Ash Ring Formation in Kiln

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Advances in Thermal Processes

and Energy Transformation

Volume I, 2018, Bert01, pp. 01-04
ISSN 2585-9102

Ash ring formation in lime rotary kilns

René Berta1 ● Ladislav Lukáč2

Department of Thermal Engineering and Gas industry, Technical university in
Košice, Letná 9, 042 00 Košice, Slovakia,
Department of Thermal Engineering and Gas industry, Technical university in
Košice, Letná 9, 042 00 Košice, Slovakia,

Category : Original Scientific Paper

Received : 20 February 2018 / Revised: 05 Marec 2018 / Accepted: 17 Marec 2018

Keywords : ash ring, fuel, lime production, rotary kiln,

Abstract : This paper describes in different sections all know factors influencing ash ring formation in lime rotary
kilns. Ash ring is mostly influence by fuel and lime properties and its impurities and process conditions. The paper
describes different types of ash rings that might formed in rotary kilns. Factors were analyzed from feed batch, fuel
to construction parts of rotary kilns. Papers describes all know factors how to prevent ash ring formation and how
decrease ash ring formation and its influence on operational conditions of lime rotary kilns.

Citation: Berta, R., Lukáč, L.: Ash ring formation in lime rotary kilns, Advance in Thermal Processes and Energy
Transformation Volume I, Nr. I(2018), p. 01-04, ISSN 2585-9102

1 Introduction
Lime production is one of the most important
process in industry. Lime has variety of industrial
usage in steel production, building, glass, paper
industry and for water treatment. Based stone type and
fuel availability different types of kilns are used, most
common kiln are single haft kilns, parallel flow
regenerative kilns and rotary kilns. Rotary kilns are
mainly use for lime production in steel industry, where
is high lime demand. Rotary kilns for lime production
using different fuel types. In Europe most common fuel
is coal and natural gas, but more and more frequently
alternative fuels are being used. Due to usage of solid
fuel with ash content there is specific problem with
formation of ash ring, that limits kiln production, Figure 1 Ash ring in lime rotary kiln
operational conditions and kiln availability. [1]
Ash ring formation negatively influences process
2 Ash ring formation in rotary kilns parameters (kiln pressure loose, kiln load, increase of
stone bed depth, etc.) and mechanical load of kiln
Generally, in rotary kiln, firing solid fuels occurs shell, refractories by weight of ash ring. Due to these
phenomena of ash ring (coating) formation. The ash phenomena kilns has to be more frequently stopped. In
ring is formed by reaction between impurities coming lime rotary kiln ash ring is formed in calcination zone.
from feed and ash from fuels in certain range of Figure 2 shows kiln temperature profile, are marked
temperatures. In Figure 1 is example of ash ring has ash ring formed and that cause lower shell
formed in lime rotary kiln. temperature. Decrease of temperature marked by blue
arrow show kiln tyres ring.

Advances in Thermal Processes
and Energy Transformation

Figure 3 Phase diagrm of CaO-Al2O3-Fe2O3-SiO2 with

Figure 2 Rotary kiln temperature profile MgO impurities

On figures 4,5,6 below it is visible growth of ash

2.1 Mechanism of ash ring formation in rotary ring (marked with black arrow) during kiln campaign.
kilns Kiln was stopped due to ash ring after 25 days. From
second half of campaign is visible that ash ring growth
Current research shows that following elements
is faster.
participate on ash ring formation: CaO, SiO2, Al2O3,
Fe2O3, MgO, SO3, Cl, K2O, Na2O.

In case of lime rotary kilns is ring formed with

particles on alumina bases. Ash ring has usually high
mechanical strength that is caused by precipitation and
sintering of particles forming the ash ring. Liquid
phase is partially formed by sintering of alumina and
iron phase. Ash ring formation is influenced by
composition of alternative fuels, increase amounts of
alternative fuels tends to promote ash ring formation in
comparison to natural gas and low ash content coal.
Alumina phase brought by feed to kiln has critical
impact on ash ring formation. Figure 3 show phase
diagram of mixture CaO-Al2O3-Fe2O3-SiO2 with
impurities of MgO. Eutectic point indicates starting
temperature when preliminary melt is formed with Figure 4 Ash ring size after 11 day of operation
mentioned chemical composition and creates melted
mixture. This melt starts to form at 1300°C and 14%
vol. Fe2O3 in preliminary liquid phase. With decreased
Fe2O3 content melting temperature of melt is increased.

Ash composition coming from fuel contents high

ratio of iron/alumina components, with increased ratio
of ash formed from alumina components, decreased
melting temperature, that cause at the same
temperature higher ash ring formation which in solid
phase is cumulated on refractory. This effect could
increase with deposit of unburned coarser fuel and
local higher temperature with burning of this fuel. With
growing ash ring, growth is getting faster due to
shorter distance between ash ring and flame and it is Figure 5 Ash ring size after 19 days of operation
closer to hotter flame part.

Advances in Thermal Processes
and Energy Transformation

2.2 Location of ash ring in rotary kilns

On pictures below there are marked several
locations of ash ring formation in rotary kilns. Location
are marked with numbers.

Figure 9 Location of ash ring in rotary kilns 1

Figure 6 Ash ring size after 23 day of operation

Figure 10 Location of ash ring in rotary kilns 2
Termovision pictures below show how shell
temperature has changed before (Figure 7) and after 1. Dust ash ring – Occasionally forms during
(Figure 8) ring formation. Big temperature difference kiln start up. Dust is transferred by secondary
demonstrates thickness of ash ring. air from cooler and remains on retention ring.
This type of ash ring usually collapse itself
during the kiln start-up.
2. Middle- kiln ash ring – Potassium component
forms liquid phase in calcination part of kiln.
Particles in this section agglomerating
together, joints refractory a creates ring. At
begging ring is soft and contains CaCO3 and
CaO, later when operational condition change,
ring is cooled down and CaO reacts with CO2
and forms CaCO3, this is called re-
carbonatation. During this process ring
becomes harder and it is not able to fall itself.
This is ring is typical for kilns with processing
wet calcium mud.
Figure 7 Kiln at begining of campaign without ash ring
3. Mud rings – Moisture level of mud suppose to
be below 5%. In case moisture is above 15%
ash ring forms in chain section
4. Ash ring in burning zone- This type of ash
ring is in kilns with dry feed and fuels has a
lot of ash.
5. Sodium ball – If dust level is above 15% of
dry matter entering the kiln, than it is
entrained as dust by fumes, then this creates
balls on chains.

3 Possibilities of ash ring reduction in rotary

Figure 8 Kiln at end of campaign with ash ring (23 days)
The main driver for ash ring reduction is inputs
control. For the lime kiln main feed is limetone with its
impurites and different types of solid fuel like a coal,

Advances in Thermal Processes
and Energy Transformation

solid alternative fuels. In this this case to eliminate ash

ring formation there are following recommendations:

1. Selection of fuel with proper fuel properties

Based experience there are several parameters
influencing the ash ring formation the most. Low fuel
fusion temperature is promoting ash ring formation,
recommeded softening temperature is 1400°C and
fusion temperature more than 2800°C. Maximum
avarage ash contend should be below 8,5 % in dry
matter. Minimum requirement of ash composition is
Fe2O3 <8,0 %, Na2O <1,0 %, K2O <2,0 %, CaO <2,0

2. Stable feed quallity

Cleanest and proper granulometry of the feed is
cruicial for decrease of ash ring formation. Lot of
impurities like sand, clay, mud brings change of ash
and lime kiln dust properties and promotes reaction of
lime, that reacts with ash and sinters on the wall of

3. Process control
The main driver for the process control is to reduce
reduction atmosfere in kiln. It is crucial to have good
mixing of fuel and air to reduce alternative fuel to fall
on bed. This is possible to improve by sufficient swirl
effect and burner momentum.

4 The reference list

[1] TATIČ, M., LUKÁČ L.: Industrial kilns I, TUKE
[2] Crushing technology - Available online:
g-technology/ [20 Februar 2018].
[3] ANDRITZ Pulp &Paper – Kiln ringing – company
literature 2009.
[4] LANGOIS, J.: Ash ring – fuel and specification,
National lime association, 2002.
[5] ALSOP, A. P: . Cement plant operations handbook,
Surrey, 1998

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