Refractories Manufacturing NESHAP: Industry Profile, Methodology, and Economic Impact Analysis
Refractories Manufacturing NESHAP: Industry Profile, Methodology, and Economic Impact Analysis
Refractories Manufacturing NESHAP: Industry Profile, Methodology, and Economic Impact Analysis
Draft Report
Prepared for
Lisa Conner
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards
Innovative Strategies and Economics Group (MD-15)
Research Triangle Park, NC 27711
March 2001
EPA Contract Number RTI Project Number
68-D-99-024 7647.002.138
Refractories Manufacturing
NESHAP: Industry Profile,
Methodology, and Economic
Impact Analysis
Draft Report
March 2001
Prepared for
Lisa Conner
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards
Innovative Strategies and Economics Group (MD-15)
Research Triangle Park, NC 27711
Prepared by
Katherine B. Heller
A. Michelle Bullock
Research Triangle Institute
Center for Economics Research
Research Triangle Park, NC 27709
Section Page
1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1
5 Markets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-1
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R-1
Number Page
Number Page
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA’s) Office of Air Quality Planning
and Standards (OAQPS) is compiling information on refractory manufacturing plants as part
of its responsibility to develop National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants
(NESHAP) under Section 112 of the 1990 Clean Air Act. The NESHAP is scheduled to be
proposed in 2001. This industry profile of the refractory manufacturing industry provides
information to support the regulation.
A refractory is a material that retains its shape and chemical identity when subjected
to high temperatures and is used in applications that require extreme resistance to heat.
Specifically, refractories must be able to withstand temperatures above 538°C (1,000°F).
Refractories are mechanically strong and heat resistant to withstand rapid temperature
change and corrosion and erosion by molten metal, glass, slag, and hot gas. Refractories are
used in kilns, furnaces, boilers, incinerators, and other applications.
Refractory manufacturing falls under the North American Industry Code System
(NAICS) 327124 for clay refractories and NAICS 327125 for nonclay refractories.
According to the 1997 Census of Manufactures, 149 establishments owned by 115
companies manufactured clay refractories, and 124 establishments owned by 90 companies
manufactured nonclay refractories in 1997 (U.S. Department of Commerce, 1999b, 1999c).
In 1998, the refractory industry employed 13,709 people and shipped products valued at over
$2.6 billion (U.S. Department of Commerce, 2000).
The primary pollutants in the refractory industry are particulate matter (PM). These
emissions occur during the crushing, grinding, screening, calcining, and drying phases of
refractory manufacture. Other pollutants include sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen oxide (NOx),
carbon monoxide (CO), carbon dioxide (CO2), hydrogen fluoride (HF) and volatile organic
compounds (VOCs). The NESHAP will most directly affect facilities that produce organic-
bonded products that include resins, pitch, and other organics in addition to refractory
materials. The pitch-impregnated refractory manufacturing process is expected to be
regulated for polycyclic organic matter (POM) during a thermal processing step.
Estimating the economic impacts associated with the options to regulate the
refractory manufacturing industry requires characterizing the industry. This section
describes the production process, inputs, and outputs of this process. In addition,
characterizing the supply side of the industry involves describing various types of refractory
products, by-products, and input substitution possibilities. This section describes costs of
production and economies of scale.
Following the mixing process, the raw materials are formed into desired shapes. This
process typically occurs under moist or wet conditions. After the refractory is formed, the
material is fired. Firing involves heating the refractory material to high temperatures in a
periodic batch or continuous tunnel kiln to form a ceramic bond. This process gives the raw
materials their refractory properties. The final processing stage includes milling, grinding,
and sandblasting the finished product. For some products, final processing may also include
impregnation with tar and pitch and product packaging (The Technical Association of
Refractories, Japan, 1998).
Raw Materials Bulk Graphite Graphite
Graphite Refractories Refractories
Graphite Graphite
Mixing Machining Purification
Manufacturing Refractories
Slide gates
Bricks & Bricks & Bricks &
Bricks & Curing Drying Drying Firing
Shapes Shapes Shapes
Slide gates Bricks & Bricks &
Firing Firing Firing
Bricks & Shapes Shapes
Process Operations
Refractory Classes
Bricks &
Products Bricks & Shapes
Slide gates
Other Shapes
Figure 2-2 illustrates different machines used to mix or knead refractory products.
There are two types of mixing and kneading machines: fixed vessel and driven vessel.
Mixing homogenizes more than two types of bulk materials, and kneading machines make a
uniform coating layer. Mixing and kneading machines are equipped with mixing blades or
muller wheels. Heating, cooling, or de-airing equipment may also be applied to the vessel.
Mixing and kneading machines are used for manufacturing shaped and unshaped refractories.
Unshaped refractories, however, are not processed any further (The Technical Association of
Refractories, Japan, 1998). Presses
Refractory pressing machines are broadly categorized into three groups: impact and
static, vibrating, and cold isostatic press. Choosing between the three groups of presses
largely depends on the type of raw materials used.
& Impact and Static Presses: Figure 2-3 illustrates a friction and a hydraulic screw
press, two types of impact presses. Figure 2-4 is a diagram of a hydraulic screw
press, a type of static press. Impact and static presses are typically equipped with
a vacuum deaerator. Impact presses have a higher allowable maximum
compacting force than static presses. However, static presses are finding
increasing application in the production of sophisticated refractories such as
submerged nozzles and shrouds and in the production of industrial ceramics.
Bricks formed with static presses are flat, uniform and, compact. (The Technical
Association of Refractories, Japan, 1998).
& Vibrating Press: Vibrating presses, shown in Figure 2-5, are classified into two
types: air cylinder type and hydraulic cylinder. The vibrator in the air cylinder
type is attached to the table, and the air cylinder compacts the material. The
hydraulic vibrating press is constructed with the hydraulic pulse generator
attached to the pressure block, and the hydraulic cylinder compacts the material.
Vibrating presses are typically used for the compaction of complexly shaped
refractories (The Technical Association of Refractories, Japan, 1998).
Figure 2-3. Vacuum Press Figure 2-4. Friction Press (A), and Hydraulic
(Friction, Hydraulic Press) Screw Press (B)
& Cold Isostatic Press (CIP): A CIP, illustrated in Figure 2-6, is a molding device
that provides homogeneous hydrostatic pressure over the entire surface of a
rubber mold filled with powder. This method, also referred to as a hydrostatic
press or a rubber press method, is a materials processing technique in which
processing in which high fluid pressure is applied to a powder part at ambinet
temperature to compact it into a predetermined shape. The power part is
consolidated into a dense compacted shape. Water or oil is usually used as the
presser medium. CIPs are based on either the wet bag method, where the mold is
placed in pressurized liquid, or the dry bag method, in which the mold does not
touch the pressurized liquid. High pressurized molding provides uniform density,
which leads to a reduction of internal stresses, eliminating cracks, strains and
laminations, the ability to make complex shapes, and to press more than one
shape at the same time (The Technical Association of Refractories, Japan, 1998). Kilns
Refractories are fired to develop the materials’ refractory properties. The unfired
(“green”) refractories pass through a heat treatment, which results in a thermally stable
refractory and or crystallization. The industry uses three types of kilns:
& Tunnel Kiln: In a tunnel kiln, refractory products consecutively pass through
preheating, firing, and cooling zones (see Figure 2-7). The combustion gas from
the firing zone is typically used to preheat the refractories. Heat can be recovered
from cooling fired refractories and reused as combustion air. Approximately 80
percent of shaped refractories are fired in tunnel kilns (The Technical Association
of Refractories, Japan, 1998).
& Round Periodic Kilns: Round periodic kilns are typically used to fire silica
bricks. Figure 2-8 is a diagram of a round periodic kiln. These kilns can be used
to fire large refractory products that cannot be fired in a tunnel kiln and can easily
accommodate changes in production (The Technical Association of Refractories,
Japan, 1998).
& Shuttle Kilns: As illustrated in Figure 2-9, the design of a shuttle kiln resembles
the firing zone of a tunnel kiln. Shuttle kilns effectively store heat and are used to
fire fireclay and specialty bricks (The Technical Association of Refractories,
Japan, 1998).
Figure 2-8. Round Kiln with Downdraft Figure 2-9. Shuttle Kiln
Lightweight castables Refractories in which porous lightweight materials and hydraulic cement are mixed.
They are mixed with water and formed by casting. Lightweight castables are used
to line furnaces, kilns, etc.
Fibrous Materials
Ceramic fiber Man-made fibous refractory materials. There are several different types of ceramic
fiber, including blanket, felt, module, vacuum form, rope, loose fiber, etc.
Source: The Technical Association of Refractories, Japan. 1998. Refractories Handbook. Tokyo: The
Technical Association of Refractories, Japan.
PM and metal emissions occur during the crushing, grinding, calcining, and drying of
the raw materials; the drying and firing of unfired refractory bricks and tar and pitch
operations; and finishing of the refractories. Emissions from crushing and grinding are
readily controlled with fabric filters. Product recovery cyclones and wet scrubbers are used
on calciners and dryers to reduce PM emissions. Electric arc furnaces are generally
controlled by a baghouse.
As previously mentioned, SO2, NOx, CO, CO2 are produced along with refractory
products. The source of most of the SO2 emissions is the fuel used to fire the kiln and dryers.
The composition of the clays and plaster added to refractories and the amount of refractories
produced affect the amount of SO2 produced. VOCs emitted from tar and pitch operations
are controlled by incineration.
2.1.4 Inputs
The inputs in the production process for refractories include general inputs, such as
labor, capital, and water. The inputs specific to this industry are the type of fuel and the clay
or other alumina and nonclay material used. These two specific inputs are discussed below.
Type Characteristics
Clay Refractories
Fireclay Consists of kaolinite (Al2O32SiO22H2O) and minor amount of other clay
materials. Fireclay refractories can be low, medium, high, or super-duty based
on their resistance to high temperature or refractoriness. Fireclay refractories are
used to produce bricks, insulating refractories, and two types of ladle brick.
High-alumina Composed of bauxite or other raw materials that contain 50 to 87.5 percent
alumina. High-alumina refractories are generally multipurpose, offering
resistance to chipping and higher volume stability. High-alumina refractories are
used to produce brick and insulating refractories.
Nonclay Refractories
Basic Produced from a composition of dead-burned magnesite, dolomite, chrome ore,
and small amount of other minerals. Basic refractories can be further subdivided
into magnesia, dolomite, chrome, and combination bricks. Basic refractories are
typically used to make bricks.
Extra-high alumina Made predominately from bauxite or alumina (Al2O3), extra-high alumina
refractories contain from 87.5 to 100 percent alumina and offer good volume
stability. They are typically poured into special shapes using a fused casting
Mullite Made from kyanite, sillimanite, andalusite, bauxite, or mixtures of alumina
silicate materials; mullite refractories are about 70% alumina. They maintain a
low level of impurities and high resistance to loading in high temperatures.
Silica Containing silica, silica refractories are characterized by a high coefficient of
thermal expansion between room temperature and 500°C (930°F). Silica brick is
available in three grades: super-duty (low alumina and alkali), regular, and coke
oven quality. Silica compositions can be used for hot patching, shrouds, and
Silicon carbide Produced by the reaction of sand and coke in an electric furnace, silicon carbide
refractories are used to make special shapes, such as kiln furniture, to support
ceramicware as it is fired in kilns. It has high thermal conductivity, good load
bearing characteristics at high temperatures, and good resistance to changes in
Zircon Containing siconium silicate (ZrO2SiO2), zircon refractories maintain good
volume stability for extended periods or exposure to high temperatures. Zircon
refractories are widely used for glass tank construction.
Clay is composed mainly of fine particles of hydrous aluminum silicates and other
minerals that is plastic when moist but hard when fired. In 1998, approximately 3.09 Mt of
clays were used in the manufacture of refractories. Table 2-2 lists different clays used in
refractory products and their characteristics. Fireclay is the predominate clay used
infirebrick; bentonite, in foundry sand; common clay, in refractory mortar and cement; and
kaolin, in calcine, grog, high alumina brick, kiln furniture, and plug, tap, and wad (Virta,
1998). Nonclays
Nonclay refractories are composed for alumina, mullite, chromite, magnesite, silica,
silicon carbide, zircon, and other nonclays. Table 2-2 lists various minerals used in the
production of nonclay refractories, the type of refractory produced, and characteristics of the
Table 2-1 lists the different forms of refractories and describes them briefly.
Refractories are generally categorized as either clay or nonclay products. To further classify
the products, refractories are labeled as acidic or basic. Refractories are typically produced
as shaped refractories, unshaped refractories, and fibrous materials. Shaped refractories
include bricks, shapes, and crucibles. Bricks and shapes are formed by mixing raw materials
with water and/or other binders and pressing or molding the mixture into a desired shape.1
Crucibles are ceramic containers used for melting metal. Unshaped refractories, also called
monolithic, are unformed products that are dried to form a unified structure after application.
These refractories can be used as mortars, plastics, ramming mixes, castables, and gunning
mixes. Monolithic refractories are applied by either pouring, pumping, troweling, or
gunning (spraying).
Bricks and shapes can be formed by a variety of methods, including hand molding, air ramming, pressing,
extruding, or casting.
The costs incurred by refractory manufacturers are labor, materials, and capital. This
section provides data on these costs and discusses economies of scale.
Between 1994 and 1998, clay refractory manufactures spent an average of more than
70 percent and nonclay refractory producers almost 64 percent of expenditures on input
materials. Figure 2-10 illustrates the percentage breakdown of refractory manufacturing
expenditures by refractory type. Tables 2-3 and 2-4 also provide expenditures in dollars for
wages, materials, and new capital from 1977 to 1998 in both current and 1997 dollars. Costs
of materials include all raw materials, containers, scrap, and supplies used in production,
repair, or maintenance during the year, as well as the cost of all electricity and fuel
consumed. Costs are included for materials whether they are purchased from outside the
company or transferred from within the company. New capital expenditures include
permanent additions and alterations to facilities and machinery and equipment used for
expanding plant capacity or replacing existing machinery.
These tables show that the cost of materials is by far the greatest cost to refractory
producers. Refractory producers spend as much as two and a half times more on materials
than they do on labor. For 1998, the Annual Survey of Manufacturers reported that the clay
refractory industry spent $31.6 million and the nonclay refractory industry spent $52.7
million on energy, almost 6 and 8 percent, respectively, of the total materials cost for that
year. Energy costs for manufacturers of refractory bricks and shapes are generally greater
than energy costs for manufacturers of monolithic refractories because of the energy-
intensive nature of operations that require using forming equipment, dryers, and kilns.
Table 2-5 contains a more detailed breakdown of the costs of materials used in producing
and manufacturing refractory materials.
Average Percentage
Materials Materials
70% 64%
Table 2-3. Labor, Material, and New Capital Expenditures for Clay Refractory
Manufacturers (NAICS 327124)a ($106)
Wages Materials New Capital
Year Current 1997$ Current 1997 Current 1997
1977 146.8 224.30 296.8 453.48 20.0 30.56
1978 171.8 254.08 364.6 539.21 23.1 34.16
1979 191.5 273.16 384.7 548.74 29.4 41.94
1980 183.6 253.02 363.1 500.39 31.5 43.41
1981 199.6 266.09 410.6 547.37 36.1 48.12
1982 155.2 204.68 339.0 447.07 21.2 27.96
1983 147.1 191.19 358.5 465.94 12.0 15.60
1984 176.6 226.17 438.2 561.20 22.0 28.18
1985 166.8 211.69 397.5 504.47 22.1 28.05
1986 160.4 202.68 412.6 521.36 15.8 19.96
1987 150.2 188.05 387.5 485.15 11.7 14.65
1988 160.0 193.46 401.7 485.70 14.0 16.93
1989 176.7 207.39 451.3 529.69 11.9 13.97
1990 168.8 196.28 475.3 552.68 15.2 17.67
1991 166.0 191.22 464.8 535.40 18.5 21.31
1992 183.8 196.57 452.8 484.27 24.6 26.31
1993 163.9 180.42 377.0 415.00 7.2 7.93
1994 179.0 191.44 494.0 528.33 16.5 17.65
1995 199.0 205.37 510.3 526.63 16.6 17.13
1996 196.4 200.88 510.7 522.34 18.6 19.02
1997 210.0 210.42 566.0 567.13 30.1 30.16
1998 201.8 201.80 536.5 536.50 25.6 25.60
Prices were deflated using the producer price index (PPI) from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. 2001.
Sources: U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census. 1994b. 1992 Census of Manufactures, Industry
Series—Cement and Structural Clay Products. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office.
U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census. 1995. 1993 Annual Survey of Manufactures.
M93(AS)-1. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office.
U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census. 1996a. 1994 Annual Survey of Manufactures.
M94(AS)-1. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office.
U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census. 1997. 1995 Annual Survey of Manufactures.
M95(AS)-1. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office.
U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census. 1998. 1996 Annual Survey of Manufactures.
M96(AS)-1. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office.
U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census. 1999b. 1997 Census of Manufactures, Industry
Series—Manufacturing: Clay Refractory Manufacturing. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office.
U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census. 2000. 1998 Annual Survey of Manufactures.
M98(AS)-1. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office.
Table 2-4. Labor, Material, and New Capital Expenditures for Nonclay Refractory
Manufacturers (NAICS 327125)a ($106)
Wages Materials New Capital
Year Current 1997 Current 1997 Current 1997
1977 134.3 205.20 336.4 513.99 37.1 56.69
1978 162.7 240.62 434.9 643.17 43.1 63.74
1979 172.5 246.05 434.6 619.91 24.4 34.80
1980 177.4 244.47 482.3 664.66 47.2 65.05
1981 196.5 261.95 484.7 646.15 69.7 92.92
1982 148.4 195.71 343.3 452.74 48.5 63.96
1983 129.5 168.31 312.8 406.55 20.8 27.03
1984 147.5 188.90 347.1 444.53 24.7 31.63
1985 152.0 192.90 369.2 468.55 32.5 41.25
1986 162.7 205.59 372.1 470.19 13.7 17.31
1987 202.5 253.53 443.5 555.26 16.3 20.41
1988 209.6 253.43 470.7 569.12 18.0 21.76
1989 232.6 273.00 480.4 563.85 36.3 42.61
1990 239.9 278.96 499.0 580.24 30.3 35.23
1991 241.3 277.95 500.6 576.64 26.5 30.53
1992 249.2 266.52 541.4 579.03 44.9 48.02
1993 279.3 307.45 578.8 637.14 62.5 68.80
1994 247.6 264.81 562.5 601.59 41.1 43.96
1995 274.9 283.70 588.3 607.13 35.9 37.05
1996 278.6 284.95 574.0 587.09 42.7 43.67
1997 288.4 288.98 621.3 622.54 88.8 88.98
1998 307.1 307.10 650.9 650.90 96.8 96.80
Prices were deflated using the producer price index (PPI) from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. 2001.
Sources: U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census. 1994a. 1992 Census of Manufactures, Industry
Series—Abrasive, Asbestos, and Miscellaneous Mineral Products. Washington, DC: Government Printing
U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census. 1995. 1993 Annual Survey of Manufactures.
M93(AS)-1. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office.
U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census. 1996a. 1994 Annual Survey of Manufactures.
M94(AS)-1. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office.
U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census. 1997. 1995 Annual Survey of Manufactures.
M95(AS)-1. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office.
U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census. 1998. 1996 Annual Survey of Manufactures.
M96(AS)-1. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office.
U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census. 1999c. 1997 Census of Manufactures, Industry
Series—Manufacturing: Nonclay Refractory Manufacturing. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office.
U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census. 2000. 1998 Annual Survey of Manufactures.
NA = Not available.
Prices were deflated using the producer price index (PPI) from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. 2001.
Source: U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census. 1999b. 1997 Census of Manufactures, Industry
Series—Manufacturing: Clay Refractory Manufacturing. Washington, DC: Government Printing
Most refractory products are sold as preformed shapes. However, they are also
available in special purpose clays; bonding mortars; and monolithic, plastic refractories;
ramming mixes; and gunning mixes. A variety of processed refractory grains and powders
are also produced (DHAN, 1999). From the physical form, refractory products can be
further classified into oxide bricks, nonoxide bricks, and composites. Table 3-1 lists types of
oxide, nonoxide, and composite refractories; their characteristics; and their applications.
Principle end-use markets for refractory products include iron and steel, cement, and
nonferrous metal industries. The steel industry consumes the largest percentage of
refractories, estimated between 50 and 80 percent of the refractory production (Semler,
Source: The Technical Association of Refractories, Japan. 1998. Refractories Handbook. Tokyo: The Technical
Association of Refractories, Japan.
2000).1 Table 3-2 presents metric ton production of raw steel and nonferrous metals for the
period 1994 to 1999. Refractory products are used in the steel industry to line coke ovens,
The U.S. International Trade Commission (USITC) estimated consumption of the steel industry at over 50
percent, and DHAN estimated it at 75 percent.
Source: U.S. Department of Commerce, and International Trade Administration. 1999. U.S. Industry & Trade
Outlook 2000. New York: The McGraw-Hill Companies and U.S. Department of Commerce.
blast furnaces, blast furnace stoves, basic oxygen vessels, electric furnaces, open-hearth
furnaces, and other heat-related manufacturing equipment (ASM International, 1987).
Because of improved quality of refractory products, the steel industry has decreased
consumption of refractories from 25 to 30 kg per ton of steel to 10 kg in Japan and the
United States (Semler, 2000). This is the result of increased life-span of refractory products.
Other consumers of refractory products, including the petroleum industry and concrete
industry are following the steel industry’s pattern of reducing consumption of refractories.
Although there is no direct substitute for refractories, industries that use refractory
products have reduced the amount of the product consumed. Since the 1980s, the steel
industry has restructured closing inefficient facilities and modernizing remaining plants. The
industry developed and implemented technologies, such as the basic oxygen furnace (BOF),
that significantly reduced the amount of refractories used per ton of steel (USITC, 1994;
DHAN, 1999). Also, the refractory industry has made significant strides in developing more
durable refractories. These two factors have reduced the overall consumption of refractory
This section examines the organization of the U.S. refractory industry, including
plant location and production characteristics, commercial and captive producers, firm
characteristics, market structure, and degree of integration. Understanding the industry’s
organization helps determine how it will be affected by complying with the refractory
production NESHAP.
A facility is a site of land with a plant and equipment that combine inputs (clay, fuel
and labor) to produce an output (refratory products). Companies that own these facilities are
legal business entities that conduct transactions and make decisions that affect the facility.
The terms “facility,” “establishment,” and “plant” are synonymous in this study and refer to
the physical location where products are manufactured. Likewise, the terms “company” and
“firm” are used interghangeably to refer to the legal business entity that owns one or more
facilities. This section presents information on the companies that own refractory plants.
Table 4-1. Selected Refractory Manufacturers, by Type
Ceradyne, Inc. Costa Mesa, CA 26 300 Private
Certech, Inc. Wood Ridge, NJ 62 758 Subsidiary Carpenter Technology Corp. 1,000 5,324
CFB Industries, Inc. Chicago, IL 23 176 Private
Christy Refractories Co. St. Louis, MO 14 80 Private
Clay City Pipe Uhrichsville, OH 14 200 Private
Cooperheat-MQS, Inc. Houston, TX 120 1,200 Private
ER Advanced Ceramics, East Palestine, OH NA NA NA NA NA NA
Ermhart Glass Owensville, NJ NA NA NA NA NA NA
Manufacturing, Inc.
Fels Refractories, Inc. Edison, NJ 1 to 2.5 NA Private
Ferro Corp. Cleveland, OH 331 6,693 Public
Freeport Area Enterprises, Freeport, PA 10 150 Private
Freeport Brick Co. Creighton, PA NA NA NA NA NA NA
Table 4-1. Selected Refractory Manufacturers, by Type (continued)
Inland Enterprise, Inc. Avon, OH 14 100 Private
Insul Co., Inc. East Palestine, OH 15 77 Private
International Chimney Williamsville, NY 18 140 Private
Lousiville Firebrick Works Grahm, KY NA NA NA NA NA NA
Martin Marietta Magnesia Raleigh, NC Subsidiary Martin Marietta Materials, 1,057 570
Specialties, Inc. Inc.
Maryland Refractories Co. Irondale, OH 1 to 2.5 NA Private
Mono Ceramics, Inc. Benton Harbor, MI 11 45 Subsidiary Monocon International NA NA
Refractories, England
Morganite Crucible, Inc. North Haven, CT 15 75 Subsidiary Morgan Crucible Co. PLC, 1,394 16,885
Mt. Savage Firebrick Co. Frostburg, MD NA NA NA NA NA NA
National Refractories & Livermore, CA 115 600 Subsidiary National Refractory Holding NA 810
Minerals Corp. Co., Inc.
New Castle Refractories Massillon, OH 14 122 Subsidiary Dixon Ticonderoga 115 1,354
Table 4-1. Selected Refractory Manufacturers, by Type (continued)
Reno Refractories, Inc. Morris, AL 16 85 Private
Resco Products, Inc. Norristown, PA 50 500 Private
RHI Refractories America NA NA NA NA NA NA
Table 4-1. Selected Refractory Manufacturers, by Type (continued)
Transit Mix Concrete Co., Colorado Springs, 25 210 Subsidiary Contenental Materials Corp., NA NA
Inc. CO Delaware
TYK America, Inc. Clairton, PA 37 122 Subsidiary TYK Corp., Japan 133.5 NA
Unifrax Corp. Niagara Falls, NY 85 285 Subsidiary Kirkland Capital Partners LP 90 808
Universal Refractories, Inc. Wampum, PA 24 130 Private
Utah Refractories Co. Lehi, UT NA NA NA NA NA NA
Wahl Refractories, Inc. Fremont, OH 17 68 Subsidiary Thermatex Corp. 10 148
Zero Refractories, Inc. Taylor MI 0.5 1 to 4 Private
Advanced Ceramics Corp. Cleveland, OH 25 to 50 NA Private
Advanced Ceramics Cleveland, OH 21 175 Private
International, Inc.
Allied Mineral Products, Columbus, OH 56 240 Private
Alpine Group, Inc. New York, NY 1,370 6,600 Public
Aluminum Company of Pittsburgh, PA 15,300 103,500 Public
America (ALCOA)
AMPAC Amsterdam, NY 13 100 Private
B S C Holding, Inc. Shawnee Mission, 23 15 Private
Baker Holding Co., Inc. York, PA 190 1,300 Public
Baker JE Co. York, PA 190 1,050 Subsidiary Baker Holding Co., Inc. 190 1,300
Bartley Crucible & Trenton, NJ NA NA NA NA NA NA
Table 4-1. Selected Refractory Manufacturers, by Type (continued)
Foseco, Inc. Cleveland, OH 71 500 Subsidiary Foseco Holding BV,
Global Industrial Dallas, TX 142 4,262 Public
Technologies, Inc.
Harbison-Walker Pittsburgh, PA 263 1,615 Subsidiary RHI AG 1,580 14,500
Refractories Co.
Insul Co., Inc. East Palestine, OH 15 77 Private
JW Hicks, Inc. Merrellville, IN 5 to 10 20 to 49 NA NA NA NA
Magneco, Inc. Addison, IL 19 150 Subsidiary Magneco/Metrel, Inc. 34
Martin Marietta Magnesia Raleigh, NC Subsidiary Martin Marietta Materials, 1,057 570
Specialties, Inc. Inc.
Minco Acquistion Corp. Midway, TN 21 170 Private
Minco, Inc. Midway, TN 15 135 Subsidiary Minco Acquisition Corp. 21 170
Minerals Technologies, New York, NY 609 2,260 Public
Minteq International, Inc. New York, NY 205 1,800 Subsidiary Minerals Technologies, Inc. 609 2,260
Table 4-1. Selected Refractory Manufacturers, by Type (continued)
New Castle Refractories Massillon, OH 14 122 Subsidiary Dixon Ticonderoga 115 1,354
Newport Sand & Gravel Newport, NH 13 100 Private
Co., Inc.
North American Cleveland, OH 331 1,500 Subsidiary Didier-Werke AG, Germany NA NA
Refractories Co.
Norton Co., Inc. Worcester, MA 1,500 9,000 Subsidiary Saint-Gobain, France 23,113 165,000
Osram Sylvania, Inc. Danvers, MA 5,200 13,000 Subsidiary Siemans Corp.
Osram Sylvania Products, Danvers, MA 1,800 1,100 Subsidiary Siemans Corp.
Pell Industries Grove City, PA 5 to 10 20 to 49 Private
Prefromix Technologies Warren, OH 10 75 Private
Premier Refractories King of Prussia, PA 90 900 Subsidiary Alpine Group, Inc. 1,370 6,600
International, Inc.
Premier Services, Inc. Bettsville, OH NA NA NA NA NA NA
Vesuvius USA Corp. Champaign, IL 400 1,600 Subsidiary Cookson Group PLC, 3,011 17,101
Wulfrath Refractories, Inc. Tarentum, PA 22 115 Private
Zircar Products, Inc. Florida, NY 12 85 Private
Zircoa, Inc. Solon, OH 20 140 Subsidiary Didier-Werke AG, Germany 448.5 4,717
NA = Not available.
Source: Dun & Bradstreet. 2000. D&B Million Dollar Directory. Series 2000. Bethlehem, PA: Dun & Bradstreet, Inc.
Source: U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census. 1999a. 1997 Census of Manufactures.
Washington, DC: Government Printing Office.
Capacity utilization indicates how well the current facilities meet demand. One
measure of capacity utilization is capacity utilization rates. A capacity utilization rate is the
ratio of actual production volumes to full-capacity production volumes. For example, if an
industry is producing as much output as possible without adding new floor space for
equipment, the capacity utilization rate would be 100 percent. On the other hand, if under
the same constraints the industry were only producing 75 percent of its maximum possible
output, the capacity utilization rate would be 75 percent. On an industry-basis, capacity
utilization is highly variable from year to year depending on economic conditions. It is also
variable on a company-by-company basis depending not only on economic conditions, but
2 1
3 27 0 1
1 10
0 0 0 0 0 0
2 6 0 1
0 1
1 3 0 3
7 15
1 16 0 10 0 0
5 33
0 1
0 0 0 5 6 12
1 1 0 0
0 29 3 12
1 0 3 2
0 0 0 3
1 4
1 13
28 59 0 0
1 3 0 1
11 32 0 0
0 0 0 2 3 2
37 58 4 4
2 2 1 1
8 25 3 39 0 12
1 2 8 38
4 15
2 7 4 20 0 1
5 2 3 9
1 4 1 1 3 5 0 5
7 17 3 3
2 0 11 5 1 9 3 5
12 26 3 11
4 3 5 8
1 14
3 6
3 11 0 10
0 2 1 2 2 15
2 14 0 0 3 9 1 8 1 9
1 6 1 13 3 13
7 10 3 5
0 3
5 23 2 20
1 12
8 21
11 49 1 2
1 29
0 0 0 8
1 6 6 9
0 0
1 2
Number of Number of
Refractory Facilities Steel Mills
1 2
Puerto Rico 3 4
1 0 Number of Number of
0 2 Cement Plants Nonferrous Plants
Figure 1
also on company’s strategic position in its particular industry. While some plants may have
idle production lines or empty floor space, others need additional space or capacity.
Table 4-3 lists the capacity utilization rates for clay and nonclay refractory
manufacturers refractories for 1993 though 1998. Reduction in the demand for refractory
replacements parts led to lower capacity utilization rates throughout this time period.
Nonclay refractories, which includes specialty refractory products, has seen increased
demand, allowing that part of the industry to maintain an approximately 70 percent capacity
utilization rate.
Table 4-3. Full Production Capacity Utilization Rates for Clay and Nonclay
Refractories: Fourth Quarters 1993 through 1998
Source: U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census. 1999d. 1998 Survey of Plant Capacity.
Washington, DC: Government Printing Office.
Market structure, which characterizes the level and type of competition among
refractory producers, determines the behavior of producers and consumers in the industry,
including their power to influence market price. If an industry is perfectly competitive, then
the individual producers have little market power; they are not able to influence the price of
the outputs they sell or the inputs they purchase. Perfectly competitive industries have large
numbers of firms, the products sold are undifferentiated, and the entry and exit of firms are
When compared across industries, firms in industries with fewer firms, more product
differentiation, and restricted entry are more likely to have the power to influence the price
they receive for a product by reducing output below perfectly competitive levels. At the
extreme, a single monopolistic firm may supply the entire market and hence set the price of
the output. On the input market side, firms may be able to influence the price they pay for an
input if few firms, both from within and outside the industry, use that input.
Table 4-4. Market Concentration Measures for SIC 3255 Clay Refractory
Manufacturing and SIC 3297 Nonclay Refractory Manufacturing
Measure Clay Nonclay
Herfindahl-Hirschmann Index (HHI) 578 527
Four-firm concentration ratio (CR4) 40 36
Eight-firm concentration ratio (CR8) 62 58
Number of companies 95 102
Number of facilities 145 142
Value of shipments 886.8 1,203.8
Source: U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census. 1996b. Concentration Ratios in
Manufacturing. MC92-S-2. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office. Available at
competitive). Firms in less-concentrated industries are more likely to be price takers, while
firms in more-concentrated industries are more likely to be able to influence market prices.
These measures of market concentration can be computed using four-digit SIC codes based
on U.S. Bureau of the Census data (U.S. Department of Commerce, 1993). Based on the
HHI criteria, the refractory industry is not concentrated, and, therefore, competitive in
structure. These indices are measures of concentration of the industry at the national level.
There is no reason to believe, however, that the markets for refractories may be regional
rather than national.
The refractories industry is characterized by having the majority of its products used
as inputs for the steel industry. Small numbers of buyers can result in the buyers maintaining
some measure of control over the input price (monopsony or oligopsony).
A monopsony occurs when a firm is the sole purchaser of an input. The monopsonist
has the market power in the input market and can reduce the price paid without losing all
input. An oligopsony is characterized by the presence of a few large buyers (even though
there may also be many small buyers of insignificant size). In oligopsony, large firms are
aware of their competitors for purchasing inputs and determine their purchasing price and
quantity based on their expectations of their competitors’ behavior. Because of multiple
steel manufacturers, refractory inputs are purchased by multiple buyers resulting in
oligopsonisonistic market.
To determine the possible impacts on small businesses, both clay and nonclay
refractory manufacturers are categorized as small or large using the Small Business
Administration (SBA) general size definitions (SBA, 1998). For clay refractory
manufacturers, a small company has 500 or fewer employees. For nonclay refractory
manufacturers, small is defined as having 750 or fewer employees.
Table 4-5 lists the employment and sales data for the small companies that are
owners of refractory producing facilities. Data on employment and sales for many of these
companies is difficult to acquire, because they are privately held. Thirty-five companies
owning clay refractory plants and 26 nonclay refractory owning businesses are small, while 7
Sales Organization
Company Location ($106) Employment Type
Able Supply Co. Houston, TX NA NA NA
Alsey Refractories Co. Alsey, IL 10 to 20 20 to 49 Private
B&B Refractories Inc. Santa Fe Springs, CA 2.5 to 5 10 to 19 NA
Bay State Crucible Co. Taunton, MA 5 to 10 20 to 49 NA
Ceradyne Inc. Costa Mesa, CA 26 300 Private
Christy Refractories Co. LLC St. Louis, MO 14 80 Private
Clay City Pipe Uhrichsville, OH 14 200 Private
ER Advanced Ceramics Inc. East Palestine, OH NA NA NA
Ermhart Glass Manufacturing Owensville, NJ NA NA NA
Fels Refractories Inc. Edison, NJ 1 to 2.5 NA Private
Freeport Area Enterprises Inc. Freeport, PA 10 150 Private
Freeport Brick Co. Creighton, PA NA NA NA
Heater Specialists, Inc. Tulsa, OK 17 160 Private
Holland Manufacturing Corp. Dolton, IL 25 to 5 20 to 49 Private
Industrial Ceramic Products Inc. Columbus, OH NA NA NA
Industrial Product International Englewood, CO 1 to 2.5 5 to 9 Private
Inland Enterprise Inc. Avon, OH 14 100 Private
International Chimney Corp. Williamsville, NY 18 140 Private
Lousiville Firebrick Works Grahm, KY NA NA NA
Maryland Refractories Co. Irondale, OH 1 to 2.5 NA Private
Mt. Savage Firebrick Co. Frostburg, MD NA NA NA
P-G Industries Inc. Pueblo, CO 12 160 Private
Plibrico Co. Oak Hill, OH 10 to 20 20 to 49 NA
Porvair Corp. Hendersonville, NC 18 200 Private
Refractories Sales and Service Bessemer, AL NA NA NA
Co. Inc.
Reno Refractories Inc Morris, AL 16 85 Private
Resco Refractories, Inc. Norristown, PA 50 500 Private
RHI Refractories America NA NA NA
Riverside Clay Co. Inc. Pell City, AL 15 100
Rutland Products Jacksonville, FL NA NA NA
Sales Organization
Company Location ($106) Employment Type
Servsteel Inc. Morgan, PA
Shenango Refractories, Inc. New Castle, PA 5 to 10 20 to 49 Private
Nock and Son Co., The Oak Hill, OH 2.5 to 5 10 to 19 Private
Whitacre-Greer Fire Proofing Alliance OH 5 to 10 NA Private
Co., The
Thorley Refractories Inc. Southgate, CA 5 to 10 20 to 49 Private
Utah Refractories Co. Lehi, UT NA NA NA
Zero Refractories, Inc. Taylor MI 0.5 to 1 1 to 4 Private
BNZ Materials Inc. Littleton, CO 25 150 Private
CFB Industries Inc. Chicago, IL 23 176 Private
Insul Co. Inc. East Palestine, OH 15 77 Private
Pyrotek Inc. Spokane, WA 50 to 100 NA Private
Thermatex Corp. (Thermalite) Fremont, OH 10 148 Private
Universal Refractories Inc. Wampum, PA 24 130 Private
Advanced Ceramics Cleveland, OH 21 175 Private
Internaitonal Inc.
Allied Mineral Products Inc. Columbus, OH 56 240 Private
Alumitech Inc. Canada 77 447 Public
AMPAC Amsterdam, NY 13 100 Private
B S C Holding Inc. Shawnee Mission, 23 15 Private
Bartley Crucible & Trenton, NJ NA NA NA
Refractories, Inc.
Blash Precision Ceramics, Inc. Houston, TX 63 515 Private
(Texas United)
CCPI Inc. Blanchester, OH 25 to 50 NA Private
Cercom Inc. Vista, CA 11 76 Private
Chicago Firebrick Co. Inc. Chicago, IL 18 58 Private
JW Hicks Inc. Merrellville, IN 5 to 10 20 to 49 Private
Magneco/Metrel Inc. Addison, IL 34 150 Private
Minco Acquistion Corp. Midway, TN 21 170 Private
Sales Organization
Company Location ($106) Employment Type
Mixed Mineral Products Inc. Columbus, OH NA NA NA
Monofrax Inc. Falconer, NY 50 to 100 250 to NA
Newport Sand & Gravel Co. Newport, NH 13 100 Private
Pell Industries Grove City, PA 5 to 10 20 to 49 Private
Prefromix Technologies LTD Warren, OH 10 75 Private
Premier Services, Inc. Bettsville, OH NA NA NA
Rex Roto Corp. Fowlerville, MI 14 80 Private
Silicon Carbide Products Inc. Elmira, NY 1 to 2.5 5 to 9 NA
Spar, Inc. Jacksonville, FL NA NA NA
Bethlehem Corporation, The Easton, PA 14 117 Private
Varsal Instruments Inc. Warminster, PA 15 224 Private
Wulfrath Refractories Inc. Tarentum, PA 22 115 Private
Zircar Products Inc. Florida, NY 12 85 Private
companies that produce both clay and nonclay refractories are small. These are shown in
Table 4-5.
This section provides data on volumes of refractory products produced and consumed
in the U.S., the quantities imported and exported, and prices. Figure 5-1 illustrates refractory
production trends from 1977 to 1998.
3 ,0 0 0
2 ,5 0 0
2 ,0 0 0
1 ,5 0 0
1 ,0 0 0
C la y N o n c la y T o ta l
Note: All financial figures are adjusted for inflation using the Producer Price Index available from the U.S.
Bureau of Labor.
During the last two decades, the refractory industry has been affected by declining
demand for traditional refractory products, such as bricks and shapes, and customer
requirements for higher quality special refractories. Accounting for nearly 40 percent of all
shipments, bricks and shapes are the principal forms of refractory products produced in the
United States (USITC, 1993). Table 5-1 illustrates the values of domestically produced clay
and nonclay refractories from 1977 to 1998 in both current and 1998 dollars.
As indicated in Table 5-2, international trade is not a major component of the U.S.
market for refractory products. In 1999, refractory exports accounted for a little over 16
percent of shipped refractory products. Nations with significant iron, steel, cement, and
nonferrous metal industries, including the United States, Europe, and Japan, are the major
world markets for refractory products. From 1988 to 1992, Canada was the leading importer
of U.S. refractory products, with over 38 percent of all exports, followed by Mexico.
Emerging foreign markets for the United States include India, China, and other countries in
Central and South America. Japan and Canada are the top suppliers of imports to the United
States (USITC, 1994).
Table 5-3 lists some average prices for refractory products for 1989, 1993 and 1998.
Most refractory products are typically used in kilns and ovens and are refractories engineered
for a particular use. Price is typically based on the consumer’s requirements.
In the last decade, the refractory industry has experienced significant restructuring.
Two large conglomerates, RHI and Vesuvius, dominate refractories markets (Sheppard,
2000). In 1999, Alpine Group sold its Premier Refractories unit to Cookson Group of the
U.K., and Global Industrial Technologies (parent of Harbison-Walker Refractories) was
acquired by RHI AG (formerly Radex Heraklith Industriebeteiligungs) of Austria. Other
leading refractory producers are Allied Mineral Products, Baker Refractories, Minerals
Technologies (via MINTEQ), Morgan Crucible, National Refractories Holding Co., Resco
Products, and Compagnie de Saint-Gobain.
Sources: U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census. 1994b. 1992 Census of Manufactures, Industry
Series—Cement and Structural Clay Products. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office.
U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census. 1995. 1993 Annual Survey of Manufactures.
M93(AS)-1. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office.
U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census. 1996. 1994 Annual Survey of Manufactures.
M94(AS)-1. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office.
U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census. 1997. 1995 Annual Survey of Manufactures.
M95(AS)-1. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office.
U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census. 1998. 1996 Annual Survey of Manufactures.
M96(AS)-1. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office.
U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census. 1999b. 1997 Census of Manufactures, Industry
Series—Manufacturing: Clay Refractory Manufacturing. Washington, DC: Government Printing
U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census. 2000. 1998 Annual Survey of Manufactures.
M98(AS)-1. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office.
Source: U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census. 1993–1999. Current Industrial Reports:
Refractories. MA 32C. Available at <>.
A recent study projects that shipments of U.S. refractory products will increase 2.5
percent annually to $2.9 billion in 2003 (Anonymous, 2000). In 1997, refractory products
shipments increased 10.7 percent. The refractory industry typically parallels the steel
industry, which is expected to maintain steady growth in the next few years (Bagsarian,
Anonymous. 2000. “U.S. Demand for Refractories to Reach $2.8 Billion through 2003.”
Ceramic Industry. Available at <
Bagsarian, Tom. January 2001. “Outlook 2001: Hitting Bottom in the First Quarter.” New
Steel Available at <>.
DHAN. 1999. “Industry Report: Refractories Passing through Difficult Times.” Available
at <>.
Dun & Bradstreet. 2000. D&B Million Dollar Directory. Series 2000. Bethlehem, PA:
Dun & Bradstreet, Inc.
R.S. Means Company, Inc. 1997, 1998 Building Construction Cost Data. Kingston, MA:
R.S. Means Company, Inc.
Semler, Charles E. 2000. “More about Industry Changes.” Ceramic Industry. Available at
Sheppard, Laural M.. 2000. “Trends in Refractories Technology: Highlights of the AcerS
Annual Meeting.” Refractories Applications.
U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Labor Statistics. 2001. Producer Price Index.
Available at <>.
U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census. 1995. 1993 Annual Survey of
Manufactures. M93(AS)-1. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office.
U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census. 1996a. 1994 Annual Survey of
Manufactures. M94(AS)-1. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office.
U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census. 1997. 1995 Annual Survey of
Manufactures. M95(AS)-1. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office.
U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census. 1998. 1996 Annual Survey of
Manufactures. M96(AS)-1. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office.
U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census. 1999d. 1998 Survey of Plant
Capacity. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office.
U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census. 2000. 1998 Annual Survey of
Manufactures. M98(AS)-1. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office.
U.S. Department of Commerce, and International Trade Administration. 1999. U.S. Industry
& Trade Outlook 2000. New York: The McGraw-Hill Companies and U.S.
Department of Commerce.
U.S. Department of Justice and the Federal Trade Commission. Horizontal Merger
Guidelines. April 8, 1992. <>.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). 1994. AP-42, Fifth Edition, Volume I,
Chapter 11: Mineral Products Industry. Washington, DC: Government Printing
Office. Available at <>.
U.S. International Trade Commission (USITC). 1993. Industry & Trade Summary:
Refractory Ceramic Products. USITC Publication 2692. Washington, DC: U.S.
International Trade Commission.
U.S. International Trade Commission (USITC). 1994. Industry & Trade Summary:
Refractory Ceramic Products. USITC Publication 2692. Washington, DC: U.S.
International Trade Commission.
Virta, Robert L. 1998. Minerals Information: Clay and Shale. Reston, VA: U.S.
Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey. Available at