Session 1: Accounting First Steps
Session 1: Accounting First Steps
Session 1: Accounting First Steps
Accounting for Finance
The Accountant’s Role
The Accounting Questions..
¨ What do you own? List out the assets that a business has
invested in, and how much it spent on those investments
and perhaps what these assets are worth today.
¨ What do you owe? Specify the contractual commitments
that a business has to meet, to stay in business. Simply
put, this should include all borrowings, but is not
restricted to those.
¨ How much money did you make? Measure the
profitability of the business, both with accounting
judgments on expenses, and based upon cash in and
cash out.
The Accounting Statements
2. Income Statement
Item Explanation
Net out Cost of Goods Sold Expenses associated with producing products or services that
represent top line sales
To get Gross Profit Production profitability
Net out Financial Expenses Expenses associated with the use of non-equity capital,
especially debt.
To get Taxable Income Income for equity investors, prior to taxes
Net out Taxes Taxes due on taxable income
To get Net Income Income for equity investors, after taxes
3. Statement of Cash Flows
The Interconnections
The Accounting Standards
The Bottom Line