Computer-Based Software For Testing Students in Digital Logic Theory and Design
Computer-Based Software For Testing Students in Digital Logic Theory and Design
Computer-Based Software For Testing Students in Digital Logic Theory and Design
Computer-based software for testing students in digital logic theory and design
Charles Hacker
Griffith University
Gold Coast, Australia
ABSTRACT: Computer-based education is used extensively in the undergraduate digital electronic courses lectured by the author at
Griffith University, Gold Coast, Australia. In order to aid in the teaching of the required digital logic concepts, the author has
previously developed a suite of digital logic tutorial and simulation modules known as WinLogiLab. These modules provide tutorial
and simulation of the entire digital electronic curriculum of the author’s undergraduate course. The final requirement of the tutorial
suite was to provide for student testing. This article describes the development of a computer-based testing software module, called
LogicTester, that presents multiple-choice, short answer and, most importantly, digital logic circuit design questions for
unsupervised student testing. The testing software is fully interactive and requires students to input their own designed digital circuits
to solve given tasks, which the input circuit is then graded for accuracy. To allow for unsupervised student testing, extensive
encryption of the software data files and user results files were necessary in order to ensure no deception in the student submitted
THE BENEFITS OF COMPUTER-BASED TESTING software. This makes it impractical for any attempt at user
modification of the file in any intelligible way.
Computer-based testing provides a valuable learning exercise
for students. A successful test will verify to students that they MAIN SCREEN
have obtained the required knowledge in digital electronic
theory and circuit design. With the ability for students to install
the software on their own computer, or via university 24-hour START A LOAD A
access computing laboratories, students are able to undertake a NEW USER SAVED USER
self-test at their own convenience and at their own pace. TEST TEST
The select test topic screen also displays the results of
previously attempted test topics. This enables students to
monitor their progress and offers them the opportunity to retake
topic tests that have not met the required percentage score.
The final enhanced question format allows for the entering of a For further examination purposes, the student is required to
digital counter circuit. Similarly, in this case, a problem is periodically submit their entire encrypted saved Test file. This
presented to the student in which a digital counter is required to Test file can then be decrypted by the lecturer’s decryption
be designed to perform the task. The digital counter circuit is program and used to verify a student’s results. The submission
then entered on screen and subsequently compared to the is performed electronically, via e-mail or can be copied and
internal computer generated solution. An example of this is submitted on disk. An example of the e-mail submission of a
given in Figure 8. Test file is given in Figure 10.
Once the user ends the selected question topic, or the user This paper presents the development of the software module
depletes the particular topic questions in the database, then a LogicTester, which forms the final phase of the existing
final result screen is displayed. An example of this is provided WinLogiLab computer-based educational software suite. The
in Figure 9. LogicTester module completes the software suite by providing
student testing on the required digital electronic theory and
circuit design concepts. With the inclusion of encryption and
security checks, the software will be utilised for unsupervised
computer-based competency testing. This will result in a
reduced teaching workload in the author’s digital electronics