United States Patent (19) 11 Patent Number: 5,928,426: Aitchison (45) Date of Patent: Jul. 27, 1999

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United States Patent (19) 11 Patent Number: 5,928,426

Aitchison (45) Date of Patent: Jul. 27, 1999
54 METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR TREATING 5,422,081 6/1995 Miyagi et al. .......................... 422/170
EXHAUST GASES FROM CVD, PECVD OR 5,468.459 11/1995 Tamhankar et al. ... 423/240 S
PLASMA ETCH REACTORS 5,738,908 4/1998 Rey et al. ............................... 427/249
5,782.942 7/1998 Wu ............................................ 55/312
75 Inventor: Kenneth Allen Aitchison, Los Gatos, FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS
0 382 984 A1 8/1990 European Pat. Off. ........ B01D 53/34
73 Assignee: Novellus Systems, Inc., San Jose, Calif. 38 14388 C1 3/1989 Germany ....................... C23C 16/44
43 19 118 A1 12/1994 Germany ... ... A62D 3/OO
60-1827 1/1985 Japan ..................................... 118/725
21 Appl. No.: 08/694,353 60-229333 11/1985 Japan ..................................... 118/715
22 Filed: Aug. 8, 1996 60-234313 11/1985 Japan ..................................... 118/715
63-278518 11/1988 Japan.
(51) Int. Cl. ............................................... L23C 16/00 1-293120 11/1989 Japan.
52 U.S. Cl. ......................... 118/715; 118/724; 55/385.1; 4-136175 5/1992 Japan ..................................... 118/715
55/385.2; 55/434.4; 55/440; 55/442; 55/443; 4-290525 10/1992 Japan.
156/345 96 16720 6/1996 WIPO ............................ B01D 53/46
58 Field of Search ..................................... 118/715, 724; Primary Examiner-Bruce Breneman
55/385.1, 385.2, 434.4, 440, 442, 443; ASSistant Examiner Jeffrie R Lund
438/905; 156/345 Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Skjerven, Morrill, MacPherson,
56) References Cited Franklin and Friel; David E. Steuber; Roberta P. Saxon
4,335,574 6/1982 Sato et al. ................................. 60/311 A method and apparatus for removing gas species which can
4,556,384 12/1985 Sarkozy ... ... 427/54.1 be deposited thermally from a Semiconductor process
4,608,063 8/1986 Kurokawa ................................. 55/208 exhaust gas is provided. To treat the exhaust gas, an exhaust
4,735,633 4/1988 Chiu .............................................. 55/2 gas reactor comprising an artificial Substrate which is heated
4,940,213 7/1990 Ohmine et al. .......... ... 266/152 is used. The artificial Substrate is a structure upon which high
5,063,737 11/1991 Lopez-Crevillen et al......... 60/286 temperature chemical vapor deposition (HTCVD) reaction
5,114,683 5/1992 Hirase ... ... 422/173 product is deposited. In particular, the HTCVD reaction
3. g Shea- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -S.g product is deposited by contacting the exhaust gas with the
21------ C a ---

5,303,558 4/1994 Caton et al. .. ... heated artificial substrate.

5,362,461 11/1994 Ohmi et al. ............................. 423/163
5,417,934 5/1995 Smith et al. ............................ 422/177 51 Claims, 8 Drawing Sheets

sk 99



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1 2
METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR TREATING The plasma eXtraction reactor comprises a pair of parallel,
EXHAUST GASES FROM CVD, PECVD OR Spaced-apart electrodes which are driven at radio frequency
PLASMA ETCH REACTORS to induce a glow discharge in the waste species. The excited
Species are deposited directly on the electrode Surface.
FIELD OF THE INVENTION Of importance, the plasma extraction reactor is located in
The present invention relates generally to chemical vapor the Sub-atmospheric pressure region (the foreline) between
deposition (CVD), plasma enhanced CVD and plasma etch the Semiconductor processing chamber in which the Semi
processes. In particular, the present invention relates to a conductor processing occurs and the vacuum pump which
method and apparatus for treating the exhaust gases from removes the exhaust gas from the Semiconductor processing
Such processes. chamber. The plasma extraction reactor must operate at
Sub-atmospheric pressure to effectively generate the plasma
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION which causes the excited exhaust gas Species to be depos
ited. During the required periodic Servicing and replacement
CVD, PECVD and plasma etch processes (sometimes of the plasma extraction reactor, the foreline must be vented
referred to herein as "semiconductor processes') use large 15 to atmospheric pressure. This necessitates removing the
amounts of a variety of process gases. The process gases Semiconductor processing chamber from Service, which is
used are often toxic, flammable and corrosive. Typically, undesirable. Further, the power Supplies used to power the
only a Small fraction of the process gases are consumed plasma extraction reactor, as well as the air to vacuum
during the Semiconductor process. As a result, the exhaust electrical interconnection required to Supply the power to the
gas from the Semiconductor process (which typically is a gas plasma eXtraction reactor, are relatively expensive to
mixture) typically contains a Substantial amount of unre purchase, maintain and operate.
acted process gases. To protect human health and the The art needs an exhaust gas treatment apparatus which is
environment, as well as to comply with various emission cost effective and operates well in its intended environment.
restrictions, the exhaust gas from CVD, PECVD or other In particular, it is desirable to avoid generating dust particles
processes is treated to remove toxic and hazardous gas 25
and to avoid dissolving exhaust gas Species in water.
Species before the exhaust gas is released to the atmosphere. Furthermore, it is desirable that the apparatus have an
A number of methods are used to treat Semiconductor extended lifetime and that the Semiconductor processing not
process exhaust gas, each having a number of drawbackS. be interrupted during the Servicing and replacement of the
One common method is to combust the exhaust gas by apparatuS.
burning the exhaust gas with fuel and air. However, fine
particulates (dust) are produced as a byproduct of the SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION
combustion. Typically, the dust itself presents an environ In accordance with the present invention, a method and
mental hazard and care must be exercised in collection of the apparatus for treating exhaust gas from Semiconductor pro
dust. Frequently, the dust is collected by water Scrubbing and 35 ceSSes is provided. In one embodiment, an exhaust gas
Subsequently the Scrubbing water is treated to remove the reactor for treating exhaust gas comprises an artificial Sub
dust particles. Further, the dust particles often clog various Strate which is heated. The artificial Substrate is a structure
jets and burners used in the combustion System which causes upon which high temperature chemical vapor deposition
the combustion System to fail. (HTCVD) reaction product is deposited. The HTCVD reac
Another conventional method of treating Semiconductor 40 tion product is deposited by contacting the exhaust gas with
process exhaust gas is by Wet Scrubbing. Wet Scrubbing the artificial Substrate.
entails reacting the exhaust gas with water which causes The artificial SubStrate can comprise a plurality of Sub
water Soluble gas species to dissolve in the water. The water Stantially parallel plates mounted in an Outer housing which
is then treated to remove the dissolved material. However, has an inlet port and an outlet port. In one embodiment, the
water treatment units are expensive to operate and maintain. 45 plurality of Substantially parallel plates comprises a plurality
Further, as water use restrictions become increasingly of short plates Spaced between a plurality of long plates. By
common, Wet Scrubbing techniques become increasingly locating the Short plates near the outlet port of the outer
leSS attractive. housing, the Surface area of the artificial Substrate is
In Smith et al., U.S. Pat. No. 5,417,934, a dry exhaust gas increased where the concentration of active gas species (gas
treatment method is disclosed. The method comprises intro 50 Species which can be deposited thermally) is relatively low.
ducing the exhaust gas into a heated Silicon Stage which This improves the efficiency of the exhaust gas reactor in
contains Silicon particulates partially coated with copper and removing the active gas Species from the exhaust gas.
then into a heated calcium oxide Stage which contains The artificial Substrate can be heated using a variety of
calcium oxide. techniques. The artificial Substrate can be heated indirectly
The exhaust gas reacts with the coated Silicon and the 55 by heating the outside Surface of the outer housing.
calcium oxide in the first and Second Stages, respectively, to Alternatively, the artificial substrate can be heated directly
form involatile compounds which remain in the first and by inductively coupling radio frequency or microwave
Second Stages. However, Since the coated Silicon and the radiation to the artificial Substrate, by passing an electrical
calcium oxide occupy a Substantial Volume, the remaining current through the artificial Substrate, or by locating a
volume available for the involatile compounds formed from 60 resistive heating element in the artificial Substrate. The
the reacted exhaust gas is limited. This limits the operating artificial Substrate temperature can be measured, for
life of the exhaust gas treatment unit. Further, the active example by using one or more thermocouples.
chemical components, i.e. the coated Silicon and calcium In one embodiment, the artificial Substrate comprises a
oxide, are relatively expensive and the exhaust gas treatment first tube and a plurality of plates radiating from the first tube
unit is also relatively expensive. 65 to a Second tube. In this embodiment, the artificial Substrate
In Chiu, U.S. Pat. No. 4,735,633, an exhaust gas treatment can be heated by locating a resistive heating element in the
method which uses a plasma extraction reactor is disclosed. first tube.
3 4
To cool the exhaust gas, an exhaust gas cooler can be ceSSes is provided. The method uses high temperature
located downstream of the exhaust gas reactor. Alternatively, chemical vapor deposition (HTCVD) to deposit dense,
a portion of the outer housing located near the outlet port can adherent coatings on artificial Substrates. AS used herein,
be cooled. artificial substrate refers to a structure upon which HTCVD
To improve the efficiency of the exhaust gas reactor or to reaction product from an exhaust gas is deposited.
modify the chemical composition of the HTCVD reaction Several elements shown in the following figures are
product deposited, Supplemental process gases can be Substantially similar. Therefore, Similar reference numbers
injected into the exhaust gas reactor and mixed with the are used to represent Similar elements.
exhaust gas in order to create deposits of binary, tertiary or
higher elemental composition. FIG. 1 is a Schematic view of a Semiconductor processing
In one embodiment, the exhaust gas reactor is mounted in System 10 utilizing an exhaust gas reactor 30 (exhaust gas
a Substantially airtight cabinet which vents any exhaust gas reactor is hereinafter referred to as EGR) in accordance with
which escapes from the exhaust gas reactor to the atmo one embodiment of the present invention. As shown in FIG.
Sphere. 1, a Semiconductor processing chamber 14 has a proceSS gas
A control System is used to control the operation of the 15
manifold 12. Semiconductor processing chamber 14 is typi
exhaust gas reactor. The control System monitors and main cally a plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition
tains the temperature of the exhaust gas reactor. Further, the (PECVD) chamber, a chemical vapor deposition (CVD)
control System can monitor the pressure at various locations chamber or a plasma etch chamber. Process gas manifold 12
in the exhaust gas reactor and divert the exhaust gas, for typically comprises a plurality of gas inlets which allow a
example directly to the atmosphere, when the flow of plurality of process gases to be mixed and introduced
exhaust gas through the exhaust reactor becomes obstructed. Simultaneously into chamber 14. An exhaust gas outlet port
These and other objects, features and advantages of the 16 from chamber 14 is coupled to an inlet port 20 of a
present invention will be more readily apparent from the Vacuum pump 22 by a conduit or pipe 18. An outlet port 24
detailed description of the preferred embodiments set forth of vacuum pump 22 is coupled to an inlet port 28 of EGR
below taken in conjunction with the accompanying draw 25
30 by a conduit or pipe 26. An outlet port 32 from EGR 30
IngS. is vented to atmosphere by a conduit or pipe 34. The arrows
in FIG. 1 indicate the direction of forward-flow of the
process and exhaust gases. AS used in this application,
FIG. 1 is a Schematic view of a Semiconductor processing downstream refers to the direction indicated by the arrows
System utilizing an exhaust gas reactor in accordance with and upstream refers to the direction opposite the arrows.
one embodiment of the present invention. During use, chamber 14 is pumped down to a Sub
FIG. 2 is a cross-sectional view of an exhaust gas reactor atmospheric pressure by vacuum pump 22. Process gas is
in accordance with one embodiment of the present inven introduced into chamber 14 through manifold 12. Exhaust
tion. gas (typically a gas mixture comprising unreacted process
FIG. 3 is a cross-sectional view taken along the line 35 gases and gases produced as a byproduct of the Semicon
III-III of the exhaust gas reactor shown in FIG. 2. ductor process) exits chamber 14 through outlet port 16. The
FIG. 4 is a cross-sectional view of an exhaust gas reactor exhaust gas travels through conduit 18 to inlet port 20 of
in accordance with another embodiment of the present pump 22.
invention. Pump 22 compresses the exhaust gas, which is at Sub
FIG. 5 is a cross-sectional view of a removable exhaust 40 atmospheric pressure at inlet port 20, to greater than or equal
gas reactor unit for use in an exhaust gas reactor in accor to atmospheric preSSure and discharges the compressed
dance with the preferred embodiment of the present inven exhaust gas at outlet port 24. The exhaust gas, which is now
tion. at or about atmospheric pressure, travels from outlet port 24
FIG. 6 is a cross-sectional view of an exhaust gas reactor through conduit 26 to inlet port 28 of EGR 30, which treats
which includes the removable exhaust gas reactor unit of 45 the exhaust gas as described in detail below. The treated
FIG. 5. exhaust gas is then discharged from EGR30 at outlet port 32
FIG. 7 is a cross-sectional view taken along the line to the atmosphere through conduit 34.
VII-VII of the exhaust gas reactor of FIG. 6. FIG. 2 is a cross-sectional view of an EGR 30a in
FIG. 8 is a graph of the mass fraction of tungsten accordance with one embodiment of the present invention.
hexafluoride (WF) in the exhaust gas versus position along 50 EGR 30a includes an outer housing 40, typically a sealed
the plates in an exhaust gas reactor in accordance with one metal tube. Outer housing 40 includes gas inlet port 28a and
embodiment of the present invention for plate temperatures gas outlet port 32a through which exhaust gas enters and
of 300° C., 400° C. and 500° C. exits EGR 30a, respectively. Located within outer housing
FIG. 9 is a perspective view partially cut away of an 40 is a plurality of plates 42 which form the artificial
exhaust gas reactor mounted in a cabinet which includes a 55 substrate for the HTCVD exhaust gas reaction described
System controller in accordance with one embodiment of the below. As shown, plates 42 are substantially parallel with
present invention. one another. Located on the outside Surface 46 of outer
FIG. 10 is a block diagram of a controller used to control housing 40 is an electrically heated jacket 44.
the exhaust gas reactor. FIG. 3 is a cross-sectional view of EGR 30a taken on the
FIG. 11 is a cross-sectional view of an exhaust gas reactor 60 line III-III shown in FIG. 2. As shown in FIG. 3, a first end
showing the locations of various valves, thermocouples and 48 and a second end 50 of each plate 42 is in contact with
transducers. the inner surface 52 of outer housing 40. Furthermore, each
plate 42 has a various width (the distance between first end
48 and second end 50) which depends upon the location of
65 the plate within outer housing 40. In particular, upper and
In accordance with the present invention, a method and lower plates 42a, 42c located at the top and bottom,
apparatus for treating exhaust gas from Semiconductor pro respectively, of outer housing 40 have the smallest width.
S 6
Center plates 42b, located near the center of Outer housing in FIG. 4, the plates contained within outer housing 40
40, have the largest width. The widths of plates 42 increase comprise long plates 60 and short plates 62. Long plates 60
from upper plate 42a (and lower plate 42c) to center plates are substantially similar to plates 42 in EGR 30a (FIG. 2)
42b. Plates 42 can be tack-welded to an inner sleeve that has and extend across a substantial length of EGR 30b.
a diameter slightly leSS than the inner diameter of the metal However, located between each long plate 60 is a short plate
tube. 62. In one embodiment, the length of short plates 62 is
During use, jacket 44 heats the Outer Surface 46 of outer one-half the length of long plates 60.
housing 40. Heat is conducted from outer surface 46 to inner During use, exhaust gas flows between plates 60, 62 from
surface 52 of outer housing 40. The heat is then conducted inlet port 28a to outlet port 32a. The concentration of active
to first and second ends 48, 50 and to plates 42. As a result, gas Species in the exhaust gas is highest at first ends 64 of
outer housing 40 and plates 42 are heated to an elevated long plates 60. AS the exhaust gas travels along plates 60, 62,
temperature. the active gas Species are removed from the exhaust gas and
Exhaust gas is then introduced into EGR 30a. As best involatile HTCVD reaction product is deposited on plates
Seen in FIG. 2, exhaust gas enters gas inlet port 28a, flows 60, 62. As a result, the concentration of active gas Species in
through the Spaces between plates 42 and exits at Outlet port the exhaust gas is the lowest (if not Zero) at Second ends 66
32a. The arrows in FIG. 2 indicate the direction of forward of long plates 60.
flow of the exhaust gas. In particular, as the exhaust gas By locating short plates 62 in a region 70 near outlet port
flows between plates 42, the exhaust gas contacts the heated 32b, the Surface area available for the HTCVD reaction in
Surfaces of plates 42. As a result of contacting the heated region 70 is increased. (In this embodiment, where one short
surfaces of plates 42, a HTCVD reaction occurs which forms plate 62 is located between each long plate 60, the Surface
an involatile reaction product which adheres to the heated area available for the HTCVD reaction in region 70 is
Surfaces of plates 42. Generally, any exhaust gas which approximately doubled as compared to a region 68 where
contains gas Species which can be deposited thermally can there are no short plates 62.) This advantageously increases
be treated (these gas species are hereinafter referred to as 25
the surface area in region 70 where the concentration of
active gas Species). active gas Species is relatively low, thereby improving the
For example, the exhaust gas from a typical tungsten efficiency of EGR30b, i.e. thereby improving the percentage
CVD process contains gaseous tungsten hexafluoride (WF) removal of active gas Species from the exhaust gas.
and hydrogen (H). When the WF and H contact the heated Conversely, in region 68 near inlet port 28a where the
surfaces of plates 42, an HTCVD reaction occurs which concentration of active gas Species is relatively high, the
deposits tungsten on the heated Surfaces of plates 42. To spacing between plates 64 is increased as compared to the
effectively promote the WF HTCVD reaction, plates 42 are plate spacing in region 70. The rate at which HTCVD
generally heated to at least 350° C., and preferably to at least reaction product is deposited is higher when the active gas
500° C. Species concentration is higher. As a result, the tendency of
Generally, to promote the HTCVD reaction with the 35 HTCVD reaction product to deposit and obstruct the flow of
exhaust gas, the surface area upon which the HTCVD exhaust gas is greatest at first ends 64 of long plates 60. The
reaction occurs is maximized for any given EGR Volume. In increased plate spacing in region 68 allows more HTCVD
particular, by arranging Several plates 42 instead of a single reaction product to be deposited in region 68 before the
plate inside of outer housing 40 as shown in FIGS. 2 and 3, exhaust gas flow is obstructed. This extends the amount of
the surface area of plates 42 within outer housing 40 is 40
time which EGR 30b can be used before the flow of exhaust
increased from that of a Single plate. By increasing the gas through EGR 30b is obstructed.
Surface area of plates 42 within Outer housing 40, the area FIG. 5 is a cross-sectional view of a removable EGR unit
available for contact with the exhaust gas is correspondingly 81 which includes an artificial Substrate 80 mounted to a face
increased. By providing a large Surface area upon which the plate 82 for use in an EGR in accordance with the preferred
HTCVD reaction occurs, the HTCVD reaction is promoted. 45 embodiment of the present invention. Artificial substrate 80
This in turn promotes the efficiency of EGR 30a, i.e. includes an inner tube 84 which is attached or welded on a
promotes the complete removal of active gas Species from first end 86 to face plate 82. Face plate 82 has an opening
the exhaust gas. formed therein to provide access to the inside of inner tube
To further promote the HTCVD reaction, the temperature 84. The second end 88 of inner tube 84 is sealed. Located
of plates 42 is maintained above the minimum temperature 50 within inner tube 84 is a resistive heating element 90.
required to initiate the HTCVD reaction. In particular, the Resistive heating element 90 has first and second leads 92,
plates are preferably heated Such that if there is any non 94 which are connected to a source of voltage (not shown).
uniformity in temperature acroSS the plates, the minimum Attached to a portion of inner tube 84 adjacent Second end
plate temperature is greater than the minimum temperature 88 are first ends 96 of plates 98. As further described below,
required to initiate the HTCVD reaction. This is accom 55 plates 98 radiate outward from inner tube 84 to an outer tube
plished by Setting the temperature of jacket 44 above the 100. Plates 98 are attached on a second end 99 to outer tube
minimum temperature required to initiate the HTCVD reac 100.
tion. AS discussed above, to effectively treat exhaust gas FIG. 6 is a cross-sectional view of an EGR 30c which
containing WF, plates 42 must generally be heated to a includes removable EGR unit 81 in accordance with this
minimum temperature greater than 350° C. Therefore, when 60 embodiment of the present invention. In this embodiment,
treating exhaust gas containing WF, the temperature of an outer housing 102 has a flanged first end 104. Flanged
jacket 44 should be set above 350° C. and in one embodi first end 104 allows removable EGR unit 81 to be readily
ment is set at 550° C. installed and removed.
FIG. 4 is a cross-sectional view of an EGR 30b in To install removable EGR unit 81 into outer housing 102,
accordance with another embodiment of the present inven 65 second end 88 of inner tube 84 along with plates 98 and
tion. FIG. 4 is substantially similar to FIG. 2 except for the outer tube 100 are inserted into flanged first end 104.
arrangement of the plates within outer housing 40. AS shown Removable EGR unit 81 is then slid into outer housing 102
7 8
until face plate 82 contacts flanged first end 104. An O-ring are removed from the exhaust gas, and involatile HTCVD
106 is located between face plate 82 and flange first end 104 reaction product is deposited on plates 98 and tubes 84 and
to create a vacuum Seal between face plate 82 and flanged 100. The use of removable EGR unit 81 advantageously
first end 104. To make installation and removal of removable improves the serviceability of EGR 30c since the amount of
EGR unit 81 easier, handles can be mounted to the outer material deposited directly on Outer housing 102 is reduced.
surface of face plate 82. (During servicing of EGR 30c, removable EGR unit 81 is
In one embodiment, the length. A from first end 104 to a removed, any deposits on inner Surface 95 of outer housing
102 are removed and a new removable EGR unit 81 is
second end 140 of EGR 30c is 40 inches. Inlet port 28a and installed. Alternatively, removable EGR unit 81 is stripped
outlet port 32a are two inches in diameter. The length B from of HTCVD reaction product and the same removable EGR
first end 104 to plates 98 is six inches. The length D of plates unit is installed.)
98 is twenty four inches. The length E from plates 98 to This is in contrast to EGRs 30a, 30b shown in FIGS. 2,
outlet port 32a is two inches. The length C from plates 98 to 3 and 4 in which HTCVD reaction product deposited
second end 140 is ten inches and the length F from outlet directly on outer housing 40 (which is heated) is typically
port 32a to second end 140 is six inches. removed during Servicing. In alternative embodiments,
FIG. 7 is a cross-sectional view of EGR 30c along the line plates 42 and 60, 62 in EGRs 30a, 30b, respectively, are
VII-VII of FIG. 6 in accordance with this embodiment of
encased in a second tube 49 (indicated by the dashed line in
the present invention. As shown in FIG. 7, inner tube 84 has FIG. 3) similar to second outer tube 100 (FIGS. 5, 6 and 7),
enclosed therein resistive heating element 90. Plates 98 thereby reducing the amount of HTCVD reaction product
radiate outward from inner tube 84 to outer tube 100. In deposited directly on inner Surface 52 of outer housing 40
particular, each plate 98 is connected on first end 96 to inner (FIG. 2, 3 and 4).
tube 84 and on second end 99 to outer tube 100. Generally, In an alternative embodiment, the EGR is mounted in a
at least two plates 98 are used. In one embodiment, plates 98 Vertical position Such that face plate 82 is directed upward.
are located at 15 increments, i.e. the angle Z in FIG. 7 In this embodiment, deposits which form on the plates and
between adjacent plates 98 equals 15. 25 other inner surfaces of the EGR may be knocked off by some
Also shown in FIG. 7 is an optional third tube 142 in mechanical means at predetermined intervals. Gravity will
which one or more thermocouples can be located. Tube 142 drive the particles of deposit downward to plate 140. A
is mounted to the outer Surface of inner tube 84 and in one flange connection may be substituted for plate 140, and
embodiment extends the length of inner tube 84. One end of connection can be made to a container for retaining this
tube 142 (not shown), adjacent second end 88 of inner tube accumulated material. Alternatively, as the deposit builds up
84, is sealed. The second end of tube 142 (not shown) is on the plates and inner Surfaces of the EGR, Stresses in this
mounted to face plate 82. To allow access to the inside of deposited material may result in a loss of adhesion, and the
tube 142, face plate 82 has a second hole which coincides coating of deposited material may spontaneously fall off,
with tube 142. It is understood that tubes 84, 142 are thereby cleaning the Surfaces. If necessary, an automated
mounted to face plate 82 such that during use of EGR 30c, 35 means of periodically pushing these Solids down may be
the inside of tubes 84, 142 are isolated from exhaust gas provided.
located within EGR 30c. Thus, thermocouples can be The temperature distribution of various EGRs in accor
located at, and the temperature can be measured at, various dance with the present invention were modeled, and the
positions along the length of EGR 30c by the thermocouples results are shown in the table below. EGR A is similar to
located inside of tube 142. 40 EGR 30a (FIG. 3) in which first and second ends 48, 50 of
To allow outer tube 100 to fit into outer housing 102, the plates 42 are assumed to be attached to the inner Surface 52
outer diameter of outer tube 100 is less than the inner of outer housing 40. EGR B is similar to EGR 30a (FIG. 3)
diameter of outer housing 102. To maximize conductive heat with the exception that first and second ends 48, 50 of plates
transfer from jacket 44, through outer housing 102 and to 42 are assumed to be /4 inch from inner Surface 52 of outer
outer tube 100, the outer diameter of outer tube 100 should 45 housing 40. EGR C is similar to reactor 30a (FIG. 3) with
be such that outer tube 100 fits snugly into outer housing the exception that plates 42 are assumed to be enclosed in
102. Typically, outer housing 102 has an inside diameter of second tube 49 (indicated by a dashed line 49 in FIG.3) and
four inches and the difference between the inside diameter of the average spacing between the outer Surface of tube 49 and
outside housing 102 and the outer diameter of outer tube 100 inner Surface 52 of outer housing 40 is assumed to be 0.010
is less than six millimeters (mm). 50 inches. EGR D is similar to EGR 30c (FIG. 7) wherein the
During use, heat generated by resistive heating element angle Zbetween plates is assumed to be 15 and the average
90 is conducted through inner tube 84 to first ends 96 of spacing between the outer surface of outer tube 100 and the
plates 98, and ultimately to plates 98. Heat generated by inner Surface 95 of outer housing 102 is assumed to be six
jacket 44 is conducted through outer housing 102 and heats millimeters.
outer tube 100, second ends 99 of plates 98, and ultimately 55 In EGRs A, B and C, it is assumed that there are eight
plates 98. By heating plates 98 from first ends 96 with plates 42 and the Spacing between plates 42 is 1 centimeter
resistive heating element 90 and from second ends 99 with (cm). In all of the EGRs A, B, C and D, the following
jacket 44, non-uniformity in the temperature distribution of assumptions are made. The plates are /16 inch thick Stainless
plates 98 is reduced as compared to the Single jacket heated steel plates. Outer housing (40, 102 in FIGS. 3, 7,
EGRs 30a, 30b shown in FIGS. 2, 3 and 4. However, in one 60 respectively) has an outer diameter of four inches and is 36
embodiment, EGR 30c is heated using only jacket 44, or inches in length (which is defined as the length from inlet
alternatively, only resistive heating element 90. port 28a to outlet port 32a). The length of the plates (42, 98
Referring again to FIG. 6, exhaust gas containing active in FIGS. 2, 6, respectively) is 24 inches. Heater jacket 44 is
gas species enters inlet port 28a, flows between plates 98 also 24 inches in length and is positioned laterally to
and exits through outlet port 32a. AS the exhaust gas 65 correspond with the plates. Heater jacket 44 is heated to
contacts plates 98, the outside surface of inner tube 84, and 550. Further, in reactor D, it is assumed that the internal
the inside surface of outer tube 100, the active gas species resistive heating element 90 is also heated to 550° C.
9 10
EGRs A, B, C and D were modeled for an exhaust gas at a plate temperature of 400° C., all WF is removed from
Stream as follows: the exhaust gas.
Inlet temperature 100° C. The 500 C. curve represents the WF mass fraction of the
PreSSure 760 torr exhaust gas verSuS distance along the plates for a plate
temperature of 500° C. As shown by the 500° C. curve, the
WF gas flow 400 sccm WF mass fraction decreases to Zero at a distance of approxi
hydrogen (H) flow 18,000 sccm mately 10 cm from the leading edge of the plates. However,
silane (SiH) flow 20 sccm since the WF is removed within the first 10 cm of the plates,
argon (Ar) flow 21,000 sccm heavy tungsten (the HTCVD reaction product from WF)
deposits occur in the first 10 cm of the plates with substan
Total flow 39,420 sccm tially no tungsten deposits occurring in the remaining 50 cm
where Sccm Stands for Standard cubic centimeters per minute of the plates. However, it is desirable to distribute the
and the inlet temperature is the temperature of the exhaust tungsten deposits over the length of the plates to increase the
gas as it enters inlet port 28a. Radiative heat transfer and gas amount of tungsten which can be deposited before the flow
consumption were neglected in the temperature distribution of exhaust gas is significantly restricted and thus increase the
modeling. 15 lifetime of the EGR. By lowering the temperature (as shown
The results of the predicted average plate temperatures are by the 400° C. curve), the tungsten deposits are distributed
provided in Table 1. In Table 1, for EGRs A, B and C, plates over a greater length of the plates.
1, 4 refer to plates 42a, 42b, respectively (FIG.3) and plates In alternative embodiments, instead of using heating
2 and 3 refer to the plates located in between plates 42a and jacket to heat the Outer housing, the outer housing is heated
42b. For EGR D, plate 1 refers to any plate 98 since the using heating tape or a tube furnace. Alternatively, the
Symmetrical design of EGRD heats each plate Substantially artificial Substrate can be heated directly. For example, the
identically. artificial Substrate can be located in an electrically insulating
outer housing Such as an Outer housing made of quartz.
Then, the artificial substrate is heated by inductively cou
Exhaust Gas Average Plate Temperature C. 25 pling radio frequency (RF) or microwave radiation to the
Reactor Plate 1 Plate 2 Plate 3 Plate 4
artificial Substrate. Alternatively, the artificial Substrate is
heated by passing an electric current through the artificial
A. 481 443 42O 412 Substrate.
B 345 211 2O7 215 Although flat plates are described in the above EGRs in
C 475 431 4O6 396
D >500
accordance with the present invention, in other embodi
ments other artificial Substrate configurations are used. For
example, wavy or curved plates can be used. Plates with
AS discussed above, to effectively remove WF from the protrusions or apertures can be used. In one embodiment, the
exhaust gas, the minimum plate temperature should gener artificial Substrate does not comprise plates, for example is
ally be above 350° C. In EGR B, the average plate tem 35 a honeycomb mesh or is a Series of Strips. The artificial
perature for plates 1-4 is below 350° C. This is because heat Substrate may be formed of any metal, alloy, or other
is not readily conducted acroSS the 4 inch gap between the refractory inorganic material(s) that can withstand the ther
first and second ends 48,50 and the inner Surface 52 of outer mal and chemical environment to which it is exposed.
housing 40. In EGRSA, C adequate temperature distribution In accordance with the present invention, the HTCVD
is achieved. EGR D has the highest plate temperature (over 40 reaction product is deposited directly on the artificial Sub
500° C.) primarily due to the addition of the resistive heating Strate. AS Such, dense adherent coatings are deposited on the
element 90 (FIG. 7). artificial Substrate.
For EGRA (parallel plate with plate spacing of 1 cm), the By forming dense adherent coatings on the artificial
effect of plate temperature on the efficiency of removal of Substrate, the production of fine particulates (dust) is
WF was also modeled. The three curves of FIG. 8 show the 45 avoided. In one embodiment, a EGR is oriented vertically
mass fraction of WF in the total flow versus position along (for example, by rotating EGR 30a in FIG. 2 clockwise by
plates 42 for plate temperatures of 300° C., 400° C. and 500 90° so that plates 42 are vertical). In this manner, a region
C., respectively. The exhaust gas inlet composition and 120 (FIG. 2) captures any material which flakes off of the
conditions were Substantially Similar to those used in mod artificial Substrate. (Any flakes which are produced typically
eling the temperature distribution of EGRs A, B, C and D 50 are relatively large and heavy and thus are readily captured
discussed above in reference to Table 1. In all three cases, as compared to the dust generated by Some conventional
the WF mass fraction of the exhaust gas as it enters the inlet techniques.)
port 28a of the EGR is approximately 0.16. Further, by forming dense adherent coatings on the arti
The 300° C. curve represents the WF mass fraction of the ficial Substrate, the tendency of impurities trapped in the
exhaust gas verSuS distance along the plates for a plate 55 deposited coating to be leachable is reduced (for example,
temperature of 300° C. As shown by the 300° C. curve, the when a EGR is removed from service and placed in a
WF mass fraction of the exhaust gas decreases from landfill). Depending upon the particular process and exhaust
approximately 0.16 as the exhaust gas enters the plates to gas treated, this may result in the decommissioned EGR (and
approximately 0.12 as the exhaust gas exits the plates. the HTCVD reaction product contained therein) to be clas
However, it is generally desirable to remove all WF, from 60 sified as a low hazard waste, for example as non-hazardous
the exhaust gas. waste. This is particularly advantageous Since the cost and
The 400 C. curve represents the WF mass fraction of the long term liability associated with the disposal of hazardous
exhaust gas verSuS distance along the plates for a plate waste can be significant. Further, Since the exhaust gas
temperature of 400° C. As shown by the 400° C. curve, the reaction byproducts often contain materials which can be
WF mass fraction decreases to Zero at a distance of approxi 65 readily recycled (depending upon the particular process and
mately 30 cm from the leading edge of the plates (the edge exhaust gas treated), the decommissioned EGR and/or
where the exhaust gas first encounters the plates). AS Such, removed materials can possibly be sent to a recycler.
11 12
Generally, the EGR is decommissioned when the HTCVD reaction product is deposited in EGR 160, the flow of
reaction product significantly obstructs the flow of the exhaust gas through EGR 160 is impeded. This results in a
exhaust gas through the EGR. Decommissioning typically pressure rise at inlet port 28a. When the pressure at inlet port
involves taking the EGR off-line, removing the artificial 28a reaches a Setpoint pressure, for example 780 torr, System
Substrate and removing any deposits remaining within the controller 164 activates a bypass system (not shown). The
outer housing. A new artificial Substrate is installed and the bypass system diverts exhaust gas from EGR 160, for
EGR is brought back on-line. Since the EGR is located after example diverts the exhaust gas directly to the atmosphere
vacuum pump 22 (FIG. 1) and the flow of exhaust gas can or to a redundant Scrubber or dilution tube.
easily be diverted, servicing the EGR has minimal effect on In another embodiment, system controller 164 activates
chamber 14. the bypass System when the pressure change from inlet port
In one embodiment, the amount of deposits on the arti 28a to outlet port 32a reaches a setpoint preSSure change, for
ficial Substrate is measured by passing an electrical current example 30 torr. This preSSure change can be measured, for
through the artificial Substrate while monitoring the tem example, through pressure transducerS mounted to inlet port
perature of the artificial substrate. In this embodiment, the 28a and outlet port 32a.
artificial Substrate is heated only by an electric current 15 In one embodiment, system controller 164 includes a
passing through the artificial Substrate. Due to the resistance display 166. This enables system controller 164 to display
of the artificial Substrate, the electrical current heats the various conditions, Such as the temperature and pressure, of
artificial Substrate. EGR 160. Alternatively, controller 164 outputs the informa
By measuring the change in temperature of the artificial tion directly to another electronic unit, for example to a
Substrate for a given electrical current, the change in resis central controller which controls the entire Semiconductor
tance of the artificial Substrate can be measured. For process. Although System controller 164 is shown as integral
example, when an electrical conductor Such as tungsten is to cabinet 162, it is understood that system controller 164
deposited on the artificial Substrate, the resistance of the can be remote from cabinet 162.
artificial Substrate is reduced. For a fixed amount of elec FIGS. 10 and 11 illustrate how controller 164 (which may
trical current through the artificial Substrate, any reduction in 25 be an Anafaze MLS 16 programmable controller) is con
resistance correspondingly reduces the temperature of the nected to the heaters, valves and transducers on EGR 30c.
artificial Substrate. This reduction in temperature can be FIG. 10 shows a block diagram of controller 164 having
measured, for example, by locating a thermocouple on the various inputs and outputs. FIG.11 shows the heaters, valves
artificial Substrate, and the amount of material deposited on and transducers associated with EGR 30c. AS indicated,
the Substrate can be calculated. Alternatively, the reduction controller 164 receives input Signals from three thermo
in the resistance of the artificial Substrate is measured couples TC1, TC2 and TC3, which detect the temperature in
directly, and the amount of material deposited on the Sub the top, center and bottom Zones, respectively, of resistive
Strate is correspondingly calculated. heating element 90, and a thermocouple TC4, which detects
In the case where the deposited material is a dielectric, the the temperature in the jacket heater 44. Controller 164 also
amount of deposits on the artificial Substrate can again be 35 receives an input Signal from a pressure tranducer PT which
measured by passing an electrical current through the arti monitors the pressure at the inlet port 28.a. Controller 164
ficial Substrate while monitoring the temperature of the uses the input Signals to generate outputs which regulate
artificial Substrate. In this embodiment, the artificial Sub valves V1 and V2 upstream of EGR 30c and valve V3
Strate is heated only by an electrical current passing through downstream of EGR 30c. Closing valve V1 and opening
the artificial Substrate. The temperature of the artificial 40 valve V2, for example, causes EGR 30c to be bypassed.
Substrate for a given current increases as the amount of Other outputs CHP, JHP regulate the power flow to the
dielectric deposited on the artificial Substrate increases resistive heating element 90 and the jacket heater 44, respec
because the dielectric material acts as a thermal insulator. tively. Another output AL activates an alarm (not shown) in
This increase in temperature is measured and the amount of the event of a malfunction-for example, an excessive
dielectric material deposited on the artificial Substrate is then 45 increase in the pressure detected by pressure transducer PT.
calculated. Referring back to FIG. 1, EGR 30 is located downstream
FIG. 9 is a perspective view partially cut away of an EGR from vacuum pump 22. However, in an alternative
mounted in a cabinet which includes a System controller in embodiment, EGR 30 is located upstream from vacuum
accordance with one embodiment of the present invention. pump 22, i.e. is located between outlet port 16 of chamber
As shown in FIG. 9, an EGR 160 is enclosed within a cabinet 50 14 and inlet port 20 of vacuum pump 22. For example, it
162. Cabinet 162 is a substantially airtight cabinet which may be desirable to locate EGR 30 upstream to reduce the
forms a secondary containment around EGR 160 to contain volume of exhaust gas through EGR 30 (vacuum pump 22
any exhaust gas which escapes from EGR 160. Typically, is often fed ballast nitrogen which mixes with the exhaust
cabinet 162 is fitted with a vent (not shown) to vent any gas and increases the total Volume of exhaust gas which exits
escaped exhaust gas to the atmosphere. Further, cabinet 162 55 vacuum pump 22).
can be fed a purge gas, Such as air or nitrogen, to purge any By locating EGR30 upstream from vacuum pump 22, the
escaped exhaust gas from cabinet 162. pressure within EGR 30 is reduced to below atmospheric
Located in the top Section of cabinet 162 is a System pressure. Typically, as the pressure within EGR 30 is
controller 164 which monitors and controls EGR 160. Sys reduced, the temperature to which the artificial Substrate
tem controller 164 measures the temperature (using 60 must be heated to effectively treat the exhaust gas is
thermocouples) of EGR 160. System controller 164 accord increased.
ingly adjusts the temperature(s) of heater jacket 44 and/or In an alternative embodiment, an exhaust gas cooler is
resistive heating element 90 (FIG. 6) to maintain the tem located downstream of the EGR. Referring to FIG. 1, an
perature of EGR 160 at the desired setpoint temperature. exhaust gas cooler 122 cools exhaust gas is charged from
In one embodiment, system controller 164 monitors the 65 EGR30 at outlet port 32 before the exhaust gas is discharged
pressure at inlet port 28a of EGR 160, for example through to the atmosphere. For example, it may be desirable to cool
a pressure transducer mounted to inlet port 28a. As HTCVD the exhaust gas thereby eliminating the necessity of insu
13 14
lating conduit 34 through which the exhaust gas flows to the Moreover, while this invention is advantageously applied
atmosphere. The exhaust gas can be cooled, for example, by to Semiconductor processing, it is clear that this invention is
a conventional water cooled heat eXchanger. Although also applicable to any CVD, PECVD plasma etch or similar
exhaust gas cooler 122 in FIG. 1 is shown as a separate unit, process used in industries other than the Semiconductor
it is understood that exhaust gas cooler 122 can be mounted industry. For example, the deposition of optical coatings for
directly to the output port 32 of EGR 30. architectural use is increasingly being accomplished by
Alternatively, the exhaust gas cooler can be integral with CVD or PECVD processes. In addition, many other indus
the EGR. Referring to FIG. 6, by wrapping a water cooled trial processes generate waste Streams containing gaseous
coil 119 around section C of exhaust gas reactor 30c, the compounds of the elements listed above; this invention can
exhaust gas is cooled before it exits outlet port 32a. be used with any Such proceSS.
In an alternative embodiment, Supplemental process gases I claim:
are injected into EGR 30 (FIG. 1) and mixed with the 1. An exhaust gas reactor comprising:
exhaust gas to improve the efficiency of EGR 30 or to an Outer housing having an inlet port and an outlet port;
modify the chemical composition of the HTCVD reaction an artificial Substrate located within Said outer housing
product deposited. For example, when WF is the active gas 15
Said artificial Substrate comprising:
Species, oxygen, ammonia or methane could be injected into a first tube;
EGR 30 to form tungsten trioxide, tungsten nitride or a Second tube, and
tungsten carbide, respectively, instead of elemental tungsten. a plurality of plates radiating from Said first tube to Said
In alternative embodiments, instead of treating an exhaust Second tube, and
gas containing WF, other inorganic containing gases are
treated. For example, gases containing lithium, Silicon, means for heating Said artificial Substrate.
potassium, rubidium, cesium, Strontium, barium, Scandium, 2. The exhaust gas reactor of claim 1 wherein Said means
yttrium, lanthanium, cerium, praeseodymium, neodymium, for heating heats Said artificial Substrate to a temperature of
at least 350° C.
Samarium, europium, gadolinium, terbium, dySprosium, 3. The exhaust gas reactor of claim 1 wherein Said means
holmium, erbium, thulium, ytterbium, lutetium, Vanadium, for heating comprises means for inductively coupling radio
manganese, rhenium, iron, osmium, cobalt, tridium, 25
frequency or microwave energy to Said artificial Substrate.
palladium, copper, gold, Zinc, cadmium, mercury, boron, 4. The exhaust gas reactor of claim 1 wherein Said means
aluminum, gallium, Zudium, thallium, carbon, lead, for heating comprises means for passing an electrical current
nitrogen, antimony, bismuth, Oxygen, Sulfur, Selenium, through Said artificial Substrate.
tellurium, germanium, tin, boron, aluminum, gallium, 5. The exhaust gas reactor of claim 1 further comprising
indium, phosphorus, arsenic, copper, nickel, platinum, means for measuring the temperature of Said artificial Sub
tungsten, molybdenum, chromium, tantalum, niobium, Strate.
titanium, Zirconium, hafnium, magnesium, beryllium, 6. The exhaust gas reactor of claim 5 wherein Said means
calcium, Silver, ruthenium, rhodium are treated. Generally, for measuring comprises a thermocouple.
any exhaust gas which contains active gas Species whose 7. The exhaust gas reactor of claim 1 wherein Said outer
compounds can be deposited thermally can be treated. 35 housing is a Sealed metal tube.
Referring to FIG. 1, in an alternative embodiment an 8. The exhaust gas reactor of claim 1 wherein Said means
additional high temperature (HT) reactor 130 located down for heating comprises an electrically heated jacket located
Stream from EGR 30 is installed. HT reactor 130 is Sub on an outside Surface of Said outer housing.
stantially similar in structure to EGR 30. However, the 9. The exhaust gas reactor of claim 1 wherein Said means
temperature in HT reactor 130 is relatively high as compared 40 for heating comprises a resistive heating element located in
to EGR 30, and is generally greater than 900 C. The said first tube.
relatively high temperature in HT reactor 130 is sufficient to 10. The exhaust gas reactor of claim 1 wherein said first
decompose perfluorocarbons (PFCs). Although HT reactor tube has a first end and a Second end, Said first end being
130 includes a heated structure similar to the artificial attached to a face plate, Said Second end being Sealed.
Substrate in EGR 30, the heated structure is used to decom 45 11. The exhaust gas reactor of claim 10 wherein said outer
pose PFC and is typically not used as a Substrate upon which housing has a flanged first end which is in contact with Said
HTCVD reaction product is deposited. As such, the heated face plate.
structure within HT reactor 130 is not referred to as an 12. The exhaust gas reactor of claim 10 wherein said
artificial Substrate. reactor is mounted vertically Such that Said face plate is
Although the present invention has been described with 50 directed upward.
reference to preferred embodiments, perSons skilled in the 13. The exhaust gas reactor of claim 1 wherein an angle
art will recognize that changes may be made in form and between adjacent plates of Said plurality of plates is 15.
detail without departing from the Spirit and Scope of the 14. The exhaust gas reactor of claim 1 wherein Said
invention. For example, although Specific numbers of plates Second tube has an outer diameter less than an inner diam
are Set forth in various embodiments, it is understood that 55 eter of Said outer housing.
other EGRS can be designed with more or less plates. Also, 15. The exhaust gas reactor of claim 14 wherein said outer
although the Outer housing is described as circular in croSS diameter of Said Second tube is Six millimeters Smaller than
Section, it is understood that the outer housing can have Said inner diameter of Said outer housing.
other shapes, for example can be rectangular in croSS 16. The exhaust gas reactor of claim 1 wherein said inlet
Section. Further, although the inlet and outlet ports are 60 port of said outer housing is coupled to a CVD, PECVD or
shown as having a particular orientation and design, it is plasma etch chamber.
understood that the inlet and outlet ports can have other 17. The exhaust gas reactor of claim 16 wherein a vacuum
orientations and designs. It is also understood that the pump is located between said inlet port of Said outer housing
Vacuum connections between various components can be and Said chamber.
made using a variety of conventional techniques and that the 65 18. The exhaust gas reactor of claim 1 wherein said outlet
temperature of an EGR can be measured at a variety of port of Said outer housing is coupled to an exhaust gas
locations, for example by using thermocouples. cooler.
15 16
19. The exhaust gas reactor of claim 1 wherein a portion 36. The method of claim 31 wherein said active gas
of Said outer housing located adjacent Said output port and Species is tungsten hexafluoride (WF) and wherein Said
after Said artificial Substrate is cooled. heating comprises heating Said artificial Substrate to a tem
20. The exhaust gas reactor of claim 1 further comprising perature of at least 350° C.
a first means for measuring pressure mounted to Said inlet 37. The method of claim 31 wherein said heating com
port. prises coupling radio frequency or microwave radiation to
21. The exhaust gas reactor of claim 20 further compris Said artificial Substrate.
ing a Second means for measuring pressure mounted to Said 38. The method of claim 31 wherein said heating com
outlet port. prises passing an electrical current through Said artificial
22. The exhaust gas reactor of claim 1 further comprising 39. The method of claim 38 further comprising measuring
a System controller adapted to control the temperature of the temperature of Said artificial Substrate.
Said exhaust gas reactor. 40. The method of claim 31 further comprising cooling
23. The exhaust gas reactor of claim 22 wherein Said Said exhaust gas Subsequent to Said contacting.
System controller is adapted to monitor the preSSure of Said 41. The method of claim 31 further comprising mixing
exhaust gas reactor. 15
Said exhaust gas with Supplemental process gases.
24. The exhaust gas reactor of claim 1 wherein Said 42. The method of claim 41 wherein said supplemental
exhaust gas reactor is located in a Substantially airtight process gasses are Selected from the group consisting of
OXygen, ammonia, and methane.
25. The exhaust gas reactor of claim 24 wherein said 43. The method of claim 31 further comprising contacting
substantially airtight cabinet is fitted with a vent. Said exhaust gas with a heated Structure heated to a tem
26. The exhaust gas reactor of claim 24 wherein Said perature greater than the temperature of Said artificial Sub
Substantially airtight cabinet is connected to a Source of Strate.
purge gaS. 44. The method of claim 43 wherein said heated structure
27. The exhaust gas reactor of claim 1 wherein said outlet is heated to a temperature Sufficient to decompose perfluo
port of Said outer housing is coupled to a high temperature 25
exhaust gas reactor. 45. The method of claim 44 wherein said heated structure
28. A Semiconductor processing System comprising: is heated to greater than 900 C.
a CVD, PECVD or plasma etch processing chamber; and 46. The method of claim 31 wherein said artificial Sub
the exhaust gas reactor of claim 1. Strate is contained within an outer housing, Said method
29. The semiconductor processing system of claim 28 further comprising monitoring the pressure of an inlet port
wherein Said Semiconductor processing chamber is a plasma of Said outer housing.
enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) chamber. 47. The method of claim 46 further comprising diverting
30. The semiconductor processing system of claim 28 said exhaust gas from said artificial Substrate when said
wherein Said Semiconductor processing chamber is a chemi 35
preSSure at Said inlet port exceeds a setpoint pressure.
cal vapor deposition (CVD) chamber. 48. The method of claim 46 further comprising:
31. A method of removing active gas Species from a monitoring the pressure at an outlet port of Said outer
Semiconductor proceSS exhaust gas comprising: housing, and
heating an artificial Substrate; and diverting Said exhaust gas from Said artificial Substrate
contacting Said exhaust gas with Said artificial Substrate, 40 when a pressure difference between Said outlet port
wherein Said exhaust gas is at a preSSure greater than or preSSure and Said inlet port pressure exceeds a setpoint
equal to atmospheric pressure. preSSure difference.
32. The method of claim 31 wherein said artificial Sub 49. The method of claim 31 further comprising control
Strate is contained within an outer housing, Said heating ling the temperature to which said artificial Substrate is
further comprising heating an outer Surface of Said outer 45
housing. 50. A method of removing active gas Species from a
33. The method of claim 31 wherein said contacting Semiconductor process exhaust gas comprising:
further comprises depositing involatile high temperature heating an artificial Substrate, wherein Said artificial Sub
chemical vapor deposition (HTCVD) reaction product on Strate comprises a plurality of plates radiating from a
Said artificial Substrate. 50 central tube, Said heating further comprising heating
34. The method of claim 33 wherein the distribution of Said central tube, and
said involatile HTCVD reaction product on said artificial contacting Said exhaust gas with Said artificial Substrate.
Substrate is controlled by controlling the temperature to 51. The method of claim 50 wherein said exhaust gas is
which Said artificial Substrate is heated during Said heating. at a pressure below atmospheric pressure during Said Step of
35. The method of claim 33 further comprising capturing 55 contacting.
any of said involatile HTCVD reaction product which flakes
off of said artificial Substrate.

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