SPE 26934 Dynamic Modeling of Permeability and Small-Scale Stratigraphy in A Core Plug
SPE 26934 Dynamic Modeling of Permeability and Small-Scale Stratigraphy in A Core Plug
SPE 26934 Dynamic Modeling of Permeability and Small-Scale Stratigraphy in A Core Plug
SPE 26934
Dynamic Modeling of Permeability and Small-Scale Stratigraphy
in a Core Plug
J.e. Trygstad, Petrotrends
SPE Member
This peper was prepared for presentation at the 1993 Eastern Regional Conference & Exhibition held in Pittsburgh, PA, U.S.A., 2-4 November 1993.
This paper was selected for presentation by an SPE Program Committee following review of information contained in an abstract submitted by the author(s). Contents of the paper,
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Thin Section 7 was sent to Perception The system dynamics model assumes a
and Decisions (PADS), Inc., Columbia, primitive pore type, PTp, from which
SC, for digitization and petrographic Pore Types 1, 2, and 3 evolved. Note
image analysis (PIA)(4,5,6). The 9 that grain dissolution is invoked to
other thin sections, taken from account for Pore Type 4.
plugs within 8 feet of Thin Section
7, were also digitized and analyzed
with PIA. using PIA and data from
differentiated 4 pore types, and OP THE EVOLUTION OP PLOW
calculated a permeability for Sample
7 of 421 md, close to the laboratory
measurement of 456 md. PADS used the The system dynamics model of the
Hagen-Poiseui11e capillary-tube model evolution of flow in Thin Section 7
where (7) is shown in Figure 1. It uses
stocks, flows, converters and
connectors to present explicit
k = 1013 Ck (£(NPi)(Di 4 )(rr»/128 relationships among the parameters.
Before running the model, it will be
where helpful to review model parameters.
1013 = converS1on factor to
mi11idarcies The stocks (Figure 1, squares) are
Ck = constant of proportionality (where i = Pore Type primitive or
= 6 this study Pore Type 1, 2, 3 or 4). They are
described as follows:
NPi = the number of pores per
square micron of pore types p, BEAD PERM permeability
1-4 calculated from van Baaren's
formula using porosities
Di = pore throat diameter of calculated from reaction-
pore types p, 1-4 transport simulation. Initial
value set at 1000 md.
to the throat diame~er of the The variables are TIME INPUT (-310 to
parent pore type at the time of o m.y.), POROSITY (.35~ to .228), CLD
emergence. Final throat PERM__DIFF, PTp, PT3, PT2, PT1, and
diameters for dPT3, dPT2, and PT4, and PT SUM. PT2, PTl and PT4.
dPTl are derived from mercury The values In CLD PERM DIFF are the
injection data. differences between -- the flows
PERMEABILITY and Kpt (Table 1). This
NPi - Number of pores for Pore represents the differences between
Types primitive and 1-4, per permeability calculated from
square m1cron; calculated from porosity and permeability calculated
thin section for each pore type from pore geometries. PTp and PT1-
using PIA. The total number of 4 represent the product of the number
pores per square micron = 1.78E- of pores per square micron times the
5. The initial number of pores pore throat diameter for each
for Pore Type primitive ~ 1.78E- indicated pore type. The pore ·type
5, for Pore Types 1-4 = o. The product converters are not essential
final number of pores for NPp to the model as the calculations
=0. The final number of pores could be performed by connecting the
for NP3 = 1.18E-5, NP2 = 2.l6E- stocks involved directly to the
6, NPl = 3.82E-6, NP4 = 6.24E- converter PT Sum. However, the pore
6. type product converters break down
the Kpt equation in the diagram and
The flows (Figure 1, circles with make it easier to read. The final
spigots) are BP_CHG, DI_PM_CHG, d~Ti variable converter, PT SUM, brings
CHG, NPi CHG and SPTi CHG (where 1 = together the data from the pore types
Pore Type primitive or Pore Type 1, for input into the Kpt equation. It
2, 3 or 4). The flows cause the sums the pore type values from PTp,
stocks to increase or decrease. When PT3, PT2, PTl and PT4.
flows are not "on", there is no net
change in the stocks. Flows have
arrows associated with them that
indicate the direction of flow. DISCUSSION
Flows out of BEAD PERM, DIAG PERM and
dPTp stocks are continuous as long as The model diagram (Figure 1) shows
the flows are "turned on". When the parameters discussed above. It
flows fill up pore type stocks, also shows the connections that run
each pulses one time rather than the model and allow it to examine
continuously. The flows out of the parameter roles in permeability
pore type diameter stocks pulse development in the sample. At time =
continuously (dt=.125 m.y.), from the -310 m.y., the sediment was
time each stock is initiated or deposited. For simplification, the
filled up, to the time it reaches its cementation history considered for
final diameter as measured by mercury this model includes only two separate
injection tests. Flows out of NPi processes. First, pressure solution
stocks initiate other NPi stocks in provides silica for quartz cement
the form of a one time pulse. from early burial to -220 my ••
Second, there is dissolution of some
The converters (Figure 1, circles) rock fragments at -220 m.y •• From
are either constants (circles without mechano-chemical simulation (Table 1)
bars) or variables (circles with most porosity reduction by these
bars). The constants include CEMENT processes is completed by -240 m.y.
FACTOR (=2), SORTING FACTOR (=.84), (Figure 2). Porosity enhancement by
GRAIN__SIZE (=130 um), and Ck (=6). grain dissolution was not included in
the mechano-chemical simulation. If full of Pore Type 3 pores (all the
it had been included, then porosity pores in the system) and remains so
reduction values would have been until Pore Type 2 appears (Figure 6).
different and final porosity from
silica precipitation lower, by At -270 m.y., the DIAG PERM stock has
perhaps .3 to 1.5 porosity units. decreased to 608 md (Table 1, Figure
(Core plugs similar to Core Plug 7 in 3. The NP3 stock is diminished by
grain size, sorting, and mineralogy NP2 pores appearing out of Pore Type
but with little to no Pore Type 4 3 (Figure 6). This is happening only
have porosities from 20.9 -22.8). at selected sites, since some Pore
Type 3 pores remain in NP3. The
The model starts to run at -310 m.y •• diameter of Pore Tpye 3 throats and
The stocks BRAD PERM, DIAG PERM, dPTp Pore Type 2 throats is 21.89 urn, but
and NPp are- all full (Figures the pore types decrease at different
3, 4). Whether running off the BD rates, and dPT3 stops at 21 urn, while
PERM CHG flow that uses decreasing dPT2 stops at 14.2 urn (as per mercury
porosity calculated by mechano- injection results) (Figure 5).
chemical simulation, or the flow DIAG
PERM CHG that draws from dPTp and NPp At -260 m.y., the DIAG PERM stock has
stocks, the two permeability stocks decreased to 588 m.d. (Table 1,
are at first within 100 md. of each Figure 3). The NP3 stock is
other (Table 2). Pore structure unchanged, but the NP2 stock is
under conditions of incipient diminished by NPI pores appearing out
diagenesis apparently yields of NP2 (Figure 6). This happens only
permeabilities comparable to at selected sites in Pore Type 2,
permeabilities calculated from since NP3 is unchanged and some pores
porosity. In the latter case, it is remain in NP2. DPT2 = dPTl = 18.02
assumed grains are rounded; silica urn. DPT2 and dPTl decrease at
cement precipitates uniformly on different rates to their respective,
grains without significantly altering final (present) diameters of 14.2 urn
flow paths. and 11.84 urn (Figure 5).
AT -290 m.y., the BEAD_PERM stock, At -250 m.y., the DIAG PERM stock has
the DIAG PERM stock and dPTp stock decreased to 374 md (Figure 3). The
have been-reduced from their initial NP3, NP2, and NPI stocks are at
values (Figures 3 4,). At -289 m.y., levels representing their relative
the BEAD PERM stock has gone to 0, presence in the rock (Figure"6). The
and the DIAG PERM stock continues to dPT3, dPT2, and dPTl stocks have
deplete (Figure 3). Since the decreased to their minimum levels of
primitive pore type is now replaced 21 urn, 14.2 urn and 11.84 urn (Figure
by Pore Type 3 (Figure 3), the stocks 5). This represents termination of
associated with the primitive pore diagenesis from quartz overgrowth
type have emptied (Figure 4). The precipitation and pressure solution
stocks associated with Pore Type 3 causing overlap of quartz grains.
are full. The initial value of dPT3 (These processes are not specifically
is 22.74 urn, the diameter of dPTp modelled, although they could be;
when the primitive pore type their effects are implied by the
diasppeared. DPT3 will decrease from presence and sizes of various pore
22.74 until the Pore Type 3 throats types.)
have reached their present value of
21 urn. (This is set to happen at There are no further changes until
250 m.y. a guesstimate based in part -220 m.y., when rock fragment grains
upon the rate of porosity change dissolve away, leaving behind
shown in Table 1.) The NP3 stock is "secondary" porosity. This has the
effect of creating a new. pore type, whole 9-foot core, is described and
PT4, since these new very large pores can be examined.
apparently connect to existing pores
and establish new flow pathways System dynamics modelling provides
(Figures 5, 6). Pore Type 4 is insight on porosity/permeability
pulsed into the dPT4 and NP4 stocks relationships and rock textures. It
once, and there are no f '.ows out of does enables the modeler to develop
the stocks. Grain dissolution is the an explicit, internally consistent
final event in the model. story. It provides a medium for
interdisciplinary communication with
The effect of grain dissolution on engineering, petrophysical and
Kpt and PERMEABILITY is dramatic. exploration staff, and with
The addition of this new, large sized management. System dynamics
pore space causes Kpt to jump from modelling enables rapid generation
366 to 458 md. (Table 1, Figure 3). of results when ideas need to be
This should be considered an changed as exploration or production
instantaneous event. It causes CLD go forward.
PERM DIFF to increase at -220 m.y.
as well (Table 1). Values in CLD
PERM DIFF > 100 md may cause the
data cloud often observed in porosity NOMENCLATURE
-log permeability crossplots.
Clearly, final rock permeability and
indeed much of the interim rock BEAD PERM= stock for permeability
permeability is controlled by pore calculated from porosity
(especially throat) geometries and 3 petrologic
produced by diagenesis. Grain size, constants
sorting, and other petrologic factors BP CHG = spigot controlled flow
are important, but not sufficient to that causes BEAD PERM to
predict permeability. deplete
CLD PERM = "cloud permeability" -
DIFF the difference between
the values in the Kpt
converters at any given
time, given as a
positive number
This model describes the evolution of proportionality const~nt
flow in a core plug. It uses core tied to pore system flow
plug and thin section data, and effeciency
secondarily derived data from DIAG PERM= stock for permeability
mechano-chemicalsimulation and PIA • calculated from pore
It needs to be tested against similar type data and Ck
data from nearby core plugs and thin DI PM CHG= spigot controlled flow
sections. It is generic enough so that causes DIAG PERM to
that this is possible. (The PIA data deplete
already covers all the samples. The dPTi = throat diameters of Pore
mechano-chemical simulations are for Types primitive, 1-4
two samples only, however.) The next dPTi CHG = spigot controlled flow
and difficult problem lies in that depletes dPTi
establishing how the core plug and K = permeability
thin section data can be modelled Kpt = permeability calculated
together so that a larger unit, the from Pore Types p, 1-4
• •1
-3'0.00 -21500 -21000 -235.00 -210.00
-2I5AlO -• .00 -235.00 -210.00 110M
PIGUU 2. POIlOSIn, P_ _ILI," aa4 apt: .......Yio~ La Iftt.U
Pi",~. 6. snr.u. ,raphe til. n_~ of po~•• 1p4l~ aqu.a~. a1c~on)
. . til.,. .ppear •• Po~. 1'ype. I, 2, I, aa4 •• "".0 Pore Type 2
_ . 1 ..-~ ,eo1",ic tiM. appeara at -270 •• ,.., tlla n_~ of po~•• I.q. . . in Po~. Type 1 la
4i.10lalled b,. til. n_~ of po~•• in Pon Type 2. When Po~. Type
1 appear• •t -260 •• ,.., til. n_~ of po~. . I.q. . . in Pora Type 2
la 4i.inla_ by til. n_~ of po~a. io Po~. Type 1. In tllla
_41 til. appearance of Pore 1'ype ...... DO .ff.ct on HPJ, 2 o~ 1.
-245.00 0.234 117.23 366.06 2711114
~ r---a-
2 .,.,
• •13 -240.00 0232 114.11 366.06 2111.95
-235.00 0231 113.10 366.06 2112.97
-230.00 0.231 112.09 366.06 2113.97
-225.00 0.230 111.09 366.06 2114.97
-22000 0.230 110.10 458.25 3711.15
-215.00 0.229 71116 458.25 3110.\0
~OO 0.228 76.25 4511.25 382.00
.. uno 7110.45
I ~ .-4-
-29500 0.3<49
-290.00 0.343 7n07 n8.52
~r\ ,. ,....--
".75 2.n -285.00 0320 0.0 692.00
-211000 0.298 0.0 665.02
-275.00 02711 0.0 638.90
12S1 -270.00 0.257 0.0 5117.92
3.,.. -265.00 0.249 0.0 543.53
-260.00 0.241 00 469.93
625 -255.00 0238 0.0 417.211
-25000 0.235 0.0 37.00
-24500 0.234 0.0 37.00
o.0 -24000 0232 00 37400
-31000 -21500 -21000 -235.00 -2100 -235.00 0231 00 37.00
r.. -230.00 0.231 0.0 374.00
PIGOItI!: 5. snr.u. _a1 ,~opll. Po~a tb~oat -22500 0230 0.0 374.00
di . . .ter. for Pore 1'ypea l, 2 and lover
9eolOCJic tiae. DP1'2. dP'!'3 when Pore 'I'ype 2 -22000 0230 0.0 373.01
_~,a. f~OII Po.a Type 1 at -270 Dn1.
drr2 when Pore Type 1 ...r9•• fro. Pore Type 2 at
.0"" -215.00
o ??II
0.0 45785
-260 •• ,.. Dn. la olqn1flcant1y 1ar,. . tllat 4PT2
00 451125
:~ ~;;~ :~;~. it: ia initiated by grain di •• olution