Keeping Your Houseplants Happy and Healthy
Keeping Your Houseplants Happy and Healthy
Keeping Your Houseplants Happy and Healthy
Each one of your houseplants has slightly different needs, and deserves specialized care in order to
thrive. All plants have some needs in common, like water, light, and food (fertilizer) for growth. We
hope these basic tips for houseplant care will help you take care of your photosynthesizing friends!
Indoor plants don’t need the same kind of soil as outdoor plants.
• Start with a good, organic potting soil (not garden soil). Soil Substitutes
• You can make your own by mixing equal parts peat moss, vermiculite/
perlite, and compost.
• Keep your mixture loose; try not to compact it. Orchids, especially, prefer a
well-drained, loose mixture with plenty of room for the roots to breathe.
Indoor plants need a more direct form of food (fertilizer) to grow best.
• houseplants can carry out photosynthesis to process the sugars they
need to survive, but they need a little help via fertilizer Plant Food and Fertilizer
• Fertilize once a month when plants are flowering or growing (spring and
• Fertilizer comes in different forms: make sure you buy fertilizer with
“indoor plants” on the label. Fertilizer can be delivered via a granule
that breaks down over time, or it can be added more directly via a
water-soluble formulation.