TOFD Principle, Limitations, Calibration and Inspection

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TOFD Principle, Limitations, Calibration and Inspection

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Birring NDE Center, Inc.
Houston, Texas, USA;


Time of flight diffraction (TOFD) is a common ultrasonic method used with automated
ultrasonic systems (AUT). This method can detect, locate and accurately size flaws, but it also
has limitations. Principally among them is that the dead zone masks inspection in the near-
surface just below the weld cap. This paper recommends reflectors be placed appropriately in
calibration blocks so that limitations are correctly identified, quantified, and the method is
applied reliably.

1.0 Introduction

Time of flight diffraction (TOFD) is one of the ultrasonic methods used for volumetric
inspection of welds. Due to its accurate sizing ability, it is widely applied for pipeline
Automated Ultrasonic Testing (AUT) as well as for pressure vessels. The method,
however, has certain limitations especially related to coverage. These limitations
generally restrict its application as a supplementary technique to Phased Array ultrasonic

2.0 Principle.

The principle of TOFD is shown in Figure 1. It uses high angle refracted longitudinal
wave probes in the pitch-catch mode. Typically, for 25 mm thickness, 70° L-wave,
10MHz, 6 mm probes are used. Small size probes are selected to maximize beam spread
and illuminate the entire weld. This results in four received signals as shown in Figure 1.
The first is called the lateral wave - LW. In reality, this is not a wave but scattering from
the near surface microstructure. The LW signal is basically used as a reference. Two
echoes are produced from the flaw. Echo 1 is the reflected wave from the top of the flaw.
The reflection flips Echo 1 by 180° from the incident wave. Echo 2 is diffraction of the
incident beam wave from the bottom of the flaw. There is no phase change of the
diffracted echo. The time difference between echoes 1 and 2 received from the top and
bottom of the flaw along with the separation between the two probes are used to calculate
flaw height. The fourth signal is the longitudinal wave reflection from the far surface,
also referred as LL reflection: incident L-wave and reflected L-wave. This echo also has
a phase change from reflection.

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Figure 1. TOFD principle. (a) The TOFD method consists to two probes in the transmit-receive
(T-R) mode. (b) The Δt time difference between the reflected signal “1” and diffracted signal “2”
is used to calculate the flaw height. Signal 3 is LL reflection from back-surface. Both signals 1
and 3 are reflections and flip phase. Measurement is taken from zero crossing of the signals 1
and 2. The shaded area is the dead zone masked by the lateral wave and is not inspected.

The spacing between the two probes is called probe center separation or PCS.

3.0 Limitations

Overall, TOFD principle is quite straight forward but has limitations. A careful
understanding of the limitations will assure proper application.

3.1 Materials

TOFD requires the use of high frequency probes e.g., 10 MHz. This limits its
application to low attenuation materials that include carbon and low alloy steels.
TOFD has limited application, if any, for highly attenuative materials such as
stainless steel and nickel alloys.

3.2 Access.

Due to the nature of the method being pitch-catch, application of TOFD requires
access to both sides of the weld

3.3 Near Surface Dead Zone.

One of the major limitations of this method is the near-surface dead zone. The
large pulse width of the lateral wave masks any signals from near-surface flaws
and produces a near-surface dead zone. This dead zone limits detectability of
flaws just below the weld cap. Typically, the dead zone can be 4 mm to 8 mm
deep. This depth of the near-surface dead zone depends on PCS and pulse width.
Dead zone size can be minimized by reducing both the PCS and pulse width.
Using higher frequency, highly damped and small diameter probes reduce pulse
width. For example, the dead zone of a 10 MHz probe is less than that of a 5 MHz
probe. Since the dead zone cannot be calculated, the calibration process should
validate the depth of dead zone.

A misconception exists that there are creep waves that skim along the surface and
detect flaws in the dead zone. In reality, there is no such wave. The energy of
longitudinal waves drops to zero along the surface as shown in Diagram 5 in the
Appendix of Krautkramer and Krautkramer and photoelastic images shown by
Blashan and Ginzel (1, 2). A commercially available creep wave probe was tested
on a 1.2 mm side drilled hole (SDH) at a depth of 3.2 mm. With the creep probe
face at only 10 mm from the SDH, there was no detection.

An additional effect of the dead zone is that it limits the minimum applicable
thickness for TOFD. From a practical point of view, TOFD should not be applied
for component thickness below 10 mm.

3.4 Near surface Sizing Resolution.

While the dead zone masks near-surface detection, another issue for near surface
inspection is sizing ability. The time difference (Δt) between the two signals from
top and bottom of the flaw, “1” and “2”, decreases as the flaw gets closer to the
inspection surface. The two signals start to merge and this starts limiting sizing
ability of flaws as they get closer to the inspection surface. Thus, a 2 mm high
flaw 20 mm deep produces a larger time difference between signals 1 and 2
compared to a flaw of the same size at a depth of 5 mm. Sizing resolution is
improved by reducing pulse width. This is done using higher frequency, highly
damped and smaller diameter probes. A common probe for TOFD is 10 MHz, 3
mm diameter.

3.5 Far-surface Elliptical dead zone.

This limitation applies only to double-vee welds. Figure 2 shows the backwall or
ID surface reflected signal from the center-line of the two probes. The total transit
time for this signal will be t1 + t1. For detection of an indication on the toe of the
double-vee weld, the total time is > t1 + t1. Therefore, the backwall signal LL from
the centerline will arrive early and mask indications from the toe of the weld. The
far surface TOFD dead zone is defined by the loci of the point following t2 + t3 =
2t1 as shown in Figure 2. This is loci of an ellipse.

TOFD inspection is therefore highly dependent on flaw location. As the flaw gets closer
to the scanning surface, both detection and sizing get difficult.

4.0 Calibration.

4.1 Calibration Block.

TOFD calibration is done to validate sizing across the weld thickness and find the
limits of coverage. The calibration of TOFD should be done in such a way so that
it determines (a) the minimum flaw size that can be measured over the thickness
range and (b) limit of the dead zone. ISO 10863 (3) addresses these issues and
recommends side drilled holes at depths of 4 mm, T/2, and an ID notch.
Detection of a hole at a depth of 4 mm will assure coverage and sizing to that
depth. A 2 mm ID notch confirms coverage to the far surface. The mid-thickness
hole provides validation of sizing at midwall. Additional holes at T/4 and 3T/4
should be added for parts thicker than 25 mm (3). Figure 3 shows such a
calibration block for pipe weld inspection. Pipe thickness is 46.5 mm. This
calibration block will assure coverage of TOFD with the dead zone limit of 3 mm
from the OD surface. For welds with wider caps and large PCS, achieving such a
a small dead zone will not be possible. In this case, the top hole can be placed
where the limit of the dead zone is expected.

4.2 Depth-time Calibration.

TOFD depth calibration is done to convert transit time of signals to depth. Unlike
thickness measurement, TOFD conversion is not linear and is calculated using
trigonometric formulas. Fortunately, machines used for TOFD have built in tools
to make this conversion. This is done using reflectors in calibration block with
known depth and height. Figure 4 shows calibration on a 2 mm hole at a depth of
22.6 mm. Once calibrated, depth of all reflectors should be verified to confirm

4.3 Dual-zone TOFD.

A single TOFD setup is limited to a maximum thickness of about 30 - 40 mm. For
thicker components, two zones with two PCS are used. They are called upper and
lower TOFD zones. As the component gets thicker lower frequency probes such
as 5 MHz 6 mm diameter are used for the lower zone. When using dual zones, the
calibration must verify overlap of the two zones on the same mid-thickness

4.4 ISO 10863

The ISO standard (3) provides recommended setups with probe selection for
TOFD inspection of varying thickness. The standard is recommended to users of

4.5 Issues with Notches

Another approach for TOFD calibration is OD and ID notches. This approach has
many issues. The far side ID notch only validates sizing on the ID surface that
produces the largest time difference between the top and bottom of the flaw and is
therefore the most favorable location. With notches, there is no validation of
TOFD sizing across the component thickness. Sizing gets more difficult as the
flaw gets closer to the scanning surface. Secondly, the OD notch blocks the lateral
wave and this is the same wave that creates the “dead zone” in the first place.
Hence, the OD notch serves no purpose and instead gives a false impression of
weld coverage. Calibration with OD and ID notches is not recommended for
TOFD calibration.

5.0 Inspection

5.1 TOFD Time Window.

The reflected L-wave from the far surface is shown as signal 3 in Figure 1(b).
This is incident longitudinal wave to reflected longitudinal wave and referred as
LL signal. Past this signal is a mode converted reflection that is longitudinal to
shear wave. This is referred as LS signal. During the inspection, the time window
should include Lateral-LL-LS signals as shown in Figure 5. While most
indications will show in the Lateral-LL window, indications on the weld toe of
double-vee welds can be masked by the elliptical dead zone but will show in the
LL-LS window.

5.2 TOFD Setup.

TOFD inspection setup should mirror the calibration. PCS should be the same as
any change in PCS compromises calibration. TOFD signals are extremely small in
amplitude with a signal to noise to ratio in the 2:1 range. These small signals can

be difficult to detect from A-scan displays during the scanning process. Detection
of small coherent signals is much easier in image patterns. Therefore, all TOFD
instruments display A-scans as stacked images of 256 gray levels. The data is
taken every 1-2 mm with an encoded scanner. The scanner can be manual or
mechanized but must include an encoder. Figure 4 shows a TOFD image showing
2 mm diameter SDH at depths of 4 mm,11.5 mm and 22.6 mm in the calibration

5.3 Measurement

Once an indication is identified in the image, measurements are taken on the RF

signal. Due to the phase change between the top and bottom signals, the
measurement is taken at zero crossing and not peak to peak. Good TOFD
inspection also requires low or no background noise. Use of long probe cables and
working next to welding machines should be avoided for this reason. Proper cable
grounding also helps in reducing background noise.

5.4 Double-vee welds

When scanning double-vee welds, offset scans may be needed to cover the weld
toes on far surface.

6.0 Conclusions

TOFD is a powerful NDT method for inspection of welds when access is

available on both sides. With proper probe selection and setup, the method can
detect and accurately size flaws. Detailed TOFD setup information including
probe frequency, size, number of setups, and calibration reflector size can be
found in ISO 10863 and is recommended. This method also has limitations. There
is a dead-zone just below the inspection surface. This masks indications that are
just below the weld cap. Because of this reason, TOFD is used as a supplementary
method to other techniques such as phased arrays.


1. Krautkramer, J. and H. Krautkramer, Ultrasonic Testing of Materials, Springer Verlag,

Berlin, 1990
2. Blanshan, B and E Ginzel, “ Creeping waves, the truth exposed”, Materials Evaluation,
May 2008
3. Non-destructive testing of welds – Ultrasonic testing – Use of time-of-flight diffraction
technique (TOFD), ISO 10863, 2011.

Figure 2. Far-surface elliptical dead zone is shown as “shaded”. This can mask indications at the
toe of double-vee welds. Note that t2+t3=t1+t1 is loci of ellipse.

Figure 3. TOFD calibration Block for inspection for 46.5 mm thick pipe. The block includes 2
mm diameter side drilled holes at 4 mm from the OD surface, T/4, T/2, 3T/4 and a 2 mm ID
notch. The holes should be drilled so that they are 90° to the pipe radius at mid-length

Figure 4. TOFD Calibration on 2 mm dia hole shown between green and red cursor at depths of
22.6 mm (0.89 inch). The calibration is done to set the depth scale shown by red bar on the left
side. The lateral wave and top holes at depth of 4 mm and 11.5 mm are also seen in the image.
Probe - 7.5 MHz, 6 mm.

Figure 5. Time window for inspection should include lateral, LL reflection and LS mode
converted reflection.

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