Identifikasi Gigi Bing
Identifikasi Gigi Bing
Identifikasi Gigi Bing
Nim : P07125119028
No : 27
1. Enamel
This is the is the substance that covers the anatomic crown of the tooth, is the hardest
substance in the body and is somewhat translucent. It is created by cells known as ameloblasts.
The enamel is the first line of protection for the tooth. It can withstand biting pressure but
does not have the ability to regrow once fully formed. If there has been minor demineralization
(become more porous) occurring, it can remineralize (harden) and thus stop the tooth decay
process with proper nutrition and oral care.
2. Crown
The top part of the tooth, and the only part you can normally see. The shape of the
crown determines the tooth’s function. For example, front teeth are sharp and chisel-shaped for
cutting, while molars have flat surfaces for grinding.
A crown can be used to protect a weak tooth from breaking, hold together an already
broken or worn tooth, cover the tooth with a large filling or dental implant, hold a dental bridge in
place, or support a cosmetic modification.
3. Gums
Gums, also called gingiva, are the fleshy, pink connective tissue that’s attached to the
neck of the tooth and the cementum. The gingiva is attached to the tooth, forming a seal thet
protects the underlying bone and helps provide a barrier against infection.
4. Pulp
it is where all the nerves and blood vessels that supply the tooth are housed. The pulp is
divided into two areas: the pulp chamber, located in the crown of the tooth; and the pulp canals,
which are located in the root(s) of the tooth. If the pulp area becomes exposed to decay, a
bacterial infection can occur and may require root canal therapy in order to save the tooth.
When the teeth first erupt, the pulp chamber and canals are very large, but as secondary dentin
forms, the pulp area decreases.
5. Dentin
Dentin is the substance that lies beneath the enamel and the cementum in the tooth.
Dentin is created by cells known as odontoblasts. It is not as hard as enamel and it makes up
the major portion of the tooth. The dentin is comprised of microscopic tubes known as dentinal
tubules. There are three types of dentin. Primary dentin is what is present when the tooth
erupts. Secondary dentin continues to form during the life of the tooth. Reparative dentin can
form in response to inflammation/irritation or trauma. The color of the dentin reflecting through
the enamel is what is responsible for the color (hue and tint) of the tooth. Because dentin is
softer than enamel, if decay passes through the enamel (demineralization) and invades the
dentin, it can spread very rapidly here. The enamel and the dentin meet at an area known as
the DEJ or dentoenamel junction. Its main function is to provide support to the enamel. It is also
responsible for transmitting impulses from the enamel or root to the dental pulp.
6. Root
The root is the part of the tooth that extends into the bone and holds the tooth in place. It
makes up approximately two-thirds of the tooth.
Blood vessels supply the periodontal ligament with nutrients, while nerves help control the
amount of force used when you chew.
8. Jawbone
The jaw bone, also called the alveolar bone, is the bone that contains the tooth sockets and
surrounds the teeth’s roots; it holds the teeth in place.