Among The Weaknesses Mentioned in The Lesson, I Choose The Lack of Discipline, Crab Mentality, and Colonial Mentality. 2. Solutions

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Among the weaknesses mentioned in the lesson, I choose the Lack of Discipline, Crab
Mentality, and Colonial Mentality.

2. Solutions:

(a) Lack of Discipline - As Crescencio Doma Jr. stated, “Impatience is basically a reaction to a
dysfunction in a given [social] system. People become impatient only when their needs are not
satisfied at a given time. At the same time, it can be traced to the absence of clear policies and
implementing rules that would ensure a positive response from people towards law,” Thus, one
thing I can think of a better solution is to have a strict law implementation.

(b) Crab Mentality - It is undeniable that crab mentality exists in most of us Filipinos. We can
never grow and nourish as a country if we continue to act as such. This is not something that
majority of us can fix immediately. However, we have to try and at least do something about it
for the benefit of not just ourselves, but to others as well. Hence, as an individual, a solution I
can give off in order to overcome crab mentality is to realize that crab mentality is a mentality. In
other words, it’s a state of mind.

(c) Colonial Mentality - These days, it is widely evident that Filipinos love to prefer foreign
products, movies, entertainments, songs, and stories. Instead of adding to the problem, we should
strive hard to become part of the solution. By means of recognizing that colonial mentality still
exists and reeducating ourselves by making it to a point to prefer local productions over foreign

3. Examples:
(a) Lack of Discipline - For instance, the No Jaywalking regulation is usually taken for granted
by pedestrians in areas where no strict law enforcers and penalty posts can be seen. However, in
cities or places where violators face serious penalties, people are observed to be compliant to the

(b) Crab Mentality -  Our minds can easily be influenced or corrupted by jealousy, bitterness,
insecurity, hopelessness, and other negative thoughts. Thus, we have to be more mature,
knowledgeable and understanding when it comes to dealing with people around us. Learn how to
trust others and trust ourselves from doing that. Let us keep in mind that the more we distrust and
underestimate other people, the more we pull them down. All together, let us trust them, uplift
them, and free ourselves from doubts.

(c) Colonial Mentality - It can be done by patronizing one local show for every foreign
production we favor when it comes to theater and other shows. This can also contribute in
transforming our homegrown artists’ prospects for growth and improvement.

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