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TYBMS SEM VI 2019-20


1 The variables which are decision objective constraints Options
entities whose values variables function
are to be determined in
LPP are
2 If the equation in LPP near the away from in in
is of less than type then origin the origin negative positive
the feasible area will be quadrant quadrant
3 If the equation is of near the away from in in
greater than type in origin the origin negative positive
LPP the feasible region quadrant quadrant
will be
4 The objective function maximize minimise equal to less than
for profit and sales
should always be
5 . The objective function maximize minimise equal to less than
for cost and time
should always be
6 The equation for use of less than greater than equal to minimize
machine hours and or equal or equal to
labour hours should be to
7 The unutilized part of a redundant unbalanced slack prohibited
variable is taken care
by variable in
simplex method
8 Shadow prices are the b c z delta
value of slack
9 The key row in simplex lowest highest equal to limited
table shall be the one
which has the b
10 The key column in highest equal to limited lowest
simplex table is the one
with delta value
11 the intersection of key ubalanced restricted key prohibited
row and key column
gives the
12 The number of supply finite infinite always 1 always 5
centres and demand
centres are
13 For a problem to be more than less than equal unequal
balanced in
transportation the
supply and demand
should be
14 A penalty under VAM difference summation most likely not likely
is the the least between of
two in a row or column
15 If demand and supply is balanced unbalanced maximizatio prohibition
not equal under n
transportation it
becomes a case of
16 method is the VAM IFS Hungarian least cost
only method to solve
assignment problems
17 If number of lines in matrix unbalanced balanced probibition
assignment problems is
equal to the size the
solution is optimal
18 To balance an dummy redundant slack constraint
unbalanced problem in
assignment we add a
to the matrix
19 To find initial feasible North least cost South East Vogel’s
solution of a West corner approximatio
transportation problem corner n
the method with start
allocation from the
lowest cost is called
the method.
20 The full form of CPM critical critical path criticize path critical pace
is path methodolog method method
method y
21 Any task or operation activity event successor predecessor
which consumes
resources is
22 There are floats in three two six four
a network diagram
23 The full form of EST is earliest earliest start earlier earliest start
starting time starting time traffic
24 In project crashing the increases decreases equals not sure
direct cost with
decrease in the number
of days
25 The indirect cost increases decreases equals not sure
decrease in the days in
project crashing
26 The full form of PERT program program program program
is evaluation enhancemen evaluation expert to
and t and and research review tax
review revision technique
technique technique
27 The maximum possible optimistic pessimistic most likely most unlikely
time taken by an
activity for completion
28 The time required by processing elapsed time idle time
each machine at each processin order
job under job g time
sequencing is called
29 The order in which processing elapsed time idle time
machines are required processin order
for completing the job g time
30 The time between the processing elapsed time idle time
starting of the first job processin order
and completion of the g time
last job is
31 The time during which processing elapsed time idle time
a machine remains processin order
waiting or vacant g time
during the total elapsed
time is
32 When we sequence the left right centre palm
Jobs the least time on
machine A is placed on
the hand side
33 When we sequence left right centre palm
Jobs the least time on
machine B is placed on
the hand side
34 To solve job unknown not sure cannot be known
sequencing problem we determined
assume that the
processing time of all
jobs on all machines
35 The participants in a Clients customers players members
game are called .
36 A game having more Multi- Many person N-person Unknown
than two players is person person
called .
37 The outcome of the income profit gains pay off
interaction of selected
strategy of in a game is
called .
38 In a game, the options choices actions strategies
alternatives or course of
action available to each
player are called .
39 Is situation in a game, Centre saddle point main point equal point
where in the pay of point
Matrix, maximum of a
row is equal to
minimax of column is
called .
40 The various alternatives Saddle Strategies . Pay off N player
or course of action point game
available to each player
in a game or called
as .
41 A game which has a mixed pure game imperfect perfect game
saddle point is game game
42 The profits in games pay off cost purchases regret
theory are also called
43 The intersection of row optimality redundancy saddle point prohibition
minima and column
maxima is
44 One of the methods of North Least cost VAM Hungarian
solving assignment west
problems is corner
45 From these what is a All There is a The time There is a
pre condition for job machines particular required on time gap for a
sequencing can do all job which is each machine job to reach
the jobs very urgent is known from one
machine to
46 From the following Only Crash any Critical path Crash the
what is not a condition crash the activity at should be the activity with
for project crashing critical any time longest the least rank
path first
47. One of the methods of Simple Simplex Simplicity simpler
solving a simplex
problem is
48. From the following NWCR LCM VAM MODI
which is not a method
of getting IFS for
49. In case if the LPP Less than Greater than Equal to Mixed
involves raw materials
then we use----
50. The matrix made to Pay off Profit matrix Minimum Regret matrix
convert a maximize table matrix
case to minimize is
No Question Option A Option B Option C Option D
It is
It is required It is the
It has a available by world's
physical, only on the importers smallest
Which of the following statements is centralised stock and financial
1 correct regarding International Finance? market exchange exporters market
Balance of
if capital Payments is
includes import>exp transactio a part of
Which of these statements is correct trade of ort, BoT is ns are Balance of
2 regarding Balance of Trade? goods favourable included Trade
_____ reflects the difficulties involved in
recording accurately a wide variety of Accomm
transactions that occur within a given Current Capital odating Errors and
3 period of 12 months. Account Account Items omissions
Bretton Woods System came into effect
4 in the year ____. 1917 1925 1944 1947

Smithsonian Bank of New

5 Gold Standard originated in _____ USA Agreement England Hampshire
NZD/GBP 1.6542/1.6568
6 Calculate percentage spread. 0.1572% 0.0967% 0.1569% 0.1571%
Fixed Crawling
____ system of exchange rate is Gold exchange Peg Smithsonian
7 influenced by inflation rates. standard rate system Agreement

8 Artificial currency created by IMF is ___. USD GBP EURO SDR

Latin word ___ means our account with
USD/CAD 1.1630-1.1650 0.8583- 0.8593- 0.8583- 0.8583-
10 Calculate inverse quote. 0.8598 0.8598 0.8607 0.8598
____ is viewed as money only in the
country of issue, all other countries it is foreign promissory
11 viewed as commodity. currency bonds GDR notes
___ is the association of authorised
12 dealers in India. FERA FEMA FEDAI AMFI
In Holgate Principle, if bid<ask, swap multiplie
13 points for forward rates would be added subtracted d divided
Eurocurrenc Forex Equity
14 The largest financial market is ___. y market market market Debt market
15 The currency of Australia is ___. AED AUD CAD NOK
Eurocurrenc Forex Equity
16 The most liquid financial market is ___. y market market market Debt market
Premium on base currency is always
added whereas the discount on base
currency is always subtracted from the
spot rate to arrive at the corresponding
forward rate. This principle is called as
17 ___ principle. Warner Holgate Buffet Gates
Spot EUR/USD 1.3787-1.3797
2 month swap points 50/60 1.3727/1.37 1.3837/1.38 1.3787- 1.3817-
18 Calculate 2 month forward EUR/USD 47 57 1.3797 1.3825
__ is the smallest unit by which a
19 currency quotation can change. PiP Bid Ask Spread
____ deal in currencies to benefit from
movements in currency exchange Speculato
20 markets. Arbitrageurs Hedgers rs Managers
___ is a market where foreign currencies Eurocurrenc Forex Capital
21 are bought and sold. y market market market Debt market
____ is a real-time gross settlement
funds transfer system operated by the
22 United States Federal Reserve Bank. SWIFT CHIPS CHAPS Fedwire
Spot USD/INR 60 and six months
23 forward USD/INR 61. AFM is ___. 1.13% 3.33% 2.33% 4.33%
Commercial Preference Equity
24 Money market instruments include ___ Papers shares shares Debentures
The income earned by commercial banks
for buying and selling currency for their
25 customers is called ___ fees brokerage spread commission

Forex trading done by a commercial

bank for the purpose of structuring the Proprietary Client
26 bank's assets and liabilities is called ___. Speculation trading trading Arbitrage
GBP/USD 1.9378-1.9388 (Bank A)
GBP/USD 1.9398-1.9404 (Bank B)
Calculate arbitrage profit on a capital of GBP
27 GBP 1 million. GBP 515.78 GBP 546.81 467.09 GBP 612.45
the strike
price is the strike strike
more than price is less price is the option
A call option is out-of-the-money when the spot than the spot equal to has a ready
28 ___ price price spot price market
Currency options were first permitted in
29 India in ___. 2006 2008 2010 2012
Availability Purchase
of Dealing and sale of
_____ is a feature of Eurocurrency Certificate with retail Regulatio foreign
30 Market. of Deposits customers n by RBI currencies
Regulation ___ of the Federal Reserve
Act stipulated reserves to be maintained
against deposits accepted by banks in the
31 US. A M R Q
Royfield has invested USD 300,000 in a
chemicals manufacturing facility. The
cash inflow expected in Year 1 is
USD145,000 and cash inflow expected
in Year 2 is USD 189,000. Using
discount rate of 7%, calculate Net
32 Present Value of the investment. USD 124 USD 594 USD 613 USD 752

on and
It need not ents with
It can be comply with Securities
used to US GAAP Exchange They cannot
raise and IFRS Commissi be listed on
Which of these is a feature of Level 3 additional requiremen on is the stock
33 American Depository Receipt? capital ts minimal exchange.
The risk of change in exchange rate
between the transaction date and
subsequent settlement date is called ___ translatio
34 risk. economic transaction n operating
firms have
it is specific
extremely it deals with it is policies to
One of the features of operating risk is difficult to short-term contract manage the
35 _____. calculate cash flows specific risk
One of the external techniques of invoicing in price
managing foreign exchange risk is futures domestic adjustme risk sharing
36 _____. contract currency nts agreement
The principle that all similarly situated
taxpayers should participate in the cost capital capital
of operating the government according export national import
37 to the same rules is called ___. neutrality neutrality neutrality tax equity
The technique of managing foreign
exchange risk wherein the total value of
the trade is split into two portions and invoicing in split price
invoiced in the currency of both the domestic currency adjustme risk sharing
38 parties is called ____. currency invoicing nts agreement
The parent company sets up a
completely separate corporation in a low-
tax jurisdiction. This mechanism of thin
minimizing global tax liability is called foreign transfer capitalisa
39 ___. affiliate pricing tion double irish
___ is also known as secrecy transfer foreign
40 jurisdiction. tax haven pricing affiliate arbitrage
Subtraction method is commonly
41 followed for ___ tax. income withholding direct value added
The monetary penalty payable under
FERA was nearly ___ times the amount
42 involved. Two Three Five Six
Level ___ ADRs must comply with
various SEC rules, including full
registration and reporting requirements
43 of SEC. 1 2 3 Restricted
____ is a bond with variable interest Straight Deep Sinking
44 rate. FRN Bonds Discount Fund
SEBI has set Rs.___ as lower limit for
the IDRs to be issued by the Indian
45 companies. 5 crore 50 crore 500 crore 5000 crore
In the ___ method, the revenues and
costs of a project are estimated and then
are discounted and compared with the
46 initial investment. PBP IRR NPV ARR

The risk that a government may default

47 on its debt obligations is called ___ risk. political sovereign transfer transaction

it can it seeks to low

navigate uncover in it deals information
options in built options with lot is required
highly or key of for making
uncertain decision uncertaint capital
All the following features of real option business points of y and investment
48 are correct, except ____ conditions projects flexibility decision
inactive illiquid making marketable
49 A good portfolio consists of ____ assets assets assets assets
Decrease in interest rate causes a
50 country's currency to appreciate depreciate add subtract

Sr No Question Option A Option B Option C Option D

Project advisory
Hire purchase Housing finance Equipment leasing
1 _____ is a non-fund based activity.
Lack of transparency is a ____ of the Indian
strength weakness opportunity threat
2 financial system.
Reserve Bank of India was established in the
1935 1951 1911 1995
3 year ____
Ministry of Ministry of Corporate
4 The regulator of NBFCs in India is ____ RBI SEBI Finance Affairs
Factoring arrangement helps the client(seller)
5 to _____ the risk of bad debts. minimize maximise fluctuate even out
The minimum number of parties in a factoring
6 arrangement is ____. 1 2 3 4
The process of selling trade debts of a client to
7 a financial intermediary is called ____. Bill discounting Factoring Securitisation Dematerialisation
The idea of providing factoring services was
8 first thought of in India by _____ Committee. Tandon Malhotra Vaghul Narsimhan
In forfaiting, ____ rate of finance is charged to
9 the client. fixed variable inflation-linked low
Under the advance factoring arrangement,
Denila Ltd. has agreed to advance a sum of
Rs.60 lakhs against the receivables purchased
from Evelyn Traders Ltd. The factoring
agreement provides for guaranteed payment
after 3 months from the date of purchasing the
receivables. The advance carries a rate of
interest of 16% p.a compounded quarterly.
Calculate the amount actually charged as
10 Interest. Rs.24,000 Rs.12,500 Rs.30,000 Rs.18,500
Under the advance factoring arrangement,
Prestine Ltd. has charged a sum of Rs.1,52,000
as interest against the receivables purchased
from Babbar Traders Ltd. The interest is
compounded quarterly. The funds made
available to Babbar Traders Ltd. Is
Rs.41,74,000. Calculate the annualised
11 effective cost of funds. 15.20% 15.98% 15.84% 17.45%
A bill of exchange which is not accompanied
by any documentary evidence is called ____
12 bill. documentary clean usance demand
RBI launched the first Bill Market Scheme in
13 the year ___. 1948 1950 1952 1956
14 Bill discounting provides ___ term finance short medium long infinite
The activity which cannot be undertaken by capital issue corporate project
15 merchant bankers is _____. management restructuring counselling factoring
The primary role of the ____ is to purchase
securities from the issuer and resell them to
16 investors. underwriter shareholder bankers promoters
SEBI (Merchant Bankers) Rules was published
17 in the year ___ 1991 1992 1999 2011
The depository system was introduced with the
concept of paperless trading through the
18 dematerialisation of _______. interest securities entitlement rights
Which of these is not a feature of a forward not not traded on stock
19 contract? standardized exchange call option minimum 2 parties
A clearing member who is also a _____ may
20 clear and settle their own proprietary trades. trading member board member family member business member
Buying low in one market and selling high in
21 the other market is called ____ arbitrage clearing hedging underwriting
______ are agreements between two
counterparties to exchange a series of cash
22 payments for a stated period of time. futures forwards clearing swaps

the security created the security

provides should be of created should be
Which of these is not a feature of marketability to merchantable packaged as into mainly associated
23 securitisation? financial claims quality homogeneous lots with trade receivables

Which of these is not a party in the Special Purpose Credit Rating

24 securitisation process? Vehicle Agency Originator Clearing house
All periodic payments of principal and interest
in pass through certificates are collected by the
25 ___ and passed on to the investors. lead manager banker to the issue registrar servicing agent
Securitization facilitates the spreading of
_____ risk to different parties involved in the
26 process of securitization. debit credit price volatility
In the case of ____ securities, only interest
received is passed on to the investors by the Interest only
27 Special Purpose Vehicle. Pass through Pay through certificates venture capital
____ is an arrangement between lessor and
28 lessee. factoring hire purchase leasing banker
In hire purchase, depreciation can be claimed
29 by the ___. vendor hirer financiers 1978
Hire Purchase Act in India was passed in the
30 year ___. 1972 1973 1975 Rs6,20,000
On January 1, 2019 a road construction
company buys on the hire-purchase system a
bulldozer for Rs. 22,00,000 payable
Rs.2,00,000 cash as a down payment. The
balance payment shall be made in four annual
installments of Rs.5,00,000 principal portion
plus interest at 12% per annum. The Truck A/c …Dr.
installments are payable on 31st December Rs.7,40,000
each year. The first installment being payable To Hire Purchase
on 31.12.2019. How much is the instalment Vendor A/c
31 amount payable on 31.12.2019? Rs.7,40,000 Rs5,60,000 Rs.7,64,000 Rs.7,40,000
On January 1, 2019 a road construction
company buys on the hire-purchase system a
bulldozer for Rs. 22,00,000 payable
Rs.2,00,000 cash as a down payment. The
balance payment shall be made in four annual
installments of Rs.5,00,000 principal portion
plus interest at 12% per annum. The
installments are payable on 31st December Hire Purchase Hire Purchase
each year. The first installment being payable Truck A/c …Dr. Vendor A/c …Dr. Vendor A/c …Dr.
on 31.12.2019. What journal entry will the Rs.7,40,000 Rs.7,40,000 Rs.7,40,000 extend financial
road construction company pass in its books of To Cash A/c To Cash A/c To Truck A/c support to the housing
32 accounts on 31.12.2019? Rs.7,40,000 Rs.7,40,000 Rs.7,40,000 finance institutions

to reduce the
number of
One of the objectives of National Housing housing finance to make housing reduce the supply
33 Bank is ___ institutions finance unaffordable of buildable land risk enhancement
One of the sources of funds for housing finance certificate of
34 institutions is ___. public deposits savings deposits deposit government bonds
The Asset-Liability Management (ALM) management
process consists of the following processes, information ALM
35 except ___. system risk parameters organisation hire purchase
____ finance predominantly invests in the form
36 of equity. venture capital bank lease Replacement
Mezzanine capital is issued at ___ stage of
37 venture capital financing. Early Development Expansion credit rating
___ is a road towards high growth of
38 innovative entrepreneurs. venture capital merchant banking leasing government bonds
39 High risk is a feature of ___. RBI bonds venture capital debentures banking
The division of retail banking that deals with
lending money to customers is called as ___
40 finance. consumer housing short term experience
41 Credit score shows the ____ of the borrower. credit rating income honesty credit union
A ____ is an association of people who agree
to save their money together and in turn
42 provide loans to each other. investor union capitalist union social union ineligible
A borrower who provides security of higher
43 value will receive ___ credit score. no low higher high interest rates

44 One of the disadvantages of credit card is ____ reward points secure transactions welcome offers white plastic
A close replica made of the original card
through photo-mechanical processes is called
45 ____ fraud. application multiple imprints duplicate card term loan
Credit card facility is an excellent example of
46 ____ cash credit revolving credit secured credit FITCH
_____is a subsidiary of American company

India's first credit rating agency primarily

48 focusing on the Indian MSME segment is ____ CRISIL ICRA CARE Rating coverage
____ indicates that there is a heightened
probability of a rating change and the likely
49 direction of such a change Rating watch Credit score Credit rating 1987
50 CRISIL was incorporated in the year _____. 1991 1999 2001 2011
TYBMS SEM VI 2019-20
Strategic Financial Management Sample Questions

Sr. Question A B C D

1 Earning per share equal to (PAT+Preferance (PAT + Tax)/ No of (PAT-Preference (EBIT - Interest -
div)/no of Called up Dividend)/ No of Paid Preference
equity share Capital Up shares Dividend)/ No of Paid
Up Shares
2 Policy is what a Dividend Investment Interest Company
company uses to decide how
much it will pay the share
holders in the form of returns
3 Investor discounts the Future Lower Rate Medium Rate Zero Rate Higher Rate
capital Gain at a
4 If EPS of the Firm is 10 and 10 Zero 5 20
retention is Zero %.
The dividend Pay Out ratio will
5 The most common form of Stock Dividend Cash Dividend Stock Split Bonus Issue
dividend payment is
6 Dividend Cover is: DPS/ EPS MPS/ DPS EPS/ DPS PAT/ DPS
7 What is the Percentage yeild 10% Rs. 2 Rs. 4 30%
on shares of face value Rs.
10, Purchased at Rs. 30
which pay a dividend of 30%
8 XBRL india is formed as one Registered Government Trust Partnership with XBRL
of the following Company Corporation International
9 XBRL is used In India In Few Countries Internationaly In Two or Three
10 What is the advantage of IRR It Considers Time Judgement of Project Elaborated Calculation It helps in Comparison
Value of risk of 2 mutualy
Money Exclusive Projects
11 Calculate Profitability Index, 1.1 1.17 1.27 1.2
IF Net present Value of Cash
Flow is Rs. 5,290 with Initial
outlay of Rs.
12 Estimate of Cashflow is Future Price Trend Perfect Competition Sales Price Past Trend
Affected by
13 An Improper NPV analysis Wrong Impression Depression recession Wrong Selection
lead to
of project
14 is the rate of NPV IRR MIRR RADR
Return that
a project generates
15 RADR equals to risk free rate+ cost risk free + risk return on market less return on market + risk
of equity Premium risk free rate free
16 Which one is disadvantage of not a superior risky inconsistency easy
IRR method
17 Capital Rationing helps in Identifying Investing Diversifying Maximizing
holders wealth
18 In Capital Soft Hard Positive Negative
Rationing an
absolute limit on the amount of
finance available is imposed
19 When Potential Projects are Indivisible Divisible Mutualy Exclusive Mutualy Inclusive
able to be divided they are
termed as, Projects
20 Total Funds available for A B C D
capital expenditure in a Year,
with the Firm is extimated at
Rs. 1,00,000. The mutualy
Exclusive Investment
Proposals along with
Prfitability Index are given

Outlay | PI
A. 25 | 0.94
B. 35 | 1.16
C. 25 | 1.14
D. 40 | 1.09

Which of the above projects

should be rejected:
21 The taking on of a project will Mutualy Inclusive Mutualy Netural Mutualy Exclusive Investment Project
preclude, the taking on of Projects Project Projects
another, such projects are
called as:
22 Ensures that less Capital Structure Capital Budgeting Capital Rationing Capital Employed
number of projects are
selected from imposing capital
23 Dividend Yield Equals to Dividend Per Dividend Per share/ Dividend per share / Earnings per share/
Share/ Face Market Earning per share Market Priece
Value price per share per share
24 With the help of following 49.5 50.1 41.9 55.1
information, calculate PE
ratio for WAT Ltd

Equity Share Capital: Rs.

20000000, with a face value
of: Rs. 10, Profit After Tax:
Rs. 50,00,000, Preference
dividend paid: Rs. 960,000,
Price Per share: Rs. 100.
25 Calculate intrest coverage ratio 20 10 1.5 6.67
if intrest is 150000 and PAT is
1000000 and EBIT IS 1500000
26 working capital is also called current assets quick assets net current assets liquid assets
27 Public deposits are accepted 1 2 3 5
for a maximum of
28 In India, Commercial papers SEBI RBI Forward Market GOI
are issued as per the commission
guidelines issued by
29 which is not a type of working New working Positive working Quick working capital Negative working capital
Capital capital capital
30 what are elements of Working cash+ cash+ cash+ receivable- cash- receivable-
capital receivable+invento receivable+inventories inventories-payables inventories+payables
ries- payables + payables
31 Debenture is a Security Ownership Creditorship Government Private
32 Dividend declared between 2 Interim Dividend Proposed Cash Dividend Stock Dividend
annual general Dividend
meeting is termed as:
33 Types of Preference share, Cumilative Participating Redemable Preference Covnertable Preference
which can be Preference Preference shares Shares
converteed into equity shares shares Shares
34 Balance Sheet Tallies Cause Accounting System Accounting All Accounts are Total Asset is equal to
is Double Entry System is computerised total Liability
Accounting Single Entry
System Accounting
35 Inventory is also termed as Stock Goods Raw Material Current Asset
36 Calculate maximum permisable Rs. 37,875 Rs. 30,843 Rs. 40,125 Rs. 53500
bank finance as per method
ONE if current asset is Rs
62,500, with current liability:
Rs. 9,000, and core current
of Rs. 9,375
37 Calculate working capital 145 days 60 days 5 days 15 days
cycle, if collection period is 65
days, and payment period is 85
days, with
Inventory holding of 80 days
38 NPA Stands for Net Performing Non Performing Non Previliged Asset Non Profit Asset
Asset Asset
39 Bank In India ranks SBI ICICI HDFC RBI
Number 1
in Terms of Capitalization
40 is a rate at which RBI Reverse Repo Mid rate Repo Exchange rate
lends short term
money to the bank against
41 committee was Narasimham Tandon Basel Herstatt
established in 1991 to look
into the banking sector
reforms in India
42 In Amalgamation, all the Market Value Book Value Fair Value Realizabe value
assets and liablities of the
transferor company are pooled
into books of
transferee company at
43 restructuring includes Financial Capital Asset Investment
re-organisation of capital
44 Merger is a merger of a Partial Horizantol Reverse Vertical
company with a financially
weak company
45 growth is the growth organic inorganic aggressive private equity
of business by acquiring new
businesses by way of mergers,
acquisitions and takeovers
46 Which of the following is an Bank Balance Bank Overdraft Cash Balance Unsecured Loans
item of Current Liability
47 An Ideal Liquid ratio must be 1:1 1:2 02:01 1.33:1
48 An Ideal Current Ratio must be 2:1 1:2 01:01 2.5:1

49 In the Balance Sheet Stock Opening Closing Average Finished Goods

is indicated
50 A Tallies on its own Manufacturing A/c Trading A/c Profit & Loss A/c Balance Sheet
Indirect Taxes
Semester VI(2019-2020)
Sample Multiple Choice Questions

Sr. Question Text Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Option 4

1 E-way bill is required if goods Truck Hand Cart Bullock Cart Cycle
are transported by a __________.

2 Ms. Sowmya, a trader of goods in CGST= ₹25000 CGST= ₹25000 CGST= ₹125000 CGST= ₹125000
Puducherry, has opted for and SGST= and UTGST= and SGST= and UTGST=
composition scheme of taxation ₹25000 ₹25000 ₹125000 ₹125000
under GST. She makes a supply
of ₹50 lakh in Puducherry.
Calculate her tax liability under
composition scheme.
3 Aggregate turnover under Inward Supplies Taxable Exempt Supplies Non-Taxable
Composition Levy does not under Reverse Supplies Supplies
include ____________. Charge

4 Funeral, burial, crematorium or supply of goods supply of neither a supply obligation

mortuary services including services of goods nor
transportation of the deceased is supply of services
an example of ____________
under GST.
5 A single amount charged by an Mixed Supply Composite Essential Supply Non-essential
Airline for providing food, Supply supply
beverages, entertainment and
travel service is called as
6 _____________ means any Trader Electronic Manual Custodian
person who owns, operates or Commerce Commerce
manages digital or electronic Operator Operator
facility or platform for electronic
commerce .
7 ____________ is not included Actionable Growing Crops Motor Car Money
under the term "Goods" under Claims
Sr. Question Text Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Option 4
8 In case of continuous supply of (i), (ii) (iii) only (ii), (iii) (i), (ii) & (iii)
services, the invoice shall be
issued _____. (i) on a before the
due date of payment, where the
due date of payment is
ascertainable from the contract.
(ii) before or at the time when the
supplier of service receives the
payment, where the due date of
payment is not ascertainable from
the contract. (iii) on or before the
date of completion of that event,
where the payment is linked to
the completion of an event

9 A vehicle has to travel from 1 day 2 days 3 days 4 days

Place A to Place B, which is
360kms in total. What shall be
the validity of e-way bill
generated in this case?
10 The E-way bill can be cancelled 12 18 24 48
within _________ hours of
11 For goods on sale or return basis, 4 months 2 months 6 months 12 months
the invoice shall be issued before
or at the time of supply or _____
from the date of removal.

12 A consigner can remove goods Delivery challan Notice Refund voucher No Objection
for transportation by issuing a Certificate
13 A bill of supply can be issued by Composition E-commerce Registered Person Casual Taxable
____________ dealer operator supplying goods Person
and services or
14 _____ is an instrument E-Way bill Sales voucher Invoice Purchase Order
containing all the necessary
details of transaction of supply of
goods / services.
Sr. Question Text Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Option 4
15 Capital Goods sent for job work 6 months 180 days 3 years 45 days
shall be deemed to be supplied by
principal to job worker if not
received back within _____.

16 Input Tax credit refers to credit of Output Input Direct Indirect

________ Tax.
17 GST is currently applicable to Motor Alcohol for Aviation Turbine Alcohol for
which of the following supplies? spirit(commonl human Fuel Medicinal and
y known as consumption Toilet
petrol) Preparations
18 Indirect Tax is a _____. Regressive tax Progressive tax Tax on tax Value added tax.
19 Which of the following is not Value Added Stamp Duty Entry Tax Entertainment
subsumed in GST? Tax Tax
20 The Maximum rate prescribed 20% 12% 28% 18%
under the CGST Act is
21 Tax payable by the supplier is Reverse Forward Definite Indefinite
known as ____________ charge.

22 Balance in electronic credit SGST only SGST and IGST SGST, CGST and SGST and CGST
ledger under SGST can be IGST
utilized against which liability?
23 Due date of payment of 10th 11th 15th 20th
CGST/SGST/IGST by normal
taxpayer is _____ day of the
succeeding month
24 What is the validity of challan in 1 day 5 days 15 days Forever
Form GST PMT-06?
25 Which of the following concept Electronic Cash Electronic Electronic Electronic Credit
doesn't exist under GST? Ledger Record Ledger Liability Register Ledger
26 Ragini Technologies Bangalore Mangalore Udupi Mysore
LLP(registered in Bangalore)
sends trainers from its Mysore
office to provide SAP training to
the employees of Swarnam Steels
Pvt. Ltd.(registered in
Mangalore) at the company's
Udupi office. The place of supply
is ___________.
Sr. Question Text Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Option 4
27 When the location of the supplier Inter-State Intra-State Composite Mixed
and the place of supply are in two
different states; or two different
union territories; or a state and a
union territory, such supplies are
said to be _________ supplies.

28 Place of supply provisions have Destination Origin Conservatism Transit

been framed considering the
_________ principle.
29 The place of supply of goods of the importer of the exporter of the agent of outside India
exported from India shall be the exporter
location ____________.
30 The default rule of place of Location of the Location of the Location where Location of the
supply of services made to a registered service provider the service is nearest office of
registered person shall be the person provided supplier
31 Transportation of passengers by Railways in first Railways in Air Air, from Air, from
__________ are exempt from class Conditioned Mumbai Airport Bagdogra Airport
GST Coach
32 Which among the following is Residential Commercial Residential Commercial
exempt from GST? property for Property for property for Property for
Commercial Residential Residential Commercial
Purpose Purpose Purpose Purpose
33 Which among the following is Speed Post Inland Letter Express Parcel Life Insurance
exempt from GST? Post Post
34 X is a salaried employee(salary 125 80 5 45
income being ₹80 lakh). He owns
a fleet of multi-speciality
ambulances for transporation of
patients, from which annual
receipts are ₹45 lakhs. The
aggregate turnover is ₹________
35 Which of the following forms are GSTR-1 GSTAPL-01 GST REG-01 GST RFD-01
used for Registration?
36 Person liable for registration is 22 23 24 25
covered under section ________.

37 The first two digits of GSTIN PAN Number State Code Entity Code Check digit
Sr. Question Text Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Option 4
38 Interstate supplies irrespective of Voluntary No Compulsory Combined
any amount is liable for
__________ registration
39 Who among the following Agriculturist person registered person engaged in person whose
persons is not liable for under earlier law inter-state aggregate
registration? supplies turnover exceeds
₹20 lakh in a
Financial Year
40 The maximum late fee for Annual Return Monthly return Final Return None of the
delayed furnishing of _____ is above
0.25% of turnover in the state or
Union Territory.
41 GST returns are filed Manually Electronically By Post/Courier at GST Office
42 E-commerce operators are GSTR-5 GSTR-6 GSTR-8 GSTR-10
required to file return in Form
43 HSN stands for _____________. Harmonised Hazardous Harmonised Hazardous
System of Structure of System of Structure of
Nomenclature Nomenclature Nomination Nomination
44 Final return is to be furnished by suspended revoked cancelled transferred
a registered person whose
registration is _____.
45 The maximum late fee for ₹5000 ₹10000 ₹2,000 ₹15,000
delayed furnishing of returns
other than the Annual Return is
46 Value of services rendered is ₹ 5th August, 14th July, 2019- 14th July, 2019-₹ 14th July, 2019-₹
2,36,000. Date of invoice is 5th 2019-₹ 2,36,000 ₹ 2,36,000 40,000 and 5th 40,000 and 7th
August, 2019. Advance of ₹ August, 2019-₹ August, 2019-₹
40,000 is received on 14th July, 1,96,000 1,96,000
2019. Balance amount is received
on 7th August, 2019. What is the
time of supply of service?

47 GST is chargeable at Place of Supply Time of Supply Value of Supply Frequency of

___________. Supply
Sr. Question Text Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Option 4
48 An insurer or a banking company 15 days 30 days 45 days 90 days
or a financial institution or a non-
banking financial institution can
issue a tax invoice within _____
from the date of supply of
49 Subsidies provided by the Central included ignored excluded compensated
or State Government shall be
____________ from the value of
taxable supply.
50 _____ of supply is the amount Value Cost Turnover Place
upon which tax is levied and
TYBMS : Semester VI 2019-20: Brand Management Sample Questions

Question Option A Option B Option C Option D

1 Consumer opinions, values and views keep over a period of time. changing rotating shifting transforming

The need to ensure that brand elements are descriptive and should
2 company advisor manager marketer
give general information about the function of the product or service.

3 In recent times has transformed. technologies media choices preferences

4 A is an idea in the mind. strategy brand imagination brand identity

5 becomes a reputation goodwill behaviour relationship Brand

Today every brand or firm has embraced , a means to open up in

6 liberalization Globalization privatization opportunities
new markets.

To and other channel members distributing products, brands

7 wholesaler retailer employees manufacturer
provide a number of important functions.

A term used , to describe all goods, services, and knowledge

8 Company raw materials Catalogue product

9 In case of service brands, the include the customers’ experience. non-tangible tangible Service engagement

Even public figures such as politicians, entertainers, and professional

10 athletes are brands in their own way and they are in customer commoners famous influencers followers
buying behaviour

A brand element that gives a contribution to brand equity

11 high none positive negative
conveys or implies certain valued associations or responses.

Brand management is a series of used to increase the perceived

12 functions process techniques series
value of a product or service.

URLs (Uniform Resource Locators) specify locations of pages on the

13 internet digital Web online
and are also referred to as domain names.

A special type of brand one that takes on human or real-life

14 recall pyramid Symbol gesture

15 helps in reinforcing brand positioning creativity slogan advertisements promotions

16 Jingles are musical written around the brand. tone sound Message creativity

Slogans are short phrases that descriptive or persuasive

17 reconnects connects communicates enhances
information about the brand.
Wal - Marts slogan, ‘Save Money, Live Better’ describes the
18 pricing selling communicating attracting
strategy that has allowed it to become the world’s largest retailer.

Advertising consists of advertising copy and the artwork that the

19 viewers masses media target audiance
is intended to see or hear.

Personal selling is a person to person process by which the seller learns

20 about the prospective buyer's wants and seeks to satisfy them by making want desire Sale contact
a ..

Direct marketing enables organizations to communicate with

21 indirectly relatively directly respectively
the end-users.

Celebrity endorser should have a & a rich set of potentially high level of low level of high level of low level of
useful associations, judgment & feelings. visibility visibility influencing influencing

Relationship marketing attempts to provide a more holistic, personalized

23 connectivity feel support experience
brand to create stronger consumer ties.

Value pricing strategy is a strategy that uncover the right blend of

24 product , produce cost and product prices that fully satisfies the quantity information quality variations
needs and wants of consumers and profits of marketer.
Co-branding is an arrangement that associates a product or
25 service with more than one brand name, or otherwise associates a product single double quality multiple
with someone other than the principal producer.

26 licensing has certainly become big business in recent years. Films Fun Entertainment Digital

A brand value is not just how much extra a customer will pay for a brand
27 over an one ,but also how often they will choose the particular branded first copy unbranded common
brand and for what reason.

Sophistication and tap dimensions that individual’s desire

28 ruggedness power cultured experience
but do not necessarily have.

29 Sense marketing appeals to consumers’ sight touch smell sense

ingredient communication
30 Co-branding is integrated branding brand building
branding mix

31 A more rigorous test of brand is brand recall. recognition identity awareness Image

Global brands must build strong Brand strength, Brand

32 consistency complexity flexibility composite
stature, & power on key factors that drive brand in the market.

33 Brand image is the view of the customers about a brand future past current imaginary

Brand Value Chain provides insights to support the various

34 makers in the company and stresses that every member of the company creative visionors disscuion decision
contribute to this branding effort.
Young & Rubicam (Y&R) a major global advertising agency, who
35 measured brand equity for 450 global brands and more than 8,000 local superior branded known brands
brands in twenty-four countries.

36 measures how distinctive the brand is in the marketplace relevance differentiation esteem knowledge
37 exists in three levels Brand recongnition Brand recall top of the mind

The rows of the brand-product matrix represent brand-product

38 relationships and capture the brand strategy of the firm in terms leverage product line extension effective
of the number and nature of products sold under the firm’s brands.

marketing is the marketing of products that are presumed to be

39 Blue Orange Red Green
environmentally safe

40 Green marketing ensures sustained long-term growth along with sustainability profitability. functionality reliability

Cause marketing or cause-related marketing refers to a type of marketing

41 involving the efforts of a for-profit business and a non-profit cooperative Co-branding understanding coordinating
organization for mutual benefit.

42 Corporate brands is also called or family branding co-branding family umbrella parent

Reinforcing brands involves ensuring in product design,

43 manufacturing, and merchandising and ensuring relevance in user and attractiveness innovation out of the box satisfaction
usage imagery.

The company should try to give something along with the product
44 discounts extra happening special
that is not expected by the customer.

A number of top global firms have introduced extensive marketing
45 marketing product mix modern
programs. mix

The challenge is to get the right balance to know which elements to mix and
46 accept customize Reject
or adapt and which to standardize match

47 Brand definition and often revolve around two related issues connectivity identity relationship communication

The line should reflect only those products consistent with the
48 brand identity privacy product

The goal is for everyone within the organization is to understand the

49 brand’s meaning and be able to translate it to satisfy local performances behaviour Preferences demands
Global brand equity measurement system can make the best possible
50 tactical decisions in the run and strategic decisions in the long short long Little unofficial
run in all relevant market.
TYBMS : Semester VI 2019-20: Retail Management Sample Questions

Question Option A Option B Option C Option D

1 Retailers are part of an integrated system called the supply chain logistics association

2 Retailing includes services, such as delivery. quick sub-head sub-group subordinated

The term "retailer" is also applied where a service provider

3 services the needs of a large number of such as for the groups individuals organisations societies

When the product is sold, by the retailer he creates transfer of

4 distributor purchase ownership
utility ownership

have to keep upgrading the products effectively against

Global Global Global
5 the local competitors & other competitors from other Manufacturer
wholesalers retailers producer

Retail management includes all the steps required to bring the

6 buying needs shopping brand recall demands
customers into the store and fulfill their

Retail management makes shopping a pleasurable experience positive word

7 good experience smile satisfaction
and ensures the customers leave the store with a of mouth

8 Retail management helps customers shop without any disappointments confusion difficulty doubts

9 design and produce goods and products Employee Advertiser Owner Manufacturers

Being able to produce goods is much than being

10 different challenging similuar opposite
able to sell the goods to end-users.

Retailers spend millions of dollars on to advertise, marketing communicatio

11 brand building promotions
advertising budgets come from the markup on the goods. campaigns n mix
IT enables retailers to increases efficiency productivity &
12 in new ways in which retailers can serve the public & marketing needs relationships contacts distribution
compete with one another.

Demographic information about the customers is known from target

13 loyalty satisfactory secured
a card database. audience

An individual who buys products or services for personal use

14 wholesaler manufacture retailer advertiser
and not for or resale is a Retail Shopper.

The range of is the most important reason for customers

15 franchise awareness merchandise informations
to patronize a particular outlet.

The stage of the family life cycle that the customer belongs to
16 needs behaviour demands thoughts
also largely influences his .

In a well-performing market, customers don’t mind spending

17 quality attractive expensive comfort
on and luxuries.

Buying behaviour differs in people depending on the various

18 they are brought up in and different demographics they ritual traditions cultures Religion
come from.

more than two less than two more than two

19 A vertical organisation has of management. more than one
levels level or three

Consumers with high has high self-respect and

20 expects everything best when it comes to buying products or income Attitude status
availing services.

The Socializer Buyer is often called as as he operates Integrated Integrated

21 Social purchaser social buyer
with a nice between people & task orientation. purchaser buyer

Customers of different lifestyles choose different products

22 religion Rituals traditions culture
within the same ..

factors are a major influence in customer’s buying Socio-

23 Psychological Political Physiological
behaviour economic

The resources that a retailer needs to compete are as purchase/distrib image/identit marketing/sale human/financi
well as ution y s al
Customers learn about new products or services in the market
25 from various resources such as peers, advertisements, and sighting imaging Internet word of mouth

The main objective for retailers is to balance out price and

26 demand, ensuring that incremental price increases don’t have negative complex fall dissatisfying
a effect on quantities of goods sold.

27 An alternative offering is not .. satisfying enjoyed comfortable acceptable

should be capable of offering regularly as to what his

28 Employee Retailers Production Manufacturing
customer’s desire.

The consumer’s decision to buy a product is not always

29 informations size price shape
governed by alone.

In case of high the prices may be set low to face the

30 competition effectively, and if there is less competition, the competition choices demands inflation
prices may be kept high.

The of the customer towards price variation and value for

31 comfortability sensitivity affordability
purchasing power of the customer contribute to setting price. money

The deeper the level of the higher would be the

32 branding advertising channels awareness
product prices.

An organisation may seek out sources from where

33 worldwide regional local foreign
merchandise can be purchased or made

The available to the retailer are trade discounts,

34 chain discounts, quantity discounts, seasonal discounts and discounts benefits additional offers
cash discounts.

and cooperation between the buyers and the vendors is

35 Understanding Loyalty Respect Coordination
necessary to build long term relationships.

Many products may be available in the market through the

36 wholesalers Retailers Manufactuer producers
medium of

is one of the most important roles in the retail and

37 Contacts Production Distribution Buying
consumer sector.
Leader pricing is a common pricing strategy used by to
38 sales person retailers wholesalers advertiser
attract customers

Odd pricing refers to the practice of setting retail prices that

39 infinite odd decimal even
end in an number or just under an even rupee value

A price policy may also mean that prices are set and
40 original unchanged one fixed
cannot be negotiated by customers.

The in case of multiple products is called multiple

41 promotions sales pricing advertising
product pricing.

Anchor pricing refers to establishing a price point that your

42 customers then use as a reference point for all future present past existing

An individual responsible for managing the overall of

43 management functioning smoothing working
the store is called a store manager.

The store manager must ensure that his store meets the
44 expectations of the customers and lives up to its predefined value value identity image

45 Standards refers to the set of _ quality guidelines status trademarks

refers to the processes and the procedures that the

46 retailer has in place for ensuring a smooth functioning of the Methods Procedure System Process
retail store.

A good standard of the store will lay a good brand

goodwill thereby generating more cash inflows for the store
47 identity image value reputation
and would lead to a strong positioning of the store in the
competitive market.
A good store design helps the manager to assort its
merchandise properly, resulting into a strong visibility factor
48 superior fresh branded new
to the customer which can be altered from time to time
depending on the arrival of stock at the store.

A well-organized store is one that makes customers feel

49 and comfortable, and is structured so that they can get what value for money worth safe satisfying
they need without wasting time.

Visual information includes signage, branding, and other

50 written and graphical information that communicates essential information details importance details
to customers.
Sr Question Option A Option B Option C Option D

1 ._________ is usually the first mode of foreign entry Importing Exporting Franchising Direct investment
used many organisations, it early on tends to give
them advantages.
2 Belief that our own political and legal system is Jingoism Polycentrism Racism Ethnocentrism
always better than those of other countries and that
they should change their system to ours is known as
3 Which of the following is not shared in a joint Assets Profits Risks Competition sunk
venture? costs
4 The person act as connecting links between an Agent Broker Distributor Retailer
exporter and importe and charge commission for their
service, is called
5 Trade barriers are _____ to the growth of international Useful Harmful Supportive Bad
6 ______ is a horizontal expansion of a firm. Merger Diversification Combination None
7 Customs regulations are ____ barriers to trade. Tariff Non tariff Political Social
8 Quota system is a ______ barrier to trade. Tariff Non tariff Political Social
9 Franchising is a form of ______. Merger Diversification Combination Licensing
10 Regionalism should be replaced by ______. Multilateralism Free trade Trading Bloc Diversification
11 International marketing is dominated by ________ Poor Developing Developed Rich
12 Contract manufacturing is a type of ____________. Outsourcing Merger Diversification Combination

13 The international marketing manager must, therefore, nation understanding law and resources Cross cultural market understanding
posses a degree as well as knowledge of more specific empathy and language
differences __________ skills
14 Culture consists of many components that interrelate Material life Social interactions Aesthetics Money
with one another. Those elements that are most likely
to matter to international marketers include the
following except
15 IFC is one ______ of world bank Sister institute Affiliate Financial agency Advisory
16 Which of the following is an example of a regional WTO GATT NAFTA United Nations
economic agreement?
17 Companies that ignore cultural needs often: Lose permission to Lose permission to Miss marketplace Lose more
export import opportunities salespeople
18 Which type of cultures use and interpret more of the Low context Average context Medium context High context
elements surrounding the message to develop their
understanding of the message?
19 The most dramatic of the environments the effect Natural Demographic Economic Technological
marketing and appears to be now shaping our world is
the environment
20 On which basis normally the market is distributed? Demographic base Economic base Geographical base Multi factors

21 Cultural environment is _____________ Static Flexible Stable None

22 Which one is not the technique of Environmental Verbal and written Search and Scanning Bargaining Power Forecasting and
Analysis of international marketing? information formal Studies

23 Which one is not the export promotion agency in Export Promotion World Trade Commercial Banks Export Credit and
India? Council Organisation Guarantee
24 International marketing environment is _____ in Stable Static Flexible Fluid
25 EU is the best example of ____________ Economic Union Free Trade Area Common market Custom union
26 __________________ means offering a uniform Customisation Standardisation Miniaturisation Assimilation
product on a regional or worldwide basis (only minor
alterations are made to meet local standards).

27 Another name for grey market channels is positioned imports concentric marketing strategic entry imports hidden economy
28 The primary advantage to using a standardisation minimisation of costs more profit less service less product returns
approach to marketing a product in the international complaints
arena is:
29 A ____________ is a name, term, sign, symbol or trademark patent brand figure
combination of them which is intended to identify the
goods and services of one seller or group of sellers
and to differentiate them from those of competitors

30 Which of the following is not a general price-setting Base plus cost margin Standard worldwide Dual pricing Market-differentiated
strategy international marketing? price pricing
31 _________ is an International price discrimination Buy Back Counter Trade Dumping Anti dumping

32 . _______________________ is the characteristic of foreignness price customisation adaptation

foreign products that provides cachet and
differentiation from the local brands
33 Product life cycle is ________ factor influencing Internal External Insider Exterior
34 Which of the following is not a general alternative Posting Skimming Market Pricing Penetration
pricing mechanism?
35 Advertising to some extent is a _________________ cultural social static global
36 Which of the following promotion at budget method Affordable methods Percentage of sales Competitive part Objective and task
wrongly views sales as the cause of promotion rather method method method
than as the result?
37 Which of the following is the first stage for market Analysis Future generation Investigation and None of these
segmentation? Research
38 The approach of clustering those homogeneous To identify target To group prospective To target prospective To classify the target
countries is markets markets markets markets

39 What is the crucial step in developing an international The selection of Market research. Research and Marketing mix
expansion strategy? potential target development activities
40 Which one of the following is not an alternative Undifferentiated Differentiate Concentrate International
Market Strategies toward Market segment? Marketing Strategy Marketing Strategy Marketing Marketing Strategy

41 What are the major roles of international market Cross-cultural, multi- Cross-cultural and Multi-country and Foreign research
research? country and foreign multi-country foreign research
research research
42 All of the following are drivers that govern global Company Customer Controls Competition
pricing decisions EXCEPT:
43 In a modern sense, the goal of many MNCs is to vertical horizontal integrated marketing global
pursue a(n)________________ program. In this communications communications communications communications
program, coordination of all communication vehicles
would take place. Key ideas would be communicated
in a unified manner.

44 When the global level plans are prepared at Operational planning Strategic planning Corporate planning National planning
international head quarters, it is known as-
45 Global Presence of giant multinational corporations is Ecological Political Agricultural Economic
and evidence for the existence of globalization.

46 Services are delivered through _______ channels Distribution Indirect Interactive Direct

47 Service sector acts as _____ of growth Barometer Engine Basis Steer

48 __________ structure violates the principle of unity of Matrix Network Product Line
49 _________ analysis computes financial statements Break even Budgetary Ratio Regression

50 Multi domestic companies _____ decision making. Centralise Decentralise Delegate Direct
TYBMS SEM VI 2019-20
Media Planning and Management Sample Questions
Sr Question Option A Option B Option C Option D
Research and tested
Media planning is carried out through An intuitive process Both of the above None of the above
1 Formulas
The Number of times a
Insufficient exposure to the The total number of The total number of
Reach is defined as reader is exposed to a
2 target audience duplicated exposures unduplicated exposures
The media environment Independent media buying
Which of the following is not a valid statement Media planning is less It is necessary to plan for
has become fiercely services specialise in media
important than creative out-of-home media
3 competitive planning
, in advertising, is a series of
decisions involving the delivery of message to Market Analysis Media Objective Media Planning Media Strategy
4 the targeted audience.
Media planning has a much greater role today
in the advertising industry than it did 15 years Unsuitable Statement Wrong Statement Immoral Statement Correct statement
5 ago.
The estimated number of people an
6 advertisement reaches is called Subscriptions Metrics Impressions Newsstand Purchases

Consider the following statements: Statement 1:

Media planning refers to series of decision
Both statements are right Both statements are wrong Only Statement 1 is correct Only statement 2 is correct
involving delivery of messages to the target
audience Statement 2: The central theme of
7 media planning is message dissemination.
The large volume of advertising in a society is
8 known as Advertising clutter Deception Mass advertising Large scale advertising
General communication
9 Media broad class is Particular time slot Particular time slot Specific broadcast program
When the market represents good sales
potential for both product and brand it High BDI and High CDI High BDI and Low CDI Low BDI and Low CDI Low BDI and High CDI
10 shows
The term Medium is derived from which
medius Medival middle media
11 means intermediary.
Media planners begin their work by doing
12 media Research Message Buying selling
A percentage of
The print medium continues to rely heavily on A payment received for A percentage of The relative average cost to
impressions that results in
13 CPM to determine scheduling. What is CPM a click
each action households tuned to TV reach one thousand people
is a highly negotiable
News paper Radio Television Internet
14 medium when it comes to pricing
Companies are exploring the
Television Radio Newspapaer Online media
for communicating their advertising message
15 because of its several attractive features.
The is the biggest possible
medium and has the quickest and the deepest Web TV Radio Newspaper
16 reach throughout the globe
Extensive local penetration and coverage
magazines newspapers online media social media
17 is indicative of
Which of the following is not strength of the Cost Efficient Medium for High Initial Production High Impact and Dynamic
18 television medium? High Reach Medium
Reach Cost Medium
Difficult to Measure and
19 One weakness in using out-of-home media is Relatively Low Cost
Delivers Excellent Reach Demographic Flexibility
Name the strengths in using radio in a media
20 plan Cost effective Time effective Measurable Results All of the above
21 Print advertising is sometimes also called Business Advertising Press Advertising Electronic Advertising Media Advertising
Which of the following is more of personal
22 medium of advertisement Internet Advertisement Broadcast Media Direct Mail Advertising Print Media
An outdoor medium transporting to different
23 locations carrying ads, is an example of, Mobile Billboard Dynamic ad Media Vehicle Transport Ad
The media which is considered to have highest
24 credibility is Newspaper Television Radio Social media
is a specialised measurement service
25 focused on the FM Radio Industry
A graphical representation of the media
26 schedule information is called a A Timetable Media Objectives A Media Flowchart A Media Plan
An intermittent pattern of Intermittent, intense
A continuous pattern of A hybrid strategy of
The ‘flighting’ media schedule is high activity and low activity within a
27 messaging scheduling
activity continuous pattern
The implementation of media plan requires
Media slot Media mix Media buying Media selection
28 .
Media Buying refers to buying
29 Slot Space Vehicle Time and Sapce
in the selected media
Relates to advertising primarily to
create and build excitement & intersection in a Roadblock Day or day part emphasis multiple spotting teaser
30 product without showing it
The should be the formal
summation of the advertising task that the Media brief Media Buying Media scheduling Media expansion
31 media planner will take on to a solution
is placing media throughout
Pulsing Flighting Continuous scheduling Zapping
the year with equal weight in each month
is a factor affecting the scheduling
Sales pattern, purchase cycle product availability all of these
33 of the advertisement
A products purchase cycle may also influence
34 media plannning scheduling mix pricing
Media scheduling and the development of
creative materials must be integrated so that a
company does not miss opportunities for manufactures customers audience individuals
reaching the right , at the
right time, in dynamic ways
Media strategy is making media decisions based Understanding customers
The clients wishes Whims of the market Brand awareness
36 on wants and needs
Media scheduling is a very next managerial
37 task, once the Media plan Research Media mix Deep impact
is developed
The standard for a
All possible exposures to a The percentage of the
Gross impressions means communication message to Both 1 and 2 above
given medium at a given target audience exposed to
have an impact on the
38 time a message
Cost, Promotions,
In media planning, what does CPM stand for Cost Per Thousand Cost Per Million Cost, Planning, Marketing
39 Management
40 Expand GRP; Group Rating Programme Group Rating Points Gross Rating Points Gross Ratio Points
High TRP Programme & Highly Promoted
41 programme are the two types of Upgrades sponsorship visibility spots none of above
Readers who are loyal to a certain publication
42 are called sole readers clamied readers average readers non-readers
Average opportunity to see is equal to
Gross reach /Net reach gross reach - net reach grossreach+ net reach none of these
Which of the following measurement cues does
mobile measurement borrow from traditional Service quality High Reach Medium Device share Opportunity to See (OTS)
44 measurement
Audience accumulate over
Cumulative reach is Reach unduplicated reach duplicated reach
45 time
46 TAB stands for Traffic Audio Bureau Traffic audience bureau Test Audit Bureau none
program TRP/reach of program TRP - reach of
47 Stickiness Index = program *100 program *100
both none
The cost of an advertisement or a schedule of
ads is often based on
Which of the following concepts may enter into
Rate cards Preferred position Volume buys All of the above
49 media buying negotiations?
What is the formula for calculating Gross
50 Rating Points? SOA x frequency = GRP HUT x reach = GRP Reach x frequency = GRP SOA x Reach = GRP

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