Republic of The Philippines Manila First Division
Republic of The Philippines Manila First Division
Republic of The Philippines Manila First Division
Constitution Statutes Executive Issuances Judicial Issuances Other Issuances Jurisprudence International Legal Resources AUSL Exclusive
9/24/2020 G.R. Nos. 120865-71
It is difficult for a man, scavenging on the garbage dump created by affluence and profligate consumption and
extravagance of the rich or fishing in the murky waters of the Pasig River and the Laguna Lake or making a clearing
in the forest so that he can produce food for his family, to understand why protecting birds, fish, and trees is more
important than protecting him and keeping his family alive.
How do we strike a balance between environmental protection, on the one hand, and the individual personal
interests of people, on the other?
Towards environmental protection and ecology, navigational safety, and sustainable development, Republic Act No.
4850 created the "Laguna Lake Development Authority." This Government Agency is supposed to carry out and
effectuate the aforesaid declared policy, so as to accelerate the development and balanced growth of the Laguna
Lake area and the surrounding provinces, cities and towns, in the act clearly named, within the context of the
national and regional plans and policies for social and economic development.
Presidential Decree No. 813 of former President Ferdinand E. Marcos amended certain sections of Republic Act No.
4850 because of the concern for the rapid expansion of Metropolitan Manila, the suburbs and the lakeshore towns
of Laguna de Bay, combined with current and prospective uses of the lake for municipal-industrial water supply,
irrigation, fisheries, and the like. Concern on the part of the Government and the general public over: — the
environment impact of development on the water quality and ecology of the lake and its related river systems; the
inflow of polluted water from the Pasig River, industrial, domestic and agricultural wastes from developed areas
around the lake; the increasing urbanization which induced the deterioration of the lake, since water quality studies
have shown that the lake will deteriorate further if steps are not taken to check the same; and the floods in
Metropolitan Manila area and the lakeshore towns which will influence the hydraulic system of Laguna de Bay, since
any scheme of controlling the floods will necessarily involve the lake and its river systems, — likewise gave impetus
to the creation of the Authority.
Sec. 1. Declaration of Policy. It is hereby declared to be the national policy to promote, and accelerate
the development and balanced growth of the Laguna Lake area and the surrounding provinces, cities
and towns hereinafter referred to as the region, within the context of the national and regional plans
and policies for social and economic development and to carry out the development of the Laguna
Lake region with due regard and adequate provisions for environmental management and control,
preservation of the quality of human life and ecological systems, and the prevention of undue
ecological disturbances, deterioration and pollution.1
Special powers of the Authority, pertinent to the issues in this case, include:
Sec. 3. Section 4 of the same Act is hereby further amended by adding thereto seven new paragraphs
to be known as paragraphs (j), (k), (l), (m), (n), (o), and (p) which shall read as follows:
(j) The provisions of existing laws to the contrary notwithstanding, to engage in fish
production and other aqua-culture projects in Laguna de Bay and other bodies of water
within its jurisdiction and in pursuance thereof to conduct studies and make experiments,
whenever necessary, with the collaboration and assistance of the Bureau of Fisheries and
Aquatic Resources, with the end in view of improving present techniques and practices.
Provided, that until modified, altered or amended by the procedure provided in the
following sub-paragraph, the present laws, rules and permits or authorizations remain in
(k) For the purpose of effectively regulating and monitoring activities in Laguna de Bay, the
Authority shall have exclusive jurisdiction to issue new permit for the use of the lake
waters for any projects or activities in or affecting the said lake including navigation,
construction, and operation of fishpens, fish enclosures, fish corrals and the like, and to
impose necessary safeguards for lake quality control and management and to collect
necessary fees for said activities and projects: Provided, That the fees collected for
fisheries may be shared between the Authority and other government agencies and
political sub-divisions in such proportion as may be determined by the President of the
Philippines upon recommendation of the Authority's Board: Provided, further, That the
Authority's Board may determine new areas of fishery development or activities which it
may place under the supervision of the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources taking
into account the overall development plans and programs for Laguna de Bay and related
bodies of water: Provided, finally, That the Authority shall subject to the approval of the 2/9
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President of the Philippines promulgate such rules and regulations which shall govern
fisheries development activities in Laguna de Bay which shall take into consideration
among others the following: socio-economic amelioration of bonafide resident fishermen
whether individually or collectively in the form of cooperatives, lakeshore town
development, a master plan for fishpen construction and operation, communal fishing
ground for lake shore town residents, and preference to lake shore town residents in hiring
laborer for fishery projects;
(l) To require the cities and municipalities embraced within the region to pass appropriate
zoning ordinances and other regulatory measures necessary to carry out the objectives of
the Authority and enforce the same with the assistance of the Authority;
(m) The provisions of existing laws to the contrary notwithstanding, to exercise water
rights over public waters within the Laguna de Bay region whenever necessary to carry
out the Authority's projects;
(n) To act in coordination with existing governmental agencies in establishing water quality
standards for industrial, agricultural and municipal waste discharges into the lake and to
cooperate with said existing agencies of the government of the Philippines in enforcing
such standards, or to separately pursue enforcement and penalty actions as provided for
in Section 4 (d) and Section 39-A of this Act: Provided, That in case of conflict on the
appropriate water quality standard to be enforced such conflict shall be resolved thru the
NEDA Board.2
To more effectively perform the role of the Authority under Republic Act No. 4850, as though Presidential Decree
No. 813 were not thought to be completely effective, the Chief Executive, feeling that the land and waters of the
Laguna Lake Region are limited natural resources requiring judicious management to their optimal utilization to
insure renewability and to preserve the ecological balance, the competing options for the use of such resources and
conflicting jurisdictions over such uses having created undue constraints on the institutional capabilities of the
Authority in the light of the limited powers vested in it by its charter, Executive Order No. 927 further defined and
enlarged the functions and powers of the Authority and named and enumerated the towns, cities and provinces
encompassed by the term "Laguna de Bay Region".
Also, pertinent to the issues in this case are the following provisions of Executive Order No. 927 which include in
particular the sharing of fees:
Sec 2. Water Rights Over Laguna de Bay and Other Bodies of Water within the Lake Region: To
effectively regulate and monitor activities in the Laguna de Bay region, the Authority shall have
exclusive jurisdiction to issue permit for the use of all surface water for any projects or activities in or
affecting the said region including navigation, construction, and operation of fishpens, fish enclosures,
fish corrals and the like.
For the purpose of this Executive Order, the term "Laguna de Bay Region" shall refer to the Provinces
of Rizal and Laguna; the Cities of San Pablo, Pasay, Caloocan, Quezon, Manila and Tagaytay; the
towns of Tanauan, Sto. Tomas and Malvar in Batangas Province; the towns of Silang and Carmona in
Cavite Province; the town of Lucban in Quezon Province; and the towns of Marikina, Pasig, Taguig,
Muntinlupa, and Pateros in Metro Manila.
Sec 3. Collection of Fees. The Authority is hereby empowered to collect fees for the use of the lake
water and its tributaries for all beneficial purposes including but not limited to fisheries, recreation,
municipal, industrial, agricultural, navigation, irrigation, and waste disposal purpose; Provided, that the
rates of the fees to be collected, and the sharing with other government agencies and political
subdivisions, if necessary, shall be subject to the approval of the President of the Philippines upon
recommendation of the Authority's Board, except fishpen fee, which will be shared in the following
manner; 20 percent of the fee shall go to the lakeshore local governments, 5 percent shall go to the
Project Development Fund which shall be administered by a Council and the remaining 75 percent
shall constitute the share of LLDA. However, after the implementation within the three-year period of
the Laguna Lake Fishery Zoning and Management Plan, the sharing will be modified as follows: 35
percent of the fishpen fee goes to the lakeshore local governments, 5 percent goes to the Project
Development Fund and the remaining 60 percent shall be retained by LLDA; Provided, however, that
the share of LLDA shall form part of its corporate funds and shall not be remitted to the National
Treasury as an exception to the provisions of Presidential Decree No. 1234. (Emphasis supplied)
It is important to note that Section 29 of Presidential Decree No. 813 defined the term "Laguna Lake" in this manner: 3/9
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(11) Laguna Lake or Lake. Whenever Laguna Lake or lake is used in this Act, the same shall refer to
Laguna de Bay which is that area covered by the lake water when it is at the average annual maximum
lake level of elevation 12.50 meters, as referred to a datum 10.00 meters below mean lower low water
(M.L.L.W). Lands located at and below such elevation are public lands which form part of the bed of
said lake.
Then came Republic Act No. 7160, the Local Government Code of 1991. The municipalities in the Laguna Lake
Region interpreted the provisions of this law to mean that the newly passed law gave municipal governments the
exclusive jurisdiction to issue fishing privileges within their municipal waters because R.A. 7160 provides:
(a) Municipalities shall have the exclusive authority to grant fishery privileges in the municipal waters
and impose rental fees or charges therefor in accordance with the provisions of this Section.
(1) Grant fishing privileges to erect fish corrals, oyster, mussel or other aquatic beds or
bangus fry areas, within a definite zone of the municipal waters, as determined by it; . . . .
(2) Grant privilege to gather, take or catch bangus fry, prawn fry or kawag-kawag or fry of
other species and fish from the municipal waters by nets, traps or other fishing gears to
marginal fishermen free from any rental fee, charges or any other imposition whatsoever.
(XI) Subject to the provisions of Book II of this Code, grant exclusive privileges of
constructing fish corrals or fishpens, or the taking or catching of bangus fry, prawn fry or
kawag-kawag or fry of any species or fish within the municipal waters.
Municipal governments thereupon assumed the authority to issue fishing privileges and fishpen permits. Big fishpen
operators took advantage of the occasion to establish fishpens and fishcages to the consternation of the Authority.
Unregulated fishpens and fishcages, as of July, 1995, occupied almost one-third of the entire lake water surface
area, increasing the occupation drastically from 7,000 hectares in 1990 to almost 21,000 hectares in 1995. The
Mayor's permit to construct fishpens and fishcages were all undertaken in violation of the policies adopted by the
Authority on fishpen zoning and the Laguna Lake carrying capacity.
To be sure, the implementation by the lakeshore municipalities of separate independent policies in the operation of
fishpens and fishcages within their claimed territorial municipal waters in the lake and their indiscriminate grant of
fishpen permits have already saturated the lake area with fishpens, thereby aggravating the current environmental
problems and ecological stress of Laguna Lake.
In view of the foregoing circumstances, the Authority served notice to the general public that:
In compliance with the instructions of His Excellency PRESIDENT FIDEL V. RAMOS given on June 23,
1993 at Pila, Laguna pursuant to Republic Act 4850 as amended by Presidential Decree 813 and
Executive Order 927 series of 1983 and in line with the policies and programs of the Presidential Task
Force on Illegal Fishpens and Illegal Fishing, the general public is hereby notified that:
1. All fishpens, fishcages and other aqua-culture structures in the Laguna de Bay Region, which were
not registered or to which no application for registration and/or permit has been filed with Laguna Lake
Development Authority as of March 31, 1993 are hereby declared outrightly as illegal.
2. All fishpens, fishcages and other aqua-culture structures so declared as illegal shall be subject to
demolition which shall be undertaken by the Presidential Task Force for Illegal Fishpen and Illegal
3. Owners of fishpens, fishcages and other aqua-culture structures declared as illegal shall, without
prejudice to demolition of their structures be criminally charged in accordance with Section 39-A of
Republic Act 4850 as amended by P.D. 813 for violation of the same laws. Violations of these laws
carries a penalty of imprisonment of not exceeding 3 years or a fine not exceeding Five Thousand
Pesos or both at the discretion of the court. 4/9
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All operators of fishpens, fishcages and other aqua-culture structures declared as illegal in accordance
with the foregoing Notice shall have one (1) month on or before 27 October 1993 to show cause before
the LLDA why their said fishpens, fishcages and other aqua-culture structures should not be
One month, thereafter, the Authority sent notices to the concerned owners of the illegally constructed fishpens,
fishcages and other aqua-culture structures advising them to dismantle their respective structures within 10 days
from receipt thereof, otherwise, demolition shall be effected.
Reacting thereto, the affected fishpen owners filed injunction cases against the Authority before various regional trial
courts, to wit: (a) Civil Case No. 759-B, for Prohibition, Injunction and Damages, Regional Trial Court, Branch 70,
Binangonan, Rizal, filed by Fleet Development, Inc. and Carlito Arroyo; (b) Civil Case No. 64049, for Injunction,
Regional Trial Court, Branch 162, Pasig, filed by IRMA Fishing and Trading Corp., ARTM Fishing Corp., BDR Corp.,
MIRT Corp. and TRIM Corp.; (c) Civil Case No. 566, for Declaratory Relief and Injunction, Regional Trial Court,
Branch 163, Pasig, filed by Manila Marine Life Business Resources, Inc. and Tobias Reynaldo M. Tianco; (d) Civil
Case No. 556-M, for Prohibition, Injunction and Damages, Regional Trial Court, Branch 78, Morong, Rizal, filed by
AGP Fishing Ventures, Inc.; (e) Civil Case No. 522-M, for Prohibition, Injunction and Damages, Regional Trial Court,
Branch 78, Morong, Rizal, filed by Blue Lagoon and Alcris Chicken Growers, Inc.; (f) Civil Case No. 554-, for
Certiorari and Prohibition, Regional Trial Court, Branch 79, Morong, Rizal, filed by Greenfields Ventures Industrial
Corp. and R.J. Orion Development Corp.; and (g) Civil Case No. 64124, for Injunction, Regional Trial Court, Branch
15, Pasig, filed by SEA-MAR Trading Co., Inc. and Eastern Lagoon Fishing Corp. and Minamar Fishing Corporation.
The Authority filed motions to dismiss the cases against it on jurisdictional grounds. The motions to dismiss were
invariably denied. Meanwhile, temporary restraining order/writs of preliminary mandatory injunction were issued in
Civil Cases Nos. 64124, 759 and 566 enjoining the Authority from demolishing the fishpens and similar structures in
Hence, the herein petition for certiorari, prohibition and injunction, G.R. Nos. 120865-71, were filed by the Authority
with this court. Impleaded as parties-respondents are concerned regional trial courts and respective private parties,
and the municipalities and/or respective Mayors of Binangonan, Taguig and Jala-jala, who issued permits for the
construction and operation of fishpens in Laguna de Bay. The Authority sought the following reliefs, viz.:
(A) Nullification of the temporary restraining order/writs of preliminary injunction issued in Civil Cases
Nos. 64125, 759 and 566;
(B) Permanent prohibition against the regional trial courts from exercising jurisdiction over cases
involving the Authority which is a co-equal body;
(C) Judicial pronouncement that R.A. 7610 (Local Government Code of 1991) did not repeal, alter or
modify the provisions of R.A. 4850, as amended, empowering the Authority to issue permits for
fishpens, fishcages and other aqua-culture structures in Laguna de Bay and that, the Authority the
government agency vested with exclusive authority to issue said permits.
By this Court's resolution of May 2, 1994, the Authority's consolidated petitions were referred to the Court of
In a Decision, dated June 29, 1995, the Court of Appeals dismissed the Authority's consolidated petitions, the Court
of Appeals holding that: (A) LLDA is not among those quasi-judicial agencies of government whose decision or
order are appealable only to the Court of Appeals; (B) the LLDA charter does vest LLDA with quasi-judicial functions
insofar as fishpens are concerned; (C) the provisions of the LLDA charter insofar as fishing privileges in Laguna de
Bay are concerned had been repealed by the Local Government Code of 1991; (D) in view of the aforesaid repeal,
the power to grant permits devolved to and is now vested with their respective local government units concerned.
Not satisfied with the Court of Appeals decision, the Authority has returned to this Court charging the following
errors: 5/9
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We take a simplistic view of the controversy. Actually, the main and only issue posed is: Which agency of the
Government — the Laguna Lake Development Authority or the towns and municipalities comprising the region —
should exercise jurisdiction over the Laguna Lake and its environs insofar as the issuance of permits for fishery
privileges is concerned?
Section 4 (k) of the charter of the Laguna Lake Development Authority, Republic Act No. 4850, the provisions of
Presidential Decree No. 813, and Section 2 of Executive Order No. 927, cited above, specifically provide that the
Laguna Lake Development Authority shall have exclusive jurisdiction to issue permits for the use of all surface water
for any projects or activities in or affecting the said region, including navigation, construction, and operation of
fishpens, fish enclosures, fish corrals and the like. On the other hand, Republic Act No. 7160, the Local Government
Code of 1991, has granted to the municipalities the exclusive authority to grant fishery privileges in municipal
waters. The Sangguniang Bayan may grant fishery privileges to erect fish corrals, oyster, mussels or other aquatic
beds or bangus fry area within a definite zone of the municipal waters.
We hold that the provisions of Republic Act No. 7160 do not necessarily repeal the aforementioned laws creating
the Laguna Lake Development Authority and granting the latter water rights authority over Laguna de Bay and the
lake region.
The Local Government Code of 1991 does not contain any express provision which categorically expressly repeal
the charter of the Authority. It has to be conceded that there was no intent on the part of the legislature to repeal
Republic Act No. 4850 and its amendments. The repeal of laws should be made clear and expressed.
It has to be conceded that the charter of the Laguna Lake Development Authority constitutes a special law. Republic
Act No. 7160, the Local Government Code of 1991, is a general law. It is basic in statutory construction that the
enactment of a later legislation which is a general law cannot be construed to have repealed a special law. It is a
well-settled rule in this jurisdiction that "a special statute, provided for a particular case or class of cases, is not
repealed by a subsequent statute, general in its terms, provisions and application, unless the intent to repeal or alter
is manifest, although the terms of the general law are broad enough to include the cases embraced in the special
Where there is a conflict between a general law and a special statute, the special statute should prevail since it
evinces the legislative intent more clearly than the general statute. The special law is to be taken as an exception to
the general law in the absence of special circumstances forcing a contrary conclusion. This is because implied
repeals are not favored and as much as possible, effect must be given to all enactments of the legislature. A special
law cannot be repealed, amended or altered by a subsequent general law by mere implication.4
Thus, it has to be concluded that the charter of the Authority should prevail over the Local Government Code of
Considering the reasons behind the establishment of the Authority, which are environmental protection, navigational
safety, and sustainable development, there is every indication that the legislative intent is for the Authority to
proceed with its mission.
We are on all fours with the manifestation of petitioner Laguna Lake Development Authority that "Laguna de Bay,
like any other single body of water has its own unique natural ecosystem. The 900 km² lake surface water, the eight
(8) major river tributaries and several other smaller rivers that drain into the lake, the 2,920 km² basin or watershed
transcending the boundaries of Laguna and Rizal provinces, greater portion of Metro Manila, parts of Cavite,
Batangas, and Quezon provinces, constitute one integrated delicate natural ecosystem that needs to be protected
with uniform set of policies; if we are to be serious in our aims of attaining sustainable development. This is an
exhaustible natural resource — a very limited one — which requires judicious management and optimal utilization to
ensure renewability and preserve its ecological integrity and balance."
"Managing the lake resources would mean the implementation of a national policy geared towards the protection,
conservation, balanced growth and sustainable development of the region with due regard to the inter-generational
use of its resources by the inhabitants in this part of the earth. The authors of Republic Act 4850 have foreseen this
need when they passed this LLDA law — the special law designed to govern the management of our Laguna de
Bay lake resources."
"Laguna de Bay therefore cannot be subjected to fragmented concepts of management policies where lakeshore
local government units exercise exclusive dominion over specific portions of the lake water. The garbage thrown or
sewage discharged into the lake, abstraction of water therefrom or construction of fishpens by enclosing its certain
area, affect not only that specific portion but the entire 900 km² of lake water. The implementation of a cohesive and
integrated lake water resource management policy, therefore, is necessary to conserve, protect and sustainably
develop Laguna de Bay."5
The power of the local government units to issue fishing privileges was clearly granted for revenue purposes. This is
evident from the fact that Section 149 of the New Local Government Code empowering local governments to issue 6/9
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fishing permits is embodied in Chapter 2, Book II, of Republic Act No. 7160 under the heading, "Specific Provisions
On The Taxing And Other Revenue Raising Power Of Local Government Units."
On the other hand, the power of the Authority to grant permits for fishpens, fishcages and other aqua-culture
structures is for the purpose of effectively regulating and monitoring activities in the Laguna de Bay region (Section
2, Executive Order No. 927) and for lake quality control and management.6 It does partake of the nature of police
power which is the most pervasive, the least limitable and the most demanding of all State powers including the
power of taxation. Accordingly, the charter of the Authority which embodies a valid exercise of police power should
prevail over the Local Government Code of 1991 on matters affecting Laguna de Bay.
There should be no quarrel over permit fees for fishpens, fishcages and other aqua-culture structures in the Laguna
de Bay area. Section 3 of Executive Order No. 927 provides for the proper sharing of fees collected.
In respect to the question as to whether the Authority is a quasi-judicial agency or not, it is our holding that,
considering the provisions of Section 4 of Republic Act No. 4850 and Section 4 of Executive Order No. 927, series
of 1983, and the ruling of this Court in Laguna Lake Development Authority vs. Court of Appeals, 231 SCRA 304,
306, which we quote:
As a general rule, the adjudication of pollution cases generally pertains to the Pollution Adjudication
Board (PAB), except in cases where the special law provides for another forum. It must be recognized
in this regard that the LLDA, as a specialized administrative agency, is specifically mandated under
Republic Act No. 4850 and its amendatory laws to carry out and make effective the declared national
policy of promoting and accelerating the development and balanced growth of the Laguna Lake area
and the surrounding provinces of Rizal and Laguna and the cities of San Pablo, Manila, Pasay, Quezon
and Caloocan with due regard and adequate provisions for environmental management and control,
preservation of the quality of human life and ecological systems, and the prevention of undue
ecological disturbances, deterioration and pollution. Under such a broad grant of power and authority,
the LLDA, by virtue of its special charter, obviously has the responsibility to protect the inhabitants of
the Laguna Lake region from the deleterious effects of pollutants emanating from the discharge of
wastes from the surrounding areas. In carrying out the aforementioned declared policy, the LLDA is
mandated, among others, to pass upon and approve or disapprove all plans, programs, and projects
proposed by local government offices/agencies within the region, public corporations, and private
persons or enterprises where such plans, programs and/or projects are related to those of the LLDA for
the development of the region.
. . . . While it is a fundamental rule that an administrative agency has only such powers as are
expressly granted to it by law, it is likewise a settled rule that an administrative agency has also such
powers as are necessarily implied in the exercise of its express powers. In the exercise, therefore, of its
express powers under its charter, as a regulatory and quasi-judicial body with respect to pollution cases
in the Laguna Lake region, the authority of the LLDA to issue a "cease and desist order" is, perforce,
implied. Otherwise, it may well be reduced to a "toothless" paper agency.
there is no question that the Authority has express powers as a regulatory and quasi-judicial body in respect
to pollution cases with authority to issue a "cease and desist order" and on matters affecting the construction
of illegal fishpens, fishcages and other aqua-culture structures in Laguna de Bay. The Authority's pretense,
however, that it is co-equal to the Regional Trial Courts such that all actions against it may only be instituted
before the Court of Appeals cannot be sustained. On actions necessitating the resolution of legal questions
affecting the powers of the Authority as provided for in its charter, the Regional Trial Courts have jurisdiction.
In view of the foregoing, this Court holds that Section 149 of Republic Act No. 7160, otherwise known as the Local
Government Code of 1991, has not repealed the provisions of the charter of the Laguna Lake Development
Authority, Republic Act No. 4850, as amended. Thus, the Authority has the exclusive jurisdiction to issue permits for
the enjoyment of fishery privileges in Laguna de Bay to the exclusion of municipalities situated therein and the
authority to exercise such powers as are by its charter vested on it.
Removal from the Authority of the aforesaid licensing authority will render nugatory its avowed purpose of protecting
and developing the Laguna Lake Region. Otherwise stated, the abrogation of this power would render useless its
reason for being and will in effect denigrate, if not abolish, the Laguna Lake Development Authority. This, the Local
Government Code of 1991 had never intended to do.
WHEREFORE, the petitions for prohibition, certiorari and injunction are hereby granted, insofar as they relate to the
authority of the Laguna Lake Development Authority to grant fishing privileges within the Laguna Lake Region. 7/9
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The restraining orders and/or writs of injunction issued by Judge Arturo Marave, RTC, Branch 78, Morong, Rizal;
Judge Herculano Tech, RTC, Branch 70, Binangonan, Rizal; and Judge Aurelio Trampe, RTC, Branch 163, Pasig,
Metro Manila, are hereby declared null and void and ordered set aside for having been issued with grave abuse of
The Municipal Mayors of the Laguna Lake Region are hereby prohibited from issuing permits to construct and
operate fishpens, fishcages and other aqua-culture structures within the Laguna Lake Region, their previous
issuances being declared null and void. Thus, the fishing permits issued by Mayors Isidro B. Pacis, Municipality of
Binangonan; Ricardo D. Papa, Municipality of Taguig; and Walfredo M. de la Vega, Municipality of Jala-jala,
specifically, are likewise declared null and void and ordered cancelled.
The fishpens, fishcages and other aqua-culture structures put up by operators by virtue of permits issued by
Municipal Mayors within the Laguna Lake Region, specifically, permits issued to Fleet Development, Inc. and Carlito
Arroyo; Manila Marine Life Business Resources, Inc., represented by, Mr. Tobias Reynald M. Tiangco; Greenfield
Ventures Industrial Development Corporation and R.J. Orion Development Corporation; IRMA Fishing And Trading
Corporation, ARTM Fishing Corporation, BDR Corporation, Mirt Corporation and Trim Corporation; Blue Lagoon
Fishing Corporation and ALCRIS Chicken Growers, Inc.; AGP Fish Ventures, Inc., represented by its President
Alfonso Puyat; SEA MAR Trading Co., Inc., Eastern Lagoon Fishing Corporation, and MINAMAR Fishing
Corporation, are hereby declared illegal structures subject to demolition by the Laguna Lake Development Authority.
Separate Opinions
I fully concur with the decision written by Mr. Justice R. Hermosisima, Jr.. I would only like to stress what the
decision already states, i.e., that the local government units in the Laguna Lake area are not precluded from
imposing permits on fishery operations for revenue raising purposes of such local government units. In other words,
while the exclusive jurisdiction to determine whether or not projects or activities in the lake area should be allowed,
as well as their regulation, is with the Laguna Lake Development Authority, once the Authority grants a permit, the
permittee may still be subjected to an additional local permit or license for revenue purposes of the local government
units concerned. This approach would clearly harmonize the special law, Rep. Act No. 4850, as amended, with Rep.
Act No. 7160, the Local Government Code. It will also enable small towns and municipalities in the lake area, like
Jala-Jala, to rise to some level of economic viability.
Separate Opinions
I fully concur with the decision written by Mr. Justice R. Hermosisima, Jr.. I would only like to stress what the
decision already states, i.e., that the local government units in the Laguna Lake area are not precluded from
imposing permits on fishery operations for revenue raising purposes of such local government units. In other words,
while the exclusive jurisdiction to determine whether or not projects or activities in the lake area should be allowed,
as well as their regulation, is with the Laguna Lake Development Authority, once the Authority grants a permit, the
permittee may still be subjected to an additional local permit or license for revenue purposes of the local government
units concerned. This approach would clearly harmonize the special law, Rep. Act No. 4850, as amended, with Rep.
Act No. 7160, the Local Government Code. It will also enable small towns and municipalities in the lake area, like
Jala-Jala, to rise to some level of economic viability.
2 At pages 64-65.
3 Manila Railroad Company vs. Rafferty, 40 Phils. 225; National Power Corporation vs. Arca, 25
SCRA 935; Province of Misamis Oriental vs. Cagayan Electric Power and Light Company, Inc.,
181 SCRA 43. 9/9