5014 s09 QP 2
5014 s09 QP 2
5014 s09 QP 2
Write your Centre number, candidate number and name on all the work you hand in.
Write in dark blue or black pen.
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The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question.
SP (CM/CGW) T74841/1
© UCLES 2009 [Turn over
Sri Lanka
fishing village
0 100 km
• Area: 64 700 sq km
• Population: 21 000 000
• Children per woman: 2.05
• Life expectancy at birth: 74.8 years
• Currency: Rupee (44 Rs = 1 US Dollar)
• Official languages: Sinhala, Tamil, 14 other languages
• Climate: Tropical
• Terrain: mostly plains with mountains in the south central interior
• Main exports: textiles, tea, spices, diamonds, emeralds, rubies, fish, coconut and rubber
Sri Lanka’s main economic activities are in food processing, telecommunication, insurance and banking.
Plantation crops used to be the major export but now only make up 15% of all exports. About 800 000
people work abroad, sending more than a billion dollars back to the Sri Lankan economy.
1 Fishing is an important activity for people living in coastal villages. Villages often have lagoons For
near them. The lagoons are areas of brackish water separated from the sea by narrow strips Examiner’s
of sand or shingle. Brackish water is not as salty as sea water. The government has set up Use
trial fishponds to grow milkfish and shrimp in brackish water. There is a world-wide demand
for shrimp and the milkfish are for local consumption. Many villagers want to start their own
(a) Suggest why fish is an important part of the diet for village people.
.................................................................................................................................... [1]
.................................................................................................................................... [2]
(c) Some villagers visited the trial fishponds to find out how to build their own ponds for For
growing either milkfish or shrimp. They returned with a building plan as shown in Fig. 3. Examiner’s
This needs to be altered to fit their lagoon. Use
(i) Complete the outline of the village lagoon by drawing in your building plan on Fig. 4.
3 2
4 nursery
5 1 earth
main canal
water inlet
100 m
1 – 5 growing ponds
Fig. 3
N Examiner’s
100 m
sand and
shingle bank
Fig. 4
(ii) The building costs have been estimated at Rs 200 000. The shrimp are worth Rs 80
per kilogram.
How many kilograms of shrimp must be produced to pay back the building costs?
(Show your working).
............................................................................................................................ [2]
Before building can start, the villagers were told to check the water was not too acidic For
by measuring its pH. The milkfish and shrimp only survive and grow well with a pH of Examiner’s
between 7 and 8. The results of the tested water samples are shown in Fig. 5. Use
Site in lagoon pH
A 7.5
B 7.4
C 6.8
D 7.4
E 7.5
Fig. 5
100 m
sand and
shingle bank
pH sample site
Fig. 6
© UCLES 2009 5014/02, 0680/04/M/J/09
The villagers showed their results to some older people in the village who remembered For
that a large quantity of coconut husks had been buried in part of the lagoon. Examiner’s
‘we must go
and dig up the coconut
‘we must
take more pH
should not build
any fishponds’.
(iii) What would you advise the villagers to do? Explain as fully as you can.
............................................................................................................................ [3]
There are mangrove swamps near the village where small mangrove trees grow close For
together in shallow sea water. They are a good habitat for fish to spawn and grow. Some Examiner’s
villagers want to build more fishponds by clearing the mangrove swamp to make another Use
brackish lagoon. Other villagers think this will not be a sustainable development.
(d) (i) Explain why this further development might not be sustainable.
............................................................................................................................ [5]
Milkfish breed in the sea; the fertile eggs hatch into fry. Some fishermen specialise in
catching the fry and keeping them alive in special containers. Sometimes not enough fry
can be caught to stock all the fishponds.
(ii) What research do you think should be carried out to support the continued
development of fishponds?
............................................................................................................................ [2]
2 Sri Lanka has plenty of surface rivers but few natural lakes. To help store water in the drier For
months water tanks have been built all over the island. Due to an increasing population there Examiner’s
is often a shortage of water suitable for drinking. The government is encouraging rainwater Use
galvanised / PVC
down pipes
filter removable down pipes
for first flush rejection
storage tank
overflow tap
clay vessel
Fig. 7
(a) (i) This system has removable down pipes to reject the first flush of rainwater. Explain
............................................................................................................................ [2]
(ii) A fine filter is used. It stops mosquitoes entering the storage tank.
Explain how this helps keep the people healthy.
............................................................................................................................ [1]
............................................................................................................................ [2]
(iv) Give two reasons why the storage tank is not placed underground. For
................................................................................................................................. Use
............................................................................................................................ [2]
(b) Some students wanted to find out how much rain a roof could collect. They built four
1 m2 rain collectors as shown in Fig. 8 and placed them apart on the ground. They also
placed a rain gauge in the middle of their study area.
(not to scale)
Fig. 8
(i) Why did the students use more than one rain collector?
............................................................................................................................ [1]
............................................................................................................................ [2]
(iv) The roof area of a house is 40 m2. How much water is likely to have been collected
on day one?
............................................................................................................................ [2]
(v) Why did the students use a rain gauge as well as the rain collectors? For
................................................................................................................................. Use
............................................................................................................................ [1]
Fig. 9
(vi) In which months is the harvested water most needed? Give a reason for your
............................................................................................................................ [3]
The demand for electricity in Sri Lanka is increasing. Several rivers are suitable for HEP For
(hydro-electric power) schemes. Examiner’s
The Upper Kothmale HEP scheme will bypass 7 waterfalls before reaching the dam. It is
expected to generate 150 MW of power. At least 600 families will be forced to move.
Some scientists think this scheme will help development for many years. Other scientists
think the scheme will fail after a few years.
............................................................................................................................ [1]
(ii) Why are HEP schemes described as environmentally friendly by some scientists?
............................................................................................................................ [1]
(d) Some scientists predict that this scheme will hold 15% less water each year.
............................................................................................................................ [2]
(ii) If the loss of water remained constant at 15% each year, for how many years would
the HEP scheme be able to generate electricity?
............................................................................................................................ [1]
(iii) The government has been given a low interest loan at 1.5% over 40 years to
complete the HEP scheme. Explain why this may reduce development after ten
............................................................................................................................ [2]
(e) One of the villagers who is being forced to move said, For
‘The new Use
will you keep your two
cows and grow vegetables
to sell?’
Suggest how this new way of life might have advantages and disadvantages for the
.................................................................................................................................... [4]
3 For
Fig. 10
Coconuts are an important export crop and 90% of Sri Lanka’s production comes from small
farms about 2 hectare in size. The coconut trees are planted at 140 trees per hectare. Other
plants can be grown between the trees and livestock are tied to the trees (Fig. 10). The
annual income for one small farm is shown in Fig. 11.
Fig. 11
(a) (i) What percentage of total annual income comes from cattle?
............................................................................................................................ [2]
(ii) The pasture plants always include leguminous species (peas, beans, some For
grasses). Explain how this increases the productivity of the farm. Examiner’s
............................................................................................................................ [2]
(iii) In 1997 the coconut mite started to infect the trees and the coconuts could not be
sold. Explain why most farmers decided to keep their trees.
............................................................................................................................ [2]
(b) A farmer divides his farm into four equal plots as shown in Fig. 12. The farmer knows the
plot 1 plot 2
plot 4 plot 3
Fig. 12
Describe, in detail, how the farmer could maintain income and productivity on the farm. For
......................................................................................................................................... Use
.................................................................................................................................... [5]
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5014/02, 0680/04/M/J/09