Traffic Volume Study 2nd Part
Traffic Volume Study 2nd Part
Traffic Volume Study 2nd Part
Dhaka is the 5th largest city in the world by population.[1] With a population of 14.5
million people, it is the largest city in Bangladesh and one of the major cities of South
Asia. The city's population has grown tremendously over the past several decades
emerging as a megacity by the 21st century. It is the major financial, political, and
cultural center of the region. Due to the lack of traffic volume studies the projected
annual traffic growth is still an unknown quantity. Due to rapid population growth
the resulting vehicle fleet is expected to increase drastically in future years from the
current level. So starting from this days’ we can create some of our own research
based data to be used in future and so forth. The present study is aimed at studying
the vehicular interactions in heterogeneous traffic under different traffic conditions
and check for the accuracy of the available PCU estimates for the different
categories of vehicles on this subcontinent roads for a range of traffic volume.
The term traffic volume study is also known as traffic flow survey or simply the traffic
survey. It is defined as the procedure to determine mainly volume of traffic moving
on the roads at a particular section during a particular time. Volume is basically
number of vehicles passing a point during a specified time period which is usually
one hour but may be less than that. It means during a period of time, it may be
fifteen minutes, it may be half an hour and it may be even sixty minutes or one hour.
Traffic volume study is used for traffic planning of a particular road or area. Traffic
stream composition of a particular road can be known from traffic volume study.
These data can help identify critical flow time periods, determine the influence of
large vehicles or pedestrians on vehicular traffic flow or document traffic volume
trends. Traffic capacity of any road is an important part of the planning. It influences
the traffic flow in a city. Traffic capacity is expressed as the maximum number of
vehicles a lane that can pass a specified point in unit time usually an hour. The
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volume of traffic repeats not only the numbers of people requiring to be moved but
also their affluences. The volume of transport between two urban centers depends
upon the quality of highway and availability of various transportation modes
between these urban centers. The volume also depends upon the interaction
between these urban centers.
1.1 Objectives
To compare the results with standard design service volumes and identify
The report has been documented in the following manner. The first chapter gives
the primary understanding of the problem statement and objectives of the study.
The second chapter has been devoted to review of earlier studies to set the
guidelines for the present work. The criteria for site selection, method of data
collection and theory on traffic volume while the methods we adopted in our data
collection system have been discussed in chapter three. Analysis and discussion of
results are given in fourth chapter. The specific conclusions drawn from this study
and recommendations for further work are given in the fifth chapter.
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1.3 Scope of Traffic Volume Studies
The traffic volume count study is carried out to get following useful information:
Magnitudes, classifications and the time and directional split of vehicular flows.
Magnitude is represented by volume of traffic. Vehicles are classified into some
predefined classes based on vehicle size and capacity. In a two-way road, vehicles
moving towards two directions are counted separately to get the proportion.
Time and directional split is useful to identify tidal flow.
Hourly, daily, yearly and seasonal variation of vehicular flows. These variations
are needed to establish expansion factors for future use. Using expansion factors,
AADT can be calculated from short count.
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1.3.b Improvement Purpose
Accurate information on the amount of traffic on the roads is vital for the
planning of both road maintenance and improvement policies.
Traffic volume network analysis helps in deciding/planning if there is need for
Improvement and Expansion in terms of construction missing links, by pass,
alternative road etc.
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1.3.e Others Purposes
Estimation of trends
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Chapter - 2
Traffic engineers and planners need information about traffic. They need
information to design and manage road and traffic system. They use the information
for planning and designing traffic facilities, selecting geometric standards, economic
analysis and determination of priorities. They use this to justify warrant of traffic
control devices such as signs, traffic signals, pavement markings, school and
pedestrian crossings. The also use this information to study the effectiveness of
introduced schemes, diagnosing given situations and finding appropriate solutions,
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forecasting the effects of projected strategies, calibrating and validating traffic
models. Transportation system is a dynamic system. Information about traffic must
be regularly updated to keep pace with ever-changing transportation system. Data
must be collected and analyzed systematically to get representative information.
Traffic surveys are the means of obtaining information about traffic. This is a
systematic way of collecting data to be used for various traffic engineering purposes.
The main purposes of traffic survey are: traffic monitoring, traffic control and
management, traffic enforcement, traffic forecasting, model calibration and
validating etc.
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2.4 Traffic Volume Study
Traffic data are needed in research, planning, designing and regulation phases of
traffic engineering and are also used in establishing priorities and schedules of traffic
improvements. The traffic engineer must acquire general knowledge of traffic
volume characteristics in order to measure and understand the magnitude,
composition, and time and route distribution of volume for each area under his
Average Daily Traffic (ADT): Average daily traffic or ADT, and sometimes also mean
daily traffic, is the average number of vehicles two-way passing a specific point in a
24-hour period, normally measured throughout a year. ADT is not as highly referred
to as the engineering standard of AADT which is the standard measurement for
vehicle traffic load on a section of road, and the basis for most decisions regarding
transport planning, or to the environmental hazards of pollution related to road
Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT): Annual average daily traffic, abbreviated AADT,
is a measure used primarily in transportation planning and transportation
engineering. Traditionally, it is the total volume of vehicle traffic of a highway or road
for a year divided by 365 days. AADT is a useful and simple measurement of how
busy the road is. Newer advances from traffic data providers are now providing
AADT by side of the road, by day of week and by time of day.
Passenger Car Equivalent (PCE): PCE means passenger car equivalent to express
various types and characteristics vehicles to a common type usually the passenger
car. One car is considered to one unit.
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Directional Distribution (DD): The directional distribution is simply the distribution or
split of total traffic volume in two opposite directions in particular time period. It is
commonly expressed in terms of percentage of total traffic in the heavier direction
of travel.
Average Weekly Traffic (AWT): It is the average of 24-hour traffic volume which is
occurring on weekdays for some period less than one year.
Annual Average Weekly Traffic (AAWT): AAWT is the average 24-hr traffic volume
occurring on weekdays over a full 365-day year. Design Hourly Volume: It is the
economic hourly flow of future year, which is used for designing geometric features
of roadway. It is chosen in such a way that during the design period it should not be
exceeded too often or too much.
Rate of Flow: Rate of flow is used to express an equivalent hourly rate for vehicles
passing a point along a roadway or for traffic during an interval less than 1-hr (usually
Forced flow: When lane changing opportunity decreases with increasing traffic
volume and drivers are forced to follow slow leaders.
Free flow: When drivers face no restriction in driving and can maintain their desired
Stable/ Steady flow: When demands are well below the roadway capacity and the
average rate of flow remains almost constant with time.
Unstable flow: When demand is at or near or exceeds the roadway capacity and the
average rate of flow fluctuates largely with time.
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Contra flow: For repair works; an arrangement on a large road by which traffic going
in both directions uses only one side of the road. For bus priority; a special
arrangement on one-way street by which only bus is allowed to go in opposite
Tidal flow: When traffic flows in both direction exhibit unbalanced characteristics at
peak periods viz. morning rush at in-bound lanes due to commuter traffic and in the
evening the same is true for the out-bound lanes.
Level of Service (LOS): It is a qualitative measure used to relate the quality of motor
vehicle traffic service. LOS is used to analyze roadways and intersections by
categorizing traffic flow and assigning quality levels of traffic based on performance
measure like vehicle speed, density, congestion, etc.
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2.6.d Directional Distribution Factor (DDF):
DDF is the ratio of total no. of vehicle passing a specific section of the road in one
direction to the total vehicle passing that section on both directions.
DDFw =
DDFe =
Vw = No. of vehicle passing the section from west to east in certain duration (PCU)
Ve = No. of vehicle passing the section from east to west in certain duration (PCU)
Vw+e = No. of vehicle passing the section from east to west in certain duration (PCU)
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2.7 b. Survey Method
1. Manual observation
2. Automatic recording
Manual observation Counting is done by trained personnel. Used when the effort
and expense of automated equipment are not justified. Used to gather data for
determination of vehicle classification, turning movements, direction of travel,
pedestrian movements, or vehicle occupancy. Usually used for counting period less
than a day.
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a) Direct Method:
Data is recorded by using one of the following three methods:
1. Tally Sheets
Tally Sheet
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Permanent Counter
Used when the effort and expense of automated equipment are justified. Counting
is usually done in 1 hour intervals for each 24 hours period. Counting may be done
continuously for a week, month or a year.
CC camera Counter
Pneumatic Counter
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Suitable for long duration count
Useful for permanent counting system
Online data collection facility
Weather friendly
Required strict lane discipline
Difficulties in detecting non-motorized vehicle
Problems regarding classification
Less accurate data Costly No directional count
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Chapter - 3
3.1 Perception
Ideas about the topic are developed by studying previous relevant papers, books,
thesis etc. By reading those the effects and reasons of traffic congestion and
undertaken measures to reduce problems have been known. Those concepts are
very essential to conduct this report.
In this study, it was carefully observed that such errors do not occur. All counters
were checked before survey. All observers were instructed to maintain proper
3.6 Overview
By following a systematic method of data collection, workable data can be collected.
A well-defined and planned method of survey leads to a reliable data for further
planning, designing and decision making procedure.
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Figure : Location of Group 01
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4.2 Equipment:
Stop watch
Clip board
Traffic counting tally sheet
Vehicle identification
4.3 Volume
Traffic Volume Conducted By Group-01
Total 1515.6
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4.4 Details Calculation
Group – 01 Group – 02
Time 09.00 – 10 .00 am Time 10.00 – 11 .00 am
Daily volume :
(1515.6 * HEP + 1774.8 * HEP)/2
= (1515.6 * 18.80 + 1774.8 * 11.11)/2
= 24105.65 veh/day
Weekly volume :
24105.65 * DEF
= 24105.65* 7.012
= 169028.82 veh/week
= 24146.97 vech/day
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Annul Average Daily Traffic (AADT) :
For January , MEF =1.756
= 2414.97 * 1.756
= 42402.08 veh/day
1400 1515.6
800 892.8
Group -01 Group -02 Group -03 Group -04
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4.6 Directional Distribution :
DD – 50 % DD - 50 %
Since the roadway was divided in two directions, DD along this segment of this road
is (P to S : S to P) = 50 % : 50%
Direct Distribution
50,% 50,%
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4.7 Flow fluctuation :
1 2
Pubali Bank Ltd. To Satrasta Satrasta To Pubali Bank Ltd. Total Volume
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4.8 Vehicle Composition :
Bus 11 2.27
NMV 90 18.56
Utility 10 2.06
Type of Vehicles
2.06 2.27
18.56 23.09
Bus Car Jeep, Micro, Ambulance Auto Rickshaw Motor Cycle NMV Utility
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Chapter - 5
Conclusion and Recommendation
5.1 Result
From the Traffic Volume Study we’ve found the percentages of classified
vehicles in the traffic stream within an hour.
Bus = 2.27%
Cars = 23.09%
Jeep, Micro, Ambulance = 38.14 %
Auto Rickshaw= 7.21 %
Motor Cycle = 8.67%
Non-motorized vehicles= 18.56%
Utilities=2.06 %
The service flow rate during the 9am to 10 am from Pubali Bank Ltd to Satrasta
is 1515.6 PCU/hr.
The Average Daily Traffic (ADT) is 24147.6 veh/day. That means that 24147
vehicles travel in the roadway.
The Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT) is 42402.08 veh/day .that means that
in a total year per day in average 42402.08 vehicles travel in the road.
The Directional Distribution from Pubali Bank Ltd to Satrasta is 50% and from
Satrasta to Pubali Bank Ltd is 50% in the total volume vehicle.
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From the flow fluctuation curve it is observed that in the direction of Pubali
Bank Ltd to Satrasta flow is 1515.6 pcu/hr at 09 am and it increases upto
1774.8 pcu/hr at 10 am and in the direction of Satrasa to Pubali Bank Ltd flow
is 1016 pcu/hr at 9am and it decreases to 892.8 pcu/hr at 10 am. The total
flow considering both directions is 2531.6 pcu/hr at 9am and 2667.6 pcu/hr
at 10 am.
From the pic chart we can observe that both the percentage of utility are quite
low, standing below 3%. As utility are not let to enter the city before 9am.
From the % of vehicles pie chart it is seen that the most used vehicles are
Jeep, Micro ,Ambulance (38.14%) and Cars (23.09%), which means that
people are now relying on personal transportations rather than public
transportation. The % of Large Bus is only 2.27% which is the most common
public transport. So usage of huge percentage of private vehicles is the main
cause of delay and reduced speed. So steps have to be taken to reduce the
use of private vehicles and encourage the use of more public transportations.
After car the percentage of motor cycle is greater. Though if we take look at
statistics before 2017 the number of motorcycles have increased manifold.
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This is due to the increase of companies such as UBER, PATHAO, SHOHOZ and
others that have been providing motor cycle services. These services are
immensely gaining popularity as it provides faster travel time which is a huge
factor owing to the growing congestion in Dhaka city. Though this too results
to a higher level of traffic jam as these motor cycles rarely follow the traffic
rules and cause more jam due to their lawless driving.
In the flow rate VS flow fluctuation graph, we see that the service flow rate
from Pubali Bank to Satrasta is slightly high for a certain period. In a certain
period flow rates of both direction intersects each another that means equal
trips are generated towards both direction at that time.
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Flow fluctuation curve shows the variation of Flow of the vehicles with
elapsed time. For a proper flow fluctuation curve it is necessary to collect data
at more than or equal to 2 spots.
If we could do our survey during early morning or evening, flow rates may
fluctuate greatly due to unbalanced traffic conditions of peak hour. Then we
could also represent the flow rates of in bound and out bound flow.
5.5 Conclusion :
From the report, the values we have obtained are the percentages of vehicles
on the road, the ADT and AADT, the Directional distribution curve, the Peak
hour factor, the flow fluctuation curve that will provide us with a relative
analysis of the road condition and how effective it is against congestion. We
also get the necessary measures we need to take for better road
Moreover for a proper flow fluctuation curve we should have taken data of
more hours. We just have taken data of 2 hours as a result the shape of the
flow fluctuation curve has become linear and it does not show the fluctuation
of the vehicle volumes during various hours.
The data is to be collected in Free Flow condition but during our data
collection periods the condition in the road was not free flow condition. So
this may affect the results obtained.
All the discussion about %of vehicular composition, Service flow rate and
Directional Distribution has been mentioned in the appropriate sections
As this was a short time counting so the data obtained from this study cannot
be used for future planning, or for designing of the road. These data are only
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required to determine the present capacity of the road, present condition of
the road, possible reasons of congestion, the efficiency of the road.
5.6 Limitation :
Limited and unskilled enumerators.
Time and Resources are Limited.
Manual method of counting, which is unreliable and irreversible. Short-term
(30 minute) data collection.
CCTV footage or Camera recording is not available.
Expansion factors used for the calculation of ADT were developed for a rural
primary road, but ours study is not of such a kind. So the values obtained of
ADT and AADT are not accurate.
Proper enforcement of traffic regulation is not obtained.
For Flow Fluctuation Curve weekly 24 hours is needed. But due to time and
manpower constraint it was not possible. As a result the shape of the flow
fluctuation curve has become linear and it does not show the fluctuation of
the vehicle volumes during various hours.
The data had to be collected in free flow condition but during our survey the
condition could not be maintained so it might affect the result.
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5.7 Recommendations :
Non-Motorized Vehicles (NMV) should not be allowed in this road.
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Optimum traffic signal system should be introduced.
During rush hours or tidal flow, lanes may be rearranged.
Signal timing should also be set from directional distribution.
Right of way may also be restricted to avoid congestion.
Separate lanes should be provided.
Bus lay-off should be provided so that buses don’t stop on the side of the
roadway, which leads to congestion.
Introducing one way roads at sections that are more used and where traffic
from different junctions meet to reduce traffic conflicts.
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