NCR RNCRes No7 S2013

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a ae. KAGAWARAN NG KALUSUGAN PAMBANSANG SANGGUNIAN SA NUTRISYON 3 (NATIONAL NUTRITION COUNCIL) 2 NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION me Excerpts from the Minutes of the Regional Nutrition Committee Meeting held on October 30, 2013 at the CHD-NCR Conference Room, Mandaluyong City RNC-NCR RESOLUTION NO. 07 Series of 2013 RESOLUTION ENJOINING ALL LOCAL GOVERNMENT UNITS IN THE NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION TO ADOPT AND SUPPORT THE PROMOTION OF THE NUTRITIONAL GUIDELINES FOR FILIPINOS WHEREAS, the National Nutrition Council Governing Board resolution No.6, Series 2012 approved and adopted the revised Nutritional Guidelines for Filipinos (NGF) as the official nutritional guidelines in the country; WHEREAS, the revision was made to ensure that the messages responded to specific health and nutrition problems prevailing in the country; WHEREAS, the NGF are primary recommendations to promote good health through proper nutrition; WHEREAS, the NGF are simple statements that give advice on the consumption of foods and food components for which there are public health concerns; WHEREAS, the goal of the NGF is the improvement of the nutritional status, productivity and quality of life of the population, through adoption of desirable dietary practices and healthy lifestyle; WHEREAS, the ten messages of the NGF are as follows: 1.” Fata variety of foods everyday to get the nutrients needed by the body. 2. Breastfeed infants exclusively from birth up to 6 months then give appropriate complementary foods while continuing breastfeeding for 2 years and beyond for optimum growth and development. 3. Eat more vegetables and fruits everyday to get the essential vitamins, minerals and fiber for regulation of body processes. 4, Consume fish, lean meat, poultry, egg, dried beans or nuts daily for growth and repair of body tissues. 5. Consume milk, milk products and other calcium-rich foods, such as small fish and shellfish, everyday for healthy bones and teeth. 6. Consume safe foods and water to prevent diarrhea and other food- and water- borne diseases. 7. Use iodized salt to prevent Iodine Deficiency Disorders. ia ng Ppa Ot PAMBANSANG SANGGUNIAN SA NUTRISYON, 2 (NATIONAL NUTRITION COUNCIL) NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION a Sa Dae 8. Limit intake of salty, fried, fatty and sugar-rich foods to prevent cardiovascular diseases. 9. Attain normal body weight through proper diet and moderate physical activity to ‘maintain good health and help prevent obesity. 10. Be physically active, make healthy food choices, manage stress, avoid alcoholic beverages and do not smoke to help prevent lifestyle-related non-communicable diseases. WHEREAS, the Local Government Units by virtue of the Local Government Code are mandated to deliver health including nutrition services, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AS IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED, by the Regional Nutrition Committee of the National Capital Region in a meeting duly assembled, considering the benefits of the NGF, the RNC enjoins all LGUs to adopt and support by integrating the promotion of the revised NGF in their local nutrition action plan with corresponding resources; RESOLVED LASTLY, that the NNC-NCR Regional Office being the Secretariat of the RNC to furnish the NNC Central Office, all regional members of the RNC and all local government units in the region a copy of this resolution APPROVED UNANIMOUSLY AND ADOPTED, this 30" day of October 2013 during the third regular meeting of the Regional Nutrition Committee of NCR at the Center for Health Development-NCR, Mandaluyong City. Alttested by: MS. nacnogétisn V. FEDERIZO, RND, MPH Regional Nutri Program Coordinator, NNC-NCR and Secretary, RNC

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