The Science of Spiciness: Spaɪsɪnɪs Su Ð

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The science of spiciness – Rose Eveleth


Spiciness /ˈspaɪsɪnɪs /n sabor a picante (hotness of flavour)

Soothe /ˈsuːð/v tramquilizar, mitigar, aliviar (reduce, calm)

Nociceptor /nōsiˈseptər/n receptores que responden a estímulos nocivos

Menthol /ˈmɛnθɒl/n mentol / adj de menta (mint flavouring)

Elicit / ɪˈlɪsɪt/v sacar, obtener, sacar algo de alguien (get information from)

Fight-or-flight / ˈfaɪt ə ˈflaɪt / A level of stress where you decide whether to face the situation or just walk away.

Capsaicin /kæpˈseɪ.sɪn/n active component of chili peppers

Piperine /ˈpɪpəˌraɪn/n junto con la chavicina, es el alcaloide responsables del sabor del picante de la pimienta

Alkylamide /al’kalamaid/n sustancia que se obtiene por reducción de compuestos nitrogenados o por alquilación de amoniaco

Horseradish /ˈhɔːrsrædɪʃ/n rábano picante

Isothiocyanate /aisothaisaianeit/n grupo funcional formado por la sustitución del azufre por el oxígeno. Responsables reales de los olores picantes.

Sinus /ˈsaɪnəs/n seno nasal (nasal cavity)

Crockpot /ˈkräkˌpät/n olla de barro / c a fuego lento (slow cook)

line with  en consonancia con / acorde

charred /ˈtʃɑːrd/adj carbonizado, rostizado (blackened by fire, cooked by searing)


Answer the questions honestly. There is not necessity to academically write the answers but we will talk about them.

Choose one of these concepts and explain it: Socoville scale, Trinidad Moriga Scorpion or Carolina Reaper and Polymodal

Which one would you choose Trinidad Moriga Scorpion or Carolina Reaper? Why?

Have you ever tasted something spicy? When and/or why?

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