Ash Ring Formation in Kiln
Ash Ring Formation in Kiln
Ash Ring Formation in Kiln
Abstract : This paper describes in different sections all know factors influencing ash ring formation in lime rotary
kilns. Ash ring is mostly influence by fuel and lime properties and its impurities and process conditions. The paper
describes different types of ash rings that might formed in rotary kilns. Factors were analyzed from feed batch, fuel
to construction parts of rotary kilns. Papers describes all know factors how to prevent ash ring formation and how
decrease ash ring formation and its influence on operational conditions of lime rotary kilns.
Citation: Berta, R., Lukáč, L.: Ash ring formation in lime rotary kilns, Advance in Thermal Processes and Energy
Transformation Volume I, Nr. I(2018), p. 01-04, ISSN 2585-9102
1 Introduction
Lime production is one of the most important
process in industry. Lime has variety of industrial
usage in steel production, building, glass, paper
industry and for water treatment. Based stone type and
fuel availability different types of kilns are used, most
common kiln are single haft kilns, parallel flow
regenerative kilns and rotary kilns. Rotary kilns are
mainly use for lime production in steel industry, where
is high lime demand. Rotary kilns for lime production
using different fuel types. In Europe most common fuel
is coal and natural gas, but more and more frequently
alternative fuels are being used. Due to usage of solid
fuel with ash content there is specific problem with
formation of ash ring, that limits kiln production, Figure 1 Ash ring in lime rotary kiln
operational conditions and kiln availability. [1]
Ash ring formation negatively influences process
2 Ash ring formation in rotary kilns parameters (kiln pressure loose, kiln load, increase of
stone bed depth, etc.) and mechanical load of kiln
Generally, in rotary kiln, firing solid fuels occurs shell, refractories by weight of ash ring. Due to these
phenomena of ash ring (coating) formation. The ash phenomena kilns has to be more frequently stopped. In
ring is formed by reaction between impurities coming lime rotary kiln ash ring is formed in calcination zone.
from feed and ash from fuels in certain range of Figure 2 shows kiln temperature profile, are marked
temperatures. In Figure 1 is example of ash ring has ash ring formed and that cause lower shell
formed in lime rotary kiln. temperature. Decrease of temperature marked by blue
arrow show kiln tyres ring.
Advances in Thermal Processes
and Energy Transformation
Advances in Thermal Processes
and Energy Transformation
Advances in Thermal Processes
and Energy Transformation
3. Process control
The main driver for the process control is to reduce
reduction atmosfere in kiln. It is crucial to have good
mixing of fuel and air to reduce alternative fuel to fall
on bed. This is possible to improve by sufficient swirl
effect and burner momentum.