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earlier values wont work
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var cookieId = '5f1cf2dc1ac8395b692f57f8';

var showCompletedTestStatus = true;

var isMobileAllowed = true;

var showTestResult = false;

function getBD() {
return "AMTM5Ml9jdF9jaA==";

var inMode = 4;

function getCTMode() {
return inMode;

var actionBtnClass = "";

var showMeeting = false;

var unblockUserWhenStreamsAreAvailable = true;
var updatedTestStatusWhenStreamsAreAvailable = false;

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"MOCK101_3.11"} , { "5f5f97145ce46c2a6423a0fc" : "INT306_MTT2456"} ,
{ "5f6113ea5ce46c03c672547a" : "CSE320_MTT1669"} , { "5f6113fa5ce46c03c6727079" :
"CSE211_MTT1661"} , { "5f6113fa5ce46c03c672707e" : "MTH401_MTT2875"} ,
{ "5f61141c5ce46c03c672a891" : "CSE205_MTT1652"} , { "5f6114215ce46c03c672b0d8" :
"INT213_MTT2430"} , { "5f6114345ce46c03c672cfd9" : "PEL131_MTT3002"}];
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var isCurrentRoleMember = true;
var _ct_chid = '1392';

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<div class="modal-dialog">
<div class="modal-content">
<div class="modal-header btn-primary" style="padding: 10px;">
<h4 class="modal-title">Instruction to Unblock Access to
<div class="modal-body" style="background: #fcf8e3;">
<li><h4>The portal requires permission to record the
location from which it is being accessed,
to minimize your account misuse.</h4></li>
<li><h4>Currently the access to location in the browser is
<li><h4>Follow the instruction in the below <a

link</a> to unblock access to location details and
click on
<span style="color: darkgreen"><b>refresh</b></span>
<li><h4>If you already followed the instructions to unblock
and it is still showing this dialog,
this may be due to occasional network connectivity
problems. Please refresh the page in that

<div class="text-center">
<a href="../../geolocation-settings-for-C-MF-C.html"
target='_blank'><u><h4><b>Link to
<div class="text-center">
<a id="close" onclick="location.reload()" class="btn btn-
success btn-xs" data-toggle="modal"
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<div class="modal-dialog">
<div class="modal-content">
<div class="modal-header btn-primary" style="padding: 10px;">
<h4 class="modal-title" id="locationFetchTitle">Fetching
<div class="modal-body" style="background: #fcf8e3;">
<li><h4>The portal requires permission to record the
location from which it is being accessed,
to minimize your account misuse.</h4></li>
<li id="changeAllowBtnResToBrowser">
<h4>Click on <span class="remember-text"></span>
<span><nobr><b class="allow-access-text border-
button to access the location, and click on <span
darkgreen"><b>refresh</b></span> button.
<div id="showImage"></div>
<div><h4 class="img-info"></h4></div>
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<script src="/js/rtcmulticonnection/adapter-latest.js"></script>
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<div class="modal fade" id="ssInstructionDialogBeforeSSInit"
style="z-index: 9999;">
<div class="modal-dialog">
<div class="modal-content">
<div class="modal-header btn-primary"
style="padding: 10px;">
<h4 class="modal-title">Instructions to
start Screen Sharing on CodeTantra Platform</h4>
<div class="modal-body" style="background:
<div id="chrome-instructions">
<p style="font-size: 14px">After
clicking proceed button a new tab will open.<br>
On the new tab choose the
window you want to share in the <span style="border-style: solid; border-width:
1px; border-radius: 3px; padding: 1px 5px;">Permission</span> dialogue as shown
with red border in below screen-shot and
click on the <span style="border-
style: solid; border-width: 1px; border-radius: 3px; padding: 1px
<img id="chrome-ss"
src="/images/chrome-ss.png" style="width: 100%" alt="screen sharing instructions

<span class="btn btn-success btn-

play btn-lg in proceedBtn">Proceed
<span class="fa-stack fa-
lg"><i class="fa fa-play fa-stack-1x fa-inverse"></i></span>
<div id="firefox-instructions">
<p style="font-size:
14px">CodeTantra support team is trying to help you.<br>
Select <span style="border-style:
solid; border-width: 1px; border-radius: 3px; padding: 1px 5px; margin: 0 2px
2px">Entire Screen</span>
under the <b>Screen to
share</b> dropdown and <br>
click on the <span style="border-
style: solid; border-width: 1px; border-radius: 3px; padding: 1px 5px; margin: 0
button as highlighted with red
in the below screen-shot to start
screen sharing when prompted.</p>
<img id="firefox-ss"
src="/images/firefox-ss.png" style="width: 100%" alt="screen sharing instructions
<span class="btn btn-success btn-
play btn-lg in proceedBtn">Proceed
<span class="fa-stack fa-
lg"><i class="fa fa-play fa-stack-1x fa-inverse"></i></span>
<div style="color: grey; margin-top:
10px" id="countdown"></div>
<div class="modal fade" id="ssInstructionDialogAfterSSInit">
<div class="modal-dialog">
<div class="modal-content">
<div class="modal-header btn-primary"
style="padding: 10px;">
<span style="font-size: 18px"
class="modal-title">Instructions during Screen Sharing with CodeTantra
<div class="modal-body" style="background:
<span style="font-size: 18px">Do
NOT close or refresh this tab or window! Otherwise, the Screen Sharing/Audio/Video
session with CodeTantra Support team will end.<br>
You should now go back to the
window or tab you were working previously</span><br>
<span style="font-size: 18px">If
you want to stop sharing click the button below</span>
<div class="make-center"><button
class="btn btn-sm btn-primary ml-4" id="stopSharingBtn"
onclick="stopScreenSharingBtnClicked()">Stop Sharing</button></div>
<div class="modal fade" id="ssInstructionDialogForFaculty">
<div class="modal-dialog">
<div class="modal-content">
<div class="modal-header btn-primary"
style="padding: 10px;">
<span style="font-size: 18px"
class="modal-title">Instructions during Screen/Audio/Video Sharing with
<div class="modal-body" style="background:
<span style="font-size: 18px">Do
NOT close or refresh this tab or window! Otherwise, the Screen Sharing/Audio/Video
session with students will end.<br>
You should now go back to the
window or tab you were working previously</span><br>
<span style="font-size: 18px">If
you want to stop sharing click the button below</span>
<div class="make-center"><button
class="btn btn-sm btn-primary ml-4" id="facultyStopSharingBtn"
onclick="stopScreenSharingBtnClicked()">Stop Sharing</button></div>
<form id="ssDataForm" method="post" action="/secure/screen-
share-permission.jsp" target="ssPermissionWindow">
<input type="hidden" name="pId" id="pId" value="" />
<input type="hidden" name="pUserid" id="pUserid"
value="" />
<input type="hidden" name="wId" id="wId" value="" />
<input type="hidden" name="wUserid" id="wUserid"
value="" />
<input type="hidden" name="streamType"
id="streamType" value="" />
<input type="hidden" name="groupIds" id="groupIds"
value="" />
<input type="hidden" name="isFacultyBroadcasting"
id="isFacultyBroadcasting" value=false />
<div id = 'splitContainersDiv' class="d-none col-8">
<div id="splitContainersDivHeader" class="bg-info"></div>
<div id="rowPropertyAddition">
<div id="videoContainerOne" class="videosContainer"></div>
<div id="audioContainer" class="videosContainer d-none"></div>
<div id="videoContainerTwo" class="videosContainer"></div>
<div id="requestor-audio-container" style="display:none;">
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<div id="meetingFloatIcon" class="hide">
<a href="#" class="ctm-float" onclick="expandMeetingIFrameDiv()">
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<div id="meetingIFrameDiv" class='col-sm-6' style="">

<div id="homeCenterDiv" class='col-sm-10 col-sm-offset-1' class=''
<div class="panel panel-primary darkShadow">
<div class="panel-heading" style='padding:2px 10px'>
<span class="panel-title text-center">
<div id="sectionBody" class="panel-body">
<table class="table table-striped table-condensed
table-responsive table-bordered">
<th class='text-right' style="width:20%">Test
<td id="displayName" style="width:80%"
<th class='text-right'>Duration</th>
<td id="totalTime" class='fade
<th class='text-right'>Total Marks</th>
<td id="totalMarks" class='fade
<tr id="passMarksRow">
<th class='text-right'>Pass Marks</th>
<td id="passMarks" class='fade
<tr id="negativeMarks" class="fade">
<td><code>Negative Marking is

<th class='text-right'>Start Time</th>
<td id="testStartTime" data-
time='1600408887378' class='fade'></td>

<th class='text-right'>Completion Time</th>
<td id="completionTime" data-

<tr id='currentLocationTr' class='hidden m-0 p-0'>

<td colspan="2">
<div class="panel panel-info"
style="margin-bottom: 0">
<div class="panel-heading"
style="padding: 5px;">
<div class="col-12">
<div class="panel-title"
style="color: black">Your Current Location
<div class="pull-right"

<span class="fa
accordianStatus ml-2 fa-chevron-up hide"

<span class="fa
accordianStatus ml-2 fa-chevron-down hide"

<div class="panel-body panel-collapse
collapse p-0 m-0"
style="white-space: inherit; word-
break: normal; padding: 0px">
<div class="creamPreTab4 fade
testMetaDetails p-0 m-0"
<tr id='currentIpTr' class='hidden'>
<th class='text-right'>Your Current IP</th>
<span id='currentIp'></span>
<span style="text-align: right"> <code>* We
record your IP and Location during the test.</code></span>
<tr id='enableLocationErr' class='hidden'>
<td colspan='2' id='warningMsg'>
<code class="blinking-border-background-
yellow" style="font-size:12px">
The portal requires permission to
record the location from which it is being
accessed, to minimize your account
Currently the access to location in the
current browser is <span
Follow the instruction in the below <a
for-C-MF-C.html" target="_blank">
link to unblock</a> access to location
details and click on
<span style="color:
darkgreen"><b>refresh</b></span> button.<br/>
If you already followed the
instructions to unblock and it is still showing
this dialog,
this may be due to occasional network
connectivity problems. Please refresh
the page in that case.
<a href="../../geolocation-settings-for-C-
MF-C.html" target="_blank"><u><h4><b>Link
to Unblock</b></h4></u></a>

<tr id='testStatusTr' class='fade in'>

<th class='text-right'>Test Status</th>
<td class=''

<span class="badge" style="margin-

left:10px">Answers recorded. Pending evaluation</span>


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Go To Home Page


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html {
position: relative;
min-height: calc(100vh - 50px);

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position: absolute;
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//Once you create an instance like var preloader = new GSPreloader(), call
preloader.active(true) to open it, preloader.active(false) to close it, and
preloader.active() to get the current status.
var preloader = new GSPreloader({
radius: 50,
dotSize: 18,
dotCount: 12,
/*colors:["#2CA610","#720099","#CC7300","#FFE700"], //have as many or as
few colors as you want.*/
colors: ["#720099", "#CC7300", "#720099", "#CC7300"], //have as many or as
few colors as you want.
boxOpacity: 0.5,
animationOffset: 1.5, //jump 1.5 seconds into the animation for a more
active part of the spinning initially (just looks a bit better in my opinion)

function startSpinner() {
//open the preloader

function stopSpinner() {
//Close the preloader

var userGroupIdsArr = [ "5f1cf2291ac8395b692f107a" , "5f1cf2dc1ac8395b692f56fb"

, "5f5a0520c6c6140c58a3a966" , "5f5f97145ce46c2a6423a0fc" ,
"5f61141c5ce46c03c672a891" , "5f6113fa5ce46c03c6727079" ,
"5f6114215ce46c03c672b0d8" , "5f6113fa5ce46c03c672707e" ,
"5f6113ea5ce46c03c672547a" , "5f6114345ce46c03c672cfd9"];
var currentUserId = "5f1cf2dc1ac8395b692f57f8";
var pip = "";
var blip = "";
var latitude = "";
var longitude = "";
var locAccuracy = "";
var ipUnmatched = false;

var tid = "5f63a3a05ce46c1b19cec904";

var tsi = '962';
var _ct_tc = false;
var _ct_cid = 'null';
var _ct_eucui = 'null';
var ctUserWinId = "";
var _crd_socket_for_learn;

var jsonQuestionTypesDataArr = [ { "_id" : { "$oid" :

"549b4ce80e08f22e46dbf9cd"} , "createdBy" : null , "createdTime" : { "$date" :
"2014-12-24T23:31:52.175Z"} , "description" : "Multiple Choice - Single Answer" ,
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var test = [ { "_id" : { "$oid" : "5f63a3a05ce46c1b19cec904"} , "test" :

"INT213_18-09-2020-11:30" , "displayName" : "INT213_18-09-2020-11:30" , "totalTime"
: 60 , "totalMarks" : 30 , "passMarks" : 0.0 , "enableAutoCompletionOnCodeEditor" :
false , "showHintsOnExceptions" : false , "enableNegativeMarks" : true ,
"generalInstructions" : "Read all the instructions carefully\n<br>\n<ol>\n<li>There
are <b>30 multiple choice questions</b> spread over <b>3 sections</b> in
all</li>\n<li>Each <b>question</b> has a <b>time limit of 2 minutes</b> to
complete</li>\n<li>You can skip a question if you do not know the answer by
clicking on the Next button</li>\n<li>A correctly answered question will score <b>1
mark</b> where as a wrongly answered question will entail <b>negative marks of 0.25
marks</b></li>\n<li>Skipping a question without answering will result in <b>0
marks</b> for that question</li>\n<li>The entire exam is recorded along with all
your actions during the exam. </li><li>Do not try to leave the test window during
the exam. </li><li>Since this is a proctored exam, you will have to provide
permissions to share your location, webcam, microphone (and screen if the proctor
demands).</li><li>Make sure to use the latest Chrome browser on Android, Windows,
Linux, Mac OS. For iOS devices, only Safari 13+ browser is
supported.</li></ol>\nClick <b style=\"color:red\">Finish</b> only after completion
of the Exam." , "isScheduledTest" : true}][0];
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"startTime" : { "$date" : "2020-09-18T06:00:00.000Z"} , "endTime" : { "$date" :
"2020-09-18T07:30:00.000Z"} , "preparationTime" : 10 , "entryStopTime" :
{ "$date" : "2020-09-18T06:30:00.000Z"} , "test" : "5f63a3a05ce46c1b19cec904" ,
"name" : "INT213_18-09-2020-11:30" , "forceLocationInTest" : false ,
"environmentCheck" : true , "enforceFullScreenInTest" : true , "ipRestriction" :
false , "emailSubject" : "You have an online Test" , "emailBodyText" : "Hi
_NAME_,<br/><br/>\n\nAn online Test has been scheduled for you at : <a
target=\"_blank\">http://_DOMAIN_URL_/login.jsp</a><br/><br/>\n\nYour Test will be
between: _TEST_START_TIME_ and _TEST_END_TIME_.<br/><br/>\n\nYou will have to
follow the instructions provided below to complete the
Test.<br/><br/>\n\n_TEST_INSTRUCTIONS_<br/><br/>\n\nThe Test will last for
_TEST_DURATION_ minutes.<br/><br/> \n\nAll the Best!\n" ,
"showResultsBeforeEndTime" : true , "isEnabled" : true , "isHideMainContent" :
false , "needEvaluators" : false , "remoteProctoring" :
"remoteProctoringWithRecord" , "rpAudio" : true , "rpCam" : true , "rpScreen" :
false , "allowExamStartOn" : "ifStreamAvailableOrProctorUnblock" , "rpUsers" :
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"isAllowedLanguages" : false , "enableFinishBeforeRemainingTimeLeft" : 5 ,
"groupIdUserIdsArrMap" : { "5f6114215ce46c03c672b0d8" :
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"5f1cf2d91ac8395b692f520b" , "5f1cf2d91ac8395b692f5213"
, "5f1cf2d91ac8395b692f521b" , "5f1cf2d91ac8395b692f5227" ,
"5f1cf2d91ac8395b692f522b" , "5f1cf2d91ac8395b692f5231" ,
"5f1cf2d91ac8395b692f5239" , "5f1cf2d91ac8395b692f523d" ,
"5f1cf2d91ac8395b692f524d" , "5f1cf2d91ac8395b692f5263" ,
"5f1cf2d91ac8395b692f527d" , "5f1cf2d91ac8395b692f5281" ,
"5f1cf2d91ac8395b692f5285" , "5f1cf2d91ac8395b692f5289" ,
"5f1cf2d91ac8395b692f52b1" , "5f1cf2d91ac8395b692f52bd" ,
"5f1cf2d91ac8395b692f52c1" , "5f1cf2d91ac8395b692f52c5" ,
"5f1cf2d91ac8395b692f52d5" , "5f1cf2d91ac8395b692f52d9" ,
"5f1cf2d91ac8395b692f52e1" , "5f1cf2d91ac8395b692f52f1" ,
"5f1cf2d91ac8395b692f5301" , "5f1cf2d91ac8395b692f5311" ,
"5f1cf2d91ac8395b692f5315" , "5f1cf2d91ac8395b692f5319" ,
"5f1cf2d91ac8395b692f531d" , "5f1cf2da1ac8395b692f5321" ,
"5f1cf2da1ac8395b692f5329" , "5f1cf2da1ac8395b692f5339" ,
"5f1cf2da1ac8395b692f5341" , "5f1cf2da1ac8395b692f5349" ,
"5f1cf2da1ac8395b692f534d" , "5f1cf2da1ac8395b692f5351" ,
"5f1cf2da1ac8395b692f5355" , "5f1cf2da1ac8395b692f5369" ,
"5f1cf2da1ac8395b692f536d" , "5f1cf2da1ac8395b692f5373" ,
"5f1cf2da1ac8395b692f5377" , "5f1cf2da1ac8395b692f537b" ,
"5f1cf2da1ac8395b692f537f" , "5f1cf2da1ac8395b692f5389" ,
"5f1cf2da1ac8395b692f5393" , "5f1cf2da1ac8395b692f5397" ,
"5f1cf2da1ac8395b692f53a1" , "5f1cf2da1ac8395b692f53b6" ,
"5f1cf2da1ac8395b692f53ba" , "5f1cf2da1ac8395b692f53c2" ,
"5f1cf2da1ac8395b692f53ce" , "5f1cf2da1ac8395b692f53d6" ,
"5f1cf2da1ac8395b692f53da" , "5f1cf2da1ac8395b692f53e2" ,
"5f1cf2da1ac8395b692f5400" , "5f1cf2da1ac8395b692f5414" ,
"5f1cf2da1ac8395b692f541c" , "5f1cf2da1ac8395b692f5420" ,
"5f1cf2da1ac8395b692f5428" , "5f1cf2da1ac8395b692f542c" ,
"5f1cf2da1ac8395b692f5430" , "5f1cf2da1ac8395b692f5438" ,
"5f1cf2da1ac8395b692f5442" , "5f1cf2da1ac8395b692f5446" ,
"5f1cf2da1ac8395b692f5457" , "5f1cf2da1ac8395b692f5471" ,
"5f1cf2da1ac8395b692f547d" , "5f1cf2da1ac8395b692f5481" ,
"5f1cf2da1ac8395b692f5485" , "5f1cf2da1ac8395b692f5497" ,
"5f1cf2da1ac8395b692f549d" , "5f1cf2da1ac8395b692f54a7" ,
"5f1cf2da1ac8395b692f54b9" , "5f1cf2da1ac8395b692f54c1" ,
"5f1cf2db1ac8395b692f54c5" , "5f1cf2db1ac8395b692f54cd" ,
"5f1cf2db1ac8395b692f54df" , "5f1cf2db1ac8395b692f54e3" ,
"5f1cf2db1ac8395b692f54e7" , "5f1cf2db1ac8395b692f54ef" ,
"5f1cf2db1ac8395b692f54f3" , "5f1cf2db1ac8395b692f54fb" ,
"5f1cf2db1ac8395b692f54ff" , "5f1cf2db1ac8395b692f551b" ,
"5f1cf2db1ac8395b692f551f" , "5f1cf2db1ac8395b692f5527" ,
"5f1cf2db1ac8395b692f552f" , "5f1cf2db1ac8395b692f553f" ,
"5f1cf2db1ac8395b692f554d" , "5f1cf2db1ac8395b692f5551" ,
"5f1cf2db1ac8395b692f5557" , "5f1cf2db1ac8395b692f555b" ,
"5f1cf2db1ac8395b692f5563" , "5f1cf2db1ac8395b692f556b" ,
"5f1cf2db1ac8395b692f55b3" , "5f1cf2db1ac8395b692f55c5" ,
"5f1cf2db1ac8395b692f55dd" , "5f1cf2db1ac8395b692f55e1" ,
"5f1cf2db1ac8395b692f55e5" , "5f1cf2db1ac8395b692f55e9" ,
"5f1cf2db1ac8395b692f55f5" , "5f1cf2db1ac8395b692f5601" ,
"5f1cf2db1ac8395b692f5613" , "5f1cf2db1ac8395b692f5617" ,
"5f1cf2db1ac8395b692f561b" , "5f1cf2db1ac8395b692f561f" ,
"5f1cf2db1ac8395b692f5627" , "5f1cf2db1ac8395b692f5639" ,
"5f1cf2db1ac8395b692f563d" , "5f1cf2db1ac8395b692f5645" ,
"5f1cf2db1ac8395b692f5649" , "5f1cf2db1ac8395b692f5651" ,
"5f1cf2db1ac8395b692f5661" , "5f1cf2db1ac8395b692f5665" ,
"5f1cf2db1ac8395b692f5669" , "5f1cf2dc1ac8395b692f5671" ,
"5f1cf2dc1ac8395b692f567d" , "5f1cf2dc1ac8395b692f5685" ,
"5f1cf2dc1ac8395b692f568d" , "5f1cf2dc1ac8395b692f5693" ,
"5f1cf2dc1ac8395b692f569b" , "5f1cf2dc1ac8395b692f56b3" ,
"5f1cf2dc1ac8395b692f56bd" , "5f1cf2dc1ac8395b692f56c5" ,
"5f1cf2dc1ac8395b692f56c9" , "5f1cf2dc1ac8395b692f56d1" ,
"5f1cf2dc1ac8395b692f56d5" , "5f1cf2dc1ac8395b692f56d9" ,
"5f1cf2dc1ac8395b692f56f1" , "5f1cf2dc1ac8395b692f56f9" ,
"5f1cf2dc1ac8395b692f5710" , "5f1cf2dc1ac8395b692f5714" ,
"5f1cf2dc1ac8395b692f5724" , "5f1cf2dc1ac8395b692f5728" ,
"5f1cf2dc1ac8395b692f5732" , "5f1cf2dc1ac8395b692f574a" ,
"5f1cf2dc1ac8395b692f5756" , "5f1cf2dc1ac8395b692f5766" ,
"5f1cf2dc1ac8395b692f576a" , "5f1cf2dc1ac8395b692f5774" ,
"5f1cf2dc1ac8395b692f577a" , "5f1cf2dc1ac8395b692f5790" ,
"5f1cf2dc1ac8395b692f579c" , "5f1cf2dc1ac8395b692f57a4" ,
"5f1cf2dc1ac8395b692f57ba" , "5f1cf2dc1ac8395b692f57be" ,
"5f1cf2dc1ac8395b692f57c2" , "5f1cf2dc1ac8395b692f57dc" ,
"5f1cf2dc1ac8395b692f57e8" , "5f1cf2dc1ac8395b692f57f0" ,
"5f1cf2dc1ac8395b692f57f4" , "5f1cf2dc1ac8395b692f57f8" ,
"5f1cf2dc1ac8395b692f57fc" , "5f1cf2dc1ac8395b692f5802" ,
"5f1cf2dd1ac8395b692f580a" , "5f1cf2dd1ac8395b692f5812" ,
"5f1cf2dd1ac8395b692f5824" , "5f1cf2dd1ac8395b692f5832" ,
"5f1cf2dd1ac8395b692f583a" , "5f1cf2dd1ac8395b692f583e" ,
"5f1cf2dd1ac8395b692f5842" , "5f1cf2dd1ac8395b692f5846" ,
"5f1cf2dd1ac8395b692f584a" , "5f1cf2dd1ac8395b692f584e" ,
"5f1cf2dd1ac8395b692f5868" , "5f1cf2dd1ac8395b692f586c" ,
"5f1cf2dd1ac8395b692f5870" , "5f1cf2dd1ac8395b692f5874" ,
"5f1cf2dd1ac8395b692f587e" , "5f1cf2dd1ac8395b692f5886" ,
"5f1cf2dd1ac8395b692f5892" , "5f1cf2dd1ac8395b692f58a4" ,
"5f1cf2dd1ac8395b692f58aa" , "5f1cf2dd1ac8395b692f58ce" ,
"5f1cf2dd1ac8395b692f58d6" , "5f1cf2dd1ac8395b692f58de" ,
"5f1cf2dd1ac8395b692f58e6" , "5f1cf2dd1ac8395b692f58f2" ,
"5f1cf2dd1ac8395b692f58fa" , "5f1cf2dd1ac8395b692f58fe" ,
"5f1cf2dd1ac8395b692f5906" , "5f1cf2dd1ac8395b692f590a" ,
"5f1cf2dd1ac8395b692f590e" , "5f1cf2dd1ac8395b692f5912" ,
"5f1cf2dd1ac8395b692f591a" , "5f1cf2dd1ac8395b692f5922" ,
"5f1cf2dd1ac8395b692f5926" , "5f1cf2dd1ac8395b692f592c" ,
"5f1cf2dd1ac8395b692f5930" , "5f1cf2dd1ac8395b692f5934" ,
"5f1cf2dd1ac8395b692f593c" , "5f1cf2dd1ac8395b692f5940" ,
"5f1cf2dd1ac8395b692f5948" , "5f1cf2dd1ac8395b692f594c" ,
"5f1cf2dd1ac8395b692f5950" , "5f1cf2dd1ac8395b692f595e" ,
"5f1cf2dd1ac8395b692f596a" , "5f1cf2dd1ac8395b692f5972" ,
"5f1cf2dd1ac8395b692f5978" , "5f1cf2dd1ac8395b692f597e" ,
"5f1cf2dd1ac8395b692f598a" , "5f1cf2dd1ac8395b692f5992" ,
"5f1cf2dd1ac8395b692f5996" , "5f1cf2dd1ac8395b692f599e" ,
"5f1cf2de1ac8395b692f59b0" , "5f1cf2de1ac8395b692f59b4" ,
"5f1cf2de1ac8395b692f59b8" , "5f1cf2de1ac8395b692f59c4" ,
"5f1cf2de1ac8395b692f59c8" , "5f1cf2de1ac8395b692f59d8" ,
"5f1cf2de1ac8395b692f59dc" , "5f1cf2de1ac8395b692f59e0" ,
"5f1cf2de1ac8395b692f59ec" , "5f1cf2de1ac8395b692f59fc" ,
"5f1cf2de1ac8395b692f5a08" , "5f1cf2de1ac8395b692f5a14" ,
"5f1cf2de1ac8395b692f5a1c" , "5f1cf2de1ac8395b692f5a20" ,
"5f1cf2de1ac8395b692f5a28" , "5f1cf2de1ac8395b692f5a2c" ,
"5f1cf2de1ac8395b692f5a38" , "5f1cf2de1ac8395b692f5a40" ,
"5f1cf2de1ac8395b692f5a48" , "5f1cf2de1ac8395b692f5a56" ,
"5f1cf2de1ac8395b692f5a5a" , "5f1cf2de1ac8395b692f5a62" ,
"5f1cf2de1ac8395b692f5a66" , "5f1cf2de1ac8395b692f5a6a" ,
"5f1cf2de1ac8395b692f5a6e" , "5f1cf2de1ac8395b692f5a72" ,
"5f1cf2de1ac8395b692f5a76" , "5f1cf2de1ac8395b692f5a7a" ,
"5f1cf2de1ac8395b692f5a80" , "5f1cf2de1ac8395b692f5a86" ,
"5f1cf2de1ac8395b692f5a8a" , "5f1cf2de1ac8395b692f5a8e" ,
"5f1cf2de1ac8395b692f5a97" , "5f1cf2de1ac8395b692f5aa1" ,
"5f1cf2de1ac8395b692f5aab" , "5f1cf2de1ac8395b692f5aaf" ,
"5f1cf2de1ac8395b692f5ab3" , "5f1cf2de1ac8395b692f5ab7" ,
"5f1cf2de1ac8395b692f5abf" , "5f1cf2de1ac8395b692f5ac7" ,
"5f1cf2de1ac8395b692f5acb" , "5f1cf2de1ac8395b692f5acf" ,
"5f1cf2de1ac8395b692f5ad3" , "5f1cf2de1ac8395b692f5ad7" ,
"5f1cf2de1ac8395b692f5adb" , "5f1cf2de1ac8395b692f5ae1" ,
"5f1cf2de1ac8395b692f5ae5" , "5f1cf2de1ac8395b692f5ae9" ,
"5f1cf2de1ac8395b692f5af9" , "5f1cf2de1ac8395b692f5afd" ,
"5f1cf2de1ac8395b692f5b01" , "5f1cf2de1ac8395b692f5b09" ,
"5f1cf2de1ac8395b692f5b11" , "5f1cf2de1ac8395b692f5b19" ,
"5f1cf2de1ac8395b692f5b37" , "5f1cf2df1ac8395b692f5b3b" ,
"5f1cf2df1ac8395b692f5b43" , "5f1cf2df1ac8395b692f5b55" ,
"5f1cf2df1ac8395b692f5b5b" , "5f1cf2df1ac8395b692f5b65" ,
"5f1cf2df1ac8395b692f5b69" , "5f1cf2df1ac8395b692f5b6d" ,
"5f1cf2df1ac8395b692f5b71" , "5f1cf2df1ac8395b692f5b75" ,
"5f1cf2df1ac8395b692f5b79" , "5f1cf2df1ac8395b692f5b81" ,
"5f1cf2df1ac8395b692f5b85" , "5f1cf2df1ac8395b692f5b8d" ,
"5f1cf2df1ac8395b692f5b95" , "5f1cf2df1ac8395b692f5b99" ,
"5f1cf2df1ac8395b692f5ba1" , "5f1cf2df1ac8395b692f5ba7" ,
"5f1cf2df1ac8395b692f5bab" , "5f1cf2df1ac8395b692f5bb3" ,
"5f1cf2df1ac8395b692f5bb7" , "5f1cf2df1ac8395b692f5bbb" ,
"5f1cf2df1ac8395b692f5bcf" , "5f1cf2df1ac8395b692f5bd9" ,
"5f1cf2df1ac8395b692f5be1" , "5f1cf2df1ac8395b692f5be5" ,
"5f1cf2df1ac8395b692f5be9" , "5f1cf2df1ac8395b692f5c03" ,
"5f1cf2df1ac8395b692f5c07" , "5f1cf2df1ac8395b692f5c0f" ,
"5f1cf2df1ac8395b692f5c13" , "5f1cf2df1ac8395b692f5c1f" ,
"5f1cf2df1ac8395b692f5c37" , "5f1cf2df1ac8395b692f5c3f" ,
"5f1cf2df1ac8395b692f5c65" , "5f1cf2df1ac8395b692f5c69" ,
"5f1cf2df1ac8395b692f5c6d" , "5f1cf2df1ac8395b692f5c75" ,
"5f1cf2df1ac8395b692f5c85" , "5f1cf2df1ac8395b692f5c8d" ,
"5f1cf2df1ac8395b692f5c92" , "5f1cf2df1ac8395b692f5c9c" ,
"5f1cf2df1ac8395b692f5ca0" , "5f1cf2df1ac8395b692f5ca4" ,
"5f1cf2df1ac8395b692f5ca8" , "5f1cf2df1ac8395b692f5cac" ,
"5f1cf2df1ac8395b692f5cb6" , "5f1cf2df1ac8395b692f5cba" ,
"5f1cf2df1ac8395b692f5cc6" , "5f1cf2df1ac8395b692f5cd6" ,
"5f1cf2df1ac8395b692f5cda" , "5f1cf2e01ac8395b692f5cde" ,
"5f1cf2e01ac8395b692f5cee" , "5f1cf2e01ac8395b692f5cf2" ,
"5f1cf2e01ac8395b692f5cf6" , "5f1cf2e01ac8395b692f5d02" ,
"5f1cf2e01ac8395b692f5d06" , "5f1cf2e01ac8395b692f5d0a" ,
"5f1cf2e01ac8395b692f5d0e" , "5f1cf2e01ac8395b692f5d1a" ,
"5f1cf2e01ac8395b692f5d1e" , "5f1cf2e01ac8395b692f5d28" ,
"5f1cf2e01ac8395b692f5d40" , "5f1cf2e01ac8395b692f5d56" ,
"5f1cf2e01ac8395b692f5d5a" , "5f1cf2e01ac8395b692f5d5e" ,
"5f1cf2e01ac8395b692f5d7e" , "5f1cf2e01ac8395b692f5d82" ,
"5f1cf2e01ac8395b692f5d8c" , "5f1cf2e01ac8395b692f5d90" ,
"5f1cf2e01ac8395b692f5da0" , "5f1cf2e01ac8395b692f5dc2" ,
"5f1cf2e01ac8395b692f5dc6" , "5f1cf2e01ac8395b692f5dce" ,
"5f1cf2e01ac8395b692f5dd4" , "5f1cf2e01ac8395b692f5de4" ,
"5f1cf2e01ac8395b692f5df4" , "5f1cf2e01ac8395b692f5df8" ,
"5f1cf2e01ac8395b692f5dfc" , "5f1cf2e01ac8395b692f5e00" ,
"5f1cf2e01ac8395b692f5e0c" , "5f1cf2e01ac8395b692f5e1e" ,
"5f1cf2e01ac8395b692f5e22" , "5f1cf2e01ac8395b692f5e34" ,
"5f1cf2e01ac8395b692f5e38" , "5f1cf2e01ac8395b692f5e3c" ,
"5f1cf2e01ac8395b692f5e50" , "5f1cf2e01ac8395b692f5e58"
, "5f1cf2e01ac8395b692f5e60" , "5f1cf2e11ac8395b692f5e80" ,
"5f1cf2e11ac8395b692f5e88" , "5f1cf2e11ac8395b692f5e90" ,
"5f1cf2e11ac8395b692f5e94" , "5f1cf2e11ac8395b692f5eb2" ,
"5f1cf2e11ac8395b692f5eb6" , "5f1cf2e11ac8395b692f5ebc" ,
"5f1cf2e11ac8395b692f5eca" , "5f1cf2e11ac8395b692f5ece" ,
"5f1cf2e11ac8395b692f5eda" , "5f1cf2e11ac8395b692f5ee0" ,
"5f1cf2e11ac8395b692f5ef8" , "5f1cf2e11ac8395b692f5efc" ,
"5f1cf2e11ac8395b692f5f04" , "5f1cf2e11ac8395b692f5f08" ,
"5f1cf2e11ac8395b692f5f0c" , "5f1cf2e11ac8395b692f5f16" ,
"5f1cf2e11ac8395b692f5f1a" , "5f1cf2e11ac8395b692f5f22" ,
"5f1cf2e11ac8395b692f5f26" , "5f1cf2e11ac8395b692f5f2e" ,
"5f1cf2e11ac8395b692f5f34" , "5f1cf2e11ac8395b692f5f4a" ,
"5f1cf2e11ac8395b692f5f52" , "5f1cf2e11ac8395b692f5f5e" ,
"5f1cf2e11ac8395b692f5f62" , "5f1cf2e11ac8395b692f5f68" ,
"5f1cf2e11ac8395b692f5f6c" , "5f1cf2e11ac8395b692f5f8a" ,
"5f1cf2e11ac8395b692f5f8e" , "5f1cf2e11ac8395b692f5fa8" ,
"5f1cf2e11ac8395b692f5fb4" , "5f1cf2e11ac8395b692f5fb8" ,
"5f1cf2e11ac8395b692f5fc0" , "5f1cf2e11ac8395b692f5fda" ,
"5f1cf2e11ac8395b692f5fde" , "5f1cf2e11ac8395b692f5ffa" ,
"5f1cf2e21ac8395b692f600c" , "5f1cf2e21ac8395b692f601a" ,
"5f1cf2e21ac8395b692f601e" , "5f1cf2e21ac8395b692f602e" ,
"5f1cf2e21ac8395b692f603c" , "5f1cf2e21ac8395b692f6042" ,
"5f1cf2e21ac8395b692f604e" , "5f1cf2e21ac8395b692f6052" ,
"5f1cf2e21ac8395b692f6056" , "5f1cf2e21ac8395b692f6096" ,
"5f1cf2e21ac8395b692f60c2" , "5f1cf2e21ac8395b692f60cc" ,
"5f1cf2e21ac8395b692f60d0" , "5f1cf2e21ac8395b692f60d4" ,
"5f1cf2e21ac8395b692f60e2" , "5f1cf2e21ac8395b692f60e6" ,
"5f1cf2e21ac8395b692f60fa" , "5f1cf2e21ac8395b692f6104" ,
"5f1cf2e21ac8395b692f610c" , "5f1cf2e21ac8395b692f611b" ,
"5f1cf2e21ac8395b692f611f" , "5f1cf2e21ac8395b692f6135" ,
"5f1cf2e21ac8395b692f6161" , "5f1cf2e21ac8395b692f6169" ,
"5f1cf2e21ac8395b692f616d" , "5f1cf2e21ac8395b692f6177" ,
"5f1cf2e21ac8395b692f617f" , "5f1cf2e21ac8395b692f6199" ,
"5f1cf2e21ac8395b692f619d" , "5f1cf2e31ac8395b692f61a5" ,
"5f1cf2e31ac8395b692f61b5" , "5f1cf2e31ac8395b692f61b9" ,
"5f1cf2e31ac8395b692f61c9" , "5f1cf2e31ac8395b692f61df" ,
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"5f1cf2e51ac8395b692f650c" , "5f1cf2e51ac8395b692f6518" ,
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"5f1cf2e61ac8395b692f66f0" , "5f1cf2e61ac8395b692f66f8" ,
"5f1cf2e61ac8395b692f6704" , "5f1cf2e61ac8395b692f6708" ,
"5f1cf2e61ac8395b692f670e" , "5f1cf2e61ac8395b692f671e" ,
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"5f1cf2e61ac8395b692f6786" , "5f1cf2e61ac8395b692f679c" ,
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"5f1cf2e61ac8395b692f67dc" , "5f1cf2e61ac8395b692f67e0" ,
"5f1cf2e61ac8395b692f67e4" , "5f1cf2e61ac8395b692f67ea" ,
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"5f1cf2e71ac8395b692f6810" , "5f1cf2e71ac8395b692f681e" ,
"5f1cf2e71ac8395b692f6822" , "5f1cf2e71ac8395b692f682c" ,
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{ "test" : "INT213_18-09-2020-11:30" , "displayName" : "INT213_18-09-2020-11:30" ,
"totalTime" : 60 , "totalMarks" : 30 , "passMarks" : 0.0 , "reviewAllowed" : true ,
"skippingAllowed" : true , "randomiseQuestions" : true , "randomiseOptions" :
true , "enableAutoCompletionOnCodeEditor" : false , "hintsAllowed" : false ,
"enablePartialMarks" : false , "showHintsOnExceptions" : false , "showTestResult" :
false , "showExecutionResults" : false , "enableNegativeMarks" : true ,
"enableNegativeMarksForFIB" : false , "generalInstructions" : "Read all the
instructions carefully\n<br>\n<ol>\n<li>There are <b>30 multiple choice
questions</b> spread over <b>3 sections</b> in all</li>\n<li>Each <b>question</b>
has a <b>time limit of 2 minutes</b> to complete</li>\n<li>You can skip a question
if you do not know the answer by clicking on the Next button</li>\n<li>A correctly
answered question will score <b>1 mark</b> where as a wrongly answered question
will entail <b>negative marks of 0.25 marks</b></li>\n<li>Skipping a question
without answering will result in <b>0 marks</b> for that question</li>\n<li>The
entire exam is recorded along with all your actions during the exam. </li><li>Do
not try to leave the test window during the exam. </li><li>Since this is a
proctored exam, you will have to provide permissions to share your location,
webcam, microphone (and screen if the proctor demands).</li><li>Make sure to use
the latest Chrome browser on Android, Windows, Linux, Mac OS. For iOS devices, only
Safari 13+ browser is supported.</li></ol>\nClick <b style=\"color:red\">Finish</b>
only after completion of the Exam." , "isScheduledTest" : true ,
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"5f1cf2dc1ac8395b692f57a4" , "5f1cf2dc1ac8395b692f57ba" ,
"5f1cf2dc1ac8395b692f57be" , "5f1cf2dc1ac8395b692f57c2" ,
"5f1cf2dc1ac8395b692f57dc" , "5f1cf2dc1ac8395b692f57e8" ,
"5f1cf2dc1ac8395b692f57f0" , "5f1cf2dc1ac8395b692f57f4" ,
"5f1cf2dc1ac8395b692f57f8" , "5f1cf2dc1ac8395b692f57fc" ,
"5f1cf2dc1ac8395b692f5802" , "5f1cf2dd1ac8395b692f580a" ,
"5f1cf2dd1ac8395b692f5812" , "5f1cf2dd1ac8395b692f5824" ,
"5f1cf2dd1ac8395b692f5832" , "5f1cf2dd1ac8395b692f583a" ,
"5f1cf2dd1ac8395b692f583e" , "5f1cf2dd1ac8395b692f5842" ,
"5f1cf2dd1ac8395b692f5846" , "5f1cf2dd1ac8395b692f584a" ,
"5f1cf2dd1ac8395b692f584e" , "5f1cf2dd1ac8395b692f5868" ,
"5f1cf2dd1ac8395b692f586c" , "5f1cf2dd1ac8395b692f5870" ,
"5f1cf2dd1ac8395b692f5874" , "5f1cf2dd1ac8395b692f587e" ,
"5f1cf2dd1ac8395b692f5886" , "5f1cf2dd1ac8395b692f5892" ,
"5f1cf2dd1ac8395b692f58a4" , "5f1cf2dd1ac8395b692f58aa" ,
"5f1cf2dd1ac8395b692f58ce" , "5f1cf2dd1ac8395b692f58d6" ,
"5f1cf2dd1ac8395b692f58de" , "5f1cf2dd1ac8395b692f58e6" ,
"5f1cf2dd1ac8395b692f58f2" , "5f1cf2dd1ac8395b692f58fa" ,
"5f1cf2dd1ac8395b692f58fe" , "5f1cf2dd1ac8395b692f5906" ,
"5f1cf2dd1ac8395b692f590a" , "5f1cf2dd1ac8395b692f590e" ,
"5f1cf2dd1ac8395b692f5912" , "5f1cf2dd1ac8395b692f591a" ,
"5f1cf2dd1ac8395b692f5922" , "5f1cf2dd1ac8395b692f5926" ,
"5f1cf2dd1ac8395b692f592c" , "5f1cf2dd1ac8395b692f5930" ,
"5f1cf2dd1ac8395b692f5934" , "5f1cf2dd1ac8395b692f593c" ,
"5f1cf2dd1ac8395b692f5940" , "5f1cf2dd1ac8395b692f5948" ,
"5f1cf2dd1ac8395b692f594c" , "5f1cf2dd1ac8395b692f5950" ,
"5f1cf2dd1ac8395b692f595e" , "5f1cf2dd1ac8395b692f596a" ,
"5f1cf2dd1ac8395b692f5972" , "5f1cf2dd1ac8395b692f5978" ,
"5f1cf2dd1ac8395b692f597e" , "5f1cf2dd1ac8395b692f598a" ,
"5f1cf2dd1ac8395b692f5992" , "5f1cf2dd1ac8395b692f5996" ,
"5f1cf2dd1ac8395b692f599e" , "5f1cf2de1ac8395b692f59b0" ,
"5f1cf2de1ac8395b692f59b4" , "5f1cf2de1ac8395b692f59b8" ,
"5f1cf2de1ac8395b692f59c4" , "5f1cf2de1ac8395b692f59c8" ,
"5f1cf2de1ac8395b692f59d8" , "5f1cf2de1ac8395b692f59dc" ,
"5f1cf2de1ac8395b692f59e0" , "5f1cf2de1ac8395b692f59ec" ,
"5f1cf2de1ac8395b692f59fc" , "5f1cf2de1ac8395b692f5a08" ,
"5f1cf2de1ac8395b692f5a14" , "5f1cf2de1ac8395b692f5a1c" ,
"5f1cf2de1ac8395b692f5a20" , "5f1cf2de1ac8395b692f5a28" ,
"5f1cf2de1ac8395b692f5a2c" , "5f1cf2de1ac8395b692f5a38" ,
"5f1cf2de1ac8395b692f5a40" , "5f1cf2de1ac8395b692f5a48" ,
"5f1cf2de1ac8395b692f5a56" , "5f1cf2de1ac8395b692f5a5a" ,
"5f1cf2de1ac8395b692f5a62" , "5f1cf2de1ac8395b692f5a66" ,
"5f1cf2de1ac8395b692f5a6a" , "5f1cf2de1ac8395b692f5a6e" ,
"5f1cf2de1ac8395b692f5a72" , "5f1cf2de1ac8395b692f5a76" ,
"5f1cf2de1ac8395b692f5a7a" , "5f1cf2de1ac8395b692f5a80" ,
"5f1cf2de1ac8395b692f5a86" , "5f1cf2de1ac8395b692f5a8a" ,
"5f1cf2de1ac8395b692f5a8e" , "5f1cf2de1ac8395b692f5a97" ,
"5f1cf2de1ac8395b692f5aa1" , "5f1cf2de1ac8395b692f5aab" ,
"5f1cf2de1ac8395b692f5aaf" , "5f1cf2de1ac8395b692f5ab3" ,
"5f1cf2de1ac8395b692f5ab7" , "5f1cf2de1ac8395b692f5abf" ,
"5f1cf2de1ac8395b692f5ac7" , "5f1cf2de1ac8395b692f5acb" ,
"5f1cf2de1ac8395b692f5acf" , "5f1cf2de1ac8395b692f5ad3" ,
"5f1cf2de1ac8395b692f5ad7" , "5f1cf2de1ac8395b692f5adb" ,
"5f1cf2de1ac8395b692f5ae1" , "5f1cf2de1ac8395b692f5ae5" ,
"5f1cf2de1ac8395b692f5ae9" , "5f1cf2de1ac8395b692f5af9" ,
"5f1cf2de1ac8395b692f5afd" , "5f1cf2de1ac8395b692f5b01" ,
"5f1cf2de1ac8395b692f5b09" , "5f1cf2de1ac8395b692f5b11" ,
"5f1cf2de1ac8395b692f5b19" , "5f1cf2de1ac8395b692f5b37" ,
"5f1cf2df1ac8395b692f5b3b" , "5f1cf2df1ac8395b692f5b43" ,
"5f1cf2df1ac8395b692f5b55" , "5f1cf2df1ac8395b692f5b5b" ,
"5f1cf2df1ac8395b692f5b65" , "5f1cf2df1ac8395b692f5b69" ,
"5f1cf2df1ac8395b692f5b6d" , "5f1cf2df1ac8395b692f5b71" ,
"5f1cf2df1ac8395b692f5b75" , "5f1cf2df1ac8395b692f5b79" ,
"5f1cf2df1ac8395b692f5b81" , "5f1cf2df1ac8395b692f5b85" ,
"5f1cf2df1ac8395b692f5b8d" , "5f1cf2df1ac8395b692f5b95" ,
"5f1cf2df1ac8395b692f5b99" , "5f1cf2df1ac8395b692f5ba1" ,
"5f1cf2df1ac8395b692f5ba7" , "5f1cf2df1ac8395b692f5bab" ,
"5f1cf2df1ac8395b692f5bb3" , "5f1cf2df1ac8395b692f5bb7" ,
"5f1cf2df1ac8395b692f5bbb" , "5f1cf2df1ac8395b692f5bcf" ,
"5f1cf2df1ac8395b692f5bd9" , "5f1cf2df1ac8395b692f5be1" ,
"5f1cf2df1ac8395b692f5be5" , "5f1cf2df1ac8395b692f5be9" ,
"5f1cf2df1ac8395b692f5c03" , "5f1cf2df1ac8395b692f5c07" ,
"5f1cf2df1ac8395b692f5c0f" , "5f1cf2df1ac8395b692f5c13" ,
"5f1cf2df1ac8395b692f5c1f" , "5f1cf2df1ac8395b692f5c37" ,
"5f1cf2df1ac8395b692f5c3f" , "5f1cf2df1ac8395b692f5c65" ,
"5f1cf2df1ac8395b692f5c69" , "5f1cf2df1ac8395b692f5c6d" ,
"5f1cf2df1ac8395b692f5c75" , "5f1cf2df1ac8395b692f5c85" ,
"5f1cf2df1ac8395b692f5c8d" , "5f1cf2df1ac8395b692f5c92" ,
"5f1cf2df1ac8395b692f5c9c" , "5f1cf2df1ac8395b692f5ca0" ,
"5f1cf2df1ac8395b692f5ca4" , "5f1cf2df1ac8395b692f5ca8" ,
"5f1cf2df1ac8395b692f5cac" , "5f1cf2df1ac8395b692f5cb6" ,
"5f1cf2df1ac8395b692f5cba" , "5f1cf2df1ac8395b692f5cc6" ,
"5f1cf2df1ac8395b692f5cd6" , "5f1cf2df1ac8395b692f5cda" ,
"5f1cf2e01ac8395b692f5cde" , "5f1cf2e01ac8395b692f5cee" ,
"5f1cf2e01ac8395b692f5cf2" , "5f1cf2e01ac8395b692f5cf6" ,
"5f1cf2e01ac8395b692f5d02" , "5f1cf2e01ac8395b692f5d06" ,
"5f1cf2e01ac8395b692f5d0a" , "5f1cf2e01ac8395b692f5d0e" ,
"5f1cf2e01ac8395b692f5d1a" , "5f1cf2e01ac8395b692f5d1e" ,
"5f1cf2e01ac8395b692f5d28" , "5f1cf2e01ac8395b692f5d40" ,
"5f1cf2e01ac8395b692f5d56" , "5f1cf2e01ac8395b692f5d5a" ,
"5f1cf2e01ac8395b692f5d5e" , "5f1cf2e01ac8395b692f5d7e" ,
"5f1cf2e01ac8395b692f5d82" , "5f1cf2e01ac8395b692f5d8c" ,
"5f1cf2e01ac8395b692f5d90" , "5f1cf2e01ac8395b692f5da0" ,
"5f1cf2e01ac8395b692f5dc2" , "5f1cf2e01ac8395b692f5dc6" ,
"5f1cf2e01ac8395b692f5dce" , "5f1cf2e01ac8395b692f5dd4" ,
"5f1cf2e01ac8395b692f5de4" , "5f1cf2e01ac8395b692f5df4" ,
"5f1cf2e01ac8395b692f5df8" , "5f1cf2e01ac8395b692f5dfc" ,
"5f1cf2e01ac8395b692f5e00" , "5f1cf2e01ac8395b692f5e0c" ,
"5f1cf2e01ac8395b692f5e1e" , "5f1cf2e01ac8395b692f5e22" ,
"5f1cf2e01ac8395b692f5e34" , "5f1cf2e01ac8395b692f5e38" ,
"5f1cf2e01ac8395b692f5e3c" , "5f1cf2e01ac8395b692f5e50" ,
"5f1cf2e01ac8395b692f5e58" , "5f1cf2e01ac8395b692f5e60" ,
"5f1cf2e11ac8395b692f5e80" , "5f1cf2e11ac8395b692f5e88" ,
"5f1cf2e11ac8395b692f5e90" , "5f1cf2e11ac8395b692f5e94" ,
"5f1cf2e11ac8395b692f5eb2" , "5f1cf2e11ac8395b692f5eb6" ,
"5f1cf2e11ac8395b692f5ebc" , "5f1cf2e11ac8395b692f5eca" ,
"5f1cf2e11ac8395b692f5ece" , "5f1cf2e11ac8395b692f5eda" ,
"5f1cf2e11ac8395b692f5ee0" , "5f1cf2e11ac8395b692f5ef8" ,
"5f1cf2e11ac8395b692f5efc" , "5f1cf2e11ac8395b692f5f04" ,
"5f1cf2e11ac8395b692f5f08" , "5f1cf2e11ac8395b692f5f0c" ,
"5f1cf2e11ac8395b692f5f16" , "5f1cf2e11ac8395b692f5f1a" ,
"5f1cf2e11ac8395b692f5f22" , "5f1cf2e11ac8395b692f5f26" ,
"5f1cf2e11ac8395b692f5f2e" , "5f1cf2e11ac8395b692f5f34" ,
"5f1cf2e11ac8395b692f5f4a" , "5f1cf2e11ac8395b692f5f52" ,
"5f1cf2e11ac8395b692f5f5e" , "5f1cf2e11ac8395b692f5f62" ,
"5f1cf2e11ac8395b692f5f68" , "5f1cf2e11ac8395b692f5f6c" ,
"5f1cf2e11ac8395b692f5f8a" , "5f1cf2e11ac8395b692f5f8e" ,
"5f1cf2e11ac8395b692f5fa8" , "5f1cf2e11ac8395b692f5fb4" ,
"5f1cf2e11ac8395b692f5fb8" , "5f1cf2e11ac8395b692f5fc0" ,
"5f1cf2e11ac8395b692f5fda" , "5f1cf2e11ac8395b692f5fde" ,
"5f1cf2e11ac8395b692f5ffa" , "5f1cf2e21ac8395b692f600c" ,
"5f1cf2e21ac8395b692f601a" , "5f1cf2e21ac8395b692f601e" ,
"5f1cf2e21ac8395b692f602e" , "5f1cf2e21ac8395b692f603c" ,
"5f1cf2e21ac8395b692f6042" , "5f1cf2e21ac8395b692f604e" ,
"5f1cf2e21ac8395b692f6052" , "5f1cf2e21ac8395b692f6056" ,
"5f1cf2e21ac8395b692f6096" , "5f1cf2e21ac8395b692f60c2" ,
"5f1cf2e21ac8395b692f60cc" , "5f1cf2e21ac8395b692f60d0" ,
"5f1cf2e21ac8395b692f60d4" , "5f1cf2e21ac8395b692f60e2" ,
"5f1cf2e21ac8395b692f60e6" , "5f1cf2e21ac8395b692f60fa" ,
"5f1cf2e21ac8395b692f6104" , "5f1cf2e21ac8395b692f610c" ,
"5f1cf2e21ac8395b692f611b" , "5f1cf2e21ac8395b692f611f" ,
"5f1cf2e21ac8395b692f6135" , "5f1cf2e21ac8395b692f6161" ,
"5f1cf2e21ac8395b692f6169" , "5f1cf2e21ac8395b692f616d" ,
"5f1cf2e21ac8395b692f6177" , "5f1cf2e21ac8395b692f617f" ,
"5f1cf2e21ac8395b692f6199" , "5f1cf2e21ac8395b692f619d" ,
"5f1cf2e31ac8395b692f61a5" , "5f1cf2e31ac8395b692f61b5" ,
"5f1cf2e31ac8395b692f61b9" , "5f1cf2e31ac8395b692f61c9" ,
"5f1cf2e31ac8395b692f61df" , "5f1cf2e31ac8395b692f61e3" ,
"5f1cf2e31ac8395b692f620d" , "5f1cf2e31ac8395b692f6215" ,
"5f1cf2e31ac8395b692f6219" , "5f1cf2e31ac8395b692f621d" ,
"5f1cf2e31ac8395b692f622b" , "5f1cf2e31ac8395b692f622f" ,
"5f1cf2e31ac8395b692f6233" , "5f1cf2e31ac8395b692f623f" ,
"5f1cf2e31ac8395b692f6243" , "5f1cf2e31ac8395b692f6253" ,
"5f1cf2e31ac8395b692f6257" , "5f1cf2e31ac8395b692f6265" ,
"5f1cf2e31ac8395b692f6269" , "5f1cf2e31ac8395b692f6299" ,
"5f1cf2e31ac8395b692f62a3" , "5f1cf2e31ac8395b692f62af" ,
"5f1cf2e31ac8395b692f62b7" , "5f1cf2e31ac8395b692f62d1" ,
"5f1cf2e31ac8395b692f62d5" , "5f1cf2e31ac8395b692f62df" ,
"5f1cf2e31ac8395b692f62e3" , "5f1cf2e31ac8395b692f62e7" ,
"5f1cf2e31ac8395b692f62eb" , "5f1cf2e31ac8395b692f62f7" ,
"5f1cf2e31ac8395b692f62fb" , "5f1cf2e31ac8395b692f6307" ,
"5f1cf2e31ac8395b692f6319" , "5f1cf2e31ac8395b692f6325"
, "5f1cf2e31ac8395b692f632b" , "5f1cf2e31ac8395b692f6339" ,
"5f1cf2e41ac8395b692f6343" , "5f1cf2e41ac8395b692f6347" ,
"5f1cf2e41ac8395b692f634f" , "5f1cf2e41ac8395b692f6353" ,
"5f1cf2e41ac8395b692f635b" , "5f1cf2e41ac8395b692f6369" ,
"5f1cf2e41ac8395b692f6371" , "5f1cf2e41ac8395b692f637f" ,
"5f1cf2e41ac8395b692f6391" , "5f1cf2e41ac8395b692f639f" ,
"5f1cf2e41ac8395b692f63a9" , "5f1cf2e41ac8395b692f63b1" ,
"5f1cf2e41ac8395b692f63c5" , "5f1cf2e41ac8395b692f63cb" ,
"5f1cf2e41ac8395b692f63cf" , "5f1cf2e41ac8395b692f63e9" ,
"5f1cf2e41ac8395b692f63ef" , "5f1cf2e41ac8395b692f63f9" ,
"5f1cf2e41ac8395b692f640b" , "5f1cf2e41ac8395b692f6417" ,
"5f1cf2e41ac8395b692f6425" , "5f1cf2e41ac8395b692f6429" ,
"5f1cf2e41ac8395b692f6439" , "5f1cf2e41ac8395b692f6449" ,
"5f1cf2e41ac8395b692f644d" , "5f1cf2e41ac8395b692f6451" ,
"5f1cf2e41ac8395b692f6455" , "5f1cf2e41ac8395b692f645d" ,
"5f1cf2e41ac8395b692f6487" , "5f1cf2e41ac8395b692f6493" ,
"5f1cf2e41ac8395b692f649f" , "5f1cf2e41ac8395b692f64a5" ,
"5f1cf2e41ac8395b692f64ad" , "5f1cf2e41ac8395b692f64da" ,
"5f1cf2e51ac8395b692f64de" , "5f1cf2e51ac8395b692f64e2" ,
"5f1cf2e51ac8395b692f64ea" , "5f1cf2e51ac8395b692f64f0" ,
"5f1cf2e51ac8395b692f64f6" , "5f1cf2e51ac8395b692f6504" ,
"5f1cf2e51ac8395b692f6508" , "5f1cf2e51ac8395b692f650c" ,
"5f1cf2e51ac8395b692f6518" , "5f1cf2e51ac8395b692f6520" ,
"5f1cf2e51ac8395b692f6528" , "5f1cf2e51ac8395b692f653a" ,
"5f1cf2e51ac8395b692f6540" , "5f1cf2e51ac8395b692f654e" ,
"5f1cf2e51ac8395b692f6572" , "5f1cf2e51ac8395b692f6578" ,
"5f1cf2e51ac8395b692f6580" , "5f1cf2e51ac8395b692f6584" ,
"5f1cf2e51ac8395b692f6588" , "5f1cf2e51ac8395b692f6598" ,
"5f1cf2e51ac8395b692f659c" , "5f1cf2e51ac8395b692f65a2" ,
"5f1cf2e51ac8395b692f65b0" , "5f1cf2e51ac8395b692f65c8" ,
"5f1cf2e51ac8395b692f65cc" , "5f1cf2e51ac8395b692f65de" ,
"5f1cf2e51ac8395b692f65e8" , "5f1cf2e51ac8395b692f65f2" ,
"5f1cf2e51ac8395b692f65fe" , "5f1cf2e51ac8395b692f6606" ,
"5f1cf2e51ac8395b692f660a" , "5f1cf2e51ac8395b692f660e" ,
"5f1cf2e51ac8395b692f661a" , "5f1cf2e51ac8395b692f662a" ,
"5f1cf2e51ac8395b692f6630" , "5f1cf2e51ac8395b692f6634" ,
"5f1cf2e51ac8395b692f663e" , "5f1cf2e51ac8395b692f6642" ,
"5f1cf2e51ac8395b692f6646" , "5f1cf2e51ac8395b692f6654" ,
"5f1cf2e51ac8395b692f6658" , "5f1cf2e51ac8395b692f665c" ,
"5f1cf2e51ac8395b692f6660" , "5f1cf2e51ac8395b692f6668" ,
"5f1cf2e51ac8395b692f666c" , "5f1cf2e61ac8395b692f6674" ,
"5f1cf2e61ac8395b692f667a" , "5f1cf2e61ac8395b692f6682" ,
"5f1cf2e61ac8395b692f66a8" , "5f1cf2e61ac8395b692f66b0" ,
"5f1cf2e61ac8395b692f66b4" , "5f1cf2e61ac8395b692f66bc" ,
"5f1cf2e61ac8395b692f66c0" , "5f1cf2e61ac8395b692f66c4" ,
"5f1cf2e61ac8395b692f66ca" , "5f1cf2e61ac8395b692f66ce" ,
"5f1cf2e61ac8395b692f66d2" , "5f1cf2e61ac8395b692f66e4" ,
"5f1cf2e61ac8395b692f66e8" , "5f1cf2e61ac8395b692f66f0" ,
"5f1cf2e61ac8395b692f66f8" , "5f1cf2e61ac8395b692f6704" ,
"5f1cf2e61ac8395b692f6708" , "5f1cf2e61ac8395b692f670e" ,
"5f1cf2e61ac8395b692f671e" , "5f1cf2e61ac8395b692f6722" ,
"5f1cf2e61ac8395b692f6726" , "5f1cf2e61ac8395b692f672a" ,
"5f1cf2e61ac8395b692f6736" , "5f1cf2e61ac8395b692f673e" ,
"5f1cf2e61ac8395b692f6742" , "5f1cf2e61ac8395b692f6746" ,
"5f1cf2e61ac8395b692f6764" , "5f1cf2e61ac8395b692f6774" ,
"5f1cf2e61ac8395b692f6782" , "5f1cf2e61ac8395b692f6786" ,
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"enableNegativeMarks" : true , "enableNegativeMarksForFIB" : false ,
"generalInstructions" : "Read all the instructions carefully\n<br>\n<ol>\n<li>There
are <b>30 multiple choice questions</b> spread over <b>3 sections</b> in
all</li>\n<li>Each <b>question</b> has a <b>time limit of 2 minutes</b> to
complete</li>\n<li>You can skip a question if you do not know the answer by
clicking on the Next button</li>\n<li>A correctly answered question will score <b>1
mark</b> where as a wrongly answered question will entail <b>negative marks of 0.25
marks</b></li>\n<li>Skipping a question without answering will result in <b>0
marks</b> for that question</li>\n<li>The entire exam is recorded along with all
your actions during the exam. </li><li>Do not try to leave the test window during
the exam. </li><li>Since this is a proctored exam, you will have to provide
permissions to share your location, webcam, microphone (and screen if the proctor
demands).</li><li>Make sure to use the latest Chrome browser on Android, Windows,
Linux, Mac OS. For iOS devices, only Safari 13+ browser is
supported.</li></ol>\nClick <b style=\"color:red\">Finish</b> only after completion
of the Exam." , "isScheduledTest" : true , "requiresJavaApplet" : false ,
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"enableFinishBeforeRemainingTimeLeft" : 5 , "disablePrevious" : true ,
"enableMarkForReview" : false};
var endTestOnBlur = testScheduleObj.hasOwnProperty('testProfile') ?
testScheduleObj.testProfile.endTestOnBlur : test.hasOwnProperty('endTestOnBlur') ?
test.endTestOnBlur : false;
var endTestOnResumeAfterPause = testScheduleObj.hasOwnProperty('testProfile') ?
testScheduleObj.testProfile.endTestOnResumeAfterPause :
test.hasOwnProperty('endTestOnResumeAfterPause') ? test.endTestOnResumeAfterPause :
var testProfile = testScheduleObj.hasOwnProperty('testProfile') ?
testScheduleObj.testProfile : {};
var forceLocationInTest = testScheduleObj.hasOwnProperty('forceLocationInTest')
? testScheduleObj.forceLocationInTest : true;
var enforceFullScreenInTest =
testScheduleObj.hasOwnProperty('enforceFullScreenInTest') ?
testScheduleObj.enforceFullScreenInTest : true;
var disablePrevious = testProfile.hasOwnProperty("disablePrevious") &&
var courseTestSummaryList = [];
var time = new Date();
var scheduledTestCompletedStatus = true
var courseTestResume = false;
var loginId = "11911644.st@lpu.in";

var noSleep = new NoSleep();

var cTProgLanguagesArr = [ "C" , "C++" , "Java" , "Python"];

var progQuestionDataTypesArr = { "int16" : { "c" : "short" , "c++" : "short" ,
"java" : "short" , "python" : "int"} , "int32" : { "c" : "int" , "c++" : "int" ,
"java" : "int" , "python" : "int"} , "int64" : { "c" : "long" , "c++" : "long" ,
"java" : "long" , "python" : "int"} , "float32" : { "c" : "float" , "c++" : "float"
, "java" : "float" , "python" : "float"} , "float64" : { "c" : "double" , "c++" :
"double" , "java" : "double" , "python" : "float"} , "boolean" : { "c" : "int" ,
"c++" : "bool" , "java" : "boolean" , "python" : "bool"} , "string" : { "c" : "char
*" , "c++" : "string" , "java" : "String" , "python" : "str"} , "array" : { "c" :
"array" , "c++" : "array" , "java" : "array" , "python" : "array"} , "2dArray" :
{ "c" : "2dArray" , "c++" : "2dArray" , "java" : "2dArray" , "python" :
if (testObject.hasOwnProperty("allowedLanguages") &&
testObject.allowedLanguages.length > 0) {
var allowedProgramingLanguages = testObject.allowedLanguages;
var allowedProgramingLanguagesMap = {};
if (typeof allowedProgramingLanguages !== "undefined") {
for (var i in allowedProgramingLanguages) {
allowedProgramingLanguagesMap[allowedProgramingLanguages[i]] =
} else {
for (var i in cTProgLanguagesArr) {
allowedProgramingLanguagesMap[cTProgLanguagesArr[i]] =

$(document).ready(function () {
if (!isMobileAllowed && isMobileOrTablet()) {
window.location.href = "/invalid-browser.jsp?testM=1";
if (courseTestResume) {
$("#upArrow, #downArrowMap").removeClass("hide");
setTimeout(function () {
}, 500);
} else {
$("#downArrowMap, #downArrow").removeClass("hide");
$("#generalInstructionInfoDiv").click(function () {
if ($("#generalInstructionInfo").hasClass("in")) {
} else {
var loadTestLocation = false;
$("#yourCurrentLocationDiv").click(function () {
if ($("#yourCurrentLocationInfo").hasClass("in")) {
} else {


function isMobileOrTablet() {
var check = false;
(function (a) {
if (/(android|bb\d+|meego).+mobile|avantgo|bada\/|blackberry|blazer|
compal|elaine|fennec|hiptop|iemobile|ip(hone|od)|iris|kindle|lge |maemo|midp|mmp|
mobile.+firefox|netfront|opera m(ob|in)i|palm( os)?|phone|p(ixi|re)\/|plucker|
pocket|psp|series(4|6)0|symbian|treo|up\.(browser|link)|vodafone|wap|windows ce|
xda|xiino|android|ipad|playbook|silk/i.test(a) || /1207|6310|6590|3gso|4thp|50[1-
6]i|770s|802s|a wa|abac|ac(er|oo|s\-)|ai(ko|rn)|al(av|ca|co)|amoi|an(ex|ny|yw)|
aptu|ar(ch|go)|as(te|us)|attw|au(di|\-m|r |s )|avan|be(ck|ll|nq)|bi(lb|rd)|bl(ac|
ul)|er(ic|k0)|esl8|ez([4-7]0|os|wa|ze)|fetc|fly(\-|_)|g1 u|g560|gene|gf\-5|g\-mo|
go(\.w|od)|gr(ad|un)|haie|hcit|hd\-(m|p|t)|hei\-|hi(pt|ta)|hp( i|ip)|hs\-c|ht(c(\-|
|_|a|g|p|s|t)|tp)|hu(aw|tc)|i\-(20|go|ma)|i230|iac( |\-|\/)|ibro|idea|ig01|ikom|
im1k|inno|ipaq|iris|ja(t|v)a|jbro|jemu|jigs|kddi|keji|kgt( |\/)|klon|kpt |kwc\-|
kyo(c|k)|le(no|xi)|lg( g|\/(k|l|u)|50|54|\-[a-w])|libw|lynx|m1\-w|m3ga|m50\/|ma(te|
ui|xo)|mc(01|21|ca)|m\-cr|me(rc|ri)|mi(o8|oa|ts)|mmef|mo(01|02|bi|de|do|t(\-| |o|
v)|zz)|mt(50|p1|v )|mwbp|mywa|n10[0-2]|n20[2-3]|n30(0|2)|n50(0|2|5)|n7(0(0|1)|10)|
m)|sk\-0|sl(45|id)|sm(al|ar|b3|it|t5)|so(ft|ny)|sp(01|h\-|v\-|v )|sy(01|mb)|t2(18|
vulc|vx(52|53|60|61|70|80|81|83|85|98)|w3c(\-| )|webc|whit|wi(g |nc|nw)|wmlb|wonu|
x700|yas\-|your|zeto|zte\-/i.test(a.substr(0, 4))) check = true;
})(navigator.userAgent || navigator.vendor || window.opera);
return check;

function isMobile() {
var check = false;
(function (a) {
if (/(android|bb\d+|meego).+mobile|avantgo|bada\/|blackberry|blazer|
compal|elaine|fennec|hiptop|iemobile|ip(hone|od)|iris|kindle|lge |maemo|midp|mmp|
mobile.+firefox|netfront|opera m(ob|in)i|palm( os)?|phone|p(ixi|re)\/|plucker|
pocket|psp|series(4|6)0|symbian|treo|up\.(browser|link)|vodafone|wap|windows ce|
xda|xiino/i.test(a) || /1207|6310|6590|3gso|4thp|50[1-6]i|770s|802s|a wa|abac|
attw|au(di|\-m|r |s )|avan|be(ck|ll|nq)|bi(lb|rd)|bl(ac|az)|br(e|v)w|bumb|bw\-(n|
os|wa|ze)|fetc|fly(\-|_)|g1 u|g560|gene|gf\-5|g\-mo|go(\.w|od)|gr(ad|un)|haie|hcit|
hd\-(m|p|t)|hei\-|hi(pt|ta)|hp( i|ip)|hs\-c|ht(c(\-| |_|a|g|p|s|t)|tp)|hu(aw|tc)|
i\-(20|go|ma)|i230|iac( |\-|\/)|ibro|idea|ig01|ikom|im1k|inno|ipaq|iris|ja(t|v)a|
jbro|jemu|jigs|kddi|keji|kgt( |\/)|klon|kpt |kwc\-|kyo(c|k)|le(no|xi)|lg( g|\/(k|l|
ri)|mi(o8|oa|ts)|mmef|mo(01|02|bi|de|do|t(\-| |o|v)|zz)|mt(50|p1|v )|mwbp|mywa|
sm(al|ar|b3|it|t5)|so(ft|ny)|sp(01|h\-|v\-|v )|sy(01|mb)|t2(18|50)|t6(00|10|18)|
61|70|80|81|83|85|98)|w3c(\-| )|webc|whit|wi(g |nc|nw)|wmlb|wonu|x700|yas\-|your|
zeto|zte\-/i.test(a.substr(0, 4))) check = true;
})(navigator.userAgent || navigator.vendor || window.opera);
return check;

var preparationCountDownTime = 0;
var showPreparationTime = false;
var day_millis = 86400000;
var hour_millis = 3600000;
var min_millis = 60000;
var sec_millis = 1000;
if (!courseTestResume && showPreparationTime) {
var preparationTimeSetInterval = setInterval(function () {
var timeDiff = preparationCountDownTime - new Date().getTime();
var days = Math.floor(timeDiff / day_millis);
var hours = Math.floor((timeDiff % day_millis) / hour_millis);
var minutes = Math.floor((timeDiff % hour_millis) / min_millis);
var seconds = Math.floor((timeDiff % min_millis) / sec_millis);
var timeString = '';
if (days > 0) timeString += days + 'd ';
if (hours > 0) timeString += (hours < 10 ? '0' : '') + hours + 'h ';
if (minutes > 0) timeString += (minutes < 10 ? '0' : '') + minutes + 'm
if (seconds > 0) timeString += (seconds < 10 ? '0' : '') + seconds +
if (timeDiff < 0) {
}, sec_millis);
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