Calibration Certificate of Barcol Sample

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au, ____ JHIIX_Metro -Mac_ Calibration Services * An ISO 9001 Certified Compeny by ONY -GL TEST CERTIFICATE Client: Mis. QATAR OIL FIELD SUPPLY CENTER Certificate No: ctat0082.01 P.O box: 15795, Stret 48, Gate 123 Date of test ssnio20%8 Industrial Area , Doha - Qatar Date of save ts/10/2018 Temp: 2322°0 JobNo + c1et0082 Relative Humisity + S5s15% Procedure: MOS 03-¢ Location: Lab Premises TDETAILS Date OF Receipt = r0/1072018 Unit UnderTest_ : HAND-HELD PORTABLE HARDNESS TESTER UUTConaltion : Good Manufacturer + —_—Barber Colman Company Model > GyZs9364 1d. T9540 Range 25 0 0 Brnel (10 mm bal 500kg load) {ES EQUIPMENT DETAILS Equipment Standerd Test disk Manufacturer: : Range: e789 PROCEDURE; THE ABOVE HARDNESS TESTER WAS TESTED USING THE STANDARD DISK AND FOUND WITHIN THE ACCURACY LiMiT REFERENCE Manufacture’ Insructon manu Note: UT Accuracy: 25% Test Method Variation : Ni Recommended Ove: 14/1022019 TEST RESULT Applied Measured Error (wasien fs Found aston fs Found Aste 29 9 29 ° 0 (Barber Colman scale) Name: Anoop Thomas fe (BIN Name: Praveen TH Signature 5 _ Signature x QA Gin Ga NEES Metro ac contre above instument meets or excoods al pasted specications and hes ben cttreted using slender ard instuments whose accray a acease ote National or inet! Sanders er to owsuable condons cose ot aro Using procure dvetoped by our company Tis eles ay led pa ofl it tw ttn apa Mao Ma nator of ta Ino event wt Maro Mac abe foray dag wtsov oun fom ss of we andor dt, sng out of orn connecton with use othe amen aid here Form no0r.3t (eb1001103.0 gage ots Revro2 Tel: +974 44515336 | Fox: +974 44513525 P.O Box: 200239, Barwa Village, Building No.5, Shop 6 & 8 Al Wokrah, Doha - Gotar |

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