PNB Appendix-II Undertaking From New Valuers PDF
PNB Appendix-II Undertaking From New Valuers PDF
PNB Appendix-II Undertaking From New Valuers PDF
I, .................................................................................................son/daughter of
………………………………………………... do hereby solemnly affirm and state that
I am a citizen of India,
I have not been removed / dismissed from service/ employment earlier,
I have not been convicted of any offence and sentenced to a term of imprisonment,
I have not been found guilty of misconduct in professional capacity,
I am not an undischarged insolvent,
I have not been convicted of an offence connected with any proceeding under the
Income Tax Act 1961, Wealth Tax Act 1957 or Gift Tax Act 1958 and
My PAN Card number / Service Tax number as applicable is____________________
I have read and understood the ‘Handbook on Policy, Standards and Procedures for real
Estate Valuation by Banks and HFI in India 2010’ of the IBA and fulfil all the conditions of
criteria for Empanelment as listed therein.
I undertake to keep you informed of any events or happenings which would make me
ineligible for empanelment as a valuer.
I have not concealed or suppressed any material information, facts and record and I have
made a complete and full disclosure.
I have not been found guilty of misconduct in professional capacity. In case I am found
guilty of misconduct/adoption of unethical practices/submission of under or over valued
valuation reports, in professional capacity, in Punjab National Bank OR in some other
Bank/Institution and brought to the notice of Punjab National Bank, by IBA/Central Bureau
of Investigation (CBI)/ Reserve Bank of India (RBI)/Any other Govt. Agency/Body, my
empanelment will stand cancelled with Punjab National Bank, without referring to
Grievances Redressal System of the Bank. PNB will be free to report to the IBA, Institute
of Valuers etc. about the misconduct/adoption of unethical practices and may take
appropriate legal action for deficiency in services.
Dated : …………………………….