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10/5/2020 Topic: Group Discussion: Week 7 - Quality Management

This is a graded discussion: 10 points possible

due -

Group Discussion: Week 7 - Quality Management

1. Differentiate the three phases of Clinical Chemistry testing process in clear and concise form.

2. Explain thoroughly the differences of Quality Assurance and Quality Control.

3. What are the solutions used as tools for Quality Assurance and Quality Control?

Discussion: Quality Management

Quality Management

A management philosophy and approach that focuses on processes and their improvement as
the means to satisfy customer needs and requirements.
As defined by CLSI and ISO, it is coordinated activities to direct and control an organization
with regard to quality.
Quality management ensures that an organization, product or service is consistent. It has four
main components: quality planning (
title=Quality_planning&action=edit&redlink=1) , quality assurance
( , quality control
( and quality improvement
( . Quality management is focused not only
on product and service quality ( , but also on
the means to achieve it. Quality management, therefore, uses quality assurance and control of
processes as well as products to achieve more consistent quality
( .

Quality Assurance and Quality Control


It is a system of ensuring precision and accuracy in the laboratory by using quality control
reagents in every series of measurements.
It is a system of techniques to ensure with a specified degree of confidence that the result
obtained from each series of analysis is true and correct. 1/5
10/5/2020 Topic: Group Discussion: Week 7 - Quality Management

Three phases of quality assurance

Pre-analytical phase


e.g. labeling of tubes

Analytical phase

Main focus of quality control

Should be done properly and correctly

Post-analytical phase

Implications of Quality Control


The ability of a method to detect and measure even the smallest amount of the particular
substance tested for.

Analytical sensitivity – able to measure minute concentration of the analyte

it also refers to the test's ability to correctly detect ill patients who do have the condition

Diagnostic sensitivity – the test must always give a (+) result in the presence of the disease

True (+)

= ------------------------------- x 100

True (+) + False (-)


The ability of a method to measure only the component desired without the interference of some
other substances present in the same sample.

Analytical specificity – able to measure only one unknown substance

Diagnostic specificity – the test must always give a negative result in the absence of disease

True (-)

= ------------------------------- x 100

True (-) + False (+) 2/5
10/5/2020 Topic: Group Discussion: Week 7 - Quality Management


The ability of a method to determine the exact value of the substance of interest in the sample.

It is the closeness or the nearness of a test value (value obtained) to the original value (pre-
determined value)

Precision and Reproducibility

The ability of a method to give repeated results on the same sample that agrees with one another.


The degree by which a method is easily repeated.


The ability of an analytical method to maintain accuracy &precision over an extended period of
time during which equipment, reagents, & personnel may change.

Other purposes of Quality Control

1. To check the stability of the machine

2. To check the quality of reagents
3. To check for technical error if any was committed by the operator

Tools of Quality Assurance and Quality Control

Standard solution

For accuracy
A solution of known characteristics and of known value or whose concentration is accurately
It is composed of one known constituent only and used as a basis of reference for the
calculation of the value of the unknown.
100% pure
Serve as a reference for unknown
Choose the standard nearest to the unknown

Control solution

For precision 3/5
10/5/2020 Topic: Group Discussion: Week 7 - Quality Management

A solution (either commercially or non-commercially prepared) composed of several known

constituents which can be run simultaneously with the test to check the accuracy of the
Derived from human blood
Pooled serum (1yr)


Solution without the specimen

With reagent
Set the reading to zero
For accuracy

Two kinds of Quality Control reagents

Commercially prepared

Manufactured by different companies which may come in the lyophilized (pulverized or

powdered) and the non-lyophilized

Assayed – values are known and given

Unassayed – values are known but not given

Non-commercially prepared

Sources for the preparation of non-commercially prepared QC reagents

Left-over sera (pooled sera)


Rifai, Nader (2019) Tietz Fundamentals of Clinical Chemistry and Molecular Diagnostics 8th
Bishop, Michael L., (2018) Clinical Chemistry: Principles, Techniques and Correlations 8th
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