Syllabus of ME476-Fall2020
Syllabus of ME476-Fall2020
Syllabus of ME476-Fall2020
B. Lectures' Time
C. Instructor Information
Name Dr. Saeed J. Almalowi Office Hours
Office Circular Building-
Deanship of Scientific Thu WED TUE MON SUN
Research Online Lectures Administrative Lectures Online
Available work Available
E. Course Objectives
When you successfully complete this course, you will be to:
KINGDOM OF SAUDI ARABIA المملكة العربية السعودية
Ministry of Education وزارة التعليـــم
Taibah University جامعة طيبة
College of Engineering كلية الهندسة
Mechanical Engineering Department قسم الهندسة الميكانيكية
F. Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of the course, the student will be able to:
CLO 1 Understanding the principles of operation of the broad spectrum of renewable energy
CLO 4 Articulating the technical challenges for each of the renewable sources; and
CLO 5 Knowing economic, technical, and sustainability issues involved in the integration of
renewable energy systems.
Topics: Orientation
Date: Week 1
Assignments: Quiz 1
KINGDOM OF SAUDI ARABIA المملكة العربية السعودية
Ministry of Education وزارة التعليـــم
Taibah University جامعة طيبة
College of Engineering كلية الهندسة
Mechanical Engineering Department قسم الهندسة الميكانيكية
Date: Week 2
Assignments: Quiz 2
Respond to Lesson 2 Discussion Questions.
HW 1
Date: Week 3
Assignments: Quiz 3
Respond to Lesson 3 Discussion Questions.
HW 2 will be assigned along with Lesson 4.
Date: Week 4
KINGDOM OF SAUDI ARABIA المملكة العربية السعودية
Ministry of Education وزارة التعليـــم
Taibah University جامعة طيبة
College of Engineering كلية الهندسة
Mechanical Engineering Department قسم الهندسة الميكانيكية
Assignments: Quiz 4
Respond to Lesson 4 Discussion Questions.
HW 2
Lesson 5: Bioenergy
Date: Week 6
Assignments: Quiz 5
Respond to Lesson 5 Discussion Questions.
HW 3 will be assigned along with Lesson 6.
Date: Week 7
KINGDOM OF SAUDI ARABIA المملكة العربية السعودية
Ministry of Education وزارة التعليـــم
Taibah University جامعة طيبة
College of Engineering كلية الهندسة
Mechanical Engineering Department قسم الهندسة الميكانيكية
Readings: Renewable Energy: Power for a Sustainable Future, Chapters 7.3 & 7.6.
(Found in Canvas -> Library Resources, 2nd Link)
Wind LCA Harmonization (NREL/FS-6A20-57131 • June 2013) (link is
external)(link is external)
Wind Technologies Market Report Executive Summary(link is external)
Assignments: Quiz 6
Respond to Lesson 6 Discussion Questions.
HW 3
Date: Week 8
Date: Week 9
KINGDOM OF SAUDI ARABIA المملكة العربية السعودية
Ministry of Education وزارة التعليـــم
Taibah University جامعة طيبة
College of Engineering كلية الهندسة
Mechanical Engineering Department قسم الهندسة الميكانيكية
Assignments: Quiz 7
Respond to Lesson 7 Discussion Questions.
HW 4 will be combined with Lesson 8.
Date: Week 10
Topics: Principles
Geothermal Resources
Electricity Production
Conversion Technology
Assignments: Quiz 8
Respond to Lesson 8 Discussion Questions.
HW 4
Date: Week 11
Assignments: Quiz 9
Respond to Lesson 9 Discussion Questions.
HW 5 will be due along with Lesson 10.
Mid-term Exam 2
KINGDOM OF SAUDI ARABIA المملكة العربية السعودية
Ministry of Education وزارة التعليـــم
Taibah University جامعة طيبة
College of Engineering كلية الهندسة
Mechanical Engineering Department قسم الهندسة الميكانيكية
Date: Week 13
Assignments: Quiz 10
Respond to Lesson 10 Discussion Questions.
HW 5
I. Learning Resources
Required Textbook
Boyle, Godfrey. Renewable Energy: Power for a Sustainable Future, Third Edition. Oxford
University Press, 2012.
Essential References
Tester, et al. Sustainable Energy, Choosing Among Options, 2nd Edition. MIT Press, 2012.
KINGDOM OF SAUDI ARABIA المملكة العربية السعودية
Ministry of Education وزارة التعليـــم
Taibah University جامعة طيبة
College of Engineering كلية الهندسة
Mechanical Engineering Department قسم الهندسة الميكانيكية
Renewable Energy in Power Systems by Leon and David, Wiley, published on 2008.
J. Class Procedure:
1. Class Attendance: According to the university rules:
Attendance will be recorded in the system every lecture starting from first lecture.
Entering the classroom after 10 will be counted as absent (University regulations).
According to university rules, missing 25% or more of all class sessions results in denial
of sitting for the final.
According to university rules, the university council can allow the student to set for the
final with acceptable excuses only if he attended 50% of classes.
Medical excuses should be sealed by the university hospital and must be submitted with
1 week of the hospital dismissal.
For multiple section courses, every student must attend according to his official
2. Textbook and Preparation:
The textbook is the main source of information for the course.
It is strongly recommended that you read the textbook before the class.
3. Exam Policy:
The exams are closed books and closed notes. (Unless otherwise specified in the question
You are allowed to bring ONE A-4 size hand written Formula Sheet to the exam. Solved
examples are not permitted in the formula sheet.
For exam re-grading and make-up examinations, university rules must be observed.
If you missed an exam with a legitimate excuse, the exam marks could be distributed over
the other exams’ marks.
Multi-section courses could be combined in Midterm exams in the same time.
4. Quizzes:
15 minutes quizzes will be conducted to assess the students’ progress.
The quiz schedule will follow the assessment schedule in the above course plan.
5. Assignments:
It is expected that student will spend 3 hours per week of independent work at home for
each course credit hour. (e.g. 3 credit hours course requires 9-hours independent
work per week)
All assignment problems are posted and should be practiced.
Each student is expected to complete the homework and submit individual solution by the
due day.
No late submission of the assignment for any reason.
Tutorials will be used to answer any questions regarding the assignment problems.
6. Professionalism and Ethics
KINGDOM OF SAUDI ARABIA المملكة العربية السعودية
Ministry of Education وزارة التعليـــم
Taibah University جامعة طيبة
College of Engineering كلية الهندسة
Mechanical Engineering Department قسم الهندسة الميكانيكية
As per university policy and classroom etiquette, mobile phones, etc. must be silenced
during the lectures and lab sessions.
Violators of this rule will be asked to leave the classroom immediately so as to not disrupt
the learning environment.
Academic dishonesty in any form will not be tolerated. If you are uncertain as to what
constitutes academic dishonesty, please consult The Taibah University Rules.
The Taibah University Rules of Conduct will be applied. Violations of these rules will
result in a record of the infraction being placed in your file and the student receiving a
zero on the work in question AT A MINIMUM.
At the instructor’s discretion, you may also receive a failing grade for the course.
Confirmation of such incidents can also result in expulsion from the University.
7. Computer Skills/Usage
Students are expected to have access to and be familiar with:
A word processing application (e.g., Microsoft Word) as all assignments will require its
A presentation processing application (e.g., Microsoft PowerPoint).
A spreadsheet application (e.g., Microsoft Excel).
Adobe Acrobat Reader 6.0 or higher to view course documents.
E-mail could be used to communicate with students and disseminate materials and
assignments throughout the course. So, students should check their e-mail at least once
per day.
8. Excusal from Course Assignments and Course Examinations
If an emergency arises and a student cannot submit assigned work on or before the
scheduled due date or cannot take an exam on the scheduled date, the student MUST give
notification to the instructor NO LESS THAN 24 HOURS BEFORE the scheduled date
and NO MORE THAN 48 HOURS AFTER the scheduled date.