list; tally reporting forms and output Department of health indicates which of the
reports) following is not the first priority of Vit A
D. Reporting forms supplementation
A. All active vitamin A deficiency cases
8. A medicinal herb that has chrysophanic acid, a B. 6-59 months old children with diarrhea
fungicide used to treat fungal infections, like C. Post-partum/ lactating mother within one
ringworms and scabies. This is also known as month after delivery
bayabas-bayabasan. D. Pregnant women
A. Ulasimang bato(commonly known as pansit- (DOH AO No.: 3A s. 2000: Guidleines
pansitan;it’s main purpose is to lower uric on Vitamin A and Iron
acid for clients with rheumatism and gout) Supplementation priority targets:
B. Guava(effective as wound antiseptic) First priority: all active Vitamin A
C. Tsaang gubat(also known as carmona deficiency cases; 6-59 months old high
retusa; use to treat stomach risk groups (1st 2nd 3rd degree
D. Akapulko underweight children with measles,
ARI, diarrhea); post-partum/lactating
9. Which is not included in the ten medicinal plants mother within one month after
that the DOH through its “Traditonal Health delivery
Program” have endorsed: Second priority: 60-72 month old high
A. Mamordica charantia risk preschoolers; pregnant women
B. Ulasimang bato
C. Ginger

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Third priority: 3rd, 2nd, 1st degree B. Population group(group of people who share
underweight school children (above 2- common characteristics, developmental
12 years old))) stage or common exposure to particular
environmental factors)
14. This program is done twice a year. It involves C. Individual(since the health problems
services such as giving vit A supplementation of the individual are intertwined with
and catch up immunization. What do you call those of the other members of the
this program of DOH? family, the individual can be
A. Child 21(a strategic framework for planning considered as the entry point in
programs and interventions that promote working with the whole family)
and safeguard the rights of Filipino children. D. Aggregate( another term for population
Covering the period 2000 – 2005, it paints in group)
broad strokes a vison for the quality of life
of Filipino children in 2025 and a roadmap 17. Family nursing assessment involves a set of
to achieve the vision.) actions by which the nurse measures the status
B. Garantisadong pambata of the family as a client. Which of the following
C. Knock out tigdas 2007(a sequel to the 1998 is not a component of assessment?
and 2004 “Ligtas Tigdas” mass measles A. Data collection
immunization campaigns. This is the second B. Data analysis
follow up measles campaign to eliminate C. Problem definition
measles infection as a public health D. Prioritized conditions/problems
problem) (nursing assessment includes data
D. Expanded program on immunization (one of collection, data analysis or
the DOH programs that has already been interpretation, problem definition or
institutionalized and adopted by all LGUs in nursing diagnosis. Prioritized condition
the region. Its objective is to reduce infant is a component of family care plan)
mortality and morbidity though decreasing
the prevalence of six(6) immunizable 18. In family nursing assessment , it is operationally
diseases ( TB, diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, defined as process whereby existing and
polio and measles) potential health conditions or problems are
15. An endocrine disorder that causes sever salt A. First level assessment
loses, dehydration and abnormally high levels of B. Second level assessment((there are only two
male sex hormones in both boys and girls. If not major types of nursing assessment; first and
detected and treated early, babies may die from second level of assessment : second level of
7 to 14 days. assessment defines the nature or type of
A. Congenital hypothyroidism (results from lack nursing problems that the family encounters
or absence of thyroid hormones which is in performing health tasks with respect to
essential to growth of the brain and the given health condition/problem)
body. If the disorder is not detected and C. Third level assessment
hormone replacement is not initiated within D. Fourth level assessment
4 weeks, the baby’s physical growth will be
stunted and she/he may suffer from mental 19. During data analysis there are standards and
retardation) norms used to identify the status of the family
B. Congenital adrenal hyperplasia as client or patient. One of which explains the
C. Galactosemia (a condition in which the body physical as well as the psychological and socio-
is unable to process galactose, the sugar cultural milieu. This norm is termed;
present in milk. Accumulation of excessive A. Normal health of individual members(all
galactose in the body can cause many options are standards of used to determine
problems including liver damage, brain status of the family as a client or patient;
damage and cataracts) option A involves the physical , social and
D. Phenylketonuria (metabolic disorder in emotional well-being of each family
which the body cannot properly use one of member)
the building blocks of protein called B. Family characteristics, dynamics or level of
phenylalanine. Excessive accumulation of functioning(client’s ability as a system to
phenylalanine in the body cause brain maintain its integrity and achieve its
damage) purposed through dynamic interchange
among its members)
16. I is the entry point in working with the whole C. Home and environmental conditions
family conducive to health development
A. Community(group of people sharing D. None of the above
common geographic boundaries and/or
common values and interest)

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20. This is defined as anticipated periods of unusual C. Community
demands on the individual ,or family in terms of D. Development ( a multi-dimensional process
adjustment/ family resources involving major changes in social structures,
a. Health deficits(instance of failure in health population attitudes and national
maintenance) institutions, as well as the acceleration of
b. Stress points(also known as economic growth, reduction of inequality
foreseeable crisis) and eradication of absolute poverty)
c. Health threats(conditions conducive to
disease or accident) 24. A relationship among organizations that consists
d. Wellness condition( clinical nursing of exchanging information about each other’s
judgment about a client in transition from a goals and objectives, services or facilities
specific level of wellness or capability to a A. Networking
higher level) B. Coordination(relationship where
organizations modify their activities in order
21. Which of the following assessment you can to provide better service to the target
classify as foreseeable crisis beneficiary)
A. Unwanted pregnancy C. Cooperation(a relationship where
B. Father who has active pulmonary organizations share information and
tuberculosis is living with his family in a resources and make adjustments in one’s
house with no proper ventilation(health own agenda to accommodate the
threat: threat of cross infection from TB due organization’s agenda)
to absence of proper ventilation) D. Collaboration(the level of organizational
C. Mother who has legs amputated due to relationship where organizations help each
complication of diabetes mellitus(health other to enhance their capacities in
deficit: amputation of leg is an actual performing their tasks as well as in the
disability) provision of services)
D. Multiple sexual partners(health threat:
sexual promiscuity is an unhealthy lifestyle) 25. Also referred as agitation, this entails going
around and motivating people on one-to-one
22. There are four criteria used in prioritizing health basis to do something about common issues
conditions/problems, one of which refers to the A. Groundwork(involves motivating
probability of success in enhancing wellness people)
state, alleviating or totally eradicating the B. Social investigation(process of systematically
problem under consideration. This is known as learning and analyzing the various
A. Nature of the problem(categorized the structures and forces in the community)
problem into wellness state/potential, health C. Mobilization( activities done by the
threat, health deficit and foreseeable crisis) community to solve problems confronting
B. Modifiability of the condition (the four the community and which serve to build and
options given above are the criteria strengthen the people’s self-confidence and
used in prioritizing health collective spirit)
conditions/problems.) D. None of the above
C. Preventive potential (refers to the nature
and magnitude of future problems that can 26. Stress can have an effect to a person depending
be minimized or totally prevented if on how he/she handles it. One form of stress
intervention is done.) management is through massage. What type of
D. Salience (refers to the family’s perception massage stroke is involved when there is
and evaluation of the condition or problem circular kneading movement applied with the
in terms of seriousness and urgency of tips of the thumb the three middle fingers of the
attention needed or family readiness) area of the cushion of the thumb and massed
23. It involves investigation of problems and issues a. Effleurage(used to stimulate nerve endings)
concerning the life and environment of the b. Petrissage(stimulates circulation by
underprivileged by way of research collaboration milking excess blood and waste matter
with the underprivileged themselves out of the muscle.)
A. Community development (options A and C: c. Tapotement(variety of strokes done with
a social group determined by geographical sudden light blows, such as percussion,
boundaries and/or common values and hacking or clapping)
interest.) d. Vibration(manipulation of the muscles with
B. Participatory action research(it is a the palm by shaking or vibrating them)
community directed process of
gathering and analyzing information 27. The Department of Health is strengthening its
on an issue for the process of taking programs regarding maternal and child health
action and making changes) nursing. As a newly appointed community health

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nurse in town, you are oriented and well verse B. Governance for health
on these. With regards to women’s health and C. Human resources for health (Human
safe motherhood project, the following Resources for Health refer to health
strategies are included to prevent maternal professionals such as midwives, nurses
mortality except one: and the like which could provide their
A. Establishment of BEmoNC and CEmoNC needs in the community. They will be
networks skillfully trained to be competent in
B. TBA facilitated home deliveries (home the provision of health care in every
deliveries are not recommended by the family’s door steps as much as
government even it is assisted by a possible)
health professional or a trained hilot D. Health information
nowadays. Maternal complications
leading to maternal mortality has been 31. A nurse educator who is explaining the definition
found to be due to this.) of community health nursing would select which
C. Improved Family planning Counselling of the following? Community health nursing is:
D. Emphasis on Facility based deliveries A. Nursing care provided to clients in the
community. (Community health nursing
28. The following qualifications reflect possible must have a population focus, not merely
delivery in the Rural health Unit, except for one providing care to individuals in a community
A. Cephalic presentation setting.)
B. Adequate pelvis B. A general term for all nurses providing care
C. History of caesarian section delivery outside of an acute care setting.
(rural health units do not have the (Community health nursing must have a
capacity and the facilities to facilitate population focus, not merely providing care
CS delivery. Aside from that women to individuals in a community setting.)
with history of CS deliveries usually C. The practice of promoting and
have previous history of serious or protecting the health of populations
potentially serious complications, thus using knowledge from nursing, social,
they are usually advised to seek and public health sciences. (This
consult to the nearest hospital during definition is provided by the American
their prenatal period to prepare them Public Health Association (APHA).)
for their delivery.) D. A term used to identify nurses providing
D. Less than five pregnancies care through state and local health
29. You have observed that there are reports of
dengue hemorrhagic fever in the barangay. You 32. Which of the following nurses will have the best
are to perform community awareness lecture understanding of the mission of community
about the said disease. Which is the best health nursing? The nurse who:
preventive measure for dengue hemorrhagic A. Provides the most appropriate care to
fever? individuals within the community.
A. Frequent fogging in the vicinity to kill B. Gets to know each individual and family that
mosquitoes he is working with. (The focus of community
B. Use of mosquito nets and mosquito coils health nursing must be within the context of
C. Use of mosquito repellent lotions the population, not individual or family
D. Cleaning of surroundings and proper context.)
disposal of coconut shells, tires and C. Understands the needs of the
containers(fogging is not individuals and families that comprise
recommended for it only scares away the populations with which they work.
mosquito and it even causes some ( Several authors have noted that
respiratory consequences; use of community health nurses are most
mosquito nets, coils and repellants are effective at the population level when
options but the best preventive they are grounded in knowledge of the
measures is through searching and needs of the individuals and families
destroying of breeding sites by that comprise the populations with
cleaning the surroundings.) which they work)
D. Is diligent about keeping abreast of new
30. According to the AHA, the following instruments treatments and technologies. (The focus of
are vital in implementing the three strategic community health nursing must be within
thrusts. Which one refers to the access to the context of the population, not individual
professional health providers capable in the or family context.)
provision of their health needs at the
appropriate level of care?
A. Service delivery

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33. A community health nurse exemplifies true A. Collaboration (At this point, the community
advocacy by: health nurse in this situation has not
A. Securing a grant for a wellness vehicle to enlisted the help of any other professional.
provide health screenings at homeless This would be an example of collaboration.)
shelters.( Advocacy in community health B. Orientation to health (Health promotion as
highlights the fact that measures to achieve practiced by community health nurses
social justice are apt to be unpopular with encompasses both promotion of self-care
the "rich" and will require concerted behaviors by clients and advocacy for social
advocacy by community health nurses and and environmental conditions that promote
others. This type of advocacy is specific to health (Uosukainen, 2001). In the situation
community health nursing and is more described, the community health nurse is
specific than generalized advocacy within not promoting health care behaviors, but
the profession of nursing.) merely trying to understand the reason for
B. Providing occupational health screenings this population's practices.)
within industrial sections of the city. C. Autonomy (Community health nurses must
C. Providing teaching and education sessions possess a high degree of professional
to new teenage mothers in a public school autonomy; many times, perhaps, being the
setting. only care provider available in certain
D. Helping to open a free clinic to situations. In this case, the community
underserved clients within a private, health nurse providing immunizations would
affluent hospital. (Advocacy in exemplify this.)
community health nursing involves D. Population consciousness (The nurse
striving for social justice. Social justice must develop an awareness of how
requires "taking from the rich and information related to individual
giving to the poor [and] ambushing clients relates to the health status of
the public conscience and budget the total population.)
whenever possible)

36. The community health nurse is assisting a

34. A community health nurse witnesses the final community group in finding acceptable
function of advocacy when she sees: transportation services for the elderly of the
A. The need for continuing services of a free community. This is an example of which step of
health care clinic and attends a city council the counseling process?
budget meeting. (This is an example of the A. Third step (The third step in the
fourth task in advocacy that is presenting counseling process is assisting the
the client's case to the appropriate decision client to develop criteria for an
makers.) acceptable solution to the problem.)
B. A need for a free service clinic to B. Fourth step (The fourth step helps the client
underserved women in the community.( evaluate each alternative solution in terms
This is the first function as an advocate in of criteria established for an acceptable
community health nursing, not the final one) solution.)
C. A record of individuals who utilize a free C. First step (The first step helps the client
health care clinic. (Collecting facts related to identify and clarify the problem.)
the problem is another advocacy-related D. Second step (The second step of the
function, but does not represent the final counseling process helps the client identify
function.) alternative solutions to the problem.)
D. Community members attend a city
council meeting to report on the
37. A school nurse, who is working with a young
positive effects and continuing needs
student, decides to set up a meeting with the
of the free, women's health clinic.( The
parents, the principal, and the teacher. In this
final function of the nurse as an
situation, the nurse is working in the role of:
advocate is to prepare clients to speak
A. Educator. (Educator is not a population-
for themselves. The nurse, alone,
oriented role, but a client-oriented role for
should not carry out the activities and
the community health nurse.)
functions of advocacy; this should be a
B. Liaison. (As a liaison, the community nurse
collaborative effort between nurse and
incorporates the roles of coordinator and
resource person. It would be premature for
the nurse to act as a liaison since no plan
35. A community health nurse determines that a
has been made.)
high number of school-aged children are not
C. Coordinator. (The coordinator
immunized and decides to understand why. This
organizes the care that meets clients'
nurse is demonstrating which attribute of
needs as effectively as possible.)
community health nursing?

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D. Collaborator. (As a collaborator, the A. Policy advocate (A policy advocate works for
community health nurse engages in joint formation or changes that influence group
decision-making regarding action to be health. Policy advocates might or might not
taken to resolve client health problems. At influence others' behavior.)
this point in the situation, the nurse is not B. Change agent (A change agent does not
engaging in the decision making process, necessarily influence the behavior of
only providing all parties access to the others.)
situation.) C. Leadership (Leadership is the ability to
influence the behavior of others.
38. The community nurse has been asked to Community health nurses can assume
investigate a sudden outbreak of symptoms a leadership role with a variety of
among restaurant patrons. This nurse will be individuals, including clients; other
acting as a: health care professionals; members of
A. Educator. (Educator is not a population- other disciplines; public officials; and
oriented role, but a client-oriented role for the general public.)
the community health nurse.) D. Coalition builder(A coalition builder's
B. Case finder. (Case finding involves functions include identifying other potential
identifying individual occurrences of coalition members; presenting the alliance's
specific diseases or other health- mutual benefit to potential coalition
related conditions requiring services.) members; helping to delineate goals;
C. Community mobilizer. (Community assisting in the development of operating
mobilization is defined as "a process by guidelines; and participating in the selection
which community groups identify common and implementation of means to accomplish
goals and mobilize assets to implement the alliance's goals.)
strategies that address local concerns.") 41. A clinic treating a child for otitis media is an
D. Change agent. (A change agent is one who example of which of the following?
initiates change. In this situation, the nurse A. Community-oriented care (team of health
is investigating the cause of the outbreak.) professionals and community members’
work in partnership over a long period,
diagnosing and treating a community in
39. A nurse working at the state level is involved in
much the same way as does a primary care
legislation affecting an underserved group within
physician with an individual patient.)
a community. The nurse's role is best described
B. Community – based care (in
community-based nursing, the nurse
A. Change agent. (The nurse in this case has
focuses on “illness care” of individuals
not participated in changing anything at this
and families across the life span. The
aim is to manage acute and chronic
B. Community mobilizer. (The key feature of
health conditions in the community,
community mobilization is participation by
and the practice is family-centered
members of the community or population
illness care. Community based nursing
group in identifying population health needs,
is not a specialty in nursing but rather
and in developing, implementing, and
a philosophy that guides care in all
evaluating strategies.)
C. Policy advocate. (A policy advocate is a
C. Public health care
person or group of people who work
D. Tertiary health care
for and argue on behalf of policy
formation or changes in policy that
42. A community oriented nurse has identified
influence the health of population
obesity as a problem in the middle school. The
next step in a population focused practice is to
D. Coalition builder.( A coalition builder's
make information available about the health of
functions include identifying other potential
the middle school students. This describe the
coalition members; presenting the alliance's
public health core function of which of the
mutual benefit to potential coalition
members; helping to delineate goals;
A. Assessment (the three public health
assisting in the development of operating
core functions are assessment, policy
guidelines; and participating in the selection
development, and assurance.
and implementation of means to accomplish
Assessment is systematic data,
the alliance's goals.)
collecting on the population,
monitoring the population’s health
40. Which attribute allows the community health status, and making information
nurse to influence the action of the local city available about the health of the
commission leaders in taking an active role community.)
regarding the health of their community? B. Assurance

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C. Policy development C. Set goals based on an analysis of available
D. Research governmental data
D. Work with the community to set
43. A nurse planning a smoking cessation for priorities and select solutions
adolescents in the local middle schools and high (community oriented primary care is a
schools is providing which of the following? community responsive model of health
A. Community oriented care (community- care delivery that integrates primary
oriented nurses emphasize health care and public health. It combines the
protection, maintenance, and care of individuals and families in the
promotion and disease prevention, in community with a focus on the
addition to self-reliance among clients. community and its subgroups in
Regardless of whether the client is a planning, providing, and evaluating
person, a family, or a group, the goal is services. A community based practice
to promote health through education must involve community members by
about prevailing health problems, allowing them to set their own
proper nutrition, beneficial forms of priorities and solutions.)
exercise, and environmental factors
such as safe food, water, air and 47. Why should nurses understand the
buildings.) nontraditional healing practices of their clients?
B. Community based care A. Folk practices are usually ineffective
C. Secondary care B. Nurses can refer clients to the appropriate
D. Tertiary care local folk healers
C. Safe, effective nontraditional healing
44. Public health nursing is a specialty with a methods can be blended with Western
distinct focus and scope of practice and requires medicine (nurses need to understand
a special knowledge base from other specialty the nontraditional healing practices
areas of nursing. A public health nurse would that their client use. Many of these
first be interested in which of the following? treatments have proven effective and
A. Drug treatments for diabetes can be blended with traditional
B. Populations with the highest rate of western medicine. The key is to know
diabetes (the primary focus that has what practices are being used so that
differentiated public health nursing the blending can be done
from other specialties has been the knowledgeably.)
emphasis on the population rather D. The nurse must understand them to help
than on single individuals or families.) the client give them up.
C. Educational materials for individuals with
diabetes 48. A nurse demonstrates cultural competence by
D. New technology for diabetic care using statement such as which of the following?
45. A nurse in a clinic that provides direct care A. “I know how you feel.”
services to clients with tuberculosis would be B. “Tell me about your health care
classified as practicing which of the following? beliefs.”(Cultural competence includes
A. Community based nursing ( the nurse acknowledging the fundamental
practicing as a community based nurse differences in the ways patients and
is more likely to give direct care to families respond to illness and
people than are nurses who practice treatment from what might be the
from a community oriented typical response or more generalized
framework. A community oriented western health care response.
framework includes community Culturally competent nursing care is
oriented nursing and public health grounded in the following four
nursing.) principles: Care is designed for the
B. Community oriented nursing specific client; Care is based on the
C. Institutional nursing uniqueness of the person’s culture and
D. Public health nursing includes cultural norms and values;
Care includes self-empowerment
46. A parish nurse decides to use a community- strategies to facilitate client decision
oriented primary care model to approach care making in health behavior; Care is
within the church community served. The parish provided with sensitivity and is based
nurse would do which of the following? on the cultural uniqueness of clients.)
A. Collaborate with community physicians to C. “Let me show you the way you should do
set goals this.”
B. Base goals on available research literature D. “You can do things in a more modern way
for this population now.”

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49. The development of cultural competence is an who is aware of the basic organizing factor of
ongoing process that is challenging and culture related to social organization would do
sometimes painful as nurse struggle to adopt which of the following/
new ways of thinking and performing. The nurse A. Assess the competence of the “auntie” to
in community health who understands the basis care for the young adult.
of his or her own behaviors and how those B. Assume that the “auntie is related to one of
behaviors help or hinder the delivery of the young adult’s parents.
competent care to persons from cultures other C. Declare that the young adult is capable of
than their own is demonstrating what cultural making his or her own health decisions.
competence development process construct? D. Find out who is considered to be a
A. Cultural awareness (the five member of the family. (Social
constructs that explain the process of organization is one of the basic
developing cultural competence are organizing factors related to cultures.
cultural awareness, cultural It refers to the way in which a cultural
knowledge, cultural skill, cultural group structures itself around family
encounter, and cultural desire. Cultural to carry out roles and functions. In
awareness is self-examination and in- some cultures, family may include
depth exploration of one’s own beliefs people who are not actually related to
and values as they influence behavior. one another.)
Nurses who are receptive to learning
about cultural dimensions understand 52. The aging population is expected to affect
the basis of their own behaviors and health services more than any other
how they help or hinder the delivery of demographic factor. Another demographic
competent care and recognize that population factor that affects health care costs
health is expressed differently across can be related to which of the following?
cultures have developed cultural A. Consumer demand
awareness.) B. Illnesses such as AIDS( because the
B. Cultural desire majority of older adults and other
C. Cultural encounter special populations receive services,
D. Cultural skill through publicly funded programs, the
growing health needs among these
50. A nurse in community health seeks to determine populations have a great effect on
whether the visit with an elderly Asian woman is costs, payments and providers
successful. The nurse has not encountered associated with Medicaid and
many clients from this culture. An effective way medicare programs.)
to judge whether a cultural encounter has been C. Marketing practices for new drugs
effective would include the nurse’s sense that D. Technology advancement
the visit was successful, nurse and client
experience little or no stress, and which of the 53. Health care costs are influenced by factors
following? related to demographic changes, new
A. The client says thank you. technology, resource intensity and which of the
B. The client nods frequently. following?
C. The client’s family members do not A. Chronic illness (the factors that
complain. influence health care costs are
D. Tasks are performed efficiently. demographic changes, technology,
(Having cultural competence is not the resource intensity, and chronic illness.
same thing as being an expert on the More than 44% of total health care
culture of a group that is different costs in 1996 are related to the top 15
from one’s own. A successful highest-cost conditions. The highest-
encounter may be judged on the basis cost conditions are identified as those
of the following four aspects: 1) The with the highest costs, utilization of
nurse feels successful about the bed days, work-loss days, and activity
relationship with the client. 2) The impairments.)
client feels that interactions are warm, B. Market practices
cordial, respectful and cooperative. 3) C. Nursing shortage
Tasks are performed efficiently. 4) D. Professional competition
Nurse and client experience little or no
stress.) 54. Clinical medicine and epidemiology differ in
which major aspect?
51. In caring for a young adult from West Africa, the A. Practice focus (clinical medicine
community nurse is introduced toanother focuses on the diagnosis and
individual, who is referred to as “auntie”, with treatment of indiiduals. Epidemiology
the young adult. A culturally competent nurse is the study of populations to monitor

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the health of the population, C. Past breast cancer events in this population
understand the determinants of health of women
and disease in communities, and D. Population of women that had no evidence
investigate and evaluate interventions of breast cancer
to prevent disease and maintain
health.) 58. A business executive develops symptoms of the
B. Health monitoring flu 1 day after returning by air from a cross-
C. Determinants of health and disease Atlantic business trip that ran for 2 consecutive
D. Evaluation of interventions stressful 10 hour days. This individual’s
development of flu symptoms illustrates the
55. Nurses in community health often use relationship between which of the following?
epidemiology because in the community it is A. Host and agent
often difficult to control the environment. Which B. Host, agent and environment
of the following statements demonstrates an (epidemiologists understand that
epidemiologic strategy for monitoring disease disease results from complex
trends? relationships among causal agents,
A. A nurse in community health conducts a susceptible persons, and
newly diagnosed diabetic education class environmental factors. These three
B. A nurse in community health elements- agent, hosts and
investigates a breakout of whooping environment- are called the
cough in a local middle school. (Nurses epidemiologic triangle. Changes in one
are key part of the interdisciplinary of the elements of the triangle can
team in community settings and often influence the occurrence of disease by
use epidemiology to look at health and decreasing or increasing a person’s
disease causation and how to prevent risk of disease.)
and treat illness.) C. Risk and causality
C. A nurse in community health organizes a D. Morbidity and disease
health fair at the community health center
D. A nurse in community health participates on 59. A nurse in community health who teaches an
a county school board that addresses asthmatic client to recognize and avoid exposure
student health issues. to asthma triggers and assists the family to
implement specific protection strategies such as
56. Twenty people attend a church picnic the removing carpets and avoiding pets is
previous weekend. By Monday, four individuals intervening at the level of which of the
exhibited symptoms of food poisoning. On following?
Tuesday, the nurse in community health records A. Assessment
the addition of two new cases. The incidence B. Primary prevention (primary
rate would be which of the following? prevention refers to interventions that
A. Two new cases divided by 16 at risks promote health and prevent the
(an incidence rate quantifies the rate occurrence of disease, injury, or
of development of new cases in a disability. Interventions at this level
population risk (persons without the are aimed at individualks and groups
event or outcome of interest but who who are susceptible to disease but
are at risk of experiencing it.)) have no discernible pathology (state of
B. Two new cases divided by 20 prepathogenesis))
C. Six cases divided by 20 C. Secondary prevention
D. Four cases divided 16 D. Tertiary prevention

57. A breast cancer screening program screened 60. This determines how congested a place is and
8000 women and discovered 35 women has implications in terms of adequacy of basic
previously diagnosed with breast cancer, and 20 health services present in the community.
with no history of breast cancer were diagnosed A. Urban rural distribution(illustrates the
as a result of the screening. The prevalence portion of the people living in urban
proportion would reflect which of the following? compared to the rural areas)
A. Current and past breast cancer events B. Crowding index(describes the ease by which
in this population of women( the a communicable disease will be transmitted
prevalence proportion is a measure of from one host to another susceptible host)
existing disease in a population at a C. Population pyramid(graphical presentation
particular time; e.g. the number of of the age composition of the population)
existing cases divided by the current D. Population density(can be derived by
population) dividing the number of people living in
B. Newly diagnosed cases of breast cancer in a given land area)
this population of women

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61. The science that deals with the study of human C. Hep B3 (0.05 ml) given 6 weeks after HepB2
population size , composition and distribution in (HepB3 is given 8 weeks after HepB2)
space D. Measles (0.05 ml) given at 9 months (dose
A. Demography of measles is 0.5 ml)
B. Vital statistics(refers to the systematic study
Vaccine Route Dose
of vital events such as births, illnesses,
marriages, divorce separation and death) BCG Intradermal 0.05 ml
C. Epidemiology( study of occurrence and OPV Oral 2-3 drops
distribution of health conditions such as DPT Intramuscular 0.5 ml
diseases, death, deformities or disabilities on HEP B Intramuscular 0.5 ml
human population) MEASLES Subcutaneous 0.5 ml
D. Census(official and periodic enumeration of 66. In order to maintain potency of vaccines
population) appropriate temperature has to maintain. Which
of the following adheres to the guidelines of cold
62. Using appropriate technology is one of the chain management?
corner stones of primary health care. This can A. DPT and OPV stored at temperature of +0
be used in solving problems in malnutrition by to + 8 degrees Celsius
providing low costs, easy digestible and highly B. BCG and HepB stored at temperature
nutritious food sources of protein. Which of the of +2 to +8 degrees Celsius (cold
following can you include in your meal chain management is a system used to
containing the highest amount of protein? maintain potency of a vaccine from
A. Small shrimp (63%) that of manufacture to the time it is
B. Small fish such as dilis (68.4%) given to child or pregnant woman.
C. Mongo (26%)
Part Temp. Vaccines
D. White beans (21%)
Freeze -15 to -25 deg OPV, Measles
r C
63. A tool by which the nurse , during her visit will
Body +2 to +8 deg BCG,DPT,
enable her to perform a nursing procedure with
C HepB, TT
ease and deftness, with the ultimate goal of
rendering effective nursing care to clients
C. DPT and OPV stored at temperature of -15
A. Public health bag ( an essential and
to – 25 degrees Celsius
indispensable equipment of a public health
D. BCG and HepB stored at temperature of -15
nurse which she has to carry along during
to -25 degrees Celsius
home visits)
B. Bag technique
67. Tetanus toxoid vaccination to women is
C. Primary health care (essential health care
important to prevent tetanus in both mother and
made universally accessible to individuals
baby. For how many year/s will TT4 give
and families in the community by means of
protection to the mother?
acceptable to them through their full
A. 1 year( “TT1 gives no protection to the
participation and at a cost that a community
and country can afford at every stage of
B. 3 years (TT2)
C. 5 years(TT3)
D. IMCI book (utilized in the health center not
D. 10 years(TT4)
during home visit)

68. Considering proper cold chain is maintained, for

64. Legal basis of primary healthcare that instructs
how long can you store the vaccines in the
the DOH to develop and implement programs
health center without compromising its potency/
which will focus on health development at the
A. 6 months (duration of storage of vaccine in
community level
the regional health unit)
A. LOI 949
B. 3 months (duration of storage of vaccine in
B. Ra 6713 (code of conduct and ethical
provincial/ district unit)
standards for public officials and employees)
C. 1 month
C. RA 7305 (magna carta for public health
D. 5 days (duration of storage of vaccines in
the transport boxes)
D. RA 2382 (Philippine medical act)

69. The presumptive identification of unrecognized

65. Which of the following schedules and doses of
diseases or defects through the application of
vaccines are correct?
diagnostic tests or laboratory examinations and
A. BCG(0.5 ml) given at birth (dose of BCG is
clinical assessment.
0.05 ml)
A. Case finding( an activity done to look for
B. DPT 2 (0.5 ml) given 4 weeks after
previously identified cases of diseases)

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B. Sensitivity(an aspect considered during
screening and case finding that refers to 73. An activity done to look for previously identified
the portion of persons with a disease who cases of diseases.
test positive on a screening) A. Case finding
C. Specificity( an aspect considered during B. Herd immunity (the basis for determining
screening and case finding that refers to the the community’s reaction against disease
portion of persons with disease who have invasion since it represents the immunity
negative results on a screening test) and susceptibility levels of individuals
D. Screening comprising the population.)
C. Sensitivity (also known as contact rate, it
70. An immunity that develops after an antigen represents opportunities for progressive
enters the body and the individual’s immune transfer or transmission of an infectious
system actively responds with antibodies and agent to a susceptible host.)
specific lymphocytes. D. Specificity( an aspect considered during
A. Active immunity screening and case finding that refers to the
B. Passive immunity (develops when antibodies portion of persons with disease who have
enter the body from the outside source) negative results on a screening test)
C. Innate immunity( an inborn capacity of
74. Nurse Lizzie teaching a parenting class instructs
fighting disease that begins at birth)
that the hot water temperature in the home
D. Natural immunity(happens when it is
should be at what degree to prevent thermal
unintentional and occurs in natural scheme.
It could be either a natural active immunity
A. 100ºF
or natural passive immunity)
B. 120ºF
C. 140ºF(To prevent thermal burns and
71. Based on assessment, you classified a 3-month
scalding, hot water thermostats should
old infant with the chief complaint of diarrhea in
be set at 120 or less. Adult skin can
the category of SOME DEHYDRATION. Based on
tolerate temperatures somewhat
IMCI management guidelines, which of the
higher (that is, 140 or less). The class
following will you do?
here involved parents of children.)
A. Bring the infant to the nearest facility
D. 150ºF
where IV fluids can be given.
B. Supervise the mother in giving 200 to
75. Community accident prevention education will
400 ml. of Oresol in 4 hours. ( In the
include which of the following facts regarding
IMCI management guidelines, SOME
the most prevalent cause of accidental death
DEHYDRATION is treated with the
from age 1-44?
administration of Oresol within period
A. Drowning
of 4 hours. The amount of Oresol is
B. Burns
best computed on the basis of the
C. motor vehicle accidents (Accidents are
child’s weight (75 ml/kg body weight).
the number one cause of death for
If the weight is unknown, the amount
ages 1-44 with motor vehicle
of Oresol is based on the child’s age.)
accidents accounting for the majority,
C. Give the infant’s mother instructions on
while congenital conditions and
home management.
medical illnesses claim the youngest
D. Keep the infant in your health center for
and the oldest.)
close observation.
D. Firearms
76. The Food Fortification Law (Republic Act 8976)
72. The phase of epidemiologic approach that is
requires a mandatory food fortification of the
concerned with disease distribution and
following staple foods, except:
A. Rice
A. Descriptive epidemiology
B. Flour
B. Analytical epidemiology (all the given
C. Edible oil
options are phases of epidemiology. The
D. Soy sauce(RA 8976 requires a mandatory
second phase, it attempts to analyze the
food fortification of the staple foods such as
cause or determinants of disease through
rice, flour, edible oil and sugar and
hypothesis testing)
voluntary food fortification of processed
C. Intervention or experimental
foods or food products)
epidemiology(the third phase, it answers the
77. Which among of the following is not a
questions about the effectiveness of new
contraindication to immunization?
methods for controlling diseases or for
A. Giving BCG vaccine to a child known to have
improving underlying conditions)
D. Evaluation epidemiology(the last phase, it
B. Giving DPT to a child with recurrent
attempts to measure the effectiveness of
different health services and programs)

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C. Giving DPT to a child with active
neurological disease of the CNS
D. Giving OPV to a child with diarrhea
(children with diarrhea who are due
for OPV should receive a dose of OPV
during visit. Do not count the dose
though. The child should return for an
extra dose of OPv when the net dose
of OPV is due)
78. Garlic (bawang) is given to which patients:
A. Male with high uric acid(Ulasimang bato)
B. Basketball player with athletes
C. Hypertensive client
D. Child with small wound on his knee(guava)

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