ICCE2019 Proceedings Volume I
ICCE2019 Proceedings Volume I
ICCE2019 Proceedings Volume I
Editors: Maiga CHANG, Hyo-Jeong SO, Lung-Hsiang WONG, Fu-Yun YU, Ju-Ling SHIH
Date of publication:
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system,
transmitted, in any forms or any means, without the prior permission of the Asia-Pacific
Society for Computers in Education. Individual papers may be uploaded on to institutional
repositories or other academic sites for self-archival purposes.
EDITORS ..................................................................................................................................................................I
ASSOCIATE EDITORS ...............................................................................................................................................II
MESSAGE FROM THE CONFERENCE CHAIR .............................................................................................................III
MESSAGE FROM THE LOCAL ORGANIZING COMMITTEE CHAIRS ............................................................................ V
MESSAGE FROM THE INTERNATIONAL PROGRAM COORDINATION CHAIRS ......................................................... VI
ORGANIZATION .....................................................................................................................................................IX
APSCE FELLOWS PROGRAM ................................................................................................................................ XIX
EARLY CAREER RESEARCHER AWARD WINNER (2019) ...................................................................................... XXIV
LAST TEN YEARS’ DISTINGUISHED RESEARCHER AWARD WINNERS ................................................................... XXV
LAST FIVE YEARS’ EARLY CAREER RESEARCHER AWARD WINNERS ................................................................... XXVI
KEYNOTE SPEAKERS ......................................................................................................................................... XXVII
THEME-BASED INVITED SPEAKERS ................................................................................................................... XXXII
PANELS ................................................................................................................................................................... 1
AND ADAPTIVE LEARNING ............................................................................................................................. 11
...................................................................................................................................................................... 99
INFRASTRUCTURE ........................................................................................................................................ 212
(CUMTEL) ..................................................................................................................................................... 375
MAIN CONFERENCE C6 - TECHNOLOGY ENHANCED LANGUAGE LEARNING (TELL) .............................................. 606
ICT IN EDUCATION (PTP) .............................................................................................................................. 709
AUTHOR INDEX ................................................................................................................................................... 780
Maiga CHANG, Athabasca University, Canada
Hyo-Jeong SO, Eawha Womans University, South Korea
Lung-Hsiang WONG, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Fu-Yun YU, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
Ju-Ling SHIH, National Central University, Taiwan
(in alphabetical order)
Thank you!
“有朋自遠方來,不亦樂乎!” This is a famous quote by
Confucius, which means it is such a delight to have friends
come from afar! Thank you for being here, and welcome to
It is our great privilege to host the 27th ICCE here at Kenting,
Taiwan. At the south tip of Taiwan, Kenting National Park
offers picturesque views and rich natural resources of both
mountains and oceans. It reminds us that, as intelligent
computing leads our way to the era of smart city and smart
life, global sustainability goals are to be reached through
Fu-Yun YU convergent education wherein digital data, social networks,
Local Organizing Committee Chair human activities and natures should be interconnected in a
National Cheng Kung University
Taiwan meaningful way. The conference theme this year, “Intelligent
Computing and Convergent Education”, is designed to capture
the harmonious spirit and goals of a balanced life.
This is in line with ICCE’s 30-year tradition of well-structured
programs, high-quality technical papers, versatile technical and
social activities, and most important of all, amazing people!
Please join us in embracing this fascinating, 5-day event full of
the fruitful exchanging of academic research work, making of
new friends, refreshing memories with old colleagues, building
strong research communities, and envisioning inspirational
and innovative research.
author in each paper.
All papers were subjected to a rigorous review process by 3 to 5 reviewers from the
respective Sub-Conference program committees. After the reviews were completed, a
meta-review was provided for each paper. In total, 810 reviews and meta-reviews were
received. After a discussion period within the individual program committees led by the
Sub-Conference Executive Chairs and Co-Chairs, recommendations were made to the
Program Coordination Committee Chair and Co-Chair, who oversaw the review process and
quality for all Sub-Conferences. This resulted in 32 full, 68 short, and 49 poster acceptances
across all of the seven Sub-Conferences. The overall acceptance rate for full papers is 22.54%.
The acceptance rate for the full papers in the individual Sub-Conference closely mirrored the
overall acceptance rate. This is a testimony to the continued maintenance of the quality of
presentations in our conference. The complete statistics of paper acceptance is shown in
Table 2.
In addition to full papers, short papers and posters, ICCE 2019 includes various program
components, such as Keynote Speeches, Theme-based Invited Speeches, Workshops,
Tutorials, Panels, Work-in-Progress Posters (WIPP), Extended Summary (ES), Doctoral Student
Consortia (DSC), and Early Career Workshop (ECW). All the papers in these program
components are published in separate proceedings with their own ISBN numbers.
Pre-conference events are held on the first two days of the conference, including 16
workshops, 4 tutorials, DSC, ECW, and APSCE Student Wing Workshop.
We would like to thank all who have contributed to making ICCE 2019 a successful
conference. First of all, we would like to thank all paper authors for your contributions and
for choosing ICCE 2019 as an outlet to present your research. We would also like to thank the
IPC Executive Chairs/Co-Chairs and members, who undertook the responsibility of reviewing
and selecting papers that represent research of high quality. Specially thanks to our Keynote
and Invited Speakers for accepting our invitations and bring inspiring research to ICCE 2019
participants. The Local Organizing Committee deserves a big thank you for their hard work
under the tremendous time pressure.
We hope that all participants will find the activities in ICCE 2019 interesting and inspiring, and
have opportunities to meet old friends and establish new professional collaborations.
Furthermore, we hope that participants will enjoy not only the academic activities, but also
the vibrant and exciting culture experience in Kenting.
Organized by: Asia Pacific Society for Computers in Education
Hosted by: National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
National Central University, Taiwan
Standing Committee
Conference Chair
Lung Hsiang WONG, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
International Program Coordination Chair
Maiga CHANG, Athabasca University, Canada
International Program Coordination Co-Chair
Hyo-Jeong SO, Eawha Womans University, South Korea
Local Organizing Committee Chairs
Fu-Yun YU, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
Juling SHIH, National Central University, Taiwan
Tanja MITROVIC, University of Canterbury, New Zealand
Ma. Mercedes T. RODRIGO, Ateneo de Manila University, Philippines
Jie Chi YANG, National Central University, Taiwan
Sub Conferences
C1: Sub-Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education/Intelligent Tutoring Systems
PC Executive Chair:
Tomoko KOJIRI, Kansai University, Japan
PC Executive Co-Chairs:
Roger NKAMBOU, Universite du Quebec a Montreal, Canada
Chih-Yueh CHOU, Yuan Ze University, Taiwan
Nguyen-Thinh LE, Humboldt-Universitat zu Berlin, Germany
Ben CHANG, National Central University, Taiwan
Ahmed TLILI, Smart Learning Institute of Beijing Normal University, China
Calvin LIAO, National Taipei University of Nursing and Health Sciences, Taiwan
Andrei D. CORONEL, Ateneo de Manila University, Philippines
Swapna GOTTIPATI, Singapore Management University, Singapore
Fan OUYANG, Zhejiang University, China
Michelle P. BANAWAN, Ateneo de Davao University, Philippines
Kuo-Chen LI, Chung-Yuan Christian University, Taiwan
Ali DEWAN, Athabasca University, Canada
Merit Scholarships
Bo JIANG, Zhejiang University of Technology, China
Madathil Warriem JAYAKRISHNAN, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, India
Special Interest Groups (SIGs)
S1: Artificial Intelligence in Education/Intelligent Tutoring Systems/Adaptive
Learning (AIED/ITS/AL)
Ma. Mercedes T. RODRIGO, Ateneo de Manila University, Philippines
S2: Computer-supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) and Learning Sciences
Chew Lee TEO, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
S3: Advanced Learning Technologies (ALT), Open Contents, and Standards
Jon MASON, Charles Darwin University, Australia
S4: Classroom, Ubiquitous and Mobile Technologies Enhanced Learning (CUMTEL)
Chengjiu YIN, Kobe University, Japan
S5: Educational Gamification and Game-based Learning (EGG)
Morris S.Y. JONG, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
S6: Technology Enhanced Language Learning (TELL)
Ting-Chia HSU, National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan
S7: Practice-driven Research, Teacher Professional Development, and Policy of ICT
in Education (PTP)
Sridhar IYER, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India
S8: Development of Information and Communication Technology in the Asia-Pacific
Neighborhood (DICTAP)
Niwat SRISAWASDI, Khon Kaen University, Thailand
S9: Educational Use of Problems/Questions in Technology-Enhanced Learning
Tomoko KOJIRI, Kansai University, Japan
S10: Learning Analytics and Educational Data Mining
H. Ulrich HOPPE, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
C2 PC Members
Sakinah Alhadad, Griffith University, Australia
Maaike Bouwmeester, New York University, USA
Jürgen Buder, Leibniz-Institut für Wissensmedien, Germany
Sanjay Chandrasekharan, Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education, TIFR, India
Bodong Chen, University of Minnesota, USA
Gaowei Chen, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Andrew Clayphan, The University of Sydney, Australia
Mutlu Cukurova, University College London, UK
Chandan Dasgupta, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India
Pryce Davis, University of Nottingham, UK
Amanda Dickes, Harvard University, USA
Julia Eberle, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany
Heisawn Jeong, Hallym University, South Korea
Beaumie Kim, University of Calgary, Canada
Simon Knight, University of Technology Sydney, Australia
Rose Liang, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Pei-Yi Lin, National Cheng Chi University, Taiwan
Chen-Chung Liu, National Central University, Taiwan
Chee Kit Looi, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Michelle Lui, University of Toronto, Canada
Roberto Martinez-Maldonado, University of Technology Sydney, Australia
Johanna Pöysä-Tarhonen, University of Jyvaskyla, Finland
Peter Reimann, Univ. of Sydney, Australia
Lay Hoon Seah, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Kristen Searle, Utah State University, USA
Pratim Sengupta, University of Calgary, Canada
Hillary Swanson, Northwestern University, USA
Esther Tan, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands
Seng Chee Tan, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Chewlee Teo, MOE, Singapore
Mike Tissenbaum, University of Illinois, USA
Ralph Vacca, Fordham University, USA
Qiyun Wang, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Hongzhi Yang, The University of Sydney, Australia
C3 PC Members
Nurbiha A Shukor, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia
Luis Anido Rifon, Universidade de Vigo. Depto. of Telematics, Spain
Judith Azcarraga, De La Salle University Manila, Philippines
Manuel Caeiro Rodríguez, University of Vigo, Spain
Yang-Hsueh Chen, National Chengchi Universitry, Taiwan, Taiwan
Yong-Sang Cho, Korea Education & Research Information Service, Korea
Jean-Noel Colin, Faculty of Computer Science/FUNDP, Belgium
Jie Geng, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Swapna Gottipati, Singapore Management University, Singapore
Tore Hoel, Høgskolen i Oslo og Akershus, Norway
Wafa Johal, CHILI/LSRO Lab - EPFL, Switzerland
Khalid Khan, Charles Darwin University, Australia
Dan Kohen, Linnaeus University, Sweden
Lam-For Kwok, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Yongwu Miao, University Duisburg-Essen, Germany
Hiroshi Nakano, Center for Management of IT, Kumamoto University, Japan
Jennifer Olsen, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland
Nigel Stanger, University of Otago, New Zealand
Jerry Chih-Yuan Sun, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan
Chew Lee Teo, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Riina Vuorikari, Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (IPTS), Spain
Minhong Wang, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Tsuneo Yamada, The Open University of Japan, Japan
C4 PC Members
Ivana Bosnic, University of Zagreb, Croatia
Ivica Boticki, University of Zagreb, Croatia
Huiying Cai, jiangnan university, China
Su Cai, Beijing Normal University, China
Ben Chang, National Central University, Taiwan
Chi-Cheng Chang, National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan
Chih-Kai Chang, National University of Tainan, Taiwan
Chih-Hung Chen, National Taichung University of Education, Taiwan
Guang Chen, Beijing Normal University, China
Jun-Ming Chen, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
Tzung-Shi Chen, National University of Tainan, Taiwan
Gary Cheng, The Education University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Feng-Kuang Chiang, Shanghai Normal University, China
Tosti H. C. Chiang, National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan
Chih-Ming Chu, National Ilan University, Taiwan
Hui Chun Chu, Soochow University, Taiwan
Daniel Churchill, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Haiguang Fang, Capital Normal University, China
Xiaoqing Gu, East China Normal University, China
Ping He, Tianjin University, China
Natasa Hoic-Bozic, University of Rijeka, Croatia
Martina Holenko Dlab, University of Rijeka, Croatia
Iwen Huang, National Tainan University, Taiwan
Gwo-Jen Hwang, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan
M. Carmen Juan, Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain
Yih-Ruey Juang, Jinwen University of Science and Technology, Taiwan
Tai-Chien Kao, National Dong Hwa University, Taiwan
Mohamed Ali Khenissi, University of Tunis, Tunisia
Mi Song Kim, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Chiu-Lin Lai, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan
Nguyen-Thinh Le, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, Germany
Chen-Yu Lee, Ling Tung University, Taiwan
Jing Leng, East China Normal University, China
Chih-Lung Lin, National Pingtung University, Taiwan
Chiupin Lin, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan
Fuhua Lin, Athabasca University, Canada
Peilin Liu, National Chiayi University, Taiwan
Chee-Kit Looi, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Ma Luo, East China Normal University, China
Qing Ma, The Education University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Igor Mekterović, FER, Croatia
Pey Tee Oon, The University of Macau, Macau
Kuo-Liang Ou, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan
Peter Seow, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Yanjie Song, The Education University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Jun-Ming Su, National University of Tainan, Taiwan
Ahmed Tlili, Beijing Normal University, China
Yuen-Hsien Tseng, National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan
Noriko Uosaki, Osaka University, Japan
Peter Wan, The Education University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Sally Wan, ,
Jijun Wang, Faculty of education, China
Jingyun Wang, Kyushu University, Japan
Sheng-Yuan Wang, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
Silin Wei, Hangzhou Normal University, China
Xuefeng Wei, Ludong University, China
Yun Wen, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Gary Wong, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Bian Wu, East China Normal University, China
Di Wu, Central China Normal University, China
Fati Wu, Beijing Normal University, China
Yuqin Yang, Central China Normal University, China
Jane Yau, University of Mannheim, Germany
Roger Yen, National Taipei University of Education, Taiwan
Chengjiu Yin, Kobe University, Japan
Shengquan Yu, Beijing Normal University, China
Xinglong Zhao, NCET, China
Gustavo Zurita, Universidad de Chile, Chile
C5 PC Members
Liz Bacon, Abertay University, UK
Tak-Wai Chan, National Central University, Taiwan
Ben Chang, National Central University, Taiwan
Chih-Kai Chang, National University of Tainan, Taiwan
Chih-Tsan Chang, National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan
Chiung-Sui Chang, Tamkang University, Taiwan
Nian-Shing Chen, National Yunlin University of Science and Technology, Taiwan
Zhi-Hong Chen, National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan
Hercy Cheng, Central China Normal University, China
Anurag Deep, IIT BOMBAY, India
Baltasar FernÁndez-ManjÓ n, Complutense University of Madrid, Spain
Sara De Freitas, Birkbeck, University of London, UK
Susan Gwee, English Language Institute of Singapore, Singapore
Toshihiro Hayashi, Kagawa University, Japan
Christopher Holden, The University of New Mexico, USA
Chung-Yuan Hsu, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology, Taiwan
Mingfong Jan, National Central University, Taiwan, Taiwan
Kristian Kiili, Tampere University of Technology, Finland
David Ku, Tamkang University, Taiwan
Chang-Yen Liao, National Taipei University of Nursing and Health Sciences, Taiwan
Koong Lin, National University of Tainan, Taiwan
Saurabh Mehta, vidyalankar Institute of Technology, India
Hiroyuki Mitsuhara, Tokushima University, Japan
Wolfgang Mueller, University of Education Weingarten, Germany
Kuo-Liang Ou, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan
Michal Ptaszynski, Kitami Institute of Technology, Japan
Ma. Mercedes T. Rodrigo, Ateneo de Manila University, Philippines
Demetrios Sampson, Curtin University, Australia
Junjie Shang, Peking University, China
Chun-Yi Shen, Tamkang University, Taiwan
Ru-Chu Shih, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology, Taiwan
Masanori Sugimoto, Hokkaido University, Japan
Kaoru Sumi, Future University Hakodate, Japan
Han-Yu Sung, National Taipei University of Nursing and Health Sciences, Taiwan
Ashwin T S, NITK, India
Shu-Yuan Tao, Takming University of Science and Technology, Taiwan
Meng-Jung Tsai, National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan
Ming Hsin Tsai, Asia University, Taiwan
Harris Wang, Athabasca University, Canada
Yi Hsuan Wang, Tamkang university, Taiwan
Wing-Kwong Wong, National Yunlin University of Science & Technology, Taiwan
Jianhua Wu, Central China Normal University, China
Po-Han Wu, National Taipei University of Education, Taiwan
Haoran Xie, The Education University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Hsi-Hsun Yang, National Yunlin University of Science and Technology, Taiwan
Kai-Hsiang Yang, National Taipei University of Education, Taiwan
Sheng-Kai Yin, Cheng Shiu University, Taiwan
Di Zou, The Education University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
C6 PC Members
Alex Boulton, University of Lorraine, France
Mei-Mei Chang, NPUST, Taiwan
Ying-Hsueh Cheng, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology, Taiwan
Yoshiko Goda, Kumamoto University, Japan
Yanhui Han, The Open University of China, China
Chia-Ling Hsieh, National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan
Phil Hubbard, Stanford University, US
Jiyou Jia, Peking University, China
Ho Cheong Lam, The Education University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Jiahang Li, Michigan State University, US
Meei-Ling Liaw, National Taichung University, Taiwan
Vera Lúcia Menezes de Oliveira E Paiva, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brazil
Misato Oi, Kyushu University, Japan
Yuichi Ono, University of Tsukuba, Japan
Zahra Shahsavar, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Iran
Jerry Chih-Yuan Sun, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan
Siew Ming Thang, The National University of Malaysia, Malaysia
Takafumi Utashiro, Hokkai-Gakuen University, Japan
Jane Vinther, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark
Wanwisa Wannapipat, Khon Kaen University, Thailand
Limei Zhang, Singapore Centre for Chinese Language Limited, Singapore
Di Zou, The Education University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
C7 PC Members
Arif Altun, hacettepe unv, Turkey
Gargi Banerjee, IIT Bombay, India
Fatma Bayrak, Hacettepe Ü niversitesi, Turkey
Omer Delialioglu, Middle East Technical University, Turkey
Khe Foon Hew, The University of Hong Kong, China
Sui Lin Goei, Windesheim University of Applied Sciences, Germany
Tore Hoel, Høgskolen i Oslo og Akershus, Norway
Gonca Kızılkaya Cumaoğlu, Yeditepe University, Turkey
Dan Kohen-Vacs, HIT, Israel
Siu Cheung Kong, The Education University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Shu-Shing Lee, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Marcelo Milrad, Linnaeus University, Sweden
Vildan Ö zeke, Gaziosmanpasa University, Turkey
Jan Pawlowski, Ruhr West University of Applied Sciences, Germany
Su Luan Wong, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia
Daner Sun, The Education University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Yasemin Usluel, Hacettepe, Turkey
Joke Voogt, Windesheim University of Applied Sciences, Germany
Jayakrishnan Warriem, IIT Bombay, India
Lee Yong Tay, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Halil Yurdugul, Hacettepe University, Turkey
Founded in 2019, the APSCE Fellowship recognizes outstanding members of the Asia-Pacific
Society for Computers in Education (APSCE) in the field of computers in education. The title
of APSCE fellow indicates, (1) Sustained and distinguished academic contributions to the
advancement of research in the field of computers in education at the international level; (2)
A strong track record in academic networking and services within the Asia-Pacific region.
The fellowship is for life, whose names shall be indicated on the APSCE website permanently.
Furthermore, the APSCE fellows are entitled to complimentary lifetime voting APSCE
The number of new fellows named each year shall be capped at five (5). An APSCE Fellow
must be an existing APSCE member in the year he or she is inducted.
The inaugural cohort of the APSCE Fellowship consists of the three existing APSCE Honorary
Executive Committee (EC) members. Subsequently, the APSCE President, the APSCE Award
Subcommittee Chair and the Honorary EC members formed the APSCE Fellow Committee to
select additional fellows. After the first year (2019), the existing APSCE Fellows, the APSCE
President and the Award Subcommittee Chair shall form the APSCE Fellow Committee each
year to select new fellows. The APSCE President and the Award Subcommittee Chair are not
eligible for APSCE Fellow inductions in the year which they are serving as APSCE Fellow
Committee members.
Tak-Wai CHAN
Chair Professor, Graduate Institute of Networked Learning,
National Central University, Taiwan
Website: http://chan.lst.ncu.edu.tw/
Tak-Wai Chan is Chair Professor of the Graduate Institute of Network Learning Technology at
National Central University in Taiwan. In the late Eighties, he pioneered research on virtual
learning companions. In 1990, his team developed possibly the earliest networked learning
system dedicated to support collaborative learning and competitive learning games. He
continued to work on various networked learning models, intelligent future classrooms, and
digital game-based learning in the Nineties. In 2000, his team built an online learning society
called EduCity. By 2003, EduCity had 2,500 schools and 1.5 million online participants before
it was transferred to a telecom company. Throughout the 2000’s, he worked on mobile and
ubiquitous learning, one-to-one technology enhanced learning, seamless learning while he
continued to search ways of nurturing student interest in reading, writing and mathematics.
At the beginning of this decade, realizing the need of a theory that can guide the design of
future education in Asia, he worked with a small group Asian researchers, which grew bigger
and an IDC Initiative was formed later, to build a learning design theory called
Interest-Driven Creator (IDC) Theory. This theory may exert far-reaching impact in future
Asian education because the considerably examination-driven Asian education needs to
Chan bears a personal mission to facilitate the building of regional research communities
since the early nineties. He co-founded two conference series, ICCE and GCCCE, and,
respectively, two corresponding international academic societies, APSCE and GCSCE, one for
the Asia-Pacific regional community and the other for the global Chinese community.
H. Ulrich HOPPE
Full Professor, Department of Computer Science and Applied
Cognitive Science (Engineering Faculty), University of
Duisburg-Essen, Germany
Website: https://www.collide.info/en
Dr. H. Ulrich Hoppe holds a full professorship in the area of “Collaborative and Learning
Support Systems” at the University of Duisburg-Essen (Germany). After his PhD on
interactive programming in mathematics education in 1984, Ulrich Hoppe has worked for
about ten years in the area of intelligent user interfaces and cognitive models in HCI, before
he re-focused his research on intelligent support in educational systems and distributed
collaborative environments in 1995. With his COLLIDE Research Group he has participated in
more than ten European projects on Technology-enhanced learning. He was one of the
initiators of the European Network of Excellence Kaleidoscope (2004-07). Since 2015 he is
engaged as a PI in a Research Training Group on “User Centred Social Media” funded by the
German National Science Foundation (DFG). His current research is focused on
computational techniques for learning and knowledge building in various context, including
higher education as well as vocational education and training. He is an active member of the
Learning Analytics community where he particularly pursues the integration and adaptation
of computational methods, such as combinations of (social) network analysis with other
methods of data mining and artefact analysis.
Chee-Kit LOOI
Professor, National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological
University, Singapore
Website: https://www.nie.edu.sg/profile/looi-chee-kit
Chee-Kit was an associate editor for the JLS, and an editorial member of JCAL, ijCSCL, and
IJAIED. He was a member of the Core Expert Group that developed the framework for
assessing Collaborative Problem Solving in OECD PISA 2015.
Fellow, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
(JAIST), Japan
Website: http://www.jaist.ac.jp/ks/english/portfolio/mizoguchi/
Riichiro Mizoguchi received Ph.D. degree from Osaka University in 1977. He had been a full
professor of the Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research, Osaka University from 1990 to
2012 and a research
professor of Research Center for Service Science, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and
Technology (JAIST) from October, 2012 to March, 2019. He is currently Fellow of JAIST and
Associate researcher, ISTC-CNR Laboratory for Applied Ontology, Trento, Italy. His research
interests include Non-parametric data analyses, Knowledge-based systems, Ontology
engineering and Intelligent learning support systems. Dr. Mizoguchi was President of
International AI in Education Society and Asia-Pacific
Society for Computers in Education from 2001 to 2003 and President of Japanese Society for
Artificial Intelligence(JSAI) from 2005-2007. He received honorable mention for the Pattern
Recognition Society Award in 1985, Best paper award of the Institute of Electronics,
Information and Communication Engineers in 1988, 10th Anniversary Memorial Paper
Award of JSAI in 1996, Best paper awards of ICCE99 and ICCE2006, Best paper award of JSAI
in 2006 and 2012, and Best paper award of Japan Society for Information and Systems in
Education in 2010 and 2019. He was Vice-President of SWSA (Semantic Web Science
Association) and Co-Editor-in-Chief of J. of Web Semantics from 2005 to 2009 and from 2008
to 2011, respectively. He is currently an associate editor of ACM TiiS and an editorial board
member of Applied Ontology.
Cheng-Jiu YIN
Associate Professor at the Information Science and Technology
Center of Kobe University, Japan
Website: http://yin.istc.kobe-u.ac.jp/
Dr. Chengjiu Yin is currently an Associate Professor at the Information Science and
Technology Center of Kobe University, Japan. He received his PhD from the University of
Tokushima, Japan in March 2008. He was a Visiting Scholar at the Department of Computer
Science and Engineering of the University of Minnesota, United States in 2018. He is a
member of IEEE, IPSJ, JSET, JSiSE and APSCE.
Dr. Yin is currently the Chair of CUMTEL SIG in APSCE, and the Co-Chair of ES (Extended
Summary) of the International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE 2019). He was
the Co-Chair of CUMTEL SIG in APSCE during 2016-2017. He served as Executive Chair of
ICCE C4 (CUMTEL) sub-conference twice, and Poster Coordination Chair of ICCE2017. In
addition, he has served as the Guest Editor of Journal of Distance Education Technologies (EI,
ESCI) thrice, and Interactive Learning Environments (SSCI) for four times. He has also
successfully organized many other sub-conferences (e.g. IIAI-AAI-LTLE2012,
IIAI-AAI-LTLE2013, IIAI-AAI-LTLE2014) and workshops (e.g. LEET2017, LEET2018, LEET2019).
Dr. Yin has more than 10 years of experience in the field of Educational Technology such as
Language Learning, Mobile Learning and Learning Analysis. His research works have been
published in many prestigious international journals such as Journal of Educational
Technology & Society, Interactive Learning Environments, and others. He has published more
than 150 academic papers — 45 of which are journal papers (including 13 SSCI/SCI-indexed
and 7 EI-indexed journal papers). His current research foci are in Educational Data Mining
and Learning Analytics. He was invited to deliver speeches on these topics by several
universities, such as Wuhan University, Northeast Normal University and Asia University
Educational Data. He was also an invited speaker at the International Joint Conference on
Information, Media and Engineering (ICIME2018).
Dr. Yin received the Best Paper Award (Short Paper) at the 15th IEEE International Conference
on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT 2015) and Best Poster Paper Award at the IIAI
International Congress on Advanced Applied Informatics 2019. He has received many
nominations for Best Paper Awards at various conferences including ICCE (Best Students
Paper Candidate in ICCE2018, Best Overall Paper Candidate in ICCE2017, Best Technical
Paper Candidate in ICCE2015, Best Overall Paper Candidate in ICCE2015).
2015 - APSCE Distinguished Researcher Award
Lung-Hsiang WONG, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
2018 - APSCE Early Career Researcher Award
Ting-Chia HSU, National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan
Abstract: After decades of research on AI in education, we have solved some problems and
are facing new challenges. Precision education is one of the new challenges of applying
artificial intelligence, machine learning, and learning analytics for adaptive and
individualized learning in a context-aware ubiquitous learning environment. The goal of
Precision education is to identify at-risk students as early as possible and provide timely
intervention based on student learning experiences. In this research, at-risk students are
confined to students who were diagnosed could get low GPA (low academic performance),
could drop/withdraw a course, or students who were low engagement in terms of learning
behavior, emotion, and cognition. The idea of Precision education came from The Precision
Medicine Initiative (https://obamawhitehouse.archives.gov/precision-medicine), which was
proposed by President Obama in his 2015 State of the Union address, the Initiative is a new
research effort to revolutionize the medical treatment of disease. As addressed in this
Initiative, most treatments were designed for the average patients as a result of
one-size-fits-all-approach without taking into account individual differences in people genes,
environments, and lifestyles; similarly, most pedagogy is designed not fully consider
students genes IQ, learning styles, learning environments, and learning strategies. Therefore,
by carrying the research focus of Precision medicine, which is to improve the diagnosis,
prediction, treatment, and prevention of disease, we define the new challenges of Precision
education on emphasizing the improvement of diagnosis, prediction, treatment, and
prevention of at-risk students.
Biography: Dr. Stephen J.-H. Yang is the Chair Professor of Computer Science & Information
Engineering, National Central University, Taiwan. Dr. Yang received the Outstanding
Research Award from Ministry of Science; Technology (2010, 2017) and Distinguished
Service Medal from Ministry of Education, Taiwan. (2015). Dr. Yang was the Director of
Department of Information and Technology Education, Ministry of Education, Taiwan
(2013~2014), during his two years of service in Taiwan government, Dr. Yang was
responsible for the national information & technology education, he launched Taiwan
national digital learning initiative which includes the construction of 100G Taiwan Academic
Network for national network infrastructure, the construction of Education Cloud for
national data infrastructure, and innovation programs such as Taiwan MOOCs, flipped
classroom, mobile learning. Dr. Yang also served as the Convener of Information Education
Discipline, Ministry of Science & Technology. Dr. Yang received his PhD degree in Electrical
Engineering & Computer Science from the University of Illinois at Chicago in 1995. Dr. Yang
has published over 70 SSCI/SCI journal papers. His research interests include Artificial
Intelligence, Big Data, learning analytics, educational data mining, and MOOCs. As shown on
Google Scholar Citation, Dr. Yang publication citation indices has been over 11,000,
especially on the main research themes, Artificial Intelligence in education is ranked #6,
Learning analytics is ranked #8, Educational data mining is ranked #3, MOOCs is ranked #4.
Dr. Yang is currently the Co-Editors-in-Chief of the International Journal of Knowledge
Management & e-Learning.
Hiroaki Ogata
Kyoto University, Japan
Toward Evidence-based Education through Learning Analytics
Abstract: The multi-disciplinary research approach of Learning Analytics (LA) has provided
methods to understand learning and teaching process by analyzing logs collected during
diverse teaching-learning activities and potentially enrich such experiences. This talk will
propose the Learning Evidence Analytics Framework (LEAF) and draw a research road-map
of an educational big data-informed evidence-based education system. It focuses on the
approach of developing novel techniques by applying the knowledge base of LA that can
help to extract evidence of effective teaching-learning practices. Finally, it shows that
teachers can refine their instructional practices, learners can enhance learning experiences,
and researchers can study on the dynamics of the teaching-learning cases with LEAF.
Biography: Hiroaki Ogata is a Professor at the Academic Center for Computing and Media
Studies, and the Graduate School of Informatics at Kyoto University, Japan. His research
includes Computer Supported Ubiquitous and Mobile Learning, CSCL, CALL, and Learning
Analytics. He has published more than 300 peer-reviewed papers including SSCI Journals
and international conferences. He received the APSCE Distinguished Researcher Award in
2014 and several Best Paper Awards. Also he has given keynote lectures in several countries.
He is an associate editor of the IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, RPTEL, and
IJMLO, and also an editorial board member of IJCSCL, IJAIED, JLA and SLE. He is an Executive
Committee member of SOLAR and APSCE.
Mina. C. Johnson
Arizona State University, USA
VR, Augmented, and Mixed Realities (XR) for STEM and
Game-based Learning: Focus on Design
Abstract: The Embodied Games Lab specializes in both creating and efficacy testing
educational XR content. The opportunities for researching STEM education with immersive
Virtual Reality (VR) have grown tremendously over the past three years. High resolution,
stand-alone headsets are now affordable for many classrooms. Soon, teachers will ask,
"Where is the quality educational content?" We need to start creating those experiences
now. Many instructors and technologists want to move past the gaze-only style of mobile,
non-interactive VR. The new generation of interactive hand controls allows learners to be
very active and embodied as they manipulate content - in VR especially. The talk will
describe and give examples of a set of 17 best practices in VR. Additionally, not all
phenomena should be re-envisioned in 3D. It is expensive, and can perhaps be
overwhelming; the sense of "presence" created by IVR is profound and immediate. This talk
will also focus on which phenomena should be chosen. It will highlight how to use the body
and gestures to interact with mediated content, and methods for embedding assessment
into content. These sorts of embedded and game-like assessments can help teachers
understand if the learner is really comprehending, or simply 'going through the motions'.
The Embodied Games lab has been at the forefront of creating "embodied" and
kinesthetically-active games using sensors and joint-tracking technologies. Because the
majority of Dr. Johnson-Glenberg's games have been federally funded, they can be
downloaded and played for free at www.embodied-games.com.
Joke Voogt
University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
Preparing Learners for Living and Working in the Digital Age
Abstract: Due to technological developments young learners have to cope with many
challenges related to living and working in the digital age. Often the term of 21st century
competencies is introduced to point to the competencies students need to acquire to be
able to cope with these challenges. However it is not that easy to incorporate 21st century
competencies in the school curriculum. It requires a focus on meaningful learning through
authentic tasks. Curriculum and assessment practices need to allow for such an approach to
learning and schools and teachers need to be prepared to teach 21st century competencies.
The focus of the presentation will be on research-based examples of meaningful learning
through authentic tasks using technology and the conditions that need to be in place to
realize them in educational practice.
Biography: Dr. Joke Voogt is professor of ICT and Curriculum at the Faculty of Behavioural
and Social Sciences of the University of Amsterdam and professor of Educational Innovation
and ICT at Windesheim University of Applied Sciences. Since the 1980s she has been
investigating the integration of Information and Communication Technology in educational
practice in national and international settings. She was part of the coordination team of
Second Information Technology in Education Studies (1998-2008) of the International
Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement and is currently involved as a
curriculum specialist in the OECD Education 2030 study: The future of Education and Skills.
Dr. Voogt is co-editor of the first and second edition of the International Handbook of
Information Technology in Primary and Secondary Education (2008, 2018). She is co-founder
and chair of the EDUsummIT, the international Summit for research, policy and practice that
emerged from the first edition of the Handbook. Dr. Voogt has more than 100 scientific
publications. Her areas of expertise are curriculum innovation, teacher learning and
development, 21st century skills, in particular related to the integration of technology in
education. Dr. Voogt has a master degree in Educational Science and Technology (with
distinction) and a doctoral degree (PhD) in Educational Sciences from the University of
Twente, The Netherlands.
Bodong CHEN
University of Minnesota, USA
Creating Conditions for Knowledge Building for the Public Good
Abstract: Knowledge creation and innovation are becoming pervasive and essential in
meeting today's societal demands. This has led to increasing pressure on education to
explore new pedagogical models, to move from knowledge transmission to educational
paradigms that are more creative, collaborative, and connected. Knowledge Building
represents a longstanding effort to redesign education as a knowledge-creating enterprise.
Knowledge Building immerses learners in creative work with ideas from the earliest grades;
it engages learners in continually improving knowledge of value to their class community; it
challenges learners to take greater collective responsibility for their work. Students are
asked to identify promising ideas, participate in meta-cognitive dialogues, play epistemic
games, assess themselves, and grapple with complex, emergent knowledge structures.
These competencies and high-level learner agency espoused by Knowledge Building are
needed more than ever in the era of automation and A.I.
In this talk, I will introduce ongoing design-research projects that attempt to further stretch
students' knowledge building in classrooms to connect more deeply with the public. Overall,
I posit that with proper pedagogical and socio-technical conditions learners are capable of
meaningfully participating in public discourse while advancing curricular goals. In particular,
I will introduce computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL) environments we
designed to support ninth graders to study "Energy and Matter" in connection with the
"Green New Deal" in the United States; I will also showcase computational research
conducted by sixth graders in relation to the United Nations Sustainability Development
Goals. Alongside the explication of the design principles and designed environments, I will
share episodes of students' knowledge building and evidence of their knowledge
advancement, expressiveness, and higher-order competencies. In doing so, I hope to
challenge our entrenched beliefs about learner capabilities and highlight the potential of
nurturing conditions in K-12 classrooms for knowledge building that connects with and
contributes to the public good.
Xiaoqing GU
East China Normal University, China
Embrace Data Intelligence in Designing for the e-Schoolbag:
Addressing the 1:1 Challenges
Research fields: ICT in Education CSCL ICT-integrated Pedagogy Learning behaviour and
student model in Technology systems learning analytics
Abstract: The popularity of personal mobile devices has fuelled interest in deploying this
technology to transform the classroom. In general, 1:1 computing refers to the projects
where technology is available to all students and their teachers. Such developments are
now widespread in China, where the personal digital device in class has also been termed
the 'e-Schoolbag' initiative.
One finding echoed in 1:1 projects across the world is that when these technologies are
implemented, the effect is much less transformative than expected. Our studies intended to
indicate how best to innovate 1:1 classroom practice from two perspectives: first, the
innovative learning design in support of teaching and learning in the 1:1 classroom; second,
learning analytics in an ICT-rich environment to support learning diagnosis and learning
I am going to unfold the innovative learning design for 1:1 classroom with a project centered
on the development of e-Textbook. In a tradition of instruction that relies heavily on the
textbook, the emerging e-Textbooks may become implicated in how teachers could
innovate practice within the 1:1 class. I will first introduce a large scale e-Textbook project,
where the textbook is still at the central place of the 1:1 classroom; follow that I will
introduce a case study, in which we invited a classroom teacher to take up the role of
designer in shaping the content of the class text. Both the design and the access to its
outcome by students were made possible by the tablet technology at the heart of the
e-Schoolbag idea.
The challenge of 1:1 classroom lies not only on the innovation of learning design, but also
the learning intervention on the active learning activities that follows. In this sense, I am
going to start with a large scale project with a heavy feature on harnessing data intelligence
to innovate learning; follow that I will introduce a case study to illustrate how the learning
analytic could help deal with the challenges on 1:1 classroom.
Yuichi ONO
University of Tsukuba, Japan
Flipped-Classroom Course Model with ICT Support to Activate
Discussion in Foreign Language Classrooms
My talk starts with some theoretical backgrounds related to the current research such as
Interest-Based Learning, Seamless Learning, Project-Based Learning Skills, Information
Literacy Skills, and Foreign Language Anxiety in constructing the proposed course model. I
introduce the recent policies set out by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science,
and Technology (MEXT) Japan; the relationship of national curriculum with the so-called
one-to-one (one tablet PC to one student) policy.
Secondly, I discuss some merits of utilizing online educational resource (OER); such as
YouTube, TED Talks, Kahn Academy, cMOOC/xMOOC, etc, and suggest the potentials to
draw learner's willingness to cultivate and deepen their interest through choosing these
authentic educational online materials. The learning support system, or quiz generator, to
encourage learners nicely to familiarize these authentic materials in terms of vocabulary
learning and listening practice is also introduced.
Lastly, my talk concludes that the course model employing ICT-supported Flipped Classroom
is successful so far in enhancing interactive activities in the classroom in the sense of active
learning and information literacy acquisition, followed by some future implications.
Assessments for Computational Thinking in
Primary and Secondary Schools
Siu Cheung KONG a*, Chee Kit LOOI b, Ting-Chia HSU c, & Ju-Ling SHIH d
The Education University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan
National University of Tainan, Taiwan
Abstract: Computational thinking (CT) is essential for the young generation in the 21st century
to succeed in their learning and daily-life in the digitalized society. It is important for learners in
primary and secondary schools to have opportunities to not only meaningfully develop the
concepts and practices fundamental to CT competencies, but also for the progress and outcome
of their CT development to be assessed in daily learning contexts. The existing literature lacks a
universally agreed-upon method of assessment for CT development; and many existing
methods for assessment of CT development focus on university learners. This panel aims to
address the gap of research discussion about assessments for CT development among young
learners in primary and secondary schools. This panel will consist of panel presentations and
open-floor discussion about the related experiences, existing challenges, expected dimensions,
and possible approaches of CT assessments in primary and secondary schools. This panel can
inform the evidence-based evaluation of CT education in the 21st century.
1. Introduction
In recent years, computational thinking (CT) is advocated to be an essential competency for learners to
not only take advantages but also make contributions in the digitalized society in the 21st century (Barr,
Harrison, & Conery, 2011; Shute, Sun, & Asbell-Clarke, 2017; Wing, 2006). This drives a growing
trend in the recent years that primary and secondary education sectors over the world arrange school
curriculum delivery to integrate elements of CT education (Barr & Stephenson, 2011; Grover & Pea,
2013; Lye & Koh, 2014; Shute et al., 2017). The successful implementation of CT education in school
learning contexts have two main concerns: to suitably plan what and how schools can teach in the
curricular activities for CT education; and to suitably measure what and how learners have learned from
the curricular activities for CT education (Lye & Koh, 2014; Chen et al., 2017; Voogt, Fisser, Good,
Mishra, & Yadav, 2015). In recent years, the research community has many discussions about the first
concern and builds the foundation of curriculum design and pedagogical implementation for CT
education in school curriculum. It is now the time to extend the research discussion to address the
second concern—the assessments for the progress and outcome of CT development among learners,
especially the ones for young learners in primary and secondary schools, as the existing literature on
assessment of CT development focuses on the assessment methods for university learners.
2.1 Evaluation of Computational Thinking among Senior Primary School Students: The
Components and Methods (Siu Cheung KONG)
Teaching practitioners in school education generally face challenges to comprehensively evaluate the
progress and outcome among young students in computational thinking (CT) development. This
presentation will introduce the essential components and suitable methods for evaluating CT concepts,
CT practices and CT perspectives among senior primary school students. The review of literature from
2010 onwards identifies that it is essential to address nine components of CT concepts, seven
components of CT practices, and three components of CT perspectives when teaching practitioners
evaluate students’ CT development. Thus, it is appropriate for teaching practitioners to evaluate
students’ CT concepts by test designs with multiple choice questions; their CT practices by
rubric-rating of programming projects and test designs with task-based questions; and their CT
perspectives by student questionnaire surveys. This presentation can inform the direction of teaching
practitioners to foster creative problem-solvers through the meaningful assessments in CT curriculum
in school education.
2.2 Using Task-Based and Situated Test Items to Evaluate Computational Thinking of
Primary and Secondary School Students (Ting-Chia HSU)
Ccomputational thinking of students could be evaluated with computer and without computer. For
example, Bebras provides the students with the multiple choice tests although the students use a
computer with the Internet to fill out the answers. In Taiwan, some senior high school students
participate in the test named APCS (Advanced Placement Computer Science) containing both
conceptual tests of programs and writing programs with computer. They can use the scores of APCS to
apply to some universities in Taiwan. Consequently, most of the time, the students have to solve
task-based and situated test items so that their concepts and practices of computational thinking can be
assessed. Finally, their perspectives, such as relating to self-efficacy, attitude, motivation and so on, are
evaluated with proper questionnaires. More tools and examples will be introduced in the panel.
In my educational project, STEAMing the ships for the Great Voyage, computational thinking is
integrated in an interdisciplinary robotic game. Student groups role-play the five main countries in the
Age of Discovery using computers to write block programming to control the robotic ships to voyage
on the world map. In the game, computational thinking is the key to deploying diplomatic strategies,
cooperating or competing with other countries, solving historical crisis, and completing tasks by trading
or battling for spices.
Multimodal assessments take multiple sources of data for both quantitative and qualitative data
analysis. Other than questionnaires and tests, it includes video/audio recordings of all the participants
which can be textualized for content analysis, with the addition to the coding logs from the system, as
well as the observations of their behaviors. The purpose is to diagnose the participants’ gaming
strategies, the dynamic interpersonal and inter-group interactions, and critical/creative/computational
thinking skills.
In Singapore, the IMDA government agency has been promoting CT education through running or
supporting programmes for schools such as Code for Fun (in which students learn Scratch
programming) and Digital Making (in which students do physical computing on the microBit). Many
schools (but not all schools) opt to offer these computing-related programmes, and hence we allude to
them as the informal curricula which also include community-based or private tuition programmes. The
objective is to interest students in computing/coding, with a view towards nurturing students to take up
computing or related subjects, thereby contributing to the future pipeline of ICT manpower in
Singapore. The Ministry of Education promotes CT education through offering the Computing subject
in Secondary 3 and 4, and the Computer Science subject in Junior Colleges (grades 11-12). With a rich
ecology of CT education provision involving informal learning and formal learning, we discuss
research efforts to understand the outcomes of these current efforts to promote and teach computing and
coding in Singapore. The relevant assessment questions are: What are the pathways of students learning
CT through the informal curricula in schools? What and how are the students learning CT in the
different parts of the ecosystem? With respect to what and how the students are learning Computational
Thinking in the different parts of the ecosystem, we need to collect data from students, teachers,
principals and vendors participating in these computing-related applied learning programmes, and
analyse students’ perceptions and CT artifacts to assess CT readiness, progression and growth. In this
panel, I provide a discussion of the methods to explore these assessment questions.
The panel will first consist of panelist presentations which share the related experiences of assessing the
progress and outcome of CT development among learners in primary and secondary schools across
different countries / regions around the world. The panelists will share their insights into the focuses and
approaches desirable for CT evaluation; the design of test items for CT evaluation; the models of CT
evaluation in game-based learning; and the methods of CT evaluation in informal curriculum. The panel
will then discuss what challenges that primary and secondary schools are facing in the deployment of
CT assessments; what dimensions that CT assessments are expected to be covered according to
different grades of young learners; and what approaches that are possible for teaching practitioners to
accurately assess CT development among learners in primary and secondary schools. The panel is
expected to provide participants with insights related to the universally agreed-upon methods of
assessment for CT development.
Barr, D., Harrison, J., & Conery, L. (2011). Computational thinking: A digital age skill for everyone. Learning &
Leading with Technology, 38(6), 20-23.
Barr, V., & Stephenson, C. (2011). Bringing computational thinking to K-12: What is involved and what is the
role of the computer science education community? ACM Inroads, 2(1), 48-54.
Chen, G., Shen, J., Barth-Cohen, L., Jiang, S., Huang, X., & Eltoukhy, M. (2017). Assessing elementary students’
computational thinking in everyday reasoning and robotics programming. Computers & Education, 109,
Grover, S., & Pea, R. (2013). Computational thinking in K-12: A review of the state of the field. Educational
Researcher, 42(1), 38-43.
Lye, S.-Y., & Koh, J. H.-L. (2014). Review on teaching and learning of computational thinking through
programming: What is next for K-12? Computers in Human Behavior, 41, 51-61.
Shute, V. J., Sun, C., & Asbell-Clarke, J. (2017). Demystifying computational thinking. Educational Research
Review, 22, 142-158.
Voogt, J., Fisser, P., Good, J., Mishra, P., & Yadav, A. (2015). Computational thinking in compulsory education:
Towards an agenda for research and practice. Education and Information Technologies, 20(4), 715-728.
Wing, J. M. (2006). Computational thinking. Communications of the ACM, 49(3), 33-35.
A Learning Theory Design for Asia in the 21st
Century: Interest-Driven Creator Theory (IDC)
Ben Chang a*, Tak-Wai Chan a, Wenli Chen b, Siu Cheung Kongc, Chee Kit Looi b, Lung Hsiang
Wong b, Ju-Ling Shihd
Graduate Institute of Learning and Instruction, National Central University, Taiwan
National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
The Education University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Department of Information and Learning Technology, National University of Tainan, Taiwan
* bchang.tw@gmail.com
Questions, Design, Indicators for CSCL
ChewLee TEO, Lung Hsiang WONG, Bodong CHEN, Gaowei CHEN, Elizabeth KOH
Chew Lee Teo, Lung Hsiang Wong, Elizabeth Koh, National Institute of Education, Singapore
Bodong Chen, University of Minnesota, USA
Gaowei Chen, Hong Kong University, Hong Kong
*Chew Lee, Teo @corresponing.author
1. Introduction
2. The Design-Indicators-Question frame.
Designing and implementing CSCL environment requires teachers to consider various dimensions in
the collaborative learning process such as social (skills, awareness), technological (social presence and
content support, online resource), pedagogical situation (definition of activities, artefacts, content and
group work), and motivation (engagement). There are many pedagogical scaffold tools designed for
teachers, for example, Persico et al. (2010) derive at "design pattern (DP) instances, that are based on a
set of indicators, to support monitoring and evaluation of CSCL interactions, as well as on the methods
to gauge these indicators. The question-design-indicator used in this panel discussion attempt to explore
the connections between the different aspects of CSCL practice in various CSCL classrooms activity to
understand the design-implementation-evaluation process.
Question-Design-indicator frame (Table 1): We begin the unpacking with teachers' questions about
what they hope to see in the CSCL activities which will lead them to think about the design and
enactment of the activities. We then continue to map different analytics and visualisation as indicators
that could inform teachers what they set out to do. Afterwhich we returned to the prioritisation questions
that would challenge the teachers to think about the two areas of prioritisation: (i) how they are adopting
the outcomes, diagnostic or emergent; (ii) are they more concern with students taking agency of
learning or are their control over the instructional progression.
We will be discussing three cscl scenarios based on the question-design-indicator frame. We hope the
discussion can allow teachers to think about their intent of CSCL so as to (i) scaffold deep and sustained
collaborative teaching and learning beyond superficial group-work; (ii) supports leaders and educators
in analysing, monitoring, and improving CSCL activities; (iii) facilitates design of curriculum
assessment of students’ engagement, 21CC and deep learning.
3. CSCL Scenario #1: Students presented with the individualised “report” that
explained their collaborative activities.
This scenario presents an on-going research effort of individual "reports" presented to students in a
knowledge-building classroom. The individualised cards include evidence of students' participation and
contribution to the collective inquiry in class from an online discussion forum, Knowledge Forum. The
cards provide visualisation of students' soft-skills development such as contribution patterns, leadership
in ideas, and graphs of scaffold support (sentence starter) used by students in their notes. The content
learning is presented to students with the proxy of the keywords used by the students in their
collaborative discussion as compared to the keywords used by their class. The list of keywords adopted
for the analytics are selected by teacher and researchers referencing to both curriculum document and
students' discussion. This CSCL scenario is unpacked in table 1, according to the
question-design-indicator framework (Table 1). The panel will present preliminary results based on
students and teachers' reflection about the two areas of prioritisation.
4. CSCL Scenario #2: Seamless environment in and out of class, online and offline environment
for CSCL practice
Students’ collaborating seamlessly in and out of classroom: Authentic collaboration happens in and out
of classroom naturally (Looi et al, 2010). A student engaged in the class inquiry on light would be
observing shadows and rainbow on their way home in a different manner, they might be triggered more
questions to ask their friends walking home with them (not their collaborating partners), they might
challenge some of the explanations they hear in class. They might actively discuss about the
phenomenon with their families. How do teachers make sense of these children’s thoughts as these
children bring them back to the classroom? How do teachers capture these rich learning happening
outside classroom that might change the dynamic interaction in the CSCL lesson? Panelist will build on
to the CSCL scenario by providing insights of seamless learning and its importance and realisation in
daily classroom practice through the dimensions and characterisation of mobile-assisted seamless
learning (MSL) (Lung & Looi, 2011) using the question-design-indicator frame.
Supporting collaborative discourse in CSCL activities: Facilitating whole-class and small group
collaborative discussions is a core practice of CSCL. Such discourse-centric pedagogy demands
teachers to instill confidence in individual students, establish nurturing classroom culture, and push
students to improve reasoning (Michaels & O’Connor, 2012). Individual students should, through this
collaborative discourse, achieve better understanding and take ownership in their learning. The whole
issue about supporting collaborative discourse is that the teacher might have to deviate from their
planned procedure and seek new ways of responding to students’ interest and learning. It might involve
reflective noticing, questioning, and revoicing, embraces opportunistic knowledge processes and
working emerging problems (Zhang et al., 2018). Panelist will share his extensive research on
technology and analytic development, e.g. Promising Idea Tool ideas, to discuss the scaffolds given to
teachers and students in a collaborative and progressive discourse. The panel will discuss on the basic
design idea of these tools in a classroom environment and the implication of such design on pedagogy to
realise the potential of young children in evaluating and reflection on ideas generated by their peers
(Chen et al, 2015).
6. Discussions
The integration of different cognitive, socio-cognitive, and technological aspects of learning through
CSCL has been such a break-through concept in the past two decades. It has indeed impacted the way
school leaders, teachers and students think about learning. However, the traditional mode of learning
has been so deeply entrenched in the practice that many in the mainstream schools continue to
superimpose the traditional transactional learning onto CSCL. CSCL community needs to address the
challenges. One of the challenges that especially resonated with us is that that "the interdependence
between different aspects needs to be better represented and discussed, rather than considering them
cause-effect relationships" (Dillenbourg et al. 2009). The learning happening in CSCL is much more
productive than merely constrained by a cause-effect relationship, which is typically a transactional
approach to learning. Unless we can present a principled and system-based approach to CSCL and
translate this interpretation to teachers (Scardamlia et al., 2012), we hope this panel can contribute to the
discussion of a principled and system view of CSCL practice in classrooms.
Persico, D., Pozzi, F., & Sarti, L. (2009). Design patterns for monitoring and evaluating CSCL
processes. Computers in Human Behavior, 25(5), 1020-1027.
Barros-Castro, R. A., Córdoba-Pachón, J. R., & Pinzón-Salcedo, L. A. (2014). A systemic framework for
evaluating computer-supported collaborative learning—Mathematical problem-solving (CSCL-MPS)
initiatives: Insights from a Colombian case. Systemic Practice and Action Research, 27(3), 265-285.
Schneider, B., & Blikstein, P. (2015). Unraveling students’ interaction around a tangible interface using
multimodal learning analytics. Journal of Educational Data Mining, 7(3), 89-116.
Michaels, S., & O’Connor, C. (2015). Conceptualizing talk moves as tools: Professional development approaches
for academically productive discussion. Socializing intelligence through talk and dialogue, 347-362.
Looi, C. K., Seow, P., Zhang, B., So, H. J., Chen, W., & Wong, L. H. (2010). Leveraging mobile technology for
sustainable seamless learning: a research agenda. British journal of educational technology, 41(2), 154-169.
Zhang, J., & Yuan, G. (2018). Cross-Classroom Interaction for Knowledge Building: A Design Experiment in
Four Grade 5 Science Classrooms. In Rethinking Learning in the Digital Age: Making the Learning Sciences
Count, 13th International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS). London, UK: International Society
of the Learning Sciences.
Dillenbourg, P., Järvelä, S., & Fischer, F. (2009). The evolution of research on computer-supported collaborative
learning. In Technology-enhanced learning (pp. 3-19). Springer, Dordrecht.
Scardamalia, M., Bransford, J., Kozma, B., & Quellmalz, E. (2012). New assessments and environments for
knowledge building. In Assessment and teaching of 21st century skills(pp. 231-300). Springer, Dordrecht.
Wong, L. H., & Looi, C. K. (2011). What seams do we remove in mobile-assisted seamless learning? A critical
review of the literature. Computers & Education, 57(4), 2364-2381.
Annex A. Table 1 Question-design-indicator table to guide design and analysis
The following table unpack a sample CSCL Activity: students collaborating in groups within the class to pursue an inquiry task, facilitated by teachers.
Learning Teachers’ questions Design Indicators: Types of Questions: Using the Questions: Using
outcomes visualisations and design-indicators to prioritise design-indicator to
information to present to students’ agency over teachers prioritise emerging
teachers instructional control; prioritise quality and teaching
E.g. cognitive Content coverage/knowledge Hard content skills versus soft The analysis of individual Students are provided a ‘report’ Teacher’s reflecting
and & 21CC: I need to understand skills: The collaboration process and collective contributions; of their collaborative activities on students’ learning
metacognitive the learning outcomes of my is as, if not more important, than the relationships among How have I been sharing and planning the next
development students in this lesson: the artefacts produced by the contributions; and the personal question/ideas in activity ahead.
group while collaborating: analyses of students’ relation to the brainstorming and
What is my objective Translated to practice, it is more reflection. generative conversation phase. What are the
(knowledge and skills) in this important for the teacher and What is the consolidation of my promising ideas or
lesson? students to have a strong sense of Archival of process, e.g. own point of view in relation to discussion reflected
What activities can I design to what is happening in their qualitative analysis of class’ problem; finding or by the students?
achieve these objectives in a interaction and collaboration is students’ postings proposing an agreement; How are the hard
collaborative manner? more important than making Visualization of cues/clues What is the summary of the class skills developing
How do I know if they have sure they get to the final product. of the cognitive dimension at this point of time along side the soft
achieved if they are Individual versus group: in students’ writing (to What are some of the skills?
collaborating? individual learners contributions provide a quantitative disagreements and can I make a
What is the students’ prior and learning are representive of assessment of the qualitative suggestions.
knowledge? Is that prior the collaborative process and 21CC). E.g. frequency of reflection: how have I been
knowledge enough to the artefacts. Individual reporting use of certain thinking learning?; planning further steps;
learning purpose? can be designed within CSCL scaffold such as “I need to constructive review of one’s
but it should be compromise the understand”; frequency of contribution in relation to
collaborative work. use of keywords. group/class progress?
Knowledge versus 21CC: Is Visualisations:
critical thinking taking place? of how students are working
Are participants negotiating and with one another, not just as
sharing knowledge, solving a social activity but as a
problems together? To what knowledge creating activity:
extent are they aware and in of students’ reflection.
control of their learning
...................................................................................................................................................................... 22
INTERVALS ..................................................................................................................................................... 32
USING DATA MINING TECHNIQUES TO ASSESS STUDENTS’ ANSWER PREDICTIONS .............................................. 42
A PROBLEM-SOLVING MODEL ........................................................................................................................ 51
TOWARDS ADAPTIVE PROVISION OF EXAMPLES DURING PROBLEM SOLVING ..................................................... 57
CAN EEG SIGNAL PREDICT LEARNERS’ PERCEIVED DIFFICULTY? ............................................................................ 63
PERFORMANCE .............................................................................................................................................. 69
MODELING VIDEO VIEWING STYLES WITH PROBABILISTIC MODE SWITCHING ..................................................... 81
PLATFORM ..................................................................................................................................................... 90
PERFORMANCE .............................................................................................................................................. 93
Chang, M et al. (Eds.) (2019). Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Computers in Education.
Taiwan: Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education
Abstract: Incubation Effect (IE) refers to the phenomenon where one gets stuck in a
problem-solving activity, decides to take a break, and afterwards revisits the unsolved problem
and eventually solves it. While studies on IE were all limited to traditional classroom activities,
this research aimed to continue the study of IE in the context of a computer-based learning
environment and find features that would predict the incidence of revisiting an unsolved
problem and its positive outcome. A prior IE model was developed using a logistic regression
but the hand-crafted features used were from aggregated data and do not reflect specific
characteristics of students’ actions. Further analysis was conducted in this study and used a deep
learning technique which significantly improved the performance of the IE model. In order to
interpret the learned features of the neural network, a combination of dimension reduction,
visualization technique, and clustering were used. It was found that the coarse-grained features
are consistent with the fine-grained features but action level features were also discovered
which provided more evidence that there was an improvement on how students tried to solve the
problem after incubation.
1. Introduction
Taking a break from a series of failed attempts to solve a problem may facilitate the solution process as
shown in prior work (Fulgosi & Guilford, 1968; Gilhooly, Georgiou, & Devery, 2013; Penaloza &
Calvillo, 2012; Sio & Ormerod, 2015). This momentary break is known by the name incubation (Sio &
Ormerod, 2015). During some incubation periods, an internal mental process associates new
information with past information to generate solution ideas (Medd & Houtz, 2002). In the context of
education, students who get stuck in a problem-solving activity may temporarily engage in another task,
after which, they return to the original problem and find a solution. When the student solves the problem
after incubation, the phenomenon and its positive result is called the Incubation Effect (IE).
IE is divided into three phases (Gilhooly et al., 2013): (a) pre-incubation phase, (b) incubation
phase, and (c) post-incubation phase. The pre-incubation phase is when a student attempts to solve a
problem and gets stuck. When the student decides to take a break from the problem-solving task and
engages in another task, it signals the beginning of the incubation phase. The post-incubation phase
happens when the student goes back to the original problem and tries to solve it again. The benefits of
incubation prompted researchers to incorporate breaks into educational activities which were shown to
have positive results (Lynch & Swink, 1967; Medd & Houtz, 2002; Rae, 1997; Webster, Campbell, &
Jane, 2006). Prior studies (Ellwood, Pallier, Snyder, & Gallate, 2009; Fulgosi & Guilford, 1968;
Gilhooly et al., 2013; Penaloza & Calvillo, 2012; Sio & Ormerod, 2015) investigated specific factors
that could lead to successful incubation in the context of classroom tasks and suggested that engaging in
a different activity may produce a better outcome. On the other hand, (Penney, Godsell, Scott, &
Balsom, 2004) claimed that engaging in a task with similar nature would promote priming which allows
students to realize the correct solution to the problem but (Segal, 2004) said that the task during
incubation has no effect on its outcome.
The incidence of incubation effect has also been investigated (Martinez et al., 2016; Talandron,
Rodrigo, & Beck, 2017; (Talandron & Rodrigo, 2018) in the context of a computer-based environment
called Physics Playground (PP) which is a two-dimensional game that is designed for high school
students to better understand concepts in Physics. (Martinez et al., 2016) found evidence that taking a
break helped some students to solve a problem in which they were previously stuck. For example, if the
student cannot solve level 3 in playground 3, the student can leave it and try to solve other levels then
just go back to it again later. To further explore IE on PP, Talandron, Rodrigo, and Beck (2017)
attempted to model IE and examined possible factors that predict the successful outcome of incubation.
However, the study was limited to hand-crafted features from aggregated data which means that
individual attempts comprising the 3 phases of IE were not analyzed in a fine-grained level and the
actual activity during incubation were not taken into consideration. Thus, further analysis is needed to
look at the large amount of unused data from the previous studies and come up with better features and
The main objective of the study is to conduct a fine-grained level modeling of the incubation
effect among students playing Physics Playground and further understand the factors that predict IE.
Student interaction logs contain a rich amount of data that can be utilized to extract information on
student actions and behaviors in each attempt. Specifically, this study would like to answer the
(RQ1) What fine-grained features predict incubation effect? What are the features that more likely give
a positive result during the post-incubation phase? What’s the difference between the actions of the
students to solve level X during pre-incubation and during post-incubation?
(RQ2) How will the extracted features perform against the hand-crafted features (Talandron et al.,
2017) in predicting incubation effect? How does the model using hand-crafted coarse-grained features
perform versus the model with fine-grained learned features?
2. Physics Playground
(a) A level that requires a ramp (b) Sample solution to a ramp problem
When the student solves a level, he/she receives either a gold or silver badge. A badge is
awarded if the student solves the level – a gold badge if the problem was solved using at or below a par
number of objects determined by the game designers; otherwise, a silver badge is given.
3. Methods
3.1 Data
The analyses for this study used a dataset collected from a total of 176 high school students in the
Philippines: 29 from a public junior high school in Baguio City (School 1); 31 from a private university
also in Baguio City (School 2); 56 from a private university in Cebu (School 3); and 60 from a private
university in Davao City (School 4). These students were considered average in terms of their academic
The students were given an orientation to introduce them to Physics Playground and to explain
the game mechanics. Before playing, they were asked to answer a pre-test which was comprised of 16
multiple-choice type questions about simple machines and laws of Physics in relation to the learning
objectives of PP. Then the students were given about 2 hours to play Physics Playground where their
interactions with the game were automatically recorded into a log file. They were allowed to choose the
problem they would like to solve, they could leave the problem, and return to it at a later time. After the
session, the students answered a post-test which was also based on the topics covered in PP.
While playing PP, student’s interactions with the game were automatically recorded along with
each action’s time stamp. The actions recorded were divided into 4 categories: Menu Events, Level
Events, Play Events, and Agent Events. Menu Events refer to interactions when the player is in the main
menu of the game while Level Events are actions related to each individual level within a playground.
Play Events are the player’s interactions within the PP environment once the player started to play a
specific level. Agent Events refer to the interactions of and with the objects or simple machines drawn
by the player to solve the level. These include the level, start time, end time, objects drawn, badge, etc.
where we can derive other information as in prior work (Martinez et al., 2016; Palaoag, Rodrigo, &
Andres, 2015; Palaoag, Rodrigo, Andres, Andres, & Beck, 2016; Talandron et al., 2017) such as
attempt duration, number of restarts and revisits, sequence of levels, number of badges earned.
The data was filtered to only include the interaction logs of students who exhibited potential
IEs. Unnecessary columns were then removed and only included the problem ID, series of actions taken
to solve the problem, and the result which indicates whether the student solved the problem or not. The
canonical solution to each problem which was the basis of the problem type was also integrated into the
3.3 Modeling
To prepare the data for modeling using LSTM, it is essential to structure the data for the specification of
the timestep and batch size such that the timestep corresponds to the number of actions to solve a
problem and the batch size as the number of problems or attempts per student. Another step was the
transformation of the data type from string to numeric. String data must be encoded as numbers to be
used as input or output for machine learning and deep learning models and the Scikit-learn library has
provided the tool to do this. Sklearn's LabelEncoder module finds all classes and assigns each a numeric
id starting from 0. For the output labels, np.utils.to_categorical was used to convert array of labeled
data (from 0 to nb_classes-1) to one-hot vector.
The model using LSTM was developed using Keras, a high-level neural networks API on top of
TensorFlow with Python as the underlying programming language. To realize the objectives, this study
focused on the following training tasks:
Given a sequence of attempts for a series of problems, classify each attempt based on the following:
son – solved new (successfully solved the problem at first attempt)
unn – unsolved new (failed to solve the problem at first attempt)
sops – solved a problem that has already been previously solved
unps – failed to solve a problem that has already been previously solved
sopu-nb – no incubation, replayed and solved a previously unsolved problem
unpu-nb – no incubation, replayed and failed to solve a previously unsolved problem
sopu – revisited and solved a previously unsolved problem (IE-True)
unpu – revisited and failed to solve a previously unsolved problem (IE-False)
The “sopu” corresponds to IE-True while “unpu” corresponds to IE-False. The analyses were
focused on these 2 classes. The term “replay” means the player re-played the same level consecutively
without interval while “revisit” means a “break” or interval occurred before the same level is played
The input features include the time of the action, the problem ID, and the series of actions in the
attempts to solve the problem. The output label was the result of each attempt which was coded based
on the 8 classes described in this section. For this task, a one-layer deep LSTM was used. To predict the
output label, the hidden state at the last timestep was passed through a fully connected layer and a
subsequent softmax layer. The batch size used was the number of attempts per student which was 91 and
timestep was set to 100 so that the network would consider all the actions for each attempt as it
backpropagates when calculating gradients for weight updates. The final number of epochs was set to
200. The values of other hyperparameters followed the configuration described in section 3.3. A student
level cross-validation was used which was to ensure that a student’s data was only either on the training
set or the testing set.
Another issue that had to be addressed was class imbalance. Majority (71%) were first attempts
on a new problem and the remining 29% were divided into 3 types: 13% replay previously solved
problems, 9% revisit previously unsolved problem (potential IE), 7% replay unsolved problems (no
incubation). This was addressed using the sklearn.utils. class_weight. compute_class_weight from the
Scikit-learn library which computes for the appropriate weight based on the given training data. The
computed values were stored in a dictionary which was then implemented during training. A
student-level cross validation was done to ensure that each student’s data was either on the training set
or the testing set.
The application of t-SNE (Maaten & Hinton, 2008) and X-means clustering algorithm as described in
Wang et al. (2017) was done to map the input samples with the learned features. To answer the research
questions previously stated, the data were analyzed as follows:
RQ1: What fine-grained features predict incubation effect? The learned representations are
expected to be features that predict performance. The features derived from the input data was
visualized using t-SNE as well as the prediction results. Then, X-means algorithm was used to cluster
the data points in order to identify distinct groups. Quantitative analysis was conducted on each cluster
based on the features that could be derived from the LSTM input data to find significant differences or
effect of these features on each cluster.
RQ2: How will the extracted features perform against the hand-crafted features in predicting
incubation effect? The performance of the model and the coarse-grained features presented in
Talandron, Rodrigo, and Beck (2017) were compared to the fine-grained model and the extracted
fine-grained features.
LSTM was used to model IE in a fine-grained level as described in section 3.3. A zero-padding
technique was applied in order to achieve a uniform number of attempts per student which was used as
the batch size during training and the same technique for the number of actions per attempt which was
used the number of timesteps. The input vector has a total of 773,500 rows (85 students with 91
attempts each and each attempt with 100 actions). Model performance was measured based on the
confusion matrix which is shown in Table 2 (recall = 91.62%, precision = 82.55%, f-score = 86.84%,
kappa = 0.821).
Table 1
Fine-Grained IE model confusion matrix
IE-True (sopu) IE-False (unpu) Others
IE-True (sopu) 175 2 14
IE-False (unpu) 15 95 22
Others 22 36 3251
Using t-SNE, both the actual and the predicted IE-True and IE-False instances were visualized
on a two-dimensional plot. Several runs of t-SNE were conducted with varying values for perplexity
and in order to decide on the most appropriate value, the one with the highest t-SNE nearest neighbor
accuracy was selected. In this result, the perplexity of 20 yield the highest t-SNE nearest neighbor
accuracy of 81%. The input data used in t-SNE includes all the features that could be derived from the
LSTM input data and that could have been learned by the neural net such as time, problem, actions
taken to solve the problem, duration of incubation, duration for each attempt, problem difficulty,
productivity, and problem type. The t-SNE output reduced these features into two dimensions which
were then the basis for the t-SNE plot. Figure 3 shows the t-SNE plot of IE-True (sopu) and IE-False
(unpu) based on the actual (a) and prediction results (b).
(a) actual IE-True (sopu) and IE-False (unpu) (b) predicted IE-True (sopu) and IE-False (unpu)
Since the model’s recall was at 91.62%, it was expected that their t-SNE plot should look
similar. More importantly, both plots show two apparent groups, one on the third quadrant of the plot
which was composed of almost all IE-True instances, and one on the first quadrant which includes
majority of IE-False but was mixed with some IE-True. In order to get the distinct clusters, we applied
x-means clustering on the t-SNE results and then plot the clustering results on the t-SNE data. This was
done on both the actual and predicted IE-True and IE-False as shown in Figure 4(a) and Figure 4(b),
(a) Clustering result of actual Potential IEs (b) Clustering result of the predictions
Figure 4. The clustering results of both actual IEs and predicted IEs
Based on the clusters of prediction results and referencing Figure 3(b) on Figure 4(b), Cluster 1
is predominantly composed of SOPU predictions (IE-True). A quantitative analysis was done for all the
features derived from the LSTM input data in order to extract distinct features for the clusters. As
previously mentioned, these features include the time of the revisit, incubation duration, problem
difficulty, student’s productivity, the problem type, and the different actions done to solve the problem.
It was found that more potential IEs (revisit) occurred during the last 30 minutes of the session.
However, when investigated in terms of how productive revisits were at each 30-min interval, it was
found that more revisits at the later time resulted to IE-False. A t-test was conducted to compare the
difference between the time of revisit in cluster 1 vs those in cluster 2. There was a significant effect of
the time of revisit on the clusters at the p<0.05 level [F (1, 321) = 7.01, p = 0.008]. The IE incidence for
each cluster in 30-minute bins is also shown in Figure 5. Since instances in cluster 1 were mostly
successful IEs, it can be inferred that potential IEs in the early part of a time-limited session are more
likely to be beneficial.
Figure 5. Predicted revisit instances at each time interval from clusters 1 and 2
Also, from the coarse-grained IE model (Talandron et al., 2017), problem difficulty was a
significant feature such that revisiting a problem with lower difficulty rate more likely results to
IE-True. This was also analyzed in a fine-grained level and the difference was significant on cluster 1
(mean = 39.36%, sd = 16.64%) and cluster 2 (mean = 45.39%, sd = 17.33%) at the p<0.05 level [F (1,
321) = 10.06, p = 0.002].
The incubation duration between clusters were compared and a significant difference was found
between cluster 1 (mean = 10.95, sd = 17.99) and cluster 2 (mean = 16.06, sd = 20.81) at the p<0.05
level [F (1, 321) = 5.52, p = 0.02]. This finding is also consistent with the coarse-grained analysis where
it was found that a lengthy incubation could lead to IE-False (Talandron et al., 2017) and specifically,
incubation duration that was more than 40 minutes resulted to IE-False (Talandron and Rodrigo, 2018).
Another notable feature in predicting IE-True in the coarse-grained analysis (Talandron et al., 2017)
was the student’s productivity which means how well the student was performing at the time of revisit.
Similarly, a comparison was made in the fine-grained level analysis to see how this feature affected the
clusters. This was computed as the number of problems solved over all attempts made at the time of
revisit. The difference was significant between cluster 1 (mean = 64.48%, sd = 17.89%) and cluster 2
(mean = 56.97%, sd = 19.75%) at the p<0.05 level [F (1, 321) = 12.30, p < 0.001]. This means that
having been productive by the time of revisit would more likely lead to a positive revisit outcome.
Figure 6 shows the potential IE instances in clusters 1 and 2 and the student’s productivity rates in 25%
The problem type is a binary feature which indicates whether the attempt preceding the revisit had a
similar solution to the problem during the revisit. There were 208 potential IEs preceded by an attempt
on a problem with a similar solution and 125 (60.10%) resulted to IE-True. In terms of its effect on
clusters 1 and 2, the Chi-Square test of independence was conducted and found a significant effect, c2
(1, N=323) =39.55, p<0.001, between the clusters and the problem type. This means, being preceded by
a problem with a similar solution was considered as a significant factor in predicting IE-True.
4.1.5 Actions
There’s a total of 22 events or actions from the logs and some of these actions can be found on other
games such as ‘click’, ‘pause’, ‘hover/preview tutorial’, ‘watch tutorial’, ‘erase’. Other actions are very
specific to Physics Playground such as ‘collision’, ‘diver’, ‘draw pin’, ‘lever’, ‘pendulum strike’,
‘springboard’, ‘ramp’, ‘stacking’, ‘stacking warning’, ‘draw freeform’.
The analysis for these actions was divided into three: 1) an analysis on the common game
actions between cluster 1 and cluster 2; 2) an analysis on the common game actions between the
pre-incubation period and post-incubation period; and 3) an analysis on solution specific actions during
the pre-incubation period and post-incubation period to explore whether there has been a change on the
approach to solve the problem. For the common game actions, a comparison on the frequency of these
actions between the clusters were analyzed and a significant effect, at p<0.05 level, was found on the
incidence of pause, hover tutorial, and erase between cluster 1 and cluster 2 as shown in Table 3.
Table 2
Comparison of common game actions between clusters 1 and 2
Based on this, we can infer that higher incidence of erase in cluster 1 means better awareness
when incorrect actions were made, lower incidence of pause can be an indication that they were more
confident of what they’re doing and higher incidence of hover tutorial means they are making sure that
they are drawing the object correctly. Further, a comparison of these actions between the pre-incubation
and post-incubation period was conducted to see if there was a difference before and after incubation.
The difference was significant for pause between cluster 1 pre-incubation (mean = 0.08) and cluster 1
post-incubation (mean = 0.03) at the p<0.05 level [F (1, 381) = 109.19, p < 0.001]. It was also
significant for erase, cluster 1 pre-incubation (mean = 0.03) and cluster 1 post-incubation (mean=0.05)
at the p<0.05 level [F (1, 381) = 6.72, p = 0.009]. Third, solution specific actions were compared
between pre-incubation and post-incubation and a significant difference, at the p<0.05 level, was found
for ramp and springboard as shown in Table 4.
Table 3
Comparison of solution-specific actions between clusters 1 and 2
With the significant difference on the frequency of these actions during the pre-incubation
period and post-incubation period, it can be inferred that incubation has made an impact on how the
students try to solve the problem during the revisit.
The findings were compared to establish consistency of results as well as the necessity of fine-grained
analysis to improve model performance. All the significant features from the coarse-grained
analysis(Talandron et al., 2017) are consistent with the extracted features in the fine-grained analysis
which are the time of revisit, incubation duration, productivity before revisit, and problem difficulty.
Aside from these, new fine-grained features were discovered during the analysis which are the problem
type, common game actions and solution-specific actions which provided evidence that incubation
improved students’ actions in their attempt to solve a previously unsolved problem after incubation.
The fine-grained model performed better in all metrics used (precision, recall, f-score, kappa)
compared to the coarse-grained model as shown in table 5. There was a notable increase of 31.82% in
precision and 5.97 in kappa.
Table 4
Comparison of model performance
This improvement could be attributed to the problem-level or attempt-level data that the
fine-grained level analysis was able to use. The difference between the student’s actions before and
after incubation was a significant factor on the model’s prediction performance.
This study investigated and modeled the incubation effect phenomenon among students playing an
educational game in a fine-grained level. The initial investigation found that students’ IE success rates
matched their non-IE success rates, implying that IEs may indeed benefit students who are stuck
(Martinez et al., 2016). This study continued the work and answered the following:
RQ 1: What fine-grained features predict incubation effect?
The significant features found were time of revisit (low), duration of incubation (low), problem
difficulty (low), student’s productivity at the time of revisit (high), similarity with the preceding
problem. In terms of game actions, the following were discovered: erase (high), pause (low), hover
tutorial (high). For problem specific actions, improvement in the student’s drawing of ramp and
springboard were observed.
RQ 2: How will the extracted features perform against the hand-crafted features in predicting
incubation effect?
The coarse-grained features (Talandron et al., 2017) that were manually engineered were
consistent with the extracted features but action-level features were also discovered providing more
evidence on the improvement of students’ actions to solve the problem after incubation. Moreover, a
notable increase of 31.82% in precision (82.55% vs 50.73% of the coarse-grained model) and 5.97 in
kappa (0.821 vs 0.224 of the coarse-grained model) were achieved when compared to the previous
model which used aggregated data.
This study contributes to researches using computer-based learning environments in studying
phenomenon of a similar construct with IE since interaction logs of test subjects can be recorded
automatically and hence more accurately. Second, findings quantified the pedagogical practice where
teachers instruct students who are stuck at a problem to skip it and go back to it at a later time. It showed
that incubation can be an effective technique in solving problems where activities performed during the
break are similar or related tasks and the features extracted from this study could be translated to design
features that could be used in other educational games to improve students’ performance. Third, this
study contributed to the growing applications of deep learning on educational data specifically by
analyzing interaction logs from a computer-based learning environment to improve predictive models
of behaviors and phenomena in the context of education. It has also shown that combining deep learning
with other machine learning techniques such as dimensionality reduction, visualization, and clustering,
can pave way to understand the learned features of a neural network.
Based on the limitations of the data collection method which used stealth assessment, another
experiment can be recommended which would involve a control group and an experimental group
where one group is instructed and allowed to incubate and other is not to further study the benefits of
incubation versus no incubation in an experimental setup. Second, the features that predict IE could be
translated into a game design such as rules or game mechanics of an educational application or software
to further study the integration of IE as a pedagogical strategy.
The authors would like to thank Mr. Joshua Martinez and Mr. Jun Rangie Obispo for their
valuable contribution in the initial investigation of incubation effect in Physics Playground which paved
way for this study and Prof. Valerie Shute for her assistance on questions about Physics Playground
specifically about the canonical solutions. We also would like to thank the Ateneo Laboratory for the
Learning Sciences and the Ateneo de Manila University Department of Information Systems and
Computer Science. This study was made possible through a grant from the Philippines’ Department of
Science and Technology Philippine Council for Industry, Energy and Emerging Technology Research
and Development entitled “Stealth assessment of student conscientiousness, cognitive-affective states,
and learning using an educational game for Physics.”
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Chang, M. et al. (Eds.) (2019). Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Computers in
Education. Taiwan: Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education
1. Introduction
Students need “21st Century Skills” to succeed in the information age. Their importance as well as
methods for teaching and cultivating them have been proposed (Griffin and Care, 2014). One category
of the 21st Century Skills is the ability to communicate with others. This skill consists of various
sub-skills; precisely representing what a student wants to convey, changing how one talks based on the
communication targets, and understanding the intentions of others; such sub-skills must be cultivated to
improve communication. Writing is an activity that needs two of these skills, such as precisely
representing what a student wants to convey, and changing how one talks based on the communication
targets (expected readers). We believe that if authors can obtain a method for designing writings based
on their theme and their target readers, they can improve a part of their communication skills.
Therefore, we introduce a writing activity as a training method for cultivating a part of communication
skills. The objective of our research is to develop a support system with which authors can create the
outline their writings based on themes and target readers. We focus on the writing of fictional novels,
where authors need to design everything in a novel such as the settings, and the scenes.
When writing a novel, authors often create a skeletal outline of a novel, which is called plot
(Hunter and Begoray, 1990). In writing training, students need to create a plot that can expresses their
theme and that are liked by their target readers. Several methods have been studied to support plot
creation. Nishihara and Miura (2015) proposed a system that simplifies the creation of plots by defining
the candidates of character behaviors and showing the results of changes in the novel’s world affected
by them. Akimoto and Ogata (2011) established a method that automatically generates a novel from
characters and their roles based on Propp’s Character Theory (Propp, 2010). These studies enable
authors to construct novels with consistent stories based on Propp’s Character Theory. Also, Watanabe
and Arasawa (2014) analyzed components of novels and developed a novel-composition support
system by having authors fill in the components. However, these studies ignore themes and target
Our study develops a system that encourages students to write novels based on their themes and
target readers. We previously proposed a support method for deriving a story that can express intended
themes (Ashida and Kojiri, 2018) and effectively derived the settings and scenes that can convey
themes. The current research seeks to create the novels to be liked by the expected target readers.
Cheong and Young (2006) proposed a system that automatically generates a story that readers might
like using planning techniques. It assumes that the suspense that readers do not know what will happen
next is one element that satisfies readers. It defines suspense as the number of possible scenes that
readers can assume and developed a system that generates a story that evokes an enjoyable level of
suspense by arranging the given scenes using inference techniques. This system requires authors to
create scenes beforehand without considering their target readers. However, because the liked scenes
are different based on the readers, created story are not always liked by the target readers. In addition, it
automatically creates a story and does not support authors to create stories.
This research supports authors who want to create a sequence of scenes that will be enjoyed by
their target readers. One factor that may satisfy them is the emotions they experience while they are
reading. From this viewpoint, our research introduces a story arc that expresses the expected transition
of readers along with the story and proposes a method that utilizes the story arc as a reader model. In
addition, since readers usually empathize with specific characters, the emotions of characters should
reflect the story arc. This paper proposes a method that supports authors who are establishing the
emotions of their characters based on the reader model and provides feedback if gaps are found between
the characters’ emotional changes and the selected story arc.
2. Approach
The steps for creating scenes to compose a story that follows the reader model and approaches for
supporting each step are shown in Figure 1. Zillmann’s Mood Management Theory (Zillmann, 1988)
reported that “people acquire various emotions from the media and actively select media in
consideration of the emotions that they want to acquire.” Choosing a novel is similar; readers select
novels based on the emotions that they want to experience, including happiness, sadness, excitement,
and anticipation. The feeling after reading is often derived both from a novel’s last scene and the
aggregation of scenes; authors first need to select the emotional changes that their target readers are
expected to experience as they read.
In this step since many authors lack experience consciously imagining their expected readers,
explicitly defining a reader model is difficult. We define it as the emotional changes experienced by
readers while they are reading a novel. To support authors who want to develop reader models, we
establish several possible patterns of emotional changes as candidates for reader models from which
authors can select.
Emotional changes in readers are produced by the flow of specific scenes. Readers often
empathize with characters while they are reading (Oatley, 2002). In this paper, as one of the
empathizing, we assume that readers experience the same emotions of characters; thus the characters’
emotional changes throughout the scenes should be defined carefully to derive the expected emotional
changes in target readers. However, in this step, some authors fail to understand that they must consider
the characters’ emotional changes or know which emotions should be defined to follow a reader model.
We propose a support method that presents candidates for the character’s emotions and provides
feedback if the defined characters’ emotions do not elicit the intended reader emotions in the reader
When the emotions of the characters are determined, authors are expected to establish concrete
scenes that can express them. Our research currently does not support this step.
Since authors often experience difficulty scrutinizing the emotional changes of readers, a simple
representation of a reader model is desirable. Although many emotions exist, Cohn et al. (2009) argued
that “happiness” is representative of positive emotions and “unhappiness” represents negative
emotions, and emotional changes can be represented by the levels of happiness. Therefore, this research
adopts the levels of happiness to represent the simple reader model.
A story arc expresses a story’s outline from an emotional aspect (Fig. 2). The horizontal axis
corresponds to the story’s progress, and the vertical axis indicates the happiness level expressed by the
story at that point. Reagan et al. (2016) reported that the story arcs of stories written in English can be
classified into six types by clustering a huge number of story arcs using machine learning techniques.
We adopt the six story arcs defined by Reagan et al. as candidates for reader models.
Table 1 lists the types of story arcs defined as candidates of reader models along the basic story
structure, which consists of introduction, development, turn, and conclusion. This structure is often
used in Japanese creative writing. The model represents the types of story arcs by their transitions, not
by the absolute values of the happiness levels, because we believe that how readers feel reflects the
differences in the story’s emotions. We provide authors with candidate reader models that allow them to
choose the one that is most likely to be preferred by their target readers.
4. Determination Support of Characters’ Emotions Following Reader Models
To create preferred stories for target readers, authors need to design the emotions of characters based on
selected reader models. For supporting authors who want to set the character's emotions, we provide
candidates of emotions and encourage authors to select from them.
Plutchik (2001) proposed a model of human emotions called Plutchik’s wheel of emotions. This
model argues that human emotions can be expressed by both basic and complex emotions that occur as
a combination of basic emotions. Figure 3 shows the eight basic emotions placed on a wheel. Those at
the opposite pole are unlikely to occur simultaneously. The combination of two basic emotions other
than the one at the opposite end creates a complex emotion called a dyad. In this research, eight basic
emotions and 24 dyads are provided as emotion candidates.
Readers often feel emotions from empathized characters (Oatley, 2002). However, they do not
always empathize with the protagonist. Some readers may prefer friend of the protagonist, or the cool
villain. Our research allows authors to create characters that give the emotional changes of a reader
model for each section of the story, including introduction, development, turn, and conclusion. Then it
provides candidate emotions to authors and helps them consider the emotions of the characters for each
section of the story to fit the defined reader model.
The selected characters’ emotional changes should adhere to the reader model expressed by the story
arc. However, since there are eight basic emotions and 24 dyads, authors do not always select the
appropriate ones. Therefore, we propose a support method that compares the story arcs of the selected
reader model and the happiness changes produced by the selected emotional changes and provides
feedback to the authors when these two elements do not correspond. We conducted two surveys for
determining the changes in happiness levels based on the selected emotional changes.
In the first survey, ten university students were given 32 words that represent emotions and
ranked them based on happiness levels, where 1 is the highest and 32 is the lowest. Figure 4 shows the
results. In Figure 4, The emotional words were arranged by their mean ranks from all the participants.
The blue circles correspond to the mean ranks and the error bars show the standard deviation. Based on
these results, we divided these emotional words into two groups: the happiness group, which consists of
joy to surprise and the unhappiness group, which is formed by sentimentality to despair. However,
ranking the emotional words within each group is difficult.
The second survey analyzed the ranks for each pair of emotional words within the happiness and
unhappiness groups. Ten university students and an associate professor participated. We asked them in
the second survey to group the emotional words into two or three classes based on the happiness levels.
Then for every pair, if the relations of the differences in the happiness levels are identical for more than
six participants, these relations were set as their relative ranks. We set 35 relative relations in the
happiness group and 102 in the unhappiness group.
Based on the differences in the happiness levels between two emotional words defined by the surveys,
the system provides feedback when the selected characters’ emotional changes are inappropriate for the
reader model. That is, for two sections of the story, such as introduction, development, turn, and
conclusion, the system compares the transition of the happiness levels between the empathized
characters’ and those in the selected story arc and comments if their transitions are not the same.
Next we explain an example of feedback generation. Assume that the author selects the Type 4
story arc in Table 1 as a reader model and defines the emotions of character A and B, as shown in Figure
5. The transitions of the happiness levels derived from the characters’ emotions and the reader model
are shown in Table 2. If an author believes that the reader has empathy for character B, character B’s
transition of happiness levels between the turn and the conclusion does not correspond to the reader
model, which indicates increase and character B’s emotional change shows decrease. Therefore, the
system provides feedback: “Note the happiness level contradiction between the reader model and
character B’s emotions in the turn to the conclusion.”
5. Prototype System
We developed a prototype system with which authors can select story arcs as reader models and define
the emotional changes of their characters. We implemented our developed system as a new module of a
plot creation support system that we developed in previous research (Ashida and Kojiri, 2019). Our
system defines the plot’s format and provides an interface for organizing it based on the format. The
system is implemented used HTML and JavaScript.
The system’s interface of the system is shown in Figure 6. The upper half is the story arc selection
part and the lower half is the character’s emotion setting part. In the former, six types of reader models
can be selected from the list of story arcs. When one reader model is selected from the list, its
corresponding graph is depicted below.
In the character’s emotion setting part, the characters are created by the add character button and
the characters’ emotions can be inputted for each section. 32 emotional words are provided by the list of
emotions. When the basic emotions are selected, the selected emotion on the Plutchik’s wheel above is
highlighted. If a complex emotion is selected, the two basic emotions that compose the selected emotion
are highlighted. The text areas below the list of emotions are used for organizing the ideas of the scenes.
A character with whom the readers might empathize is defined at the relationship setting button.
When the feedback button is clicked, the selected story arc and the selected emotional words are
compared. When differences are detected in the changes of the happiness level, the feedback in Figure 7
is presented in the feedback area in Figure 6.
6. Experiment
To evaluate the effectiveness of our developed system for plot creation, we conducted an evaluation
experiment with 11 university students. According to the pre-questionnaire, we found out that the
participants’ writing experience and motivation were different. They were divided into two groups: an
experimental group of six participants and a control group of five participants.
The following is the experimental procedure:
1. Determine target readers;
2. Create a plot;
3. Answer questions about the created plot;
4. Answer a questionnaire.
In Step 1, the participants determined an age group and gender for their targeted readers from the
following choices. The age group choices were children, junior- or senior-high school students, and
adults. The gender choices were male and female. In Step 2, the control group participants created a plot
using only the plot creation interface of the plot creation support system, which provides its format
(Ashida and Kojiri 2019). The experimental group participants determined the story arc and their
characters’ emotions with the developed system before using the plot creation support system. In Step 3,
they explained why they created the scenes in their plots. For Step 4, the questionnaire items shown in
Table 3 were given to the experimental group and those in Table 4 were given to the control group.
Regarding author confidence in the created plot, Item 1 is shared by both groups. We asked this
question to check whether the proposed method helped create plots that are preferred by the target
readers. Items 2 and 3 in Table 3 evaluate whether the story arc’s setting and the characters’ emotions
contributed to the plot creation. Item 4 in Table 3 questions the appropriateness of the feedback
provided by the system.
6.1.2 Results
First, we evaluated whether our proposed system contributed to the smooth creation of plots. If they can
be created smoothly, Modification of scenes can be reduced. Table 5 shows the number of times that
scenes were modified, the total number of scenes, and the average number of modifications per scene.
Participant D is blank because we failed to obtain his log data. The results show that the average number
of modifications per scene for the experimental group is significantly less than for the control group: t
test (t(5) = -2.698, p < 0.05).
The questionnaire results are shown in Tables 6 and 7, indicating the number of participants who
selected each choice. According to the answer for Item 1, all the participants in the experimental group
were confident of their plots to some extent, while some in the control group were not. Items 2 and 3 in
Table 6 show that most of the participants in the experimental group found that selecting the story arc
and the characters’ emotions supported their plot creation.
These results indicate that our system, especially its functions for selecting story arcs and
characters’ emotions, contributed to the smooth creation of plots in which participants felt confident.
According to Item 4 in Table 6, only one participant in the experimental group answered “no.” This
suggests that the method of feedback generation helped some of the authors. Since the number of
participants of our experiment was small, further experiments are needed to verify the effectiveness of
the system’s feedback.
B 11 13 0.85
C 12 13 0.92
D - 14 -
E 8 12 0.67
F 5 10 0.50
G 20 15 1.33
H 12 11 1.09
I 18 13 1.38
J 29 19 1.53
K 38 14 2.71
6.2 Verification Experiment
We experimentally verified whether the authors created plots that represent the selected story arc using
our system. Five university students participated as reader participants to differentiate them from the
participants in the first experiment.
The reader participants were asked to read the plots created by the participants in the
experimental group of the former experiment and to select the happiness level transition that they felt by
the plots from the given choices for each section, such as introduction to development, development to
turn, and turn to conclusion. The given choices were increase, decrease, no change, and cannot answer.
We evaluated whether the selected transitions of the happiness levels correspond to the story arcs
selected by the authors of the plots as reader models.
Since the age-group and gender of each reader participant did not correspond to the target readers
of the plots, we did not verify whether they preferred the created plots.
6.2.2 Results
Table 8 shows the number of reader participants whose selected happiness level transitions are the same
as those of the story arc transitions that the authors selected. The accuracy rate indicates the ratio of
correct answers among the total number of answers. Based on the accuracy rates, participants A, B, E,
and F created plots that provided the expected transitions of emotions to the reader participants.
We examined the correlations between the accuracy rates and the answers for Items 2 and 3 in
Table 6 by setting the following values to the answers: yes = 1, no = 0, and can’t decide = 0.5. We
identified a very strong correlation between the accuracy rate and the answers to Item 2 (r = 0.94) and a
strong correlation between the accuracy rate and Item 3 (r = 0.60). These results indicate that those who
utilized the selection of the story arc and the characters’ emotions created plots that influenced the
reader participants as the author intended. However, we failed to prove whether stories, which were
created from the plots, are preferred by the target readers. Thus, we must conduct further experiments to
investigate whether the stories created using our system satisfy target readers.
7. Conclusion
We proposed a method that creates plots for novels that are preferred by target readers. To represent
reader models, we defined a story arc as an element that expresses the emotional changes that readers
are expected to experience while reading the novel. In addition, for designing scenes from the viewpoint
of characters’ emotions, we defined the emotion candidates and the differences in their happiness
We also developed a support system for creating plots based on the determination of reader
models by selecting story arcs from multiple story arc patterns and setting characters’ emotions by
providing emotion candidates. Our experimental results suggest that the proposed system can support
the smoothly creation of a plot that authors are confident about and that the created plots can express the
selected story arc. However, our current experiments were conducted with too few participants. We
need further experiments to verify our proposed system’s effectiveness.
This system allows authors to freely set the emotions for each character. However, emotional
dependencies are often found between characters. For instance, if a mother and child share a good
relationship, the mother tends to feel happy when her child is happy. If such emotional dependency is
ignored, deriving concrete scenes might be difficult. In our future work, we need to establish a method
that allows authors to consider character relationships and possible emotions based on defined relations.
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Chang, M. et al. (Eds.) (2019). Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Computers in
Education. Taiwan: Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education
Abstract: This paper discusses a machine learning approach for classifying student emotions
while doing programming exercises. Detection of academic emotions in programming from
face features has previously been shown to be a difficult task because people don't tend to
display as much expression as compared to more social activities. In our approach, we show that
adding log features in addition to face features can improve the performance of classifiers.
Furthermore, we show that identifying representative intervals of each emotion type based on
human annotations can be used to build models to classify emotion over longer periods of time.
We believe that our study can contribute in the development of better intelligent programming
tutors that can respond to the affective state of students.
1. Introduction
Recent advances in artificial intelligence have allowed for intelligent tutoring systems to respond to the
affective states of students. Many of these so-called ``affective tutoring systems'' have been motivated
by several studies that correlate the emotional experience of students to their achievement (Rodrigo et
al., 2009; Daniels et al., 2009) and self-regulated learning (Mega, Ronconi, & De Beni, 2014; Cho, &
Heron, 2015). The ability to observe and recognize the student's affective states is part of why human
tutors are very effective (Lehman et al., 2008). Likewise, intelligent tutoring systems that can respond
to student emotions have been shown to yield a variety of benefits in the students' learning
(Malekdazeh, Mustafa, & Lahsasna, 2015).
A key part of these types of systems is the automatic detection of student affect. A
comprehensive meta-analysis of various approaches for affect detection can be found in the work of
D'Mello and Kory (D’Mello, & Kory, 2015). A number of these studies used cameras are used to extract
facial features to detect basic emotions such as joy, sadness, and anger (Zatarain-Cabada et al., 2015).
However, in addition to these basic emotions, there has also been an interest in detecting what are
referred to as “academic emotions” (Pekrun et al., 2002). These are emotions that are prevalent in
academic settings, such as engagement and boredom. In AutoTutor (D’Mello, & Graesser, 2012), the
student learns by interacting with a virtual conversational tutor avatar while an affect detector module
uses a combination of posture, face, and log data to infer academic emotions. In VALERIE (Palearie et
al., 2005), academic emotions are detected using a wide array of sensors including a video camera, a
speech recognizer, and a psychological signal sensor.
However, there are some domains in which detection of affect has remained difficult. One of
these is the domain of programming. Intelligent programming tutors (IPT) are a subclass of intelligent
tutoring systems that teach programming. IPTs pose challenges that are not present in traditional ITSs
(Crow, Luxton-Reilly, & Wuensche, et al., 2018). In these systems, students spend the majority of their
time writing, testing, and debugging code instead of interacting with a virtual agent. Despite this,
previous studies have shown that students frequently transition between different academic emotions
while taking part in this kind of activity (Bosch, D’Mello, & Mills., 2013; Bosch, & D’Mello, 2013).
However, the displays of affect are more naturalistic and difficult to detect.
Studies on detection of affect in programming are relatively limited. In a series of studies
(Grafsgaard et al., 2011; Grafsgaard et al., 2013a; Grafsgaard et al., 2013b), displays of affect are
detected using posture, gesture, and facial features, but are also induced by the nature of the
experimental setup which involved a human tutor communicating with the student through an interface.
An attempt to classify emotional states in a purely-coding setup was done by Bosch, Chen, and D'Mello
by training classifier models using face features captured from a video camera (2014). They found that
fine-grained and fixed judgment emotions was difficult, with the classifiers failing to perform above
chance. They achieved better results for spontaneous judgments on confusion and frustration. More
recently, negative affect was detected from students’ keyboard and mouse actions in programming (Vea
& Rodrigo, 2016).
Despite its difficulty, there is value in being able to infer emotions of students while doing
programming tasks. In our previous studies, we have shown that a system that can provide adaptive
feedback when confusion is detected in the context of programming can potentially help students solve
more problems in programming practice (Tiam-Lee & Sumi, 2017, 2018a, 2018b). However, the model
in this study was trained on a small dataset and was not rigorously evaluated for its accuracy. Expanding
on this idea, we performed analysis on a larger dataset and found that both face features and log features
can be meaningful in detecting emotions in programming (Tiam-Lee & Sumi, 2019). In this study, we
continue to explore this idea by showing that combining log features with face features can improve the
detection of emotions on fixed point judgment intervals. Furthermore, we show that identifying
representative intervals of each emotion can potentially improve the classification of emotion over
longer intervals, an insight that can be useful in building better emotion detectors in programming.
2. Methodology
We collected data from students by asking them to participate in a simulated programming session in
which they must solve a series of coding exercises. In each exercise, they must write the body of a
function according to a given specification. For example, in one of the exercises the function should
return the area of a square given the length of its side as an argument. A custom application was used for
this task which automatically logged all code changes and compilations. It also recorded a video of the
student's face. Figure 1 shows the setup of the data collection.
Each student participated for 45 minutes or until all exercises were solved. After this, the
student was shown replays of different time intervals of the session. These were selected based on key
moments such as compilations, and when the student starts or stops typing. For each time interval, the
student was shown the video of his face and the snapshot of his or her code at that time. Based on this,
the student was asked to provide an emotion label which describes best what he or she felt during that
time interval. The options were “engaged”, “confused”, “frustrated”, “bored”, and “neutral” (no
apparent emotion). This is based on a previous study which identified the common emotions that are
prevalent in programming tasks (Bosch, D’Mello, & Mills., 2013). To minimize subjectivity, we
provided the definitions for each emotion, shown in Table 1. Our methodology produced self-report
affect judgments that are fixed (intervals were chosen by the system, and not by the student).
A total of 73 students from Japan and the Philippines participated in the study. All students
were enrolled in a freshman introductory programming course at the time of the study. All participants
signed informed consent forms which contained and explanation about the study, the data to be
collected, and how it will be used. After removing bad videos (e.g., face not captured properly, face not
detected well), we were left with session data from 39 students.
Table 1
Definition of Affective State Labels
Emotion Definition
Engaged You are immersed in the activity and enjoying it.
Confused You have feelings of uncertainty on how to proceed.
Frustrated You have strong feelings of anger or disappointment.
Bored You feel a lack of interest in continuing with the activity.
Neutral There's no apparent feeling.
We extract log features by taking the number of code insertions, code deletions, compilations, and
submissions. We also consider if the compilation was successful or not (e.g., syntax or runtime error),
and if the submission was passed all test cases or failed some of them.
To extract face features from the videos, we used OpenFace, a toolkit which can estimate facial
landmarks and detect the presence of action units from images and videos using state-of-the-art
machine learning techniques (Baltrusaitis, Zadeh, & Lim, 2018). Figure 2 shows an example of the
estimation of facial landmarks. Action units (AUs) are a taxonomy of fundamental actions of facial
muscles, some examples of which are opening the mouth or raising the eyebrows (Ekman and Friesen,
2003). We processed each video per frame and extracted the head pose features, which included the x, y,
and z positions of the head in 3-D space and the x, y, and z rotation of the head. We also extracted the
intensity of 17 AUs that OpenFace can detect. The intensity is a numerical value representing how
strongly the AU was displayed in the frame.
We merged the consecutive intervals with the same reported emotion, resulting in intervals of
widely varying lengths. An instance representing a time interval of the session is constructed by
aggregating all observations within the time interval. First, the head pose and AU features were
z-standardized on a student level to account for individual differences. We then take the sum of each log
feature and the median, maximum, and standard deviation of all face features across the interval. We
also perform some data cleaning by disregarding frames where OpenFace failed to detect the face
properly using rule-based conditions.
We also performed detection of affect over the original intervals prior to splitting. These intervals
varied widely in terms of the length. To perform the classification, we trained hidden Markov models
for each of the affective state labels based on the sequence of classifications produced by the localized
classifiers, i.e. we combine the prediction output of each of the affective state classifiers for each
sub-interval and used it to train a discrete state hidden Markov model for each affective state.
To classify the affective state of an unknown interval, first we divide it into several fixed-length
sub-intervals of length L, with a sliding window of L/2. Then, we use the localized affect classifiers to
classify each sub-interval for the presence of each of the affective states. We then use this an input to
each of the hidden Markov models for each affective state and classify it based on the model that yields
the highest probability of generating that sequence of states. Figure 3 shows a diagram of this process.
We found that this approach can yield good results when the localized affect classifiers are trained on
representative intervals, which can be obtained from judgments from external human annotators. We
discuss more of this on the next section.
3.1 Classification of Fine-Grained Intervals
Figure 4 shows the performance of the best classifiers for each affective state label on a student-level
cross-fold validation. We treated each affective state as a binary classification problem (e.g., “engaged”
or “not engaged”, where all intervals labelled “confused”, “frustrated” and “bored” were considered as
the negative class). Because we are dealing with imbalanced datasets, we use Cohen's kappa κ as the
metric for performance. κ = 0 means that the model is not any better than a model that predicts randomly
by chance, while higher values are better.
By using face features alone, it is very difficult to predict the presence of affective states
beyond random chance. This is not very surprising as it is consistent with previous findings in the
literature. However, by combining log features and face features, the performance for classification on
the 20 second and 60 second sub-intervals could be improved. Among the sub-interval lengths, L = 60
had the best performance. Among the affective states, engagement yielded the best performance,
reaching κ = 0.30 on the 20 second interval and κ = 0.45 on the 60 second interval. Both of these used
the multilayer perceptron classifier. However, detection for the other affective states remained poor
despite the improvement.
We posit that one of the reasons for the difficulty of fine-grained affect classification is the
sparseness of the displays of affect over an emotional episode. For example, if the student reports
confusion for several consecutive intervals, he is reporting a persistent emotion that is not necessarily
displayed to an observer in those intervals. Even though the student was asked to do the self-report for
each individual interval locally, it is impossible to separate it from the emotions experienced in the
surrounding intervals and from the context of the situation. Thus, we think that only a subset of the
intervals are truly representative of the reported emotion in terms of the display of affect.
In order to determine these representative intervals, We tried to get a more localized judgment of
affect by asking two human annotators to manually watch each sub-interval (L = 10, 20, 60), and
provide an affect judgment of “engaged”, “confused”, “frustrated”, or “bored”. One of the annotators is
a professor who has taught introductory programming courses, while the other one is a master course
student who has served as a teaching assistant for the same course, so both of them have experiences on
working with students who are learning how to code.
Because the annotators did not experience the programming session first-hand, they are free from
any persistent emotion that might influence their judgments. We also shuffled the order the
sub-intervals were presented to the annotators to further minimize the chance of associating the current
judgment with the student or with the context of a particular episode, in an attempt to get localized
affect judgments within each interval. We took all the sub-intervals where the two annotators and the
student's self-report are all in agreement and considered them to be the representative sub-intervals of
that affective state. The percentage of agreement between the two annotators is further discussed in
Section 4.2.
We performed classification on the representative sub-intervals resulting into significantly better
results. However, because the original data contained a low number of reports for frustration and
boredom, there were very representative intervals identified to make a meaningful classification. The
results for engagement and confusion for classifying representative intervals, both for face features only
and both face and log features, are shown in Figure 5.
The performance of the models for representative intervals was better in both classifying
engagement and confusion against all other emotions, reaching κ = 0.65 and κ = 0.85 for classifying
engagement on 20 second and 60 second intervals, respectively and κ = 0.49 and κ = 0.72 for classifying
confusion on 20 second and 60 second intervals, respectively. It should be noted that our intention for
this is not to disregard all the other intervals that could not be classified easily, but to identify the
important intervals which can be used later on to improve classification of longer sequences, which is
discussed in the next section.
To classify longer intervals, we trained hidden Markov models from the sequence of predictions made
by the localized classifiers discussed in the previous section. One hidden Markov model was trained for
each affective state. Classification is performed by getting the model with the higher probability of
generating the unknown sequence.
Because the localized interval classifiers trained on the actual student self-reports did not
generalize very well on a student level apart from engagement, we used the localized classifiers trained
on the representative intervals identified by the human annotators as described in the previous section.
Unfortunately, since we could not build frustration and boredom models for representative intervals due
to the lack of data, we could only perform classification for engagement and confusion. To ensure the
models are generalizable, the models were still evaluated also on a student-level cross-fold validation,
in which both the HMM models and the localized classifiers were trained only with instances that
belonged to students that are in the training set.
Table 2 shows the results of the classification of the original intervals from the student reports
using 10 second, 20 second, and 60 second sub-interval length for both face features only and face
features combined with log features. We found that the best performing model was using both face and
log features and splitting the interval into 20 second intervals with a sliding window of 10. This model
was able to classify 76% of the intervals correctly, with κ = 0.45. It could also be observed that using
face feature and log features improved the performance of the models when compared to using face
features alone.
Table 2
HMM Classification Results
Face Features Only Face and Log Features
Interval Acc. κ Interval Acc. κ
10 sec. 0.6 0.15 10 sec. 0.65 0.24
20 sec. 0.62 0.11 20 sec. 0.76 0.45
60 sec. 0.58 -0.14 60 sec. 0.58 0.22
4. Discussion
In this study we performed two types of classification on affective states in programming: fine-grained
classification of fixed-length intervals, and classification of longer intervals based on sequences of
sub-intervals. Our study has two main contributions: (1) adding log features can improve the
performance of classifier models for affect in activities like coding, and (2) using judgments of external
observers to identify representative intervals can improve classification on longer intervals.
For the first contribution, on both types of classification, we have shown that adding log
features in combination with face features can improve the prediction performance of classifier models.
This suggests that the student activity is valuable in estimating emotion, especially in types of activities
like programming where there is relatively more reserved and naturalistic displays of affect. For the
second contribution, we have shown that the sequence of classifications from a model trained on
representative sub-intervals can be used to classify longer sequences of affect. Although the models that
we were able to train were far from excellent, it presents an improvement to previous attempts in the
domain of affect detection in a programming setting.
Fine-grained affect detection can generally be useful for intelligent programming tutors for systems to
be constantly aware of the student’s state, as opposed to being only aware in specific scenarios. In line
with this, it is also interesting to determine the ideal length of the interval for discriminating different
emotion types. In study, even though we were able to improve the performance of classifiers for
fine-grained affect detection by adding log features, the resulting models for confusion, frustration, and
boredom did not really achieve a significant performance above chance.
The difficulty of fine-grained affect detection may be caused by the fact that (1) emotions
experienced by the students are not localized to short intervals, but rather influenced by the events that
happen outside the interval, and (2) displays of affect do not necessarily occur constantly all throughout
an emotional episode.
Table 3
Agreement Rate with Human Annotators (A/N: ratio of intervals where annotators made the same
judgment over all intervals, A+S/N: ratio of all intervals where annotators and self-report are the same
judgment over all intervals, A+S/S: percentage of all self-reports under the emotion that was correctly
identified by both annotators)
In this study, we asked external observers to identify which parts of an emotional episode are
representative of that emotion by identifying the intervals where the observers' judgment and the
student report agree with one another. Using these intervals, we were able to train fine-grained interval
classifiers that generalize significantly better on student-level cross-fold validation. This suggests that
the representative sub-intervals are indeed much easier to discriminate from one another and can be
considered as the sub-intervals that define each affective state. One of limitations that we encountered
in this study, however, is that we did not find enough representative intervals for frustration and
boredom to make a meaningful classification model. Table 3 shows the agreement of the two annotators
and the student report for each of the affective states. Based on this data, around 65% to 70% of engaged
sub-intervals could easily be recognized locally, but only 20% to 25% of the confused sub-intervals
could easily be recognized locally.
The lack of agreement on frustration and boredom might have been caused by the fact that the
student reports for these two affective states were relatively less than the other two, and thus there
simply weren't enough examples for enough representative intervals to be identified. However, it is also
a possibility that these two emotional states are not easy to detect for humans in short, localized
intervals on face and log features alone, and must be supplemented with additional information.
In this study we also classified longer sequences based on prediction output on fixed-length
sub-intervals. Figure 6 shows 10 randomly selected examples that were correctly classified by the
HMM models from each class, as well as the corresponding classifier outputs for each sub-interval in
the sequence. Each cell in the figure represents a 20 second sub-interval in the sequences, with a 10
second sliding window (i.e, half of the sub-interval overlaps with the previous one). There are four
possible discrete symbols, since we considered two classes in this case: (1) both classifiers returned
false, (2) only the “engaged” classifier returned true, (3) only the “confused” classifier returned true,
and (4) both classifiers returns true.
Figure 6. Examples of “engaged” and “confused” sequences correctly classified by the HMM
By visually inspecting the sequences, it could be seen that in the cases where the student
reported engagement (i.e., the engaged sequences), most of the sub-intervals were classified as
“engaged”. However, there were also some cases wherein some parts were classified as “confused”, but
in these cases the confusion eventually turns into engagement. These sequences most likely represent
confusions that were eventually resolved. On the other hand, for the “confused” sequences, there
appeared to be more prevalent sub-intervals that were classified as “confused”.
It can be said that both “engaged” and “confused” sub-intervals could be observed from within
both types of sequence, and this further supports the idea that affect judgments made locally within an
interval may not always reflect the actual emotional experience experienced. Furthermore, it should
also be noted that one limitation of our study was that we did not consider co-occurring affective states.
To investigate which features are useful in predicting each affect, we used the RELIEF-F feature
ranking algorithm. RELIEF-F ranks the features based on how good they are at discriminating each
instances from their nearest neighbors of a different class.
For engagement, document insertions was ranked highly across all sub-interval lengths, both by
using all sub-intervals and by using representative sub-intervals only. Document insertions tend to
occur more in moments of engagement. For example, in the 20 second fixed-length sub-interval case,
document insertions were significantly larger in “engaged” sub-intervals (μ = 16.4) compared to the
other sub-intervals (μ = 8.22) with a p < 2.2 x 10-16.
Compilation errors was also ranked highly for classifying engagement and confusion. Upon
further analysis, we found that compile errors occurred significantly less on “engaged” (μ = 0.01)
sub-intervals as compared to “not engaged” sub-intervals (μ = 0.03, p < 0.002) and significantly more
on “confused” (μ = 0.04) sub-intervals compared to “not confused” intervals (μ = 0.02, p < 0.01).
AU04 (brow lowerer) was ranked highly in the classification of confusion and frustration.
AU04 was observed in the data when the eyebrow is furrowed, as well as when the subjects gaze
downwards. This often happened during typing when the eyes quickly shift between looking at the
screen and at the keyboard without turning the head down. Figure 7 shows some examples of AU04.
Aside from this, the ranking of the other face features varied depending on the length of the
sub-interval, even when only representative intervals are considered.
Figure 7. Displays of AU04 (brow lowerer) by a Filipino (left) and Japanese (right) student.
5. Conclusion
In this study, we have presented improvements to the detection of academic emotions in a programming
setting by combining log information to the face features. We have also developed an approach for
classifying longer sequences by training models on representative intervals which combine students'
self-reports with the localized judgments of external annotators.
The authors would like to thank Mr. Fritz Kevin Flores, Mr. Manuel Carl Toleran, and Mr. Kayle
Anjelo Tiu for assisting in the facilitation of the data collection process in the Philippines.
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Keywords: adaptive learning, machine learning, rich context model, answers probability
1. Introduction
One of the biggest challenges for educators is to meet the individual needs of students while
facing the constraints of time. One way to personalize education is by using adaptable learning systems
(Papoušek, 2015). In order to efficiently provide students with personalized and adaptive digital content
and a meaningful learning experience, it is crucial that the learning system gets over time an
understanding not only of the students’ current knowledge level but also his/her progression. One
traditional way of assessing the knowledge level is letting students take a placement test (Hodara,
2015). However, to make a placement test adaptive, the system needs to be able to draw conclusions
from every answered question. According to Chounta (2017), predicted probabilities that students will
answer questions correctly can provide some insights into students’ knowledge. By using the answers to
predict the probability of answering correct on other questions a learning system might be able to
recommend questions with a suitable level of difficulty. This would make the placement test more
efficient, i.e., needing fewer questions to get an accurate picture of the students’ knowledge level.
Predicting the probabilities of students´ answering correct may also be valuable in order to maximize
students’ engagement. If we know the probabilities of students answering questions correctly then we
can optimize the studies with regard to engagement and knowledge level. Using probabilities, we can
objectively measure a student’s knowledge on a particular given subject. This measurement can be used
as a valuable feedback to the students. Previous studies have suggested that an adaptive fail rate in a
quiz increases student engagement (Papoušek, 2015). By choosing questions with a difficulty level that
increases the chances of a student answering correct around 60% of the questions seems to hit a sweet
spot were the average student experiences the quiz challenging without being too difficult. Therefore,
this paper aims to estimate the probability that students will answer questions correctly by using
different data mining techniques on data provided by the Hypocampus1 system.
Hypocampus is an adaptive web-based learning platform used by medical students. It contains a
library with many interactive reading materials (e.g., course literature) that students can use for
self-studies in order to learn about a particular subject matter and to revise and review their current
knowledge. The platform provides also quizzes for each reading material in order to help students to
check and assess their current knowledge for each particular subject matter. In addition, it offers
customized learning paths based on quantitative educational studies, visualizations of learning progress
for students and teachers, and adaptive individual learning pathways. The learning platform optimizes
the learning content according to the principles of retrieval practice (Karpicke, 2008).
Our research contributes to the student knowledge estimation research area with a particular
focus on: (a) providing a set of features that allows getting good prediction accuracy on students´
answers (Table 2); (b) an approach that works on the subject based level; (c) an approach that uses
different data types besides the binary representation of students’ knowledge state. The remainder of
this paper is structured as follows. Section 2 provides a short overview of the challenges and existing
research related to modeling and predicting students’ knowledge. Section 3 describes the proposed
approach, our dataset, feature extraction, and the models used in this study. In Section 4, we present and
discuss the evaluation results of our efforts while in Section 5 we provide our conclusions and outline
and present possible lines of future work.
2. Related Work
Modeling and predicting the knowledge of students in online learning systems is a well-identified
problem (Piech, 2015; Duong, 2013; Pelánek, 2017; Pardos, 2011; Tato et al., 2017). Unknown
students’ knowledge background, access to the learning resources such as reading material, quizzes,
exams, courses at any time and order brings different learning behaviors (e.g., accessing the learning
material in different sequences, some students just doing quizzes, exams without reading the material
on the web platform, others first read the material and afterwards doing quizzes to check their
knowledge about this material). Furthermore, students can use other reading resources besides those
provided by the learning platform (such as books and notes from the classes). All of these are examples
of challenges to model students’ knowledge.
One approach for measuring academic achievements and student’s knowledge is the Item
Response Theory (IRT) models (Reise, 2014; Chen, 2005). IRT models allow measuring different
students’ abilities (intelligence, individual learning ability, attitude, academic achievements) by using
answers on questions as test-based assessment. It predicts the probability that a student will answer the
question correctly as a function with two parameters: student’s knowledge level and the question
difficulty (Chaundhry, 2018; Galvez, 2009). This modeling approach showed good practical use in
estimating students’ performance and making adaptive quizzes (dynamically decide which question to
show based on student’s answers). However, this approach does not model the evolution of students’
knowledge over time (Chaundhry, 2018; Khajah, 2014).
Students generate a vast amount of interactional data in online learning platforms that allows to
use data mining and machine learning techniques to better estimate students’ knowledge and
performance. A Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) is a type of artificial neural network for processing
sequential data such as text, videos, sensors data, and stock markets (Hecht-Nielsen, 1992). RNN takes
into account the current information and the previous/historical information to model student’s
knowledge. Student´s study behavior data collected in web-based learning systems can be represented
as sequences of study behaviors. For example, a sequence of performed exercises (Piech, 2015), a
sequence of questions answered in a quiz, a sequence of reading and quiz sessions, a sequence of
attempts and hints to solve a programming task (Wang, 2017; Duong, 2013). These study behavior
sequences can be used as an input to RNN in order to predict whether the student will complete
successfully a new exercise, or to predict the next type of learning activity (reading/quiz). Usually, the
data consists of binary variables indicating whether the student will complete the task successfully or
not and the label indicating the skill name or knowledge component (Wilson, 2016, Piech, 2015). The
possible concern with RNN is the vanishing and exploding gradients (Xiong, 2016) that influence the
accuracy and performance of the algorithm. Long short-term memory (LSTM) is introduced as a
solution to the vanishing problem (Hochreiter, 1997). LSTM is an extension for RNN that allows to
remember the inputs over a long period of time and decide whether to store, not store or delete the
information based on the importance of that information (Hochreiter, 1997). In a study predicting
students’ learning gains, Lin (2017) compared BKT, RNN and LSTM models. The LSTM model
showed the highest accuracy in predicting students’ learning gains.
Different classification models such as decision trees, random forest classifier, logistic
regression classifier and vector support machine were used to predict whether a student would pass or
fail a final exam (Bucos, 2018; Bunkar et al., 2012). In their study, the support vector machine and
logistic regression obtained the best accuracy in predicting failing or passing the exam (Bucos, 2018).
The features dataset that they have used contains information about students’ gender, average grade,
past examination grades, class attendance and others that are not always available in distance learning
web based educational systems. Mueen (2016) has analyzed collected data from learning management
systems (LMS) (such as forum data, assignments grades, learning material access duration, quizzes) in
order to predict the students’ performance by using different machine learning algorithms. In his study,
the best accuracy score (86%) was achieved by a Naïve Bayes classification algorithm (Mueen, 2016).
Tato et al. (2017) used probabilistic approach, a Bayesian neural network of logical reasoning skills to
predict the learner’s knowledge state with around 85% accuracy.
In summary, extensive research has been carried out on modeling students’ knowledge and
performance. However, to the best of our knowledge, it is still not clear how existing models handle
different features collected by on-line learning platforms (for example, time answering the questions,
time since last reading the material, time since last time doing quiz, repetitions) and how they model
subject based knowledge and not skill based knowledge, without experts annotations or input, without
information about grades, class attendances, and personal information (e.g., gender, age, study year).
The approach suggested in this paper is to predict the probability whether a question will be answered
correctly based on a general machine-learning (ML) pipeline (Pentreath, 2015), see Figure 1 below.
There are five main steps: data collection (Dataset), data preprocessing, feature extraction, selection and
transformation, model application, and the last step is the model evaluation. This process is iterative and
can be repeated many times until the model that performs best will be defined. In terms of technologies
and tools, we have used Apache Spark MLlib and Scikit-learn libraries for performing data
preprocessing, feature extraction, and transformation steps. In the model application step we use
different machine learning models from the Apache Spark MLlib (Meng, 2016), the Keras deep
learning library, and the Contextualization Service (Sotsenko, 2016).
Figure 1. ML pipeline for predicting the probability if a question will be answered correctly.
3.1 Dataset
For this study, we have obtained the data from the Hypocampus web-based learning platform. The
platform offers reading material for various subjects (e.g., Dermatology, Surgery, Gynecology, Internal
Medicine and others). Every subject has a number of topics called chaptergroups. Every chaptergroup
consists of chapters and quizzes. Most of the quizzes contain from 4 to 15 questions, some of them can
have up to 28 questions. There are two types of questions: multiple-choice and text questions. The
multiple-choice questions have several options to choose and only one is correct. After answering the
multiple-choice questions, the system will show the direct feedback to students whether the answer is
correct or incorrect. The text question contains a problem description and a student should provide a
text answer on the problem. After answering a text question, the system does not check the text answer
provided by student, but rather shows the answer and explanations to the problem. Once the student has
seen the answer she/he should correct herself by selecting “I knew the answer” (correct) or “I need to
read more” (incorrect). Table 1 describes a summary of the collected data for 300 medical students used
as part of our study that took place over a period of 10 months between 2017-2018.
Table 1
Summary of collected data.
Number of records
Students 300
Quiz records 121 423
Multiple-choice questions (msq) 18 092
Text questions 103 331
Correct answers (msq) 14 580
Incorrect answers (msq) 3 420
The dataset (Table 1) contains information about quiz records from different subjects gathered over a
period between one to three months. Quiz records include information about user identification number,
question type (multiple-choice or text), question identifier, time answering a question, time reviewing
the feedback from the system after answering the question, student’s answer (true – correct and false –
incorrect), student’s text answer on the text questions, timestamp, course identifier, and question
session. After collecting all these data, the preprocessing and feature extraction steps are performed in
order to prepare the dataset to be used by data mining techniques.
As part of the data preprocessing step we apply three filters: (a) selecting records that were collected in
the system production mode; (b) selecting only multiple-choice question types, because this type of
questions are more reliable for our model evaluation than text type questions (text type question
correctness given to students and not to the system); (c) removing records that have missing values
related to the question id information.
We performed preprocessing on the collected data and extracted and selected specific features. After
performing several iterations in the ML pipeline (Figure 1) the following 18 features were identified
and described as presented in Table 2. There are five categorical features (F1, F2, F3, F4, F5), three
time-related features (in seconds) (F6, F7, F8), and ten numerical features (F9, F10, F11, F12, F13, F14,
F15, F16, F17, F18). Some of the features are directly used from the original dataset (e.g., user id,
chapter id, question id, question session) and other features are calculated (e.g., number of
correct/incorrect answers, attempt number) for each record in the dataset.
Table 2
Feature overview
Feature Type Name Description
F1 Categorical User ID User identification
F2 Categorical Chapter ID Chapter identification
F3 Categorical Question ID Question identification
F4 Categorical Question Session ID Question session identification
F5 Categorical Time of the day Morning, lunch, afternoon, evening,
F6 Time related features Time since last doing quiz Represents the time duration since last
time the student was doing a quiz
F7 Time related features Time since last reading a Represents the time duration since last
chapter time the student was reading a chapter
F8 Time related features Reading time Total reading time per chapter (in
F9 Numerical Correct Number of questions answered
F10 correctly per chapter, per attempt, per
F11 question session
F11 Numerical Incorrect Number of questions answered
F12 incorrectly per chapter, per attempt,
F13 per question session
F14 Numerical Attempt number Number of times a question was
answered by the student
F15 Numerical Reading sessions Number of times a student read the
learning material (chapter)
F16 Numerical Question facility index Represents the question difficulty and
is facility index of the students correct
answers in first attempt in range
between 0 and 1 (where 0 is very
difficult and 1 is very easy).
F17 Numerical Question number1 Question number in the question
F18 Numerical Question number2 Accumulated question number: total
number of questions answered
correctly for a specific chapter.
The features (in Table 1) have been transformed to an appropriate format (Vectors) for machine
learning models by using the Vector Assembler component from the machine learning library (Mllib) in
3.4 Models
To predict the probability if a question will be answered correctly, we use six models: linear
regression, logistic regression, gradient-boosted tree regression (Apache Spark Mllib), XGBoost (Chen,
2016) (Python library), feed-forward neural network (Keras deep learning library) and a rich context
model (RCM) from Contextualization Service (Sotseko, 2016). We select two simple models (linear
and logistic regression), and four more advanced models (two decision trees models, deep neural
network and RCM) because they are most commonly used in regression problems (predicting
probabilities) and taking contextual information into account (RCM). It is important to understand the
student’s current context (e.g., time of the day: morning, lunch, afternoon, evening, night; location,
number of difficult questions answered correctly) in order to provide personalized learning
tasks/quizzes. Furthermore, some of these models were used in predicting students’ performance
(Bucos, 2018; Shahiri, 2015; Zaidah, 2007).
Linear and logistic regressions are one of the simplest machine learning models used to predict
one dependent variable based on the set of independent variables (Seber, 2012). Linear regression
assumes that there is a linear relationship between dependent and independent variables. In our scenario
the dependent variable is the answer to a question (correct/incorrect) and independent variables are
features as described in Table 2. We use this model to check whether there is a linear relationship
between the learning activity (quiz) and students’ answers on the questions. Logistic regression is
applied when the dependent variable is binary. In our prediction problem, linear and logistic regressions
predict the probability from 0 to 1 if the question will be answered correctly. The following features are
selected from Table 2: numerical features (F9-F18, except F15), one time related feature (F6), and one
categorical feature (F5 transformed from categorical representation to numerical by using hour of the
day from 0-24) based on decision that these models work with numerical data types. Features F1-F4
were used as labels in all machine learning models.
More advanced models such as decision trees (gradient boosted tree and improved version
extreme gradient boosted tree (XGBoost)) help to reduce factors such as bias, variance, and dealing
with unbalanced data (Cieslak, 2008; Chawla, 2004). Gradient boosted tree and XGBoost algorithm
have been shown great success in winning machine learning competitions such as Kaggle2. To the best
of our knowledge, in the literature review this model was not applied to student’s knowledge prediction.
Therefore, we decide to test this model and to apply it in our study. The same set of features was
selected and used as in linear regression model.
Deep neural networks become more popular in EDM tasks (Coelho, 2017; Guo, 2015). We use
a multi-layer sequential feed-forward neural network. Different model parameters were tested, the
following parameters were found empirically by minimizing the error: input layer with 11 neurons
activation function ‘relu’, one hidden layer with 11 neurons and activation function ‘relu’, output layer
with 1 neuron and activation function “sigmoid”, optimizer ‘adam’ and loss ‘binary_crossentropy’. We
use the same set of features in linear regression model.
We use also rich context model models contextual information in a multidimensional vector
space model (MVSM) to provide recommendations based on the current context of a user. This model
can handle different data types therefore we include categorical features in predicting the answer
correctness. The 16 features (except the reading time features F7, F8 and F15 that are left for future
work) used to model student’s quiz records in RCM. RCM requires an examples set of vectors that
represent the basis (or training set used in machine learning approach) and a current context set of
vectors to obtain recommended result (or testing set used in machine learning approach). In this study,
the quiz records are divided into examples and current context datasets with 7:3 ratios. The examples
dataset is transformed to one-dimensional vector and placed in MVSM (e.g., Quiz Record X shown on
Figure 2).
The current context datasets are transformed into a one-dimensional vector (Quiz Record A in
Figure 2) and Euclidean similarity metric (d) is used to calculate the distance to find the most similar
quiz record in examples dataset (Quiz Record X). The most similar quiz record that has minimal
distance defines if the student will answer correct or incorrect.
4. Evaluation
The evaluation in this study is conducted using the 10-fold cross validation approach (Kohavi, 1995)
and the train-validation split approach provided by the Spark Mllib library for hyper-parameter tuning
(Gounaris, 2018). The dataset used consists of 18092 quiz records from medical students that have
studied using the Hypocampus web-based learning platform (Table 1). As mentioned earlier in this
paper, the purpose of this study is to evaluate which model predicts best the probability that a student
will answer the question correct. The evaluation results are shown in Table 3 with the following
metrics: false positive rate (FP,%), false negative rate (FN,%), precision (Precision,%), recall
(Recall,%), accuracy (Accuracy,%), F1-Score (F1,%) and Pearson correlation coefficient (R) between
the predicted value by the algorithm (described in Section 3.4) and depended variable (answer on the
question). In our answer prediction task: false positive are incorrect answered questions which have
been predicted as correct; false negative are correctly answered questions which were predicted as
incorrectly answered questions; precision is a proportion of correct answers predicted; recall is a
proportion of correctly answered questions which are predicted to be correctly answered; accuracy is a
proposition of total number of answer predictions that were correct; F1-score is a weighted harmonic
average of precision and recall; Pearson correlation coefficient shows how well the true value correlated
with the predicted value, where 0 is not correlated and 1 is highly correlated.
Table 3
Evaluation results
Algorithm FP,% FN,% Precision,% Recall,% Accuracy,% F1,% R
Linear Regression 62 4 82 95 81 88 0,43
Logistic Regression 72 4 80 96 79 88 0,35
Gradient-boosted tree 30 3 91 97 90 94 0,72
XGBoost 25 4 92 96 91 94 0,73
Neural Network 45 3 87 97 86 92 0,61
RCM 63 17 80 83 71 81 0,19
As shown in Table 3, the five machine learning algorithms performed well in predicting the
probability that an answer will be correct, with an accuracy rate ranging between 81% and 91%. These
results indicates that dataset of features very well correlates with independent variable (student’s
answer). The RCM model got the lowest accuracy (71%) and more false negative errors (17%) than
machine learning approaches. This could be explained by the lack of using contextual information in the
model such as student’s location, age, gender, and others. The best algorithms in predicting the
probability that a student will answer correctly are Gradient-boosted tree and XGBoost with around 90%
accuracy and highest correlation (0,72-0,73) and lowest false positive and false negative errors
(FP=25%, FN=3%). However, the false positive error is the biggest error in all algorithms. We
manually analyzed the errors (FP and FN) and decided to balance the data in order to reduce FP errors.
As mentioned earlier the original dataset contains 81% correct answers and 19% incorrect answers that
make algorithms to predict more often that student will answer correctly. Therefore, we applied one of
the well-known techniques for data balancing – synthetic minority oversampling technique (SMOTE)
(Chawla, 2002). This technique adds incorrect answer records by finding the k-nearest-neighbors for
minority class (incorrect answers) and randomly choosing one and using it to create a similar record.
We applied SMOTE only to training dataset and validation dataset we did not change. Same evaluation
metrics calculated for balancing the dataset and presented in Table 4 below.
Table 4
Evaluation results (balanced training data)
Algorithm FP FN Precision Recall Accuracy F1 R
Linear Regression 19 17 93 82 81 87 0,57
Logistic Regression 15 14 94 86 85 90 0,65
Gradient-boosted tree 14 10 95 90 88 92 0,71
XGBoost 13 10 95 90 89 93 0,73
Neural Network 24 11 92 89 85 90 0,61
RCM 5 23 94 77 85 84 0,72
Balancing the training data improves the accuracy 14% for the RCM and 6% for the logistic regression.
Pearson correlation coefficient increased for all models, more than 20% of FP errors were reduced.
Almost no change in accuracy for gradient-boosted tree, XGBoost, and neural network were obtained.
This can be explained due to the fact that decision trees work well on unbalanced data and neural
networks do not require balancing the data. Furthermore, the FP error is reduced and balanced (FN is
increased) in gradient boosted tree and XGBoost. XGBoost algorithm still provides the best results even
after balancing the training dataset. RCM received the smallest FP error (5%), biggest FN error (23%)
and overall improvements in accuracy, F1-score, and Pearson correlation. Based on the obtained results
we can assume that RCM is not invariant to unbalanced data and requires to have balanced example data
that is placed in MVSM as basis. Overall, this study shows that data generated in web-based learning
platforms can be used to predict student’s answer in order to estimate his/her knowledge on a subject.
We applied different machine learning techniques to the problem of estimating students’ knowledge by
knowing the probability if the student will answer the question correctly. Six algorithms were applied
including linear and logistic regression, gradient-boosted tree, XGBoost, deep neural network, and rich
context model on a dataset consisting of medical students’ answers on quizzes carried out at the
Hypocampus web-based learning platform. The results show that the Gradient-boosted tree and the
XGBoost algorithms outperform others by obtaining the overall prediction accuracy 90-91% and lowest
false negative and false positive errors (4% and 25%). Additionally, the XGBoost algorithm performs
well on unbalanced dataset with two classes that is shown in our case. The obtained results increase the
prediction accuracy about 5% in comparison with other studies discussed in the related work section.
Our results indicate that it is possible to predict the probability that a student will answer the question
correct before doing a quiz by analyzing student’s log data.
As part of our future research efforts, we plan to (a) add more features: reading time and time
since last time read the chapter (F7, F8, F15), (b) add text type questions, and (c) apply one of the
variants of deep knowledge tracing models (e.g. Bayesian neural network) and compare the obtained
results with XGBoost algorithm; (d) create a measurement of students’ knowledge based on the
prediction probabilities results obtained from the XGBoost algorithm.
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1. Introduction
Literature on education has paid considerable attention to computational thinking (CT), which refers to
thinking like a computer scientist. In fact, CT has great influence not only in the natural sciences of
physics, chemistry, and biology, but also in psychology, economics, literature, and psychiatry. In other
words, the activity of computer scientists is now spreading into broad disciplinary areas.
Although CT has not yet been clearly defined, most researchers seem to agree on the definition
by Cuny, Snyder, and Wing (2010): thought processes involved in formulating problems and their
solutions so that the solutions are represented in a form that can be effectively carried out by an
information-processing agent (e.g., Aho, 2012; Brennan, & Resnick, 2012; Yadav, Mayfield, Zhou,
Hambrusch, & Korb, 2014). Such skill must not be reserved only for experts in information engineering,
science, and other academic areas, but instead, must be applicable by anyone who engages in problem
solving. In this respect, various efforts to implement CT training in education should be emphasized.
Above all, many attempts to develop CT in problem-solving education have been made in K-12
education (e.g., Barr, & Stephenson, 2011; Bocconi, Chioccariello, Dettori, Ferrari, Engelhardt,
Kampylis, & Punie, 2012; Grover, & Pea, 2013; Yadav et al. 2014). Such CT training generally adopts
programming as a tool to represent problem solutions in learning activities. Popular systems used in CT
training are graphical programming environments and web-based simulation authoring tools (Grover,
& Pea, 2013), which are easy to use for learners who are not information-engineering students.
Here, we propose an approach to foster CT in curricula for general undergraduate students. In
fact, in an article on CT, Jeannette M. Wing (2006) insists that professors in computer science should
teach university freshmen subjects such as “a way to think like a computer scientist” in all departments,
not just the department of computer science. In our approach, students experience modeling like a
computer scientist. Actually, they construct rule-based computational models of problem solving.
Scientists in cognitive science have used computational models as research tools for in-depth
understanding of the human mind. Such model construction is expected to improve skills for
externalizing knowledge required in problem solving, and that must foster some components of CT.
The current study investigated effects of construction of a rule-based model on the
externalization of knowledge required to solve a simple problem. We empirically confirmed how
undergraduate students externalize knowledge of a problem solution and whether construction of a
computational model improves students’ knowledge externalization. We particularly focused on
decomposition of a problem solution as one aspect of CT, which is described in the next session.
The remainder of this paper is structured as follows. Section 2 briefly explains part of our
approach’s theoretical background. Section 3 describes the empirical investigation’s method for
confirming the research questions. Finally, Section 4 provides study results and discusses them.
2. Theoretical Background
Many researchers have continuously discussed various aspects of CT. Although CT does not yet have a
clear definition, most researchers agree on some of its main components, for example, decomposition of
problems (modularizing) and recognition and generalization of patterns, abstractions, and automation
(algorithms) (e.g., Barr, & Stephenson, 2011; Grover, & Pea, 2013; Krauss, & Prottsman, 2017).
In our approach, students construct computational models that can simulate problem solving for
a production system. Therefore, they must disassemble solution processes in problem solving into
separate operations and set conditions to adapt the operations to proper states. To implement operations
in a computational model, students might cut certain details of the operations derived. Finally, students
implement production rules under the specifications so that the production system reproduces the
solution. These steps are regarded to involve the following four CT components proposed by Krauss
and Prottsman (2017): decomposition, pattern recognition, abstraction, and automation.
Our preliminary study (Kojima, & Miwa, 2018) confirmed that model construction improved
the pattern recognition in externalizing knowledge required for a simple problem when decomposition
of the problem was supported. Students learned to describe more appropriate conditions for knowledge
to solve the problem after they had experienced construction of a rule-based model. The current study
focused on the skill of decomposition. Mvalo and Bates (2018) studied students’ use of decomposition
as a CT component in problem-solving tasks to design and troubleshoot computer networks using
simulation software. In the study, focus group interviews to undergraduate and postgraduate students
confirmed that they used decomposition in the tasks. However, this study reported only results of
qualitative research in the domain of information engineering. To accommodate our goal to foster CT
for general undergraduate students, we must precisely investigate how non-information-engineering
students perform decomposition of knowledge. Therefore, we examined the following two research
RQ1 How do undergraduate students externalize knowledge required to solve a problem within the
format of rule-based models in terms of decomposition?
RQ2 Does construction of a computational model for the problem improve students’ decomposition in
knowledge externalization of the solution?
We have developed a framework for learning in which general undergraduate students create
models of human cognitive processes. This framework uses a production system for novices called
DoCoPro (an anywhere production system) (Miwa, 2008; Miwa, Nakaike, Morita, & Terai, 2009;
Nakaike, Miwa, Morita, & Terai, 2009). We adapt learning by constructing models to a learning
framework for fostering CT.
Figure 1 shows a screenshot of DoCoPro. A student creates a model of solving a problem by
inputting the initial states in the working memory in the left frame, editing if-then format rules in the
right frame, and simulating problem-solving processes by executing the model with the controller in the
upper frame. For allowing novices to experience model construction, DoCoPro limits its constructs.
Students have only to learn about if-then rules, matching, and some built-in functions (e.g., functions to
test whether two values are equal and to add an assertion to the working memory). It has no functions to
perform simulation effectively and to represent human cognitive functions helpful in scientific research.
Instead, it helps students examine rules through trial and error by providing functions to test the rules in
a variety of ways. Furthermore, DoCoPro has instructional texts that help students learn how to create a
model with an example of a simple block-stacking problem in addition to basic concepts of a production
3. Method
high high
We assessed operations in rules of models described by students in pre- and posttests. The best
sequence of actions (rules) that can solve this problem includes the following four separate operations.
1. Robot moves to box (change the horizontal position of the robot to that of the box)
2. Robot carries box under banana (change the horizontal positions of the robot and box to that of the
3. Robot stands on box (change the vertical position of the robot to high)
4. Robot gets banana (finish)
According to what operations were described and how they were incorporated in rules, we
checked whether each student model had each of the following features.
Normative Decomposition (ND) included four operations, and each operation was incorporated in
different rules. A model with five rules comprising the four rules and one additional rule to finish
the reasoning was also regarded as ND because it is natural to separate a functional rule only to halt
problem-solving processes.
Enhancing Operations (EO) included one or two rules incorporating operations that can
successfully enhance a model. Actually, they were “robot moves to banana in a low position” and
“robot gets down from box.”
Surplus Decomposition (SD) included one or two operations that must not be separated from an
operation in the best sequence. Actually, they were “robot lifts box” and “robot put box.” They are
not independent because they are necessarily performed right before/after “robot carries box.”
Lacking Operations (LO) means omitting one or more operations in the best sequence.
Invalid Decomposition-Combining (ID-C) incorporated multiple separate operations into a single
rule as an action in the best sequence. In a model with this feature, for example, one rule included
combined operations such as “robot moves to box and carries it under banana.”
Invalid Decomposition-Decombining (ID-D) broke an operation in the best sequence into two or
more rules, except the case to break the rule to finish into “robot gets banana” and “halt the
reasoning.” In a model with this feature, multiple rules included the same operation with different
parameters such as “robot moves to window (if box is at window side)” and “robot moves to center
(if box is at center).”
Invalid Operations (IO) included one or more operations that violated problem conditions or that
could not be interpreted. In violated operations, for example, the box was supposed to move
autonomously without the robot, and the robot can reach the banana without carrying the box itself.
In another example, one rule directly describes the goal state (g) without the operations on the best
sequence. Such a model cannot reproduce the solution process.
ND is regarded as a successful model, and SD, LO, ID-O, ID-D, and IO as failed because any of
them can prevent a model from reaching the goal state with the best sequence through inappropriate
decomposition or excessive operations. Although these seven features were independently assessed,
ND is exclusive from the five failed features. EO can be held simultaneously with any others, and the
five failed features can be held simultaneously with each other.
To examine RQ1 in terms of decomposition, we checked whether students described models of
ND or those with features of the five failed models in the pretest. For RQ2, we compared pre- and
Figure 3 indicates proportions of students whose models had each of the seven features in the pre- and
posttests. As the graph shows, NDs were few, and many student models had features of the five failed
features in the pretest, whereas ND increased, and LO and IO decreased in the posttest. We compared
numbers of each feature between the two tests by using the chi-square test; results indicated significant
differences in ND (χ2(1) = 26.01, p < .01), EO (χ2 (1) = 3.94, p < .05), LO (χ2 (1) = 46.10, p < .01)
and IO (χ2 (1) = 26.01, p < .01). No significant differences were found in SD (χ2 (1) = 1.47, n.s.),
ID-C (χ2 (1) = 0.79, n.s.) and ID-D (χ2 (1) = 2.66, n.s.). These results confirmed that models with ND
increased and those with lack of operations decreased after model construction with DoCoPro.
Proportions (%)
80 pretest posttest
Figure 3. Proportions of students using each feature in pre- and posttests.
Those results indicated that in the pretest, most student models did not normatively decompose
the solution of the robot and banana problem. In other words, undergraduate students could not
necessarily externalize knowledge to solve the problem in terms of decomposition (RQ1). And ND
increased in the posttest, indicating that construction of a model improved decomposition in knowledge
externalization (RQ2). These facts reveal that construction of a rule-based model can foster one aspect
of CT.
In the posttest, LO decreased. Students who omitted some operations of the best sequence in the
pretest described them in the posttest. Most omitted operations were “finish,” and update the position of
the robot1 in “robot moves to box.” These operations may be implicit in human problem solving
because people can solve this problem without awareness of them. In constructing a computational
model, however, omitting such information causes error feedback. Such feedback must have improved
In tests and model construction with DoCoPro, students wrote a name for each rule.
Some student rules had names indicating “robot carry box,” but had operations
including only a description such as “add ‘box is under banana.’”
student models in terms of lack of operations. This indicates that model construction can remove
ambiguity in human representation of a problem’s solution.
On the other hand, ID-C rather increased in the posttest although the difference was not
significant. As explained above, models with this feature had duplicate operations with different
parameters. Many students who described such models failed in model construction with DoCoPro in
the second lecture. Their DoCoPro models fail to reach the goal state. Therefore, model construction by
such students can be regarded as an inappropriate learning activity. Although we cannot precisely
discuss this point due to page limitation, it alerted us to the necessity of learning support to guide
appropriate model construction. Thus, one important our future work is investigating whether support
for constructing an appropriate model enhances the effects and, if so, designing and implementing such
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Education. Taiwan: Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education
Abstract: Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITSs) are effective in supporting learning, as shown in
numerous studies. The goal of our project is to develop an adaptive strategy that would be
capable of identifying situations during problem solving in which the student would benefit
from worked examples. As a first step towards developing such a strategy, we conducted a pilot
study in the context of SQL-Tutor, a mature ITS that teaches database querying. The participant
could ask for a worked example whenever he/she wanted during problems solving. After each
example, the participant specified whether the example was useful, and whether additional
examples were needed. Participants’ facial expressions and eye gaze were recorded. The
findings show that the participants generally found examples useful, although in some cases
they stated additional examples would be beneficial. The analysis of the eye gaze shows that
students compared provided examples to their own solutions. Affect analysis shows that
negative emotions reduced while engagement increased when participants viewed examples,
and immediately after examples.
Keywords: intelligent tutoring system, problem solving, worked examples, eye tracking,
affective modeling
1. Introduction
Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITSs) have been proven to be very effective in supporting learning (Kulik
& Fletcher, 2016; Mitrovic, 2012; VanLehn, 2011). The main activity in ITSs is problem solving, where
the student receives help from the ITS adaptively, based on his/her actions and knowledge. On the other
hand, there is a long tradition of research on learning from worked examples (WEs), starting from 1950s
(Atkinson et al., 2000). A worked example contains the problem statement and a step-by-step solution
with accompanying explanations. Atkinson et al. (2000) suggested the importance of worked examples
in early stages of skill acquisition. Learning can also be increased when WEs are combined with
self-explanation (Große & Renkl, 2007), problem solving (Cooper & Sweller, 1987), faded examples,
(Renkl & Atkinson, 2003), or erroneous examples (Große & Renkl, 2007).
Examples have also been found beneficial when incorporated into ITSs. ELM-PE is one of the
first ITSs to incorporate examples and their explanations (Burow & Weber, 1996). SE-Coach (Conati,
Larkin, & VanLehn, 1997) guided students to self-explain examples; on the basis of student
explanations and student model, it estimated the student understanding of a particular example.
EA-Coach (Muldner & Conati, 2007) provided examples adaptively, based on learners’ characteristics
and example utility. Another study revealed the positive effects of providing WEs adaptively by fading
their steps in a cognitive tutor (Salden et al., 2009). A study with SQL-Tutor compared learning from
problems only, WEs only, or alternatively provided examples and problems to learners, found that a
mixture of WE and problem solving resulted in best learning outcomes (Najar & Mitrovic, 2014). In
follow-up studies, Najar and colleagues (2015) showed that adaptive selection of learning activities
resulted in highest learning gains. Later on, erroneous examples were introduced in SQL-Tutor and
proved to be helpful for advanced learners (Chen, Mitrovic & Mathews, 2019). Another study used a
concept-based similarity approach to select most similar examples for the learner, when the learner fails
to complete a Java program (Hosseini & Brusilovsky, 2017).
Most of these studies focused either on adaptive strategies for presenting WEs and/or problems,
or on adaptive provision of example steps. However, there is a lack of research on adaptive strategies
for providing examples to students when they need help during problems solving. In order to fill this
gap, we designed and conducted a pilot study with SQL-Tutor (Mitrovic, 2003), the goal of which was
to observe when and how students use worked examples during problem solving.
We start by presenting the worked example version of SQL-Tutor used in the pilot study, and
then describe the procedure in Section 3. Section 4 presents the findings, while Section 5 presents
2. Experimental Setup
The version of SQL-Tutor used in the pilot study contained ten problems. The screenshot in Figure 1
shows the problem-solving environment of SQL-Tutor. At the top of the page, there are several buttons
allowing the student to change the database, select a problem, look at the history of the session or
his/her student model, run the query, ask for help or exit the system. For each problem, there was one
WE that was isomorphic to the problem, using the same database and same domain principles. Figure 1
shows a WE, which includes the problem statement, the solution accompanied with an explanation.
After the explanation, the student was required to specify which clause of the Select statement he/she
had difficulty with, and then to specify whether the example was useful, and whether additional
examples were needed. The three questions were mandatory. In the study, we used the Tobii eye tracker
to record the participant’s eye gaze, and iMotions to record facial expressions.
3. Procedure
We recruited seven undergraduate and three postgraduate students (two females, eight males), who
were all studying Computer Science. Six participants were domestic students, while the remaining four
were international (three Asian, and one Latin American). Five participants were aged 18-23, three
24-29 and two 30-35. All participants were familiar with SQL, and some of them have worked with
SQL-Tutor before the study. Each student had an individual session (40 minutes long), and was
awarded a $20 voucher for their participation.
At the beginning of the study, the participants provided informed consent, and filled a short
questionnaire, in order to collect basic information about participants and their level of familiarity with
SQL-Tutor. The participant sat in front of the Tobii screen, and the standard Tobii calibration was
completed. The calibration test took 6 seconds, and the experiment started only if results were excellent.
Otherwise, the position of participant was readjusted and recalibration took place. The experimenter sat
to the other side, and monitored the participant’s face and eye gaze captured by both iMotions and Tobii.
This monitoring ensured that during experiment full face of participant was captured so iMotions could
record the facial features properly. The participants were instructed to solve at least five problems in
SQL-Tutor, and to ask for examples as needed.
iMotions recorded participants’ facial expressions, which needed to be post-processed first, and
later converted into action units and emotions by using the Affectiva AFFDEX facial expression
analysis engine. After post processing, only those recordings with the AFFDEX sampling rate quality
higher than 80% were included in the analyses (i.e. in 80% of samples it was possible to identify facial
features). Affectiva AFFDEX generated probabilistic estimates for the seven emotions (anger, disgust,
surprise, sadness, joy, fear and contempt) based on macro-expressions (lasting 0.5-4 seconds) of each
participant. We selected the amplitude-based thresholding technique to focus on the strongest emotion.
Five participants have not used SQL-Tutor prior to the study. Two participants used SQL-Tutor a lot,
while the remaining three had limited experience with the system. Table 1 shows how many participants
attempted and completed each problem, asked for examples, and how much time was spent on average
on the problem/example. The Example column specifies the number of participants who viewed
examples. The participants mostly solved the problems in the provided order, from the easiest to the
hardest. On average, participants attempted 6 problems (sd = 1.89). The four most difficult problems
were attempted much less often, and no one completed problems 9 and 10. The participants completed
62% of the problems they attempted, and viewed examples in 59% of the cases. . For problems 1-5, as
the problem complexity grows, the example use increases. In problems 2, 4, 5 and 10, participants
viewed the examples more than once. When they viewed examples for the first time, they spent on
average a minute viewing them. Upon the second and third viewing, this time decreased to 10-20
seconds only. The average time per example is proportional to the average time on problem.
Table 1
Problem, Example and Feedback Use; Time in minutes for problems, and in seconds for examples
Problem Attempted Completed Time/ Example Time/ Feedback
by by problem example
1 9 9 1.48 (0.95) 2 40 (7.07) 1
2 8 7 4.18 (2.02) 7 41 (9.72) 3
3 9 7 1.6 (1.34) 1 25 (0) 2
4 10 6 5.58 (3.18) 7 72 (30) 4
5 9 4 6.5 (3.79) 6 46 (54) 5
6 5 3 3.46 (2.62) 3 38 (7.63) 2
7 2 1 2.1 (0.14) 2 16.5 (12) 0
8 3 1 2.05 (0.07) 2 26 (20) 1
9 3 0 2.2 (0.52) 3 30 (16) 0
10 3 0 7.3 (5.23) 3 43 (15.2) 0
The Feedback column of Table 1 shows the number of participants who have explicitly required
specific levels of feedback (such as hint, partial/complete solution) while solving problems. More
participants have used feedback for the easier problems (1-5) than for the rest of problems. This trend is
opposite to how participants used examples.
Table 2
Participants’ Opinions on Examples
Example Viewed by Useful More examples
1 2 1 2
2 7 7 1
3 1 1 1
4 7 5 2
5 6 4 2
6 3 2 0
7 2 1 1
8 2 2 0
9 3 3 0
10 3 2 1
Table 2 shows participants’ responses to the three questions given with WEs. In 78% of the cases
participants found them useful, and in 36% of these cases, they wanted more WEs. For complex
problems (problems 7-10), when completion rate was low (below 20%), the participants found
examples very useful (80% of the cases), even when they have not completed those problems. This
shows that regardless of success in problem solving, the participants found the examples useful. Please
note that our study was voluntary, and therefore there was no need for students to complete all
We analyzed the eye tracking data to determine how the participants read worked examples. Such
analysis allows us to understand whether the participants use WEs appropriately. Each WE is
isomorphic to the problem, and we expected students to compare the solution provided in the WE to
their solution. The area of interest (AOI) was defined to cover the whole example (i.e. title, solution and
explanation). The metrics included in eye tracking analysis are: (1) Time in AOI, i.e. the total time spent
looking at the AOI; (2) Visits, i.e. the number of times the participant’s eye gaze returns to the AOI; (3)
Fixation count, showing the total number of fixations within the AOI; (4) Duration of the first fixation
on the AOI; and (5) the average fixation duration in AOI. Table 3 shows the metrics for the ten
examples (including multiple viewings) averaged over all participants who viewed those examples.
The Time in AOI column provides the average time spent by participants while examining a WE.
The average number of visits to the AOI seems to increase as problems become more complex. As the
number of example steps grows in later examples, the participants looked more often towards the
problem solving area and schema.
Table 3
Averages (Standard Deviations) for Eye Tracking Metrics. Times are Reported in Seconds
Example Time in AOI Visits Fixation count First fixation Fixation
duration (s) duration
1 40 (2.8) 13 (1.4) 43 (6.3) .2 (.07) .19 (0)
2 33 (18.5) 9 (9.06) 38 (30) .14 (.05) .21 (.030)
3 24 (0) 5 (0) 7 (0) .24 (0) .23 (0)
4 59 (30) 27 (25) 132 (127) .25 (.073) .24 (.03)
5 59 (61.9) 18 (18.5) 111 (116.9) .2 (.094) .24 (.05)
6 51 (20.5) 23 (2.12) 82 (21) .23 (.063) .2 (.04)
7 23 (0) 13 (0) 51 (0) .22 (0) .25 (0)
8 49 (24.9) 32 (14) 107 (94) .46 (.37) .24 (.05)
9 34 (4.7) 10 (6.5) 55 (32) .19 (.053) .22 (.04)
10 47 (16.3) 20 (9.5) 107 (52) .31 (.31) .22 (.02)
The average fixation count shown in Table 3 is highest in examples 4, 5, 8 and 10. The highest
fixation count shows that these participants did not just glance over those examples, but studied them
thoroughly, not only the first time but also for the second or third viewing. The high fixation count and
average duration of the first fixation on more complicated examples strengthens the above findings that
as the number of example steps grows, more fixations were recorded.
6. Affect Analysis
Affectiva AFFDEX analyzes facial expressions and reports the values of seven emotions: anger,
sadness, surprise, disgust, joy, contempt and fear, based on Ekman’s (1999) categorization of emotions.
However, these are general emotions, not the emotions specific to learning (Baker et al., 2010; Craig et
al., 2004). Woolf and colleagues (2009) suggested mappings between Ekman’s basic emotions to
learning-related emotions: joy mapped to excitement, anger mapped to frustration, surprise mapped to
boredom, and fear mapped to anxiety.
In line with the above mentioned research, we considered anger, joy, fear and surprise. We
additionally included engagement, which is also crucial for learning (Craig et al., 2004; D'Mello, Picard,
& Graesser, 2007). We observed some general trends. At the start of each problem, the dominant
emotion was surprise, and once the problem was solved, the dominant emotion was joy. When
participants received feedback from SQL-Tutor (upon submitting their solutions), the level of surprise
was higher. In those situations when participants were able to solve the problem after receiving
feedback, again the level of joy was increased. However, if they were not able to solve the problem, we
noticed higher levels of anger, showing the participants’ frustration.
Another event of interest is when students asked for examples. We analyzed the emotions for
three different time intervals: (1) one minute before example use, (2) during example use, and (3) one
minute after example use. Firstly, during one minute before participants asked for examples, the
dominant emotions were anger and surprise, which seem to suggest that participants asked for examples
when they were frustrated. Engagement increased and surprise decreased during or after working with
examples. Fear was the least detected emotion; it decreased while and after working with examples and
increased slightly when they were working on examples. Joy increased when they were working with
examples, and immediately after, when the participants were able to complete problems after viewing
examples. On the other hand, if the example did not help the participant solve the problem, we observed
increased values for anger and surprise. In some of those cases, the participants asked for the example
for the second time, and after that abandoned the problems. This is consistent with findings reported in
the literature showing that frustration may lead to boredom, in which case learners loose interest in
learning activities.
In summary, we found that participants asked for examples when the levels of anger (i.e.
frustration) and surprise (i.e. anxiety) were elevated. Working with examples reduced such negative
emotions and increased joy. After viewing examples, when participants turned again to problem solving,
the intensity of negative emotions was low, but gradually increased if they were unable to solve the
problem. The level of engagement increased for all participants during and after viewing examples.
Therefore, examples have positive impact on participants’ affective states, which will be helpful in
learning with SQL-Tutor.
7. Conclusions
This paper presented the pilot study the goal of which was to analyze how participants use, study and
feel about worked examples in their problem solving journey with SQL-Tutor. The results show that
participants used examples extensively, particularly when the complexity of problems increased. Most
participants agreed on the usefulness of examples and a few required more examples. This indicates the
demand for examples during problem solving, regardless of success in problem solving. The eye gaze
analysis revealed that participants tried to understand example structure by comparing examples with
their solutions. Lastly, the positive impact of examples on participants’ emotions is as examples
reduced participant’s negative emotions, and increased engagement and up to some extent joy.
The presented findings illustrate the need for and effectiveness of WEs, supported by cognitive
and affective states of participants. These findings provide a starting point for developing an adaptive
strategy for providing WEs adaptively, during problem solving. A limitation of our study is the small
sample size. We plan to collect more data about how and when students use example in the forthcoming
study in a large database course, which will enable us to develop and evaluate the adaptive strategy in
follow-up studies.
We thank Jay Holland for helping with the study, as well as our participants.
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Chang, M. et al. (Eds.) (2019). Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Computers in
Education. Taiwan: Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education
Abstract: This study presents an approach to predict learner’s perceived difficulty using
features extracted from electroencephalography (EEG) data. We demonstrate how EEG signals
can be used effectively to estimate learner’s perceived difficulty of learning content. Student
self-reports of perceived difficulty and EEG data were gathered from 9 participants who
watched a video lecture. A machine learning model with random forest classifier achieved a
maximum accuracy of 75.24% in estimating perceived difficulty. Furthermore, the model
predicted the difficulty level of the entire video lecture for individuals fairly well. Our results
have implications for intelligent tutoring systems which aim at providing the learner with an
adaptive and personalized learning environment.
1. Introduction
Assessing and monitoring the mental states of learners is important in the teaching-learning process.
Detecting the mental states of the learner by collecting appropriate data and providing a personalized
experience for every learner has always been the holy grail of adaptive learning (Shawky & Badawi,
2018). Intelligent tutoring systems (ITS) are known for their focus on providing the learner with an
adaptive and personalized learning environment. The learner model contains knowledge about the
learner’s cognitive-affective states and guides individualized learning trajectories (Nkambou,
Mizoguchi, & Bourdeau, 2010).
There are several approaches to create learner models. A learner’s behavioural data such as
keystrokes (Bixler & D’Mello, 2013), clickstream data (Baker et al., 2008; D’Mello, 2017) etc. can be
used to infer learning processes. For example, keystroke data was used to estimate engagement of
learners engaged with writing task (Bixler & D’Mello, 2013), and clickstream data to model whether
the learner is engaged in gaming the system (Baker et al., 2008) etc. Another approach is to use a variety
of psychophysiological measures to measure different mental states. Eye tracking has been
demonstrated to be a good indicator of cognitive workload (Schultheis & Jameson, 2004), attention
(Conati, Merten, Muldner, & Ternes, 2005), engagement (D’Mello, Olney, Williams, & Hays, 2012)
and also boredom (Jaques, Conati, Harley, & Azevedo, 2014). Facial emotion recognition has been
used to measure frustration (Sidney et al., 2005) and perceived difficulty of learners (Whitehill, Bartlett,
& Movellan, 2008). A multimodal approach has also been found to be effective in such applications for
monitoring cognitive and affective states within an ITS (Lane & D’Mello, 2019). Pressure-sensitive
mouse and chair, and galvanic skin response are some other less commonly used psychophysiological
sensors that have been used (Arroyo et al., 2009; Kapoor, Burleson, & Picard, 2007). Multimodal
approaches have usually yielded good accuracy in predicting mental states (Arroyo et al., 2009; Kapoor
et al., 2007). A relatively less common data in this context is that from electroencephalogram or EEG,
which measures brain waves. It has also shown promise in capturing changes in the attention and
cognitive workload of learners in ITS (Chaouachi, Jraidi, & Frasson, 2015).
As evident in the aforementioned discussion, some commonly investigated parameters in ITS
research are cognitive workload, attention, engagement, frustration, boredom etc. The knowledge of
learners’ perceived difficulty is also an important (Lane & D’Mello, 2019), albeit relatively less studied
variable. A learner may perceive the content difficult to understand (regardless of the true difficulty of
the topic), and his perception may differ from other students. Even then, such perception have been
shown to decrease interest and increase boredom directing the focus more towards the feeling of the
negative affect which can further lower the attention and motivation, eventually resulting in poor
performance (Pekrun, Goetz, Titz, & Perry, 2002). There have been several attempts to measure
perceived difficulty in learners (Pham & Wang, 2018; Whitehill et al., 2008) and adjust instructional
material accordingly.
The DEBE framework has been recently proposed as a systemized way to collect continuous,
fine-grained feedback from students on their levels of perceived difficulty (and affective states) during a
lecture (Mitra & Chavan, 2019). We use student-self reports in the form of DEBE feedback to train an
EEG machine learning algorithm that can be used to predict levels of perceived difficulty when
interacting with a video lecture. In this study, we investigate the potential of a low-cost consumer-grade
EEG device, MUSE™, in predicting perceived difficulty in learners.
2. Method
The setup of this experiment was designed keeping in mind that it should be relevant to, and closely
resemble real-world conditions as opposed to providing elementary cognitive tasks that are often used
in psychology studies (e.g., simple arithmetic to measure cognitive load). For this purpose, we obtained
a video recording of 47 minutes duration for a lecture from the Advanced Heat Transfer course offered
at the university. Ten students, aged 22-29, taking this course participated in the study. However, we
have used the EEG data of 9 participants for analysis due to the presence of high noise and missing
values (>25%) in one of the samples. The students were asked to come to the laboratory individually
and watch the lecture video. The Institute Ethics Committee approved the study (IEC Approval
Letter_Proposal No. IITB-IEC/2018/004). The students watched the video lecture and provided DEBE
feedback on four parameters, namely, whether the lecture was easy, difficult, engaging or boring? The
students could press the buttons as often they felt any of the four states in real-time while watching the
video lecture. Details of the experimental setup and related work have been provided in (Chavan,
Gupta, & Mitra, 2018). This feedback was unprompted and the students could click whenever they felt
any of the four cognitive/affective states. We used a MUSE™ EEG device having 4 electrodes at AF7,
AF8, TP9 and TP10 according to the 10-20 international system, sampling at 256 Hz frequency to
record the EEG signals. For the purpose of this study, we chose to focus only on the instances when the
students clicked either difficult or easy (engaging and boring clicks were not analyzed) with the
understanding that this represents their perceived difficulty of the topic.
EEG data is noisy, complex and suffers from the curse of high dimensionality. Hence, this step aims at
cleaning the EEG signal, managing its complexity by filtering out less relevant information from the
signal and reducing dimensionality by selecting a subset of relevant channels. Therefore, we decided to
look at only the frontal lobes that have been shown to be active during higher order processing (Zarjam,
Epps, Chen, & Lovell, 2013). The data from the two temporal lobes were discarded. Besides the lower
relevance of those areas for the task, they are also susceptible to more artefacts such as jaw clenches
(Kappel, Looney, Mandic, & Kidmose, 2017). A 60 Hz notch filter was applied uniformly to remove
the power line artefact. The cleaned data were then chunked into one-minute windows preceding each
difficulty or easy click. Each such segment was divided into 5-sec epochs and all 12 epochs thus formed
were categorized as either easy or difficult.
EEG data analysis is usually confined to either the frequency or the time domain. However, this
dualistic approach of data analysis completely discards the information contained in one or the other
domain. An alternative approach would be to retain information from both domains for the analysis.
Discrete wavelet transform (DWT) is one such analysis that uses information from both domains. The
DWT method is widely used for the time-frequency analysis in EEG signals, also due to non-stationary
characteristics of EEG signals and DWT does not assume signals to be stationary. Wavelet Packet
Decomposition (WPD) is a wavelet transform method where the signal is passed through more filters
than the discrete wavelet transform (DWT) resulting in much more extensive decomposition and offers
richer signal analysis. Hence, we have used WPD for our analysis. The WPD method decomposes the
signal using successive high pass and low pass filters, and this time-scale representation is generated by
dilation and translation of a mother wavelet. As the choice of mother wavelet depends on the
application, researchers have mentioned that Daubechies order-4 (db4) is the most suitable mother
wavelet for EEG signal analysis (Adeli, Zhou, & Dadmehr, 2003). Hence, we applied level-5 Wavelet
Packet Decomposition using Debauchies-4 mother wavelet to decompose the signal and then extracted
approximate delta (0-4Hz), theta (4-8Hz), alpha (8-16Hz), beta (16-32Hz) and gamma (32-64Hz)
Feature extraction aims at describing the EEG signal by a few relevant values called “features”.
Features were extracted from the EEG signals to construct features vectors (samples) for input into the
machine learning models. Such features should capture the information embedded in the EEG signals
that is relevant. In passive brain-computer interface (BCI) applications, entropy and energy are one of
the most effective and commonly used features. Furthermore, researchers have found these to be
statistically significant in determining cognitive states (Zarjam et al., 2013). Therefore, energy and
Shannon entropy were extracted from each of the five frequency bands (alpha, beta, etc.) from both the
frontal channels giving rise to a feature vector with 20 values (2*5*2=20). After extracting the feature
vectors from the epochs, we created datasets corresponding to difficult and easy feedback epochs for
each individual. The individual datasets were normalized (z-normalization) to account for individual
differences and then merged to a single dataset of feature vectors. Initially, we had 778 instances of the
difficult class and 384 instances of the easy class but, to avoid overrepresentation of the difficult class,
we selected random 384 samples out of 778 samples for the difficult class. Therefore, our dataset
comprised 384 instances each for difficult and easy class each.
Finally, we compared performances of various ML classifiers, namely, support vector machine
(SVM), decision tree, artificial neural network (ANN) and random forest, in order to optimize and
achieve the best results. We used hyperparameter tuning to achieve optimal accuracy. To test and
validate the models thoroughly, we used k-fold cross-validation (k = 10). In k-fold cross-validation, the
dataset is partitioned into k equal-sized non-repeating complementary subsets. Then, out of k subsets,
k-1 subsets are used as training set, and 1 subset is retained as the validation set. This process is repeated
k times, with each of the k subsets used exactly once as the validation set. All reported values are
averages of the 10 iterations of this cross-validation.
We implemented SVM using three different kernels: linear, polynomial (degree = 3) and gaussian radial
basis function (rbf). Further, for each kernel, we tuned the penalty parameter (C) of the error term. The
best accuracy was 62.23% with the rbf kernel and C = 10. Several ANN architectures were implemented
with Rectified Linear Unit (ReLU) and “logistic” as the activation function for the hidden layers and
output layer, respectively. A maximum accuracy of 64.37% was achieved with two hidden layers, each
having 64 neurons. The decision tree classifier with two splitting criterions, gini impurity (Gini) and
information gain (entropy), achieved a maximum accuracy of 66.11% with splitting criteria =
information gain (entropy). Finally, with a random forest classifier, we achieved a maximum accuracy
of 75.24% with splitting criteria = Information gain (entropy) and the number of decision tree classifiers
= 50.
3.2 Sensitivity analysis for random forest classification
We performed a sensitivity analysis by varying the length of the time window for data extraction
preceding a feedback click and the length of epoch used to divide it further (Table 1). In this paper, we
have achieved results with time window length = 60 seconds and epoch length = 5 seconds. Decreasing
the epoch size increases the accuracy till 1 sec, after which the accuracy reduces, indicating a tradeoff
between the size of dataset and the noise introduced by reducing the epoch size. For epoch sizes greater
than or equal to 2 sec window size of 1 mimute seem to be an ideal choice as accuracy falls on both
sides. However, for smaller epoch sizes, increasing window size only decreases accuracy, possibly
indicating the fact that the algorithm is sensitive to the noise introduced as a result of reducing epoch
size with increasing window size.
Table 1
Best classification accuracies (in percent) with Random Forest classifier with varying length of the time
window for data extraction and epoch length.
Time window (sec)
30 60 120
0.5 75.26 73.86 71.95
Epoch 1 76.41 75.68 72.19
(sec) 2 74.79 76.10 73.96
5 72.72 75.24 72.10
10 67.78 72.38 69.40
To further test the potential of the ML model, we used the trained model to estimate the difficulty level
for the entire lecture for each individual participant. The EEG data for the entire duration of the lecture
was divided into contiguous epochs of 5 seconds. Each epoch was processed and features were
extracted to prepare the feature vector. Subsequently, each epoch was classified using the trained
random forest classifier, which had performed the best in our analysis. At this point, it is important to
note that although accuracy gives an estimate of the performance of the ML algorithm it essentially uses
5 sec epochs of one minute windows prior to all clicks to make a prediction of the category of an epoch.
It does not give us an understanding of what the classifier would predict for those epochs that are further
away from the clicks - either after the click or more than one minute away from one. This section
attempts to address this issue so that we can form another representation of the utility of such
The model predictions tallied fairly well with the observations. We see most clicks happen at
predictable times (Fig 1 a, b and c). However, the number of false positives appear to be the problem
when the predicted value appear to be either difficult or easy, but no clicks were observed. This could be
due to a variety of reasons. The null hypothesis would be that the algorithm is indeed not suitable for
more accurate predictions. One alternative hypothesis is that the student might be experiencing
difficulty without recognizing it and hence does not click. The student could also be clicking only after
feeling a particular state for a reasonable yet variable duration. The difference with these two
possibilities being only in whether the student is aware of the cognitive-affective state s/he is in as the
action (of clicking) would be identical.
Despite the possible shortcomings of the temporal accuracy of the predictions, it is encouraging
to find that for participants with many difficult (easy) clicks the algorithm is indeed showing a
prolonged state of difficulty or ease (Fig. 1b and c). It is to be noted that the training set included only
384 epochs each of easy and difficult segments (with possible overlaps between epochs). Therefore, the
total training interval was equal to or less than 64 minutes (384*2*5 secs). The total predicted interval
was 47*9 - 64 = 359 minutes (47 minute lecture duration for 9 students). Also, the ML algorithm was
trained on all positives (interval preceding either difficult or easy clicks) but the additional data for
prediction (359-64 = 295 minutes) were all negatives (participants did not click either difficult or easy).
This makes Figs. 1b and c even more interesting because it seems a participant clicking exclusively
difficult/easy tend to have long intervals of predicted difficulty/ease which could imply that, at the very
least, the algorithm successfully predicts high average difficulty (ease) values for candidates who tend
to click difficult (easy) several times during the lecture.
(a) (b)
Figure 1. Model predicted difficulty levels for three participants. Y-axis values (0=easy and 1=difficult)
are averages of 40 sec or 8 epochs. For example, if 4 out of 8 epochs were predicted to be difficult, then
the corresponding predicted difficulty level would be 0.5.
We have demonstrated the viability of a low-cost EEG device in predicting perceived difficulty of
learners. A random forest ML algorithm was able to predict perceived difficulty in participants with an
accuracy of 75.24%. Furthermore, when presented with new data from the rest of the lecture the model
predictions tallied closely with the clicking behavior – students who clicked difficult (easy) more often
were predicted to have high (low) perceived difficulty.
In spite of the promising results, our research has some limitations. The machine learning model
was trained with data from only 9 participants. We need a considerably larger dataset to train a robust
and reliable classifier that can accurately classify EEG signals into the corresponding cognitive state. It
is also likely that the accuracy would increase further with increasing size of the dataset. Another
limitation of this study is that there was no way to validate the mental state of the participants when
there was no click. Although we did find a consistently high or low value of perceived difficulty (Figs.
1b and c, respectively) for appropriate participants, we still have no validation for the interim gaps when
there were no clicks. Another limitation of this study is the possibility that the EEG data were somehow
affected by the clicking itself and could have introduced artefacts that were unrelated to the construct
under investigation, namely, perceived difficulty. We are so far unable to rule out such a possibility.
This work was supported by an IRCC, IIT Bombay grant (17IRCCSG013) to Ritayan Mitra.
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Abstract: It is important to extract students’ reading data to predict their reading performance.
This study aims to identify significant indicators of eye-movement and EEG-based attention
and to test their predictive effectiveness on reading performance. Data were collected from 56
undergraduate students who read an illustrated science text about geography. Out of 21 reading
indicators, 16 were found to have a significant correlation with reading performance. The
multiple regression model suggested that Whole time, Text-diagram, Test-text, Medium
attention, and High attention were significant indicators. They predicted 62.5% of the variation
in students’ reading performance.
1. Introduction
Due to the rapid development of information and communication technologies, digital reading has
become a dominant trend (Ogata et al., 2015). The analysis of reading behaviors is important to
understand readers’ reading processes. The analytic results contribute to the revision of learning
materials, provision of learning interventions, identification of less effective learning strategies, and
extraction of more effective learning strategies.
In web-based learning, students are required to read learning materials before performing
related tasks. To successfully comprehend materials, students repeatedly interact with them. One class
of interaction behaviors in the field of Human-Computer Interaction is eye-movement. Eye-movement
provides a natural and efficient way to observe students’ behaviors from gaze (Klami, 2010). According
to the eye-mind hypothesis, eye tracking can identify what is attracting students’ attention and
subconscious behaviors (Just & Carpenter, 1980). Consequently, eye-tracking data can be applied to
analyze students’ areas of interest (AOIs), visual search processes, and information processing (Rayner,
2009; Sun et al., 2017). Researchers have found that eye-movement indicators, such as mean fixation
duration and saccades (Jian, 2017), significantly correlate with learning performance in reading.
Furthermore, when reading learning materials, students’ brains generate plenty of electrical
activities, recorded as waveforms using electroencephalogram (EEG). EEG reflects the inherent
features of brain waves. Brainwave frequencies are closely related to attention state (Prinzel et al., 2001;
Sirca, Onorati, Mainardi, & Russo, 2015). Apparently, EEG can determine changes in attention state.
EEG-based attention is regarded as a psychological process comprised of focus and concentration,
which can improve cognition speed and accuracy (James, 1983). Sustained attention has close
relationship with learning performance (Steinmayr, Ziegler, & Träuble, 2010).
The goal of this study is to identify significant indicators and to explore predictive effectiveness
of these indicators on students’ reading performance by combining eye-movement and EEG-based
attention data. All the pertinent reading data concerning eye-movement and EEG-based attention were
extracted to make a bivariate correlation analysis with students’ reading performance. From a total of 21
potential explanatory reading indicators, 16 indicators with significant univariate relationship with
reading performance were chosen for inclusion in a multiple regression analysis. Whole time,
Text-diagram, Test-text, Medium attention, and High attention were the indicators that significantly
predicted reading performance, explaining over 60% of the variation in reading performance. The
results support the viewpoint that few reading indicators are able to accurately predict reading
performance. Hence, the provision of reading materials that improve the level of learning attention
should be of high priority during the design and practice of online reading.
2. Related Work
The surge of internet promotes the revolution and development of human learning style. As one of
important symbols in the digital age, digital reading occupies a high proportion in the current learning
scene, from paper to electronic, from single-media form to multimedia forms. In reading process,
students produce massive interactions reflecting their engagement, which has an indelible impact on
final performance (Liu, Chen, Zhang, & Rao, 2018). Hence, reading interaction data can be employed
to determine the level of students’ reading performance. This knowledge can help instructors to provide
appropriate guidance for students in different reading states.
Eye-movement, revealing the allocation of visual attention in information search, is typically a
reading interaction. Researchers have found that eye-movement data were able to estimate different
levels of reading comprehension (J. Li, Ngai, Leong, & Chan, 2016; Sanches, Augereau, & Kise, 2018).
Also, the associations between eye movements and reading performance were explored. For example,
Everatt and Underwood (1994) found that gaze durations accounted for 9% in reading comprehension
scores. S. C. Chen et al. (2014) demonstrated that eye-movement behaviors, especially the mean
fixation duration and re-reading time in proportion, could successfully quantify students’ performance.
Similarly, Peterson et al. (2015) indicated that eye fixation and fixation sequence features were good
predictors to assess learning performance. Moreover, features from eye-movement were extracted to
predict reading performance by using machine learning approaches, whose results presented relatively
high prediction effectiveness (Khedher & Frasson, 2016; Rajendran, Carter, & Levin, 2018). However,
eye-movement data base on the external behaviors, which ignore students’ internal cognitive states. By
contrast, reading data based on physiological signals, such as EEG, are more reliable.
EEG measurements, recording electrical activity along the scalp, are correlated with students’
goal-directed attention allocation revealed by their eye movements (Gwizdka, Hosseini, Cole, & Wang,
2017). There are strong correlations between individual differences in reading rate and brain activity,
and reading rate can be predicted well by measurements of brain activity (Demb, Boynton, & Heeger,
1997). From the cognitive psychology perspective, EEG instantly shows the attention level (Ghassemi,
Moradi, Doust, & Abootalebi, 2009; X. Li et al., 2011). Attention has a positive correlation with
learning. The higher the level of attention, the more effective the learning. Also, C. M. Chen and Huang
(2014) suggested that sustained attention and reading comprehension were strongly correlated, showing
that sustained attention to learning materials is the prerequisite for effective learning. All of the
aforementioned studies validated the effective predictive ability of their reading indicators and
identified critical variables to predict reading performance accurately. However, notably few studies
have been done to examine the effects on reading performance by combining eye movements and
EEG-based attention. The combination may be more effective in reading performance prediction.
3. Methods
3.1 Participants
After preprocess, this study considered data of 56 undergraduate students. 24 of them were male, 32
were female, and their age ranged from 21 to 23. Students majored in non-geography and took
fundamental geography courses in middle schools, so they already possessed some prior knowledge to
address the geography science problem. All participants had normal or corrected-to-normal vision.
3.2 Materials
An illustrated science text was provided for participants to read, shown in Fig. 1. The article topic was
the principle of tornado, consisting of a title, text section, illustration section and test section. The text
section included three paragraphs: the first briefly depicted tornadoes; the second presented the process
of tornado formation during airflow motion; and the third introduced types of tornadoes. The
illustration section related to Paragraph 2 of the text described the processes of airflow movement in
detail. The test section included three test questions related to the article topic. Answers to the three
questions were scored 0 to 6 according to their degree of correctness and completeness.
Figure 1. Six AOIs (title, paragraph 1, paragraph 2, paragraph 3, illustration and test) of the
reading material. The participants in this study did not see the black frames.
Data from 56 participants were recorded by the Tobii T60 eye tracker and the Neurosky mobile EEG
headset. After calibration, participants were instructed to read carefully the material in less than 600s
approximately. After finished reading, participants immediately completed the three questions. For
these questions, the answers were scored by two independent raters who were blind to the purpose of the
study. For each question, inter-rater reliability was evaluated with the Cohen’s Kappa coefficient. The
inter-rater reliability Kappa ranged from 0.891 to 0.975, showing fair to very good reliability. The score
of each question was identified using the average score of two raters. Finally, the test grade was
calculated as the sum of scores for all questions. Mean grades were 9.905 (SD = 4.126). Additionally,
we first studied the whole reading material as one AOI and then divided it into three AOIs: text,
diagram, and test, similar to Jian (2017). The collected features included 17 eye-movement indicators
and 4 EEG-based attention indicators. EEG-based attention values, ranging from 0 to 100, were
averaged to produce the attention value and categorized to three different types as Low (value under
40), Medium (value between 40 and 60), and High (value above 60). Details are shown in Table 1.
4. Results
To investigate eye-movement and EEG-based attention indicators that significantly correlated with
students’ reading performance, Pearson correlation analysis was performed. Then, to identify
significant indicators that predicted student reading performance, inferential statistics were employed.
The inferential analysis was a forward stepwise multiple regression, run on SPSS 20.0 with level of
significance of .05.
The results about Pearson correlation coefficient (PCC) were presented in Table 1. There were
16 indicators (12 eye-movement indicators and 4 EEG-based attention indicators) with a statistically
significant correlation (p < 0.05). Both Text rate and Low attention were negatively correlated with
students’ test grades. By contrast, others had a positive correlation. Within the significant subset of the
reading indicators, 9 demonstrated a moderate effect size (PCC = 0.40-0.59). The remaining 7
indicators had a weak effect size (PCC = 0.20-0.39). Obviously, Mean attention (PCC = 0.536) and
High attention (PCC = 0.592) have better effect size than all eye-movement indicators.
Although correlation coefficients are of great value in identifying the relationship of two
indicators, correlation is simply a way to describe how two indicators vary together and cannot control
for the other indicators that affect the dependent indicator, thereby giving false relationships. By
contrast, linear regression gives coefficients when controlling for the other indicators, capturing in a
better way the effect of independent indicators on dependent indicators (Lai, Sun, Wu, & Xiao, 2019;
Zacharis, 2015). More importantly, a stepwise regression is a robust and valid method to find the best
set of independent indicators that significantly predict student reading performance. Hence, this study
employed a forward stepwise multiple regression, in which indicators that are not statistically
significant in relation to the predictive power of the model are removed. From the set of significantly
correlated eye-movement and EEG-based attention indicators, 16 potentially significant indicators were
identified for inclusion in a multiple regression analysis. As presented in Table 2, Whole time (B =
-0.018, p < 0.01), Text-diagram (B = 0.014, p < 0.01), Test-text (B = 0.024, p < 0.01), Medium
attention (B = 0.032, p < 0.001), and High attention (B = 0.025, p < 0.001) were significant in
predicting reading performance. The variance of student reading performance explained by the best
fitting model was 62.5%. This showed that the 5 predictors contributed significantly to the predictive
model. Moreover, the model was validated via 5-fold cross-validation with PCC, concordance
correlation coefficient (CCC), mean absolute error (MAE), and root mean square error (RMSE) used as
metrics for the fit. The experiments were conducted in WEKA 3.8. The experimental results showed
that the regression model with a PCC of 0.621 (p < 0.01), CCC of 0.616, MAE of 2.969, and RMSE of
3.666, provided good prediction effectiveness. This confirmed the robustness of the model.
Table 1
Eye-movement and EEG-based attention indicators
Attribute name Description PCC
Eye- Whole time Total reading time in whole article 0.498***
movement Whole duration Mean fixation duration in whole article 0.081
Text time Total reading time in text section 0.465***
Text fixation Number of fixations in text section 0.399**
Text rate Rate of total reading time -0.322*
Text duration Mean fixation duration in text section 0.082
Diagram time Total reading time in diagram section 0.423**
Diagram fixation Number of fixations in diagram section 0.445**
Diagram rate Rate of total reading time 0.379**
Diagram duration Mean fixation duration in diagram section 0.070
Test time Total reading time in test section 0.320*
Test fixation Number of fixations in test section 0.349**
Test rate Rate of total reading time 0.066
Test duration Mean fixation duration in test section 0.112
Text-diagram Transitions of text to diagram 0.500***
Test-text Transitions of test to text 0.415**
Test-diagram Transitions of test to diagram 0.297*
EEG-based Mean attention Attention value in average 0.536***
attention Low attention Number of low attention value -0.282*
Medium attention Number of medium attention value 0.443**
High attention Number of high attention value 0.592***
Note: *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001.
Table 2
Multiple regression analysis on reading performance
B SE Beta R2
Whole time -0.018 0.005 -0.633** 0.625
Text-diagram 0.014 0.005 0.350**
Test-text 0.024 0.009 0.305**
Medium attention 0.032 0.007 0.567***
High attention 0.025 0.004 0.712***
Note: **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001.
5. Conclusion
The current study was conducted to explore the significant eye-movement and EEG-based attention
indicators in reading and their predictive effectiveness on reading performance to build a predictive
model. Students’ reading performance is highly related to their engagement level, so measures that
reflected the degree of engagement are specifically employed to predict reading performance.
Eye-movement and EEG-based attention data are some of the most frequently examined engagement
indicators in reading. However, few studies have applied the combination of eye-movement and
EEG-based attention to predict students’ reading performance. In this light, this study used the
combination as predictors, including 21 reading indicator variables. A bivariate correlation analysis of
these indicators identified 16 of them to be significantly associated with reading performance. The
multiple regression model revealed that 62.5% of the variance in students’ reading performance was
explained by just five indicators: Whole time, Text-diagram, Test-text, Medium attention, and High
attention. As expected, EEG-based attention indicators (Medium attention and High attention)
presented stronger effect size and significance than eye-movement indicators (Text-diagram and
Test-text). This indicated that EEG-based attention indicators, displaying the level of mental effort,
were stronger predictors in the construction of reading performance prediction. The findings suggested
that students can have trainings about how to improve their own engagement level or search for
meaningful information during reading process to foster deep understanding of the reading material that
would further improve their reading performance.
There are a number of limitations that may affect the overall generalizability of this study. First,
the study is based on a small sample of students at a single university. Future studies may collect a
larger data set from multiple universities to build more robust model of student reading performance
prediction. Second, due to the short reading material displayed on a single screen, students had no click
operations. Hence, no clickstream data, which may be effective to improve the accuracy of reading
performance prediction, was obtained. Future studies may present longer reading material with
additional pages to collect clickstream data. Finally, deep learning approaches might be considered to
construct more predictive models.
We would like to thank all the people who prepared and revised previous versions of this document,
especially the members of the AddictedtoLearning team at the Beijing Normal University for their
invaluable help which made this work possible.
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Chang, M. et al. (Eds.) (2019). Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Computers in
Education. Taiwan: Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education
Abstract: In Web-based investigative learning, learners are expected to construct wider and
deeper knowledge by navigating a great number of Web resources/pages. In elaborately
investigating an initial question, learners are expected to decompose an initial question into
related question to be further investigated. However, it is difficult for learners to conduct
question decomposition in concurrence with their knowledge construction. In our previous
study, we have proposed a model of Web-based investigative learning, and developed the
system named interactive Learning Scenario Builder (iLSB for short). Although iLSB could
promote self-directed investigative learning, learners often decompose a question into unrelated
sub-questions. This suggests the necessity of promoting reflection on question decomposition
by diagnosing the appropriateness of question decomposition. Toward this issue, we have
proposed a method for diagnosing the appropriateness of question decomposition with Linked
Open Data (LOD). In this paper, we describe an adaptive prompting with diagnosed results for
reflection on question decomposition. This paper also reports a case study whose results suggest
the potential for promoting reflection on improper question decomposition.
1. Introduction
The Web allows learners to investigate any question to learn from a great number of Web resources in a
self-directed way [Hill and Hannafin, 1997]. In the Web-based investigative learning process, learners
are expected to construct wider and deeper knowledge from their point of view by selecting and
navigating Web resources/pages suitable for learning, and integrating the contents learned at the
navigated resources/pages [Henze and Nejdl, 2001].
On the other hand, learners tend to search a limited number of Web resources/pages for
investigating a question, which often results in an insufficient investigation. In elaborately investigating
an initial question, learners are expected to deepen and widen the question by identifying related
questions to be further investigated during navigation and knowledge construction [Hill and Hannafin,
1997]. This corresponds to decomposing the initial question into related ones as sub-questions, which
would give rise to wider and deeper knowledge construction.
In addition, the Web do not provide learners with learning scenarios which implies questions to
be investigated and their sequence such as a table of contents in an instructional textbook. In learning
with Web resources, therefore, learners are expected to create learning scenarios by decomposing a
question into sub-questions. Such learner-created scenarios could play a crucial role in self-regulating
their navigation and knowledge construction process [Azevedo and Jennifer, 2004].
However, it is difficult for learners to create learning scenario in concurrence with question
decomposition and knowledge construction [Land and Susan M, 2000]. In our previous work, we have
proposed a model of Web-based investigative learning and developed a system named interactive
Learning Scenario Builder (iLSB for short). iLSB provides scaffolds for conducting the investigative
learning process as modeled [Kashihara and Akiyama 2017]. On the other hand, learners often
decompose a question into unrelated sub-questions, which could be caused by insufficient reflection on
question decomposition. This suggests the necessity of promoting reflection on question decomposition
by diagnosing the appropriateness of question decomposition. But, it is a challenging issue in
self-directed learning since we could not define the suitability of relationships between questions in
Toward this issue, we have proposed a method for diagnosing question decomposition with
Linked Open Data (LOD) [Sato et. al., 2019]. In this paper, we describe adaptive prompting for
reflection on question decomposition with diagnosed results, which induces learners to revise their
learning scenario. This paper also reports a case study whose purpose was to ascertain whether adaptive
prompting could promote reflection on question decomposition and learning scenario revision. The
results suggest that it allows learners’ reflection on their question decomposition.
Let us first describe the model of Web-based investigative learning and iLSB. We then explain the issue
of how to prompt learners to reflect on their own question decomposition.
This model includes three cyclic phases: (a) search for Web resources, (b) navigational learning, and (c)
question decomposition. In phase (a), learners are expected to select Web resources suitable for
investigating an initial question and to navigate across them using a search engine. In phase (b), the
learners are expected to navigate the Web pages in the selected resources and to construct their
knowledge by extracting keywords to represent the contents learned in the pages and by making the
relationships among them. In phase (c), the learners are expected to find out some related sub-questions
to be further investigated about the initial question, which could be obtained from the keywords
extracted in phase (b). This corresponds to decomposing the initial question into sub-questions. Each
sub-question is investigated cyclically in the next phases (a) and (b).
The question decomposition results in a tree called question tree, in which questions as nodes
are represented with keywords (called q-keywords). This tree includes part-of relationships between the
question and the sub-questions whose root represents the initial question. The question tree represents a
learning scenario.
In addition, we have developed iLSB as an add-on for Firefox, which scaffolds the investigative
learning process as modeled. Figure 1 shows the user interface of iLSB. iLSB provides learners with
functions according to the three cyclic phases: search engine, keyword repository, and question tree
viewer. Learners are expected to construct knowledge by means of keyword repository, and to
decompose a question into sub-questions by means of question tree viewer.
In Web-based investigative learning, it is important for learners to reflect on their investigative learning
process. On the other hand, learners often decompose into sub-questions unrelated to the initial question
even if they use iLSB, which is caused by insufficient reflection on question decomposition. A common
approach to promote learners’ reflection is to prompt them to review their own activities. Although such
prompting could stimulate their metacognitive activities [Bannert, M& Reimann. P, 2012], it is often
conducted in an ad hoc way [Narciss 07].
The main issue addressed in this paper is how to promote reflection on question decomposition
in an adaptive way. Our approach is to diagnose the question decomposition conducted by learners, and
to prompt learners to reflect on it according to diagnosed results. This allows learners to create an
appropriate learning scenario. However, it is difficult to verify whether the relationships between a
question and the sub-questions decomposed during self-directed investigation are appropriate, since we
could not prepare a valid relationship with any question in advance. The adaptive prompting can be
accordingly viewed as a challenging issue. We have proposed the diagnosis method with LOD so far
[Sato et. al., 2019]. In this paper, we aim to confirm whether presenting diagnosed results could
promote learners to reflect on their question decomposition.
Let us next demonstrate the method for diagnosing and prompting the appropriateness of question
decomposition with LOD.
LOD (Linked Open Data) is a set of structured data interlinking with related ones on the Web. In this
work, we use DBpedia Japanese whose data are extracted from Japanese Wikipedia [DBpedia Japanese,
2016]. The data in DBpedia Japanese are expressed as RDF (Resource Description Framework), which
consists of three entities known as triples: subject, predicate, and object. Such RDF data are
extracted/operated by sending SPARQL queries to DBpedia Japanese.
Figure 2 shows the framework for diagnosing the appropriateness of question decomposition by means
of DBpedia Japanese. The diagnosis is implemented as a function of iLSB.
In this framework, learners are first expected to investigate an initial question according to the
model of Web-based investigative learning, and to decompose a question into sub-questions. iLSB then
sends SPARQL queries to DBpedia Japanese, and obtain paths between q-keywords and keywords
related to each q-keyword. From obtained paths and related keywords, iLSB then calculates the
relevance and similarity between q-keywords. Following calculated relevance and similarity, iLSB
finally decides the appropriateness of question decomposition as one of three levels: appropriate, weak
appropriate and unknown. The diagnosed results are presented to learners, which is expected to prompt
them to reflect on the appropriateness of their question decomposition.
We have designed the procedure for diagnosing the appropriateness of decomposition into any
q-keyword i in a question tree as shown in Figure 3 [Sato et. al., 2019]. This procedure decides the
appropriateness level of question decomposition by calculating the relevance and similarity between
q-keywords. The relevance is calculated as three levels: relevant, weak relevant, and unknown. The
similarity is also calculated as three levels: similar, weak similar, and unknown.
This procedure first calculates the relevance and similarity between q-keyword i and the root
q-keyword. It then calculates the ones between q-keyword i and the parent q-keyword. Depending on
the calculated levels of relevance and similarity, as shown in Figure 3, it finally decides the
appropriateness level as one of the three levels.
In calculating the relevance between q-keywords, iLSB first sends a SPARQL query to DBpedia
Japanese, and obtain paths between q-keywords in DBpedia Japanese. Depending on the distance and
the number of paths, the relevance is determined based on thresholds. In case the distance is 1, the
relevance level is suggested as relevant. In case the distance is 2 and the number of paths is more than 30,
the relevance level is suggested as weak relevant. In case the distance is more than 3 or the number of
paths is less than 30, the relevance level is suggested as unknown.
In calculating the similarity between q-keywords, iLSB first sends the SPARQL query to
DBpedia Japanese in order to obtain keywords related to each q-keyword. iLSB then creates two sets
each of which consists of words to be extracted from the obtained keywords by means of morphological
analysis. iLSB finally calculates the overlap coefficient which indicates the similarity between the two
sets. The similarity level is determined based on thresholds depending on the calculated overlap
coefficient. In case the overlap coefficient is more than 0.3, the similarity of the keywords is suggested
as similar. In case the overlap coefficient is between 0.1 and 0.3, it is suggested as weak similar. In case
the overlap coefficient is less than 0.1, it is suggested as unknown.
In our previous work, we had a case study for evaluating the validity of the designed procedure
shown in Figure 3 [Sato et. al., 2019]. In this study, we compared the appropriateness of question
decomposition diagnosed with this procedure and with the one diagnosed manually. The results suggest
that the accuracy of diagnosis with this procedure toward manual diagnosis was 77.8%, which seems
iLSB calculates the appropriateness of question decomposition with the designed diagnosis procedure
whenever learners decompose a question into sub-questions. After their question decomposition, iLSB
provides prompts on their demand in the question tree viewer, which include the appropriate levels
diagnosed. The learners are expected to reflect on the decomposed questions particularly diagnosed as
weak appropriate and unknown with the prompts. They are then expected to re-investigate the question
and sub-questions to revise their question tree.
4. Case Study
We have conducted a case study whose purpose was to ascertain whether prompts with diagnosed
results could promote reflection on question decomposition.
Participants were 16 graduate and undergraduate students in science and technology. Half of
the participants were given “What is nutrients?” and the others were given “What is life insurance?” as
an initial question. The participants were first required to use iLSB to investigate the initial question
without diagnosis for 30 to 60 minutes. After their investigation, iLSB diagnosed each question
decomposition in the question trees the participants created, and presented it as prompts on the question
tree viewer. If necessary, they could re-investigate to revise their question trees by means of iLSB by
means of diagnosis within 30 minutes. After the tree revision, the participants were finally required to
answer a five-point scale questionnaire for assessing the effectiveness of prompts. In order to ascertain
whether prompts could promote reflection on question decomposition, we set the following hypothesis:
Hypothesis: The ratio of question decomposition diagnosed as appropriate increases, and the one
diagnosed as unknown decreases.
4.2 Results
Figure 4 shows the ratios of diagnosed results in question trees obtained from each initial question and
the total ratios of diagnosed results obtained from the two initial questions. In order to ascertain whether
these results support the hypothesis, we compared the ratios of diagnosed results before prompting and
the ones after prompting. Regarding each initial question in Figure 4, the question decomposition
diagnosed as appropriate significantly increased (Nutrients: t(15)=-3.99, p<.01, Life insurance:
t(15)=-2.21, p<.05) as the results of one-sided t-test. The one diagnosed as unknown also
significantly decreased (Nutrients: t(15)=3.89, p<.01, Life insurance: t(15)=2.68, p<.05). These results
support the hypothesis. As for the total ratios, the question decomposition diagnosed as appropriate
significantly increased (t(15)=-3.90, p<.001), and the one diagnosed as unknown significantly
decreased (t(15)=4.52, p<.001).
Table 1 shows the results of the questionnaire. All average points obtained were over 3.5 which
seems high. As for Q1, Q2 and Q4 asking about the effectiveness of reflection with prompts, the
average points were over 4.0 that was higher than the others, and the variances were all under 1.00. As
for Q5 asking about their self-directed investigation and Q3 asking about how easy it was to understand
prompts, in addition, the average points were over 3.6 which seems high. On the other hand, the
variances were 1.35, which seems large in answer among the participants.
4.3 Discussion
Overall, the results of this case study suggest that iLSB could adaptively promote reflection on question
decomposition on the Web, which is ill-structured and difficult to scaffold for learners. Let us first
discuss the effectiveness of prompts for reflection. The results shown in Figure 4 indicate a significant
increase in question decomposition diagnosed as appropriate and a significant decrease in the one
diagnosed as unknown by means of prompts. This suggests prompts could promote reflection on
question decomposition, which is also supported by the results of Q1, Q2 and Q4 in Table 1.
In addition, the results of Q3 in Table 1 suggest that it is easy to understand prompts presented
as the three levels. We accordingly asked the participants who selected “1” or “2” the reason why they
had difficulty in understanding. They answered that they could not know why iLSB diagnosed question
decomposition as unknown. This suggests the necessity for providing some evidence for prompts.
Table 1: Averages and Variances of Questionnaire Results
Question number Question with five-point scale Average Variance
How helpful were prompts for reflection?
Q1 4.0 0.98
(5: Very helpful …… 1: Not at all)
How effectively prompts improved question tree?
Q2 4.1 0.86
(5: Very effectively…… 1: Not at all)
Was it easy to understand prompts indicating three levels?
Q3 3.6 1.35
(5: Very easy to understand .. 1: Not easy to understand at all)
Did prompts allow you to reflect on the contents learned?
Q4 4.0 0.69
(5: Yes, they did. …… 1: No, they didn’t at all.)
How much did you feel that prompts prevented you from
Q5 self-directed investigative learning? 3.8 1.35
(5: Not at all …… 1: Very prevented)
As for self-directedness with prompts, the average of Q5 in Table 1 suggests that prompts could
not prevent learners from self-directed investigative learning, but it seems to depend on learners since
the variance was large. This suggests that learners who have more question decomposition diagnosed as
unknown tend to feel more restriction on their self-directed investigative learning process.
5. Conclusion
This paper has addressed the issue how to promote reflection on question decomposition in an adaptive
way. Toward this issue, we have proposed an adaptive prompting that includes the results of diagnosing
the appropriateness of question decomposition with LOD.
This paper has also reported a case study for ascertaining whether the adaptive prompting could
be effective for learners to reflect on question decomposition. The results suggest that prompts could
promote reflection on the question decomposition. On the other hand, we found out the necessity of
providing learners with some evidence for prompts presented, which is one of our future work.
The work was supported in part by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number 17H01992.
Azevedo, R., & Cromley, J. G. (2004). Does training on self-regulated learning facilitate students' learning with
hypermedia? Journal of educational psychology, 96(3), 523.
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technology research and development, 45(4), 37-64.
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Intelligence in Education, 12(4), 325–350
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Technology Research and Development, 48(3), 61-78.
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Learning. Foundations and Trends in Smart Learning, 103-112.
Chang, M. et al. (Eds.) (2019). Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Computers in Education.
Taiwan: Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education
Abstract: During video lectures, learners may have attentional modes such as “follow a
lecturer's guide (speech and pointers),” “look ahead of spoken parts and actively check slide
content,” and “roughly browse a slide.” The dynamic change of these modes is useful to
characterize personal and/or temporary viewing styles. This paper presents a method to analyze
video viewing styles through gaze behavioral data by using a probabilistic generative model
with a latent mode variable. In our experiments, we show that the model can infer viewers'
temporal mode patterns and successfully characterize task-dependent viewing situations.
1. Introduction
While clickstream logs on video lectures (e.g., MOOCs) are promising sources to analyze learning
behavior (Kim et al., 2014), those logs mainly contain users' intentional activities, such as page jumps,
and it cannot be directly used to understand detailed learners' reaction to video content (e.g., slide
information, lecture's speech, and pointing actions). Gaze data in video lectures, on the other hand,
enable us to analyze learners' behavior deeply enough to infer which consisting regions attract/confuse
viewers (Nguyen & Liu, 2016) and how much viewers followed a lecturer's speech (Sharma, Jermann,
& Dillenbourg, 2014).
To understanding learners’ performance and skills, distinctive spatio-temporal gaze patterns is
often analyzed in gaze studies (Mangaroska, Sharma, Giannakos, Træ tteberg, & Dillenbourg, 2018).
This gives us insight that such gaze patterns partially reveal viewers' internal process, and in other
words, there may exist useful “intermediate representation” between gaze patterns and human cognitive
process. In Kawashima, Ueki, & Shimonishi (2019), a minimal model for viewers’ attentional modes
during video lectures, such as “roughly grasp slide content,” “actively follow slide content,” and
“follow a lecturer's guide (speech and pointers)” is introduced. While these modes are not necessarily
directly related to human attentional modes, inferred modes can be treated as useful intermediate
representation to characterize viewers’ situations. In this paper, we extend the work by introducing
probabilistic mode switching model to analyze and visualize learners’ viewing styles in video lectures.
The model proposed in Kawashima et al. (2019) is a multi-mode generative model, where a viewer's
gaze sequence is assumed to be affected by the three component submodels. We first briefly describe
the model in this section and introduce its extension in Section 3 to model a variety of viewing styles.
2.1 Model
Assume that raw gaze data are converted into a sequence of areas-of-interest (AOIs), which we refer to
as gaze regions, based on the velocity of eye movements (Salvucci & Goldberg, 2000). Suppose that
𝑟1 , … , 𝑟𝑘−1 , 𝑟𝑘 , … , 𝑟𝐾 is a gaze sequence of a viewer, where 𝑟𝑘 ∈ {𝑅1 , … , 𝑅𝑁 } is a region ID at time
step , and 𝑅1 , … , 𝑅𝑁 are region IDs in a slide. Note that time (or time step) 𝑘 denotes an ordered number
of AOI switches. Meanwhile, we use 𝑡𝑘 to describe actual media time (physical time whose origin is the
start time of a slide) in the video at time step 𝑘.
Mode 0 (base distribution): Attracted by salient regions such as high contrast or important terms,
modeled by region distribution 𝑃(𝑟𝑘 = 𝑅𝑖 | 𝑚𝑘 = 0) = 𝑎𝑖 ,
Mode 1 (region order): Follow slide content by considering the meaning of content information,
modeled by transitional probabilities 𝑃(𝑟𝑘 = 𝑅𝑗 | 𝑟𝑘−1 = 𝑅𝑖 , 𝑚𝑘 = 1) = 𝑏𝑖𝑗 ,
Mode 2 (lecture's guide): Follow a lecturer's guide such as spoken words and pointers, modeled by
time-dependent region distribution 𝑃(rk = 𝑅𝑖 | 𝑡𝑘 = 𝑡, 𝑚𝑘 = 2) = 𝑐𝑖𝑡 .
Then, the influence ratio of the above submodels (modes) is assumed to change dynamically:
where (⋅) denotes the previous gaze regions 𝑟𝑘−1 , 𝑟𝑘−2 , … and timestamps 𝑡𝑘 , 𝑡𝑘−1 , ….
The probability 𝑃(𝑚𝑘 = 𝑚), 𝑚 ∈ {0, 1, 2} describes the influence ratio of submodel 𝑚 ,
whose sum is ∑2𝑚=0 𝑃(𝑚𝑘 = 𝑚) = 1. Based on this model, typical situations can be described as
follows: When a viewer follows the lecturer's guide (spoken words and pointers) at time k, the value of
𝑃(𝑚𝑘 = 2) becomes higher than 𝑃(𝑚𝑘 = 0) and 𝑃(𝑚𝑘 = 1). Meanwhile, when a viewer follows the
slide content actively by ignoring the lecturer's guide, 𝑃(𝑚𝑘 = 1) becomes higher. In a time period of
mind wandering, 𝑃(𝑚𝑘 = 0) get higher due to not following either the content or the lecturer.
Note that the concept of mode 𝑚 = 2 is closely related to the with-me-ness proposed in Sharma
et al. (2014) in terms that the corresponding submodel tries to describe specific spatio-temporal points
that a lecturer attracts gaze of learners.
Given a newly observed gaze data 𝑟seq , a mode posterior 𝑃(𝑚𝑘 = 𝑚 | 𝑟𝑠𝑒𝑞 ) = 𝛾𝑘 (𝑚) (𝑚 = 0, 1, 2,
𝑘 = 0, 1, 2, … , 𝐾) can be obtained with a similar procedure as the E-step in the training phase. The
posterior can be considered as the inferred ratio of the influence of each submodel. An inferred
sequence of 𝛾𝑘 (𝑚) contains useful information of when and which mode the viewer took during the
video viewing situations. For example, the value of 𝛾𝑘 (2) is expected to be large for time 𝑘 when the
viewer focuses on the lecturer's talk (guide information).
To statistically analyze inferred mode sequences, we do not directly use the patterns of the
sequences but utilize the temporal structure behind the patterns. Specifically, we extend the model
described in the previous section by introducing mode switching model with the following
mode-transition probability:
𝑃(𝑚𝑘 = 𝑞|𝑚𝑘−1 = 𝑝) = 𝐴𝑝𝑞 ,
where 𝑝, 𝑞 ∈ {0, 1, 2}. Note that this extension corresponds to the model of state transition of hidden
Markov models (HMMs), while its states (modes) and emission probabilities are specifically designed
to describe viewers’ situations as explained in Section 2.1.
Now the extended model has a parameter set {𝑎𝑖 , 𝑏𝑖𝑗 , 𝑐𝑖𝑡 , 𝐴𝑝𝑞 }. Since the goal of this study is to
characterize video viewing styles, we introduce an assumption that these parameters can be divided into
two: viewer-independent (shared) parameters 𝜃𝑠ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑑 = {𝑎𝑖 , 𝑏𝑖𝑗 , 𝑐𝑖𝑡 } and viewer-dependent parameters
{𝐴𝑝𝑞 }. By using the shared parameters, modes and their switching can be analyzed in the common
space. Note that we add superscript (𝑣) to explicitly denote that the mode-transition probabilities
depend on viewer 𝑣.
For better convergence of the model parameters, we also divide the training into two steps. In
the first step, viewer-independent parameters 𝜃𝑠ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑑 are estimated without mode switching model
(introduced in Section 2). Then, viewer-dependent parameters {𝐴𝑝𝑞 } are estimated for each of viewer 𝑣
to characterize the structure of viewer 𝑣 ’s mode transition. In this second step, all the
viewer-independent parameters are fixed. As for initial mode probabilities 𝑃(𝑚1 ), we used equal
probabilities 0.5 for 𝑚1 = 0, 2, and 0 for 𝑚1 = 1.
Once each viewer’s mode-switching behavior is encoded by the model above, dissimilarity between
two models can be introduced. This dissimilarity can be considered as a pseudo distance between two
viewing patterns. Since the extended model is analogous to HMMs, we here use a distance measure
proposed in Juang & Rabiner (1985), which utilizes Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence.
(𝑣 ) (𝑣 )
Let 𝜃 (𝑣1 ) = 𝜃shared ∩ {𝐴𝑝𝑞1 } and 𝜃 (𝑣2 ) = 𝜃shared ∩ {𝐴𝑝𝑞2 } be the parameter sets of viewer 𝑣1
and 𝑣2 , respectively. Then, the divergence-related value can be computed by using log likelihood:
1 (𝑣 ) (𝑣 )
𝐷(𝑣1 ||𝑣2 ) = [log 𝑃 (𝑟seq1 |𝜃 (𝑣1 )) − log 𝑃 (𝑟seq1 |𝜃 (𝑣2 ) )],
𝐾 (𝑣1 )
(𝑣 )
where 𝐾 (𝑣1 ) is the length of gaze sequence 𝑟seq1 . Considering the non-symmetric property of KL
divergence, the pseudo distance can be defined as the following average:
4. Experiments
In this experiment, we verify the proposed model in terms of its capability of characterizing and
visualizing video viewing styles. To focus on the evaluation of the proposed model itself, we conducted
laboratory experiments with designed settings. Specifically, we prepared not only (a) a normal
video-viewing situation but two additional artificial situations: (b) with a sub task and (c) with an edited
content (static slides with no sound). Since the ground truth of viewers' internal states cannot be
obtained, we considered that these designed situations highly bias their internal states and simulate
some extreme situations such as mind wandering (Mills, Bixler, Wang, & D’Mello, 2016; Hutt et al.,
2017) or ignoring a lecturer's guide. Self-reporting or think aloud protocol is another option to obtain
ground truth of internal process, but we do not take this option to avoid an additional task affecting gaze
4.1 Experimental Settings
33 university students were recruited to conduct the lab-setting research. Each of the students was
explained a summary of our research and signed an informed consent form upon the arrival. The
explanation of the research objective was abstract enough to avoid affecting their gaze behavior.
Video-viewing tasks were assigned to each of the 33 participants. They were asked to (i) watch a video
on a monitor and (ii) answer several written questions related to the content of the watched video. The
post-questions were prepared to make each participant concentrated enough on the video content and to
measure the degree they could follow the content. Confidence of each answer were also collected in
five-point Likert scale, and the prior-knowledge of each question was also asked to verify that most of
the participants did not know the question-related content before the experiment.
As described in the beginning of this section, the participants were divided randomly into the
following three groups (11 participants each):
(a) Group 1 (normal): No additional task was assigned.
(b) Group 2 (sub task): Additional task of mental calculation (repeatedly subtract 3 from 1000) was
assigned from slide 2.
(c) Group 3 (no guide): No additional task but an edited video (a sequence of static slides with no
sound) was displayed from the middle (slide 3-); the length of the presence of each slide was also
edited according to the density of the content.
As for the sub task, participants were asked to vocalize each result of the mental calculation, but the
vocalized values were not checked. The confidence of the answers to the post-questions was low
enough in most of the questions, and the scores of Group 2 were lower than Group 1 for all the
The topic of the content was “inferential statistics” from JMOOC gacco (https://gacco.org/),
and the length of the video content, consisting of 4 slides, was about 10 minutes. The screen of the video
consisted of a slide and a lecturer. The slide was partially and temporarily overlaid by the lecturer's arm
and pointers. In this experiment, the 3rd slide was used, which contained only texts.
Tobii X120 eye tracker was used to measure participants' gaze points on a screen with sampling rate 60
Hz. We here used this lower sampling rate because we focus on analyzing fixations rather than saccadic
eye movements. Each participant was asked to sit in front of the screen where chin rest was used to
reduce measurement noise as much as possible. While the used device was robust against head
movements to some extent, we decided to use this setting to focus on the verification of the proposed
model and algorithm. In the identification step of fixations, lack of data less than 150 ms was considered
as instantaneous noise and interpolated using surrounding data.
While automatic region segmentation is possible to define regions, in this experiment, we
manually segment regions based on the meaning of words for the sake of avoiding region segmentation
errors. Region IDs were basically numbered from top left to bottom right, which roughly coincided with
the order of reading the slide content.
4.4 Results
The two-step training described in Section 3 was applied to the acquired gaze sequences on the slide 3:
The shared parameters 𝜃shared were estimated by normal-task data in the first step, and mode-transition
probabilities were obtained for each of the viewers in Group 1-3 in the second step. During the second
step, each viewer’s mode posterior sequence was also computed.
Figure 1 shows examples of mode sequences from each of the three tasks (Group 1-3). It can be
seen that mode 1 and mode 2 are dominant in (a) normal task and (b) sub task while only mode 1 is
dominant in (c) no guide. Compared to Group 1 (normal task), mode 0 appears more frequently in
Group 2 (sub task). These trends can be seen consistently in most of other viewers’ sequences.
Figure 1. Examples of mode-posterior sequences in the three situations with (a) normal task (Group 1),
(b) sub task (Group 2), and (c) no guide (Group 3).
Figure 2. Statistics of mode-transition probabilities estimated through the switching-mode model in the
three situations with (a) normal task (Group 1), (b) sub task (Group 2), and (c) no guide (Group 3).
To analyze the difference of viewing styles in Group 1-3, we plot the statistics of parameter
distributions of mode-transition probabilities {𝐴𝑝𝑞 } in Figure 2. In normal-task group (Group 1), there
were less transitions to mode 0. In addition, the probability of self-loop of mode 0, which corresponds to
the trend of duration length of the mode, also took very small values. This can be interpreted that in
normal-task situations, viewers tended to take mode 1 or mode 2 most of the time by actively following
slide content and/or the lecturer’s guide compared to sub-task situations. On the other hand, as can be
seen in Figure 2 (c), Group 3 (no guide) had high self-loop probability of mode 1, which means they
mostly took mode 1 (follows slide content). This is natural since there was no lecturer’s guide (e.g.,
To demonstrate how the model can be used to discriminate video viewing styles, we visualized
the structure of dissimilarities of trained models from each of the viewers. Figure 3 (a) shows the plot of
Group 1 structures. Here, multi-dimensional scaling (MDS) was used to visualize the dissimilarity
structure in the 2-d Euclidean space. From this figure, we can find which viewer’s behavior was
different from the others. For example, viewer 18, plotted far from the remaining, had longer duration of
mode 0 compared to the others. Figure 3 (b) is also the visualization with MDS but all the viewers’
models were used. Here, the difference of the tasks can be clearly observed in this visualization.
5. Conclusion
This paper proposed a method to characterize and visualize video viewing styles during video lectures
using a probabilistic mode-switching model. The model consists of three designated submodels to
extract and interpret key features in video viewing gaze behaviors, while it has similar structure as
HMMs. Through the analysis of mode-transition probabilities and visualization, the proposed model
successfully distinguishes the difference of gaze behavior in different tasks. While the assigned tasks
were artificially designed in this study, we believe that the proposed technique can be used to find “in
which period” each learner has non-typical behavior. Then, this information may help us to design
personalized feedback to assist learners by providing information for self-assessment or further study
and also to improve learning materials. Another interesting question is how the extracted viewing styles
are related to leaners’ performance, which should be investigated in the future work with larger data.
This work was supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number JP19H04226, JST PRESTO Grant
Number JPMJPR14D1, and the Telecommunications Advancement Foundation.
Juang, B. H. & Rabiner. L. R. (1985). A Probabilistic Distance Measure for Hidden Markov Models. AT & T
Technical Journal, 64 (2), 391–408.
Kawashima, H., Ueki, K., & Shimonishi, K. (2019). Model-Based Analysis of Gaze Data During Video Lectures.
3rd Multimodal Learning Analytics Across Spaces (CrossMMLA) Workshop, the Companion Proceedings
of LAK19, 526–533.
Kim, J., Guo, P. J., Seaton, D. T., Mitros, P., Gajos, K. Z., & Miller., R. C. (2014). Understanding In-Video
Dropouts and Interaction Peaks in Online Lecture Videos. International Conference on Learning @ Scale
(L@S), 31–40.
Mangaroska, K., Sharma, K., Giannakos, M., Træ tteberg, H. & Dillenbourg, P. (2018). Gaze Insights into
Debugging Behavior Using Learner-Centred Analysis. ACM International Conference on Learning
Analytics & Knowledge (LAK), 350–359.
Mills, C., Bixler, R., Wang, X., & D’Mello, S. K. (2016). Automatic Gaze-Based Detection of Mind Wandering
during Narrative Film Comprehension. 9th International Conference on Educational Data Mining, 30–37.
Hutt, S., Hardey, J., Bixler, R., Stewart, A., Risko, E., & D’Mello, S. K. (2017). Gaze-based Detection of Mind
Wandering during Lecture Viewing. 10th International Conference on Educational Data Mining, 226–231.
Nguyen, C. & Liu, F. (2016). Gaze-based Notetaking for Learning from Lecture Videos. Paper presented at CHI
Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2093–2097.
Salvucci, D. D. & Goldberg, J. H. (2000). Identifying Fixations and Saccades in Eye-Tracking Protocols.
Symposium on Eye Tracking Research & Applications (ETRA), 71–78.
Sharma, K., Jermann, P., & Dillenbourg, P. (2014). “With-me-ness”: A Gaze-Measure for Students’ Attention in
MOOCs. International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS), 1017–1022.
Chang, M. et al. (Eds.) (2019). Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Computers in
Education. Taiwan: Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education
1. Introduction
In recent years, various styles of active learning are introduced in the primary/secondary school
education. One of the styles is a fieldwork type class. An example of such class in biology is that
students go to ecological gardens such as zoos and botanical gardens to discover the natures of animals
or plants before learning about them. Such learning method for discover the knowledge from the
experience is called discovery learning. In discovery learning, students observe objects and make
hypotheses based on information obtained from observation. In making hypotheses, they need to check
the validity of their hypotheses and modify them. In order to discover important natures as hypotheses,
they at least need to repeat these processes until derived hypotheses can explain all observation results.
Balım et al. (2009) stated that discovery learning has an effect on enhancing interests of students
by grasping phenomena from various aspects. However, current discovery learning held in a fieldwork
type class, especially in Japan, emphasizes only on practicing the class in the field, such as outside of
the school. Since it is difficult for teachers to handle the activities of all students at once, they are often
not able to check the hypotheses that students made and also the processes of how they derived them.
Most of studies supporting fieldwork activities in biology focus on promoting observations by
asking questions that can be solved by observation (Hwang et al. 2008, Ohsugi et al. 2016). These
studies do not support activities for generating hypotheses from observation. Nishio et al. (2016)
proposed a system that supports learners to organize the observation results for making presentations.
However, this system does not promote the process of deriving hypotheses. Although these studies
could partially support discovery learning, there are almost no studies that promotes activities of
generating hypotheses from the observation in the fieldwork type class.
This study aims at proposing a system that encourages students to proceed the processes of
discovery learning, such as deriving candidates of hypotheses and checking their validities. One of the
reasons that students cannot actively conduct these activities is that they usually do it implicitly and do
not intentionally promote them. If they are aware of insufficiency of the activities, they can execute the
process of discovery learning actively. For the awareness, students need to explicitly grasp their
understanding contents corresponding to results of each activity in discovery learning. This study
constructs a system where students can externalize their understanding contents in activity during the
discovery learning. It also provides the information which triggers students’ activity.
2. Activity in Discovery Learning of Biology and its Supporting Framework
This research focuses on the discovery learning in biology where students try to discover the natures of
animals. The objective of such learning is to find the unique characteristics of target animals, such as
unique behavior and body parts. “A mane of lions” and “a wash gesture of raccoons” are some of the
examples. Therefore, hypotheses are the unique body parts and behaviors that can be grasped from the
observation. In order to derive the hypotheses, following four activities are needed.
Step 1 “Observation”: To observe body parts and behaviors of target animals from various viewpoints,
Step 2 “Creating hypotheses”: To detect the remarkable body parts and behaviors from the
observation results as hypotheses,
Step 3 “Verifying rationality of hypotheses”: To find the correlation between unique body parts and
Step 4 “Verifying uniqueness of hypotheses”: To compare body parts and behaviors with other
Observation is a step where students obtain information for creating hypotheses. Since most of
unique characteristics are seen in detailed body parts and behaviors, observing from not only large-scale
viewpoints but also detailed viewpoints is desirable. Candidates of unique characteristics are chosen
from observation results in the step for creating hypotheses. The body parts of animals are developed to
allow them to act in favor of survival, so unique behavior should have corresponding unique body parts
that are used to do. Therefore, to check the correlation between detected body parts and behaviors is one
of the methods for verifying the validity of the uniqueness of them. In addition, unique body parts and
behaviors are those that cannot be seen in other kinds of animals. Therefore, to compare the body parts
of behaviors with other animals also promote to verify the uniqueness.
Since these four steps are needed in the discovery learning of the biology, this study proposes the
support system that has the functions for supporting externalization of each steps and also for promoting
them. This system consists of three interfaces; observation record interface, body and behavior
correlation interface and animals comparison interface. Observation records interface focuses on the
steps 1 and 2, and allows students to record what they discovered through observation and create
hypotheses from them. Body and behavior correlation interface is for executing step 3. It allows
students to make relations between observed body parts and behaviors. Animals comparison interface is
for step 4. It provides an interface for comparing observation results of two different animals. By using
the body and behavior correlation interface and the animal comparison interface, students are able to
check whether the body parts or behaviors are unique to the target animal.
We have implemented the discovery learning support system by HTML and Java Script.
Observation record interface consists of two part. One is the interface for recording body parts
shown in Figure 1(a) and the other is the interface for recording behavior shown in Figure 1(b). In
body/behavior display area, inputted body parts or behaviors are represented by circles. When the new
body parts or behaviors have been discovered, students need to select body parts or behaviors that the
newly discovered one is included by body/behavior display area, and input the name of the discovered
one in the body/behavior addition area. If students find the attributes of the body parts and behaviors,
they can input it from modifier addition area and check it on modifier display area.
Figure 1(c) shows body and behavior correlation interface. In tree structure display area, tree
structures of body parts and behaviors are displayed. Blue nodes and directed links shown in the upper
half part of the tree structure display area are the tree structure of the body parts, and orange nodes and
directed links shown in the lower half part are that of the behaviors. The tree structure of the behaviors
is represented in the opposite way to that of the body part, namely the root node of the behaviors is in the
bottom while that of the body part is in the top. Purple nodes show modifiers and are connected by links
to nodes of body parts or behavior. By selecting a node of the body part and a node of the behavior and
push the add correlation button, yellow links can be added and selected nodes are correlated.
Figure 1(d) shows the animals comparison interface. It shows the results of the body and behavior
correlation interfaces for two animals. The upper half displays the current target animal. When the name
of the animal to compare is inputted in the animal selection box, the observation results of the selected
one is appeared in the lower half of the interface. By clicking difference detect button, common nodes
of the two animals are detected and are colored by blue, and other nodes are painted by red. By
observing the colors, the uniqueness of the body parts of the behaviors of the current target animal are
grasped. When the body part and the behavior of the hypothesis are found as unique, the hypothesis is
verified as appropriate. If either of one is found as not unique, other behavior / body part should be
found to form the hypothesis.
Modifier Modifier
addition area addition area
Body Behavior
addition addition
area area
Buttons to edit observation results Modifier display area Buttons to edit observation results Modifier display area
(a)Observation record interface for body parts (b)Observation record interface for behaviors
Tree structure Area for comparing
display area animals
Tree structure
of body parts
Tree structure
of behaviors
Add correlation button selection box
(c)Body and behavior correlation interface (d)Animals comparison interface
Figure 1. Interfaces of the system
4. Conclusion
This study proposed a system of activating the process of the discovery learning of biology. The system
provides the interface for externalizing the process, such as observation, hypotheses creation, and
verification. In the future, we need to evaluate the effectiveness of the system through experiment with
primary/secondary school students.
The work was supported in part by JSPS KAKENHI (No. 18H03346).
Balım, A. G. (2009). The Effects of Discovery Learning on Students' Success and Inquiry Learning Skills.
Eurasian Journal of Educational Research, 35(1), 1-20.
Hwang, G. J., Tsai, C. C., & Yang, S. J. H. (2008). Criteria, strategies and research issues of context-aware
ubiquitous learning. Journal of Educational Technology & Society, 11(2), 81-91.
Nishio, K., & Kashihara, A. (2016). Retrip: A Learning Environment for Augmenting and Presenting Knowledge
from Field Trip. Procedia Computer Science, 96(1), 1304-1313.
Ohsugi, T., Nakanishi, W., Tainaka, M., Inoue, T., Itoh, Y., Iwai, R., Kagawa, K., Matsushita, M., Hori, M., &
Ogino, M. (2016). Design of Migration Behavior in the Zoo for Facilitating Autonomic Observation. IPSJ
Journal, 58(11), 1765-1775 (in Japanese).
Chang, M. et al. (Eds.) (2019). Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Computers in
Education. Taiwan: Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education
1. Introduction
A number of learning systems have been developed aiming to support personalized and adaptive
learning based on learners’ cognitive characteristics (Chang et al., 2015; Graf, 2010; Van Merriënboer
& Ayres, 2005). Two of those key cognitive characteristics are working memory and executive
functions associated with working memory. Working memory has a limited capacity and refers to the
ability to store and manipulate information simultaneously (Baddelev, 2012). Traditionally, WMC has
been measured by complex working memory tasks such as the operation span, reading span, and
counting span (Unsworth, et al., 2005). What these tasks have in common is that one must keep in mind
the sequences of unrelated items (i.e., the storage component) while subsequently performing an
intervening task (i.e., the processing component). However, in online learning platforms, the possibility
of measuring WMC for all students using cognitive demanding and time-consuming tasks is limited.
Mapping individual WMC onto individual patterns of learning is a difficult task and requires expert
knowledge from different disciplines. Together with researchers and experts in Cognitive Science,
Medical Science and Computer Science, we investigated to what extent it is possible to map individual
WMC data onto individual patterns of learning by correlating working memory capacity with learners´
study behavior in an web-based learning system called Hypocampus1.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Section 2 provides a description of related work in
this field while section 3 describes the approach we are using to predict WMC based on students’ study
behavior data. Section 4 briefly described extraction of user study behavior characteristics. Section 5
presents the evaluation results of our experiments together with conclusions.
2. Related Work
A search of the literature revealed few studies which have attempted to automatically measure student’s
WMC based on students’ study behavior (Chang et al., 2005; Qinghong et al., 2014). Chang et al.
(2005) suggest an approach to calculate students’ WMC based on students’ navigational behavior
patterns and learning style. Another researcher (Qinghong et al., 2014) integrated test questions into
educational systems in order to measure student’s cognitive level. Based on these test questions, the
system provides recommendations of different learning resources with a level of difficulty appropriate
to the student’s WMC. The drawback of this approach, however, is that students are required to perform
additional questionnaires to their study program, which might be time consuming and distract them
from their original learning activities. Overall, these studies indicate a great potential of identifying
students’ WMC based on learners´ study behavior data (such as behavior patterns, browsing patterns,
game tasks). However, it is still not clear how previous researchers modeled users’ “study behavior”
and which study behavior characteristics help to identify students’ WMC. The rationale for the present
study is two-folded. First, the evidence for working memory and WMC being predictive of school
performance is extensive (de Smedt et al., 2009; Alloway & Alloway, 2010). Secondly, we can notice
an increasing amount of efforts to introduce online learning platforms to support different educational
processes. Students using these online platforms generate a massive amount of data. Big data tools and
artificial intelligence techniques provide new opportunities to measure learners’ cognitive
characteristics. Thus, there is an opportunity to further investigate how students WMC can be predicted
automatically in online learning systems.
In order to measure WMC, we asked 122 students to perform an operation span to measure students’
WMC. These WMC values are used as the baseline for training and validating the proposed models.
When students use the Hypocampus platform during their studies, their user data is stored (named as
“logfiles” in Figure 1) in a systematic way. In order to predict individual differences in WMC (shown as
“Test results” on Figure 1) as a function of study behavior (extracted from “Log files” as shown on
Figure 1), we applied several machine learning models such as multiple linear regression, logistic
regression, artificial intelligent tools (AI) and a rich context model (Sotsenko et al.,, 2016) . Lastly, we
used these trained models for predicting students’ WMC value as shown in Figure 1.
4. Extracting User Study Characteristics
In order to describe students´ study behavior and select relevant characteristics for estimating their
WMC we first decide to (a) identify and use sequential study behavior pattern in the analyses;
afterwards, we (b) excluded the repetitions on a basis of having only first attempt answers; finally, we
(c) analyzed the repetitions in order to find “remembering/forgetting” characteristic. In total 64 user
study behavior characteristics were identified and used to correlate with student’s individual WMC
We applied four approaches to predict the WMC value based on the learners´ study behavior data (64
user study behavior characteristics): a multiple linear regression (MLR), a logistic regression (LOR), a
neural network (NN) regression, and a rich context model (RCM) (Sotsenko et al., 2017). The
validation was performed on dataset from 122 students using a 5-fold cross-validation approach. We
used the root mean square error (RMSE) to evaluate the models (as shown in Table 1).
Table 1.
RMSE values for sequential study behavior characteristics.
Algorithm RMSE
Multiple Linear Regression 20
Logistic Regression 21
Neural Network Regression 18
RCM 19
Overall all models performed with similar RMSE in range between 18-21. These results show
that more relevant user study characteristics should be added/found in order to improve the results.
Additionally, considering the size of our sample data (N=122), we suggest that it should be further
tested and validated with larger datasets.
Alloway, T.P., Alloway, R.G.: Investigating the predictive roles of working memory and IQ in academic
attainment. Journal of experimental child psychology 106(1), 20-29 (2010).
Chang, T.W., Kurcz, J., El-Bishouty, M.M.,Kinshuk, Graf, S.: Adaptive and personalized learning based on
students’ cognitive characteristics. Ubiquitous Learning Environments and Technologies, 77-97 (2015).
De Smedt, B., Janssen, R., Bouwens, K., Verschaffel, L., Boets, B., Ghesquière, P.: Working memory and
individual differences in mathematics achievement: A longitudinal study from first grade to second
grade. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 103(2), 186-201 (2009).
Graf, S.: Using cognitive traits for improving the detection of learning styles. In: Database and Expert Systems
Applications Workshop - DEXA, 74-78 (2010).
Qinghong, Y., Dule, Y., Junyu, Z.: The research of personalized learning system based on learner interests and
cognitive level. In: 9th International Conference on Computer Science and Education - ICCSE, pp.
522-526. (2014).
Sotsenko, A., Jansen, M., Milrad, M., Rana, J.: Using a rich context model for real-time big data analytics in
twitter. In: Future Internet of Things and Cloud Workshops IEEE, 228-233 (2016).
Unsworth, N., Heitz, R.P., Schrock, J.C., Engle, R.W.: An automated version of the operation span task. Behavior
research methods 37(3), 498-505 (2005).
Van Merriënboer, J.J., Ayres, P.: Research on cognitive load theory and its design implications for e-learning.
Educational Technology Research and Development 53(3), 5-13 (2005).
Chang, M. et al. (Eds.) (2019). Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Computers in
Education. Taiwan: Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education
1. Introduction
Higher education has increasingly adopted competency-based curricula to cultivate students’ core
competencies required for specific professions (Burke, 1989). A competency-based curriculum
involves an outcome-based approach for defining students’ outcome of specific core competencies,
designing and implementing a curriculum for cultivating these core competencies, evaluating students’
outcome, and reflecting on and regulating the curriculum, faculty teaching, and student learning.
Researchers developed a curriculum level and competency-based learning analytics dashboard system,
named VACC (Visualized Analysis of Core Competencies), to build and display students’ open learner
models (OLMs) of core competencies to assist students in reflecting on their core competencies and
setting goals regarding taking additional courses (Chou et al. 2017). OLMs are inspectable,
co-operative, editable, or negotiated visualized representations of system diagnosis of student learning
(Bull, 2004) and are designed for promoting students’ metacognitive processes, such as awareness,
reflection, and self-assessment (Bull & Kay, 2013; Chou et al. 2015; Mitrovic & Martin, 2007). This
paper presents a function of simulatable OLMs added in VACC for assisting students in setting goals
for course performance.
2. Simulatable OLMs of Core Competencies for Setting Goals for Course Performance
A function of simulatable OLMs of core competencies was added in VACC for assisting students in
setting goals for course performance. When students log in to VACC and choose the function of
simultable OLMs of core competencies, the system lists the courses they have taken during the current
semester and asks them to set their goals for course grades. For example, Figure 1 shows that a student
took the course CS554 and set 90 as his/her goal for course grade. After setting goals for course grades
of all taken courses, students can push the button of “simulation” to inspect the simulation of future
OLMs if they achieve their goals for course grades this semester.
Figure 1. Setting goals for course grade and simulation of future OLM
Figures 2 illustrate a simulation of OLM of quality of a student. The OLM of quality displays the
student’s grade point average (GPA) of courses relevant to each core competency. Blue area indicates
the current OLM and orange line indicates the simulation of future OLM if the student achieves his/her
goals for course grades in all taken courses this semester. The simulation shows that the student’s future
OLM of quality will slightly decrease in six core competencies. If the student does not satisfy the
simulation result, the student can re-set his/her goals for course grades and conduct the simulation again.
Figure 3 illustrates a simulation of OLM of ranking of quality. The ranking is calculated by comparing
the student to all graduates, ranging from 0 (the best) to 1 (the worst). The simulation shows that the
student’s future OLM of ranking of quality will increase in two core competencies but decrease in five
core competencies. The result indicates that graduates averagely performed better than the student’s
goals for course grades on the courses related to the five core competencies. The student can increase
his/her goals for course grades on the courses related to the five core competencies and conduct the
simulation again.
After setting goals for course grades, students are asked to set detailed course goals to achieve the grade
goals for the taken courses. Setting detailed goals for courses includes goals for attendance, assignment
hand-in rate, midterm exam, and final exam. For example, Figure 4 shows that the student set 95% as
his/her goal for attendance, 100% as his/her goal for assignment hand-in rate, 80 as his/her goal for
midterm exam, and 80 as his/her goal for final exam to achieve his/her goal for grade that was set as 90.
Detailed course goals are used to prompt students to study to achieve their goals for course grade.
An evaluation was conducted to evaluate the simulatable OLMs. The participants were 77
undergraduate students. They were asked to log in to VACC to inspect their OLMs of core
competencies, set their grade goals for their taken courses, and conduct the simulation of future OLMs.
Then they set detailed course goals to achieve their goals for course grades. At last, they were asked to
fill out a questionnaire with five 5-Likert scale items. Table 1 lists the questionnaire results. Most
students agreed (strongly agree and agree) that the simulatable OLMs assisted them in understanding
the influence of their goals for course grades on core competencies (75%, item #1) and in setting goals
for course grades (70%, item #2). Most students (72%) expressed that they will re-set their goals for
course grades if the simulation result of future OLMs is not good (item #3). Most students (78%) stated
that they set their goals for course grades after much deliberation (item #4). Most students (70%) agreed
that setting detailed course goals prompted them to achieve the goal for course grade (item #5).
4. Summary
This paper presents a learning analytics dashboard system with simulatable OLMs of core competencies
for assisting students in setting goals for course grades. The system enables students to inspect their
OLMs of core competencies, set goals of course grades in their taken courses, and view the simulation
of future OLMs of core competencies to understand the influence of their goals for course grades on
core competencies. Students can re-set their goals for course grades and conduct the simulation of
future OLMs until they satisfy the simulation result. The system also enables students to set detailed
goals in order to achieve their goals for course grade. The results of questionnaire showed that most
students expressed that the simulatable OLMs assisted them in setting goals for course grades.
Bull, S. (2004). Supporting Learning with Open Learner Models. In Proceedings of 4 th Hellenic Conference in
Information and Communication Technologies in Education, 1-15.
Bull, S., & Kay, J. (2013). Open learner models as drivers for metacognitive processes. In International handbook
of metacognition and learning technologies (pp. 349-365). Springer, New York, NY.
Burke, J. W. (Ed.). (1989). Competency based education and training. Psychology Press.
Chou, C. Y., Lai, K. R., Chao, P. Y., Lan, C. H., & Chen, T. H. (2015). Negotiation based adaptive learning
sequences: Combining adaptivity and adaptability. Computers & Education, 88, 215-226.
Chou, C. Y., Tseng, S. F., Chih, W. C., Chen, Z. H., Chao, P. Y., Lai, K. R., Chan, C. L., Yu, L. C. & Lin, Y. L.
(2017). Open Student Models of Core Competencies at the Curriculum Level: Using Learning Analytics for
Student Reflection. IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing, 5(1), 32-44.
Mitrovic, A., & Martin, B. (2007). Evaluating the effect of open student models on self-assessment. International
Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education, 17(2), 121-144.
Chang, M. et al. (Eds.) (2019). Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Computers in
Education. Taiwan: Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education
Abstract: Functional Fixedness (FF) refers to a type of fixation which hinders an individual to
use an object in an unfamiliar, atypical, and new ways aside from what had been previously
learned about the object’s functionality. In a problem-solving activity, FF may delay or impede
the process of finding a solution due to the inability to utilize the available materials and options
presented. In this study, the incidence of FF in the context of computer programming was
investigated. The students were given programming problems that require them to utilize a
specific Java pre-defined method in a different manner from its basic and usual implementation.
Results showed that all students exhibited at least 1 incidence of FF although no significant
relationship was found between FF and their poor performance in solving the problems. The
students explained that they got stuck in the known usage and it was difficult for them to think
of other ways to use it in order to solve the problems.
1. Introduction
Functional Fixedness (FF) was first hypothesized by Duncker (1945) which refers to the tendency of
being fixed to specific uses or functionality of an object based on prior knowledge, how the objects were
introduced, or the level of familiarity with the object. This fixation may then hinder the usage of the
object in a different, atypical, or new manner which may be essential in a problem-solving task.
In the context of programming, researchers linked FF to cognitive issues in teaching students
how to code functions (Mutsuddi & Frame, 2018) and loops (Smith, Paradice, & Smith, 2000). Schwill
(1994) once recommended to teach programming using an object-oriented paradigm in the introductory
level because it reflects the fundamental cognitive process of human by relating functions and usage to
an object. He added that it should be done in ways that students could explore how to utilize object
analogies of programming concepts beyond their basic definition. In coding user-defined functions,
students show fixation with the function structure so when presented with sample integer functions,
there was a difficulty coding user-defined functions for string. Similarly, in teaching the usage of
for-loops using a series of examples where loops were used to sum elements, the students were fixated
on the specific usage (i.e. summing elements) that when asked to write a looping statement for a
different purpose, they tend to get stuck. However, these studies did not present an actual programming
experiment where students could exhibit FF.
This study aims to revisit the concept of functional fixedness and investigate its incidence
among student programmers taking up an introductory programming course and its implication on the
students’ problem-solving performance on programming problems.
2. Functional Fixedness
One trait that distinguishes humans from other creatures is that humans are creative beings by nature
(Ward, Smith, & Vaid, 1997). This trait contributes to the ability of humans to find solutions to
problems in addition to general intelligence. However, some psychological phenomena could impede
the extent of creativity and one of them was described by cognitive psychologists as fixation. One
reason for fixation is functional fixedness which refers to the inability to use an object in a different
manner other than what had been previously known about it (Duncker, 1945). Several studies (Flavell,
Cooper, & Loiselle, 1958; Glucksberg & Danks, 1968; Jensen, 1960) further showed that functional
fixedness occurs when the function of a key object is explicitly demonstrated, taught, or explained prior
to the presentation of a problem that requires the utilization of the object in a way that was not taught.
One of the several experiments conducted to support this phenomenon was called the “box”
problem (Duncker, 1945; Frank & Ramscar, 2003). The subject was presented with different materials
including candles, matches, thumbtacks and boxes of varying sizes. The task was to fix the candles on
the wall and light them. The solution is to tack the boxes to the wall using the thumbtacks and these
boxes would serve as the bases for the candles. Then the candles are lit and fixed on the boxes with
some wax. For the first group, the materials were presented in a way that the boxes were used as
container for the candles, thumbtacks, and matches. For the second group, the materials were just
scattered on the table. More subjects from the second group solved the problem than from the first
group. Duncker explained that this is because the subjects from the first group perceived the boxes just
as containers and it was difficult for them to lose the function associated with it.
In the context of computer programming, Perkins and Martin (1986) have previously explored
this among novice programmers and argued that FF is a matter of negative knowledge transfer wherein
knowing “how” sometimes impairs rather than support one’s performance in the application of a
solution in an unfamiliar context. Another related phenomenon to FF called the Einstellung Effect (EE)
which refers to an individual’s bias towards a familiar, working solution (Luchins, 1942; Luchins &
Luchins, 1961) has been investigated among programming students (Obispo, Castro, & Rodrigo, 2018).
EE is also a type of fixation and surprisingly, the study showed that, in a single programming activity,
EE had a positive effect on the performance of the student programmers.
However, FF is different from EE in that FF deals with separate functionality of the objects and
not a collective solution such in the case of EE. And since there have been no recent empirical studies to
investigate the implications of FF on the performance of student programmers, this warrants further
3. Experiment
The participants of this investigative study were thirty (30) freshmen students taking up Bachelor of
Science in Information Technology (BSIT) from a state university in southern Philippines. They were
all considered as novice programmers based on their programming grades and also because they were
only on their first year in the BSIT program. They were presented with the 3 Java pre-defined methods:
Java String indexOf() and startsWith() as well Java Integer.parseInt() which they have to use to solve 3
programming problems. These methods had already been taught to them in prior lectures in their
programming classes.
The use of both Integer.parseInt() and string.startsWith() are straightforward but the
participants must realize the string.indexOf() could be used in a different way other than just finding an
index of a character or string. They were instructed that they will use these methods along with the basic
program control structures in order to solve the following programming problems:
Problem1: A string s1 contains various integers separated by spaces. s1 = “50 1 822 3 6 49 5 61 74 87”
The task is to save the individual integers delimited by space into an integer array called myArr.
Problem 2: Ask the user to input a full name. Then, ask the user to input a prefix composed of 3
characters. The program should then check if the last name from the first input starts with the prefix.
Problem 3: Ask the user to input a string. Check if the string includes the substring “love”.
There could be several approaches to solve each of the three problems using the given methods.
After the experiment, the students were then interviewed on how they felt about the programming
activity where they discussed their solutions and their thoughts about using the given methods.
4. Results
The incidence of FF was based on whether the student was able to utilize indexOf() to solve the
problem. One FF point was given if the student failed to use of indexOf() in order to solve the
programming problem. Program codes submitted by the participants for each problem was analyzed in
order to measure their performance and to determine the incidence of FF. Aside from looking at the
program logic, the codes were also checked for syntax and runtime errors to account for other possible
reasons in cases where the student was unable to solve the problem. A point was given only if the
program was able to execute and perform the task required in the problem and the indexOf() method
was used as part of the solution. Only 6 students were able to earn points from successfully solving the
programming problems but all students exhibited at least 1 incident of functional fixedness.
When the relationship between the FF incidence and student performance in terms of solving
the problems was investigated, no significant relationship was found r(30)=-0.19, p=0.51. However,
after submitting their program codes, the students were interviewed about the programming activity and
the concept of functional fixedness was explained to them. The students reasoned that they got stuck in
the known examples demonstrating the basic and usual usage of the indexOf() method and they cannot
think of other ways to use it that will help solve the problem.
In conclusion, FF does exist among novice computer programmers because students are not yet
adept in the creative ways on how these pre-defined methods could be used in various programming
purposes aside from those that they have previously seen from examples. Although no significant
relationship was found with performance in the experiment, the fact that a total of only 6 students out of
30 were able to solve at least 1 problem because others cannot think of how to use a previously known
Java pre-defined method to solve the problem means that demonstrating and encouraging creativity is
essential as a pedagogical technique in classes for novice student programmers. The authors would like
to recommend further experiments and analysis that may involve intermediate programmers, more
pre-define methods, and other programming components.
The authors would like to thank the students from the Institute of Computer Applications who
participated in the experiment.
.................................................................................................................................................................... 111
SOCIAL MEDIA ............................................................................................................................................. 121
GROUP AWARENESS INFORMATION TO SUPPORT ACADEMIC HELP-SEEKING .................................................... 131
AGENT ......................................................................................................................................................... 146
INTRODUCTION OF EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY ENGAGEMENT MODEL .......................................................... 152
PERSPECTIVES .............................................................................................................................................. 172
HELP SEEKING BEHAVIORS IN HIGHER EDUCATION ...................................................................................... 191
SYSTEM ........................................................................................................................................................ 194
EDUCATION INCORPORATING FUTURE WORK SKILLS .................................................................................. 197
CONTEXTS .................................................................................................................................................... 200
.................................................................................................................................................................... 206
SKILLS .......................................................................................................................................................... 209
Chang, M. et al. (Eds.) (2019). Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Computers in
Education. Taiwan: Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education
Abstract: The present paper describes the Reciprocal Kit Build approach as a designed activity
for collaborative concept mapping. We aimed to investigate the effect of differences in
individual knowledge (both prior knowledge and knowledge on task) on knowledge transfer,
collaborative product, and learners’ affective responses during co-construction of a concept
map with the Reciprocal Kit Build (RKB) approach. We categorized learners into two groups
based on their prior knowledge equivalence and their degree of shared knowledge reflected in
the individual maps. The RKB approach allowed learners to create an individual map, to
reconstruct a concept map from their partner’s map components (nodes and links), and to
discuss similarities (or differences) between the initial map with the reconstructed map. The
results showed that, following our proposed activity, transfers of individual knowledge
regarding the shared and unshared knowledge were considerably high. Although, learners’
differences on prior and shared knowledge did not significantly affect the knowledge transfers
and the final collaborative products, different group composition influenced the experiences of
1. Introduction
2. Literature Review
Concept mapping as a representational tool is beneficial for collaborative learning at the individual
level and group level (Stoyanova & Kommers, 2002). It makes individual knowledge more explicit and
provides a room for reflection and elaboration of cognition (Stoyanova & Kommers, 2002). At a group
level, it promotes establishing a common ground as a basis for building a shared understanding within
group members (Jeong & Hmelo-Silver, 2016; Roschelle & Teasley, 1995; Stoyanova & Kommers,
2002). Prior studies have also shown that a concept map is an effective tool for elicitation of knowledge
and communicating complex ideas (Frank Fischer & Mandl, 2002; Stoyanova & Kommers, 2002;
Suthers, 2006; van Boxtel, van der Linden, & Kanselaar, 2000).
We have employed the Reciprocal Kit-Build (RKB) approach to allow students to generate and
exchange ideas with their partner before collaborative concept mapping activities. There are three main
parts of the RKB approach, i.e. individual map building, individual map reconstruction by partners, and
difference map discussion (Wunnasri et al., 2018a). Prior studies have shown that individual map
building in a private space helped students to explain their ideas during the collaborative session (F.
Fischer, Bruhn, Gräsel, & Mandl, 2002; Gracia-Moreno, Cerisier, Devauchelle, Gamboa, & Pierrot,
Through the reconstruction of partner’s map and difference map discussion, each group
member is feasible to detect partner’s comprehension and it leads to the elicitation of knowledge.
Awareness of partner’s knowledge is beneficial to maintain shared focus during problem-solving, and
therefore, students solve the problem faster and more accuracy (Engelmann & Hesse, 2010).
Specifically, in collaborative concept mapping with individual preparation, they may have more
sociocognitive conflicts during collaborative concept mapping when they have first overcome a
reflective thinking process in a personal workspace (de Weerd, Tan, & Stoyanov, 2017; Gracia-Moreno
et al., 2017). It possibly will hinder students to express their unshared knowledge or resources.
Providing a room to assist students to externalize own ideas or to review different perspectives
from their partner in an active manner is expected to enrich interaction between group members.
Different from standard individual map interchange, the RKB approach encourages students to produce
more exploratory talk, which is valued for advancing critical thinking, reasoning, and problem-solving
skills (Wunnasri et al., 2018a). After following the RKB activities, students in dyads are having similar
knowledge on their post individual maps which indicate that they have higher knowledge convergence.
However, previous researches on RKB have not explored how differences in prior knowledge affect the
collaborative product, where they have to resolve individual differences to reach a common consensus,
and how the differences influence the experiences of learners on collaborative learning (Sadita et al.,
2018; Wunnasri et al., 2018a, 2018b).
3. Methods
We run the study in a Linear Algebra class for the first year of Computer Science students in one of a
public university in Indonesia. The teacher selected topics that facilitated students to draw conceptual
knowledge, i.e. the General Vector Spaces and the Inner Product Spaces. An introductory explanation
about these topics and the relevant learning resources were delivered by the teacher before conducting
the experiment. The participants consisted of 42 students who work in dyads, where 71% of them are
men. They were familiar with concept mapping activities since the teacher usually draws a diagram to
show the relationship among concepts or asks the students to create it by themselves after finishing a
topic. The teacher determined some essential nodes (n = 15) be included in the map to aid students with
common references, therefore they could maintain focus during the discussion.
We administered the experiment in a computer laboratory for about two hours, which was divided
into two main phases, i.e. the individual and the collaborative phase. First, the students created an
individual map in 25 minutes. During the collaborative phase, the students reconstructed a map given a
set of unconnected nodes and links (components) from their partners’ map (20 minutes), discussed a
difference map (10 minutes), and created a group map collaboratively (30 minutes). Each group
member worked in a close-proximity to build an individual map with a personal computer or laptop,
then they used a single computer to draw a collaborative map.
Knowledge convergence is defined as a process by which two or more people share mutual
understanding through social interaction (Jeong & Chi, 2007). Weinberger, Stegmann, & Fischer (2007)
have conceptualized knowledge convergence as knowledge equivalence and shared knowledge which
can be evaluated prior to, during, or after collaboration. Knowledge equivalence refers to learners in a
group possessing a similar degree of knowledge related to a specified subject, regardless of the specific
concepts constituting knowledge content (Weinberger et al., 2007). While, shared knowledge alludes to
the knowledge of specific concepts that learners within a group have in common (Weinberger et al.,
We first measured knowledge convergence at group level prior to collaboration using two
different measures, i.e. prior knowledge equivalence and shared knowledge on task. Afterward, we
evaluated the learning effectiveness of collaborative problem solving operationalized in two
dimensions as follows (Khamesan & Hammond, 2004; Molinari, 2013):
at the level of the group as a whole, scored numerically on group concept map
as an interaction between individual and group achievements, scored numerically on individual
map and group concept map
We excluded the effectiveness at the level of the individual since we did not collect individual
post-collaboration maps because of some limitations in a practical classroom situation. Those three
metrics are originally introduced by Stoyanova & Kommers (2002) to provide a deeper quantitative
understanding of the processes of both learning and collaboration in collaborative concept mapping.
Khamesan and Hammond (2004) have computed the reliability of the metrics with three raters and
demonstrated high interrater reliability for most of the categories.
Prior knowledge equivalence scores were calculated from the results of the mid-term test conducted a
few days before the experiment. The questions in the test covered essential introductory materials
required to understand the main topic in the concept map, but not included the conceptual knowledge
that could be drawn in a map form such relationship among concepts. Measures of dispersion were used
to analyze differences in prior knowledge between learners as in the prior study (Weinberger et al.,
2007). First, individual mid-term tests were evaluated by the teacher. Second, standard deviations
between the individual scores in each group were calculated. Last, the standard deviation was divided
by the mean score to measure the coefficient of variation as a prior knowledge equivalence score.
Table 1
Sample of 4 Essential Information Included in The Map and Its Possible Substructure
No Type of information Possible nodes included in the substructure
1 An inner product space is a vector space with an Inner Product (IP) Space – Vector Space
additional structure called the inner product function (VS)
2 An inner product function takes each ordered pair in IP function – domain: VxV & codomain: R
a vector space V to a number in R
3 An inner product function is a function that has to satisfy IP function – 4 axioms: additivity,
the following axioms: additivity, homogeneity, homogeneity, positivity, & symmetry
positivity, & symmetry
4 Vector is an element of a vector space V vector – IPS (if the IPS is connected to VS),
or vector – VS
We assessed shared knowledge quantitatively from individual concept maps using the approach
proposed by Weinberger et al. (2007). First, the teacher defined what are essential information should
be included in the maps, given a set of nodes as initial components to build a map. Then, she listed all
possible and common substructures from all students’ generated maps. A substructure may consist of
two or more connected nodes (concepts) which convey one information only (see Table 1). The
propositions may have a few variations depending on the linking words written by the students. Second,
the teacher marked whether a student’s map presented any essential information or not. Seven key
substructures were expected to appear in the maps. Third, if a pair of learners share the ability to apply a
specific concept, then we added the shared prior knowledge score of 1. Finally, we normalized the score
by dividing it with the group mean value. In addition, we also defined unshared knowledge at the
individual level to identify the degree of information that only possessed by a single member.
Table 2
Sample of Knowledge Distribution in a Group
No Substructures Group 01
Student A’s map Student B’s map Group map
1 Inner Product (IP) Space – Vector Space (VS) ○ ○ ○
2 IP function – domain: VxV & codomain: R X X ○
3 IP function – 4 axioms ○ X ○
4 Vector – IP Space or VS ○ ○ X
○ : the substructure was available and correct
X : the substructure was not available or incorrect
Following the above procedures, individual knowledge scores of student A’s and B’s in Group 01
were 3 and 2 consecutively based on the number of correct substructures. Hence, resulting in a mean of
2.5 (Table 2). Group 01 achieved a shared knowledge value of 2 because both members were able to
draw the first and the fourth substructures correctly. Subsequently, the normalized shared knowledge
score of this group was 2 / 2.5 or equal to 0.8.
The normalized prior knowledge equivalence score and shared knowledge score were applied to
categorize the group. The groups which have normalized prior knowledge equivalence less than 0.2
were categorized as high knowledge equivalence groups and the groups with normalized shared
knowledge score more than 0.7 were included in high shared knowledge groups. The prior knowledge
equivalence scores provided the differences of individual performances on prior relevant topics, while
the shared knowledge scores were more specific to knowledge on the task itself.
We examined the learning effectiveness by using the concept map measures (Figure 1) proposed by
Khamesan and Hammond (2004):
1. Individual-to-group transfer of shared knowledge (TSKAB): the number of substructures shared by
both individual and transferred to the collaborative map. The score was normalized with the number
of shared substructures.
2. Individual-to-group transfer of unshared knowledge (TUKA (or B)): the number of unshared
substructures in each individual and transferred to the collaborative map. The score was normalized
with the number of unshared substructures.
3. Individual-to-group transfer (TKAB: TSKAB TUKA TUKB): the total number of transferred
substructures from individual maps to the collaborative map. The score was normalized with the
number of shared and unshared substructures.
4. Lost knowledge (LKAB: (IKA IKB) \ TKAB): the number of individual substructures not transferred
from individual maps to the collaborative map.
5. Group creativity (NKAB): the number of new substructures in the collaborative map that was not
included in both individual maps. The score was normalized with the number of unknown
6. Group achievement (GKAB): the score of the collaborative map.
IKA (or B) Individual knowledge of A or B
SKAB Shared knowledge of A or B
UKA (or B) Unshared knowledge of A or B
TSKAB Transfer of shared knowledge of A or B
TUKA (or B) Transfer of unshared knowledge of A or B
NKAB New knowledge of Group A and B
GKAB Group knowledge (achievement) of A and B
As an example, from the Table 2, substructures (1) and (4) were the shared knowledge on the
task before collaboration, substructure (3) was the unshared knowledge of student B, and substructure
(2) was the unknown substructures of Group 01 (ignorance). After the collaboration, the students wrote
the substructures (1) to (3) correctly, so we regarded those substructures as Group Knowledge.
Specifically, substructure (1) was considered as the individual-to-group transfer of shared knowledge,
substructure (2) was categorized as new knowledge, and substructure (3) was referred as the
individual-to-group transfer of unshared knowledge. Unfortunately, the Group 01 members did not
write substructure (4), thus it became the lost knowledge.
3.5 Affective Responses
We conducted a survey to capture participants’ experiences while following RKB activities. The
questionnaire consisted of 15 closed-ended items related to attractiveness, stimulation, and perspicuity
subscales adapted from an Indonesian language version of User Experience Questionnaire (Santoso,
Schrepp, Kartono, Yudha, & Priyogi, 2016). The students were requested to choose a Likert scale from
1 to 7. Six open-ended questions were delivered to capture learners’ positive and negatives experiences
in each step of collaborative learning activities. All questionnaire items had been face-validated by the
teacher before distributed to the students. Cronbach’s alpha coefficients were 0.74, 0.84, and 0.77 for
attractiveness, stimulation, and perspicuity subscale, respectively, showing good internal consistency.
4. Results
Before creating collaborative maps, 82% percent of the important substructures were written in students’
individual maps, while the number of the substructures that were not included in the individual maps
was as many as 18% (n = 27). More than half of those written substructures were shared knowledge
(Figure 2). Those shared and unshared knowledge were available in the collaborative maps as many as
91.67%, the remaining became non-transferred (lost) knowledge. Almost all shared knowledge was
transferred to the collaborative map, while the percentage of neglected unshared knowledge was 15% of
total unshared knowledge. There are 14 groups who were feasible to extend their group map with new
information (substructures), that did not exist in their individual maps. From those groups, we found
that they were able to draw 8 new important substructures. The number of unknown information
(ignorance) in the collaborative maps were also decreasing, from 18% to 13%.
Figure 2. Distribution of The Amount of Shared and Unshared Knowledge in The Individual
Maps Prior to Collaboration (left-side) and Distribution of The Individual Knowledge
Transferred to Collaborative Maps in All Groups (right-side).
(Note: Please see Section 3.4 to understand the abbreviations in the graph)
Figure 3 and 4 display the distribution of knowledge transfer and group creativity among
different conditions regarding their prior knowledge equivalence and shared knowledge on the
individual concept maps. Transfer of shared and unshared knowledge in most of the groups in all
conditions have similar median values with different score distribution. Two groups of high prior
knowledge equivalence and high shared knowledge conditions did not convey their understanding or
reach different consensus, i.e. Group 09 and Group 14. There are three out of 11 groups in high shared
knowledge condition who did not have unshared knowledge. The remaining groups with the unshared
knowledge in low prior knowledge equivalence and low shared knowledge condition have higher
agreement to transfer the knowledge. From the 14 groups who had new knowledge, the number of
groups in each condition was similarly distributed (n = 7). The groups with low shared knowledge had
a higher tendency to create new knowledge (Figure 4).
Furthermore, we also investigated whether individual ability affected group tendency to
transfer the unshared knowledge by calculating the correlation between individual map score and the
normalized score of individual unshared knowledge transfer. Results of the Pearson correlation
indicated that there was no association between individual map score and number of unshared
knowledge transfer, (r(22) = -.06014, p = .7801). The student with lower individual performance than
their partner could possibly to transfer his unshared knowledge, and vice versa, the one with higher
individual performance might unable to convey the unshared knowledge.
Num of Transfer
Num of Transfer
Num of Transfer
All collaborative map scores were in the range of 75-100 for all conditions (M = 90, SD = 7.49).
These scores were higher than individual map scores (M = 72.21, SD = 25.76). Group achievements did
not differ significantly between low- and high-prior knowledge equivalence conditions (p = 0.47), or
between low- and high-shared knowledge conditions (p = 0.302), though there is dissimilarity of
distribution among them (Figure 5).
Figure 6 shows the distribution of the affective scores among groups with different shared knowledge
scores. A Kruskall Wallis rank-sum test indicated that there was a significantly different between the
groups in higher similarity scores and lower similarity scores (H(13) = 56.885, p < .001). However, the
differences were rather small, which demonstrated that the low similarity users were still positive
towards the activities, though less positive. Stimulation subscale received the highest rating, followed
by attractiveness then perspicuity subscales.
From the open-ended questions, we found that some participants in both conditions mentioned
comparable on-task difficulties concerning dissimilarities of ideas or opinions, i.e.: “Difficult to read
when the number of visualized differences is too many (n = 6).”, “It was hard to read or understand the
difference map (n = 2).”, “It was difficult to integrate different opinions in order to reach a (group)
consensus or determine which one is the correct representation (n = 5).”, “The use of ambiguous links
makes it hard to select the most suitable relation between two concepts (n = 1)”.
Collaborative concept mapping with Reciprocal Kit Build approach allows learners to represent and
manipulate their individual cognitive structures and let their partners provide feedbacks after initial map
reconstruction and difference map visualization. This activity provides an active means to review
individual maps and to elicit new information. Reviewing members’ individual maps as access to
distributed cognitive resources positively influence the broadness of group problem solution
(Stoyanova & Kommers, 2002). Her study has also suggested that a process of knowledge acquisition
and creation through direct interaction have an impact on group learning effectiveness, which consistent
with our preliminary findings (Sadita et al., 2018).
The present study displays the learning effectiveness as the interaction between individual to
group knowledge, specifically knowledge transfer. The results show that the amount of knowledge
transfer is considerably high in all group conditions. Furthermore, the degree of knowledge differences
within the group members may not significantly affect the amount of knowledge transfer. While some
studies have reported that groups often abandon the unshared knowledge or resources (Frank Fischer &
Mandl, 2002; Gracia-Moreno et al., 2017), our study indicates that transfer of both shared and unshared
individual knowledge is more than 85% when using RKB. It is interesting to note that a few groups such
as Group 09 and Group 14, who were the high prior knowledge convergence condition did not transfer
all of their shared knowledge. Further investigation of their behavior is essential to reveal these specific
group problems.
Moreover, we found the weak correlation between individual map scores and normalized transfer
of unshared knowledge. It is indicating that during collaboration students were able to detect important
substructures with less consideration on who are the source of information. The students more often to
not merely follow a certain group member. They acknowledge the partner’s perspectives and take into
account differences in knowledge.
The affective responses of the groups with different shared knowledge scores demonstrated that
learners in higher shared knowledge are slightly more positive than the lower shared knowledge
conditions. Participants in both conditions show similar patterns, they thought that our activities were
more stimulating and attractive, rather than perspicuous. Difficulties appeared when they faced
differences in ideas or perspectives and need to resolve those conflicts in order to reach a single group
solution. Though pursuing conflict resolution is essential for conceptual change and advancement of
knowledge in collaborative learning (Chan, Burtis, & Bereiter, 1997; Roschelle, 1992; van Boxtel, van
der Linden, Roelofs, & Erkens, 2002), the learners may feel less positive and it may influence overall
learning experiences in collaborative situations. Further research on how computer-based visualization
can be utilized to aid learners during conflict-oriented consensus building and integration-oriented
consensus building is indispensable.
In summary, our study found that learners in different prior knowledge levels benefit similarly,
with respect to the transfer of their individual knowledge, following the proposed activities. Different
group composition is not necessarily affected knowledge transfer and collaborative outcomes. However,
the amount of joint knowledge between the group members can possibly have more effects on the group
outcomes, since the RKB system enables individual knowledge structures more tangible and are ready
to be manipulated by their partners. Different opinions or understanding with regard to the collaborative
task can affect overall learners’ experiences in a collaborative environment.
Our current works have evaluated the learning effectiveness only at two different dimensions (i.e.
group and interaction level). It seems that our approach can attain learning effectiveness at the
individual level as well, because of high knowledge transfer during collaboration. However, there is a
lack of evidence related to individual performances after collaboration. Further studies with a large
number of participants from different subjects should be conducted to identify the broadness of our
approach. For the future works, it is also interesting to compare the results of groups with reciprocal
teaching activity and conventional collaborative concept map without the reciprocal cycle.
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Abstract: In design, fixation is a recurring problem with novices where they choose the first
solution that they think of for a given problem rather than explore a range of possible solutions.
Fixation can result in barriers in design process, restricted search and premature commitment to
solutions that may be sub-optimal. Among undergraduate engineering students, design fixation
is due to limited prior conceptual knowledge, insufficient knowledge of design heuristics, and
disconnected and evolving knowledge base, skills and strategies. One mechanism to overcome
design fixation is expansion of problem and solution space where learners explore a variety of
aspects related to the design problem such as constraints, assumptions, concepts and principles,
before deciding on the solution to be followed. To be able to expand problem and solution
space, novice designers require support.
We have devised a pedagogical strategy flare-fork which scaffolds students’ problem
space and solution space expansion in the flare phase and generation of multiple constraint
optimized designs in the fork phase. Flare-fork is a systematic process that supports students to
build on their opportunistic ideas to expand design boundaries and subsequently identify
trade-offs to generate a variety of solutions tailored to fulfill a combination of constraints and
assumptions. The pedagogy brings together design strategies, tools and practices such as rapid
ideation, shared visual representation, categorization and techniques to restructure thinking
patterns in a collaborative environment. In this paper, we first describe the conceptual design of
our proposed pedagogy. We then describe a study to examine how the intervention
operationalizing the flare phase of the pedagogy supports students in expanding their problem
and solution space.
1. Introduction
Engineering design problems are generally ill structured and complex, making the design activity
exploratory in nature. This often leads to designs having emergent characteristics in which the problem
and solution co-evolve (Dorst and Cross, 2001). Solutions can vary depending on the initial point of
view, the concepts used, the extent of problem explored and the kind of constraints used. While none of
the solutions may be wrong, their suitability to the given context may vary.
Students who are novice designers find the unstructured nature of engineering product design
quite challenging. They face several design related challenges such as in framing problem, identifying
goals, constraints, requirements, making decisions, considering alternatives and switching between
different modes of thinking, visualizing and gathering information (Atman et al., 2007). Many novice
designers fixate on their first solution idea (depth first approach) and do not make the effort to look for
alternate solutions by expanding their problem and solution space (breadth first approach) (Atman et al.,
2007). This premature closure on a solution can lead to sub-optimal, pedestrian solutions that can prove
intractable at a later stage of design.
One way to prevent premature commitment to a solution is enabling students to expand
problem and solution space. The problem space is the task environment of the designer comprising of
initial problem state, goals and requirement. The solution space encompasses the possible solutions and
the means of evaluating if the solution meets the requirements. During co-evolution, designers
iteratively explore the problem requirements and design solutions. In this process new variables emerge
in response to changes in each of problem and solution space, which could include new requirements,
thereby expanding the initial problem space or new potential solutions which expand the solution space
(Hay et al., 2017).
Flare-fork is a pedagogy that we have designed to support and promote expansion of problem
and solution space by novice designers while solving an engineering product design problem. The
pedagogy combines collaboration, shared visual representation, and strategies to restructure thinking
patterns such that students can opportunistically decompose the design problem but still benefit from
the subtle structuring introduced by the pedagogy. Flare supports unrestricted search of problem and
solution space by facilitating students to think divergently with divergent thinking strategies. Fork
supports students in identifying constraints and trade-offs and devising constraint appropriate
conceptual designs for the given design problem.
We have developed a collaborative learning environment for the flare phase of the pedagogy.
We have used conjecture mapping as a way to articulate how the different components of the
intervention viz. the activities, artifacts, resources, scaffolds and the transactions between these
components, interact to facilitate problem and solution space expansion. In this paper, we describe an
exploratory study as part of the first cycle of design-based research (DBR), where we tested key design
and theoretical conjectures that inform the pedagogical support of our collaborative learning
environment. The specific research question we are addressing are:
1. How do students explore problem and solution space during design problem solving?
2. In what ways did the different features of the intervention support the expansion of problem
and solution space?
2. Theoretical background
Engineering design is ill structured in nature. During design process, designers structure and frame
problem, generate and synthesize solutions, evaluate the alternatives, make decisions towards realizing
the project (Atman et al., 2007), (Hay et al., 2017). The elements of design considered include
requirements, functionalities, form or structure, behaviour, external environment including
stakeholders and constraints (Gero and Kannengiesser, 2004). The complex and ambiguous nature of
design can prove difficult for students who then resort to known solutions and pursuing their first idea.
This can cause problem of fixation. Fixation has been synonymized with restricted search, satisfaction
in search and premature commitment (Crilly and Cardoso, 2017) indicating a restriction of range of
ideas that are considered. Fixation occurs when designers unconsciously adhere to prior designs and
mimic design features, consciously block generation of new ideas in favour of familiar solution paths
(knowledge based fixation), or intentionally resist thinking of new ideas in favour of successful designs
(conceptual fixation) (Youmans and Arciszewski, 2014). Fixation can hinder creativity and lead to
sub-optimal solutions riddled with problems that require additional fixes. Ways of reducing fixation
includes modifying the design environment such that it allows unrestricted consideration of ideas.
Group work and rich interactive design environments have been known to lead to original outcomes
(Youmans and Arciszewski, 2013).
Designers often undertake wide-ranging exploration of problem and solution space in search of
creative solutions. Designers continuously restructure and redefine the problem in their attempt to push
the design boundaries. When features and constraints in the solution give rise to new criteria that
redefine the problem space there is a response driven modification in each of the design spaces.
Expansion of problem and solution space is therefore this incremental extension of problem statements
and associated solutions (Maher et al., 1996). Expanding the problem and solution space offers the
opportunity to find better designs that have so far not been known to exist. Divergent thinking plays an
important role in this idea generation and exploration phase of design (Shah et al., 2012).
Alternative ideas emerge when students think like two different people as in address different
perspectives. In this regard, collaboration can prove useful. Collaboration has been known to aid in
formation of diverse interpretations. During collaboration, there is a mutual construction of knowledge
(Cress et al., 2015) when collaborators grapple with the problem, present alternative perspectives,
establish a common frame of reference, negotiate meaning, and restructure ideas. To make the
collaborative problem solving process more effective, instructional support in the form of scaffolding is
Shared representation facilitates access to parts of knowledge of the collaborating group in the
form of distributed resources such as a concept map, sketches, and shared worksheets. Shared
representation works as a mediating tool with the purpose of engaging and facilitating cognitive
processing. Concept maps (CMAP) for instance, helps students to externalize their internal cognitive
structure thereby making individual knowledge more explicit. It presents multiple dimensions or
perspectives of the picture at once facilitating creative association between ideas via critical reflection
and creative thinking among collaborators (Stoyanova and Kommers, 2002).
Divergent idea generation requires designer to uncover new ways of viewing the problem and
solution by intuitive associations and systematic variations. Idea stimulating strategies such as adapting,
combining, and rearranging, play an important role in imagination by making the manipulation of
information more explicit (Eberle, 1972). Such strategies enable designers to span the design space and
contemplate employing non-obvious ideas as a solution concept. Additionally, using such strategies
help designers to de-fixate from tried and tested solution ideas (Daly et al., 2012). SCAMPER (Eberle,
1972) and design heuristics (Daly et al., 2012) are ways to stimulate restructuring of ideas. Evocative
words also have the potential to convey shades of meaning allowing for different interpretations
(Lawson and Loke, 1997). Metaphors, synonyms and antonyms (Linsey et al., 2010) can prove to be
effective triggers to open up new lines of thought.
Flare-fork pedagogy supports novice designers working collaboratively, to build on their opportunistic
ideas, expand design boundaries and subsequently identify trade-offs to generate a variety of solutions
tailored to fulfill a combination of constraints and assumptions. Flare aspect encourages the designers to
progressively expand the problem and solution space by exploring the different aspects of the product
design problem at various levels of abstraction in an opportunistic way by brainstorming
(non-systematic and multidirectional) (Visser, 2008). A degree of structure is introduced into this
opportunistic decomposition (Guindon, 1990) by bringing in the idea of relationship between these
sub-systems in the form of concept map (CMAP) creation, followed by categorization. Shared visual
representation in the form of collaborative concept map) (Stoyanova and Kommers, 2002) brings
semantically and conceptually diverse aspects of the design in one place and facilitates simultaneous
consideration of all design parts. This enables the designers to make distant connections, which would
otherwise have not been apparent, hidden amidst disparate details.
The intervention successively provides students with means of identifying new search cues for
exploring the design problem along new lines. While collaboration helps this by bringing in new
perspectives from each of the participant, thought transformer strategies (SCAMPER and SynAnt
strategy) provide participants with methods to modify existing ideas to get a fresh perspective. At the
end of flare, the designers have a rich, connected and categorized concept map covering several aspects
of the product design problem.
Fork aspect of the pedagogy encourages the designers to design alternative solutions for the
design problem, considering the conflicting constraints and trade-offs that they can identify. Identifying
the conflicts enable designers to view the design problem from multiple levels of abstraction. The
conceptual designs so developed is customized for a set of constraints and assumptions. In this paper,
we present only the flare intervention design and study its influence in novice design process.
The flare intervention begins with a free-wheeling ideation session where the collaborators brainstorm
to come up with as many opportunistic ideas regarding the given product design problem, as possible in
5 minutes. This activity is non-collaborative and allows individual designers to produce as many ideas
as possible (Stroebe and Diehl, 1994). Idea categories that act as anchor points are used as scaffolds to
help trigger thoughts. These anchor points are synthesized from design literature and engineering
product specifications. They include functionality, shape/structure (Gero and Kannengiesser, 2004),
requirements for working, principle of operation, analogy (Lawson and Loke, 1997), questions (Eris,
2003), and sketches (Lawson and Loke, 1997) as a few exemplar idea categories.
The opportunistic ideas are then connected collaboratively by relating, combining and
interlinking them to form a concept map. Addition of new ideas are welcomed so as to make the concept
map rich. Scaffolding is provided in the form of SCAMPER (substitute, combine, adjust, modify, put to
other uses, eliminate, reverse/rearrange an idea). SCAMPER helps participants transform ideas, change
context or perspective thereby triggering imaginative exploration of solution space (Eberle, 1972).
Collaborative concept map construction continues until all the ideas from brainstorming are used and no
new ideas or links are forthcoming. The collaborative activity is orchestrated by explicit instructions to
interact by questioning, explaining, identifying relationship, elaborating and critiquing ideas while
constructing the concept map.
SynAnt is a semantic analogy strategy that enables designers to get new search cues for exploring
the problem and solution space. Collaborators are prompted to revisit the problem statement, extract
key words and search for synonyms and antonyms of these words individually. These synonyms and
antonyms (Linsey et al., 2010) are then used to search the World Wide Web for additional inputs
informing new ideas. Individual worksheet is provided with task breakdown to orchestrate this activity.
Subsequently, participants collaboratively modify the concept map with these new ideas. Towards the
end of flare intervention, participants categorize and label the concepts in the concept map. This helps
them take stock of the problem and solution space and is an important precursor for consolidation of the
ideas in the concept map into conceptual designs. This collaborative activity is orchestrated by explicit
instructions to come to a consensus about categorizing concepts in the concept map.
4. Conjecture map
Conjecture mapping is a systematic method to clearly state how the salient features of the learning
environment is expected to produce the desired outcomes (Sandoval, 2014). We use conjecture
mapping as a means of identifying the pedagogical support for our intervention. Our design and
theoretical conjectures were informed from literature on typical processes that guide problem and
solution space exploration. Daly et al. (Daly et al., 2014), came up with a rich set of cognitive aspects of
creativity that facilitates divergent and convergent thinking towards enhancing creative exploration of
the design problem. We used a subset of the cognitive aspects of creativity as the basis for generating
design conjectures and theoretical conjectures for our intervention.
Our design conjectures (from Figure 2) are:
If learners engage in collaborative CMAP creation with CMAP creation tool, then combining and
interlinking of far off ideas will occur.
If learners engage in ideation with semantic analogy thought transformer strategy individually
then generating new keywords and ideas will occur.
If learners engage in collaborative CMAP creation with CMAP creation tool collaboratively, then
emergence of partial-solutions from opportunistic ideas will occur.
If learners engage in transformation and modification of ideas with SCAMPER thought
transformer scaffold individually, then reorganization of ideas by changing context or perspective
will occur.
Our theoretical conjecture is: If reorganization of ideas by changing context or perspective,
combining and interlinking of far off ideas, emergence of partial-solutions from opportunistic ideas and
generation of new keywords and ideas occur, then it will lead to learning to expand problem space and
solution space.
5. Research Methodology
5.2 Participants
We chose students in their final year undergraduate degree or pursuing their master’s degree, as
participants for our intervention. At this level, students have already worked on at least one semester
long project, but are still not expert designers and are learning new design strategies. Participants were
from diverse backgrounds such as computer science, electronics, metallurgical engineering, and
chemical engineering. This was based on the idea that teams with diverse background bring in different
perspectives to a design problem. We conducted three studies wherein we posed the same engineering
design problem to a dyad (group 1) and two triads (group 2 and group 3).
5.3 Procedure
To begin with, we gave the participants the problem of designing a currency cleaner couched as
a scenario description. We then outlined the activities, rules and scaffolds in the intervention.
We used post-it notes for writing ideas and a chart paper to develop the concept map. We
provided a worksheet for SynAnt activity along with access to World Wide Web for focused
We video recorded the whole intervention with two video cameras such that one recorder
captured the wide-angle view of the actions and behavior of the group while the other camera
was a close-up of the map under development. We also audio recorded the whole proceeding.
We made regular unstructured observations for recording activities of the participants during
the intervention. The audio recording was then transcribed for analysis.
To investigate how students explore problem and solution space during design problem solving
(theoretical conjecture), we used an analytical framework for design process elements and stages
framework (Mehalik and Schunn, 2006). The framework is a meta perspective derived from several
separate empirical studies on aspects of 'good design'. It identifies 15 elements / stages (summarized in
Table 1) of documented observable design process elements that are representative of design activities.
The 15 design elements span exploration of problem and solution space. The problem space is the task
environment and comprises of initial problem state and problem requirements. The solution space
includes the design solutions and foundations for evaluating the requirements (Hay et al., 2016). All
possible intermediate states can be considered the bridge (Dorst and Cross, 2001) that identifies
problem and solution pair. We used this criteria to categorize the 15 elements into problem space,
solution space, intermediate bridge space and others (belonging to stages beyond conceptual design).
We chose the unit of analysis to be one conversation turn in the transcription of the three studies.
However, to establish context we have referred to sentences immediately before or after the sentence
under consideration. We used thematic analysis as a method for identifying, analyzing and reporting
patterns corresponding to the codes in our analytical framework, within the data (Braun and Clarke,
2006). Additionally, we analyzed the collaborative concept map generated by students to identify
student generated categories and links between and within these categories.
To investigate in what ways the different features of the intervention support expansion of
problem and solution space, we used the design conjectures as the analytical framework. The design
conjectures are our hypothesis of how our intervention works and by using them as analysis framework,
we look for instances that demonstrate the presence of the predicted activity and outcome patterns. We
used 5 seconds of video data as the unit of analysis. We localized episodes when students used the
particular feature, and scrutinized the video for evidence of productive usage of the feature. We focused
on speech, gestures, what was being written and where were the collaborators looking while
scrutinizing the video. The above data streams along with the concept map visual artifact provide
insights into the view point of each collaborator about the design and ways by which the external visual
representation mediated the design process.
Table 1
Common design process elements / stages adapted from (Mehalik and Schunn, 2006)
Category Definition
Problem representation (EPR) Framing of a design task including goals, issue, artifact that needs to
be analyzed, synthesized, investigated or constructed
Scope of constraints (ESC) Constraints limit how a design can fulfill goals within problem frame.
Designer needs to explore how constraints are affecting the design.
User perspectives (EUP) Capturing various aspects of requirements, needs of the users.
Evaluate design alternatives Designer’s actions to use a framework of performance criteria (goals
(EDA) and constraints) to search and evaluate potential design solutions.
Use functional decomposition Breaking down design into several detailed aspects to investigate how
(FD) the design performs, interacts and contributes to overall functionality
Explore engineering facts (EEF) Exploring specific knowledge about some property of an aspect of a
design. Includes common principles.
Examine existing designs / Either look at past designs or existing solution ideas to improve on
artifacts (EEDA) them in various design dimensions.
Conduct failure analysis (CFA) Gathering knowledge associated with what produces a failure i.e.
when design falls short of goals or performance expectations.
Redefine constraints (RC) Designer defines a constraint to achieve an original goal.
Validate assumptions and Ensuring that the representation of the user's or other stakeholder's
constraints (VAC) expectations for the design appear to be met.
Graphical representation (EG) Visualizing details of design to explore overall configuration.
Issues of measurement (EM) Quantitative information gathering relating to some aspect of design.
Build normative model (BNM) The ideal, optimal outcomes for the design indicative of designers
attempt at formalizing desired outcomes.
Design methodology (FDM) The documented interactive / recursive / iterative design process.
Reflection on design (ERD) Designers reflect on their own process that they use to achieve goal.
6. Findings
From the graph (Figure 3) depicting group 1 students' design progression with time, we can see that:
During the design process, student's activities can be mapped to 13 of 15 good design activities.
Students constantly switch between problem space (green) and solution space (red) with
reflection and modification in constraints (brown). This indicates the co-evolution of problem
and solution space during design process.
Figure 4 is the expanded problem space and solution space (of group 1) represented as a concept map
which is the output of flare of our flare-fork pedagogy. The figure shows student generated
categorization and interlinking. The categories that the students identified were usage, good habits,
alternate system level solution, function, technology, form design and users. The students connected
technology and users to form design thereby forming a relationship between the three disparate
From Figure 5 constructed from an episode in the narrative, we can see how students moved
from problem space to solution space, did some analysis on the solution and came up with new
constraints and requirements and identified a new problem with a new solution. This episode shows that
students expanded problem and solution space during the design process. To summarize, (a) students
move back and forth between problem and solution space frequently during the design process, (b) the
traversal is via intermediate bridges that link problem and solutions, (c) linking of disparate concepts
and categories support the traversal between problem and solution space.
Figure 5. Scenario from narrative depicting expansion of problem and solution space
6.2 Testing design conjectures
6.2.1 Collaborative concept map creation activity promotes interlinking and combination of far off
We found multiple episodes where the collaborators linked different ideas to come up with a new idea.
Such links were seen within student identified category as well as across disparate student identified
categories. The excerpt extracted from the transcript of group 1, supported by the image sequence in
Figure 6 illustrates the linking within and between student generated categories. The hand movements
of the collaborators in this excerpt show how the shared external representation mediated the linking of
ideas within categories (in this example, under the category of technology solution, linking brush from
mechanical domain to UV from electrical domain to form a cleaning mechanism) and linking between
categories (in this example category of technology to category of form).
S1 - Or we could combine these two (Points to 'note counter with UV tech' and 'Designing some
equipment with brush' as seen from hand movement in frames 1 and 2 of figure 6)
S2 - Ya we can but it would be a bigger equipment (Gesture seen in frame 3 of figure 6)
S1 - But you don't know no, let’s see if we come up with something very
S2 - Sleek? (Gesture seen in frame 4 of figure 6)
S1 - It takes care of physical dust particles
S2 - Brush like
S1 - as well as sterilizing it (frame 5 of figure 6)
Figure 6. Image sequence depicting role of shared visual representation (CMAP) during product design
In the above discussion, two diverse aspects of the product viz. the technology to be used and the
form factor of the product as identified by the students, is being linked. Observing the gestures during
the interaction in the 5 frames of Figure 6, we can see that shared visual representation seems to have
facilitated the collaborative linking activity verifying our design conjecture.
6.2.2 Semantic analogy thought transformer usage leads to generating new keywords and ideas
We found episodes where looking at synonyms and antonyms of keywords extracted from the problem,
enabled participant to generate new keywords and viewing an idea in a different perspective. An
instance of this new perspective is seen in the excerpt below taken from transcript of group 1.
S1: “Currency notes synonyms are cash, roll. So I understood that you know it may not be like my
currency is as plain as this. She could be dealing with rolled out or deformed currency also at times so
maybe this the form of your input would, just increase the complexity. So again this actually helps in
improvising this whole design. What if I just put some money the system could also maybe straighten it
up for me and process it? So some adds on straighten up feature”.
When the students changed their perspective regarding form of currency, it led to the generation
of new requirement - a de-wrinkling system. This new requirement followed by exploration of solutions
to satisfy this requirement enabled students to expand problem and solution space. Other instances of
productive semantic analogy usage operationalized as SynAnt were (a) 'bleach' as synonym to
'decontaminate' giving rise to bleaching and reprinting clean currency, (b) 'tarnish' as antonym to 'clean'
leading to idea of coating currency with protective layer like a 'varnish'. The above instances also
indicate flexibility in solution space exploration as a consequence of new keywords triggering
reorganization of ideas in new contexts.
6.2.3 Collaborative interlinking of ideas represented in shared concept map facilitates emergence of
partial-solutions from opportunistic ideas
Students build on one another's ideas to elaborate the design while engaging in collaborative concept
map creation activity. Potential sub-solutions emerge during this elaboration process. In the excerpt
below (extracted from transcript of group 1), S1 suggests an opportunistic idea of using a note counting
system. We identify this idea as opportunistic because it was not a result of a systematic breakdown of
the problem. Rather, S1 used her prior knowledge and fit it into the present design context. S2
recognizes the relevance of this idea to the design problem and links it with technology idea. The shift in
focus triggered by S1's opportunistic idea led identification of a requirement and emergence of a
partial-solution in the form of using a card reader - note counter kind of system. The expansion of
solution space is due to inclusion of similar equipment in search space.
S1: “Can we do something like this note counting thing”. (S1 adds the 'note counter with UV tech' idea
to the concept map)
S2: “Or you could just put it here and join these two together” (S2 joins idea of 'note counter with UV
tech' and 'Designing some equipment with brush' on the concept map)
S2: "So I had seen this card reader. It takes in a card and inside there is an OCR. It reads it and stacks
it on one side. So something similar we can have for a note counter, just have to put the note. It cleans
with the brush and the UV as well as counts and puts it on the other side”.
We could however not find evidence for the final set of design and theoretical conjectures on
influence of SCAMPER usage on reorganizing ideas by changing context or perspective, eventually
leading to expansion of problem and solution space.
7. Discussion
Our first research question was 'How do students explore problem and solution space during design
problem solving'? We found that students frequently move back and forth between problem and
solution space during the design process via intermediate bridges that pair problem and solutions. Links
within and between categories in the design space support the traversal between problem and solution
space. Of the 15 themes from common design process elements / stages (Mehalik and Schunn, 2006),
we found that the students' design process covered 13 process elements / stages pertaining to the
exploration of problem and solution space. The two themes not addressed were 'exploring issues of
measurement' and 'building normative model'. While the issues of measurement become vital in the
detailed design, it may play a relatively smaller role in conceptual design stage and assume a ore
qualitative form such as speculating if the proposed design alternative would help meet the goal.
The theme related to building normative model implies articulation of ideal outcomes without
constraints or limitations by the designers for the given design problem. Since the students followed an
opportunistic decomposition path, they predominantly focused on mental simulation of practical
scenarios to explore the problem representation and generate solution alternatives. We conjecture that
in such context, articulating a normative model would require scaffolding.
The most explored process elements are the exploration of user perspectives, exploration of
problem representation and functional decomposition. This is expected as during the initial conceptual
design stage, task clarification, requirement understanding, establishing function structures and search
for solution concepts and principles sets the solution path and expectations from the design (Pahl and
Beitz, 2013). Overall, the intervention seems to support expansion of problem and solution space.
The second research question was 'In what ways did the different features of the intervention
support the expansion of problem and solution space'? We found support for three of four design
conjectures. This is important because it demonstrates that the intervention in conjunction with
orchestration of the whole intervention, support expansion of problem and solution space. There was
however a lack of evidence showing that transformation of ideas using SCAMPER thought transformer,
influences reorganization of ideas due to changing perspective. We surmise that in the present form, the
orchestration of SCAMPER scaffold in the intervention is weak. The usage of SCAMPER thought
transformer is kept optional and the mediator occasionally prompts the collaborators to try applying the
SCAMPER heuristics to their ideas. We observed that students did not immediately grasp how to
implement SCAMPER heuristics to their ideas and asked for examples. This finding aligns with Daly et
al (Daly et al., 2012) who commented on the difficulty of applying SCAMPER guidelines. The
theoretical conjecture that far off linking can give rise to new constraints and requirements thereby
expanding the problem and solution space, could not be verified as the students did not continue
investigating this line of thought further.
Going further, we would like to design a more effective orchestration of SCAMPER thought
transformer so as to exploit its potential to trigger divergent thinking among students. This is a
preliminary study with a small sample size of only three groups and 8 participants, which is a limitation.
However the goal of this study is not to generalize, but to understand the role of the various features of
the intervention, in order to refine our learning design for fostering problem space and solution space
expansion as a means of avoiding design fixation. One of the objectives of this preliminary study was to
gain insights about technology support that will inform the design of a CSCL environment. During the
study we found that a digital concept map with provision for simultaneous manipulation by
collaborators using tangible technologies, can prove to be a valuable support for engaging in
co-construction. Integrating private workspace and joint workspace can help collaborators seamlessly
switch between them and have smoother collaboration.
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1. Introduction
Humans are inherently social creatures, even in contexts that appear to be primarily related to individual
learning. Thus, research has highlighted the central role of social factors in achieving academic success
(Wilcox, Winn, & Fyvie-Gauld, 2005). The increasing digital networking and importance of online
social media in all areas of life, including individual and collaborative learning, entails new challenges
for learners. Over almost 30 years of history, computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL) has
contributed significant research and innovative tools for facilitating learning processes (e.g., Miller &
Hadwin, 2015). There seems to be a consensus that CSCL offers wide-ranging potentials for increasing
the effectiveness and efficiency of learning and teaching processes, regardless of participants’ time
zone and location. Results range from positive effects on individual learning, through facilitating dyadic
and small group collaboration up to more effective designs of collaborative tasks for large groups in
massive open online courses (e.g., Jung & Lee, 2018). In CSCL research, social interaction is not solely
observed as a method; Dillenbourg, Järvelä, and Fischer (2009) define it as the essence of cognition and
as “the heart of CSCL” (p. 8). One example of widely used CSCL platforms are wikis. These are social
media platforms with few social affordances to enable collaboration and therefore social interaction at
virtually any point in time and between anyone (Chen, Jang, & Chen, 2015). Although such platforms
offer new possibilities, they are also associated with difficulties, as computer-supported collaboration is
not inherently advantageous. Learners must cope with further cognitive and social tasks beyond the
requirements of individual learning by using digital media (Zheng, Niiya, & Warschauer, 2015), which
are caused by the setting itself and the interaction of the learning material with the collaborative setting.
To support learners coping with diverse requirements of learning with digital media, tools were
designed and experimentally tested that combine established methods of support for individual learning
processes. Such Group Awareness Tools (GATs) collect, transform, and present information about the
learning partners (Bodemer, Janssen, & Schnaubert, 2018). In the following sections we provide an
overview of the potentials of state-of-the-art CSCL research, as well as of some important challenges
faced by learners in this field. Building upon existing CSCL and GAT frameworks, our objective is to
introduce an integrated theoretical framework for GATs, which can serve as a basis for future studies on
the interplay of different types of GA information. Moreover, it intends to guide teachers and
instructional designers in the reflective design of formal and informal learning environments that
consider behavioural, cognitive and emotional aspects of social learning.
Collaborative learning offers opportunities for elaborated learning processes and critical thinking
(Johnson, Johnson, & Smith, 2000), such as a larger and broader knowledge base in groups. Every
learner has a different amount of prior knowledge and different perspectives (Bell, 2004) that can
benefit collaborative activities. During such activities it is possible to exchange heterogeneous
knowledge, opinions and hypotheses, which offers a chance to recognise misconceptions in one's own
thinking and to harmonise distributions of diverging knowledge. Furthermore, collaborative learning
can also help to recapitulate knowledge through mutual explanation (Webb, 1991). In addition to
increasing chances of collaborative learning, CSCL environments can further enhance the effectiveness
and efficiency of learning processes. The continuous availability of learning materials and a relatively
low threshold for collaborating without the need for face-to-face meetings can be highly advantageous
(Walther & Bunz, 2005). As one example for a CSCL environment, wikis enable users to create socially
shared artefacts as well as to share their knowledge on two rather distinct levels that relate to each other
(e.g., Choy & Ng, 2007), in forms of firstly the article as a collaboratively created product and secondly
corresponding talk pages for discussing article-related topics. Compared to other knowledge
construction platforms evaluated in educational contexts, wikis enable users to perform in a way that
influences the whole environment (e.g., Kimmerle, Moskaliuk, Oeberst, & Cress, 2015), which creates
fertile ground for the multi-level occurrence of controversies and socio-cognitive conflicts (Bell, 2004).
Controversies can be constructive when based on the exchange of contrasting viewpoints on a specific
topic, which provides opportunities to trigger learning processes and foster higher learning outcomes
(Johnson et al., 2000). Moreover, they might induce socio-cognitive conflicts within learners as well as
between learners and wikis as social systems. This can be beneficial by triggering equilibration
processes of accommodation and assimilation of new knowledge artefacts into one’s individual
cognitive systems (Piaget, 1977). The combination of computer support and collaborative learning not
only promotes these potentials but also poses challenges for learners.
Effective learning processes and outcomes are not automatically produced by enabling
computer-supported collaboration. Aspects of both computer support and collaboration, and especially
in combination, bring their own challenges to learners (Zheng, Niiya, & Warschauer, 2015). Based on
the current state of research, we identified three main challenges which serve as an indication of
dominant challenges in CSCL and rather refer to large social media learning communities such as wikis.
Addressing these challenges is essential to the success of CSCL.
The lack of behavioural motivation is often considered to be one of the greatest difficulties in online
communities. However, the willingness to share knowledge is a prerequisite to CSCL’s success. The
motivation to contribute or participate is not always present, especially in large social media groups
where free riding and social loafing represent more common risks in collaboration (see Kimmerle &
Cress, 2008). Following a series of wiki studies conducted at our lab, we found that many
undergraduate students participate in joint collaborative knowledge construction and learning activities
on wiki talk pages when instructed to do so, offering potentials for elevated wiki quality and improved
learning processes. Otherwise, collaborators tend to show cooperative behaviours instead of engaging
in valuable social interactions (Heimbuch, Ollesch, & Bodemer, 2018). This could be because
individuals’ contributions to wiki discussions are not necessarily visible, which highlights the high
value of increasing participatory motivation in the social interaction space for successful wiki learning.
3.2 Cognitive Challenge: Dealing with Meaningful Content
Meaningful interactions between wiki collaborators are important in addition to CSCL settings’
behavioural requirements, and difficulties achieving meaningful collaboration may occur without
required motivation or skills among group members. Such difficulties can be rooted in the lack of
understanding others’ contributions that can manifest a cognitive challenge to learners. These problems
arise when group members fail to pay sufficient attention to individual contributions as well as when
such contributions are not sufficiently discussed (Näykki, Järvelä, Kirschner, & Järvenoja, 2014).
Although this challenge applies to all CSCL domains, it is obvious that contributions conducive to
cognitive learning are especially less simple to identify in larger communities which feature copious
content. This can occur due to information overload, an unavoidable reality of larger online discussion
forums growing to include hundreds to thousands of contributions (Buder, Schwind, Rudat, &
Bodemer, 2015), or wiki talk pages that often lack salience of the aforementioned controversies at first
glance (Heimbuch & Bodemer, 2017). Due to the limitations of working memory capacities, this lack
means that those meaningful contributions are simply not perceived and therefore not read (see
Bagherian & Thorngate, 2000). These processes of collaborative knowledge construction can be
difficult and challenging by causing frustration during the learning process (Capdeferro & Romero,
2012), which emphasises the necessity to highlight cognitively relevant contributions and thus facilitate
knowledge acquisition.
The motivation and skillsets to maintain a positive group climate represent another essential aspect that
is often neglected in the context of designing and evaluating CSCL settings. Group formation is viewed
as a prerequisite to successful collaborative learning (Kirschner & Erkens, 2013) since relational issues
can strongly influence interaction, task engagement, and learning (Näykki et al., 2014). If negatively
balanced emotions or negatively connotated utterances occur during conflicts, group members become
less motivated to solve their assigned tasks and tend to demonstrate inferior performances (Ayoko,
Callan, & Härtel, 2008). Therefore, CSCL environments should be designed to be more “sociable” for
their users (Kreijns, Kirschner, & Vermeulen, 2013). This emotional challenge is also inherently
relevant for wikis, such as on Wikipedia where so-called “edit wars” are likely to occur and difficult to
solve when many users with contradicting viewpoints attempt to work on the same knowledge artefacts
(Yasseri, Sumi, Rung, Kornai, & Kertész, 2012). This underlines the necessity to support wiki users in
solving such socio-emotional issues to help a group of individuals transform into a team.
The many degrees of freedom offered by CSCL lead to users perceiving a high degree of autonomy,
which positively influence the individual learning motivation. Nevertheless, this freedom demands a
high degree of self-regulation to overcome the aforementioned challenges (see Järvelä & Hadwin,
2013). Moreover, without further support this freedom offers only minimal structure and risks learners
experiencing themselves as less competent, which in turn can negatively impact the learning motivation
(Rienties et al., 2012). It is thus desirable to structure collaborative learning processes to promote the
experience of competence. CSCL research offers different means of support that vary regarding their
degree of coercion. For example, collaboration scripts can improve the effectiveness of collaborative
learning by providing explicit guidance concerning the manner in which people should form groups,
interact with each other and solve group tasks (Kollar, Fischer, & Hesse, 2006). However, this entails an
often-discussed risk of overscripting. An alternative regards implicit structuring which provides less
coercive guidance and is intended to enable desirable behaviour through visual context stimuli in order
to achieve more effective collaboration (Janssen & Bodemer, 2013). Identifying the more effective
guidance approach represents a heatedly discussed topic in the CSCL community (Wise & Schwarz,
2017). This controversy will not be discussed in this study due to a lack of universal consensus as well
as because this article focuses on GAT support, but instead we define Group Awareness and different
types of GATs.
Group Awareness (GA) can be loosely defined as any information about the group possessed
by a learner, such as knowledge about activities, skills of group members, or social activities within the
group (Janssen, Erkens, & Kirschner, 2011). Prevalent GA is often regarded as an important
prerequisite to meaningful collaborations in CSCL but cannot be taken for granted (Bodemer et al.,
2018). GATs can be used to complement individuals’ GA by providing information about specific
properties of group (members), e.g., regarding their participation, knowledge, or feelings. This
information can be collected, transformed, and presented in different ways (Bodemer et al., 2018).
Although GATs are expected to benefit through stimulating productive interaction activities (Miller &
Hadwin, 2015), behavioural, cognitive, and emotional challenges are not addressed by one single GA
component due to the significant complexity of social interactions. When thinking about social
interaction, it can be differentiated between a content space and a relational space of collaboration (Slof,
Erkens, Kirschner, Jaspers, & Janssen, 2010). The content space contains the problem to be solved and
interactions in this space refer to the task itself. Learners discuss ideas as well as opinions and thus gain
a deeper understanding of the task in order to solve it. The content space contains not only cognitive but
also metacognitive activities such as resolution strategies for the task (Janssen & Bodemer, 2013).
Interactions in the relational space are activities concerning the social dimension of collaborations (Slof
et al., 2010), which are important for the functioning of cognitive activity exchanges in the content
space. Here, group members create a collective understanding of the discussed concepts in the content
space. To become successful collaborators, both task fulfilment (content space) and team functioning
(relational space) are essential in order for randomly assigned group members to become effective team
players (Fransen, Weinberger, & Kirschner, 2013). The effects of different types of GA information on
the two spaces are further examined by providing examples in the following paragraphs (see Figure 1).
Behavioural GATs (in the community also labelled as activity/(socio-)behavioural GATs)
address the behavioural challenge by presenting the collaborators’ activities, and they thus serve as a
source of motivation for providing contributions in the social interaction space in general (Lin, Tsai,
Hsu, & Chang, 2019; Kimmerle & Cress, 2008; see Figure 1a). Behavioural GA information has
promising potential to increase participation rates in terms of motivational processes. This can be
achieved by visually juxtaposing individuals’ contributions against the group’s contributions or average
participation (Kimmerle & Cress, 2008). The possibility of self-presentation is crucial here, however
single applications of behavioural GATs do not necessarily lead to increased cognitive performance as
measured by means of message and project quality (Lin et al., 2019). Although there are already initial
wiki approaches, e.g., to supplement MediaWiki with participation monitoring tools (Popescu, Anca, &
Udriştoiu, 2014), they need to be systematically evaluated.
Cognitive GATs (in the community also labelled as knowledge GATs) provide content-related
information about group members, such as their knowledge or opinions. These tools are promising for
tackling cognitive aspects of learning (Janssen & Bodemer, 2013) and mainly address the cognitive
challenge by facilitating the navigation and selection of meaningful content. Moreover, the presentation
of partner knowledge facilitates grounding and partner modelling in the content space of social
interactions (Bodemer et al., 2018). There is additionally potential to reduce unnecessary extraneous
cognitive load (Chandler & Sweller, 1991) induced by the collaborative learning setting. Taking large
learning environments as an example, cognitive GA information in the form of visual markers help
learners to focus on meaningful content on large wiki talk pages in order to identify relevant
controversies (Heimbuch & Bodemer, 2017; see Figure 1b; blue markers label controversies in
general, green markers stand for solved, and red markers for unresolved controversies) or high-quality
contributions in online forums (Buder et al., 2015), which could also be applied to the visualisation of
collaborators’ expertise/knowledge level in future studies.
Emotional GATs (in the community also labelled as social/(socio-)emotional GATs) are helpful
tools to facilitate joint emotion regulation in the relational space of social interactions, to enhance
mutual transactivity, and to create a positive group climate by increasing group members’ awareness of
other members’ feelings (Eligio, Ainsworth, & Crook, 2012; see Figure 1c). Educational psychology
currently predominantly focuses on cognitive and behavioural support. Socio-emotional issues are
treated with a much lower priority in instructional designs, and to our knowledge there is no empirically
tested tool that deals with joint emotion regulation in the field of wikis. Such tools could help to identify
unfriendly posts on wiki talk pages or highlight self-assessed emotional states of wiki group members to
alert the group to emotional grievances. These represent initial design impulses, and a deeper
investigation into the effects of emotional GA information on the emotional challenge is necessary.
a b
c d
Figure 1. Examples of GAT support: a) Behavioural GAT: Kimmerle & Cress (2008); b)
Cognitive GAT: Heimbuch and Bodemer (2017); c) Emotional GAT: Eligio et al. (2012); d)
Combination of several tool aspects: Phielix, Prins, Kirschner, Erkens, and Jaspers (2011).
Lin, Mai, and Lai (2015) criticise that only a few studies examine the differences and overlaps
between behavioural and emotional GA (social-context awareness) as well as cognitive GA
(knowledge-context awareness) information. Their long-term study shows that while social-context
awareness stimulates more quantitative peer interactions, knowledge-context awareness unexpectedly
does not necessarily increase the quality of messages. They conclude that a combination of different
types of GA information may be more effective. We agree that cognitive, behavioural, and emotional
GA information may be required in order to achieve effective group performance (e.g., high wiki article
quality). Consequently, GATs that provide more than one type of GA information are necessary such as
the seldom exception of the RADAR tool (Phielix et al., 2011; see Figure 1d). It is one of the few GATs
that reflect different aspects of collaboration and group functioning. This tool presents six self-assessed
as well as peer-assessed group dimensions: influence, friendliness, cooperation, reliability,
productivity, and quality of contribution. It could be shown that social performance such as group
satisfaction is positively affected by communicating this information back to the group, however no
effect on cognitive processes and learning outcomes could be observed (Phielix et al., 2011). Analogue
to the GA information differentiation that we propose with this framework, influence and quality of
contributions can be classified as cognitive GA information, friendliness and reliability as emotional
GA information, and cooperation and productivity as behavioural GA information. Although the results
of the RADAR tool are promising for GAT research, they have only been examined for smaller groups.
In general, our literature review demonstrated that a significant portion of GAT research is not focused
on social media communities like wikis and that research such as of Heimbuch and Bodemer (2017)
represents a rare exception. It is therefore important to investigate how larger social media communities
can be supported with combined GA information as well as what types of group awareness information
are most relevant in such settings. Moreover, the investigations regarding the RADAR tool only allow
speculation about the reasons for the non-significant cognitive dependent variables and the different
tool functions since the six dimensions have not been examined separately and systematically. Thus, a
systematic investigation of different GA information is missing and necessary in GAT research.
This section addresses existing conceptual considerations in the field of CSCL and GATs as well as
how the proposed framework represents an extension. Kreijns, Kirschner, and Jochems (2003)
presented a differentiated view of social and cognitive processes in CSCL, albeit without including GA
but regarding the pitfalls in CSCL. The first discussed pitfall is to take social interaction for granted
without stimulating it. In addition, the authors criticise the second pitfall or the fact that in many cases,
instructors limit their actions to the content space of social interaction. Thus, it has been concluded that
collaboration can only be successful if both cognitive and social processes are supported due to their
mutual influence. An overview about how cognitive and social processes are stimulated or supported by
means of GA information is provided by Bodemer and Dehler (2011). At that time, three types of GA
had become distinguished: behavioural GA (e.g., Janssen et al., 2011), cognitive GA (e.g., Sangin,
Molinari, Nüssli, & Dillenbourg, 2011), and social GA (e.g., Phielix et al., 2011). Based on an extensive
literature review, another framework of GA support was set up in later years (Janssen & Bodemer,
2013). Considering the common use of terms in existing GA-related studies, the authors describe a
division into only two GA components: cognitive (e.g., information about knowledge or opinions of
group members) and social (e.g., information about participation or perceived friendliness of group
members) GATs. Like Kreijns and colleagues (2013), they distinguish between two dimensions of
social interaction, which are stimulated by different types of GATs. The framework presented by
Janssen and Bodemer (2013) suggests that cognitive and social GA are prerequisites for the
effectiveness of social interaction in the two spaces. Recently, Bodemer and colleagues (2018) analysed
that a division into two types of GATs is still established at the first level in current research, whereas a
more differentiated view on social GATs is supplied at the second level: a differentiation between tools
collecting socio-behavioural information (such as information about the participation of group
members), socio-emotional information (such as the perceived friendliness within a group), as well as
socio-motivational information (such as the commitment of group members).
Regarding social media communities, we have identified a three-way division (see Section 4)
based on the three challenges presented in Section 3. Accordingly, there is a need to more closely
examine “social” GA information, since especially (socio-)emotional and (socio-)behavioural
processes can achieve different effects but are often cumulated. Such a resumption of the three types of
GA information is also suggested in a review by Ghadirian, Ayub, Silong, Bakar, and Hosseinzadeh
(2016). The following section proposes an integrated framework, which could serve as a basis for new
studies in the field of GAT research, especially regarding social media communities. This framework
adopts a distinction between three types of GA information (Bodemer & Dehler, 2011) but replaces the
term “social” with “emotional” since all types of GATs in the social media area contain a social
component. Thus, the framework distinguishes cognitive, behavioural, and emotional GA information
(see Figure 2). Despite the presence of promising separate findings on various GATs, this framework
contributes by combining findings from different fields of GAT research considering a holistic and
differentiated view regarding the effects of cognitive, behavioural, and emotional GA information on
different challenges, learning, and social outcomes as well as group performance (see Figure 2). The
illustrated framework clarifies that cognitive GA information entails mainly positive effects on
interactions in the content space as well as on learning outcomes by addressing the cognitive challenge.
Emotional GA information on the other hand mainly affects the emotional challenge of interactions in
social interactions’ relational space and, as a result, also entails positive effects on social outcomes.
Furthermore, behavioural GA information heightens social interaction motivation in both spaces. The
main message of this framework is that the interaction of all GA information may be crucial to
consequent group performance. It should be noted that these considerations represent a beginning and
need to be expanded or modified in the future, inter alia by highlighting interaction effects of different
GA functions, as the current framework only visualises linear effects. To our knowledge, there is no
published study which systematically compares different types of GA information and their interaction
effects in order to determine which (combination of) GA information is more fundamental than others
in specific contexts (also see the review of Ghadirian et al., 2016). It is thus imperative to establish
studies to investigate GA interaction effects in different contexts.
Kirschner and Erkens (2013) have already presented a framework to summarise the most
prominent areas of CSCL research including GAT research. Despite parallels between our framework
and that of Kirschner and Erkens, especially regarding the appeal to weigh emotional aspects (e.g.,
support of the well-being and satisfaction of group members) more strongly in CSCL settings, their
issue is domain neutral. Our approach on the other hand focuses on the use of group awareness tools to
support larger social media communities such as wikis. A further specific aspect of this framework is
that it focuses not only on the objective information provided by a GAT but also on the influencing
effect of “personal” GA, which is rarely considered in current research as most studies focus on the GA
information collected by the tools rather than the actual GA. Few studies consider GA as a dependent
variable (Janssen et al., 2011), mediator variable (e.g., Sangin et al., 2011), or as an independent
variable regarding a treatment check (Engelmann & Hesse, 2011). Furthermore, no present study
considers the subjective importance of GA information, which could help to predict whether specific
tool information will be used as intended. A particular feature of the visualised framework is therefore
the distinction between the information presented by the GAT and the actual person’s GA, which
depends on the individual’s interaction with the GA information (see Figure 2). Especially when several
GA information are combined, individuals may use some types of information more heavily than others
during the collaboration. As an example, learners may not care about a learning community’s
knowledgeability level if there is a friendly group climate. It is also possible for individuals to draw
their own conclusions based on presented GA information, and the visualisation of specific actions
could thus be associated with much expertise (see Ogata & Yano, 2004), even if this might be a fallacy.
The effect of (socio-)motivational GATs (Bodemer et al., 2018) is not explicitly visualised in
this framework. Motivational challenges are “related to different goals, priorities, and expectations
within the group towards group activities” (Näykki et al., 2014, p. 2). Although different theories of
motivation can be very relevant for understanding individual and collaborative learning processes, a
complete discussion on this topic exceeds the scope of this article. Rather, we postulate that
motivational issues are addressed by each of the three types of GA information (see Sections 3 and 4).
Behavioural GA information affects the general motivation to contribute (behavioural challenge),
which requires no advanced abilities beyond basic writing and reading. Cognitive GA information
addresses, besides the skill (as cognitive states may be difficult to detect in large social media settings)
the motivation to deal with meaningful content (cognitive challenge). Finally, emotional GA
information addresses, besides the skill (as emotional states may also be difficult to detect), the
motivation to maintain a positive group climate (emotional challenge). In addition, studies have already
empirically shown that the simple presentation of motivational states does not need to entail positive
effects on outcomes such as increasing one's own motivation or knowledge (e.g., Schoor, Kownatzki,
Narciss, & Körndle, 2014). This could be because a simple motivation presentation is highly unspecific,
whereas cognitive, behavioural, and emotional GA information concern specific motivational effects.
6. Future Implications
With this framework we want to stress that even though there are already some enlightening and
promising results for different types of GATs, it is time to develop a comprehensive full picture
regarding their connections. There is a great imbalance in GAT research regarding the types of
information provided. The clear focus lies on the support of cognitive GA (Ghadirian et al., 2016)
followed by behavioural GATs, whereas the use of emotional GATs remains rather unexplored. To
proceed, it is important to examine the positive and negative interaction effects of cognitive,
behavioural, and emotional GA information on the respective challenges and outcomes. Although
positive effects of cognitive GATs on learning outcomes can already be demonstrated in several
contexts (Bodemer et al., 2018), it is likely that behavioural GA information has the potential to
intensify these effects. This is based on the finding that explanations help to recapitulate previous
knowledge (Webb, 1991). It is also possible that the presentation of cognitive group information leads
to information being strategically withheld when learners perceive themselves as experts (Ray,
Neugebauer, Sassenberg, Buder, & Hesse, 2013). Here, behavioural GA information could potentially
enhance motivation for providing explanations in the social interaction space. However, the
presentation of behavioural information could also entail negative effects on emotional challenges or
the group climate if the tool visualises unequal participation (Strauß, Rummel, Stoyanova, & Krämer,
2018). There is a need for GATs that present different types of GA information in specific contexts. It is
important to examine how this GA information support should look while considering cognitive
variables such as mental effort, which could be affected by the interaction with tool information (see
Janssen et al., 2011). In this paper, we have exemplarily referred to the area of wikis, however this
framework is also transferable to other communities with the challenges being more applicable to larger
learning platforms. Since many of the existing studies regarding GATs focus on smaller group
collaborations (e.g., Kimmerle & Cress, 2008; Phielix et al., 2011), there is an urgent need in the field of
CSCL and GATs to conduct additional research regarding social media platforms, because both
students and faculties increasingly use social media in teaching and learning activities (Dabbagh &
Kitsantas, 2012). Furthermore, it is important to consider the individual weighting of different GA
information as well as the interaction with personality traits. A high tendency towards social
comparisons could potentially strengthen behavioural GAT effects (Neugebauer, Ray, & Sassenberg,
2016), whereas need for cognition should influence the cognitive GAT effects. Moreover, a conflict
avoidance tendency might affect the interaction with emotional GA information. These represent a few
of many conceivable personality interactions that need to be addressed in future GA studies in order to
advance this field of research. Laboratory as well as longitudinal field research (Wang, 2011) is needed
to examine what kind of processes and outcomes are triggered by the single and combined visualization
of GA information, how learners perceive and interact with the different tool information (e.g., by using
eye-tracking or qualitative methods) and which role influencing personality variables play. Conducting
such studies can help to design and apply adaptive GATs that consider the interplay of different types of
GA information as well as support learners according to their specific personalities, which is considered
one of the main challenges for future CSCL work (Wise & Schwarz, 2017). Nevertheless, it is not only
a question of gaining new insights in the field of GATs, but also of inviting teachers, facilitators, and
designers to consider this framework and future research regarding GA interaction effects in order to
promote motivation and learning in formal and informal educational settings.
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Abstract: Students are expected to deal with complex learning material, that regularly
challenges their learning processes especially in the first semester. When students ask peers for
explanations, they apply a functional learning strategy, known as academic help-seeking. But
finding peers to discuss questions on learning materials is difficult for those that are new to
university. Finding adequate peers for help-seeking requires awareness about their knowledge
and competencies in and beyond the learners’ own study group; i.e. group awareness. This
paper investigates how group awareness information supports academic help-seeking among
first-semester students on a Moodle-based learning platform that has been adapted with a newly
developed extension to collect, transform and visualize group awareness information about
peers. In a field study accompanying an introductory statistics lecture (N = 107), we examined
(1) motivational, attitudinal and social characteristics of helpees that asked for help on the
platform, (2) the effect of provided group awareness information on the selection of helpers, and
(3) the cognitive characteristics of selected helpers and their difference from the helpees. The
participating students were invited to seek help from their peers within Moodle and had access
to a sortable list of all course members in order to find an appropriate helper. The control group
(n = 55) only saw the full names of the peers while the treatment group (n = 52) was additionally
provided with self-assessed group awareness information (competence and availability of a
helper). Unfortunately, participants rarely used the platform and only 22 help-seeking episodes
were recorded. Results indicate that helpees did not differ regarding motivational, intentional or
social factors from the rest of the course. The overall occurrences of sorting the list was higher
for the condition provided with group awareness information, but both groups did not differ
with respect to the competence of selected helpers. The results provide useful, practical insights
bringing online help-seeking into an educational context.
1. Introduction
During the first year at university, students are in a transition from more guided learning at school to
more self-regulated learning at university. This transition confronts them with cognitive and social
challenges (Credé & Niehorster, 2012). Students are expected to adapt to a plenty of new and complex
learning material, which they were not yet confronted with prior to university. Moreover, undergraduate
students find themselves within large social groups with mostly unknown peers. When they experience
knowledge-related problems they may consult sources of help to acquire missing information, which is
called academic help seeking (Nelson-Le Gall, 1981). When seeking help to construct valid
understanding, students can choose from various (im-)personal sources, differing in the adaptivity of
their provided help (Makara & Karabenick, 2013; Minna Puustinen & Rouet, 2009). Impersonal
sources, such as books or the world wide web enable learners to re-read information, but still require
them to transfer information from the representation to their problematic task at hand. When this
transfer fails the student does not reach a sufficient understanding of the topic. In contrast, personal
sources of help are individuals that can provide missing information and adaptive assistance for an
academic problem; these are usually lecturers, tutors or peer students. When asked for help, personal
sources are capable to take the knowledge of their dialogue partner into account and can thus provide
explanations that are tailored to the student who asks for help (Webb, 1989). Research has shown that
peers are the preferred source of help among students (Knapp & Karabenick, 1988). This
person-centered process of asking for help comes along with the problem of choosing adequate peers as
helpers: Before asking a peer, a freshman needs to know which potential helper has mastered the
learning material sufficiently to provide help and is additionally willing to do so. Students usually
attend lectures in large groups, but regularly work in smaller study groups. As students lack interaction
with peers beyond their study groups (Gibney, Moore, Murphy, & O’Sullivan, 2011), they might need
more information about peers outside their study group to consider them as sources for help.
Information, such as individual competence for a topic, may enable learners to seek help beyond their
study group. The provision of information about internal states (e.g. cognitive or motivational) of group
members are examined within Group Awareness (GA) research (Bodemer, Janssen, & Schnaubert,
2018; Janssen & Bodemer, 2013). It has been found that such information can guide learners’ attention
within interactive learning environments (Dehler, Bodemer, Buder, & Hesse, 2011). Such information
about peers may be useful to identify adequate personal sources of help that would not have been
considered otherwise. Since personal help-seeking is a promising strategy to deal with
knowledge-related problems, but requires sufficient GA within the course, the provision of GA
information might help identifying potential helpers beyond the learner’s study group and may thus
improve the resolution of knowledge-related conflicts.
2. Academic Help-Seeking
Learning domains at university are more challenging than in school and thus, students struggle more
regularly to establish understanding. Moreover, students are expected to take responsibility for their
own learning processes. Students regularly experience difficulties during working with learning
materials (e.g., when preparing an assignment), which may cause the learners to realize that their
understanding of a concept is insufficient, and help is needed. By seeking help, the learner gets into the
role of a helpee, who seeks information from a helper (or source of help). The literature describes
help-seeking as a functional learning strategy that is related to study success (Karabenick & Knapp,
1991; Richardson, Abraham, & Bond, 2012). The helpee can mainly pursue two different aims, either
seeking executive or instrumental help (Nelson-Le Gall, 1981). If helpees expect helpers to solve tasks
in their stead, the helpee seeks executive help; which is neither contributing to understanding nor
fostering independence from others. Helpees seeking instrumental help are asking for necessary
information that enables them to develop a solution on their own. Optimally, this approach improves the
helpee's understanding and is a sign of independent behavior (Nelson-Le Gall, 1981).
Help-seeking can be understood as a process, consisting of 8 phases (Makara & Karabenick, 2013;
Nelson-Le Gall, 1981). At the beginning the learner has to (1) determine that a problem exists, then (2)
determine that help is needed and (3) decide to seek help. Next the helpee (4) clarifies the goals of the
request, whether seeking executive or instrumental help. The helpee continues to (5) decide whom to
ask by choosing an appropriate helper, that may provide the expected type of help. The helpee continues
by (6) soliciting help through formulating a question and subsequent communication between the
helpee and the choosen helper. In a positive case this may result in (7) obtaining the requested help
which leads to a solution for the problem. Nelson Le-Gall appends the subsequent phase (8) evaluation
of help-seeking attempts, that may affect future decisions for seeking help considering effort and use of
the implemented strategy (Nelson-Le Gall, 1981).
When a student deals with a knowledge-related problem and decides to seek help from a
personal source, the next decision he or she has to make is whom to ask for help (phase 5). This decision
depends on which personal sources can be accessed and if those are likely to provide helpful support.
Knapp and colleagues (1988) have differentiated formal and informal types of personal sources,
depending on their obligation to provide help in an educational context (Knapp & Karabenick, 1988).
Formal sources usually belong to an academic institution (e.g., lecturers or tutors) and are expected to
support learners because of their occupation. Whereas, informal sources (e.g., peers or friends) are not
occupied at an institution and are thus independent in their decision to provide support. Peer students
usually share a similar understanding, as they were provided with same materials and tasks.
Support from peers in academic help-seeking occurs in various situations during the semester
and is difficult to evoke in laboratories. Assessing actual help-seeking behavior is more effortful than
asking for attitudes towards help-seeking and inferring to behavior. According to Karabenick & Knapp
(1991) help-seeking intentions seem to be a good predictor of actual behavior; these are also called
attitudes towards help-seeking (Huet, Dupeyrat, & Escribe, 2013; Karabenick & Knapp, 1991). Those
are usually assessed through self-report with items formulated to measure the general intention to seek
help within a particular class context (Pajares, Cheong, & Oberman, 2004; Sánchez Rosas & Pérez,
2015). However, Huet and colleagues (2013) discuss a gap between assessed intentions and actual
help-seeking behavior: According to Huet and colleagues the assessment of the intentions is too general,
hence the predictive quality for actual behavior is rather low. Actual help-seeking behavior can be
assessed by observation with recorded video material, though transcription of this materials is
time-consuming (Nelson-Le Gall & Glor-Scheib, 1986). Another promising approach to assess
help-seeking behavior is tracking learners’ inputs within interactive learning environments that mediate
between helpees and helpers, which provides data that can be processed with little effort.
When a helpee chooses a helper among peers, relevant qualities as criteria of a good source of help need
to be identified. Which qualities of helpers among peers make them likely to provide helpful answers?
Makara and colleagues (2013) developed the expectancy-value model of source selection and
utilization (MSSU) to address this question. Expectancy-value models predict an outcome variable that
is expected to be the multiplicative conjunction of an expectancy- and a value-component towards
reaching a goal (Eccles & Wigfield, 2002). Makara and colleagues' model predicts the likelihood of
soliciting help from a particular source by considering the expectancy that a helper will provide help
(e.g., are they available) and the values the helpee ascribes towards the helper (e.g. are they competent
to help) (see Fig. 1). High availability of a helper, for instance, leads the helpee to the expectation that a
problem can be solved in the near future and waiting time can be reduced to a minimum. When a source
is known to be competent and can thus be asked to provide high quality help, the helpee can trust her/his
explanations. As both components are multiplied, one component can constrain the whole outcome:
whenever one component is low, the predicted likelihood of soliciting help from this source is reduced
as well (e.g. if a highly competent source is unavailable). In conclusion, the higher both components are,
the higher is the likelihood of soliciting help from this particular source. From this perspective a good
potential helper is characterized as highly available and providing high quality answers (i.a., being
competent). This source selection model emphasizes the importance of reliable information about
potential helpers to identify a good source of help. During their first year, students may lack this
information from peers outside their study group. Thus, they either need to invest time to gain
information about unknown others on their own, over several help-seeking episodes or they may avoid
seeking help from others at all. Finding an appropriate helper is essential for successful help-seeking,
thus the provision of supporting information about helpers can improve the help-seeking behavior of
undergraduate students.
Figure 1. Expectancy-value model of source selection (based on Makara & Karabenick, 2013).
2.3 Group Awareness Tools Supporting Help-Seeking
Asking others for help is an inherently social activity which requires non-trivial communicative
behavior: the helpee usually describes a problem and the helper will subsequently try to understand and
provide explanations. The coordination of such learning activities, in which at least two learners interact,
requires mutual understanding. During communication, each member within a group builds a more or
less valid internal representation of socio-cognitive states (e.g., knowledge) or socio-motivational states
(e.g., invested time) of other members, referred to as group awareness (GA) (e.g., Bodemer et al., 2018;
Janssen & Bodemer, 2013). The degree to which GA is developed increases with interaction frequency
among the group and varies for individual group members. Research in the field of
Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning indicates that GA can be improved by the provision of
information about group members within digital learning environments, via so called GA tools that
collect, transform and visualize learner data (Bodemer et al., 2018). Learners can benefit from GA tools
as these tools have been found to support, amongst others, communication and selection processes
within collaborative learning settings (e.g., Dehler et al., 2011; Schnaubert & Bodemer, 2019). Ogata &
Yano (2004) have used awareness information in form of concept maps to successfully recommend
helpers with highest interested in similar topics (Ogata & Yano, 2004). Research suggests to support
helpees trying to select an appropriate helper within the process of academic help-seeking, by providing
GA information about the potential helpers. Based on help-seeking literature it seems promising to
present information as GA information that are in accordance with the MSSU (see Sec. 2.2). We
adapted availability for questions from the expectancy-component and competence to give explanations
from the values-component as GA information. Consequently, the question arises of how students
consider this information for their selection of a helper?
The current research addresses the potential of providing group awareness information to guide whom
to ask for help, supporting students making better decisions on potential helpers on an interactive
learning environment. The following research questions shall be examined:
Such an optionally accessible interactive environment demands the investment of free time,
which may involve certain attitudes towards learning and motivation to discuss problems. Can students
that make use of such an environment be differentiated from those who do not? This brings up the
question of who makes use of such an environment and actively seeks help, thus we ask RQ 1: What are
characteristics of helpees asking for help at an ILE?
Based on the MSSU (see 2.2) the provision of information regarding competence and
availability should be useful to identify an adequate source of help, but are these criteria really used by
students, when they look for a helper within a larger group of potential helpers? Thus, we want to know
RQ 2: What information do students use when they select a helper out of a larger group?
Helper with higher levels of both components are predicted by the MSSU (see 2.2) to be
selected most frequently. Considering social factors (e.g., zone of proximal development [Vygotsky,
1986]) helpees may also prefer helpers with similar values on competence. What about social factors
such as friendship or expertise that may attract helpees towards popular helpers (Nurminen, Heino, &
Ihantola, 2017)? Thus, we want to know RQ 3: How do cognitive characteristics of helper and helpee
relate to each other?
To answer our RQs, we enriched an online course by a group awareness tool which enabled students to
seek help from other participants via one-on-one private messages. In this field study the
between-subject factor group awareness information was systematically varied, information was either
available (GA+) or not available (GA-). Within a participant list the control condition was only
provided with full names of the participants, whereas the treatment condition was additionally provided
with visualizations about self-assessed competence and availability. The online learning platform
accompanied an introductory statistics lecture for four weeks, in the first third of the semester.
Unfortunately, students did rarely use the platform.
Participants were attended an introductory statistics lecture (winter term 2017) at the University of
Duisburg-Essen. 107 participants initially signed up on the online platform and were alternately
assigned to either the control condition (GA-; n = 55) or treatment condition (GA+; n = 52). After four
weeks, 96 subjects finished the study (94 were freshman students, 70 females), aged 18 – 49 years
(M = 20.98 years, SD = 4.97). 76 were enrolled in the Applied Cognition and Media Science study
program, 18 were enrolled in Psychology; 2 participants did not disclose their study program.
Participants received credit for participation and had the chance to win a voucher worth 50 €.
The online platform was realized with Moodle™ Learning Management System (LMS). The
interaction of participants was centered around a sortable participant list with all course members. A
new Moodle extension was developed to supplement the list with self-reported GA information (GA+
condition). The plugin collects self-reported data from the participants and visualizes the information
next to their respective names. Information about helpers’ competence and availability were handled
within the plugin and fed back to the helpees (see Sec. 2.2). Designed with the goal to support the
decision of whom to ask for help, students could sort the list by picking one of the provided information
and subsequently choose a helper, by clicking the message icon and writing a private message (see Fig.
2). As the platform was a digital mediator between helpers and helpees, each sorting, each selection and
each message was logged. The list emitted a sort-event with the criterion ‘lastname’ by default, each
time it was initially accessed (default setting).
Participants went through the following procedure: After enrolling to the course (assignment to
experimental condition), participants were asked to read the instructions on how to use the platform;
followed by an introductory survey assessing motivational constructs (see Sec. 3.3). Subsequently,
participants were asked to provide group awareness information by filling two self-reports about their
competence for the past weeks’ lectures and current week’s lecture (see Sec. 3.2). These self-reports
were assessed each week on the day of the lecture. Moreover, participants shared their availability for
Figure 2. Sortable list of potential helpers with additional information (competence and availability)
We provided participants within the GA+ condition with two types of awareness information:
competence and availability. GA information regarding competence was assessed once a week after the
lecture took place via a short, mandatory self-report questionnaire. Participants were asked whether
their knowledge of the contents of the past lectures was sufficient to explain them to a fellow student on
a 6-point equidistant response scale (completely true – not true at all). Two ratings were collected each
week: one assessing all past weeks’ topics and one asking about the current week’s topic. Both
competence-ratings were transformed onto a 3-point scale and were visualized as stars (1 to 3) in the
participant list for GA+ (see Fig. 2), if no data was provided no stars were visualized (left “blank”).
Additionally, the GA tool provided participants in GA+ with information about the availability
of a helper. Data representing availability was collected on a binary scale (available – not available).
Participants were free to change their availability status at any time during the study, but – apart from
the initial instruction – were not explicitly prompted to do so. Information on availability were
visualized within the participant list as a traffic-light-like filled circle, showing green for “available”
and red for “not available”.
3.3 Measures
The following measures were used to characterize helpees (see RQ 1): motivational (mastery-goal
orientation), intentional (help-seeking intentions) and social (social connectedness). Motivational
factors esp. mastery-goal orientation were assessed with the subscales mastery-approach and
performance-avoidance of the SELLMO on a 5-point Likert scale (strongly agree – strongly disagree).
Help-seeking intentions were measured in four different types, namely instrumental, executive,
avoidance of help-seeking and perceived benefits of help seeking, with three items each on a 7-point
Likert scale (completely disagree to completely agree) (Pajares et al., 2004). Friendship among course
participants was measured by a rating of how good participants know their fellows, on a 4-point scale
(ranging from unknown to friends). Social connectedness was operationalized as the number of
participants that were given one of the ratings at the upper half of the scale (known associate or friend)
at the beginning of the data acquisition.
Sorting-events and self-reported data were examined to investigate the considered information
for selecting a helper (see RQ 2). The tracked sorting-events in Moodle indicate which information was
considered when choosing a helper. These events usually precede the selection of a helper at the start of
a new help-seeking episode. In order to gain an overview of the list presenting all course participants,
each represented information could be used as a criterion to sort the entries accordingly. Each
sorting-event of the participants’ list was logged including, when it was triggered, which user has sorted
and which criterion and order (ascending / descending) was used. It is obviously possible to select a
helper independently from the sorting criterion, but the sorting-criterion may be a relevant indicator of
how students prioritize available information about helpers.
The characteristics of chosen helpers (targets) (RQ 3) are stored immediately after selection.
Various information about the target’s provided group awareness information are stored. The
competence-value (0-5) represents the mean of the self-assessed competence items. These means get
transformed into three competence-level, which are visualized by 3 stars to 1 star (higher is better).
Furthermore, target’s position in the list and information about the distribution of competence-classes
among the course members, at the time the event is triggered, gets stored. Another interesting aspect is
the difference between the helpee’s competence level relative to the helper’s, revealing helpees’
preferences for characteristics of helpers.
4. Results
In the following, those participants that made use of the platform are characterized (see RQ 1). The
subgroup of those participants, in the role of helpees (n = 14), shall be described with regard to
motivational, attitudinal and social factors, independent of their experimental condition (see Table 1).
Results of this subgroup are presented side-by-side with those that did not seek help, which formed the
majority. Both groups have relatively high values for mastery-goal-orientation, instrumental
help-seeking and perceived benefits of help-seeking. Regarding the constructs,
performance-goal-orientation, executive help-seeking intentions, and help-seeking avoidance, both
groups have in common that their values are at the lower end of the scale. Regarding social
connectedness both groups do not differ. No differences can be found, that particularly characterize
helpees who used the platform.
The usage frequencies of each sorting-criterion is depicted in Table 2 (see RQ 2). The table contains
data for each week along the columns; each row contains frequencies for a criterion, per condition. In
each of the four course weeks (columns), the overall usage of the sorting feature is lower in GA- than in
GA+ (bottom of columns). When comparing usage over time, between both groups, it gets obvious that
they differ at week 2 and 3. Accumulated data over the whole period reveals that GA+ sorted nearly
twice as frequent as the control condition (last column). The frequencies for the lastname-criterion are
highest each week, as it was triggered by default whenever a course participant navigated to the
participants' list. For this reason, merely the cautious conclusion can be made that GA+ accessed this
page more often; but not necessarily preferred sorting by lastname-attributes. Amongst the additional
information only GA+ could leverage, it gets obvious that competence-information was used more
often than (albeit still rarely) availability-status, which was not used (at all). Both types of
competence-information combined (past weeks and current week) were used in about 22% of the
weekly summed sortings of the treatment condition (week 1/2/3/4: 12%, 22%, 22%, 26%).
Table 1
Characteristics of Helpees’ Side to Side with Participants who Did Not Use the Platform
Goal-Orientation † Help-Seeking Intentions ††
M (SD) M (SD)
M (SD)
Mastery Performance Instrumental Executive Avoidance Benefit # Friends
Table 2
Frequencies of the Usage of Sorting-Criterions per Experimental Condition
Criterion Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Accumulated
GA -/+ GA -/+ GA -/+ GA -/+ GA -/+
Firstname 3 /2 12 / 5 5 /2 0 /3 20 / 12
Lastname 32 / 34 30 / 56 24 / 48 2 / 11 88 / 149
Availability -- / 0 -- / 0 -- / 1 -- / 0 -- / 1
Past weeks’ competence -- / 3 -- / 8 -- / 6 -- / 2 -- / 19
Current week’s competence -- / 2 -- / 9 -- / 14 -- / 3 -- / 28
Summed frequencies 35 / 41 42 / 78 29 / 90 2 / 19 108 / 209
The aim of sorting the participants’ list was to support identifying an appropriate helper. Over the four
weeks of the study there were 22 selections made by 14 different helpees who selected 18 different
helpers. These selections were preceded in 68% of the incidents by a lastname-sorting (GA-: 6 /
GA+: 9), in 23 % of incidents by a firstname-sorting (GA-: 4 / GA+: 1) and in 9% of the incidents by a
competence-sorting (GA-: - / GA+: 2) (of the current week). The lastname-sorting is recorded most
often but must be interpreted with caution (see Sec. 3.3). Immediate before a selection the
competence-criterion was sparsely used and availability-criterion was not used at all.
4.4 Who Has Been Asked for Help on the Platform?
There were only 22 selections over the four weeks of the course. The frequencies of the selected helpers
competence were as follows (split by condition): 3-stars helper (GA-: 4 / GA+: 1), 2-stars
helper (GA-: 2 / GA+: 3), 1-star (GA-: 2 / GA+: 0) and no-stars “blank” (GA-: 4 / GA+ : 6).
GA+ was expected to select more competent helpers, as they were provided with competence
information. The frequencies of selected helper’s competence do not reveal a difference between both
conditions: Most often helpees choose students that did not had a visualization for current’s weeks
competence (“blank”). 1-star- and 2-star-helpers were selected equally often. The incidence of 3-stars
selections is too rare to be interpreted. In conclusion both groups seem not to differ regarding the
competence of selected helpers, hence no pattern for preferred helper’s competence could be found.
Helpees are in need for information or explanations, hence it can be expected that they seek helpers who
are knowledgeable. But how knowledgeable or competent, were the selected helpers relative to the
helpees? For the few occurred help-seeking episodes the proportion of the competency-levels of both
agents are depicted in Table 3. The recorded data reveals that helpees selected more competent helpers
in about 27% of the cases (in green), equally competent helpers in 14% of the selections (in blue) and
similarly selections of less competent helpers made in 14% of the cases (in orange), regarding current
week’s competence. There were 11 selections of helpers (about 48%) that did not have a visualization
for current’s weeks competence (“blank”). Possibly the visualization for “past weeks” might have also
been considered before selecting. Overall there are no differences between both conditions regarding
the pattern of competence-levels between helpees and helpers.
Table 3
Occurrence of Competence Patterns for Each Help-Seeking Episode, per Condition
Helper’s competence-level GA-/GA+
3 2 1 blank
Helpee’s 1 0/0 2/1 0/0 2/1
* competence
competence 2 1/2 1/0 0/1 4/2
visualizations ranged
level 3 0/2 0/1 0/1 0/1 from 3 to 1; blank: no
blank 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/1 data provided
5. Discussion
The presented study investigates the effects of group awareness (GA) information on the selection of
helpers within an interactive learning environment. Learners in GA+ condition were provided with
information on competence and availability of their peers, learners in GA- condition were merely
provided with their peers’ names. Unfortunately, the adapted Moodle platform was rarely used for
academic help-seeking (HS) which is a major limitation of the study. This was probably caused by the
lack of accessibility on mobile devices, which made the communication with helpers more
time-consuming. However, the data acquired provides insights into practical challenges when
implementing such support into educational settings. Qualitative feedback provides anecdotal evidence
that whole groups in messenger services were considered instead of Moodle one-on-one
communication for asking questions. One-on-one communication was implemented within this study,
with the goal to reduce avoidance tendencies. Addressing whole groups (i.e. one-to-many) could be
related to the expectation that one of a group might respond quicker than an individual (i.e., increase of
availability, but not necessary competence). Further research should investigate factors (e.g., avoidance
tendencies, or group size) under which communication with a group is preferred to a single helper. In
group contexts, privacy concerns should be considered (esp. high perceived HS threat) (Kitsantas &
Chow, 2007). It seems plausible that students used other channels, because the predictors of HS we
found in our study were high in value. We also found unexpectedly high social connectedness among
freshmen (see 4.1). Data was collected early in first semester at university and students might not
always be aware of metacognitive inaccuracies, hence future research might consider supporting
learners identifying knowledge-related misconceptions (Kruger & Dunning, 1999).
The first research question addresses motivational, intentional and social differences in the
characteristics of first-semester students who sought help on the ILE. Those students, asking for help at
least once, did not differ from the rest of the course in terms of the goal-orientation, HS intentions and
social connectedness (see 4.1). Overall, the sample reported rather high values on constructs that are
positively related with HS behavior (e.g., mastery-orientation, instrumental HS intentions). Assessed
variables do not indicate a general lack of motivation or high values of perceived threat, surprisingly,
HS was still low. As social connectedness was higher than expected for the first weeks at university,
participants might have already formed study groups that could provide sufficient help when needed.
The second research question investigates which sorting criterion (information) was considered
most useful and was used most often for sorting helpers. The sorting mechanism should enable students
in GA+ to identify adequate helpers by using the GA information competence and availability. GA+
compared to GA- produced about twice the number of overall sorting-events (especially in weeks 2 & 3)
and sorted by competence in about 22 % of the cases; whereas availability was not used (see 4.2). As
these events, were not dependent on selections of helpers, they may be a byproduct of exploring the
information of other peers (“lurking”). Besides, GA+ viewed the sortable list more frequently. However,
we cannot infer the explicit use of particular information. The immediate use of a sorting-criterion
before a selection of a helper could be an indicator for its utility. The last name-criterion preceded a
selection most often (68%), followed by first name (23%), with no differences between conditions.
GA+ used competence-sortings only two times immediate before selection (see 4.3), that raises the
question, if sorting was necessary for helpees to choose a helper. Whether the last name-criterion was
used intentionally for sorting or if the recorded data stems from default visits is unclear: For the control
condition it is conceivable that this criterion has been helpful and thus has been used intentionally,
whereas for the treatment condition it is likely that the frequency resembles “lurking” behavior. There is
no evidence that students use the additionally provided information in their HS process, thus the utility
value of additional information remains unclear. Future research should consider that a single-criterion
sorting functionality is of limited use to measure the utility of multiple information categories, as it does
not account for mental references the learner establishes during the use of such information.
Availability, for example, has never been used for sorting, but still could have been evaluated, right
after sorting. Future studies could use stepwise filtering mechanisms, which let users identify helpers
based on multiple decisions each based on a single criterion.
Investigating the third research question provides insight in who has been asked for help and
thereby provides indicators which characteristics of a helper are preferred by learners. It was expected
that GA+ would consider additional competence information and select highly competent helpers.
However, data does not confirm this hypothesis (see 4.4): participants most frequently asked helpers
with unknown “blank” competence-levels, independent from condition. 2-stars and 1-star helpers were
selected equally often by both conditions. 3-star-selections were so rare that those cannot be interpreted.
Both conditions do not differ regarding the patterns of helpees’ and selected helpers’ competence, hence
further criteria might be involved in a selection, e.g. friendship or prior acquired knowledge about peers
(Nurminen et al., 2017). Future research shall assess reasons why a helper has been chosen, to identify
additional factors influencing the decision. Moreover, we also shed a light on the difference regarding
cognitive information between both agents that interacted within an episode. Helpers with the same
competence as the helpee were selected least often (see 4.5). A high amount of selections were related
to helpers who did not provide information for the current week (“blank”) at time of selection. Other
sources of information might have been considered, e.g. about past weeks’ competence or previous
interactions. The data does not provide any tendency on whether helpees prefer a rather high or low
difference between their own and the helper’s competence (Vygotsky, 1978). When examining these
decisions, competence levels and motivational factors predicting help-seeking avoidance should be
considered (see Ryan & Pintrich, 1997). Future studies are advised to use a more differentiated scale of
competence-visualizations (> 3-levels) for the detection of possible differences.
The presented study was a first step into the support of online academic HS and describes a
newly developed extension for Moodle. Results have uncovered new, mostly practical issues regarding
the implementation of GA information for HS in such environments. In future possible effects of GA on
academic HS should be examined assessing data over the whole first semester (esp. closer to exams).
Moreover, research needs to be done on how students actually use social media and messenger apps on
mobile devices to seek help in academia and to identify additional ways to support online HS.
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Abstract: Twenty-four (24) Grade-11 senior high school students under the STEM track from a
private university located in Quezon City took part in this study. Of the 24 participants who took
the pre-test, only 23 proceeded with the eye-tracking test, where only 19 data were deemed
treatable due to technical issues. This study examined different instantiations of mathematical
blindness thru the lens of the Tripartite theory and with the help of the eye-tracking method that
collected empirical data and aided in the investigation on how these instantiations manifested in
participants’ mathematics problem-solving, particularly problems involving quadratic
equations, ratio and proportion, geometry, and concept of speed. Other than the answers,
solutions, and interviews recorded, quantifiable data were also extracted from the eye-tracker in
addition to gaze movement and heat maps. Three instantiations of mathematical blindness were
characterized in this study: (1) The Einstellung effect; (2) spurious correlation; and (3) intuitive
rule. Among the three, the predominant instantiation of mathematical blindness observed was
Spurious correlation.
1. Introduction
in pursue of characterizing the different instantiations of mathematical blindness, which is the main
objective of this study.
Specifically, this study aimed to characterize different instantiations of mathematical blindness
based on participants’ eye-movements and their solution or reasoning about a given mathematical
problem, and also to determine predominant instantiations and classify participants’ solutions or
This study is anchored on different theoretical and conceptual constructs that elicit similar
characteristics of mathematical blindness.
The properties of System 1 and System 2 according to the Dual-Learning Theory, and the
Tripartite Theory (Stanovich, 2011) show features of the two processes that contribute as to why
mathematical blindness occurs and was used in assessing the participants’ cognition in solving
mathematics problems.
The Einstellung which is described as the mechanized state of mind (Luchins, 1942) refers to an
individual’s tendency to solve a given problem in a specific manner even though better methods exist.
Ben-Zeev and Star’s (2001) concept of spurious correlation is an event hypothesized to occur
when a student perceives a correlation between an irrelevant feature in a problem and the algorithm
used for solving that problem, and then proceeds to execute the algorithm when detecting the feature in
a different problem.
Reminiscent of the above-mentioned concept is the concept of intuitive rules (Tirosh & Stavy,
1999). For instance, a student who thought that “the heavier the object the faster it falls” is said to rely
on the “More A – More B” intuitive rule.
Lastly, this research utilized the eye-tracking method which has been, over the years, is
increasingly being used in research in mathematics education. (e.g., Chesney, McNeil, Brockmole, &
Kelley, 2013; Andra, et. Al, 2013; Miroslawa & Rosiek, 2016; Shayan, et. Al, 2017; Schindler, M.,
Haataja, E., Moreno-Esteva, E. G., Shvarts, A., & Lilienthal, A., 2018). This method was used to
quantify visual attention such as time of fixation and saccades (movement of the eye from fixation on
one point to another), and measure perceptual range when an individual is solving a mathematics
3. Analysis Results
In this task, the participants were asked to solve 6 quadratic equations using any method they
know, 5 of which are quadratic trinomials and the last, a quadratic binomial. The questions were
presented as slides on the screen one after another. The AOIs (Areas of Interest), namely AOI 0, 1, and
2 are designated for each of the terms for the first five equations, and AOIs 0 and 1 for the last equation.
For equations 1, 2, 3, and 5, the equations contain quadratic trinomials that are not in the form of
any special products. Equation 4 contains a perfect square trinomial and equation 6 is in the form of a
difference of two squares. The aim of this test is to characterize how the participants approached
different forms of quadratic equations and identify whether certain instantiations could be observed to
cause difficulty in solving the problems.
Table 1
Recorded data from the eye-tracker for the quadratic equations
Ave Time Ave Time Ave Average
AOI Name N
to 1st View (sec) Viewed (sec) Fixations (#) Revisits (#)
4.9642 1.3306 7.2958 6.3758 19
(Leading Coefficient)
2.9748 2.6528 13.786 11.1058 19
(Middle term)
6.1278 1.6322 8.5418 7.0908 19
(Constant term)
On table 1, AOI 1 has the smallest “average time to 1st view” and the largest “average time
viewed”, “average fixation”, and “average revisit”. Further analysis of the gaze patterns, interviews,
and written solutions implies that for some of the participants when solving a quadratic trinomial, using
factoring as their primary method is more likely. This is evident as the aggregated gaze patterns suggest
that the participants used trial-and-error in obtaining the coefficient of the middle term. This means that
when students are given a quadratic trinomial, what first comes to mind is to check if the middle term is
obtainable thru trial-and-error involved in the factoring method. In this task alone, eight participants
used factoring as their primary method in the first four equations.
For this task, the instantiations of mathematical blindness observed are spurious correlation and
intuitive rule. First, the spurious correlation for this task was characterized by the participants repeated
use of the factoring method or the quadratic formula upon determining whether there is a leading
coefficient or not, also upon perceiving whether the coefficients are small or large. Lastly, the intuitive
rules that the participants had are the following: (1) since the previous question was solved using the
quadratic formula or by factoring, then the succeeding question might also be solved using the same
method; and (2) they will use a method that already has become second nature to them when solving
quadratic equations.
Figure 13. Slide shown to participants for the Figure 14. Aggregated heat map for the Musician
Musician problem. problem.
AOIs 0, 1, and 2 are designated for the phrases “A group of 5 musicians plays a piece of music
in 10”, “Another group of 35 musicians” and “same piece of music”, respectively.
10 out of 18 participants (1 participant’s data was deemed untreatable due to technical issues)
used the concept of ratio and proportion in solving the problem where 9 of these participants answered
70, implying that they established a direct proportion between the number of musicians and amount of
time to play the music, and 1 participant answered 10/7, who may have established an indirect
proportion. These participants who used the same concept twice recognized the feature of the problem:
two units of measurements are identified with a “typical” missing-value proportional question in the
Table 2
Data recorded by the eye-tracker for the Musician problem
Ave Time Ave Time Ave Average
AOI Name N
to 1st View (sec) Viewed (sec) Fixations (#) Revisits (#)
AOI 0 1.742 8.006 43.522 29.318 18
AOI 1 1.849 4.441 29.682 24.273 18
AOI 2 3.747 1.832 12 9.762 18
Table 2 shows that the AOI with the least time viewed is AOI 2 which is designated for the
phrase “same piece of music”, a plausible cause of why most of the participants did not realize that the
problem should not be approached using ratio and proportion. However, some of the participants who
gave the correct answer also struggled in realizing that the answer should be 10 minutes. Especially 2
participants, who have shown signs of detachment in reasoning between what is mathematical and
realistic. This detachment was elicited when they asked if the problem should be solved
“mathematically” or “logically/realistically”.
Again, further analysis of the gaze patterns, interviews, and written solutions tells us that in this
case, it is possible that four simultaneous instantiations of mathematical blindness have occurred: the
Einstellung effect, spurious correlation, and intuitive rules. First, the Einstellung effect in this problem
was characterized by fixation in the two units of measurements that were identified and on the concept
of using ratio and proportion as a solution. Second, the spurious correlation was characterized by the
overuse of the concept of ratio and proportion upon detecting the two units of measurements. Lastly, the
“More A – more B” intuitive rule was evident when the participants established a direct relation
between the number of musicians and the amount of time it takes to play the same piece of music.
Figure 15. Slide shown to participants for the Speed Figure 16. Aggregated heat map for the Speed
problem. problem.
Note that in this problem, data from only 18 participants were recorded due to technical issues.
The aggregated heat map shows that the participants’ attention was more directed towards the
point in the graph where the 3000 meters distance intersects with the 20th minute time. Quantitatively,
the average number of fixations on that point is 12.409 and with average number of revisits 10.905.
Most of the participants interpreted the problem as a speed problem, where 16 participants read
the distance from the graph (3000 meters) that corresponds to the 20th minute, applied the s=d/t formula,
and obtained 150 by dividing 3000 by 20. Interestingly, only 2 of the 18 participants selected the correct
answer “B” which was based on understanding speed as the ratio of change in distance to change in
Since the formula s=d/t is a commonly used formula in solving problems involving speed, it has
become a tool that can be inappropriately used in solving mathematical problems most especially when
their understanding of the problem or the use of the formula itself is superficial. In this task, the
participants who gave “D” as an answer correlated the use of the formula to the given values or to what
was being asked in the problem.
Table 3
Recorded data by the eye-tracker for the Speed problem
Ave Time Ave Time Ave Average
AOI Name N
to 1st View (sec) Viewed (sec) Fixations (#) Revisits (#)
AOI 2 16.102 2.21 12.409 10.905 18
AOI 3 16.672 1.146 7.429 5.8 18
AOI 4 36.186 1.374 6.4 4.833 18
AOI 5 18.555 1.35 7.13 5.818 18
AOI 6 29.954 1.023 7.05 6.053 18
Recall that most of the participants gave “D” as an answer, hence, the AOI designated for
choice “D” (AOI 4) should have gained the highest attention. However, the data above show otherwise.
The instantiations of mathematical blindness observed here is spurious correlation. The
spurious correlation was characterized by the participants’ overuse of the concept of speed, specifically
the use of the formula s=d/t upon detecting that there are two corresponding values of distance and time.
Their use of this concept was also deemed superficial because they used the concept, however, in a
wrong understanding of the question.
4. Conclusion
Based on the results gathered, this study concludes that mathematical blindness can manifest in
students’ mathematics problem-solving and reasoning in different ways. These manifestations can be
caused by objects (stimuli) in a problem or by misconceptions. These were observed especially when a
participant overuses concepts upon detecting a certain feature in the problem. It is also conclusive that
through the use of the eye-tracker, the analysis of their reasoning became more objective with the help
of the quantifiable data and visualizations provided. This study led to the realization that in solving
mathematical problems, it is not just reasoning alone that influences how a problem is approached, but
also by objects that can be perceived in the problem itself.
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comparative study using eye-tracking. Konrad Krainer; Naďa Vondrová. CERME 9 – Ninth Congress of
the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education, Feb 2015, Prague, Czech Republic. pp.
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Schindler, M., Haataja, E., Moreno-Esteva, E. G., Shvarts, A., & Lilienthal, A. (2018). Eye-tracking in
mathematics education research: A follow-up on opportunities and challenges. Proceedings of the 42nd
Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Sweden: Umeå.
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Chang, M. et al. (Eds.) (2019). Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Computers in
Education. Taiwan: Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education
1. Introduction
With the development of modern society and the constant change of knowledge, the division of labor
becomes more and more refined. Many projects need to be completed by people from different fields
and majors through communication and collaboration. Nowadays, collaboration ability has become a
necessary competency for talents with social competitiveness.
Collaborative problem-solving (CPS) competency as a composite skill of collaboration ability and
problem-solving ability, its cultivation and evaluation have received extensive attention. UNESCO’s
report on “Learning: The Treasure Within” highlighted the importance of “teamwork competency”
(Delors, 1998); The Singapore Ministry of Education (2017) added a “Project work” to the school
curriculum, which clearly lists the four skills of knowledge application, communication, collaboration
and independent learning as the learning outcomes; The 21st Century Skills Alliance defined
problem-solving and collaboration as skills that every American teenager needs to learn at school
(Voogt & Roblin, 2012).Scholars from various countries pay more attention to how to set the situation
of CPS activities to cultivate students' CPS competency. However, in terms of assessment, it is limited
by the variety and complexity of the influencing factors of CPS ability. It is difficult to measure the
actual collaboration situation and problem-solving behavior in this environment. In fact, CPS skills are
often seen as skills that are difficult to measure (Stecher & Hamilton, 2014). Collaborative activities
and problem solving activities are non-linear sequence activities. It becomes a challenge to adopt an
effective scheme to model and quantify this complex system.
2. Literature Review
Related research on CPS stems from the social attributes of problem solving (Vygotskie, Embong, &
Muslim, 1978) . The current accepted concept of CPS competency comes from the OECD's definition
in PISA 2015 (OECD, 2017), “the capacity of an individual to effectively engage in a process whereby
two or more agents attempt to solve a problem by sharing the understanding and effort required to come
to a solution and pooling their knowledge, skills and efforts to reach that solution.” The existing
research on CPS has accumulated a lot of theoretical frameworks and models. Stevens and Campion
(1994) proposed a teamwork conceptual framework that included five elements: conflict resolution,
collaborative problem solving, communication, goal setting and performance management, planning
and task collaboration. Griffin (2011) defined the ATC21S framework, which divided the CPS
competency into two dimensions: social skills and cognitive skills. In 2017, the OECD released the
PISA2015 Collaborative Problem solving Framework, which is a framework matrix consisting of three
core social skills and four traditional personal problem-solving stages (OECD, 2017).The evaluation
framework of this paper is based on the PISA2015 framework.
Table 5
Matrix of collaborative problem-solving skills for PISA 2015 (OECD, 2017).
(1) Establishing and maintaining (2) Taking appropriate action to (3) Establishing and maintaining team
shared understanding solve the probler organisation
(A) (A2) Discovering the type of
(A1) Discovering perspectives (A3) Understanding roles to solve the
Exploring and collaborative interaction to solve
and abilities of team members problem
understanding the problem, along with goals
(B) (B1) Building a shared
(B3) Describe roles and team
Representing representation and negotiating (B2) Identifying and describing
organisation (communication
and the meaning of the problem tasks to be completed
protocol/rules of engagement)
formulating (common ground)
(C) (C1) Communicating with team (C3) Following rules of engagement,
Planning and members about the actions to (C2) Enacting plans (e.g. prompting other team members
executing be/being performed to perform their tasks)
(D) (D2) Monitoring results of actions (D3) Monitoring, providing feedback
(D1) Monitoring and repairing
Monitoring and evaluating success in solving and adapting the team organisation
the shared understanding
and reflecting the problem and roles
In CPS activities, collaborative problem solving competency are susceptible to a variety of factors, such
as situational complexity, partner behavior, and so on. The human-computer interaction evaluation
model based on conversational agent can be used to reduce the impact of uncertainty factors. The
conversational agent combines computer and conversations to collect log data through a broader
interaction with the individual or meaning, and is able to assess the individual's ability to acquire
knowledge, skills, and language at the cognitive and non-cognitive levels (Jackson & Zapata, 2015).
Compared with the traditional evaluation methods, the human-computer interaction evaluation mode
makes the performance of individual ability more stable(Graesser, Chipman, Haynes, & Olney, 2005).
On the whole, conversational agent technology can provide evidence and help for formative assessment
of CPS competency assessment.
To this end, this study aims to answer the following research questions:
Research question 1: how to design conversational agent to simulate real collaborative
Research question 2: how to measure collaborative problem-solving competency based on
conversational agent?
3. Model Design
PISA2015 provides individuals with complex task situations and further tests their CPS ability, which
involves not only the reasoning process of the tested individuals in the problem situation, but also their
communication, management and social process in the collaborative environment. Based on the
research of collaborative problem solving, we proposes the following evaluation framework, as shown
in Figure 1.
the CPS evaluation framework should consist of two parts: the problem situation and the social
situation.The problem situation includes three variables, task type, problem content, and task difficulty.
(1) Task type: It determines the ability tendency of individual in the current problem situation. (2)
Problem content: It determines the limitation of the ability to examine the current situation, including
content-related problem and content-independent problem. (3) Task difficulty: It is the comprehensive
evaluation result of the task. In social situation,Individual CPS skill is influenced by other members of
team. we can simply divide them into: external self-expression and individual acceptance to understand
the expression of others.
Figure 2 shows the architectural design of the Collaborative Problem Solving Supported Conversational
Agent (CP2SCA). Which aims to simulate the collaborative performance of the tested individuals in the
real problem situation with other members of the team by embedding the dialogue manager module.
Figure 18. Architecture of Collaborative Problem Solving Supported Conversational Agent (CP2SCA)
The logic of the CP2SCA is: First, when the user inputs the information, the system decodes the
input content, stores it into the database, and records the decoded content into the current focus module,
updating current problem solving state of user utterance content, implements the tracking of the
conversation state. Then, the conversational agent completes the planning of the discourse according to
the current focus, the record of the existing information of the database and the input content, and
formulates a suitable dialogue strategy coding scheme. Finally, the dialogue strategy is coded as the
language of human-computer communication, and the output is the reflection content of the agent to the
4. Method
Since the CPS competency is an indispensable ability for a individual to enter the society from the
school, he participants of the experiment are 30 graduating students from a university in East China,
aged between 24 and 26. Participants completed CPS tasks by collaborating with the conversational
agent in the test environment. Then they filled the survey, which included the technical acceptance scale
and open questions.
5. Result
The results show that the technical acceptance is M = 5.55, SD = 0.78. It can be seen that the technical
acceptance of the evaluation system is higher. The answer to the open question indicates that
participants generally have a higher degree of recognition of the prototype tool. As a result, prototyping
tools can basically simulate real-world CPS activities and provide users with basic interactions for
Behavioral characteristics describe the behavioral sequence preferences exhibited by individuals in the
process of collaborative problem-solving activities, while the behavioral characteristics exhibited in
individual collaborative problem-solving activities have not been standardized. According to the
characteristics of its sequence, We can use the number of rules explored in each stage and the dialogue
rounds between stages to construct a directed graph, where the output behavior is nodes and the
feedback behavior is steps. It can integrate nonlinear and unstructured process data into an intuitive
structured model.
Figure 4. (a) Unstructured Team Behavior Data. (b) Unstructured Data Collation (Note: The
number marked between the behaviors is the step size). (c) Directed Graph of Team Behavior
For example, the non-structural data of team behavior collected by the system is shown in Figure 4a.
The data is classified according to the four stages of problem solving to obtain Figure 4b. The step size
between the stages is the interval value of the number of steps involved. Since the relationship is
complicated and difficult to express, it can be simplified by the directed graph shown in Figure 4c. The
radius of the circle is the total number of consensus reached at this stage; the length of the line is the
average step size, and when there are multiple lines of different step length between the two elements,
the mean value is taken.
(a) (b)
Figure 5. (a)Team09 (b)Team02 behavior characteristics and individual contribution
According to the proportion of individual output behavior in the teamwork CPS behavior, we can
visually see the team's CPS behavior characteristics, as well as the individual's contribution in each
stage of CPS, and understand the individual's behavior in the group CPS process. Taking sample 09 and
sample 02 as an example, a graph of individual output behavior characteristics generated by adding a
pie chart to a directed graph is shown below.
From the perspective of individual contribution of sample 09, the contribution output of participant
09 is 100% in the proposed stage and the planning stage. All questions and plans are formulated by the
participant. There is no collaboration in these two phases. In the Action phase, five of the eight
operations followed the plan, three were unplanned. In the conclusion phase, the participant‘s
contribution rate is 50%. Participant 02 is dominant in the Question stage. During the Plan and Action
stage, the contributions of the participant and the conversational agent are more balanced, but the final
conclusions are all summarized by the conversational agent.
On the whole, participant 09 had a strong sense of leadership in the CPS process, but his ability to
execute was not good, and he was not good at following plans. He need further develop his ability to
collaborate with others. Participant 02 is more inclined to the role of leader in the CPS processHis
ability to execute is quite good, but his ability to summarize is not strong. His team collaboration ability
is strong, but problem-solving ability is slightly weaker.
5.2.2 Analysis of Team Behavior Patterns
Combined with the established CPS characterization model, we found two behavioral patterns that
emerged from the team in CPS activities: problem thinking and plan making.
Teams with problem-thinking behavior pattern, their CPS path starts from the question stage, and
externalizes the thinking at the Question stage. The team's thinking is active, and it is possible to
consider many questions based on the task requirements, and then make plans to draw conclusions. Due
to the large number of questions, it is easy to appear in the CPS activities that the plans are difficult to
correspond to the questions one by one. As shown in Figure 5a, Team 09 has a much smaller number of
plans than the number of questions raised. They are not effective problem-solving behaviors. At the
same time, the step length between the question stage and the plan stage is the largest (7.4). It can be
found that the team consumes more dialogue communication between the analysis of the task
requirements and the development of the corresponding plan. Teams with planned behavior patterns,
their CPS path starts from the plan stage, and the thinking externalization is shared with people in the
plan stage. In the question stage, the team's thinking is not divergent, but it is better at turning questions
into more specific plans, making plans more enforceable. Therefore, the number of plans making based
on the questions is much larger than the number of questions. Compared to the problem-thinking pattern,
the lines between the “plan-action-conclusion” are shorter and the connections between the three are
6. Conclusion
The study proposes an assessment framework for CPS competency. Based on the existing concept
of dialogue management, we developed a CPS competency assessment system, which can simulate the
real CPS situation. We design a context-based computer conversational agent to encode unstructured
discourse into structured data to achieve "human-machine dialogue". The conversational agent collects
procedural data when collaborating with individuals to complete tasks. By visualizing the process data,
we can clearly understand the behavioral characteristics of individuals and teams. We can develop
evidence-based strategies to improve individual CPS competency. The system simplifies the
assessment method, ensures the feasibility of technical application, and the standardized CPS process
analysis model has certain promotion value.
Chang, M. et al. (Eds.) (2019). Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Computers in
Education. Taiwan: Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education
Abstract: This paper proposes an educational technology adoption model considering the
limitations of traditional technology adoption models. Based on the model, the authors develop
a questionnaire, in which the items are derived from previous technology adoption studies, to
identify and indicate the constructs in the proposed model. The paper presents the statistical
validity and reliability of the questionnaire. The results based on Exploratory Factor Analysis
(EFA) indicate that the items on the questionnaire that are meant to measure the constructs in
the model are statistically valid and reliable.
1. Introduction
With the change of Web 2.0 technologies in the late 90s, Internet dynamics changed dramatically. Users
have become more active participants and content creators thanks to Web 2.0 tools made it easier and
more accessible. Web 2.0 not only allows individuals to benefit from technologies, systems, and tools
on an instrumental level, but also allows them to engage in social and cognitive involvement, and
hedonic immersion through various tools.
The development in technology does not only affect the dynamics of everyday life, but also
affects the dynamics of education. A recent study indicates that smartphones are used by 87% of US
students, 74% of them have at least a computer, and 41% have access to a tablet in which every device
has access to Internet, and at least one social media platform is followed regularly by 97.5% of US
youth (Villanti et al., 2017). High adoption of Web 2.0 technologies has guided teachers to benefit from
them for instructional purposes. Integration of new technologies into schools and classrooms is no
longer limited with entrepreneur instructors. E-mail use to communicate between students and
instructors, material delivery through system tools, usage of Office programs to create and demonstrate
content, and searching Internet to access specific knowledge are regarded as common
technology-mediated teaching practices in the last two decades (Chen et al., 2010; Laird & Kuh, 2005).
In addition, there are many popular educational applications and systems highly adopted by both
academicians and teachers to engage students in learning activities (Elmas & Geban, 2012).
Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in education necessitate specific focus in
terms of acceptance and engagement since they become an integrated component of instruction. The
aim of educational technologies, a special form of ICT, is to improve learning, strengthen educational
processes and increase students' success. Achieving these objectives requires the systematic
implementation of theory to educational practices from the relevant studies especially from motivation
and engagement studies. Therefore, the current study finds it valuable to define motivators that
anticipate the adoption of technology, and identify and detail the likely relationships among these
motivational constructs. Taking into account all of these, the current study’s purpose is to offer a new
model called Educational Technology Engagement Model (ETEM) by considering the changing
dynamics and paradigms over technology, current role of technology over society and anticipated
influences on education. Another aim of the study is to test a questionnaire composed of several scales
derived from previous studies in the technology adoption and acceptance literature and to decide if the
questionnaire is statistically powerful to be able to be utilized in prospective studies on which ETEM is
to be based.
2. Literature Review
It has been a challenge for technology acceptance model practitioners for 3 decades to illuminate the
underlying motivators to understand why some of the technologies are excessively embraced by the
Internet community (Davis, 1985; Bagozzi, 2007). Technology acceptance models can be defined as
contextual scaffolds extracted from motivational theories to portray user adoption of technologies. They
try to illuminate user participation based on the demographics, characteristics and perceptions of the
intended population. Technology adoption models provide a comprehensive framework by identifying
what needs to be satisfied as a prerequisite to adopt technology, and how motivators and technology use
behaviors are interrelated.
Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) (Davis, 1985) is the most popular adoption model
among several others since it is the most referenced, applied, modified, extended, and criticized one in
the technology acceptance literature. TAM suggests that users are exposed to 2 motivational beliefs -
Perceived Usefulness (PU) and Perceived Ease of Use (PEOU) - when interacting with a new
technology. These beliefs determine their adoption decisions. PU refers to perceived advantages
emanating from utilizing of a specific technology. PEOU refers to individual assessment of to what
extent the utilized technology is easy to use (Cole, 2009).
The model predicts that external factors as independent factors affect PU and PEOU as
motivational beliefs. Both PU and PEOU are the estimators of the intention to use to predict the
adoption of technology. The parsimonious structure has risen it to a leading model to predict user
motivation to accept technology use. It has been repeatedly replicated, implemented and tested for
different systems, tools and technologies (Chutter, 2009). However, the basic structure of the model has
been criticized several times, leading to efforts to expand by researchers to make it more descriptive.
Although the accuracy and strength of TAM have been tested and verified in many studies, it
has been severely criticized several times in terms of several aspects including parsimonious structure
and lack of intrinsic motivators (Bagozzi, 2007; Silva, 2007; Smith et al., 2007; Lee, Kozar, & Larsen,
2003). TAM has long been functioning as a theoretical framework that aims providing a single solution
for various technologies to explain user motivation of their adoption. However, the parsimonious
structure of TAM by regressing to only 2 factors as PU and PEOU to explain adoption causes to dismiss
the genuine latent variables that are presumably to refer to technology acceptance problems (Lee et al.,
2003). Moreover, ignoring intrinsic factors, which are likely to explain intrinsic motivation via
addressing cognitive, social and hedonic needs of humans, is another criticized aspect of TAM resulting
in lack of useful information to understand technology adoption of 21st users (Bagozzi, 2007). Lastly,
TAM and its derivatives disregard the ever-changing direction and progress in the relationship between
technology and society. Although technology is seen as an apparatus accepted for its benefits in the late
80s and early 90s, human interplay with technology have increased to a more advanced level of
involvement and commitment at the social and cognitive level after 2000s. Considering the increasing
use of internet and social media and the availability of smart devices, society is far beyond the initial
acceptance of technology. Although they are sufficient to explain what motivators can predict to make
technology a part of people lives, they are weak in explaining how individuals are involved in
technology and are part of it. In addition, the behaviorist characters of TAM focusing mostly on
systematical components and ignoring the systemic and social components of technology (Smith et al.,
2007) presents a partial explanation of the acceptance of technology. As a result, traditional technology
acceptance models might benefit from being replaced and updated with new motivational constructs
and determinants to overcome aforementioned limitations.
3. Methodology
Existing technologies and systems offer distinct characteristics with systemic, social and technical
elements making them unique. Considering the complexity of technology and a broad array of
technologies fulfilling several needs, attempts to identify user acceptance grounded on a theoretical
framework is oversimplification. Therefore, Smith and his colleagues (2007) recommend proposing
contextual models through process-based analysis. Based on the recommendation, analyzing the
underlying motivational process toward adopting and using a specific technology through the lens of
one or more theory of motivation is more appropriate rather than directly suggesting a more extended
and excessive model without a theoretical justification.
As the first step, the appropriate motivational theory was determined by considering specific
technology’s idiosyncratic structure and the circumstances in which it is being implemented. Both
intrinsic and extrinsic motivation play an essential role on the adoption of educational technologies
therefore Self-determination Theory (SDT) was decided to be grounded because SDT considers both
intrinsic and extrinsic motivators over the engagement of students (Ryan & Deci, 2000). Basically, SDT
defines two types of motivation as extrinsic and intrinsic. Extrinsic motivation refers to the motivation
of individuals who are arisen and fed from sources outside the scope of the task and independent from
the activity. Intrinsic motivation can be defined as self-acceptance and inherent tendency to engage in a
specific behavior to achieve the intended results. (Ryan & Deci, 2000). Considering the relevant
constructs in SDT, a theoretical model – Educational Technology Engagement Model (ETEM) was
drawn as can be seen in Figure 1. Technology-related factors derived from previous adoption studies are
mounted into the model to identify relevant motivational constructs of STD.
To test the model being constructed, Edmodo which defines itself as a social learning platform
was selected since it is considered an ideal platform as a self-sustained learning environment with its
tools and facilities rather than being a complementary technology making instruction and learning
easier. Based on the chosen Educational Technology, the population of the study was determined as
students at Turkish universities where Edmodo is used actively as the learning environment in
Introduction to Information Technologies and Applications (IITA) course taught throughout Turkish
universities as a mandatory course. The reason for selecting this course is due to enabling instruction to
occur without requiring face-to-face instruction and due to expecting higher engagement and
participation of students. Accordingly, 4 instructors who utilize Edmodo intensely for educational
purposes by using every tools and utilities of Edmodo to instruct IITA at 4 Turkish universities, namely
Amasya, Harran, Ege and Middle East Technical Universities, and their students are selected as
samples of the study. Thus, 520 students from 4 universities became conclusive participants of the
To be able to base ETEM as a theoretical model in prospective studies, a questionnaire was
composed of various scales whose items are extracted from past technology acceptance studies. The
scales aim to identify and measure relevant constructs within the motivational concepts in the model,
namely motivational needs, beliefs, goals and ultimate outcome. Some of the sample items, factor
names where these items point to, and original sources of the items can be found at Table 1.
Table 1
Sample Items and Sources
Factor Sample Items Sources
Content Quality The contents shared in Edmodo is relevant to Roca et al. (2006)
the course
Technology Attitude Students learn better in courses where Arslan (2006)
computers are actively used
Social Engagement Edmodo enabled students to share their Paechter et al.
feelings and opinions easily (2010)
Interaction My instructor encouraged me to use Edmodo Soong et al. (2001)
Self-regulation I am able to learn at my own pace Lee & Tsai (2011)
The online version of the scales was delivered to the instructors share with participant students
at the end of 2016-2017 Fall semester. The instructors shared the survey with students and sent them
reminders to complete it. 520 students in total filled out the scales. After data collection, the validity and
reliability of scales were checked through Exploratory Factor Analysis and Reliability Analysis.
4. Results
The purpose of the study was to discover latent variables for technology adoption by gathering and
analyzing data. Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) was used in the analysis of the research data. EFA
was conducted to indicate whether expected latent variables are appropriately obtained and the
instrument satisfies the required conditions for validity and reliability. 520 students from 4 universities
became participant for the study. The survey instrument consists of 84 items. Responses were on a
5-point scale, ranging from “Strongly Disagree” to “Strongly Agree”.
Firstly, outliers and missing data were inspected to proceed for further analysis. Box-plots and
z-scores were examined to identify outliers. 42 data points with standardized scores above 3.29 and
positioned outside the fences of the boxplots were identified as outliers thus 42 cases were excluded
from further analysis. Consequently, assumptions were analyzed based on the data collected from 478
samples. 84 scale items were firstly examined for the factorial structure. Correlation matrix indicated
that all of the items are correlated (> .30) with at least one other item therefore a reasonable factorial
structure can be proposed (Hair et al., 2010). As can be seen in Table 2, the KMO value was .96, above
the recommended value of .60, and Bartlett’s test of sphericity was significant (p < .05). Univariate
normality assumption was controlled by looking at descriptive statistics and through statistical kurtosis
and skewness values of the variables. The results met the required interval (-3/3) indicating univariate
normality (Tabachnick et al., 2007).
Table 2
Table 3
Cronbach’s Alpha Values
Factor Cronbach’s Alpha Factor Cronbach’s Alpha
Perceived Usefulness .92 Perceived Achievement .89
Self-efficacy .82 Student Characteristics .92
Cognitive .93 Interaction .92
Content Quality .88 System Characteristics .87
Technology Attitude .90 Mobile Flexibility .92
Perceived Ease of Use .93 Self-regulation .89
Social Engagement .90
5. Conclusion
The technology adoption models, especially TAM, have guided researchers over 30 years to explain
how motivators have influenced human usage of technology. They grant a broad and inclusive lens for
understanding the relationship between the needs and the beliefs of users and the objectives and
outcomes of using technology. The appropriateness of TAM is questioned considering the
ever-changing direction and progress beneath the motivation to adopt and use 21st century
technologies. Taking the limitations into consideration, the study introduces a new approach to develop
technology models, requiring a theoretical understanding of the relevant motivational structures and
processes involved while adopting a new technology. Based on the approach, Educational Technology
Engagement Model (ETEM) is proposed considering that current adoption models are not ideally suited
to identify adoption of educational technologies due to their disregard of intrinsic factors. The study
also developed a comprehensive questionnaire in which the items are derived from various sources to
identify and indicate the constructs in the model. The validity and reliability of the items in the
questionnaire are proved through EFA and Reliability Analysis. It is desired that both information
systems experts and technologists in general, and especially educational technology practitioners and
researchers, take advantage of ETEM and help the authors of current study improve and update the
proposed model through their criticism and feedback, and also further statistical analyses including
Confirmatory Factor Analysis and Structural Equation Modeling.
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Abstract: Collaborative practices cover a vast variety of contexts and educational goals.
Despite these differences, most means of support draw on between- and within-learner
discrepancies as driving forces of individual and collaborative learning. These discrepancies are
a focus of cognitive Group Awareness Tools, that process knowledge-related learner data and
feed it back to the group to ease the interpretation of the learning situation thereby guiding
collaborative learning activities. In this paper, we examine the features and different
characteristics of these tools. Based on three exemplary cognitive Group Awareness Tools
focusing on different types of knowledge discrepancies, we explore how data processing is
adjusted to different settings and discuss whether cognitive Group Awareness Tools are suitable
devices to be deployed throughout various educational contexts.
Collaborative practices reach from small group interaction to mass collaboration, cover a vast variety of
different contexts, such as schools, universities, or leisure time, and are used for very different
educational goals, like acquiring domain knowledge or collaboration skills. However, learners need to
overcome various challenges to successfully regulate their learning processes. Particularly, they have to
register relevant internal and external conditions (e.g., their state of knowledge or their resources at
hand) to validly interpret the learning situation and decide upon appropriate courses of action (Winne &
Nesbit, 2009). Within collaborative learning settings, other learners are part of this learning situation
and thus, learners need to be aware of each other’s relevant cognitive states to interpret the collaborative
situation appropriately (Bodemer, Janssen, & Schnaubert, 2018).
A central aspect relevant to regulating learning is the identification of discrepancies between
current and desired states. These may be caused by information that is not compatible with the learners’
existing cognitive structures (causing what Piaget called “disequilibrium”; Piaget, 1977), but also by
learners experiencing underachievement in terms of their own learning goals when metacognitively
monitoring their performance against their internal standards (e.g., Winne & Hadwin, 1998). Both types
of discrepancies may activate resolution processes and activities to overcome them and while they are
located within the individual, they can be provoked by external information in the social environment.
From a group-level perspective, both discrepancies (between incompatible content or the extent of
knowledge of learners) may also activate resolution processes regardless of a learner experiencing an
intra-individual need for resolution, because learners may need to establish a shared knowledge base or
common ground to collaborate (Clark & Brennan, 1991). This group perspective can also lead to the
situation where learners may not even relate group-level information to themselves but identify
discrepancies between other learners’ cognitions and may be inclined to support resolution regardless of
self-involvement. This is especially the case with controversies, which are incompatible assumptions
existing within groups or communities (Johnson, Johnson, & Smith, 2000). Thus, within collaborative
learning environments, we can distinguish between purely internal discrepancies, internal-external
discrepancies, and external discrepancies, which ties in closely with existing definitions of cognitive
conflicts, that include internal-internal, internal-external, but also external-external conflicts (Lee &
Kwon, 2001). These discrepancies may be due to differences between incompatible content constituting
some kind of conflict or controversy (a qualitative difference in ideas) but may also be due to
differences between the extent of knowledge (a quantitative difference in knowledge) (see Figure 1).
Learner A Learner B
Idea 2 Idea 2
Idea 1
Collaborative situations may be beneficial for learning, especially when discrepancies occur.
But the occurrence of discrepancies in itself is not sufficient to activate beneficial learning processes,
learners also need to become aware of these discrepancies (de Vries, Lund, & Baker, 2002). From a
self-regulation perspective, learners have to register and validly interpret the learning situation, before
they can conduct beneficial learning processes (Winne & Nesbit, 2009). Supporting these processes is
often referred to as “guidance”. Guidance may include activating or supporting favourable behaviours
or processes, but also focussing activities on specific content (Bodemer, 2011). Thus, in this paper, we
will take a closer look at one group of tools that seem particularly suited for this kind of instructional
support: Cognitive Group Awareness Tools (cGATs).
A key for learners to benefit from discrepancies within collaborative learning settings is to be aware of
their occurrence and to interpret them validly to decide upon appropriate action. This relates to the
concept of group awareness, which refers to being informed about relevant characteristics of group
members or the group (Bodemer & Dehler, 2011). A group of tools designed to support this are cGATs
(see Bodemer et al., 2018). These tools are designed to make learners aware of pre-selected
socio-cognitive conditions. By purposefully collecting, transforming and presenting relevant data, they
foster the learners’ interpretation of the situation to facilitate appropriate action (Buder & Bodemer,
2008). Although the specific goals, content and processing steps used in cGATs differ greatly as well as
the settings they are used in (Bodemer et al., 2018), they have specific commonalities: they process
knowledge-related information on the extent or content of knowledge to facilitate the learners’
identification and interpretation of relevant aspects of the collaborative situation by triggering and
easing comparison processes and guiding learners towards discrepancies. By linking such discrepancies
to specific content, they further activate content-related resolution processes beneficial for learning but
rely on the learners’ internal scripts to take it from there. Thus, they are a temporary aid guiding learners’
attention and focus in an inherently complex situation. In the following, we will present three
exemplary cGATs that have been used to guide collaborative learning in various settings.
Tool 1: Metacognitive and cognitive awareness for dyadic learning. This tool was developed to
support co-located dyads of learners exchanging information and discussing learning material presented
on a shared screen based on learning tasks designed to activate elaboration of content (see Figure 2).
Such a collaborative situation provides the opportunity for learners to facilitate each other’s individual
learning processes by providing information and explanations to fill in gaps of knowledge or by
mutually discussing diverging perspectives activating elaboration processes (e.g., de Vries et al., 2002).
The educational goal in this scenario is to maximise individual knowledge gain by exploiting processes
triggered by potentially beneficial knowledge distributions, i.e., discrepancies regarding extent or
content of knowledge. The cGAT provides learners with two types of knowledge-related awareness
information: cognitive information on the content and metacognitive information on the extent of
knowledge (see Schnaubert & Bodemer, 2019). The tool collects the learners’ assumptions about the
learning material by asking them to answer binary questions (content) and the learners' metacognitive
evaluations of their answers by asking them to provide binary confidence ratings (extent). It then feeds
the information back to the learners by presenting it during learning using spatial- (content) and colour-
(extent) coding to allow for simultaneous and independent comparison processes within and between
learners. The tool thus supports the informational guiding function using representational mechanisms.
We also developed adapted versions to explore the effects of self-, partner-, and group-level
information on individual and collaborative learning of university students (e.g., Schnaubert &
Bodemer, 2016, 2019). Empirical findings clearly suggest that (a) awareness information on the extent
of knowledge guides learners to focus on content for which there are knowledge discrepancies with
regard to a standard (i.e., knowledge gap), (b) awareness information on the content of learners’
assumptions guides learners to focus on content for which there are discrepancies between the contents
of the learners’ knowledge (i.e., conflict), and (c) learners integrate available types of information
(content and extent). However, effects on learning outcomes were rather small and inconclusive.
content: spatially coded A B
extent: colour-coded
Figure 2. Learning tasks with cGAT: Cropped screenshot (left) and annotated zoom-in (right)
Figure 3. Wiki talk page excerpt with and without controversy awareness information
Tool 3: Text mining-based knowledge awareness for knowledge exchange in school. This text
mining-based tool was designed for efficiently guiding students’ knowledge exchange in school
settings which involve the joint solution of tasks in dyads (see Figure 4). In order to solve such tasks, the
students are asked to discuss individual differences in prior knowledge or different perspectives on
topics. Stimulating such exchange pursues the educational goal that learners uncover and fill their own
knowledge gaps, better focus and cognitively elaborate learning content, and achieve better learning
outcomes. Therefore, students need to be informed about their cognitive characteristics (Bodemer et al.,
2018). Against this background, the discrepancy between one's own current knowledge extent and a
higher goal state, revealed by the comparison with a more knowledgeable partner, can initiate attempts
to fill one's own knowledge gaps to resolve this discrepancy. The text mining-based Grouping and
Representing Tool (GRT; Erkens, Bodemer, & Hoppe, 2016) supports learners by providing them with
knowledge-related information about their cognitive characteristics to support the identification of
discrepancies. The tool collects learner-generated artefacts as input and transforms it by using text
mining. The transformation has three main features (Erkens & Bodemer, 2019): processing the text to
identify relevant concepts, pairwise determining the texts’ differences for the group formation, and
clustering the concepts to identify topics and determine values representing to which extent these topics
are represented in each student’s text. The presentation of information directly connects to these
processes: The GRT lists topics offering information on what learning content to exchange knowledge
about (based on the interpretation of concept clusters) and provides information about the learning
partners as bar charts (how much both learning partners wrote about a topic within their texts). In a
school setting, the usage of the GRT resulted in increased knowledge acquisition and knowledge
convergence due to the exchange of knowledge between learning partners (Erkens et al., 2016). In a
laboratory study, we found indirect effects on knowledge gains mediated through partner modelling and
knowledge integration (Erkens & Bodemer, 2019). We have also found that the provision of
GRT-generated information about learning content improves questioning, as it, in combination with the
bars on one's own knowledge level, improves the focus on questions about topics with knowledge gaps.
Thus, the GRT is suitable to guide students, resulting in better learning processes and outcomes.
Student 1 Student 2
Topic 1:
greenhouse effect: short- and long-
wave radiation & ozone layer
Topic 2:
proposal for solution: switch to
information about renewable energies & electric cars
Based on theoretical assumptions and our empirical analyses, the preceding chapters illustrate the need
for versatile support features of cGATs to support collaborative learning and the benefit that may be
gained from making learners aware of knowledge discrepancies.
One of the major interests is the question of whether cGATs can be deployed in different
settings towards a variety of goals. The examples above illustrate that cGATs are able to support
learners in multiple contexts such as universities, schools, or social media across varying group sizes
from dyads to large communities as has been stated previously (Bodemer et al., 2018). Although the
empirical examples that we have provided look into different learning outcomes, the main educational
goal throughout is individual knowledge gain. CGATs are seldom deployed for other purposes, for
example, to foster the development of higher order skills like collaboration skills. Thus, they seem to be
deemed especially suited to support content-specific knowledge exchange in some form to foster
individual learning. This seems logical as one function of cGATs is to cue specific information
(Bodemer & Scholvien, 2014) and thus, the awareness information selected usually refers to
content-specific learning material (Bodemer et al., 2018).
Another key question is whether there are common features that suggest generic functions and
make cGATs versatile. Our examples show that cGATs can foster regulatory attempts based on various
types of discrepancies. Depending on setting and goal, the tools target information relating to the
content (tools 1 & 2) or the extent of knowledge (tools 1 & 3). However, the guiding functions these
tools use all rely on processing steps that simplify complex information, either by the way they are
collected (tool 1) or by the way they are transformed (tools 2 & 3). Within small groups and
internal-external discrepancies, cGATs usually do not break up the relationship between the selected
awareness information and the individual learner during transformation. This makes learners easily
identifiable fostering partner modelling and communication efforts (e.g., Dehler, Bodemer, Buder, &
Hesse, 2011; Erkens & Bodemer, 2019). Tools 1 and 3 deal with such small groups and thus abstain
from aggregating data across learners during transformation, which allows learners to differentiate self-
and partner-information (e.g., Schnaubert & Bodemer, 2016, 2019), both of which may affect both
learners’ behaviour (Lin, Tsai, Hsu, & Chang, 2019). On the contrary, to identify controversies within
wikis, identifiable individuals are of less importance than the overall state of knowledge within the
community. Tool 2 takes this into account when pre-interpreting discussion threads by relating
individual comments to transform them into one threefold measure, simplifying this highly complex
information (e.g., Heimbuch & Bodemer, 2017). Regarding data presentation, the coding mechanisms
used in cGATs support various types of basic cognitive operations, especially comparison processes.
For example, tool 1 uses spatial coding to allow to easily detect a discrepancy between the content of the
learners’ knowledge, while tool 2 uses colour-coding for highlighting controversies. Tool 3 uses bar
charts to support between-learner comparisons of the extent of the learners’ knowledge on a continuum
and additionally colour-codes the graphs to allow to easily relate a graph to a specific learner. Tool 1 on
the other hand uses colour-coding (hatching) to represent information on the extent of knowledge and
uses location to make the learners easily identifiable. Thus, all use various codes to convey different
information. While there seems to be a lot of adequate ways to present the data, it can be argued that
colour-coding may reach its limits when comparing continuous information as small differences may
become less easy to compare than when using charts. However, with binary or ternary measures,
colours may provide a powerful way to draw attention by flagging or highlighting specific information
as hue can be easily identified by the low-level visual system (Healey & Enns, 2012). Thus, the colour
spectrum may be used to code categorical information (like in tool 3) and brightness, saturation or
hatching may even code ordinal information if the number of possible values is low (like in tool 1).
Due to the number of possibilities of tool deployment, there is a need for systematic research.
The empirical findings suggest that processing information to allow for easy comparisons between
learners (tools 1 & 3) or even pre-interpreting discrepancies (tool 2) guides learners towards tackling
those discrepancies (e.g., Erkens & Bodemer, 2019; Heimbuch & Bodemer, 2018; Schnaubert &
Bodemer, 2019). How they tackle them seems to depend largely on affordances defined by the setting
and it is thus not surprising, that the effects on learning gains are less straightforward and vary between
tools. It becomes apparent that – while cGATs seem to be quite versatile and may guide collaborative
learning efforts towards potentially beneficial social conditions like various knowledge discrepancies in
various contexts – their effective employment largely depends on a number of decisions an educator has
to make with regard to their specific setup. Unfortunately, no guidelines exist to support educators who
want to use group awareness-support within a specific context. This is largely because research on
cGATs has up until now been a rather desultory endeavour with every new study developing effective
but essentially new tools with specific features and no overarching framework. Thus, the diversity of
the field is its biggest assets, but also one of its biggest issues. Altogether, there seem to be a vast
amount of possibilities to process data within cGATs, making them highly adaptable. However, there
also seem to be boundaries for specific processing steps and thus, guidelines can be developed that
support tool development and employment. To draw on this feature, we thus need systematic research
looking more deeply into generic functions of cGATs to develop guidelines for tool processing. These
guidelines need to consider the educational goal, but also the intended learning processes in conjunction
with the specific learning situation. This includes ideas about the discrepancies the tool is set to
highlight and the processes and activities these discrepancies are meant to trigger (e.g., argumentation,
knowledge exchange). We argue that the tools’ processing steps (data collection, data transformation,
data presentation) may be used as a framework for this kind of systematic approach as they comprise the
basic decisions an educator or tool designer has to make and allow to systematically include other
research areas such as computer science and research on human information processing.
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1. Introduction
The integration of Information, Communication and Technology (ICT) to facilitate 21st century
Teaching and Learning (T&L) had become pervasive in educational institutes globally (Ghavifekr &
Rosdy, 2015; Goh, Lee & Taylor, 2016; Valtonen, Sointu, Mäkitalo-Siegl & Kukkonen, 2015; Wilson,
Tete-Mensah & Boateng, 2014; Wu, Yen-Chun, Chia-I & Chih-Hung, 2017). Therefrom, creating a
technology-infused learning environment is no longer an alien affair. However, past research findings
had shown that educators perceived ICT-integrated lesson design significantly difficult, challenging
and demanding, especially when aligning among content, pedagogy and technology knowledge
(TPACK) (Chai, Koh, Lim & Tsai, 2014; Koehler, Mishra, Bouck, DeSchryver, Kereluik,Shin & Wolf,
2011; Looi, So, Toh & Chen, 2011; Wong, Chai, Zhang & King, 2015). Hence, in order to prepare these
pre-service teachers with the skillset to engage learners with meaningful use of technology, developing
them with the relevant competency to design such lessons is exigent (Finger, Romeo, Lloyd, Heck,
Sweeney, Albion & Jamieson-Proctor, 2015; Valtonen, Sointu, Mäkitalo-Siegl & Kukkonen, 2015).
In fact, past studies showed that collaboratively design technology-enhanced curriculum
materials do support teachers in becoming TPACK competent (as cited in Agyei & Voogt, 2012).
Effectively, research had also advocated that the engagement in design teams enabled productive
sharing of knowledge, skills, experience and challenges related to technology-enhanced T&L
(Kafyulilo, Fisser & Voogt, 2016; Voogt, Laferriere, Breuleux, Itow, Hickey & McKenney, 2015).
Even though collaboratively designing a curriculum can be administered with different approaches, the
use of technology to support collaborative learning and idea improvement is recommended (Chen, Looi,
Wen, 2012; Jeong & Hmelo-Silver, 2016; Resta & Laferrière, 2007; Stahl, Koschmann & Suthers,
2006). Furthermore, not only would computer-support impacts the collaborative lesson design, but it
could also improve learning in teacher education. Thus, we perceived that with Computer-supported
collaborative lesson design (CSCLD), the learning potential of collaboration in higher education will be
enhanced. In view of this, this study aimed to examine the process and outcome of scaffolding CSCLD
via the pedagogical support – the Spiral Model of Collaborative Knowledge Improvement (SMCKI)
(Chen, Zhang, Wen & Looi, 2019). The research questions (RQ) of the study are as follows:
1) How do the pre-service teachers collaboratively design the lesson ideas throughout the
different phases of SMCKI?
2) How do the inter-group critique help with the collaborative lesson idea design?
2. Literature Review
Using TPACK as a framework for designing TEL had been long acknowledged as a useful
approach to help build teachers' competency in integrating ICT in lessons design and implementation
(Chai, Koh, Tsai & Tan, 2011; Koh, 2013; Koh & Chai, 2016). TPACK was defined as the dynamic,
transactional relationship between the content, pedagogy and technology, and the combination of these
3 elements was aimed at developing appropriate, context-specific strategies and representations for
ICT-infused lessons (Koehler et al., 2007). Offered to teachers as a framework for effective technology
integration in T&L (Koehler, Mishra & Yahya, 2007; Mishra & Koehler, 2007). TPACK emphasizes
the integrated use of technology, pedagogy and content knowledge for effective technology integrated
lesson design (Thompson & Mishra 2007). However, past research studies that employed TPACK as a
lesson design knowledge in pre-service education did not seem to yield satisfactory results, although
perception and knowledge acquisition was relatively well established (Knoef & Lazonder, 2019).
So and Kim (2009) indicated that since content (CK), pedagogical (PK), and technological (TK)
knowledge are all inter-related, teacher education programs should be structured in a holistic manner to
allow pre-service teachers to see their connections as studies had found them less able to consider
linkages between content and pedagogy when envisioning their lesson agendas as compared with expert
teachers (Copeland et al., 1994; Leinhardt, 1989; Sabers et al., 1991). On this ground, Koh (2018)
discovered that design scaffolds had positive effects on teachers’ TPACK confidence and were useful to
help them articulate pedagogical change in their lesson designs. In addition, Tanak (2018) also
recommended including authentic experiences to create a practical experience in learning in a TEL
environment. For this reason, the learning-technology-by-design approach was adopted in this study.
Learning by Design is an approach whereby an environment is created for teachers to naturally
confront them through participating in the TPACK lesson design (Koehler & Mishra, 2005). This
differs from a traditional technology workshop or class where teachers were trained to be consumer of
tools, with the hope that they can apply them to their practice. By employing Learning by Design
approach in this study, not only can pre-service teachers collaboratively worked on designing a TEL
environment, they can experience such a learning environment as the capacity of a student as well.
Collaborative lesson design approach was deemed as a promising strategy for developing teachers’
learning and supporting them in becoming TPCK competent (as cited in Agyei & Voogt, 2012; Voogt,
Fisser, Roblin, Tondeur & van Braak, 2013). The benefits of the collaborative designing include: shared
cognition, increases the effectiveness of creative and innovation processes, critical understanding of a
product through reciprocal reasoning (Kangas, Seitamaa-Hakkarainen & Hakkarainen, 2013;
Tschimmel, 2012). Specifically, this approach promotes trying out new tools, expertise sharing,
reflection on pedagogy and collaborative work to improve teaching skills and the academic
performance of students (Kafyulilo et al., 2015; Lee, Lee & Kuptasthien, 2018) to bring about divergent
thinking among the teacher designers (Brown & Wyatt, 2010). In addition, findings had shown that
design teams offered collaborative learning opportunities, at the same time, enhance the development of
TPCK (Kafyulilo, Fisser & Voogt, 2015). Furthermore, collaborative and reflective practices were
reported to increase teachers’ understanding and thinking of their professional experiences in various
situations, emphasizing that prejudices can be overcome through interactions and collaboration with
peers (Aşık, Eroğlu İnce & Şarlanoğlu Vural, 2018).
Although there are several models and approaches to collaborative lesson design, this study adopted the
learning technology by design approach. This approach could provide theoretical grounding of
including technologies in the pedagogical decisions as well as appreciating the constraints and
affordances of using technologies in the working environment (Benning, Linsell & Ingram, 2018).
Indeed, this use of technology to support collaborative lesson design is also a form of
Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) (Stahl et al., 2006) as its application did “provide
communication, coordination and collaboration tools that ease group dynamic regardless of space-time
location of group members” (Costaguta, Santana-Mansilla, Lescano & Missio, 2019, p. 159). While
CSCL provided the means for CSCLD, SMCKI (Chen et al., 2019) was employed as the pedagogical
model in this study. Elaboration on the 5-phase SMCKI will be delineated at the methodology section.
3. Methodology
The participants in this study were 23 pre-service Chinese language teachers who were in their 3rd year
of the Bachelor of Arts programme with the National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological
University Singapore. They were enrolled in a course on designing effective ICT-integrated learning
environments. Demographics of participants comprises: 78% between 20 – 25 years old and the
remaining between 26 – 35 years old. The lecturer is the 2nd author of the paper, who had 2½ years of
experiences in educating pre-service teachers on the effective use of technology for T&L of the Chinese
language. Given the practical constraints, only a small sample size was recruited.
Among the 23 students, a total of 6 groups were formed by students themselves, with 5 groups
of 4 members each and 1 group with 3 members. According to Chapman, Meuter, Toy and Wright
(2006), self-selected groups may simulate “real-world” workgroups more closely than randomly
assigned groups and evidence had suggested that self-selected groups led to better group dynamics and
yield better group collaborative work results” (as cited in Chapman et al., 2006, p. 560).
The CSCLD was carried out in January 2019 with a 1-hour duration. During the face-to-face
(F2F) lesson, participants were tasked to collaboratively design an ICT-integrated lesson unit for
Chinese language T&L targeting at primary schools students in Singapore. The task requirements
comprised: 1) content alignment with the Singapore Chinese language curriculum; 2) at least 2
language skills (listening, speaking, reading or writing); 3) CSCL with appropriate PK and TK. With
CK as participants’ prior knowledge, the lecturer taught them the necessary PK and TK. The PK for this
task consists of 3 lesson design principles: 1) seven affordances of CSCL (Jeong & Hmelo-Silver,
2016), 2) the seven pedagogical principles for collaborative virtual environment (Rubens, Emans,
Leinonen, Skarmeta & Simons, 2005) and 3) the seven principles of designing a student-centered
learning environment (Aw, 2018). Among the various TKs taught the specific online collaborative
platform Padlet was used as the media for the CSCLD process as well. The selection of Padlet was
premised on an affordance analysis based on 3 online collaboration tools (Google doc, Linoit and
Padlet) (Mallon & Bernsten, 2015). Padlet ranked highest as it possesses the feature of linking
comments with the generated post (idea), which is important for ease of peer-comments visualization in
this study.
Prior to the CSCLD, each group leader had to create their group Padlet board and share it with
their group members. The hyperlink of the group’s Padlet board was subsequently posted to the virtual
class wall, Edmodo. Every participant within the class had an account in Edmodo. Edmodo class page
served as a base camp for communication and dissemination of information. Through the hyperlinks,
the lecturer could also monitor the online posts for each group at each phase. The following delineates
the CSCLD procedure via SMCKI:
Phase 1 Individual brainstorming (10 minutes): Individual lesson ideas posting based on
learners’ needs on the Padlet group board.
Phase 2 Intra-group Synergizing (20 minutes): At the individual group level, members view the
lesson idea of each other, discuss, consolidate and synthesize a highest quality group lesson idea.
Phase 3 Inter-group critique (15 minutes): Based on round-robin schedule, participants view
other group’s lesson idea and provide constructive comments and suggestions for idea improvement.
Phase 4 Intra-group refinement (15 minutes): Participants returned to their group board to read
the comments/suggestions given by other groups. Intra-group discussion took place and to refine their
lesson idea.
Phase 5 Individual perfection (after class): Individual participant reflects his/her take-away
from the collaborative lesson design activity and writes a reflection report.
Lesson ideas generated at phase 1 (P1), phase 2 (P2) and phase (P4), including peer comments at phase
3 (P3) from Padlet were collected to examine the learning process and outcome of the CSCLD activity.
To answer the RQ1 on whether SMCKI is effective in proving students’ ideas through the
CSCLD, both the quantity and quality of lesson ideas generated were examined via content analysis.
The unit of analysis was each lesson idea posted at P1, P2 and P4 in the Padlet group boards. Given the
context of the lesson design for ICT-integrated lesson, the coding scheme for evaluating lesson idea on
using TPACK for meaningful learning with ICT (Koh, 2013) was adopted in this study. Koh’s coding
scheme was based on Jonassen, Howland, Moore, and Marra’s (2002) and Howland et al.’s (2012)
framework of meaningful learning with ICT. The 5 dimensions that characterized how ICT could
support "Meaningful Learning" are:
1) active – where students were not passive listeners but actively manipulating objects and
information, and observing results; 2) constructive – where students constructed knowledge, reflected,
and articulated their personal understandings of the phenomenon; 3) authentic – where students
engaged in the solving of real-world problems; 4) intentional – where students set their learning goals
and planned their learning pathways; and 5) cooperative – where students worked with peers to learn.
Each post was coded from the 5 dimensions with a scale of 1 to 5 based on the quality of the
content. Lesson ideas at P1 were individually scored and the mean score computed to compare against
the group synergized idea at P2 and P4. Out of the 6 groups, 5 groups showed collaborative knowledge
improvement from P1 to P2. The idea improvement at P4 was evident after P3 as well. Results showed
that 5 out of 6 groups had productive intra-group discussions which led to improved lesson idea at P4.
Therefore the RQ 1 is answered. Guided by SMCKI, the CSCLD, to a large extent, had supported
pre-service teachers’ collaborative knowledge improvement in the lesson design process.
To answer the RQ2 on how the inter-group critique helped with the collaborative lesson design,
further content analysis was conducted on the inter-group peer comments data at P3 to examine if and
how the inter-group peer critique help improve the quality of the lesson ideas. Based on the coded data,
there were a total of 56 comments (M=2.4) made during the mere 15-minutes at P3. Of all the comments
analyzed, 43% reflected relevant supporting evidence and reasoning using the lesson design principles
and task requirement. The coding scheme from Clark and Sampson (2007) and Chen et al. (2019) was
adapted to analyze the peer comments. The 4 dimensions in the coding scheme are: 1) Support (with
relevant evidence or reasoning); 2) Rebuttal (attack an explanation with relevant shreds of evidence or
reasoning); 3) Query (seek clarification with relevant evidence or reasoning), and 4) Emotive appeal
(the comment is emotional in nature without relevant evidence or reasoning). Each comment was coded
with a scale of 1-5 where 5 refers to perfect and 1 refers to absence or irrelevant for all the 4 dimensions
above. Of the 4 dimensions, the rebuttal and query played a pivotal role both as a reminder and a trigger
to induce further considerations to the lesson design objectives and procedures during P4. The
improvements made to the lesson ideas at P4 can be tracked with the comments they received from
other groups in P3. Out of the 6 groups, 4 groups demonstrated improvement to their lesson design at
P4. Two cases were presented below to illustrate how each group’s lesson ideas were improved by
addressing comments from other groups.
Table 1
Translated critiques and lesson idea improvement for Case 1 (G5)
Phase Lesson idea / Comments (Chinese texts translated to English)
P2 “Lesson objective: Students can list the ways and examples of a healthy lifestyle. Lesson Procedure:
Students collaboratively complete a poster using multimedia.
1. Students type or use pictures to populate their idea on the WHITEBOARD on the ways to take
good care of our body. 2. Group discussion on individual ideas. 3. Students to complete a group poster
after discussion.”
P3 Comments by G4: “What is the relationship between a poster and oral? ”
“Are students able to learn commonly-used oral skills? ”
P4 “Lesson objective: Students can list the ways and examples of a healthy lifestyle. Students
collaboratively complete a poster using multimedia with recorded speech. 1. Students type or use
pictures to populate their idea on the WHITEBOARD on the ways to take good care of our body. 2.
Group discussion take place referencing individual ideas. 3. Each group to complete a poster after
discussion. 4. Inter-group assessment on the poster on the suitability of the content and make
corrections where necessary. 5. Group refinement on poster based on comments. 6. Homework:
students to record their speech using the group poster. ”
The above Table 1 showed Group 5 (G5)’s synergized lesson ideas at P2, inter-group
comments received from Group 4 (G4) at P3, and G5 improved ideas at P4 (bolded words). G5’s
original synergized lesson idea (P2) was to engage students with oral ideas collected through the
collaborative construction of a poster surrounding the topic. This lesson idea was commented with
queries from G4 members (see Table 1). Addressing this at P4, an added lesson objective was included
to align the purpose of cultivating oral skill using the poster. Additional activities were also included to
help students practice their oral presentation skill. The improvement from P2 to P4 was characterized by
the use of ICT tools to support students in investigating real-world phenomena (P4) rather than using
ICT tools for mere presentation (P2). According to Koh (2013), “the more the activity facilitated
students to make connections between their own experiences and the real-world phenomenon
associated with the subject matter, the more it was considered as authentic” (p. 891). In this case, the
improved idea served both the practical needs of school-based oral assessment and also as a life skill
with poster presentation.
Table 2
Translated critiques and lesson idea improvement for Case 2 (Group 2)
Phase Lesson idea / Comments (Chinese texts translated to English)
P2 Students brainstorm the letter-writing content at Mindmeister/ Popplet. This is to construct a group
planning mind map.
P3 Comments from G1: “I felt that student would probably create different types of mindmap. To avoid
that, the teacher could provide a standard template to help students with brainstorming.”
“Multi-sensory principle: when working on the mindmap, can let students draw or write in text.”
Comment from G4: “Lack of scaffold in the lesson design. The teacher can provide a template, let the
students use the template to sprout their ideas and refine their own product using peer comments.”
P4 “At the individual brainstorming, allow each student to search for the information related to the
country the group is assigned to. Thereafter, they can post their own ideas to the mindmap. We will
provide a letter-writing mindmap template for the students to fill in (eg greeting phrase, what did we
do during the last meeting, where do you intend to go during the holidays, what about the season and
weather, conclusion./Weather in country N, places of interest ETC)”
Table 2 demonstrated how Group 2 (G2) improved the quality of “constructive” dimension of
the idea of the lesson from P2 (quality score = 3) to phase 4 (quality score = 4) by aggressing comments
from other groups. This improvement was characterized through the use of ICT tools to synthesize
information in order to construct verbal, written, visual, conceptual or product-oriented expressions of
the subject matter. The inclusion of the “template” with “scaffold” at P4 provided a concrete base
where students can brainstorm and construct the letter-writing content more systematically. Although
there was no change to the individual brainstorming procedure, including a “mindmap template for the
students to fill in (see Table 2) provided the means for information synthesis. This “template” which
served as a “scaffold” was suggested by both G1 and G4 at P3. According to Lim and Tay (2003),
higher-order thinking would only be possible with appropriate support structures and informative tools.
This suggested that the improvement at P4 provided higher levels of the constructive dimension, which
was demonstrated by knowledge expressions through the scaffold (Koh, 2013).
From the 2 cases presented, we perceived that the inter-group critique (SMCKI-P3) did
contribute to the collaborative lesson design. Not only did the online critiques served as explicit means
for the participants to engage in a self-diagnosis and remediation of the learning gaps (Koh, 2013), the
same critique was also used as an agent for improving their individual group lesson design at P4.
5. Discussion & Conclusion
Findings from this study suggested that the 5-phase SMCKI model supported pre-service teachers with
fruitful CSCLD. While collaboration among designers is often seen as challenging (Leinonen &
Durall-Gazulla, 2014), findings from this study revealed that through collaboration in design teams
guided by SMCKI, participants were able to learn from each other and from their practices as they
designed the ICT-integrated lessons (Kafyulilo et al., 2016). The application of this approach suggested
that teacher learning can be effective if it is situated in a meaningful context, with active engagement of
their own learning process and collaborating with their peers (Voogt et al., 2011). Critical thinking was
promoted throughout the SMCKI process as participants had to continually engage themselves with the
design principles during the intra-group discussion and inter-group critique (Kafyulilo et al., 2016).
Through the active participation of the activities scaffolded by SMCKI, a knowledge creation culture
was well initiated (Scardamalia & Bereiter, 2006). Pre-service teachers could see themselves and their
work as “part of the civilization-wide effort to advance knowledge frontiers” (Scardamalia & Bereiter,
2006, p. 98). The culture of knowledge improvement was hence fulfilled in this activity.
Being a small scale case study, there are several limitations. Apart from the small sample size,
the current data analysis only focused on the artefacts generated on the online platform. Future study
can be conducted to examine both students’ online communication and F2F discussion during the
various phases of SMCKI. In addition, individual reflections could also be analyzed to understand the
perceptions of collaborative learning in higher-education setting. Finally, considerations can be made to
explore the employment of SMCKI as a pedagogical model for other disciplines or tasks in CSCLD.
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Abstract: Studies in collaborative learning have shown that explanation activities drawing on
diverse perspectives facilitate deeper understanding and metacognition. However, it is difficult
to develop an explicit understanding of others’ perspectives and knowledge through
communication in a computer-mediated environment. The present study investigated the use of
a visually shared concept map interface, expected to facilitate dyadic awareness of different
perspectives and thus improve learning performance during explanation activities. In this study,
each dyad built a concept map about a key technical term in psychology, and generated
explanations of the term and generated explanations of the term on mutually accessible concept
maps. We predicted that learners would be able to (1) gain deeper knowledge through the shared
explanations; and (2) explain the key term from different perspectives or knowledge sets.
Twenty-six university students participated in this experiment, and we assessed their
performance through free recall tests before and after they used the concept mapping tool. Our
findings showed that learners were able to (1) gain learning performance and (2) explain a
concept based on different perspectives. We discuss the implications of our findings and
suggest directions for further research on the development of learning support systems.
1. Introduction
Explanations generated and shared among learners in collaborative learning are important
strategies to facilitate metacognition and sophisticated interactions (Chi, Leeuw, Chiu, & Lavancher,
1994; Miyake, 1986; Shirouzu, Miyake & Masukawa, 2002; Hayashi, 2019). When developing
efficient computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL) environments employing explanation
activities, it is important to understand the type of interactions useful in the facilitation of such
Drawing on Vygotsky’s sociocultural learning theories (Vygotsky, 1980; Lave & Wenger,
1991), numerous studies in the cognitive sciences have focused on learner-to-learner collaborative
learning (Roschelle,1992; Schwartz, 1995; Okada & Simon, 1997; Hayashi, 2018a). Throughout these
studies, the importance of posing questions and developing explanations to share with peers in the
facilitation of metacognition and deeper understanding has been emphasized (Miyake, 1986; Shirouzu
et al., 2002). Past research in cognitive psychology has shown that self-explanation facilitates
metacognitive processing, further supporting the implication that peer-to-peer explanation benefits the
learning process.
What are the mechanisms that facilitate effective peer-to-peer explanation activities? Shirouzu,
et al. (2002), through their investigation of a simple origami task, point out that the generation of
peer-to-peer explanations provides individuals with an opportunity to externalize their particular
perspectives and sharing it with their collaborators. The listener will interpret this externalized thought
based on their own perspective, which could lead to a request for further explanation of the first
individual’s perspective. In this iterative process, reflective feedback between peers provides an
opportunity to reconsider the context that was initially posed to the collaborator. Furthermore, the
listener may interpret the content in a different way, providing the speaker with an opportunity to
re-consider the content from a different perspective. This indicates that interactions based on different
perspectives facilitate metacognition and improved content learning through the exchange of different
Studies in cognitive science have explored the process of successful collaboration between
participants holding different perspectives (Hayashi, Miwa & Morita, 2007; Hayashi, 2008b) and found
that collaborative problem-solving based on different perspectives in a setting with constrained
communication channels, including computer-mediated interactions, are more likely to fail (Hayashi &
Miwa, 2011). On the other hand, richer environments where learners have access to multiple
communication channels, are more likely to succeed in such type of activities. This leads us to consider
the types of technology that can be used in CSCL environments to facilitate a successful exchange of
knowledge and perspectives among peers.
Previous CSCL studies investigating the use of social awareness tools have explored the ways
in which the use of such technology foster learning performance and support learner interaction
(Dillenbourg & Fischer, 2007; Bodemer, 2011). For example, studies using shared concept-mapping
that allows participants to observe different knowledge sets have demonstrated participants’ ability to
collaboratively obtain new knowledge (Engelmann & Hesse, 2010; Sangin, Molinari, Nüssli &
Dillenbourg, 2011). In the study conducted by Molinari, Sangin, Dillenbourg and Nüssli (2009), dyads
were able to access visualizations (individual concept maps) of their own and their partners’ prior
knowledge through both own and peer-generated maps. They found that the degree to which
participants co-manipulate the same objects in the collaborative map was higher when they discussed
identical information. This indicates that information provided by their partners helped learners gain
deeper levels of understanding. However, the limitations of this study possess two problems. Firstly, the
researchers did not analyze learning performance based on a pre-post design, which limits inferences
about learners’ process of knowledge acquisition. Secondly, the study did not focus on the mechanism
through which different perspectives and knowledge were acquired in peer-to-peer interactions. It is
therefore necessary to investigate the types of knowledge and perspectives that emerge through the
whole process.
Against this backdrop, we conducted an experiment where individuals paired into collaborative
learning dyads each built a concept map about a key technical term in psychology and generated
explanations to each other while being able to see each other’s concept maps. It was predicted that
learners would be able to (1) gain deeper knowledge through the explanations (H1), and (2) explain the
term from different perspectives or using different knowledge sets (H2).
2. Method
For this experiment, 26 university students (male = 11, female = 15) were recruited and
separated into 13 pairs. The average age was 20.7 (SD = 1.37) and the experiment utilized a factorial
within-subjects design.
In the experiment, two PCs were prepared for use by participants. Two monitors were
connected to the PCs; two video-recording devices (Sony, HDR-CX680) were set up; and Cmap
software (https://cmap.ihmc.us/) for the development and synchronization of concept maps was
installed on the PCs. This set-up allowed for the simultaneous production and sharing of concept maps,
thereby enabling efficient sharing of knowledge and externalized experiences among participants.
In the experimental task, participants were not able to see each other, although they were able to
do so in the face-to-face setting.
2.3 Procedure
The experiment consisted of two phases. Participants first read the material provided on the key
psychological term (attribution theory) individually, and then developed their explanations of the term
through concept-mapping, using the Cmap software. Before the collaboration, they were instructed to
make the concept map about it explaining to each other by themselves. Prior to the explanation activity,
participants developed concept maps individually to familiarize themselves with the system, after
which they received instruction on concept maps (e.g. the use of concept maps in demonstrating
relationships between concepts) and the use of Cmap software.
Next, participants had 15 minutes to study the learning material on attribution theory, followed
by the middle-test to evaluate the extent of learners’ gained knowledge on attribution theory. It was
expected that learners would acquire more information following the middle-test, thus increasing the
amount of generated content.
Participants were instructed to “freely write about attribution theory” as a test to assess
participants’ knowledge. As will be explained in the next section, this was conducted before they read
the material(pre-test), after they finished reading(middle-test) and after the task(post-test). It was
expected that effective interaction between learners during this task would enhance their post-test
performance, compared to the pre- and middle-test conditions.
Learning performance and lexical network analysis were set as dependent variables and
expected to change between tests. As explained previously, the dependent variables were collected
through three phases. The pre-test was conducted prior to starting the task and middle-test after they
read the description to determine the change in the first variable. The post-test after collaborative
learning using concept maps was conducted to determine changes in the experimental task.
Learning performance was assessed through coding, conducted by two coders. The first coder
conducted all coding and the second conducted coding on 20% of the data, selected at random.
Krippendorff's alpha coefficient was 0.96 and coding conducted by the first coder was used for analysis
(Schneider & Pea, 2014). Coding was standardized as follows:
naïve correct or not based on demonstrated knowledge: 1 point;
participants provided an abstract answer based on demonstrated knowledge, without
explanation: 2 points;
participants’ answers reflected demonstrated knowledge, but the answer or knowledge
were incorrect: 3 points; and
participants answered correctly based on demonstrated knowledge: 4 points.
In addition to these, one point was added for each of the following: using a concrete example;
providing a unique explanation; demonstrating a new discovery through the explanation; and using own
words instead of verbatim replication of the text.
The final dependent variable, lexical network analysis, focused on the lexical networks extracted from
the responses to the middle- and post-tests. All the textual data from the middle- and post-tests were
analyzed using morphological analysis, following the method proposed by Hayashi & Inoue (2015). We
developed a lexical network for each phase and compared the results.
3. Result
To test H1, we analyzed the changes in learners’ scores on tests evaluating learning performance.
* p < .05, ***p < .001
Figure 1. Comparison between mean test scores. The error bar indicates SD and asterisks indicate
statistical significance.
Figure 1 depicts the mean test scores derived from coding, showing significant differences among the
three test phases (F (2, 25) = 173.78, p < .001, partial η2 = 0.87). Multiple comparisons using the Ryan’s
method revealed that pre-test scores were significantly lower than other tests (p = .00, p = .00),
consistent with results obtained through comparison of the average numbers. Furthermore, the average
post-test score was higher than that of the middle test (p = .02). This result supports our hypothesis,
indicating that learners gain better understanding through explanation activities using the concept map.
Learners’ performance on the middle and post-test was analyzed to explore the impact of
different types of knowledge and perspectives on their performance, in consideration of H2. Pearson’s
correlation analysis was conducted to compare noun production between middle- and post-test
individually, with the average established at -0.39 (SD = 0.22). All participants had a negative
correlation between the two phases of the lexical network analysis, indicating that learners utilized
different types of words between the middle- and post-tests. Figure 2 shows an example of one
participant’s lexical network, indicating its negative correlations.
middle-test post-test
Figure 2. An example of one learner’s lexical network. The correlation between lexical networks for
this participant was -0.67.
Taking into consideration our finding that learners used different types of perspective and
knowledge sets at post-test, this finding supports our second hypothesis.
The goal of this study was to conduct an experiment on collaborative learning dyads, where
each dyad built a concept map on a key technical term in psychology, and generated explanations of the
term to each other where they were able to see each other’s concept maps. It was predicted that learners
would able to (1) gain deeper knowledge through the explanations (H1), and (2) explain the key term
from different perspectives or knowledge sets (H2). Results of the comparisons between the pre-,
middle- and post-tests in terms of the amount of descriptions generated and the evaluation scores,
suggest that the learners drew on more sophisticated learning strategies to gain knowledge. Moreover,
results obtained when we tested H1 suggest that learning performance increased between the middle-
and post-test phases, supported our first hypothesis. This indicated that learners actually gained more
knowledge through interaction using the concept map. It is important to note that previous studies
(Engelmann & Hesse, 2010; Sangin et al., 2011) did not conduct similar comparisons between test
phases. Our study therefore expands the empirical evidence base through more sophisticated data
The results obtained in testing H2 demonstrated the variety of perspectives and knowledge sets
utilized between the middle- and post-test phases, supporting our second hypothesis. Through this
analysis we were able to capture the degree to which learners used different types of knowledge during
their explanation activities, using the concept map. Considering the analysis conducted in a previous
study (Hayashi & Inoue, 2015), there was a drastic change in the use of different types of perspective
and knowledge sets between the two phases. This could be attributed to the use of the concept map.
However, as the goal of this study was not the clarification of this phenomenon, further investigation is
needed to assess the effect of the concept map in this regard.
One future study will investigate the development of collaborative learning systems that enable
the facilitation of increased awareness of other learners’ knowledge, and we are considering the use of
conversational agent to monitor learners’ activities while also providing direct suggestions on the use of
different perspectives and knowledge sets during their interactions. In our laboratory, we have
conducted a number of studies on the use of these conversational agents (Hayashi, 2019; Hayashi,
2018a; Hayashi, 2018c; Hayashi & Inoue, 2015). However, to date there have been very few attempts to
use these technologies to improve awareness of different perspectives and knowledge sets of
collaborative partners, based on concept maps. The analysis from the current study provides an initial
framework for the use of concept maps in generating different perspectives, suggesting that the use of
conversational agent may yield even better results.
This work was supported by the Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (KAKENHI), No.
16KT0157 & 16K00219.
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1. Introduction
Problem solving has been considered one of the key elements of computational thinking (Wing, 2006).
The Computer Science Standard K12 framework developed by the Computer Science Teacher
Association (CSTA) characterizes computational thinking as a problem solving process that applies
selected strategies (K12CS). Dagiene and colleagues (Dagiene et al., 2016) developed a
two-dimensional categorization system for the framework BEBRAS that takes account of
computational thinking skills as well as concepts in Computer Science. The BEBRAS framework is
also based on problem solving. Unlike the frameworks for computational thinking relying on Computer
Science education (CSTA K12 and BEBRAS), the PISA framework for Computational Thinking is
supposed to be a part of Mathematics (Lorenceau et al., 2019). This framework considers computational
thinking skills as part of the problem-solving process.
In order to support learners in solving programming problems, and thus, in enhancing their
computational thinking skills, software development strategies could be involved. In this paper, we
present a crowd-programming approach that is based on two software development strategies:
peer-review and pair-programming. The crowd-programming approach is deployed in a
computer-supported learning system, which is intended to support learners in improving their
computational thinking skills.
provided by the system quickly. The topics of the ten lessons are: syntax of JavaScript, comment,
variable, variable modification, function, data types and Boolean, logical operators and comparatives
(for number), logical operators and comparatives (for Boolean), If-statement, For-statement. The
introduction texts and exercise texts should be expressed in an understandable way for high school
students. Thus, the composition of ten lessons above was consulted from the books “JavaScript for
Kids” (Morgan, 2014) and “JavaScript for Dummies” (Harris, 2012).
Hint: don’t forget to initialize the variable Bonbons with the keyword “var”
In order to select the best hints in the collective pool for a specific coding state, the distance
between the learner’s code and the reference coding state is computed using the Levenshtein algorithm,
because algorithm is commonly used as a metric for string matching (Navarro, 2001). The Levenshtein
distance is computed by the number of deletion, addition, and replacement operations that are required
to transform the learner’s code to the reference coding state (or vice versa). The algorithm for choosing
the best hints follows. The Levenshtein distance between the learner’s code and the referenced code of a
feedback is computed. Then, the distance is divided by the length of the referenced code. If the division
value is 1, the Levenshtein distance and the length of the referenced code are equal. The best hint is
chosen, if it has not been shown and its division value is highest (i.e., closed to value 1). In addition to
Levenshtein distance, meta-review values for hints are also considered. If two hints have a difference of
the division value within the threshold of 0.2, the hint with higher meta-review value will be chosen.
General feedback (e.g., regarding coding style) that does not have a referenced code will also be
selected if it has not been displayed yet and has a highest meta-review value.
Inputting hints: For inputting hints, the fourth user interface (Figure 2) is required. Those learners
who have completed an exercise assignment successfully, are asked to input hints and suggestions for
helping peers, who will have to go through the lessons later. The procedure for inputting hints is
following. When the learner receives the information that his/her solution is correct, he/she is asked to
leave hints which may be helpful for peers later. Then, the learner should think about which code line(s)
were difficult for him/her and would be problematic for peers. The learner should mark those code lines
(which are referred to as reference coding state) and give hint. A learner can input several hints and
different reference coding states.
We contacted high schools in Berlin and could acquire 64 students from grade 8 to 12. Since 3
Pre/Post-tests were missing, these data entries could not be considered. At the end, we had a sample size
of 61 participants that were distributed in three conditions whereas more participants were assigned to
the experiment condition than in other conditions because the SUPELS system should be evaluated not
only quantitatively but also qualitatively: Condition 1: 30 participants in the experiment group suing the
SUPELS system; Condition 2: 20 participants in the condition with pair-programming using a software
development environment; Condition 3: 11 participants in the control group (using introduction texts
from course books for solving JavaScript programming exercises).
4.3 Results
Hypothesis 1a: Learners in Condition 1 requires less time for problem-solving than in other conditions.
Hypothesis 1b: Learners Condition 1 needs less solution submission attempts than in other conditions.
Hypothesis 1c: Learners in Condition 1 less request bottom-out hints than other conditions.
Hypothesis 1d: Learners in Condition 1 achieves higher number of lessons in a specific time period (70
minutes) than in other conditions.
In order to test the hypotheses 1a, 1b, and 1d, the one-factorial variance analysis ANOVA can be used to
compare the difference between two independent groups, because each group has an independent
variable. Considering Hypothesis 1a, the dependent variable is time required for solving exercise
assignments. Applying the Shapiro-Wilk-Method, time required for solving exercises with the Gaussian
distribution was not normally distributed (α=0.05) for all three conditions. However, research studies
showed that one-factorial ANOVA is robust for violation of normal distribution (Lix et al., 1996;
Salkin, 2010) and the violation of normal distribution is not critical if the data sample size is over 25.
The Levene-Test shows that homogeneity of variance is present (p=0.092). Thus, the ANOVA analysis
is valid. For testing Hypothesis 1a, there were 274 data entries of crowd-programming, 95 of
pair-programming, and 109 of control group. Each data entry represents time required for one lesson
(reading an introduction text and solve an exercise successfully) by one subject, and thus is
independent. Table 1 shows that the crowd-programming group required more time (m=169.3; sd=159)
than other groups, but the difference between the groups is statistically not significant (F(2, 475)=0.88;
p=0.42) at a significance level of 0.05. Thus, Hypothesis 1a can be rejected.
Table 1
Results for Hypotheses 1a and 1b
Condition 1 Condition 2 Condition 3 F p
Time for 169.3 (sd=159) 161.6 146.5 (sd=147) 0.88 0.42
problem-solving (sd=145.2)
# submission attempts 2.66 (sd=5.34) 3.86 (sd=3.12) 2.87 (sd=2.48) 2.60 0.08
# completed lessons 9.13 (sd=2) 9.5 (sd=1.08) 9.9 (sd=0.3) 2.58 0.10
Regarding Hypothesis 1b, there were also 274 data entries of crowd-programming, 95 of
pair-programming, and 109 of control group. Each data entry represents the number of submission
attempts required by each subject to achieve the correct solution for each exercise assignment, and thus
is independent. Table 1 shows that the pair-programming group (m=3.86; sd=3.12) needed more
submission attempts than other groups, but the difference between the conditions is statistically not
significant (F(2, 475)=2.6; p=0.075) at a significance level of 0.05. Hypothesis 1b can be rejected.
Table 2
Results for Hypothesis 1c
B (coefficient) SD Df p Exp(B)
-0.63 0.19 1 0.001 0.53
For Hypothesis 1c, 274 data entries of crowd-programming, 95 of pair-programming, 109 of control
group were collected. Each data entry represents whether a learner requested the bottom-out hint (i.e.,
correct solution provided by the system) or developed a correct solution for an exercise assignment by
him-/herself. Thus, the data entries are independent. The probability of requesting a bottom-out hint is
0.49 (sd=0.5) for the crowd-programming group, 0.72 (sd=0.45) for the pair-programming group, and
0.58 (sd=0.5) for the control group, respectively. This statistical result shows that learners in the
crowd-programming group requested bottom-out hint least frequently. In order to examine whether the
difference between the groups is statistically significant, logistic regression is used for analysis. Since
the dependent variable only has the value 0 (learner has not requested the bottom-out hint) and value 1
(learners has requested the bottom-out hint), the assumption for binomial distribution is satisfied. Table
2 shows that the beta coefficient is negative (B = -0.63) with a standard deviation of 0.19 and Odds
Ratio is less than 1 (Exp(B)=0.53). Thus, the probability that a learner of the crowd-programming group
requesting bottom-out hints decreases by 63%. In addition, this probability is significant (p=0.001).
For testing Hypothesis 1d, the number of completed lessons is calculated, which ranges between 0 and
10. A completed lesson means that a learner has solved the associated exercise assignment successfully.
For 10 lessons, there were 70 minutes. Table 1 shows that the control group could (m=9.9, sd=0.3)
complete more lessons than the pair-programming group (m=9.13, sd=2.0) followed by the
crowd-programming group (m=9.37, sd=1.62). Note, the standard deviation of the pair-programming
group is relatively high. The result of WELCH test F(2, 20.54)=2.58 shows that the difference between
the groups is statistically not significant (p=0.10) at a significance level of 0.05. Thus, Hypothesis 1d
can be rejected.
5. Conclusions
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Education. Taiwan: Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education
Abstract: Over the last decade, there has been growing interest in Science, Technology,
Engineering, Arts, and Math (STEAM) education to promote creativity and design thinking in
schools. Knowledge Building, which engages students in sustained, interdisciplinary work with
ideas, represents one pedagogical approach to achieve these goals, while Knowledge Forum
technology facilitates the implementation of STEAM education in classrooms. This study
explores the simultaneous development of 8- and 9-year-old’s scientific literacy, graphical
literacy, and mathematical literacy in Knowledge Forum. Between fall and winter term, a grade
3 class studied growth and changes in plants. Qualitative analyses on student work in
Knowledge Forum reveal increasingly proficient use of expert vocabulary to explain scientific
phenomena, as well as productive use of increasingly complex graphical and mathematical
representations to explore socio-scientific issues. Study implications are discussed within the
context of STEAM education and assessment of 21st Century competencies.
1. Introduction
Creativity is becoming widely recognized as one of the most important competencies of the 21 st century
(e.g., OECD, 2018; World Economic Forum, 2016). Given the growing need to build collective
capacity for creativity, educators and policymakers have been advocating to expand Science,
Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) education into Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts,
and Math (STEAM) education (Butler & Luke, 2012; Liao, 2016). STEAM education is defined as:
“The inclusion of the liberal arts and humanities in STEM education; some STEAM
conceptions simply use the ‘A’ to indicate a fifth discipline area— namely, arts and
humanities, with sub-disciplines as have historically existed for STEM areas;
however, an alternative conception is to integrate liberal arts and humanities into
STEM education as an expansion of an expanded crossdisciplinary approach being
advocated for STEM education.” (Spector, 2015, p. 5)
One of the core aims of STEAM education is to make design thinking an explicit process of
knowing and learning to facilitate the integration of the disciplines (Bequette & Bequette, 2012) and the
development of students’ creativity (Maeda, 2012; Henriksen, 2014). This perspective is in line with
Knowledge Building (Scardamalia & Bereiter, 2014), a pedagogical approach that engages students in
sustained creative work with ideas. During Knowledge Building, students work together to tackle
complex, real-world problems. They generate theories and hypotheses, critique explanations, and
examine multiple sources of evidence from different perspectives before refining their theories to
advance collective understanding. An online platform called Knowledge Forum (Scardamalia, 2017) is
commonly used as the community design space for students to share ideas, build on ideas, take them
apart, and reorganize them in more conceptually coherent ways. Past studies provide evidence that the
integration of Knowledge Forum into daily classroom practices significantly enhances students’
scientific literacy (Sun & Zhang, 2010), mathematical literacy (Moss & Beatty, 2010), and graphical
literacy (Gan, Scardamalia, Hong, & Zhang, 2010).
Given the interdisciplinary nature of Knowledge Building and Knowledge Forum, it follows
that Knowledge Forum is a promising technology for engaging students in STEAM-related activities.
This study explores how students can simultaneously develop scientific literacy, graphical literacy, and
mathematical literacy through sustained collaborative work with ideas in Knowledge Forum. Over the
span of eight months, 22 students in a grade 3 class in Toronto, Canada studied growth and changes in
plants (Ontario Ministry of Education, 2007). Students wrote over 400 notes across 9 views in
Knowledge Forum on topics such as, “Do Plants Grow”, “Plant Roots”, “Worms and Leaves”, “The
Bean Video”, “Plant Experiments”, “Photosynthesis”, “Photosynthesis Seen from Space”, and
“Travelling Inside a Leaf”. On average, each student wrote 20 notes, read 62 notes, and created 4
drawings, suggesting they were actively engaged in multimedia-rich activities on Knowledge Forum. In
the sections below, we traced qualitative shifts in students’ contribution patterns across the three
different literacies between the fall term and the winter term.
2. Scientific Literacy
Scientific literacy is “the ability to engage with science-related issues, and with the ideas of science, as
a reflective citizen” (OECD, 2016). This includes the ability to explain phenomena, design experiments,
and interpret data. In Knowledge Forum, students can contribute their ideas as notes to be further built
on by their peers. The note editor includes a textbox, epistemic markers, and keyword tags (see Table 1)
to facilitate the learning of new concepts and ideas. In this section, the analysis will focus on shifts in
students’ vocabulary use in their notes as they explain the scientific phenomenon of photosynthesis.
Figure 1. Knowledge Forum view and analytic tools, Word Cloud (left), Lexical Analysis (right).
Figure 1 shows one of the initial views on plants and the word cloud (left) associated with that
view. Table 1 (top row) shows examples of students’ notes when they were sharing questions and
theories of how plants grow and change. Intuitively, students were able to identify key characteristics of
the environment, such as “water”, “sun”, and “soil”, as well as key characteristics of plants, including
“stem”, “leaves”, and “roots” that play an important role in photosynthesis. After designing
experiments and watching videos about photosynthesis in the fall term, students became more familiar
with the process of photosynthesis and started adopting more expert vocabulary in the winter term.
Table 1 (bottom row) shows examples of students’ notes when they were discussing the importance of
“stomata” in photosynthesis and how it controls the flow of “oxygen” and “carbon dioxide” between
plants and their environment. The lexical tool in Figure 1 (right) shows a drastic shift in students’
vocabulary use between fall term (dark blue) and winter term (light blue). Whereas in the fall term,
students mainly used “water”, “root”, “sun”, “seeds”, “leaves”, “stem”, and “soil” to describe the
process of photosynthesis, in the winter term, students mainly used “stomata”, “carbon”, “oxygen”,
“water”, “sun”, and “glucose” to describe the process of photosynthesis. It can be seen that as students
gained a deeper understanding of photosynthesis, their vocabulary became more precise and scientific.
Table 1
Examples of Students’ Notes from Fall Term and Winter Term
View Note
Do Plants Grow [My theory]: All plants grow cause they have a stem and if you break the
stem and do nothing with it, it dies.
[My theory]: They grow because of water and sun.
[I wonder]: how do plants survive with only water and soil.
[My theory]: is a plant needs roots to survive.
[My theory]: is that not all plants grow because if the plant has no leaves
that can cause them not to grow.
Photosynthesis [A new word I learned]: was that stomata is the thing that lets all water
and carbon dioxide in and lets out oxygen.
[A new fact I learned]: is that a plant needs water and sunlight.
[My improved theory is]: that the sun helps the plant breath.
[I still need to understand]: how the stem sucks up water?
[My theory]: is that there is lots of stuff in a plant like stomata and
glucose and oxygen and alot more.
3. Graphical Literacy
Graphical literacy is “the ability to construct meaning from visual experiences, organize information
based on the composition of images, and use symbols to express meaning” (Nelson, 2004). This
includes the ability to learn, think, and communicate with non-textual representations. In Knowledge
Forum, students can contribute their ideas as drawings to be further built on by their peers. The drawing
editor includes colours, lines, shapes, symbols, attachments, and text to facilitate the creation of
complex, multi-layered graphical representations. In this section, the analysis will focus on students’
different uses of drawings to advance the community discourse on photosynthesis.
In the winter term, students were introduced to the drawing tool to elaborate on their
understanding of photosynthesis. Figure 2 shows three drawings by three different students on the
process of photosynthesis that were created a few weeks apart from one another. It can be seen that
students used colours, symbols, arrows, and labels as means to graphically represent their ideas. The
first drawing shows photosynthesis as a cycle between the sun, water, and trees, thus reinforcing their
prior understanding that plants need sun and water to grow. The second drawing shows photosynthesis
at a micro-level, highlighting the role of different parts of the leaf (i.e., stem, veins, stomata). The
student also added their new understanding that roots and stems act as the transport system in plants – a
new fact they learned from watching a video. The third drawing shows photosynthesis at a macro-level,
highlighting the relations between water, plants, and animals in ecosystems. After learning about the
process of photosynthesis, students came to understand the symbiotic relationship between humans and
plants (i.e., humans depend on plants for oxygen and plants depend on humans for carbon dioxide). The
last drawing led students to wonder whether photosynthesis is as important for animals as it is for
humans. Table 2 shows examples of students’ notes as they debated this controversial issue. It can be
seen that some students became very passionate about the issue, instilling a sense of environmental
stewardship in the entire community as the discussion shifted organically toward how they could save
living things on the planet from the perils of climate change.
Table 2
Examples of Students’ Notes from Winter Term
View Note
Photosynthesis Is photosynthesis important for animals too?
Seen from Space I think so because humans are animals.
Birds, animals, and insects help in the cycle of life!!!!!!!!
Do you think that animals could live with little carbon?
4. Mathematical Literacy
Mathematical literacy is the ability to “formulate, employ, and interpret mathematics in a variety of
contexts… [This] includes making mathematical deductions and applying mathematical concepts,
procedures, facts and tools to describe, explain and predict phenomena” (OECD, 2016). Because there
is no feature in Knowledge Forum designed specifically to support mathematical literacy, students were
not expected to share their understanding through numbers, formulae, and mathematical expressions.
Surprisingly, a few students did. In this section, the analysis will focus on students’ uses of numbers and
charts to enrich their collective understanding on photosynthesis.
After studying the process of photosynthesis in the fall, students worked in new Knowledge
Forum views in the winter to explore issues at a micro-level (Travelling Inside a Leaf) or at a
macro-level (Photosynthesis Seen from Space). In the view, Travelling Inside a Leaf, students watched
a video animation on the cellular structures inside leaves. Notes and drawings in this view explored the
size of cells and how energy is created in the leaf. Figure 3 (left) shows a comparison between the size
of a raindrop and the size of a leaf, as well as their respective unit of measurement. In the view,
Photosynthesis Seen from Space, students watched a time-lapse video of carbon absorption in different
places in the world over the span of a year. Notes and drawings in this view explored similarities and
differences across different countries, as well as changes in the amount of carbon absorption during
different seasons of the year. Figure 3 (center) shows a comparison between the proportional amount of
carbon absorption on earth’s land water, and places where there was no carbon absorption at all. This
drawing led students to hypothesize that places where there was little or no carbon absorption had
higher levels of pollution. Table 3 shows examples of students’ notes as they discussed issues
surrounding carbon absorption and carbon emissions (i.e., pollution) on earth. Figure 3 (right) shows an
image a student found that features a statistic on deforestation. The student further adds their theory that
large-scale deforestation will disrupt the naturally occurring carbon absorption patterns on earth. It can
be seen that students used mathematical concepts to effectively describe, explain, and predict scientific
phenomena. Furthermore, students were aware of the unit of analysis across the two topics – Travelling
Inside a Leaf and Photosynthesis Seen from Space – which spanned from micrometers inside a cell to
kilometres around the globe.
Table 3
Examples of Students’ Notes from Winter Term
View Note
Photosynthesis [My theory]: is that there are a lot of trees and plants in the green and in
Seen from Space the dark part there is less trees and plants.
I think that the colours represent different environments. Like light
green… represents land that has been not in pollution... [and] dark green
represents land that has been in pollution.
The equator has a lot of photosynthesis. North America has none… -
barely any in Antartica, summer or winter… Australia there is less
photosynthesis in Australia due to ground pollution.
[My theory]: pollution is terrible because of pollution animals and plants
are dying. Using plastic is water pollution. Cars make air pollution that’s
killing the environment.
5. Discussion
Over the span of 8 months, students worked collaboratively on Knowledge Forum to advance their
understanding of growth and changes in plants. They shared their initial ideas and theories through
notes, reflected on their peers’ ideas and new information from authoritative sources (e.g., videos),
before building on with new notes and new drawings. They broke down key ideas from videos into
notes, drawings, and graphs, which helped deepen collective understanding and spark new cycles of
theory development. To summarize, students wrote notes about the process of photosynthesis (e.g., key
characteristics of plants, the role of oxygen and carbon dioxide) and climate change (e.g., rates of
carbon absorption/emission, the effects of deforestation and pollution). They created drawings about
the process of photosynthesis (e.g., the role of sun and water, anatomy of a leaf, plant-animal relations
in ecosystems). They even created drawings to show proportional relations (e.g., size of raindrop vs.
leaf, carbon absorption on land vs. water). Knowledge Forum provided flexible and dynamic supports
for students to engage in these rich STEAM-related activities, thus promoting the simultaneous
development of their scientific literacy, graphical literacy, and mathematical literacy. Between fall term
and winter term, students demonstrated an increasing proficiency with expert vocabulary to explain
photosynthesis, and they created increasingly complex graphical and mathematical representations to
explore socioscientific issues, such as air/water pollution, deforestation, and climate change.
It is interesting to note that after the teacher invited students to shift from textual to graphical
representation of their ideas in the winter term, students themselves initiated the subsequent shift from
graphical to mathematical representation of their ideas. Put differently, as students’ ideas evolved and
matured, so did their medium of expression regardless of content area. For this reason, we believe that
our study reinforces the notion that “graphical literacy and deep understanding are mutually reinforcing,
with graphical literacy serving as a powerful thinking tool across content areas” (Gan, Scardamalia,
Hong, & Zhang, 2010). Our study also adds that engaging students in STEAM-related activities in
Knowledge Forum can serve as a powerful mechanism to sustain ever-deepening, creative,
collaborative work with ideas.
While creativity development may be a top priority in 21st century education, it is equally important to
ensure that students develop the foundations of scientific literacy, graphical literacy, and mathematical
literacy throughout their schooling experiences. The design challenge for teachers is to create an
interdisciplinary space that weaves together Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math in a
meaningful and authentic way for students. Our study suggests that with appropriate technological
supports, students themselves can also be co-designers of STEAM-related activities in the classroom.
Students as young as 8 years of age are able to move seamlessly across the disciplines when they are
engaged in authentic knowledge work, thus reinforcing the need for interdisciplinary assessments in
STEAM education. Liao (2016) claims that STEAM education “affirms the process of creative
production, utilizes the creative process to acquire knowledge, and teaches 21st-century skills”. Future
studies should explore the development of new features in Knowledge Forum to expand possibilities for
creative production, such as a video component (e.g., slideshow, animation, annotation) in the drawing
tool, and a mathematical functions component (e.g., algebraic equations, graphing capabilities) in the
note editor. For example, students in our class would have enjoyed creating videos to illustrate the life
cycle of a plant and/or creating graphs to compare the levels of carbon emission by country. Such rich
multimedia-rich activities have the potential to further enhance their Knowledge Building. We believe
that to be active citizens thriving in 21st century societies, students must harness their creativity to not
only acquire knowledge, but also to create knowledge for public good.
We are grateful for the opportunity to work with staff and students at the Dr. Eric Jackman Institute for
Child Studies. Their creative ideas and insights have been invaluable to our Knowledge Building.
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Abstract: This study initiated an attempt to explore the role of students’ epistemic curiosity, the
desire to obtain intellectual information to fill the gaps in one’s knowledge, in their online
academic help seeking behaviors in higher education. There were 113 undergraduate and
graduate students surveyed in this study. The results showed that the students had more
experiences of searching information online and strong epistemic beliefs about seeking help
when encountering academic challenges. It was also found that while the beliefs about
perceived benefits from online academic help seeking might foster the students’ behaviors of
information searching and formal query from teachers, their experiences of informal query from
peers were significantly predicted by their perceptions of self-efficacy for seeking helps. There
were strong significant relationships between the students’ I-type epistemic curiosity
(stimulating intellectual interest) and their experiences of information searching. On the other
hand, the students’ D-type epistemic curiosity (eliminating feelings of informational
deprivation) was strongly related to their experiences of formal and informal query. Moreover,
I-type epistemic curiosity may play a more important role in the students’ beliefs about online
academic help seeking than D-type epistemic curiosity does. This study is still ongoing with
larger sample for verifying the academic evidences.
Keywords: Epistemic curiosity, online academic help seeking, self-efficacy, higher education
1. Introduction
Research has identified the significant association between learners’ epistemic curiosity and their
intellectual development and learning behaviors, particularly for information seeking (Litman et al.,
2005). Students’ experiences of seeking help online for academic problems has been proposed as the
concept of online academic help seeking and explored through three aspects including information
searching, formal query (asking question from teachers), and informal query (asking question from
peers) (Cheng & Tsai, 2011). Recent studies (Liu, 2017) further probed adult students’ beliefs about
online help-seeking through three psychological factors including epistemological beliefs (considering
help-seeking as knowledge source), perceived benefits (perceiving merits of help-seeking),
self-efficacy (perceiving competency to seek help). Following the previous studies, this study attempted
to re-examined adult students’ experiences of and beliefs about online academic help seeking when
facing abundant information from the Internet at the current stage. To obtain more understandings of
online academic help seeking behaviors in higher education, what role of adult students’ epistemic
curiosity plays in their experiences of and beliefs about seeking help online when encountering
academic challenges was initially explored in this study.
2. Method
2.1 Respondents
The respondents of this study were 113 undergraduate and graduate students in Taiwan. All of them
were recruited through the Internet. The mean age of the adults was 28.11 years old (SD=10.32). Some
elder students enrolled in in-service master program (about 12%). Among these respondents, 49 were
females (43.4%) and 64 were males (56.6%). While 57 learners’ major was science (50.4%), 56
learners’ major was social science (49.6%).
2.2 Instruments
To survey the adult students’ epistemic curiosity and their experiences and beliefs of online academic
help seeking, there were three instruments adopted in this study and presented as a 5-point Likert scale
(from 1, “strongly disagree,” to 5, “strongly agree”). The Epistemic Curiosity Scale developed by
Litman (2008) was adopted for examining the students’ traits of epistemic curiosity. The students’
experiences of help seeking behaviors for academic information were surveyed by the OAHS (online
academic help seeking) questionnaire (Cheng & Tsai, 2011). To investigate the students’ beliefs about
online academic help seeking, the online help-seeking questionnaire (OHSQ) developed by Liu (2017)
was adopted and further adapted to fit the research context of this study. Notably, the Cronbach’s alphas
for all of the scales were higher than 0.7, indicating a satisfactory reliability of the instruments.
Based on the collected data by the aforementioned instruments, this study explored the adult students’
OAHS behaviors through the two main dimensions: experience and belief. Regarding the students’
experiences of OAHS, compared with the experiences of querying formally or informally online, they
tended to have more experiences in searching possible solutions via online channels such as search
engines, instructional websites, or other databases when they encountered academic challenges
(M=4.46, SD=0.63) (F=83.38, p<.001). Moreover, these students also showed more inclination to ask
their peers or unknown experts for help (M=3.69, SD=0.91) rather than to seek help from their teachers
(M=3.38, SD=1.06) through the Internet when having academic problems. The findings of this study
were partially consistent with the previous studies (Cheng & Tsai, 2011). That is, when the students in
higher education level encountered academic issues, searching information online may be their favorite
approaches to resolving problems no matter at the previous or present stages. Interestingly, while the
past students did not show strong different intention to seek help formally or informally (Cheng & Tsai,
2011), the current students in this study were inclined to ask for help informally via online channels and
they might have fair experiences in querying formally.
With regard to the students’ beliefs about OAHS, compared with the considerations of
perceived benefits (M=4.15, SD=0.76) and self-efficacy (M=4.07, SD=0.82) for seeking help online,
they possessed strong epistemic beliefs that OAHS behaviors could provide them with vital and useful
information for academic problem-solving (M=4.25, SD=0.76) to a significant level (F=7.3, p<.01).
This study further conducted a series of stepwise regression analysis to examine how the students’
beliefs of OAHS predict their experiences of OAHS. The results showed that the students’ perceived
benefits regarding OAHS may significantly predict their experiences of information search (β=0.43,
p<.001) and formal query (β=0.25, p<.01) behaviors. Notably, the students’ experiences of informal
query were significantly predicted by their perceptions of self-efficacy for OAHS (β=0.35, p<.001).
The findings highlight the role of self-efficacy of OAHS in the adult students’ behaviors of informal
query. The beliefs about perceived benefits from OAHS might foster the students’ behaviors of
information searching and formal query when encountering academic problems.
3.2 Relationships between epistemic curiosity and experiences and beliefs of OAHS
According to descriptive data of the adult students’ scores on the Epistemic Curiosity Scale, their
exhibition of I-type curiosity (M=4.05, SD=0.71) to explore something new and D-type curiosity
(M=3.78, SD=0.77) to seek knowledge for reducing perceived information gaps were slightly above
average. This study further examined how the students’ epistemic curiosity were related to their
experiences and beliefs of OAHS. As shown in Table 1, there were strong significant relationships
between the students’ I-type epistemic curiosity and their experiences of information searching (r=0.46,
p<.001). On the other hand, the students’ D-type epistemic curiosity was strongly related to their
experiences of formal query (r=0.34, p<.001) and informal query (r=0.47, p<.001). Litman et al. (2005)
have addressed that D-type curiosity is a stronger motive for seeking knowledge when comparing with
I-type curiosity. Taking this a step further, this study identified that, when encountering academic
challenges, adult students with stronger I-type curiosity may tend to search information online for help.
Moreover, for students in higher education, stronger D-type curiosity may lead to help seeking formally
or informally for academic problems.
It was also found that there were significant relationships between the students’ epistemic
curiosity and their beliefs of OAHS. Table 1 shows that the strength of the correlations between I-type
curiosity and beliefs of OAHS was higher than that between D-type curiosity and beliefs of OAHS.
Specifically, the students with stronger I-type curiosity may be likely to possess stronger epistemic
beliefs (r=0.38, p<.001), perceive more benefits from OAHS (r=0.45, p<.001), and exhibit higher level
of self-efficacy for OAHS (r=0.46, p<.001) as compared to D-type curiosity. Since Litman (2008)
reported that learners with strong I-type curiosity may tend to hold mastery-oriented learning goals (e.g.,
considering that success is the results of efforts), this study considered that the students with strong
I-type curiosity were inclined to possess positive beliefs about seeking help online for dealing with their
academic issues.
Table 1
Relationships between epistemic curiosity and experiences and beliefs of OAHS
Information Formal Informal Epistemic Perceived
searching query query beliefs benefits
I-type EC 0.46*** 0.28** 0.30** 0.38*** 0.45*** 0.46***
D-type EC 0.34*** 0.34*** 0.47*** 0.27** 0.35*** 0.44***
EC: epistemic curiosity, **p<.01, ***p<.001
Berlyne, D. E. (1954). A theory of human curiosity. British Journal of Psychology, 45, 180-191.
Cheng, K. H., & Tsai, C. C. (2011). An investigation of Taiwan university students' perceptions of online
academic help seeking, and their web-based learning self-efficacy. Internet and Higher Education, 14(3),
Litman, J. A., Hutchins, T. L., & Russon, R. K. (2005). Epistemic curiosity, feeling-of-knowing, and exploratory
behaviour. Cognition and Emotion, 19, 559-582.
Litman, J. A. (2008). Interest and deprivation dimensions of epistemic curiosity. Personality and Individual
Differences, 44, 1585-1595.
Litman, J. A. (2010). Relationships between measures of I- and D-type curiosity, ambiguity tolerance, and need
for closure: An initial test of the wanting-liking model of information-seeking. Personality and Individual
Differences, 48(4), 397-402.
Liu, S. H. (2017). Relationship between the factors influencing online help-seeking and self-regulated learning
among Taiwanese preservice teachers. Computers in Human Behavior, 72, 38-45.
Chang, M. et al. (Eds.) (2019). Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Computers in
Education. Taiwan: Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education
Abstract: This paper looked at the relationship between the student’s technology identity and
how it affects their performance in a web-based tutoring system over a 12-week period.
Technology identity covers one’s beliefs on four areas: opportunities and constraints to use
technology (access), technology skills (abilities), role of technology on one’s life (importance),
and one’s own motivation to learn more about technology (opportunities). Results showed that
access factors such as frequency of access, owning a computer at home, and owning a personal
computer/laptop do have an impact on their ability to use computer applications. A significant
difference was found in the number of problems completed (higher) among students who were
able to frequently access and use a computer and the Internet for free in school. This could be an
indication of the importance of the role of educational institutions to provide computer and
Internet access to students who can’t afford to have their own at home or rent. Also, 99% of the
students, including those who did not solve as many problems, viewed technology as an
essential part in education, business, personal development, and their future profession. All
(100%) the participants expressed willingness to learn more about technology. However, when
it comes to the fourth are (opportunities), almost half (47%) believe that they don’t have
sufficient opportunities and access to technology to be used in education.
1. Introduction
The use of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) in education has become an important
pedagogical technique in the 21st century (Sarkar, 2012) where students have become more engaged in
the meaningful use of computers (Sanchez & Aleman, 2011). It paved way on the enhancement of the
quality of education with advanced pedagogical methods, improvement of learning outcomes and
reformation for better management of education systems (Sarkar, 2012). Because of these, the adoption
of different learning environments has become global and ICT access of developing countries has
increased (Nye, 2015). As stressed in Kam et al. (Kam, Mathur, Kumar, & Canny, 2009), educational
software can make a positive impact on the learning needs of underserved communities. However,
much of the existing educational software are developed in the West (Blanchard, 2012; Ogan et al.,
2012) and software, technology tools and other applications that are accustomed in developed countries
may cause some challenges in the developing world, so it is not safe to assume that one size can fit all or
that a single technology design may be effective for all context and setting (Keengwe & Bhargava,
2014). Since further research is needed in identifying the impact of the technology background of
learners in the adoption of educational software (Khan, Hossain, Hasan, & Clement, 2012; Nye, 2015;
Rodrigo, Sugay, Agapito, & Reyes, 2014), this study investigates the learning experience of students
from rural areas in a developing country. Specifically, this study aims to answer the question: what is
the relationship between a student’s technology identity and experience in a tutoring system?
2. Technology Identity
Based on the theoretical construction of student’s identity of Martin (Martin, 2000), Goode (Goode,
2010) described a student’s technology identity as shaped by their beliefs about one’s ability to use
technology, the essence of typical computer uses in the context of opportunities, the level of importance
attributed to technology and motivation to learn more about computing. Moreover, she argued that
exploring the spectrum of beliefs within each of these four categories provides a more nuanced
description of individual’s identities around technology. Although in today’s trend, having technology
knowledge is implicitly required for college success and career pathways (Goode, 2010), it is not safe to
assume that all students were given equal opportunities to develop their computer skills. In the study of
Hargittai (Hargittai, 2010), it was shown that socioeconomic status is an important predictor of how
people are incorporating the use of technology in their lives with those from more privileged
backgrounds using it in more informed ways for a larger number of activities. For many college
students, not having a strong technology identity is a product of an unequal high school education and
disparities in home resources, yet the consequences of one’s technology identity has a powerful
influence on the attitudes and decisions students make regarding their academic and life plans.
Examining the technology identity of individuals informs our consideration of how beliefs about
oneself and technology are developed, shape daily social interactions and influence future life
plans(Goode, 2010).
3. Experiment
Eighty-eight (88) freshmen students from a state university in southern Philippines were asked to use
ASSISTments and complete 12 problem sets in 12 weeks. The 12 problem sets were selected based on
the lessons designed for College Algebra in the Philippines. The students were divided into 2 groups:
Sequential Group (SG) which were assigned 12 problem sets in sequential order (weekly released)
based on how they are delivered in the classroom and the Non-Sequential Group (NSG) where all the 12
problem sets were made available to them where they can decide the order of solving the problems. The
students were asked to answer a pre-test prior to using ASSISTments and a post-test after the 12-week
period. ASSISTments provided a proficiency report for each student.
The participants were asked to answer a questionnaire before they used ASSISTments. This
self-assessment method was based on the conceptual framework discussed in Goode (Goode, 2010).
The questionnaire was divided into 4 areas: fluency, experience, importance of technology, and feelings
toward technology. These areas are based on the theoretical construction of student’s identity (Martin,
2000). Fluency is based on their beliefs about one’s ability to use technology; experience as the typical
computer use in the context of opportunities; importance based on how they see the use of computers to
improve lives; and whether they are interested or motivated to learn more about technology (Goode,
2010). A Likert scale was used for the responses in each area and the participants were then classified
based on their responses. The results were taken into consideration in examining the relationship of
one’s technology identity and performance in ASSISTments.
4. Findings
First, access to technology and how it affects the students’ computer literacy in terms of using basic
applications (e.g. word processor, spreadsheet) and troubleshooting skills was investigated. Factors
such as length of experience in using a computer, frequency of access, owning a computer at home, and
owning a personal computer/laptop do have an impact on their ability to use computer applications and
computer troubleshooting skills. Next, the place of student’s computer access and number of problems
completed was looked into. Sixty of the 87 participants (70%) have no computers at home (family
owned) and 50 (57%) have no personal computer or laptop. However, ownership of a computer system
has no significant relationship in terms of the number of problems completed in ASSISTments (M=23,
SD=20). To further understand this, a comparison was made in terms of where they actually frequently
access or use the computer and the Internet, whether at home, in school, or in computer shops. The
p-value corresponding to the F-statistic of one-way ANOVA is lower than 0.01 which strongly suggests
that one or more pairs of treatments are significantly different. To pinpoint which of them exhibits
statistically significant difference, Tukey's HSD test was applied to each of the 3 pairs. There is a
significant difference in the number of problems completed among the students who answered “School”
as the place where they frequently use the computer and the Internet. This could imply the importance
of the role of the educational institution to provide computer and Internet access to students so that
regardless if they have their own computer or not, they can still take advantage of computer-based
learning environments.
The second area on the TID framework is the beliefs about one’s technology skills. The
relationship of the students’ computer literacy and length of experience with computers and the number
of problems solved in ASSISTments were analyzed and found no significant relationship for both,
r=0.01, p=0.92 and r=0.06, p=0.60, respectively. This indicates that the students’ background in using
the computer did not hinder them in using ASSISTments.
In the third area, 56 students (64%) believed that technology is “5 – very important”, 30
students (35%) gave a rating of “4 – important”. No significant relationship was found between these
ratings and the number of problems solved in ASSISTments. A combined 99% of “very important” and
“important” means that even those who did not solve as many problems in ASSISTments still believe
that technology plays an important role in education, business, personal development, and their future
The last area is the belief about one’s own motivation to learn more about technology. All of the
participants (100%) expressed willingness to learn more about technology and its many uses but almost
half (47%) of the students believe that they don’t have sufficient access to technology to be used in
education. This belief, though, has no relationship with their performance in ASSISTments (rpb=0.15,
The author thanks: the ASSISTments team for the platform in this pilot study; the faculty of the Institute
of Computer Applications who assisted during the deployment and data gathering; and Dr. Didith
Rodrigo of the Ateneo Laboratory for the Learning Sciences.
Blanchard, E. G. (2012). On the weird nature of ITS/AIED conferences. International Conference on Intelligent
Tutoring Systems, 280–285. Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
Goode, J. (2010). The digital identity divide: how technology knowledge impacts college students. New Media &
Society, 12(3), 497–513.
Hargittai, E. (2010). Digital Na(t)ives? Variation in Internet Skills and Uses among Members of the “‘Net
Generation.’” Sociological Inquiry, 80(1), 92–113.
Kam, M., Mathur, A., Kumar, A., & Canny, J. (2009). Designing digital games for rural children: a study of
traditional village games in India. SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 31–40.
Keengwe, J., & Bhargava, M. (2014). Mobile learning and integration of mobile technologies in education.
Education and Information Technologies, 19(4), 737–746.
Khan, M., Hossain, S., Hasan, M., & Clement, C. K. (2012). Barriers to the Introduction of ICT into Education in
Developing Countries: The Example of Bangladesh. International Journal of Instruction, 5(2), 61–80.
Martin, D. (2000). Mathematics success and failure among African-American youth: The roles of sociohistorical
context, community forces, school influence, and individual agency. Routledge.
Nye, B. D. (2015). Intelligent tutoring systems by and for the developing world: a review of trends and approaches
for educational technology in a global context. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in
Education, 25(2), 177–203.
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(2012). Collaboration in cognitive tutor use in Latin America: Field study and design recommendations.
SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 1381–1390. ACM.
Rodrigo, M. M., Sugay, J. O., Agapito, J., & Reyes, S. J. (2014). Challenges to transferring western field research
materials and methods to a developing world context. Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced
Learning, 9(1), 71–82.
Sanchez, J. J. C., & Aleman, E. C. (2011). Teachers’ opinion survey on the use of ICT tools to support
attendance-based teaching. Computers & Education, 56(3), 911–915.
Sarkar, S. (2012). The role of information and communication technology (ICT) in higher education for the 21st
century. Science, 1(1), 30–41.
Chang, M. et al. (Eds.) (2019). Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Computers in
Education. Taiwan: Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education
Abstract: This paper proposes a “de facto” standard curriculum for Tesseractive© and Global
Liberal Arts Education harnessed with ICT-enhanced learning environment targeting at global
students’ audience, i.e., future generation that will be fully ready for Singularity in 2045. The
purpose of the research is to develop a robust curriculum and associated contents to foster the
future work skills for all stakeholders in the global society involving university students, adults
with various ages in different social strata. In other words, in such curriculum, all stakeholders
will learn together, where the younger generation can have dialogs with different generations as
if they were discussing with themselves in the future, and the older generations can have dialogs
as if they were discussing with themselves in the past when they were young. In this way,
transcendence of cultural values, heritage, wisdom, and experiences in the human civilization
will be guaranteed for the benefit of the future global society. Such a multi-facet curriculum
involving all stakeholders will be designed across the border of the campus along with the
society, as well as beyond the borders of nations. In addition to the curriculum and its related
contents, this research proposal also includes the development of the learning environment for
its learning environment, applying Jupyter notebook, Jupyter Hub, and Git Hub technologies at
the level of simulation learning while guaranteeing Academic Integrity issues. The bird’s eye
view of the entire research will be shared in the form of a poster.
1. Introduction
As in the ABET Model of education, the four years of the university curriculum bears the responsibility
of raising the future generation that will strive for their life-long dream and contribute to the global
society. Unfortunately, the current curriculum in the educational paradigm today is based on the
Prussian (German) Educational System developed in 1806 (https://feltd.wordpress.com/2010//09/16/
the-prussian-german-educational -system/). As a matter of fact, a Princeton University professor, in his
book titled, “The Case Against Education”, Bryan Caplan, claims that the current education System is a
waste of time and money. Such a curriculum or educational paradigm will only give rise to
unemployment when graduates face the Singularity in 2045. Thus, a paradigm shift in education is a
must. Changes toward the Singularity are already shifting outside the world of the university curriculum
and the corporate-level human resources training workshop.
It should be emphasized that this project demonstrates an execution of active and
Tesseractive© learning in the form of Project/Problem-Based Learning in Global AGILE Teams.
2. Rationale behind the Paradigm Shift in Curriculum
Singularity in 2045 will bring the situation where almost a half of the jobs now will be replaced by
intelligent robots. Oxford University predicts that 47% of the current jobs will disappear at the time of
Singularity in 2045, which means that almost a half of freshmen today will lose their jobs when they are
nearly fifty years of age. The Institute for the Future predicts and defines the future work skills that may
be necessary in the future. The key concepts for the global education must be identified in order to
design the mission as well as its associated curriculum.
It might be helpful to look at the key concepts proposed by the Institute for the Future, which
focuses on the skills in workplace. The key concepts are: Sense Making, Social Intelligence, Novel
Adaptive Thinking, Cross-Cultural Competencies, Computational Thinking, New Media Literacy,
Transdisciplinarity, Design Mindset Visualized Communication), Cognitive Load Management, and
Virtual Collaboration. It must be emphasized that none of the key concepts are currently incorporated in
the education, still bound by the traditional and legacy curriculum. Thus, for the successful launch for
the global education, such concepts must be incorporated in the curriculum.
The proposed curriculum must take such philosophical components as redefined stakeholders
for education, andragogy, the realm of learning in the Bloom’s Taxonomy Matrix, and the
learner-centered Tesseractive© Education.
3. Research Method
3.1 Overview
This project will develop a robust curriculum for future generations to have the Tesseractive© Learning
skills or competency to thrive and to show leadership in society. The ten crucial components for the
future work skills defined by IFTF as well as the concepts of SDGs will be best incorporated in the
curriculum being developed here. The research project consists of four sprints:
Sprint I: Development for meta curriculum and Design for associated components.
Sprint II: Design for Assessment Components
Sprint III: Pilot tests and refinement of the entire system.
Sprint IV: Dissemination: workshops for promotion of the research: Tesseractive© Curriculum
It should be emphasized that the research itself is an optimal showcase demonstrating
problem/project-based learning with situational leadership in the social constructive model, which is
best described as AGILE Learning Model.
analysis of pre and post teams’ business model canvases (LEANSTACK) also coded for value
proposition, value ideation, insights, foresight and readiness.
Despite language and cultural barriers, initial results are promising. Teams reported increases
in innovation competence for creativity (8.7%), critical thinking (5.4%), initiative (4.1%), teamwork
(2.3%) and networking (3.7%). Content analysis of business model canvases captured innovative
competence increases for value proposition (10.6%), value ideation (10.9%), insights (23.3%),
foresight (15.9%) and readiness (15.2%).
Special thanks must be mentioned to Dr. Meilun Shih, who have been actively participated in the
collaborative learning between Kansai University and National Taiwan University; Dr. Akon Higuchi,
of National Central University for pilot seminars for the curriculum, and Dr. Anthony Y. H. Liao,
Director of AI Center at Asia University. Thanks is also given to the senior management from Nanyang
Polytechnic for contributing to assessment design.
Glazer, H. R., & Wanstreet, C. E. (2011). Connection to the academic community: Perceptions of students in
online education. Quarterly Review of Distance Education, 12(1), 55-62.
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Horizon 2020. (2018) Funding, Tenders. Retrieved January 20, 2019, from https://ec.europa.eu/programmes/
Institute For The Future. (2011) FUTURE Work Skills 2020. Retrieved January 20, 2019, from
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Law, N., Pelgrum, W. J., & Plomp, T. (2008). Pedagogy and ICT use in schools around the world: Findings from
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Education Research Centre.
Peñalver, M. J. P., Mas, L. E. A., & Fleta, B. M. (2018). Identification and classification of behavioural indicators
to assess innovation competence. Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management, 11(1), 87-115.
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Yamamoto, T., Okunuki, M., & Watanabe, M. (2017). Academic Writing as Corpus for Assessment of ePortfolio.
Session: Education Innovation with ICT. PNC 2017 Annual Conference and Joint Meetings at National at
Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan.
Yamamoto, T., Wu, W. V., Liao, A. Y. H. , & Tagami, M. (2017). Proposing a New Phase of Liberal Arts Course
Enhanced with Active Learning for PBL in the Social Constructivism Paradigm: Advanced Communication
Based on Empathy & Trust Building. PNC 2017.
Yamamoto, T., Shih, M., and Watanabe, M. (2018). What is the Educators’ Mission for the Future Students? -
Scenario Planning of Educational Design Targeting at the Singularity Era. DLSA 2018. Hokkaido U.
Yamamoto, T., Liao, A. Y. H., Wu, W. V., Shih, M., Shih, J., Chu, H. (2018). A Proposal for the Global and
Collaborative PBL Learning Environment Where All Global Members on Different Campuses Are ‘On the
Same Page’ throughout the Process of Learning in the Project. 2018 Conference on Technologies and
Applications of Artificial Intelligence (TAAI). Publisher: IEEE. (DOI: 10.1109/TAAI.2018.00029).
Chang, M. et al. (Eds.) (2019). Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Computers in
Education. Taiwan: Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education
Abstract: With rapidly growing interest in the use of Information and Communication
Technology (ICT) tools, student learning through interaction and collaboration becomes
feasible and flexible in both online and offline learning environments. Cognitive development
in high-density socialised contexts has been a distinct focus in educational research. In this
study, we transformed a traditional lecture course at HKU into a communication-intense
classroom with the aim of maximizing meaningful socialisation amongst learners.
Semi-structured interviews with undergraduate students were conducted after the course and
inductive content analysis was undertaken to identify patterns of student learning behaviours
which influence the quality of their knowledge construction. Research findings indicated
emerging patterns of group socialised learning behaviours were actively-involved, small-circle
and passively-reacting; two types of peer pressure - positive and negative - had strong effect on
an individual’s learning behaviour within their group.
Keywords: Learning behavior pattern, socialised learning, technology support, peer pressure
Researchers suggested that information technology affords innovation and diversity in learning and
teaching compared to traditional classrooms (Lage, Platt, & Treglia, 2000). ICT tools give new
opportunities for students to learn flexibly and interact closely; and for instructors to deliver courses
more creatively in both online and offline environments. Prior research has confirmed students involve
more intensely and distribute group work reasonably within technology-supported learning
environments (Angeli, Valanides, & Bonk, 2003). Several studies have detected significant
enhancement of students learning achievement, satisfaction and knowledge construction via online
collaboration (Young, 2008; Zhu, 2012; Ku, Tseng, & Akarasriworn, 2013). However, further
examination of how students behave within highly socialized groups is still needed.
In this study, we conducted an experiment to transform a traditional lecture-based common core
course at HKU into a socialised-learning-design format based on Vygotsky’s social constructivism
theory (1978), in addition to Järvelä and Hadwin’s Regulation of Collaboration Theory (2013). Within
this socialized learning context we explored: 1) what patterns of student learning beahviours emerged; 2)
what factor(s) influenced student learning behaviours; 3) how the factor(s) influenced such behaviours.
The course was conducted using online pre-class exercises and face-to-face in-class practices.
Students were required to watch videos of the instructor teaching basic concepts on Open edX and
perform group tasks to reinforce the knowledge they learnt from videos. As Lee (2000) stated, many
students fail in online learning due to their loss of motivation or poor adaptation to new way of learning.
Typically students work independently online, which requires them to have great control of their own
study. We addressed this by assigning students to work on online pre-class tasks collaborative in
groups, which encouraged them to regulate each other’s learning by sharing the learning responsibility.
Student groups were pre-chosen and with the intention of maximising background diversity. In class,
the same groups sat together at tables and were undertook various interactive activities integrated with
ICT tools (e.g. Mentimeter and Flipgrid) to share their ideas and apply the knowledge acquired
pre-class to real-life situations. With Mentimeter, students shared their opinions simultaneously on a
projector screen in class and were thereby able to visualise others perspectives. On Flipgrid, students
shared their group video projects, gain inspiration from other students’ works and communicated with
each other.
14 out of 116 students voluntarily participated in post course semi-structured interviews. Guide
questions were designed by colleagues with professional teaching and research backgrounds to avoid
bias. To encourage students to reflect on group interaction, participants from the same course group
were distributed into different interviews. To maximise the depth of conversation, each interview only
included 1 to 2 participants and lasted for about 50 minutes. Interviews were audio recorded with
participants consent.
Content analysis is defined as a research method to make rational and sustainable inferences from data
to their context, so as to offer understanding, new insights, and demonstration of facts (Krippendorff,
1980). Differentiating from deductive analysis, inductive content analysis generates categories from
data rather than matching data with pre-set categories. It follows the procedure of open coding, creating
categories and abstraction (Elo & Kyngäs, 2008). To avoid bias and pre-assumption of interview
contents, cross-validations and discussions were carried out by the authors till agreement on the
analysis results was reached.
3. Research Findings
Three patterns of students socialized learning behaviour in groups were identified from interviews.
Actively-involved pattern refers to every group member making their own effort in group discussion,
plan setting to achieve learning goals, checking project progress and evaluating work quality. Students
who were less active at first also got progressively more involved. Small-circle pattern occurs where
several students in a group form their own secure inner circle and interact only within that circle with
other students in the group being left outside and not involved. Passively-reacting pattern happens
where group members play solo roles within projects and have minor interaction with each other.
Table 1
An Example of Students Feedback on Patterns of Group Socialised Learning Behaviours
Actively-involved “Every person in our group is willing to do things and we appreciate each other’s
work quite a lot. We voice out our thoughts and do concrete works to show each
Small-circle “Sometimes we ended up submitting things that they just did within themselves
and a point to me I wouldn't appreciate the quality overall. I feel if the same thing
we would do in a more collaborative way we would be able to submit a better
quality of work.”
Passively-reacting “Our group was not active in group activities and we didn’t have much
communication. We just did our own work and submitted before deadline.”
Two types of peer pressure were identified from data analysis. Positive peer pressure allowed students
to feel self-driven and motivated under internal or external influences so that they made more
contributions to their group project, provided assistance to group members in need, sought to improve
the quality of group work, etc. Negative peer pressure diminished students self-efficacy and positive
view of their capacity to contribute to group work due to certain worries or nervousness.
Table 2
An Example of Students Feedbacks on Typology of Peer Pressure
Positive pressure “My group mates’ desire of improving the work drives me to engage more in
the assignments and makes me feel it’s my responsibility to do so.”
Negative pressure “Because I'm the type of person that I would like to finish an assignment as
soon as I can, but my group mates do it in the last minute. So you have to learn
how to compromise or at least communicate with other people without
sounding annoying, which is very stressful.”
Given the direct evidence from students’ feedback and data analysis, students who actively performed
in class activities and interacted with peers tended to report having more positive pressure, self-driven
contributions, engaging learning experiences, appreciative attitude and notable learning achievements.
Students who were far less engaged seemed to suffer from negative pressure and impassive attitude but
still considered that they obtained the required academic knowledge and skills.
In this study, to examine students learning behaviours in a socialised learning design context,
we firstly transferred a traditional lecture course into a communication-intense classroom entailing
collaborative online pre-class and offline in-class exercises. Then we undertook semi-structured
interviews with students from the course and applied inductive content analysis to draw patterns of
students socialized learning behaviours and the factor that has effect on how students behave in groups.
From this we are able to give other instructors clear and multi-faceted understanding of how students
behave to construct knowledge within highly socialized educational settings.
This research study was funded by HKU Teaching Development Grant (Project 18/685).
Elo, S., & Kyngäs, H. (2008). The qualitative content analysis process. Journal of advanced nursing, 62(1),
Krippendorff K. (1980) Content Analysis: An Introduction to its Methodology. Sage Publications, Newbury Park.
Ku, H. Y., Tseng, H. W., & Akarasriworn, C. (2013). Collaboration factors, teamwork satisfaction, and student
attitudes toward online collaborative learning. Computers in human Behavior, 29(3), 922-929.
Järvelä, S., & Hadwin, A. F. (2013). New frontiers: Regulating learning in CSCL. Educational Psychologist,
48(1), 25-39.
Lage, M. J., Platt, G. J., & Treglia, M. (2000). Inverting the classroom: A gateway to creating an inclusive learning
environment. The Journal of Economic Education, 31(1), 30-43.
Lee, C. Y. (2000). Student motivation in the online learning environment. Journal of Educational Media &
Library Sciences, 37(4), 367-375.
Vygotsky, L. S. (1978). Mind in society. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Young, A. (2008). Structuring asynchronous discussions to incorporate learning principles in an online class: One
professor’s course analysis. MERLOT Journal of Online Learning and Teaching, 4(2), 218-224.
Zhu, C. (2012). Student satisfaction, performance, and knowledge construction in online collaborative learning.
Journal of Educational Technology & Society, 15(1), 127-136.
Chang, M. et al. (Eds.) (2019). Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Computers in
Education. Taiwan: Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education
Abstract: Museums provide an ideal inquiry learning environment with fruitful learning
resources for diverse learners. With digital applications in museums, there is a need to consider
the influences of the museum context in the service design to avoid negative effects on museum
learning. Besides, there is a need to provide proper learning supports to satisfy the different
needs of diverse learners. In order to effectively support diverse learners learning, cognitive
style has been the focus due to the significant effects on learning with digital applications.
However, as there are limited studies on understanding the effects of cognitive style on museum
learning, this study developed a game-based learning service to engage learners in interacting
with museum exhibits and other people in a blended museum learning context. The learners’
learning experiences were examined to evaluate the service design, and an independent t-test
was used to identify the differences between learners with different cognitive styles, i.e., the
Field dependent (FD) and Field independent (FI). The results show that FI and FD learners have
different preferences concerning service design during their visits. Besides, the unmatched
service design may influence FI learners better than it would FD learners.
1. Introduction
Museums provide an ideal inquiry learning environment with fruitful learning resources for diverse
learners. In this study, we developed a game-based learning service named CoboFun to promote
learners inquiring in a blended museum learning context. The various types of problem-solving tasks
with fruitful learning resources are provided to engage learners interacting with museum exhibits and
other people with digital applications and museum’s physical environments. A learning activity was
designed for the learners aged ten and above. A flexible game-based learning environment with
different learning support design, such as hints and exploration map, were provided to support learners
with different cognitive style, i.e., Field independent(FI) and dependent(FD) learners learning in
museums. The learning experiences and mental workload were evaluated to examine the design of
CoboFun. The results of the study can be used to improve the design of CoboFun and to address issues
that do not meet the specifications.
A game-based learning service named CoboFun was developed to promote learners’ interactive
museum experiences during their visits. A learning quest named “Doctor D’s Dinosaur Park” was
designed for introducing the exhibitions of Life Science Hall on display of National Museum of Nature
Science (NMNS) in Taiwan. A total of eight problem-solving tasks were integrated in the quest for
constructing the thematic knowledge of the origin, evolution and extinction of life on earth. In the
beginning, a simulated story is provided to motivate learners’ participation and guide their actions to
solve puzzles. The learner is able to use beacon technologies to identify their position and plan their
route to the various locations with an exploration map. Each learning task provides a puzzle to engage
learners interact with the nearby exhibits and other people. For example, Figure 1 and 2 display an
example of task design. The learner is able to find the location of target exhibit and the answers from the
descriptions and audio tour. The clues and hints are provided to support the learner identify the keys to
solve the puzzle. The learner is able to select their preferred tasks, stop and continue gaming at any time
they want. To promote learner solving all the puzzles, the learner is able to collect Virtual Reality
objects (Dinosaurs) after they finish each task. Besides, the learning summary provided illustrated
explanations to summarize the thematic knowledge of each task. Once they complete the quest, the
learner is able to view the VR video with their collected dinosaurs or take Augmented Reality photos as
souvenir picture, and they are able to access extended learning materials related to the quests on a
MOOCs platform. Figure 3 shows the service flow of CoboFun.
3. Evaluations
A total of 58 students (28 boys and 30 girls) in the sixth-grade of elementary school participated in this
study. Descriptive analysis was applied to examine learners’ museum experiences and mental
workloads. We then used a Levene's test to check for homogeneity of variances among the raw
measurements. An independent t-test was applied to compare the differences of learning experiences
between FI and FD. The significance level was α = .05 for each statistical analysis.
The results show both FI and FD learners considered that learning with CoboFun required neither
low nor heavy mental workload. The results show the workloads of learning with CoboFun to be in the
acceptable range, which hardly caused cognitive overload. Most learners considered that learning with
CoboFun required more effort on mental demand than physical demand. Besides, the FD learners paid
more effort to physical demand (Mean=4.13, SD=2.37) compared to the FI learners (Mean=3.31,
Regarding the comparison between learners with different cognitive styles, the results echoed
previous studies, in that FI and FD learners have different preferences and service design needs(Chen,
2002; Huang, Hwang & Chen, 2016). The t-test results demonstrate that the FD learners’ preferences of
service design differ from the FI learners. In particularly, FI learners show noticeable preferences on
icons with text labels (t (56) =1.93, p=.059) and landmarks (t (55) =1.91, p=.061) in interface design
compared to FD learners. Although the t-test results did not reach a significant level, the results are
similar to previous studies, which found that FI learners prefer navigational structure such as index or
search to identify specific contents (Alhajri & Ahmed, 2016). In addition to the preferences regarding
interface design, there is a significant difference in the preferences for corrective feedback design
between FI and FD learners (t (56) =2.55, p=.014). The results show FI learners prefer to use the tools to
support their efficient locating of specific information, and they expected to have more elaborative
corrective feedback compared to the FD learners. The different requirements of service design indicated
the need to provide different learning supports to effectively support diverse learning in museums.
Besides, the unmatched service design may influence FI learners’ perceptions better than the FD
learners because they prefer to work alone, without help from others. Although the FI learners were less
satisfied with the service design of CoboFun, they judged their performance to be better than the FD
learners did. The differences in self-judgments on learning performances may reflect that the FD
learners considered that they performed worse compared to those without social supports.
In this study, a game-based learning service named CoboFun was developed to engage the diverse
learners learning in a blended museum context. A flexible learning environment with various types of
learning supports and learning activities was provided to encourage diverse learners interacting with
museum exhibits and the other learners. Besides, the learners’ perceptions were examined to understand
the different needs of the learners with different cognitive styles. The results of this study provides
practical evidence to understand the learning differences between FI and FD learners. However, there
are some limitations. Firstly, this study only evaluated learning perceptions. To better understand how
and why diverse learners have different learning perceptions, there is a need for future studies to
provide learning analysis of learning behaviors. Besides, the learning achievements can be evaluated as
well. In addition to the effect of cognitive style, other human factors, such as prior knowledge and age,
can be examined to provide better services and match diverse learners’ needs in museum learning.
This work was supported by the National Science Council of Taiwan, R.O.C., under contract numbers
MOST 108-2511-H-178-001.
Alhajri, R., & Ahmed, A.-H. (2016). Integrating learning style in the design of educational interfaces. Advances in
Computer Science: an International Journal, 5(1), 124-131.
Chen, S. (2002). A cognitive model for non–linear learning in hypermedia programmes. British Journal of
Educational Technology, 33(4), 449-460.
Huang, Y.-M., Hwang, J.-P., & Chen, S. Y. (2016). Matching/mismatching in web-based learning: a perspective
based on cognitive styles and physiological factors. Interactive Learning Environments, 24(6),
Chang, M. et al. (Eds.) (2019). Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Computers in
Education. Taiwan: Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education
Abstract: Interactive Learning Module (ILM) is a type of learning module where you can
conduct a self-learning activity with certain study materials. The use of ILM can facilitate
learners to demonstrate Self-Regulated Learning (SRL) skills. However, most ILMs can be
used interactively but cannot record and visualize SRL aspects in the learning process. The
purpose of this study is to develop an ILM prototype that can record learner’s behavior from
SRL perspective. This study also attempts to define qualitative requirements for an ILM that is
able to record SRL aspects. The sample material used in this ILM prototype is Boolean logic
that is one of the basic fundamentals in Computational Thinking.
1. Introduction
Recent studies have developed an Interactive Learning Module (ILM) using VR or AR technologies
(Joo-Nagata, Abad, Giner, & García-Peñalvo, 2017; Papathomas & Goldschmidt, 2017; Sampaio &
Almeida, 2016). For example, a study was conducted to create a VR device where users could learn
history by animating historical sites into VR (Joo-Nagata et al., 2017). Another example is a study by
Sampaio and Almeida (2016) which was carried out to find a proper pedagogical strategy for ICT class
that uses AR devices. From this point we could assume that AR and VR related research in education
will grow in quantity in the near future.
Despite all of that research, there is no sign that there will be a piece of research related to the
development of an ILM that could record its users’ behavior and help them to formulate meaningful
feedbacks, specifically from Self-Regulated Learning (SRL) perspective. SRL is a multidimensional
construct that involves complex interactions such as cognitive strategy, motivation, and metacognition
(Kauffman, 2004). Other studies also sought to define SRL as a process that involves construction of
understanding related to a particular topic or domain using strategies and goals, as well as regulating
and monitoring certain aspects of cognition, behavior, motivation, and behavior manipulation to
achieve desired goals (Pintrich, 2000). The objective of the study is to build an ILM prototype that
records users’ behavior and map them to SRL aspects.
2. Method
This research is divided into five stages. First, researchers searched for relevant literature to study the
concept and the techniques for designing and implementing the prototype. Second, researchers
attempted to design and implement the system. Design techniques such as blueprints and content
mapping were used in this step. This phase was intended to produce working software that would serve
as a prototype. Third, the resulting working prototype was tested to representative users. Techniques
such as usability testing and contextual interview were used here. An Indonesian version of System
Usability Scale (SUS) questionnaire was used as a tool for gathering data (Sharfina & Santoso, 2006).
Aside from the ten statements provided in SUS, the questionnaire also features additional open-ended
questions to help researchers identify problems and to compare whether ILM materials are as good as
school materials or not. Fourth, researchers analyzed participants’ data from the SRL records and
attempted to formulate conclusion from those data. Feedbacks from usability evaluation were used to
formulate qualitative requirements in this phase. Fifth, researchers presented the processed data and
formulated a general conclusion from those data.
3. Implementation
The ILM prototype is divided into three parts: game, learning module, and data. The game part consists
of eight stages. Each of the stages presents a Boolean Logic related game called Dropzone. In this game,
players are challenged to drag a bunch of colored boxes into a part of window called Dropzone. The
player has to put the right box into the dropzone. To know which box has to be put inside the Dropzone,
they need to read the instruction that is written in Boolean expressions. The learning module part
consists of materials that are divided into five parts. Those parts are introduction module, proposition
module, NOT module, AND module and OR module. Each of the three Boolean operator modules (AND,
OR and NOT) consists of three parts. Those parts are definition, examples, and truth table. The
definition part explains the formal definition of each Boolean operators; the example part presents the
users with usage examples related to the corresponding Boolean operators; and the truth table part
shows the True-False configuration of each Boolean logic operator. The last one is the data part. In this
part, users’ game data are displayed. These data consist of the distribution of each SRL aspect and a line
chart that displays SRL actions in a sequential manner.
The technologies used to implement ILM prototype are ExpressJS as a web framework, PostgreSQL
that acts as database driver, and Heroku service that is used to host the prototype online. Drag and drop
animation in the prototype is implemented using InteractJS. In the game section of the system, all
actions performed by a user will be recorded in the database. The database will record each action in
tuples that contain action name, timestamps, and the user who did it. Then, every action will be given
tags to map them into one of the SRL aspects. There are four SRL aspects defined in this research,
which are planning strategies, monitoring strategies, cognitive action, and regulating strategies. After
being recorded and given tags, all of these actions are visualized in the data section. Figure 1 is an
example of the line chart representation. Every dot in represents an action performed by the user.
Thirty two sophomore students from 21 Senior High Schools in Jakarta, Indonesia were participated in
the study. They came from a science-based class that uses a science curriculum to teach its students.
They were involved in usability testing that was combined with a contextual interview. The tasks given
in usability testing consisted of two tasks. The first task was to register into the system until the user
successfully logged in into the system. The second task was to complete the tutorial provided by the
system. After the usability testing was conducted, participants filled the SUS questionnaire provided.
4.2 SUS Score & Feedback from Contextual Interview and Questionnaire
The SUS score obtained by the system was 74.25. The adjective score obtained by the system was
Excellent with grade C. From the first question in contextual interview that reads “What is the most
disturbing thing in this application?”, we obtained this collection of problems from the participants: (1)
bug from animation; (2) server took a long time to respond; (3) little time to understand a problem; (4)
and complicated English. In response to the second question that reads “Which is better, Boolean logic
material provided at school or from the ILM application?”, 87.5% of the participants said that ILM
material was better, while 12.5% of them said that school material was better. Lastly, there are several
recommendations offered by the participants in usability testing: (1) make a mobile version of the
application; (2) improve study material and user interface; (3) provide other games to add options; (4)
use the Indonesian language; and (5) replace colored boxes with real life objects.
5. Conclusion
From the data gathered and processed in this research, there are several facts that we could draw from
this study. First, the participants’ plan is not well thought. Plan was not considered important by
usability testing participants. Second, “trial and error” is more considered. This behavior can be seen
from participants’ cognitive action score that is much bigger than that of other SRL aspects. This also
means that participants did a lot of cognitive action-based actions compared to those of the other aspects.
Third, users do not learn from their mistakes. They did not really reflect on their learning actions.
Furthermore, from this study we found that many participants favored ILM material over school
material. Learning activities provided on ILM are much more interesting than those provided at school.
In addition, ILM methods of learning involve encouraging material understanding and immersion to
game activity. The “intuitiveness” of ILM game activities creates an impression on the participants that
the material provided on ILM is easy. This might be what makes ILM much more interesting than
school material.
This research was supported by Hibah Publikasi Internasional Terindeks 9 (PIT 9) 2019 at the
Universitas Indonesia (NKB-0008/UN2.R3.1/HKP.05.00/2019).
Joo-Nagata, J., Abad, F. M., Giner, J. G., & García-Peñalvo, F. J. (2017). Augmented reality and pedestrian
navigation through its implementation in m-learning and e-learning: Evaluation of an educational program in
Chile. Computers & Education, 111, 1-–17. doi:10.1016/j.compedu.2017.04.003.
Kauffman, D. F. (2004). Self-regulated learning in web-based environments: Instructional tools designed to
facilitate cognitive strategy use, metacognitive processing, and motivational beliefs. Journal of Educational
Computing Research, 30(1–-2), 139–-161. doi:10.2190/ax2d-y9vm-v7px-0tad.
Millard, D. L. (2000). Interactive learning modules for electrical engineering education. Electronic Components
and Technology Conference, pp. 1042–-1047. Retrieved from
Papathomas, P., & Goldschmidt, K. (2017). Utilizing virtual reality and immersion video technology as a focused
learning tool for children with autism spectrum disorder. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 35, 8–-9.
Pintrich, P. (2000). The role of goal orientation in self-regulated learning. In M. Boekaerts, P. Pintrich, & M.
Zeidner (Eds.), Handbook of self-regulation (pp. 452–502). San Diego, CA: Academic Press.
Sampaio, D., & Almeida, P. (2016). Pedagogical strategies for the integration of augmented reality in ICT
teaching and learning processes. Procedia Computer Science, 100, 894-–899.
Sharfina, Z., & Santoso, H. B. (2016). An Indonesian adaptation of the System Usability Scale (SUS). Paper
presented at the 8th International Conference on Advanced Computer Science and Information Systems
(ICACSIS) 2016, Malang, Indonesia.
Chang, M. et al. (Eds.) (2019). Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Computers in
Education. Taiwan: Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education
Abstract: This research aims to investigate the effectiveness of a STEM-based learning package to
enhance the skills of problem-solving and programming. We design and develop the learning
package which is consisted of the traffic model, self-directed worksheets, and the Sphero robot. In
our design process, the students’ knowledge integration and real-life based problem-solving skills
were taken into account. Participants are high school students who are aiming major in science in the
future. Research instruments and collection include skill assessments, satisfactory questionnaires
and observation during the activities. The findings revealed that students had better understanding
the program workflow, had improved programming skills, and had the high satisfaction levels from
the learning. The average of overall students’ satisfaction was 4.38 (SD=0.63).
1. Introduction
Programming skills are important in the time of technological advancement. Programming skills are
promoted in various organizations around the world. Programming knowledge and skills are required to
develop everything such as internet of thing (IOT), machine learning, artificial intelligence (AI) and
intelligent systems.
In Thailand, formerly, the high school curriculum was not established to acquire skills of basic
programming, computational thinking and problem-solving skills. As a result, students’ learning
achievement in the computer science study in higher education was low because these students did not
have sufficient understanding and knowledge of advance programming (Sochara, 2010). Likewise,
other skills required in the computer science field, including creative thinking, problem solving and
critical thinking were not focused to be taught in school (Gultekin, 2005). Therefore, students were
lacking these important skills which are needed to flourish in life in the 21st century.
Currently, based on the Thai Education Policy for the high schools, the educational focus is to integrate
learning methods using the principles of the STEM education. The STEM education consists of four
disciplines Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. This teaching and learning method
emphasizes on students’ learning projects (Siripattrachai, 2013, Ioannou & Bratitsis, 2017). The STEM
method is believed to promote the integrated learning in Thai high schools in order to develop essential
computer competencies and encourage computing science literacy among students.
With the principles of the STEM education, teachers still have to choose appropriate instruments to
support learning activities. The learning instruments must be appropriate for the characteristics of
students which are hands-on, intellectually-stimulating, and entertaining. The Sphero Robots will be a
reasonable choice for this circumstance. The Sphero robots are approachable, playful appearance and
simple to use, despite containing complex technologies inside (Sphero Inc, 2012).
In order to comprehensively promote the higher order thinking skills and knowledge in
computing science, we developed the learning package to provide experiences, improve student
behavior, and also facilitate teacher in learning management. In this study, we aim to investigate how
STEM-based learning package can enhance programming and problem solving skills by using Sphero
robots with specific traffic model and self-directed worksheets.
2. Method
This study involves 30 high school students who are aiming major in science in the future. They were
divided into groups of 5 persons. Subsequently, the learning package was provided to these student
groups. Figure 1 illustrates the learning flow of this preliminary experiment using our learning package.
After the activity was done, students were asked to self-assess their programming and problem solving
skill, then to take the questionnaire.
2.3 Measurements
2 types of questionnaires were designed and developed. One was for evaluating students’ satisfaction.
Another was for evaluating students’ skills which included 12 items (6 items for programming skill and
6 items for problem solving skill). They both were developed according to 5-point Likert scale
including strongly agree=5, agree=4, don’t know=3, disagree=2, and strongly disagree=1 (Likert,
From analysis of students’ self-assessment data, the results showed that the average score was 4.26
(SD=0.75). Out of the 12 items, 11 items had average score above 4.00. While, the highest score was the
item “the students were able to understand the workflow of the program better” (Mean = 4.53, SD =
0.64), the lowest score was the item “the students were less able to apply knowledge to daily lives”
(Mean = 3.87, SD = 0.83).
The result of students’ satisfaction toward the learning package was averagely 4.38 (SD=0.63). Out of
the 10 items, 9 items had average score above 4.00. Only one item had average score below 4.00 that
was “Proper study time” (Mean = 3.87, SD = 0.92). The highest score was the item “The teaching and
learning activity are interesting” (Mean = 4.67, SD = 0.49).
4. Conclusion and Discussion
We observed students during doing the activity followed the step of the engineering design process.
Figure 2 shows the students’ engagement in the activity.
Ask: Each group was able to identify the problems and determine which route would lead them to the
destination with the least amount of time.
Imagine: Students brainstormed and shared ideas about the best-possible route.
Plan: Students designed and calculated speed time and distance.
Create: Students programmed the robot following the plan.
Experiment: Students tested the program, observed and adjusted.
Improve: Students modified the code following the adjustments and reattempted the program.
Students were able to understand and explain concepts and how to process the program on the
self-directed worksheet without teacher assistance. Likewise, students were able to control the robot to
complete mission by applying knowledge that gained from the self-directed worksheet.
The authors acknowledge the Project for the Promotion of Science and Mathematics Talented Teachers
(PSMT), the Institute for the Promotion of Teaching Science and Technology (IPST), Ministry of
Education, Thailand. They are also grateful to Faculty of Science, Ubon Ratchathani University for use
of facilities.
Sochara, C. (2016). The Development of Instructional Package on The Basic Commands for Controlling a Robot
in The Robotics Course for 10th Grade Students. 4th Rajabhat University National and International
Research and Academic Conference (RUNIRAC IV), 218. [in Thai]
Gültekin, M. (2005). The Effect of Project Based Learning on Learning Outcomes in the 5th Grade Social Studies
Course in Primary Education. Educational Sciences: Theory & Practice, 5(2).
Ioannou, M., & Bratitsis, T. (2017). Teaching the notion of Speed in Kindergarten using the Sphero SPRK robot.
In Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT), 2017 IEEE 17th International Conference, 311-312.
Likert, R. (1932). A technique for the measurement of attitudes. Archives of Psychology, 22 140, 55.
Siripattrachai, P. (2013). STEM Education and 21st Century Skills Development. Executive Journal, 33(2),
49-56. [in Thai]
Sphero Inc. (2012). Sphero Edu TEACHER RESOURCE GUIDE K-12. Retrieved from
CLUSTERING MODELS FOR TOPIC ANALYSIS IN GRADUATE DISCUSSION FORUMS ............................................. 232
IDENTIFYING READING STYLES FROM E-BOOK LOG DATA ................................................................................... 312
DIGITAL TEXTBOOK SYSTEM ........................................................................................................................ 318
RESOURCES: USING MOOC AS AN EXAMPLE ................................................................................................ 324
SEQUENTIAL ANALYSIS ................................................................................................................................ 330
.................................................................................................................................................................... 351
LEARNING DYNAMIC DATA STRUCTURES ..................................................................................................... 354
PROCESS ...................................................................................................................................................... 357
DESIGN?....................................................................................................................................................... 372
Chang, M. et al. (Eds.) (2019). Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Computers in
Education. Taiwan: Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education
Abstract: In this paper, we report on a study of adaptive practices, as revealed by a teacher’s eye gazes,
in response to the contingencies that arose during a lesson. From the literature, four categories of
adaptive practices, namely, adaptive recognitions, adaptive anticipations, adaptive deliberations, and
adaptive insights were used for initial coding. In this study, eye tracking technologies are positioned as a
mediator between the contingencies that arise in the classroom and the adaptive practices undertaken by
teachers. The two research questions are: (1) What classroom events and/or objects, as revealed by the
eye fixations, invoke the adaptive practice(s) of recognitions, anticipations, deliberations and/or insights
during a lesson? (2) What events unfold following the enactment of the adaptive practice as informed by
the eye fixations? The findings in this paper were based on a 29-minute lesson video of a biology lesson
during which the teacher was wearing eye trackers. The four contingences that arose during the lesson
include: (1) students engaging in personal talks, (2) students not taking down notes, (3) students not
looking confident when answering, and (4) student raised hand to seek clarification. This study offers
new insights into the nature of teachers’ adaptive practices in classroom teaching, with two new
sub-categories of adaptive practices being identified. The findings suggest that eye-tracking technologies
can help to generate new empirical insights on the nature of adaptive practices that teachers adopt in the
1. Introduction
Teachers engage in adaptive practices as they continually interpret the contextual-specific information
related to the subject matter, ecological factors, and students (e.g., expressed emotions, actions,
responses) in classroom teaching. As such, it can be challenging for teachers to be aware of the often
implicit adaptive practices (Mylopoulos & Scardamalia, 2008) because of the many things that are
simultaneously ongoing in class. Post-lesson reflections based upon recall are reconstructed memories
that are partial and subjected to personal bias (Dempsey, 2010). Lesson videos offering meso-level
insights into the classroom events (Tobin, 2017) may not capture the specific “object” (i.e., person or
thing) that invoke the specific adaptive practice. This paper reports on a study of adaptive practices
(Männikkö & Husu, 2019; Martin, Nejad, Colmar, & Liem, 2012), as revealed by teachers’ eye gazes
when enacting a lesson, with the goal to help them gain a deeper understanding of their adaptive
teaching practices. According to Männikkö and Husu (2019), there are four categories of adaptive
practices, namely, adaptive recognitions, adaptive anticipations, adaptive deliberations, and adaptive
insights. In this study, eye trackers are used to objectively and accurately collect and analyze visual
behavior (Tobii, 2019). Here, eye tracking technologies are positioned as a mediator between the
contingencies that arise in the classroom and the adaptive practices undertaken by teachers. The theory
of contingency (Donaldson, 2001) is applied here to explain the situatedness of the “organization”, that
is, the teacher. As key agents in upholding the rules, norms, regulations, and conventions of the school
that they teach, teachers represent the embodied forms of the organizations (Freedman & Holmes, 2003).
The research questions addressed are:
1. What classroom events and/or objects, as revealed by the eye fixations, invoke the adaptive
practice(s) of recognitions, anticipations, deliberations and/or insights during a lesson?
2. What events unfold following the enactment of the adaptive practice as informed by the eye
The findings illuminate insights on what teachers “see” prior to enacting a specific type of adaptive
practice in response to a classroom contingency. Here, we do not make a judgment of the
(in)appropriateness of the adaptive practice in response to what they “see”. We also do not stop at
identifying what they “see” or “should see” as these have been extensively reported in the
teacher-noticing literature (see e.g., Sherin, Jacobs, & Philipp, 2011; Smith, 2012). While most
previous studies have adopted eye-tracking technologies as a research tool, we use it as a pedagogical
mechanism to tease out elements that feed into the choice of adaptive practices. By pedagogical
mechanism, we refer to eye-tracking technologies as a system of parts—comprising multiplistic factors
including attention span, personal preference on what one chooses to look at, beliefs about what events
or objects deserve attention, the presence of distractors, and so on—that intersects with a lesson
pathway comprising the classroom contingency and adaptive practice of a teacher. In integrating the
social theory of contingency, adaptive practices and eye-tracking technologies, this paper builds on the
existing work and enrich the scholarly discourse of each of the three fields to hone the epistemic quality
(Kelly & Licona, 2018) of classroom teaching. Hence, this work makes practical contributions to
classroom teaching.
Adaptive practices refer to teachers’ competencies in responding to the knowledge about students by
adjusting their curriculum and teaching practices to achieve improved learning outcomes (Beltramo,
2017; Hammerness, Darling-Hammong, Bransford, Berliner, Cochran-Smith, & McDonald, 2005;
Hatano & Oura, 2003; Lin, Schwartz, & Bransford, 2007). When teachers teach, they employ a set of
“core practices” within their subject discipline (e.g., conduct science inquiry lessons in laboratory
lessons), but also adapt these “core practices” flexibly contingent on the exigencies of their school or
classroom contexts (Lampert, Boerst, & Graziani, 2011). Many scholars have argued for the necessity
for teachers to engage in adaptive practices due to the complexity and fluidity of the social contexts in
which education is embedded (Brown, 2004; Emdin, 2016; Tobin & Roth, 2006). Many studies about
adaptive practices have focused on identifying the areas of expertise that teachers should have in order
to engage in these practices effectively. The literature, for example, suggests the importance for
teachers to develop a strong base of pedagogical content knowledge, a vision of ideal teaching, and a
deep understanding and familiarity with their students (Fairbanks, Duffy, Faircloth, He, Levin, & Rohr
2010). However, deeper dialogue about the contingent nature of adaptive practices remain superficial
and vague, hence, it is unhelpful to teachers who seek to unpack and understanding more deeply about
their own teaching practices. Recently, Männikkö and Husu (2019) have identified adaptive practices of
17 primary school teachers, based upon recall interviews, and inductively coded these practices as fixed
or open orientations of teaching. Table 1 summarizes the types of adaptive practices and alignment to
the types of teaching orientation reported in their work.
Table 1
Types of adaptive practices and teaching orientations
Fixed orientation (intrapolations) Open orientation (extrapolations)
Adaptive recognitions refer to teachers’ Adaptive deliberations refer to
established actions based on knowledge teachers’ flexible actions derived from
about students or rules that have been appraising and interpreting the
set. E.g., ongoing events. E.g.,
Recalling what students have Making inferences about
previously learnt or completed students’ performance
Identifying rules in Making appraisals on students’
problem-solving that students performance
should adhere to
Adaptive anticipations refer to teachers’ Adaptive insights refer to teachers’
customary practices based on beliefs or new understanding about teaching and
habits. E.g., suggestions about new practices. E.g.,
Identifying habits that students Wondering about imagined
should have cultivated practices that one could adopt
Invoking basic beliefs that shape Deriving new understandings
one’s decisions in teaching about students
Based upon our interpretation, the key difference between the two columns in Table 1 lies in the degree
of the contingency nature of the adaptive practices. In the case of the fixed orientations of teaching, the
adaptive practices are intrapolations from existing knowledge or information about students. By
intrapolation, we mean looking inward at the “subject” of interest (i.e., student or self) to decision
making on the next set of adaptive practices to engage. On the contrary, adaptive practices in the open
orientations of teaching seem to be extrapolations from the interpreted new and possible, previous,
information arising from the existing state of affairs. As such, the open orientation adaptive practices
illuminate the contingent nature of teaching and hence, the adaptive nature of practices of teaching.
The theory of contingency is a major theoretical lens used to describe organizations (Donaldson, 2001).
The essence of contingency theory is that “organizational effectiveness results from fitting
characteristics of the organization, such as structure, to contingencies that reflect the situation of the
organization” (Donaldson, 2001, p. 1). In this paper, we position teachers and the teaching profession as
the “organization” of embodiments of the institutional values, thinking, norms, and practices. Figure 1
illustrates how we view contingency at play in a classroom.
Education contexts are filled with contingencies that teachers have to respond to. According to
Donaldson (2001), there are three underlying contingencies, namely, task uncertainty, task
interdependence, and size. The uncertainty in tasks could be due to the nature of the tasks themselves,
the technology, technology change, innovation, and environmental instability. In this case, the task can
refer to the lesson to be delivered and the uncertainty may arise due to changes in student-related factors
such as student behaviours, student performance, and change in classroom ecological conditions. Task
uncertainty may be reinforced as a result of engaging in technology and innovation as opposed to direct
teaching. Task interdependence may be in the form of prior knowledge required for students to learn a
new topic or the set of experiences that a teacher must afford in order for students to participate fully in
the subsequent activities. The size refers to the number of students in the class. It tends to be more
challenging for teachers to handle larger class sizes due to greater diversities and hence, higher
possibilities of unknown events happening.
Teachers will construct understandings of the contingencies that emerge during a lesson and act
upon mediators such as their thinking—shaped by their beliefs, personal bias, and assumptions (Day,
Pope, & Denicolo, 2013)—and external stimuli that affect what they hear, see, and feel. Informed by the
literature on teacher noticing, we argue that teachers’ responses to contingencies are, first and foremost,
affected by what they see. What they see will impact the choice of practices that they will subsequently
In order to elicit what teachers see, we harness the affordances of eye-tracking technologies to
help us distil the pedagogical data or signals that teachers act upon in their adaptive practices. In the
next section, we explain the research design and discuss the findings of the study.
Teachers & Task uncertainty, task
see Adaptive practices
Teaching interdependence, size
effectiveness depend on
regain “fit”
Figure 1. The relationship between teachers and teaching, and adaptive practices using contingency
3. Methods
3.1 Participants
The data reported in this paper were drawn from a larger eye-tracking study involving 10 teachers in
Singapore secondary schools (for students of Grades 7-10, aged 13-16). This paper reports a biology
teacher, Karina (pseudonyms are used in this paper) in her lessons with Grade 9 students in an all-girls
secondary school. There were about 40 students in the class. At the time of the study, Karina had 16
years of teaching experience and had taught at the school for 15 years. We have chosen to focus on her
as the main research participant for analysis in this paper because she was the most experienced among
the teachers. Our assumption was that she would be more adept at adapting her practices in response to
the contingencies that emerged during the lesson.
The data collection involved videoing, eye-tracking and interviews with the teachers. Two (1 Front 1
back) video cameras were set up at the back and front of the classroom for the teacher and student views.
During the lesson, the teacher wore the eye-tracker and data were wirelessly recorded via the transmitter
to the laptop using the D-Lab software. As the eye-tracker was light-weight and portable, the level of
discomfort for the teacher was minimized. Prior to the lesson, the teacher had explained to the students
the purpose of the device and study hence, they were preempted on the changes around the classroom.
The eye tracker recorded the movement of the eye pupils and simultaneously video recorded the view in
front of the eye tracker. Each lesson duration was about 30 minutes. We also interviewed Karina after
Each lesson observations and recording. The interview lasted about 60 minutes and was video recorded.
Videos of the eye gazes on objects, the teacher’s view lesson video, and student’s view lesson videos
were synchronized and combined for analysis. The interview was transcribed for analysis. For the
purpose of this paper, only one of Karina’s lesson videos was reported for detailed analysis.
The combined video data from one lesson were analyzed stepwise. In Phase 1, we identified the
significant episodes during which adaptive practices were adopted. This is a form of event-oriented
inquiry (Tobin, 2014) which helped us to focus on what is relevant and significant in illuminating the
contingencies and subsequent adaptive practices in the classroom. A total of four episodes were
identified. In Phase 2, we first adopted prescriptive coding using Männikkö and Husu’s (2019) four
categories and eight sub-categories (see Table 1) of adaptive practices to those episodes. Three out of
the four categories (i.e., adaptive recognitions, adaptive anticipations, and adaptive deliberations)
were identified and used to code the four episodes. Adaptive insight was not observed in the lesson
analyzed. As such, adaptive practices identified in Karina’s video data were not all the same as the ones
identified in Männikkö and Husu’s study. This could be because: (a) adaptive practices identified
through recall interviews may not be the same as that enacted in practice; and/or (b) the adaptive
practices in the lesson analyzed were different from the ones in Männikkö and Husu’s study. However,
only two of the eight sub-categories (i.e., rules and habits) of the adaptive practices were identified in
two episodes. For the remaining two episodes, we have identified two new sub-categories (i.e.,
alternative pedagogical tools and re-constructed explanations) of adaptive practices. In Phase 3, we
returned to the parts of the video coded for specific adaptive practice and code the “object” (e.g.,
student, table, book, ceiling, door, window) at which Karina was looking at when the adaptive practice
was engaged. In Phase 4, we return to the part of the video coded in Phase 1 and 2 to identify the
contingency that arises to draw the teacher’s eye gaze. The constant comparative approach (Glaser,
1965) was employed to ensure that the data were analyzed in a rigorous manner and validity was
achieved. Additionally, the data were independently coded and checked by two researchers.
Discrepancies were negotiated and the data were recoded until 100-percent consistency was achieved.
In Table 2, we summarized: (a) the episodes during which adaptive practices were enacted, (b) the
specific type of adaptive practices adopted, (c) the “object” on which the eye gaze fell upon, and (d) the
contingencies that arose that triggered the respective adaptive practices.
Table 2
Summary of episodes, adaptive practices, “object” of eye gaze, and contingencies
Episode Adaptive Practice “Object” of Contingencies
eye gaze
1 Karina Adaptive recognition (rules): Two Students engaging in
disciplining two Pausing a lesson to discipline students personal talks rather
students students than paying attention
engaging in to the lesson
personal talks
2 Students taking Adaptive anticipations (habits): Whiteboar Noticing that some
down notes from Teachers complimented students d and students were not
the whiteboard who took notes from the students taking down notes
whiteboard without being told
3 Having students Adaptive deliberations Teacher’s Students generally did
guess whether (repetitions): demonstrating the lower arm not look confident
the upper side of movement of the hand again and when answering
the leaf is the students
phloem or xylem
4 Providing Adaptive deliberations Student Student raised hand to
alternative (reconstructed explanations): who posed ask for clarification
answer to Explaining using another set of query
students words
In what follows, we describe the four episodes during which adaptive practices were enacted and then
provide our discussion of the episode.
Episode 1:
Time stamp Descriptions of Karina’s eye gazes
4:23 Karina looked at Melissa and asked if the textbook belonged to her or
Nurhasni. Melissa said the textbook was hers. Nurhasni said she left her
textbook at home. Karina told Nurhasni, “You need to bring your textbook
4:48, 4:50, Karina’s eye gazes were on Nurshani on these instances.
4:58 Karina requested to the researcher to pause the data collection and
removed her eye tracker. The whole class looked in Karina’s direction. As
Karina walked towards Melissa, her jaws dropped and looked in fear. Karina
stood in front of Nurhasni and spoke with her (the content of the
conversation was unrecorded).
5:27 Karina walked back to her teacher’s desk.
5:29 Melissa seemed embarrassed as she shielded her face with her left hand.
Subsequently, Melissa and Nurhasni did not engage in private talks. The
whole class had eyes on Karina. Karina’s eye gazes left Nurhasni and Melissa
and were distributed to the rest of the class until the end of the lesson. She
did more content teaching thereafter.
In Episode 1, Karina was seen adopting the practice of adaptive recognitions of rules. She kept a close
eye on Melissa and Nurhasni as she noticed the two of them engaging in frequent private talks. As such,
her eye gazes frequently landed on the two girls. She did not openly reprimand them until much later
(timestamp at 4:58) when she took a drastic decision to remove her eye trackers, probably to respective
the privacy of the students while scolding them or to not have the eye tracker hinder her direct
face-to-face interaction with the students). In this case, the flow of her lesson was disrupted and she
stopped her lesson to address a recurrent discipline issue. Her adaptive practices were enacted as a result
of her expectations of proper behavior (habits) when she was teaching. She was very attentive to the
misbehaviours and hence, her eye gazes frequently landed on students who were engaging in
non-lesson related activities. The contingencies that arose, in this case, were the lack of alignment of
student behaviours to the classroom norms which Karina had set. Following her adaptive practice, the
two students paid attention for the rest of the lesson and stopped engaging in personal talks.
Episode 2:
Karina adopted the practice of adaptive anticipations of habits. Instead of telling students that
they should be taking down notes without being told to do so, she praised the students who had taken the
initiative to do it. In doing this, she was instilling in students the good habits of independent learning
without constant and direct reminders. She praised those who did it as a means to also imply that those
who did not do so, did not know how to take ownership of their own learning. The contingencies of this
practice were her observations of the different student actions—those who were writing and those who
were not writing anything and simply staring at the teacher. Subsequently, the whole class of students
was taking notes. Karina paused the lesson for them to complete their writing.
Episode 3:
Karina was seen making the adaptive deliberations of repetitions and using her hand as a
pedagogical tool to help students identify a convenient and vivid way of remembering the content. Her
decision to repeat her demonstration was contingent on her observation and interpretations of the lack
of confidence in the students’ responses, probably from the loudness and number of students answering.
Karina had used this method to help students remember the content many times before and she thought
it would be useful for this group of students as well. Hence, she had applied this method again to help
students derive at the answer confidently and concretize their learning in a visual manner.
Episode 4:
5. Implications and Conclusion
In this paper, we reported on the use of eye-tracking technologies as a mediator of the pathway from the
emergence of classroom contingencies to the adaption of practices in a lesson. In our analysis of a
29-minute lesson video, we identified the contingencies that arose in the lessons and were captured by
the eye-trackers as: (1) students who engaged in personal talks, (2) students not taking down notes, (3)
students not looking confident when answering, and (4) student raised hand to seek clarification. For (1)
the eye gazes were fixed on students and adaptive recognitions of rules were practiced. For (2), the eye
gazes were fixed on the whiteboard and students, and adaptive anticipations of habits were practiced.
For (3) the eye gazes were fixed on the teacher’s own lower arm and students, and adaptive
deliberations of repetitions were practiced. For (4) the eye gazes were fixed on the student asking a
question, and adaptive deliberations of reconstructed explanations were practiced. The adaptive
practices led to improved discipline and enhanced understanding.
This study illuminated the process in which the eyes performed as a mediator in the emergence
of classroom contingencies and the types of adaptive practices that result in improved and positive
outcomes. Insights on the nature of teachers’ adaptive practices in classroom teaching can be drawn.
Two new sub-categories of adaptive practices, namely, adaptive deliberations of repetitions and
adaptive deliberations of reconstructed explanations, that have not been reported in Männikkö and
Husu’s (2019) study have been identified here. This implies that eye-tracking technologies can afford
new empirical insights on the nature of adaptive practices that teachers adopt in the classroom. This
knowledge can be used to inform teacher preparation courses to get them ready for the types of
contingencies and hence, potential useful practices that they can adapt in the classrooms. As such, we
argue that eye-tracking technologies can potentially contribute to the literature on teaching and teacher
education. Teacher educators can consider using eye-tracking technologies to help preservice teachers
identify and refine their adaptive practices when teaching (e.g., microteaching scenarios).
6. Limitations
This paper is based upon the case study of one teacher to analyze the occurrences that took place
immediately before the next action or spoken word. While we do not aim to generalize the findings, the
adaptive practices identified can add to the database of known adaptive practices that teachers adopt and
form the base for coding other datasets. Additionally, we acknowledge that while the data collected
were meant to be objective and accurate, in comparison to other types of data that were collected
retrospectively (e.g., stimulated recall interviews), the object of interest in the eye gaze was contingent
on the nature of the adaptive practice identified by the researchers. Hence, inter-rater reliability in the
form of independent coding by two or more researchers was necessary to ensure validity.
This study was funded by Singapore Ministry of Education (MOE) under the Education Research
Funding Programme (ARF 02/17 TSC) and administered by National Institute of Education (NIE),
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or
recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the
views of the Singapore MOE and NIE.
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Abstract: To explore the knowledge dissemination in online learning interaction, the online
learning interaction relation network should be constructed firstly. However, the random
network, small-world network and scale-free network proposed in the current research can not
describe the interactive relationship of online learning interaction. Therefore, how to build the
online learning interaction relation network has become a fundamental research problem to be
solved. This study updates the BA model algorithm to construct a simulated interaction relation
network of online learning. The graphs of degree distribution show that the interaction relation
network simulated in this study conforms to the actual rule of online learning interaction of
instructors and learners.
1. Introduction
Online learning gains more and more attention with its massive resources and instant interactivity
(Mikalef, Giannakos, Chorianopoulos, & Jaccheri, 2013; Kuiper, Volman, & Terwel, 2005). In online
learning environment, knowledge and information spread by participants’ interaction relation path. To
explore how knowledge and information disseminate in online learning interaction, the online learning
interaction relation network should be built. In online learning interaction relation network, the nodes
and edges are significantly different from the social network generated in social media. The online
learning interaction relation network can not be described by random network, small-world network
and scale-free network (Barabási & Albert, 1999; Erds & Rényi, 1960; Watts & Strogatz, 1998).
Therefore, how to generate the online learning interaction relation network to simulate the
dissemination of knowledge and information is the fundamental problem in the field of online learning
As one algorithm for generating the scale-free network, Barabási-Albert (BA) model has great
advantages in explaining the formation of social networks because of its two characteristics of growth
and priority connection mechanism (Barabási & Albert, 1999). Krawczyk, Kułakowski, and Hołyst
(2018) proposed an algorithm to imitate a series of consecutive conflicts between leaders in social
groups by using the fragments of scale-free Barabasi-Albert networks. DasGupta, Mobasheri, and Yero
(2019) constructed a large number of synthetic networks generated by the Barabasi-Albert preferential
attachment model to shed light on privacy violation properties of eight real social networks. In the field
of online learning, relation network structure of instructor-learner has not received sufficient attention.
This study explored the instructor-learner online learning interaction of one Chinese university, and
designed an algorithm for generating an online learning interaction relation network based on the BA
Firstly, this paper reviewed the literature of online learning interaction and social network
model. Then, we designed an algorithm to generate the online learning interaction relation network
based on the BA model. Finally, the degree distribution diagram of generated relation network was
presented. The result showed that the interaction relation network simulated in our study conformed to
the online learning interaction of instructors and learners in real world.
2. Literature Review
Interaction was defined as a dialogue or discourse or event between two or more participants and
objects which occurred synchronously and/or asynchronously mediated by response or feedback and
interfaced by technology (Muirhead & Juwah, 2004). In the online learning environment, learning
interaction was achieved through collaborative behaviors, from learners’ sharing the diverse
perspectives of the other group members, to being able to seek feedback and clarify ideas through the
group’s communication, either electronic or through other forms of communication stimulated by the
electronic group communication (Wilson & Stacey, 2004).
Online interaction might benefit learning from 3 aspects. (a) Interaction might improve learners’
satisfaction. Hong (2002) discovered that interaction may improve learners’ satisfaction, and learners
who highly perceived the learner-instructor interaction were more satisfied with the course. (b)
Interaction might improve learning outcome. Kurucay and Inan (2017) found that learners working
collaboratively achieved significantly higher than those working individually. Gunawardena,
Linder-VanBerschot, LaPointe, and Rao (2010) reported that interaction between learners was a
significant predictor of achievement. Jung, Choi, Lim, and Leem (2002) concluded that
learner-to-instructor interaction that included academic and social communications increased
achievement. (c) Interaction might enhance learners’ sense of community. Nistor, Daxecker, Stanciu,
and Diekamp (2015) investigated the correlation between interaction and the sense of community, and
found that intensive interactions within the community could lead to stronger emotional connections
between members, and a similar conclusion was proved by Luo, Zhang, and Qi (2017). Online learning
interaction could promote learning significantly, but how knowledge and information disseminated in
online learning environment was still a question to be studied.
To explore the knowledge dissemination of online learning interaction, it is necessary to study the
network structure of online learning interaction. The existing research explored the network structure
by social network theory.
Social network theory pointed out that social network was a social structure made up of a set of
social actors (such as individuals or organizations), sets of dyadic ties, and other social interactions
between actors (Wasserman & Faust, 1994). In learning contexts, online social networking behavior
was related to learning and academic success by creating systems of information, contacts and support
(Yu, Tian, Vogel, & Kwok, 2010). Thoms used social network to analyze how social media was chosen
in distance learning, they also used social network analysis to build the “read” networks and “reply”
networks, and they found that higher network diameters were more characteristic of performing
learning networks (Thoms & Eryilmaz, 2014). Hernández-García, González-González, Jiménez-Zarco,
and Chaparro-Peláez (2015) explored the relationship between learning analysis parameters and learner
outcomes, and showed how the visualization of social learning analysis could help observe the visible
and invisible interactions that occur in online distance education.
Common complex network models include: the Erdos-Renyi network, the Watts-Strogatz
small-world network and the scale-free network. The Erdos-Renyi network is a complex network that is
built through a random process (Erds & Rényi, 1960). It is based on a “natural” construction method:
assume that there are n nodes, and assume that the probability of connection between each pair of nodes
is constant 0<p<1. The Watts-Strogatz small-world network is a type of mathematical graph in which
most nodes are not neighbors of one another, but the neighbors of any given node are likely to be
neighbors of each other and most nodes can be reached from every other node by a small number of
hops or steps (Watts & Strogatz, 1998). The scale-free network is a complex network with a degree
distribution obeying or close to a power law distribution (Barabási & Albert, 1999). However, these
three social networks can not describe the interactive relationship of online learning interaction, so it is
necessary to introduce a new relational construction model.
2.3 Relational Construction Model
The Barabási-Albert model was a model proposed by Barabási and Albert (1999) to explain the
scale-free characteristics of complex networks. This model was found to be a consequence of two
generic mechanisms: (a) networks expand continuously by the addition of new vertices, and (b) new
vertices attach preferentially to sites that are already well connected (Song, Havlin, & Makse, 2005).
Xie et al. (2012) used a model of Barabasi-Albert scale-free networks to study how the presence of such
groups within social networks affects the outcome and the speed of evolution of the overall opinion on
the network. Jiang, Chen, and Liu (2014) used the Barabasi-Albert scale-free network to model the
dynamic information diffusion process in social networks, which showed that the proposed game
theoretic model could well fit and predict the information diffusion over real social networks.
Based on the two characteristics of growth and priority connection mechanism of
Barabási-Albert model, this study improves its algorithm and simulates the relation network of online
learning interaction.
Social network is usually presented in the form of a graph composed of nodes and edges. In social
network, nodes represent individuals or organizations, edges represent their social relationships
including friendships, classmate relationships, business partnerships, ethnic beliefs, etc. In online
learning interaction relation network, there are two types of nodes, one is the learner node and the other
is the instructor node. Edges in online learning interaction relation network represent the interactive
relationship of instructors and learners.
In online learning, instructors mainly build knowledge, guide learners, exchange information,
and feedback results. Learners access information from network, exchange information from peers,
participate in discussions, and reflect on the learning process. There are three types of edges in online
learning: instructor-instructor edge, instructor-learner edge, and learner-learner edge. Interaction
between instructor-instructor mainly takes place in the online teaching and research community, where
instructors can conduct online collaborative learning, share learning resources and research results, and
establish knowledge connections. Interaction between instructor-learner can be divided into cognitive
interaction and emotional interaction. Instructors and learners conduct cognitive interaction through
questions, rebuttals, and assessments, and they conduct emotional interaction by expressing thank-you
words, inspiring each other, and emitting emoji. Interaction between learner-learner usually occurs
when learners are engaged in group discussions and peer-to-peer evaluations.
For a vertex of social network, the number of heads ends adjacent to a vertex is called the
in-degree and the number of tails ends adjacent to a vertex is its out-degree (Bondy & Murty, 1976).
Whereas node degrees characterize individual nodes, one can define a degree distribution to quantify
the diversity of the whole network (Albert, 2005). The degree distribution P(𝑘) of a network is defined
to be the fraction of nodes in the network with degree k, and the value of k is k=1, 2, 3……There is a
power law: P(𝑘) = A𝑘 −𝛾 . Where A is a constant that adds up the P(𝑘) value to 1, and the exponential
index of degrees is usually in the range 2<γ<3 (Albert & Barabási, 2002).
Due to the different nature of the two types of nodes in the online learning interaction relation
network, the degree distribution of the instructor and the degree distribution of the learner are also
different. In order to more accurately analyze the degree distribution of instructors and learners, we
separately study the three types of edges of the online learning interaction relation network, which is
shown in Figure 1. From the perspective of the instructors alone, the network formed by
instructor-instructor interaction is a scale-free network, and its degree distribution is P(k I )1 = Ak I -γ .
Similarly, the network formed by learner-learner interaction is also a scale-free network, and its degree
distribution is P(k L )1 = Ak L -γ.
From the perspective of the connection between the instructor and the learner, the Tie of L-I is
the edge that connects the two networks above. In the network formed only by instructor-learner
interaction, the degree distribution of the instructors is P(𝑘𝐼 )2 = 𝐴𝑘𝐼 −𝛾 , and the degree distribution of
the learners is P(𝑘𝐿 )2 = 𝐴𝑘𝐿 −𝛾 . Combining these two situations, the degree distribution of the
instructors is P(𝑘𝐼 ) = 𝑃(𝑘𝐼 )1 + 𝑃(𝑘𝐼 )2 , and the degree distribution of the learners is P(𝑘𝐿 ) =
𝑃(𝑘𝐿 )1 + 𝑃(𝑘𝐿 )2.
In order to generate the online learning interaction relation network to simulate the dissemination of
knowledge and information, we improve the algorithm of BA model, which is shown in Figure 2.
Firstly, the mi0 instructor nodes and the ml0 learner nodes are gathered together to form the initial
isolated network. Next, we add new nodes to the initial network to make the network size reach N nodes,
in which the probability of adding new instructor nodes is mi. If the newly added node is an instructor
node, it is first connected to ki instructor nodes and then to ni-ki learner nodes in the existing network by
Roulette Method. Similarly, if the newly added node is a learner node, it is first connected to kl learner
nodes and then to nl-kl instructor nodes in the existing network by Roulette Method. Then, the online
learning interaction relation network is generated. Finally, the degree distribution of the whole network
is shown in the form of degree distribution graph.
The degree distribution of the online learning interaction relation network generated by our improved
algorithm of BA model is shown in Figure 3, and the parameter setting of the algorithm is shown in
Table 1.
Table 6
The Parameter Setting
Parameter Definition Value
mi0 The initial number of instructor nodes 3
ml0 The initial number of learner nodes 100
mi The probability of a newly introduced node being an instructor node 0.3
ki The number of instructor nodes to connect in the existing network 2
when the newly introduced node is an instructor
ni The number of total nodes to connect in the existing network when 17
the newly introduced node is an instructor
kl The number of learner nodes to connect in the existing network when 2
the newly introduced node is a learner
nl The number of total nodes to connect in the existing network when 5
the newly introduced node is a learner
N The scale of the network after the increase 1000
As shown in Figure 3, (a) is the degree distribution of instructors, (b) is the degree distribution
of learners, and (c) is the degree distribution of instructors and learners. It can be seen that the degree
distribution of the instructors and the learners are both consistent with the characteristics of the
scale-free network, and the average degree of the instructors is higher than the average degree of the
learners, which is in line with the actual rule of online learning interaction. Although the online learning
interaction realtion network consists of two types of nodes and three types of edges, it is still a scale-free
Figure 21. The degree distribution of the online learning interaction relation network
6. Conclusion
The purpose of this study is to simulate the interaction relation network in the field of online learning
setting. Based on the improved algorithm of BA model, we generate the online learning interaction
relation network and show its degree distribution in the form of a degree distribution graph. The result
shows that the interaction network generated in our research can greatly simulate the dissemination of
knowledge and information during online learning interaction, which has practical significance for
further study of the online learning interaction of instructors and learners. In the future, we will try to
improve other algorithms to simulate a network that is more in line with the rule of online learning
interaction. At the same time, the interactive relationship and interactive content in online learning
interaction are also the key content we will explore.
This study was supported by the Project of Science and Technology Development Institute. The
Research on Evaluation Index and Method of Teacher and Student’s Stickiness in Cyber Learning
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Abstract: Discussion forums provide the base content for creating a knowledge repository. It
contains discussion threads related to key course topics that are debated by the students. In order
to better understand the student learning experience, the instructor needs to analyse these
discussion threads. This paper proposes the use of clustering models and interactive
visualizations to conduct a qualitative analysis of graduate discussion forums. Our goal is to
identify the sub-topics and topic evolutions in the discussion forums by applying text mining
techniques. Our approach generates insights into the topic analysis in the forums and discovers
the students’ cognitive understanding within and beyond the classroom learning settings. We
developed the analysis model and conducted our experiments on a graduate course in
Information Systems. The results show that the proposed techniques are useful in discovering
knowledge from the forums and generating user-friendly visualizations. Such results can be
used by the faculty to analyse the students’ discussions and study the strengths and weaknesses
of the students’ cognitive knowledge on course topics.
Keywords: Topic analysis, Online Discussion Forums, Clustering Models, Topic evolutions
1. Introduction
Online discussion forums are advantageous as they provide an equitable space and flexibility for all
students. They offer an alternative means for encouraging interactions between the students and the
instructors. Discussion forums are classified into three types; standard forum for general use, single
simple discussion forum and question and answering forum. General use forums are useful for any
random discussions posted by any user with or without the goal of testing or learning more about the
topics covered in the class. Simple discussion forum is focused on a single topic or a subject. Question
and answer forums are focused on several diversified topics and aimed at supporting the learning
process. Most of the student forums are usually designed as Q&A forums (Andy, 2013) where the
instructor posts a questions and the students submit their answers.
To measure the students’ learning, instructors always want to know what the students are
discussing. For effective learning through discussions, it is important for the instructors to intervene in
the threads (Simon et al. 2016). Effective intervention requires an understanding of the content and
analysis of the forums (Chaturvedi, 2014). Use of analytics on discussion forums is focused on
collecting, analysing, and displaying the “traces” that learners leave behind, with a purpose to improve
learning (Atapattu, Falkner et al. 2016). For example, if the students are discussing less on certain topic,
instructors can post additional supporting hints for the students to continue the discussions. Emergent
topics or declining topics require more instructor intervention. Another example is that if the students
are digressing from the topic, instructors can control the discussions or encourage further learning
points in the digressed topics.
In this paper, we propose a solution for discovering the topical insights from the discussion forums
based on a text analytics approach. In particular, understanding the topics and sub-topics that are
emerging in the discussions provide useful insights into the student learning process. For example, if the
students have discussed only the main topics that were covered in class, it indicates that the students are
bounded to in-class learning and have not taken efforts to do further research on their own. If more
sub-topics, that were not covered in the class, emerge from the main topic, it indicates the out of class
learning process of the students. In this digital era, it is important for students to learn beyond the
classroom, and further scaffold this learning, by instructors intervening to identify the links between the
various sub-topics and providing a summary of the topical evolutions. However, a manual approach to
this is very time-consuming, since the instructor has to read all the posts and generate topics, sub-topics
and the evolutions. Using automated tools to help gain insights from the discussion forum posts holds
great promise for providing adaptive support to individual students and collaborative groups.
We use data from the online discussion forum of a masters course, “Text Analytics and
Applications” taught at the School of Information Systems, Singapore Management University. A
study by Burge (1994) of Master of Education students enrolled in a web-based distance program
identified challenges that related to peer interaction, difficulties associated with handling and managing
large quantities of information and discussion fragmentation. Therefore, we design the discussion
forum with the controlled and challenging threads, so that the students can appreciate and participate in
the organized discussions. The knowledge generated from such posts can be applied to their project and
exam preparations.
This paper is structured as follows. Section 2 will review the background of discussion forum
analysis and topics analysis of posts. Section 3 provides a background of text analytics. Section 4
describes the research problem statement along with the context. Section 5 presents the solution models
with details of the text analytics techniques that are used in the models. In section 6, we describe
findings, analysis and answer our research questions, and we conclude in Section 7.
2. Related Work
The goal of text analytics is to extract high-quality information from collections of documents. Text
Mining and Natural Language Processing techniques are useful for data processing and discovering
useful patterns. Text Analytics techniques comprise of multidisciplinary fields like information
retrieval, extraction, natural language processing, and text mining. Some of the issues that should be
considered during text mining are tokenization, stop word list, lemmatization, etc. A brief description of
the key components and techniques used in our solution follows.
Tokenization: Tokenization is a common text data pre-processing step that deals with the splitting
of data into smaller units. These units can be paragraphs, sentences, phrases of n-grams (n number of
words), and single words. Every dataset might have a different delimiter used to make the distinction
between these units. Some common delimiters include commas, semicolons, tabs, new line characters
and space.
Stop Word Removal: When doing text mining, many of the frequently used words in English are
useless and add “noise” to the document. Words such as “could”, “and”, “if”, “the”, etc. that are
classified as pronouns, conjunctions and prepositions, do not add value or carry information of
importance to the model. Therefore, these words are referred to as stop words and are removed at the
pre-processing stage.
Stemming: Stemming is the process of retrieving the stem or root form of a word in a heuristic
approach, in the hopes of achieving the common base form or root form of the word. For the purpose of
our application, words are stemmed using the Porter Stemming algorithm proposed by Porter (1980).
Lemmatization: Lemmatization although similar to stemming in that the ultimate goal is to
retrieve the base form of a word, it is more complex than stemming because it requires Parts of Speech
categorization of words before lemmatization to retrieve the lemma or the canonical form of the word
by removing the inflectional suffix or prefix only. The lemmatizer used is based on the WordNet
Database. In our preliminary experiments, we observed that lemmatization is the best pre-processing
step for our results. Therefore, our focus will be on using the dataset cleaned with the help of the
WordNet Lemmatizer (Christiane).
TF-IDF Document Representation: For any statistical computations on text data such as
similarity scoring, a vector space representation of the text data is required. This representation consists
of each document being evaluated as a term-frequency (TF) and inverse document frequency (IDF)
weighted vector. TF-IDF is a statistical weight that ensures the rarer the term, the higher the weight of
the score, by checking the frequency of occurrence of the term in a document (TF) as compared to how
significant that term is with respect to the whole corpus or collection (IDF). Both these measures, in our
solution, aid in generating the aspects or topics from the discussions. One way to combine a word’s term
frequency and inverse document frequency into a single weight is a TF-IDF. Each document in the
dataset is then represented as a document-term matrix. For a term i in document j, the TF-IDF
representation can be written as:
𝑤𝑖,𝑗 = 𝑡𝑓𝑖,𝑗 × log
where tfi,j is the number of occurrences of i in j, dfi is the number of documents containing i, and N
is the total number of documents.
Document similarity score: The similarity score between two documents determines the
co-occurrence of a primary topic in the two documents. We compute this score by computing the cosine
angle between two documents which are modelled as vectors in a vector space suggested by
Christopher Manning (2008).
K-means clustering: Clustering algorithms are exploratory data analysis tools that have proved to
be essential for gaining valuable insights on various aspects and relationships of the underlying textual
data. Clustering algorithms are used to find groups of similar objects in the data. The k-means clustering
algorithm finds its clusters by initializing with k set of seeds to which each of the documents in the
corpus are assigned (one to each) on the bases of closest similarity, in our case the cosine similarity. In
the subsequent iterations, until convergence, the new seeds are defined by the cluster centroids of the
current clusters derived (Aggarwal & Zhai, 2012).
Agglomerative Clustering: Agglomerative algorithms find the clusters by initially assigning each
object to its own cluster and then repeatedly merging pairs of clusters until either the desired number of
clusters has been obtained or all the objects have been merged into a single cluster leading to a complete
agglomerative tree (Christopher Manning, 2008). The key step in these algorithms is the method, also
referred to as clustering function, used to identify pairs of clusters to be merged iteratively.
4. Research Problem and Methodology
Recall that our motivation for this paper is to identify the sub-topics and the evolution of topics within
the discussion forum. We study the two research questions.
RQ1: How the clustering technique performs in discovering sub-topics?
RQ2: Which visualizations are suitable for sub-topic and topic evolution representation?
As part of the text analytics course for graduate students, the instructor designed a weekly question and
answering forum. The information systems graduate courses are business-IT courses. We observed that
the student were reluctant to use the discussion forum if it was a mere repetition of the course content.
Therefore, we had to come up with a design, where questions were asked that promoted the student to
do research and then participate in the forum. Moreover, in our experience, we also observed that the
questions that related to topics beyond the class, were found to be more interesting and motivated the
students to be active participants in the forum. Table 1 shows the discussion forum settings for the
course. Note that the questions are a mix of business and technical aspects which align with the course
Table 1: Weekly topic and the related questions. Underlined phrases show the main topics.
Week Discussion Forum Thread
0 General discussions
General discussions including concepts, labs, class etc.
1 Text Mining Introduction
What are applications of Text mining in education domain?
2 Text pre-processing and NLP
How search engines (Bing or Google) use NLP?
What are examples of applications of chatbots in different industries?
3 Document Similarity
Explain the differences between the bag of words & vector space model.
4 Text Classification
What are examples of text classification in the industry (Government, healthcare, banks,
What are various evaluation measures for text classification?
5 Text Clustering
What are visuals for the displaying cluster results - Free draw and upload?
Explain one clustering evaluation measure with an example.
6 Information Extraction
What are applications of HMM models (Or any other Sequence Model)?
What are examples of information Extraction in Industry (e.g. Finance, Retail, Travel,
Healthcare, Media, Education etc.)
9 Sentiment analysis
Discuss the technique to handle negation in opinions.
Discuss technique to handle sarcasm in opinions.
Discuss the technique to handle suggestions in opinions.
4.3 Participants
Out of the 55 students enrolled in the course, 37 students participated in the discussion forums. More
than 50% of the students have past industry experience or were currently working in the industry.
5. Solution Design
The data from the discussion forums can be noisy and requires significant cleaning before we apply the
mining techniques. To generate the topics, commonly used technique is LDA topic model. However,
the limitation with this technique is the requirement of large datasets for better performance. Therefore,
we took the clustering approach that also aids in the identifying the topics of discussions. With the
several clustering techniques available from the machine learning research, we propose to study two
popular models and evaluate them on their performance for discussion forum analysis. Finally,
choosing visualizations is based on the previous research on the topic evolution and social network
studies. Figure 1 depicts the solution overview showing the four stages; data processing, clustering,
evaluations and visualizations.
Data processing: The first stage begins with the data preparation for representing each post as a
matrix that becomes the input for the clustering algorithms. The posts consist of noisy data such as dates
of posting, names, etc. We remove such data by regular expression method. Each discussion post is then
represented as a TF-IDF matrix after the processing of stopword removal and lemmatization.
Clustering Posts: We provide the choice of two clustering algorithms for the users; k-means and
agglomerative clustering. Document similarity scores for k-means algorithm from scikit learn is based
on Euclidean distance (Gavin, 2017). The objective function is to minimize the within cluster sum of
squares between the documents and centroids. In case of agglomerative clustering, the tool supports l1
norm (cityblock distance) and l2 norm (Euclidean distance). In our preliminary analysis, the cosine
similarity performance has not performed well. Hence, even though the user interface is developed with
the choice of different metrics, in this paper, we focus on Euclidean distance metric. The challenge of
choosing the best number of clusters can be estimated using the elbow method. For each k value,
initialise k-means and use the inertia attribute to identify the sum of squared distances of samples to the
nearest cluster centre. As k increases, the sum of squared distance tends to zero. Plot sum of squared
distances for k in the range specified. If the plot looks like an arm, then the elbow on the arm is optimal
k. The final part is labelling the clusters. Since, clustering is unsupervised learning, to label each cluster,
we use the high frequent words to label the cluster. If the top words are coherent, qualitatively, the
cluster is of better quality, indicating the performance of the clustering algorithm.
Evaluations: The quantitative analysis for clusters can be based on true labels or the non-human
clustering performance metrics such as Calinski and Harabaz score (Yanchi, 2010). We also perform
the qualitative analysis by comparing both the clustering methods based on the top words representing
the clusters. The clusters with coherence and non-repetitive representative words are considered to be of
high-quality clusters.
Visualizations: For exploratory analysis to study the statistics of student’s discussion, pie chart or
bar chart are the best choice. To represent the topics and sub-topics, the network-based graphs are
suitable (Aric et al. 2008). They are the advanced charts which are not only user-friendly but also
suitable to represent the hierarchies and relationships. Finally, for the topic evolution visualization, we
propose interactive line graphs, which are user-friendly charts with hovering feature.
Figure 2 shows the distribution of discussions by topics posted by the instructor. The figure shows the
proportions of posts over the main topics described in Table 1.
We observe that the first four topics have similar contributions more than 16% and the last four
topics are around 8% except for the topic, “document similarity” which is lower than 5%. This is the
most challenging technical topic during the early weeks of the course, and hence, the number of posts is
lower. From the perspective of the type of questions, the different types of questions, namely
understanding, analysis and discuss, received a similar number of posts from the students. The average
number of words per participant is 676, which is quite high, thus indicating students’ interest in proving
detailed explanations.
Once the number of clusters is determined using the elbow method, we set the parameters for both
clustering algorithms as below.
K-means settings: number of clusters is 20, initialization method is k-means++, number of time
the k-means algorithm will be run with different centroid seeds is 20, and iterations is set to 500.
Table 2: Qualitative analysis of agglomerative and k-means clustering. C represent coherently and R
represents repetitive.
From the table, it is evident that agglomerative clustering has out performed k-means clustering.
Hence, for final solution design evaluations, we use agglomerative clustering. This answers our first
research question, RQ1.
6.3 Visualizations
Figure 4 shows the network graph for topics and sub-topics visualization. The topics are represented by
yellow circles and the sub-topics are represented by red circle. The legend for the sub-topics is shown to
the right. For the purpose of this paper, we are showing only 12 sub-topics instead of 20 for simplicity.
Figure 4: Topics and Sub-topics network graph. The legend is displayed to show the sub-topics, red
From Figure 4 we observe that sub-topics can be part of more than one main topic. For example
topic, 6 - “medical and healthcare”, appears under “text classification”, “text mining introduction”, and
“clustering”. This shows how students are connecting the sub-topics over various topics via the
discussion posts. From such graphs, the instructor can identify the missing sub-topics and submit the
posts under the main topic to lead the students in the learning process.
Figure 5 shows the sub-topic evolution over time. It depicts topic evolution over the weeks, given
the percentage makeup of each week. A threshold value of minimum percentage makeup can be set
using the slider below the graph. The interactive nature of the graph also enables the users to study each
topic in detail and aid the instructor to decide on the need for intervention if the student misses the
sub-topics. This chart is based on the results from the 12 clusters shown in Figure 4.
Figure 5: Sub-Topic Evolution over the weeks. Interactive graph with hovering features.
We observe some interesting patterns in this graph in terms of the short-lived vs repeated topics.
Topics on “chatbot” and “healthcare” have occurred several times over the weeks. This is due to the
examples that the students choose to apply the concepts in the given domains. The chart is also
interactive that the selection of topics can be done and study the sub-topics comparison in details. This
answers our RQ2 on types of visualizations for the topic of network analysis and evolution. We
observed that standard non-interactive graphs can provide overwhelming information to the users
where as the interative graphs enable the users to analyse the visuals and gain insights in effective
6.4 Discussions
Our proposed solution worked well for the discussion forum within the chosen information systems
graduate course. Our experiments show that agglomerative clustering model performs better than
k-means clustering for IS technical courses. However, this may not be true for other courses. Therefore,
our solution design provides the flexibility for the users to choose the algorithm, similarity techniques
and a number of clusters. In this solution, we explored clustering techniques to discover the sub-topics.
An interesting future work is to incorporate LDA models to extract the sub-topics by considering the
tokenisation by sentences which can provide large data for LDA learning. It is a more suitable algorithm
if the discussion posts tend to have multiple subtopics. Another interesting technique for clustering
latent class analysis which can overcome some of the limitations of hierarchical clustering methods.
The second interesting future work is the summarization based on the topics and sub-topics. We are
currently working on the topic-based summarization models to generate automated summaries to the
instructors that can be shared with the students.
7. Conclusion
In this paper, we propose a clustering based solution model for discovering sub-topics from the
students’ discussions in an online asynchronous discussion forum. Our experiments show that
agglomerative clustering model performs better than k-means clustering for IS technical courses. To
generalize the solution model across other courses, we provide the flexibility to the users to choose the
clustering settings. The second contribution is the discovery and visualization of topic-evolution over
the time. The interactive model enables the users to study how students are connecting the previous
topics over the period of the course and to what proportion of students post such topical connections
every week of the course.
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Abstract: This paper, as part of a larger ongoing study, presents the use of a multi-layer
approach to analyzing teacher noticing for the improvement of teaching practices. Situated in
the field of teaching analytics, the use of multimodal sensors and analytics, especially for
teacher noticing research, has provided affordances to discover deep insights for improving
teaching practices. We collected data from a case study of one teacher over three lessons of
science teaching in a secondary school. Multimodal sensors including an eye-tracking device, a
microphone, and multiple video cameras were deployed in a classroom. The various sources of
data were integrated and a multi-layer analysis was performed to uncover insights into the
teaching practice. The findings show that a novice teacher in our case study was able to attend to
events in her classroom, with some interpretations and sense-making of the events; some
necessary actions were taken based on the teacher’s analysis but in some instances, necessary
action was found to be lacking. Prior knowledge and the wealth of experiences or the lack
thereof, together with visual cues in the environment, can affect the decision of novice teachers
in executing certain actions in a classroom.
1. Introduction
Research for improving teaching and learning processes in science education are prevalent in various
forms. For example, it can exist as interventions to improve teachers’ practice (Kiemer, Gröschner,
Pehmer, & Seidel, 2015), or in more recent times, developed as part of online tools (Kuosa et al., 2016)
to enhance visualization and innovative equipment for acquiring data (e.g., eye-tracking device in eye
movement research by Jarodzka, Holmqvist, & Gruber, 2017). These research help to gather insights
into the improvement of teaching and learning, whether in face-to-face situations or within online
learning environments. Although educational data mining and analytical algorithms are automating
processes and aiding processes to be easily implemented, there is still a need to make learning activities
visible, so that both teachers and students can develop skills in monitoring their own learning and see
directly how invested efforts can improve learning (Bienkowski, Feng, & Means, 2012). The learning
analytics approach has thus been applied to further these efforts in understanding teaching and learning
processes, often through visualizations, methods, and digital tools that measure, collect, analyze and
report data about learners and their contexts, for purposes of understanding and optimizing learning and
the environments in which it occurs (SOLAR, 2011).
Teaching-oriented learning analytics, also known as “Teaching Analytics”, refers to an
approach that supports teaching practice through the use of analytics (Vatrapu, Teplovs, Fujita, & Bull,
2011) and improve educational designs prior to the delivery (Sergis & Sampson, 2017). This form of
analytics contains similar analytical processes that follow closely that of learning analytics processes,
beginning with the gathering and analysis of data, followed by interventions to seek newer
understanding of classroom situations. As a result, teaching analytics projects also tend to follow the
theoretically-grounded Learning Analytics Cycle (Clow, 2012), which conceptualizes learning
analytics work as four linked aspects: learners (aspect 1) generate data (aspect 2), that is used to produce
metrics, analytics or visualizations (aspect 3), with key emphasis on ‘closing the loop’ by feeding back
this product to learners through one or more interventions (aspect 4). However, as pointed out by Prieto,
Sharma, Dillenbourg, and Jesús (2016), due to the abundance of online trace data generated on digital
platforms and the ease of implementing triggers or interventions in an online environment, teaching
analytics have become mostly focused on online or blended learning situations and often lack the
crucial step of supporting teaching interventions based on learning analytics insights. In face-to-face
situations such as classroom-based instruction, classroom data is captured in the forms of video data,
field observations and discourse data, which may be further analyzed to aid the crafting of interventions
to support teaching. One main challenge is how can the identification of teaching practices during
lessons be improved and the insights be applied to support teaching practices?
This paper presents a multi-layer approach to analyzing teacher noticing. We collected data,
from a case study of one teacher over three lessons of science teaching with secondary school students,
using multimodal sensors, including an eye-tracking device, a microphone, and multiple video cameras
around a classroom. The various sources of data are integrated into a single data set before a multi-layer
analysis is applied to generate insights that could be drawn from each level of the analytical lens.
Noticing is a natural part of human sense-making and can aid interpretation based on one’s orientations
and goals. Noticing entailed by teaching, thus also referred to as teacher noticing, is specialized to its
purposes, such as noticing things that are central not to personal goals, but to professional ones (Sherin,
Jacobs, & Philipp, 2011). Therein lies a crucial and often overlooked factor that has to be considered in
studies that involve teacher noticing, which is the contrast between experienced and newly-trained
observers in noticing and interpreting events that happened in classrooms. For example, a disruptive
student in class might use unruly behavior to hide the insecurity of approaching a difficult subject, thus
affecting the progress of the lesson. A novice teacher might be unable to handle the situation and choose
to ignore the situation over time, but an experienced teacher will pick up on visual cues and question the
student to provide further support.
Early research focused on how teacher noticing affects pre-service teachers’ abilities to attend to
student thinking and learning in lessons (e.g., Levin, Hammer, & Coffey, 2009), or on the use of
evidence to support claims of teaching effectiveness (e.g., Santagata & Yeh, 2014). There are currently
some but limited attention paid to the use of multimodal sensors to capture and provide pre-service,
newly-trained, or novice teachers with more insights to support their teaching practice (Prieto et al,
2016). In general, literature (Jacobs, Lamb, & Philipp, 2010; Sherin et al., 2011) have shown that
teacher noticing involves three processes, namely, 1) attending to particular events in an instructional
setting, 2) interpretation and making sense of the events in the instructional setting, and 3) deciding
necessary actions based on the analysis. In this paper, a wearable eye-tracking device was used to record,
across multiple lessons of instruction, how a novice teacher attended to classroom events, made sense
and interpreted the events, and eventually took action.
2.2 The Affordance of Technology and Eye-tracking Device to Understand Teacher Noticing
A large number of technological tools exist to aid teachers in analyzing student-related aspects, ranging
from visualizations of student progress in activities (Phillips & Popovic, 2012) to devices that alert and
guide teachers to students who need help (Alavi & Dillenbourg, 2012). Recent studies (Matuk, Linn, &
Eylon, 2015) tapped on the features of technology to afford customizations that support individualized
guidance to teachers and reduced the need for teachers to dynamically adapt to students. The use of
eye-tracking technology is currently more pervasive due to advancements of technology and as more
researchers take an interest in investigating teachers’ professional vision (Wolff, Jarodzka, Bogert, &
Boshuizen, 2016; Stickler, Smith, Shi, Caws, & Hamel, 2016). Although eye tracking is an invaluable
tool to investigate the execution of professional tasks via eye movements (Jarodzka et al., 2017), our
take on the use of eye-tracking technology coincides with what research in other fields such as medicine
have reported (Kok & Jarodzka, 2017): that even though eye movements reflect cognitive processes,
these cognitive processes cannot be directly inferred from eye‐tracking data. Therefore, for us to
interpret eye‐tracking data properly and frame it within a teaching analytics context, this paper
incorporated the use of multiple recording devices to collect data for analysis with eye‐tracking data
using a multi-layer analysis. The interpretation of eye‐tracking data is further supported by evidence
obtained through reflective dialogues with teachers.
There are opportunities and challenges in using multimodal learning analytics (MMLA; Ochoa,
Worsley, Chiluiza, & Luz, 2014; Worsley, 2016), a nascent subfield in learning analytics. As an
emergent trend of capturing, modeling, and interpreting multimodal interactions that occur in both
digital and face-to-face learning environments, a variety of data sources can be used to complement
common digital analyses. However, given a large amount of multimodal data that could be obtained
from various data sources, there remains a substantial amount of pre-analysis and conceptual
considerations for data fusion. The variety of natural rich modalities may be redundant in some
circumstances. In this study, a combination or fusion of modalities is designed to give more affordance
to analysts and provide deeper insights into supporting teaching practice.
Prieto et al. (2016) cautioned that using multiple layers of analysis might not always provide
better results, sometimes such methods only lead to marginal gains. In our case study, we consciously
leverage different affordances of each modality so that newer or previously obscure insights may be
discovered when MMLA is used with a multi-layer analysis to interpret and make sense of the data,
based on the provided data in each layer of analysis.
3. Methods
Our case study uses multimodal data from three sources ─ an eye-tracking device that is worn by the
teacher during the lesson, a microphone attached close to the teacher’s mouth, and two cameras around
the classroom (placed at the front and back of the classroom) to capture activities within the classroom.
To minimalize the influence of cameras on the behavior and performance of both teachers and students,
we oriented the teacher with the equipment and explained the study’s non-assessable objectives before
the start of the lesson. A pre-lesson briefing was then conducted by the teacher to inform students of the
nature of the equipment and that the video recordings will neither impact nor be used to assess their
behaviors during instruction. Participants have the right to not participate or withdraw from the study at
any time and this action will not result in punitive measures or loss of benefits.
In this paper, the outputs from the various recording devices can be individually collected and
analyzed as part of a layer of analysis that is shown in Table 1, or if needed, different combinations of
multimodal data can also be brought together for analysis. Video footages from the two cameras placed
around the classroom are collectively referred to as “video data”. Audio data recorded through the
microphone was transcribed and referred to as “discourse data”. The eye-tracking device was accessed
through a D-Lab software platform in order to download a “Point-of-View” (POV) video footage and a
list of gaze point coordinates, which are collectively referred to as the “eye-tracking data”.
There are three layers of analysis. We named the layers of analysis as shown in Table 1, mainly for the
ease of reference in this paper. The multi-layer analysis begins with a basic analysis that scrutinizes
student activity in a classroom, based on what is observed visually from the two sources of video
footage. This is followed by an intermediate analysis based on a combination of the video data and a
transcript consisting mainly of teacher’s instructions interjected with some student interactions. The
third final layer of analysis is based on data from all modalities in the case study, including video data,
a transcript of discourse, and eye-tracking data (POV video and a list of gaze points).
Table 1
Analytic components of each layer in the multi-layer analysis
Layers of Analyses Analytic components in each layer
((starting from top to bottom)
Basic Layer Video Data
Intermediate Layer Video Data Discourse Data
Final Layer Video Data Discourse Data Eye-tracking Data
Similar to the processes that were mentioned in the literature, within each layer of analysis, there
are three interrelated and cyclical processes that we examined in our case study. We focus on three
aspects: 1) whether the teacher was attending to particular events in an instructional setting, 2) how the
teacher interpret and make sense of the events in the instructional setting, and 3) take the necessary and
appropriate actions based on the teacher’s analysis.
To analyze the first aspect, we focus on the location that the teacher chose to look at, which was
determined using the POV video footage (see Figure 1). The gaze point was plotted onto the video,
using the list of coordinates obtained from the eye-tracking device.
Figure 1. Screenshot from a Point-of-View (POV) video when the teacher was writing on a
whiteboard. The gaze point is represented by a red crosshair-like symbol.
After the data were processed and transcribed, we engaged the teacher in reflective dialogues to
understand the teacher’s interpretation of events, how the teacher made sense of the events, and on
actions that took place after the analysis has occurred. In the following subsections, we describe the
processing and integration of different data sources in the various layers of analyses.
Two video cameras were used to capture the teacher’s practices and student activities during lessons in
a classroom setting. The two cameras were placed at the front and back of the classroom to provide
overlapping fields of vision and to ensure that most, if not all of the classroom activities, were captured
for analysis. Based on the visual data, two researchers noted and concurred the general direction and
any specific objects or subjects (students in this case study) that the teacher was looking at or interacting
with during the period of analysis. In this layer of analysis, we are solely interested in the insights from
video analysis of movements and physical positioning of the teacher. We also expect the subsequent
intermediate layer of analysis to provide clearer insights into a teacher’s practice and conversations with
The audio conversations between the teacher and students were recorded using a microphone that was
attached close to the teacher’s mouth. The audio recording was then synchronized with the video data.
The audio recording was transcribed and actions that were observed from the video data were integrated
into the transcript, thus forming a more detailed description of the teacher’s instructions and
interactions with the students in the classroom. This transcript was then used to interpret the teacher’s
3.2.3 Using video, discourse, and eye-tracking data – Final layer of analysis
Using the D-Lab software, we were able to record and export eye-tracking data, consisting of the POV
video and a list of gaze points. These data allowed us to interpolate and determine areas that the teacher
was looking at any point in time during the lesson, by focusing on significant gazes that hover around or
fixate on a subject or object in the classroom environment for more than two seconds. Together with the
other sources of data, we interpreted the teacher’s noticing habits and interactions with the students,
alongside any subsequent actions that took place.
Recordings of what the teacher pay attention to during classroom instructions were used during
reflective dialogues as concrete reference points for recall and discussion. We relied on
Video-Stimulated Recall (VSR; Sturtz & Hessberg, 2012), that is, after the teacher had watched
video-recorded segments of classroom instruction, we conducted a reflection discussion with the
teacher. Through this method, we gathered insights into the interpretation and sense-making processes
that the teacher demonstrated at the time of events in the instructional setting, along with the thought
process on the necessary actions that were taken based on the teacher’s analysis. Eventually, from our
observations, we would also be able to delve deeper into the understanding of the unarticulated thinking
and decision-making processes that effective teachers engage in while conducting instruction
(Martinelle, 2018).
4. Case Study
The data for our study was collected based on the teacher’s availability and scheduled lessons in a
secondary school. Overall, a total of three lessons (30-60 minutes) were collected, totaling over two
hours’ worth of multimodal data. The teacher is considered a beginning (novice) teacher in the local
context, with less than three years of experience. Three classes of between 28 to 34 students attended
each lesson in which the teacher wore a wearable eye-tracking device with an attached lapel
microphone. A researcher helped to set up two cameras to capture students’ activities from the front and
back of the classroom. The recorded lessons began with the students greeting the teacher and ended
when the teacher dismissed the class. All three lessons had a similar lesson plan to teach science and are
mainly teacher-based instruction, interspersed with some group work and individual in-class
The teacher has a free reign on their actions with no restrictions other than to avoid touching the
eye-tracking device in order to retain a high accuracy of measurements obtained through an initial
calibration and setup process. An example of the teacher during the lesson is shown in Figure 2, with
some identities whited out for anonymity.
Figure 2. Back view from one of the cameras capturing teacher-based instruction in a classroom.
The teacher was wearing an eye-tracking device that drew power from a backpack.
Considering the amount of multimodal data collected, we initially browsed through the collective video
data to identify several events that were interesting for investigations and might contain some insights
that are only discernible with the multi-layer analysis. In this paper, we presented two such events that
stood out and we further probed the teacher during the reflective dialogue for understanding and
validation of the events and actions that were revealed in the video data.
In this section, we first present the summarized findings from our multi-layer analyses in the form of a
table, followed by our interpretations from each layer of analysis. Insights obtained from the reflective
dialogue were then used to corroborate our findings. The first event occurred at the early stages of a
lesson when the teacher was awaiting students to settle into the classroom.
Table 2
Findings from a multi-layer analysis of the first event
Layer of Analysis Analyses and Interpretations
Basic Layer – Video The teacher monitored students entering the classroom and gesticulated
Analysis at an incoming student (Student C) who stopped at the entrance,
seemingly due to a seating issue. Student C proceeded to sit at an empty
space and the teacher proceeded with instructions involving content
presented on a screen.
Intermediate Layer – The teacher was apparently checking with Student C, who was
Video and discourse distracted by another Student J who was sitting at Student C’s original
analyses seat. The teacher then probed the reason for the displacement of Student
C and the matter was settled amicably when Student C proceeded to sit
at a different seat.
Discourse analysis showed that the teacher first emphasized the lack of
time and was in a hurry to start her lesson immediately before she
observed the incoming Student C. The students involved in the debacle
were left to their own devices to settle the seating issue as the teacher
did not provide any instructions to resolve the issue or offer any
solutions to the students. Student C eventually decided to sit at an empty
seat to end the stalemate.
Final Layer – Video, In addition to previous analyses and observations, when students were
discourse, and entering the classroom, the teacher’s gaze was on the incoming
eye-tracking analyses students, but it stopped and shifted to Student C, who suddenly stopped
at the doorway. The teacher’s gaze then tracked the direction of the seat
that Student C was looking at, before focusing back to Student C. The
problem was then apparent to the teacher, as she asked Student C “who
took your seat” and proceeded to scan through the neighboring students
to check on their responses to the question. The teacher then recalled
from previous experiences that another Student J has taken Student C’s
seat and queried Student J. During this interaction, the teacher’s gaze
was alternating between Student C and Student J.
After getting a vague clarification from Student J, Student C had
already settled in a new seat and the teacher saw there were no
remaining students who were standing and decided to end the issue. The
teacher momentarily paused for a moment with her gaze fixated on a
blank space between students, before proceeding to explain the content
on the screen.
From the multi-layer analyses in Table 2, we noted that the teacher attempted to get students to
settle into the class before she could begin covering the required content within a limited amount of
time. During the reflective dialogue, we showed the teacher a video snippet of the event and asked her
for the most significant thing that she can recall about what happened. The teacher replied that she was
surprised that Student J and her friend beside her were sitting in Student’s C seat in the middle of the
classroom, rather than at the side of the classroom. This event unsettled her slightly and she mentioned
that Student J and her friend were known to be unenthusiastic students, and as such, she should have
focused attention more on them. Therefore, from this event, it was apparent that the teacher was swift in
detecting visual cues within the classroom, but have difficulties handling unexpected students’
behaviors. Although she was undeterred by the turn of events that she did not previously encounter, the
teacher’s composure was affected before the lesson even started. The reflective dialogue with the
teacher also revealed that there was prior knowledge of certain students that might have caused inaction
on the teacher’s part. The next event took place in the middle of a lesson when the teacher was
instructing using content from a presentation slide.
Table 3
Findings from a multi-layer analysis of the second event
Layer of Analysis Analyses and Interpretations
Basic Layer – Video The teacher was instructing using presentation slides, with frequent
Analysis head turning movements at the slide’s content and gesticulating to
better explain a structure found within a leaf. She gave attention to the
students seated at the front by looking at them, but there was no further
engagement with any student. Several front row students were staring
blankly with heads resting on their hands and yawning at several
instances. The students’ general behaviors reflect disinterest and
boredom during this part of the lesson.
Intermediate Layer – The teacher was explaining the concept of photosynthetic cells in a
Video and discourse plant, using vertical hand gestures to simulate the efficient packing of
analyses palisade mesophyll cells.
Discourse analysis also showed that there were multiple instances
where the phrase “maximize the rate of photosynthesis” was overly
emphasized and constantly appeared in a sequence of sentences.
Similar to the first event, the teacher was rushing through the content
and therefore, gave minimal wait times after questions were posed for
students to think, resulting in students giving garbled or no response.
This also resulted in some students preferring to copy content from the
presentation slides onto their textbooks rather than pay attention to the
teacher. The teacher noticed this trend and admonished the students,
asking the students not to copy, as she would provide notes at a later
time, but students would still need to fill in the blanks in the notes.
Final Layer – Video, When explaining the content from the slides, the teacher was making
discourse, and several glances from the students and back to the screen to refer to some
eye-tracking analyses technical terms, a possible indication that she was unsure of the
instructed content.
The teacher repeatedly emphasized “maximum rate of photosynthesis”,
and her glance was not on any object, but at a space right above the
students’ heads that hovered for a significant period of time.
There was a lack of engagement and eye contact with students during
this event, possibly leading students to feel bored and uninterested, with
some students preferring to copy notes into their textbooks instead of
listening to the teacher.
The multi-layer analyses in Table 3 show that when the teacher was teaching, she was also
having issues in engaging and maintaining this engagement with the students. During the reflective
dialogue, we showed the teacher a video snippet of this event and similarly asked her for the most
significant thing that she can recall about the event. The teacher explained that during instruction, she
was often thinking while speaking and did this quite often during lessons, as she tried to find the
appropriate words to use during the lessons, followed by consideration of necessary actions to take. As
such, she often did not look at the students and hence had little situational awareness of students and
their activities while she was speaking. This piece of information corroborates with the evidence in our
study that shows the teacher seemed to be distracted during the instruction, as she gazed at blank spaces
above students’ heads while instructing and thinking. As the teacher was also thinking while
instructing, she might have not been paying attention to her own talk as she repeatedly emphasized a
series of phrases, with little recollection of what she just spoke.
With this in mind, the teacher further added that she could hardly observe or interpret the level
of students’ understanding during lessons, or whether the students were engaged with the topic at hand.
This means that the teacher most probably did not notice the students’ general level of disinterest and
boredom during lessons. She also acknowledged that she found it challenging to process her
observations and was unable to think sufficiently and react in a timely manner to unexpected events,
which might have led to inaction as observed in the first event (seating issue). Surprisingly, the teacher
mentioned that she noticed this trait in herself when she was supervising the hockey team as well.
We interpreted the teacher’s response as a way of how the teacher tried to identify her areas for
improvement in teaching and to circumvent her limitations to adapt to the situation. The use of
multimodal sensors and multi-layer analysis helped to identify certain behaviors of concern during
teaching, which the teacher was then able to relate to certain shortcomings in her teaching practice.
After the reflective dialogue, the teacher was able to seek help from educational specialists in modifying
her teaching practice to suit her needs. The lecture method of instruction chosen by the teacher was a
problem for her as she was unable to process information and think sufficiently fast on her feet. It was
then suggested that she could explore choosing strategies that depended more on students working in
groups to learn. Using this strategy, the teacher would do less talking and she can then focus on making
sense of students’ learning and interactions.
From the various analyses using our multi-layer approach, the findings from the two events
helped to affirm that prior knowledge and experiences or the lack thereof, and visual cues in the
environment could affect the decision of novice teachers in executing certain actions in a classroom,
similar to learners in other studies (e.g., Luo, Koszalka, & Zuo, 2016). In the first event, the appearance
of a visual cue prompted her to stop her current activity and shift her gaze to investigate the cued event,
much like how visual cues are an effective tool for grabbing attention (Jamet, Gavota, & Quaireau,
2008). Such swift responses can, however, be detrimental for the teacher when dealing with constant
distractions in a classroom. It might be advisable for her as a novice teacher to learn from expert
teachers, as shown in other studies (Carter, Cushing, Sabers, Stein, & Berliner, 1988), to weigh the
importance and form connections between pieces of information, so as to better represent management
and instructional situations as meaningful problems that can eventually be solved.
Overall, our multi-layer analysis can provide users with combinations of analyses that provide
different types of information and different levels of details for improvement. From the various layers
of analyses, users can expect to obtain a certain fidelity of data insights. A summary of the insights that
a teacher might obtain from the respective layers of the multi-layer analysis is presented in Table 4.
Table 4
A summary of insights from the respective layers of analysis
Layer of Analysis Insights
Basic Layer – Video Video analysis can provide a basic understanding of events and actions that
Analysis took place in the video, but without specific attention to detail.
Intermediate Layer – The additional discourse analysis provides more details regarding the events,
Video and discourse follow-up actions and possible reasons for doing so. There are clearer
analyses indications from the discourse that signal the intention of actions that the
teacher may or may not take.
Final Layer – Video, Eye-tracking data can provide clearer statistical and visual indications, such
discourse, and as the number of glances and noticing patterns, of why certain actions took
eye-tracking analyses place and if any preceding factors (such as subjects or objects) were
considered before eventual actions were taken by the teacher.
5. Conclusion
This study is part of a larger ongoing study that investigates the effects of using a multi-layer analysis
for explaining and improving teaching practice. Situated in the field of teaching analytics, the use of
multimodal sensors and analytics, especially for teacher noticing, has provided affordances to discover
insights for supporting teaching practice.
In essence, we noted the teacher attending to particular events, with some interpretations and
sense-making of the events, followed by the taking or lack of necessary actions that were taken based on
the teacher’s analysis. Our basic analysis was able to provide an elementary understanding of the setting
and actions that occurred during the event, while the discourse analysis in the intermediate analysis
provided more details on possible reasons as to why certain actions took place, with some insights into
the teacher’s possible intention in conducting follow-up actions. In the final analysis, the teacher’s
intent in making certain actions were noticeably clearer, as we noted in the first event, where the teacher
noticed visual cues in a logical and sequential manner (such as following Student C’s gaze to the seat
and scanning of neighboring students) that allowed her to better decide the best course of response. In
the second event, the multi-layer analysis provided a similar sequence of explanations that identified the
teacher’s need to change her teaching practice in order to adapt to her students’ needs.
Moving forward, we are in the midst of recording data from teachers with different experiences
and will apply this multi-layer approach to discover deep insights for improving teaching practices.
The authors gratefully acknowledge the support and research funded by the Office of Educational
Research, National Institute of Education, Singapore (project AFR 02/17 TSC). The university’s ethics
clearance (IRB-2018-01-030) has been obtained. The research team would also like to thank the
teachers and students who participated in this study.
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Abstract: Traditionally, teaching is usually one directional where the instructor imparts
knowledge and there is minimal interaction between learners and instructor. With the focus
on learner-centered pedagogy, it can be a challenge to provide timely and relevant guidance
to individual learners according to their levels of understanding. One of the options available
is to collect reflections from learners after each lesson to extract relevant feedback so that
doubts or questions can be addressed in a timely manner. In this paper, we derived an
approach to automate the identification of doubts from students’ informal reflections through
features analysis, word representation and machine learning. Using reflections as a feedback
mechanism and aligning it to the weekly course content can pave the way to a promising
approach for learner-centered teaching and personalized learning.
1. Introduction
One of the main goals of an instructor is to ensure that most students, if not all, are able to understand
and articulate the key concepts of each lesson clearly. It is challenging to verify that students understand
the class materials in an informal way rather than an assessment. An approach is to have students write
a reflection after each lesson. Since the reflection is a free-form text response, it is not uncommon to
find combinations of articulation of learning points, questions and statements reflecting doubts related
to the topic of the week. For example, students may include the following phrases, “I am still
confuse about…”, “It would be good if you can go through [a topic] again”, “I
am quite unsure when [an example] is a sample or a population”.
We define doubt as a statement, which can potentially be a question or simply a statement that
requires more clarification of a given topic. A doubt can be different from a question since it may not be
expressed in the form of 5W1H (who, what, where, when, which, how) or end with a question mark.
With the amount of informal free text collected from each class, it is essential to find an automated
method to effectively extract questions or doubts so that the key concepts can be clarified in a timely
In this study, we explored the effectiveness of feature analysis, word representation and
machine learning approaches (such as text classification and sentiment analysis) in identifying doubts
expressed in free-form students’ reflection. We collected reflection data from two classes taught by two
different instructors. Instructor 1 had two modes of data collection: free-form reflections and a
self-assessed level of understanding captured in a Likert scale rating of 1-5 (with 1 being the lowest and
5, the highest). Instructor 2 collected only free-form reflections.
This study consisted of two parts. The first part focused on mining doubts from free-form
students’ reflections by automatically identifying doubts based on analyzing various text features and
their role in constructing a machine learning model. Essentially, this is a binary classification problem,
which differentiates reflections that contain and do not contain doubts, through assessment of suitable
features and word representations. Since doubts can potentially be a question, question patterns were
identified as one group of important features. Another feature was the sentiment of the reflections since
sentiment analysis has been used extensively in feedback analysis studies (Dhanalakshmi, Bino, &
Saravanan, 2016; Gottipati, Shankararaman, & Gan, 2017). Thus, it is of interest to investigate if the
sentiment of students’ reflection plays a role in identifying doubt. The second part of the study
evaluated the possibility of using the self-assessed level of understanding Likert scale rating to identify
students who may need more help and also to assist in doubt detection.
To evaluate the effectiveness of our model, our selected top models trained using the data of
Instructor 1 were applied to the set of reflections collected by Instructor 2. This second data set was
collected without the corresponding self-assessed rating. The purpose of this verification was to
evaluate the performance of applying our model to another qualitative data set since it is a common
practice for instructors to collect qualitative feedback after a lesson or course without an accompanying
rating scale. Our results showed that our proposed model can successfully extract doubts from students’
reflections and interestingly, most of the contents did not contain the standard question patterns such as
question mark or 5W1H. The findings exemplify the need to differentiate doubts from questions. We
believe that identification of doubt contributes towards providing relevant feedback in a
learner-centered environment that tailors to the needs of each individual learner.
The contributions of our work can be summarised in three folds. Firstly, we propose an
automated doubt identification model using neural embedding word representation that shows
promising results based on real-world student reflections. Secondly, we observed from our results that
the model built with features inclusive of positive sentiment performed the best. Specifically, the model
was constructed using reflections annotated with positive sentiment without doubts and reflections
labelled as doubt. However, sentiment analysis alone was not sufficient to detect and identify doubts.
Finally, our analysis suggests that self-assessed ratings correlate with doubts and the rating can be used
in a learner-centered pedagogy to extract reflections and contents that can be useful to instructors.
In the next section, we will discuss some related work in detecting questions and feedback
analysis. This is followed by the scope of data, methods used, our findings and results in Sections 3, 4
and 5, respectively. In Section 6, we discuss our observations of the findings and future plans before
conclusions are drawn in Section 7.
Question identification/detection serves many purposes but is very challenging for online content.
Online questions are usually long and informal, and standard features such as question mark or 5W1H
words are likely to be absent. Both rule-based and learning-based are common approaches to address
this challenge. Rule-based approach such as the paper proposed by Efron and Winget (2010) designed
several rules from heuristics or observations to check whether a tweet is a question or not.
Learning-based approach proposed by Cong, Wang, Lin, Song, and Sun (2008) involves sequential
patterns-based classification method to detect questions in a forum thread, and a graph-based
propagation method to detect answers for questions in the same thread. Another learning-based
approach explored question characteristics in community question answering services, and proposed an
automated approach to detect question sentences based on lexical and syntactic features (Wang & Chua,
2010; Efron & Winget, 2010). Since this study focused on identifying doubts and its relevant features
that can impact the accuracy of a model, the features identified by the rule-based approach proposed by
Efron and Winget (2010) was adopted to assess whether common questions lexical and syntactic
features (e.g., question mark, 5W1H, question patterns) can be used to identify doubts in reflections.
Analyzing student feedback can help to improve student’s learning experience. A large part of feedback
comes in the form of textual comments which pose a challenge in quantifying and deriving insights.
Gottipati et al. (2017) have presented a conceptual framework for student feedback analysis that
provides the necessary structure for implementing a prototype tool for mining student comments and
highlights the method to extract the relevant topics, sentiments and suggestions from student feedback.
Shankararaman, Gottipati, Lin, and Gan (2017) have provided an automated solution for analyzing
comments, specifically extracting implicit suggestions which are expressed as wishes or improvements
from the students’ qualitative feedback. Dhanalakshmi et al. (2016) have explored opinion mining using
supervised learning algorithms to find the polarity of the student feedback based on predefined features
of teaching and learning. Opinion mining, especially in the aspect of sentiment analysis and polarity
study, has been the cornerstone of student feedback analysis and thus, it was of interest to explore if
sentiment analysis played an important role in identifying doubts from the weekly reflections. However,
we would like to highlight that this study is different from the common end-of-term student feedback
analysis. The end-of-term student feedback focuses on providing qualitative analysis on the course
delivery or the instructor while this study works on weekly reflections and feedback so that timely
clarification of key concepts can be offered to students before introducing new knowledge or concepts.
3. Scope
The data for this study was the course: Analytics Foundation, at the Singapore Management University.
This is an undergraduate level foundation class involving data analytics for students from various
disciplines (Business, Accountancy, Social Science, Economics, Law and Computing). The course
required students to understand the algorithms underlying machine learning models, tune the
parameters and apply the models to various problem contexts. Since the students had varied
backgrounds, they encountered different challenges in understanding algorithms and the application of
the learning models.
The course was conducted in a seminar-style learning environment with about 45 students in each
class, over 3 hours of class engagement per week. Two course instructors collected weekly reflections
as part of students’ learning journal. Reflections collected by Instructor 1 consisted of two elements
while Instructor 2 collected only one part. The details of the reflections data can be found in Table 1.
The intent of the reflections was to provide weekly feedback to the instructors on the level of
understanding in each class. Reflections were collected across 10 instructional weeks over a 16-week
The reflection data collected under Instructor 1 served as the core data for our study. This dataset
consisted of both free-form text and self-assessed rating. The free-form text from Instructor 2 (covering
only one week of data) was used as a verification.
The focus of this research was to establish an approach to provide timely feedback to the students based
on their reflections. Our automated doubt identification approach analyzed individual reflections to
extract questions and doubts, thus providing a means to make decisions on the course of action for
learner-centered learning. For example, a student whose reflection was identified to contain doubt may
receive additional guidance on the given topic. A summary of our approach is depicted in Figure 1.
The reflections were collected from students in the same course across classes run by two
different instructors. To understand if the students learnt from the experiential activities in a
seminar-styled learning environment, reflections were collected at the end of each class (during or after
the class via a survey). The data from various classes was combined and anonymized before the
pre-processing stage. In the pre-processing stage, the initial reflection data was annotated by two human
labelers based on presence and absence of doubt and different sentiments. Feature analysis was done on
the annotated data, which included two components, namely Question Extraction and Feature Mining.
The various features constructed were then assessed and used as the input of a Logistic Regression (LR)
model. The LR based automated doubt identification model was validated with a second set of data
from Instructor 2 so as to evaluate if the model can be applied to reflections of other students within the
same course. Using our automated doubt identification model, instructors can take appropriate
decisions and actions, such as timely feedback to help learners who may require more attention and
devise additional activities for students who may be more advanced. The details of the various
components are described in the following sections.
4.1 Data Preparation and Annotation
Since reflections are usually informal, it was important to clean the data prior to any data analysis. Each
reflection was pre-processed to lower case with numbers and stop words removed. However,
punctuation removal was selective because question mark was used as a feature in extracting potential
In order to investigate the effect of using sentiment analysis to identify doubts raised by
students, the data was annotated in two exercises. The first annotation exercise focused on identifying
doubts by labelling via a ’yes’ and ‘no’ label. The second was the annotation of sentiment with
‘positive’, ‘negative’ and ‘neutral’ labels. Since reflections can be an objective expression of the lesson
learnt, neutral sentiment was commonly found in the data. In order to ensure the consistency and quality
of the annotation, the following questions were derived to assist in determining the Doubt and
Sentiment annotations.
For Doubt annotation, a reflection was labelled as ‘yes’ if one of the following conditions was fulfilled,
otherwise, it would be ‘no’:
Does the reflection ask for clarification on any of the topics?
Does the reflection ask for additional information not previously covered in class?
For Sentiment annotation, each reflection was labelled based on the sentiment identified from one
of the most relevant questions below. If none of the positive or negative sentiment was found, the
reflection was annotated as ‘neutral’.
Does the reflection make remarks about positive/negative teaching (e.g., pace)?
Does the reflection express any positive/negative feedback about the instructor (e.g., clarity)?
Does the reflection express any positive/negative sentiment on the topic for the week (e.g.,
manageable, difficult to grasp)
Two annotators who were familiar with the reflection process annotated individually on the data.
Additional review was done on all the records with inconsistent label before finalizing the two sets of
annotations. These two sets of annotated data were used as ground-truth datasets in assessing the
performance of the doubt identification models.
Next, we evaluated if the common rule-based lexical and syntactic question features could be used to
build an automated doubt identification model. The following features were considered:
i. Question mark (QM)
ii. 5W1H method
iii. Rule-based question patterns (QP) (Efron & Winget, 2010)
The general rule of using QM and 5W1H is to detect questions by finding question marks at the
end of sentences and 5W1H at the beginning of the sentence. However, we observed that this rule was
not necessarily applicable in this study due to the informal nature of the reflections. Students used
free-form expressions and questions which may not adhere to the format of a standard sentence or
question structure. Thus, each QM and 5W1H was used as an individual feature regardless of their
position in the sentence. On the other hand, the question patterns proposed by Efron & Winget, (2010)
were expanded into phrases and each phrase became a feature, e.g., “I try to find” or “need to know”.
These phrases were generated based on the pattern “(pronoun)* [try, like, need] to [find, know]” where
* sign is a wildcard, signaling 0 or more instances and verbs in brackets ([]) are treated as single words.
The two methods adopted to identify potential features for identifying doubts are student self-assessed
rating and sentiment analysis. Since a Likert scale of 1 – 5 (with 1 being the lowest rating and 5 being
the highest) were submitted by students together with their reflection to indicate their level of
understanding. It was reasonable to assume that doubts are more likely found in reflections of the lower
rating than the higher rating. Hence, this rating was extracted to analyze if doubts could be mined from
the corresponding rating, with emphasis on the lower rating.
Sentiment analysis is commonly used in feedback analysis to extract feedback that is of value to
improve course delivery and student experience. Since sentiments can provide insights to how well a
student perceives the learning experience in class, we were interested in assessing if sentiment analysis
could be leveraged for doubt identification. In this study, manual annotation of sentiment was done for
a detailed analysis of the informal reflection data. In addition, an off-the-shelf sentiment analysis tool,
TextBlob1, was used to assess if the sentiment identified by the software could be an identifier for
uncovering the underlying doubts in the reflection. In particular, polarity score greater than zero
indicated positive sentiment and polarity score lower than zero was considered as negative sentiment.
The software was implemented, without adaption to the domain as we were interested in exploring if an
off-the-shelf tool could be used to identify doubts.
In order to automate the doubt identification, machine learning algorithms built with various features
and word representations were evaluated. Even though there are myriad of learning algorithms
available, this study focused on the analysis and comparison of the features rather than the different
types of learning algorithms. Logistic Regression (LR) was used in this study since preliminary study
on Naïve Bayes did not yield better results from the data.
In LR models, the probability of observing a discrete label, y (1, 0) for a given input feature, x
and the purpose of the binary classification is to find a parameter θ, such that z = θT x, where θ ∈ Rd
and d is the dimensionality of input features x and z is a real number.
Logistic sigmoid function was then applied to z to fit to the range of [0,1] so that it can be
interpreted as a probability of predicted output.
Given training data {xi , yi } i=1 , parameter θ can be found by minimizing the following where λ
is a regularization parameter:
∑ log(1 + exp(−𝑦𝑖 𝜃 𝑇 𝐱𝑖 )) + 𝜆 ‖𝜃‖2
The annotated data was split into 70-30 percent for training and testing purposes. Grid search
was applied on a three-fold cross validation to find the best parameter of the training data. Result
reported was based on the LR model run with the best parameter on the testing data. Two types of word
representation methods were adopted. The first being the vector space model using unigram and bigram
on both term frequency (TF) and Term frequency-inversed document frequency (TF-IDF) measures.
The second was a neural embedding method using doc2vec’s distributed bag of words model (Lau &
Baldwin, 2016) with a dimension size of 100 and a minimum word frequency of 2. Doc2vec word
representation has shown promising performance in various natural language processing (NLP) tasks so
it is of interest to assess its performance against the commonly used vector space model in our context.
Typical accuracy metrics used for statistical analysis of binary classification, which considers the true
positive and true negative, have known issues in terms of reflecting the performance of a classifier
(Sokolova, Japkowicz, & Szpakowicz, 2006). Therefore, we used F-measure or F1 score as the metric
when assessing the performance of the various approaches proposed in addition to the correct
assignment or accuracy percentage of positive and negative datasets. F1 score is the harmonic mean of
both precision and recall where precision is defined as the ratio of true positive found from the predicted
positive while recall is the ratio of true positive identified from the actual positive.
Out of the 375 reflections extracted, 295 were annotated as ‘no’ or not containing doubts while 80 were
labelled as ‘yes’. On the other hand, 100 were annotated as ‘positive’ or reflections with positive
sentiment; 31 and 244 were labelled as ‘negative’ and ‘neutral’ respectively.
With the annotated data of doubt, Figure 2a shows that self-assessed rating can potentially be an
indicator in identifying doubts since the percentage of reflections containing doubt decreases with
increase in self-assessed rating. However, it does not necessarily imply that higher ratings (e.g., rating 4
and 5) do not contain doubts in the reflection. Similarly, in Figure 2b, the higher ratings have higher
percentages of annotated positive sentiments. Conversely, lower ratings have higher percentage of
reflections annotated with negative sentiment. Both ratings and sentiment analysis show their potential
as features for identifying doubt in reflection statements.
Contains doubt Doesn't contain doubt Positive Negative Neutral
100 100
Percentage of reflections
Percentage of reflections
80 80
60 60
40 40
20 20
0 0
1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
Self-assessed rating Self-assessed rating
Figure 23. a) Percentage distribution of annotated doubt with respect to self-assessed rating and b)
Percentage distribution of annotated sentiment with respect to self-assessed rating
We took further steps to assess if sentiment analysis could solely be used to identify doubts. Figure 3
shows that sentiment results should not be used directly to identify doubts as doubts can also be found in
reflections with positive and neutral sentiments. These are two examples of actual reflections which students
wrote (informally): (1) “Clustering interesting leh. HAHAHA with the steps and
powerpoint animations, very clear can understand. latent variable (g)
and error -- g is unobserverd which is not reflecting in the SAS result
or data so where does this infor appear ? but error is produced after
the data is being analysed right?”; and (2) “I briefly learnt how K-means
clustering work and how to interpret the results of a K-means clustering in SAS
EG. I felt that I may need a brief revision on SSE.” The first reflection is an example of
a reflection with positive sentiment containing doubt while the second reflection shows a neutral sentiment with
100 78
50 29 29
Positive Negative Neutral
Figure 3. Number of reflections with doubts identified with respect to the three types of sentiments
It is also reasonable to state an observation that reflections with negative sentiment are likely to contain
doubts. However, statement of doubt can be found in all types of sentiments (refer to Figure 3).
Therefore, it is not sufficient to identify doubts from sentiment analysis. It is essential to treat doubt
identification problem separately from sentiment analysis.
With the annotated data, various LR models with different features were constructed for doubt
identification. However, in view that the annotated data was an imbalanced dataset (with 295 reflections
labelled as ‘no’ and 80 as ‘yes’), which might affect the accuracy of the model, random resampling via
replacement of the smaller dataset was performed. The performance of the various features is presented
in Table 2. The results (Model 1-4 in Table 2) shows that resampling of data achieved a higher F1 score.
In other words, the imbalance sample size affects the performance of the LR model.
Next, we trained our model with a set of question features, that is, QM, 5W1H and QP (refer to
Model 5 and 6 in Table 2) and similar results were found for both models. Further analysis was done on
the question features and it was found that QM was detected in only 12% of the annotated reflections
while 5W1H and QP patterns were found in 59% and 1% of the data respectively. Since QP was not
commonly found, it is understandable why the model yielded the same result regardless of whether QP
was used as a feature in the model. The question features, in fact was found to be one of the lowest
performing features for identifying doubt. In short, reflection statements with questions do not
necessarily reflect doubts.
In Model 7, polarity score assigned by TextBlob was used for detecting doubts. Specifically, a
reflection with polarity score lower than zero is considered to contain doubt and a reflection with
polarity score greater than zero does not. The result in Table 2 shows that the off-the-shelf sentiment
analysis tool does not perform well in identifying doubts.
In view of the poorer-than-expected performance results of the features used in Model 1-7, it is
plausible that none of the features can effectively separate the classes and thus we fine-tuned our feature
selection method to select suitable features that can improve the model. Based on Figure 3, it is less
likely for a reflection with positive sentiment to contain doubt, so a new dataset consisting of (a) all the
annotated ‘yes’ reflections (80); (b) reflections with positive sentiment and ‘no’ doubt label (78) were
extracted to be the selected training data. This training data was more distinctive in statements with
doubt and those without doubts. The results (using unigram and both unigram and bigram as features)
are listed as Model 8 and 9 in Table 2. The results show that selected data with unigram and bigram
features achieve better F1 score compared to earlier models. One possible reason for the improvement
of the result is due to the fact that reflections with positive sentiment contain features that can be used to
clearly differentiate the identification of doubts. Indeed, with further analysis of the top features of the
LR model, words such as “unsure, lost, confuse, don really” are extracted under the “yes” label
(reflections with doubt identified) and “interesting, useful, clearer understanding, better” are found
under the features labelled as “no” (reflections that do not contain doubt). With the encouraging results
from Model 8 and 9, doc2vec embedding was constructed using the selected data. The LR model with
the embedding representation (Model 10) resulted in a highest F1 score of 0.75 among the tested models.
Interestingly, both precision and recall values of Model 10 were of the same range, without being bias to
any of the metrics. Therefore, we considered Model 10 as a better model compared to the
best-performing vector space model (i.e., Model 9). We attribute the better performance of neural
embedding methods to its ability to capture the semantic of words, which can be hard to represent using
the vector space model.
5.3 Validation of model against qualitative survey reflection data without self-assessed rating
We validated our model using another qualitative reflection data collected by Instructor 2. This dataset
had 71 reflections covering the topic from one lesson and there was no self-assessed rating to act as a
reference. The three best models, namely Model 8, 9 and 10, from Table 2 were tasked to extract as
many reflections containing doubts as possible. Based on the result stated in Table 3, LR model built
using the doc2vec embedding performed the best with F1 score of 0.74. The other LR models (Model 8
and 9) built using TF vector space model resulted in lower F1 score of 0.57 and 0.59 respectively. This
implies that neural embedding method is a better representation in identifying doubts from the informal
reflections. The following are some of the reflections extracted that contains doubts:
Need more help to determine the best fit line.
I think the way p-value works should be revisited and explained more cle
arly because it was unclear during the class.
These reflections do not contain any known question features and hence model built purely with
question features will not be able to identify these students requiring further attention.
The LR model built using the selected data of annotated doubt and sentiment has shown a promising
result in automating the identification of reflections containing doubt. The main reason that it was
performing better than others is predominately the selection of the training data and the importance of
identifying suitable features. One of the findings of this study shows that reflections with positive
sentiment are less likely to contain doubts (but not the absence of it) and this feature can be used for
constructing a better doubt identification model. In view of the importance of detecting positive
sentiment, TextBlob was tasked with the evaluation. Out of the 100 reflections with positive sentiment,
TextBlob only managed to identify 11 of them as positive. The rest were labelled as negative. With a F1
score of 0.2, it is of concern to use any of the off-the-shelf sentiment analysis tools to aid in identifying
doubts. Since the accuracy of a sentiment analysis is heavily dependent on domain knowledge and data,
it is essential to construct a sentiment analysis that is adapted to the domain for better accuracy.
We plan to expand the doubt identification study to more classes and courses to improve the
model and analyze if it is feasible to identify phrases or doubt embedded patterns that are unique in the
expression of informal reflections, for example, “I’m confused”, “need more help” etc. Besides that,
various other machine learning algorithms such as Support Vector Machine, will be adopted on top of
LR to assess the effect of different algorithms in doubt identification.
We noticed that student’s expressions from the reflections were more open, casual and in fact
truthful. This is partly because the reflections were collected individually within a learning management
platform where the statements were read only by the instructors. This behavior may not exhibit if
reflections were collected in open discussion forums or formal feedback surveys such as course
evaluation collected by the institution where students may be more conscious about what they share and
may be more reserved in expressing doubts or seeking help.
As shown in Table 2 and 3, LR model with doc2vec embedding performed the best based on the
testing dataset of Instructor 1 and the qualitative reflection data of Instructor 2. One observation was the
balanced values of precision and recall. This is encouraging since it showed that neural embedding is
able to learn the intrinsic expression of informal reflections and can be used to improve the accuracy for
doubt identification. With the promising results from various deep learning approaches in NLP, our
future plan is to assess if pre-trained models coupled with transfer learning (Chronopoulou, Baziotis, &
Potamianos, 2019) can be used to automate identification of relevant reflections with higher accuracy.
The aim is to develop a generic model that can address doubt identification from other subjects and
domains by allowing target task adaptation to the model. Besides that, the ultimate goal is to extract the
topics or concepts from the reflections that required more attention. Once the doubts can be extracted,
the next step is to perform topic modelling study to identify difficult or commonly misunderstood
concepts for further clarification in class. We believe that timely feedback and doubt clarification play
important roles in the success of learning.
7. Conclusion
In this study, we have analyzed the nature of informal reflections and investigated various features and
word representation methods that can aid in identifying doubts from reflections. Our results show that
selecting suitable features are important and reflections with positive sentiment do play a role in
constructing a better model. In addition, using neural embedding as the word representation method has
shown to achieve the best performance among our data sets. Analysis of the reflection data suggests that
the self-assessed level of understanding Likert scale rating can be adopted together with the proposed
automated approach to enable learner-centered methodology to improve students’ understanding. With
the ability to automate doubt identification, topics or concepts that may be difficult or misleading can be
extracted more efficiently for providing timely feedback, doubt clarification and improve learning
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Education. Taiwan: Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education
Abstract: Videos are highly instrumental to the learning experience in many eLearning
platforms. Lecture videos have become crucial to the success of any Massive Open Online
Courses (MOOCs). However, conventional lecture videos are typically large computer files.
Such videos are relatively enormous in file-size compared to other learning materials in
MOOCs. With a slightly long runtime, a high-definition video file transfer comes with a high
price. It is rather much expensive and time-consuming over poor or sparse networks. This
commonly occurring situation significantly affects the learning experience. Online learners
encounter intermittent connectivity or even offline more often during a learning session. In such
situations, we claim that the prevalence of videos in MOOCs remains vague and subtle in poor
network environments. In the file transfer process, it is not unusual for a video to face constant
network disruptions. Therefore, this research work urges to review the provision of alternative,
but more effective multimedia. Such multimedia are instead proposed to be much smaller in
file-size. However, the multimedia should retain the essential criterion of a video-based format.
The new materials are thus deemed less dependent on the bandwidth. This paper focuses on
improvising video-based materials during a real-time learning session. Of course, be derived
from their original lecture videos. We argue that this approach helps to improve the learning
experience, especially for learners situated in low bandwidth areas. Network related issues such
as long-wait buffering, low-quality streaming, or slow downloading are therefore tackled by
using unconventional materials. The main benefit is to achieve and attain uninterrupted learning
session even when the MOOC learner steps into offline or out of reach area. Also, the approach
supplements images and audio to support sustainable eLearning – whenever wherever.
1. Introduction
Videos are focal to the student’s learning experience in the current generation of Massive Open Online
Courses (MOOCs). Popular MOOC providers such as Coursera, edX, and openHPI intensively use
videos as learning material. Videos are now an essential lecturing instrument. However, lecture videos
used in MOOCs are typically large computer files, relatively big enough to encounter file transfer
disruption. The file-size is usually a concerning issue when transmitting a video over a threshold of a
network. A diminished bandwidth can prevent the transmission of the video or even corrupt the file. In
poor performing networks such as 2G and public WiFi, the learning process might be affected due to
slow video processing. These network related issues not only affecting online user experience, but also
contribute student’s dropout in MOOCs (Kim et al., 2014), (Mamgain, Sharma & Goyal, 2014).
In extended MOOCs; online courses follow the traditional university pedagogically. Online
courses are mostly organized as sequences of instructor-produced videos infused with problem sets,
reference materials, or other resources (Guo et al., 2014). Online learning is primarily inclined towards
the use of lecture videos. Materials such as textbooks, PDFs slides, and reference web links are rather
supplements. In MOOCs, videos have evolved to be a vital component in delivering educational
content. Many MOOC platforms currently use their multimedia players to stream videos or provide a
download mechanism (Meinel & Willems, 2013). The media player offers an interactive interface
between the videos and the learners, an essential component of any MOOC. Despite the versatility of
control functions, many media players present in MOOC platforms still lack dedicated features
designed to sustain the learning process in poor network dynamically (Brinton & Chiang 2014).
Conventional approaches use data compression techniques for transmission of materials to curb
broadband issues; however, this solution is limited to certain file-sizes which might not yield a
significant gain in low bandwidth environments. A different, but traditional solution progressively
reduces the display resolution, but compromises the viewing quality as well as discredits the auditory
perception. Popular MOOC platforms, nevertheless fail to enact control over the choice of suitable
learning materials based on the healthiness of the network or self-decision of the learner (Barba, 2015).
This research work applies a relatively new approach involving content extraction mechanisms
follows by multimedia combination to provide video-based learning materials. The work focuses on the
provision of images and audio as alternative multimedia to video. This approach significantly relaxes
the necessity of network broadband for MOOCs. In our experiments, we managed to achieve relatively
low data consumption using our alternative learning materials due to small file-size. By using suitable
types of multimedia that avoid high consumption of network resources, we managed to reduce network
dependency, sustain delivery of educational content in poor network environments.
This research work aims to improve the learning experience in MOOCs. In particular, the use
of alternative materials in sparse networks. The rest of the paper is structured as follows: Section 2
reviews the challenges of using lecture videos at low bandwidth. Section 3 presents related work with
state of the art tools and technologies in MOOCs. Section 4 executes performance experiments with
results detailed in section 5. Section 6 concludes and gives a future outlook.
Video learning materials are more network-resource demanding while transferring from a server to a
client –a learner. Contrarily to remaining materials such as PDF or text files due to their relatively small
file-size. We set up a computer file transfer experiment to determine the success rate of transmitting a
video over the network. The experiment used a real lecture video borrowed from the openHPI MOOC
platform. However, the specimen video is roughly shorter in length, and of relatively small file-size
compared to many videos in openHPI. Typically, most of the MOOC videos lecture from 8-20 minutes
with typical file sizes of 50-140MB in Standard Definition (SD) quality (Stuchlíková & Kósa 2013). In
this experiment, the specimen video is about 8 minutes long and 50MB in capacity. For clarity, we opt
to use the same exemplary video throughout our experiments for the rest of this paper.
First, we measure the duration it takes to download the video with different download speed
over the network. In a low bandwidth setup, the download time is set at less than a 512 kbit/s. A
potential learner might fail to watch the video online as a file transfer would take more than 13 minutes
to complete. Whenever the download speed drops, network bottleneck could delay or prevent the video
streaming process; consequently affecting the student’s learning experience. In 2G connections, video
streaming takes as long as twice the time of its duration. This situation is undesirable experience in
MOOCs. Table 1 summarizes Test Status based on the Internet connection type. Results show 1 Mbit/s
is a theoretical minimum download speed required to deliver a video of 50MB in less than 8 minutes to
the learner efficiently, i.e., within the running time of the MOOC lecture.
Table 1
Theoretical minimum download times for the 50MB video file with different types of connections.
Connection Type Download Speed Download Time Test Status
Dialup 28.8kbit/s 04:02:43 Fail
Modem 56.6kbit/s 02:04:49 Delay
ADSL 512kbit/s 00:13:39 Hold-up
ADSL Lite 1Mbit/s 00:06:59 Pass
Turbo 3G 7.2Mbit/s 00:00:58 Success
4G LTE 80Mbit/s 00:00:05 Success
Huge video file-size is a common problem facing MOOC students as it is expensive and
time-consuming downloading course content. It is not unusual to receive comments from students
concerning the file size problem as one below (Guo et al., 2014).
"First, I would like to share with you (MOOC provider) the trouble of downloading files but also access
to your site (MOOC platform). It would be great if you could reduce the file size" and "Internet in my
community is poor and streaming is difficult. Can I get an audio format of the lecture? Where can I
download if possible?”
In response to the challenge above, we aim to provide relevant learning content suitable for
narrowband environments. Nevertheless, we are motivated to improve the overall performance of
MOOCs in intermittent connectivity. Our approach focuses on the development and provision of
alternative learning materials for videos.
The approach primarily advocates the usage of blended multimedia, created from a
combination of images and audio extracted from the original video. To achieve relevant content, we
have opted to improvise a set of new learning materials from the original video itself. The experiment
video would then provide images and audio assets, of course, in an automated digital process. The
assets, in turn, would blend in much small file size, enough to sustain sparse networks. Nevertheless, the
blended materials are supposed to retain the preferred video-based format. Figure 1 shows the potential
benefits of using alternative and blended materials.
Figure 1. The materials shown on the left side are much easier and faster to download than
on the right side.
3. Related Works
Increasing use of smartphones, tablets, and similar mobile devices among students elevates enrollments
in MOOCs. Operating systems of mobile devices, together with mobile applications, are now capable of
processing varieties of videos. MOOCs are made possible because of readily availability and access to
lecture videos via mobile devices (Jordan 2014, Bralić et al., 2015).
In contrast, mobile computing power is still constrained to battery power, display screen size,
and wireless communications. All three factors are prone to poor performance whenever a video is used
as prominent learning materials in MOOCs. Typically, many MOOCs try to address the network
problem by reducing the video resolution, which affects the visual quality. Some MOOCs deploy
compressed videos to tackle network issues. Nevertheless, in most cases, these approaches fail to
deliver videos in poor network environments because the file size of the video is still not low enough to
pass the threshold of the network (Huang N et al., 2017).
openHPI1 MOOC by Hasso-Plattner Institute (Meinel & Willems 2013) aims to influence an
offline mode in MOOCs. The first step involves the use of lecture slides, video transcripts, audio, and
other alternative learning materials to supplement its High Definition (HD) quality videos. The
material’s file size is first supposed to be practical for local storage in cache memory for offline use.
Manipulation of MOOC videos in previous research works is an interesting approach that provides
distinctive multimedia files useful as alternative learning materials (Zhao H et al., 2018).
Figure 2. Automatic extraction of content from the slideshow. A stock of thumbnail images is thus
produced over time that corresponds to the distinctive slides shown in the video.
For handling multimedia data, we use FFmpeg3, an open-source command line that provides
codec library for digital manipulation of a video into an audio file. An FFmpeg library is integrated into
the MOOC platform to enable automatic read of an input video file, transcode and produce an audio file
in that sequence. By using related research works, we can acquire thumbnail images and audio from the
conventional video (Lei, Jiang, & Wang 2013).
At this stage, we require another tool that stitches together images and audio files to create
on-the-fly video-based multimedia. The multimedia should suitably play in the media player. For
re-usability of web-based HTML elements, we use Polymer4, an open-source JavaScript library for
building components to the media player that promptly combines images and audio files.
4. Performance Experiments
Lecture videos in MOOCs are typically recorded in a production studio with professional cameras
before publication which is generally a costly process. Most of the videos are at least in standard
definition quality with resolutions options of 240p, 360p, and 480p. Some MOOCs platforms provide
720p, 1080p, and original, which is the highest quality setting. As mentioned earlier, the video’s
running time usually varies from 8 to 20 minutes, with around 50-120MB of file-size.
First, we examine the properties of the specimen video from the MOOC course. Table 2 lists
technical features of the approximately 50MB video file used in this representative experiment.
Table 2
Technical specifications of the 50MB specimen video
Duration ~8 min File size 51MB Bit rate 715kb/s Codec H.264
No. of frames 11786 Frame rate 25fps Audio mp4 Streams 2
Channel Stereo Width 1280p Height 720p Display 16:9
Apart from the technical aspects, the video also contains a standing instructor (tutor) on the left
side of the slide show display. The background is made up of MOOC logo, computer table, and any
other background themes.
To validate our approach, we build a prototype to test our hypothesis. Our initial model consists
of a media player that handles multimedia assets to produce video-based learning materials.
The early model of a media player is expected to render images while playing audio asset
promptly to produce video-based learning content to the learners. The prototype comprises two main
components which are slide extraction and video-audio transformation.
The first component intakes a chosen video as input and extracts its distinctive slides based on
the number of pages in the wholly slide document. This process produces a stock of thumbnail images
as an image asset. A single thumbnail image thus contains the content per page of the slideshow. In this
case, a total of eight unique pages of slides are produced corresponding to eight thumbnail images. The
second component employs an FFmpeg tool that transforms the video to an audio asset digitally; merely
an audio output encoded in MP3 format.
In the next stage, The Polymer components combine the two assets promptly within the
multimedia player. The elements supposedly display thumbnail images based on timing/positional
information while playing audio. The combination of assets within the media player creates
video-based learning content on-the-fly. The prototype makes use of play and pause function controls
over the multimedia.
Besides, the player enacts control over slide seek and the time shift of the slides that offer added
experience to learners. Figure 3 shows the design and workflow principal of the prototype. The two
components work individually but promptly produce video-based content. The next subsection gives an
in-depth detail of the two components.
Figure 3. The architecture of the prototype for the media player outlining the production of
new learning materials from a video input.
4.2 Slide detection and analysis of Thumbnail Images
A video is merely an integration of imageries. A burst of thumbnail images can be used to create a video
when images are then displayed one after the other several times a second. The eye perceives this
sequential display of images like a film - a video of moving objects. The quicker the images are played,
the smoother and more fluid the movement looks.
A video file on computer stores all the frames together in a container and presents them in order,
and the total frames stored for a typical MOOC video reach into tens of thousands. Our specimen video
has 11,786 individual images, filmed at nearby 24 images per second. Each image is called a frame.
The image extraction tool is supposed to capture all distinctive frames based on the textual
content of the slides. The tool thus produced only eight frames while discarded the rest (thousands of
images with quite a similar slide content). The mechanism ensures extraction of unique frames from
slides, i.e., eight images corresponding to the total page number of slides. The frames are stored as
thumbnail images, entirely occupying as low as 593kb of disk space. Table 3 shows file-sizes as well as
the position of each frame corresponding to the video.
Table 3
File size and position of each extracted individual frame
Thumbnail Image 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Total
File size in KB 102 52 52 43 61 67 64 100 593
Position of a Frame 25 675 2000 3925 5675 8825 10400 11786 n/a
The actual position of such a video frame is presented in the last row in the table. This information
is vital for a later stage of synchronization, which stitches the time of thumbnail and its corresponding
starting position while audio is being played.
Using FFmpeg library, a video file is fed as input to produce digital audio by the transcoding process.
The library provides customized options to transcode video, as demonstrated in the following piece of
code provided in the programming terminal.
This short, robust code encodes audio in MP3 format with a quality scale of 32 bit-rate as a scaled in 9.
It is monophonic with a single channel layout, and the most important property in this context is its
file-size of 1.88MB. The duration of the audio is 417 seconds, similar to the video length. The output
audio is stored in local storage of the computer or mobile device.
Figure 4. The audio waveform on top (a) shows a striking resemblance to the audio waveform on (b).
Figure 4 shows a time-domain display, a display of amplitude versus time waveform properties for both
input video and output audio. The audio waveforms seem to be quite similar to each other, without
major signs of distortions, implying that the sound quality offers a relatively similar listening
experience as the video.
4.4 Combination and Synchronization of Multimedia
The media player finally combines images and audio in the browser and load a document as an HTML
page. Regarding the file-size of the assets, thumbnail images altogether occupy 0.59MB while audio
asset mounts to 1.88MB, yielding the multimedia with a total file-size of 2.47MB. An extreme
reduction in file-size compared to the 50MB of the original video.
For a single video file, a page loading time of 2-3 seconds is registered of which a complete web
page is rendered to the learner. The page loading time is much higher when using multiple files as it
takes longer to assemble and load all the files. In our prototype, it takes up to 57 seconds to load all
thumbnail images and audio files. Repetitive experiments with the help of cache memory show a
decrease of page loading time, which improves the performance of the web page in poor networks.
Non-video learning materials such as PDFs, slides, and textbooks are easy to download and cost fewer
data in low bandwidth environments, however, they are less prevalent in MOOCs, and their success rate
is low compared to their corresponding videos. Video records of lectures and animations are the most
preferred teaching materials in many MOOCs. Despite their prominence, transfer of videos over the
network is broadband oriented and comes with high data costs that might fail to sustain access to
MOOCs and learning events in poor network environments.
Figure 5. The structure and features of the video-based multimedia as alternative learning materials for
MOOCs in a poor network environment.
Figure 6. Conceptual Framework of MOOC Experiences based on General Expectation of
Learner’s Participation and Completion of Online Courses.
6. Conclusion
This research work presented and evaluated alternative multimedia that comprises images and audio
assets. In an automatized process, the assets are extracts from existing lecture videos in MOOCs. The
alternative multimedia are created on-the-fly and displayed in a video-based format to the learner. They
have a significantly small file-size overall compared to the lecture video. The video-based display is a
result of the timely ordering of images while playing audio. The educational content of the alternative
multimedia seems to be suitable for MOOC in low bandwidth, intermittent Internet connection, and
similar poor network environments.
In our opinion, the results presented here are of great interest to MOOC providers and learners,
especially those potential learners living in regions where access to a persistent and high-speed Internet
connection is still a challenge. The implementation of the alternative multimedia in MOOCs adds a
choice value of learning materials while boosts learning experience. It is an important initial step
towards the provision of educational content with versatile adaption to low bandwidth environments.
Despite the potential observed success, this research is limited to a single MOOC platform with a small
sample of research materials, the short duration of the study, and potentially biased choice of
technologies involved. Different MOOCs might offer distinctive forms of learning materials from our
experiment as there are no standard regulations that MOOCs must conform.
In addition, further research is needed to study the effects of learning materials in MOOCs in
sparse networks. First, the conceptual framework for the selection and provision of learning materials to
improve learners experience in this article required further application across diverse MOOC
environments and learner populations to determine if it is a viable framework to consider when
developing and implementing customizable learning materials. Second, there is a need to design
technologies, such as versatile media player, which support different network environments and
Internet connection types where learners can self-determine their personal preference and select an
appropriate form of learning materials for success and completion of the online course. Third, future
research should also examine MOOC design and conditions for engaging learners in offline. The offline
capability in MOOC can bring new impulses and impact to high education.
Future Work: Despite the promising improvements of using on-the-fly, and relative small
file-size multimedia to deliver video-based educational content to MOOC learners, our model is still at
an infancy stage which requires further improvements to achieve efficient learning, particular to those
situated regions prone to poor networks. Technical developments such as for network control feature
that enables a user to toggle between different modes of the network depending on the Internet
connection and bandwidth consumption. A toggle button is thus a useful feature to allow switching
between different network modes. We also expect to deploy the media player online soon. Thus we can
observe and study the usage of the prototype. The process, in turn, provides essential data which, upon
analysis, might help to determine deciding factors to improve learner's experience in MOOC platforms.
We would like to thank all the people at the HPI who took part in this research work.
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Applications (ICETA), Stara Lesna, 2013, pp. 359-364.
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sharing. InProceedings of the 10thInternational Conference on Computer Supported Education - Volume 2:
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Chang, M. et al. (Eds.) (2019). Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Computers in
Education. Taiwan: Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education
Abstract: Typically, classroom practices in the collaborative learning context center around
three distinguishable levels of activity: individual activities, group work, and whole-class
discussion. It is important to identify and analyze the correlation between these levels to enable
teachers to understand and improve the dynamics of students’ understanding in the context of
collaborative learning. This study proposes a method based on the Kit-Build concept map
(KBmap) to analyze the relation between individual activities and group work in the classroom.
The KBmap is a type of close-ended concept map that provides decomposed concepts and links
from the concept map made by a teacher. This mechanism enables teachers to assess students’
understanding, and facilitate the coordination of learning in the classroom. To evaluate the
proposed method, a junior high school in Japan is used as case study.
1. Introduction
One of the core roles of teachers in the classroom is that of the coordinator of classroom discussion.
Therefore, it is necessary for them to monitor students’ understanding or perspectives, and facilitate
classroom discussion. Essentially, a teacher manages the classroom by orchestrating the integration of
individual activities, teamwork, and whole-class activities (Dillenbourg, & Jermann, 2010;
Dillenbourg, 2013).
There are several methods of monitoring collaborative learning; some of these methods include
evaluating the students’ understanding using rubrics, analyzing their learning activities step by step, and
discourse analysis. Technology plays an important role in enabling teachers to monitor the activities of
learners. Martinez-Maldonado et al. propose and develop a multi-tabletop classroom and dashboard to
support collaborative learning (Martinez-Maldonado, Clayphan, Kay, & Yacef, 2014). Their study
provides a special environment for learners to work collaboratively with concept maps, and for teachers
to access their verbal and physical interactions. Matsuzawa et al. propose a tool for exploring the
network structure of collaborative learning discourses (Matsuzawa, Oshima, Oshima, Niihara, Sakai,
2011). This tool visualizes the dynamics of the network structures of learners, discourse units, and
This study proposes the analysis of learners’ understanding based on concept mapping and
collaborative learning at the propositional level, that is, through the propositions they make. Similar to
KBDeX, the analysis is content-oriented (Hoppe, 2017); however, the unit of analysis, words or
propositions, is different. Concept mapping is a popular way of representing learners’ state of
understanding (Novak, & Cañas, 2006). A concept map is a generic name for the graphical
representation of the process of organizing and representing knowledge or understanding. Novak's
definition of the concept map is particularly well known. Generally, concept mapping is predicated on
building concept maps based in an open system without restrictions using arbitrary nodes and links. In
this method, simple components, nodes, and links represent concepts and their correlations are
emphasized. Although concept maps can be a tool for individual learners to reflect on their
understanding and thereafter communicate their understanding to others (Tergan, 2005), they are
difficult to analyze (Herl, O’Neil, Chunga & Schacter, 1999).
The Kit-Build concept map (Hirashima, Yamasaki, Fukuda & Funaoi, 2011; Sugihara, Osada,
Nakata, Funaoi & Hirashima, 2012), subsequently referred to as the KBmap, can automatically analyze
concept maps, because learners create concept maps from components that are decomposed from the
concept maps created by teachers. Using these components, learners can organize their understanding in
a comprehensible way in the form of concept maps, thus enabling teachers to assess their understanding
immediately (Hirashima, Yamasaki, Fukuda, & Funaoi, 2015). The KBmap assessment method is
automatic, and its validity for evaluating learners’ understanding has been confirmed (Wunnasri, 2018).
In addition to the one-on-one comparison, it is possible to merge the maps of individual learners to
obtain the representation of their aggregated understanding. The teacher can also compare the
over-lapped map with the goal map. Using the overlapped map, the teacher can analyze the trend of
learners’ understanding in the class, thus making it possible to provide feedback to the learners (Pailai,
Wunnasri, Yoshida, Hayashi & Hirashima, 2017; Yoshida, Sugihara, Nino, Shida & Hirashima, 2013).
In this paper, we analyze collaborative learning among learners from the point of individual
activities through small-group task based on the KB method. The rest of this paper is organized as
follows. Firstly, we present an overview of KBmap. Then, we present and discuss our case study and the
data captured from it. We conclude with the results and future research directions.
The goal of the lesson in this study is that, at the end of the course unit, the learners collaboratively
organize what they have learned in the unit as shared knowledge in the class. Toward this end, the
teacher designs the lesson as a sequence of individual activities, small-group task, and whole-class
discussion. First, the students individually organize what they have learned, after which they share it to
verify or compensate for a gap in understanding. Finally, the results of the small-group task are shared
in the whole-class discussion, and understanding can be achieved based on the fusion of a variety of
For coordinating this kind of lesson, it is necessary for the teacher to keenly monitor students’
learning in each step, and provide suggestions accordingly. To meet this requirement, the teacher in this
study uses the KBmap system to capture the collaborative learning process in the lessons. In addition to
enabling teachers to efficiently evaluate students’ learning in the form of the concept map, constructing
the KBmap also enables learners to organize what they have learned.
Figure 1 shows the concept map made by the teacher, subsequently referred to as the goal map, in
this study. The topic considered in the study is the characteristics of Latin America, with emphasis on
the relationship among industries, economic development, and deforestation. The teacher assumes that
the learners have no knowledge of all the relations, and have a preconceived notion the relationship
between development and deforestation is negative. It is expected that after this lesson, the learners will
know the correlation of all the industries with both economic development and deforestation, and be
able to explain these correlations. Additionally, it is expected that beyond holding a simplistic view of
development and deforestation being inharmonious, learners become aware of the dilemma of both
concepts. The aim of this lesson is that the students learn by independently and collaboratively
integrating the knowledge acquired in previous classes in addition to the teacher's complimentary
The goal map is decomposed into separate nodes and links, and provided to the students as a kit to
compose a concept map representing their understanding. Figure 2 shows the kit provided to the
learners in this study. In this lesson, the teacher decomposes only the right part of the goal map to clarify
the tasks undertaken by the students. The left part of the goal map represents the geographical features
of Latin America, and is not decomposed; it maintains its structure. The left part had been composed by
the students in the previous lessons.
On the other hand, the right part represents the correlation between the features of economic
growth (development) and deforestation (destruction) . The main task of the students in this lesson is to
explore the correlation and represent it on a concept map. In this lesson, students build a concept map
representing their thoughts using the kit, and then, construct an accurate map following discussion.
As stated above, the teacher’s expectation is that using this concept map, the learners learn the
correlation among all the industries and development and deforestation. The KBmap editor becomes a
learning material that aids the learners to represent their understanding, and the KBmap analyzer
becomes a tool for teachers to capture learners' comprehension during and after class.
Although the KBmap is limited by its closed content, it sufficiently enables the shared
understanding of the lesson content, and lays the ground for realizing collaborative knowledge. In this
study, the aim is that the students share their understanding of what they learned in the previous class, as
the preparation for creating collaborative knowledge (Stahl, 2000). In constructing the KBmap, learners
use limited nodes and links provided by the teacher. Even if the learners only assemble a concept map
instead of segmenting the source information, Funaoi et al. (2011) demonstrate that constructing the
KBmap achieves the same learning effect in relation to the contents in the goal map. This suggests that
the KBmap can help learners to express their understanding based on the provided components.
Moreover, teachers can utilize the diagnostic results from the KBmap as a formative assessment tool for
designing feedback (Yoshida, 2013)(Pailai, 2017).
classes and the pictures on the tablet. Although the teacher had explained some of the relations, he had
not emphasized them. Therefore, these were not mere recall tasks.
We conducted three lessons in three classes in a junior high school in Japan. The participants were 76
first-grade students (12-13 years old). The lessons were conducted in regular classrooms; the usual
tasks with paper worksheets were replaced by tasks using the KBmap system on tablet computers. We
made no comparison between paper worksheets and tablet computers, because the purpose of this study
was not to measure the learning gain but to investigate the effectiveness of the KBmap system for
detecting changes in learners’ perspectives. The data captured during and after class using the KBmap
system are presented in the next subsection.
During the classes, the teacher used only the aggregation of the collaborative maps, and was able to
identify the commonly misunderstood area. Thus, the whole-class instruction was structured around it.
According to our initial plan, the teacher was to use the group maps composed of the individual
pre-maps. However, this was a challenge, because of time constraint .
Figure 3 shows the group maps, emphasizing the links over half of the group have failed to set in
the collaborative-maps. In the goal map, all the industries are linked to both development and
deforestation. Therefore, through missing links, the correlation many of the learners were not aware of
could be identified. Based on the group maps, the teacher provided feedback to the students in the
whole-class instruction.
As shown in Figure 3, the missing links varied from class to class. Before the class, the teacher
assumed that majority of the students could not draw the correlation among the new concepts, railways,
and roadways. However, according to the group maps, such prediction is not always accurate.
Furthermore, the teacher did not foresee the lack of understanding of various propositions. A significant
number of the students had no knowledge of some of the propositions. These propositions are as follows.
In Class A, “Forestry is related to economic growth” and “Factory is related to deforestation”; in Class
B, “Stock farm is related to economic development” and “Stock farm is related to deforestation”; in
Class C, “forestry is related to economic developments” and “Mine is related to deforestation”. Thus,
after concept mapping, the teacher could focus solely on expatiating on these propositions. After the
lessons, the teacher revealed that the approach made it possible to efficiently evaluate the students’
understanding. Previous attempts to investigate the thoughts of individual students during group work
had required the help of several other teachers, and organizing the result during lessons was a challenge.
However, using the proposed method, the teacher was able to efficiently assess the learners’
understanding, and structure the lesson around it.
Figure 3. Group maps
Figure 4 and Table 1 show the comparison between the average scores of the pre-maps and the
post-maps. The score of the learner’s map reveals the degree of similarity between the learner’s map
and the goal map. It takes a value ranging from 0 to 1. If the score is 1, the learner’s map is exactly the
same as the goal map. The score is calculated using the following equation:
Table 1
Map Scores
Pre-map Collaborative-map Post-map
Class-A 0.5817 (SD=0.2206) 0.8125 (SD=0.1936) 0.7764 (SD=0.1922)
Class-B 0.5885 (SD=0.2395) 0.7708 (SD=0.1407) 0.7839 (SD=0.1758)
Class-C 0.6400 (SD=0.2226) 0.8958 (SD=0.1164) 0.8950 (SD=0.0967)
The average scores of the post-maps exceeded those of the pre-maps in every class. Based on the
Wilcoxon signed-rank test, the difference is significant (Class A: n = 26, V = 210, p < 0.01; Class B: n =
24, V = 148.5, p < 0.01; Class C: n = 25, V = 253, p < 0.01). This result indicates that creating the
KBmap in a group improved the students’ understanding.
Furthermore, this study compared the score of the pre-map to the score of the collaborative map
using the Wilcoxon rank-sum test. A significant difference was found between the pre-map score and
the post-map score in every class (Class A: n = 26, U = 31.5, p < 0.05; Class B: n = 24, U = 34, p < 0.01;
Class C: n = 25, U = 34.5, p < 0.01). The scores of the collaborative maps exceeded those of the
pre-maps. This finding suggests that the knowledge attained collaboratively was more accurate than the
average knowledge attained individually.
Consequently, the closer the pre-map was to the collaborative map, the higher the degree of the
similarity among the group members’ maps, and because the score of the collaborative map exceeded
that of the pre-map, the students’ knowledge improved.
Figure 5 shows the classification of the group according to hierarchical cluster analysis. There are four
types of group: advanced and improvement, follow-up and raise, collective and improved, and
collective and raise.
Cluster 1 is “advanced and improved”. Here, the scores of the collaborative maps exceeded that
of the maximum score of the pre-maps in the group. This implies that the collaborative map was not a
mere fusion of the pre-maps. Rather, the students, as a group, successfully integrated their pre-maps,
and possibly found a new relation. Furthermore, the average, maximum, and minimum score of the
post-maps exceed those of the pre-maps, thus demonstrating that the members’ understanding is
generally improved through the small-group discussion.
Cluster 2 is “follow-up and raised”. Here, the scores of the collaborative maps are the same as the
maximum score of the pre-maps. Each group in this cluster adopts the maximum score of the pre-maps
as their collaborative map. Finally, although the average and minimum scores of the post-maps of the
groups increased, the maximum score remained the same. Specifically, in Groups B1, B4, and C3, all
the members' scores following the post-maps are equal to the collaborative map. In this cluster, it was
possible for some students to improve their understanding through the small-group discussion.
Cluster 3 is “collective and improved”. This cluster is similar to Cluster 1. However, the scores of
the collaborative maps were lower than the maximum score of the pre-maps. Although it was not
possible to fully collate the acquired knowledge of the group members, they could all achieve improved
Cluster 4 is “collective and raised”. This cluster is similar to Cluster 3, as the scores of the
collaborative maps were not the same as the maximum score of the pre-maps in the group. Although the
average scores of these groups' post-maps increased, the maximum score and even the minimum scores
remained consistent in several groups. In this cluster, some students were able to improve their
understanding through the small-group discussion.
The characteristics of these clusters as stated above depend on the membership of the group. For
example, Groups B1, B2, C3, and C6 consisted of individual learners that earned full marks in the
pre-map scoring. Thus, these scores could not be exceeded in the post-test. It was however possible for
learners to obtain a lower score at the post-map. Their score is not changed, and the others adopt some
answer to him/her.
Figure 5. Clusters of groups
4. Conclusion
This paper presents the result of a case study of the implementation and data analysis of in-class
collaborative learning using the KBmap. The KBmap automatically evaluates the concept maps of
individual learners based on the teacher’s goal map. It is a potential solution to the challenges of
implementing concept mapping in the classroom. The data captured using the KBmap system, such as
correctness and similarity, can be used during and after classes.
Such data can be used for formative and summative evaluation. The teacher in this study was able
to qualitatively assess the students’ understanding, rather than quantitatively, and provide feedback
accordingly. Typically, it is difficult for teachers to monitor the learning and comprehension process
during collaborative learning. The conventional methods of acquiring this knowledge include allowing
the students to give a presentation, or carefully scrutinizing their conversation. Although the KBmap
provides a kit for concept mapping and delineates the bounds of the map, the small-group and
whole-class discussion is not limited to the boundary. In other words, the KBmap itself is a close-ended
learning environment. However, depending on implementation and the activities, a class using the
KBmap can be open-ended. For example, in this study, there are many reasons to identify the
correlation between industry and development or deforestation. In such a case, the KBmap can assess
students’ understandings at a minimum level where the teacher wants to share with them. Naturally, the
teacher allows for the diversity of perspectives depending on the topics; such can be covered through
discussion or other methods. This study demonstrates the possibility of capturing and analyzing data
during in-class collaborative learning, the consequent realization of formative and summative
evaluation, and the corresponding feedback during and after class. In the future, we aim to clarify the
range of capture and analysis of collaborative learning with the KBmap, and to develop functions for
evaluation and feedback by teachers.
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Abstract: For each subject, the syllabus specifies what knowledge points students should
master and how well they should master them. Whether students can acquire the ability required
by the syllabus is an important evaluation criterion for a student's learning achievements.
However, most of the exercises for k-12 students at present contain knowledge points in the
examination syllabus, but the difficulty of the examination of knowledge points is inconsistent
with the teaching syllabus. Solving and studying such exercises does not help students acquire
the skills required by the syllabus quickly. Therefore, students should choose exercises that fit
well with the syllabus when practicing. However, at present, there is no way to recommend
exercises that fit well with the syllabus for students, so as to improve learning efficiency. In
order to solve the above problems, this paper proposes an exercise recommendation method for
k-12 students based on the syllabus. It is proved by experiment that this method can recommend
exercises that fit well with the syllabus for students, so as to improve their learning efficiency.
The use of this method can help students achieve better learning outcomes and achieve higher
scores in the final examination than ordinary students under the condition of learning and
mastering the same number of exercises with the same difficulty.
1. Introduction
At present, the problem of overloaded homework for k-12 students has become an important
problem to be solved. In order to reduce the learning burden of students without reducing the learning
effect of students, it is necessary to improve the fit between exercises and the teaching syllabus on the
degree of mastery of various knowledge points, so as to help students avoid inefficient learning.
The syllabus for any course sets the requirements for each knowledge point. For different
knowledge points, the syllabus has different requirements for students to master. If students can practice
and learn by using exercises with the same difficulty in each knowledge point as in the syllabus, their
learning efficiency will be improved and their learning burden will be reduced. However, the exercises
in the current question bank often only show the knowledge points that the exercises examine, but do
not show the depth of the exercises examine to the knowledge points. There are a lot of exercises that
examine the knowledge points that are included in the syllabus but the depth of the examination of the
knowledge points is different from the exercises that are required by the syllabus. For example, the
syllabus requires that the assessment of knowledge point N1 is proficiency, and the assessment of
knowledge point N2 is understanding. Now we have exercises Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4. Q1 requires proficiency
in both knowledge points. Q2 requires understanding of both knowledge points. In question Q3, the
assessment requirement for knowledge point N1 is understanding, and the assessment requirement for
knowledge point N2 is proficiency. In question Q4, the assessment requirement for knowledge point N1
is proficiency, and the assessment requirement for knowledge point N2 is understanding. Of the 4
questions, only Q3 is consistent with the syllabus.
The existing exercises recommendation method cannot help teachers and students to screen out
the exercises that fit the syllabus. In order to solve this problem, this paper proposes a method based on
the syllabus to recommend exercises for k-12 students.
The contributions of this paper are as follows :(1) we propose RAE algorithm for cognitive
diagnosis of students, which combines linear regression and EM algorithm to calculate the degree of
each student's mastery of each knowledge point. (2) we put forward the KPLL algorithm, which can
calculate the inspection degree of each exercise to each knowledge point. (3) this paper proposes a
method to recommend exercises that fit well with the syllabus for students. It has been proved by
experiments that using this method can help students achieve better learning results and get higher
scores in the final examination when they learn and master the same number of exercises with the same
2. Related Works
The current exercise recommendation methods are mainly based on two aspects: to recommend
exercises for target students that contain weak knowledge points for target students, and to recommend
exercises that are moderately difficult for target students. Y. Huo et al. proposed an exercise
recommendation method based on collaborative filtering. This method can help students find weak
knowledge points and recommend exercises containing weak knowledge points [1]. L. Fang proposed
an exercise recommendation method that can recommend English exercises containing specified
grammatical structures for students [2]. Changmeng J et al. proposed to recommend exercises of
medium difficulty for target students according to the scope of knowledge points selected by students
3. Method Design
The purpose of this method is to recommend the exercises that are consistent with the syllabus
and contain the knowledge points designated by the target students to the target students. Since the k-12
final exam is formulated by the proposition expert strictly according to the syllabus, the requirements of
the final exam on the mastery of various knowledge points can be approximately regarded as
corresponding to the syllabus. For each question, the difficult questions on the final exam will be no
more difficult than the syllabus requires, and the simple questions on the final exam will be less difficult
than the syllabus requires. Therefore, for a specified knowledge point, we regard the requirement of the
knowledge point on the final exam with the highest level of requirement as the requirement of the
syllabus. First of all, we judge how well the syllabus requires students to master various knowledge
points by their answers to the final examination questions. Then we choose the exercises that fit into the
syllabus as candidate exercises. According to the range of knowledge points assigned by students, we
recommend candidate exercises that meet the standards to target students. The specific steps of this
method are as follows:
(1) We select a group of students who use the same syllabus, and extract the data of these
students in solving daily exercises and solving final exams. Taking the data of these students' daily
exercises as input, we use RAE method (the algorithm is described in detail in 3.1) to calculate the
degree of each student's mastery of each knowledge point.
(2) We divide students' mastery of each knowledge point into five levels from low to high.
Level 5 corresponds to the degree of mastery of the knowledge in the top 20% of the students, level 4
corresponds to the mastery of the knowledge degree ranking 20% ~ 40% of the students, level 3
corresponds to the mastery of the knowledge degree ranking 40% ~ 60% of the students, level 2
corresponds to the mastery of the knowledge degree ranking 60% ~ 80% of the students, level 1
corresponds to the mastery of the knowledge degree of 80% ~ 100% of the students.
(3) With each student's mastery of each knowledge point and the data of all students' answers to
all the final examination questions as input, using the KPLL algorithm (which is described in detail in
3.2), we calculate the mastery level required by each final examination question for each knowledge
point contained in it. For example, the level of knowledge required for knowledge point N in question Q
is L, which means that only students with a level of knowledge point N no lower than L are likely to
correctly solve question Q.
(4) For each knowledge point, we find out the final exam questions with the highest
requirements for the mastery level of the knowledge point. We regard the mastery level required by this
question for this knowledge point as the mastery level required by the syllabus for this knowledge point.
(5) With each student's mastery of each knowledge point and the data of all students' solutions
to all exercises as input, we use KPLL algorithm to calculate the required mastery level of each exercise
for each knowledge point contained in it.
(6) Choose the exercises that meet the following conditions as candidate exercises: this exercise
requires the same level of mastery of all knowledge points as the syllabus requires for this knowledge
(7) According to the knowledge points selected by the students, we recommend the exercises
containing the specified knowledge points from the candidate exercises.
The input of this algorithm is the historical answer data of all students, and each data includes
student number, exercise number, the number of knowledge points contained in exercise, exercise
score, and actual score. The output of this algorithm is each student's mastery of each knowledge point.
First, define the concept of knowledge points mastery index. The concept of knowledge point mastery
index is used to measure the degree of students' mastery of a certain knowledge point above or below
the average level.
The formulas for calculating the knowledge points mastery index are defined respectively when
the weight of knowledge point is unknown or known.
The formula for calculating knowledge point mastery Index GSK of knowledge point without
assigning the weight of knowledge point is as follows:
∑n (s −m ) (1)
G = i=1 i i
SK ∑n
i=1 ti
Among them, si is the score of student S for exercise i, an exercise involving knowledge point K that
he/she has done, mi is the average score of exercise i, and t i is the total score of exercise i.
The formulas for calculating knowledge point mastery Index G′SK of knowledge point under the
condition that the weight of knowledge point has been assigned are as follows:
∑n (s −m )k (1)
G′ = i=1 i i i
SK ∑n
i=1 ti ki
Among them, si is the score of student S for exercise i, an exercise involving knowledge point K that
he/she has done, mi is the average score of exercise i, k i is the weight of knowledge point K in exercise
i, and t i is the total score of exercise i.
Based on a pre-selected set of student answer data, the steps for cognitive diagnosis are as
First, we choose questions with only a single knowledge point, use formula (1) to roughly
calculate and store the knowledge point mastery Index of each student's all knowledge point.
We use the linear regression model to calculate the weight of each knowledge point in each
question. We illustrate the use of the linear regression model with example question e and student s. We
assume that there are n knowledge points in question e, student s's score prediction formula for question
e is as follows:
hi = ∑nj=1 k j xj (3)
hi is the predicted score of the assigned question e for student s, xj is the knowledge point mastery
Index of the student s for the jth knowledge point of question e, and k j is the weight of xj . We use all the
student history answer data to train the model, then we can get the weight of each knowledge point in
each question.
We use formula (2) to calculate the more accurate knowledge point mastery Index of each
student for each knowledge point when the weight of each knowledge point is known.
Using the EM algorithm, the previously calculated value of knowledge point mastery Index is taken as
the current value of students’ knowledge point mastery Index. Each time, the current value of
knowledge point mastery Index is used to calculate the weight of knowledge point in a new round of
exercises by linear regression. Then, the weight of knowledge point in the new round of exercises is
used to calculate the knowledge point mastery Index of the new round of students through formula (2).
After repeated iteration for 10 rounds, the final result of knowledge point mastery Index was obtained.
The input of this algorithm is each student's mastery of each knowledge point and the historical
answer data of all students. Each data includes student number, exercise number, the number of
knowledge points included in the exercise, exercise score, and actual score. The output of this algorithm
is the requirement of each question for each knowledge point.
This algorithm calculates the requirement of each question to each knowledge point. We
illustrate this algorithm by using exercise Q and knowledge point K. First, we find out who has a level 5
command of all knowledge points except K contained in Q. (if there are no students meeting the above
conditions, the requirement for the target students will be reduced to those who have mastered at least
level 4 in all knowledge points except K included in the exercise Q) According to the mastery level of
knowledge point Ki, all students are divided into 5 categories. Calculate the average score of each type
of students for exercise Q. Considering the factors such as carelessness, we select categories which
scored average of more than 80% of exercise Q’s total score. We mark the mastery level of knowledge
point K required by the category with the lowest mastery level of knowledge point K among all selected
categories as the mastery level required by exercise Q for knowledge point K.
4. Experiment
The data used in this experiment were provided by an online education company. Considering
that China implemented a nationwide textbook update for primary and secondary schools in September
2017, the teaching syllabus also changed after the textbook update. If we use the answer data after
September 2017, we will not be able to obtain enough final exams that fit into the syllabus. Therefore,
the data we used is the online answer data of all the fifth-grade primary school students in a Chinese city
from March 1 to April 1, 2017 for a certain chapter of mathematics. These data include the responses of
8,092 students to 1,149 questions, totaling 240,000 pieces of data. Each piece of data includes student
id, exercise id, exercise type, id of knowledge points included in exercise, total score of exercise, actual
score, starting time of exercise and ending time of exercise. The data for the experiment included two
types of exercises, one for the final exam from 2012 to 2016 in each district of the city, and the other for
general exercises. The data for this experiment includes 197 final exams and 952 general exercises.
First of all, we divide all the answer data into two groups: the first group is the data of March 1,
2017 solstice, March 15, 2017, and the second group is the data of March 16, 2017 solstice, April 1,
2017. We use the method proposed in this paper, take the first group of data as input data, calculate the
degree of each student's mastery of each knowledge point, and select the candidate exercises that fit the
syllabus from the general exercises.
We selected students who correctly answered a certain number of candidate exercises in the first set of
data and students who correctly answered the same number of general exercises and compared their
performance on the final exam questions in the second set of data. By comparing the gap between the
two, we can judge whether the candidate exercises selected by the method proposed in this paper have a
higher fit with the syllabus. The specific steps are as follows:
(1) We randomly selected three knowledge points and recorded them as experimental
knowledge points. In the first set of data, we found all the exercises that contained only one or several of
the experimental knowledge points and recorded them as experimental exercises. We randomly selected
five questions from the final exam from the second data set and recorded them as experimental
examination questions. These five questions cover all the experimental knowledge points and are used
to examine the recommendation effect.
(2) According to the classification criteria of whether the exercise is a candidate exercise, we
divide all the exercise into two groups, which are respectively denoted as exercise group 1 and exercise
group 2. The exercises in exercise group 1 are candidate exercises, while the exercises in exercise group
2 are not.
(3) We first select the students who have done all the experimental examination questions
during March 16, 2017 solstice April 1, 2017. Among the selected students, we found out all the
students who had done 3 exercises belonging to exercise group 1 and all of them answered correctly, all
students who had done 4 exercises belonging to exercise group 1 and all had answered correctly, all
students who had done 5 exercises belonging to exercise group 1 and all had answered correctly, and
mark them as student group A1, student group A2 and student group A3 respectively.
(4) Among the selected students, we found out all the students who had done 3 exercises
belonging to exercise group 2 and all of them answered correctly, all students who had done 4 exercises
belonging to exercise group 2 and all had answered correctly, all students who had done 5 exercises
belonging to exercise group 2 and all had answered correctly, and mark them as student group B1,
student group B2 and student group B3 respectively.
(5) We found out the experimental exercises done by students in the above six groups, and
calculated the average score rate of all other students for these exercises (average score/total score of
exercises). We measure the difficulty of a problem by the average score rate of all the other students on
the problem. If the average score rate of all other students for problem Q is s, the difficulty of problem Q
is defined as 1-s. We randomly remove some students in student group B1, student group B2 and
student group B3 who have done the experiment exercises with low difficulty. In this way, the average
difficulty of experimental exercises done by students in student group B1, student group B2 and student
group B3 is not lower than that of student group A1, student group A2 and student group A3,
(6) Calculate the average scores of 6 groups for all experimental examination questions.
As shown in figure 1, we made statistics on the number of students in each group, the average difficulty
of the experimental exercises done by all members in each group, and the average score of all members
in each group on the experimental examination questions (converted into a full score of 100 points). We
marked the average difficulty of all experimental exercises done by all members of the group as the
average difficulty, and the average score of all members of the group for the experimental examination
questions as the average score.
table 1
Statistical table of experimental data
Student group Number of students Average difficulty average score
A1 17 0.21 89.3
B1 33 0.23 82.5
A2 11 0.19 92.7
B2 25 0.21 86.5
A3 9 0.22 94.1
B3 14 0.24 88.0
According to table 1, the average difficulty of the experimental exercises done by group A1, A2
and A3 is lower than that of group B1, B2 and B3, respectively. The average scores of group A1, A2 and
A3 for the experimental examination questions were higher than those of group B1, B2 and B3,
respectively. Therefore, students who do well on the same number of problem sets of the same difficulty
are more likely to do well on the final exam than those who do well on the ordinary problem sets. As a
result, students who did well on the same number of candidate exercises with same difficulty, which
were recommended by this method, were more likely to do well on the final exam than those who did
well on the regular exercises. It can be inferred that mastering the exercises recommended by this
method is more likely to help students achieve good results in the final examination than mastering the
common exercises with the same number and difficulty. Therefore, we can say that using this method
can help students achieve better learning results than ordinary students and achieve higher scores in the
final examination under the condition of learning and mastering the same number of exercises with the
same difficulty. Since the requirement of mastering various knowledge points in the final examination
can be approximately regarded as a fit with the examination syllabus, we can infer that this method can
recommend exercises that fit with the teaching syllabus for students.
5. Conclusions
This paper proposes an exercise recommendation method for k-12 students based on the syllabus. It is
proved by experiment that this method can recommend exercises that fit well with the syllabus for
students, so as to improve their learning efficiency. The use of this method can help students achieve
better learning outcomes and achieve higher scores in the final examination than ordinary students
under the condition of learning and mastering the same number of exercises with the same difficulty.
This paper was supported by National Key Research and Development Program of China (Grant No.
2017YFB1402400), Ministry of Education "Tiancheng Huizhi" Innovation Promotes Education Fund
(Grant No. 2018B01004), National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 61402020,
61573356), and CERNET Innovation Project (Grant No. NGII20170501).
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Chang, M. et al. (Eds.) (2019). Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Computers in
Education. Taiwan: Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education
Abstract: With e-learning systems gradually being implemented, researchers worldwide have
started devoting increasing attention to Learning Analytics. At Kobe university, a digital
textbook reading system has been developed to collect learning logs in the face-to-face
classroom. In a previous study, k-means clustering was implemented to analyze learning
behavior patterns; however, there were problems such as few variables for clustering and a
failure to consider weighting of the learning elements. Therefore, in this study we applied
clustering by increasing the number of learning elements and assigned weights to the learning
elements, then analyzed the learning behavioral patterns. We found some behavioral patterns of
students who can save learning time if they effectively write memos and add markers.
1. Introduction
In recent years, owing to the development and spread of PCs and mobile devices, many educational
institutions have been investigating and implementing e-learning systems. In fact, 33.8% of the
universities in Japan had instituted Learning Management Systems (LMS) in preliminary learning and
post-learning in 2010. This value had risen to 44.9% in 2013. On the other hand, 36.3% of the
universities had implemented blended learning (a kind of learning method that combines real courses
with e-learning in which learners can use a real course and web group course together) in 2010, a figure
that had risen to 44.0% in 2013.
With e-learning systems gradually being implemented, researchers worldwide have started
devoting increasing attention to Learning Analytics (LA) (Yin & Hwang, 2018). Researchers have
reported that LA can be used for learning support and class improvement (Mostow, 2004; Yin et al.,
2014; Yin et al., 2015), and LA is positively related to student efforts (Campbell, DeBlois, & Oblinger,
2007), performances (Macfadyen & Dawson, 2012), and outcomes (Archer, Chetty, & Prinsloo, 2014;
Hrastinski, 2009; Yin & Hwang, 2018). Yamada (2017) pointed out that in LMSs, administrators and
teachers usually pay attention to the logs used to detected abnormal activities, such as unauthorized
access and system failure. The system-use logs are frequently neglected. However, LA pays attention to
the system-use logs, which are used to analyze learners’ behavior to find ways to improve teaching and
support learning. For example, some researchers used learning logs of online courses from MOOCs
(Massive Open Online Courses) and OERs (Open Educational Resources) to perform learning
Many recent studies have focused on collecting data from online performance for learning
analytics; in contrast, the application of learning analytics in face-to-face classes is rare worldwide (Yin
et al., 2018). Therefore, to collect learning logs in face-to-face classes, Yin et al. (2017) developed an
electronic teaching material system, DITeL (Digital textbook for Improving Teaching and Learning),
and then, using learning logs collected by DITeL, k-means clustering was used to divide learners into
clusters and analyze the relationship between learners’ learning behavioral patterns and learning
achievement (Yin et al., 2018).
However, few learning elements were used for clustering in the previous study, and weighting
of learning elements was not considered. To solve these two problems, in this study we increased the
number of learning elements, such as markers and devices, to apply learning analytics more effectively.
As different learning elements have different learning effects on academic performance, we also
assigned a weight to each element and divided learners into clusters according their learning logs.
Cluster analysis was then performed with the statistical analysis software package SPSS (developed by
IBM), and we analyzed and discussed the relationship between learning elements and learning
achievement. We found some behavioral patterns for such groups as students who can save learning
time if they effectively write memos and add markers.
2. Literature Review
Data analysis is an internal step in the process of data collection (Yin, Hirokawa, et al., 2013; Yin, Sung,
et al., 2013). In this study, the system collects data automatically while the learner is using the system,
therefore the data are objective (Yin et al., 2018).
2.1 Clustering
There are many other data mining methods used in educational research, such as Aprioi and SVM. In
this study, k-means clustering was adopted to group large and diverse data into groups. The variables
have similar values in the same group significantly different from the values for the other groups;
therefore, k-means clustering is better than other methods (Yin et al., 2018).
In a previous study, four learning elements (reading time, the number of pages viewed, page
backtracking rate, and the times of preview lessons) were used to divide the data into clusters (Yin et al.,
2018). However, only a few learning elements were used in the clustering, although there are other
learning elements that also affect learning achievement. Therefore, in this paper, besides the reading
time, the number of pages viewed, and page backtracking rate, we added the number of Markers and the
number of Memos for k-means clustering.
Liu, Feng, Shi, and Guo (2014) insisted that weighting should be performed when dividing data
into clusters. This study assigned a weight to each learning element before clustering. A previous study
(Yin et al., 2018) did not consider the weighting of different variables (learning behaviors) even though
different variables have different impacts on grades. Since it was confirmed that the learning
achievement has a different correlation with each learning element, it is necessary to assign a weight to
each element.
As motioned above, we developed an e-book system, DITeL, to collect data in face-to-face classes.
DITeL is supported on a variety of devices such as PCs, Mobiles, and Tablets, because different
learners learn on different devices. In addition, DITeL has various functions to make learning more
Every user action (such as learning material name, page number, action time, and device) is
recorded as a learning log. Table 1 shows an example of the learning logs from which the data are
aggregated. The variables for aggregating are shown in Table 2.
Table 8
An Example of the Learning Logs Recorded on the Server
Userid Action name Learning Page Action time Device
material Number
Student1 Next Law Course 16 2017/5/22 8:40 PC
Student1 Prev Law Course 15 2017/5/22 8:42 Mobile
Student2 Add UnderLine Law Course 15 2017/5/22 8:42 Tablet
Student3 Add Memo Law Course 15 2017/5/22 8:42 Mobile
Table 2
The Variables of the Data Recorded on the Server
Elements Define
PC Read Pages (PRP) The number of pages the student read on a PC
Mobile Read Pages (MRP) The number of pages the student read on a Mobile device
Table Read Pages (TRP) The number of pages the student read on a Tablet PC
BookMark(BM) The number of Bookmarks created by students
Memo The number of Memos created by students
Highlight The number of Highlights created by students
UnderLine The number of Underlines created by students
Prev The number of times the student returned to the previous page
Next The number of times the student advanced to the next page
Reading Time(RT) The number of seconds the student spent reading the teaching material
Reading Page(RP) The number of pages the students read of the teaching material
In previous studies analyzing learning behavior patterns with learning logs, k-means clustering was
applied. However, there were some problems:
1. The number of variables collected was few, and the relationships between variables were not
examined at all.
2. The differences in devices and the students’ tendencies to learn had not been considered.
3. The different variables have difference influences on learning achievement, so it is necessary
to assign weights to the variables.
In order to solve the above problems, the relationship between learning behavior patterns and
learning achievement was analyzed after assigning weights to the variables. The analytical steps are
described below.
Step 1: Data Structuring; summarizing learning logs and formatting the data.
Step 2: Data Correlation; in order to examine the relationship between learning achievement and
other variables, correlation analysis is used.
Step 3: Assigning weights; the variables are assigned weights based on the correlation coefficients.
Step 4: Clustering; students were clustered into groups by these weighted variables.
Step 5: Multiple comparison test to find and objectively consider differences between groups.
4.2 Variables
Based on the variables in Table 2, new variables were also generated and unnecessary variables deleted
as described below.
Due to the small number of users, “Tablet ReadPage” and “BookMark” were not used because
their influence on the results would not be accurate.
Since “HighLight” and “UnderLine” are similar in usage, they were combined to create a new
element “Marker,” and “HighLight” and “UnderLine” were not used.
𝑎𝑟𝑘𝑒𝑟 = HighLight + UnderLine
In order to investigate the difference in consciousness between individuals, the variables “Prev”
and “Next” were converted to the new variables “PrevPer” (PP) and “NextPer” (NP).
𝑟𝑒𝑣 𝑁𝑒 𝑡
PP = NP =
𝑟𝑒𝑣 𝑁𝑒 𝑡 , 𝑟𝑒𝑣 𝑁𝑒 𝑡
In this study, correlation analysis was performed to determine the degree of influence of each
factor on GPA as measured by the correlation coefficient. Statistical analysis software (IBM SPSS
Statistics) was used for the correlation analysis.
In this study, p-values were considered significant at the 5% level. Also, negative values were
not considered, as they had negative correlations with GPA. The general results are as follows.
1) Since “RP” and “PRP,” “MRP” and “Prev,” and “MRP” and “Next” were strongly correlated with
each other, their effects on GPA overlapped. It was found that these variables were extracted from
the same element of the number of pages. In this paper, in order to focus on devices, “RP,” “Prev,”
and “Next” were not considered, but “RT” was retained because it was strongly correlated with
GPA, and because it represents the time of extracting variables differently.
2) Since “NP” had negative correlations with all variables, it was not considered in this research.
Correlation analysis found that “GPA” could be modeled by six variables: “Memo,” “Marker,” “RT,”
“PP,” “PRP,” and “MRP.” Considering the relationships between them, these six variables were
roughly divided into three groups. We defined learning with “Memo” and “Marker” as plus-α learning,
“RT” (reading time) and “PP” (rate of return to the previous page) were learning traces, and “PRP”
(read pages using PC) and “MRP” (read pages using mobile devices) were devices. These same groups
did not affect each other. We then analyzed the relationship between those groups and found two
sufficient conditions:
1. If the value of device is larger, then learning trace and plus-α learning are larger. For example, if
the student reads many pages of content, then he will return to the previous page many times and
write memos or add markers many times.
2. If the value of learning trace is larger, then positive plus-α learning is larger. For example, if the
student reads the content for a long time, then he will write memos or add markers many times.
The weights were calculated based on these two sufficient conditions. For example, “GPA” was
correlated with “Memo” with a strength of 0.294. Also, “Memo” was correlated with “RT,” “PRP,” and
“MRP,” respectively, with strengths of 0.146, 0.36, and 0.427. That is, “RT,” “PRP,” and “MRP,”
respectively, were correlated with “GPA” with strengths of (0.294 * 0.146), (0.294 * 0.36), and (0.294 *
0.427). It was possible to obtain weights by this calculation method and sum them all. The values of the
weights are listed in Table 3.
Table 3
The Values of the Weights
Memo Marker RT PP PRP MRP
0.294 0.339 0.601 0.498 0.816 0.984
5. Discussion
To further understand students’ possible behavior patterns, cluster analysis was employed. Students
were clustered into five groups according to the similarities in their learning behaviors. We used
k-means clustering to group learners.
Table 4 presents the center, mean values, and standard deviations of each cluster as well
as comparisons with a post-hoc test (Scheffe). Clusters 1–5 (C1, C2, C3, C4) included 65,
54,43, 51, and 22 students, respectively. We then analyzed the learning behavior features in
each group.
Table 4
Assigned Weighted k-Means Clustering Results and Analysis
Learning Behavior Clusters
Cluster 1 Cluster 2 Cluster 3 Cluster 4 Cluster 5 F-value Post-hoc
(n = 65) (n = 54) (n = 43) (n = 51) (n = 22) (ANOVA) (Scheffe) tests
(mean/SD) (mean/SD) (mean/SD) (mean/SD) (mean/SD)
PRP 0.034/0.034 0.047/0.04 0.155/0.093 0.222/0.126 0.123/0.093 50.776** 4>3.5>1.2
MRP 0.03/0.034 0.186/0.082 0.04/0.047 0.094/0.076 0.443/0.163 140.882** 5>2>4>1,2>3
Memo 0.01/0.024 0.04/0.047 0.104/0.054 0.018/0.034 0.116/0.064 52.14** 3.5>2>1,3.5>4
Marker 0.01/0.018 0.034/0.03 0.09/0.054 0.023/0.033 0.141/0.082 60.241** 5>3>2>1,5.3>4
PP 0.167/0.099 0.189/0.072 0.207/0.074 0.278/0.054 0.251/0.062 17.697** 4.5>1.2,4>3
RT 0.035/0.024 0.12/0.056 0.107/0.047 0.159/0.086 0.253/0.088 65.171** 5>4>2.3>1
GPA 5.357/2.355 6.548/2.364 6.842/1.508 7.125/2.017 7.782/1.036 8.642**>1
**p < 0.001.
PRP: PC Read Pages; MRP: Mobile Read Pages; RT: Reading Time; PP: The rate of returns to previous page
Cluster 3: The reading time (RT) of Cluster 3 is lower than Clusters 4 and 5; however, “Memo”
and “Marker” are higher than in Clusters 1, 2 and 4, and “Memo” was almost the same as in Cluster 5,
while “MRP” was as low as in Cluster 1, meaning that the students in Cluster 3 were more likely to use
a PC device and were actively involved in the learning process, as they actively wrote memos and added
markers. They were thus characterized by plus-α learning.
There was no significant difference between Clusters 2, 3, 4, and 5 in “GPA” through a ceiling
effect: The upper limit of “GPA” was fixed, so even extensive study could not greatly increase the GPA;
any such growth would be small. In other words, for example, the members of Cluster 5 could acquire
knowledge with less learning time.
Cluster 3 should be noted. Despite the short learning time, this cluster effectively used the
plus-α learning method to good effect. Clusters 2 and 4 would have been able to reduce their learning
time if they had effectively handled “Memo” and “Marker.” Also, if the students in Cluster 1 also had a
bottleneck when learning, it would be best for them to try the plus-α learning method first.
6. Conclusion
In this paper, we have described the need to weight the variables, which was confirmed by the
experimental results.
In this paper, we particularly focused on the learning effects of “Memo” and “Marker.” The use of
these functions led to reduced learning times and made it possible to intensively learn some contents or
other subjects. Also, it is good for learners who do not like learning, because it has been verified as
reducing the learning time. Thus, students can try this learning method using “Memo” and “Marker.” In
addition, if students want to use “Memo” or “Marker,” it is suggested that they use a PC with a large
screen, whereas if they want to use this system in their free time or in a conveniently carried form, they
can use mobile devices.
Part of this research work was supported by the Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Nos. 16H03078,
16H06304, and 18H04125 from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
(MEXT) in Japan. We would like to thank all the people who prepared and revised previous versions of
this document.
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Chang, M. et al. (Eds.) (2019). Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Computers in
Education. Taiwan: Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education
Abstract: Assignment and examination are typical formative and summative assessment
strategies in K-12 education. A large number of assessment data generated by learners offers an
opportunity for personalized assessment. The research on assessment data has centered on
large-scale reporting on aggregate level results, fewer studies have focused on student-level
features. In this study, we tried to align Bloom’s taxonomy of educational objectives with
learning assessment, and construct a personalized assessment model using the assignment and
examination data based on the cognitive diagnostic assessment approach. The model includes
three assessment dimensions including the achievement of educational objectives, the mastery
level of knowledge components and risk detection. The model was validated using 2,600 online
learning data from 50 senior high school students. The testing content includes one topic from
algebra and another one from trigonometry. The results indicate that the model can help
students make timely and targeted remedies of their learning gaps. There is a positive
correlation between students' cognitive level and their mastery of knowledge components, and
students with the same scores have different cognitive structures and knowledge structures,
although they are at the same level in the traditional sense, they can find out the complementary
intervals and increase the effective interaction. Assessment data is an explicit form of students'
internal cognitive level, compared with a total score, teachers are more concerned about
students' cognitive level and their mastery of specific knowledge, especially knowledge
components with risks.
1. Introduction
Learning analytics (LA) is the "measurement, collection, analysis and reporting of data about learners
and their contexts, for purposes of understanding and optimizing learning and the environments in
which it occurs" (Siemens & Gasevic, 2012). Presently educational institutions compile and store huge
volumes of data, such as student attendance records and behavioral data, as well as their examination
results. Mining such data yields better understanding of student performance. However, traditional
learning assessment is limited to the statistical analysis of students' scores, class average scores,
percentile ranks, etc., and ignore the details of test content and answering data (Liu, You, Wang, Ding,
& Chang, 2013; Roberts & Gierl, 2010), resulting in data information cannot be effectively recorded,
mined and used. While data-driven learning evaluation gradually becomes intelligent (Dutti, Ismaili, &
Herawani, 2017), and the research of assessment model tends to be personalized, comprehensive and
self-adaptive. There are still some deficiencies, including lack of personalized assessment from the
perspective of knowledge and cognition, and basic education practice is difficult to achieve to promote
learning by assessment. In view of the above problems, this study constructed the personalized
assessment model from the perspective of evaluation process based on student learning assessment
data. This model analyzes the learning assessment data of students from the micro and fundamental
level, and evaluates learners' performance by connecting cognition and knowledge, and detects
students' learning gaps and learning risks.
2. Conceptual Framework
The taxonomy of educational objectives is a framework for classifying statements of what we expect or
intend students to learn as a result of instruction. In the revision of Bloom’s taxonomy, Anderson et al.
(2005) used the research results of cognitive psychology for reference, and distinguished the objectives
from the two-dimensions of knowledge and cognitive process. The knowledge dimension includes
Factual Knowledge, Conceptual Knowledge, Procedural Knowledge and Metacognitive Knowledge,
mainly to help teachers distinguish what to teach. The cognitive process dimension is divided into six
categories: Remember, Understand, Apply, Analyze, Evaluate and Create, which help teachers to
clearly promote the stage process of students' mastering and applying knowledge. Any objective would
be presented in two-dimensions table, which termed the Taxonomy Table. Using the Taxonomy Table to
classify objectives, activities, and assessments provides a concise, visual representation. In this study,
the guiding significance of Bloom's taxonomy of educational objectives includes item classification,
attribute classification and result elaboration.
The increasing demand of researchers and educational stakeholders for more formative information
from educational test has fueled research efforts in CDT (Nichols & Joldersma, 2008). In contrast to
classical test theory and item response theory conceptualize learners’ competence as a unidimensional
latent construct, cognitive diagnosis models (CDMs) assume multiple, discrete skills or attributes, thus
allowing CDMs to provide a finer-grained assessment of learners’ tests performance. It is designed to
measure students’ specific knowledge structures and processing skills so as to provide information
about their cognitive strengths and weakness (Leighton & Gierl, 2007). This study uses the attribute
mastery probability cognitive diagnostic model based on Q matrix (Zhu, Zhang, & Xin, 2009). By
specifying a number of skills/attributes required to solve the test items, attribute profiles are reported for
any specific response pattern (Rupp, Templin, & Henson, 2010). Q-matrix is a common component of
CDMs for specifying the attributes required for each item (Tatsuoka, 1983). This theory, by
determining the non-observable cognitive attributes, and transforming them into observable question
answering modes, links the non-observable cognitive structures with observable answering responses
on items, and provides a basis for understanding students' cognitive structures.
The analysis of mainstream online test software, such as Onion Math, Zuoyebang, Geek Big data,
shows that software covers multiple types of data. In this study, test questions and test result data are the
core data. Test questions data includes test number, content, educational objectives involved,
knowledge components covered, etc. Test result data includes right or wrong answers, problem solving
process, etc. Bloom's taxonomy of educational objectives is used in this study to support learners'
internal cognitive dimension, which provides a basis for the classification of cognitive objective
The classification of test questions is the basis of composing test papers, analyzing test papers
and evaluating students. In this study, the test questions were classified from Bloom's objectives
classification and knowledge components classification. The specific contents are as follows: (1)
classification of teaching objectives. When using Bloom’s taxonomy of educational objectives, we only
need to correspond the relationship between nouns and verbs in objectives and each level in two
dimensions. For example, in the objective of "using sine theorem solve an authentic problem", the verb
"using" corresponds to the “Apply” in the cognitive process category of the Taxonomy Table, and the
noun "sine theorem" corresponds to the “Conceptual Knowledge” in the knowledge category, which
belongs to “apply conceptual knowledge”. (2) classification of knowledge components. Analyzed the
content of the textbook, and then the question data is divided into each interrelated knowledge
In this study, the attribute mastery probability model based on Q matrix is used to calculate the learning
assessment data. The feasibility and effectiveness of the model have been verified to meet the practical
needs of teachers in the transformation process from assessment data to effective evaluation. The
calculation steps are as follows:
1. Suppose that in a certain test, there are m questions and n students, and the correct answer is
marked as 1 and the wrong answer is marked as 0. The project response matrix, i.e., R matrix, for all
students to answer right or wrong on all questions can be obtained.
2. Assume that all the test questions only involve l attributes. Through the analysis of the test
questions, if the test questions involve this attribute, it will be denoted as 1; if not, it will be denoted as
0. Thus, a Q matrix describing the relationship between test questions and measured attributes is
𝑟11 𝑟12 ⋯ 𝑟1𝑚 𝑞11 𝑞12 ⋯ 𝑞1𝑙
𝑟21 𝑟22 ⋯ 𝑟2𝑚 𝑞21 𝑞22 ⋯ 𝑞2𝑙
𝑅𝑛×𝑚 = ( ⋮ ⋮ ⋱ ⋮ ) , 𝑄𝑚×𝑙 = ( ⋮ ⋮ ⋱ ⋮ ) , 𝑟𝑖𝑗 , 𝑞𝑗𝑘 ∈ {0,1}
𝑟𝑛1 𝑟𝑛2 ⋯ 𝑟𝑛𝑚 𝑞𝑚1 𝑞𝑚2 ⋯ 𝑞𝑚𝑙
3. According to the Q matrix and R matrix obtained above, using matrix multiplication
Nn×l = R n×m Q m×l , the number of correct responses of each student on each attribute can be obtained
by Nik, that is, the number of correct responses of student i to the test questions involving attribute k:
𝑟11 𝑟12 ⋯ 𝑟1𝑚 𝑞11 𝑞12 ⋯ 𝑞1𝑙 𝑛11 𝑛12 ⋯ 𝑛1𝑙
𝑟21 𝑟22 ⋯ 𝑟2𝑚 𝑞21 𝑞22 ⋯ 𝑞2𝑙 𝑛21 𝑛22 ⋯ 𝑛2𝑙
𝑁𝑛×𝑙 = ( ⋮ ⋮ ⋱ ⋮ )( ⋮ ⋮ ⋱ ⋮ )=( ⋮ ⋮ ⋱ ⋮ )
𝑟𝑛1 𝑟𝑛2 ⋯ 𝑟𝑛𝑚 𝑞𝑚1 𝑞𝑚2 ⋯ 𝑞𝑚𝑙 𝑛𝑛1 𝑛𝑛2 ⋯ 𝑛𝑛𝑙
4. The probability that student i correctly answered question j is estimated as the product of the
correct frequency of all the attributes involved in the question. If question 1 involves attribute 2 and
attribute 3, the probability that student 1 correctly answered question 1 is g_11=f_12* f_13. Thus, the
probability that student i correctly answered question j can be obtained:
On the basis of determining data sources and research methods, we have sorted out and divided
the dimensions and contents of personalized assessment, and built a personalized assessment model
(Figure 1). In the model, we use bloom's two-dimensional educational objectives to evaluate the
students' internal cognitive level. It takes the mastery of attributes as the quantitative form, the
probability method of attribute mastery as the algorithm support. The left round wheel of the
personalized assessment model takes iPadagogy wheel(Cochrane, Narayan, & Oldfield, 2010) as the
source of the design idea, so as to show the data basis and the division of the assessment dimension.
With the accumulation of assessment data, personalized assessment and the authentic learning situation
of individual students tend to be consistent, and gradually play the role of personalized assessment,
problem diagnosis, prediction and warning.
Figure 1. The personalized assessment model based on learning assessment data
In this study, 50 senior high school students in a class of a high school in Jiangsu province, China were
selected as research participants, among which 28 were male students and 22 were female students.
Three examination information of the participants on a data analysis platform was taken as data source
to test the model. After collaborative screening with the teacher, 21 questions that were not included in
the teaching content and incomplete data of students' answers were excluded. A total of 52 test
questions were selected as data sources. The types of questions involved include choice question,
fill-in-the-blank questions and calculation questions, among which the teaching contents involved in the
test questions are the compulsory high school mathematics course 5 chapter 11 "solving triangles" and
chapter 12 "sequence of numbers". On this basis, the tested knowledge components can be divided into
six knowledge components: the sine theorem, the cosine theorem, the application of the sine theorem
and the cosine theorem, the arithmetic sequence, the geometric sequence, and the comprehensive
application of the sequence.
Firstly, the data are collected and the item response matrix R50x52 of students and test questions is
obtained. Secondly, by analyzing the test questions, we get the correlation matrix Q52 x 12 of 52
questions and 12 Bloom educational goal attributes involved. Finally, the probability estimates of
students' mastery of target attributes are calculated, and the cognitive level is explicit with specific
numerical values. Similarly, through the above data analysis method, we calculated the probability
estimates of 50 students' mastery of knowledge attributes in the class.
4.3 Results
This paper makes statistical analysis from two aspects: average situation of class and individual
situation of students. The results show that the average achievement of Bloom's educational objectives
in the whole class decrease as the increase of the objective level. Students generally have the best
command of "remember" and "factual knowledge". As the cognitive process from lower order thinking
skills to higher order thinking skills and knowledge ranging from concrete to abstract, students'
objective achievement degree decreases successively. In terms of the individual situation of the
students, student A is similar to the average level of the class in terms of remembrance and
understanding, but lower than the average level of the class in terms of application, evaluation and
analysis. Therefore, the student should focus on strengthening the training of high-level cognition. In
terms of knowledge dimension, this student has not reached the average level of the class, especially the
factual knowledge and procedural knowledge, which are far from the average level of the class(figure
2a). The reason may be that this student is not good at mastering a lot of factual knowledge and thus
falls behind other students. To sum up, the student should strengthen the learning of factual knowledge
and gradually improve his high-level cognitive level. In addition, by comparing students with the same
score in different grades, it is found that students with the same score also have different cognitive
distribution, as shown in figure 2 (b). Student B has the same score as student C, and both of them are
behind the class average. Student C is superior to student B in low level cognition, factual knowledge
and conceptual knowledge. Therefore, it is essential to quantify the cognitive attribute level, find out the
complementary interval and increase the effective interaction between students.
The results knowledge components are as follows: (1) The analysis of the average level of
knowledge components in the class can help teachers identify weak knowledge components. The results
show that students' overall mastery of knowledge components from high to low is Cosine Law, Sine
Law, arithmetical progression, geometric progression, application of the sine-cosine law, application of
the sequence. (2) In terms of the individual situation of students, we conducted a horizontal comparison
of the mastery of each knowledge component of individual students, and found that the knowledge
components with learning risks. For example, Student x has a good command of the concepts and
principles of the sine theorem and the cosine theorem, but his application ability is lower than the
average level of the class (Figure 2c), so as to put forward targeted guidance and suggestions. Secondly,
student y and student z with the same score have different knowledge structure (Figure 2d), a
longitudinal comparison of students' mastery of various knowledge components is conducted to find
complementary components and find suitable learning partners.
Figure 2. The achievement of educational objectives and the mastery level of knowledge components
5.1 Discussion
Assessment analysis of cognitive goals links test scores provides an explanatory framework. Based on
an examinee’s observed response pattern, detailed feedback about an examinee’s cognitive strengths
and weaknesses can be provided through a score report. This diagnostic information can then be used to
inform instruction tailored to the examinee, with the goals of improving or remediating specific
cognitive skills. In the calculation results, the knowledge component with poor mastery level, namely
the learning risk problem component, has attracted the common attention of teachers and students.
Some teachers in the school believe that with the increase and improvement of assessment data, it is
possible to discover learning risk knowledge components, solve learning problems, reduce teaching
load and realize individualized teaching. This paper mainly reports the diagnosis results of students'
knowledge structure and cognitive structure level, and is limited to the analysis of test data. Another
limitation is that this study does not explore how the personalized assessment report of this study is used
by teachers, parents and students to help teaching and learning, and does not track the evaluation data to
explore the learning trajectory of students, which is also one of the author's future research directions.
5.2 Conclusion
The personalized assessment based on student assessment data provides the possibility for teachers to
teach students in accordance with their aptitude, and satisfies the teachers' needs for understanding
various mathematical and statistical knowledge in the educational measurement theory. This study
analyzes the process of personalized evaluation and calculation, and constructs the personalized
assessment model from two dimensions of cognition and knowledge, based on Bloom’s taxonomy of
educational objectives and cognitively diagnostic theory, and supported by the method of attribute
mastery probability. At the same time, the assessment data of 50 senior high school students on a data
analysis platform were used to verify the model. The model was iteratively optimized through effective
feedback from teachers and students to improve its accuracy, and we investigate teachers’ and students’
view on the results of data analysis to ensure the feasibility and effectiveness of the model. In the
follow-up research, the author hopes to design and develop a personalized assessment tool, which can
be integrate into the existing learning platform, so as to conduct personalized process analysis and
assessment for learners, help teachers to teach students in accordance with their aptitude, and ultimately
help students to improve the learning effects.
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Education. Taiwan: Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education
Keywords: Planning skills, self-direction, learning analytics, activity tracking, ubiquitous and
mobile computing
1. Introduction
Self-direction Skills (SDS) are acquired through experience, training, and effort. The benefits of
experience and training will depend on the degree to which people engage through volitionally initiated
thought processes. Since it is a cognitively and behaviorally complex task to execute SDS, diagnosing
learners in underdeveloped skills and subsequently designing support for promoting the skills are
Although there are multiple approaches to capture data on learner’s self-direction or
self-regulation, self-report measures have still stayed dominant so far. The recent availability of large
and fine-grained datasets has led to investigations of self-regulation by applying learning analytics
(LA). The assessment of frequencies and sequences of regulatory activities in learning environments
provides a novel perspective on self-regulation that complements and potentially supersedes traditional
self-report measures (Bannert & Sonnenberg, 2014; Li et al., 2018). On the other hand, the increased
availability of the activity tracking data gives individuals more opportunities for establishing
benchmarks in objective metrics and improving achievements through the experience of reality (Swan,
2013). The research and design of data quantification have grown as an interest area in information and
learning sciences (Lee, 2019).
This leads us to build the GOAL (Goal Oriented Active Learner) system to support the
development of SDS with integrating the learning records and self-tracked data (Majumdar et al.,
2018). The GOAL system not only leverages the rapidly increasing activity data but also creates
data-driven feedback loops for the acquisition of SDS. In this paper, we will introduce how to build a
new model for self-planning and support the acquisition of planning skills in that data rich context.
2. Related Work
According to P21 (Partnership for 21st Century Skills, 2016) framework, Initiative and Self-Direction
requires monitoring one's understanding and learning needs, demonstrating initiative to advance
professional skill levels, defining, prioritizing and completing tasks without direct oversight and
demonstrating commitment to lifelong learning. It requires learners to handle multiple environments,
goals, and tasks while understanding and adhering to organizational or technological constraints of
time, resources, and systems. The framework gives a general criterion for a self-directed learner.
Self-directed learning (SDL) and self-regulated learning (SRL) are two most frequently used of
the terms in today’s educational discourse on learning process (Brockett & Hiemstra, 2018; Candy,
1991; Winne et al., 2006; Zimmerman, 2008). Literature highlights their commonality and differences
(Saks & Leijen, 2014). Both SDL and SRL have 4 key phases: Task definition – Setting goals and
Planning – Enacting strategies – Monitoring and Reflecting. SDL due to its adult education roots is
mostly used for describing the learning activities outside traditional school environment. SRL, on the
other hand, is mostly studied in the school environment.
Technological innovation in the field of data logging and rapidly increasing digital world have
expanded the intersection of SDL and SRL. The processes of executing and developing SDL and SRL
can be captured. For our work, we proposed a five-phase process model, DAPER which synthesizes the
SDL and SRL models to conceptualize data-driven self-direction skill execution and acquisition.
A key phase in self-direction and self-regulation is goal setting and planning (Brockett & Hiemstra,
2018; Winne et al., 2006). Previous studies of self-direction and self-regulation has highlighted learner
agency regarding how they learn and the superiority of autonomous motivation for learning (Stockdale
& Brockett, 2011). Here we follow that paradigm and let students choose their own goal and direct their
own plan.
Self-directed learners are expected to actively and autonomously engage in goal setting and
planning (Wang, Shannon & Ross, 2013). They demand a high level of goal setting and planning skills
during the self-direction process. Compared with assigned goals and plans, personal goals and plans
produce higher goal commitment since the learners who are aware of their goals have high learning and
achievement expectations. Therefore, self-planning skills required taking full responsibility for
personal plans. They should check current status of any activity before planning and then create plans to
change that status to a more desirable one when they are ready.
In comparison to executing assigned plans, setting and striving personal plans provide individuals with
less support on how to define personal plans and continuously improve them. Learners may lose their
directions if without reliable, revealing and relevant data that support decision-making for planning.
Following the learning analytics process model learners need to translate awareness into action (Bodily
et al., 2018). They need a ‘representative reference frame’ to interpret the data (Wise, 2014). Both the
context data and process trace data can be valuable ways to create such a reference frame. We have
proposed a measurement rubric as a basis of adaptive support (Majumdar et al., 2019).
Therefore, this paper explores how to design a data rich context for self-planning, how to model
self-planning, and how to provide support for promoting planning skills.
Activity tracking involves some process or system to collect data generated by an individual during
their execution. A variety of everyday life activities can be tracked by the currently available behavior
sensors. We synthesize activity data in learning and physical activity context to involve individuals in
self-directed practices. For learning activities, data is from learning logs in our learning platform which
include digitized reading logs, status of course assignments, and answers of quizzes (Flanagan & Ogata,
2017). For physical activities, records are collected through native mobile health applications like
Apple Health or Google Fit containing data regarding runs, workouts, sleep, steps taken, weight, heart
rate, and calories burned.
The Goal Oriented Active Learner (GOAL) system integrates data during learners’ learning and
physical activities, and implements DAPER model with the functionalities required in each phase. The
system further records individual’s interaction log data. The GOAL architecture is given in Figure 2.
The GOAL system includes cross platform applications and an analysis server. Learners can
link automatically their learning activity data from the LMS and other linked e-learning tools. For
physical activity data, students authenticate to synchronize that data directly from native mobile health
apps like Apple Health or Google Fit. Furthermore, we log interactions between learners and the GOAL
system as eXperience API (xAPI) statements in the analysis server of GOAL system (Li et al., 2019).
4. Modeling Self-Planning
Our proposed self-planning model is shown in Figure 3. First, the trend value of activity is computed
from the activity data using autoregressive (AR) model. Second, the degree of plan difficulty is
calculated from the trend value and planned value. Third, the planning skills are diagnosed using a
5-point scoring criteria. Finally, an adaptive support is generated based on the score of planning skills.
The action type, variable, definition, and example for modeling are shown in Table 1. Activity
data is data logged during an activity session, which synchronized from learning platforms or health
apps. Serialized activity data is a time series data, which accumulated from activity data on the same
unit over a fixed period (hour, day, week, etc.). It’s used for further computing the trend value as input
data. GOAL interactions mean interactions between learners and the GOAL system. They are tracked
by the eXperience API, including actor, verb, object, and timestamp.
The auto-regressive (AR) model is adopted to predict the trend value of activity from previous
serialized activity data at the last p time value:
Where At is the value of A in period t, data set of At-1, At-2, …, At-p are time series value in periods t-1,
t-2, …, t-p. β0, β1, …, βp are coefficients found by optimizing the model. For example, the trend value
of steps taken for the next day could be predicted given the previous serialized activity data in daily
scale for 7 days. For each activity, the trend value is computed with daily, weekly, monthly scales. The
trend value in scale is a baseline value for self-planning in daily, weekly, or monthly activities.
The degree of plan difficulty (DPD) is calculated by comparing the planned value to the trend value. If
the planned value is less than the trend value, DPD is zero. If the planned value is more than the trend
value, DPD is the relative increase with respect to the trend value. For instance, if the trend value is
1,000 steps per day and the planned value is set as 1,500 steps per day, then the DPD is set to 0.5.
4.3 Diagnosis of Planning Skills using 5-point Scoring Criteria
Three parameters are considered for the diagnosis of planning skills: interaction of planning (IP),
interaction of analysis (IA), and DPD. The planning skills are measured as a 5-point scoring. Table 2
indicates the scoring criteria for planning skills with action description and scoring parameters.
Learners are classified into 5 groups based on the scoring criteria for planning skills. They are given
adaptive support using a feedback generator (see Table 3). The feedback contains a suggested action
and a brief description of current skill level for learners.
In this paper we proposed a novel model for self-planning and support the acquisition of planning skills
in a data rich context. The diagnosis of planning skills helps learners to further understand how they
engage in planning, it’s important to better understand which feedback could be provided. Benefits
from using the adaptive support are to facilitate the transfer of control between system and learners. The
learner who is in underdeveloped skills is partially guided by system and then exerts more control over
the direction as a fully self-directed learner.
The contribution of this paper is modeling planning and promoting planning skills in a
data-driven manner. 1) The rationality of modeling. The data for modeling is the activity tracking data
in learning and health, which gives learners the initiative to advance themselves. We confirm the
fundamental assumption of self-direction that learner’s agency is central in autonomous learning
(Stockdale & Brockett, 2011). Our model could be applied in everyday activities across the contexts.
For instance, potential activities could be vocabulary remembering in language learning, gym training
in health, piano practice in music learning. 2) The flexibility of adaptive support. Because learners are
divided according to the relative value of activity data and interaction trace data, the adaptive support is
provided based on dynamic groups. The model could help learners who are ready to develop planning
skills, and also help learners who just want to identify current status.
For future work, we will conduct the study in K-12 and higher education settings to evaluate the
effects of the skill diagnosis and adaptive support on the improvement of engagement and planning
skills. The differences of effects across different settings and activities will also be examined. The
research project aims to explore a data-driven paradigm to develop SDS, and support learners while
they become more autonomous in learning and in life.
This work was partly supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S) Grant
Number 16H06304, JSPS KAKENHI Research Activity Start-up Grant Number 18H05746 and NEDO
Special Innovation Program on AI and Big Data 18102059-0.
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Chang, M. et al. (Eds.) (2019). Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Computers in
Education. Taiwan: Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education
Abstract: In this paper, we describe a learning support system for software component design
for learners at the early programming learning stage. In general, the source code used in
instructional programming exercises does not have a testing code and is not designed to rapidly
verify behaviors. We think one of the difficulties for students in designing their source code to
be testable is that most cannot analyze their component design themselves. Therefore, we
summarized the testability features applicable to such learners and designed our learning
support system to improve instructional exercises in analyzing source codes and creating
improved component design through feedback. The learning outcomes using the system were
evaluated based on the subjects’ improved scores between pre- and post-tests on analyzing
source codes and creating improved component design. The evaluation results indicated the
effectiveness of the program with some testability features. We implemented the system in three
different programming classes to evaluate the applicability of the system.
1. Introduction
In recent years, in addition to increasing the size and complexity of developed software, the importance
of software testing has accordingly increased. Feathers (2004) indicated that a source code without a
testing code is a legacy code. However, few studies on software testing and software component design
for testing at the early programming learning stage have been conducted. In reality, source codes
developed by learners in their exercises do not typically include testing codes for their components.
However, there are two problems with learners not writing testing codes and/or not paying attention to
the component design for testing. First, because they cannot edit the source code with rapid verification,
they tend to take more time for debugging in their exercises. Second, while they continue their
programming exercises without testing codes and/or testing designs, their programming style (debug
later programming) will be fixed and their programming experience will not be sufficiently varied.
One of the software development processes that enforces programmers to write testing code is
test-driven development (TDD). The process makes programmers follow the test-first approach, the
programmer cannot write any component before preparing their test codes. Riley and Goucher (2009)
reported that TDD can improve the testability of the software components that are being developed.
However, the process requires the programmers to have enough knowledge and skills to write test codes
with adequate component design for the testing. It is difficult for learners in the early programming
learning stage to focus on learning software testing and component design for the testing in the process.
Funabiki et al. (2013) suggested a learning assistant system based on the TDD method. The
learning assistant system lets learners follow the TDD process by supporting their testing code creation
using a testing framework. Matsuoka (2013) suggested a support system to visualize the learners’
testing progress and their testing coverage. However, these studies were focused on the support the
learners need to write their testing code. They did not assume that the learners need to improve the
design for the tested components before they write their testing codes.
Ohashi (2015) proposed a support system for automated testing by suggesting its weakness based
on the following aspects related with tested components:
Reproducibility: the component always returns to the same value for the same parameters.
Simplicity: one method in a component should be simplified, as only one test can verify it.
However, the system focused on improving the tested components for stably maintaining their testing
codes; the tested components were prepared their testing code templates. As for learners in the early
programming learning stage, we think that the system does not sufficiently improve the learners’
component design whether the component can be tested or not.
In this paper, we focus on a learning component design in which the learner can write testing code
based on testability. For learners at the early programming learning stage, we discussed effective
testability features for software component design and related learning strategies. We implemented a
web-based learning support system based on the discussion. Our evaluation supported some learning
effects of the proposed system for some testability features.
Boehm (1976) introduced the concept of testability. Treon et al. (1999) suggested self-testable
components. Bach (1999) categorized intrinsic testability related to the software component itself
according the following features: observability, controllability, algorithmic simplicity, unbugginess,
smallness, decomposability, and similarity. Binder (1999) claimed that controllability and observability
are important features according to the object-oriented design perspective. We considered that
decomposability is also an important feature for learners to understand at the early programming
learning stage. A component whose decomposability is high indicates that the component encloses
multiple functions. Thus, before testing individual function, the learners should divorce these individual
functions from the component. Based on the above discussion, our learning support system focused on
observability, controllability, and decomposability, as shown in Figure 24.
We assumed that the learners had already learned basic test driver implementation using a testing
framework. We organized the learning items for component design into the following two points.
(I) Understanding the Concept of Testability
(II) Analysis and Improvement for Concrete Code Based on Testability
As for (I), it is necessary for learners to understand the concept of testability. Especially for
controllability, observability, and decomposability, the learners should learn what kind of component
design reduces testability. We expected that learners would acquire their knowledge from the lecture.
As for (II), the learners should be able to analyze the testability of concrete components based on
the concept of the testability. In looking for the reason why we can write test code for the components,
they should acquire the skills to analyze the components and identify their lack of testability.
Furthermore, to improve the testable components, they should acquire the skills to create their
component design by fixing the lack of testability and modifying the code based on the plan. We think
that exercises where learners analyze/modify various patterns of concrete components are required for
learners to develop the needed skills. In such exercises, we know that many learners cannot evaluate
their analysis and/or their component design themselves, and they do not have confidence in their
answers even when they can complete the modification of the components following their design. Thus,
to support their analysis, we should provide the learners with feedback on whether their analysis and
component design are adequate based on the testability features.
Based on the above, we developed a learning process for the testability-based software
component design, which is displayed in Figure 25. Our proposed system supports steps (2) – (5).
Figure 25. Learning process for the testability-based software component design.
We implemented our learning support system as a web application. In this section, we explain the
learners’ usage of the system and the system’s feedback (A) – (D) for their inputs in each step.
Figure 26 shows the interface of the system in step (2). The source code area shows sample codes of the
exercise chosen by the learner. The testing code area shows the testing code template for the function
the learner should verify. The instruction area shows the system’s message to inform the learner how to
proceed in the next step. The bottom of the instruction area shows the learner’s input field.
First, the exercise explains the learner about the function they should verify via the instruction
area. The learner should choose the adequate code area for the function by selecting a rectangle. The
system provides feedback (A) on whether the code area chosen by the learner is adequate or inadequate
for the function set by the exercise.
In the testing code area, the learner should try to write their testing code for their chosen codes.
They should also recognize the difficulties of writing their testing code in the current component design.
Finally, they should externalize the reason why the component is difficult to test into the text input field
on the bottom of the instruction area.
After submitting, the system gives feedback (B) that highlights words related to the testability
features in the explanation. These words the system should highlight are registered by lack testability
features of each prepared problem. Then, the system asks the learner to choose an appropriate reason by
comparing their own externalized reason. The system suggests that the learner selects the reason related
to each testability feature as follows. When the learners choose an answer, the system gives feedback
(C) on whether the answer is correct or incorrect in the sample code with the explanation.
Figure 26. Externalizing their analysis in step (2). Figure 27. Creating their design in step
Figure 27 shows the interface of the proposed system in step (4). The source code area shows the
original sample codes. The improved code area shows the sample codes with some highlighted
statements. When the learner clicks the highlighted statement, the system suggests some candidates at
the bottom of the instruction area. When the learner selects a candidate, the testing code area is updated
by the learner’s selection. By changing the combinations of statements, the learner changes the sample
code into a new component design the learner can write testing code for. When the learner submits the
improved code, the system provides feedback (D) based on the learner’s improved code. If the learner’s
improved code has syntax problems, the system sends the learner syntax error messages generated by an
appropriate compiler of the programming language. If there are no syntax problems in the learner’s
improved code, the system decides whether the improved code enables the learner to write their testing
code for the function indicated by the exercise. The system provides feedback messages on why their
improved code has not fixed the problem the learner analyzed in steps (2) and (3). We defined these
messages for every possible combination of candidates when we created the exercise.
The system provides the learners with their improved source codes as a project archive for Eclipse IDE.
The learners can evaluate their new component design by executing their testing codes in the project.
4. Evaluation
4.1 Hypotheses
We compiled the following three hypotheses on learning the testability-based software module design
with the proposed system.
Hypothesis 1. Learners who completed the exercises with the system can better analyze the lack of
testability in the source code than those with only IDE support.
Hypothesis 2. Learners who completed exercises with the system can create their component design
to improve testability better than those with only IDE support.
Hypothesis 3. The learners who finished exercises with the system will not rely on the system when
they apply their acquired skills to other problems.
Figure 28 shows the evaluation process. 15 subjects were college students with basic syntax knowledge
in the Java programming language. The pre-test confirmed their basic knowledge of algorithms, basic
syntax of the Java programming language, and that they did not have skills for analyzing/improving
codes that lack testability. We divided the subjects into the experimental group with 8 subjects and the
control group with 7 subjects to equalize the results of the pre-test.
As for the exercises, we gave both groups same four problems analyzing/improving codes that
lack testability. In the post-test, there were three problems where the subjects analyzed the sample codes
and improved them. The subjects were asked about (a) the area of source code supporting the function
to be tested, (b) why the function is difficult to test, (c) where the area of code to be edited is, and (d)
how to improve the code to solve the problem. As for question (c), we evaluated the answer using a
point-deduction scoring system.
4.3 Results
Table 9 shows the average score for answers (a) and (b) in the post-test. The difference was calculated
by subtracting the score of the control group from the score of the experimental group. The t-value was
calculated using Welch’s one-sided t-test. Table 10 shows the average scores for answers (c) and (d) in
the post-test.
Table 9
Average Scores for Analyzing Lack of Testability in the Post-Test
Lack of Testability Controllability Observability Decomposability
Question (a) (b) (a) (b) (a) (b)
Avg. of Experimental Group 0.750 0.625 1.000 0.813 0.250 0.250
Avg. of Control Group 0.571 0.429 1.000 0.071 0.357 0.286
Difference 0.179 0.196 0.000 0.741 -0.107 -0.036
T-value 0.252 0.242 N/A 0.000 0.320 0.443
Table 10
Average Scores for Creating Improved Component Design in the Post-Test
Lack of Testability Controllability Observability Decomposability
Question (c) (d) (c) (d) (c) (d)
Avg. of Experimental Group -0.167 0.833 -0.125 0.375 -2.667 1.333
Avg. of Control Group -1.000 0.500 -2.000 0.000 -3.000 0.667
Difference 0.833 0.333 1.875 0.375 0.333 0.667
T-value 0.024 0.107 0.000 0.010 0.607 0.464
As for Hypothesis 1, Table 9 shows the experimental group’s scores of controllability and
observability are the same or better than the control group’s scores. In Figure 29, the subjects’ feelings
of understanding in the exercise of the experimental group are better than those of the control group.
Although the t-value only supports the score of question (b) for observability, the system does not seem
to have bad effects based on the subjects’ exercise and questionnaire results. Regarding
decomposability, the average scores of the control group were better than those of the experimental
group. There were many subjects in the experimental group who felt less understanding compared with
the feelings of controllability and observability. In both groups, the subjects who could answer correctly
were divided. In the observations of the subjects’ post-test results, we found that some subjects in both
groups were unable to answer the question. The system may have some educational effect for learners
to analyze the lack of controllability and observability in source code. However, the system is not well
designed for decomposability.
As for Hypothesis 2, Table 10 shows that all scores of the experimental group were better than
those of the control group. The t-value supports the scores in question (c) on controllability and
observability, and the score of question (d) on observability. We think that the system has some
educational effect for learners’ component design against the lack of controllability or observability.
As for Hypothesis 3, even if the subjects of the experimental group answered the post-test without
the system’s support, more subjects answered correctly compared with the control group. Therefore, we
think that the learning effect with the system is negligible.
5. Conclusion
In this study, we built a learning support system for software component design based on testability.
The system can support learners’ analysis of the lack of testability in the source codes and create their
improvement plan for the component design against the lack of testability. The system covered three
types of testability: controllability, observability, and decomposability. Our evaluation indicated some
learning effects of the proposed system in relation to controllability and observability. We succeeded in
introducing the system to three programming classes to evaluate the applicability of the system. After
the exercises with the system, the participants tried to analyze larger sample source codes without the
system, most participants analyzed the sample codes based on the testability features and suggested
their refactoring plans, although all prepared functions with the lack of testability were not analyzed due
to the time limitations of the classes.
Bach, J. (1999). Heuristics of software testability. Retrieved from http://www.satisfice.com/tools/testable.pdf
Binder, R. V. (1994). Design for testability with object-oriented systems. Communications ACM, 37, 87–101.
Boehm, B. W. (1976). Quantitative evaluation of software quality. Proceedings of the 2nd of ICSE (pp. 592–605).
Feathers, M. C. (2004). Working effectively with legacy code. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Funabiki, N., Matsushima, Y., Nakanishi, K., Amano, N. (2013). A Java programming learning assistant system
using test-driven development method. IAENG International Journal of Computer Science, 40(1).
Le Treon, Y., Deveaux, D., & Jézéquel, J. M. (1999). Self-testable components: From pragmatic tests to
design-for-testability methodology. In editor name(s) (Ed(s).), Proceedings of Technology of
Object-Oriented Languages and Systems (pp. 96–107). Nancy, France.
Matsuoka, S., & Katayama, T. (2013). Development of unit testing visualization tool to implement real-time
visualization of testing progress. IEICE Technical Report, 112(373), 37–42. (in Japanese)
Ohashi, A., Kaminaga, H., Nakamura, S., Morimoto, Y., & Miyadera, Y. (2015). A support system of automated
tests in software development exercises. IEICE Technical Report, 114(513), 13–18. (in Japanese)
Riley, T., & Goucher, A. (2009). Beautiful testing: Leading professionals reveal how they improve software.
Sebastopol, CA: O’Reilly Media.
Chang, M. et al. (Eds.) (2019). Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Computers in
Education. Taiwan: Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education
Abstract: In this paper, a model for identifying e-book reading style is proposed and applied
onto a learning log dataset. Learning log data available as non-structured data source is
processed to identify patterns of reading exhibited by users using three main structures: reading
sessions, reads and passages. These structures are used to extract information on users’ reading
style to be used as part of user modeling process. The proposed model is applied on a set of log
data generated by university students during one semester of digital resource use. The findings
show students adopt predominantly receptive reading style, while responsive style occurs
rarely. Further analysis revealed no significant relationships between reading style variables and
student academic success for the Architecture course indicating the variables of responsive and
receptive reading bring new information as part of user modeling.
1. Introduction
E-books have become a popular medium for content delivery and are widely being accepted as an
alternative to traditional paper-based sources. There is a number of advantages to e-books such as the
convenience of use, greater interactivity etc. that make them valuable educational tools and resources
today (Jagušt, Botički, & So, 2018). Nevertheless, more research is needed to ascertain how they affect
users, and how can their interactive features be used in supporting learners.
There are two main log data subsets to be used as part of this study: the data on user reading and
navigation within e-books, and the data on user interaction with e-books, such as making bookmarks,
notes or memos. In order to prepare non-structured learning log data for the analysis, a process model
with structures called sessions, reads and passages is utilized. Such data structures are used to model
specific properties of e-book reading usage, facilitating further high-level e-book reading style analysis.
It is to be noted that reading styles, as adopted in this paper, will be tied to contextual nature of e-book
reading process. Such an approach is necessary to distinguish between potentially different conditions
that arise from the course within an e-book content was being read, particular students using the e-book,
or specific e-book resource being used. The contextual nature of the model is to allow for deeper
understanding of the specifics of e-book use and its relationship with the identified user reading style.
2. Theoretical Background
Recognizing reading styles has been of great interest even before the appearance of cutting-edge
technologies such as e-books and learning log mechanisms. Researchers had been trying to understand
how humans read and thereby often relied on the use of methods such as the observation of reader
physiognomic behavior, surveys and questionnaires, interview and diary studies (Freeman & Saunders,
2016; Marshall, 2009). Nevertheless, the issue of interfering with so called silent reading had presented
a big methodological obstacle (Pugh, 1979), as reading is a personal and a reflective process.
Learning data logs are quantitative educational data, and they are used to meet the following
objectives in the learning and teaching domains (Ogata et al., 2017): (1) Learning: Analyzing the details
of behavior of “active learners” to make the students more active; and based on the relationships
between log patterns and academic achievements, detecting the students who may drop out and those
who will perform excellently; and (2) Teaching: Based on the logs made during a class session,
improving course designs, which include collaborative learning and flipped classroom approaches and
are based on the students’ patterns of viewing e-books (e.g., understanding which page was frequently
viewed), improving teaching materials and the structure of the e-books.
We adopt the approach developed in (Freeman & Saunders, 2016), where reading style is generated
from learning log data. The authors build on work by Thayler at al. (Thayer et al., 2011) to further
interpret reading styles originally defined in (Pugh, 1979) and devise the following classification:
Receptive reading - reading sequentially from beginning to end with little variation in pace, to
find out what an author has to say
Responsive reading - active engagement with arguments in the text, with frequent changes of
pace, pauses, rereading
In (Thayer et al., 2011) specific kind of e-books used as part of the study “were well suited to
receptive reading, searching, and scanning, but did not support responsive reading and skimming well
at all”. We further explore the notion of receptive and responsive reading by using an e-book platform
developed at Kyoto university (Flanagan & Ogata, 2018) with added interactive features, such as
adding bookmarks, memos and markers.
The process is based on the work presented in (Freeman & Saunders, 2016) and has several steps
used to extract user sessions which represent contiguous block of e-book usage. Sessions are then used
to create higher-level structures such as reads, passages and passage pairs. These are input into the
algorithms for reading style identification, to be subsequently used as part of user modeling.
3.1 Sessions
In order to allow for high-level analysis of learning log data, sessions, reads, passages and paired
passages are used (Freeman & Saunders, 2016). Sessions occur naturally as users progress in reading an
e-book. Every session presents one time-limited usage of an e-book in which its reader traverses e-book
pages or interacts with the e-book by adding bookmarks, notes, memos and similar. Figure 2 gives
examples sessions generated from e-book usage log data.
As illustrated in Figure 2, sessions are composed of continuous events that last for a limited
period of time and include any possible sequence of page changes: they can represent reading page by
page, include jumps forward or backwards etc. Session is a useful structure since it organizes learning
log data according to user interaction with a specific e-book resource in a limited amount of time and
usually within the same reading context (i.e. covering 10 pages in a mathematics book on Thursday
Reads are used to merge sessions data coming from one user reading one resource. They are used to
model the overall reading of a single resource done by one user and indicate reading jumps rather than
concrete resource pages. Figure 3 shows reads structure created upon sessions laid out in Figure 2.
Figure 2. Example sessions extracted from learning logs.
In order to interpret the reads data in terms of reading dynamics (consecutive reading or jumps),
interpretation notations names passages and paired passages are used (Freeman & Saunders, 2016).
This notation focuses on the length and orientation of jumps differentiating between short, long,
forward and backward jumps. Table 1 lists passages and paired passages created from reads in Figure 3.
Passages are shortened representation of reads and they model five main jump categories: FOR
(one or two pages skipped), SJF (small jump forward), BJF (big jump forward), SJB (small jump
backwards) and BJB (big jump backwards). The first number of each passage is the number of pages
jumped. The second is the number of continuous pages read after the jump. Paired passages combine
passages into pairs whereby immediate change in reading direction can be identified.
Table 1
Passages and paired passages created from reads shown in Figure 3
Example Passages Paired passages
First example FOR(1,1), SJF (3,3) (FOR-SJF)
Second example SJF(3,1), SJB(-2,1), BJF(24,2) (SJF-SJB), (SJB-BJF)
Third example FOR(2,1), BJF(12,2), BJB(-13,1) (FOR-BJF), (BJF-BJB)
Fourth example FOR(1,2), BJF(14,1) (FOR-BJF)
By following the proposed classification of reading styles, two variables are being modeled: the
receptive reading variable and the responsive reading variable. Paired passages are primarily used to
identify the level of receptive reading of students by calculating the proportion of forward-oriented
paired passages in reading an e-book resource, which are generated from all recorded sessions in which
user interact with the resource.
Receptive reading (x)= number of forward oriented paired passages (x) / total number of paired
passages (x)
where x stands for a specific time period.
Responsive reading is extracted from e-book session data by using information on interactive
events which appear during e-book session (i.e. creating memos, bookmarks or makers). It is modeled
using the following formula:
Responsive reading (x) = (number of memo operations (x) + number bookmark operations (x) +
number of marker operations (x)) / total number of pages read (x)
where x stands for a specific time period.
4. Case Study
In this study, data sample coming from the BookRoll e-book learning system developed at Kyoto
University in Japan [1] is analyzed. The presented process model is applied onto one semester of usage
log data generated by 407 students from 2017-09-09 to 2018-02-05. There are in total 6546 sessions
generated from NoSQL log entries recorded while the students engaged in educational activities with 48
resources (e-books). The identified sessions were used to generate 1486 reads structures, whereby the
number of associated users was reduced to 331 and the number of resources to 33 (the reduction took
place due to elimination of trivial sessions by some users who did not engage significantly in e-book
Table 2 shows the detailed analysis data generated during the process model steps execution.
The results indicate that the average student read period (time from the first to last access to a resource)
was about 4 days, with the average resource read period being around 3 days. It is to be noted that reads
are continuous structures that map to a specific resource and that one resource is usually taught during
one week of lectures. All read periods lengths come with high standard deviations indicating high
between-student differences in total period spent on a resource.
In terms of the receptive reading style variable, values are uniform across general, user and
resource categories (means range from 0.83 to 0.86) with observably smaller standard deviation values.
This indicates reading is done in fairly linear fashion with relatively small proportion of large jumps
across the reading resource. On the other hand, the responsive reading variable values indicate there is
about one interactive event per 10 pages of student reading, with large observed between-student
differences. Correlation analysis was done to test for possible relationships between the variables of
read period time, receptive, responsive reading, and the final course grade. Results are shown in Table 3
and Table 4.
Table 2
The detailed analysis results while applying the process model, including user reading style data
Reads per student 4.49 2.75
Reads per resource 45.00 50.48
Reads per student per resource 1 0
Read period (s) 340,367 970,262
Read period per student (s) 400,334 820,189
Read period per resource (s) 236,437 391,596
Receptive reading 0.85 0.16
Receptive reading per student 0.83 0.13
Receptive reading per resource 0.86 0.10
Responsive reading 0.01 0.09
Responsive reading per student 0.01 0.1
Responsive reading per resource 0.02 0.04
Table 3
Results of correlation analysis for resource read period time, and receptive and responsive reading
style variables
Receptive reading Responsive reading
Resource read period -0.054* 0.023
Receptive reading 1 -0.033
The correlation analysis results indicate all correlation values are low and that there is only one
significant correlation coefficient (between receptive reading and resource read time), however of weak
power r=-0.054.
For the purposes of in-depth analysis of reading style at a specific course level (Botički,
Budišćak, & Hoić-Božić, 2008), a course taught in the logged time period was chosen – the
Architecture course. Although the final course grade in the Architecture course correlated with the
overall read period time, which is in line with prior research on usage time of e-books (Oi, Okubo,
Shimada, Yin, & Ogata, 2015), no significant and strong correlations were identified between the final
grade and the receptive and responsive reading variables.
Table 4
Results of the correlation analysis: final grades in the Architecture course, and receptive and
responsive variables
Final grade
Resource read time 0.237**/0.352**
Receptive reading 0.077/-0.077
Responsive reading -0.034/-0.234
There was observable non-significant negative correlation between the final course grades and
the responsive reading variable possibly indicating students with such reading style perform poorly on
the final exam, but more research is needed to confirm this (units of are analysis one resource per one
student in the Architecture course/all resources per one student in the Architecture course).
5. Conclusions
In this paper learning log data was analyzed via the adopted process model in order to extract usage
sessions, reads, read passages and read passage pairs. Both sessions and read passage pairs were then
used as means of defining reading style variables, with the final aim of including these variables in user
The results of the analysis indicate that students predominantly utilize linear, forward-oriented
reading of e-book materials and have relatively low interaction with the material, although interactive
features of e-books are readily available for their use. Further correlation analysis indicates that the
receptive and responsive reading variables do not correlate with the student final course grades.
Limitations of the study stem from the characteristics of the data sample being used, which
covers only undergraduate students in academic environments. Future research will focus on alternative
approaches to reading style variables extraction including the use of sub-symbolic classifiers (Pessa,
n.d.) and on identifying possible educational activities with e-books which rely on the usage of reading
style variables to enhance some elements of the educational process.
This work is supported by the JSPS KAKENHI Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S) Grant Number
Botički, I., Budišćak, I., & Hoić-Božić, N. (2008). Module for online assessment in AHyCo learning management
system. Novi Sad J. Math, 38(2), 115–131.
Flanagan, B., & Ogata, H. (2018). Learning analytics platform in higher education in Japan. Knowledge
Management and E-Learning, 10(4), 469–484.
Freeman, R. S., & Saunders, E. S. (2016). E-Book Reading Practices in Different Subject Areas: An Exploratory
Log Analysis. In In Academic E-Books: Publishers, Librarians, and Users (pp. 223–248). Purdue
University Press.
Jagušt, T., Botički, I., & So, H. J. (2018). Examining competitive, collaborative and adaptive gamification in
young learners’ math learning. Computers and Education, 125, 444–457.
Marshall, C. C. (2009). Reading and Writing the Electronic Book. Synthesis Lectures on Information Concepts,
Retrieval, and Services (Vol. 1). https://doi.org/10.2200/S00215ED1V01Y200907ICR009
Ogata, H., Oi, M., Mohri, K., Okubo, F., Shimada, A., Yamada, M., … Hirokawa, S. (2017). Learning analytics
for E-book-based educational big data in higher education. In Smart Sensors at the IoT Frontier (pp. 327–
350). https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-55345-0_13
Oi, M., Okubo, F., Shimada, A., Yin, C., & Ogata, H. (2015). Analysis of preview and review patterns in
undergraduates’ e-book logs. Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Computers in Education,
ICCE 2015, 166–171. Retrieved from
Pessa, E. (n.d.). Symbolic and subsymbolic models, and their use in systems research. Systems Research, 11(3),
23–41. https://doi.org/10.1002/sres.3850110303
Pugh, A. K. (1979). Styles and Strategies in Silent Reading. In P. A. Kolers, M. E. Wrolstad, & H. Bouma (Eds.),
Processing of Visible Language (pp. 431–443). Boston, MA: Springer US.
Thayer, A., Lee, C. P., Hwang, L. H., Sales, H., Sen, P., & Dalal, N. (2011). The Imposition and Superimposition
of Digital Reading Technology: The Academic Potential of E-readers. CHI 2011, Session: Reading and
Writing, 2917–2926. https://doi.org/10.1145/1978942.1979375
Chang, M. et al. (Eds.) (2019). Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Computers in
Education. Taiwan: Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education
Abstract: In this paper, we analyzed the relationships between students’ engagement and
academic performance in the digital textbook system. To measure students’ engagement, we
first extracted features from the students’ digital textbook reading logs (click-streams) that
represent their engagement with the contents. Then, we used percentile rank transformation to
create normalized engagement scores and an overall engagement score. In the analysis, we first
investigated the correlation between engagement scores’ and the students’ final scores. Second,
we modeled students’ transition patterns from the engagement to academic performance by
using Markov Chains. Third, we analyzed engagement patterns of the students with different
academic performance levels. Our results showed that there is a positive moderate correlation
between students’ academic performance and their engagement with digital textbooks. Our
results also revealed that a single engagement score can be used to measure students’
engagement with the system, which is easy to understand by non-expert users. We also
introduced our dashboard interventions that are developed based on this engagement score.
1. Introduction
Students’ engagement with the learning environment is closely related to learning outcomes (Hu & Li,
2017; Lu, Huang, Huang, & Yang, 2017). Therefore, regular monitoring of students’ engagement is
crucial for timely interventions, particularly for at-risk students. However, measuring various
dimensions of students’ engagement from their learning traces is still challenging task for researchers.
In particular, creating engagement scores which are easy to interpret by students and instructors.
In this paper, we used students’ digital textbook reading data to create metrics for measuring
their engagement with the digital textbook system. We investigated relationships between students’
academic performance and their engagement score. We also compared weekly engagement patterns of
students with different academic performance levels. Finally, we introduced the dashboard
interventions that we developed based on this engagement score for assisting at-risk students.
Digital textbook systems made possible to collect data related to student reading and note-taking
behavior that are not possible to capture with paper books (Abaci, Morrone, & Dennis, February 22,
2015). This data previously used to predict students’ learning outcomes (Akçapınar, Hasnine,
Majumdar, Flanagan, & Ogata, 2019; Hasnine et al., 2018), to analyze students’ weekly reading
patterns (Akçapınar, Majumdar, Flanagan, & Ogata, 2018), and for the visualization purposes. Junco
and Clem (2015) also found that digital textbooks-based interaction data is a stronger predictor of
students’ learning outcome. Their study also highlighted that students, those who spent longer time in
reading textbooks earned higher grades in the course over to those who spent less time.
1.2 Engagement and Learning
Fredricks, Blumenfeld, and Paris (2004) have proposed that engagement is studied as a multifaceted
construct, with behavioral, affective, and cognitive dimensions. Behavioral engagement refers to
students’ involvement in academic activities. Emotional engagement includes positive and negative
reactions to teachers, classmates, academics, and school. Cognitive engagement refers to the effort
required to master difficult skills and understand complex ideas.
Behavioral engagement is considered crucial for achieving positive academic outcomes and
preventing dropping out (Fredricks et al., 2004). In this study, we focused on students’ behavioral and
cognitive engagement with the digital textbook system and we extracted features from the interaction
logs related to students’ reading behaviors. In other words, we used learning logs as a proxy to measure
students’ engagement with the system and analyzed relationships between their engagement and
academic performance.
2. Method
In this study, data was collected from a digital textbook system called BookRoll. The BookRoll allows
students to read digital contents. It has a feature like red or yellow markers to highlight some parts of the
text. Students’ can add memos to remember important points or bookmark pages to access them easily
while they are reviewing the content. We analyzed more than 65,000 click-stream data that are collected
from 72 students registered in an Elementary Informatics Course at a university. The course was offered
to first-year undergraduate university students. Students used the BookRoll system to access course
materials that were uploaded by the instructor once a week. Students were given 13 contents in different
weeks of the course and their anonymized interactions (e.g. next, previous, jump, highlight, adding
memo, etc.) were recorded by the system. Students’ academic performance was evaluated based on
eight quizzes across the semester and one final exam.
At the beginning of data preprocessing, features from the click-stream data were extracted. Extracted
features were used to measure students’ engagement. In feature selection, students’ behavioral (e.g.
total number of events, number of times open the system, etc.) and cognitive (e.g. red/yellow marker
usage counts, memo counts, etc.) engagement with the system were taken into consideration. A brief
description of all features is given in Table 2.
Table 2
Description of Features
Features Description
Total event Total number of events
Time Total time spent on the BookRoll system in minutes
Unique Day Number of different days that student use the system
Long event Number of events longer than 3 seconds
Short event Number of events less than or equal to 3 seconds
Next Number of Next events
Previous Number of Previous events
Open Number of times that student open the system
Jump Number of Jump events
Red marker Number of red markers added by the student
Yellow marker Number of yellow markers added by the student
Memo Number of memos added by the student
Score Final scores of the students
After extracting features, percentile rank transformation was applied to the raw data to create
generalized engagement metrics. Percentile rank transformation was chosen as a method to create
generalized engagement score because it can be used in various educational purposes such as
comparing students’ engagement in different courses, identifying at-risk students, monitoring their
engagement, etc. Formula 1 was used to calculate percentile rank (PR) scores where 𝑓𝑏 is the number of
scores which are less than the score value of the percentile rank, 𝑓𝑤 is the number of scores which have
the same value as the score value of the percentile rank, and 𝑁 is the number of scores. The percentile
rank measures range from 0 to 1. Single engagement score was also calculated by taking the average of
all engagement metrics and compared its performance against the other metrics.
𝑓𝑏 + 1⁄2 𝑓𝑤
𝑃𝑅 = (1)
To analyze the relationship between engagement scores and students’ academic performance,
correlation analysis was performed. Here, the Pearson correlation coefficient between engagement
metrics and students’ final scores was calculated. In addition, to analyze the relationship between
students’ engagement score and their academic performance, Markov Chain analysis was performed.
We also visually analyzed long term engagement patterns of students with different level of academic
Results of the correlation analysis between raw scores, transformed scores, and students’ final scores is
shown in Fig. 1. In raw data, total event, total time, unique day, long event, short event, next, previous,
and open metrics’ correlations with the final score are significant (p < 0.01). With the transformed data
metrics’ expect jump and red marker correlation with the final score are significant (p < 0.01). As
shown the Fig. 1, almost all metrics’ correlation increased after the transformation.
Figure 1. Engagement features correlation with the students’ final scores before and after
In terms of single engagement score that was derived from the other metrics, a moderate (r = 0.59, p =
0.01) positive correlation between the engagement score and final score variable was noted. In Fig.2,
with a scatterplot, we summarized the results.
We divided students into two groups based on their academic performance and single engagement
score. Then, analyzed transitions between the level of engagement and level of academic performance
(Fig. 3). We grouped them as Low Performers (final score <= .50, n = 36), Low Engagement
(engagement score <= .50, n = 36), High Performers (final score > .50, n = 36), and High Engagement
(engagement score <= .50, n = 36). According to Fig. 3, low-engaged student’s probability to get a low
score is 0.83 (83%) while probability to get a high score is 0.17 (17%). A similar pattern is observed for
high-engaged students. The probability of getting a high score is 0.83 (83%) while probability to get a
low score is 0.17 (17%). In other words, students are most likely to get scores related to their level of
To understand students’ engagement patterns across the semester, we chose four students with different
academic performance levels (two high performers, two low performers) and visually compared their
engagement patterns. Visualization of the weekly engagement patterns are shown in Fig. 4. Top two
graphs show the weekly engagement of the high performer students while the last two show the low
performer students’ engagement. In each graph, the grey line shows the class average. High performer
students’ engagement is higher than the class average across the semester, and their average
engagement is higher than 80% of the class. Low performer students, however, have much less activity
then class average. For example, students in (c) were only active at the beginning and at the end of the
semester. Students in (d) were only active for the first three weeks of the class and there is no activity
after that. These graphs can be used to identify at-risk students at the beginning of the semester;
however, further investigation is required to see how common these patterns are among other low and
high performers.
By using the single engagement score, we developed three interventions for students and implemented
them in our learning analytics dashboard (Fig. 5). These interventions are in the form of e-mail
feedback, engagement score graph, and weekly engagement graph.
In the e-mail feedback module, instructors can filter and select students based on their
engagement scores (e.g. at-risk, ok, good, all) and can send them an e-mail either using predefined
templates or adding their own message. Engagement score graph shows students’ engagement scores in
each metrics (e.g. total time, total event, etc.) and his/her average engagement with the selected content.
Weekly engagement graph shows students’ average weekly engagement scores and class average. The
e-mail feedback module is developed only for instructors, students can only see engagement score
graph and weekly engagement graph.
5. Conclusions
In this study, we aimed at analyzing relationships between students’ academic performance and their
engagement in the digital textbook reader system. We extracted features from students’ reading logs to
measure their behavioral and cognitive engagement with digital textbooks. Our results revealed that
transformed scores’ correlation with the final scores is higher than raw engagement scores. Moreover, a
single engagement score derived from engagement metrics performed similarly in terms of
relationships with the students’ performance. A newly generated metric is also easy to understand by
non-expert users.
Literature suggests that timely interventions planned based on engagement effective to increase
learning outcomes (Arnold & Pistilli, 2012; Tanes, Arnold, King, & Remnet, 2011). Therefore,
instructors can use our proposed single engagement score to monitor their students’ engagement during
the semester and can give them feedback accordingly. Markov model showed that students are most
likely to exhibit academic performance close to their engagement level. This model can be used to
predict students’ academic performance based on their level of engagement. In the future, we will test
the effects of these models along with developed dashboard interventions on students’ engagement and
academic performance. Our future studies will investigate more on various dimensions of engagement
(such as emotional engagement) that can be considered while modeling learners’ engagement.
This work was partly supported by JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S) 16H06304 and
NEDO Special Innovation Program on AI and Big Data 18102059-0.
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Chang, M. et al. (Eds.) (2019). Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Computers in
Education. Taiwan: Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education
Abstract: Massive open online courses (MOOCs) have attracted great attention from the public and
learners. However, their high dropout rates have been criticized over the past few years. There has been a
body of work dedicated to using learning analytics to provide feedback for instructors and designers to
improve learners’ engagement and retention rates. However, the open and flexible nature of MOOCs has
often been overlooked in these analytics studies. In this work, we used clickstream data to construct a flow
network model in order to identify MOOC learners’ learning paths and the network structure of available
learning resources from an open system perspective. We found that learners tend to adopt linear learning
paths within chapters and continue to watch video lectures in next chapters instead of taking quizzes at the
end of the chapters, and they rarely review previous chapters during studies. We also found that learning
paths of all learners have formed a centralised network structure which implies that certain learning
resources in such a network structure dominate the way in which learners learn in MOOCs.
Keywords: MOOCs, learning behaviour, learning paths, network structure, learning analytics
1. Introduction
Massive open online courses (MOOCs) play an important role in higher education (Li & Stephen,
2013). MOOCs gather global education resources and provide opportunities for learners to take online
courses from prestigious universities. In the early stages of MOOC development, MOOCs on Udacity,
Coursera, and edX platforms attracted more than 100,000 registrants per course (Seaton, Bergner,
Chuang, Mitros, & Pritchard, 2014). However, there have also been high dropout rates, with only a very
small numbers of registrants completing most MOOCs successfully (Koller, Ng, Do, & Chen, 2013). It
is critical to find out more about how to keep learners engaged and how to improve the dismal retention
rates. A great deal of recent work has been done using machine learning methods to predict the learners
who are most likely to drop out (e.g., Halawa, Greene, & Mitchell, 2014; Moreno-Marcos,
Alario-Hoyos, Munoz-Merino, & Delgado Kloos, 2018; Xing & Du, 2018). While the accuracy rate of
dropout prediction is high, the explanatory power of such studies is low. The selected variables, which
have a strong impact on prediction, may not provide enough information for course designers and
instructors to adapt MOOC design or content responsibly. Some research has addressed this by
highlighting the importance of analysing learners’ learning paths to provide more practical feedback for
instructors and designers (Davis, Chen, Hauff, & Houben, 2016). For example, Wen and Rose (2014)
investigated learners’ habits through their sequential use of learning activities. Nevertheless, in
analysing the learning paths of individuals, only a few studies have taken the open and flexible nature of
MOOCs into consideration (e.g., Zhang, Lou, Zhang, & Zhang, 2019). For instance, a learner’s use of
time is not always continuous once they start online learning: they can stop watching a video or pause it,
then restart or close it whenever they like.
In this work, we attempt to understand MOOC learners’ learning paths and to explore the
network structure of learning resources by modelling a flow network from learners’ clickstream data.
Specifically, we focus on analysing learners’ learning behaviour in relation to learning resources
consisting of lecture videos and assignments, attempting to discover learners’ learning behaviour or
habits and to measure the network structure of learning resources from an open perspective.
2. Methodology
The dataset used in this work was gathered from a course run in XuetangX, titled “Introduction to
Psychology” (2015 autumn semester). It contained 12 chapters (68 learning resources, including videos
and assignments) and a final exam. The design of this course implied a traditional linear trajectory
through the learning material (see Figure 1). Each chapter commenced with a video lecture, followed by
an assignment to evaluate what the learners had attained from this chapter. Nearly 20,000 learners had
registered for the course but only 10,359 actually accessed it.
In the dataset, learner ID, timestamp (the time at which the page was opened/closed), URLs,
page title, stay time, and page type were saved in each log. Learners and learning resources could be
identified uniquely through the learner ID and URLs. To take into account the flexibility of the learners’
learning time, the timestamp was used to extract their learning sessions through sorting and segmenting
their clickstream data. As a rule of thumb, online behaviours that occurred over 25.5 minutes apart were
determined as separate sessions (Catledge & Pitkow, 1995). The 30-minute threshold was used in this
study to delineate a sequence as a new session (see Figure 2). In other words, in cases where there was
30 minutes between the use of two different resources, we assumed that the learners had stopped
learning from the former resource. Stay time was used to filter invalid click access, and page titles and
types provided the basic descriptions of a web page.
Some of these course learners used mobile devices to access the course. Their data were not
included in the analysis due to incomplete formats. Some logs associated with zero seconds (0s) of stay
time on websites and other resources (except video lectures and assignments) were also excluded from
the data analysis. After finishing some pre-processing work, 5,506 users with at least 1 second of log
data who used web browsers to visit the course (63,060 logs) were included.
Figure 2. Transformation from clickstream data to session data
This work used the flow network model proposed by Zhang et al. (Zhang & Wu, 2013; Wu, Zhang, &
Zhao, 2014) to model the openness of MOOCs. This model has been found useful in many different
contexts, including assessing the impact of websites (Wu & Zhang, 2011), the “stickiness” of a web
forum (Wu et al., 2014), and the geometric representation of Internet ecology (Shi et al., 2015). The
flow network model is an open, directed, and weighted network in which nodes represent the websites
and weighted edges represent traffics (the amount of users’ transition) between two websites. It can be
constructed from the users’ clickstream data and its structure can be seen in Figure 3. The openness of
the flow network means that it can connect the online and offline world by adding two special nodes,
“source” and “sink”. The direction from the “source” to other nodes represents the point at which users
go online; when users go offline, this is marked by the nodes with “sink”. In a balanced network,
moreover, the amount of inflow of a node equals its outflow, except for the “source” and “sink. As
mentioned above, 68 nodes (the number of resources, including all video lectures and assignments) can
be used to construct the flow network.
Based on the flow matrix hidden in the flow network, three indexes – Ai, Ci, and η – can be used
to describe the attributes of this network. Ai measures the total flux of node i, and Ci measures the impact
of node i on the whole network. After getting Ai and Ci for every node i, we can explore the existence of
the allometric scaling law (Ci ~ Aiη) (Jiang Zhang & Guo, 2010), a universal relationship found in river
systems (Rodriguez-Iturbe & Rinaldo, 2001), living organisms (West, Brown, & Enquist., 1999),
and international trade systems (Shi, Luo, Wang, & Zhang, 2013). The exponent η reflects the flow
structure of the network. An example provided by Shi et al. (2013) is two networks with the same
distribution of Ai having a different value of η. Ai = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], Ci(1)=Ai0.5={1, 1.4, 1.7, 2, 2.2},
Ci(2)=Ai2={1, 4, 9, 16, 25}. For the network with η=2, the largest two nodes – the fifth and fourth nodes
(25/(1+4+9+16+25)=45%, 16/(1+4+9+16+25)=29% of impacts, respectively) – almost control the
whole network. For the network with η=0.5, the largest node only dominates 2.2/(1+1.4+1.7+2+2.2) =
27% of impacts. Thus, if η > 1, the network structure is centralised. In other words, some nodes control
the flows of the network. If η < = 1, that means the network structure is more decentralised. Each node
plays the more equal role in the network. In the learning resources network, we can interpret Ai as the
total amount of viewing frequency through resource i; Ci reflects the influence of resource i on the entire
network (both direct and indirect) and η reflects the flow structure of the resource network. The larger
the η, the more centralised the flow structure (Wu & Zhang, 2013). More detail on these three variables
is given in Zhang et al. (2010).
3. Findings
The learning resource network was constructed based on students’ clickstream data and visualised using
visualisation software called Gephi (https://gephi.org/) (Figure 4(a)). The size of the nodes represents
their importance (Ci). The colour of the nodes represents their state of flux. A red node indicates that the
flux of outflow (excluding the flow to sink) was larger than the flux of inflow (excluding the flow from
source), while a blue node indicates that its flux of inflow (excluding the flow from source) was larger
than the flux of outflow (excluded the flux to sink). That is, red nodes show that there are more learners
continuing to learn after they have completed this resource, and the blue nodes show that some of the
learners leave these resources. The arrows between two nodes represent a learner’s learning direction
(learning path) between resources. The thickness of the edges indicates the viewing frequency.
We almost found that red nodes (the flow of the outflow is larger than the inflow) are the first resource
of each chapter (see Figure 4). This means that some learners might keep on learning after the first video
lecture, while some may leave during any video lecture or assignment within the same chapter.
Given the non-formal nature of MOOCs, learners can determine their way of learning and do not
have to follow the predesigned learning sequence, for example, employing nonlinear navigation (Guo &
Reinecke, 2014). The complex links between resources show the nonlinear trajectories to some extent
(see Figure 4(a)). However, almost all the thicker directed edges appear within the chapter. This
indicates that most of learners still follow the predesigned learning path – a linear learning path –
especially within each chapter.
To highlight the relationship between resources, we filtered some edges and left the backbone
edges based on learners’ frequent transitions between resources (shown in Figure 4(b)). No isolated
point was left when the lower limiting value of edges was reduced to 133.344. Two separate learning
resource communities (Chapters 11 and 12) were found with no links to other chapters and with thin
edges. This depicts the learning paths of learners who finish the course successfully; these are the last
two chapters of the course, and the topics were broken up into weeks and released one chapter at a time
per week. On the other hand, this may reflect that some learners were just interested in the topic of these
two chapters. We also found links between the last nodes of some chapters, for example between
Chapter 4 and Chapter 10. The last node (resource) of a chapter was an assignment aiming to help
learners evaluate their learning performance in this chapter. It indicates that some learners intend to
continue watching the next chapter’s video lectures instead of testing their learning performance at the
end of a chapter. This was also verified by the links between the last-but-one resource of former
chapters and the first resource of later chapters. It is interesting to see that no links return to former
nodes. This indicates that fewer learners reviewed former content. Some activities and assignments that
embed or mix previous content can be designed to help learners review and enhance what they have
Figure 4. The flow structure of resources. The size of a node stands for the impact of the resource (Ci).
The width of the line means the amount of flux. The colour represents the difference between inflow
and outflow: red represents that the flux of its outflow is bigger than the inflow; blue represents that the
flux of the outflow is smaller than the inflow
As shown in Figure 4(b), some of the largest nodes (larger value of Ci), which reflect their importance,
were almost all located in the first chapter, which gave an introduction to psychology. This indicates
that the introduction may play an important role in the course learning resources network.
Further, we explored the impact of nodes on the flux of whole flow network. In other words, we
examined whether some resources play an important role in connecting other resources to affect a
learner’s learning or understanding by exploring the relationship between the size of a node and its
impact. As shown in Figure 5, it shows the Ai and Ci values of all resources on the log–log plot, and they
have been fitted with a line. The minimum square error (R2) was used to evaluate the performance of
fitness. The value of R2 is 0.93, which shows a high degree of fit. The exponent (η) is 1.08. This shows
that the flow network structure is centralised that some resources, represented above the red line in
Figure 5, have a larger impact (Ci) on the whole network than estimated. Namely, some resources affect
a learner’s learning or understanding through connecting related or necessary resources.
In this study, we attempted to use a flow network model to improve our understanding of MOOC
learners’ learning behaviour and the relationship or structure of learning resources from an open
perspective. We conducted an in-depth analysis on learners’ learning paths and the relationship between
the course resources. Some interesting results emerged from the learning path analysis, for example that
learners tend to adopt a linear learning path within chapter learning; few learners review or enhance
what they have learned. We also found that some resources play a role in connecting other resources,
with an effect on learners’ learning and understanding. In future, we will further explore learners’
learning paths through different learning achievement groups and explore the learning resources
structure in different subject categories to provide more practical feedback for course instructors and
The authors would like to thank XuetangX for providing us with the clickstream data for this research.
This project is funded by Student Research Foundation of Faculty of Education, Beijing Normal
University [Project No. 1812201].
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Education. Taiwan: Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education
Abstract: This paper investigates the elementary students’ problem-solving behavior patterns
using the lag sequential analysis. 90 students in grade 5 were required to develop their own
solution to the task in an online assessment system and all their interactive behaviors were
recorded and then coded for sequential analysis. Comparing the analysis results between the
higher-score and lower-score students shows that regardless of the prior knowledge and school
exam performance, their differences in the problem-solving behavior pattern led to the
discrepancy in task performance.
Keywords: problem solving, assessment task, behavioral pattern, lag sequential analysis
1. Introduction
Problem solving refers to the process of discovering a proper method of reaching a goal from an initial
state. While educated adults may show equally good performance in their skills to solve problems,
teenager students normally have different competence levels in using strategies to solve problems
(Findings, 2014).
In recent years, some scholars have concentrated on assessing problem solving. Distlehorst et
al. (2005) assessed students’ problem solving by checking their performance in information acquisition,
self-regulation and collaborative study in problem-based learning (PBL). Johnson et al. (2007) argued
how students value the information could be evaluated through their information-accessing behaviors.
Schweizer et al. (2013) developed MicroDYN to evaluate students’ determining variable dependencies
through manipulating the variables and observing the effects.
Scholars also investigated different factors influencing problem-solving performance. Kalyuga
et al. (2010) and Greiff et al. (2015) argued that cognitive elements, such as exploring the problem,
representing knowledge, and planning and evaluating the solution affect problem-solving skills.
Sabourin et al. (2012) discovered that information gathering could improve problem-solving efficiency.
OECD (2012) found that non-cognitive factors such as belief and motivation have a direct impact on the
problem-solving process in the 2012 PISA results. Gyöngyvér et al. (2018) concluded that deductive
and inductive ability and fluid intelligence level are significantly associated with problem solving.
In recent years, both hardware and software are competent to collect real-time behavioral data
and scholars employed lag sequential analysis (Sackett & Richard, 1979; Bakeman & Gottman, 1986)
to analyze the data. Lan et al. (2012) used lag sequential analysis to identify the behavior pattern of
students’ knowledge construction. Hou (2013) analyzed the differences in behavior between students in
an online role-playing game. Yang et al. (2015) investigated the behavioral pattern and group
interactive network in online English-to-Chinese translation. Malmberg et al. (2017) examined
temporal sequences of regulated learning activities by lag sequential analysis of video data. Shukor et
al. (2014) explored students’ knowledge construction behaviors using lag sequential analysis.
In this paper, we aim to find and interpret the difference in students’ behavioral pattern during
the problem-solving process by using lag sequential analysis.
2. Assessment System
A general framework for the assessment task is provided in the assessment system and all the
interactions between the respondent and system will be automatically recorded into log files for further
The system offers some general functionalities, as Figure 1 illustrates. For instance, a tip button
is to the upper left of the task window and a small popup window showing the guideline and tips about
this task will be displayed after clicking it. In addition, the restart and give up buttons are to the lower
left and right of the task window, respectively. The restart button can be used to restart the task from the
beginning and the give up button can be used to abort the task with zero score obtained.
We carried out our experiment and data analysis by using one of our assessment tasks where
tent allocation in outdoor camping is used as the background setting. Respondents need to allocate tents
to people by dragging women, girls, men or boys into the big, medium and small tents. Different tents
can accommodate different numbers of people and two essential requirements for completing this task
can only be found in the tip popup. The solution to the task can be submitted only when the following
two requirements are satisfied: only people of the same gender can use the same tent and each tent must
have at least one adult in it. Besides, the dragging action in this task can never be undone and the only
way of clearing a false move is to click the restart button and do the task again.
In this experiment, respondents would independently finish the task within 10 minutes. In total, 90
elementary students in grade five participated.
We used lag sequential analysis to analyze the students’ behavior sequences in two scale
ranges: first all the behaviors in the whole problem-solving process were used and then only their
dragging choices of people and tents in each new attempt after a restart were manipulated.
For the whole problem-solving process, all important behaviors including clicking the tip,
dragging people into the tent, clicking the restart button, reading reference information, using the give
up button and finally submitting the solution were used. Of these behaviors, clicking the tip is a little bit
special since just clicking the button could never guarantee students’ reading and understanding the
information. As the assessment system would also automatically record the duration of the behavior,
only those lasted for over 6 seconds when reading the tip of 30 Chinese characters would be recognized
as effective reading and then used.
For the allocating choice, every first dragging behavior both when the task began and each time
after they restarted the task by clicking the restart button was used and dragging different people (man,
woman, boy and girl) into different tents (big, medium and small ones) was treated as different
behaviors. Since the solution to the task will be submitted and graded only when the two essential
requirements are satisfied and no false move can be undone in the task, the restart button may be
frequently clicked by students and whether and how students would change their dragging strategies in
the next new turn based on their previous errors can show their problem-solving strategy.
The above-mentioned behaviors were obtained and directly coded for subsequent analysis, as
Table 1 and 2 shows, respectively.
Table 1
The Coding Scheme for All the Behaviors in the Whole Problem-solving Process
Code Behavior Description
TP1 Read the tip Read the tip at the beginning of the task
TP2 Click the tip Read the tip during the problem-solving process
DR Drag people Drag people into the tents in allocation of tents
RE Click restart Click the restart button to clear and reload the current task
DA Use reference Click the “Information Center” to read reference
GU1 Click give up Click the “Give up” button and the popup menu appears
GU2 Confirm give up Confirm aborting the task with zero score obtained
CT Click continue Click the “Continue” button and return back to the task
SU Click submit Click the submit button to submit the solution
Table 2
The Coding Scheme for the First Dragging Behavior in Each New Attempt
Code Behavior Description
WB Woman-big tent Drag a woman into the big tent
WM Woman-medium tent Drag a woman into the medium tent
WS Woman-small tent Drag a woman into the small tent
GB Girl-big tent Drag a girl into the big tent
GM Girl-medium tent Drag a girl into the medium tent
GS Girl-small tent Drag a girl into the small tent
MB Man-big tent Drag a man into the big tent
MM Man-medium tent Drag a man into the medium tent
MS Man-small tent Drag a man into the small tent
BB Boy-big tent Drag a boy into the big tent
BM Boy-medium tent Drag a boy into the medium tent
BS Boy-small tent Drag a boy into the small tent
4. Results
During our experiment, we also collected the Chinese and Math scores of the students in the last final
exam. Then Pearson correlation coefficients were calculated and the results showed that different exam
scores did not lead to significant differences in task performance.
Table 3
Correlation Between the Exam Scores and Task Performance
Chinese score Math score
Pearson correlation 0.13 0.05 Task performance
P-value 0.2827 0.6465 Task performance
4.2 Results of the Lag Sequential Analysis
Since our assessment task requires no prior knowledge and students’ performance was also independent
of their school scores, we assumed that the possible determining factor might be their problem-solving
behaviors and strategies during the task process.
The full mark of the task is 100 and the average score is 56.3. In all the 85 students from whom
valid behavioral data was obtained, 49 obtained higher scores than the average while 36 got lower
scores. As a result, lag sequential analysis was conducted for higher-score and lower-score groups,
respectively and the results are as follows.
The behavioral transition of the significant sequences (with z-scores greater than 1.96) is illustrated for
the two groups in Figure 2 and 3, respectively.
Figure 2. Behavioral Transition Diagram of All the Problem-Solving Behaviors for the Higher-Score
Figure 3. Behavioral Transition Diagram of All the Problem-Solving Behaviors for the Lower-Score
According to the above figures, the higher-score and lower-score groups share some significant
behavior sequences such as GU1 → CT, DR → RE, DR → SU, RE → DR, and TP1 → DR. However,
TP2 → GU1, DA → DA and TP2 → DR are only significant for the higher-score group while GU1 →
GU2, CT → GU1, TP2 → TP2, DR → GU1 and DA → DR are only significant for the lower-score
Figure 4. Behavioral Transition Diagram of the First Dragging Behaviors for the Higher-Score Group
Figure 5. Behavioral Transition Diagram of the First Dragging Behaviors for the Lower-Score Group
According to the results, the two groups share a significant behavior sequence WB → WB.
However, other significant sequences are quite different between the two groups.
All the above differences are related the behavioral strategies representing students’ positive
character and attitude. This is supported by studies conducted by other scholars. O’Connell (2000),
Jonassen (2000), Au et al. (2003), and Erdemir (2009) argued about the importance of positive character
and attitude in problem-solving ability from different aspects in their individual research.
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Abstract: Metacognition is difficult to train, and most of students lack the knowhow to practice
it. This work proposes a thought analysis tool from reading to help training in understand logical
connections between sentences. The tool allows learners to explicate types of logical expression
of the writing article as the example of strategy to convince readers. By analysis and annotating
the text in a controlled environment, it is expected that learners can learn from thinking about
author’s cognitive process, and apply them to think about their own thought and make a
strategic planning when they are in a role to write. The tool is designed for learners to assign
several kinds of annotations including logical statement type, keyword and logical linking
between sentence to the proper writing text by self-analysis under the supervision of coaches.
The experiment results show that the tool helps to apparently improve learners’ cognitive
performance in composing proper essay via the training on analysis reading. In comparison to
other sample groups with lecturing and coaching without the tool, the improvement of the tool
users was significantly greater in term of logical relatedness, logical completeness and
convincible power.
1. Introduction
Metacognition is a regulatory system involving in understanding and controlling ones’ own cognitive
performance. Metacognition literally refers to a process of ‘thinking about thinking’ or ‘an ability to
know what one knows and what one does not know’ (Mahdavi, 2014). Metacognition nurtures ones’
ability to think and learn via awareness of how they learn, an evaluation of their learning needs,
generating strategies to meet these needs and then implementing the strategies. Developing
metacognition is undoubtedly important for learning how to learn and to make use of knowledge/skill.
In development of metacognition, metacognition mostly develops with practice (Papaleontiou-Louca,
2003). Harris (2003) pointed out that key elements in developing metacognition including to practice
having strategies for planning, monitoring, and evaluating of use.
In practicing metacognition, self-regulation approaches are suggested by letting learners to
specify their strategies for planning, monitoring and evaluating their learning. The key is to ask learners
to make their thoughts explicit since their vague conceptual thought will be more collected. Besides,
making thoughts explicit can cause an intervention of running thought and making learners
aware/reflect of their cognition process. There are several implemented tools and teaching strategies
elaborating the idea including concept-mapping tool (Chevon, 2014), annotation tools (PJ Rich, M
Hannafin, 2009) and wrapper modules to control learning environment. The studies on these works
show the sign of development on metacognitive skills.
Metacognition can explicitly be noticed in ones’ language usage. The writing essays and
articles show author’s thought of strategies to convince readers. Furthermore, the use of logical
statements is a good manifestation of metacognitive skills since it shows how well learners grapple with
and apply their knowledge and skill. This work aims to study the use of control environment by the
metacognition training tool in practicing of analysis on logical statement from reading articles. The tool
allows users to concept-mapping and annotate logical relations in context as a good example for
practicing on using their metacognition. The study in this work is conducted on the effect of learning by
analyzing from good examples and their improvement in using the learned skill. The rest of the paper is
organized as follows. Section 2 explains a design of the thought analysis tool via reading. Section 3
provides experimental setting, result and discussion. Last, Section 4 gives a summary of the paper and a
future plan of the research.
This section describes on the design of the tool for controlling environment for practicing
metacognition. The thought analysis tool via reading is extended of the tool (W. Na Chai, 2017) for
analysis of written articles in terms of logical statement, relation among context and the key concept of
the writing. The main focus is for users to analyze the hidden logical relation of the sentence and the
method how the author uses to convince readers. Namely, it tasks user to think about what author thinks.
By doing so, when the reader turns to be a writer, they are expected to think and to be aware about their
cognition in writing process.
The tool provides functions including annotating a keyword (key concept) of a statement, a type
of a statements, and indicating how arguments relating to other. With the annotation, hidden relation of
logical links of content is explicitly revealed. An overview of the thought analysis tool via reading is
show in Figure 1.
The input of the tool is a text (currently allows Thai and English only) from a writing article.
The tool asks users to split their text into a sentence level. The tool then asks users to annotate the
sentence regarding logical concepts hidden in the context. The annotation includes keyword (key idea)
of the sentence, statement logical type and its link to other sentences. This should reveal the logical
strategies of the article author to convince readers towards their goal. Then, the annotation will be
reviewed by the coach for guiding towards correction of the annotation. The coach in this tool plays a
role of validators of annotation, namely pointing out the incorrect annotation but not giving the correct
annotation. With supervision of coach, the learner users will be prevented from misunderstanding and
false-belief from shallow thinking and unknowingness.
For each sentence, learner users are asked to provide keyword(s) which they think capable to represent
the core concept of the sentence. In assigning keyword(s), users are allowed to fill the box with the term
appeared in the sentence context. The number of keywords available for assigning is limited to 1 to 3
terms per sentence. The chosen term can be either a single word or compound words.
This function is designed for users to analyze the terms in the sentence for the most significant
representation to the concepts of the sentence. This aims to let users realize importance of term selection
regarding contextual appropriateness.
2.2 Logical Type of Statement Selection
In this function, a list of logical type is designed to be annotated to the sentence. With exhaustive review
on guidelines for writing, many types are given and used in the previous version of the tool (W. Na
Chai, 2017). However, the users submit a complain that there are too many types to select on, and some
overlaps to other in which causes a difficulty and confusion in selection. In this work, the list is
reviewed and revised for the main concepts of logical statement in a two-level hierarchical structure as
exemplified in Table 1.
Users are asked to assign one of these types to all sentences. Only the types of the bottom are
allowed to be annotated. With the types, users are expected to visualize author’s implicit method and
strategy in convincing readers from the connection of sentence. Users will also learn a pattern of a
writing style and look deeper into logic instead of the surface of the content.
Relation of sentences indicates the link of thoughts from author's ideas in their work. From observing
the proper published articles from genuine sources, we find that most of the sentences are related to
form a logical network to convince reader. Thus, we expect reader to learn the relational expression
from the good writing.
According to statement types, there is a link between types such as cause and effect. Learners
are asked to align the relation to connect the sentence based on their analysis. The assignment of the
logical relation is to fill the sentence ID of other sentence(s) regardless of assigned statement types. In
case of a new concept unrelated to any previous concepts, uses are allowed to assign ‘none’ to the
After all the annotations are made, this function is to ask for a summary concept of the article. Users are
asked to give a short summary representing a goal of the reading article. The fill-in box allows up to 250
syllables. This part is important to get the understanding of readers’ thought whether they can detect the
core of the content after all the annotations are made. This information can help to realize users thought
and view about the aim of author which can significantly help learners to concretely establish their own
aim when they need to write.
Once learner users submitted their annotations, they are stored into the database. Coaches in this tool
have a role to monitor the submitted annotation and to validate them carefully. The coach is asked to
provide feedback on the annotations. The options for the feedback ‘agree’ and ‘disagree’ while the
‘disagree’ has the option to provide additional comment on how the coach disagrees on the annotation.
Particularly, the coaches are not suggested to give the correct answer directly, but the guidance on how
to think to reach that conclusion. This will help to instill the correct cognitive process and the chance for
learners to think about their way of thinking.
3. Experiments
For an overview of this experiment, we aimed to study the effect of the tool in controlling environment
for learning of logical analysis. The experiments were to find improvement of learners’ metacognition
towards the understanding and applicability of convincing writing regarding logical expression usage.
The convincing writing was regarded as a realization of goal, strategy to achieve the goal and the
performance of the chosen strategy. The learning was conducted by studying from a good example in
which in this case was reading the good articles. The testing was measured in the writing from the
written essay. A flow of experiment is drawn in Figure 2.
There were two roles of participants in this experiment. The first is learners, and the second is
coaches. Learners were a university Thai student who was a tested subject while coaches took a role of
validator who pointed out mistakes from learners and provided guidance in the process. Learner
participants were a university undergraduate student. The learner participants were randomly separated
into three groups of 15 participants each from a total of 45 learner participants. The three groups were
assigned with a different learning process as follows.
Group1: providing a lecture on the logical analysis from coaches
Group2: training on analysis with coaches
Group3: training on analysis via the tool with coaches
For all groups, pre-test and post-test were conducted by asking participants to write an essay of
their choice of languages between Thai and English for 400-600 words. The topic of the essay could be
chosen from the provided topic-list or by themselves. The topics from the list were a common but
meaningful topic such as ‘importance of learning English’ or ‘Definition of superhero in your opinion’.
On the other hands, the participant’s own topic required an approval from a coach. After the pre-test,
Group2 and Group3 had been trained by the coach by choosing and learning from an academic article as
an example for 7 days. Meanwhile, participants from Group1 were given a lecture regarding logical
statement in convincing writing. The post-test then was conducted together at the day after the training
of Group2 and Group3 were done. As restriction, the topic of the pre-test and post-test for individual
could not be the same topic. The essays in blind from both pre-test and post-test were rated in scale of 1
(lowest) to 5 (highest) by three coaches for the aspects given in Table 2. The difference of the rating was
a measurement of the improvement.
From the experiment, the essays from participants were all written in Thai. The average rating results
from three coaches of pre-test and post-test were calculated to find the difference. The higher difference
of the post-test than the pre-test indicated the improvement of the learner and vice-versa. The results are
given in Table 3.
This paper proposes a thought analysis tool via reading. The tool, despite involving in reading, does not
aim to support language learning or improve reading skill, but it is designed to help learners to draw out
the thought of the article author by mapping the hidden logical relation of sentences in the writing
pieces. Concept mapping by annotating type of statement to the sentences assists to reveal main
concepts and a connection between sentences. By making the logical relation explicit, learners are
trained and learned to think about what author do to convince readers as a strategy and the pattern used
to express the statements. This is expected that by learning to think about other’s thinking learners are
affected to improve their own cognitive process as to think about their thinking when they hold a role of
From the experiment, the results signified that the thought analysis tool via reading improved
users in terms of becoming more strategic planner and making a convincible writing piece. In
comparison to other methods including lecturing and training without the tool, the improvement of the
tool user group was clearly higher. Moreover, the results of improvement based on pre-test rating
indicated that the tool works best for the groups of learners with the low cognitive skill proficiency
while it showed less effectiveness to those with high pre-test rating.
To improve our work, we plan to apply the tool to train a thinking process on other subjects
such as art designing, movie script writing, translating and researching. We also plan to visualize the
annotated data of connected logical expression into a graph-based representation and study the found
patterns. Furthermore, more experiments to different age-groups and knowledge background will be
conducted for studying the effect of the thinking training and their improvement in metacognition.
Abstract: In this paper, we present an ontology-based visualization support system for e-book
learners, which provides not only a meaningful receptive learning environment but also a
meaningful discovery learning environment. Those two environments are developed to help
e-book learners to effectively construct their knowledge frameworks. A series of experiments
were conducted on four undergraduate classes instructed by two professors (A and B): two
classes(one guided by A and the other guided by B) were assigned as control groups and studied
with one e-book chapter in receptive learning environment while another two classes (one
guided by A and the other guided by B) were assigned as experimental groups and studied with
the same e-book chapter in discovery learning environment. For analyzing the learner behavior,
K-means clustering algorithm is performed not only by considering the number of total
command actions and the cumulative duration of stay on target pages as learner features, but
also by considering the duration of stay on each target page (in total 15 pages) as learner
features. Learners’ behavior differences in e-book system are examined and discussed.
1. Introduction
Nowadays, many countries, especially Japan and Korea, has started to use digital textbook instead of
traditional textbook due to its various advantages such as cost-saving and higher portability (Shepperd,
Grace, & Koch. 2008; Shin, 2012; Yin, et al, 2018). Since the learning behavior of e-book users are
recorded in logs and can be readily accessed for further analysis, when evaluating the learning effect of
a learning support system, the examination of e-book logs is essential.
In the previous work (Wang, Ogata, and Yamada, 2017), an ontology-based visualization
support system, is designed and developed to help e-book learners to effectively construct their
knowledge frameworks. Two learning modes are provided in this system: (a) reception comparison
mode, in which learners are provided directly with complete versions of relation maps; and (b)
cache-cache comparison mode, where all information concerning relations is hidden at the first stage of
learning, and in the second stage learners are encouraged to actively create them. In this paper, we will
exploit traces of learner activities and discuss the behavior differences of e-book learners while they
studied with these two modes.
Facilitation of the visualization support of meaningful learning (structure (Ausubel, 1963; Ausubel et
al., 1978).) requires descriptions of the information about all the knowledge points and their relations.
In this study, a Knowledge Point (KP) is defined as "a minimum learning item which can independently
describe the information constituting one given piece of knowledge in a specific course." The learner
can understand a KP via its own expression or can acquire it through practice. It is suggested that the
domain knowledge needed by the learning support system should be automatically extracted from an
ontology designed and developed on the basis of the content of the e-books.
To construct a demonstration unit, first we adjust the ontology design method described by
Wang et al. (2014) and apply it to the development of a course-centered ontology for an existing
computer science course (called COCS). The ontology consists of about 100 KPs and 20 kinds of
relations, extracted and defined based on an analysis of the content of all the e-books of this computer
science course. Moreover, an ontology-based visualization support system (called VSSE), which
supports not only meaningful receptive learning but also meaningful discovery learning, is
implemented to help e-book learners to efficiently develop their conceptual framework (Wang, Ogata,
and Yamada, 2017).
One of the main functions of VSSE is that the KPs appearing in any page range of any e-book, along
with their upper concepts, can be displayed in a relation map. In the reception comparison mode,
learners are provided directly with complete versions of relation maps (Wang, Ogata, and Yamada,
2017). As can be seen in Fig. 1, users of the e-book system can select a specific e-book and input any
page range in the reception comparison interface. VSSE will display all the KPs appearing in the
searched pages along with their related KPs. For example, Fig.1 displays: red nodes, which represent
the KPs that appear in pages 1 to 20 of e-book A03; blue nodes, which represent related KPs that do not
appear in those pages but have essential relations with the KPs represented by the red nodes; and pink
nodes, which represent the upper concepts of the KPs represented by red or blue nodes. When the user
places the mouse on any node in this relation map, the essential properties (such as definition and
explanation, represented by the data properties of one individual in COCS) of that KP will be listed,
while for every arc in the relation map, a statement of the relation will be displayed (for example, the
displayed relation axiom “prescribe” from “ASCII” to “ASCII Character Set” in Fig. 1). Therefore,
users can conveniently find the essential properties of every KP and all its related KPs from this
visualization map. All that information is extracted automatically from COCS.
relation arcs made by the learner can be modified and saved anytime. After the learner completes the
relation map, she/he can click the “Compare with experts” button. Finally, all the relations extracted
from the ontology will be displayed as red lines. The learner can easily compare the red lines with the
black lines that she/he has made.
To explore the learning performance differences (including e-book behaviors, learning achievement
and perception of learning) between participants who studied with the two environments presented in
previous section, three hundred and sixty-seven first-year undergraduates from four classes belong to
the same computer science curriculum at a Japanese University participated in the experiments of this
study. Two of the classes instructed by Professor A, were randomly assigned as experimental group
(namely E_A, 72 students) and control group (namely C_A, 103 students), respectively, while the other
two classes instructed by Professor B were also randomly assigned as experimental group (namely E_B,
146 students) and control group (namely C_B, 46 students), respectively. Before the experiment, all the
participants had studied this computer science course for 14 weeks within learning support systems
(Moodle, e-protfolio system Mahara and an E-book system called BookLooper (Yin, et al, 2015)). And
weeks before the experiment, all participants have received the instruction related to the e-book c03,
entitled, “Digital Image Processing.” During the experiment, the participants took pre-test at the
beginning of the class and the control groups reviewed the e-book C03 with reception comparison mode
support while the experimental groups reviewed with cache-cache comparison mode support. The first
15 pages of e-book C03 were chosen as target learning content for 30-minuts review activity. In those
15 pages 11 KPs appear. After the study, all of them took another post-test and a questionnaire related to
this learning activity.
Whenever a user interacts with BookLooper, one data log containing user ID, the date, time, learning
content ID, page number, user action (such as “OPEN”, “NEXT”, “PREV”, “SEARCH JUMP”,
“PAGE JUMP” and so on), and other data, will be recorded in her/his reading history (Yin, et al, 2015).
In this paper, we intend to discuss the learner e-book behavior differences under the support of the two
different meaningful learning environments mentioned in Section 2. The e-book logs of all the
participants who studied the target pages with the support of VSSE are analyzed by means of K-means
clustering algorithm. K-means clustering is one of the data mining approaches applied to identify
learners with similar features and assign them into clusters. In this paper, basic K-Means clustering by
considering K=2 and K=3 was performed, respectively.
4.1 Analysis on the number of total command actions and the cumulative duration of stay
Firstly, we consider the number of total command actions and the cumulative duration of stay (the total
amount of time spent on the target 15 pages) as 2 features of learners. These two features are the typical
variables used to explain the individual diversity in e-learning behaviors ((Yin, et al, 2018). It is needed
to mention that, in the clustering analysis of this paper, when a learner stays more than 10 minutes on
one page, that page is considered left unattended after 10 minutes. During a 30-minutes learning activity,
spending more than 10 minutes in a page is unusual considering the moderate difficulty of the learning
content; therefore,10 minutes will be considered as the duration of stay. The 2-means clustering result is
shown in Table 1. The average cumulative duration of stay of learners in Cluster 0 was significant
longer than those in Cluster 1(F (1, 193)= 460, Cluster 0: Mean=787s, SD=277s, Cluster 1: Mean =200s,
SD=190s); the average number of total command actions of learners in Cluster0 was significant higher
than those in Cluster0 (F (1, 153)= 272; Cluster 0: Mean =105, SD=47, Cluster 1: Mean =32, SD=20).
Although, lower than 20% of students in both classes guided by Professor A are found in Cluster 0, the
percentage of students in Cluster 0 in E_A Class (17%) is still 3 times more than C_A Class (5%). In the
other hand, 69% of students in E_B class are identified in cluster 0 while only 22% of students in C_B
class are identified in cluster 0.
Table 1
The 2-means clustering result by considering the number of total command actions and the cumulative
duration of stay as learner features
The 3-means clustering result is consistent with 2-means clustering result. The average
cumulative duration of stay of learners (F (2, 107)= 395, Cluster 0: Mean=912s, SD=318s, Cluster 1:
Mean =640s, SD=208; Cluster 2: Mean =135s, SD=128s) and the average number of total command
actions of learners (F (2, 112)= 261; Cluster 0: Mean =149, SD=41, Cluster 1: Mean =65, SD=25;
Cluster 2: Mean =30, SD=20) in these 3 Clusters differ significantly (Cluster 0>Cluster 1>Cluster 2;) .
There are 31% of E_B class student, 4% of E_A students, 4% of C_B students are found in cluster 0 and
they had the longest average cumulative duration of stay and highest average number of total command
actions; 50% of E_B class student, 39% of E_A student, 26% of E_A students and 9% of C_A students
are found in cluster 1 and they have the medium average cumulative duration of stay and medium
average number of total command actions; the rest of the students in cluster 2 had the shortest average
cumulative duration of stay and lowest average number of total command actions.
The differences between classes guided by difference professors maybe caused by the learning
style difference of the professors. But both 2-means and 3-means clustering results suggest that the
learners in experimental groups who study with the support of meaningful discovery learning
environment had longer cumulative duration of stay and higher number of total command actions than
those in control groups who studied with meaningful receptive learning environment.
4.2 Analysis on the duration of stay on each target page
Secondly, to explore the reading behavior pattern of learners, we consider the duration of stay on each
target page (the time spent on each target page, in total 15 variables) as 15 features of learners. The
2-means clustering results are shown in Table 2 and Figure 3. For the average cumulative duration of
stay on the target 15 pages, leaners in Cluster 0 outdistanced than those in Cluster 1 in almost every
page except the first page which only displays the title of the chapter (here we consider p<0.001 as
significant standard). As shown by Figure 3, compared to learners in Cluster 1, leaners in Cluster 0
tends to stay much longer in page 2 (F (1, 145) =85.39 , Cluster 0: Mean =149s, SD=149s, Cluster 1:
Mean =24s, SD=52s ), page 3 (F (1, 153) = 109.58, Cluster 0: Mean =215s, SD=169s, Cluster 1: Mean
=51s, SD=72s ) , page 4 (F (1, 143) = 21.14, Cluster 0: Mean =46s, SD=89s , Cluster 1: Mean =9s,
SD=30s), page 8 (F (1, 141) = 32.28, Mean of Cluster 0=70s, SD=114s, Cluster 1: Mean =11s,
SD=34s) , page 9 ( F (1, 131) = 15.77, Cluster 0: Mean =43s, SD=109s, Cluster 1: Mean =5s, SD=16s),
page10 (F (1, 144) = 25.88, Cluster 1: Mean =57s, SD=94s, Cluster 1: Mean =14s, SD=32s) , and page
11( F (1, 132) =32.90, Cluster 0: Mean =58s, SD=100s , Cluster 1: Mean =7s, SD=17). After further
examining the contents in those 7 pages, it is found that: 2 KPs and 2 relations appear on page 2; 5 KPs
and 5 relations (which is one important part of the target map) appear on page 3; 2 KPs appears on page
4; 4 KPs and 3 relations (which is another important part of the target map) appears in the range between
page 8 to 11. This means that these 7 pages which explain important KPs and relations are the key part
of target learning content. As shown in Table 2, although lower than 20% of students in both classes
guided by Professor A are found in Cluster 0, the percentage of students in E_A Class (19%) is still 3
times more than C_A Class (4%). In the other hand, 68% of students in E_B class is found in cluster 0
while only 24% of students in C_B class is found in cluster 0.
The 3-means clustering results shows learners in three clusters (114 learners in cluster 0, 18 in
cluster 1, and 235 in cluster 2) differ significantly in page 2 (F (2, 43) =48.48 , Cluster 0: Mean =165s,
SD=153s, Cluster 1: Mean =58s, SD=59s, Cluster 2: Mean =22s, SD=48s ), page 3 (F (2, 44) = 57.97,
Cluster 0: Mean =231s, SD=171s, Cluster 1: Mean =86s, SD=77s, Cluster 1: Mean =51s, SD=71s ) ,
page 4 (F (2, 41) =18.22, Cluster 0: Mean =29s, SD=38s , Cluster 1: Mean =151s, SD=199s, Cluster 2:
Mean =8s, SD=26s ), page 8 (F (2, 41) = 15.29, Mean of Cluster 0=72s, SD=117s, Cluster 1: Mean =45s,
SD=83s, Cluster 2: Mean =12s, SD=35s) , page 9 ( F (2, 42) = 8.69, Cluster 0: Mean =49s, SD=115s,
Cluster 1: Mean =8s, SD=20s, Cluster 2: Mean =4s, SD=15s), page10 (F (2, 41) = 34.80, Cluster 1:
Mean =33s, SD=30s, Cluster 1: Mean =228s, SD=175s, Cluster 2: Mean =12s, SD=21s) , and page
11( F (2, 41) =19.05, Cluster 0: Mean =63s, SD=105s , Cluster 1: Mean =22s, SD=25, Cluster 2: Mean
=7s, SD=15s). Although students in cluster 1 in average stayed longer time on Page 4, 5 and 10 than
those in the other two clusters, there is only a small number of students in cluster 1(18 in total). Except
those 3 pages, the average duration of stay of leaners in Cluster 0 outdistanced those in other two cluster
2 in almost every page except the first page which only displays the title of the chapter.
For summary, the results of 3-means clustering and 2-means clustering are almost consistent.
Both results suggest that the participants in experimental groups had longer average duration of stay in
the pages which explain important KPs and relations than those in Control groups.
Table 2
The 2-means clustering result by considering the duration of stay on each target page as features
Cluster Label N Percentage inside label Percentage inside cluster
C_A 4 0.04 0.03
E_A 14 0.19 0.11
C_B 11 0.24 0.09
E_B 100 0.68 0.78
C_A 99 0.96 0.42
E_A 58 0.81 0.24
C_B 35 0.76 0.15
E_B 46 0.32 0.19
Figure 3. The duration of stay on each target page(2-means)
In this paper we present an ontology-based visualization learning support system which provides not
only meaningful reception learning environment but also meaningful discovery learning environment
for e-book learners. A series of experiments were conducted on an undergraduate computer science
course of a Japanese university. To examine the e-book learners’ behavior differences under the support
of these two different learning environments, the log data of all the participants was analyzed by using
K-means clustering approach. The results suggest that compared to the participants who studied with
meaningful reception learning environment, those who studied with meaningful discovery learning
environments had longer average cumulative duration of stay and higher average number of total
command actions; moreover, they also had longer average duration of stay in the pages that explain
important KPs and relations. In the future work, learning achievement and learning perception
differences will be analyzed and discussed for a better evaluation of these two meaningful learning
Alfieri, L, Brooks, P. J., Aldrich, N. J. & Tenenbaum, H. R. (2011). Does Discovery-Based Instruction Enhance
Learning? Journal of Educational Psychology, 103 (1), 1-18.
Ausubel, D. (1963). The Psychology of Meaningful Verbal Learning. New York: Grune & Stratton.
Ausubel, D., Novak, J., & Hanesian, H. (1978). Educational Psychology: A Cognitive View (2nd Ed.). New York:
Holt, Rinehart & Winston.
Bruner, J. S. (1961). The act of discovery. Harvard educational review.
Wang, J., Mendori, T., & Xiong, J (2014). A Language Learning Support System using Course-centered Ontology
and Its Evaluation,” Computer & Education, 78, pp 278-293.
Wang, J., Ogata H., & Shimada A. (2017). A Meaningful Discovery Learning Environment for E-book Learners.
Proceedings of IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference 2017, 1158-1165.
Yin C-J., M. Yamada, Oi M., Shimada A., Okubo F., Kojima K., and Ogata H. (2018). Exploring the
Relationships between Reading Behavior Patterns and Learning Outcomes Based on Log Data from
E-Books: A Human Factor Approach, International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction, DOI:
Yin C-J., Okubo F., Shimada A., Oi M., Hirokawa S., and Ogata H. (2015). Identifying and Analyzing the
Learning Behaviors of Students using e-Books”, Proc. International Conference of Computers on Education
Chang, M. et al. (Eds.) (2019). Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Computers in
Education. Taiwan: Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education
Abstract: In the field of programming education, learners often cannot fully understand the
behavior of algorithms and programs, because it is difficult for them to capture a realistic image
of their behavior. Many researchers have proposed methods to visualize “the behavior of
algorithm programs” as a solution to address this problem. Many programming learning support
systems that incorporate these methods. We have developed a programming learning support
system, TEDViT, that allows teachers to control the method of visualization. However,
TEDViT is a programming language compatible with the C programming language, hence, the
system cannot handle visualization in object-oriented languages. We developed and evaluated a
prototype system that can visualize the proposed model.
1. Introduction
It is essential that beginning programmers are able to grasp and understand the program behavior
correctly. However, it can be difficult for beginners to grasp concrete behavior. As a way to solve this
problem, many program visualization (PV) systems have been proposed to visualize the program
behavior (Pears, 2007, Moreno et al., 2014, Guo, 2013). These PV systems can only visualize the
behavior of the program created by the learner based on specific methods decided by the tool developer.
Therefore, it is not possible for teachers to freely depict what they want to explain in their teaching
materials. To solve this problem, we have developed TEDViT (Teacher Explaining Design
Visualization Tool), a C language behavior visualization system that can reflect the teacher's the
explanation intention (Yamashita et al., 2018). We conducted many practical programming classes
using TEDViT. The results obtained indicate that TEDViT can contribute to the understanding of the
program behavior.
In this research, we propose Object-Oriented Conceptual Model (OOC Model) as a framework
that can reflect the teacher's intention in the visualization of an object-oriented language. The OOC
Model can express the structural relationship between classes and instances, which is one of the
essential concepts to learn object-oriented languages. We constructed a prototype learning support
system for Java that realized the OOC Model visualization. Herein, we report the experimental findings
concerning the usability and usefulness of the prototype system we created.
In Java, basic concepts such as variables, arrays, and repeating structures are common to other
programming languages. There is no need to newly consider the visualization of common concepts in
this study, because their visualization is already possible using, for example, Jeliot 3 (Moreno et al.,
2014), Python Tutor (Guo, 2013), TEDViT, among others. We investigated the concepts that require
Java-specific visualization in Java programming classes offered in the first year of the computer science
department. As a result of excluding the above-mentioned common parts, we only focus the relationship
class and instance. We do not consider the exception handling and IO streaming topics in this study.
When learning the class and instance topics in object-oriented languages, it is necessary to
understand the three concepts, (C1) the class definition and instance generation concepts (the
relationship between a defined class and a generated instance), (C2) the inheritance concept (the
relationship between a superclass and a subclass), and (C3) the polymorphism concept (invoking
method of each class by the same-name method). The C3 cannot be visualized on the existing system.
The requirement is to be able to specify the relationship between “class definition” and “instance” and
to be able to specify which class’s method actually started. To visualize these relationships, we need a
mechanism that can synchronously display the “program”, “class diagram” and “instance diagram”.
We propose the Object-Oriented Conceptual Model (OOC Model) as a visualization model that
can realize the three concepts. To understand the program behavior of object-oriented languages, it is
necessary to visualize diagrams showing the relationship between classes, methods, and instances. To
show relationships between classes and instances, we can use the concepts of “class diagrams” and
“object diagrams” used in UML diagrams. However, it is necessary to develop a framework that
emphasizes class and instance (including fields and methods) in synchronization with class-instance
relationships and program step execution.
3. System Implementation
Figure 1 shows an overview of the developed Prototype system. The left side shows the program, and
the right side shows the OOC Model. The learner can proceed with single-step program execution by
pressing the [>] button. In the Figure 1, the public void printMemberInfo() on the program side
is surrounded by red lines. This indicates that the program is currently running up to this line. This
example shows the situation after executing ml[1].printMemberInfo() has been executed. The
ml[1] is an instance of SpecialMember, and the printMemberInfo() method defined in
SpecialMember class should be activated. By highlighting both the program display on the left (the
printMemberInfo () method in class SpecialMember has been invoked) and the OOC Model on
the right (ml[1].printMemberInfo() and the printMemberInfo() method of the
SpecialMember class) at the same time, the learner can gain a deep understanding of polymorphism.
The evaluation experiments investigate whether the following three hypotheses hold. H1 is “the use of
Java TEDViT raises the level of understanding of Java-specific concepts,” H2 is “the OOC Model is an
aid to learners of programming,” and H3 is “by using Java TEDViT, it is possible to understand the
flow of a program’s operation, predict of its output, and understand the reasons for its behavior.” The
subjects for the experiments were 17 university students in the information system area. We gave the
subjects the following procedure: (1) View a system tutorial, (2) Answer a questionnaire before the
experiment, (3) Use the system, and (4) Answer a questionnaire after the experiment.
First, the rate of increase in self-evaluation for class and instance (C1)) was high at 82.3%. Next,
the rate of increase in self-evaluation for inheritance (C2)) was 76.5%. We noted the opinion that “step
flow of the constructor was understood well by executing step-by-step in the system”. Finally, the rate
of increase in self-evaluation for polymorphism (C3)) was 64.7%. It is considered that this did not
improve much because the support system did not actively explain polymorphism. This result weakly
supports that H1 holds.
Moreover, we obtained subjective questionnaire on the usefulness of the system after the
experiment. The results show that although the system does not adversely affect learning, it does not
contribute to a clear improvement in understanding. Therefore, it is judged that this questionnaire result
rejects H2 and H3. On the other hand, there were many positive opinions on the mechanism of proposed
prototype PV system itself, and we obtained the result that the expectation for practical use can become
higher by further improvement.
5. Conclusion
In this research, we examined the visualization of program behavior of an object-oriented language and
proposed an Object-Oriented Conceptual Model (OOC Model). We also constructed a prototype of a
PV system that allows teachers to control the visualization of program behavior based on the OOC
Model. Evaluation of the constructed system was carried out by 17 university students. The results
suggested that the use of a prototype system improves the understanding of object-oriented learning
concepts. Although the evaluation of the usefulness of the system was not good, we obtained the finding
that it would be useful if the system were improved.
In the future, therefore, we plan a number of enhancements, to include improving the user
interface of the system, simplifying the rule setting method for the teacher, and using the system in an
actual classroom setting.
This study was supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Numbers JP16K01084, JP18K11567, 19K12259
and, JP19K12265.
Guo, P. J. (2013). Online Python Tutor: Embeddable Web-Based Program Visualization for CS Education. ACM
Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE).
Moreno, A., Sutinen, E., & Joy, M. (2014). Defining and evaluating conflictive animations for programming
education: the case of Jeliot ConAn. Proceedings of the 45th ACM technical symposium on Computer
science education (SIGCSE '14) (pp. 629-634). New York, NY, USA.
Pears, A., Seidman, S., Malmi, L., Mannila, L., Adams, E., Bennedsen, J., Devlin, M., & Paterson, J. (2007). A
survey of literature on the teaching of introductory programming. ACM SIGCSE Bulletin, 39(4), 204-223.
Yamashita, K., Tezuka, D., Kogure, S., Noguchi, Y., Konishi, T., & Itoh, Y. (2018). A learning support system for
visualizing behaviors of students' programs based on teachers' intents of instruction. Proceedings of the 26th
International Conference on Computers in Education (pp.761-766).
Chang, M. et al. (Eds.) (2019). Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Computers in
Education. Taiwan: Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education
Abstract: Learning Analytics (LA) platforms can gather data from the teaching-learning
interactions during a course. While there have been previous discussions regarding the
individual tools, limited scholarship describes the utility of a LA framework for supporting
evidence-based teaching-learning practices. We have proposed LEAF, a framework to bridge
that gap. We implement the framework in a platform by integrating LMS, learning behaviour
sensors such as an ebook reader, learning analytics dashboard and an evidence portal through
Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI). The platform was then made available to teachers from
different colleges in India to orchestrate their course offering for one semester. This paper
describes the design of the teacher training module for the adoption of the platform based on the
A2I2 model as its theoretical basis. The A2I2 model explicitly focuses on encouraging
scholarship of learning and teaching among participating teachers and thus is an ideal candidate
for utilizing an evidence-based framework.
There are 10,426 of engineering and technology colleges in India affiliated to the All India Council for
Technical Education (AICTE). However, not all of them set up their own learning management system
(LMS) and use e-learning tools to potentially enrich the teaching and learning experiences. In class,
teachers follow traditional didactic teaching lecturing with the aid of presentation tools such as
powerpoint. In the context of India, earlier attempts were in the form of faculty development programs
(FDPs) to nudge higher education teachers from didactic classroom-based teaching to adopt more
learner-centric active learning strategies using educational technology. These training programs were
offered in face-to-face (Warriem, Murthy & Iyer, 2013), asynchronous online (Warriem, Murthy &
Iyer, 2015) and even large-class MOOCs (Warriem, Murthy & Iyer, 2016). This cross-country
collaborative work investigates the utility of providing a learning platform integrated with learning
analytics framework to the college teachers to set up and conduct their semester-long courses. Our
Learning Evidence Analytics Framework (LEAF) includes existing e-learning and learning analytics
tools connected through Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI) to gather and analyse learning logs
captured in standard xAPI format (Flanagan & Ogata, 2017; Ogata et.al. 2018, Majumdar et.al. 2019).
Over a period of one semester, interested teachers and their students from colleges across India accessed
Moodle as LMS, BookRoll, an ebook based learning system and LAViEW, a learning analytics tool
which had the dashboard and initial design of the evidence portal. This article describes our approach to
design a training module for teachers who are adopting any learning analytics framework for the first
time in their teaching practice. Based on it we study how the teachers participated across the phases of
adopting the framework and how the platform was used by their students while they conduct courses in
their college over a semester.
2. Implementing LEAF for instructors in India
The developed framework was implemented as service through the LET lab Moodle and we provided
access to the interested Indian instructors. Further, we designed the TEEL workshop, followed by a
TEEL coordinating course on the Moodle. The various activities involved to introduce the framework
followed A2I2 model over four phases. Table 1 provides the details of the phases and the mapping with
the A2I2.
Faculty A MOOC on “Mentoring Attain The teachers were introduced to the basics of
Development Educators in Educational offering a Small Private Online Course and
Program Technology” was offered to designing active learning strategies while using
college teachers as FDP. online learning management systems like
Workshop for A workshop with hands on Align The teachers link the knowledge gained in the
exposure to the activities to get introduced to MOOC to the practice system introduced
LA platform the TEEL framework during the workshop
Preparations for The teachers create the course Integrate The teacher integrates the LMS and the tools
course offerings material and prepare the offered in their own semester course
Moodle to offer the course
Orchestration The course is run with students Investigate The teacher offers the course and links reflects
and Reflection and teachers conduct a on the course with the help of the dashboards
reflection on the activities and the surveys given to the students.
As seen in Table 1, the starting point of the workshop was a MOOC specifically aimed at helping
teachers understand the several aspects involved in the creation, offering and analysis of online courses.
As part of the MOOC, the participating teachers collaboratively (in groups of 4) developed a module of
a Small Private Online Course (SPOC) using MOODLE. They also participated as learners in the
SPOCs created by their peers and thereby generated the learner data for each of the course. To complete
the MOOC, the participants had to submit a summarized report regarding perceived and actual
engagement and learning in the course and their direction of refinement based on that.
It is followed by a workshop on the TEEL infrastructure with the LA platform. The exposure in the
workshop regarding accessing analytics intended to highlight the relevant features available in the LA
platform. Once the teachers are familiar with the analytics infrastructure they will start uploading their
course-related resources and start the teaching & learning activities. During the orchestration of course
activities, the LAView system will help the teacher in reflecting on the students’ actions and refine their
own instructional activities.
We wanted to investigate What is the extent of teachers’ engagement across different phases of the
framework adoption? The LA framework was introduced to the teachers by following the A2I2 model
and sent an invitation to adopt LEAF platform to 533 different college teachers in India. These teachers
registered in a MOOC course titled Mentoring Educators Educational Technology. Participation in all
the four phases was voluntary. Those teachers who participated in each phase were the sample of this
study. The MOOC had the largest amount of participation and there was consistent attrition
across the multiple phases. This was expected as the effort was based on a voluntary
participation model. 144 of the teachers involved in the TEEL workshop and 75 of them
prepared for their course. However, if we take a look at the geographic spread of the
participants (Fig 2a), we see that even with this attrition there was a significant amount of
diversity in the regions that people are participating from. This diversity is also seen in the
variety of courses intended to offer (Fig 2b) from varying areas of STEM as well as
Management, Pharmacy and Humanities found representation. Later 28 of them created their
course and 22 of them orchestrated on the platform. Total 628 of their students were active on
the platform out of the 1,463 registered in the TEEL Moodle.
Figure 2. Location of colleges and courses planned by the participants in the preparation phase
We have presented the initial descriptive analysis of the courses offered. We further plan to conduct a
detailed analysis of the teaching-learning experience with the data logs collected in the LEAF platform.
We envision the evidence portal to emerge as a central platform for dialogues between teachers and
researchers. Teachers would provide the actual context data and issues from the field (their courses)
where the researchers can then collaboratively ideate about possible solutions and further
systematically evaluate the result of its implementation and save them as a case for evidence.
This research was supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S) Grant
Number 16H06304, NEDO Special Innovation Program on AI and Big Data 18102059-0 and JSPS
KAKENHI Research Activity Start-up Grant Number 18H05746 (F.Y.2018), 19K20942 (F.Y.2019).
Flanagan, B., & Ogata, H. (2017) Integration of Learning Analytics Research and Production Systems While
Protecting Privacy. In Proc. of the 25th ICCE 2017, Christchruch, New Zealand.
Majumdar R., I Boticki., Ogata H., International Workshop on Technology-Enhanced and Evidence-Based
Education and Learning , In Companion Proc. of the 9th LAK, Tempe, USA.
Murthy, S., Iyer, S. and Warriem, J.M.. (2015). ET4ET: A Large-Scale Faculty Professional Development
Program on Effective Integration of Educational Technology. J. of Edu Tech. & Society, 18(3), 16-28.
Ogata H., Majumdar R., Akçapınar G., Hasnine M.N., Flanagan B., Beyond Learning Analytics: Framework for
Technology-Enhanced Evidence-Based Education and Learning, In Proc. of the 26th ICCE 2018, Manila
Warriem, J.M., Murthy, S., and Iyer, S.(2013). A2I: A Model for Teacher Training in Constructive Alignment for
Use of ICT in Engineering Education, In Proc. of 22nd ICCE 2013, Nara, Japan.
Warriem, J.M., Murthy, S., and Iyer, S.. (2015). Sustainability at Scale: Evidence from a Large Scale Teacher
Professional Development Program. In Proc. of 23rd ICCE 2015, Hangzhou, China.
Warriem, J.M., Murthy, S., and Iyer, S.(2016). Shifting the focus from Learner Completion to Learner
Perseverance: Evidences from a Teacher Professional Development MOOC. In Proc. of 24th ICCE 2016,
Mumbai, India.
Chang, M. et al. (Eds.) (2019). Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Computers in
Education. Taiwan: Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education
Abstract: In this paper, we describe an extension of TEDViT, the program visualization system
that can reflect teachers’ intent of instruction to support learning dynamic data structures. We
extend TEDViT to enable the definition of drawing rules using values of target program
variables and pointers corresponding to the execution status when the rule is fired. The
evaluation results reveal that our extension could significantly reduce the amount of drawing
rules and the time required for defining program visualizations. It suggests that our approach
would support program visualizations with dynamic data structures to a certain degree.
1. Introduction
To date, several program visualization (PV) systems have been developed to support novices who are
learning programming (Pears et al., 2007). We have developed a PV system called Teacher’s
Explaining Design Visualization Tool (TEDViT) that allows teachers to provide not only a target
program, but also its visualization policy (Kogure et al., 2014). The teacher can define, by providing the
drawing rules to TEDViT, which variable is visualized with which drawing objects and when they are
visualized in the process of program execution. However, TEDViT becomes complex when it comes to
visualizing program behaviors with dynamic data structures (DDS) because defining using drawing
rules is costly.
In this paper, we describe an approach to extend TEDViT so that it can visualize the program
behaviors with DDS. The reasons for the high cost of defining drawing rules on DDS in TEDViT are
difficulties in expressing a certain location of main memory for drawing rules and assigning a certain
drawing position of objects. To address these issues, we extend the drawing rule representations by
enabling the possibility of expressing certain data on memory in a more abstract way. We also increase
the abstraction level for position expression of drawing objects, thereby enabling the possibility of
assigning a relative position to other drawing objects.
This paper proves that our extension could enable the visualization of program behaviors
processing linked list, which is one of the typical DDS, at relatively low cost. We evaluate how much
cost is reduced when defining a drawing ruleset in our extension. The evaluation results show that our
extension could significantly reduce costs when defining a drawing ruleset in extended TEDViT.
TEDViT allows teachers to define the policy for drawing a status of the target domain world based on
their intents of instruction. Teachers can create or edit a configuration file independently from the target
program file, which defines a visualization policy comprises a set of drawing rules, each of which is a
CSV entry as in Figure 1. The drawing rule shown in Figure 1 means that when the statement with ID
“10” in the target program is executed, TEDViT draws a circle object and assigns the object ID “OBJ1”
to it. The corresponding variable is indicated as “i,” and hence the value of the variable i is drawn inside
OBJ1. OBJ1 is drawn at position (x1, y1) with a line, background, and inner character colors of black,
white, and black, respectively, according to the indicated values in the rule.
When defining PV with DDS, teachers often demand the dynamic location of drawing objects
depending on the program behaviors. For example, in a linked list node insertion, the target node to be
inserted is naturally drawn near the linked list, at the position where the target is inserted into. Teachers
may also demand to highlight some drawing objects according to specific timing, to provide
natural-language explanations by accompanying some objects with balloon messages, etc. However,
the original TEDViT required that the drawing objects and their positions be statically indicated by
object ID and absolute coordinates in pixel or grid measure. Hence, we extend TEDViT to be capable
of indicating drawing objects by using values of target program variables corresponding the execution
status when the rule is fired, and of indicating coordinates relative to any other drawing objects in
drawing rules. In drawing rule description, teachers can describe the following functions to indicate
target objects and their positions that are origins of relative coordinates;
xname(ObjectID), yname(ObjectID): finds x-/y-coordinate of the drawing object with the ID
ObjectID given by the argument.
xvari(VariableName), yvari(VariableName): finds x-/y-coordinate of the drawing object
corresponding to the variable with the name VariableName given by the argument.
xaddr(PointerExpression), yaddr(PointerExpression): finds x-/y-coordinate of the drawing object
corresponding to the memory location referred by the pointer PointerExpression given by the
argument. The value of PointerExpression depends on the execution status when the rule is fired.
searchObjectbyValue(PointerExpression): finds drawing object corresponding to the memory
location referred by the pointer PointerExpression given by argument.
searchObjectbyName(VariableName): finds drawing object corresponding to the memory location
that stores the value of variable with the name VariableName given by argument.
In rule definition, teachers sometimes need to describe variable names for indicating memory locations
corresponding to drawing objects. We also extend TEDViT to be capable of describing the following
searchVariable(PointerExpression): finds variable name corresponding to the memory location
referred by the pointer PointerExpression given by the argument.
3. Experiment
Since PVs generated by the extended TEDViT basically follow the ones generated by original TEDViT,
it is expected that the extended TEDViT would provide the same level of learning effects as the original
TEDViT. Therefore, we conducted an experiment to evaluate the cost to define drawing rules for PV
with DDS. The number of subjects were 8: two teachers who have experience of teaching
programming, two students who have experience as programming teaching assistants (TAs), and four
students who have the same level of programming experience as programming TAs.
At the beginning of the experiment, we explained an outline of the experiment, the defining of
PVs, and the use of original and extended TEDViT to the subjects, for 30 min. Then, the subjects
defined PVs of a program consisting of about 40 statements. They defined PVs in two-time intervals,
first with the original TEDViT in 60 min, and then with the extended TEDViT in 60 min. To reduce the
order effects, we divided the subjects into groups A and B, each of which included one teacher, one TA,
and two students, and swapped the order in which they used the original and the extended TEDViT. The
subjects in group A used the original TEDViT first, while those in group B used the extended TEDViT
first. For each of the two rule definitions, we measured the minutes taken to define entire drawing rules
and the number of defined rules for every subject.
Table 1 shows the results of the experiment. The value in parentheses that is appended below
the rule definition time with original TEDViT indicates the time estimated to complete the entire rule
definition. Given that the subjects had to define the drawing rules within a time limit of 60 min, no
subject except #8 could complete their rule definition within that time. We estimated the ruleset
completion times using the ratio of the number of the total rules we expected to be answered to the
number of drawing rules defined in 60 min.
Table 1
The Defining Time and the Number of Drawing Rules
Subject #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8
Group A A A A B B B B
N of rules w/ Original 46 40 58 39 42 18 18 70
w/ Extended 8 8 10 8 8 8 8 8
Time (min.) w/ Original 60* 60* 60* 60* 60* 60* 60* 55
(Estimated) (88) (102) (70) (104) (97) (226) (226)
w/ Extended 17 29 26 21 30 51 59 23
(“*” represents the time for subjects who did not finish the rule definitions.)
We can see that the numbers of drawing rules to define PV and the rule definition intervals are
significantly reduced by using the extended TEDViT. Note also that the average number of rules in the
extended TEDViT is 24.8% of those in the original version. The same tendency can be seen in group A,
18.8%, and group B, 29.8%. Based on the estimated times, the subjects could have completed their rule
definition with the extended TEDViT in 28.3% of the interval required with the original, on average.
The same tendency also can be seen in group A, 26.2%, and group B, 30.0%. These results suggest that
the cost to define PVs with DDS could be significantly reduced by our extension.
4. Conclusion
In this paper, we describe an extension of a PV system called TEDViT to enable the visualization of
program behaviors with dynamic data structures. We extend TEDViT to enable the possibility of
specifying the target and its position through values of target program variables corresponding the
execution status when the rule is fired. It means to enhance the abstraction level of rule descriptions,
such as specifying a drawing object referred by a certain pointer, specifying a drawing position like “in
the vicinity of a certain object,” etc. The evaluation results revealed that the extended TEDViT could
significantly reduce the amount of drawing rules and the time to define PVs likewise for both groups.
This suggests that the extended TEDViT could enable to visualize the program behaviors processing
linked list, which is a typical DDS, at relatively low cost. Therefore, it can be concluded that our
extension would help to define TEDViT PV with DDS to a certain degree.
This study was supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Numbers JP16K01084, JP18K11567, and
Kogure, S., Fujioka, R., Noguchi, Y., Yamashita, K., Konishi, T., & Itoh, Y. (2014). Code reading environment
according to visualizing both variable's memory image and target world's status. Proceeding of the 22nd
International Conference on Computers in Education, 343-348.
Pears, A., Seidman, S., Malmi, L., Mannila, L., Adams, E., Bennedsen, J., Devlin, M., & Paterson, J. (2007). A
Survey of Literature on the Teaching of Introductory Programming. ACM SIGCSE Bulletin, 39(4), 204-223.
Chang, M. et al. (Eds.) (2019). Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Computers in
Education. Taiwan: Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education
Abstract: In the face of massive learning resources, learners are confronted with resource
selection dilemmas and cognitive load problems. In order to help learners or educators to choose
personalized resources better, we combed the literature reviews on classic learner models, and
from the perspective of learners’ personalized characteristics, we analyzed and constructed an
index system of education information resource selection based on college student preferences
by using analytical hierarchy process (AHP), then the weight of each factor in the index system
was determined through Delphi method, a specific course was taken as an example afterwards,
which verified that the index system constructed is effective and scientific.
1. Introduction
The contradiction between the surge of education information resources and the differences of learners’
resource demands has led to information overload. Constructing a scientific index model of resource
selection and mapping strategy has become hot off the press. In this case, what learners need indeed are
to be urgently explored. Despite learner-centered instruction has long been the core idea of open
education, the analysis on students’ explicit and implicit needs seem to be continually neglected more or
less, which is the very beginning point of realizing precise online education service. In order to improve
the design effects of online learning systems and the quality of individualized learning resources
recommendation, it is necessary to build a comprehensive, accurate, scientific and reasonable learner
profile. The learner profile is a structured representation and storage of learners’ preferences, cognition,
abilities and situations, and then chooses appropriate schemas to describe learners’ explicit and implicit
characteristics. The purpose of the current study is first, to establish a learner characteristics profile
served as a hierarchical structure model to construct an index model of education information resource
selection and second, to verify the effectiveness of the index model to guide our further refinement on
the models. The research question is proposed as follows:
RQ: How to construct a hierarchical index evaluating model to solve multi-criteria decision
making with uncertain factors and help different learners select an optimal learning resource?
Numerous highly uncertain factors are affecting learners’ preferences for resource selection in specific
time and places, some of which may even conflict with each other. Analytical hierarchy process (AHP),
a qualitative and quantitative method, can be applied to decision analysis in various uncertain situations
(Emrouznejad & Marra, 2017). Not rare are research on the application of AHP in the field of education,
which can be roughly divided into the following five categories: (a) the quality evaluation of learning
resources, (b) teaching quality evaluation, combined with Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) or
Multi-choice Goal Programming (MCGP) method to reduce the non-computational error of AHP
(Thanassoulis et al., 2017; Gurung & Phipon, 2016), (c) evaluation of students’ learning quality, highly
requiring a diversification assessing indicators which can reflect the internal and logical relationship, as
well as conciseness and expansibility, (d) allocation of education resources, which is decided by
balancing the weights and relationships among different indicators, (e) analysis of phenomenal factors,
including the construction of problem models and the analysis of factors restricting or proposing
suggestions through empirical methods.
Through the comparative analysis of typical learner characteristics profiles and interviews with several
experts as well as college students in related fields, this study proposes a learner characteristics profile
based on college students’ online learning preferences and personalized features. The complex
problems of influencing factors of college students’ education information resources selection can be
divided into four levels: objective level 𝑂, first-class factor (indicator) level 𝐶, second-class factor
(criterion) level 𝑃 and alternative level 𝐴. The alternative level includes teaching plan (𝐴1 ), teaching
courseware (𝐴2 ), micro-lesson video (𝐴3 ) and case-based video recording (𝐴4 ). The final hierarchical
model is then established as is shown in Figure 2.
In order to obtain more reasonable and authoritative data, and therefore determine the scale of the
impact of learner characteristics on resource selection, four experts were invited to compare the factors
in the hierarchical structure model, assigning relative importance of each item as shown in Figure 3.
Figure 3. Evaluate the relative importance of learner characteristics for choosing resources.
Through iterative feedback and modification, a judgment matrix 𝑬𝒌 (𝑘 = 1,2,3,4) is therefore obtained
for each expert at the factor level. Hierarchical single ranking refers to the ranking order of comparing
all elements in this layer with those in the upper layer. In this study, MATLAB is used to calculate the
maximum eigen root 𝜆𝑚𝑎 of matrix 𝑬𝒌 , corresponding eigenvector 𝑾 and weight vector 𝒘 by sum
method. The weight vector results are shown in Table 4.
Table 4
Combination weight vector result
Indicator level Weight Rank Criterion level Weight Rank
Learning goal 𝐶1 0.5050 1 / / /
Cognitive competence 𝑝1 0.0554 1
Knowledge mastery 𝑝2 0.0474 3
Learning basis 𝐶2 0.1334 3
Learning motivation 𝑝3 0.0118 7
Learning attitude 𝑝4 0.0188 4
Learning preference 𝐶3 0.0739 4 / / /
Content preference 𝑝5 0.0486 2
Learning style 𝐶4 0.0559 5 Interaction preference 𝑝6 0.0119 6
Media preference 𝑝7 0.0133 5
Self-competence 𝐶5 0.2318 2 / / /
3. Results
Course “Animation design and production” was taken to verify the validity of the above model results,
resource preference selection experiments on 60 sophomores in two classes of a university in China
were carried out. Each student has a computer to receive the distribution of four kinds of learning
resources. Each type of resource has two files and strictly conforms to the curriculum standards and
schedule which has been applied in practice before.
Students were required to select two of their favorite resources after browsing 8 learning
resources and fill in the questionnaire. After eliminating and counting the invalid data, a total of 114
resource choices of 57 students were collected. The results of comparison between the weights of index
model and experiments are shown in Figure 4.
40.00% 27.44% 28.07%
30.00% 15.84% 20.18% 16.15% 19.30%
Teaching plan Teaching courseware Micro-lesson video Case-based video recording
4. Conclusion
This study constructed a learner characteristic model based on the personalized features of college
students through comparative analysis of several classical learner characteristic models. Expert surveys
and analytical hierarchy process were carried out to assign index weight of each learner characteristic
factor. A course was taken and five learner characteristics with their sub-criteria factors in the index
model were successfully verified through the experiment. The study provides a theoretical support for
the application of learner models, as well as the design and development of algorithms for college
students’ personalized resource recommendation. More systematic selection and evaluation of learner
characteristics combined with interpretive structural model methods are to be improved, to solidify the
authority of learner models applied to specific research.
Emrouznejad, A., & Marra, M. (2017). The state-of-the-art development of AHP (1979-2017): a literature review
with a social network analysis. International Journal of Production Research, 1-23.
Gurung, S., & Phipon, R. (2016). Multi-criteria decision making for supplier selection using AHP and TOPSIS
method. International Journal of Engineering Inventions, 6(2), 13-17.
Thanassoulis, E., Dey, P. K., Petridis, K., Goniadis, I., & Georgiou, A. C. (2017). Evaluating higher education
teaching performance using combined analytic hierarchy process and data envelopment analysis. Journal of
the Operational Research Society, 68(4), 431-445.
Chang, M. et al. (Eds.) (2019). Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Computers in
Education. Taiwan: Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education
Abstract: In this paper, we propose an E-Book Page Ranking (EBPR) method to rank e-book
pages from the original learning material automatically. The proposed method ranks all the
e-book pages by the class probabilities retrieved from machine learning models. The top-ranked
e-book pages are then selected to form the pre-class reading (preview) recommendation. The
proposed method extracts image features and text features from e-book page contents as well as
the e-book usage features from students’ previous reading logs. In this paper, we test the
performance of the proposed model with two different cases, with and without past e-book
usage data. The experimental results showed the improvability of the model after taking into
account learners’ past e-book usages.
Keywords: E-book page ranking, educational recommender systems, e-book usage logs,
preview reading
1. Introduction
Preparing for lectures is crucial for learners and has numerous advantages over their learning. A study
conducted by Dreher and Sammons (1994) indicated that students who previewed the learning material
before the class were able to answer the questions in exams better than students who did not preview.
However, learners are not always willing to prepare for the class, especially when learning materials are
too long for them. Another study conducted by Shimada et al. (2017) revealed that giving learners a
subset of learning material (important pages) instead of the whole content, increased their preview
behaviors and overall learning performances. In the context of e-learning, the characteristics of
important document page/e-book page and the associated content features have been mentioned and
applied in several articles (Neto et al., 2002; Shimada et al., 2017). Additionally, in this paper, we
assumed that the learners’ past e-book usage that related to the target e-book material should be taken
into account when considering e-book preview recommendation. The proposed method can be
potentially anticipated to well reduce the overhead for course preview material creation on e-book
system. In this study, we attempt to answer the following two research questions:
1. What is the best-performed machine learning algorithm for the proposed E-Book Page Ranking
(EBPR) method?
2. Can we improve the performance of EBPR by adding features to the model related to learners’
past e-book usage?
The entire performing process is described as follows: we use BookRoll system (Ogata et al., 2015)
which is a digital textbook reading system that contains plenty of functions such as page turning,
internal learning content searching, page jumping, annotation creation, annotation transfer across
e-book revisions (Yang et al., 2018), etc. Learners’ reading behaviors while using BookRoll store in the
database of BookRoll. In this study, two types of data were collected from BookRoll as the input of the
proposed method. The first type of data is text contents and image contents from the original e-book
material that contains 91 e-book pages in BookRoll named Semantic Web Services with 38 learners
enrolled under the period of 3 weeks in the previous semester. The second type of data is the recorded
10147 e-book reading events that related to the same e-book material. The reading events tracked by
BookRoll has been described in the previous article (Ogata et al., 2015). In the feature extraction, we
applied text processing techniques, image processing algorithms including background subtraction
method and inter-frame difference method, as well as the educational data mining methods to extract
text, image, e-book usage features from the collected e-book page contents and students’ e-book
reading events as described in Table 1.
Table 1
Description of the Extracted Features
Category_Index Feature Name Feature Description
Text_01 TotalChar Total characters in a page
Text_02 AvgTFIDF Average of TFIDF (Term Frequency-Inverse
Document Frequency) value
Text_03 Similarity to title Cosine similarity to the title of the content
Text_04 Similarity to keywords Cosine similarity to the keywords of the content
Text_05 Page-Page cohesion Sum of cosine similarities to the rest pages
Text_06 Punctuation Total occurrence of punctuations in a page
Image_01 Background subtraction Foreground pixels in a page
Image_02 Background subtraction Absolute foreground pixel differences with previous
+ Inter-frame difference page and next page (choose the higher value)
Usage_01 Marker Total number of marker added in a page
Usage_02 Memo Total number of memo added in a page
Usage_03 Bookmark Total number of bookmark added in a page
Usage_04 UniqueVisit Total number of learners visited a page
Usage_05 TotalTime Total reading time on a page
Usage_06 AvgTime Average reading time on a page per learner
Usage_07 TotalEvent Total clicking events in a page
Usage_08 AvgEvent Average clicking events in a page per learner
2.2 Modeling, E-Book Page Ranking, and Generation of E-Book Preview Recommendation
To train the machine learning models we asked one lecturer to label important e-book pages in his
learning content (gold-standard). The lecturer labeled 45 out of 91 pages as important pages
(recommended for preview). Rest of the pages considered as less important for preview. We formed our
problem as a binary classification problem, however, we obtained class probabilities as the e-book page
ranking output instead of class labels, which gave us the flexibility of ranking pages based on their
importance. The top-ranked e-book pages are then selected to form the pre-class reading
3. Test Results
To evaluate the ranking performance of the proposed EBPR method, we first selected the top-ranked 45
e-book pages from each model (the same number of pages are labeled as important page by the lecturer).
Model performances were evaluated by using metrics such as precision, recall, and Area Under the
Curve (AUC) along with the 3-folds cross validation. To evaluate the improvability of models after
taking into account learners’ past e-book usages, we conducted two different experiments which are
past e-book usage feature exclusion and inclusion, respectively. As shown in Table 2, in the first
experiment, e-book usage features were excluded from the training process, resulting of the
best-performed model MultilayerPerception with precision 0.667, recall 0.667, and AUC 0.67. In the
second experiment, e-book usage features were included from the training process of models, the
observed result in this experiment indicates that the best-performed model was still
MultilayerPerception with precision 0.756, recall 0.756, and AUC 0.758.
Table 2
Performance of each model (excluding / including students’ past e-book usage logs)
Model Precision Recall AUC
DTNB 0.422 / 0.556 0.422 / 0.556 0.429 / 0.560
JRip 0.489 / 0.556 0.489 / 0.556 0.494 / 0.560
RandomForest 0.556 / 0.600 0.556 / 0.600 0.560 / 0.604
J48 0.533 / 0.511 0.533 / 0.511 0.538 / 0.516
BayesNet 0.422 / 0.422 0.422 / 0.422 0.429 / 0.429
GaussianNaïveBayes 0.467 / 0.467 0.467 / 0.467 0.472 / 0.472
LogisticRegression 0.622 / 0.733 0.622 / 0.733 0.626 / 0.736
MultilayerPerception 0.667 / 0.756 0.667 / 0.756 0.670 / 0.758
In this paper, we proposed a machine learning-based E-Book Page Ranking (EBPR) method for the
recommendation of e-book preview that can be integrated into any e-book systems. We ranked the input
e-book pages by the predicted class probabilities accordingly. After the ranking process, the top-ranked
e-book pages are selected to form the recommendation of preview material for learners before a class.
We compared several classification models and reported the best-performed model
MultilayerPerception, which answered our first research question. We evaluated the performances of
e-book page ranking in different conditions through two experiments. The statistical results shown in
Table 2 reported that when including learners’ past e-book usage features, the overall performance of
e-book page ranking will be improved, which answered our second research question. In the future, we
will look for more e-book page samples from lecturers in different domains as the training samples to
investigate and evaluate the ranking performance of the model and the most important features.
This work was partly supported by JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S)16H06304 and NEDO
Special Innovation Program on AI and Big Data 18102059-0.
Dreher, M. J., & Sammons, R. B. (1994). Fifth graders' search for information in a textbook. Journal of Reading
Behavior, 26(3), 301-314.
Neto, J. L., Freitas, A. A., & Kaestner, C. A. (2002, November). Automatic text summarization using a machine
learning approach. In Brazilian Symposium on Artificial Intelligence (pp. 205-215). Springer, Berlin,
Ogata, H., Yin, C., Oi, M., Okubo, F., Shimada, A., Kojima, K., & Yamada, M. (2015). E-Book-based learning
analytics in university education. In International Conference on Computer in Education (ICCE 2015) (pp.
Shimada, A., Okubo, F., Yin, C., & Ogata, H. (2017). Automatic Summarization of Lecture Slides for Enhanced
Student Preview–Technical Report and User Study–. IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, 11(2),
Yang, C.C.Y., Flanagan, B., Akcapinar, G., & Ogata, H. (2018). Maintaining reading experience continuity across
e-book revisions. Research and practice in technology enhanced learning, 13(1), 24.
Chang, M. et al. (Eds.) (2019). Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Computers in
Education. Taiwan: Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education
Recommender systems, as one of the technology-enhanced learning methods, has been introduced to
the area of educational learning. For example, it is able to suggest books for K-12 users (Pera, 2016),
recommend after-school programs (Burke, 2011), or suggest appropriate citations (He, 2010) in paper
writings. We successfully have utilized the personality traits to build effective personality-aware
recommendation algorithms (Zheng, Subramaniyan, 2019), and develop multi-stakeholder
recommendations (Zheng, Ghane, Sabouri, 2019) for the course project recommendations.
In the traditional recommender systems, the receiver of the recommendations is the only
stakeholder in the environment. Recently, researchers argue that the perspective of other stakeholders
may be also important (Burke, 2016; Zheng, 2017) to be considered in the recommendation process. We
made the first attempt to develop multi-stakeholder recommendation methods for educational learning
(Zheng, Ghane, Sabouri, 2019; Zheng, 2019a) in order to balance the needs of both instructors and
students. More specifically, in the context of course project recommendations, some students may try to
select easier projects while the instructors suggest students to work on more challenging projects.
Therefore, a multi-stakeholder course project recommendation model is necessary to be built in order to
balance the needs of students and instructors.
We have successfully applied the utility-based multi-stakeholder recommendation approaches
(Zheng, 2018) to the context of course project recommendations as. In addition, we provide solutions to
alleviate the over-/under-expectations (Zheng, Ghane, Sabouri, 2019) and help better capture the
different perceptions of the students and instructors (Zheng, 2019a) in our existing work respectively. In
this paper, we try to discover the impact of student communities in the multi-stakeholder educational
recommendations by creating student communities based on clustering student information.
We use the same educational data as the one in our previous work (Zheng, Ghane, Sabouri, 2019;
Zheng, 2019a). Each student should select at least three liked and disliked topics of the course, and
provide an overall rating to them. In addition, students were asked to rate each selected project on three
criteria: how interesting the application area is (App), how convenient the data processing will be
(Data), how easy the whole project is (Ease). Both the overall rating and the multi-criteria ratings are in
scale 1 to 5. There is a total of 3,306 rating entries given by 269 students on 70 Kaggle data sets. Each
rating entry is associated with both overall and multi-criteria ratings. In addition, we have collected the
demographic information (i.e., age, gender, nationality) and personality traits represented in five
personality dimensions (McCrae, 1992) of the students.
The idea behind the frame work of the utility-based multi-stakeholder recommendations is that
the multi-objective learning techniques can be applied to balance the needs of different stakeholders,
while we need to build the utility function for each stakeholder in the system. There are different ways
to build the utility function. We first claimed that the multi-criteria ratings can be utilized to build these
functions (Zheng, 2017). The utility-based multi-stakeholder educational recommendation models have
been proposed accordingly (Zheng, Ghane, Sabouri, 2019; Zheng, 2019a).
The utility function in these systems is represented by the similarity between a rating vector on
an item, and an expectation vector. These two vectors are mapped to the multiple criteria in the system.
In our data set, we have three criteria – App, Data and Ease. An expectation vector by the student (i.e.,
student expectations) indicates which items they may prefer in terms of the three criteria. By contrast,
the expectation vector of the instructor (i.e., instructor expectations) is defined as the instructor’s
minimal requirements in the system. Both students and instructors will give multi-criteria ratings to the
items. Note that the ratings by students can tell student preferences, while the ratings given by
instructors indicate how appropriate the item can be selected as projects from the perspective of the
instructors. Therefore, the utility of an item t from the perspective of a student s (Us, t) can be represented
by the similarity of student expectations and the rating vector on the item by the student. By contrast,
the utility of an item t from the perspective of an instructor p (Up, t), can be represented by the
dissimilarity between the expectation and evaluation rating vectors based on the “Data” and “Ease”
dimensions. We can calculate a utility score which is a combination of the item utility from the
perspective of students and instructors, i.e., utility score = α× Us, t + (1- α) × Up, t, while α (0< α<1) is the
weight factor. The optimal value of α may not be 0.5, due to the different distribution of U s, t and Up, t.
We use the multi-objective learning technique to learn the optimal value of α. We collected the
instructor expectations in advance, since there is only one instructor. We can learn the student
expectations in advance by the utility-based multi-criteria recommendation models (UBRec) (Zheng,
2019b), or we can learn them in the process of multi-objective learning. In this paper, we decide to learn
them in advance. An evaluation metric “score” which is the difference between utility gain and utility
loss. For more details, please refer to our previous work (Zheng, 2019a).
In this paper, we would like to discover the impact of student communities in the
multi-stakeholder educational recommendations. More specifically, we can update the utility score to
be α×(β× Us, t + (1- β)× Uc, t)+ (1- α) × Up, t, while β is another weight factor in [0, 1]. In comparison with
the previous utility score, we use a linear combination of Us, t and Uc, t, where we use c to represent the
student community and Uc, t therefore as the utility of the item from the perspective of community c. We
decide to use X-Means (Pelleg, 2000) to cluster students into different communities, while we can
utilize the following feature sets for the purpose of clustering -- demographic information (Fd),
personality traits (Fp) and ratings on the items (Fr).
We use the same setting in our previous work (Zheng, 2019a), e.g., we use 5-fold cross validation, and
the ε-MOEA as the multi-objective optimizer in the MOEA library1. We use three baseline approaches
– UBRec (Zheng, 2019b) which only considers the student preferences, SolBasic which is the basic
multi-stakeholder solution (Zheng, 2018) and SolCorr which is the improved multi-stakeholder solution
which considers preference corrections (Zheng, 2019a).
The experimental results can be observed from Figure 1. The basic multi-stakeholder solution
SolBasic failed to beat UBRec which is a traditional recommendation model. Once we applied the
preference corrections (Zheng, 2019a), SolCorr is able to perform the best among these baselines. Other
solutions are the ones that we incorporate the student communities. We can observe that all of these
solutions are able to beat the SolBasic. By using Fd, Fp and Fr respectively, we can observe that Fr is the
most effective feature set, while the performance based on clusters using Fd performs the worst.
When we combine the feature sets together to produce clusters, the experimental results vary.
The performance was even decreased, when we combined Fd with other feature sets. For example, the
MOEA, http://moeaframework.org
score by using Fd+Fp is lower than the one using Fp only. It infers that Fd is a set of noisy features. A
closer look in Fd can reveal that most of the students are from a same country, and most of the students
are in the same age group. That’s probably the reason why Fd seems to be not useful in our experiments.
The combination of Fp and Fr turns out to be the optimal feature set to create the clusters if we combine
two feature sets only. However, the score is still lower than the SolCorr. The best solution is the
Fp+Fr+Corr in which we utilize Fp and Fr to create student communities, and also apply the preference
corrections (Zheng, 2019a). In comparison with SolCorr, the score was improved by around 2%.
Recall that β is used to fuse the utility of the item from the perspective of students and the
communities. In most of the proposed solutions, the value of β varies from 0.6 to 0.8, while the β is 0.72
in the best solution Fp+Fr+Corr. The contribution by the student communities is 28%, which confirms
the effective impact by the student communities.
In this paper, we found that the student communities could be able to improve the multi-stakeholder
educational recommendations, if we use the appropriate feature sets to create the student communities.
In our future work, we plan to apply A/B test to further examine the effectiveness of these models.
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International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (pp. 631-642). Springer.
Zheng, Y. (2019). Utility-based multi-criteria recommender systems. In Proceedings of the 34th ACM/SIGAPP
Symposium on Applied Computing (pp. 2529-2531). ACM.
Pelleg, D., & Moore, A. W. (2000). X-means: Extending k-means with efficient estimation of the number of
clusters. In ICML (Vol. 1, pp. 727-734).
McCrae, R. R., & John, O. P. (1992). An introduction to the five‐factor model and its applications. Journal of
personality, 60(2), 175-215.
Chang, M. et al. (Eds.) (2019). Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Computers in
Education. Taiwan: Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education
Abstract: In this study, we have examined a medical terminology learning environment with a
humanoid communicative robot and a tablet. In the environment with the robot participants can
see the whole body of the robot and the tablet. In the tablet only environment the body of the
robot was covered with white imitation paper. Total fifteen pairs of English medical terms were
selected with the same number of syllables and the same stress pattern with similar sounds.
Participants were divided into two groups. One group studied the medical terms with the robot
while the other group did with the tablet. In the second learning session conducted after two
weeks the participants studied with the another environment. During the session quizzes of the
medical terms were given before and after the study. The average scores of the quizzes
improved to a similar extent in the both robot and tablet groups. However, in the memory
retention test, which was taken two weeks later of the study, showed that the average score was
4.3 in the environment with a robot although 2.4 in the tablet only environment. After the
investigation more participants suggested that learning with a robot was fun and could be
helpful in memory retention. In fact, we observed that many of participants looked at the face of
robot during the study with a robot. We think that the presence of the robot might affect
psychological environment. In conclusion, the observation suggested that retention of medical
terms might be affected by the learning environment with a robot.
1. Introduction
Humanoid communicative robots have been reported to provide effective support in caring for autistic
children (Kojima et al. 2008). Ishiguro et al (2016) also showed a new method of using robots for
patient education. These previous studies suggest the simplicity of communication with a robot can be
helpful to support who have anxiety or need care. When we think of the second language education,
language anxiety and social anxiety can be a factor to reduce the learning effect. Thus, we have
developed the robot learning environment for medical students. In this study, we aimed to investigate
the differences between learning English medical terms with a robot or a tablet.
2.1 Materials
Fifteen medical terms were presented via a humanoid communicative robot or a tablet.
Fifteen pairs of English medical terms were used as stimulus words. Each pair was chosen with the
same number of syllables, the same stress pattern, and where possible, similar sounds. For example,
adenoma and trachoma, peritoneal and peritonitis, hypoxia and hypoplasia etc. The left of each pair was
presented via a robot and the right was presented via a tablet.
A communicative robot (“Pepper”) produced by Softbank Robotics (Tokyo, Japan) was used in this
investigation (Figure 1). This robot can recognize and speak English and can show pictures and letters
on a 10.1-inch touch-panel display (tablet). The height of this robot is about 120 cm. The robot makes
gestures such as nodding and moving its arms. A software development kit (Choregraphe) was used to
develop the medical term learning materials. The robot asks the Japanese meaning of 15 medical terms
orally and students can answer by touching the tablet, which shows four alternative responses. After
checking the meaning, the robot asks the students to pronounce the word with a robot.
Figure 1. The learning environments with a communicative robot (left) and a tablet only (right)
In order to make similar condition with a robot environment, the body of the robot was covered with
white imitation paper (Figure 1). The content of the tablet included the same learning procedure with
the robot. The tablet asks the Japanese meaning of 15 medical terms with sounds and students can
answer by touching the display, which shows four alternative responses. After checking the meaning of
the medical term in Japanese, the tablet asks the students to pronounce the word with a tablet.
2.1.4 Participants
Total 22 first grade medical students participated in this investigation. They were divided into two
groups. Half of the participants firstly learned with a robot and then learned with a tablet two weeks
later, while the other half of them learned with a tablet first and then with a robot two weeks later.
2.2 Methods
Each student participated in the trial in a separate room. The trial consisted of three steps, including a
pre-trial questionnaire and a pre-trial word quiz, robot learning or tablet learning, a post-trial
questionnaire and a post-trial word quiz. Two weeks later, the participants were counterbalanced and
firstly they took the same word quiz as two weeks before to be checked the memory retention of the
medical terms and followed the five steps.
Step 1: In the pre-trial questionnaire, students were asked whether they had learned with a robot
or a tablet. The participants did a pre-trial word quiz, which asked the students to write in Japanese the
meaning of the medical terms to be learned with a robot or a tablet.
Step 2: The participants learned with the robot or the tablet to check 15 English medical terms
presented as a game. First, the robot or the tablet asked a question orally and the students answered by
touching a display that showed four alternative answers. When the student answered correctly, the robot
or the tablet asked the participant to pronounce the medical word. After the robot or the tablet
recognized the word the student pronounced, the next question was presented.
Step 3: In post-trial questionnaire, students were asked whether leaning with a robot or a tablet
was helpful to remember English medical terms and whether the learning was fun. The students also did
a post-trial word quiz, which asked the students to write in Japanese the meaning of the medical terms
which was learned with a robot or a tablet.
3. Results
We checked the word quiz and put one point per one correct answer. Table 1 and 2 are the average
score of the word quiz for two subject groups.
Table 1
The Average Score of the Word Quiz of the First Session of the Investigation
Subject Group 1 Subject Group 2
Robot trial Tablet trial
Pre-trial word quiz 2.2 1.1
Post-trial word quiz 6.4 5.1
Table 2
The Average Score of the Word Quiz of the Second Session Conducted Two Weeks Later
Subject Group 1 Subject Group 2
Memory retention quiz 4.3 (Robot) 2.4 (Tablet)
Tablet trial Robot trial
Pre-trial word quiz 1.6 1.8
Post-trial word quiz 5.8 8.2
The results of the word quiz showed that the average score of the robot learning was almost the same
with the average score of the tablet learning on the first session, but two weeks later, the result of the
memory retention quiz showed that the learning with the robot was slightly higher in the average score
by two points than the average score of the tablet learning. Moreover, Subject Group 2 showed better
average score after learning with the robot (8.2) compared to the tablet trial group (5.8).
From the post-trial questionnaire more participants mentioned that learning with a robot was
fun and could be helpful in memory retention. We also observed that many of participants looked at the
face of robot during the study with a robot.
These results have suggested that a learning environment for medical terms with a robot or with a tablet
might have some differences. We think that the presence of the robot might be important in the learning
environment. In conclusion, from the point of view of the average scores after each session, we
observed that there were similar learning effects when using a robot and tablet. However, retention of
vocabulary might be affected by the learning environment with a robot.
This work was supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number JP16K02888 and Dokkyo Medical
University Grant Number 2017-08. We would like to thank all participants of the trial at Dokkyo
Medical University.
Kojima, H, Nakagawa K, Yasuda Y. (2008). Teaching autistic children via communication with a robot.
Information Processing 49(1), 36-42. In Japanese.
Ishiguro, K, Majima Y, Sakata, N. (2016). Deployment of ARCS Model and Utilization of Communication Robot
in Patient Education. Proceedings of the 9th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering
Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2016) 5: HEALTHINF, 371-376.
Chang, M. et al. (Eds.) (2019). Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Computers in
Education. Taiwan: Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education
Abstract: This study investigated a new extension of reconstruction Kit-Build (KB) concept
map, which combined with the open-ended style that calls KB-Mixed. To confirm the learners'
comprehension of new knowledge, we compared KB-Mixed and open-ended concept map. This
study involved 55 2nd-grade university students who were divided into two groups,
experimental and control. Students in the experimental group requested to construct concept
maps using the KB-Mixed method, while those in the control group using the open-ended
concept map, which calls Extended Scratch-Build. The results indicated that KB-Mixed had a
significant impact on learners' comprehend, which was represented by the post-test score.
Moreover, the concept maps score assessed by expert judgment showed a significant correlation
difference to the post-test score.
1. Introduction
Concept maps are graphical tools for teaching, learning, organizing, and representing knowledge
introduced by Novak and Gowin (1984) based on the meaningful theory offered by Ausubel (1963).
Kit-Build (KB) is a closed-ended style concept map proposed by Hirashima (2015) aimed to support
automatic assessment. In a KB, a learner is provided to nodes and links that are composed of teacher’s
concept map, and the learner is required to make a concept map by combining them. KB consist of three
main stages: (1) A teacher creates a concept map that will become a goal map; (2) The KB system will
decompose the goal map into concepts and links called “kit”; and (3) The students will be asked to
reconstruct the concept map from the provided kit. Therefore, KB map requests a learner to reconstruct
the original map by using provided components, and it can be called “reconstructional concept map”
(Hirashima, 2018). Some previous studies have revealed many positive effects on the KB concept map
to improve learning outcomes (Pailai et al., 2017; Hirashima, 2018), both individually and in groups.
However, as a closed-ended concept map framework, KB considers less facilitate knowledge structure
comparing to the open-ended concept map.
This study focused on a new extension of KB concept map, which is integrating the open-ended
method that calls KB-Mixed. There are two phases of concept map construction as a unity, which is the
main characteristic of KB-Mixed to increase meaningful learning and promote learners' knowledge
building. To confirm the learners' comprehension of new knowledge, we investigated KB-Mixed and
comparing with an open-ended style, which calls the Extended Scratch-Build concept map. In this
comparison, we focus on a concept map that provides extensibility through two-phase construction. The
present study hypothesizes that experimental groups that utilize KB-Mixed will promote learner’s
comprehension of new knowledge.
2. Methods
Participants in this study were 2nd-grade university students majoring of informatics engineering.
Before determining the group, the lecturer gave a pre-test to ensure that the two groups are
homogeneous (p = .736 > 0.05). Fifty-five students were divided into two groups randomly, which
consists of 27 students for the control group and 28 students for the experimental group. Students in the
control group were requested to make concept maps using Extended Scratch-Build approach, while the
experimental group using KB-Mixed.
This study was conducted in the “Basis Data 1” (Database 1) subject which was delivered in
Indonesian. We involved an experienced lecturer who is taught this material to conduct theoretical
learning in both control and experiment classes. The control and experimental group used the same
learning environment, including classrooms, personal computers specifications, and Internet
connection. Before the experiment was conducted, at the previous course meeting, participants had
been given an introduction to concept maps. Furthermore, participants were also instructed to make
concept maps on the introduction of a database topic. This experiment used map construction design
twice (phase 1 and phase 2) in one lecture. The main difference between the control group and the
experimental group lies in creating the concept map in phase 1, where the control group used the
open-ended approach, while the experimental group utilized the KB system. Next, in phase 2, the two
groups equally extended the previous concept map by adding new concepts and links.
This study involved two measurements to identify learners' performances: (1) pre-test and
post-test; and (2) concept map score. The pre-test was designed to examine whether students in the
control group and the experimental group had equivalent knowledge regarding related instructional
design. Pre-test and post-test design used the same multiple-choice questions, where the post-test is
randomly presented. Pre-test and post-test evaluations were carried out by a class teacher because this
study was in class experimental. The teacher who conducted the assessment here was also a teacher who
taught in class, a senior teacher with more than ten years of teaching experience in database subjects.
The assessment of the concept map is based on propositions by adopting the quality rating of
propositions proposed by Osmundson (1999). Propositions scores ranged from inappropriate or
incorrect connections (score = 0 point) to most scientific understanding (score = 3 points). There were
two midpoints represent practical understanding (score = 1 point) and the scientific understanding of
but has limited explanatory power (score = 2 points).
Post-test was used to measuring learners' understanding after getting an intervention, whether there is
an increase or not. The results of the post-test of both control and experimental groups were analyzed by
the Mann-Whitney U test and are shown in Table 1. According to the table data, it can be seen that can
see that in the mean rank and sum of ranks items experimental group had the highest score. The results
revealed a statistically significant difference in learners' learning performance between the control
group and the experimental group after the intervention (U = 259.0, p = .030 < 0.05).
Table 1
The Mann Whitney-U results of the post-test for both groups
Groups N Mean Rank Sum of Ranks U Z p
Control group 27 23.59 637.00 259.0 -2.164 .030
Experimental group 28 32.25 903.00
The second measurement which conducted here was students' learning performance related to creating
concept maps. The same teacher evaluated the concept map based on the rubric that was set at the
beginning. This study also employed Mann-Whitney U statistical analysis to identify map score in both
groups. Table 2 show that the experimental group outperformed control group with the significant
difference (U = 75.0, p = .000 < 0.05).
Table 2
The Mann Whitney-U results of the map score for both groups
Groups N Mean Rank Sum of Ranks U Z p
Control group 27 16.78 453.00 75.0 -5.104 .000
Experimental group 28 38.82 1087.00
In this study, we also examined whether there was a correlation between the post-test score and
map score on the experimental group and the control group. The statistical correlation analysis was
performed using Spearman bivariate correlation test. The test results state that there was a significant
correlation difference between the post-test score and map score (p = .018 < 0.05) with a weak positive
correlation coefficient (r = .318). It can mean that the use of approaches in creating concept maps can
affect student learning outcomes.
4. Conclusion
The present study provided a new extension of the reconstruction Kit-Build concept map to promote
learners’ comprehension of new knowledge. The findings revealed that the experimental group
outperformed the control group in terms of students' achievement indicated by the post-test score. In the
results of creating a concept map, the experimental group that used KB-Mixed approach also score
better than the control group which used extended scratch-build concept map. Correlation test between
the concept map score and post-test score also shows a significant correlation, and emphasize that the
use of concept maps methods has a positive effect on learning outcomes.
This study also states that the experimental group with the KB-Mixed concept map approach
facilitates learners’ comprehension of new knowledge based on their prior knowledge structure.
Although the present study did not focus on knowledge building, the concept map results show that
KB-Mixed had an excellent potential to facilitate learners’ knowledge structure. The stage offered by
KB-Mixed, which consists of two interrelated stages, can present meaningful learning well. However,
studies of knowledge building and structural thinking still need to be explored more deeply. Therefore,
for future work, maybe it would be more appropriate if we involved an analysis of knowledge building
and structural thinking.
I would like to grateful for the financial support from the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) for PhD
scholarship in partner with Universitas Negeri Malang (UM), Malang, East Java, Indonesia. Also great
thanks to my sensei in the Department of Information Engineering, Hiroshima University, Japan.
Ausubel, D. P. (1963). The Psychology of Meaningful Verbal Learning. New York, Grune and Stratton.
Hirashima, T., Yamasaki, K., Fukuda, H., & Funaoi, H. (2015). Framework of kit-build concept map for
automatic diagnosis and its preliminary use. Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning,
10(1), 17.
Hirashima, T. (2018). Reconstructional concept map: automatic Assessment and reciprocal reconstruction.
International Conference on Learning Innovation (ICLI).
Novak, J. D., & Gowin, D. B. (1984). Learning how to learn. Cambridge University Press.
Osmundson, E., Chung, G. K. W. K., Herl, H. E., & Klein, D. C. (1999). Knowledge mapping in the classroom: A
tool for examining the development of students’ conceptual understandings. Report: CSE-TR-507.
Pailai, J., Wunnasri, W., Yoshida, K., Hayashi, Y., & Hirashima, T. (2017). The practical use of Kit-Build concept
map on formative assessment. Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning, 12(1), 20.
Chang, M. et al. (Eds.) (2019). Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Computers in
Education. Taiwan: Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education
Abstract: In this poster, we reviewed 38 articles on learning analytics research, focusing on the
data visualization interface designs. After examining the original ideas their interface design, a
new visualization strategy was proposed to categorize and characterize them premised on their
principles and approaches in four types, namely, (1) directly-presented, (2) outcome-oriented,
(3) process-oriented, and (4) theory-oriented. Then, how these types of the visualization
strategy could help facilitate learning analytics design and make data interpretable by users was
1. Introduction
Learning analytics is defined by the Society for Learning Analytics Research (SoLAR) as “the
measurement, collection, analysis, and reporting of data about learners and their contexts, for purposes
of understanding and optimizing learning and the environments in which learning occurs (Siemens,
2010, para. 6)”. In the past, the learning analytics community focused more on how to make use of
educational datasets and identify potential information in learning contexts, but less on how the analysis
results could make sense to users through different types of the visualization design. This is why we
need to examine the original ideas of visualization design in the learning analytics tool. As a result, we
proposed a new visualization strategy to categorize and characterize the principles and approaches for
the visualization design. In this paper, we reviewed 38 articles containing interface designs of
visualization in learning analytics research among 2010 and 2019 to identify the visualization design
strategies of existed tools.
2. Related literature
Data visualization is a paradigm tool to support the judgment, inference, and decision-making in
learning analytics (Alhadad, 2018). The design of visualization plays roles in (1) executing data
interpretation into understandable and readable dimensions (Dzemyda, Kurasova, & Žilinskas, 2013),
(2) incorporating relevant visualizations to support awareness, self-reflection, and sense-making of
stakeholders (Ochoa, Suthers, Verbert, & Duval, 2014), and (3) organizing factors to support and
transfer actionable decisions (Sacha et al., 2017). Thus, the design of visualization in learning analytics
could influence the effect of learning analytics to gain insights into educational issues.
When a learning analytics tool is embedded in a learning system/platform for educational use,
the data visualization is commonly employed as a bridge to demonstrate analytical results to general
users and make educational data interpretable by them. However, many features included in the current
visualization design have failed to meet their purposes as they claimed. Some studies have found that
the majority of learning dashboards, and standard forms of the visualization in learning analytics,
consist of a basic pie chart, line graph or scatterplots without actionable information for teaching and
learning (Schwendimann et al., 2017).
Learning analytics research uses data to inform decisions for a diverse set of educational
stakeholders (e.g., learners, instructors, and administrators), which is a significant difference comparing
to traditional educational research (Dragan, Shane, & Abelardo, 2016). If having no actual impact,
learning analytics development might be reduced to "simplistic rhetoric of quick technological fixes”
(Dragan et al., 2016, p. 1). How to design visualization to facilitate wider stakeholders rather than the
statistical experts is crucial to achieving the expected impact on implementing learning analytics in
practice. However, currently, there is no clear picture of visualization designs adopted in current
learning analytics research. This review study aims to solve the issue.
3. Methods
The searching range of the literature review was set from 2010 to 2019 using the keywords
“visualization”, and “learning dashboard” because “learning dashboard” is a popular visualizing tool in
current literature. One hundred fifty-nine articles were found in the areas of education, machine
learning or other domains. Then, we used the keywords “educational”, or “education” to filter the
articles. Finally, 38 articles were identified, which contain the description of visualization or learning
analytics dashboards in detail.
Open coding was adopted to categorize and characterize the visualization strategies in the
selected learning analytics designs. Three themes were identified: (1) their selection of indicators for
demonstration, (2) their cognitive approaches intended by a viewport, and (3) the forms of visual
content organization on the user interface (mainly dashboards).
4. Results
This study distilled four types of visualization strategies in reviewed cases and listed in Figure 1. They
are (1) directly-presented, (2) outcome-oriented, 3) process-oriented, and 4) theory-oriented.
Table 1
Characteristics of Types of Visualization Strategies in Learning Analytics
A primary limitation of this poster is that the categorized strategies were classified only based on the
simple standards according to the user interface without in-depth analysis, to gain profound insights
into their design principles. In a further study, we are going to identify a holistic framework of
visualization design and presentation to deepen the understanding of orientations included in different
types of strategies.
Alhadad, S. S. (2018). Visualizing Data to Support Judgement, Inference, and Decision Making in Learning
Analytics: Insights from Cognitive Psychology and Visualization Science. Journal of Learning Analytics,
5(2), 60-85.
Dragan, G., Shane, D., & Abelardo, P. (2016). How do we start? State and Directions of Learning Analytics
Adoption: International Council for Open and Distance Education.
Dzemyda, G., Kurasova, O., & Žilinskas, J. (2013). Multidimensional Data and the Concept of Visualization
Multidimensional Data Visualization: Methods and Applications (pp. 1-4). New York, NY: Springer New
Ochoa, X., Suthers, D., Verbert, K., & Duval, E. (2014). Analysis and reflections on the third Learning Analytics
and Knowledge Conference (LAK 2013). Journal of Learning Analytics, 1(2), 5-22.
Sacha, D., Sedlmair, M., Zhang, L., Lee, J. A., Peltonen, J., Weiskopf, D., . . . Keim, D. A. (2017). What you see
is what you can change: Human-centered machine learning by interactive visualization. Neurocomputing,
268, 164-175.
Schwendimann, B. A., Rodriguez-Triana, M. J., Vozniuk, A., Prieto, L. P., Boroujeni, M. S., Holzer, A., . . .
Dillenbourg, P. (2017). Perceiving Learning at a Glance: A Systematic Literature Review of Learning
Dashboard Research. IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, 10(1), 30-41.
Siemens, G. (2010). 1st International conference on learning analytics and knowledge 2011.
UNDER THE BACKGROUND OF STEM EDUCATION ....................................................................................... 377
PERSONAL LEARNING SKILLS ........................................................................................................................ 386
MATH ANXIETY IN TAIWAN ......................................................................................................................... 394
PROBLEM-SOLVING PROCESS SKILLS IN GENETICS ....................................................................................... 402
AS PEDAGOGY ............................................................................................................................................. 423
.................................................................................................................................................................... 429
LEARNING EXPERIENCES .............................................................................................................................. 441
INTERVENTION. ........................................................................................................................................... 447
MOOD: A MOBILE PHONE-ENABLED EDUCATIONAL DATA COLLECTION PLATFORM........................................... 453
STUDY OF MIDDLE SCHOOL MATHEMATICS CLASSROOM TEACHING .......................................................... 460
OPEN-ENDED PROBLEMS ............................................................................................................................. 472
INCIRCLE ...................................................................................................................................................... 478
THE ADOPTION OF FACEBOOK MOBILE APPLICATION FOR MANAGING LEARNING ............................................ 484
.................................................................................................................................................................... 487
ARTS COURSE............................................................................................................................................... 490
Chang, M. et al. (Eds.) (2019). Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Computers in
Education. Taiwan: Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education
Abstract: With the development of society, the requirements for the cultivation of learners are
different. Nowadays, STEM education has become a boom in various countries, aiming to
improve the comprehensive ability of learners in science, technology, engineering and
mathematics. Robots are becoming an integral component of our society and have great
potential in being utilized as an educational technology. Wonder B is an electronic module that
can be freely spliced. This article uses Wonder B as the platform, combines with the actual
learning situation of learners, tries to conduct teaching program design research, and aims at
provides References for the teaching ideas and method of robot education. This study used the
Williams Creativity Tendency Questionnaire to survey 40 Students and analyze s the data to
explore the influence of robot teaching on their creative tendencies.
Keywords: STEM, robot teaching, primary and secondary students, creativity tendency
1. Introduction
The continuous implementation of curriculum reform have led to great changes to cultivate learning. In
the 21st century, STEM education has got great attention in improving learns’ comprehensive ability of
science, technology, engineering and mathematics. The rise of Robot education provides an effective
way for STEM education to cultivate computational thinking ability, interdisciplinary ability, problem
solving ability and teamwork ability. The Robot education in primary and secondary schools in China
has developed rapidly, and now it can be used as a carrier for basic education courses, and can also serve
as a carrier for extracurricular activities in schools. Although the Robot education in China has
developed for several years, there are many problems, such as lack of a standard curriculum, lack of
product specifications to contest winners as the value orientation. Middle school is an important period
for students to cultivate their ability meanwhile Scientific thinking ability has a strong guiding role in
the process of student growth. Innovative ability is based on innovation thinking, which is the core
strength of national competition and a strong support for economic development and social progress.
Robots involve multiple subject areas in teaching practice of robot education. Recent study found that
on the process of teaching robots has mat great challenges. A lot of robot teaching just stay in a
superficial way which not only invalided for connecting vertical communication with knowledge, but
also increased the burden of students. Therefore, this study combined the learner's actual learning
situation based on a platform called “Wonder B” and try to design the teaching project, aiming at
providing reference for the teaching ideas and methods of the robot education curriculum under the
background of STEM education.
2. Literature review
Robot education has always been a hot issue in foreign education research. The earliest educational
robot came from Professor Papert of Massachusetts Institute of Technology who founded the
Laboratory of Artificial Intelligence in the 1960s. In 1994, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
established the “Design and Construction of LEGO Robot” course to improve the design and creativity
of engineering design students. In recent years, Carnegie Robot Institute of the United States publicly
released a few robot courses based on LEGO, VEX and other different educational robots. Such as
Robot Science, ROBOTIC Intermediate Course, VEX Robot Course (Version 2.0), STEM-CAD
Modeling Course, Electronics Course, etc. Foreign countries have also made many attempts in robot
classroom teaching. In 2004, Mataric proposed that although robots seem to make a good teaching and
learning tool, and have certain appeal to students of all ages, but in the application of educational robots,
we should still pay attention to their teaching methods. (Mataric, 2004). In 2009, Alimisis and Kynigos
suggested that the use of robot in a school environment should not be limited to focusing on technology,
it should consider appropriate educational concepts (Alimisis & Kynigos, 2009). For example,
Professor Eguchi listed three successful robot projects that show that the integration of STEM,
programming and computational thinking can make students a future-adapted person. (Eguchi, 2014).
Scaradozzi et al. believe that the introduction and use of robots as a course subject can teach children the
technical basis and give them other types of life value, so they tracked the robot-themed and the entire
student in the fifth grade of Italian primary school. During the fifth grade, it was found that children can
demonstrate better learning skills, including technology and teamwork (Scaradozzi, Sorbi, Pedale,
Valzano, & Vergine, 2015).
The robot educational in China has been gradually improved during the past 20 years. The
earliest robot educational in China began in 1996, Dr. Wei Weimin took the lead in proposing the
concept of educational robots internationally and created the first educational robot brand “Capability
Storm which aims to cultivate learners’ technical literacy and scientific knowledge through educational
robots. It was guided by robot projects and competitions which allows learners to “learning while
doing” and “learning while having fun”. It can also construct a personal knowledge system to solve
practical problems in life. Practice relevant domestic robot education of basic education can be traced
back to 2000, Beijing Jingshan School has incorporated Robot Education into information technology
curriculum in the form of scientific research projects, and has taken the lead in the teaching of robot in
primary and secondary schools in China. (Zhang Lifang, 2015). In 2001, Shanghai Southwest
Education School and Luwan High School began to explore and experiment with robot popularization
education in the form of “school-based curriculum”. In September 2005, Harbin first officially
introduced robots into classroom teaching in the city. 41 schools such as Teacher Attached and
Provincial Experimental Middle School opened the course of “Artificial Intelligence and Robot”
(Zhang Guomin & Zhang Jianping, 2008). In 2003, LEGO MINDSTORM EDUCATION was
introduced to China to stimulate children’s technology interest and creativity. Lego robot education is
no longer a boring science and technology popularization of knowledge or learning, it is an education
that integrates programming principles, physical science, mathematical knowledge, modeling design
and practical ability which combined spatial imagination and logical thinking in order to encourage the
creativity and potential of learners with abundant teaching forms ( Wang Xueyan & Yang Dongmei ,
2017 ) . Of course, China has also issued a series of policy documents to promote the development of
STEM education and robot education. Since 2003, the Ministry of Education has decided to experiment
with robot education as a high school elective course in some provinces and cities. In 2004, the Ministry
of Education and the Central Electrochemical Education Center also included "computer robots" as a
competition project in the national primary and secondary school computer production activities. In
2017, the White Paper on STEM Education in China 2017, drafted by the STEM Education Research
Center of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, emphasizes the promotion of the successful STEM
education model (Wang Su, 2017) with the guiding principles of "collaboration, cooperation, openness,
inclusiveness and innovation". In July 2017, the State Council issued the New Generation of Artificial
Intelligence Development Plan, emphasizing the educational application of robots. (State Council,
3. Instructional design
The instructional design is based on the requirements of the curriculum standards and the characteristics
of the teaching objects. To be more precise, instructional design is the process that teachers use modern
teaching theories, comply with the characteristics of teaching objects and teachers' own teaching ideas,
experiences and styles, use systematic viewpoints and methods to analyze problems and needs in
teaching, determine teaching goal, establish steps to solve problems, and rationally combine and
arrange various teaching elements to optimize the teaching effect. The study designed related
instructional design based on project-based learning (PBL).
3.1 Participants
The students who participated in the study came from the first-year students of a middle school in
Shanghai. Through the test at the beginning of the semester and interviews with the students, it could be
founded that they have certain computer application skills. Some students have certain programming
skills. However, they weren’t familiar with the mode of group contact and project-based learning,
which means their self-management ability is poor.
A total of 40 students were recruited the experiment and data were analyzed to explore the influence of
robot teaching on their creative tendencies. The teaching content of this project is to make students who
had certain grammatical basis for programming to understand the application of full-color LED and
display module , so that they can use the connection of hardware modules related to Wonder B and the
compilation of code blocks to complete the project designed by the student team at the end of the
learning phase.
3.2.2 All-round LED lamp
Use the display screen to guide the students to Associate with the reality of
Participate think about which module of the Wonder B life, discuss and answer
hardware can achieve the display effect. relevant questions
The teacher explains the process of "display
1. Through the renderings of 2-3 project
examples, let the students guess the actual
Trying to understand the
function of the pea spell display module.
Inquiry hardware features of the
2. After guessing the hardware features, let the
(Autonomous display module and the
students guess where the code area for each
Research) software code through 2-3
hardware function should be.
3. Combine the above considerations and
summarize the use of the display
module. Describe and summarize the problem
on a personal basis.
3.2.3 Programming grammar rules
Draw out the typical case from the last Discuss and answer
Participate comprehensive exercise to guide the students to questions based on
think about the cause of the error. previous exercises
Search for missing and
make up for leaks in
Summarize the students' answers, explain
teachers' standardized
Explanation the comprehensive exercises, and summarize
explanations and put
several types of errors.
forward record doubts
in time.
Guide students to think about the grammar rules Discuss and answer
Migrate of programming by looking into the typical questions based on
errors. previous exercises
Search for missing and
make up for leaks in
Summarize the students' answers and teachers' standardized
standardize the grammar rules of programming. explanations and put
forward record doubts
in time.
The group cooperated
1. Let the students complete the grammar rule
to finish the
Inquiry corrections independently;
(Autonomous 2. Answer questions according to the needs of
exercises by using the
Research) students;
knowledge they just
3. Observe the student's progress.
1. Summarize the key
points in the course, and
1. Design a retrospective selective Q&A
timely feedback doubts.
questions (review exercise): Examine the
2. Complete review and
students' mastery of the knowledge they have
inspiration exercises
Evaluation learned;
3. The students who
2. Design open Q&A questions (inspired
have the ample force
practice): Combine the reality of life and
can continue to
propose a problem that is difficult to solve.
complete the copy
3.3 Instruments
Creative tendencies cannot be measured directly by themselves, however, appropriate tools are
often used to measure creative tendencies. This scale directly uses the “Williams Creative Tendency
Test Table” developed by Williams and revised by Taiwan's Lin Xingtai and Wang Murong. The scale
has 50 questions, including four dimensions as adventure, imagination, challenge and curiosity.
The options are “Comply Compliant”, “Comparative”, “Uncertain”, “Comparatively Inconsistent” and
“Completely Inconsistent”. Subjects make the choice base on their actual situation. The subjects
answered according to their actual situation. The scores of the positive questions were 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, and
the reverse questions were 5, 4, 3, 2 and 1 respectively. The total score was the total score of the
Creativity Tendency Scale. The higher score indicated the stronger creativity tendencies, the lower
score indicated the weaker creativity tendencies. The Cronbach’s alpha value of the questionnaire was
Robot attitude questionnaire revised from "Computer Attitude Scale (Formal)" developed by
Huang Shijie who proposed to divide computer attitude into computer anxiety, computer confidence,
computer love, computer obsession, computer use value and computer equipment values.
4. Results
The following Figure 1 and Figure 2 are descriptive statistical tree diagrams of the data before and after
the adventurous dimension. There are 11 questions in the dimension, and the total score is 55 points. It
can be seen from the comparison between the two figures that the students have an anxiety degree
before the course of 29, followed by 44, but most of the scores of the pre-test are distributed between
29-30 points, and most of the scores after the test are distributed between 42-44 points.
The following Figure 3 and Figure 4 are descriptive statistical tree diagrams of the data before and after
the curiosity dimension. The total number of dimensions is 14 points, and the total score is 70 points. It
can be seen from the comparison between the two figures that the students have an anxiety degree of 36
and 37 before the course. After that, it was 48, but most of the scores were distributed between 35 and
37 points. Most of the scores were distributed between 48 and 55 points.
The following Figure 5 and Figure 6 are descriptive statistical tree diagrams of the data before and after
the imagination dimension. There are 13 questions in the dimension, with a total score of 65. It can be
seen from the comparison between the two figures that the students have an anxiety level of 34 before
the course, followed by 49, but most of the scores of the pre-test are distributed between 33-34 points,
and most of the scores after the test are distributed between 48-50 points.
Figure 5 and Figure 6
Figure 7 and Figure 8 below are descriptive statistical tree diagrams of the measured dimensions before
and after the challenge. The total score is 12 points, with a total score of 60. It can be seen from the
comparison between the two figures that the students have an anxiety degree of 32 before the course. 37,
46 and 47, but most of the scores of the pre-test are distributed between 32-36 points, and most of the
scores after the test are distributed between 44-48 points.
Figure 9 and Figure 10 below are descriptive statistical tree diagrams of the pre- and post-test data of
the Student Creativity Tendency Scale. It can be seen from the descriptive statistical bar graphs
measured before and after. The pre-test data is mostly concentrated in 130-140. Between the latter and
the measured data, most of them are concentrated between 160 and 200. There has been a significant
change in the concentration trend, and the post-test scores tend to be concentrated and stable.
As can be seen from Table 1 below, the levels of adventurous, imagination, challenge and curiosity are
significantly different before and after the robot course in the STEM context.
Table 1
Creativity tends to each dimension independent sample T test
Dimension S.D. S.D. t
Adventurous Pretest 30.84 2.172 .000***
Post-test 40.78 3.462
It can be seen from Table 2 below that there is a significant difference in the overall level of creativity of
students in the STEM context before and after the implementation of the robot course.
Table 2
Creativity tends to independent sample T test results
S.D. S.D. t
Pretest 137.09 6.198 .000***
Post-test 183.38 13.865
According to the results of Williams Creativity Tendency Scale, there are significant differences in
creativity tendencies of students between post and pretest. As for the four dimensions of the scale, there
are significant differences in risk-taking, curiosity, imagination and challenge, and there are also
significant differences.
In the adventurous dimension, students have significant differences at this level before and after
the implementation of the teaching. The reason we found is that students were afraid to start building or
writing because of the unfamiliarity with hardware and software and the high cost of supporting
facilities. Through the implementation of teaching, gradually have a certain understanding of the
software and hardware related to the robot, student started to build it base on their own imagination, and
tried to make some physical objects that are different or even non-existent from the construction
manual, and they can use the steering gear and the controller to make the object move. In this process,
the students' adventurous has changed before and after teaching.
In the curiosity dimension, students have significant differences at this level before and after the
implementation of the teaching. Moreover, we found that most of the students in the class were very
curious, and only a few students were not very curious during the course. Through analysis, it is found
that the dimension of curiosity is influenced by many factors. Different individuals present curiosity in
different situations. For example, teachers' expectations will affect students' curiosity, and individual
students' cognitive level will also affect curiosity. Wait.
In the dimension of imagination, students have significant differences at this level before and
after the implementation of the teaching. Through classroom observation, we found that at the
beginning of the implementation of the course, students do not understand what are, the physical objects
built in this course and the initial imagination score is low. The imagination is built on existing things. If
you don't understand or unfamiliar with those things, it is hard for you to have the image. As the course
on going, students pass multiple tasks. During the phrase of completion with diversity hardware
devices, students would have more space to explore. At the end of the course, students' imagination be
In the challenge dimension, students have significant differences at this level before and after
the implementation of the teaching. The participants have basic knowledge about robot who have
stereotypes about lead-in parts and thought it would be boring as usual. With the course carried out,
students found the content is more challenging.
In this study, a one-semester robot course was held in a middle school in Shanghai (one section per
week, 1.5 hours per session, totaling 10 sessions). The robot attitude questionnaire and the Williams
Creativity Tendency Questionnaire were distributed to the students. There is a significant difference in
the attitudes of students before and after the implementation of the teaching (there is no significant
difference in the sub-dimension of “belief”), and there are significant differences in the tendency of
creativity. Nowadays, there are more and more demand for innovative and comprehensive talents.
Robot education can provide an effective way to cultivate innovative and comprehensive talents.
Therefore, schools are encouraged to provide certain robot education courses when starting primary and
secondary school courses. It provides a platform for developing students' creative tendencies.
We acknowledged that this study has some limitations like it is a quasi-experimental study with
no control group to verify the validity of the instructional design. The conclusion of the study has no
complete promotion significance but has certain reference value. Besides, the sample size is small with
only 32 people and only 4 girls. So it cannot be related to the analysis of gender differences. Finally, this
study does not do research based on knowledge content, then we will try to do these in later research
further research and development.
Wang Su (2017) . Interpretation of the 2017 White Paper on Chinese STEM Education. Modern Education ,
07 , 4-7.
Wang Xueyan, Yang Dongmei ( 2017 ) . The integration of LEGO robot education and experience teaching
method. Education and Teaching Forum , 24 , 132-134.
Zhang Lifang ( 2015 ) . STEM-based Arduino robot teaching project design research. Nanjing Normal
Zhang Guomin, Zhang Jianping ( 2008 ) . Research on the status quo and countermeasures of robot education in
basic education in China. Modern Educational Technology , 05 , 92-94.
State Council (2017). A new generation of artificial intelligence development planning . Retrieved December
20th, 2018, fromhttp://www.gov.cn/zhengce/content/2017-07/20/content_5211996.htm
Alimisis, D., & Kynigos, C. (2009). Constructionism and robot in education. Teacher Education on
Robotic-Enhanced Constructivist Pedagogical Methods , 11-26.
Eguchi, A. (2014, July). Robot as a learning tool for education transformation. In Proceeding of 4th International
Workshop Teaching Robot, Teaching with Robot & 5th International Conference Robot in Education
Padova (Italy).
Mataric, MJ (2004, March). Robot education for all ages. In Proc. AAAI Spring Symposium on Accessible,
Hands-on AI and Robot Education .
Scaradozzi, D., Sorbi, L., Pedale, A., Valzano, M., & Vergine, C. (2015). Teaching robot at the primary school: an
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1. Introduction
In 1999, the e-Schoolbag was first used in Singapore and has received widespread attention. With the
development of technology, digital educational equipment is going to be an indispensable part of
students' learning life. From the blackboard in the traditional classroom, the projection screen, the
electronic whiteboard, to the current each students equipped with learning electronic terminal in 1:1
digital learning environment, various of information technologies have provided a rich form of
information representation through the development of practical products with leading value, which
changed learners' perceptions of things and their learning behaviors (Zhiting & Jueqi, 2014).
In November 2000, the ministry of education of China promulgated the "notice on the
implementation of the Notice on the implementation of the "school-school communication" project in
primary and secondary schools". In 2009, it began the experimental plan about the e-Schoolbag in
Taiwan area and formally implemented in Taipei in 2011. As an important terminal product of
educational informatization and digitalization, e-Schoolbags began to enter the vision of schools and
were repeatedly piloted in the voice of mixed praise and criticism and endless controversy (Youmei &
Huibin, 2014). Ten years after the issue of project, in 2010, Hong Kong put forward the e-Schoolbag
learning experimental plan. In the same year, Shanghai municipal government issued the outline of
Shanghai medium - and long-term education reform and development plan (2010-2020), which clearly
pointed out that digital curriculum environment construction and learning mode reform experiment
should be carried out. Improve students' information literacy and innovation ability, guide students to
master the ability of using modern information technology to acquire knowledge and it is necessary to
promote the development of e-Schoolbag and cloud computing auxiliary teaching, and promote
students to use information technology to enrich in-class and out-class learning and research( the
ministry of education of the people’s republic of China, 2010). Shanghai Hongkou district took the lead
in responding to the call and entered into the development mode with regional units and overall
promotion by government departments in the new round of development 10 years(Xiaohua, 2014). In
2017, the information technology curriculum standards for ordinary high schools clearly pointed out
that digital learning and innovation is one of the four core qualities of information technology
discipline. In April 2018, the ministry of education promulgated the "action plan on education
informatization 2.0", which means that China's education informatization has stepped into the 2.0 era
from the 1.0 era and has higher requirements and expectations for the development of education
informatization. Another 10 years have passed. Under the support and guidance of relevant policies,
schools in different regions in China have launched pilot projects of e-Schoolbag and achieved good
results. At the same time, there are still many scholars' influences on students and teachers brought by
e-Schoolbag into the classroom, such as students' classroom teaching behavior pattern (Xianlong,
Xiaobing, Yonghe, & Xinhua,2013), students' academic performance and learning experience(Jueqi,
Riezebos, Xiaobing, & Zhiting, 2015 ), teacher development (Hui, Yanjun, &Shaoqing, 2016) and other
aspects. As the most critical link in the application process of e-Schoolbag, students' feelings and
growth can best reflect the application effect. Therefore, from the perspective of students' growth, this
study attempts to explore the impact of e-Schoolbag application on students' personal learning and
thinking skills, and further analyzes the impact of different type of students, hoping to provide a
reference for relevant researchers.
2. Research Design
The purpose of this survey is to find out whether the personal learning and thinking skills are improved
compared to non-experimental students after using the e-Schoolbag. The results of this survey also
provide reliable data and conclusions for subsequent research.
The survey used Guan Jueqi's self-reported questionnaire for personal learning and thinking skills
(Jueqi, 2017), and used online research methods. The questionnaire consisted of 27 questions and set
the level of “very agree, mostly agree, neutral, mostly disagree, and very disagree”. Combined with the
key research questions, the questionnaire content is divided into five dimensions for survey students,
namely independent learning, creative thinking, reflective learning, cooperative learning,
self-management and effective participation.
The independent learning dimension includes five statements. They are: “I can clearly identify
the problem to be answered/solved, or the task to be completed”, “I will solve the problem or task in a
step-by-step way as planned”, “I can think about the problem according to different viewpoints ”, “I can
obtain the information to help solve the problem/complete the task” and “I can discuss the evidence in
detail to support the result”. The reliability analysis by SPSS 23.0 shows that the Cronbach α coefficient
of this dimension questionnaire is 0.951, it is much higher than 0.7, which means that the internal
consistency and the reliability of the questionnaire items are pretty good and the reliability of the
Creative thinking involves “I can generate ideas and explore possibilities for problems or tasks”,
“I will continue to ask questions to expand my ideas”, “I will discuss and analyze my ideas with others”,
“I will question my hypothesis and other people's hypothesis" and "I will try to choose a new
problem-solving method". The reliability analysis by SPSS 23.0 shows that the Cronbach α coefficient
of this dimension questionnaire is 0.905, it is much higher than 0.7, which means that the internal
consistency and the reliability of the questionnaire items are pretty good and the reliability of the
Reflective learning includes “I will evaluate myself and others and discover learning
opportunities.”, “In the process of problem-solving/completing, I will summarize my progress in time
and act according to the results.”, “When I receive feedback such as praise and criticism, I will be active
processing.", "I will sum up experience and guide the next study." and "I will communicate my learning
with others in different ways.". The reliability analysis by SPSS 23.0 shows that the Cronbach α
coefficient of this dimension questionnaire is 0.945, it is much higher than 0.7, which means that the
internal consistency and the reliability of the questionnaire items are pretty good and the reliability of
the questionnaire.
Cooperative learning includes “I will cooperate with others for a common purpose.”, “I will lead
the discussion to get results.”, “I can put forward the ideas of solving problems with others”, “I will be
responsible for myself and others.”, “I will take the initiative to care for and help others." and "I will
provide help and feedback to others.". The reliability analysis by SPSS 23.0 shows that the Cronbach α
coefficient of this dimension questionnaire is 0.951, it is much higher than 0.7, which means that the
internal consistency and the reliability of the questionnaire items are pretty good and the reliability of
the questionnaire.
Self-management and effective participation include “around the goal, I can actively participate
in learning and perseverance”, “I can actively seek advice and support when needed”, “I can propose
methods for problems/tasks and break them down into specific implementations. Steps, "I will
constantly improve myself to benefit myself and others", "I will express my opinion to influence others"
and "I will support different opinions or ideas than me.” The reliability analysis by SPSS 23.0 shows
that the Cronbach α coefficient of this dimension questionnaire is 0.941, it is much higher than 0.7,
which means that the internal consistency and the reliability of the questionnaire items are pretty good
and the reliability of the questionnaire.
At the same time, the SPSS 23.0 analysis found that the KMO value is 0.905, which is greater
than 0.5 and is greater than 0.9, indicating that the questionnaire has good structural validity. As shown
in Table 1, the value of sig. indicates that the differences are significant.
Table 1
Questionnaire validity analysis
Test of KMO and Bartlett
Sample enough Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin metrics .982
Bartlett's Approximate Chi-square 973173.341
sphericity test df 496
Sig. .000**
Note:* .p<0.05, ** .p<0.01, *** .p<0.001
2.3 Participants
26,688 questionnaires were collected and the effective questionnaires were 26,570. The school stage
spans primary, middle and high schools. Among them, there are 14,026 students who have participated
in the e-Schoolbag pilot project, and 12,544 students who have not used e-Schoolbag (Table 2).
Table 2
Sample basic information statistics
Learning period Male Female total
Primary 5515 5244
students who have participated
Middle 1248 1292 14026
in the e-Schoolbag pilot project
High 368 359
students who have not
participated in the e-Schoolbag 6520 6024 12544
pilot project
Total 26570
3. Analysis of the Survey Results
In order to understand the differences between the male and female students' personal learning and
thinking skills in different learning stages, the study gets the scores corresponding to the dimensions to
obtain the average value of the students under each topic. The higher the mean value of the students is in
this dimension, the ability is stronger.
3.1.1 Overall Analysis of the Differences between Male and Female Students
By using SPSS 23.0 for independent sample t-test, the differences between the male and female
students in the e-Schoolbag experimental site were obtained. The results of the data analysis were
shown in table 3. The T-test results show that there are no significant differences between male and
female students in the use of e-Schoolbag in three modules. They are independent learning, creative
thinking, self-management and effective participation. However, there are significant differences in
reflective learning and cooperative learning of these two modules. There are significant differences in
the reflective learning module, that is, females are more able to rethink their self-reflection in learning
than male, and more effectively carry out cooperative learning. Through self-reflection and teamwork,
they can improve their learning effects and exercise their personal thinking skills.
Table 3
A Comparison of Male and Female Students in E-Schoolbag Pilot Project
Students’ personal learning and thinking skills Gender N Mean SD p-value
Male 7131 4.2028 .76825
independent learning .130
Female 6895 4.2219 .72630
Male 7131 4.1041 .74664
creative thinking .432
Female 6895 4.0944 .71825
Male 7131 4.1579 .74929
Reflective learning .014
Female 6895 4.1883 .70880
Cooperative learning Male 7131 4.2129 .72170
Female 6895 4.2429 .68492
Male 7131 4.1702 .72888
self-management .108
Female 6895 4.1896 .69631
Note:* .p<0.05, ** .p<0.01, *** .p<0.001
3.1.2 Analysis of the Differences between Male and Female Students in Primary School
By using SPSS 23.0 for independent sample T-test, the differences between the male and female
students in the primary school of e-Schoolbag experimental sites were answered in the questionnaire.
The results of the data analysis were shown in table 4. The results of the T-test show that there are no
significant differences between the male and female students in the primary school by using
e-Schoolbag when it comes to independent learning, creative thinking, self-management and effective
participation. However, there are significant differences in the modules in reflective learning and
cooperative learning. The data shows that female students in primary school are more able to rethink
and introspect after class than male. At the same time, they also pay more attention to teamwork and
learning in daily learning, and promote their learning and development through collective wisdom.
Table 4
A Comparison of Male and Female Students in Primary School E-Schoolbag Pilot Project
Students’ personal learning and thinking skills Gender N Mean SD p-value
Male 5515 4.1287 .75980
independent learning .136
Female 5244 4.1502 .73237
Male 5515 4.0257 .73286
creative thinking .565
Female 5244 4.0177 .71812
Male 5515 4.0839 .73736
Reflective learning .010
Female 5244 4.1201 .70822
Cooperative learning Male 5515 4.1460 .70919
Female 5244 4.1778 .68638
Male 5515 4.1035 .71614
self-management .075
Female 5244 4.1278 .69608
Note:* .p<0.05, ** .p<0.01, *** .p<0.001
3.1.3 Analysis of the Differences between Male and Female Students in Middle School
By using SPSS 23.0 for independent sample T-test, the differences between the male and female
students in the middle school of e-Schoolbag experimental sites were answered in the questionnaire.
The results of the data analysis were shown in table 5. The results of the T-test showed that there were
no significant differences between the male and female students in the five dimensions of independent
learning, creative thinking, reflective learning, cooperative learning, self-management and effective
Table 5
A Comparison of Male and Female Students in Middle School E-Schoolbag Pilot Project
Students’ personal learning and thinking skills Gender N Mean SD p-value
Male 1248 4.4303 .77777
independent learning -0.966
Female 1292 4.4576 .64172
Male 1248 4.3577 .76374
creative thinking -0.577
Female 1292 4.3420 .65862
Male 1248 4.3936 .76194
Reflective learning -0.529
Female 1292 4.4085 .65731
Cooperative learning Male 1248 4.4197 .75026
Female 1292 4.4545 .63035
Male 1248 4.3841 .75931
self-management -0.265
Female 1292 4.3915 .65125
Note:* .p<0.05, ** .p<0.01, *** .p<0.001
3.1.4 Analysis of the Differences between Male and Female Students in High School
By using SPSS 23.0 for independent sample T-test, the differences between the male and female
students in the high school of e-Schoolbag experimental sites were answered in the questionnaire. The
results of the data analysis were shown in table 6. The results of the T-test showed that there were no
significant differences between the male and female students in the high school using the e-Schoolbag
in the five modules of independent learning, creative thinking, reflective learning, cooperative learning,
self-management and effective participation.
Table 6
A Comparison of Male and Female Students in High School E-Schoolbag Pilot Project
Students’ personal learning and thinking skills Gender N Mean SD p-value
Male 368 4.4026 .64041
independent learning .714
Female 359 4.3294 .73304
Male 368 4.3605 .64334
creative thinking .644
Female 359 4.2975 .68091
Male 368 4.3605 .65809
Reflective learning .232
Female 359 4.3378 .67435
Cooperative learning Male 368 4.4079 .63735
Female 359 4.3291 .66789
Male 368 4.3575 .64504
self-management .624
Female 359 4.2969 .67024
Note:* .p<0.05, ** .p<0.01, *** .p<0.001
3.2 A Comparison of Students’ Personal Learning and Thinking Skills of the Impact of
The study uses SPSS 23.0 to analyze the data of students whether or not to use e-Schoolbag. The results
of the data analysis were shown in table 7. The results of T-test show that there are extremely significant
differences in five modules independent learning, creative thinking, reflective learning, cooperative
learning, self-management and effective participation between students use e-Schoolbag and not. That
is, students who use e-Schoolbag to learn have higher independent learning ability than those who do
not use e-Schoolbag (Mean = 4.2122>4.0420); they have stronger creative thinking skills (Mean =
4.0993>3.9616); stronger reflective learning ability (Mean = 4.1728>4.0207); stronger cooperative
learning ability (Mean = 4.2277>4.0966); stronger self-management and effective participation (Mean
= 4.1797>4.0418).
Table 7
A Comparison between experimental and non-experimental E-Schoolbag Pilot Project
Students’ personal learning and thinking
School type N Mean SD p-value
Experimental 14026 4.2122 .74796
independent learning .000
Non-experimental 12544 4.0420 .74267
Experimental 14026 4.0993 .73281
creative thinking .000
Non-experimental 12544 3.9616 .70635
Experimental 14026 4.1728 .72980
Reflective learning .000
Non-experimental 12544 4.0207 .71715
Cooperative learning Experimental 14026 4.2277 .70399
Non-experimental 12544 4.0966 .68590
Experimental 14026 4.1797 .71310
self-management .000
Non-experimental 12544 4.0418 .69599
Note:* .p<0.05, ** .p<0.01, *** .p<0.001
4. Research Conclusion
4.1 the Effect of E-Schoolbag to the Different Gender of Different Learning Period Students’
Personal Learning and Thinking Skills
Through the analysis of the effect of e-Schoolbag to the different gender of different learning period
students’ personal learning and thinking skills, we can get that there are no significant differences in the
three modules of independent learning, creative thinking, self-management and effective participation
for students who use e-Schoolbag to learn. However, there are significant differences between the two
modules of reflective learning and cooperative learning. There are significant differences between
reflective learning and cooperative learning and the differences between the two modules are shown as
the ability of female students to be higher than male. However, only in the primary school stage, there
are significant differences between the male and female in the reflective learning module and the
cooperative learning module. There are no differences in other modules. There are no differences
between the other learning period, including middle school and high school. On the one hand, due to the
increase of learning pressure in middle and high school, students pay more attention to the memory of
knowledge in the use of e-Schoolbag and focus on improving their academic performance, while
ignoring the improvement of their own thinking. The lower the learning period, the broader the thinking
of students and the use of e-Schoolbag can jump out of the inherent framework, which will produce
different effects. On the other hand, students with less experience in e-Schoolbag have a more positive
attitude. At the beginning of the use of e-Schoolbag, due to the novelty, students have a positive attitude
towards e-Schoolbag. After using the e-Schoolbag for a long time, the slow update speed of the
e-Schoolbag restricts the enthusiasm of the students, and the students with less experience have a more
positive attitude towards the e-Schoolbag (Lichun & Jianli, 2015).
4.2 the Effect of E-Schoolbag to Students’ Personal Learning and Thinking Skills
Through the analysis of students whether to use e-Schoolbag or not, based on the fact that there are just
several inevitable differences between the students, such as teachers, the level of the schools, we found
that students who use e-Schoolbag have a more effective improvement in their personal learning and
thinking skills. It can be seen through the extremely significant differences in independent learning,
creative thinking, reflective learning, cooperative learning, self-management, and effective
participation. That is, overall, compared with the group that did not use the e-Schoolbag, the students
who used the e-Schoolbag showed higher independent learning ability, stronger creative thinking
ability, stronger reflective learning ability, stronger cooperative learning ability, stronger
self-management and effective participation consciousness. It can be seen that the application of
e-Schoolbag can not only feel the advantages brought by external factors but also feel the growth of
students' thinking.
This study about e-Schoolbag is based on the example of all pilot students in one of districts of
Shanghai and investigates and analyzes the changes in personal learning and thinking skills in the
process of participating in the e-Schoolbag project. However, the research still has some shortcomings.
First of all, the students’ personal learning and thinking skills are measured only through
questionnaires. There is no analysis and discussion on the deeper cognitive rules of students. Secondly,
due to the large amount of experimenters, there are many uncontrollable interference factors, such as
students’ level of knowledge, the teaching style and level of application of e-Schoolbag of teachers. I
hope that the greatest improvement will be made in the in-depth study in the future.
We would like to thank all the people who prepared and revised previous versions of this document.
Hui Tong, Yanjun Yang, & Shaoqing Guo. (2016). A Review and Reflection on the Research Development of
e-Schoolbag Application Effect Evaluation. Journal of Distance Education, 34(1), 99-112.
Jueqi Guan. (2017). Study on the digital learning ability of primary and middle school students in the electronic
schoolbag environment. East China Normal University.
Jueqi Guan, Riezebos Peter, Xiaobing Su, & Zhiting Zhu. (2015). The influence of electronic schoolbag on
students' learning experience and achievement -- a case study of mathematics application in Minhang district
primary school in Shanghai. China Educational Technology, (9), 56-62.
Lichun Zhang, & Jianli Jiao. (2015). Students' Attitude and Understanding of e-Schoolbag. Open Education
Research, 21(2), 98-105.
The ministry of education of the people’s republic of China. the outline of Shanghai medium - and long-term
education reform and development plan(2010-2020) [EB/OL].
http://old.moe.gov.cn/publicfiles/business/htmlfiles/moe/s4604/201010/110458.html, 2019-05-20.
Xianlong Xu, Xiaobing Su, Yonghe Wu, & Xinhua Wang. (2013). Analysis of classroom teaching behavior mode
for electronic schoolbag application. Modern Distance Education Research, (2), 84-91+106.
Xiaohua Yu. (2014). The U.S. iPad project and its implications for Chinese electronic backpacks. Open
Education Research, 20(02), 46-55.
Youmei Wang & Huibin Chen. (2014). Research hotspot and development trend of electronic schoolbag in China
in recent ten years -- knowledge map analysis based on common word matrix. China Educational
Technology, (5), 4-10.
Zhiting Zhu & Jueqi Guan. (2014). Technological forces in educational change. China Educational Technology,
(1), 1-9.
Chang, M. et al. (Eds.) (2019). Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Computers in
Education. Taiwan: Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education
Abstract: In the generation of educational reform, we have always wondering what kind of
important ability has been taught in the curriculum? Financial literacy is an essential life skill
(OECD, 2017). No matter what kinds of occupation will a person have, he or she must know
how to manage his or her asset. In this research, we explored that if students’ math motivation,
math anxiety, and financial concept would change or not after they received the hybrid financial
courses in 4 weeks. We used math motivation and math anxiety as grouping variables, then use
k-mean clustering to separate students into two groups. Two-way mixed-design ANOVAs were
conducted to test the mean differences and change of math motivation, math anxiety, and
financial concept across time points between different groups. We found only the significant
change of math anxiety from students after they received the financial courses, while math
motivation and financial concept kept constant.
1. Introduction
What should the curriculum in junior high school be? What should students learn in school? There is an
important issue needs to be mentioned first—after graduate from high school, no matter what kinds of
occupation will a person have, he or she must know how to manage his or her own properties. Therefore,
financial literacy is an essential life skill (OECD, 2017). However, the contemporary awareness of how
to cultivate children’s financial concepts has not yet matured in Taiwan. Thus, how to educate financial
concepts is an important issue. Furthermore, what is the influence of financial education on student
learning achievement? It is also an issue that we urgently need to explore.
Skagerlund, Lind, Strömbäck, Tinghög & Västfjäll (2018) found that math anxiety can predict
financial literacy of adults. Therefore, the researchers in this study believe that the exploration of
financial education on math motivation and anxiety should be completed first because the financial
concepts can be regarded as an application of mathematics in daily life. For students who have serious
anxiety about mathematics, expecting to reduce their anxiety through a financial course, which was
based on the mathematics in daily life. The connection between motivation, anxiety, and mathematical
achievement has been explored for a long time (McDonough & Ramirez, 2018; Wang et al., 2015).
Although the promotion of the financial concepts is also a matter in recent years, the researchers in this
study believe that the effect of financial education combined with the mathematics curriculum is a
matter of great concern. If there is a way to promote students' math motivation and reduce math anxiety
while promoting financial education. Furthermore, it will also increase the students' financial concepts
or the possibility of improving mathematics achievements. Therefore, the research question is how
different math motivation, math anxiety, and financial concepts are before and after the financial
courses for students with different types of math motivations and math anxieties?
2. Literature Review
Faced with the diversification of financial products, people learn how to manage their own money is an
important skill. The OECD pointed out in the 2014 report that Financial literacy is an essential life skill.
The Office of Financial Education (OFE) in the United States advocates that schools are the best places
to provide financial education (OFE, 2002). OECD also pointed out that the sooner you get into
financial education, the better (OECD, 2005). In recent years, countries have attached importance to
financial education and have put forward proposals for financial education. The United States proposed
the National Standards in Personal Finance with Benchmarks, Applications and Glossary for K-12
Classrooms (OFE, 2002). Australia also proposed the National Consumer and Financial Literacy
Framework (NCFLF, Consumer and Financial Literacy Working Party, 2005).
After the global financial crisis, it once again caused international awareness of financial
concepts. Since 2006, the Financial Supervisory Commission of Taiwan has actively entered the
campus and community for financial knowledge promotion activities, and established the Risk
Management and Insurance Education Promotion Portal (https://rm.ib.gov.tw/Pages/ SiteMap.aspx) to
promote domestic financial education. Also in 2012, Basic Learning Framework for Financial
Education was proposed and clearly pointed out the financial education priorities and learning
objectives of Citizenship Education. Both foreign countries and Taiwan have actively promoted
financial education in recent years. For this reason, this study hopes to improve the financial concepts
and the importance of it.
Motivation has a positive impact on learning achievement, while anxiety negatively affects learning
achievement (Wang, Shakeshaft, Schofield, & Malanchini, 2018). It is often taken by both to consider
the impact on students’ performance. In addition, some scholars have explored the impact of learning
anxiety on future behaviors in daily life (Skagerlund et al., 2018).
McDonough & Ramirez (2018) pointed out that if students have higher math anxiety and math
self-concept, they will initiate their own defense mechanism, which will make it easier for students to
forget the learning content and affect the learning outcomes. For students with high anxiety in
mathematics, the achievements of mathematics usually do not perform well. Thus, those students also
evade mathematics classes, indicating that math anxiety may affect mathematics achievements in
different ways. Wang et al. (2018) found that people who have high anxiety about mathematics exams
spend more time on studying. However, Wang et al. (2015) found that the relationship between math
anxiety and math performance varies with the math motivation of students. For students with high math
motivation, math anxiety and math performance have an inverted-U relation, while students with low
math motivation have a negative linear relation between math anxiety and mathematics.
The relation between motivation, anxiety and learning outcomes is complex. Scholars often
discuss motivation and anxiety at the same time to predict achievement (Wang et al., 2015). Wang et al.
(2018) used math motivation and math anxiety to do the cluster analysis for exploring the differences in
motivation and anxiety between different levels of learning time and outcome in math. Skagerlund et al.
(2018) explored the relation between adult financial literacy and math anxiety. They found that math
anxiety negatively affects financial literacy, so people may also evade financial behavior because of
math anxiety.
Skagerlund et al. found that the impact of financial literacy on math anxiety. Although there are
many studies that indicate the impact of motivation and anxiety on learning, there is no research
indicates the influence of math motivation, math anxiety on the financial concepts for the junior high
school students. Therefore, this study expects to use math motivation and math anxiety for grouping and
discuss whether our financial courses can effectively enhance students' learning motivation, or change
students' learning anxiety and improve students' financial concepts.
3. Method
In this study, the financial courses were used as an intervention for a four-week study to explore the
changes of Taiwanese junior high school students in math motivation, math anxiety, and financial
concepts. In order to explore the influence of financial courses on students with different levels of
motivation and anxiety, this study further used math motivation and math anxiety to divide students into
two groups. We expected that after the financial course, students' math motivation and financial
concepts will increase, math anxiety will decrease, and students with different combinations of
motivation and anxiety will have different financial concepts.
3.1 Participants
The participants of this study were 48 eighth grade students (22 males and 26 females) in Hsinchu,
Taiwan. Those participants used one hour of mathematics alternative learning period per week to learn
financial concept from an instructor for four weeks.
This study is mainly concerned with the changes in student's math motivation (MM), math anxiety
(MA), and financial concept (FC) before and after the financial class. In the first week, the participants
completed the questionnaires of math motivation (MM_pre), math anxiety (MA_pre), and financial
concept (FC_pre). Next, the instructor introduced various financial tools (i.g. demand deposit, time
deposit, and stock) and brought the students financial concepts. During the second and third week, the
students used a public website of stock simulation to conduct investment actions
(https://www.cmoney.tw/vt/). At the same time, the instructor brought the concept of math and finance.
In the last week, the instructor summarized the simulation of these two weeks and carried out
the post-test of math motivation (MM_post), math anxiety (MA_post), and financial concept (FC_post)
to the students. Finally, the research teams merged the student's math motivation, math anxiety, and
financial concept to do the analysis.
Figure 2. The procedure of financial course for four weeks.
The questionnaire of math motivation was based on Motivational Strategies in Calculus Learning
Questionnaire for Taiwan Technology University Students (MSCLQ-TTU, (Hsin, Lin, & Yeh, 2005)).
This study rewrote the calculus as mathematics. In addition, this study used 18 items in the motivation
part of MSCLQ-TTU. Each item is Likert 5-point scale. Finally, the researchers summed up all the
scores of the math motivation questionnaire and converted it into z-score. The higher the score is, the
higher the motivation is.
The questionnaire of math anxiety was based on Modified Abbreviated Math Anxiety Scale (mAMAS,
(Carey, Hill, Devine, & Szűcs, 2017)). There are 9 items. Each item is 5-point Likert scale. Participants
assessed the level of anxiety experienced by each event in the math class (1 = low anxiety to 5 = high
anxiety). The researchers summed up all the scores and converted it into z-score. The higher total score
is, the higher anxiety that participants felt in math class is.
The questionnaire of financial were designed by researchers, extended from course materials. There are
10 items in the financial concept questionnaire, all of which are the true-false test. For example, the
interest rate of time deposit is always higher than demand deposit. The researchers calculated the rate of
right answers and converted it into z-score. The higher score, the better the concept of finance.
This study used IBM SPSS Statistics 20 and R & Rstudio v.3.4.4 for statistical analysis. First, the
researchers used MM_pre and MA_pre as grouping variables, performed the K-mean analysis and
divided students into two groups. Then, the researchers used Two-way mixed-design ANOVA to test
the differences between the groups and time in math motivation, math anxiety and financial concepts.
4. Results
Researchers used MM_pre and MA_pre to divide the 48 participants into two groups. Group 1 were
made up of 26 students (10M, 16F), and Group 2 were 22 students (12M, 10F). After the examination of
t-test, there were no statistically significant differences between group means and sample mean on
MM_pre (G1MM_ pre : t(25) = −1.03, 𝑝 = .314; G2MM_pre : t(21) = 1.22, 𝑝 = .237). Thus, the two
groups' MM_pre are “average motivation(AM)”. In math anxiety, those two groups had statistically
significant difference between group means and sample mean on MA_pre ( G1MA_pre : t(25) =
7.51, 𝑝 < .001 ; G2MA_pre : t(21) = −8.34, 𝑝 < .001 ). Therefore, we claimed that G1 is “high
anxiety(HA)”, and G2 is “low anxiety(LA)”. Conclusively, we regarded G1 as “average motivation and
high anxiety(AMHA)” group and viewed G2 as “average motivation and low anxiety(AMLA)” group.
The z-scores of variables of these two groups are in Table 1.
Table 1
Z-score of Math Motivation, Math Anxiety and Financial Concepts in two groups.
Group N MM_pre MA_pre MM_post MA_post FC_pre FC_post
G1 (AMHA) 26 -0.18 0.94 -0.20 0.31 0.17 0.07
G2 (AMLA) 22 0.28 -0.88 0.29 -0.56 0.23 -0.30
Accordingly, the differences in math motivation, math anxiety and financial concept between the two
groups and between time are both noticeable. Thus, we used the following three mixed-design
ANOVAs to examine the difference, with group and time as independent variables, math motivation,
math anxiety and financial concept as dependent variables.
We used group and time as I.V., math motivation as D.V., and carried out the two-way mixed-design
ANOVA to test the influence of group and time on math motivation. The results showed that the main
effects of the group and time were not significant ( 𝐹𝐺 (1,46) = 3.426, 𝑝 = .071, 𝜂 2 = .057 ;
𝐹𝑇 (1,46) = 0.002, 𝑝 = .969, 𝜂 2 < .001 ). Besides, there were no interaction effect as well
( 𝐹𝐺×𝑇 (1,46) = 0.012, 𝑝 = .914, 𝜂 2 < .001 ). Consequently, the math motivation did not differ
between the two groups and there was no significant change and maintained at a certain level before and
after the course.
Table 2
Two-way mixed-design ANOVA with math motivation as D.V., group and time as I.V.
Source SS df MS F p 𝜂2
Between groups
Group 5.312 1 5.312 3.426 .071 .057
Time 0.001 1 0.001 0.002 .969 <.001
Group*Time 0.004 1 0.004 0.012 .914 <.001
Within groups
between subjects 71.322 46 1.550
residuals 15.837 46 0.340
Total 92.476 95
4.2.2 Math Anxiety
Based on the MA as D.V., group and time as I.V.. The two-way mixed-design ANOVA results showed
significant interactions with (𝐹𝐺×𝑇 (1,46) = 23.16, 𝑝 < .001, 𝜂 2 = .120). Therefore, a simple main
effect test was performed. The results showed that under the condition of G1(AMHA), MA_pre was
significantly higher than MA_post( μ𝑀𝐴_𝑝𝑟𝑒−𝑀𝐴_𝑝𝑜𝑠𝑡 = 0.630, 𝑝 < .001 ). Under the condition of
G2(AMLA), MA_post significantly higher than MA_pre (𝜇𝑀𝐴_𝑝𝑜𝑠𝑡−𝑀𝐴_𝑝𝑟𝑒 = 0.320, 𝑝 = .018). The
MA of G1(AMHA) was significantly greater than MA of G2(AMLA) regardless of pre or post test
(MA_pre: μ𝐺1−𝐺2 = 1.83, 𝑝 < .001; 𝐴_𝑝𝑜𝑠𝑡: 𝜇𝐺1−𝐺2 = 0.88, 𝑝 < .001).
Further examination of the mean, we found that the MA_post mean difference between
G1(AMHA) and sample was not significant (𝑡(25) = 1.91, 𝑝 = .067), but the mean difference was
significant between G2(AMLA) and sample (𝑡(21) = −3.67, 𝑝 = .001). That is to say, G1(AMHA)
has dropped from high anxiety to average anxiety, while the G2(AMLA) anxiety has increased, but it is
still low.
Table 3
Two-way mixed-design ANOVA with math anxiety as D.V., group and time as I.V.
Source SS df MS F p 𝜂2
Between groups
Group 43.46 1 43.46 60.89 <.001*** .500
Time 0.57 1 0.57 2.47 .123 .013
Group*Time 5.38 1 5.38 23.16 <.001*** .120
Within groups
between subjects 32.84 46 0.71
residuals 10.68 46 0.23
Total 92.93 95
Table 4
Simple main effect test of mixed-design ANOVA with math anxiety as D.V., group and time as I.V.
Source SS df MS F p Post-hoc
Time at
G1(AMHA) 5.16 1 5.16 22.43 <.001*** 𝜇𝑝𝑟𝑒−𝑝𝑜𝑠𝑡 = 0.630, 𝑝 < .001 ∗∗∗
G2(AMLA) 1.34 1 1.13 4.91 .032* 𝜇𝑝𝑜𝑠𝑡−𝑝𝑟𝑒 = 0.320, 𝑝 = .018 ∗
Residuals 10.68 46 0.23
Group at
Pre-test 39.71 1 39.71 83.95 <.001*** 𝜇𝐺1−𝐺2 = 1.83, 𝑝 < .001 ∗∗∗
Post-test 9.132 1 9.13 19.31 <.001*** 𝜇𝐺1−𝐺2 = 0.88, 𝑝 < .001 ∗∗∗
Residuals 43.52 92 0.47
The mixed-design ANOVA was performed with FC as D.V., group and time as I.V.. As a result, it was
found that the spherical test hypothesis was rejected (T: 𝑎𝑢𝑐ℎ𝑙𝑦′𝑠 𝑊 = 0.87, 𝑝 = .038 ; 𝑇 ×
𝐺: 𝑎𝑢𝑐ℎ𝑙𝑦′𝑠 𝑊 = 0.87, 𝑝 = .03), so the following results were reported for the Greenhouse-Geisser
correction. The main effects and interaction effect were not significant (F𝐺 (1,46) = 0.10, 𝑝 = .001;
GGe 𝑇 = 0.88, 𝑝 = .107 ; 𝐺𝐺𝑒𝑇×𝐺 = 0.88, 𝑝 = .297), indicating that the two groups did not have
differences on FC. FC maintained a certain level at different times, and there was no interaction
between groups and time.
Researchers used math motivation and math anxiety as grouping variables to divide the 48 participants
into two groups. Group 1 was regarded as a group with average math motivation and high math anxiety,
Group 2 was a group with average math motivation and low math anxiety. Next, after the financial
courses, the researchers explored the changes in students' math motivation, math anxiety and financial
Researchers found that there is a significant difference between the two groups in math anxiety,
but there is no difference in math motivation and financial concepts. Before and after the financial
course, students maintained certain math motivation and financial concepts, but anxiety changed after
the course. The following are the discussions of the results.
From the perspective of analysis results, Group 1's anxiety has always been higher than Group
2's. It is worth noting that we can find significant changes in math anxiety of the two groups before and
after the course. Group 1 had originally high anxiety, but after the financial course, math anxiety
dropped to average anxiety. Group 2 had originally low anxiety, although it still remained low anxiety
after course, the math anxiety was improved. As Wang et al. (2015) said, it was found that whether the
anxiety remained extraordinary high or low will affect students' learning performance. That is to say,
the extraordinary high anxiety may make students unable to concentrate on learning, and negative
emotions may occur during the study, which may affect the grades. On the other hand, if students have
low anxiety, it may represent that students do not pay attention to learning, do not care, or even ignore
learning, resulting in poor learning. Therefore, under average anxiety, students can face up to learning
but they do not interfere with negative learning emotions.
From the analysis of the financial concepts, there is no difference between two groups before
and after the course, which is different from our initial assumptions. It may be because the grouping
variables we used are motivation and anxiety about mathematics, not about financial concepts.
Mathematics is a discipline for students, but the financial concepts is a life skill. Perhaps for this reason,
the results of math motivation and anxiety grouping have little effect on the financial concepts. In
addition, we also found that there is no difference between pre-test and post-test in financial concepts. It
may be because this study only teaches on stocks and investment risks, and the period is only four
weeks. Another possibility is that the number of questions in the test is not enough. Since it is a
self-edited test in our study, the content of the topic bias concept is more. But there are fewer items in
the judgment of financial behavior and financial affairs. Therefore, it is suggested that future research
can increase the number of questions in the financial test and the breadth of the content to test the
knowledge of students' financial concepts more comprehensively.
This study used math motivation and math anxiety to group students and examine the
differences in math motivation, math anxiety, and financial concepts before and after the
implementation of the financial course. The research results show that with such a financial course, it is
beneficial to students' changes in math anxiety, from extreme high and low anxiety to the average
anxiety. Math motivation and financial concepts also maintain a certain level. It also proves that such a
life-oriented learning course, in addition to cultivating students' life skills, understanding financial
concepts and investment risks, also helps students’ learning anxiety changes in the discipline.
In the future, it is recommended that researchers, in addition to motivation and anxiety, can try
to collect more student traits or increase the number of classification groups. Refer to Wang et al. (2018)
for a more detailed motivation and anxiety grouping to explore more combinations of different learning
states, as well as a more comprehensive interpretation of learner traits and learning.
Carey, E., Hill, F., Devine, A., & Szűcs, D. (2017). The modified abbreviated math anxiety scale: A valid and
reliable instrument for use with children. Frontiers in Psychology, 8.
Hsin, C.-I., Lin, S. S. J., & Yeh, C.-C. (2005). Pilot analysis of motivational strategies in learning calculus among
technology college students' motivational strategies in learning calculus. Journal of National University
Tainan, 39(2), 65–82.
McDonough, I. M., & Ramirez, G. (2018). Individual differences in math anxiety and math self-concept promote
forgetting in a directed forgetting paradigm. Learning and Individual Differences, 64, 33–42.
OECD (2005). Improving financial literacy. Financial Market Trends, 2005(2), 111–123.
OECD (2017). PISA 2015 results: Students' financial literacy (Vol. IV). Paris, France: OECD Publications.
Skagerlund, K., Lind, T., Strömbäck, C., Tinghög, G., & Västfjäll, D. (2018). Financial literacy and the role of
numeracy–How individuals’ attitude and affinity with numbers influence financial literacy. Journal of
Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 74, 18–25. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.socec.2018.03.004
Wang, Z., Lukowski, S. L., Hart, S. A., Lyons, I. M., Thompson, L. A., Kovas, Y., … Petrill, S. A. (2015). Is
mathematical anxiety always bad for math learning: The role of math motivation. Psychological Science,
26(12), 1863–1876. https://doi.org/10.1177/0956797615602471
Wang, Z., Shakeshaft, N., Schofield, K., & Malanchini, M. (2018). Anxiety is not enough to drive me away: A
latent profile analysis on math anxiety and math motivation. PloS One, 13(2), e0192072.
Chang, M. et al. (Eds.) (2019). Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Computers in
Education. Taiwan: Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education
Abstract: Solving problems in science domains requires learners to integrate concepts across
topics, along with problem-solving and inquiry process skills. The complexity of these concepts
and skills becomes manifold at the tertiary undergraduate level, and are known to be
challenging for learners. To support learners in this process, we have designed and developed
Geneticus Investigatio (GI), a technology-enhanced learning environment for semi-structured
problems in the context of Mendelian genetics. GI facilitates the integration of concepts and
problem-solving process skills, through inquiry-based learning activities interspersed with
evaluative question prompts and reflective activities. GI is developed using Google sites and
H5P as a web-based learning environment to provide easy access to learners and to enable
teachers to adapt the learning activities to different topics. In this paper, we present the
theoretical basis and design of GI. We report a quasi-experimental classroom study (N=63) in
which we investigated learning of problem-solving skills and perceptions of usability and
usefulness of GI. The results indicate higher learning gains of problem-solving process skills
with GI, and learner perceptions that certain activities in GI are helpful for learning concepts
and process skills.
1. Introduction
Problem-solving is an integral part of the undergraduate science curriculum in various topics. These
problems can range from well-structured to ill-structured (Fernandes & Simon, 1999). An in-between
type is a semi-structured type of problem, in which students are required to connect concepts across
topics and use a variety of problem solving and inquiry skills. Such problems are common in genetics,
which is a compulsory foundational course of undergraduate bioscience and medical learners. In these
problems, learners are required to identify and justify the patterns of inheritance behind various
biological phenomena. These problems may follow various theoretical frameworks such as Mendelian
or non-Mendelian inheritance patterns, and encompass a variety of concepts related to the breeding
context of plants and animals. In addition to identifying and applying appropriate theories and concepts,
such problems require the formulation of hypotheses, identification of variables, making predictions
and testing predicted outcomes against the experimental ones. Thus a learner has to simultaneously
work with concepts across multiple topics, problem-solving skills, and inquiry skills. Experts solve
these kinds of problems by addressing all these complexities, starting with analyzing the problem in
parts and generating a possible hypothesis for an explanation. This is followed by designing the
experiment, interpreting the results according to the theoretical framework and the hypothesis. The
difference between expected and observed results is calculated using statistical or other methods, based
on which a decision is to be made as to whether the results are acceptable or not. This process is often
unclear to novice learners, especially why these steps are required (Kim & Hannafin, 2011), leading to
mechanical application of the problem-solving steps (Karagoz & Cakir 2011). Thus, learners need to
explicitly learn problem-solving skills within the context of genetics experiments and integrate them
along with the relevant theoretical concepts.
Research suggests utilizing the affordances of the technology-enhanced learning (TEL)
environments in developing these skills by providing overall structure to the learning activities,
immediate and personalized feedback, reflective question prompts, and so on. Several inquiry-based
learning environments focus on developing such skills, for example, WISE (Slotta 2002), Geniverse
(Concord consortium 2010). Most of these TEL environments are for topics in high-school and middle
school science.
Our proposed TEL environment Geneticus Investigatio (GI) is designed for college-level
biology undergraduates with a focus on the solving problems by applying genetics concepts,
understanding of basics of statistics with integrated science process skills. GI emphasizes integration of
concepts across the required topics, along with reflective and evaluative question prompts and
scaffolds. These question prompts engage learners in the understanding of concepts across the multiple
topics to solve the problem, and on reflection of actions performed while doing the learning activities.
Through the learning activities in GI, learners perform steps of problem-solving like identifying
hypotheses, designing of experiments, comparing predicted and observed results, and accepting or
rejecting the hypothesis.
One design consideration in the development of GI was to make it easily accessible to learners
in college classrooms, and to make it adaptable to different topics if instructors wished to add or edit
content, learning activities or problems in other topics. GI has thus been developed using Google sites
and H5P (Jouble, 2013) as a web-based learning environment which is known to be convenient to
access digital content by students and teachers alike (Yin et al., 2017). GI is browser based and works
on laptops, tablets, or mobile phones. Students can use it easily in classroom settings or anywhere else
and only need a device and wireless connection, and teachers can adapt it quickly since it does not
require advance computer knowledge.
In this paper, we describe the theoretical basis and design of GI, and report a
quasi-experimental classroom study with 63 undergraduate bioscience learners in the context of
Mendelian genetics. The two research questions which were the focus of this study are:
Do students who interact with GI develop problem-solving process skills?
What are user perceptions of usability and usefulness of GI?
2. Background Research
One of the principal goals of science education has been training learners in solving problems of various
types. Researchers and theorists have made remarkable progress in identifying and characterizing
problem solving. Some of them include identifying students’ difficulties in diverse contexts, proposing
problem-solving phases, and associated learning activities (Xun & Land 2004). A variation of this
problem-solving activity includes hypothesis generation, testing, and revision. This variation is
essential in the context of understanding or doing science by the learners, which is the core practice in
science education. It helps in establishing the feasibility/correctness of a hypothesis, eliminate
candidate hypothesis/set of results, and compare predicted/observed results. It also allows learners to
develop an in-depth understanding of the subject (Cooper, Hanmer, & Cerbin, 2006).
Decades of research into science inquiry learning has given us insights into nature of learning
and challenges, design of learning environments to support students (Bransford, Brown, & Cocking,
2000), and guidelines and principles for scaffolds (Quintana et al, 2004). Affordances of TEL
environments have been used to develop scientific inquiry skills similar to problem-solving skills.
Among them are WISE (Slotta 2002), Go-Labs (Jong et. al. 2014), Apple Tree (Chen et al. 2013), and
Geniverse (Concord consortium 2010). These environments are to be used either online or can be
downloaded. Most of this research has been in topics for the middle and high school levels.
In undergraduate science learning, a significant difficulty that has been reported in genetics
problem-solving is rote application of problem-solving process steps without a comprehensive
conceptual understanding of these steps (Karagoz & Cakir 2011). In typical undergraduate curricula,
students encounter the required concepts and skills for solving such problems across across different
courses, for example, knowledge of genetics concepts in a basic or advanced genetics course, concepts
of statistics in their bio-statistics course and application of process skills in practical labs. Thus students
lack an integrated perspective while solving problems. So there is a need for developing learners’
problem-solving skills, especially for open problems. This skill is especially crucial for undergraduate
bio-science learners in the context of genetics as it deals with multiple underlying reasons for a
biological observation. To pinpoint the specific reason, learners have to generate, test, and revise the
hypothesis. An example from the context of genetics is that learners are required to identify and justify
the patterns of inheritance behind various biological phenomena. To identify these inheritance patterns,
they have to solve problems which are either cause-effect problems (closed problems) or effect-cause
problems (open problems) (Orcajo & Aznar 2005).
Solving such open-ended problems becomes a daunting task for them. They require scaffolds at
various places during the problem-solving process. These scaffolds can be in the form of feedback,
access to domain concepts, etc. An example of feedback could be in the way of guiding questions for
reflection or identification of possible mistakes. To do that, technology affordances is widely used.
Some of the existing learning environments which meet some of these requirements are Genetics with
Jean (Thompson & McGill 2017) an affective tutoring system to teach the concepts of genetics. Another
case-based laboratory simulation was built for learning core concepts and skills in medical genetics
(Makransky et al. 2016). Some of the interactive affordance from these environments could meet our
need for the learning environment. But there is a need of affordances that could help in providing
overall structure to the sequence of learning activities along with dynamic and personalized feedback in
various forms. An example of this is reflective question prompts for evaluating conceptual
understanding while watching an interactive video. Another example is the interactive learning
activities like drag and drop activity to engage learners while interacting with the content.
The pedagogical basis of GI gets inputs from guidelines in existing research in inquiry learning and
problem solving, as well as from interviews we conducted with instructors teaching undergraduate level
genetics. In literature, it has been documented that students have difficulties in identifying parts of the
hypothesis, designing experiments, predicting the result and concluding about the hypothesis. Besides
these, various topics in genetics, especially the topic of Mendelian genetics was perceived to be difficult
by the students (Bahar 1999). We conducted a study with the undergraduate instructors where they
solved an open-ended problem related to Mendelian genetics. They validated known students’
difficulties. Besides this, the integration of concepts of genetics, statistical methods, and science process
skills was also stated as difficult for the students. So there was a need to facilitate the integration of
principles and concepts from multiple topics along with problem-solving skills, experimental abilities,
and statistical methods.
A preliminary version of GI was developed earlier, which was primarily based on agent-based
modeling and simulations (Deep, Murthy & Bhat 2016). In this environment, learners identified
properties and behaviors of agents along with identifying rules governing the interaction between these
agents. They then executed their model and compared their output with that of the expert model. A pilot
study with this version of GI revealed that learners had difficulty in identifying the dependent and
independent variable and designing a suitable experiment to test the hypothesis. Besides these, they
were not able to make reasoned predictions which needed significant application of concepts of genetics
along with understanding of concepts of statistics like Chi-square test, degree of freedom, calculating
and comparing chi-square value with the critical value. These and other limitations necessitated the
need for a revised version of GI which contained stronger supports for students, and a more accessible
way for teachers to include the supports in the learning environment.
Figure 1 shows the key features of the GI. The overall sequence of learning activities in GI for the
integration of domain, process skills, and statistics has been adapted from the steps of inquiry learning
(Pedaste et al., 2015). These activities are interspersed with evaluative and reflective prompts for
promoting metacognition during problem-solving (Xun & Land 2004). GI also require the learners to
arrange the sequence of activities for experimenting as done in an authentic scenario.
explain the context, he/she select a hypothesis from the given set of hypotheses. In this, learning
activities requires students to state the reason behind the selection of a particular hypothesis, state the
assumptions they will make while testing this hypothesis along with declaring the dependent and
independent variable. The system displays hypothesis and drag and drop activity for identifying the
variables (Figure 2).
It was followed by the step of testing hypothesis, which included designing an experiment and
reasoning from the hypothesis to predict the result. In this, learning activities requires learners to decide
about the cross made, design the steps of breeding experiment, and calculate the predicted value (Figure
3). The system displays activities related to determining the cross made and calculating the ratio by
providing editing boxes. These editing boxes are for stating laws of inheritance, creating Punnette
square and the calculating ratio of offspring. Besides this, learners interactively design steps of breeding
experiments and watch a lab demo video of an actual experiment done in practical labs.
The last step was to revise the hypothesis if required by comparing the result of the expected and
observed values. The last learning objective has two goals, namely "Evaluating" and "Summarizing."
Once the experiment is designed, and results are collected, it has to be statistically compared with the
predicted outcome and come to a conclusion. In the evaluate phase, learners learn interactively about
the Chi-square test, calculate the Chi-Square value, compare it with the critical value, and conclude
based on critical value (Figure 4). The system displays interactive video which has reflective question
prompts related to what, why, and how of chi-square and calculate the chi-square value by providing the
functionality of editing boxes. Besides this learner reflect on the steps to be done while solving similar
problems through the drag and drop activity.
4. Study Design
The first step required the participants to fill the registration form. It mentioned the learning
objective of the workshop, the pre-requisites for the workshop, and questions related to the participant's
academic details. The pre-test followed it on the day of the workshop. The pre and post-test questions
were validated and checked for its reliability within the research team and subject matter experts. It had
six tiers of questions (Table 1). Once the participants attempted the first three questions, they were
given the second sheet, which had the remaining questions. They were also provided with the additional
resource which had the chi-square formula and table of the critical value of the chi-square distribution.
On an average participant took 40 minutes to solve the pre-test.
Table 1: Sample pre and post-test questions
Q. Targeted Problem-solving &
Relevant part of question statement
No. Process Skills
Why do you think that it is a reasonable hypothesis? Which physical
1 Identify parts of hypothesis
quantities or variables you will measure in this hypothesis?
Calculate the number and type of different progenies if total number of
2 Calculate the predicted value
progenies after second generation is 320.
State the assumptions, if any, that you are making while predicting the
3 Justification for predicted value
4 Statistical comparison Does your expected result match the observed result?
What will you do to determine if your hypothesis is correct or not based
5 Decision of hypothesis
on the results?
Process to solve similar Describe the sequence of steps which you will perform while solving a
problem similar scenario with another organism.
The pre-test was followed by interaction with the learning material. This is where the
experimental and the control group have a different activity. In the experimental group, participants
interacted with GI, in which they do learning activities of selection, testing, and revision of hypothesis.
On the other hand, the control group went through the learning material related to basic concepts of
genetics, the importance of model organism, hypothesis formation and how to calculate the chi-square
test and compare with the critical value. They also went through the worked examples. The main
difference in the learning materials of the two groups were the features of evaluative question prompts
with customized feedback, reflection activity, and the drag and drop activities. These learning materials
for the control group were in the form of video, pdf, and Google slides, which were organized as Google
website. These videos were the same as in the experimental group but did not contain the scaffolds and
prompt which were present in GI.
After that, participants of both the groups took the post-test, which was similar to the pre-test. The
workshop concluded with the last activity of filling the perception survey. It was implemented through
the Google form with an aim for understanding participants’ perception of usability and usefulness of
GI. We took a traditional survey instrument for testing the usability of GI. For usability testing, we used
the 10-item System Usability Scale (SUS) (Brooke, 1996) widely used for assessing the usability of a
wide variety of learning environments. We asked additional open-ended questions in the survey to
capture participant's perception of gross usefulness and usability of the GI. Target statements of these
open-ended questions were as follows:
Q1: What features of the GI did you find most useful?
Q2: After interacting with GI, I learned something which I consider to be valuable. GI is valuable
for ….
Q3: How do you plan to use the knowledge you obtained from this online workshop in other
topics/subject or anywhere else? Please explain briefly.
of the post-test score minus pre-test score and μ0 is statistically significant (p-value: 0.000) for the
experimental group. The observed standardized effect size is large (0.99). We also did an independent
sample t-test on normalized gain.
Table 2: Rubric Item-wise Statistics of the Pre and Post-test Scores for Control and Experimental
Paired Independent
Problem-solving Pre-Test: Post-Test: Normalized t-test: t-test:
& Process Skills Mean (SD) Mean (SD) gain Sig. Sig.
p-value p-value
We performed thematic analysis for analyzing the response to the three open-ended questions about
gross usefulness and usability of GI. The result of our analysis is summarized in Table 3. Participants
found the interactive video, question prompts for reflection, drag and drop learning activity and
understanding of domain as useful features of GI. Analysis of the result of the two questions related to
the usefulness of GI reveals that GI helps in learning of the skill of hypothesis testing and revision and
learning of genetics concepts. The SUS survey responses were used to calculate the SUS score as per
standard method (Brooke, 1996). The SUS score came to 63.35, indicating the product is usable.
Overall the experimental group demonstrated high learning gain in the application of problem-solving
skills as compared to the control group. The most likely explanations for this observation would be that
the conjectured design features of GI were useful for the learning of problem-solving skills. It is
supported by the fact that the participants were able to identify and state the interactive design features
as found in the thematic analysis of the feedback questions. Some of the design features which are worth
mentioning are interactive video, reflective and evaluative question prompts and the drag and drop
Rubric wise analysis of learning gains reveals that interaction with both the control and
experimental learning material resulted in higher effectiveness in teaching the application of procedural
steps like calculation of the predicted value and making the statistical comparison. Stated differently,
the participants seemed to understand the application of procedural steps. This is not entirely
unexpected as they are used to the kind of teaching method in which the teacher, demonstrates the steps
and the students mechanically apply those steps in similar problems. In GI, instead of the teacher these
participants watched the interactive video explaining steps of Chi-square calculation. In contrast to the
learning gain of procedural steps, the learning gain of process skills, e.g. justification for the predicted
value and decision for the hypothesis was not significant for both the groups. This result is following the
findings reported in the existing literature that learning of skills requires multiple interactions over some
time (Kim & Hannafin, 2011). Based on the result, we conjecture that multiple interactions with GI and
across contexts will lead to significant learning gain.
High learning gain in the experimental group for learner’s response to the last question which
was about steps required to solve similar problems revealed that GI helped them to identify and reflect
on steps and sub-steps performed for similar contexts. This result is worth discussing as this high
learning gain in this question could be attributed to the summarizing activity. In this activity, since
participants had to reflect upon overall learning activity and its sub-activities, they were able to abstract
the steps of problem-solving. The drag and drop activity in GI provided them the flexibility of
sequentially arranging the steps and access the hints as and when required. We conjecture that because
of this, they were able to demonstrate the skill explicitly in the answers of the post-test questions. Along
with that, thematic analysis of open-ended question responses revealed that GI is valuable for the
learning of process skills of hypothesis testing and revision. Besides this, they also perceive that
interaction with GI will help in better understanding of genetics and statistical concepts and will help in
advance studies. GI was marked as a usable product based on the SUS score. Repeated use of the tool is
likely to boost their confidence in interacting with the tool. The web-based learning environments make
learning flexible, portable, and attractive (Hashemi, Azizinezhad, Najafi, & Nesari, 2011).
Our next development work includes analysis of the users’ feedback to modify or implement
additional functionalities in the learning environment. We would also like to validate the conjecture of
cognitive process performed by the students while interacting with GI through eye-tracking and identify
the pedagogical and interface design changes needed as part of our future work.
We would like to thank Kavya Alse, Rumana Pathan and Ajit Mhatre of IDP-ET, IIT-Bombay for
helping in the implementation of this research study. We thank Prof. Moitreyee Saha of VPM’s B. N.
Bandodkar College of Science, Thane, Mumbai for helping us with this research study.
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Abstract: In this paper, three technological characteristics of augmented reality (AR) are
reframed from a perceptual, user’s perspective and discussed concerning their potential for
education and in the context of research on technology-supported learning. The first
characteristic, contextuality, describes that users of AR can experience the real world and virtual
elements simultaneously. The second characteristic, interactivity, includes the possibilities to
interact with AR through the manipulation of both real objects and virtual properties, which
offers novel possibilities for interaction. The third characteristic, spatiality, focusses on the
linking of virtual objects to specific points in space and the more realistic three-dimensionality
that AR visualizations offer. It is proposed that these three characteristics can provide a way to
structure the broad research landscape of AR in education and form a basis for future research
projects. Two studies are presented and linked to the three characteristics. In the first study, the
comparison of a desktop simulation and an AR simulation in an individual learning setting is
linked to the characteristics of interactivity and spatiality. In the second study, the contextuality
of AR is systematically varied and exploited to present group awareness information about
other learners next to these learners instead of separated from them. The results of the studies
are discussed in the context of the three characteristics and the paper concludes that there are a
lot of different educational settings in which AR could be beneficial. The classification of and
systematic variation in research based on the three characteristics may form a basis to
systematize educational AR research. Furthermore, the results of this research and the three
characteristics themselves can inform the design of AR applications to support learning.
During the past centuries, augmented reality (AR) has turned from a technological vision of the future,
which could often be found in science fiction movies, to a technological achievement of the present,
which can now be created by the smart technological devices we have in our pockets. This development
concerning the access to the necessary technology creates novel opportunities for applying AR in
different fields. One area that many recent studies concerning AR focus on is education (Cipresso,
Giglioli, Raya, & Riva, 2018). Education may also be one of the most promising areas for applying AR
and there is an increasing number of studies that focus on the opportunities that AR as a way of
visualizing information has to offer for both individual and collaborative learning settings (Akçayır &
Akçayır, 2017; Phon, Ali, & Halim, 2014; Radu, 2014; Wu, Lee, Chang, & Liang, 2013). In most of
these studies, advantages of AR in comparison to more traditional learning settings are examined.
Positive effects that have been found when using AR in education are enhanced learning performance
and motivation, higher enjoyment and engagement, more positive attitudes towards the learning
material, and a better collaboration between learners (Akçayır & Akçayır, 2017; Bower, Howe,
McCredie, Robinson, & Grover, 2014; Chen, Liu, Cheng, & Huang, 2017; Dunleavy & Dede, 2014;
Phon et al., 2014; Radu, 2014; Saidin, Halim, & Yahaya, 2015; Wu et al., 2013). Challenges that were
discovered are for example technical limitations, the use of the application being too complicated and
mentally overloading, the amount of time that has to be invested to develop the applications, and
pedagogical issues when trying to integrate AR into the classroom (Akçayır & Akçayır, 2017; Bower et
al., 2014; Dunleavy & Dede, 2014; Radu, 2014).
Over the years, various definitions of AR have been used in different areas of research. A rather
general definition describes AR as “technology which overlays virtual objects (augmented components)
into the real world” (Akçayır & Akçayır, 2017, p. 1) and in earlier definitions, AR is often linked to
head-mounted displays, which were the preferred display devices before smartphones and tablets were
available (Azuma, 1997). One of the most commonly used definitions by Azuma (1997) defines AR as
systems with three characteristics: (1) combination of the real world and virtual elements, (2) real-time
interactivity, and (3) registration in 3D. The definition is used in papers by Azuma (1997) and Azuma et
al. (2001), which are the two most cited papers in AR as of 2016 (Cipresso et al., 2018). This underlines
the importance of this definition and those three characteristics in AR research. In the current paper,
Azuma’s definition is employed because of its use in the educational field (e.g., Bower et al., 2014;
Radu, 2014), its scope (not too broad or too narrow), and its independence of a technological device.
In addition to different definitions, there have also been various attempts to classify AR applications
and technologies (see Normand, Servières, & Moreau, 2012 for an overview). In the most known
taxonomy, the Reality-Virtuality Continuum, AR is placed between the two extremes of real and virtual
environment, leaning towards the side of the real environment (Milgram & Kishino, 1994). A newer
taxonomy by Normand et al. (2012) classifies AR applications based on four axes, namely tracking
(degrees of freedom and accuracy), augmentation type (optical see-through, video see-through, spatial
augmentation), temporal base (past, present, future, time independent) and rendering modalities
(beyond visual augmentation). With this taxonomy, AR applications can be classified depending on
their goal and independent of the technology or the device used (Normand et al., 2012).
While the different definitions and taxonomies are often used independently of the research
area, in the educational AR literature there have been attempts to connect AR to different learning
theories and pedagogical approaches. Bower et al. (2014) and Dunleavy and Dede (2014) connect AR
to situated and constructivist learning by assessing that learning with AR can take place at a relevant
location and a deeper learning can occur with the support of AR. Game-based learning, in which
immersion in the learning material is important, and inquiry-based learning, in which a scientific data
gathering process is enacted, are also mentioned in connection to AR (Bower et al., 2014). In a review
of the usage of learning theories to support the design of educational AR applications, Sommerauer and
Müller (2018) mainly found that Mayer’s multimedia principles from his Cognitive Theory of
Multimedia Learning (Mayer, 2009), situated learning, game-based learning and simulations, and
experiential learning were used in studies. Based on their findings, they furthermore developed a design
framework that can be used for designing educational AR applications (Sommerauer & Müller, 2018).
While research on AR in education has been conducted for some time now, it is still not completely
obvious how exactly AR is better for supporting learning than other learning technologies like
tablet-based simulations or desktop learning environments. One key affordance of AR that Bower et al.
(2014) mention is that with AR, students can rescale virtual objects of all sizes in order to better
understand them. It is, however, not evident, how this is better than executing the same action on a
tablet or desktop screen. Affordances of AR that are mentioned by Wu et al. (2013) and might also be
true for technologies other than AR (for example a normal smartphone app), are ubiquity and
situatedness, the visualization of the invisible and the bridging of formal and informal learning.
Although it is evident that these affordances all have the potential to support learning, it is not
completely clear how exactly AR as a form of visualizing information plays a unique role in them. That
is why, in the remainder of this paper, we aim to present and discuss three characteristics of AR that
have been identified to be important factors in supporting learning. We describe how they are in this
specific way only found in AR and not in other learning technologies, and thus reveal unique values that
AR has for education, as proposed by Wu et al. (2013). Furthermore, we suggest that these three
characteristics might provide a structure and a focus for educational AR research, to examine when and
how the implementation of AR is most beneficial for education. This may help to develop a systematic
research agenda for the use of AR in education scenarios and thus also support instructors and designers
in developing effective AR-based learning experiences for various target groups and learning objectives
in formal and informal learning settings. After the introduction and discussion of the three
characteristics from a user’s perspective in the next section, two studies that have been conducted on
AR-supported learning are presented and discussed in the context of the characteristics. These studies
exemplify how the three characteristics can be used for classifying and planning empirical research. A
conclusion for the three characteristics and future research is drawn at the end of the paper.
2. Three Characteristics of AR from a User’s Perspective
As stated by Hugues, Fuchs, and Nannipieri (2011), augmenting reality in itself is not possible, so that
in AR a person’s perception of reality is augmented. Therefore, we chose to look at the characteristics
that AR possesses from a perceptual, user’s perspective. In order to do this, we considered the three
characteristics in the aforementioned definition of AR by Azuma (1997): (1) combination of the real
world and virtual elements, (2) real-time interactivity, and (3) registration in 3D. The technology that
delivers the AR experience to the user must possess these properties. In order to reframe the
characteristics from a user’s perspective, we looked at how they affect the user’s experience of AR and
propose three characteristics of the experience of using AR that cannot be found in this specific form in
other technologies: contextuality, interactivity, and spatiality. In the following paragraphs, these three
characteristics are described and their value for technology-enhanced learning is discussed. Also, four
interesting research areas are given for each of the characteristics: two concerning individual learning,
and two concerning collaborative learning. Table 1 shows an overview of the three characteristics.
2.1 Contextuality
In Azuma’s (1997) definition, the first characteristic is that real world and virtual elements are
combined in AR. From a technological perspective this means that virtual and real elements are
displayed simultaneously. The displaying device must be context sensitive and aware of its location to
show the user the digital content that is relevant at that place in that moment (Dunleavy & Dede, 2014).
When looking at this characteristic from a perceptual, user’s perspective, this means that the user
perceives the displayed virtual elements (e.g., objects, pictures, text) in the context of the real world
around them (e.g., physical objects, other learners). In contrast to virtual reality, the context is not
completely covered by the virtual elements, and in contrast to information on a screen, the virtual
element and the context are not separated from each other (Rekimoto & Nagao, 1995). With this, novel
opportunities and challenges to link the context and the virtual elements appear. Therefore, the first
AR-specific characteristics reframed from a user’s perspective is “contextuality”.
Concerning the benefits that contextuality has for learning, it can be said that with AR it is possible to
situate learning in a relevant context, which may increase the authenticity and ground students in reality
(Wu et al., 2013). Even though it may also be possible to look up information that is relevant to the place
where the user is at that moment with mobile devices, in AR the possibility to overlay visual virtual
information over the environment gives additional potential for “perfectly situated scaffolding” (Bower
et al., 2014, p. 6). Here, the relationship between the real world and the virtual information is closer than
when just looking at relevant information on a mobile device. Bower et al. (2014) call the ability to
contextually overlay information onto the real world one of the key pedagogical affordances of AR and
Dunleavy and Dede (2014) state that embedding learning within relevant environments is very likely to
enhance learning. In scientific literature, there is furthermore a connection made between the
contextuality of AR and Mayer’s (2009) multimedia principles of spatial and temporal contiguity
(Akçayır & Akçayır, 2017; Radu, 2014). Through contextuality, instructional information can be made
available at the right place and time and can this way be situated inside the real world. This implements
the contiguity principles, which state that information that belongs together should be presented in an
integrated way and at the same time (Mayer, 2009) in order to avoid split attention and thus increased
cognitive load (Ayres & Sweller, 2014). When working in a collaborative learning setting, the
contextuality of AR can also be beneficial. In co-located collaboration, contextuality means that
because the virtual elements do not occlude other learners and the context, virtual information can be
added to face-to-face collaborative learning settings. Learners can then perceive virtual information, the
other learners, and the context around them at the same time. Here, it must be considered that a complex
interplay between the three elements takes place, which might have an influence on the collaboration
between the learners and their references to learning material or other external artifacts (see Bodemer,
Janssen, & Schnaubert, 2018; Stahl, 2006). In general, through the characteristic of contextuality, AR
has the potential to apply some of the multimedia principles onto the real world and support especially
the situating of learning in a relevant environment. This provides interesting opportunities for applying
AR to support learning both inside and outside the classroom.
Different questions concerning the contextuality of AR that still need to be answered through empirical
research are, for example: (a) Do people indeed learn better when they are in a relevant context than
when they are not and which (cognitive, motivational, and emotional) factors play a role in this?,
(b) How closely must the context and the virtual information be thematically related for the overlaying
of information to be beneficial?, (c) How does the interplay between learners, contexts, and virtual
material have an influence on the interactions between two or more learners learning collaboratively?,
(d) What are the advantages and challenges of placing group awareness information (see Bodemer et al.,
2018) about other learners directly next to the respective learner? Concerning this last question, a study
is presented later in this paper (study 2).
2.2 Interactivity
The second characteristic that Azuma (1997) mentions in his definition of AR is that AR elements are
interactive in real time. From a technological perspective this means that the elements must be
programmed to react to input that the user or – in a collaborative setting – the users give.
From a perceptual, user’s perspective this entails that users experience the virtual elements
reacting to their and other learners’ actions. In turn, all users can react to the element’s actions. In AR,
virtual elements have two interactive sides. Because virtual objects in AR are placed inside the real
world, they lend themselves to natural and intuitive interaction that is not possible with screen-bound
virtual objects (e.g., “real” touching, gesture-based interaction). On the other hand, users can
manipulate the virtual AR objects in other ways than purely physical objects (e.g., input of new data to
change simulations, control through input devices) and can receive realistic and immediate feedback
upon their input. This way, the interactive capabilities of real and virtual elements are combined in AR.
Billinghurst and Dünser (2012), for example, state that in AR books, different forms of interaction are
possible, like turning real pages to change the virtual scenery or tilting and rotating the pages to view the
virtual elements from different angles. Hence, users can interact with the digital content by
manipulating real objects, using a tangible interface metaphor. Therefore, a second AR-specific
characteristic reframed from a user’s perspective is its “interactivity”.
Concerning the benefits that interactivity has for learning, it was found that even the most
intuitive form of interaction with an object (i.e., perspective changing by walking around it) can be
advantageous for learning (Holmes, Newcombe, & Shipley, 2018). Following embodied cognition
theory, whole-body interaction with AR learning material can also lead to better learning outcomes
(Johnson-Glenberg & Megowan-Romanowicz, 2017). Concerning collaborative learning settings, it
can be said that in AR all learners can interact with the virtual elements in the same way and can watch
how other learners interact with them. With other learning technologies, one person controls the mouse
and keyboard and others watch, or everybody uses their own device to collaborate online. In AR,
learners and their actions can directly be linked to each other, which may support the forming of a
mental model of the other learners and thus group awareness. In general, AR’s interactivity provides
interesting new ways to interact with learning material, supporting learning in different settings.
Questions that still need to be answered with empirical research concerning the interactivity of
AR are for example: (a) How does AR-based interaction (using a tangible interface metaphor in which
interaction with an AR marker in the real world leads to manipulation of virtual objects) have a different
effect on learning especially the connections between objects in comparison to a more familiar
touch-based interaction with virtual objects?, (b) How must interaction with the material be designed to
evoke higher order thinking processes?, (c) What influence does the collaborative interaction with the
AR material have on the interaction between learners?, (d) How does watching other group members
interact with the material support understanding and for example grounding processes in the group?
2.3 Spatiality
The third characteristic mentioned in the definition is that virtual elements must be registered (i.e.,
placed) inside the 3D real world (Azuma, 1997). From a technological perspective this means that the
real world must be tracked continuously, so that the virtual element can be pinned to a specific point in
space. Also, the spatial specifics like the dimensionality of the element itself need to be defined.
From a perceptual, user’s perspective this means that the virtual elements should seem to exist in the
same space as the real world. When virtual objects are placed inside the 3D real world, they can appear
to have more spatial depth than virtual objects shown purely on flat screens. Pseudo-spatial
visualizations are possible when using monocular depth cues on AR flat screens, while even true spatial
visualizations can be created with the aid of binocular disparity when using AR glasses (Jeřábek,
Rambousek, & Wildová, 2015). The third AR-specific characteristic reframed from a user’s perspective,
is thus its “spatiality”.
Concerning the benefits of spatiality in educational settings it can be said that physical 3D objects were
found to be better for learning than 3D computer models (Preece, Williams, Lam, & Weller, 2013).
When looking at the spatial properties of 3D AR models, they lie between physical and computer
models, so that they may also be more beneficial for learning than normal computer models.
Advantages concerning the mental load of participants using a 3D visualization to learn a visual motor
task over using a 2D visualization could also be found (Dan & Reiner, 2017). AR might be especially
useful for learning the spatial structure of 3D material (Radu, 2014) and subjects with a spatial
component are learned more effectively with AR (Billinghurst & Dünser, 2012). In collaborative
learning settings, an example of how the fixation of an AR object to a point in space can be used is
through knowledge sharing by tagging and annotating objects (Specht, Ternier, & Greller, 2011). The
objects over which the learners collaborate or which they create collaboratively can also be
three-dimensional and fixed to one point in space. This may offer various advantages over working
together on two-dimensional screen-based material. In general, it can be said that learners may
especially benefit from AR’s spatiality when learning about spatial structures and relationships.
Questions that arise and should be answered through empirical research are for example: (a) Is
using a three-dimensional AR object as beneficial for learning spatial structures as real objects are, in
comparison to screen-based objects?, (b) How much does the use of stereoscopic AR glasses in
comparison to screen-based monoscopic AR influence the spatial perception of an object and what are
the advantages concerning the spatial understanding the user acquires about it?, (c) Does the
collaborative creation of a three-dimensional artefact lead to better learning than the creation of a
two-dimensional artefact?, (d) How exactly does using a whole room as a space to learn in together
instead of a shared screen influence the interaction with the material and between the learners?
Table 1
Three Characteristics of AR from a User’s Perspective
Azuma’s User perspective Description
characteristic characteristic
Combination of Contextuality users perceive virtual elements simultaneously with real
the real world world (including other users) around it
and virtual users do not perceive virtual elements and context (including
elements other users) separately
Real-time Interactivity users experience virtual elements reacting to them and other
interactivity users, and experience themselves and other users reacting to
actions of the elements
interactive properties of physical AND virtual elements
Registration in Spatiality virtual elements placed inside the 3D real world appear as if
3D they were really there
virtual elements appear more spatial than if shown on screen
The three characteristics of AR and their advantages for educational settings are not only interesting on
their own, but also in their combination into one experience. Moving around a virtual AR object and
looking at it from all perspectives, for example, concerns both interactivity and spatiality of AR. When
the object stays in one place, it reacts to the user’s movement (interactivity), which is possible because
the object is fixed to a point in 3D space (spatiality). The authenticity of an experience can also be
influenced by all three characteristics. Authenticity can imply the placement of a virtual object in a
relevant, authentic environment (contextuality). It can also refer to the authenticity of the object itself,
including its 3D presentation (spatiality). Furthermore, authenticity may imply authentic interaction
with the virtual object (interactivity). An authentic virtual object placed in a relevant, authentic
real-world environment and with authentic interactive properties, may provide the most authentic
experience for learners.
This shows that the three characteristics cannot always be considered separately but can interact
with each other. It is important to examine them through experimental research both separately and in
interaction, to get an overarching picture of how AR can be used best in educational settings. In the
following sections, we present two experimental studies that we executed concerning the use of AR in
different educational settings: study 1 as an example of considering different characteristics
(interactivity and spatiality) in an individual setting, study 2 as an approach of systematically varying
one of the proposed characteristics (contextuality) in a collaborative setting. This way, two quite
different ways of using the characteristics to structure and design empirical research are presented.
The first experimental study is based on research about learning with computer simulations. Using
computer simulations paired with inquiry-based learning instructions like scientific discovery learning
proved to be valuable in many ways for the learner to comprehend complex concepts in research
contexts and practical applications (de Jong, 1991; de Jong & van Joolingen, 1998). AR applications for
learning purposes can also be understood as (interactive) computer simulations or visualizations, but
research about learning with AR applications rarely explored the fact that traditional and AR
simulations share common concepts but differ in various aspects. It is unclear whether the learning
benefits in working with AR applications found in these studies were due to the AR aspect of the
application or because the learning material was a simulation or interactive visualization instead of
traditional paper and text. The aim of this study was to compare a traditional (tablet-based) computer
simulation with an AR version of the application with regards to their effects on conceptual knowledge,
cognitive load, motivation, and spatial abilities of the learners. Although the study was not planned
based on the three proposed characteristics, when comparing the AR and non-AR applications used, it
shows that interactivity and spatiality differ between them. Concerning interactivity, it can be said that
while in AR the users moved around the simulation and interacted with a real object (AR marker) to
manipulate it, in the traditional simulation they used touch-based drag-and-drop on a tablet. Spatiality
differed in the two applications in that virtual AR objects appear to be more spatial because the user has
the reference of the real world, while this is not the case in a normal screen-based simulation.
3.1 Method
For this study, two almost identical computer simulations were developed and compared in an
experimental laboratory setting: a normal computer simulation of a power plant on a tablet, and an AR
simulation with AR markers and the tablet as a video-see-through display for AR elements. The two
simulations differed regarding their interactivity and spatiality as described in the previous paragraph.
During the experiment the participants (N = 56) followed a scientific discovery-based learning script
with the goal of comprehending the underlying concept of power plants by building their own, changing
the composition of the plant components, and first hypothesizing and then observing the outcome. The
participants were randomly assigned to use either the traditional (nt = 28) or the AR simulation (nAR =
28). It was hypothesized that after the interaction with the material, participants have equivalent
conceptual knowledge and cognitive load during the learning process as well as improved spatial
abilities and motivation when learning with the AR simulation compared to the traditional simulation.
Based on this, three TOST equivalence tests and five t-tests were executed to analyze the data.
3.2 Results
The equivalence tests were all executed for the equivalence bounds Cohen’s d = +/-0.67, based on the
smallest detectable effect with this sample size. The hypothesis that conceptual knowledge was
equivalent in the two simulations could be supported (Mt = 12.79, SDt = 3.06; MAR = 12.64, SDAR =
2.84), 90% CI for d [-0.40;0.49], lower bound, t(54) = 2.69, p = .005, upper bound, t(54) = -2.33, p
= .012. An equivalence of intrinsic cognitive load in the simulations was also found (Mt = 4.88, SDt =
1.95; MAR = 5.02, SDAR = 1.98), 90% CI for d [-0.52;0.38], lower bound, t(54) = 2.25, p = .014,
upper bound, t(54) = -2.76, p = .004. For extraneous cognitive load, equivalence in the simulations
could not be concluded (Mt = 1.21, SDt = 1.35; MAR = 1.58, SDAR = 1.42), 90% CI for d [-0.72;0.18],
lower bound, t(54) = 1.50, p = .070, upper bound, t(54) = -3.52, p < .001. Based on three t-tests, no
significant differences were found between the groups for these three variables.
The hypothesis concerning the difference in the resulting spatial abilities was not supported, as
no significant difference between the traditional (Mt = 7.96, SDt = 4.15) and the AR simulation
(MAR = 9.07, SDAR = 5.00) was found, t(54) = -0.90, p = .371, d = -0.25. Contrary to expectations,
motivation did also not differ between the two forms of simulation: intrinsic motivation (Mt = 5.51,
SDt = 1.18; MAR = 5.78, SDAR = 0.94), t(54) = 0.94, p = .352, d = 0.26, identified regulation (Mt =
4.61, SDt = 1.30; MAR = 5.14, SDAR = 0.99), t(54) = -1.73, p = .089, d = -0.47, external regulation (Mt
= 4.69, SDt = 0.98; MAR = 4.46, SDAR = 1.00), t(54) = 0.88, p = .382, d = 0.24, and amotivation (Mt =
2.58, SDt = 1.18; MAR = 2.19, SDAR = 1.18), t(54) = 1.25, p = .217, d = 0.34.
3.3 Discussion
The results of this study indicate that just transferring a desktop simulation into an AR simulation and
thus manipulating interactivity and spatiality together might not be enough to be more beneficial for the
learner regarding conceptual knowledge, motivation, cognitive load and spatial abilities. After using the
application, the participants learning with the AR simulation had equal conceptual knowledge and
intrinsic cognitive load and nearly equal extraneous cognitive load as the participants using the
traditional simulation. The groups did not differ in motivational aspects and spatial abilities. Still, this
experiment can serve as an initial study to find out more about how the three characteristics influence
learning. In this study, both interactivity and spatiality were manipulated in the applications. To find out
more about the specific benefits the two characteristics and their interaction have on learning processes
and outcomes, more systematic studies are necessary in which interactivity and spatiality are varied
separately. Furthermore, AR offers other possibilities than the ones varied in this study. A procedural
simulation or visualization where the learner can use the application directly in the environment where
the knowledge domain is registered (based on the characteristic of contextuality) might be more
beneficial to the learner regarding learning outcomes and learning related variables. This also requires
more research in the form of an experiment with systematically manipulated predictor variables.
A further experimental study that was systematically planned and executed based on one of the three
characteristics has focused on how to use the potential of AR’s contextuality in a collaborative setting.
Due to contextuality, the user can perceive virtual information, other learners, and the environment
simultaneously. This way, virtual information can be shown exactly at the right time and place. As
suggested by Radu (2014), this characteristic can be connected to Mayer’s (2009) multimedia principles
of spatial and temporal contiguity which state that information that belongs to each other should be
presented at the same time and close to each other, preventing the splitting of attention and decreasing
extraneous cognitive load. In computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL), group awareness
tools (GATs) can be used to support collaborative learning processes (Bodemer et al., 2018). As GATs
provide contextual information about the social learning environment, it is crucial that they do not
divert attention from germane learning activities. When group awareness (GA) information about other
learners is visualized in face-to-face collaborative settings, this information is often printed out or
shown on a screen, which means that the given information is separated from the context in which it is
relevant (i.e., the collaboration with the other person) due to the medium that delivers it. This could
especially be a problem in bigger groups of learners, because the correct GA information must still be
connected to the right person. AR’s unique characteristic of contextuality provides the opportunity to
show GA information directly next to the corresponding person. Similar to the work of Holstein, Hong,
Tegene, McLaren, & Aleven (2018), where teachers were provided with real-time information about
their students’ learning process through augmented reality glasses, this GA information could be
presented directly over or next to the corresponding student. In this study, the systematic variation in the
two conditions was thus based on contextuality so that in the AR condition the information and the
context were integrated, while in the non-AR condition they were separated from each other. The aim of
the study was to find out whether placing information about people directly next to them in comparison
to placing it further away has an influence on cognitive load and retention of the information.
4.1 Method
To compare the visualization of GA information next to people and further away from them, we used
pictures instead of a real implementation in AR to investigate the characteristic of contextuality in a
controlled laboratory setting. In the study, the participants (N = 38) worked on tasks in which they had
to form study groups of the people shown to them in pictures based on the GA information given about
them. The participants were randomly assigned to one of two conditions: GA information visualized
directly next to the corresponding person in the picture (AR mockup; nAR = 18) or GA information
shown separately below the pictures (nnonAR = 20). In the different tasks given to the participants, the
number of people shown to them was varied between two and ten people to see if an effect of the
proximity of the information differs with a differing number of people. The two independent variables
were thus the proximity of the information to the people (between-subject) and the number of people
displayed (within-subject). It was hypothesized that these two factors and their interaction influence the
cognitive load of the participants as measured continuously through a secondary reaction task and the
efficiency in executing the task as measured by their time spent on the task. Furthermore, it was
expected that the proximity of the information influences the participants’ self-reported extraneous
cognitive load and their recall of the GA information. Two mixed-design ANOVAs and two
independent samples t-tests were used to analyze the data based on these hypotheses.
4.2 Results
The hypothesis that the proximity of the information has an influence on the continuously measured
cognitive load could be supported with a significantly slower reaction time (ms) in the group where
picture and information were shown further apart (MnonAR = 2197.83, SDnonAR = 1863.29; MAR =
1153.49, SDAR = 744.64), F(1,36) = 4.93, p = .033, ηp2 = 0.12. The same pattern was found for the
time spent on the task, where the group with the separate information presentation needed more time (s)
to solve the tasks than the group with the integrated visualization (MnonAR = 62.86, SDnonAR = 19.76;
MAR = 50.93, SDAR = 11.11) , F(1,36) = 5.11, p = .030, ηp2 = 0.12. Concerning the within-subject
factor (number of people), it can be said that even though more people shown generally meant both a
longer time spent on the task, F(1.24, 44.44) = 21.11, p < .001, ηp2 = 0.37, and a longer reaction time in
the secondary task, F(2.531, 91.13) = 4.933, p = .005, ηp2 = 0.12, this pattern was not found for all
pairwise comparisons. No significant interaction effect was found for reaction time, F(2.53, 91.13) =
1,47, p = .233, ηp2 = 0.04, or time spent on the task, F(1.24, 44.44) = 1.25, p = .279, ηp2 = 0.03.
Concerning the variables that were not measured for every single task, no significant difference
was found in either self-reported extraneous cognitive load (MAR = 4.07, SDAR = 1.68; MnonAR =
4.25, SDnonAR = 1.67), t(36) = -0.32, p = .748, d = -0.11, or recall of the GA information between the
two groups (MAR = 2.39, SDAR = 1.29; MnonAR = 2.20, SDnonAR = 1.11), t(36) = 0.49, p = .630, d
= 0.16.
4.3 Discussion
In this study, in which contextuality was varied systematically, significant differences between the two
groups concerning the reaction time in a secondary task and the time on task were found. The
participants in the AR mockup group needed less time for solving the tasks and reacted faster on the
secondary task, which shows that they were more efficient and less cognitively occupied in their task of
forming study groups based on the information about the people. However, these results could not be
supported by the results in the self-reported cognitive load and recall of the information, which did not
differ between the groups. A confounding variable that might have led to the differences in the timings
between the groups was that the participants from the non-AR group had to scroll down on the pages
with the tasks, while the others did not. In a future study, this factor must be held stable between the
groups. Also, other objective measures for cognitive load, which should not be influenced by scrolling
(e.g., eye-tracking metrics), might be used to compare the two forms of visualization in a future study. A
factor that may have led to less differences between the groups is that the tasks could be solved without
even looking at the pictures of the people. This way, the participants might not even have made the
connection between the people and the information. Split attention only happens when one part of the
material is not understandable without the other (Ayres & Sweller, 2014). This was not the case here
and an adapted study design should be considered for future studies.
5. Conclusion
In this paper, three characteristics of AR are reframed from a user’s perspective and discussed in
relation to their potential for supporting individual and collaborative learning. It is proposed that these
three characteristics can be used as a basis for researching AR in educational settings and two studies
which have been executed with the three characteristics in mind are presented.
The two studies differed considerably in their usage of the characteristics. In study 1, the
experimental manipulation can be classified into two of the characteristics, namely interactivity and
spatiality. Concerning this study, we conclude that to get a more complete picture, follow-up studies are
necessary in which the two characteristics are varied separately and systematically. This way, their
influence on learning processes and outcomes can be determined. In study 2, a systematic experimental
variation based on the characteristic of contextuality took place and positive effects on efficiency and
cognitive load could be found. Due to confounding variables, the results of the study should be
interpreted with caution. Follow-up studies that control for these factors are needed to confirm the
results concerning the increased efficiency and decreased cognitive load in the setting.
While contextuality, interactivity, and spatiality all seem to be important for using AR in
educational settings, more systematic empirical research concerning their potentials, their impact and
their interplay is necessary. Based on the two presented studies, which initialized the research on AR in
education at our lab, more empirical studies with systematic variations based on the three characteristics
are currently conducted and planned, such as two experimental studies that intend to systematically
disentangle the characteristics of interactivity and spatiality.
AR-supported learning experiences have the potential to be applied in different settings and
with various goals, which can also be seen in the differences between the two presented studies. Thus,
systematic AR-related research findings can enrich the design of formal and informal educational
environments for individual and social learning of diverse students. In order to provide a structuring
basis for this heterogeneous research field, the three characteristics contextuality, interactivity, and
spatiality are proposed to serve as common denominators for the users’ experience of AR in a wide
range of learning settings.
We would like to thank Sophie-Marie Zentarra for collecting the data of the second study in the course
of her Bachelor’s Thesis.
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Abstract: The researchers adopted the phases of Actor-Network Theory approach for the
public senior high school teachers with the use of M-Learning technologies as pedagogy since
most of them lack access in using different learning materials and textbooks. With this, the
teachers find other ways on how to provide learning materials for their students. The study used
free and open source educational software to support and sustain the needs of the students and
one of the M-learning open source tools is Edmodo. Also, the teacher supplements the needs of
the learners with the use of some technological devices such as mobile phone, tablet and
desktop computers. The result of the study showed that it is moderately accepted in terms of
using the free and open source Edmodo application. The respondents moderately accepted the
use of such devices as an educational pedagogical strategy. Moreover, the satisfaction of ANT
approach with the use of the m-learning technologies in the public senior high school students in
terms of m-learning materials, activities and assessment was highly accepted with a total mean
of 4.56. Lastly, the level of agreement of ANT approach as pedagogy in terms of functionality,
efficiency, usability, availability, and reliability was strongly agreed by the students.
1. Introduction
Over the past years, the teaching methodology in the Philippines in public high school has evolved
tremendously that is geared and focused to the very needs of our foremost clientele-the students. The
teaching pedagogy, taken as an academic discipline that studies how knowledge and skills are
exchanged in an educational context has taken much consideration and leads to the betterment and
quality of our secondary education.
With this, a lot of researches, pedagogical enhancement and technological infusion have been used in
order to uplift and sustain the quality of education in public secondary schools.
This study sought to adopt the Actor-Network Theory approach using M-Learning technologies in the
public senior high school as pedagogy.
1.1.1 What are the challenges encountered by the participants in a traditional teaching approach in
providing learning to the public senior high school students?
1.1.2 What is the level of acceptance of ANT approach using M-Learning technologies in the public
senior high school as pedagogical strategy in terms of: Software Technology, Hardware Technology?
1.1.3 What is the level of satisfaction of ANT approach using M-Learning technologies in the public
senior high school in facilitating the performance of the learners in terms of: M-learning materials; M-learning activities; and M-learning assessment?
1.1.4 What is the level of agreement of ANT approach using M-Learning technologies in the public
senior high school as pedagogical strategy in terms of: Functionality; Efficiency; Usability; Availability; Reliability?
Adopting actor-network theory in the Philippines education system has a purpose. The main goal of the
education in the Philippines is to give the best quality education for all the learners. Caroll et. al. 2012
stated that the fundamental aim of ANT is to explore how network are built or assembled and
maintained to achieve a specific objective. ANT provides the ability to uncover the chain of actions or
influences from various actors which are carried out to deliver a specific action and outcome.
Actor-Network Theory (ANT) is a part of social theory that highlights on relationship of actors. Social
theory is seen as a translator and analyzer tool for researcher to discover the cause and solution of a
problem. These theories also help researcher to variously explain and analyze how social action, social
processes, and social structures work (Salamat et al. 2011, VI-87). Also, these theories may help the
different public senior high school how to support the needs of the actors in the network.
Fenwick and Edwards’ (2010) book on Actor-Network Theory in Education suggested that ANT could
provide a useful ‘lens’ to look through at the literature under investigation. Parellels can be drawn to
Fenwick and Edwards’ account of Bigum’s (1998) classifications of the discourses used to position
information technologies as technologies for learning. Using the mobile technologies in the education
might help to lessen the problem of the teachers and students in the school. Adopting the phases of ANT
approach (McBride 2000) may guide the network the implementation of ANT with integration of the
technology in the school.
The difference between ANT and other network theories is that in the former, actors and entities can be
either human or nonhuman. Their properties are also being dependent on their relationship in a
network. ANT treats all elements of the system equally in understanding the relationship among actors
(Salamat et al. 2011, VI-84)
Bigum’s analysis draws on the perspective of ANT. This theoretical framework uses “the metaphor of
heterogeneous network, a way of suggesting that society, organization, agents and machines are all
effects generated in pattered networks of diverse (not simply human) materials” (Law 1992, 380).
ANT’s main feature is it focuses on inanimate entities and their effect on social processes. An actor is
thus defined as the “source of an action regardless of its status as a human or non-human”, this is a
radical notion in that it contests that inanimate things (e.g. such as technology) can also have agency
(Prout 1996 and Law 2002). An actor can however only act in combination with other actors and in
constellations that give the actor the possibility to act (Law 2002). Thus, inherent to ANT is a move
away from the idea that technology impacts on humans as an external force, to the view that technology
emerged from social interests (e.g. economic, professional) and hat it thus has the potential to shape
social interaction (Prout 1996).
2. Methods
The research method used in this study was descriptive method where data collection was done through
survey questionnaire and interview. The respondents answered questions diligently based from the use
of M-Learning tools inside the classroom. The questionnaire also asked respondents on their experience
on the usage of this technology in different platforms like mobile phones, tablets, and laptops.
Below is the Likert scale that the researchers used in the questionnaire of this study
“Actor-Network Theory Approach Using M-Learning Technologies in the Public Senior High
School as Pedagogy.”
Table 1
Level of acceptance of the respondents using m-learning technologies in the public senior high
school with Actor-Network Theory as pedagogy.
Table 2
Level of satisfaction of the respondents using m-learning technologies in the public senior high
school in gauging the performance of the learners.
Table 3
Level of agreement of the respondents using m-learning technologies in the public senior high
school with Actor-Network Theory as pedagogical strategy in terms of functionality, efficiency,
usability, availability, and reliability.
The researchers used a measure of central tendency to obtain shorthand of the entire data and indirectly
described the population where the responses were gathered. Specifically, the weighted mean was
employed to determine the average value of response the respondents. The statistical formula for the
weighted mean is denoted by:
Wm =
Wm = Weighted mean
TWF = Total of the products of the weight multiplied by their corresponding frequencies
N = Number of rater or total frequency
Examine irreversibility
Tracing actions
Figure 1: Phases of Adopting the ANT approach (adopted from McBride, 2000)
2.6 M-Technologies
3. Results
There were 50 respondents who were selected to answer the survey questionnaire. 31 of them were male
and 19 were female. The respondents were the senior high school teachers from the 3 selected DepEd
public secondary schools within the National Capital Region which are Claro M. Recto High School,
Lagro High School and Camarin High School.
In terms of technology usage profile of the respondents, the usage of the devices such as mobile phone
got 96% or 48 in frequency, tablets got 56% or 28 in frequency and laptop got 34% with 17 in
frequency. Therefore, the mobile phone usage ranked first and most of the teachers have been using
these devices for more than 3 years with 72%, 2 to 3 years got 22% and less than 1 year for 6% only.
One of the challenges of the senior high public teachers who used traditional teaching approach was
taking much time in preparing instructional materials. This resulted to 82% or 41 of them experienced
the said concern. On the other hand, 68% of the teachers said that there is a limited teaching material
like textbooks and other learning materials used inside the classroom. Also, 76% mentioned of spoon
feeding in lecture and discussion which they really wanted to avoid. Lastly, 72% or 36 of them said they
wanted to avoid teacher-centered inside the classroom.
The level of acceptance of ANT approach using m-learning technologies in the public senior high
school as pedagogical strategy of the teacher resulted to moderately accepted. This means that the
open-source Edmodo application for the m-learning using the devices such as mobile phone, tablets and
laptops were really accepted by the respondents as a pedagogical strategy in education. The network
which is the technology and devices used of the teachers contributed to good and proper learning of the
students. Furthermore, the actors who were the students learned and achieved good benefits from the
non-human materials.
With regards to the satisfaction felt by the public teachers, the result showed that high satisfaction was
seen. The use of m-learning materials was highly satisfied with a mean score of 4.562, while the
m-learning activities had a mean score of 4.435 which was moderately satisfied. The m-learning
assessment had a result of total mean response of 4.524 which was highly satisfied.
Lastly, the level of agreement of the actor-network theory approach using m-learning technologies in
the public senior high school as pedagogy in terms of functionality, efficiency, usability, availability
and reliability has resulted to a strongly agree. The use of Edmodo application and using technology
devices like mobile phone, tablets and laptops were very helpful for the teachers as their pedagogical
strategy in education.
4. Discussion/Conclusion
In summary, the actors or humans play a big factor in managing the non-human entities in education.
The non-human entities have a big role in our education especially in the public senior high school were
technology shapes the human entities that needs support, engagement and answer to the needs of the
teachers and most especially the students.
The integration of technology in education as a pedagogical strategy of the teacher helped them to
achieve their goal of supplementing their teaching strategy properly to their students. It is an effective
strategy for the senior high teachers so that no learners will be left behind or disengaged during class
lectures and discussions.
Lastly, the researchers of the study proved that using the m-technologies such as mobile phone,
tablets, and laptops was highly accepted in classroom discussions. It bridged the gap of unavailable
learning materials, teacher-centeredness and students non-participatory as major challenges faced by
the teachers in their day-to-day chore inside the classroom.
5. Recommendation
a. Other open-source application can be used by the public high school teachers using the
m-technologies such as mobile phone, tablets, 2n1 laptops, etc. as educational pedagogical
b. Learners can be able to access the lesson from the teacher anytime and anywhere.
c. The phases of adopting the ANT approach (adopted by McBride, 2000) can be used as a
guide for possible implementation in primary or collegiate school setting.
d. Future researchers will use this research as basis for future studies that will improve the
study more especially in the Philippine education system both public and private schools.
This research was supported by our professor Dr. Rex Bringula of the University of the East, Graduate
School where he gave guidance and ideas in the completion of this study. The researchers also thanked
the teachers of the 3 different public secondary high school teachers for their participation in answering
honestly the questionnaire where results were extracted and evaluated. Lastly, this study is also possible
with the help, critique and support of fellow Doctor in Information Technology students from the
University of the East.
Bigum, C. (1998). Solutions in search of education problems: Speaking for computer in schools. Educational
Policy 12, no, 5:595-601.
Fenwich, T., Edwards, R. (2010). Actor-network theory in education. London: Routlege.
Latour, B. (2005). Reassembling the social: An introduction to actor-network theory. New York, NY: Oxford
University Press.
Law, J. (1992). Notes on the theory of the actor-network: Ordering strategy and heterogeneity, August 1992, Vol.
5, Issue 4, pp. 379-393
Law, J. Mol A. (2002). Complexities – social studies of knowledge practices Duke University Press
Prout A. (1996). Actor-network theory, technology and medical sociology: an illustrative analysis of the metered
dose inhaler. Sociology of health and illness 1996, 18:198-219
Salamat, M.A.B., Hassan, S.B. (2011). An Actor-Network Theory (ANT) approach to Malaysian e-participation
framework. 2011 International Conference on Social Science Humanity, PERD Vol. 5, ACSIT Press,
Chang, M. et al. (Eds.) (2019). Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Computers in
Education. Taiwan: Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education
Abstract: This study reports research on the pilot implementation of a new educational
programme integrating smartphone technology with scientific investigation through an
innovative method of mobile technologies enhanced learning. Smartphone technology has the
potential to serve as an excellent tool for students to conduct scientific investigation and learn
scientific concepts. A newly-developed educational programme was first pilot and carried out
by 37 pre-service science teachers in an education university. Evaluation employed a
quantitative method with additional qualitative data determined using a adapted Technology
Acceptance Model (TAM) questionnaire survey and open-ended questions to collect data on
students’ perceptions and implementation issues. The survey findings showed that student
teachers agreed with the suitability of educational values with the use of smartphones for
performing science investigation. Negative comments and suggestions for refinement were also
identified. Thus, we have refined our programme for further applications in secondary schools.
1. Introduction
The educational system in the 21st century focuses on the 4Cs, namely critical thinking, creativity,
communication and collaboration. Educators need to produce students and pre-service teachers able to
think critically and creatively, and with the ability to communicate and collaborate using modern
technology. Communication and collaboration can be implemented easily and effectively via
technology. Recently, study through mobile learning has become a contemporary research topic which
“can offer new opportunities for learning that extend within and beyond the traditional teacher-led
classroom” (Sharples, Arnedillo–Sánchez, Milrad, & Vavoula, 2009, p. 233). Moreover, Chan et al.
(2006) suggested that seamless learning with mobile devices may enable learning experiences in a
number of various learning environments. Therefore, the implementation of mobile learning or to be
specific smartphones in the teaching and learning offers a lot of benefits to both the teachers and
students. Mobile learning utilizes the learner’s spare time from any place at any time (Motiwalla, 2007),
and conduct scientific experiments (Vogt & Kuhn, 2012). However, the use of smartphones also leads
to certain challenges such as problems with connectivity, battery life, and network issues. All the
challenges need to be overcome for a media-enhanced learning environment that can engage students in
the learning process. In this study, smartphone technology can be feasibly used as a handy tool to carry
out certain scientific investigations. Thus, this study aims to present research findings on educational
values and the acceptance of science learning among student teachers after a scientific investigation of
the innovative use of smartphone devices.
2. Problem Statements
Recently, numerous findings on mobile technology research and development have revealed that these
technologies play a crucial role in science and technology (Sharples et al., 2009; Hwang, Tsai, Chu,
Kinshuk, & Chen, 2012). However, most published papers focus on technical issues of development
and lack innovative application and evaluation of students’ motivation in science learning as well as
acceptance of smartphone-based science learning. Thus, little evidence has been found to verify
whether this technology can be applied or used to facilitate and assist student’s acceptance in science
learning. As a result, smartphone devices are important for experiential and real-time interactive science
learning environments in which students can perform, observe, respond and share selected experiments
(Hwang, et al., 2012; Tho, Lee, & Baharom, 2018). Such a hands-on learning environment via mobile
technology enables science students to easily perform real-time experiments almost anytime and
anywhere. It will also overcome students’ boredom by the conventional or “Cookbook” experiment
with manual data collection and graph plotting. As a result, this innovative learning environment can be
applied to overcome problems related to limited class time, “Cookbook” experiment and accessibility.
3. Research Questions
What are the perceptions of the student teachers in terms of the adapted Technology Acceptance
Model (TAM) for this educational programme?
What are the views and major problems encountered of the student teachers about performing
scientific investigation through the innovative use of smartphones?
How can student teachers’ opinions be used to improve this educational programme for performing
scientific investigation through the innovative use of smartphones?
4. Research Methodology
Quantitative method with qualitative data with two research designs: design and development and also
survey design had been used in this study. In other words, this study consists of both development and
evaluation of an educational programme. For development, the student worksheets and teacher guide
manual were designed and prepared by the researchers using Analysis, Design, Development,
Implementation, and Evaluation (ADDIE) model as well as funds acquired through the university
research grant. Concerning the scientific investigation, the strengths of the experimental operations
include the smartphone itself with the help of free applications (apps) software such as Physics Toolbox
Suite apps (created by Vieyra Software, 2016) which can be easily downloaded from the Google Play
Store. As a consequence, a test-run of the two programmes was conducted, with consecutive refinement
of the learning materials and activities.
4.2 Sample
Two groups of semester 5 student teachers taking science education programme at a faculty of an
education university were selected using single-stage cluster sampling. A total of 37 student teachers
were involved and surveyed in this study where 21 respondents from Programme 1, and 16 respondents
from Programme 2. They were asked to participate in the evaluation process of this educational
programme as the student teachers’ views and suggestions were highly important, because they studied
various science education, technology, and teacher training courses. Furthermore, this study gave them
the opportunity to practice the innovative use of Smartphone for scientific investigation, and this idea
could be applied in their future teaching and learning at school. To comply with the educational
research code, student teachers were required to complete and sign a consent form for voluntary
participation in this research.
4.3 Instrument
A research instrument was adapted, and used, namely post-survey questionnaire with open-ended
questions was adapted and modified from Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) (Davis, 1989; Teo,
Wong, & Chai, 2008; Tho & Yeung, 2016). Adapted TAM is used to seek a concern about how a user
accepts and uses a certain technology (Davis, 1989; Teo, Wong, & Chai, 2008). In fact, both perceived
usefulness and perceived ease of use are expected to lead to positive attitudes and intentions to accept
and practice on particular information technology (Davis, 1989).The questionnaire instrument included
survey items on four categories of adapted TAM including perceived usefulness (four items); perceived
ease of use (four items); behavioural intention (two items); and attitudes (four items) which were based
on a Likert scale from 1-strongly disagree to 4-strongly agree. Open-ended questions were used to
collect student teachers’ learning experiences (Tho & Yeung, 2016). To ensure content validity and
reliability, the questionnaire and open-ended questions were reviewed and criticized by a panel of
research experts who examined the content and language used.
Figure 1. a) Schematic Diagram of Programme; b) Determine the Apparent Weight in a Lift Elevator
For quantitative data analysis, the data from the survey was input into the statistical analysis software.
Then, the mean scores and standard deviation were calculated. Furthermore, the independent samples
t test was used to analysis the survey data. The independent samples t test was applied to examine the
differences between two groups of programme. The significant difference was accepted or rejected in
any category at the .05 significance level.
For qualitative data analysis, the open-ended data was input for coding into the Qualitative Data
Analysis (QDA) Miner Lite free software, and themes according to open-ended questions comprising
advantages and disadvantages (First part), knowledge learning, problems encountered, improvement
suggestions and topic recommendations (Second part).
5. Findings and Discussion
For the designing simple scientific investigation in the second part of the educational programme,
several meaningful indoor or outdoor science activities had been designed by student teachers under the
supervision of facilitators. Several examples of science activities included investigate the relationship
between light intensity and distance (indoor); investigate the relationship between magnetic field
strength and distance (indoor); investigate the apparent weight in the elevator (outdoor); determine the
velocity of sound in air (indoor); Sound pollution (outdoor).
For the four categories on perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, behavioural intention and
attitudes according to the educational programme, the mean scores (Likert scale 1-strongly disagree to
4-strongly agree) range between 3.14 to 3.54, and the mean score for each category was above the scale
of 3 for agreeing with the survey items. The Cronbach’s alpha reliability coefficient of the survey was
0.75. Table 1 shows the mean scores obtained from the student teachers’ survey and it was acceptable to
adopt the classical test theory for the present data analysis. In Table 1, the student teachers from
Programme 1 constantly rated higher in the survey items compared to student teacher from Programme
2, except for the behavioural intention category. However, there were no significant differences found
by the independent samples t test between these two programmes. Overall, the findings have revealed
that student teachers agreed with the educational values inspiring this educational programme through
innovative use of Smartphone. In addition, the lowest overall mean score given by student teachers is
perceived ease of use category. It was anticipated that the student teachers need more guidance and time
to familiarise themselves with this educational programme, as the technique is new to them.
Table 1
Mean scores (with SD in Brackets) of Student Teachers’ Response on Survey Items and N is the Number
of Participants
Category Programme 1 (N=21) Programme 2 (N=16) Overall (N=37)
Perceived Usefulness 3.53 (.35) 3.47 (.54) 3.51 (.43)
Perceived Ease of Use 3.21 (.39) 3.14 (.55) 3.18 (.46)
Behavioural Intention 3.29 (.51) 3.44 (.63) 3.35 (.56)
Attitudes 3.54 (.32) 3.52 (.51) 3.53 (.41)
In the first part of the open-ended questions, the data collected from student teachers were
analysed for positive and negative themes as shown in Table 2. In general, those qualitative data are
consistent with the findings obtained by previous researchers who indicated some advantages and
disadvantages of using smartphone for educational research and developmental work. Hence, this
educational program involving the innovative use of smartphone has the potential to improve their
practical skill, with the intention of preparing student teachers to apply this approach in their future
career in education. The second part of the open-ended questions is the student teachers feedbacks on
their opinions on studying the educational programme were collected in Table 3. Student teachers found
these are interesting, saving time and providing accurate results. They were able to perform the
scientific investigation anyplace. These responses were consistent with the survey results and the first
part of the open-ended questions.
Table 2
Two Open-ended Questions to Assess Student Teachers’ Opinions Concerning Advantages and
Disadvantages in General on Using Smartphone to Perform Science Investigation (N=37)
Open-ended Question Insightful Comments*
Advantages Easy to conduct scientific investigation (14); Performing scientific investigation at anywhere
(11); Interesting (8); Saves time (8); Performing scientific investigation anytime (7); Low cost
(7); Provides accurate result (4); Use apps without Internet connection (4); Able to create more
experiments (3); Able to gain knowledge (3)
Disadvantages Smartphone with limited built-in sensors (20); Less guiding notes (9); Battery may drain too
fast (6); Expensive to buy smartphone with more sensors (5); Require Internet to download
apps (5); Hanging/lagging problem (3); Too depending to smartphone (3); Disruption by other
apps (2); Incompatible apps (2); Tend to do other thing like surfing Internet, Facebook, etc. (1)
* The comments sorted from most common to least common (with frequencies given in brackets).
The findings indicated most of the student teachers did not experience difficulties. But, they still
faced disruption from limited built-in sensors, noise disruption for sound experiment, lack of
understanding of raw data and insufficient guiding notes. Therefore, they suggested that participants
obtain enough guidance from the facilitators in future implementations. Furthermore, some negative
points were unavoidable such as lagging and battery problem. Two insightful suggestions were
collected: purchasing more built-in sensors smartphone and creating more interesting activities related
to physics topics. Thus these data are consistent with the research and development in physics topic
obtained by earlier researchers, such as Tho et al, (2018); Vogt and Kuhn (2012).
Thus, it is noted that a number of negative comments and suggestions were also listed for
educational programme refinement. Those negative points of the programme are inevitable
nevertheless it can be improved or resolved with suitable refinement in the design and development of
the educational programme. Generally, comments from the open-ended questions were consistent with
the first part of the open-ended questions and survey results. Hence, the student teachers acknowledged
and accepted the values of the educational programme through the innovative use of smartphones.
Table 3
Four Open-ended Questions in The Second Part to Assess Student Teachers Opinions Concerning the
Educational Programme (N=37)
Open-ended Question Particular Perceptive Comments*
What have you learned from the Learn to use smartphone for scientific investigation (15); Easy to conduct scientific
scientific investigation through the investigation (15); Fun and interesting (9); Saves time (3); Provides accurate
use of Smartphone? results (3); Performing scientific investigation anywhere (1)
Have you encountered any problems No problem encountered (14); smartphone with limited built-in sensors (9);
concerning the programme while Disruption by the surrounding environment (4); Problem with data analysis (4);
doing the scientific investigation? If Less guiding notes (3); Hanging/lagging problem (3); Battery may drain too fast
so, briefly describe the problem(s). (1); More apps need to be installed (1); Can’t perform all kind of experiments (1)
If you were given another chance to Give more guide of scientific investigation (14); Purchase a smartphone with more
do the scientific investigation again, sensors (6); Create more interesting activities and experiments (5); Update android
please suggest some ways for version and apps (4); Provide high speed Internet (3); Reduce disruption by
improvement? surrounding environment (2); Smartphones need to be fully charged (1)
Please suggest a feasible science topic Related to force and motion including velocity, acceleration, free fall, momentum
or activity that is possible to apply the (11); Related to sound and wave experiment (10); Light experiment (7); Magnetic
scientific investigation through the experiment (6); Rotational motion (1); Thermodynamic experiment (1); Measuring
use of Smartphone. height using barometer sensor (1)
* The comments are sorted from most common to least common (with frequencies given in brackets).
The findings of this study illustrated that the new educational programme through innovative use of
smartphone has a significant potential for application of outdoor or indoor science practices in the
university level as a complement to scientific investigation. The significance requirements for applying
mobile technologies into education are widely discussed and supported by previous research studies
(Motiwalla, 2007; Sun, Looi, Wu, & Xie, 2015). Based on the analysis, there are three key implications
of this study for the future development and school-based implementation of this new educational
programme. First, the refined educational programme could be used for empowering and
supplementing science teaching and learning practices beyond the limitations of normal lectures in
university. Second, open-ended data revealed that specific consideration need to be given to the
educational programme training and guidance particularly using smartphone for collecting
experimental data (Kirschner, Sweller, & Clark, 2006; Tho & Yeung, 2016). This is likely caused by
implementing of new programme which is different from their normal learning process and therefore a
more comprehensive guide in procedures need to be established before implementing this to secondary
classroom. Lastly, the refined programme was successfully integrated to the secondary science
education including several feasible topics in science subjects. To date, there have been rather limited
indoor and outdoor science investigations for secondary level particularly in Malaysia. Thus, student
teachers can apply this approach in their future teaching career in schools.
Based on the analysis of survey and open-ended data collected, we refined the programme by 1)
preparing several reasonable price of China smartphone products with more built-in sensors during
future implementation; 2) preparing high volume of power bank for charging smartphone devices; 3)
preparing and giving clearer educational programme operating guidelines in the form of manual and
video clip; 4) modifying present programmes and creating more exemplars for each built-in sensor; 5)
integrating with the secondary science or physics syllabus with the aim that the student teachers can
apply this programme in their future learning and teaching in schools. In conclusion, the findings of this
study illustrated that the new educational programme through innovative use of smartphone has a
significant potential for application of outdoor or indoor science practices in the tertiary level.
We are very grateful to Sultan Idris Education University for financial support (University Grant
Research Code: 2018-0047-107-01 and 2016-0105-107-01).
Chan, T. W., Roschelle, J., Hsi, S., Kinshuk, Sharples, M., Brown, T., ... & Soloway, E. (2006). One-to-one
technology-enhanced learning: An opportunity for global research collaboration. Research and Practice in
Technology Enhanced Learning, 1(1), 3-29.
Davis, F. D. (1989). Perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and user acceptance of information
technology. MIS quarterly, 319-340.
Hwang, G. J., Tsai, C. C., Chu, H. C., Kinshuk, & Chen, C. Y. (2012). A context-aware ubiquitous learning
approach to conducting scientific inquiry activities in a science park. Australasian Journal of Educational
Technology, 28(5), 931-947.
Kirschner, P. A., Sweller, J., & Clark, R. E. (2006). Why minimal guidance during instruction does not work: An
analysis of the failure of constructivist, discovery, problem-based, experiential, and inquiry-based
teaching. Educational Psychologist, 41(2), 75-86.
Motiwalla, L. F. (2007). Mobile learning: A framework and evaluation. Computers & Education, 49(3), 581-596.
Sharples, M., Arnedillo-Sánchez, I., Milrad, M., & Vavoula, G. (2009). Mobile learning. In Technology-enhanced
learning (pp. 233-249). Springer, Dordrecht.
Sun, D., Looi, C. K., Wu, L., & Xie, W. (2015). The innovative immersion of mobile learning into a science
curriculum in Singapore: An exploratory study. Research in Science Education, 1-27.
Teo, T., Luan, W. S., & Sing, C. C. (2008). A cross-cultural examination of the intention to use technology
between Singaporean and Malaysian pre-service teachers: an application of the Technology Acceptance
Model (TAM). Journal of Educational Technology & Society, 11(4), 265-280.
Tho, S. W., Lee, T. T., & Baharom, S. (2018). Scientific investigation through innovative use of mobile devices in
the playground. Teaching Science, 64(2), 25-29.
Tho, S. W., & Yeung, Y. Y. (2016). Technology-enhanced science learning through remote laboratory: System
design and pilot implementation in tertiary education. Australasian Journal of Educational
Technology, 32(3), 96-111.
Vieyra Software (2016). Physics Toolbox Suite [Mobile application software]. Retrieved from
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Chang, M. et al. (Eds.) (2019). Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Computers in
Education. Taiwan: Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education
Abstract: Smart devices such as smartphones and tablets have become indispensable in
educational settings in the 21st century. However, to both ensure the educational effect and
reduce the cost of using these devices, we should overcome the issues identified by earlier,
pioneering studies. Accordingly, this paper proposes a deviceless learning environment called
“Followable Learning Environment” (FLE). Although FLE is based on projection mapping
techniques that project a user interface (UI) on desks, the UI is dynamically projected on a
student’s desk or hands according to their behavior by using the area of projection as the
student’s movable area. Since the UIs of several students are projected by one projector, we
need not separately prepare the devices and their management for each student. In addition,
using FLE, we can realize new functions that are impossible using smart devices. This paper
describes the background of this research and explains the concept of FLE through the
development of a prototype system.
1. Introduction
Today, smart devices such as smartphones and tablets have become indispensable in educational
settings. Although many pioneering studies have focused on the pedagogical effects of using smart
devices in educational settings, many studies also mention issues such as the preparation and
management of these devices. Another consideration pertaining to the use of these devices is the
resulting increase in cost of educational services.
This paper proposes a new type of learning environment called the “Followable Learning
Environment” (FLE) as a substitute to the use of smart devices in educational settings. Although FLE is
based on projection mapping techniques that project a user interface (UI) on a desk, the UI can be
dynamically projected on a student’s desk or hands according to their behavior by using the area of
projection as the student’s movable area. In addition, we can realize new functions that are impossible
using smart devices, such as a changing display size function that changes the display size from small,
for individual students, to large, for collaborative learning, and overlap projection functions to promote
students’ understanding. Accordingly, this paper describes the background of this research and explains
the concept of FLE through the development of a prototype system.
2. Background
Many studies have revealed that the use of tablets enhances the learning motivation and understanding
of students. For example, a survey on 6,057 students and 302 teachers in Quebec, Canada, revealed the
positive effects of tablet use, such as an increase in student motivation, ease of information access, the
quality of presentations, within-classroom collaboration, and creativity (Karsenti et al. 2013). A study
by Alvarez et al. (2011) showed that tablets strengthen collective discourse capabilities and facilitate a
richer and more natural body language, on collaborative learning in undergraduate course. Many studies
have examined the utilization of smart devices in education in Japan, as well. In addition, in 2013, the
Japanese government published an IT strategy to provide one smart device to one student (one-to-one
computing). Although the utilization of smart devices in educational settings has undisputed benefits, it
generates some problems that remain unresolved to date. This study focuses on the problems of utilizing
smart devices in school settings as following.
The problems associated with high costs are always a major consideration. Regarding the use of smart
devices, both the costs of preparing the devices and costs of software licenses, staff training, provision
of services, provision of technical support, and so on should be considered. With respect to the
preparation of devices, although some schools request the parents of students to buy devices in some
cases, the schools provide their students with devices, such as 1-1 computing initiatives, in some other
cases. For successful 1-1 computing, high-quality infrastructure and readily available technical support
are necessary (Valiente 2010). As a factor of increasing costs, there might be a problem for 1-1
computing itself. Since the main user of a device is a student, administrators cannot completely control
the use of such devices. Although various Mobile Device Management (MDM) tools are currently
available, it has limitations for management scope as well, it is difficult problem that to cope with both
security and functionality. A similar problem occurs in corporate usage, as well. To manage issues
related to both security and functionality, a thin client solution, such as the Virtual Desktop
Infrastructure (VDI), is introduced in corporate use. On other hand, in educational settings, particularly
the utilization of IT in primary school, the introduction of 1-1 computing using tablets seems to have
attained global focus.
2.2 Distraction
Another consideration is the problem of being distracted in class. This problem is an important in
improving the cost–benefit relationship. The Quebec survey mentioned in Section 2 reported that the
greatest challenge faced by teachers is the provision of tablets as a distraction for students. A survey
conducted by Ditzler et al. (2016) also mentioned the problem of distraction.
Because students always want to use a device, they might not be able to concentrate on the
learning activity even when the activity does not need such a device. In this case, although we should
instruct students to turn off the device, place it in a bag, and so on, teachers might hesitate to use devices
depending on the instructional model since these devices impair convenience. Similar problems also be
mentioned in the survey by Roblin et al. (2018).
In addition, under the assumption that tablet devices are used in primary and junior high schools, this
study also focuses problems as follows.
Device Loss/Breakage: Students often inadvertently lose/break their devices. Although, such
accidents can be compensated by the provision of insurance, they do increase the overall cost. A
case study of Henderson et al (2012) mentioned that additional costs had also incurred through the
purchase of protective gear for devices, such as cases and screen protectors.
Batteries: Currently, devices have sufficient battery capacity for one-day use. However, students
often forget to charge batteries. Moreover, they might use the devices for entertainment during
recess hours, which also requires batteries.
Small Desks: Although it might be a problem unique to Japan, students’ desks in classrooms are
relatively small in size. In typical Japanese primary schools, a desk has a breadth of approximately
600 mm and length of 400 mm. Since the desk is small in size, students often drop objects placed
on the desk; this might be one reason for the breakage of devices.
These problems can be solved by preparing spare devices. However, the problems should be
solved smoothly without interrupting the progress of lessons. For this purpose, sufficient numbers
of spare devices and well-trained technical staff should be made available, which causes an
increase in overall cost.
A major trend that has emerged in recent years is 1-1 computing. However, although this concept
has been implemented to solve the aforementioned problems, it seems to that, to date, no study has
attempted to fundamentally solve these problems. Accordingly, this study proposes a new concept to
solve these problems.
The author proposes the application of a new type of UI called Followable User Interface (FUI)
(Yamaguchi et al. 2015). In the FUI environment, the UI is projected on a user’s hand using sensors
placed on the ceiling of a room that detect hand behavior (Figure 1). One UI is projected by using the
partial area of one projector. Therefore, the area of the projector is considered the area in which the user
can move his or her hands. In addition, several UIs of one user can be projected from one projector at
the same time, in theory. Users’ experience of this environment is similar to that of using conventional
UIs without smart devices. The size of area which the FUI environment can projects UI using two
projectors and two sensors in the current experimental system is only about 4m × 3m. In the future, to
spread the area until room size by using several sensors and projectors is planned in this study.
In this study, the concept of FUI is applied to a classroom for solving the aforementioned
problems, as shown in Figure 2. By using a sensor located on the ceiling, the system detects the desks
and gestures of multiple students. One projector projects each student’s UI at the same time. By
increasing the number of sensors and projectors, it is possible to provide UIs to the entire classroom.
This study calls this concept based on FUI as “Followable Learning Environment (FLE)”.
Instead of projecting the UI on a user’s hand, it is projected on a student's desk. Since the method
is deviceless, additional devices need not be prepared for each student. An application instance of UI,
which is projected on the desks, is executed on the FLE system similar to a thin client system. It is
expected that this method reduces management costs compared to the use of smart devices.
Figure 1. The Concept of the Followable User Figure 2. The Concept of Followable Learning
Interface. Environment.
Realizing a system based on the FLE concept is a challenging task. For this purpose, we should develop
elemental technologies for instance, to integrate sensor data, detect desk positions and shapes, detect
gestures, and perform high-precision projection mapping, as well as applications that utilize these
technologies. Accordingly, as the first step, this study developed a prototype system that performs desk
detection and UI projection using one sensor and one projector to explore the feasibility of FLE.
Figure 3 depicts the abstract of the prototype system. The system uses a depth sensor, which is
located near the ceiling such that it is directed toward the floor. The captured depth data are sent to a
workstation. In the workstation, the system program detects desks, decides UI positions, and creates UIs.
The UIs are projected from a projector connected to the workstation. Similar to the sensor, the projector
is placed near the ceiling such that it is directed toward the floor.
The prototype system was evaluated using actual desks. Figure 3 depicts the arrangement image
of the overall system. Figure 4 depicts the arrangement image of the overall system. Since the projected
UIs are pseudo UIs, we cannot operate them. The experiment used prepared desks of dimensions 600
mm × 500 mm which are nearly size of used in primary schools. The top plate height from the floor was
700 mm. The sensor and projector were placed at a height of 2500 mm and 2200 mm from the floor.
Figure 5 depicts some UI projection examples of different cases of using several desks: (a) arrangement
in the vertical direction, (b) arrangement of four desks, and (c, d) arrangement for group work. Since
UIs were projected using a part of the projection area of one projector according to the FLE concept,
UIs could be projected on each desk even after changing the arrangement of desks.
of a sensor
of a projector
Projected UIs Workstation
Figure 4. Arrangement of the
Figure 3. Abstract of the Prototype System.
Overall System.
Projected UIs
(c) Two desks and two groups (d) Four desks and one groups
Figure 5. Examples of the UI Projections Provided by the Prototype System.
5. Consideration
Since the prototype system performs desk detection and pseudo UI projection alone, we cannot evaluate
the extent to which the aforementioned problems could be overcome by the prototype system based on
the results of our experiment; however, this study considers the FLE concept from different
5.1 Feasibility
The prototype system used only one sensor and one projector. However, to practically realize FLE,
functions such as the recognition of gestures for UI operation, application software for educational use,
an integration mechanism to integrate multiple sensors and projectors, system management tools, and
so on, should be implemented. These are challenging tasks because the realization of each function
requires the consideration of various factors.
In the experiments, the sensor covered an area of approximately 2560 mm × 2030 mm, and the
projector covered approximately 2000 mm × 1120 mm (when zooming to a small size). Within a
classroom, it is not realistic to place many projectors on the ceiling. However, projector venders have
proposed products which are integrated with the functions of both a ceiling light and a projector. By
popularizing such products, instead of utilizing ceiling lights by themselves, the feasibility of FLE
implementation can be increased.
In the experiment, the size of a UI projected on a desk was 350 mm × 215 mm, and the resolution
is 369 pixels × 208 pixels, which is not sufficient for reading e-textbooks, web pages, and so on. In FLE,
the resolution of each UI is depended to the resolution and projection angle of the projector. A simple
method to increase the resolution of each UI is to apply high resolutions; however, it depends on the
number of desks covered by the projector. If a projector with high resolution and a wide projection
angle is used, it is possible to increase the resolution of each UI and the number of desks simultaneously.
Although the projector’s resolution is increased to mainly improve image reproducibility, such as in
recent movie appreciation use, the implementation of FLE gives projector technologies new needs.
The results of the experiment cannot explain the effect of improving all the problems described in
section 2. However, since the system’s architecture is similar to that of a thin client system, it is
expected to reduce operational costs. There is no need to worry about charging the batteries or loss of
devices, as well. Although there is the risk that projectors might break down, students can use FLE by
temporarily moving their desks to the areas of other projectors until the faulty projector is replaced.
Regarding the distraction of students, the condition will be improved using an FLE because a
teacher can completely control his or her students’ UIs similar to a thin client system. It is easy to turn
each UI on/off. When they do not need UIs, the students can use their desks effectively since no devices
to take up desk space, unlike in non-FLE settings.
As mentioned in the Feasibility section, realizing FLE is a challenging task, particularly since we have
to wait for the implementation of products that can integrate high-resolution, wide-angle projectors and
a ceiling light. However, if the concept of FLE is realized, it is expected to provide functions that cannot
be realized using 1-1 computing, such as the following:
Collaborative Learning:
In collaborative learning, large display tools, such as interactive whiteboards, are often used. In
1-1 computing initiatives, these displays are generally prepared in addition to the devices required
by each student. However, this causes a rise in costs. Further, when preparing such displays for
different groups (since small displays reduce the efficiency of collaboration tasks), it is desirable
to change the size of displays according to the number of members in each group. However, this is
impossible when using conventional techniques. As shown in Figure 5, FLE can provide UIs
optimized for group work without additional investment. Theoretically, using FLE, several large
UIs and personal UIs can be projected at the same time on the area provided by adjoining desks.
Hence, FLE is expected to easily realize collaborative environments.
6. Conclusion
This study proposed a new learning environment concept as a substitute to using smart devices called
FLE. In this concept, by using the projection area of a projector as the movable area of a student, a UI is
projected dynamically on the student’s desk or hands according to their behavior. This study discussed
the design of a prototype system based on the FLE concept, which used one projector and one RGB-D
sensor and showed how UIs can be projected on each student’s desks according to the desk
arrangement. Although many issues remain to be solved to practically implement FLE, the study
showed that FLE has many advantages in educational settings.
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face-to-face collaborative learning, Computers in Human Behavior, 27(2), 834-844.
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systematic review of research and applications, Educational Technology & Society, 17, 133-149.
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45th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 78-87.
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International Journal of Knowledge Engineering, 1(3), 240-243.
Chang, M. et al. (Eds.) (2019). Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Computers in
Education. Taiwan: Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education
Abstract: With the rapid development of semantic web and ubiquitous learning applications,
constructing prior knowledge has also become increasingly important for on-line reading
learning. Traditional studies on prior knowledge generation during reading activities have
focused on extracting sentences from reading materials that are manually generated by website
administrators and educators. This is time-consuming and strenuous, and hence personalized
prior knowledge recommendation is difficult to perform. To cope with this problem, we
combine the concept of prior knowledge with semantic tagging methods to assist the reading
comprehension of students studying science subject, which then identifies suitable
supplementary materials for quickly constructing a student’s prior knowledge reservoir.
Moreover, we incorporate tags into a tag based learning approach to automatically monitor
running activities and student status. The experimental results clearly show that the proposed
approach not only significantly improves the efficiency of knowledge learning but also helps
teachers assist students in improving their reading ability.
1. Introduction
Reading involves a complex cognitive process for students who take the initiative in learning.
In order to effectively assist the students in enriching prior knowledge and raise their reading
comprehension, and is also helpful in assisting teachers in evaluating student reading comprehension by
tag-cloud visualization, in this study, a Semantic Tag-based enhanced Learning Recommendation
(STLR) system was developed by employing semantic web and its related techniques for conducting
visiting learning activities in museum. The proposed system consists of a mobile reading learning
module, a prior knowledge recommendation module, learning monitoring module, and a back-end
databases module s for computer-aided reading practices, as shown in Figure 1.
(1) Mobile Learning module: students can use their tablets to learning via a wireless network,
observe exhibitions, read on-line learning materials and record their learning behaviors. Students
can annotate various online resources (materials) with freely chosen tags. Tagging certain
activities can help students summarize new ideas and quickly grasp the structure and concepts of
English articles (Chen et al., 2010; Klašnja-Milićević et al., 2018). Moreover, these tags are also
designed to enhance critical thinking skills by directing students to evaluate and then support or
oppose different viewpoints on their readings. The functions of this module contain viewing
exhibition information and learning materials and tags recording.
(2) Prior Knowledge Recommendation module: the functions of this module contain to construct
personalize article structure and prior knowledge network, and then recommends appropriate
supplementary knowledge to students and helps them gain new information from articles more
easily. The major functions are presented as follows:
Article structure analysis: we combine the results of paragraph analysis and tag classification
to decide which paragraphs are most relevant and which paragraphs represent subtopics of the
article. The presenting information can help students hold each bit of information or connect it
to background knowledge, so that enables students in understanding articles and related
elements of exhibitions.
Prior knowledge network: in order to find suitable prior knowledge for a student, we use the
key sentence of the paragraph as a query to search for similar articles. Meanwhile, to ensure that
these prior knowledge articles are suitably useful for students, we search for topic sentences
from each paragraph by article structure analysis that the student is unfamiliar with or does not
understand by students’ tagging similarity calculation (Chen et al., 2014). We then recommends
appropriate supplementary knowledge to students and helps them gain new information from
articles more easily.
(3) Learning monitoring module: teachers can observe the current status of a student’s learning
performance and tagging behavior. When students who have a learning disability are diagnosed by
analyzing the tag cloud, this interface can assist teachers in providing focused feedback and
questions to students as soon as possible. This information is helpful for assisting teachers in
evaluating the reading comprehension status of students, and thus provides teachers with valuable
input when they attempt to adjust teaching strategies or diagnose a student’s learning obstacles.
(4) Back-End Databases module: The module contains databases of the learner’s personal
information, learning materials, annotated tags, learning portfolios and semantic tag weighting
Figure 2 illustrates the user interface of the STLR system. Students first select articles via a
drop-down menu, after which the context of the selected article is displayed. The personal article
structure consists of a root node (e.g. global warming), which presents the main topic of the article, and
sub-nodes (e.g. global warming, air pollution, extreme weather, and Kyoto protocol), which present the
topic of each paragraph. If the paragraph is not important, no sub-nodes are included. In addition, article
content is highlighted whenever students click on the sub-node of the “personal article structure.” This
highlighted content can include entire paragraphs, any key sentence represented by the sub-node, and
the key sentence from the key sentence computation. Overall, this highlighted information provides
each student with a quick and useful personal snapshot of the reading material.
Figure 2. System Interface for Reading learning and Personal article structure.
Figure 3(a) illustrates the structure of the “prior knowledge network” which consists of a root
node and sub-nodes, and the locations of nodes that correspond to the order of the paragraphs. This
structure varies depending on the student. If a node of the structure represents the recommended topic
for a student, such as “global warming,” the node is highlighted. The most important function of the
network of prior knowledge is its provision of adaptive and necessary prior knowledge. Students click
any node in the prior knowledge network and a new window appears, displaying the prior knowledge
article to the student. Here, the provided articles are in Chinese, because the goal is to supplement their
language knowledge deficiency with prior knowledge, which is more easily consumed in the student’s
native language. Figure 3(b) shows the teacher interface presenting the current status of a student’s
learning performance and tagging behavior. When students who have a learning disability are
diagnosed by analyzing the tag cloud, this interface can assist teachers in providing focused feedback
and questions to students as soon as possible. This information is clearly helpful for assisting teachers in
evaluating the reading comprehension status of students, and thus provides teachers with valuable input
when they attempt to adjust teaching strategies or diagnose a student’s learning obstacles.
Prior Knowledge network A popup window of a students’ learning performance students’ tag behaviors
prior knowledge article
3. Experimental design
4. Experimental Results
In order to evaluate the feasibility and potential application of the STLR system, we adopted a
pre- and post-test experimental design that made use of before and after surveys to demonstrate the
achievement of learning outcomes.
Pre-test: All students took a pre-test at the beginning of the reading activity. Table 1 shows the
t-test values for the pre-test and post-test results. The mean score of the pre-test for the control group
was 60.58, and 58.01 for the experimental group. The t-test result showed that these two groups did not
differ significantly (t =.437, p > .05). In other words, before performing the experiment, the pre-test
revealed that control and experimental group demonstrated a similar understanding of the learning
topics at an alpha level of 0.05.
Post-test: After participating in the learning activity, the two groups of students took a post-test.
The t-test results of the post-test indicated that the experimental group had a higher mean score than the
control group. Furthermore, the results show that the learning achievement of the experimental group
was significantly better than that of the control group (t =.-2.318, p < .05). That is, the experimental
results indicate that the proposed STLR approach is an effective approach for enhancing student reading
To better understand the students’ perceptions of the use of the STLR learning system, this
study collected the students’ feedback on the “perceived usefulness” and “perceived ease of use” of the
system. The results indicated that most students gave positive feedback concerning the two dimensions
of the STLR learning system. The average ratings for “perceived usefulness” are 3.87 and 2.82 for the
experimental group and the control group, respectively; moreover, their average ratings for “perceived
ease of use” are 4.14 and 3.89. In comparison with the ratings given by the control group, it should be
noted that the students in the experimental group gave higher ratings for “perceived usefulness” and
“perceived ease of use”, implying that the students who learned with the STLR learning system
revealed higher degrees of technology acceptance than those who learned with the mobile learning
In terms of perceived usefulness, the t-test result (t=3.68, p<0.001) shows a significant
difference between the experimental group and the control group. From the students’ interview
feedback, it was also found that most of the students agreed that the proposed A semantic tag-based
enhanced learning recommendation learning system is capable of helping them easily comprehend and
learn the benefits of learning activity, and can help them improve their learning efficiency.
4.4 A Survey on teacher satisfaction with STLR and learning monitoring mechanism
To evaluate the effectiveness of the learning monitoring for a semantic tag-based enhanced
learning, teachers’ comments from the exit survey were also analyzed. Five participating teachers from
a senior high school in Taiwan were invited to experience the use of STLR teaching interface. A
questionnaire and interviews were conducted for collecting teacher feedback. From this data, there were
two main findings:
(1) Most of the teachers believed that annotated tag can enhance the ability of the students for
knowledge acquisition. Moreover, those teachers considered that another reason for the
effectiveness of the STLR systems is the ability to aggregate tags added by different students,
resulting in a list of weighted tags. This means that each tag is not only present or not for each
article, but it may have a weight of relevance, indicating how relevant the tag is for the article. As
such, the proposed learning assistance and teaching mechanisms can provide a different
dimension to accumulate more learning experiences which can then make students not only aware
that the text has structure but also familiar with the cues that exist within the text.
(2) All teachers agreed that the learning monitoring mechanism is helpful to acquire more knowledge
about the learning status of students and effective to decrease the teaching load. This teaching
interface can assist teachers in evaluating the reading ability of the students efficiently, enabling
constructive suggestions to be given to students, and allowing for the improvement of tutoring
strategies. Furthermore, STLR provides a new way to assist teachers in exploiting tag information
in the students’ tag to capture student attention and keep the attention focused.
This work was supported by the National Science Council of Taiwan, R.O.C., under contract numbers
MOST 106-2511-S-178-001.
Chen, J. M., Chen, M. C., & Sun, Y. S. (2010). A novel approach for enhancing student reading comprehension
and assisting teacher assessment of literacy. Computers & Education, 55(3), 1367-1382.
Chen, J. M., Chen, M. C., & Sun, Y. S. (2014). A tag based learning approach to knowledge acquisition for
constructing prior knowledge and enhancing student reading comprehension. Computers & Education, 70,
Cottrell, S. (2017). Critical thinking skills: Effective analysis, argument and reflection. Macmillan International
Higher Education.
Falk, J. H., & Dierking, L. D. (2018). Learning from museums. Rowman & Littlefield.
Klašnja-Milićević, A., Vesin, B., & Ivanović, M. (2018). Social tagging strategy for enhancing e-learning
experience. Computers & Education, 118, 166-181.
Hwang, G. J., & Chang, S. C. (2016). Effects of a peer competition‐based mobile learning approach on students'
affective domain exhibition in social studies courses. British Journal of Educational Technology, 47(6),
McNAMARA, D. S., Ozuru, Y., & Floyd, R. G. (2017). Comprehension challenges in the fourth grade: The roles
of text cohesion, text genre, and readers’ prior knowledge. International electronic journal of elementary
education, 4(1), 229-257.
Peng, Y. P. M., Zhang, Z., & Ho, S. S. H. (2019). A Study on the Relationship among Knowledge Acquisition
Sources at the Teacher-and College-Level, Student Absorptive Capacity, and Learning Outcomes: Using
Student Prior Knowledge as a Moderator. Educational Sciences: Theory & Practice, 19(2), 22-39.
Sung, H. Y., & Hwang, G. J. (2018). Facilitating effective digital game-based learning behaviors and learning
performances of students based on a collaborative knowledge construction strategy. Interactive Learning
Environments, 26(1), 118-134.
Chang, M. et al. (Eds.) (2019). Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Computers in
Education. Taiwan: Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education
Abstract: Mobile devices are increasingly becoming more pervasive and emerging as part of
our daily life, particularly with university students. From these devices developed in tandem
with face-to-face class interaction it has opened new possibilities for ubiquitous learning. We
present our work on designing a smart-phone Mobile Learning application that streamlines
pre-test questions into a “set it then forget it” input system where students can answer quiz items
as slide-down notifications within the day prior to a scheduled lecture. Teachers are afforded a
web application to create pre-tests in advance and review class scores. The study was conducted
to first-year Computer Science and Information Technology students of a university in the
Philippines. Data collection techniques used in the study used experience questionnaires,
usability tests, interviews, and tests of student learning outcomes. Usability testing showed
consistent satisfactory scores across three iterations. Results from the Learning Experience
questionnaire maps to the general answers from the focused group discussion presenting
indicative of a positive learning experience. Evaluation of the pre and post test scores signified
that using the mobile application can be an effective substitute to class administered tests.
1. Introduction
The act of teaching students requires several resources, such as manpower and especially time (Baker,
Fabrega, Galindo, & Mishook, 2004). In our educational setting, extending class time is not a new idea.
Governments spend millions of out-of-school programs such as tutorials, homework assistance and
modifying class schedules such as block scheduling to expand learning opportunities for students
(Saliva, 2007).
Institutions recognized that the learning environment extends beyond the classroom thus, an
area of interest is finding varieties of technological support options that would allow students to engage
with learning outside class hours (Vogel, Kennedy, Kuan, Kwok, & Lai, 2007).
As in every traditional classroom setting, pre-tests are common to schools and universities as it
allows teachers to preview of what the students know and where to focus next. Given their prior
knowledge with test scores, teachers are afforded to make changes to accommodate weak and strong
points. Although one limiting point of classroom-based pre-tests is that pre-tests are not time sensitive
which take time away from class instruction (Kelly, 2019).
We turn to Mobile Learning or m-learning as a pedagogy that addresses the need for giving
more time for classroom instruction. Mobile Learning is learning made flexible with the use of mobile
devices to access educational resources and can be shared with others, both inside and outside
classrooms (Squire & Dikkers, 2012).
To make efficient use of the limited time available to learn in a classroom-based setting, we
describe our work in attempts to redesign the process of conducting class administered pre-tests into
utilizing android notifications to deliver pre-test questions day before the actual class lecture while
looking into its impacts on the student learning experience.
1.1 Research Questions
This study is aimed to perform qualitative and quantitative approach on designing and developing a
mobile learning pre-test tool which answers the following research questions.
Is using Android notifications as a pre-test tool, usable in conducting pre-test quizzes?
How will sending Android quiz notifications impact the student learning experience in the context
of class-administered pre-tests?
2. Related Work
Current research approaches have adopted to use mobile phones as part of the new learning tools in the
curricula. According to Duggan (2015) it was reported that among smartphone users in ages 18 to 29
years old used messaging apps in their daily lives as with the increased use of mobile devices this
generation preferred collaborating and gaming than doing serious tasks and enjoyed the “customized,
collaborative and interactive learning”. Common systems made using m-learning are implementations
of an SMS quiz-based systems where students are sent quiz questions within a given time period (Vogel
et al., 2007). This type of systems explored the usability and acceptance of the system outside university
grounds and overcome the challenges of a classroom-based setting. Results of the study showed that it
is possible to extend learning opportunities even outside the classroom. Empirically, results from these
studies suggests that students are more confident and enthusiastic to use mobile applications to study
and review for their classes combined with face-to-face traditional learning methods (Mehrotra,
Pejovic, Vermeulen, Hendley, & Musolesi, 2016). Although these mobile applications may have some
downsides in terms of user experience such as small screen size, problems with navigation, size of
messages and speed of processing and connectivity limiting the user’s full engagement with the use of
mobile applications (Kumar & Vasimalairaja, 2019).
In this work, we are to set-up a similar environment of mobile learning where students answer
pre-test questions directly using a slide-down notification feature that allows less throughput and
decrease interaction time as to reduce distractions by opening unnecessary applications thus an increase
of engagement. We hypothesize that this simpler interaction would elicit sustained engagement among
students. In the next subsections, we will discuss each feature on by one.
Mobile notifications are extremely beneficial to the users, however, at the same time, they are a cause of
potential disruptions, since it often requires users’ attention at inopportune moments (Mehrotra et al.,
2016). Thus, there are several ways a user can engage with a notification. In this section we discuss on
how we can understand the use of notifications for designing a better and effective notification feature
in our mobile learning application.
There are five ways a user may interaction with notifications (Pradhan, Qiu, Parate, & Kim,
2017). First is read, this is when the user spends time reading the notification but does not take any
action. Second, it can be sometimes be partnered with Read and Dismiss where the user spends some
time reading the notification the but does not take an action. Third is Take action, is it another
interaction wherein notifications provide users with embedded set of buttons to take quick actions.
Fourth is Launch an app, as in this form is the highest level of engagement where a user launches the
app corresponding to the notification and lastly, Ignore or dismiss is when the user may ignore the
In summary, although there are numerous ways of how a user may interact with a notification,
we take into consideration into using the five types of engagement in creating our application.
Mobile learning systems that adapt to the learners learning time schedule is one of the many ways that a
learning application can retain the user’s motivation to learn and use the application. A study that
implemented an SMS quiz system feature that sends quiz items for the user to answer. Initial test results
showed that learners tend to lose interaction and feel burdened with too much information when
learning systems spam quiz items by sending multiple SMS messages at random hours of the day (Li et
al., 2010). Improvements had been made to adapt to the students learning schedules resulting to an
increase of motivation and participation by synchronizing the users time schedule using time adaptation
that studies habitual interaction between user and application (Li et al., 2010).
In our study we see this as one important aspect in our application to adapt and synchronize the
sending of quiz items and made our own adaptation algorithm discussed in section 3.2.
3. Methodology
The application implements a time adaptation algorithm that computes a simple frequency check every
time the students answers an item on a specific time of the day. For every user, an array of Preferred
Time (PT) is assigned to record and receive quiz notifications. Each PT corresponds to the item during
the day. Quiz items are arbitrarily appointed each time. However, an item might not be answered within
the PT. In this note, we developed range periods.
Range periods are a set of interval block which varies per preferred time. The idea is to adapt to
the student’s habitual time to answer quizzes. As aforementioned, range periods vary in relation to PT
and the Quiz deadline which is at midnight. These sets of time will also be a cue to notify or re-notify
students about dismissed items.
The quiz system is packaged into a downloadable mobile application and a web application deployed on
the server. Test group A composed of 10 Computer Science Students, upon testing did not have the time
adaptation algorithm and solely relied in the static preferred time stated in the demographic’s
questionnaire. Test group B of 8 Information Technology students had already been using the mobile
application with the Time Adaptation Algorithm.
Test groups had been exposed to pen and paper and notification pre-tests. The intervention of
the class instructor remained the same throughout the study as it can be seen in Figure 1.
We used the five concepts of a notification stated in the literature and tweaked the Ignore
Notification feature into a Set Reminder when the user dismisses and ignores the quiz item. The Set
Reminder feature is designed to remind the student of any unanswered items before the deadline. We
opted to use these interactions to provide a byte size chunked of content as a notification for the user and
set them to be personalized to their study habit with the Time Adaption Algorithm.
Considering the design of the application, the main activities and functions for the application
lets the users log in into the system, receive, and answer the quiz item or be dismissed through
notifications and review the quiz result summary.
Figure 3. Pre-test items as Android Notifications (Left) and Quiz History Panel for reviewing pre-test
items (Right).
To measure our mobile application systems usability, we used Brooke’s (1986) System Usability Scale
(SUS) as our evaluation matrix to measure usability.
Preliminary testing revealed that the mobile application fell under the Acceptable-Good with a score of
73.85. Notable comments from the 13 testers were that the application lacked user feedback in terms of
loading pages. Respondents were observed dragging down the screen multiple times to refresh pages.
Thus, in the next iteration we implemented loading screens or splash screens to improve user
4.1.2 Test Group A and B SUS Results
Results from the SUS questionnaire showed that the mobile application for both test groups fell under
the Acceptable-Good category with the scores 71.75 for test group A and 77.18 for test group B. We
note that during the implementation the Time Adaptation Algorithm was not yet implemented in test
group A while test group B had their mobile learning application integrated with the Time Adaptation
For this group, majority or 80% of the participants strongly agreed that answering quizzes through the
use of mobile notifications helped in their study habits by reminding them to review via Set Reminder
Notification. Although they have been exposed to pen and paper pre-tests, 60% agreed that taking
pre-tests on the same day has the same effect in their learning experience as taking quizzes with the
mobile application.
For test group B, 87.5% agreed that they were able to learn more by accessing and revisiting their
answered quizzes through the application. The group in general made use of the app as a preparation for
their next lecture while the other 12% said that mobile application made no difference in influencing
their study routine. Mixed reactions from the group were observed when asked for the difference both
methods to their learning routines as it shows that the majority answered Strongly Disagree/Disagree
and Neither.
In general, both groups commented that they like how mobile pre-tests were sent to them in intervals
because they felt that they were not bombarded with too much information at once. Groups A and B felt
that they were more confident and prepared during class discussions because they have a sense of the
lecture with the learning content sent to them is short and bite-sized content in comparison to condensed
learning concepts delivered to them in a traditional classroom setting. However, improvements on the
Time Adaption Algorithm can be improved. Most of the interviewees from test group B strongly agreed
that delivery of quiz items as slide-down notifications is “… just enough for me to not be overwhelmed
of what to study”, and “I like how I don’t feel stressed with learning all things at once” Both groups
generally preferred the dismissal feature because it made them feel in control with the pace they want to
learn. A particular instance was told by groups A and B that they formed peer groups during the study.
High achieving members group A expressed enjoyment in competing along with the members as to who
gets the most answers correct while Group B formed groups to tutor each other after receiving and
answering items.
Overall the participants from both test groups strongly agreed that learning through the
notification feature is one good way for them to learn as they were more confident for lectures having
received their pre-test day before actual class lectures as their mobile phones were easily accessible to
them than their laptops.
At this point of the study, our main goal was to test the effectivity of taking pre-tests day ahead of the
lecture using android notifications by comparing it to class-administered pre-test. In this evaluation the
elements that were not as controlled as we should have wanted were block sections, difference in
teaching methods, and topics per lecture session this is because of the lack of teacher distribution
between classes and the availability of mobile devices used.
In order to determine if the two differ significantly for written and mobile learning pre-test in
both test groups, we computed using paired t-tests. There was a significant difference in the scores for
class administered test (M=2.11, SD=1.81) and mobile learning (M=3.33, SD=1.1882) conditions; t(17):
-2.61, p = 0.02. These results show that the use of the mobile learning application is an effective tool for
administering pre-tests.
5. Conclusion and Future work
Our work primarily focused on designing and testing a mobile application wherein Android
Notifications were utilized to streamline pre-test items and blast them to student’s mobile devices
before an actual class lecture. Evaluations across three iterations show that using notifications as
pre-tests can be applicable and that the inclusion of the Time Adaptation Algorithm increased the SUS
score. However, it is not conclusive but only indicative of its effects. Based on the interviews and
experience questionnaire, overall students report that they were more confident and prepared during
class lectures as they like to take learning at their own pace delivered in bite-sized content. While this
study was not explicitly designed to be a collaborative learning tool, reports from the FGD affirms that
the application can be an effective collaborative pre-test tool. We can infer that the mobile learning
application does indeed enforce a positive learning experience.
For future work, we suggest confirming whether the pre-test questions in text-mode could be
another cause of motivation as learners in the “App Generation” seem to prefer the use of video and
For their encouragement, support, and guidance we would like to thank our mentors, Ms. Michelle
Santos, Mr. Glenn Fabia, Mr. Rey Herman Vidallo, Ms. Jenilyn Agapito, and Mr. Frederick Olaño. To
the Ateneo Innovations Center and Ateneo Laboratory for the Learning Sciences especially to Dr. Ma.
Mercedes T. Rodrigo, Jaclyn Ocumpaugh, and Dr. Joseph Beck for their feedback.
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MOOD: A Mobile Phone-enabled Educational
Data Collection Platform
Pei-Yan YUAN a,b*, A-Mei DU a,b, Yong-Bo LI a,b, Xiao-Yan ZHAO a,b, Chuan WANG a,b &
Xiao-Dong WANG a,b*
School of Computer and Information Engineering, Henan Normal University, Xinxiang, Henan
453007, China
Big Data Engineering Laboratory for Teaching Resources & Assessment of Education Quality,
Henan Province, Xinxiang 453007, China
1. Introduction
Formative evaluation is a very important method in education and teaching (Bloom, 1971), which aims
to improve the teaching and learning by providing teachers and learners with immediate and effective
feedback (Dixson & Worrell, 2016). It is a developmental evaluation based on the continuous
observation, recording and reflection of the whole learning process, which makes the students change
from passive acceptance evaluation to the initiative participants of evaluation. Besides, formative
evaluation helps students break the cognition that the score is the only criterion for learning. The final
exam is no longer the only standard to evaluate students’ achievement (Yao, 2015). This enables the
teacher to understand the student's learning situation fully and discover the problems timely in the
teaching process, so that the teacher can obtain continuous feedback in the teaching process (Curry,
Mwavita, Holter, & Harris, 2016). Therefore, more and more people pay more attention to formative
evaluation and actively carry out formative evaluation in practice.
One key issue in formative evaluation is how to collect the educational data especially the
behavioral data of students and teachers. A general way is the questionnaire. However, it is high cost
and low efficiency. Moreover, it is difficult to collect procedural data. Crowd sensing or mobile sensing
(Ma, H., Zhao, D., & Yuan, P., 2014) is a new paradigm in pervasive computing, where the owner of a
portable device (such as a mobile phone) can be regarded as a sensing source. Mobile teaching platform
integrating crowd sensing is an effective tool to implement formative evaluation in colleges. It fits well
with the school-running philosophy that everyone can learn anytime and anywhere, and it adapts to new
changes of continuous innovation and reform in demand for education. For example, teachers can ask
questions and students race to be the first to answer a question. After that, teachers mark stars for the
student. In the above process, both teachers and students are viewed as sensors.
Although there are some mobile teaching platforms, it is not used in the campus widely. The
existing mobile teaching platforms also have some limitations. Most of them focus on the pushing or
sharing of teaching resources and fail to collect classroom behaviors of students and teachers. Therefore,
it is difficult to acquire the learning situation of students accurately. Students' learning results cannot be
feedback timely. Since process evaluation is an important part of education and teaching, it is necessary
to study and design a mobile teaching platform, which not only facilitates the implementation of
formative evaluation, but also provides decision-making reference for the educational administrators.
In this paper, we conduct learning and teaching management on the mobile teaching platform.
The proposed platform is based on the mobile terminal and is generated by the WeChat public account.
Different from traditional platforms, it can collect students' classroom behaviors for formative
evaluation and accumulate the data generated in education and teaching to meet the various needs of
learning and interaction by being integrated into WeChat. What's more, our proposed mobile teaching
platform has been put into use, which makes the theory into practice.
2. Related Work
In 1994, researchers have studied mobile education, mainly in economically developed countries such
as Europe and the United States (Churchill, D., & Churchill, N., 2008). Blackboard Mobile (Kinash, &
Mathew, 2012) is a smart terminal-based mobile learning platform developed by Blackboard Company
of the United States. Relying on the powerful features of Blackboard Learn, Blackboard Mobile can
teach and learn anytime, anywhere, and supports smart terminals currently such as iOS, Android,
webOS and other operating systems. Jorge Villalon designed a collaborative marking platform in
(Villalon, 2019) to support summative and formative feedback in higher education, which includes
modules for printing management, scanning support, on-screen-marking, markers training and peer
reviews by students. The study of mobile learning in China began with a report by Dr. Desmond
Keegan, a famous international distance educator, at the 40th anniversary of Shanghai TV University
(Keegan, 2003). Subsequently, China has carried out a lot of research on mobile learning and its
application. In 2013, MOOC entered China as a large-scale online platform. The diversification of
curriculum resources and the autonomy of curriculum participation provided a good learning
environment for students. The effective teaching evaluation cannot be done through MOOC platform,
and the subjective content of students' emotions or thinking ability is difficult to reflect (Zhou, P.,
2016). For example, in (Yu, J., 2018), the authors proposed a SPOC (Small Private Online Course)
platform based on the MOOC concept. This platform can analyze the frequency and residence time of
students' online learning, but cannot be applied to the teaching and management in the classroom, since
the classroom behaviors of students and teachers cannot be collected. In (Li, J., & Qiu, H., 2016), the
mobile teaching platform is designed based on the mobile phone APP. Compared with the mobile
teaching platform integrated into WeChat, the cost is higher, students need to install the APP, it is not
conducive to mass promotion, and the platform cannot collect student learning behavior data, so it
cannot conduct formative evaluation.
Through research and comparison, some main problems existing in the development of mobile
learning platforms at home and abroad. For example, the interaction design is simple relatively, and it is
difficult to meet the various needs of interaction for learners in the mobile learning process. It can’t be
combined the characteristics at the same time such as low-cost, ultra-lightweight, and formative
evaluation. Therefore, we need further research on the mobile teaching platform to improve its
management functions, especially in the collection of students’ behaviors for formative evaluation.
3. System Design
MOOD is a mobile teaching software based on WeChat development, covering all three situations
before, during and after the class. It adopts the micro service architecture design concept (Zheng, Z.,
Cheng, J., & Peng, J., 2015) to meet the functional requirements of the mobile teaching platform. The
core idea of micro service architecture design is to disassemble complex application systems into
specific services of multiple independent business units. Each service is implemented with the most
suitable technology and runs independently, thus applications which are easy to expand and suitable for
mobile terminals are generated. In addition, each service implements a complete application, which has
an independent development, deployment and operation. These features assure a high scalability and
low coupling. The architecture of the mobile teaching platform is shown in Figure 1. It consists the
following layers.
Interaction layer: The mobile teaching platform supports the login by WeChat and PC, allowing
students to use the mobile terminal to learn anytime and anywhere.
Application layer: It consists of multiple independent services, and has multiple function modules
such as check-in, operation, test, performance, etc.
Chang, M. et al. (Eds.) (2019). Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Computers in
Education. Taiwan: Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education
The mobile teaching platform is divided into two parts: the student and the teacher. Students and
teachers have the same functional modules such as check-in, homework, test, library, and grade.
Through the student terminal, students can conduct related course learning, access to platform learning
resources, sign on the platform, submit assignments and participate in topic discussions. Teachers use
the platform to achieve course teaching, share learning materials, have an attendance checking and a
classroom testing and arrange some assignments. The main interface of the mobile teaching platform is
shown in Figure 2. The specific functions are as follows:
Figure 6. Classroom Figure 7. Classroom Figure 8. Data Figure 9. Class
Performance Members Attendance
Classroom Work: the platform allows teachers to release tasks, which include: (a) Create A Job (b)
Correcting Assignments (c) Job Settings: Select to hide or display grades for students; to remind
students who have not submitted assignments, or to extend the deadline of assignments; teachers
can click on the marker button to mark student assignments as needed; (d) Job Review: In the Job
discussion interface, teachers and students can add comments to the assignment.
Classroom Performance: After entering the class list, select the class, click on the performance to
enter the performance interface, select the question mode to ask questions, and it divides into three
questioning methods: random question, race to be the first to answer a question, and name-calling
question, as shown in Figure 11. In the performance interface, the teacher can view previous
questions and class summary. As shown in Figure 12, the performance interface also includes the
interface of waiting for answer.
Voting: At present, only the mobile phone supports the voting function. After the teacher enters the
classroom, he/she chooses vote button. Click the plus sign on the upper right to add a vote, edit the
voting content, and begin to vote after setting.
Figure 10. GPS Figure 11. Three Figure 12. Answer Figure 13. Grade
Attendance Methods Weighting
We designed a mobile teaching platform software using the convenience of the WeChat public
platform, which can collect data on students' daily grades. In this section, we show the relationship
between the usual grades (daily performance) and the final exam grades, as well as the impact of the
homework achievements, attendance results and classroom performances of the daily grades on the
final exam grades. When calculating the usual grades, the teacher can click the score weighting setting
on the total score interface to assign weights to each grade component, as shown in Figure 13. After the
teacher performs the score weighting setting, click to get the latest data, and the system will calculate
the usual score automatically.
In order to verify the positive impact of the usual grades on the final exam grades and the
auxiliary role of the mobile teaching platform in student learning and teacher teaching, this paper uses
the mobile teaching platform to collect the students' usual learning data and final exam data. This data
comes from 89 undergraduate students. We recorded a semester learning data for the PHP programming
course through the mobile teaching platform, which made the learning evaluation method diversified,
not only rely on the final exam scores. It can be seen from the change trend of the daily performance and
the final exam grades, as shown in Figure 14. The daily grades have a certain influence on the final
exam grades. Through analysis, 49 students in the final exam grades are above the median score. There
are 54 students in the usual grades above the median score. It can be seen that the students with good
daily grades have relatively good final exam grades. Through the analysis of Figure 15, it can be
obtained that the homework grades are more correlated with the final exam scores. Among the
homework results, 64 students are above the median scores. For the attendance, it is impossible to
clearly see its impact on the final exam grades. This is mainly because most students have a higher
attendance ratio. In addition, the classroom performances have not been analyzed because of the page
limitation. In summary, paying attention to students' daily grades is very helpful for improving students'
performance and teachers' guidance for students' learning, and the homework grades can better reflect
students' learning.
70 70
60 60
50 50
40 40
30 Usual Grades 30
Homework Achievements
Final Exam Grades
Final Exam Grades
20 20
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Figure 14. Daily Grades and Final Exam Grades Figure 15. Homework Achievements and Final
Exam Grades
5. The Conclusion
The mobile teaching system implemented in this paper is a third-party mobile learning platform based
on the open interface function of Tencent WeChat public platform. The structure function is clear and
the operation is simple. The system function includes various requirements of education and teaching.
Teachers use this system for supplementary teaching, which is convenient and simple. Students only
need to pay attention to the course WeChat public number loaded with this system, and they can use
mobile intelligent terminal to study, discuss and evaluate.
The mobile teaching platform can monitor and record the student's learning progress and test
situation, and provide a decision-making reference for the teacher when they monitor students’ learning
process. It is beneficial to evaluate students and teachers formatively. Due to the real-time interaction of
the functions, it enhances students’ ability to collaborate and explore when they discuss in a group and
have a test in the class. And it improves students' initiative in learning while supervising students'
classroom behavior. The model is not only low in development cost but also easy to implement, and it is
ultra-lightweight and highly stable. And the mobile teaching platform has a good cross-platform nature.
It can be used on both the WeChat and PC sides. Due to its technical simplicity and convenience,
students are easy to use and it is conducive to mass promotion.
The mobile teaching model based on the WeChat public platform has practical application
value. For related teachers, it is necessary to further develop the superiority of the WeChat public
platform in the future work. We still have a long way to go especially in the use of mobile teaching
platform to monitor student learning behavior. And we should find more new paths that will help to
carry out mobile teaching. Finally, we can reach the goal of further improving the quality of teaching.
This work was supported in part by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant
U1804164 and U1404602 and Science and Technology Development Center of Ministry of Education
under Grant 2018A03008, and in part by the Science and Technology Foundation of Henan Educational
Committee under Grant 19A510015.
Bloom, B. S. (1971). Handbook on formative and summative evaluation of student learning.
Churchill, D., & Churchill, N. (2008). Educational affordances of PDAs: A study of a teacher’s exploration of this
technology. Computers & Education, 50(4), 1439-1450.
Curry, K. A., Mwavita, M., Holter, A., & Harris, E. (2016). Getting assessment right at the classroom level: Using
formative assessment for decision making. Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability, 28(1),
Dixson, D. D., & Worrell, F. C. (2016). Formative and summative assessment in the classroom. Theory into
practice, 55(2), 153-159.
Ma, H., Zhao, D., & Yuan, P. (2014). Opportunities in mobile crowd sensing. IEEE Communications Magazine,
52(8), 29-35.
Keegan, D. (2003). Distance training: Taking stock at a time of change. Routledge.
Kinash, S., Brand, J., & Mathew, T. (2012). Challenging mobile learning discourse through research: student
perceptions of Blackboard Mobile Learn and iPad. Australasian journal of educational technology, 28(4),
Li J, Qiu H. (2016). Design and implementation of auxiliary teaching APP. Fujian computer 32(9), 111-112.
Villalon, J. (2019). Emarking: A collaborative platform to support feedback in higher education assessment. In
Foundations and Trends in Smart Learning (pp. 113-118). Springer, Singapore.
Yu, J. (2018). Research on Key Development Technologies for SPOC Platform. In MATEC Web of Conferences
(Vol. 232, p. 01025). EDP Sciences.
Yao, Y. (2015). Teacher Perceptions of Classroom Assessment: A Focus Group Interview. SRATE Journal, 24(2),
Zhou, P. (2016). The Exploration and Inspiration on SPOC Localization. Journal of Chendu University:
Educational Sciences Edition. Issue 5, 108-112.
Zheng, Z., Cheng, J., & Peng, J. (2015). Design and implementation of teaching system for mobile cross-platform.
International Journal of Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering, 10(2), 287-296.
Chang, M. et al. (Eds.) (2019). Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Computers in
Education. Taiwan: Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education
Abstract: With the development of mobile technology and the popularization of smart devices,
mobile learning has penetrated into people's life. In this paper, by referring to the interactive
analysis system of different experts and scholars, and combining the actual situation of this
study, the content analysis method of video is adopted to carry out the classroom interactive
analysis of a junior middle school mathematics class using mobile devices for teaching. The
study found that mobile devices to some extent effectively support classroom interaction. The
specific performance is as follows :(1) the Android tablets mainly supports the learning
behavior of students' independent inquiry; (2) the class supported by the Android tablets can
provide instant feedback on students' answers; (3) Android tablets can help students' explicit
thinking and support their thinking development.
1. Introduction
The 43rd statistical report on the development of Internet in China (February 2019) pointed out that as
of December 2018, 829 million Internet users were in China, and 29.8% of them used tablet computers
to surf the Internet. In terms of place of use, the proportion of students accessing the Internet in school
rose to 22.1 percent in 2018 from 19.1 percent last year. From the perspective of users' occupation
structure, students account for the largest proportion of Internet users, as high as 25.4%. In terms of the
usage rate of individual Internet applications, a total of 202.13 million netizens conducted online
education, with a usage rate of 24.3 percent, an increase of 29.7 percent over last year. With the
development and upgrading of mobile technology and the popularization of smart devices, it has
successfully laid a foundation for mobile learning and provided more opportunities for people to learn
lightweight, fragmented and structured knowledge through mobile terminals. Therefore, mobile
learning has become one of the important trends in the application of new technology in education.
Mobile learning is an educational interaction through mobile technology that students can access from
any place (Traxler, 2013), which is also considered as the use of mobile devices and Internet connection
for educational purposes (Kinash, Brand, & Mathew, 2012). Many studies have shown that in a learning
environment, mobile learning can build and maintain the capabilities of creativity (Ranieri & Bruni,
2013), collaboration (Niels & Carreira, 2018), interactivity (Shen, Wang, & Pan, 2010). In traditional
classroom teaching, the classroom interaction between teachers and students is only through simple
interpersonal interaction and interaction based on simple mediation (such as blackboard). The form of
interaction is monotonous, insufficient in depth and unidirectional. In the current classroom teaching,
other technical equipment has been provided to improve classroom teaching, such as tablet computers.
Because the tablet supports instant feedback, it provides more support for the real-time and efficient
classroom interaction. Based on this, this study selects tablet computer as a third-party intermediary
media for teacher-student interaction, and studies its influence on classroom interaction from multiple
dimensions such as interpersonal interaction, human-computer interaction and mediation-based
interaction. The research will focus on two research issues: first, the supportive role of tablet computers
for classroom interaction; second, the depth of classroom interaction.
2. Methods
Classroom interaction is the basic form of classroom teaching (Qu Bo & Sun Li-li,2019). The nature of
interaction requires participants to understand the meaning of interaction with each other. Therefore,
classroom interaction is related to the effectiveness of classroom teaching. The study will select
“classroom interaction” as the entry point for video image analysis, and analyze the “classroom
conversation” by using the content analysis method of classroom video. This research method encodes
interactive behaviors and languages based on specific types of functions and analyzes classroom
interactions. Based on this, this study takes a public course “Image and Nature of a Function” taught by
a junior high school teacher in Beijing as a research case. There are 24 students in the class, study the
classroom video of this lesson, and then use the classroom interactive analysis system. The classroom
recorded video is sliced and coded to provide an in-depth analysis of the classroom interaction.
In the 1960s, American scholar Ned Flanders proposed a system for classroom interaction analysis
(Flanders Interaction Analysis System, FIAS). FIAS consists of three parts: a coding system that
describes the interactive behavior of the classroom, a prescribed standard for observation and record
coding, and a matrix table for displaying and analyzing the data. Although FIAS can present the
classroom structure, behavioral patterns and teaching styles in a quantitative way, there are also many
limitations, such as neglecting the interaction between teachers and students and the classroom
environment; interaction analysis is limited to the interaction of the established classification, and
Ignore the true intentions of teachers and students. Based on this, domestic scholars have made
improvements to the system. For example, Gu Xiaoqing (2004) added technical classes based on FIAS
and further refined these four categories into 18 coding rules. Feng Wisdom (2016) improved and
optimized FIAS to form a Student Centered Interaction Analysis System (SIAS), which increases
student behavior and technology, and is subdivided into 18 Article encoding rules. The author will refer
to the research results of various scholars and combine the actual situation to organize a classroom
interactive analysis system that is more suitable for this research. The classroom interaction analysis
system used in this paper is shown in Table 1.
Through the method of case study, the author selects a junior high school mathematics class "Image and
Nature of Once Function" as a case study of this study. The course uses the combination of Rui Xuetang
teaching software and GeoGebra drawing software. The study will use a combination of qualitative and
quantitative methods to analyze the classroom interaction of mobile devices in this class. The following
is an analysis of the classroom interaction in this lesson:
The time sequence analysis of the teaching process of "images and properties of primary functions" is
shown in table 2. Through analysis, it is found that teachers mainly guide students to learn by
independent inquiry and independent learning, and can carry out situational teaching in combination
with real life. In the whole class, the teacher guides the students, enlightens their thinking and enables
them to think independently to deepen their impression of what they have learned.
4.2 The analysis matrix is formed according to the interactive coding system
In the observed case course, excluding the useless parts at the beginning and end of the class, the total
length of the class is 44 minutes. According to the coding rules of Ned Flanders, a coding number is
determined every 3 seconds, and 879 pairs of coding sequence pairs are finally formed. According to
this arrangement, a 16*16 order Ned Flanders transfer matrix is formed (table 3).
Table 3. Interactive Analysis Matrix of "Image and Nature of Once Function" Video
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Total
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 2
2 0 16 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 17
3 0 0 19 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20
4 0 0 0 73 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 74
5 0 0 0 0 179 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 2 186
6 0 0 0 0 0 38 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 39
7 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3
8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 90 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 91
9 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 37 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 41
10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 2
11 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 9
12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 1 0 0 0 21
13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 1 0 0 13
14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 99 1 0 100
15 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 45 1 50
16 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 211
total 4 17 20 78 180 39 3 92 38 1 9 22 13 100 50 213 879
According to the interactive analysis matrix of video in "the image and nature of the first
function", the statistical table of the ratio of interactive behaviors in classroom teaching can be obtained
(table 4), through which the classroom can be analyzed in depth from different perspectives. From the
perspective of classroom structure, the teacher's speech ratio is 38.79%, the student's speech ratio is
16.27%, the silence ratio is 5.24%, and the technology ratio is 29.69%. It can be seen that the teacher
occupies a dominant position in the classroom, and the use of technology is reasonable, and the
student's speech rate is also high. Among them, the question asking rate of teachers is 2.28%, and the
thinking rate of quiet middle school students is 84.33%, indicating that teachers can guide students to
think through questions and have deep classroom interaction with students. Students use technology
ratio was 80.84%, the ratio of teachers' use of technology was 19.16%, more can show students the use
of more technology issue to explore, practice and browse other students answer, teachers use
technology demonstration for operation, answers and comments on student responses from the student,
to improve the students' participation and self-efficacy, in order to achieve the depth of the subject and
object interaction.
In addition, it can be seen from the diagonals of the matrix in the above table that the three
largest data are (16,16), (5,5) and (14,14) successively, which also indicates that students make full use
of technology to conduct classroom exercises and knowledge exploration under the guidance of
teachers. From the perspective of the emotional atmosphere of teachers and students, teachers and
indirect effects directly affect the rate of 49.55%, in line 1-3 and 1-3 columns of the area of the positive
grid frequency is 36 times, on line 7-8 and 6-7 column defect of the frequency of 2 times, that teachers
pay attention to the interaction with the students in the classroom, active communication with students,
be good at to adopt the opinions of the students, the classroom atmosphere is very harmonious whole,
student's participation is also very high, and the teacher's direct impact is mainly composed of lectures
and guide students to think about, to help students better understand knowledge.
As a whole, this case video lesson in the technology and the classroom teaching can fully mix,
and conducive to the students in the classroom interaction and teacher, student and equipment, teachers
and equipment, equipment - students such as deep multi-dimensional interaction, and classroom
atmosphere is very harmonious, friendly, is conducive to teachers inspire students to think about, to
mobilize students' learning enthusiasm and initiative.
4.3 Mobile device support, interactive depth, interactive feedback and interactive engagement
After the whole process of observing classroom interaction, this study also interviewed several teachers
who observed this class on the spot. Teachers basically believe that mobile devices are better supported,
can better support interaction, significantly improve students' participation and efficacy, but have not
helped students achieve high-level learning goals; for the depth of interaction, teachers It is believed
that high-effect interaction can be achieved, mainly in the multi-dimensional and overall interaction; for
interactive feedback, teachers believe that mobile devices can promptly feedback right and wrong,
encourage and promote attitudes and emotions; and for interactive participation, teachers believe that
interactive participation The degree is good, showing that most students can deeply participate in the
5. Conclusion
Based on the above analysis, this study believes that mobile devices effectively support classroom
interaction to some extent in this class. The specific performance is as follows :(1) the tablet computer
mainly supports the learning behavior of students' independent inquiry. In class, students make full use
of the learning resources in the tablet computer, and complete the tasks assigned by teachers through
resource viewing, inquiry and simulation experiments, so as to help students think actively and promote
their self-directed learning. (2) the class supported by tablet computer can provide instant feedback on
students' answers. Real-time feedback technology can be used to accurately reflect students' learning
data to teachers, so as to make data-based teaching strategy adjustment. For example, through students'
answers, students' knowledge confusion points or knowledge blind spots can be systematically
explained. (3) tablet computers can help students' explicit thinking and support their thinking
development. As a learning tool, tablet computers can help students make their thinking process explicit
step by step. Learning scientific research shows that when students express the knowledge they are
forming externally, the learning effect will be better, thus promoting students' independent thinking and
developing thinking.
The real classroom interaction is to help students to construct knowledge and develop their
thinking ability. Although the cases examined in this study are not necessarily representative, teachers'
use of mobile devices in class does improve classroom interaction. Therefore, this case can help other
teachers to reflect on teaching and take practical actions to some extent. This kind of case study will be
more conducive to the practice and development of mobile learning in classroom teaching.
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Chang, M. et al. (Eds.) (2019). Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Computers in
Education. Taiwan: Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education
Abstract: By the spread of active learning and group work, the ability to collaborate and
discuss among the participants becomes more important than before. Although several studies
have reported on that micro facial expressions and body movements give psychological effects
to others during conversation, most of them are lacking in quantitative evaluation and there are
few datasets about group discussion. In this research, we proposed a highly reproducible system
that helps to make datasets of group discussions with multiple devices such as an
omnidirectional camera (360-degree camera), an eye tracker and a motion sensor. Our system
operates those devices in one-stop to realizing synchronized recording. To confirm the
feasibility, we built the proposed system with an omnidirectional camera, 4 eye trackers, and 4
motion sensors. Finally, we succeeded to make a dataset by recording 8 times group meeting by
using our developed system easily.
1. Introduction
In the 21st century, the thinking and cooperating abilities gained through discussion have regarded
significant skills (Arpan, 2017). A model called elaboration likelihood model (ELM) exists as a
hypothesis as a communication model to persuade the listeners, and it is a content that has been actively
studied for a long while (Richard, 1986). Small-group discussions are more effective on the retention of
knowledge than classes in the large classroom. Hence, the classes utilizing small-group discussions
should become mainstream in the future (Philip, Kerstin, Bruce, & Wilson, 2011). To improve the
ability of discussion, it is important to assess the group discussion quantitatively. However, there are no
related work that has realized easy and quantitative evaluation with multimodal devices.
We can divide communication with human beings into verbal communication and nonverbal
one. Nonverbal communication has a large impression on the conversation partner and is a very
important ability to build social relationships (Peter, 1987; Michael, 1988). Micro-expressions on the
face has a large impression too, and it is important information for understanding the deep psychology
of the human (Ekman & Friesen, 1975). On the other hand, analysis of the content of the conversation
may include sensitive private information, so it is difficult to introduce a system that analyzes the
content of the conversation in an actual educational scene. From the above, it is important to develop a
system that evaluates the quality of communication from micro behavior and facial expression, and
assists the students participating in the discussion.
Many comprehensive face image datasets for facial expression recognition are famous and
some papers report the high accuracy results in emotion recognition (Kanade, 2000; Yan, 2014). But
there are few datasets that have been labeled for multiple discussions. In this paper, we propose a
system for making datasets about group discussion and describe the consideration of some datasets
This article is organized as follows: Section 2 provides a description of related work, and
Section 3 describes a proposed system and the experimental condition. Then, the results of the
experiments are shown in Section 4, and Section 5 concludes this paper with future perspectives.
2. Related Work
Hori et al. (2012) developed the system that analyzes face direction and the contents of the statement
real time with combining an omnidirectional camera and several directional microphones. But the audio
analysis performed by this system is highly influenced by the form of the meeting room, so it works
only in pre-optimized rooms. In addition, very expensive and high-spec equipment is required to
analyze, it is difficult to introduce in general schools and companies.
Ohnishi et al. (2019) have developed the system that recognizes nodding, speaking and looking
motions from acceleration and angular velocity data from a head motion with a 9-axis acceleration
sensor. By amelioration of the algorithm, it is expected that the accuracy of recognition will be further
improved, this paper reports head motion acceleration and angular velocity is very useful data in
recognizing head behavior such as nodding. However, this system needs to synchronize the recorded
video with the timestamp of the accelerometer and it is not automated. It is very laborious to match the
labeling data of the recorded video with the timestamp of the acceleration sensor by human hands. If
there is a time stamp gap between the video and the sensor data, there is a risk that the accuracy will
decrease when performing activity recognition.
Thus, to make datasets for group discussions in various educational scenes, the reproducibility
of the recording system and the mechanism synchronize each device data are important. We propose a
system that has two major features. The first feature is that it is a highly reproducible system which can
easily make group discussion datasets and can be used in any room. The second feature is that the
proposed system uses multiple types of devices to acquire more data and each timestamp does not slide
from the exact time by operating in one-stop.
3. Proposed Methods
Four people hold a five minutes discussion two times per experiment. The topic in this discussion does
not depend on the knowledge possessed by the participants, each participant can talk equally. We
prepared the themes which the answer is narrowed to two ways. For example, “If you have a time
machine, which do you want to travel to the past or the future ?”, “Which do you like cat or dog ?” and
so on. From the presented agendas, we asked the participants to select two themes which all of them
don’t have the same opinion, and each participant discusses their views. After each discussion is over,
we make surveys of discussion for them.
3.2 Devices
We developed a measurement system using three types of devices to make data sets for multi-person
communication. The devices are THETA V, Pupil Mobile Eye Tracking Headset, (hereinafter called
“Pupil”) and LPMS-B2.
THETA V (https://theta360.com/en/about/theta/v.html Last access 15 Aug 2019) is the
omnidirectional camera developed by RICOH, it can record video with 29.97 fps frame rate and 4K
pixels. In addition, since it can behave like a Wi-Fi base station, it is possible to get shooting commands
from a PC or mobile terminal. It records the faces and bodies of every participant, we prepared only one.
Pupil (https://pupil-labs.com/pupil/ Last access 20 May 2019) is a glasses-type eye tracking
system developed by Pupil Labs. From the eye direction and movement, it is possible to measure which
direction the participant was looking at. In the case of this study, it is used to detect the person who is
watching during the discussion. Pupil connects to a laptop to perform analysis and recording. In this
experiment, we used Surface provided by Microsoft. When Pupil measurement application is activated,
it can receive commands for recording from the background, so it is possible to send commands for
shooting the video remotely using wired LAN or Wi-Fi. Each participant attaches Pupil, we prepared
four Pupils and four Surfaces.
LPMS-B2 (https://lp-research.com/lpms-b2/ Last access 15 Aug 2019) is a lightweight 9-axis
wireless motion sensor developed by LP-Research. The measure of this device is 39 × 39 × 8mm and
weight is 12g. It can transmit acceleration information to a PC or mobile terminal via Bluetooth.
OpenMAT, GUI open source application, control and collect data sent from LPMS-B2. LPMS-B2’s
timestamp recording starts when a measurement is started by OpenMAT. Moreover, since it is possible
to simultaneously acquire data from several LPMS-B2s, acceleration data obtained from them don’t
have a difference of timestamp. In this experiment, the sampling frequency was set to 100Hz, and data
on the 9-axis acceleration of the head was acquired by attaching to a Pupil. Each Pupil has LPMS-B2, so
we prepared four LPMS-B2s.
In this research, we define data measured by these three types of devices and data annotated to
omnidirectional video as a dataset in the group discussion. As we described in Section 2 (Related
Works), for accurate analysis, it is very important that each timestamp of the data acquired by several
devices is not out of alignment. We developed a system which sends commands for the THETA V to
record the video via Wi-Fi, for Surfaces to record the pupil video via wire connection and for
OpenMAT to start acquiring data from LPMS-B2. A diagram of the proposed system is shown in Figure
Originally it is necessary to manually activate all devices and record a discussion, our proposed system
possible to automatically acquire all data simultaneously. Hence, the timestamps of acquired data match
with each other, we can make easily high-quality multi-sensor datasets about group discussion.
Figure 2 shows the image which a participant wearing Pupil with LPMS-B2. Figure 3 shows the
image of an actual experiment.
3.4 Annotation
Each participant annotates videos of THETA V about their behavior by using ELAN, a software that
can perform time-series annotation on video. Figure 4 shows the image of annotating with ELAN.
THETA’s video is expanded in a rectangle. When annotating, we ask them to annotate with paying
attention to the reason for behavior. Table 1 shows a list of labels of annotation. These labels are
decided with reference to the book of Peter (1987).
Table 1
The contents of labeling
Label name Category Detail
smile response does not have special meaning generated by the listener
agree smile means consent
interesting smile that occurs when the discussion is interesting
sympathy seeking empathy
nodding response does not have special meaning generated by the listener
agree nodding means consent
talk description statement when explaining your opinion
objection statement when denying the opinion of the speaker
agree statement when you agree with the speaker’s opinion
say giving the right to speak to a third person
other - other behavior
4. Result
16 students from our laboratory cooperated, we made a dataset of eight discussions. These participants
have their native language Japanese, 14 males, 2 females, and ages 22 to 24. The total number of hours
is about 70 hours in total to make this dataset. Most of the experiment time was spent mainly on
After each discussion, we conducted a survey in Table 2. A1 and A2, if the participant’s
opinion is the former, the answer is point 1. On the other hand, if it is the latter, the answer is point 5.
Therefore, point 3 means a neutral opinion. B1 to B8, the participants answer each item between 1-5
point, closer 1 means “No” and closer 5 means “Yes”.
Table 2
Discussion survey questions
Survey ID The content of survey
A1 Before the discussion, is your opinion the former or the latter?
A2 After the discussion, is your opinion the former or the latter?
B1 I was satisfied with the discussion.
B2 I could talk my own opinion.
B3 I heard what people with the same opinion say.
B4 I heard what people with the opposite opinion say.
B5 The discussion was enjoyable.
B6 The group often cut off my speech.
B7 I would like to have discussion with this group in future.
B8 I have an attention for the omnidirectional camera.
The results of the survey are shown in Figure 5. Comparing (a) and (b) shows that the participant’s
opinion approaches neutral opinion through the discussion. This is because the survey ID B4: “I heard
what people with the opposite opinion say.” is 4.125 point on average, so it seems that there was a
change in opinion through hearing the opposite opinions.
Survey ID B8: “I have an attention for the omnidirectional camera.” has a score of 1.43 point on
average, most people did not care about the omnidirectional camera. Only one person answered 4 point
and we interviewed directly after the end of the experiment. The participant said, “I was concerned
about omnidirectional camera recording the video”. However, most participants stated, “I was not
particularly my mind on the omnidirectional camera”. Placing the omnidirectional camera in the center
of the table does not have a psychological impact.
15 15
Number of answers
Number of answers
10 10
5 5
0 0
1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
1 is former, 5 is later opinion 1 is former, 5 is later opinion
(a) A1: Opinion bias before discussion (b) A1: Opinion bias before discussion
Average score
B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8
Survey ID
5. Conclusions and Future Work
The ability to discuss in a group discussion is expected to become even more important in the future.
We proposed a system for making datasets on group discussions in one-stop, and we have made up a
dataset of eight discussions. We confirmed that high-quality datasets could be made by using three
types of devices and constructing a system which records consistent datasets. Also, the participants do
not attract attention to the omnidirectional camera placed at the center, so our proposed method is
considered to be a system that is useful to introduce to the various education scenes. We plan to increase
the number of experiments and acquire a dataset.
At the current stage, videos recorded by THETA V directly deal with face images of the
participants in the discussion, it is difficult to release them as open data from the viewpoint of privacy.
Applying OpenFace: it converts face image to point cloud data, and OpenPose: it converts body image
to point cloud data, to the THETA V’s video, we will release as open data in the future in a state where
it is easy to analysis and protecting private information. There are converted images of the discussion
into point cloud data by OpenFace and OpenPose in Figure 6.
(a) A1: Opinion bias before discussion (b) A1: Opinion bias before discussion
This research is partially supported by JST PRESTO and Innovation Platform for Society 5.0.
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Spontaneous Micro-Expression Database and the Baseline Evaluation. PLoS ONE.
Chang, M. et al. (Eds.) (2019). Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Computers in
Education. Taiwan: Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education
1. Introduction
The 21st century K-12 education involves a deep understanding of complex concepts, to further
creatively generate new knowledge and enhance the Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and
Mathematics (STEAM) skills. A critical part of STEAM education involves experiential learning,
where the learners learn from their experiences and reflect on those with minimal help of the adults. One
such approach involves using the learning theory of Constructivism, where students tend to construct
their own knowledge (Mughal, & Zafar, 2011). The students can be made to solve a real-life problem by
constructing their knowledge on top of prior experiences. This learning in classrooms can be enhanced
while exploring the multiple solution approaches in the Open-Ended learning environments with few
resources and tools as the scaffold (Biswas, Segedy, & Bunchongchit, 2016). Collaboration among
students in this process can further help in exchanging knowledge and developing social skills, critical
thinking and creative problem solving ability (Laal, & Ghodsi, 2012).
With the advent of technology, the learnings are now being imparted with one of the emerging
technology called Augmented Reality (AR), which helps in superimposing virtual objects in the real
world in real time (Azuma, 1997). These virtual graphics can be in the form of images, 3D models,
textual information, audio, video, animation, etc. Thus, when it comes to classroom education, AR can
be useful as a scaffold in providing affordances that are not readily available in classroom
environments. We have attempted to provide such an experience in the school curriculum where
students collaboratively explore different ways of using AR in creatively solving open-ended problems.
In this paper, we have discussed an experiential learning study which involved collaboratively
solving open-ended problems using different AR Interaction Mediums (AIMs) on a tablet. The broad
goal of the study was to understand the interaction of the students with the AIMs and the effect on their
creativity while solving open-ended tasks.
2. Background Work
In the study, open-ended tasks were designed (Table 1) as per the 7th grade Mathematics syllabus.
Table 1
Designing the Tasks: The four open-ended tasks given to students to solve
Topic 3D Models Task Description Learning Goals
To think of ways in To understand what a square unit is.
Task 1 Area which its area could be To provoke discussion on the ways in
calculated. which the area for irregular shapes could be
Field on a 9x9 grid calculated.
To think of methods to To understand the basis of formation of
Task 2 Lines & find the internal angle Lines & Angles and their measurement.
Angles between the two walls. To leverage concepts and laws of geometry
like parallel lines and adjacent angles.
Walls with 120° angle
To think of ways to fill To evaluate the ways in which different
Task 3 Symmetry & this structure (leaving no shapes of different sizes fit together and
Congruence space) with objects of their fitting gets affected by the scale.
any shape and size.
Floor plan
To find ways of To be able to relate the model to an actual
Task 4 Visualizing climbing the mountain mountain and develop a thorough
3D Solids in the fastest way understanding of the shape as this was a
possible. major factor in path and method planning.
In our study, the experimental groups used one of the three different AIMs (Table 2) in a task to
solve the given open-ended problems. Each group was also once the control group where the task had to
be done seeing a 2D isometric image of the 3D objects, shown to other groups as 3D models in AR.
Table 2
Defining the Augmented Reality Interaction Mediums (AIMs)
Imagine Draw Cube
It emphasized creative use of One could draw in the complete 3D Two tangible marker cubes were provided
imagination as a method of problem space by moving the phone around which overlaid different 3D models, based
solving. The students could move and drawing anywhere on the screen on the task being performed:
around this model, viewing it through with one finger. A three-finger tap Task 1: a scale and a protractor
different perspectives and level of detail completely cleared the screen and a Task 2: a protractor and a ladder
by zooming in and out. A three finger two-finger tap was used to place the Task 3: a round table and a cupboard
tap cleared all elements on the screen. task object on a detected plane. Task 4: a flagpole (post) and a rope.
The applications were designed in Unity and exported as Android packages on Samsung
Galaxy S4 Tablets. Google AR Core SDK was used in the draw and imagine AIMs to enable use of AR.
Plane detection and raycasting for placing objects on the plane were the primary AR Core facilities
used. In the cube AIM, Vuforia was used to enable tracking. Multi image tracking (cuboidal) was used
for the cubes and single image target (QR Code) was used for placing the 3D objects on the given cubes.
4. Method
The participants were 7th grade students of a sub-urban Indian school. Through convenience sampling,
study was conducted with 12 students (5 boys and 7 girls) of age group 12-14. They were randomly
divided into 4 groups of 3 students each. The study was conducted a few days after their end-semester
examinations, to ensure they all are familiar with the concepts covered in the AR tasks. Each group was
assisted by a researcher to guide them about the tasks and observe their actions. The task and its
corresponding AIM for a group was selected using the balanced Latin square design (Figure 1).
Figure 1. The balanced Latin square design for task and AIM distribution to a group
The students were encouraged to collaboratively think of multiple answers for a given problem.
The interactions were captured using video recording. Observation Logs were used to note group
behaviour, involvement and interaction with each other and the AR interface. Further, the students
wrote their answers on a sheet, in forms of writing sentences, sketches, diagrams etc. At the end of each
task, the students were interviewed about their approach to solve the problem.
The answers of each task written by the groups, were digitized. To answer RQ1, their answers
were evaluated, video data was observed, the recorded interview were transcribed and the observation
log was assessed to determine the behaviour and approach of the groups in solving the open-ended tasks
in each of the different AIMs provided. To answer RQ2, the answers that students gave were evaluated
for creativity score by taking inspiration from Guilford’s test of divergent thinking (Guilford, 1967).
5. Results and Discussions
AR has previously helped learners to collaboratively play and visualize mathematics with everyday
objects (Khan, Trujano, & Maes, 2018). While solving the Area problem, students suggested materials
and objects from their surroundings as the measurement tools. The square grid placed around the field
helped them calculate the area in terms of units. All AIMs using groups used this grid in some form of
measurement. The Imagine and Draw AIMs groups, split the given field shape into its individual
rectangular components to calculate their respective areas as per the learned formulae. However, all
students neglected the semicircular shape of the field, for not being able to understand the way of
calculating it using the learned formulae.
In the Lines & Angles task, the Imagine and Draw AIMs using groups, initially suggested
multiple angle degrees between the walls as per their perspective of looking at the walls using tablets.
On viewing bit longer, they realized that the angle was constant and the angles looked different because
of different perspective views. The Draw group placed the augmented model of the wall against the
actual wall of the classroom. They then hypothesized that the augmented wall model had an obtuse
angle. Even in this task, students used objects from their immediate surroundings to compare and
measure the angles between the walls.
All the groups related the floor plan to that of their homes in the Symmetry & Congruence task.
They thought of ways to place at least 20 household items while considering their shape and space
available. The Cube AIM group partitioned the entire floor plan based on size and classified the objects
to be placed based on a size proportional to these partitions. This group also suggested organic materials
like salt and powdered spices to fill in minute empty spaces. The control group proposed filling up the
remaining space by increasing the number of smaller sized objects. The group using Imagine AIM
proposed scaling up objects to fill space.
The mountain climbing problem in Visualizing 3D Solids task required students to apply
problem solving skills learnt in their syllabus towards the real life scenario of a macro problem. As seen
in previous studies (Schneider, Weinmann, Roth, Knop, & Vorderer, 2016), influence of entertainment
media was observed where the Control group took an aerial approach to suggest jumping off a
helicopter as the fastest way as seen in television. The Imagine AIM group categorized their answers
based on risk and speed involved to climb.
Using the Draw AIM, the group with the Area task communicated their ideas instead of drawing the
solutions. In Visualizing 3D Solids, the group precisely drew a ladder and a rope, realizing the need of
an anchor with it. In the Lines & Angles task a triangle was drawn on top of the augmented wall. It was
then replicated on a paper to calculate the angle. Thus, students identified their own effective and
unique ways of using the draw AIM.
With the Imagine AIM, the group of Lines & Angles task on collaboratively discussing and
using hand gestures to while viewing the wall from different sides, deduced that it was indeed the same
angle which was obtuse. In the Area task, the group calculated area by using objects which were around
them, e.g. the field was approximately 10 lunch boxes or 15 pencil boxes large. Thus, they were able to
associate and dissociate the meaning of square units.
The cubes and the respective overlaid objects were used as a stimulus for students to answer.
The use of cubes was less effective for Visualizing 3D Solids task as they used the rope but not the
flagpole in the solutions. In Lines & Angles and Area tasks, students attempted to calculate the exact
values using the objects of cubes, considering them to be realistic measuring tools. For the cubes to be
within camera view to get tracked one student held the tablet and the others held the cubes. One group,
however, placed both cubes on the floor and changed their perspectives by moving the tablet around.
The control group in Visualizing 3D Solids task sketched to communicate complex ideas. They
numbered the multiple drawn paths on the hill to discuss the ways of using these paths. In the Area task,
they drew a top view of the field from the given isometric image and used a protractor to measure the
drawn semi-circular area. In the Symmetry & Congruence task, the group noted the approximate
number of items to cover the floor, e.g. 40 cellphones, 14 newspapers etc. However, this group
restricted themselves to their household scenarios and did not think further. Overall, the control group
had limited responses due to the inability to visualize the hypothetical scenario on seeing a 2D image.
The students’ answers were evaluated for creativity inspired from Guilford’s test of divergent thinking
(Guilford, 1967). The answers were evaluated based on fluency, originality and flexibility. The fluency
score was the total number of answers given by a group. The flexibility score was the number of
categories or different ways of thinking answer. The originality score was calculated as a percentage of
uniqueness of the answers. If the answers were rarer than 10%, 20 % or more than 20% of all the
answers for a particular task, it was given a score of 2, 1 or 0 respectively. The inter rater agreement of
the two raters on the scores of flexibility and originality was 93.15%. The scores were categorized into
groups, tasks and AIMs. A creativity score was calculated by adding the scores for fluency, flexibility
and originality for a particular category. As shown in Figure 2, Group 2 had the highest creativity score
of 155, the task of Symmetry & Congruence had the highest creativity score of 150 and the creativity
score of 99 was the highest for AIM Imagine.
The mean creativity score of the experimental groups (AIMs) was higher (M=86.3) than the
control group (M=79) across all tasks. In terms of creativity, comparatively the Cube AIM lacked. This
AIM by its design, provided students with a prompt of two tools to stimulate their thinking ability to
find solutions. However, it was observed that their thoughts were limited to the two tools. Thus, even
though students liked the Cube AIM’s interactive environment, such AIM might be more beneficial for
closed problems or convergent thinking tasks. For example, an AR Mathematical education game was
developed using three tangible marker cubes to teach certain defined operations (Lee, and Lee, 2008).
In our study, the AIMs provided to experimental groups, helped in visualizing the problem and
generating a higher number of creative ideas, as similarly seen in the study by Huang (2019) to enhance
students’ creativity using AR. The control group had a high flexibility and originality score but a lower
fluency score. Group interactions and dynamics were essential in shaping the ideas of students. The
discussions were overall positive and helped in the formation of finished solutions, as was seen in our
earlier study as well (Sarkar, Pillai, & Gupta, 2018). AIMs provided a stimulus to discussion. All the
groups had a positive response to the AIMs, one of the groups, while being the control group, did not
want to do the task on paper but wanted to use one of the AIMs. Like observed by Huang (2019), it was
seen in our study that prior knowledge and experiences played a major role in the generation of ideas by
students. Most of the solutions were directly inspired from either school or household scenarios along
with media like TV shows and online videos. Thus, we could claim that AIMs have the potential to
provide experiences that are otherwise not possible. The design of AIMs ensures that students use AR
not only as a visual tool but also as an immersive experience to think beyond the screen.
open-ended tasks based on 7th grade Mathematics syllabus. The results of RQ1 report qualitative
differences on the ways in which participants approached various tasks as well as their positive
experience using AIMs. The results of RQ2 evaluated creativity based on the multiple solutions that
students gave for the problems. We found that the groups which solved the problems using the AIMs
had higher creativity score (M=86.3) than the control group (M=79) using traditional pen and paper.
While these results are promising towards a direction in the way AIMs can be used in
classrooms, there are certain limitations to our study. The study was conducted with a small sample size
(N=12) over a day. Thus, a larger sample size with the study conducted over a longer time would give
more in-depth insights. Another limitation pertaining to plane detection and occlusion using Cube
AIMs requires the improvement of the technical aspect of the application.
The project was funded by Tata Centre for Technology and Design, IIT Bombay. We thank the school
authorities, teachers, students and their parents for their consent and valuable time to conduct the study.
Thanks to the volunteers at IIT Bombay – Amarnath Murugan, Jonathon Mathew and Amal Dev.
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31, 486-490.
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Mughal, F. & Zafar, A. (2011). Experiential Learning from a Constructivist Perspective: Reconceptualizing the
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for Education (T4E)(pp. 8-15). IEEE.
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Education. Taiwan: Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education
Abstract: In this paper, we describe the support system for job-hunting students to learn
job-hunting related terms using an eBook and a chat system. Job-hunting process is very unique
and complicated in Japan. Job-hunting students face difficulties in many phases. Some
job-hunting related terms are not used in daily conversation and very new to them. Therefore, it
is necessary to support them. In fact, many universities in Japan have started providing their
students with career education. The objective of this study is to examine whether or not the use
of our chat system was effective in learning job-hunting related terms. The result of the
evaluation showed there was no statistically significant difference. However the highest score
was given when they were asked it's helpfulness.
Keywords: Career education, career support, chat tool, digital textbook, eBook, InCircle,
job-hunting, SCROLL
1. Introduction
Job-hunting process is complicated in Japan. It imposes a heavy workload on their academic lives.
Students start job-hunting more than one year before graduation. They start with writing CVs
(curriculum vitae) and entry sheets, taking exams, written or web-based, such as general knowledge
tests, aptitude tests, and personality tests, participating group discussion observed by recruiters, and
receiving group interviews and individual interviews at the final stage until they finally obtain official
job offers. There are many terms used in job-hunting processes, which are rarely used in daily
conversation. The objective in this study is to propose an effective job-hunting related term learning
system to facilitate their job hunting in Japan. The system seamlessly supports individual learning and
collaborative learning with SCROLLeBook and a chat system called InCircle. The results of our
previous study (Uosaki et al, 2019) showed some superiority of SCROLLeBook-based learning to the
Blogger-based learning though there was no statistically significant difference. However the
effectiveness of InCircle was not confirmed. Our research question in this study is: (1) whether or not
the use of our chat system was effective in learning job-hunting related terms. The rest of this paper is
constructed as follows. Section 2 describes related researches to clearly identifying the difference
between related works and our research. Section 3 describes the design of SCROLL eBook and
InCircle. Section 4 describes the evaluation and Section 5, discussion and our conclusions.
2. Related Researches
2.1 Technology enhanced career education
3. System Designs
SCROLL stands for System for Capturing and Reusing Of Learning Log, which has been developed
since 2010 (Ogata et al. 2014). SCROLL supports learners to record what they have learned in both
informal and formal settings as a log using a web browser and a mobile device and to share them with
other learners anytime and anywhere beyond the limits of time and space. This on-going project is still
in progress with new functions being added to the system one after the other. SCROLL eBook is one of
the functions of SCROLL developed based on EPUB format.
Teachers create e-book contents using PowerPoint or Keynote prior to class and use them in
their courses. The uploaded e-book contents are converted to EPUB format and it is supported to access
the contents by using smartphones and PCs. Figure 1 (left) shows digital textbooks uploaded by the
Figure 2 shows the eBook viewer interface and its functions. When a learner clicks the
highlight button, he/she can highlight the word. he/she can find the page number corresponding to the
target word in the e-book by clicking the search button. When a learner clicks the memo button on the
digital textbook viewer system, he/she can write a description concerning the target words.
3.2 InCircle
InCircle is a product developed by AOS Mobile Inc., Tokyo, Japan with our third author joining this
project as a chief software architect. It is a client-server application. The server side runs on Linux OS
and Windows Server. The client side is working on iOS, Android, and PC Web browser. Chat messages
are transmitted and received through the network (Figure 3).
Figure 3. InCircle system configuration Figure 4. InCircle chat room interface on mobile
The system allows users to create groups. Group members are able to send and receive
messages and multimedia files in their chat room with an easy operation. Chat messages are
synchronized in real-time to realize smooth communication. Figure 4 shows a chat room interface when
the instructor posted an interrogative sentence: "Do you have textbook authorization system in your
country?" since interrogative sentences trigger active interaction among learners which leads to mutual
cross-cultural understanding.
In this study, the learning scenario was designed to combine self-learning with group learning. Figure 5
shows SCROLLeBook & InCircle combined learning. Students learn career-related terms with
SCROLLeBook alone and interact with other classmates and the teacher at the same time. In order to
encourage students to collaborate during the task, the teacher posted a topic which would be helpful to
learn career-related terms via InCircle. Students were encouraged to interact via InCircle by telling
them the number of InCircle posts will affect their grades.
4. Evaluation
Nine graduate students (6 Japanese, 2 Chinese, 1 Brazilian), who were taking class called Career Design
and Business Communication at the University in the western part of Japan participated in the
evaluation experiments. The target class was held on a once-a-week-basis during the spring semester,
2019. Each student had a laptop PC in class. The objective of the target class was to develop one's
self-concept during preparation for job hunting, and to develop the skills of problem finding and
solving, and cross-cultural communication in a diversity of workplace environments. The evaluation
was conducted during April 25th to May 16th as an out-of-class activity.
4.2 Procedures
Figure 6 shows the learning scenario. The teacher created 20 contents for SCROLL eBook of career
related terms such as "分離礼(bunrirei)"(bow after words), "PREP法"(PREP method). The objective of
the contents was to learn useful terms in terms of job-hunting. At the beginning of the session (Day 1),
the participants received a briefing session to learn how to use SCROLLeBook and InCircle and took
the pre-test to examine whether they know the meanings of 20 target terms. They were assigned to learn
the target terms on a self-learning basis using SCROLLeBook. Then the teacher delivered 10 learning
contents via InCircle. In order to examine the effectiveness of InCircle, the comparison was made
between with and without InCircle delivery. In order to give an equal opportunity of education using the
cutting-edge technology, there was no control group created. Therefore the whole class experienced
both with and without InCircle delivery. During the evaluation session, students were free to use
InCircle on PC to communicate with other classmates and the teacher. After the evaluation, Post-tests
(1) & (2) were taken by the participants and the questionnaire was conducted.
4.3 Results
Table 1 shows the result of the Pre- and Post-test (1) and (2). Pre- and Post-test (1) were identical to ask
them the meaning of 10 Japanese career-related terms to be taught via eBook with InCircle delivery.
Pre- and Post-test (2) were also identical to ask them the meaning of 10 career-related terms to be taught
via eBook without InCircle delivery. The full mark was 10 points for Pre- and Post-test (1) and Pre- and
Post-test (2). The mean scores of the Pre-test (1) and (2) were 3.66 and 3.33 with the standard deviation
(SD) of 1.12 and 1.22. The result of Post-test (1) was 9.55 with the standard deviation of 1.33, while that
of Post-test (2) was 9.33 with the standard deviation of 2.00. T value shows that there is no statistically
significant difference between them. As Figure 9 shows, there was no significant difference in the mean
score increase in both medias.
Table 1
An The result of Pre- and Post-tests
Figure 9. Comparison between eBook learning with InCircle without InCircle in terms of the means of
Pre- and Post-tests
5.1 Discussion
At the end of the evaluation, they were asked to answer the five-point-scale-questionnaire as shown in
Table 2. Q1and Q6 were created to examine the fun factor of SCROLLeBook and InCircle. Q2 and Q5
were created based on the technology acceptance model proposed by Davis (1989). Q3 and Q7 were
created to examine the user acceptance of its interface. The highest score, 4.88 was given when they
were asked about the helpfulness of InCircle (Q.4). Even though there was no statistically significant
difference between with and without InCircle delivery, they regarded it as helpful. It implies that
InCircle contributed to effectiveness of learning job-hunting related terms. However the lowest score,
4.22 was given when they were asked about rating the interface of InCircle (Q.7). Since its interface is
just like other chat tools, they seem to regard it as nothing new.
Table 2
The results of the 5-point-scale questionnaire
Questions Mean SD
Q.1 Was it fun to learn career related terms with SCROLL eBook contents 4.56 0.53
Q.2 Was it easy for you to handle SCROLL eBook? 4.44 0.53
Q.3 Please rate its interface of SCROLLeBook 4.22 0.83
Q.4 You also learned career related terms via InCircle. Was it helpful? 4.88 0.35
Q.5 Was it easy for you to handle InCircle? 4.56 0.53
Q.6 Was it fun to learn career related terms via InCircle ? 4.75 0.46
Q.7 Please rate its interface of InCircle. 4.22 0.97
Table 3
The students' impressions of the eBook and InCircle combined learning
#1 It was useful to learn career-related terms
#2 The contents were well-organized and easy to learn
#3 There were many abbreviated terms which I did not know
#4 Difficult
#5 Interface looks old. I prefer other free apps.
#6 It was difficult to adjust the slide size
Table 3 shows the participants' free comments on the eBook and InCircle combined learning.
Comments #1, 2, 3 are positive ones, but they referred to the contents not mentioning the system itself.
As for Comment #4, it is not clear what was difficult in what way. Comments #5 and #6, which turned
out that they referred to SCROLL, were rather negative. SCROLL was renewed right after this
evaluation. The feedback will be expected better in our next evaluation. As the comment #6 pointed out,
some students had some difficulty to enlarge the slide on smartphone, but it was solved after it renewal.
5.2 Conclusions
In this study, we describe facilitating the learning of job-hunting related terms using SROLLeBook and
InCircle. Our research question was (1) whether or not the use of our chat system was effective in
learning job-hunting related terms. Our hypotheses that InCircle content delivery system contributes to
their learning job-hunting related terms could not be proved since there was no statistically significant
difference between with and without InCircle delivery in terms of Pre- and Post-test improvement. It is
among our future works to improve learning scenarios to prove the effectiveness of our system.
Part of this research work was supported by the Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research No.18K02820,
No.17K12947, No.16H06304 and 16H03078 from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science
and Technology (MEXT) in Japan.
AOS Mobile Inc., Tokyo, Japan: http://www.aosmobile.com/ (last access: January 29th, 2019).
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Portfolio in career education (Japanese) IPSJ Transactions on Computers and Education (Kenkyu
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Quarterly, 13 (3), 319–339 (1989).
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development. Career Development International, 10 (6/7), 444 - 459 (2005).
InCircle: https://www.incircle.jp/ (last access: January 29th, 2019).
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Work, Proceedings of LTLE2014, 332-337 (2014).
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Ogata, H., & Uosaki, N.: A new trend of mobile and ubiquitous learning research: to-wards enhancing ubiquitous
learning experiences. International Journal of Mobile and Learning Organization, 6(1), 64-78 (2012).
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SCROLL: https://scroll.let.media.kyoto-u.ac.jp/learninglog/signin(last access: May 14th, 2019).
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Chang, M. et al. (Eds.) (2019). Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Computers in
Education. Taiwan: Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education
Abstract: Mobile technologies such as mobile device applications play a significant role within
formal education and the use of social networking site such as Facebook through mobile devices
has influence students’ management of learning in higher education. Researchers have
identified a range of uses of Facebook mobile application in higher education. Despite the
increasing use of Facebook mobile application by students and lecturers in higher education for
educational purposes, very little empirical studies that concern the adoption of Facebook mobile
application by university students in managing learning in the Malaysian higher education
context. In this paper, we describe the likelihood of adoption of Facebook mobile application
for managing learning by students of a private university in Malaysia, as well as how the
perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, and motivations of usage affect the behavioural
intention of the students in adopting Facebook mobile application for managing learning.
Through an online questionnaire survey, data were analysed using descriptive statistics,
correlations and regressions. Results from the survey questionnaires (N=101) indicated a
significant positive association between motivations of usage towards adoption of Facebook
mobile application for managing learning as well as between perceived ease of use and
perceived usefulness towards students’ adoption of Facebook mobile application for managing
learning. In conclusion, students’ perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, education
purposes, information-seeking motive and interactivity were significant predictors of
behavioural intention in adopting Facebook mobile application for managing learning.
1. Introduction
Mobile technologies are increasingly popular as useful educational tools to enrich teaching and learning
process, to engage and retain students, and to improve educational outcomes (Arokiasamy, 2017). The
benefits of mobile technologies for teaching and learning in higher education has caused a new
paradigm of learning to emerge known as mobile learning. This new way of learning allows university
students to utilise mobile technologies such as smartphone, tablets and laptops to learn and to obtain
learning materials anywhere, anytime. The features of mobile technologies - mobility, the ease of
software access and integration of media and applications - enable students ‘to work more continuously
across home and school settings, allows activities to be initiated outside the school, or practice on
exercises to be undertaken when or where desired’ (Passey, 2010, p. 69). Therefore, evidence from prior
studies indicates the potential of mobile technologies in supporting learning (Passey, 2010).
Research on Facebook use in Malaysian educational contexts has been growing at a rapid rate.
However, only ten out 35 existing studies are implemented in formal classroom curriculum. Despite the
increasing use of Facebook mobile application by students and lecturers of higher education institutions
for educational purposes due to its affordances and benefits illustrated in prior literature; very little
empirical studies that concern the adoption of Facebook mobile application by university students for
managing learning in the Malaysian higher education context. This study aims to find out the likelihood
of adoption of Facebook mobile application for managing learning by students of a private university in
Malaysia, as well as how the perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness and three motivations of usage
(education purposes, information seeking and interactivity) affect the behavioural intention of the
students in adopting Facebook mobile application for managing learning.
2. Methodology
The questionnaire consists of two sections, namely Section A for demographic profile and Section B for
testing the independent variables (i.e., construct of usage motivations) and dependent variables (i.e.,
behavioural intention of adoption). During data analysis, a total of 101 responses were usable and
analysed using IBM SPSS 25.0 for descriptive statistics, correlation and regression analyses. The
reliability score of 32 scale-items using Cronbach's Alpha are found to be highly reliable, achieved
0.958 which sufficiently exceeded the minimum requirement of 0.70 (Nunnally, 1978). The
respondents of the survey comprise of 101 students of a private university in the Klang Valley,
Malaysia. This private university is known to have a focus on innovative uses of technology in teaching
and learning. The demographic profile of the respondents and the descriptive statistics show that most
of the respondents are female students (67.3%) and 32.7% of the respondents are male students. A total
of 54 respondents are in the age range of 20-22 years old (53.5%); 23.8% of the respondents are within
the age range of 17-19 years old, followed by 22.8% of them in the age range of 23-25. Majority of the
respondents are Chinese (65.3%), followed by Malay and Indian students (12.9%) as well as other races
3. Findings
This section reveals the results answering the research question on the likelihood of adoption of
Facebook mobile application for managing learning from students’ level of agreement on 15 statements
of three motivations of usage - education, information seeking and interactivity - towards the adoption
of Facebook mobile application for managing learning in Malaysian higher education. Findings show
that students slightly agreed that Facebook mobile application could be used for providing others with
information (M=3.90), allows the exchange of information among peers (M=3.83), for
knowledge-sharing in the education system (M=3.79), supports informative discussion related to
education between friends (M=3.71), allows the exchange of information with educator (M=3.55), and
gives the opportunity for discussion to take place (M=3.53).
Next, from the bivariate correlation findings, respondents’ adoption of Facebook mobile
application indicated a strong correlation with the opportunity for discussion to take place (r=.563,
p<.01) and for obtaining information and course related materials (r=.516, p<.01); a moderate
correlation with interaction among peers (r=.492, p<.01), for educational purposes (r=.478, p<.01), for
interaction with the educator (r=.452, p<.01) and exchange of information among peers (r=.442, p<.01);
but shows a weak association with providing others with information (r=.279, p<.01) and for
knowledge-sharing in the education system (r=.273, p<.01). Based on the results, because p<.01, the
relationship between education purposes, information-seeking motive and interactivity with Facebook
mobile application adoption are statistically significant and they are positively correlated.
3.2 The Relationship Between Perceived Ease of Use, Perceived Usefulness and Motivations of Usage
towards Facebook Mobile Application Adoption for Managing Learning
This section describes the relationship between perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness and
behavioural intention of adopting Facebook mobile application for managing learning, as well as the
relationship between education purposes, information-seeking motive and interactivity and behavioural
intention of adoption Facebook mobile application for managing learning. A multiple linear regression
was carried out to predict students’ adoption of Facebook mobile application for managing learning
based on perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, and three motivations of usage (education
purposes, information seeking and interactivity). The R values for the perceived ease of use and
perceived usefulness as well as motivations of usage are 0.774 and 0.797 respectively, which indicate a
high degree of correlation with the students’ adoption of Facebook mobile application.
Besides, a significant regression equation was found (F(15, 85)=8.445, p<.000), with an R2
of .598. This shows that the respondents’ perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness of Facebook
mobile application are accounted for 59.8% of variance towards the adoption of Facebook mobile
application for managing learning. In another analysis, a significant regression equation was found
(F(15, 85)=9.884, p<.000), with an R2 of .636. This indicates that respondents’ perception on the
motivations of usage is accounted for 63.6% of variance towards the adoption of Facebook mobile
application for managing learning. The findings show that all independent variables (perceived ease of
use, perceived usefulness, education purposes, information-seeking motive and interactivity) were
significant predictors of behavioural intention of the students in adopting Facebook mobile application
for managing learning.
This study investigated the likelihood of adoption of Facebook mobile application for managing
learning by students of a private university in Malaysia. To answer the question on the likelihood of
adoption, 30.7% of the respondents agreed and strongly agreed that they intend to continue using
Facebook mobile application to manage learning. The motivations to adopt Facebook mobile
application were due to knowledge-sharing, supporting informative discussions related to education
between friends, providing others with information and the exchanging of information among peers.
The results are consistent with the studies of Hamat, Embi and Hassan (2012), Al-Rahmi and Othman
(2013), Chen (2015), Balakrishnan (2016), and Lee (2019) that the benefits of Facebook mobile are for
sharing of information and knowledge, supporting educational communication between students and
lecturers as well as discussing academic matters. This study concludes that students’ perceived ease of
use, perceived usefulness, education purposes, information-seeking motive and interactivity were
statistically significant, positively correlated and significant predictors of behavioural intention of
adopting Facebook mobile application for managing learning.
The study has practical implications for scholars, educators, students and policy-makers in
Malaysia who are interested in the use of Facebook mobile application for higher education. The
importance of this study is to offer Malaysian higher education a new perspective on the role of
Facebook mobile for educational purposes, a new framework of practice within Malaysian higher
education to support optimum use of Facebook mobile in formal classroom education, as well as to
show evidence that Facebook mobile has a major role in supporting the management of learning
activity. Nevertheless, the two limitations of this study are that its focus is mainly on students of one
private university in Malaysia and the predictor of Facebook mobile adoption is limited to five variables
- perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, education purposes, information-seeking motive and
interactivity. Similar studies could be conducted with students of other universities in Malaysia for
generalisation to the Malaysian student population as well as to examine other predictors of behavioural
intention for adopting Facebook mobile application in managing learning.
Al-Rahmi, W.M., & Othman, M.S. (2013). The impact of social media use on academic performance among
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Arokiasamy, A.R.A. (2017). A systematic review approach of mobile technology adoption in higher education.
Economics, Management and Sustainability, 2(2), 48-55. doi:10.14254/jems.2017.2-2.5
Balakrishnan, V. (2016). Learning via a social media enabled tool – Do learning styles make a difference?
International Journal of Information and Education Technology, 6(1), 35–38.
Chen, Y. (2015). Linking learning styles and learning on mobile Facebook. International Review of Research in
Open and Distributed Learning, 16(2), 94-114
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students. International Education Studies, 5(3), 56–66. doi:10.5539/ies.v5n3p56
Lee, C.E. (2019). Facebook use in Malaysian higher education classroom. In Tatnall A. (Eds) Encyclopedia of
Education and Information Technologies. Springer, Cham. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-60013-0
Nunnally, J.C. (1978). Psychometric theory (2nd Ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill.
Passey, D. (2010). Mobile learning in school contexts: Can teachers alone make it happen? IEEE Transactions on
Learning Technologies, 3(1), 68-81
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Education. Taiwan: Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education
1. Introduction
The shifting of the learning paradigm follows the supporting technology advancement. However,
digital discrepancy and learner’s capability to utilize the technology are topics of concern. Thus, we
need to comprehend ways of using state-of-art technology gradually, which is described as technology
enhanced learning maturity (Rahmah, Santoso, & Hasibuan, 2017). Learners should understand the
concerning characteristics in implementing TEL with its progression, to comprehend the maturity of
TEL implementation. Maturity roadmap follows the shifting paradigm with ubiquitous and seamless
learning as the highest level (Ogata & Uosaki, 2012) (Milrad et al., 2013),
This research tries to identify these characteristics by exploiting the key terms of TEL, using the
significant words approach (Luhn, 1958) from a massive number of research articles on TEL.
Introduced in text analysis research, this method explains that medium frequency words become
significant words due to their discriminating power, meanwhile common and rare words are
insignificant (Luhn, 1958). The significant words are the ones located in between the upper-cut and
lower cut in the Zipf law distribution. The interesting poin is there is no defined principle on how to
choose the lower and upper-cut. Van Rijsbergen (1979) stated that it requires a certain amount of
arbitrariness. The resulting key terms are not yet in the form of characteristics. We determine the
meaning and context using vocabulary control theory to formulate the TEL maturity characteristics.
2. Methodology
The methodology consists of data collection, pre-processing, processing, extracting significant words,
and analyzing TEL characteristics. At first, we collect, filter, and choose full-accessed 548 research
articles based on the search query “technology enhanced learning” found on the article’s title, abstract,
or keywords. The contributions are limited to proceedings, journals, and book chapters articles,
published after 2010 in 12 accessible research digital libraries. Then, we run data cleaning by
eliminating the article’s metadata, punctuation, non-alphabetical words, one-letter words, and
stop-words. We also run the lemmatization procedure, parse the words to generate bigram and trigram,
and continue with terms frequency of occurrence counting and descending sorting. Bigram and trigram
are the chosen format because they can deliver meaning, without having to put in a context.
Figure 30. Luhn Distribution Figure 31. The Resulting Key Terms
In the following activity, we map the terms into Zipf distribution, delivered in Figure 30. The
upper and lower cuts are chosen with prudence. The upper-cut lies on the slope with a significant jump,
meanwhile the lower-cut lies before the slope become insignificant. We follow the principle that the
number of to-be listed significant words are not too few or too many. It is too many if there are many
generic terms with no discriminating power. It is too narrow, for example, less than 20 are not adequate
to cover the scope of discussion. We then check for the resulting significant words for their eligibility,
of which each term has meaning and relevance to the topic.
There are 65 important terms, which consist of 29 bigrams, and 36 trigrams (as shown in Figure 31). We
formulate the characteristics using facet analysis and thesaurus to structure the filtered terms,
comprehend their meaning, and acquire the underlying knowledge. Figure 6 delivers the sample data
presentation1. Then, we formulate the TEL characteristics for maturity measurement candidates.
The first characteristic (C1) is about the learning situation, formal and informal. It is based on
facet analysis on terms: formal, informal, and both. We define the second characteristic (C2) discussing
to what extent technology facilitate online learning, starting from simple web-based learning to
full-online learning (without face to face). It is based on the trait in supporting learning with online
resources. The key terms are blended learning and web-based learning.
The third(C3) discusses how sophisticated technological trends are applied to support learning.
The key terms discuss web technology for learning and mobile learning. Both are associated with the
learning shifting paradigm. However, ubiquitous and seamless learning have not yet entered the
Complete list can be accessed in http://bit.ly/tel-keyterms
significant words list. However, we can interpret it as a prospect to pursue. The other key terms are
about social media, interpreted as to what extent social media can improve the learning process (C4).
Characteristics (C5) and (C6) take learning methods and drivers as a viewpoint. C5 covers the
key terms consisting of collaborative learning, inquiry-based learning, problem-based learning,
project-based learning, and self-directed learning. The last one delivers learner viewpoint. Thus we
determine characteristic C6 on to what extent self-directed learning and its affecting traits could be
improved TEL.
The seventh characteristic relates to what extent the learning environment configured to
improve the learning experience (C7). It is also a concern how the technology could enhance learning
environments, in terms of facilitating real-time, real-world context, virtual learning environment, and
interactive learning environment (C9). Additionally, there are key terms expressed learning
environment in higher education and learning systems, including learning management systems (LMS),
open educational resources (OER), and massive open online learning (MOOC). Hence, to what extent
the learning system is applied in high education becomes a consideration (C8).
4. Conclusion
This study has extracted key terms using Luhn’s Significant Words and conceived the nine TEL
characteristics’ by analyzing these terms using facet analysis, and thesaurus concept. It then becomes
TEL maturity measures candidates. This study attempted to explore characteristics of a concept using a
cross-discipline technique, usually used in natural language research. The proposition is that key terms
have discriminant power to explain a concept. Therefore, the result may not always suit our common
sense. As an example, particular trending technology did not emerge as significant words.
Future research may study this finding in greater depth to formulate characteristics with the
TEL maturity leveling systems. The study may continue using other natural language techniques and
data interpretation to strengthen the discovery. We can also examine related works which deduce
characteristics and affecting factors of TEL maturity. Further, the study may also continue by putting a
context to the terms, such as sentiment, to explain how a concept affects TEL maturity.
Luhn, H. P. (1958). The Automatic Creation of Literature Abstracts. IBM Journal of Research and Development,
2(2), 159–165. https://doi.org/10.1147/rd.22.0159
Milrad, M., Wong, L.-H., Sharples, M., Hwang, G.-J., Looi, C.-K., & Ogata, H. (2013). Seamless Learning: An
International Perspective on Next Generation Technology Enhanced Learning. In Z. L. Berge & L. Y.
Muilenburg (Series Ed.), Handbook of Mobile Learning (pp. 95–108). New York: Routledge.
Ogata, H., & Uosaki, N. (2012). A New Trend of Mobile and Ubiquitous Learning Research: Towards Enhancing
Ubiquitous Learning Experiences. International Journal of Mobile Learning and Organisation, 6(1), 64–78.
Rahmah, A., Santoso, H. B., & Hasibuan, Z. A. (2017). E-Learning Process Maturity Level: A Conceptual
Framework. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 978, 012028.
Van Rijsbergen, C. J. (1979). Automatic Text Analysis. In Information Retrieval (2nd ed.). Retrieved from
Chang, M. et al. (Eds.) (2019). Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Computers in
Education. Taiwan: Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education
Abstract: Recently visual arts education has been influenced by technology development and
delighted research attention. This study focuses on cloud-base mobile learning in visual art
teaching, to improve the ability of creativity for high school students. The findings showed that
student performance on scales of fluency, and resistance to premature closure in Torrance
Creative Thinking test have been improved.
1. Introduction
Arts courses have the potential for fostering creativity in schools. The process of creating arts needs to
be simulated by a lot of visual materials such as images and videos (Xu, 2019). However, it is difficult
to prepare teaching materials and present artworks during course time (Ulger, 2016). The integration of
visual arts and digital technology is one of the trends in recent years (Ceng, & Chang, 2013). By using
digital resources for visual arts teaching can solve these problems and stimulate students' creative
thinking by multimedia (Chang, Chen, Yu, Chu & Chien, 2017).
Integration of cloud-based teaching resources into the classroom, provide students a flexible
way in mobile environment (Clmrompton, Burke, & Gregory, 2017). The G Suite for Education is a
combination of online tools and available at all levels of schools. Teachers and students can share
unlimited cloud space and Internet resources to make learning contents more valuable (Iftakhar, 2016).
They can also use the Internet platform to interact with each other. The National Curriculum for
England encourages teachers use Internet resource to improve art and design techniques to help students
learn visual arts, and develop creativity and imagination.(UK National Curriculum Online, 2010).
Through active participation in art appreciation, students could develop new ways to enhance their
power of creative thinking and presentation skills (Pateman, 2016).
The purpose of this study was to integrate cloud-based mobile learning in high school visual
arts course to promote students’ creativity. The main research question was that did students who learn
with cloud-based mobile learning have better creative thinking than students who learn with traditional
2. Methodology
The 12-week experimental course had conducted for grad 10 students in the south of Taiwan. There
were 40 participants in the experimental group and 35 in the control group. The experimental group
used cloud resources with mobile learning. The control group used paper handouts and the textbook. G
Suite for Education was used in experiment group that was cloud-based enterprise communications
tools. Teachers integrated learning resources on the Internet to provide arts gallery and multimedia. The
students in the experimental group could connect to G Suite for Education at anytime and anywhere
through the mobile device. The control group learned from textbook and handouts.
The whole teaching experiment process was divided into four stages, namely, “Creative
design”, “Art skills accumulation”, “Creation thinking practice” and “Creative achievement”.
1. The creative design-" assemblage graphic": The element of art was modeling. The teaching
objective was to familiarize students with graphic recombination techniques
2. Art skills accumulation-"perspective drawings": The elements of art were color, texture material,
space. The teaching objective was to build the concept and experience of arts techniques.
3. Creative thinking practice-" association": The element of art was form. The teaching objective was
to familiarize students’ creative techniques
4. Creative achievement-" Creating reality ": The elements of art were color, texture, and space. The
teaching objective was applying creative techniques and complete a creative arts work.
The pre-test of the TTCT, the average score of the experimental group was 84.17 points, and the control
group was 82.12 points, the overall result of t-test showed no significant difference (t= 0.78,
p= .43> .05). The mean of the experimental group and the control group are 91.06 and 83.15,
respectively; moreover, the post-test scores of the two groups reached a significant difference with
t=3.36 (p= .00< .05). There were significant differences in scale of fluency (t= 4.46, p= .00<.05); and
resistance to premature closure (t= 3.47, p= .00< .05).
Table 1
Independent sample t – test of the post-test for Experimental group and control group
Scale Group Mean SD t p
Experimental 122.35 18.18
Fluency 4.46** .00
Control 105.03 15.00
Experimental 116.00 23.97
Creative strengths 1.74 .07
Control 108.06 13.16
Experimental 64.20 8.91
Elaboration -.75 .44
Control 65.49 5.19
Experimental 61.60 25.68
Abstractness of titles .83 .40
Control 57.31 17.42
Resistance Experimental 91.13 14.94
3.48** .00
to premature closure Control 79.86 12.84
Experimental 91.06 11.67
Overall 3.36** .00
Control 83.15 8.08
The results of this study show that the results are similar to the research that picture books could
improve the creativity and have significant difference in scales of "Fluency" (Yang, & Chang, 2013).
By using digital resources, the students of the experiment group get obvious effects which is consistent
with the previous study (Wang & Zhang, 2014).
The results show that integration of cloud-based mobile learning in arts course could improve creative
thinking. Therefore, teachers can design mobile learning experiences and create a paperless classroom
by integrating digital resources to enhance students' creative ability in the arts courses. The G Suite is a
cloud-based productivity tool that helps teacher organize the digital resources and communicate with
students. To evaluate the effects on creativity, 12 weeks might be too short to get significant results
(Wakil, Omer, & Omer, 2017). Further research could extend research periods to get better results
Ceng, B. W., & Chang, S. H.(2013)Research on the Inference Ability and Creativity of Intel K-12 Image
Thinking Assistant into the Teaching Plan,Special Education,(14),1-19。
Chang, Y. S., Chen, S. Y., Yu, K. C., Chu, Y. H., & Chien, Y. H. (2017). Effects of cloud-based m-learning on
student creative performance in engineering design. British Journal of Educational Technology, 48(1),
Clmrompton, H., Burke, D., & Gregory, K. H. (2017). The use of mobile learning in PK-12 education: A
systematic review. Computers & Education, 110, 51-63.
Iftakhar, S. (2016). Google classroom: what works and how? Journal of Education and Social Sciences,3, 12-18.
Pateman, T. (2016). Key concepts: A guide to aesthetics, criticism and the arts in education. Routledge.
Tan, A. G. (2007). Creativity: A handbook for teachers. World Scientific.
Torrance, E. P. (1974). The Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking (Norma-technical Manual). Bensenville, IL:
Scholastic Testing Service
UK National Curriculum Online. (2010). Introducing the new primary curriculum.
Ulger, K. (2016). The creative training in the visual arts education. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 19, 73-87.
Wakil, K., Omer, S., & Omer, B. (2017). Impact of computer games on students’ GPA. European Journal of
Education Studies.
Wang, D. M.(2003). The impact of Internet technology on the development of digital art. Digital Art Education
Wang, Z. Q., & Chang, S. H.(2014). Creative Thinking Skills Integrated into Game Design Program on
Creativity for the Elementary Gifted Students,Special Education,(16),62-78。
Xu, Y. (2019). Digital Inheriting Application of Traditional Folk Art in the College Art Teaching. Argos, 36(74).
Yang, Y. T. C., & Chang, C. H. (2013). Empowering students through digital game authorship: Enhancing
concentration, critical thinking, and academic achievement. Computers & Education, 68, 334-344.
.................................................................................................................................................................... 505
EDUCATION: A META-ANALYSIS OF STUDENT LEARNING PERFORMANCE ................................................... 515
DRUG DEFENSE: A MOBILE GAME FOR PREVENTION OF ALCOHOL ABUSE ......................................................... 525
STUDENTS .................................................................................................................................................... 531
COMPREHENSION ........................................................................................................................................ 537
MANIPULATION ........................................................................................................................................... 543
GEOMETRIC SHAPES TO DAILY OBJECTS....................................................................................................... 549
.................................................................................................................................................................... 555
ROLE-PLAYING GAMES ................................................................................................................................. 561
THAT IS FAMILIAR TO LEARNERS .................................................................................................................. 573
ORIENTATION-TAKING THE FIFTH GRADE CAMPUS SANDBOX AS AN EXAMPLE .......................................... 579
EDUCATION ................................................................................................................................................. 585
TEAM GAME TOURNAMENT METHOD ......................................................................................................... 591
BRICKS AS AN EXAMPLE ............................................................................................................................... 597
CODAR: AN AUGMENTED REALITY BASED GAME TO TEACH PROGRAMMING .................................................... 600
Chang, M. et al. (Eds.) (2019). Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Computers in
Education. Taiwan: Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education
Abstract: In this paper we present the significance of immersive virtual reality learning
environment by a conducted research which emphasizes experience in learning. The case study
presents the analysis and comparison of the results in students’ empathy and mastery learning
between using a 360° video of a modern history topic – the World War II Kokoda campaign,
against an immersive and interactive virtual world learning environment (Kokoda VR). Kokoda
VR was developed to have an accurate recreation of places and events. By using
photogrammetry of real locations and artefacts, in combination with animated characters,
Kokoda VR places the students in the centre of the action. While each of the design techniques
are not new to the development Virtual Reality Learning Environments (VRLEs), the
combination and then application, created an immersive experience where students not only
witness the event but also relive the experience. Participants in this study are high school and
university students, who were divided into groups to use the 360° video and immersive virtual
world application. Surveys and post-tests were conducted to identify how significant the
enhancement is in the learners’ empathy, mastery learning and their relationship. Results show
that using immersive and interactive virtual reality learning environment have significant
improvement in empathy and mastery learning. The study also shows that there is a positive
association between empathy and mastery learning but the results does not show sufficient
evidence of a strong relationship.
1. Introduction
The capacity of Virtual Reality (VR) to provide meaningful enrichments for educational purposes is
gaining significant interests and the possibilities for immersive learning using VR are endless and
evolving. Although virtual reality has existed for decades now in different forms, the high cost of using
this technology inhibits it from being used in education. With the emergence of affordable head
mounted displays (Southgate & Smith, 2017) and the push for development of application for the
classrooms by some of the major technology companies, such as Google (Google for Education, 2019)
and Facebook’s Oculus Education pilot program (Oculus VR, 2018), it is now making it possible to use
immersive VRLEs in the classrooms. However, there is still a gap between claims for the usefulness of
VR in academic learning and scientific research testing these claims.
The goal of the present study is twofold. The first part is to compare the instructional
effectiveness of immersive VRLE in increasing empathy and mastery learning, compared to a 360°
video. Empathy and mastery learning are two of the important salient features of VR applied in
education (Abadia, Calvert & Tauseef, 2018). This research question has important practical
implications concerning whether it is worthwhile to use immersive VRLEs in classrooms because
developing them is resource intensive compared to 360° videos. The second part is to analyze the
relationship of increased empathy to student’s mastery learning. For the purpose of this study, empathy
is defined as “sensitivity to, and understanding of, the mental states of others” (Smith, 2006); and
mastery learning, which was introduced by Bloom (Bloom, 1968), maintains that students must
achieve a level of mastery (e.g., 80% score on a test) in pre-requisite knowledge before moving forward
to learn subsequent information.
Several researches have shown that empathy assist students in having better academic
achievement (Decety & Ickes, 2011; Bonner & Aspy, 1984; Mangione, Discepolo, Tore, Tore,
Cozzarelli and Corona ,2013) and immersive VRs are effective tools in increasing empathy from its
users (Shin, 2018; Shin & Biocca, 2017). The significance of this objective is to determine how the level
of empathy is positively correlated to students’ engagement in the learning environment that leads to
mastery learning in the immersive VRLEs.
To serve this purpose, we created a VR experience for teaching history called Kokoda VR.
Kokoda VR was designed and developed as a 40-minute educational experience to immerse Australian
high school students in a significant moment in modern Australian history. By blending archival
information such as photos, film and diary entries with virtual re-enactments, Kokoda VR provides the
most complete portrait of a specific time and place. Using Kokoda VR and 360° videos, the research is
conducted, and the results are analyzed and presented for the said above stated goal.
The paper is organized as follows: section 2 reviews previous work on VRLE’s that afforded
increase in empathy and learning. Section 3 discusses the development of Kokoda VR. Section 4
presents study design while section 5 discusses the results and analysis respectively. The paper is
concluded in section 6 outlining the future work.
2. Related Literature
This section presents relevant studies of VRLEs that measures empathy and learning; and literatures
that looks at the benefits of increased empathy to learning.
Empathy is an important instructional element that can increase students’ interests (Rehan Dar, 2016.
Preceding studies have demonstrated that VR can increase the empathic response felt by users, when
compared to the same experience viewed in 2-dimensional presentation (Kandaurova and Lee, 2018;
Schutte and Stilinović,. 2017; Shin and Biocca,2017). However, these studies were not tested on a
VRLE with an immersive narrative set in a realistic 3D environment. This paper presents the role of a
VRLE with a linear narrative has on user empathy in an immersive learning environment.
The following studies show that virtual reality has great potential in improving learning outcomes for
education across different fields. Mastery learning were measured by studies in VR applications in the
areas of space education (Bhargava et al, 2018), aviation (Chittaro and Buttussi, 2015), medical
education (Bruno, Ongaro &Fraser, 2007), and construction (Lucas, 2018). These studies used pre and
post-tests to measure learning. Butt, Kardong-Edgren, & Ellertson (2018), who also applied VR in
clinical education, used a different approach to measure mastery learning by asking participants to
answer two questions regarding the topic of the study. Kuronen-Stewart et al (2015) also applied the
use of VR in clinical education. Their study used quantitative questionnaires to measure perceived
effectiveness in learning and similarity to real-life setting. Experimental results by Alhalabi (2016)
showed higher performance of the students in leaning the engineering education using immersive VR as
a result of more engagement in the learning environment. The study (Akbulut, A., Catal, C., & Yildiz,
B., 2018) particularly in computer engineering course using VR evidenced more successful student
results compared to traditional teaching approaches.
2.3 Empathy and Learning
There is evidence from neuroscience, psychology and other educational research of the strong
relationship of empathy in learning (Brennan, Daily, and Kaman, 2018; Cooper, 2011; Mangione,
Discepolo, Tore, Tore, Cozzarelli, and Corona,2013), academic performance and increase in both
critical and creative thinking skills (Bonner and Aspy, 1984). There is no current study that looks at the
relationship between empathy and learning when using VRLEs. In this study, the effect of immersive
VRLEs in influencing higher empathy in the participants is compared if it results to better mastery
Figure 1. A sample screenshot from Kokoda VR (Calvert, Abadia & Tauseef, 2019)
In addition to the location, photogrammetry capture of museum artefacts from the Kokoda
campaign was also performed. These included soldier uniforms, weapons and equipment from both
sides in the conflict.
The models created from the photogrammetry capture were turned into a virtual set,
approximately 10 meters in diameter, that the user can explore and where the key pieces of action take
place. 360° photographs taken at each location were used to show the distant environment. To hide the
seam between the photogrammetry stage and the 360-photograph, custom made 3D models and terrain
created using a variety of model building and photogrammetry techniques were added to the scene (see
Figure 2).
Figure 2. Screenshot from Kokoda VR with overlays showing how the scenes were constructed with a
mixture of photogrammetry models and custom-made models (Calvert, Abadia & Tauseef, 2019)
To further fill out each scene, more than 40 real museum artefacts from World War Two
captured from location or museums were placed in the scene. These photogrammetry locations and
artefacts, motion graphics, voice over recording, location audio, musical score and character animation
were combined to produce an immersive and interactive VR.
Integral to the story of Kokoda was the sense of hardship experienced by the Papuans,
Australian and Japanese soldiers. Table 1. provides examples of how scenarios were designed in the
Kokoda VR experience, with the goal of having the user feel empathy for the soldiers.
Table 1.
Example of Scenarios Designed to Elicit Empathy
Real scenario from the Kokoda Affordance based design manifestation Desired empathic
campaign condition/response
It rained for most of the Kokoda Simulated rain falling around the user, Environmental conditions
campaign with matched spatial audio were unpleasant for the
The Kokoda track is very steep Place the user midway up a steep The track was physically
incline and search for a branch to use as demanding
a walking stick
When vital supplies were User sees planes approaching and Soldiers already in harsh
dropped in from the air, they releasing supplies, then see and hear (in conditions weren’t
smashed on the ground 3D audio) the supplies smash on the adequately supported
Soldiers often had to dig their User must shine a flashlight around a Soldiers had minimal
own protective trenches, at night dark jungle environment to find an equipment and often had to
and without adequate equipment empty food tin to dig with work in dark and harsh
4. Study Design
The major participants in the study included high school and university students. The participants
consist of high school students who will be studying the Kokoda history. For high school, two schools
were chosen to participate, one public school and another private to cover different socio-economic
background (analysis of this is not presented in this paper). For each school, one class was chosen by the
history teachers to use the Kokoda VR (experimental group) while the other group was chosen to use
the 360° video (control group).
The study approach for high school students were replicated to university students. Two
universities participated, one from Australia and another university from India. This is to identify if the
empathy results are different from students who have no background knowledge of the historical
content (students from India) compared to Australia university students with knowledge about Kokoda.
This helps the study understand if the use VR increases the feeling of empathy regardless of their
knowledge of the story presented.
All participants are self-selected. Students under 18 need permission from their parents. The
parents and participants were informed about the study and they can voluntarily choose to participate or
not. There was a total of 96 students who participated in the study (42 high school students and 54
university students).
All participants were asked to complete the student demographics survey before participating in the
experiment. The experiment was conducted on the week before the Kokoda topic is introduced to high
school students. All high school students who participated understand what the Kokoda campaign is
about but have not yet have lessons about the details of this historical events. For university students,
Australian participants have knowledge of the historical background while participants in India has
The students during the text were asked to have a 40-minute Kokoda VR or 360° video experience.
Immediately after using Kokoda VR or 360° videos, participants completed a post-questionnaire which
asked five questions relating to empathy (see Table 2 for an example survey question about empathy.
The participants had to respond using a scale from 1 to 5. Two days after the students have completed
the activity, the participants were asked to complete the online test to determine mastery learning.
Table 2
Sample Empathy Survey Question
Q1: I felt sad while seeing what the soldiers went through at that time
Q2: When the soldiers spoke about the conditions on the track, I could empathise with their struggle
Q3: I could understand the difficulties faced by both the Australian and Japanese soldiers.
Q4: I have a better understanding of the sacrifices made by soldiers on both sides of the conflict
Q5: Being a soldier in the Kokoda campaign would have been an exciting experience (scores to this
question were reversed, to give an indication on student’s willingness be a soldier in Kokoda)
Included in the data collection but not presented in this paper is the gathering of additional feedback
form the students. Students were asked by their teachers to talk about their experience. They were also
asked to take a quiz a month after the experiment to test and identify if there is an association between
empathy and long-term recall; and if VRLEs are effective tools for long-term recall.
In all high schools in Australia, the Kokoda campaign is part of the history curriculum. In the data
collection, high school students who participated have been given an overview of the Kokoda campaign
before they participated in the experiment. The university participants, on the other hand, are a mixture
of students who learned about the Kokoda campaign and those who have not heard of the Kokoda
campaign. Before the experiment, the university students were only given a brief overview of what the
Kokoda campaign is all about. The results and analysis of the experiment for empathy, mastery learning,
and their correlation are presented below.
5.1 Empathy
Overall, there is a significant increase in empathy felt by participants in the VR version over 360°video
(Figure 4). Participants in the Kokoda VR experienced 85% empathy (4.2 out 5 scale) while 360°
participants experienced 76% empathy (3.8 out 5 scale). Figure 4 also shows that for both Kokoda VR
and 360° groups of participants, university participants have higher empathy (mean =4.27) than those
who are in high school (mean =3.81). The standard deviation is 0.2308 (calculated considering the mean
empathy (360°video and Kokoda VR) of high school and university participants with reference to all
participants mean empathy).
Figure 4. Graph showing the result of the empathy survey among participants.
However, our study shows that empathy is increased in VR over 360° video, but only when the
specific scenario has been effective in the application of the technological affordances of 6-DOF
head-tracking VR. Table 3 shows the responses to the empathy questions.
Table 3
Mean, Standard Deviation and t-Test scores for the empathy questions
Question Kokoda VR 360° video t-Test
Mean SD Mean SD
Q1 4.43 0.75 4.05 0.93 0.1457
Q2 4.29 0.71 4.15 0.93 0.0080
Q3 4.55 0.59 4.26 0.90 0.0019
Q4 4.55 0.54 4.36 0.82 0.0004
Q5 3.16 1.46 2.87 1.06 0.1194
For questions 3 and 4, responses from the VR group are clustered more around ‘agree’ and
‘strongly agree’ compared to the 360° video group. The responses to questions 1 and 2 are evenly
spread across both conditions. The responses to question 5 have a low empathy for both Kokoda VR and
360° groups.
When users hear soldiers speak of their discomfort in the jungle (Q2), or better understanding
of the sacrifices made by soldiers on both sides of the conflict (Q3), there is no statistically significant
increase in empathy in VR over 360° video. It is our view that the user can see the harsh conditions and
arduous events the soldiers speak about in both conditions, 360° video and VR, but the user is not
experiencing the harsh conditions for themselves. Therefore, the full benefits of the immersive
environment in VR are not being utilized.
The study also compared the empathy results of university participants who have learned the
Kokoda campaign history in high school to those who have not heard of the Kokoda campaign until the
introduction before the experiment. Results (see Table 4) show that participants with no background
knowledge of Kokoda felt 7% more empathy using Kokoda VR compared to 360° video. This means
these participants are more engaged in the immersive virtual learning environment that increased
empathy. The same case with participants of Kokoda with background, having an empathy 5% higher
than 360° video participants. In both cases, there is an increased empathy using Kokoda VR.
Considering that if participants do not have background of Kokoda, they are not biased in their
engagement. So, we can give weightage to the results of participants having no Kokoda background.
With this we can conclude that using Kokoda VR has a higher level of empathic experience.
Table 4
Comparison of Level of Empathy Between University Participants – Background Knowledge vs No
Background Knowledge
Kokoda VR 360-degree
No Kokoda Background Knowledge 88% 81%
With Kokoda Background Knowledge 90% 85%
Table 5 summarizes the result of the tests given to the participants to measure mastery learning. Test
scores show that VR participants in the study performed better than 360° video with an overall score of
85% compared to a 79% for 360° video participants. The high school participants performed better than
university participants. The test results for high school participants have a 10% difference between VR
and 360° video test results. VR participants’ mean test score is 94% compared to 84% for 360° video
Table 5
Test Results of All Participants (Score out of 10)
All Participants High School University
(n=96) (n=51) (n=45)
The study also looked at test results of university participants with background knowledge
compared to those without. Results (see Figure 5) show that participants with no background
knowledge of Kokoda showed 0.47 points (4.7%) higher test scores using Kokoda VR compared to
360°. This means participants in the study have shown that using VRLEs can assist in mastery of the
concepts. The same case with participants of Kokoda VR with background which showed increased test
results of 0.6 points (6%) compared to the 360° video participants with background. In both cases there
is an increased test results using Kokoda VR. With this we can conclude that using Kokoda VR there is
a higher level of learning experience.
Figure 5. Graph Showing the Comparison of Test Results Between University Participants –
Background Knowledge vs No Background Knowledge
The relationship between empathy and mastery learning in using VRLE is compared by using the
empathy and test scores of participants. For both high school and university participants, high empathy
scores also showed some high-test scores. The following graphs show the association between empathy
and mastery learning in VR for participants (Figure 6) and 360° video participants (Figure 7).
Figure 7. Association between Empathy and Learning for 360° video participants.
The coefficient of determination for Kokoda VR high school participants is 0.0144 while
0.0016 for 360° video participants. For university participants the coefficient of determination for
Kokoda VR is 0.0004 while 0.0103 for 360° video participants. Although all showed positive
association the relationship is weak, which is not sufficient to conclude that a high empathy leads to
better mastery learning.
This study has shown how the use of an immersive VR has potential in improving the student empathy
and mastery learning. Further studies are needed to identify relationships of other salient features of
VRLEs (e.g., engagement, perception, immersion, motivation) to student learning, and find if there are
causalities in these relationships. The results of the study show that students who use the Kokoda VR
have higher empathy and mastery learning compared to those who use the 360° video. Although there is
a positive association between empathy and mastery learning, the coefficient determination is low
which is not enough to say that the two salient features have a strong relationship. The limitation of the
study presented in this paper is that it did not include the effect of long-term recall and use of focus
group to evaluate student’s empathy. Although it was not included in the paper, a focus group where
students were asked by their history teachers to talk about their experience were included in the study
design. Students were also asked to take a quiz a month after the experiment to test the long-term recall.
That will be reported in future presentations.
This research was supported in parts by funds received from the David A. Wilson Award for Excellence
in Teaching and Learning, which was created by the Laureate International Universities network to
support research focused on teaching and learning. For more information on the award or Laureate,
please visit www.laureate.net
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Abstract: Game-based learning for informal learning has become an issue in digital
game-based learning research. However, assessments from the observations of the learning
process are difficult in the non-face-to-face situation of an informal settings. This research aims
to evaluate the effects of a game-based informal learning system for history, “Hist Maker”
integrating the external assessment with tests and the game-embedded assessment with the
analysis of players’ gameplay log data. For the data analysis, we integrated the statistical model
and learning analytics technology through cluster analysis. This approach allowed us to draw
conclusions about the correlation between players’ behavior patterns and learning effects in the
game. These conclusions show the potential of this approach to solve the observation problem
in research on serious games for informal learning.
Keywords: digital game-based learning, serious game, informal learning, learning analytics,
serious game analytics
1. Introduction
As entertainment media, digital games are considered engaging and appealing inspiring numerous
attempts to integrate education and entertainment using digital games so that learners can be attracted to
learning activities. Meanwhile, many scholars have taken an interest in how to support education
through digital games, such as testing whether digital games can improve players’ cognitive skills
(Greenfield et al., 1994) or figuring out the elements that make playing games fun and then trying
utilizing these elements in education to enhance learners’ motivation (Malone & Lepper, 1987). In
particular, after 2000, the terms “Digital Game-Based Learning” (abbreviated DGBL) and “Serious
Game” (abbreviated SG) have been widely used as the names of research fields that concentrate on the
use of digital games for educational purposes.
Many researchers have classified the features of digital games from the perspective of cognitive
science. Based on the consideration of using different games in education, they found that the features
of good games, such as interactive problem solving and adaptive challenges, are often also features of
good learning environments (Shute & Ke, 2012). Thus, good games can improve skills and
performance, support deep meaningful learning, and function as a revolutionary digital learning tool to
create an effective learning environment. This approach is called Digital Game-Based Learning
(Prensky, 2001). A “Serious Game” is defined as “a game that is not only for entertainment”. The
concept of SG not only refers to a genre of games, but also to a wide range of issues such as the
taxonomy of serious games, extensions of the concept, and the development and application of games to
solve problems in education and society or the application of game technology (Sawyer & Smith, 2008).
Now that games for learning are included in the category of SG, the design, development,
implementation, and assessment of educational games are common topics of SG study.
More specifically, digital games for informal learning are one of the issues in research on
DGBL and SGs. Informal learning means “the type of learning that is not organized and not in a
structured learning environment” (Ainsworth & Eaton, 2010). A report of THE LIFE Center (Bank et
al., 2007) shows that humans acquire various knowledge and skills in their lifetimes, and most of the
places where they are acquired are informal. Therefore, the number of researchers on informal learning,
such as game-based learning environment design in an informal setting as well as on the support of
learning in museums or libraries, has increased (e.g., Chang et al., 2008). However, digital games for
informal learning present particular challenges for assessment. Because the features of informal
learning include voluntary participation and a fluid time structure, and because they normally occur in a
non-face-to-face situation without teachers, observation of the learning process is difficult (Squire &
Patterson, 2009). Thus, the relevant research has mostly used external assessments like tests or
questionnaires (Fujimoto & Yamada, 2013), which makes the learning activity a “black-box”. It is thus
hard to explain the experimental results because of a lack of information on the learning process (Loh,
2011). This challenge makes it difficult to interpret the results of assessment and to use it as feedback to
support the improvement of game design.
With the development of information technology, gameplay data collection, especially for
real-time data, is becoming easy to implement. Therefore, a new assessment approach called
“game-embedded assessment” has been proposed (Shute et al., 2009), whereby players’ operation logs
are collected during game play to assess their activities in the game. This can be expected to solve the
problem for informal learning research of observation in games. The basis of this method of assessment
is Evidence-Centered Design (abbreviated ECD), which has been applied to various fields to obtain
information on the learners’ learning situation without interrupting participation in learning activities
such as gameplay behaviors in the SG (Shute, 2011). ECD is a framework to support assessment,
aiming to combine learning demands with player actions (Mislevy et al., 2003). How to analyze these
players’ operation logs so as to draw educationally meaningful conclusions has thus become a
significant issue in game-embedded assessment. This issue can be considered from the perspective of
Learning Analytics (abbreviated as LA) (Hauge et al., 2014). According to the NMC Horizon Report
(Johnson et al., 2014), LA can be defined as “an educational application of ‘big data’”. LA research uses
data analysis to help make decisions about education system. LA research involves not only dealing
with the data generated by users through their interaction with the learning environment, such as players’
operation logs, but also analyzing the texts written by students on an online study system or learners’
social network (Romero & Ventura, 2013). In short, LA deals with all types of educational “big” data
sets. However, some researchers suggest that the analysis of gameplay data from a serious game should
be distinguished from LA because SGs have unique characteristics different from those of mainstream
subjects of LA, and Serious Game Analytics (abbreviated SGA) needs more ubiquitous metrics (Loh et
al., 2015).
There have been numerous recent studies of game-embedded assessment or SGA. Many of
them concentrate on games that can improve skills or can be implemented in classroom settings. For
example, Kang et al. (2017) used data mining technology to examine the problem-solving strategies of
students in a formal setting, and Shute & Ke (2015) tested the impact of serious games on learners’
cognition skills with an in-game measurement. However, the analysis of knowledge learning games in
informal settings is still relatively rare. Thus, this study utilizes LA or SGA to apply game-embedded
assessment to a knowledge-learning serious game for informal learning so as to solve the observation
problem of assessment in informal settings.
To attain our research purpose, we developed a serious game called “Hist Maker”, which is intended to
support learning of historical knowledge. The game has several stages, and each stage delivers
historical knowledge about one era in one country. The game can be run on a computer with Windows
Operating System or a smart phone with an Android System, and the game was published on the
Internet to allow learners to access and play the game voluntarily, which makes it a learning activity in
an informal situation. Even though the game has interfaces in Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese,
Japanese, and English, this game is currently mainly developed as a Chinese-oriented game. In this
study, participants as objects of the study are constrained so that only the data generated by mainland
Chinese players will be analyzed. Interfaces in the game are shown in Figure 1.
2.1 Gameplay
The gameplay of “Hist Maker” is to some extent like a puzzle game. That is, the gameplay includes
problem (i.e., puzzle) solving procedures that use the information collected from the game and players’
former knowledge (Kendall et al., 2008). The core gameplay of “Hist Maker” is based on the
conception of a “Concept Map,” which is believed to encourage meaningful learning and serve as a
good cognitive tool (Novak & Cañas, 2008). More specifically, we designed a “formula” mechanism as
the core gameplay of the game. We introduced items called “elements” that display concepts and
relationships in the concept map, and in the design of each stage of the game, historical knowledge is
transformed for presentation in a concept map. Then, the concepts and relationships represented in the
concept map are converted into a form whereby new “elements” are generated through the interaction
between “elements”. A form in which two such “elements” are combined to obtain a new “element” can
be regarded as the formula “element A” + “element B” = “element C.” The player has only a few
“elements” when starting the stage. In the process of gameplay, players acquire “elements” through
“synthesis” (combination). When they acquire new “elements,” text explaining the concepts and
relationships appears. In this way, the player can explore the concept map presented in the form of a
“formula” and study the concepts, knowledge, and relationships among the concepts.
The game includes tools to support players’ gameplay and improve the effects of the game. Malone and
Lepper’s study (1987) showed that one of the features that makes games appealing is clarified goals,
and Shute and Ke (2012) stated that a game should have rules to follow and goals to achieve to help
players focus on what to do. Such goal-based scenarios can create a good environment for situation
learning. In order to provide clarified goals, we developed the “Task List” tool in the game, which
includes various tasks embedded in each stage and requires “elements” and “formulas” to be acquired
as achievement conditions. The list is in the middle of the gameplay interface seen in Figure 1(b). In
particular, a “clear task” is set for each of the stages. When a player completes this task, most of the
content in the stage has been explored. The players can then continue on to the challenge of more
difficult tasks. These tasks, as problems to be solved, serve as interactions between the player and the
game, guiding the direction of the player’s thoughts and actions.
A good game has a balanced difficulty level, one set to match players’ ability. In the best game
and learning environments, the challenge lies at the boundary of the learners’ ability (Gee, 2003). We
accordingly developed a “Hint System” for the game, which is a function to present hints on problems
such as what “element” can be obtained at that point or how to obtain it. This system lowers the level of
difficulty and provides a moderate challenge to players who have difficulty in the game. As a scaffold,
hints can lead players to higher levels of knowledge. In particular, for those who lack historical
knowledge, reading the hint is an important way to learn. When the player clicks the “Request Hint”
button at the top of the gameplay interface, the hint system interface is shown as in Figure 1 (c).
Moreover, as there may be too many “elements” and “formulas” in one stage, we developed two tools to
reduce the cognitive load of players, “Show Acquired Elements” and “Show Acquired Formulas,” so
that players can clearly see the “elements” and “formulas” they have acquired in the game at any time.
Since it is difficult to evaluate players’ achievement of knowledge learning from the gameplay behavior
data, in this study we applied external assessment as well as game-embedded assessment. Since the
players played “Hist Maker” voluntarily without monitoring by the researchers, we needed to develop
the “Test & Questionnaire Function” embedded in the game to allow players to answer the questions of
the test or questionnaire and submit the answers to us through the Internet. The function is embedded in
the game, but as it is not shown while players are playing in a stage, it would not disturb the players’
mind flow as they concentrate on gameplay.
2.3.1 Test
To determine the changes in players’ knowledge, a pre-test was set at the first execution of the game,
and after clearing each stage, a post-test was set. Each stage has seven single-choice questions about the
historical knowledge presented in the “formula” form in the stage, and the questions on the pre-test and
post-test are the same. In order to reduce the occurrence of situations where the player encounters a
question whose correct answer he/she doesn’t know and randomly chooses the correct answer, we
included an “I don’t know” option for every question. To improve the validity of the test, we referred to
the history course guidelines of China and imitated the test items on university entrance exams and
academic examinations in China, and then modified the item in consultation with an active history
teacher in Chinese high school. The interface of the post-test is seen in Figure 1 (d).
2.3.2 Questionnaire
At the first execution of the game, players need to answer not only a pre-test, but also a
pre-questionnaire. Since everyone can download “Hist Maker” on the Internet, it is difficult for us to
specify the characteristics of players that are significant for educational research, such as gender or
educational background. Furthermore, according to the lecture review part of Powers et al.’s
meta-analyses (2013) of the effects of video game play on information processing, interest in games,
experience playing games, and the type of the game are considered potential effective factors.
Moreover, Uguroglu and Walberg (1979) pointed out that learning motivation could affect
achievement. Therefore, the pre-questionnaire includes questions on the players’ gender, educational
background, interest in games, experience playing games, self-considered amount of historical
knowledge, and interest in learning history.
To implement the game-embedded assessment, we designed and developed game telemetry to record
the gameplay log data of the players. Game telemetry is data related to a particular game event, game
state, or other parameters that need to be recorded. The goal promoting the game telemetry collection is
to develop meaningful evaluation methods from a integration of player behaviors and game states.
Developed under guidelines for the design of game telemetry (Chung, 2015), the telemetry includes
data recorded at the finest usable grain size within the context of the game situation, such as the current
game state or the result of the action.
As the object of this study was restricted to mainland Chinese players, only the data from players who
played the game in the simplified Chinese interface were analyzed, and this study only deals with the
test and gameplay log of one stage: “The Five Emperors era.” The content of this stage is about the
Legendary Era of Prehistoric China before the Xia Dynasty. Although there is not enough
archaeological evidence for this era, certain amounts of ancient literature and documents exist. The
knowledge presented in the game is based on the Records of the Grand Historian (Shiji) of Sima Qian,
the book considered the most well-known source for the history of ancient China.
Considering that players play the game without any supervision, to ensure the acquisition of data
meeting the requirements of analysis, the procedure of data collection is embedded in the design of the
test and questionnaire function and game telemetry.
The procedure is conducted below: First, when the game is first executed, the player is asked to
answer the pre-questionnaire and pre-tests about the historical knowledge in all the stages. Unless the
player submits the pre-questionnaire and pre-tests, he/she is not able to play the game. Next, the player
has to play the tutorial stage to learn the gameplay of “Hist Maker” and become familiar with the
interface, and then the player can choose one stage to play and learn knowledge from it. While the
player is playing, the actions of gameplay are recorded by the game telemetry. The types of actions,
time-stamps, and contextual information related to actions are all recorded. As soon as the player
completes the “Clear Task” of one stage, the post-test of this stage will be unlocked, at which time the
player can answer the test immediately or continue to the challenge of more difficult tasks in the stage
and complete the test later. When the player submits the post-test, the gameplay log data will be sent at
the same time, and once the player submits the post-test, the test will no longer be sent to us. This
procedure guarantees that the pre-questionnaire, pre- and post-test, and gameplay data for a stage can be
collected when a player submits the post-test.
3.3 Participants
Before we started to analyze the data, we have received data sets that met the requirement from 185
players with 196423 action records in total. These players played the game completely spontaneously
without any intended recruitment. The result of the pre-questionnaire shows that, excluding one player
who answered with blanks, there were 133 male (72.3%) and 51 female (27.7%) players, and 26 players
(14.1%) from primary school, 38 players (20.7%) from middle school, 40 players (21.7%) from high
school, 55 players (29.9%) from university or graduate school, and 25 players (13.6%) with other
educational backgrounds.
The central method of data analysis in this study is cluster analysis, which researchers have attempted to
use in Serious Game Analytics research in recent years (Loh & Sheng, 2015). The concrete procedure
1. Since the questions in tests have an “I don’t know” option, which cannot be regarded as either a
correct or incorrect answer , we referred to research that dealt with the same situation (White, 2012) and
coded the change between the pre-test and post-test: “Positive” refers to a wrong answer or “I don’t
know” answer for the pre-test question and a correct answer for the post-test. “Keep” refers to a correct
answer for the pre-test question and a correct answer for the post-test. “Misunderstand” refers to an “I
don’t know” answer for the pre-test question and wrong answer for the post-test. “Worse” refers to a
correct answer for the pre-test question and wrong answer or “I don’t know” answer for the post-test.
“Invalid” refers to the other situations.
2. To determine the proper parameters for the cluster analysis, we used a “parameter tuning” approach,
which is a common approach in AI applications (Hutter et al., 2007). Concretely, in this study, we made
a series of combinations of different actions’ frequency as parameter sets, then used each of these sets as
input parameters for clustering. To handle the clustering results, we examined whether the numbers of
“Positive” changes among clusters showed significant differences using Analysis of Variance
(ANOVA). If a significant difference exists, it means that different clusters had different learning
effects, which is the expected result. If not, we have to change the selected parameters until the expected
result appears, whereupon the clustering parameters are considered proper.
3. For clustering, we clustered the data with the K-means algorithm. The cluster analysis output
numbers of clusters of players and each cluster represents a behavior pattern for gameplay.
4. To examine how different behavior patterns lead to different learning effects, we used ANOVA to
examine the differences in the number of players showing all kinds of changes among clusters. Also,
ANOVA was used to examine the behavior pattern of each cluster.
4. Results
4.1 Parameter Selection
After repeated attempts at multiple parameter sets, we found that the standardized frequencies of five
actions could serve as proper parameters: “Close the panel of ‘Task Complete’” (“Task Complete” for
short), “Require the detailed hint with an element in the formula” (“Require Element Hint” for short),
“Close the Panel of ‘Acquired All Elements’” (“All Elements” for short), “Require the detailed hint
with the instruction of the formula” (“Require Instruction Hint” for short), and “Click the task item in
the list” (“Click Task Item” for short).
4.2 Clustering
Cluster analysis can group the samples by their similarities and without a rigid classification standard,
and the K-means algorithm is an algorithm to implement such clustering.
However, for this algorithm, the number of clusters (k value) must be assigned before analysis,
and there is an “elbow method” to help to determine the optimal k value. The specific method is to
calculate the cost of a range of k values, then plot a graph of the cost for each k value; the point at which
the downward trend slows sharply is the “elbow.” The corresponding k value is regarded as the optimal
value. For the selected proper parameters, we decided on a k value of 3. For the given parameters and k
value, the algorithm groups the players into three clusters. Because there are five parameters, we use the
TSNE dimension reduction algorithm to display the result of clustering in two dimensions. The result is
shown in Figure 2. Cluster 1 (red points) had 103 players, Cluster 2 (green points) 31, and Cluster 3
(blue points) 51.
4.3.1 Actions
To interpret the behavior pattern for each cluster, we examined the differences in the frequencies of
actions by cluster using ANOVA. Because the actions selected to be parameters did not include actions
about the tools “Show Acquired Elements” and “Show Acquired Formulas,” the actions we examined
are the five selected actions and the two actions of using these two tools. There are significant
differences (p < 0.05) in the frequencies of all seven actions. To compare the differences between each
pair of groups, we used post-hoc analysis. The results are shown in Table 1.
To determine the overall effectiveness of learning, not only was the number of “Positive” changes
examined, but the other coded changes, including “Keep,” “Misunderstand,” “Worse,” and “Invalid,”
were all examined. Moreover, since it is possible that prior knowledge affected the gameplay behavior,
the number of correct answers was also examined. There were significant differences (with p < 0.05) for
all examined items. We then used post-hoc analysis to compare the differences between each pair of
groups. The results are presented in Table 1.
To determine whether the behavior patterns were influenced by characteristics that may affect the
information process skills or achievements of players, we examined them from the pre-questionnaire.
We used 5 point Likert scales to measure the degrees of such characteristics as interest in playing games
so that these characteristics could be analyzed quantitatively. The Cronbach's α coefficient of these
scales is 0.787. Gender and educational background cannot be measured on a Likert scale, so they were
not examined. There were no significant differences for any of the examined characteristics.
Table 1
The results of ANOVA and post-hoc analysis
Cluster 1 Cluster 2 Cluster3 F P Post-hoc
M(SD) M(SD) M(SD) comparison*
Task Complete 16.70(0.46) 15.61(1.52) 12.86(0.80) 371.858 0.000 C1>C2>C3
Require Element Hint 3.99(2.98) 8.61(6.20) 3.39(2.79) 22.760 0.000 C2>C1&C3
Require Instruction Hint 0.97(1.60) 6.00(3.29) 1.55(1.89) 73.335 0.000 C2>C1&C3
All Elements 1.00(0.00) 0.74(0.45) 0.00(0.00) 525.079 0.000 C1>C2>C3
Click Task Item 3.83(4.40) 15.55(11.86) 4.90(6.10) 38.055 0.000 C2>C1&C3
Show Acquired Elements 1.80(2.24) 1.65(1.80) 0.43(0.86) 9.274 0.000 C1&C2>C3
Show Acquired Formulas 2.32(3.12) 1.77(2.73) 0.71(0.92) 6.430 0.002 C1>C3
Positive Changes 2.13(1.36) 2.68(1.78) 1.84(1.03) 3.660 0.028 C2>C3
Keep Changes 2.92(1.71) 1.26(1.60) 2.29(1.71) 11.889 0.000 C1&C3>C2
Misunderstand Changes 0.52(0.92) 1.45(1.55) 0.53(0.92) 10.057 0.000 C2>C1&C3
Worse Changes 0.28(0.53) 0.23(0.50) 0.53(0.73) 3.737 0.026 C3>C1
Invalid Changes 1.15(1.03) 1.39(1.69) 1.80(1.33) 4.771 0.010 C3>C1
Correct Answers in Pre-test 3.20(1.73) 1.48(1.61) 2.84(1.58) 12.607 0.000 C1&C3>C2
* Probability of all post-hoc analytics: p<0.05
ANOVA revealed significant differences among the clusters in the mean frequencies of the examined
actions. The following discussion is based on the results of the post-hoc analysis.
The results show first that the players in Cluster 1 accomplished the most tasks, and all of them
acquired all the elements in the stage. Simultaneously, they had relatively high frequencies of using the
tools “Show Acquired Elements” and “Show Acquired Formulas.” Their high complementary results
mean they explored the concept map of the stage broadly, and thus we named this cluster the “Explore
Players in Cluster 2 required the most hints, whether hints on elements or hints on instruction,
and they clicked the most task items showing the descriptions of the tasks. Thus, we named this cluster
the “Hint Cluster.”
Finally, the players in Cluster 3 had the lowest complementary results for the stage and
relatively low frequencies of using various kinds of tools. Moreover, none of them acquired all the
elements in the stage. They seem to have had somewhat negative attitudes and were not willing to
challenge the difficult tasks with the supporting tools, so we named this cluster the “Negative Cluster.”
With regard to learning effects, the ANOVA also showed significant differences among the clusters for
every type of “code.” The following discussion is based on the results of post-hoc analysis.
The players in the “Explore Cluster” had relatively many “Keep” changes, as well as relatively
many correct answers on the pre-test. They had relatively few “Worse” changes and “Invalid” Changes.
The reason that they showed high complementary results in this stage is the wealth of knowledge they
had of the stage, so that they easily handled the difficult challenges even though they hardly asked for
hints on instruction. Since the challenges might have lain at the boundary of their abilities, they also
might have demonstrated a positive learning effect (Gee, 2003).
The players in the “Hint Cluster” had the fewest correct answers on the pre-test, which means
they had the most room for improvement. They had relatively many “Positive” changes but also the
most “Misunderstand” changes, showing that the hint tools indeed supported the players with
insufficient prior knowledge, and that by playing they could learn knowledge from the game. As to their
having the most “Misunderstand” changes, that is inevitable since they had a greater lack of knowledge
and more chances to make mistakes than players in the other two clusters. In summary, we tend to think
of the overall effects for this cluster as positive.
Players in the “Negative Cluster” had quite many correct answers on the pre-test. However,
they had many “Worse” and “Invalid” changes and relatively few “Positive” changes. The magnitude of
the “Worse” changes suggests that some players might have chosen the correct answers by accident,
and it seems likely that they quit playing before reaching challenges lying at the boundary of their
abilities. The learning effects were apparently negative, showing that negative behavior patterns led to
negative learning effects. Based on these results, trying to reduced the behavior patterns in the
“Negative Cluster” by increasing the difficulty of “Clear Task”might be a feasible modification to
improve the overall education effect of the game.
ANOVA found no significant differences among the characteristics of the examined players by clusters,
indicating that even if some characteristics of players might have influenced the cognitive skills related
to the learning effects, they did not influence the behavior patterns directly. What should be noted is that
the questionnaire merely investigated the players’ thoughts about themselves, which might not reflect
the real situation. For example, the numbers of correct answers on the pre-test showed significant
differences by cluster, but the answers to the question on the pre-questionnaire, “I have good knowledge
of history,” showed no significant differences by cluster, suggesting that the players might not have
known their own status well. That is a limitation of the pre-questionnaire. Psychological scale with
higher validity and reliability should be used in the future.
The assessment approach used in this study integrated an external assessment and game-embedded
assessment, while the analysis integrated a statistical model and LA technology. This approach
constitutes the originality of this study. By this approach, conclusions about the learning effects and
players’ behavior pattern could be drawn from the analysis results. These conclusions are considered
feedback for modifying the game design. Thus, we consider this assessment approach to be able to
resolve the observation question for the DGBL in a totally non-face-to-face informal setting, which was
the research question of this study. This assessment and study have some limitations discussed in the
next part.
There are three major limitations of this study that will be addressed in future work. First, in this study
we only used the frequencies of the gameplay actions for Serious Game Analytics, even though the log
data from the game telemetry provided plenty of details of players’ behaviors. The narrow range of
analyzed data could constrain the survey of the learning process. Currently, the timestamps of actions
(Loh & Sheng, 2015), patterns of action sequences (Kang et al., 2017), and visualization approaches
(Liu et al., 2016; Kaneko et al, 2018) have been used for Serious Game Analytics, and these methods
will be used in future work to mine more meaningful results from the gameplay log.
Second, this study constrained the study object to only one stage, which means that the
generalizability of this assessment approach needs to be examined. The results of parameter selection
might not be appropriate for other stages. Therefore, the study object should be expanded to other stages
that teach historical knowledge of different eras of different countries using different concept maps.
Lastly, even if this study showed that the learners could be assessed by the assessment that we
developed, the assessment itself was not evaluated. As a formative assessment, the goal was to support
modifications of the design of the learning environment, i.e., the game “Hist Maker” in this study.
Modifying the game based on the conclusions of the assessment, and seeing if the modified game could
be more effective for learning will be important tasks for future research.
This research is supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grants Nos. JP19H01716 and JP18K18657.
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Abstract: Gamification is commonly defined as the use of game design elements in non-game
contexts. Compared with the traditional lecture-based class, a gamified class is commonly seen
as more engaging and joyful. Anecdotal reports suggest that students perceive the use of
gamification positively. But does gamification really improve student learning performance?
The conflicting results reported in previous studies make the decision to support (or to dismiss)
the use of gamification in education difficult. This meta-analysis examined the overall effect
size of gamification on student learning performance in the contexts of information science,
computer and engineering education. Thirteen studies employing between-subject designs that
compared the effects of gamified versus non-gamified courses on student learning performance
constituted the current sample. Results using the random-effect model revealed a significant
small effect of gamification on students’ learning achievement (Hedges’s g = 0.36, CI = 0.006 –
0.714, p = 0.046). Results of various moderator analyses were discussed. Suggestions regarding
the selection and use of the game design elements were provided. We conclude that the use of
gamification results in higher learning gains compared with the non-gamified courses within the
contexts of information science, computer and engineering education.
1. Introduction
Gamification is widely described as the use of game design elements in non-game contexts (Deterding,
Dixon, Khaled, & Nacke, 2011). Game design elements are the basic building components of
gamification and the common game design elements include badges, challenges, leaderboard/rank,
levels/unlock, storyline, points, progress bar (Sailer et al., 2017).
Gamification shows a natural relation with information science, which has developed from an
entertainment-oriented technology only for productive aims into mainstream in information science
domain (Koivisto & Hamari, 2019). Despite the increasing demand of the market, software engineering
and computer science disciplines (e.g., programming) present a high dropout rate in schools
(Narasareddygari, Walia, & Radermacher, 2018).
Hitherto, recent reviews show that empirical studies on gamification in information and
computer science education have markedly surpassed other subject disciplines (Dicheva, Dichev, Agre,
& Angelova, 2015; Subhash & Cudney, 2018). However, findings that emerged from the use of
gamification in the field of information, computer and engineering education have been mixed. For
example, on one hand, Marín et al. (2019) stated that the effect of gamification to teach C programming
is encouraging since students earned higher marks when the gamified platform was used. On the other
hand, De-Margos et al. (2017) reported that gamification failed to improve student learning compared
to the control group. Students in the control (non-gamified) group obtained significantly higher scores
in the final exams compared to the gamified group. This therefore leads us to an important question:
“Does gamification indeed improve students learning outcomes or it is merely a hype”?
2. Literature Review
In this section, we briefly reviewed information, computer and engineering education literature in
recent years (2010-2018). So far, only several narrative syntheses have been published.
Souza, Veado, Moreira, Figueiredo, and Costa (2018) conducted a systematic mapping study to
identify what game-related methods had been used to support software engineering education.
Leaderboards, points, and levels were found to be the most frequently used game elements. No
quantitative analyses of effect sizes were reported.
Gari, Walia, and Radermacher (2018) examined 16 studies in computer programming and
software engineering education. The researchers found that badges, points and leaderboard were the
most commonly used game elements. The main findings of each study were summarized. However,
similar to other previous reviews, this review did not present any quantitative analyses of the studies’
effect sizes.
Narasareddygari et al. (2018) reviewed 16 empirical studies in software engineering and
computer science education disciplines. The authors counted the frequency of most used game elements
and summed up the benefits of gamified learning in each study, then some suggestions for the design of
learning environment were provided. However, neither effect sizes to substantiate the effectiveness of
gamification nor synthesis of key elements for a successful gamified class were presented. The review
just summarized results from each study.
We contributed the present meta-analysis examining the effectiveness of gamified class on student
academic performance compared to non-gamified class. A meta-analysis, which integrates the results of
several independent small studies, can provide a more precise estimate of the effect of an intervention.
Meta-analyses can also determine the strength of the effect, establish whether the direction of effect is
positive or negative, and examine possible sources of variation, or heterogeneity among studies. The
research question was: “What is the effect of gamified class in K-12 and university contexts on student
academic performance in information science, computer and engineering education compared to
traditional class?”
3. Methods
The study applied a systematic review at the beginning to select eligible papers for data extraction in
meta-analysis. The process for paper selection was guided by the preferred-reporting of items for
systematic reviews and meta-analyses (PRISMA) statement (Moher et al., 2015). We examined the
online databases of ACM Digital Library, EBSCO, IEEE Xplore Digital Library, INSPEC, ProQuest,
Scopus, Web of Science as they have been recommended in the fields of information, computer and
engineering searching (Cavacini, 2015; Radjenović, Heričko, Torkar, & Živkovič, 2013). We included
all published works in conference proceedings, journals, and full-text dissertations. The search string
used in the literature search was: gamif* AND (education OR class OR course OR learning OR
performance OR behavior OR outcomes OR evaluation OR impacts OR effects OR influence).
To be eligible for inclusion in the present meta-analysis, studies had to meet the following criteria:
(a) The focus of the study was on the field of information, computer and engineering education;
(b) The study compared student learning achievement between a gamified class versus a non-gamified
(c) The outcome variable must be based on an objective assessment such as final exams, instead of
student self-reported perceptions;
(d) The study clearly described the game design elements used;
(e) The study reported sufficient data for calculating effect size (e.g., sample size, mean, standard
(f) The study had to be written in English, although no restrictions were imposed on the geographical
locations in which the study was conducted.
3.3 Screening
A total of 13 out of 1365 papers met the inclusion criteria. Our initial search using the aforementioned
databases yielded 1365 papers (Figure 1). 167 were found to be duplicate papers due to our use of
multiple academic databases. Subsequent screening of paper title and abstract removed 1079 papers due
to little relevance to the research topic. The remaining 119 papers were downloaded, and their full texts
were carefully read. But 106 did not meet our meta-analysis inclusion criteria (see Figure 1). Finally, a
total of 13 empirical studies employing the between-subject research design were included. Two coders
independently examined the excluded papers and extracted the information from 13 articles. Intercoder
reliability was 92%. The discrepancies were fully discussed and then resolved.
Key information such as the number of game elements used, the types of game elements, statistical data
(e.g., sample size, mean, standard deviation), the setting of the interventions was extracted from each of
the 13 papers. Two coders extracted the information and resolved any discrepancies of the coding.
Effect sizes were computed using the Comprehensive Meta-Analysis software. All reported p-values
were two-tailed. I2 test was present for the test of heterogeneity. We used the random-effects model to
compute the effect sizes since this model can account for variation in different study implementations
(Raudenbush, 2009). Hedges’s g, which is the adjusted standardized mean difference between two
groups based on the pooled standard deviations, was used to report the effect sizes because it is
particularly useful for the meta-analysis of studies with varying sample sizes (Korpershoek, Harms, de
Boer, van Kuijk, & Doolaard, 2016). One effect size was calculated for each study to meet the
assumption of the independence of the effect sizes based on independent samples of students. If a study
reported multiple assessments of a single course subject, we selected the most summative assessment,
as suggested by Freeman et al. (2014). For example, we chose final examinations over other
assessments. If a study reported multiple assessments (e.g., test 1, test 2, …) Without the most
summative assessment or overall result from the same set of participants, we computed a single
combined mean effect size using the Comprehensive Meta-Analysis software. To identify the possible
source of variance on effect sizes, moderator analyses were performed on several variables (see Table
Figure 1. PRISMA flowchart of articles screening
4. Results
13 independent studies were selected for this meta-analysis with a total of 934 subjects in the gamified
groups and 673 subjects in the non-gamified groups. An overall significant effect size (Hedges’s g =
0.36, CI = 0.006 – 0.714, 95% confidence interval, p = 0.046) in favor of gamification under
random-effects model (see Figure 2) was found. This suggests that the use of gamification results in
higher learning gains compared with the non-gamified courses within the contexts of information
science, computer and engineering education. A significant Q statistic (p < 0.001) indicated the
presence of heterogeneity (I2=90.686%).
Study name Outcome Statistics for each study Hedges's g and 95% CI
Cadavid & Corcho (2018) Combined 0.618 0.301 0.091 0.028 1.208 2.054 0.040
de-Marcos et al. (2014) Final score -1.254 0.166 0.028 -1.579 -0.929 -7.555 0.000
de-Marcos et al. (2017) Final score -0.233 0.114 0.013 -0.456 -0.010 -2.048 0.041
Gafni et al. (2018) Final score 0.264 0.177 0.031 -0.082 0.611 1.498 0.134
Huang & Hew (2018) Combined 1.050 0.342 0.117 0.380 1.720 3.073 0.002
Huang et al. (2018) Final score 0.408 0.244 0.060 -0.070 0.886 1.673 0.094
Kim et al. (2016) Combined 0.433 0.203 0.041 0.035 0.830 2.134 0.033
Marín et al. (2018) Combined 0.226 0.104 0.011 0.023 0.430 2.179 0.029
Ortiz-Rojas et al. (2017) Final score 0.821 0.207 0.043 0.416 1.227 3.971 0.000
Ozdener (2018) Combined 0.643 0.316 0.100 0.022 1.263 2.031 0.042
Papadakis & Kalogiannakis (2017) Final score 0.143 0.356 0.127 -0.554 0.841 0.403 0.687
Saran et al. (2018) Final score 0.979 0.315 0.099 0.362 1.597 3.108 0.002
Turan et al. (2016) Final score 0.916 0.215 0.046 0.495 1.338 4.257 0.000
Figure 2. Forest plot of effect sizes (Hedges’s g) using the random-effects model
Publication bias refers to situations when authors deliberately publish significant-only results. To
determine whether the results of our meta-analysis were affected by publication bias, we conducted the
following tests: funnel plot, Begg and Mazumdar rank correlation, Egger’s regression, fail-safe N test,
and Duval and Tweedies’ trim and fill. The funnel plot revealed a slightly asymmetrical position
between negative and positive figures in Figure 3. However, Begg and Mazumdar rank correlation
(Kendall’s Tau with continuity correction) results of 0.269 (two-tailed p = 0.2), and Egger’s regression
intercept value of 3.64 (two-tailed p = 0.121) suggested that the overall mean effect size of 0.360 was
not inflated by publication bias. Fail-safe N test showed 61 missing studies were required to bring the
p-value over the alpha level (0.05). Given that we have used a broad search string, a large number of
databases, as well as including both journal and conference publications, we believe that 61 missing
studies would be an unreasonably large number of undetected studies with zero effect to bring the
reported effect size of 0.360 to a statistically insignificant value. Due to these reasons, we believe that
the overall mean effect size was not affected by publication bias.
Funnel Plot of Standard Error by Hedges's g
Standard Error
Hedges's g
Figure 3. Funnel plot of standard error by Hedges’s g under the random-effects model
We performed several moderator analyses to explore the causal effects of student learning performance
in gamified class. Three main categories of moderators were examined (Table 1): (a) controls of game
design elements (the number and types of game elements used), (b) research design (research design
type, student initial equivalence, and instructor equivalence), and (c) intervention condition (school
setting, intervention duration and origin of study). The combination of badges, leaderboard/rank,
level/unlock and points (n=4) was most commonly employed in the previous studies, followed by the
combination of badges, leaderboard/rank, points (n=2). The origin of studies is listed in Table 1 and
Figure 4. Spain, Hong Kong and Turkey showed high interests in gamification practices with regards to
student learning performance measurement in information, computer and engineering science
Table 1
Categories of moderator variables with numbers of studies
Moderator variables Categories Studies
Controls of game design elements
Number of game design elements 1 1
2 2
3 4
4 5
6 1
Type of game design elements Badges + leaderboard/rank + level/unlock + 4
Badges + leaderboard/rank + points 2
Badges + points + progress bar 1
Badges + leaderboard/rank + level/unlock + 1
progress bar
Badges + leaderboard/rank + level/unlock 1
Badges 1
Badges + leaderboard/rank 1
Level/rank + points 1
Avatar + badges + leaderboard/rank + 1
level/unlock + points + word notification
Research design quality
Research design type Quasi-experiment 9
Randomization 4
Student initial equivalence No statistical difference (pre-test) 8
(i.e., whether students were Randomized assignment 3
Indistinguishable before study) No data reported 2
Instructor equivalence Different instructors 2
(i.e., whether the same instructor Identical instructor 5
Taught the different groups) No data reported 6
Intervention condition
School setting Elementary school 1
High school 1
High school + undergraduate + postgraduate 1
Undergraduate 9
Postgraduate 1
Intervention duration A (one quarter of a term) 3
B (two-quarters of a term) 3
C (three-quarters of a term) 4
D (more than one term) 1
No data 2
Origin of study (continent) America 3
Asia 6
Europe 4
We found no evidence of heterogeneity between studies that used more game elements and
studies that used lesser game elements (Q = 5.107, df = 4, p = 0.276) (Table 2). However, results
suggest a significant variation in terms of the types of game elements used (Q = 16.007, df = 8, p =
0.042). Effect sizes appear to be larger when badges + leaderboard/rank (Hedges’s g = 0.916) or badges
alone (Hedges’s g = 0.821) were employed (Table 3). We observed an unexpectedly very large negative
effect size (-1.254) in a single study that employed the combination of badges, leaderboard/rank,
level/unlock rendered a negative effect size (De-Marcos, Domínguez, Saenz-de-Navarrete, & Pagés,
2014), where the authors claimed the experimental group overemphasized skill acquisition in practical
activities, leading to poorer scores on knowledge acquisition compared with traditional class. These
results, nevertheless, have to be viewed with caution due to the very small number of studies involved.
Heterogeneity analyses indicated no significant variation when comparing (a) studies with
different research design such as quasi-experiment, or true experiment (Q = 0.02, df = 1, p = 0.889); (b)
studies that reported initial student equivalence, or not (Q = 1.647, df = 2, p = 0.439); and (c) studies
with same or different instructors (Q = 1.108, df = 2, p = 0.575). There was also no evidence of
heterogeneity when comparing (a) studies with different school setting (Q = 1.892, df = 4, p = 0.756); (b)
studies with different intervention duration (Q = 6.054, df = 4, p = 0.195); and (c) studies conducted in
different regions (Q = 5.005, df = 2, p = 0.082). Table 2 summarizes the results of various moderator
Table 2
Results of Q-test for heterogeneity for three main moderators
Moderator Q Df P-value
Controls of game design elements
Number of game design elements 5.107 4 0.276
Type of game design elements 16.007 8 0.042*
Research design quality
Research design type 0.02 1 0.889
Student initial equivalence 1.647 2 0.439
Instructor equivalence 1.108 2 0.575
Intervention condition
School setting 1.892 4 0.756
Intervention duration 6.054 4 0.195
Origin of study (continent) 5.005 2 0.082
*p < 0.05
Table 3
Effect sizes of type of game design elements
Type of game design elements 95% CI
N Hedges's g SE LL UL
Badges + leaderboard/rank + level/unlock + 4 0.665 0.258 0.16 1.171
Badges + leaderboard/rank + points 2 0.129 0.348 -0.554 0.811
Badges + points + progress bar 1 0.264 0.474 -0.665 1.194
Badges + leaderboard/rank + level/unlock + 1 0.408 0.503 -0.578 1.394
progress bar
Badges + leaderboard/rank + level/unlock 1 -1.254 0.47 -2.176 -0.332
Avatar + badges + leaderboard/rank + 1 0.433 0.485 -0.517 1.383
level/unlock + points + word notification
Badges 1 0.821 0.486 -0.132 1.774
Badges + leaderboard/rank 1 0.916 0.49 -0.044 1.877
Level/rank + points 1 0.143 0.566 -0.966 1.252
Note: n number of studies, SE standard error, 95% CI 95% confidence interval, LL lower limit, UL
upper limit
5. Conclusion and Discussion
This review provides a useful snapshot of the current quantitative studies on gamification with the
contexts of information science, computer and engineering education. The results of this meta-analysis
suggest that gamification can increase student learning performance compared to non-gamified courses.
Nevertheless, it is important to note that the overall effect size of 0.360 reported here is considered a
small effect (Cohen, 1988). In other words, gamification has a significant positive effect on student
achievement, though the effect size is small under a random-effects model.
To our knowledge, this is the first meta-analysis conducted on gamification and its impact on
student learning performance as measured using objective instruments such as student exam scores. The
search string and databases were broad, thus allowing us to capture as many empirical studies as
possible. The publication bias was calculated to avoid that only positive result studies were included,
and no publication bias was found. Our comprehensive and careful selection of studies revealed only 13
such articles. Most of studies applied badges + leaderboard/rank + levels + points in combination.
Badges and badges + leaderboard/rank remain top two for effect size figure, but this finding should be
interpreted with caution due to the small frequency. Based on self-determination theory, humans
possess three innate psychological needs to facilitate motivation to engage or not engage in an activity –
autonomy, relatedness, and competence (Ryan & Deci, 2000). As one component of intrinsic
motivation, the need of competence is more likely to be satisfied when students are given the autonomy
to adjust difficulty levels. Therefore, badges and leaderboards can fulfil the most positive effects when
students can obtain different badges/ranks when corresponding difficulty levels of learning tasks are
accomplished. For game elements selection, progress bar, leaderboards and badges are often used to
gain instant feedback, achievements and self-recognition. Students can make choices on learning tasks
when levels and avatars are applied. Points, badges and progress bar can support goal-setting
We conclude by highlighting some follow-up research directions. One limitation of this review is
that the search was limited to English and studies conducted within the contexts of information science,
computer and engineering education. One follow-up research direction is to expand the search to
include studies carried out in other disciplines. We noted that more high quality, rigorously designed
experimental studies are needed in the field of gamification within the K-12 and university education
settings. Carrying out such studies can help us better establish the causal effect of gamification on
student learning. To date, most of the previous studies had only short intervention duration of less than
one academic term (16 weeks). Short-term studies run the risk of novelty effect where the participants
were interested to try out the intervention because it is something new and exciting. Longer-term
longitudinal studies are needed to examine whether the effects of gamification on student learning hold
over time.
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Education. Taiwan: Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education
Abstract: We present Drug Defense, a mobile tower defense game designed to prevent alcohol
abuse. The game makes use of the Cognitive Behavioral Game Design (CBGD) methodology to
encourage the retention of knowledge about the consequences of excessive alcohol use. The
researchers compared used pretest and posttest to determine the game aided in greater retention.
The researchers also assessed the playability of the game was also evaluated using a
questionnaire adapted from the Heuristics to Evaluate the Playability (HEP) of Games. Data
analysis showed that the players had significantly increased knowledge on alcohol and its use.
Players also enjoyed the game’s narrative and the need to strategize.
1. Introduction
The World Health Organization (WHO) reports that alcohol misuse caused three million deaths
worldwide – 5.3% of all deaths – and 132.6 million disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) in 2016.
More people died due to excessive alcohol consumption than people afflicted with tuberculosis,
HIV/AIDS and diabetes combined. Out of all the deaths rooted in harmful alcohol intake in the same
year around the world, 28.7% were due to injuries, 21.3% due to digestive diseases, 19% due to
cardiovascular diseases, 12.9% due to infectious diseases and 12.6% due to cancers. Approximately
49% of alcohol-related DALYs were caused by noncommunicable and mental health conditions, and
around 40% of DALYs are due to injuries (WHO, 2018).
Alcohol abuse has a wide variety of detrimental effects. Most alcoholics have a deficiency of
Thiamine or Vitamin B1, which affects the cerebellum (National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and
Alcoholism, 2004). Excessive intake of alcohol also can lead to alcoholic liver disease. The first stage
of alcoholic liver disease is steatosis, or fatty liver, in which too much fat is present in liver cells
(National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, 2005). If alcohol use is not significantly
decreased, then one is prone to alcoholic hepatitis, or liver inflammation (National Institute on Alcohol
Abuse and Alcoholism, 2005). The most severe stage of the disease is cirrhosis, where the liver can no
longer perform vital functions due to liver cells being replaced by scar tissue (National Institute on
Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, 2005).
Alcoholism causes harm not only to the drinker themselves, but also to others, including their
family or household, relatives and friends, and street counters. The harms are not limited to health (e.g.
a family member’s anxiety or depression), but also social (e.g. assault, community nuisance), and
economic (e.g. damage to property, money) (Karriker-Jaffe et al., 2018).
Nations have established policies and interventions to lessen alcohol consumption and its
consequences. One example is implementing drink-driving countermeasures which entail creating
checkpoints by the police on public roadways to deter drunk drivers, penalizing those caught. Other
than national policies, nationwide awareness-raising activities are being conducted. The availability of
alcohol is also being regulated by controlling the production and sale of alcohol on a national level. In
2016, a national or subnational legal purchase age for on-premise beer and wine sales was observed in
152 countries, with 18 years old being the most common age limit (WHO, 2018). One of the most
effective strategies for reducing the harmful use of alcohol is increasing its price (WHO, 2010). Another
technique for reducing the negative consequences of drinking is disclosing alcohol content on the labels
of alcohol containers (WHO, 2018).
Another form of alcohol use prevention utilizes advertising and media. Studies show that
adolescents’ favorite alcohol brands are those most visible in music, film, television, and advertising
(Moreno, 2011). A study estimated that reducing alcohol advertisements can significantly decrease
adolescent alcohol use, and even binge drinking (Saffer & Dave, 2006). In addition to this, a
longitudinal study found that those exposed to alcohol through media in early adolescence have an
earlier onset of alcohol use (Ellickson et al., 2005). A systematic review on mass media campaigns
established that the strength of media is in the recall of presented stimulus (Young et al., 2018). The use
of media, primarily television and radio, also led to positive changes in knowledge, beliefs, and
attitudes on alcohol consumption (Young et al., 2018).
Video games are one medium that can be used to educate people about the effects of alcohol
abuse and persuade them to consume alcohol with moderation. Video games are persuasive. A
literature review by Primack et al. (2012) concluded that video games have the potential to improve
health-related outcomes. These changes, with the end goal of changing behavior, can also affect beliefs,
attitudes, knowledge, skills, and risk perception (Thompson, 2012).
While the scope of the current build of Drug Defense is limited to alcohol abuse, the researchers
hope to branch out to other addictive substances which are prevalent in the Philippines, such as
methamphetamine and cannabis, to be a tool for educating the public. The game serves as a part of a
larger program in substance abuse called Katatagan Kontra Droga sa Komunidad (KKDK). This
program provides psychological and social support for low- to mild-risk drug users in the Philippines.
Developing Drug Defense gives it a potential to be used in KKDK to alleviate observed monotony and
increase engagement among participants.
The researchers used Starks’s CBGD (2014) to create Drug Defense, a game for alcohol use
intervention. CBGD is the use of elements Bandura’s Social Cognitive Theory (SCT) and Gardner’s
Multiple Intelligences (MI) theory for the purpose of creating games that induce real-world behavior
change in the player (Starks, 2014).
Bandura’s SCT claims that personal, environmental, and behavioral factors all affect one
another into a resulting action (Bandura, 1999). An application of the theory (Bandura, 2004) states that
there are five core elements that help facilitate behavior change and these are gamified through CBGD
(Starks, 2014). These are knowledge, goals, outcome expectation, encouragement, and barriers.
Knowledge refers to information that the game wants players to obtain (Starks, 2014). In Drug Defense,
these are the facts about alcohol. Encouragement is facilitated in the game mainly through the doctor.
The doctor praises the player through text, sound effects, and rewards whenever they answer correctly
in the quiz.
The second set of elements in CBGD is based on Gardner’s (1983) Multiple Intelligences (MI)
theory, that combines learning with activities that engage students in accordance to their unique patterns
of thought, or intelligences. The ideas of MI are concretized through correct expressions of various
in-game assets, such as art and music (Starks, 2014). Logic/patterns are used to exercise reason (Starks,
2014). This can be seen through the consistent pricing of turrets and enemy behavior to help the give the
player a sense of consistency throughout the game. The verbal intelligence of the MI theory was
translated by Starks into words/languages in a game (2014). Drug Defense uses a dialogue box to
convey texts needed in the game, such as the alcohol facts and the tutorial.
Beyond cognition, elements that heighten enjoyment are also present. The Enjoyment Process
consists of engagement, challenge, flow, persistence, and mastery (Starks, 2014). Engagement is
achieved when a player’s attention is caught, leading to immersion in the game. Often, challenge refers
to why players continue through the game (Starks, 2014). Flow is the state when the player is highly
engaged and loses track of time (Csikszentmihalyi & LeFevre, 1989). Persistence is honed through the
player’s response to mistakes. Finally, mastery is what the player experiences when they win at a game
and feels successful (Starks, 2014).
2.1 Gameplay
Drug Defense drew from the tower defense game design pattern. This pattern entails defending a base
from incoming enemies using towers or turrets that the player can build and upgrade. Because the
placement of the turret is important, players must use strategy in order to determine the best location for
building the turret. Also, since building turrets cost limited in-game currency, the player must learn how
to properly manage this resource. This combination of strategy and resource management helps form
the foundation of the game’s appeal.
Players took on the role of a medical apprentice. As an introduction, the doctor teaches the
apprentice about the core mechanics of the tower defense gameplay. Afterward, players can enter the
first stage. Each stage contains three to four waves, and each wave follows a similar flow. First, the
player is presented a journal entry that tells the story of a day in the life of Miguel San Juan. Next, the
doctor gives a fact pertaining to alcohol use. Then, the player undergoes the tower defense part of the
game, which entails strategically positioning turrets in order to protect the liver from incoming alcohol.
Afterward, the player is presented a multiple-choice quiz. The answer to said quiz should be known to
the player if they had paid attention to the fact the doctor gave previously. This core gameplay loop
repeats for eight stages, and the game takes approximately 35 to 45 minutes to complete.
In the tower defense part of the game, the player has to place turrets strategically along paths
leading to the liver to avoid enemies from damaging it. They also have to manage and allocate resources,
which can be used to buy turrets and upgrade them. Breaks between waves will provide player time to
rest, re-evaluate their strategy, and upgrade the turrets as they wish. The moment that the enemies reach
the liver, it will lose health. When the liver’s health drops to zero, the player loses. The material of the
liver gradually changes as it loses health, from healthy to that of one which has cirrhosis.
The emphasis of the gameplay is the defensive strategy the player employs. The player must
understand how the enemy behaves and apply an effective strategy to stop them before they reach the
liver. Some enemy substances are weak and fast, while others are strong but slow. The enemies take the
form of an alcohol bottle. The alcohol bottles are designed according to the strength of each enemy.
Strong enemies have more alcohol content in real life, while weak enemies have less alcohol content.
Figure 1 shows an example of an attack.
A different enemy is spawned in waves. One wave emerges per time period. No new wave will
be spawned until all enemies of the current wave are destroyed.
The narrative that accompanies the tower defense and strategy aspects of Drug Defense is
intended to foster player attachment and sympathy. Each wave of enemies is prefaced by a journal entry,
showing the main character’s state. Each level starts easy then slowly becomes more difficult and
difficult. The last part of the game will be biased towards player victory, indicating the character's
recovery. The game has a total of eight stages, 32 journal entries, and 31 waves.
The doctor figure in the game (Figure 2) serves as a general guide to the player. At the start of
the game, the doctor administers a tutorial. Next, after showing the journal entry at the start of each
wave, the doctor gives facts pertaining to alcohol use.
Then, she administers a quiz (Figure 3) at the end of each wave in order to check if the player is
retaining the alcohol use facts.
Figure 3. Quiz.
The doctor then responds to the results of the mini-quiz. Correct answers will result in an
increase an in-game currency that the player can use for building or upgrading turrets. This encourages
the player to pay attention to the facts that are given throughout the game.
3. Testing
To determine the game’s effectiveness, the researchers designed and conducted a field test testing the
knowledge retention of participants who played Drug Defense. Ethics approval was obtained prior to
the study.
To be eligible, participants had to have drunk alcohol at least once in their lifetime. Thus,
participants recruited and sampled purposively from a university in Metro Manila. A total of 69
participants joined the study. Their ages ranged from 18 to 21.
Each participant selected a timeslot and was provided with a consent form. Each timeslot
accommodated at most six participants.
At the start of the experiment, all participants completed the Alcohol Knowledge Test. The test
consisted of 20 multiple choice questions about alcohol use facts, alcohol use disorder symptoms, as
well as the negative physical and cognitive effects of excessive alcohol use. This was followed by 10
true or false questions regarding protective behavioral techniques. Reliability analysis was conducted,
and pretest Cronbach’s alpha was 0.67 while posttest Cronbach’s alpha was 0.71.
The participants were asked to play through the whole game, a total of 20 to 40 minutes. After
playing, the Drug Defense participants were emailed a Google Form consisting of rating scale questions
adapted from Desurvire’s HEP (Desurvire et al., 2004) and open-ended questions relating to the game.
In the latter, the players were asked what parts of the game they like the least, what parts they liked the
most and if they have other comments. A total of 56 respondents answered the questionnaire. One week
after each participant’s timeslot, they were asked to complete the Alcohol Knowledge Test again.
4. Results
There is a significant difference between pre- and post-tests with an effect size of d=2.54, indicating an
increase in knowledge about alcohol. In this regard, the game succeeded in achieving its goal of
increasing player knowledge.
A total of 56 participants answered the questionnaire adapted the HEP. The highest possible
score for each component is five. The average for gameplay, story, and mechanics are 3.92, 4.08, and
3.77 accordingly. Upon averaging all the heuristics, the game received a total score of 3.89/5. The
findings imply that Drug Defense succeeded in providing players with an enjoyable gaming experience.
For the parts that the players liked the least, notable answers are the game was too easy, there
was a bit a lot to read, and the mechanics were confusing at the first try. The last two were caused by the
long text tutorial design. From this, the developers have improved the game to add a challenge mode
and changed the tutorial from just a long text to an interactive one where the player can follow as each
gameplay component is explained.
For the parts that the player liked the most, they mentioned that they enjoyed protecting the
liver or strategizing, the dialogue and storyline, the knowledge the doctor gives them, and the quizzes.
One of the most notable answers is that one player said that they genuinely wanted to know more.
In the other comments section of the survey, one player said that they found the game to be fun
and that they learned a lot. Some respondents mentioned wanting to have the game released officially.
In response to this request, one month after the experiment, the developers were able to put Drug
Defense on Google Play Store and Apple App Store.
5. Conclusion
The researchers have developed Drug Defense, a mobile game designed using CBGD which aims to
increase knowledge of alcohol. The game was tested for retention. Data analysis showed that the mobile
game was successful in increasing student knowledge about alcohol. Game playability evaluation
showed that although the game has its areas of improvement, the players found it playable and fun.
The researchers and developers consider expanding Drug Defense not only to cover alcoholism
but also discuss the problem of other harmful substances and run similar experiments and game testing.
We thank the other members of the development team, Jan Michael Santos and Lance Hernandez for
the 2D assets and Allen Ace Fortunato for the 3D assets used in the game. We thank the Ateneo
Laboratory for the Learning Sciences and Katatagan Kontra Droga sa Komunidad for their support.
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Chang, M. et al. (Eds.) (2019). Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Computers in
Education. Taiwan: Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education
Abstract: The main purpose of this study was to explore the effectiveness of virtual-reality
shooting training system and traditional triangle aiming training on students’ shooting
performance, self-learning achievement and self-learning motivation for senior high school
students. Second, the goal was to find out whether the relevance of shooting score to
self-learning-performance and self-learning-motivation is positive or not. This study applied
Game-Base Learning virtual reality shooting training system to construct human-computer
interaction learning environment by utilizing 1:1 real-scale T91 teaching rifles with Bluetooth
function, virtual reality shooting training application, which is suitable for Android platform,
semi-Google Cardboard head, mounted viewer, TV streaming device with synchronous display
function from mobile phone to projector. It combined the advantages of Immersion VR and
Projection VR to achieve the purpose of synchronous learning. In this study, it took
quasi-experimental design and divided 78 male students into two groups from two general
classes in Tainan senior high school. The experimental group (40 students) adopted virtual
reality teaching methods and the control group (38 students) adopted traditional triangle aiming
training teaching method. The experimental courses were during for seven weeks, once a week,
and 50 minutes for once. Finally, it analyzes the date including pre-test and post-test of shooting
score, questionnaires, course recording video and interviews. The results showed that virtual
reality shooting training system were better than traditional triangle aiming training on students’
shooting performance, self-learning achievement and self-learning motivation.
1. Introduction
The main purpose of this study is to compare the traditional triangle aiming shooting method with the
digital game-based virtual reality shooting training system. In the general high school national defense
education curriculum, students' learning performance, achievement and self-motivation are explored in
this study (Gong, Mei, Xiang, Mei, & Liu, 2017). This research dedicate to find whether there is a
difference or correlation between academic performance and learning self-motivation. This study is
expected to provide a reference and supplementary material when instructors teach high school national
defense curriculum.
2. Literature Review
The concept of Game-Base Learning is that using a variety of digital media to include the Internet,
computers, corporate networks, satellite broadcasts, CDs, video tapes, audio tapes and interactive TVs.
The range of this learning includes online learning, computer-assisted learning and collaborative
learning of online digital classroom (Alden, 1998).
Game-based learning consists of three parts: learning, simulation, and games (see Figure 1).
The Entertainment only consist of simulation and games, like ordinary video games in the world, purely
is entertained-only. While Simulation Games consist only learning and games. It is like a simple kids
game and lacks the complexity of real world simulation. On the other hand, Simulation focus on
learning and simulation, is like the military pilot training system or the training system of the medical
profession (Martens, Diener, & Malo, 2008).
Trainin Entertainment
The game used for digital learning is called Serious Game. The term Serious Game was first invented in
the United States and it was widely used for policy and management learning (Michael & Chen, 2006).
Serious games can simulate the environment of the real world. It is not for entertainment which provide
people a happy feeling, but mainly serve as a channel of educating and training operators. Militainment
is one kind of Serious Game. It trains army force on the virtual battlefield in a game-like manner,
communicate basic training information, and teach skills (Payne, 2014). The virtual reality shooting
training system developed in this study belongs to this type of serious game, and the shooting skill of the
T91 rifle can be learned through this game.
There are lots of researches or teaching software for digital information technology application in
Taiwan, but are relatively rare for military training courses. On the contrast, the US Army is currently
developing some VR Military training platform. Because the development of serious games requires
joint cooperation by enterprises, academic institutions, and research institutions. The US Army's
famous "America's Army" software is a good example. It is developed under the "US Army Training
Guidelines”, and allows players to choose between basic infantry or medical training with almost full
range of current US equipment. Especially all weapons in the game are simulated using real data
(Nichols, 2009). VR Military training can not only repeated exercises, but also to record the learner's
training results in detail and to correct the individual's learning status. Similarly, that students can have
the opportunity to learn repeatedly through computer simulation during trial and error process. In
addition, they can learn independently and focus on the training course greatly.
3. Methodology
This study is mainly to explore the how effective of virtual reality shooting training system compares to
traditional teaching method on the students' academic performance, self-learning achievement and
self-learning motivation in the national defense course of T91 rifle shooting training. In figure 2, this
experiment used quasi-experimental design and organize the two classes of students with the same
qualification as the experimental group and the control group. The experimental group were adopted the
virtual reality teaching method, while the control group adopted the traditional triangle aiming teaching
We used the Unity 5.3.1.f1 ver. to develop the virtual reality aiming shooting training APP Because
Unity is a freeware, and there are abundant SDKs with templates (Kim et al., 2014). So we consider
Unity ideal for beginners who have never developed any apps.
This research chose a shooting game called "Shooter Area VR", which is an authored free and
modifiable template in the "VR Samples". We chose Android as the research platform and ran this VR
app on mobile phone, because Android system is designed to adopt novice developers than the APPLE
iOS platform (Ciesla, 2017). The components of this training system consist of floating marks and
successfully shooting counters (Figure 3).
In order to make students being immersed in the situation, and to get rid of the inconveniences
of the wires, we use wireless headset VR BOX (Figure 4). The advantages of wearable device include to
avoid suffering from environmental light which affect the aiming positioning, and no interference in the
infrared aiming module. The other reason constraint the chosen of devices is the limited space in
classroom, so the most economic benefit teaching method is wearable device like the VR headset
(Alshaal et al., 2016). The combination of Bluetooth T91 training rifle and the wearable VR device, can
be easily portable to any other class even outdoor environment.
Virtual reality generally require a display helmet or headset to allow its user to merge into an
immersive experience. So the researcher used the synchronous display function of the AV bar to
connect the current VR screen onto the projector. In this method, we synchronously project images and
sound effects on the curtain in the front of classroom (Figure 6). And the operator and all other students
in the classroom can learn at the same time. The other students waiting for shooting now could look at
the operator's aiming posture and screen, so that they can learn the correct aiming method by observing
the shooting score and failure of operator. Moreover, the other students might have verbal competition
for the operator and increase the fun of learning (Ravyse, Blignaut, Leendertz, & Woolner, 2017). Other
students can simultaneously learn the correct targeting method and increase the motivation in an
asynchronous competition. In addition, the real-time display of results also increase the operator's
desire to obtain higher scores and thus improve the learning achievement of correct aiming.
4. Result
Comparing the differences between the two groups to understand whether the self-learning
achievement and self-learning motivation are affected by different teaching methods, the independent
sample T test is adopted. As shown in Table 1, in terms of self-learning Achievement, the control group
who take traditional teaching have an average number 14.74, the standard deviation is 3.531, and the
average value of standard error is .573. While experimental group who use virtual reality teaching
method have an average 17.98, a standard deviation of 1.981, and a standard error of .313. The average
number of experimental group (M=17.98) is higher than the average of control group (M=14.74). And
in terms of self-learning motivation, the control group have an average number 10.29, the standard
deviation is 2.977, and the average value of standard error is .483. While experimental group have an
average 12.13, a standard deviation of 1.800, and a standard error of .285. The average number of
experimental group (M=12.13) is higher than the average of control group (M=10.29). The T statistic of
the two dependent variables reached a significant level, because both p-values were less than .05,
indicating that different teaching methods have significant differences in self-learning achievement and
self-learning motivation.
In the independent sample T test, if the T-value reaches a significant difference, the effect value
can be further determined. The effect value represents practical significance, while the T statistic and
p-value are represent statistical significance. The Eta square value η is the effect value, indicating a
highly correlated intensity between the groups and self-learning achievement (.279≧.14) as well as the
groups and self-learning motivation are also a highly correlated intensity (.207≧.14).To judge whether
the T value of the difference in two groups is significant or not, in addition to consider the value of the T
value itself (two-tailed), we could observe the confidence interval of 95% area. If the interval estimate
contains a value of 0, it must accept the null hypothesis. On the contrary, if the value of 0 is not included,
the null hypothesis can be rejected and the opposite hypothesis can be accepted. In the term of the
self-learning achievement, 95% CI are between (-4.545, -1.931), in which does not include 0. This
indicate that there is a significant difference between the two groups. In the self-learning motivation, the
confidence interval of the 95% are (-2.957, - .714). Without 0 inside this interval, it means a significant
difference between the two groups too.
Table 1
Comparison table between self-learning Achievement and self-learning motivation of experimental
group and control group
Factor Group N M σ SEM t η 95% CI
experimental 40 17.98 1.981 .313
Achievement -4.960*** .279 -4.545 -1.931
control 38 14.74 3.531 .573
experimental 40 12.13 1.800 .285
motivation -3.275* .207 -2.957 -.714
control 38 10.29 2.977 .483
The SEM is equal to
*p<0.05, ***p<0.001
5. Conclusion
According to the research results, digital learning method with virtual reality technology is efficient
compared with the traditional triangle aiming shooting training method. It can improve the scores of
learners and increases the motivation and achievement of students' self-learning. In addition, the
head-mounted virtual reality shooting training system is not affected by light damage and wireless,
instructors can teach in the general classroom. And those devices are easily to carry to another place and
no longer suffer constraints of classroom venues. It can be integrated into a digital game-based teaching
system to enhance the effectiveness of teaching and the motivation of students (Woo & Yeom, 2012).
When the creativity and technology are integrated into the teaching content, in addition to making the
teaching activities would become more interesting and attractive. It also achieves the ideal state that
learning by osmosis(Odom & Kelly, 2001).
1.It is recommended that the future research add real shooting environment in the game. When students
immerse in the actual shooting environment background (Lai, Hu, Cui, Sun, & Dai, 2017), they can
adapt to the surrounding situation of the actually shooting experience earlier.
2.The actual aiming method is a series of combinations required coordination of both head and hands
(Livingston, Ai, & Decker, 2018). So it is recommended to design a motion-sensing detector on the
T91's rifle to simulate the actual shooting position of the gun.
3.There are no force feedback or shock response after shooting, they affect the accuracy of shooting.
Another benefit of this kind of interacting rifle is that it can simulate the real recoil vibration in the
practice, so that the learner can experience it and ease his mood when he shoot the real T91 rifle
(Glassner, 2010).
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Abstract: We discuss a field study in which 30 public school students from grades 4, 5, and 6
play Learning Likha, a mobile-based game for practicing English comprehension. Using
self-report questionnaires, a comprehension test, BROMP observations, and game interaction
logs, we assessed the extent to which students understood the game’s contents and enjoyed
playing the game. We also tried to determine any relationships between student achievement,
affect, and behavior. Self-reported feedback about the game was positive, with students
reporting interest, enjoyment, and sufficient challenge. Students across all grade levels
exhibited engaged concentration and on-task activity while playing the game. However,
post-test comprehension scores were low, especially for the younger participants. On-task
conversation and confusion were negatively correlated with achievement. Additionally, on-task
behavior and engaged concentration were positively correlated with number of interface taps.
1. Introduction
In the Global South, the biggest impediments to the integration of technology in education include the
lack of computer hardware in schools, the absence or unreliability of electricity, and the absence or
unreliability of Internet connectivity (Nye, 2015). Teachers and students in resource-constrained
countries are then hard-pressed to take advantage of online educational materials (Wolfenden, 2017),
social networks and virtual communities of practice (Tondeur, et al., 2016), and other such resources.
In the face of these barriers and the threat of exclusion, teachers and students have turned to
mobile technologies. The primary computing platform of developing countries is the mobile phone. As
of 2018, the developing world had an estimated 102.8 mobile phones for every 100 people (ITU, 2018).
61 out of every 100 people had mobile broadband access, and while this is compared favorably against
fixed broadband subscriptions (10.4 out of every 100 people; ITU, 2018), it still implied that data access
is limited. Furthermore, there is a lack of educational software that targets these platforms and contexts
(Nye, 2015). This refers to education content written in the local language and is adapted to reflect local
norms, cultures, situations, motivations, beliefs, and environments.
Mobile-Assisted Language Learning is an area within mobile learning that focuses on language
learning areas such as grammar and vocabulary acquisition (Sung et al., 2015). Language learning is
said to be effective if the learner is exposed to the target language in meaningful contexts. In this paper,
we describe a field study in which we deploy and test Learning Likha, a narrative-based mobile phone
game that helps students practice their English language comprehension skills. Our goals are to
measure (a) the extent to which students are able to understand the game’s contents, (b) the extent to
which the game engages the students, and (c) any relationships between students’ achievement,
behaviors, and affective states.
2. Methods
The deployment and testing was conducted at AHA! Learning Center (ALC), a tutorial center in
Makati, Metro Manila, Philippines that caters to Makati City public school students from elementary to
high school. Staffed in large part by volunteers, ALC is committed to providing supplementary holistic
education to underprivileged children.
The staff selected students from Grades 4, 5, and 6 and they were given informed consent forms
that they and their parents had to complete in order to participate. During the study day, the participants
were grouped by grade level. Each grade level had separate testing sessions because of the limited
number of cellular phones and earphones. Upon settling down in the venue, they were oriented on the
objectives. Then, they completed a demographic questionnaire to determine their level of access to
mobile phones. The questionnaire also tried to determine their usage, attitude, and perceptions towards
the English language by giving them 8 statements to which they would indicate their level of agreement
(1 = Strongly Disagree to 5 = Strongly Agree). A sample statement is “I speak English at home.”
After the questionnaire, each participant was lent a mobile phone with earphones. Each of them was
asked to play Learning Likha for 20 minutes with the use of the earphones for full auditory attention.
Learning Likha is a narrative-centered English-language digital game intended for Filipino
learners between 9 to 12 years old. Designed like an interactive storybook, it targets the literacy skill of
noting explicit details through reading, listening and viewing. In the tradition of old-style adventure
games, it follows the main character Likha, and her friend Taro the tarsier, as they help their bandmates
prepare for town festivities by fetching various indigenous Filipino musical instruments from different
shops in the town. As the game unfolds, learners are asked to interact with the game by selecting shops
and instruments (Figure 1) based on the characters’ instructions. A text box on the upper right corner of
the screen contains instructions and important details that may help the player find the correct shop or
object. The text box at the bottom contains the dialogue. Each time the learner finds the correct
instrument, the learner has an opportunity to play the instrument by tapping on its image within the
game. The game is available free of charge from both the Google Play Store and the Apple App Store.
Figure 1. Map scene with the different shops and merchant scene with the instruments.
Learning Likha logs user interactions. It collects the participant’s user ID, the scene or context
with which the participant is interacting, the coordinates of screen taps, and the time stamp. Because the
participant cannot advance without correctly accomplishing the task of each scene, the participant’s last
tap is always the correct move or answer.
Using the Baker Rodrigo Ocumpaugh Monitoring Protocol (BROMP), a trained observer recorded the
participants’ affective states and behaviors while playing Learning Likha using the Human Affect
Recording Tool (HART) mobile application. BROMP is a protocol for quantitative field observations
of participant behavior and affect (Ocumpaugh et al., 2015). Within BROMP, participants are
repeatedly coded individually in a predetermined order. Both affect and behavior are recorded
simultaneously, but separately. The affective states of interest observed were engaged concentration,
confusion, frustration, and boredom. The descriptions (Ocumpaugh et al., 2015), are as follows:
● Engaged Concentration. This is manifested by focused attention to playing Learning Likha. It is
shown through leaning closer to their phones and miming as they are reading through the dialogues.
Those who were asking their peers what part of the game they were playing as if it were a
competition on who finishes first were coded with this affective state.
● Confusion. This is manifested when a participant seems to have a difficulty understanding the
game. Indicators include scratching the head, consulting with a peer or facilitator, and statements
like “Why is this not working?” or “How do I get pass this?”
● Frustration. This state expresses feelings of distress or annoyance. Behaviors include heavy
tapping on the phone screen, hair pulling, deep sighing, and statements such as “This is
● Boredom. This is often expressed as complete disengagement from the game. It is characterized by
fidgeting, slouching, yawning, and statements such as “This is boring!” or “Are we done yet?”
The behaviors observed were on-task, on-task conversation, and off-task. The descriptions
(Ocumpaugh et al., 2015) are as follows:
● On-Task. This refers to participants focused on completing the game tasks of Learning Likha.
● On-Task Conversation. This refers to participants who play while engaging in a conversation with
a facilitator or his/her fellow participant. The conversation must be related to Learning Likha.
● Off-Task. This refers participants who are doing tasks other than playing the game such as
browsing through other applications in the phone or using a different application altogether.
For each test session, at least one observation of affect and behavior was coded for each
participant per minute in 5 to 8 second intervals. For instances where the participant seemed to exhibit
two or more distinct states during his/her respective observation period, the first state was coded. If a
participant finished before the 20-minute allotted time, a “no further activity” state was recorded by
coding ‘?’ for affect and ‘$’ for behavior in the HART application. This notation was agreed upon by
the research team in anticipation of those who will finish early.
2.3 Post-Tests
After the participants completed the game, or when the 20-minute allotted play time had elapsed, a
21-item multiple choice post-test was administered to gauge how much they remembered and
understood the details from the story. Below is a sample question:
1. What is Taro?
a. a monkey b. a dog c. a cat d. a tarsier
The participants were asked to complete one final questionnaire composed of two sections,
adapted from the Game-Based Learning (GBL) Engagement Metric (Chew, 2017) and the Intrinsic
Motivation Inventory (IMI) (Ryan, 1982). The GBL questionnaire tried to determine how engaged
students were with Learning Likha by posing 8 statements and asking participants for their levels of
agreement (1 = Strongly Disagree to 5 = Strongly Agree). A sample statement is “I listened carefully to
the instructions given to carry out the Learning Likha tasks.” The IMI questionnaire posed 9 statements
that asked participants to indicate if the statements were not at all true (1), somewhat true (4) or very
true (7). A sample statement is “I enjoyed playing Learning Likha very much.”
All procedures and materials used for this study were reviewed and cleared for implementation
by the University Research Ethics Committee of Ateneo de Manila University.
3. Analysis
A total of 32 students participated in the study: 12 from Grade 4, 12 from Grade 5, and 8 from Grade 6.
Data from one student from Grade 5 and one student from Grade 6 were removed because they were
incomplete. The remainder of the analysis will use data from the 30 remaining students only. Of the 30
participants, 19 were male, 11 were female (Table 1). Some students owned cell phones. The majority,
especially those from Grades 5 and 6, played cell phone games, some of which were educational.
Table 1.
Demographics of the study participants.
When asked about their usage, attitudes and perceptions towards the English language, students
said they did not speak English at home (2.7/5.0) or with their friends (2.5/5.0). They did like learning
English (4/5) and reading in English (3.7/5.0). They expressed a desire to learn English (3.9/5.0), and
agreed that it is important (4/5). In summary, the participants did not typically use English as a medium
of communication, but enjoyed learning and were interested in improving their English language skills.
The number of observations per grade level varied: We collected 15 observations per student for Grade
4, 14 for Grade 5, and 21 for Grade 6. To obtain the incidence of student behaviors and affective states,
we divided the number of times a student was observed to exhibit a state by the total observations for
that student. To obtain the overall incidence of a behavior or affective state, we took the average of the
incidences of each state across all students.
Table 2 shows that students were predominantly on-task, working independently (66%) or in
conversation with another student (11%). Off-task behavior was relatively rare (1%), though many
students finished before the allotted time expired. Table 2 also shows that engaged concentration (65%)
was the most often exhibited affective state, followed by confusion (10%). The students did not exhibit
boredom often (2%). These findings are consistent with some prior studies that used BROMP
observations. As summarized in Baker et al. (2010), the incidence of engaged concentration averaged
60%, confusion averaged 13%, and boredom averaged 5%.
Table 2.
Overall incidence of behaviors and affective states. Standard deviations are in parenthesis.
Table 3.
D’Mello’s L means. Standard deviations are in parentheses.
Engaged Concentration to 0.28 (0.36), p = .03 0.41 (0.28), p < .01 0.60 (0.12), p < .01
Engaged Concentration
On Task to On Task 0.25 (.30), p = .03 0.41 (0.10), p < .01 0.61 (0.13), p < .01
Students self-reported positive feelings and attitudes towards the game. In the GBL questionnaire, they
responded that they listened carefully to instructions (4.5/5.0) and tried their best to find solutions
(4.2/5.0). They could relate what they were learning to prior knowledge (4.3/5.0) and could see links of
the concepts shown to real-world skills (4.1/5.0). They said the game interested them (4.1/5.0), that they
looked forward to completing the game (4.4/5.0), and that they were sufficiently challenged (4.1/5.0).
The IMI results were similar. They said that they enjoyed playing the game (6.4/7.0) and that
the game was fun (6.4/7.0) and interesting (5.0/7.0). They confessed to being uncertain about how
skilled they were in the game (4.8/7.0). Some thought that the game was boring (3.7/7.0).
Despite the high level of engagement and on-task behavior, and despite the positive feedback about the
game, comprehension scores were low. Grade 4 students’ post-test scores averaged 48%, grade 5
students averaged 65%, while grade 6 students averaged 66%. A single-factor ANOVA showed that
differences between groups were significant (F(2,27)=3.91, p=.03). A pairwise comparison showed
that grade 4 students’ post-test scores were marginally significantly different from those of grades 5
(p=.06) and 6 (p=.07). This implies that the older students understood more than the younger students
did. This is something to be expected. Also, there was a very strong significant correlation between
on-task conversation and confusion (r=.91, p<.01). This may be a consequence of the way that
confusion was operationalized, i.e. asking for help or advice from a peer or facilitator. However, it is
interesting to note that on-task conversation and confusion both had a moderately strong and significant
negative correlation with score (r=-.42, p.02 and r=-.40, p=.03 respectively). This implies that
conversation in this context may indeed be indicative of cognitive challenges. In terms of in-game
behavior, the total number of taps had a weak, significant positive correlation with on-task behavior
(r=.37, p=.046) and a moderately strong, significant correlation with engaged concentration (r=.41,
In this paper, we discuss the deployment and testing of Learning Likha, a narrative-based mobile phone
game to help with practicing English comprehension. The participants found the it interesting and
enjoyable. They professed to exert effort in understanding the contents and completing the game tasks.
Observations concur that participants were on-task and engaged. These may be attributed to the
contextualized and story-based nature of the game, as well as opportunities to simulate playing the
musical instruments. Following the narrative and contributing to the progression of the story by
completing game tasks may have enabled such favorable experiences.
Despite these positive self-reports and observations, the test scores were low especially for the
younger participants. It is possible that these low scores were an artifact of the their backgrounds. They
were not native English speakers. They were interested in learning English, but lacked practice as they
did not use English at home or with their friends. One limitation of the study is that the research team
did not have a baseline assessment of the participants’ pre-existing English language skills. Future work
should include an equivalent comprehension pre-test to enable measurement of learning gains.
Nonetheless, this work contributes an exploration of a narrative-driven mobile game specifically
designed for Filipino learners. As previously mentioned, there is a dearth in the availability of mobile
applications with contextualized education content (Nye, 2015). Learning Likha is an effort to address
this barrier by providing young Filipino learners the opportunity to practice English comprehension in a
platform accessible to them through a story-based game familiar to their context.
In the broader context, the correlations that we found between in-game behavior and affective
states may assist with the development of automatic detectors of feelings and emotions within specific
cultural contexts. Because culture influences the way affective states manifest, datasets from diverse
populations can increase generalizability of detectors. These detectors contribute to personalization.
They can prompt in-game interventions when student behavior indicates negative affective states, or
can cue a teacher to approach a student who might be having difficulty.
We thank the Ateneo de Manila University, specifically the Ateneo Center for Educational
Development, Areté, and the Department of Information Systems and Computer Science; the
principals, teachers, volunteers, and learners of our partner public schools for their participation; Ingrid
Yvonne Herras, Ma. Rosario Madjos, Monica Moreno, and Jessica O. Sugay; Shamya Karumbaiah and
Jaclyn Ocumpaugh of the Penn Center for Learning Analytics; Anton Andres and Samsung Electronics
Philippines, Inc.; the Commission on Higher Education and the British Council for the grant entitled
JOLLY: Jokes Online to improve Literacy and Learning digital skills amongst Young people from
disadvantaged backgrounds; and John Carlo P. Fernando.
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of OER in the Global South (pp. 251–286). Retrieved from https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.600424
Chang, M. et al. (Eds.) (2019). Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Computers in
Education. Taiwan: Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education
Abstract: Gamification, the use of game elements in non-game contexts, is a popular method to
design motivating, enjoyable learning experiences. It is often applied through external rewards
like leaderboards and achievements. Research shows that these rewards can negatively affect
intrinsic motivation. One way to avoid this issue is by applying the game elements to the
internal design of the learning activity. This approach is called Core Gamification. However,
there are no concrete methods to apply Core Gamification to learning activities. This paper
presents a method for the Core Gamification of learning activities based on information
structure manipulation. In this case, information structure manipulation is not done by the code.
And they are also not just about the design of the activity. The structures are visible to the user.
The manipulation is also done by the user. Case studies with verified learning effects is also
shortly presented.
1. Introduction
Gamification has been associated with rewards. Most gamification approaches focus on a variation of
leaderboards, points, or achievements. The goal of these rewards is to change behavior. Since these
rewards are external to the activity, they can be interpreted as extrinsic motivation (Nicholson, 2015).
Extrinsic motivation can be detrimental to intrinsic motivation (Deci and Ryan, 2002). Research shows
that after the introduction of rewards, users become less likely to do the task when the reward is
removed (Brandt, 1995).
A review of empirical studies by Zeng and Shang (2018) investigated studies published
between 2013 and 2017. It states that there is a concern on the cognitive processes in the learning
process. The review pointed out the work of Lee and Heeter (2017), which drew relationships between
game behavior, skills, attention and comprehension. These types of work show a trend to go beyond
rewards into the cognitive process that happen during gameplay. However, how to design experiences
which optimize these cognitive processes? And at the same time, keeping the activities engaging.
The work of Deterding (2015) approaches this problem by defining a method to create gameful
systems focused on intrinsic motivation. Gameful systems are systems which have gameful (game-like)
characteristic. The method is grounded in designing systems through matching skills, motivations, and
actions. The method is very broad, being usable in a wide variety of scenarios, attempting to influence
experience-driven design in a general way. The work Yuan and Shang (2018) also presented a
framework based on emotional design for game development. It can be used to improve or serve as
guidelines for design, but it does not offer a more concrete method for designing gameplay.
While the work of Deterding does offer a general view and guidelines, there is a lack of more
concrete, context-specific methods of achieving Gameful Design. When designing educational
applications, we want to focus on the need for competence (Ryan and Deci, 2000). That is, we want to
align the intrinsic motivation of mastering the learning target with the need of the users for competence.
External rewards and systems would detract from this. To achieve this, game characteristics must not be
added externally, but internally. The work of Wang (2016) defines this sort of internal gamification as
Core Gamification, where the game elements are so integrated into the core mechanics that they are
If we remove leaderboards and achievements from the discussion, what elements from games
should be used in Core Gamification? The literature points out some elements like clear actions, rules,
goals, and feedback (Deterding, 2015). Those are the elements that games use to afford experiences that
satisfy competence needs. Furthermore, clear goals, sense of control, unambiguous feedback are all
associated with the flow state (Jackson and Marsh, 1996), a state of high involvement and enjoyment.
Core Gamification should focus on intrinsic motivation based on competence needs while promoting
the flow state. It can manage to do so by clarifying and redefining the actions, rules, goals and feedback
mechanics of the activity.
This paper proposes a method for Core Gamification based on defining information structures
derived from the learning target and designing gameplay around them. It also includes the case study of
applications developed using this method.
The work of Deterding (2015) defines gamification as the means of using game design elements in
non-game contexts. In this section, reward-based gamification is defined as the gamification
approaches focused on leaderboards, points and achievements as a way to reward the player for their
actions. Core gamification, in contrast, refers to the gamification approaches that focus on the activity
design internally. While gamification is the means to introduce game design to non-game contexts,
nothing is said about the result. The result might be a gameful system, a system that involves gameful
design that is not necessarily a game. When gamification is applied to software development, the result
can sometimes be defined as a serious game. A serious game is defined in the work of Susi et al. (2007)
as a game made for more than entertainment. Whether or not the result is a serious game or not depends
on the used definition of game and on the design of the activity. As such, the use of reward-based
gamification or core gamification is not what determines if the result is a game or not. Both methods can
be used in the design of both serious games and gameful systems.
The proposed approach in this paper aims for the result to be a serious game. As such, it is
intended for it to be a method to design the core gameplay of a serious game. The relationship between
gamification, serious games and gameful systems can be seen in Figure 1.
Figure 1. Diagram relating serious games, gamification approaches and the approach in this paper.
3. Proposed Method
In this step, the original task will be analyzed so the appropriate information for gamification can be
obtained. Firstly, a subset of the task will be chosen. A subset is chosen because classical learning tasks
often contain parts which are not directly related to learning the target. Then, an information structure
will be defined based on the learning content and on the subset of the original task. This information
structure must be well chosen because the entirety of the gameplay is defined based on it. Next, we
decompose that structure into pieces. These pieces are what the player can interact with. Finally, we
define constraints for how the pieces can be combined. Those constraints are based on the properties of
the information structure. They are closely related to the content that must be learned.
In this step, the rules of the game will be defined. While an order has been proposed for the sub-steps,
the designer is likely to go back and forth during the process. First, a goal is defined. The goal represents
what the player should strive for. Then, possible problem specific constraints can be defined. This
allows for the creation of problems focused on a single aspect of the activity. End states are then defined.
The end state defines one or more application states where the problem is considered cleared. The end
states are closely related to the goal and to the constraints. Then, the state space is defined. The state
space is all possible combinations of states for a given problem. Next, the initial state is defined. This is
the application state that is presented at the start of a problem.
4. Case Studies
4.1 Monsakun
Monsakun is a sentence integration software for arithmetic problems (Hirashima et al., 2007) which
was developed through the presented method. In Monsakun, users pose problems by choosing and
ordering three sentence cards. The use of Monsakun has been associated with an increase in correctness
during sentence integration. One experiment found a significant increase (p<0.001, η2 =0.410) between
pre-test scores (M=1.33, SD=0.79) and post-test scores (M = 3.33, SD = 0.70), where the tests measured
correctness of sentence integration problems.
The design of Monsakun is framed and explained through the proposed procedure:
Original task analysis
• Select subset of the original task: The subset we use in Monsakun is only the integration
portion of understanding as described by Mayer et al. (1985);
• Define broad structure: The main structure in Monsakun is the structure of a single problem. A
problem is composed of multiple sentences such that each sentence can be mapped to a number
in a mathematical expression. An increase type problem would be described in three sentences
John has three apples;
John buys two apples;
John has five apples.
• Decompose structure: A piece is defined as a single sentence which has attributes like value,
referenced objects, type, etc.;
• Define constraints: Most of the constraints are intrinsic to the original problem. One extrinsic
constraint is that all problems are defined by a maximum of three sentences. Another extrinsic
constraint is that all problems describe additions or subtractions. Example of intrinsic
constraints in Monsakun:
Object constraints: All sentences only reference one object and they all reference the
same object;
Number constraints: The third sentence contains a value that is the sum of the values of
the two previous sentences;
Sentence type constraints: The first sentence and the third sentence must describe the
existence of an object. The second sentence must describe an object’s value increasing.
Gameplay design
• Define goals: The overarching goal of Monsakun use is the understanding of arithmetic
problems. The goal of a single task is for the student to construct a problem satisfying several
• Define task: In a Monsakun task, the user must choose three pieces from the available pool and
order them so that they satisfy the constraints;
• Define task-specific constraints: Other than the constraints previously defined, each task in
Monsakun provides the user with a mathematical expression and a story type. This results in
two task-specific constraints:
The three sentences must be mappable to the provided mathematical expression;
The story type of the resulting problem must be the same as the provided story type.
• Define end states: The end state is when the three correct phrases are in the correct order;
• Define state space: Tasks in Monsakun provide six sentences for the user. This means that
three of the sentences are dummy sentences that won’t be used. The dummy sentences are
designed in a way that they violate their use will result in the violation of a specific constraint.
The motivation for this is to make students must think about specific constraints to solve the
problems. Another motivation is to be able to gather data on what constraints give student
trouble. Given the six sentences, the search space for a Monsakun task contains 120 possible
• Define initial state: All six sentences are available, and none are chosen;
• Define feedback: Message telling users if their problem is correct or incorrect.
Constraint-based feedback is also an option.
More information on the underlying structure of Monsakun can be found in the work of Hirashima et al.
4.2 Kit-build
Kit-build is a closed concept map building tool which was developed through the presented method.
Further information on the design of Kit-build can be seen in the works of Hirashima et al. (2015). In
Kit-build, learners build maps from provided pieces. The use of Kit-build has been associated with
improved reading comprehension and with improved retention for contention. For example, the work of
Alkhateeb et al. (2015) found that Kit-build users showed better performance (M=79.06, SD=12.08) in
foreign language delayed comprehension test than traditional concept mapping users (M=66.12,
SD=20.26) in an ANOVA test, p <0.01.
Original task analysis
Select subset of the original task: The subset of concept map construction we use in Kit-build
is only making the connections using the links and nodes, without inputting the labels;
Define broad structure: The main structure in Kit-build is a concept map defined by the
teacher. The map is made up of links and concepts.
Decompose structure: Maps are made up of multiple links and concepts. Links and concepts
are treated as separate pieces which are not interchangeable.
Define constraints: The constraints in Kit-build are defined by the expert map designed by
teachers. The constrains are the connections between the nodes and links;
Gameplay design
Define goals: The overarching goal of Kit-build is to improve understanding of a text or class;
Define task: In a Kit-build task, users are tasked with associating concepts through links;
Define task-specific constraints: In Kit-build a node can only be associated to another node
through a link. Furthermore, each connection in the expert map is a constraint of correctness.
Violating these constraints would reduce the score of the map;
Define end states: There are two possible end states in Kit-build. One of them would be the
student building the expert map. The other end state is the student building a map he is
satisfied with. In the second case, even a submitted empty map would be a possible end state.;
Define state space: Assuming N nodes and L links, each link can connect two nodes. They can
also be connected to no nodes at all. As such, the following equation defines the number of
states in the space: (N + 1)2L
Define initial state: No links and no nodes are associated at first;
Define feedback: One automated feedback approach of Kit-build is based on showing the
differences between the user map and the expert map back to the user, as in the work of
Furtado et al. (2018).
More research is necessary in gamification beyond reward-based systems. Core gamification refers to
gamification methods that are more concerned with the internal design of the transformed activities.
However, there is a lack of concrete method on how to perform core gamification of learning software.
To address this, this work proposes a method of Core Gamification based on students manipulating
information structures. Our proposed method addresses Core Gamification needs in the following ways:
Actions serve to manipulate the information structure. They should be made clear by the
interface design, employing intuitive and easy to use mechanics, such as drag-and-drop. Users
will build or modify structures by using sets of pieces that make up the information structure.
As actions are primarily used to modify these structures, every action is relevant to the
learning target;
The rules of gameplay are based on the intrinsic rules of the learning target, but clearly defined
in terms of the information structure. As such, the rules of the gameplay are highly related to
the learning target. This means that becoming a better player should imply in becoming a
better learner. The large state space of the activities serves to discourage other learning
behaviors that do not contribute to learning;
The goal of the original activity is replaced with the goal of satisfying clearly defined
constraints. These constraints are defined in terms of the information structure. They need to
require understanding of the information structure to be solved. The constraints should be
clearly specified to the players, so that their effort in solving the activities can go towards
comprehending the information structure;
Feedback is designed based on the constraints. A given state either violates or satisfies a
constraint. As such, this information can be clearly shown to the player in the form of
“correct” or “incorrect”. More complex feedback can be given by relating the information
structure to reading material or by giving more detailed information on which constraints were
violated and which were satisfied.
Evidence of the learning effect of applications that use this method has also been presented. This
study presents, as far as researched, the first concrete method for designing gameplay of gamified
For future work, the method will be expanded to include clearer interface recommendations. It is
also necessary to quantify the effects of the applications regarding motivational metrics.
This work was partially supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number 17H01839 and 15H02931.
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ICCE2018, pages 533–542.
Chang, M. et al. (Eds.) (2019). Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Computers in
Education. Taiwan: Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education
Abstract: Situated learning theory argues that learning is embedded within an activity, context,
and culture. It posits that students are more likely to learn if they have an exposure to the
authentic context of the learning environment. Based loosely on this theory, Shape Shape
Hooray is an adaptive educational game that aims to teach basic 3D geometric shapes by
allowing basic education students associate 3D shapes to daily objects. As an adaptive game,
this paper discusses the paths developed for different kinds of players (no prior/low prior,
average, and high prior knowledge). A usability test was conducted to which a generally
positive score was acquired. Various kinds of metrics (task success and task indicators) and the
Systems Usability Scale (SUS) were also tested to find out the game’s impact on user
experience and to evaluate possible design directions and improvements for Shape Shape
Hooray. We found that respondents were highly impressed with the game’s usability, scoring
81.5 on the SUS. Future work will include educators’ testing on the game’s usability, testing of
learning to students, and consultations with programmers for expert validation.
Keywords: adaptive learning, educational game, stealth assessment, situated learning theory
1. Introduction
In the discussion of shape recognition and properties as a skill by Virginia Kindergarten Readiness
Program, it is stated that learning shapes is an essential building block of a child’s early stages of
development which makes it very important as children tend to notice objects by shapes rather than by
color. A learner who is able to understand shapes specifically and accurately can connect with the
objects around them, and use them more effectively in the context of their environment.
Situated learning means creating meaning from the real activities of daily living (Stein, 1998).
It posits that learning is embedded within an activity, context, and culture (Lave, 1989). Experiments
show that situated learning occurs best when done in the context of authentic tasks (Oppermann, 2006).
This allows for an increase in learning effectiveness, efficiency, and satisfaction as well as the
replicability of learning results.
Shape Shape Hooray is an educational game designed for students in grades 1-2 of the
Philippine K-12 curriculum. Players drag digital 3D shapes into containers and the game will issue
correctness feedback. When players are able to correctly drag chosen shapes to their proper containers,
the objects would rotate to show and demonstrate their dimensions in 3D space. In addition to this
mechanic, it was designed to be adaptive such that students have control over the pace with which they
interact with in-game objects and finish levels. Features to engage active participation as well as
goal-directed storylines were included. As the narrative of the game unfolds, student users are afforded
the capacity to experience local culture by interacting with digital representations of their local vicinity
embedded within the game. The game covers basic 3D geometric shapes i.e. cube, cylinder, cone and
sphere. A drag-and-drop mechanism was implemented.
This paper presents a usability study as well as metric tests to see the games impact on user
learning experience (R1). Testing was also conducted to uncover improvements that may be
implemented in future work to enhance user learning experience (R2).
2. Shape Shape Hooray
2.1 Storyline
The importance of narrative in game-based learning is that it provides a cognitive framework for
problem-solving (De Freitas, 2011). In Shape Shape Hooray, the game depicts a story of how the
character follows the story of a student life, or specifically the last day of school. When a player chooses
a character, the character will explain how from preparing from home, he or she heads to school, and
then eats after a long day, and then eventually goes for vacation. This story is the framework of Shape
Shape Hooray, making the locations the levels of the game itself.
This storyline is a derivative of common Philippine living. Living in a tropical country, students
and their families head to the beach during the school vacation. This idea was brought to life in the game
so that students may be able to relate it in their lives embedding the situated learning theory by creating
meaning from real activities of daily living.
Shape Shape Hooray would adapt based on the player’s learning progress before playing and during the
game. Before the actual game starts, the game will test the students of the following: 1) knowledge of
the shapes, 2) spelling of the shapes, 3) association of shapes in real life objects in order to determine
whether a player’s knowledge about the shapes is high, average or no prior knowledge at all.
A total of ten questions are given and the player will be directed to three different paths
depending on the scores they acquire. The player needs to answer all of the questions and that is the only
time the scores will be generated. Pretest scores will be the key indicator as to which path the players
will be led to as a starting point. Generally, the target users of Shape Shape Hooray are students with
low or no prior knowledge of the shapes.
Classification of players will depend on the paths as follows:
1. High prior knowledge path - for players who gets a score of 8-10 points in the pretest. Game will
automatically set on a hard level with all the shapes possible to be learned in the game. Confusing
and more distracting objects are also added.
2. Low prior knowledge path - for players who get a score of 5-7 points in the pretest. Players on this
path will be on the average level of difficulty. Designated shapes to learn per location in the map
will be followed. Cube—Bedroom (Level 1) (See Figure 1),
Cylinder—Classroom (Level 2), Cone—Diner (Level 3), and
Sphere—Beach (Level 4).
3. No prior knowledge path - for players whose scores ranges from
0-4 points, manifesting that the player has no background
knowledge at all. This will be on easy mode and players will be
familiarized with a 3D shape following rote learning or Figure 32. Level 1: Bedroom
memorization through repetition, showing only the shapes needed (Cube) sample.
for a corresponding level.
Once the game determined which path the player takes, the map will appear for the player to
proceed in the first level. In each location, the player should find the specific shapes needed to surpass a
certain level. When an object is clicked and dragged to the backpack, the object will zoom in and rotate
to emphasize the object’s 3D shape for the visualization of the player.
2.3 Assessment
Some features of the game are designed in order to evaluate the player’s learning progress:
1. Bonus rounds throughout the game will serve as the stealth
assessment—a quiet, powerful process by which learner
performance data are continuously gathered during the course of
playing (Shute et al., 2009). A bonus round (See Figure 2) will
appear after 2 levels and players of Shape Shape Hooray will be
asked to identify shapes of real life objects presented. This round
is to test whether the player is able to associate the shapes the
game is trying to teach in real life objects. If the player shows an Figure 33. Bonus round
improvement, the game would adapt and proceed to the higher or sample.
lower path from originally the player was based on the score he got on the bonus round.
2. The character’s energy in the form of a battery will determine whether the player is using the trial
and error method or merely guessing. Players are only allowed to make mistakes four times or else
the game resets on the particular level it was on. This is to ensure that the players are still trying to
play in terms of the objectives of the game.
3. Hints are in the game in order to give an idea to the players who are unsure of what the shapes look
like. Every time a player clicks on the hint button, it will show an instruction to look for the objects
that look like the shape the level is trying to teach. To give a general idea, an outline of the shape
will be shown.
In this section, target participants, metrics used for usability, platform of the prototype, testing,
limitations and methods used in conducting the study will be discussed thoroughly.
Shape Shape Hooray is intended for children with ages from 7-8 years old
or Grades 1-2 students. Since the game is adaptive and has different paths
set to their prior knowledge, the main focus in this study are those players
with low to no prior knowledge regarding the basic 3D shapes. The game
is ideally to be conducted in schools to test both its usability and learning,
but due to time constraints, the researchers conducted the testing with Figure 34. Prototype
students individually, meeting them up at their preferred time and place. Testing.
An animated version of the prototype was made using an existing software application. Since
the focus of the research is Shape Shape Hooray’s usability to its potential respondents and not its
effectiveness, we gathered respondents with ages 5-8 years old due to time constraints of the approval to
test in schools.
The testing started by presenting the game to the players and letting them play without the
intervention until asked. After the pretest, the results will determine which path of the game will the
respondent be on and shall continue playing the game until after the posttest. The researchers, on the
other hand, observed the players and took down notes through data collection sheets with regards to
their behavior and comments during testing through the use of Task Success and Tasks Indicator
Metrics. After finishing the game, they were asked to answer the SUS and a debriefing interview.
3.2 Limitations
a. Participants - The researchers ended up testing 5-8 years old players since the researchers were not
able to gather a great number of participants that will fully represent the age range of 7-8 years old.
Moreover, the usability of the game, and not its learning outcome, was to be tested so it was
possible for Shape Shape Hooray to be played by children within that age range.
b. Time Constraint – Researchers have always intended to conduct the study to more students and
players but if were given a sufficient amount of time, teachers can also be asked to play the game
and gather feedback from. Getting an approval to test 7-8 years old children in schools has also
been a limitation to the researchers as the schools are mandated by law to practice the data privacy
c. Limited Programming Knowledge and Equipment - The researchers wish to disclose that the team
does not have enough background in advanced programming. As a result, an animated prototype
using a computer was used. This may have also affected players’ perception about the game
features were not as robust in production.
To measure the success rate of three major tasks the game is asking
to do which are: 1) locating objects, 2) using hints, and 3) map
navigation, a task success metric was created in order to determine
the easiest and hardest task for the players. Looking at Table 1, most
players were able to complete tasks successfully without the need of
Figure 35. Average of raw data for
assistance from the conductors. task success.
Locating objects is the easiest task of the game. All of the
players were able to locate the objects needed at a certain level but there were two players who
needed assistance to successfully locate other objects.
Asking for help with the use of hint option was not totally utilized as some players did not see the
need for help during the game. However, two of them asked for guidance on how to use the hint
and one was able to discover on his/her own.
Two of the players were aware of the narrative that the game is trying to tell. Although, one player
was not given the chance to navigate the map because he was directed to the high-prior path where
there is no need to explore the four different places and levels unlike those who were directed to the
average and no-prior path.
The researchers used a Task Indicators Metric containing more specific tasks that players may be able to
do. Composing a name, answering the pretest and posttest questions, navigating the map, using hints
and clicking all the objects needed per level are some of the tasks indicated in the metric. Most of the
tasks were fully accomplished and utilized except the use of hint button.
It was observed that players found it easy to compose a name, answer the posttest, locate sphere
and cube objects without seeing any assistance. On the other hand, the use of the hint button, although
helpful, was not utilized.
4.3 Debriefing
After the game testing and posttest questions, a debriefing interview was conducted to the players.
When asked if the instructions were clear and understandable, all of them agreed and said that the game
was very easy to understand and the instructions were clear and presented in an uncomplicated manner.
Generally, the players did not have much of a hard time moving from one location to another. However,
not all of them were aware of the narrative of the game. Some students wanted to click and go to the
beach first as maybe because the game was conducted during their summer break and was set in their
mind that they were actually going to the beach. When asked if the game was confusing, most players
said that it is not, but some objects in certain levels were confusing because of the similarity in shapes
which results to giving second thoughts on whether they think that it is the right answer or not.
According to the players, the illustrations are very colourful and attractive and commented that the
avatar cheering them up made the game more fun and encouraging. However, one player said that the
voiceover of the avatar was scary.
Aside from conducting the interview, players were asked what are the shapes of physical things
that were found around the house. For example, a tumbler or a box of tissue was raised and asked the
player what shape it embodies and most of the players answered correctly despite not having prior
knowledge on 3D shapes before playing the game. This shows that players learned and can already
identify the said shapes after playing Shape Shape Hooray.
This paper presented the usability study of an adaptive educational game that teaches 3D geometric
shapes, Shape Shape Hooray. In this work, impact or impression of the target users in the experience of
the game(R1) and possible improvements for the game(R2) are answered.
Based on the results of the systems usability scale, respondents were highly impressed with the
game’s usability. Conducting the SUS revealed that the game falls under the excellent-good
category(R1). However, this is only indicative of its usability and not conclusive of the learning which
is the main goal of the development of Shape Shape Hooray.
Through debriefing, respondents gave recommendations such as: varying hints, indicators not
only on audio but also on the visuals, and using age-appropriate and phase of learning appropriate
graphics used(R2). The group who conducted the study filtered these enhancements based on the
frequency of comments done when the prototype testing was happening. Early projected design
mock-ups were also created in order to implement it on the game to enhance both the gaming and
learning experience.
Although the development of the game is still in the works and continuously progresses, the
feedback that were collected in the study conducted were duly noted for the enhancement of this
educational game. Educators’ feedback on the game’s usability, implementation of feedback, and
testing of learning to students in the association of the shapes in real life objects would be conducted for
further study. Further research and consultations with programmers and developers will also be part of
the future work to consult expert validity of the game.
We would like to thank our faculty advisers for guiding us throughout this experience. We also thank
the people who supported and helped us in our prototype making and testing.
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Ltd.,. Retrieved from https://hell.meiert.org/core/pdf/sus.pdf
Chapron, B. (n.d.). The Importance of learning shapes in preschool. Retrieved from
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De Freitas, S. (2011). Digital games and learning. London, UK: Continuum International Publishing
Druin, A. (1999). The Design of children’s technology. San Francisco, CA: M. Kauffman Publication.
Lave, J. (1989). Cognition in practice: mind, mathematics, and culture in everyday life. Cambridge, UK:
Cambridge University Press.
Mensa Education and Research Foundation. Lesson Plan: Shapes. Retrieved from
Northern Illinois University, Faculty Development and Design Center. Situated Learning. Retrieved
Oppermann, R. (2006). Situated learning in the process of work. In D. Hung & M. S. Khine (Eds.),
Engaged learning with emerging technologies (pp.69-89). Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands.
Stein, D. (1998). Situated learning in adult education. ERIC Digest. Retrieved from
Tobias, S. (2011). Computer games and instruction. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing, Inc.
Verdine, B. N., Lucca, K.R., Golinkoff, R.M., Hirsh-Pasek, K., & Newcombe, N.S. (2016). The Shape
of Things: The Origin of Young Children’s Knowledge of the Names and Properties of Geometric
Forms. Journal of cognition and development: official journal of the Cognitive Development
Society, 17(1), 142-161. Doi:10.1080/15248372.2015.1016610
Chang, M. et al. (Eds.) (2019). Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Computers in
Education. Taiwan: Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education
Abstract: Cultivating computational thinking has become an important key to the curriculum
of science and technology learning area. When students use interactive media, they can no
longer be just receiver, but use interactive media to self-expression. We will let students in
grades 3-4 learn ScratchJr, because most students in grades 5-6 learn Scratch at Tainan city. The
student use ScratchJr to create the animations, stories and games which interest them. We use
creation as a motivation, and children can learn how to solve problems by creating their projects
over and over. Children can cultivate their own computational thinking by this way. Digital
storytelling can enhance cognitive ability, and make things specific and clear. This is a good
way to make everyone to understand the abstract knowledge. Let students use ScratchJr to make
digital storytelling on the iPad mini in order to cultivate students' computing thinking. The main
goal of this thesis is to improve students' expressing ability to perspectives in the
three-dimensional framework of computational thinking. Twenty-seven students in third grade
participated in this study. They used ScratchJr to make digital storytelling on the iPad mini. The
researcher designed a series of training curriculum. All training curriculum were taught by
researcher. Students completed three projects in the basic, intermediate and advanced
three-phase training curriculum. Students present and save their projects by the way of
YouTube in this thesis. Teaching students to use the iPad mini for video recording, and
providing students the interview questions. Arrange students to work in groups of two, use iPad
mini to interviews with each other, and then record the interview process. In the end, the
qualitative analysis method was used to analyze the students' projects after the three-phase
training curriculum and the video of the interview. It will explore the objective of this study:
Enhance students’ expression ability by the integration of computational thinking into digital
storytelling teaching.
Keywords: Science and technology learning area, computational thinking, ScratchJr, digital
storytelling, expression ability.
1. Introduction
2. Curriculum Development
ScratchJr is a derivative of Scratch, used by more than 10 million people around the world
(Faber, Wierdsma, Doornbos, van der Ven & de Vette, 2017; Kalogiannakis & Papadakis, 2017).
However, write code to the basic reading skills, therefore, developers need to another language, it will
provide a simplified way, when they were younger learning code, without any reading. ScratchJr is a
visual programming language designed to introduce programming skills to children between the ages of
5 and 7. By creating projects in the canoe, children can learn to think creatively and rationally, even
though they can't read. It's free for iOS, android and chromebooks. The code is created by dragging
blocks to a coding region and combining them. All blocks are based on ICONS (no text), the language
children can use before reading. Blocks are connected from left to right, just like words. The user
interface is much simpler than Scratch. The number of categories of blocks and the number of blocks in
each category are reduced, so only the most basic categories remain.
Researchers design and teach ScratchJr's lessons. The course lasts 16 weeks, one session a week
for 40 minutes, and the researchers designed an 18-page lecture themselves. Table 1 shows the outlines
of the course. After each student has completed the course, after each stage model, they produce an
animation story that USES ScratchJr to create their own. The animation stories created by these students
themselves will serve as the basis for the research objectives. ScratchJr's lessons allow students to learn
from building block programs to think in math. In addition to being effective in science, technology,
engineering, and mathematics, these learning algorithms can be applied to many fields, such as social
science, writing, and music. ScratchJr is designed with three modes: basic, intermediate, and advanced.
ScratchJr's six types and 28 building block programs are divided into three modes of difficulty. Four
lessons in the each pattern is, the former three classes are used to the use of the teaching building
program, the last section is to allow each student to make a work, each work with LonelyScreen video,
finally on YouTube, for later research.
Table 1. Syllabus of course model.
PREPAPRATION Code.org course One
INTRODUCTION Introduction to the basic usage of iPad and ScratchJr interface. One
BASIC Choose roles, add or remove roles, change backgrounds, add or Four
delete pages sessions
Learn the basic programs by building blocks
Be familiar with the following functions: Start on Green Flag (B11),
Move Right (B21), Move Left (B22), Move Up (B23), Move Down
(B24), Turn Right (B25), Turn Left (B26), Hide (B35), Show (B36),
Set speed (B53), End (B61), Go to Page (B63)
Produce a multi-page, multi-character animation
INTERMEDIATE Learn to touch, repeat, modify roles and backgrounds, and add text Four
Learn the intermediate programs by building blocks sessions
Be familiar with the following functions: Start on Tap (B12), Hop
(B27), Go Home (B28), Say (B31), Grow (B32), Shrink (B33),
Reset Size (B34), Wait (B51), Stop (B52), Repeat (B54)
Produces a multi-page, multi-character, and text-based animation
ADVANCED Learn control flow, infinity, add sound Four
Learn advanced programs by building blocks sessions
Be familiar with the following functions: Start on Bump (B13), Start
on Message (B14), Send Message (B15), Pop (B41), Play Recorded
Sound (B42), Repeat Forever (B62)
Produce a full story with multiple pages and characters and a written
PEER ASSESSMENT Watch classmates’ work One
REFLECTION Students interview each other and use the iPad mini to record videos One
This study collects three ScratchJr projects completed by each student after three stages: basic,
intermediate and advanced. Therefore, each student should have three works, one for each of the basic,
intermediate and advanced stages. However, due to the absence, only 24 students have three complete
works, two students have only one work and one student has only two works. Finally, the students
interviewed with each other. The two groups used the iPad mini as a tool to interview each other's
questions, and then recorded the interview results. When students interview with each other, the
researcher designed the following questions to provide as interview guidelines:
What's your story about?
What are the blocks your character uses? Why do you choose those bricks?
Which part do you think you are doing best?
Do you think there are any other ways to play the role's building block arrangement?
Does your story go according to your meaning?
Do you think it's difficult to use blocks to make character movements?
If you have more time, what would you like to add?
Do you think it's interesting to tell a story with ScratchJr? What's more interesting?
Because of the absence, only 25 interviews were recorded. This means that the total number of
students who have comprehensively analyzed the three works is 24, and the video record of the analysis
and discussion is 25.
In 28 basic ScratchJr projects, the blocks selected by students can be shown as Fig. 1. At first it
was the basic stage mode, so the students only used the building block program B11 in the yellow
startup building block program. Blue moving blocks program taught B21 to B26 these six blocks, but
there are students from beginning to end in B21 a building program, and it is the students have been
using B27 and B28 hasn't taught the building blocks of the program, because blue mobile building
blocks, program is relatively simple building blocks. Only B35 and B36 were taught in the stage of
purple building blocks, but some students have already used B31 and other building block programs.
The building block program for orange control only teaches B53, so some students use it. As for B54,
which has not been taught by students, it is wrong to examine its usage, so it will not be included in the
project of computational thinking. The final red end of the block program, because to use the screen to
switch to the next page, so most students are useful to B63. In fact, if the program sequence is complete,
B61 will be used, but because it does not affect the results, many students are useless.
Figure 1 & 2. Distribution table of blocks in basic projects (left) and intermediate stage (right).
What ScratchJr building block programs do students use in intermediate works, as shown in Fig.
2. In this stage, we taught B12 in the yellow startup building block program, so the student's work no
longer begins with B11. Blue mobile blocks program taught B27 and B28 this two blocks program, but
students don't use B28, because in the operating interface is B28 button, so students don't have to add it
to the program in the sequence. The purple building blocks taught B31, B32, B33, and B34 at this stage.
Students prefer to use B31, which is useful for most students. The orange-controlled block program
teaches B51, B52, and B54, and because B54 has examples to learn, many students know how to use
this important block program. The red end of the building blocks, program and no protestant blocks, but
because is the next page so B63 still a lot of people in a row, though students know B61 not doesn't
matter, but in order to the integrity of the program sequences, there are more students use the building
blocks of the program.
The advanced mode teaches B13, B14, and B15 in the yellow startup block program. All three
are important building block programs, especially B14 and B15, not only important but probably the
most difficult building block programs in ScratchJr as a whole. More time was spent teaching, and
examples were used to aid the explanation. Then there's the green sound building block program, which
teaches B41 and B42. The two building block programs are simple, but the environment can be a
distraction, so not many students use the green sound building block program. Finally at the end of the
red building program taught in B62, to ask students to pay attention to the difference of B62 and B54,
but really want to use this building program in the story is not much, so rarely used by students. The
analysis results are shown in Fig. 3. Because B14 and B15 this two blocks programs involve wide, the
most available to 6 kinds of color change, if you use the two blocks, and use it correctly, that has learned
of the parallel operation thinking concepts, events and conditions, namely C13, C14 and C15. There are
also repetitive use and blending and abstraction and modularization in operational thinking practices,
namely C23 and C24. Take the advanced work of student A25 for example, P3A25. He wrote a very
long program number, but only used B11, B14, B15, B31, B61 and B63 building block programs. Blue
and green didn't work, and purple did. But the whole process is correct, so that the role of the next action
is continuous and smooth, indicating that his thinking logic is very clear.
Figure 3 & 4. Block distribution in advanced mode (left) and students’ CT ability in three stages.
After finishing the basic, intermediate and advanced works, the students were asked to use the
iPad mini as the interview tool to interview each other's questions. Record the interview process using
the iPad mini as analysis material. Take the interview process of student A16, P4A16 as an example:
[00:00] Interviewer: now, would you please tell me the outline of your story?
[00:02] Presenter: one day a rabbit and a turtle are racing to see who can run fast. The rabbit was far
ahead. He thought the turtle was too slow, so he took a nap under the tree. Still undaunted, the tortoise
ran on, and passed the hare. When the hare reached the end of the race, the turtle was startled to know
that he was first.
[00:36] Interviewer: what are the building blocks for your character? Why?
[00:40] Presenter: I used orange blocks because turtles are slower and rabbits are faster. You can adjust
the speed.
[00:51] Interviewer: which part do you think is the best part?
[00:54] Presenter: the action of a character.
[00:59] Interviewer: Do you think there is any other way to the character's building block arrangement?
[01:05] Presenter: You can also use the blue block, you can go to later let him move.
[01:15] Interviewer: You have ...
Did your story go according to your meaning?
[01:20] Presenter: Yes!
[01:22] Interviewer: Do you think it's difficult to use blocks to make character movements?
[01:27] Presenter: No.
[01:30] Interviewer: If you have more time, what would you like to add?
[01:35] Presenter: Make the story a little bit longer, with a little more content. [01:41] Interviewer: Do
you think it's interesting to tell a story with SCRATCHJR? Where's the fun?
[01:48] Presenter: Interesting, because you can create a variety of roles.
Student A16 used long sentences to make his story very clear. He uses the B35's invisibility to
create an effect of distance, using two characters in the car representing turtles and rabbits. In his story,
B53 is not only used to control how fast the characters move, but also B14 and B15 are used to control
the order of dialogue. The best part is that he uses ScratchJr to express common stories. But it's
important that the last sentence of the interview, ScratchJr, allows him to create all kinds of characters.
That is, ScratchJr allows him to express his designs and ideas.
An ability map, illustrated as Fig. 4, was made of the number of abilities in the computational
thinking framework reflected in the three-stage works and interview videos of 27 students. It can be
seen from the graph that the students have more and more projects in the computational thinking
framework after the basic, intermediate and advanced courses and interviews, and almost all the
expression skills of the operational viewpoints in the framework of computational thinking is achieved.
It can be found that only four students did not reach 50%, and two of them only completed one work. As
for the other two students who did not reach 50 percent, one of them had a learning disability. Therefore,
it is feasible to integrate computational thinking into the teaching of digital storytelling to improve the
expression ability.
4. Conclusion And Future Work
Because this research is to use the National small information technology curriculum to carry out, but
the computational thinking emphasizes that when the computational thinking is truly integrated into the
human activities of the whole, computational thinking is as an effective tool for solving problems,
everyone should master, everywhere will be used. Therefore, it is suggested that the future of the
different disciplines can be integrated into the calculation of thinking, training and training. For
example, the mathematics curriculum can take the four steps of computational thinking: Disassembly
problem, pattern recognition, abstraction and algorithm, as the direction of the problem-solving
process. It should not be confined to information technology courses. This study uses both the ipad Mini
and the ScratchJr ipad app. But in this era of rapid information technology, there are a lot of things like
the ipad Mini and ScratchJr ipad app, and probably a better learning platform than the ipad Mini, which
is more convenient than the SCRATCHJR ipad app for visual programming. Statement Therefore, it is
suggested that different tools can be used in the future to achieve better learning results. But
computational thinking is a universal way of thinking and basic skills that should be actively studied
and used by all. Therefore, it is suggested that teachers of different courses should be taught to design
teaching courses, to carry out learning activities, or to be a team, with teachers from different
disciplines, to design teaching courses together. This interdisciplinary subject integration teaching
course is in fact the direction of future curriculum reform.
The research reported in this paper has been supported by the Ministry of Science and Technology in
Taiwan under research project numbers MOST 104-2628-S-024 -001 -MY3 and 105-2511-S-024 -007
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Chang, M. et al. (Eds.) (2019). Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Computers in
Education. Taiwan: Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education
Abstract: Designing an educational game can be a difficult task for individuals who do not
have appropriate background towards game developments. Several game genres exist in the
literature which can make beginners confused about which are the appropriate or required game
elements and functionalities for a particular game genre. At the same time, many studies
highlighted the effectiveness of mind-mapping techniques in enhancing learning and thinking
task. Therefore, this study deploys the powerful graphical representation of Unified Modeling
Language (UML) class diagram to present a mind-mapping guide for people who are
developing educational role-playing games. A total of 113 students used the developed
mind-mapping guide in a public Tunisian University, and the obtained results showed that the
guide can: (1) significantly enhance beginner students’ level of knowledge regarding
developing role-playing educational games; and, (2) promote the creative thinking when it
comes to imagining educational role-playing game scenarios. Also, these results showed that
students have a favorable attitude towards using the mind-mapping guide to learn and design
their games.
Keywords: Educational games, Mind map, Unified Modeling Language, Role-playing, Game
1. Introduction
Various game generators and engines are available in the literature that have made the process of
developing new games, including educational ones, easier. They significantly help in reducing the
effort required for the development of games by including in game engines basic functions that are
common to a number of games (Gelman, 2018; Juang, Hung & Kang, 2011). Consequently, beginners
of game development, including educators and students, will be able to create their own games without
having any particular programming skills. However, designing a good game still need appropriate
background knowledge and skills about games. Many game genres with different elements and
functionalities exist in the literature. Thus, it becomes important to collect enough information about a
specific type of the game in order to effectively develop a better game of that type. In this context,
Baranowski et al. (2016) stated that an effective game design research must examine the appropriate
game features to be included in the game in order to engage users and facilitate game transfer to real-life
behaviors. Besides, each game genre contains different features based on its characteristics (Paavilainen,
Alha & Korhonen, 2017). Therefore, providing a guide, which clearly defines game elements,
functionalities and features of a given game genre, would help beginners in the game development
process. The proposed guide also aims to support students’ creative thinking in providing original game
scenarios that could be implemented as an educational game. A game scenario is a set of activities that
the players have to go through in order to achieve the game objective.
De Troyer, Janssens and Vandebosch (2013) pointed out that mind-mapping tools are more
suitable to structure ideas and concepts. Additionally, these tools provide a structure for thinking in a
nonlinear manner. Specifically, this study adopts Unified Modeling Language (UML) class diagram to
present a mind-mapping guide to support the development of educational role-playing games (RPGs).
To the best of our knowledge, there were no examples, models or guides found in the literature which
support beginners for developing role-playing educational games.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Section 2 presents the developed mind-mapping
guide for beginners. Additionally, it presents the motivation behind the need for it. Section 3 describes
the used method to validate the game design guide, while Section 4 presents the results. Finally, Section
5 discusses these results, concludes the study with a summary of the findings and potential research
To develop the mind-mapping guide, “educational role-playing games” element (noted as RPG in
figure 1) was the starting point which will be related to the other elements and components.
Specifically, to provide a realistic generic guide, all the game elements, features and functionalities
presented in this guide are based on various educational role-playing games in the literature. Thus, a
comprehensive literature search was conducted to identify these games and use them to create the guide
using various keywords, such as “educational games”, “role-playing educational games” and
“game-based learning”, in different electronic databases, such as IEEE Xplore and ScienceDirect. In
particular, this review was limited to only journal papers because they contain more descriptions about
the implemented educational games that could be used in the developed mind-mapping guide.
As shown in Figure 1, all the game elements are represented as classes ( ). The game
functionalities on the other hand are represented with different relations between classes (which are
game elements). For instance, all educational role-playing games offer the students a character to
control and a virtual environment to learn and play within it. Therefore, the relation between the RPG
class, the virtual environment class and the character class in the proposed guide is “composition”
( ) (i.e., the game environment and character classes are mandatory in RPGs). In addition, some
game elements are optional and not always found within the virtual environment, thus they are related
to the virtual environment class using the “aggregation” relation ( ). Furthermore, different
missions are found in RPGs which can be in the form of combats or challenges, hence the mission class
and both combat and challenge classes are related using the “inheritance” relation ( ). In particular,
various types of challenges are found in RPGs namely time, memory/knowledge cleverness/logic,
endurance and dexterity (Feil & Scattergood, 2005). Thus, the feature “enumeration” is used with the
challenge class. Finally, the game activities which are used to transmit the learning content to students
during the learning-playing process, as shown in able 1, are presented using “association” relations
( ). These relations highlight how the classes (game elements) communicate together.
As shown in Figure 1, the developed mind-mapping guide highlights the functionalities that
beginners can design with the game elements (defined using classes and relations). Consequently, they
are all well-informed about the game elements and functionalities that can be included within their
role-playing games. Particularly, the internal architecture that this guide would present about these
games should help beginners know the different game elements to implement within their game.
Furthermore, the developed guide can support them to think and generate their game scenarios by
referring to the way the game elements (represented as classes) communicate with each other
(represented as relations). However, attributes and methods are not specified in this proposed guide
because they are beyond its main objective highlighted above. It should be noted that this developed
mind-mapping guide was refined and validated by fifty one international game developers before being
used with students, as highlighted in (Tlili, Essalmi, Ayed, Jemni, & Kinshuk, 2016).
Figure 1. The developed mind-mapping guide for game development.
3. Method
This section investigates the effectiveness of the proposed mind-mapping guide in supporting beginner
students design educational role-playing games. Specifically, this study investigates the following
research questions.
1. Does the developed mind-mapping guide significantly enhance the students’ level of
knowledge towards designing educational role-playing games in comparison with the
traditional learning method?
2. Does the developed mind-mapping guide enhance the students’ creative thinking when it
comes to designing educational role-playing game scenarios in comparison with the traditional
learning method?
3. Do the students have a favorable attitude towards using the developed mind-mapping guide?
3.1 Participants
One hundred and thirteen students participated in this experiment in a public Tunisian University after
the Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval was obtained. These students, aged between 21 and 23,
were undergraduate students majoring in computer science. All of them are enrolled in the “game
development” course which was recently added to the curriculum. Additionally, they all had taken
UML courses earlier last year. Furthermore, they had all reported that they had never taken any game
design or development courses (public or private courses) before and were considered as the beginners
of game development.
3.2 Procedure
Due to the University context limitation, it was very difficult to divide students to two groups, namely
control and experiment groups. Therefore, a within-subjects design experiment also known as repeated
measures design was applied (Ellis, 1999) to validate the effectiveness of the mind-mapping guide in
supporting beginners to design their educational role-playing games. In this experiment, the same group
of participants serves in more than one learning method to learn designing role-playing games. In this
context, during the second semester, one hundred and thirteen beginner students studied the design of
educational game development using the traditional learning method namely lectures (first learning
method) for six weeks (one hour and half per week). These students then took a written test, namely the
learning and creative thinking test, which includes questions regarding various knowledge they learned
and question asked them to imagine an educational role-playing game scenario that can be
After that, as a second learning method, the students used the proposed mind-mapping guide to
learn about role-playing games for six weeks as well (one and half hours per week). Each of the
students (113 students) was given the proposed mind-mapping guide to get to learn about role-playing
games and its possible functionalities, features and elements. The instructor then has started drawing on
the board this guide (step by step) and going with the students through each branch and each element
(class) by analyzing it and explaining each part. Also, he answered their questions and discussed their
suggestions to ensure that this proposed mind-mapping guide is fully understandable. Finally, the
students took the same learning and creative thinking test regarding the design of educational
role-playing games. Furthermore, these students gave their opinions regarding learning with the
mind-mapping guide through unstructured interviews.
To collect data from students while learning, the following three methods are used.
Level of knowledge questions: The learning test is a paper-based written test, aims to
investigate the impact of both learning methods (lectures and the developed mind-mapping
guide) on the students’ level of knowledge regarding the design of educational role-playing
game. The students were asked to answer questions regarding various knowledge, such as game
elements, functionalities, that developers should know while designing their educational
role-playing games.
Creative Thinking test: Inspired by various thinking and creativity instruments, such as
Guilford (1967) and Torrance (1966), in the test there is a question aims to investigate the
effectiveness of both learning methods (using lectures and the developed UML guide) in
simulating creative thinking within students to generate educational role-playing game
scenarios. In this context, the students were asked to imagine an educational role-playing game
scenario that can be implemented and write it down. To validate these proposed game
scenarios, a group of experts, including game designers and developers, were selected to review
these scenarios and validate them based on the following scoring: (1) Three points on
Elaboration - amount of details given by students regarding their educational game scenarios;
(2) Three points on Originality - Degree to which the proposed game scenario is original and
not similar to an already developed games in the literature/game market; and, (3) Three points
on Implementation - Degree to which the proposed game scenarios can be implemented in the
future. A maximum of nine points can be obtained by students on their proposed educational
role-playing game scenarios.
Unstructured interviews: It was used to collect the opinions of students regarding the proposed
guide. This instrument is very flexible and allows participants to give researchers their most
honest and direct opinions. In the 15-miniute interview, students can talk freely about the
importance of the mind-mapping guide.
4. Results
The results of the two learning tests were analyzed using the paired samples t-test method. This method
is appropriate in this context because the same group of students answered both learning tests (after
learning with lectures and mind-mapping guide). In this case, the null hypothesis is that there is no
difference between the mean score of the two level of knowledge tests. Table 1 presents the obtained
results. As shown in Table 1, the mean of the level of knowledge test results after using the
mind-mapping guide was higher than the test results after taking lectures. This is seen where the mean
difference is equal to 7.65. Particularly, this difference was significant since the p value is equal to .01
and less than 0.05. Consequently, the null hypothesis is rejected. Therefore, the mind-mapping guide as
a learning method has significantly enhanced the students’ knowledge regarding designing educational
role-playing games, compared to the lectures learning method.
Paired Differences
Std. 95% CID Sig.
Pair 1 Std. t df
Mean Error (2-tailed)
Dev Lower Upper
Test 2 - Test 1 7.65 3.95 .37 6.92 8.39 20.69 112 .01
Experts considered that scenarios which got 5 points or more are considered valid. The number of valid
game scenarios using the first learning method (using lectures) is very limited and only has SIX
scenarios. However, after using the mind-mapping guide, the number of valid game scenarios is
improved to have FORTY-SIX scenarios. This is seen when almost half of the students were able to
write a valid game scenario. Thus, it can be deduced that the internal architecture this guide presents
about these games can help students to know the different game elements to implement within their
game and how these elements to communicate to generate a game scenario that could be implemented.
Furthermore, the creative thinking test results were analyzed using the paired samples t-test
method. The null hypothesis is that there is no difference between the mean score of the results. As
shown in Table 2, the mean value of the results after using the mind-mapping guide is higher than the
results after taking lectures. This is seen where the mean difference is equal to 13.12. Particularly, this
difference was significant since the p value is equal to .00 and less than 0.05. Consequently, the null
hypothesis is rejected. Therefore, the mind-mapping guide as a learning method has significantly
enhanced the students’ creative thinking regarding imagining educational role-playing game scenarios,
compared to the lectures learning method.
Paired Differences
Pair 1 Std. 95% CID t df
Mean Std. Error ailed)
Dev Mean
Lower Upper
Test 2 - Test 1 13.12 1.95 .21 .67 1.64 4.85 112 .00
Students were asked to freely give their opinions about the proposed guide, as a learning material; did
they find it effective and helpful? Did they find it interesting or not? This helped to further evaluate it
through their given feedback. As a result, eighty students found the mind-mapping guide helpful, nine
students found it hard to understand, ten students did not give any feedback and finally fourteen
students gave different feedback (e.g., the mind map guide would be efficient if it contains some
descriptions). Based on these statistics, we can conclude that the students have a favorable attitude
toward the proposed mind-mapping guide.
5. Discussion and conclusion
Buzan and Buzan (1996) mentioned that the human brain is drawn to graphics more than words, thus
mind-mapping should always relies on graphics. Also, they mentioned that the use of graphics and no
linear branches stimulate the entire brain. This study presented a mind-mapping guide to support the
design of educational role-playing games for beginners. Based on the obtained results, the presented
mind-mapping guide conceived in graphics is very effective for students learning the design of
educational role-playing games.
Boley (2008) found that the learning outcomes of nursing students who have used
mind-mapping are much better than those who have not used mind-mapping. The obtained findings also
showed that the developed mind-mapping guide can help beginners enhance their knowledge regarding
educational role-playing games compared to the traditional method. Additionally, Wu and Chen (2018)
stated that mind mapping can be used as a learning tool to promote thinking in both the left and right
brain hemispheres of a student. Spencer, Anderson and Ellis (2013) stated that mind-mapping can
enhance creative thinking and knowledge attainment. For instance, Wang, Ding, Xu, Wei and Dilinar
(2014) found that mind-mapping supports student’s divergent thinking and their innovation skills in
learning of medical immunology. Based on the obtained results, the provided mind-mapping guide does
support the thinking or the imagination task regarding educational game scenario within students
compared to the traditional method. On the other hand, some limitations are found in this study which
should be acknowledged and further researched. For example, the conducted experiment did not include
control and experiment groups. Additionally, the proposed mind-mapping guide requires a short
learning session about UML, specifically the class diagram and its different types of relations. This
helps to better understand the guide and make full use of it.
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Education. Taiwan: Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education
Abstract: The increasing in the average age of performing arts audiences is a worldwide
problem. If we focus on Spanish dance, the problem becomes more serious. Several studies alert
that the dance situation in Spain is critical: the number of spectators in this discipline has been
decreasing in the last ten years, reducing its numbers by a half in this period. On the other hand,
there is an incipient current that advocates the use of new technologies -especially, videogames-
to attract young audiences.
This article details the creation process of "Dancing a treasure", an educational videogame
aiming to motivate the youngsters towards the Spanish dance. First, we discuss the Application
Domain Research Document (ADR Document), a design document to help new researchers by
shortening designing times in similar projects. Next, we detail the videogame design decisions
based on the lessons learned from the ADR phase. Finally, we argue the most important points
of the development and production phase.
This work aims to set a precedent for the design and development of videogames based on
performing arts, simplifying the work of other developers facing a similar project.
1. Introduction
According to the latest Yearbook (2017) of the General Society of Authors and Publishers (SGAE,
2017), the dance situation in Spain is critical. According to this report, the number of spectators in this
discipline has been decreasing in the last ten years, reducing its numbers by a half in this period (1.65
million in 2007 compared to 0.85 million in 2016).
This is not an isolated report. It is also demonstrated by the data collected by the latest survey
on cultural habits in Spain, produced by the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports
(Ministerio de Educación, 2015), which shows that only 7% of the people surveyed have attended a
dance show between 2014 and 2015. This situation is aggravated if we focus on Spanish dance, a big
representative of the folk culture. This type of shows is attended only by 17.9% of the regular audience
of dance shows, which results in 1.25% of the total number of respondents. These data pose a risk to a
very representative part of the Spanish culture, our most typical dances.
A good way to keep this type of shows alive in the medium and long term is to bring them
closer to young people, in line with the thought: “You only can love what you know”. We live in the age
of digital natives and it is very difficult to reach an audience that receives stimuli in form of information
from many sources simultaneously (Piscitelli, 2008). To solve this problem, in the last decades a current
has emerged: serious games. This type of games has a lot of applications. Different studies indicate that
they can be very useful when it comes to increasing student interest (Sung & Hwang, 2013), their
motivation to learn (Dickey, 2011; Hwang, Wu, & Chen, 2012; Van Eck, 2007) and the engagement
with culture (Shapiro & Hall, 2017) using specific techniques (Wouters & Van Oostendorp, 2017).
Currently, most studies based on serious games are being conducted in purely technical fields,
such as mathematics or computer science. This is known as STEM (Science, Technologic, Engineering,
Mathematics), a term that encompasses all these fields. Despite this, there are American researchers
developing tools outside these limits -and that is also reaching countries like Spain- to the creation of a
new term: STEAM. "A" introduces the concept of Arts within the set of disciplines of educational
videogames. Arts based videogames have already been created, for example, based on classical theater
plays, which have demonstrated the effectiveness of these tools to motivate young people (Hernandez,
Perez, Riojo, Morata, & Manero, 2016; Manero, Fernández-Vara, & Fernández-Manjón, 2013).
The National Ballet of Spain (from now on BNE) is a public dance company. Its fundamental
task is to preserve and spread the rich Spanish choreographic heritage as an intangible heritage that is a
sign of cultural identity, collecting its stylistic plurality and its traditions, represented by its different
forms: Ballet, Danza Estilizada, Folclore, Escuela Bolera, and Flamenco (España, 2018). Until now,
the BNE has tried to alleviate the problem of the public influx with campaigns to recruit young people
through traditional formats with limited results. The book "Bailando un Tesoro" (Azucena Huidobro;
Mercedes Palacios, 2016), written by Azucena Huidobro, artistic director of this institution, is the best
example of this. For this reason, the BNE has decided to test the use of new technologies to attract
young audiences.
This article details the design of the videogame "Bailando un Tesoro", a tool based on Spanish
dance, which objective is to motivate young people towards Spanish dance. We focus the design to
children from 9 to 11 years old. This document can be useful for future researchers who want to carry
out similar projects. This project, as we will see later, has been carried out in close collaboration with
the BNE.
This article is structured as follows: In section 2 we talk about the domain research process
prior to the videogame design. Section 3 illustrates this design phase, both narrative and interaction.
Section 4 details the development and production of the tool. In section 5, we describe the conclusions
drawn from this project. Finally, section 6 illustrates the long way to go with the presented tool and
future related projects.
As in many occasions, when it comes to creating educational tools for other areas than computer
science, the big problem we face is the lack of information that the designers have about the specific
area of knowledge. Given this lack of knowledge, the first step was to know this area and study if there
is any precedent tool in this field. This project puts dance and computers science together, two
disciplines that share a small common ground at first. Thus, before starting the design, we had to
familiarize ourselves with the BNE and the Spanish dance. It is very important to bear in mind that this
investigation did not find us any similar videogame in the market, so we had to start from scratch. We
started by creating an Application Domain Research Document (ADR Document), a document that
details the steps to follow in this first phase (See Figure 1). In this graphic, the different phases that were
included in said document are detailed.
As reflected in our ADR Document, the first step was the organization of a hackathon. The lack of
similar games forced us to place ourselves in a phase of divergent thinking (the main goal was to
produce as many ideas as possible without any restrictions) in which to compile different ways of
creating a videogame of these characteristics. This hackathon would work as a brainstorming phase but
with real prototypes. During this weekend event, the participants had the assistance of dancers from the
company itself, who acted as technical consultants in the field of Spanish dance.
After collecting all the ideas in the hackathon phase, during the first month and a half of the
project, the designers went regularly to the BNE headquarters, in order to see trials and learn about the
work that is done there. The team attended all the different rehearsals performed by the company
dancers throughout the day, as well as general rehearsals of functions that were to be performed soon.
At the same time, interviews were prepared with different members of the company. The goal of all
these interviews was to cover the entire spectrum of ballet figures. All interviews followed the same
script: 1) Personal history from the beginning of their dancing careers, 2) their day to day in the BNE,
and 3) issues that are considered basic to become a dancer.
All the dancers and the interviewees agreed on the importance of beginnings. Therefore, it was
fundamental to know how these beginnings were and that those future professionals would tell their
experience in the first person. For this reason, the staff of the Royal Mariemma Professional Dance
Conservatory was able to help. With their help, we attended to several classical ballet and Spanish
dance classes for children between 8 and 12 years old. Furthermore, we were able to speak directly with
several of these children. They gave their vision of the process they were going through.
3. Design phase
Thanks to the information collected in the ADR phase, especially in the interviews with the dancers, the
weight of the dancer's story in the life of the dancers was clear. In addition, by comparing the stories of
the different interviewees, one could clearly observe a pattern in their life stories, where their
beginnings in the dance world are a fundamental part.
The book "Dancing a treasure" (Azucena Huidobro; Mercedes Palacios, 2016) tells the story of
4 children who love to dance. The 4 styles of Spanish dance (Flamenco, Folclore, Danza Estilizada and
Escuela Bolera) are told through these kids. Because this book is written by a former dancer, you can
see similarities between this narrative and the beginnings of a dancer. These similarities made the
design team decide that this world created for the book was the perfect starting point for the game story.
The goal of this phase was to find the best way of - knowing the data of the characters offered by the
book - giving life to it and creating a context that included all the data collected in the domain of
application research phase.
The first phase of the design was focused on the design of the book worlds and the gamification (i.e.
the stages and how the game progresses). Thanks to interviews and data collected in the ADR
document, we realized that there are always three basic stages in a professional dancer’s development:
1) the beginnings, 2) the conservatory; studying the dance in depth and 3) becoming a professional. For
this reason, it was decided to give the narrative these three phases: 1) “Neighborhood" (tutorial) school
where we try to represent the beginnings of the dancers. 2) Conservatory, where the in-depth study of
dance is represented. In this phase, the four styles of the Spanish dance are explained and put into
practice. 3) The National Ballet of Spain, where the last leap to professionalism is represented. In this
phase there are exams or auditions to dance with the company. Finally, a small representation is done in
the virtual Zarzuela Theater, a theater located in Madrid and one of the main theaters in Spain.
The second design decision was to choose how the main characters were going to be. In the BNE
case, and in the dance world in general, there is a strong division by gender. Following the
recommendation of the BNE, and to favor the identification of the player with a character thanks to the
gender, it was decided that there would be two possible characters: a boy and a girl. It was decided not
to give names to either of them to avoid distancing the characters from the user, being able to identify
with the characters directly as if the game main characters were themselves.
On the other hand, there are NPCs (Non-Playable Characters), who would be the ones who
would offer all the information to the players during the story. As in the book mentioned before, we
have characters with whom the users will discover the different styles and key components of the
national dance. It was decided that each of the characters would identify with one of the videogame
phases (explained more in detail in the previous point). Therefore, we needed 6 NPC characters that
would serve as teachers.
At the same time, the book that contextualizes this narrative, as explained at the beginning of
this point, has 4 children representing each of the 4 styles of dance. In the book, they explain what is
important in each one of the styles and what is special about it. This was translated directly to the
videogame, making these children act as support during the conservatory phase.
From the data extracted in the ADR phase, the main keys in Spanish dance were obtained: 1) movement
and 2) rhythm. Therefore, based on the first point, we decided from the beginning that the main
character was going to be in the center of the scene. Having the focus on it, the user must act to influence
the dance. To do this, and taking rhythm as a reference, it was proposed to integrate different types of
rhythmic interactions -buttons, collectibles, etc.- on the sides of the screen, in order not to hide the
dance. This idea seemed to work since most of the music or dance games are focused in the same way;
for example, Guitar Hero or OSU!
The main problem regarding this point was the choice of the best interactions that would be
developed. Based on data collected in ADR phase, many possible types of interactions were designed in
order to try and check which of these works better. Subsequently we began to prototype all these ideas
to get tests and try to find the most appropriate ones. This process was repeated iteratively testing
different options, varying them and discarding many of them.
Finally, we obtained the two following interactions to be implemented in the development phase:
Tap: rhythmic button that appears following the music rhythm. With this button appears a
surrounding circle that narrows as it approaches the moment of pressing it. With this
interaction, we represent simple or individual movements in the dance.
Follow the path: interaction consisting of the appearance of a back comb (with which the user
interacts) that must be dragged over a "path" drawn by roses -collectables- in order from closest
to farthest. This button represents movements that require displacements or that are more
In a first phase, we developed a Minimum Viable Product (MVP). This is a prototype of the game, as
close to the final version as possible, to be used as a model for the entire game development. This
strategy aims to test a version that offers a complete experience, although much shorter, to receive
feedback at the lowest possible cost.
To achieve this goal, two scenes were developed: 1) a story scene, with test dialogues and 2) a
dance scene where the selected interactions could be tested, the different shuffled possibilities of the 3D
animations and different possible feedbacks to the user.
As already specified in the design phase, the two keys to Spanish dance are movement and
rhythm. Therefore, we considered crucial from the beginning that: 1) the movement of the character had
to be the most technically correct and 2) the design of the interactions had to be designed in a way that
would fit both the choreography rhythm and the music.
To achieve the first objective, we used a motion capture suit, recording the BNE director dancing
the different choreographies. Later, we transferred those movements to our game’s main character. This
recording was not exact in detail due to the low accuracy of the motion capture suit, so it was important
to refine the dances together with the professional dancers.
As a design decision, 3 versions of the same dances were recorded with 3 levels of technical
accuracy: 1) a perfect dance 2) a dance with certain technical failures and 3) a badly danced one. The
objective with these recordings was to mix them during the gameplay in order of accuracy according to
the player’s good (improve the dance) or bad (the dance get worse) performance. It was intended that
the user's interactions would have a direct impact on the character's dance. These recordings were
finally discarded due to the BNE need that the dances must always be perfectly performed. They did not
want to represent even slightly non-technically exact dances- much less some badly done ones-.
Finally, we developed a tool to confiture the interactions. It tells the system what, where and
when the interactions should appear on the screen. This configurator was developed to allow people
without technical knowledge to modify choreographies, such as dancers, allowing them to adjust this
interaction to the rhythm.
5. Conclusions
The main objective of this paper is to explain the detailed design of a motivational videogame. The aim
of this tool is to alleviate an important problem, that is, the low attendance to classical Spanish dance
performances, demonstrated by the MECD cultural habits survey (Ministry of Education, 2015) and the
last Yearbook (2017) (see Introduction).
The main conclusion drawn is that we managed to put together two very distant fields:
computer science and dance. In the first steps of the project, the members of the design team used a
completely different language than the one used by the BNE team. Mainly, the game designers have
difficulties to understand part of the BNE main points to represent the dance. This meant that the team
had to interview the BNE team more times than expected. To alleviate this, a continuous study of the
area was needed, requesting the BNE to give small workshops where all these key points could be
explained to the design team: in particular, multiple workshops on rhythms and tempos, terms
completely unknown by the design team. With this information, we developed tools to make the game
design process more precise. The conclusion of the designers is that, following the steps represented in
the ADR document, the design process is optimized.
During the process several false steps were taken. Recording regular and bad dances in order to
provide feedback to the player seemed to be a great idea to improve gamification. When included in the
game, the BNE members couldn´t admit showing not accurate dances. This misunderstanding led us to
lose a great development effort.
However, if we had the ADR, this could have been avoided, since the idea was not tested
correctly. The continuous testing and the inclusion of the company in the design process was key in the
success of the project.
It is our hope that the design process detailed in this paper will help other educational game
designers to tackle projects involving performing arts.
6. Future work
This project seeks to have some results and an academic impact. For this reason, a massive experiment
will be carried out with the videogame in order to verify if it really works and fulfils what it has been
created for: the increase of youth interest in Spanish dance. This experiment will be presented with a
quasi-experimental design, with a control group and an experimental group. For this experiment we
have the support of the National Ballet of Spain, which will allow all groups to go to a private rehearsal
of this company. With the analysis of the results, we will try to verify statistically the effectiveness of
the videogame. This support will also allow us to measure how the game influences future spectators.
Finally, the possible applications of all this material and learning in environments of new
interfaces, such as virtual reality and augmented reality, are being considered. Currently, the research
team is involved in several projects with virtual reality, such as the one financed by the BBVA
Foundation for the improvement of public speaking skills. Currently, one of the authors of this article is
working on adapting this project to a virtual environment.
This project has been partially funded by BBVA foundation (ComunicArte project:
PR2005-174/01), and Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities of Spain (Didascalias,
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Abstract: Recently, big earthquakes happen worldwide, and UNDRR adopted the Sendai
Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction. Learning about earthquakes is getting more important.
When learning about disasters, it is important to treat them as it is their own problem. For this,
Mitsuhara proposed the GLI (Global, Local, and Individual) model of disaster education. To
make learners learn as it is their problem, we need to develop an environment that they can
perform the local and individual disaster learning. It is also important to keep learning about
disasters. For this, we prototyped evacuation learning game with VR, and the game reproduces
the environment that is familiar to learners with VR to achieve local and individual level
disaster learning. In this study, we reproduced building No.5 in our university where students
mainly used every day because the target students of the game are our university students. We
also conducted a preliminary experimental evaluation of the learning game. The results showed
that (1) the reproduced environment can encourage learners to imagine a situation that an
earthquake happens at the place that is familiar to them, (2) the game factors may motivate
learners to learn about disasters.
Keywords: Disaster Education, Game-based Learning, Virtual Reality, Learning Assist System
1. Introduction
Recently, big earthquakes happen worldwide, and UNDRR (2015) adopted the Sendai Framework for
disaster risk reduction. Learning about earthquakes themselves and how to evacuate from earthquakes
are imperative and developing a learning environment of an earthquake is an important issue.
It is also essential to keep learning about disasters because we cannot take appropriate decisions
at disasters if we do not remember the knowledge about disasters at any interval. Besides, learners must
participate in disaster education as it is their problem. For this, Mitsuhara (2018) proposed the GLI
(Global, Local, and Individual) model of disaster education, which each level is defined by being
focused on what people need to learn. On the global level, disasters themselves are focused and people
learn general knowledge. For example, if they learn earthquakes, they learn knowledge such as
earthquake intensity and magnitude and how to keep safe, etc. Then, on the local level, a community
that people belong to is focused and they learn how to apply the knowledge they learned on the global
level to the community. Finally, on the individual level, people learn how to expect what will happen
and how to behave as an individual person when a disaster occurs in the community.
For learning about disasters as their own problem, we considered that learning on the local and
individual level is important. Therefore, we aim to construct a learning platform where learners can
perform local and individual level disaster learning. In order to achieve local and individual level
disaster learning, we reproduce an environment that is familiar to learners with VR. Freina and Ott
(2015) reported that immersive VR can offer the following advantages; VR can allow learners to have
partial immersive and can support providing a safe training environment avoiding real danger. In
addition, Krokos et al. (2018) revealed that immersive VR can assist learners in having better memory
ability compared to non-immersive VR environment. Thus, we reproduce an environment with VR.
Many disaster learning systems have been developed, but most of them are not for the local and
individual level learning (for example, the reproduced environment is an ordinary building). Li et al.
(2017) developed the learning system for earthquake safety training through the virtual drill. In this
system, learners undergo training in the reproduced room with VR. The learners attempt to detect
potential danger and a way to protect themselves through an immersive training experience. Ruffino et
al. (2018) developed the simulation and serious game for fire evacuation training. This game is
designed to learn fire evacuation from a building in urban areas with immersive VR and serious game
approach. However, the reproduced places on their learning system are general buildings so that
learners cannot learn on the local and individual level. Hence, we reproduce an environment that is
familiar to learners.
In addition to the above, we adopt the game-based learning approach to motivate learners. Even
if we develop a good learning environment, it will not have enough learning effectiveness if learners do
not learn repeatedly. Many research (like Perrotta et al. 2013) reported that game-based learning and
gamification approach are effective to motivate learners. So, we adopt a game-based learning approach
and will implement game factors to the learning platform. Therefore, in this research, we prototype the
learning game that consists of an environment that is familiar to learners and game factors to motive
them to keep learning. We also conducted a preliminary evaluation of the learning game.
As mentioned in the introduction, we aim to achieve the situation that learners can learn earthquake
evacuation on the environment that is familiar to learners. Therefore, the stage in the learning game is
the building No.5 in our university reproduced with VR by Unity (Figure 37).
The learning game has a timer so that learners can see the time that they spent to evacuate. The time is
recorded and used by the evaluation function mentioned later. When we evacuate, not only fast but also
safe evacuation is important. So, the learning game has the parameter that shows how safe learners are
evacuating. This parameter is called “safety percentage.” safety percentage will decrease when they
take inappropriate actions such as not hiding under the table when an earthquake occurs, going near
fragile things like windows, and running when they evacuate. The game is over if the safety percentage
becomes 0%. We expect that showing decreasing safety percentage facilitates learners to learn
inappropriate action in earthquake evacuation.
If learners take a dangerous action that may lead to death, the learning game will restart, and the learners
have to starting again from the start point. Also, when they take a dangerous action, the number that
shows how many times they took dangerous actions (dangerous action count) will increase. Figure 38
shows the screen after restarting. The alert about the dangerous action that they took is shown. Then,
they need to start again, being careful of dangerous actions. This time, we employed taking an elevator
as a dangerous action in the learning game. Thus, when learners get closer to an elevator, the dangerous
action count will increase, and the learning game will restart. The game will be over when the count
becomes three.
The learning game has an evaluation function to get learners motivated to achieve better evacuation
result. The function evaluates their evacuation judging from the Safety Percentage and clear time after
they played the learning game. Also, the learning game records their best score.
The learning game has an achievement list to encourage learners to learn repeatedly. We expect that
learners consider better behaviors on evacuation to clear assignment in the achievement list. Figure 39
shows the achievement list. When they achieve an assignment, Clear is shown on the right side of the
list. The assignments in the list get more difficult from the first one to the fifth one. We expect that
including the conditions (such as clear time and safety percentage) in the assignment statement facilitate
learners to consider such as what better actions on the evacuation are, how to evacuate more safely.
In this chapter, we explain the learning flow with the learning game. This game is implemented with
Unity for VR. Learners put Head Mount Display (HMD) and use a controller to play the learning game
(HMD is Oculus Rift, and the controller is Oculus Touch).
When learners start the learning game, the screen shown in Figure 38 but without an alert will
appear. The learning game starts at the students' lounge which is on the second floor of the building
No.5 (Left side of Figure 37). First, leaners hide under a table following the instruction until the tremors
of the earthquake stopped. If they do not hide this time, the safety percentage will decrease. After
stopping the tremors of the earthquake, learners start the evacuation. They are going to find doors to the
outside, which are on the first floor of the building. If they can find one of them and can get out of the
building, the evacuation is a success. As mentioned in chapter 2, the safety percentage will decrease if
they run or go near windows, and the dangerous action count will increase, and the learning game will
restart if they get closer to an elevator. The game is over if the safety percentage becomes 0% or if they
do dangerous actions three times. If they succeeded in an evacuation, the result screen (Figure 40) will
appear, and learners can see an evaluation. The best score is updated if the score of the learning game is
higher than the current best score.
If learners succeed in an evacuation, they select whether they play the learning game again or they go
back to the title screen on the result screen. If they failed to evacuate, they select whether they play the
learning game again or they go back to the title screen on the game over screen. After playing the game,
they can check the achievement list (Figure 39) to achieve better evacuation on the next learning.
Repeating this flow, learners can learn how to evacuate from the building No.5 repeatedly.
4.1 Hypotheses
We have the following two hypotheses to verify the effectiveness of the Learning Game:
Hypothesis 1: Learning with a reproduced environment which is familiar to learners assist them in
imagining what is going happen when an earthquake occurs.
Hypothesis 2: The game features can stimulate their learning.
First, we show the manual of the learning game and explain what learners should do in this evaluation.
Then, they put the HMD and practice usage of Oculus Touch with practice mode. When they think they
practiced enough, they start the earthquake evacuation learning game. They play the learning game
twice, regardless of succeeding to evacuate or not. After playing the learning game, learners answered
the questionnaire for the learning game on Google Form. The questionnaire is a four-grade evaluation;
four is good, and one is poor. Twelve engineering students participated in this evaluation.
Table 11 shows the results of the questionnaire. The numbers colored with red insist positive, and the
numbers colored with blue insist negative. The totals may not become 100% due to rounding off.
Table 11
The Contents and Results of the Questionnaire
Questions 4pt 3pt 2pt 1pt
Q1: Could you imagine a situation that an earthquake happens
0% 75% 25% 0%
at the place that is familiar to you by this experience?
Q2: Did you think that the things that you learned with this
8.3% 41.7% 50% 0%
learning game are useful for real evacuation?
Q3: Did showing Safety Percentage and restart function assist
33.3% 50.0% 0% 16.7%
you in learning inappropriate actions and dangerous actions?
Q4: Did you think you want to learn repeatedly by evaluation
16.7% 66.7% 16.7% 0%
function and best score recording functions?
Q5: Did the achievement list assist you in learning with this
8.3% 83.3% 8.3% 0%
game repeatedly?
Q6: Is the quality of the game (e.g., playability, user-interface,
25% 41.7% 25% 8.3%
and so on) good?
Q7: Did you think the learning game made you think that you
16.7% 66.7% 16.7% 0%
need to keep learning about disaster?
Moreover, some learners described the following opinions in the free describing field:
It is better if you can make it clear where the exit is.
I little wonder about going through the goal.
I felt that the walking speed in the learning game is different from that in the real world. It should
be a little faster.
I wanted some hints like when we need to reset the learning game.
It was not clear where the exit is, so it is better to use something like a maker to make it clear.
It was not clear where the exit is. The walking speed is too slow so that I wanted to run while I
know it is dangerous.
It is better to make it clear where the exit is.
Q3, Q4, and Q5 correspond to hypothesis 2. Q3 is the question to check that showing Safety Points and
restart function assisted learners in learning inappropriate action and dangerous action. 80% of learners
answered that those features assisted their learning. Q4 is to check evaluation and best score recording
functions encourage to learn repeatedly and Q5 is to check the achievement list encourages to learn
repeatedly. Nearly 85% of learners had positive answers on Q4 and nearly 90% had positive answers on
Q5. Thus, it is suggested that the game features stimulate learning. Thus, this result can support
hypothesis 2.
From the result of Q6, only 60% of learners had positive answers. This is not as high percentage as other
question except Q2. Besides, from the opinions in the free description area, they described the negative
opinions about the quality of the learning game. This result means that the learning game should be
refined to have better quality. Also, this results in the lower satisfaction on Q2. However, 75% of
learners had positive answers on Q1 even the learning game does not have good quality. These results
may lead that reproducing the place that is familiar to the learners and developing the environment that
they can practice earthquake evacuation on their familiar place are effective to encourage learners to
imagine a situation when a big earthquake occurs even the quality of the learning game is not
necessarily good. We consider they could have achieved earthquake evacuation learning on the local
and individual level.
Considering the result of Q7, we thought Q7 was too general so that the question does not
evaluate any portions of the learning game. However, this question asks that the learning “game” can
motivate learners. Thus, We consider that this result shows the effectiveness of Game-based Learning.
5. Conclusion
In this research, we prototyped an earthquake evacuation learning game with VR. The learning game
aims to learn earthquake evacuation on the environment where learners are familiar. The learning game
has game factors: safety percentage and dangerous action count which encourage learners to learn
inappropriate actions on earthquake evacuation, the restart function, the evaluation function, the
achievement list. As future work, we will add more situations that may happen in earthquakes such as
fire, blackout, and rescuing wounded people. Besides, physical movement in the learning game is not
perfect. We will handle both problems of learning contents and game quality.
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and Perspectives. Proceedings of the 11th International Scientific Conference eLearning and Software for
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Chang, M. et al. (Eds.) (2019). Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Computers in
Education. Taiwan: Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education
Abstract: Steam education integrates multiple disciplines for education and teaching. It is an
educational concept and measure for international education to explore talent training in the
21st century. This paper uses the literature analysis method to sort out the current research status
and hotspots of the current Steam class design and teaching application. It is also proposed to
combine the strengths of gamification teaching, and to drive the project-driven and
task-oriented design of the Steam lesson to be closer to the game, whether or not it contains
modern technology. Combined with relevant theories, this paper attempts to construct a design
model of steam teaching activity based on gamification task orientation, and describes the
design and practice process of the successful case of the fifth grade primary school campus sand
table. After the course, the questionnaire and interview method will be used to understand the
teaching effect of the steam class. The results show that the teaching mode is effective in
primary school classroom teaching, which can enhance students' enthusiasm for learning and
provide a better learning experience. It is expected that the case in this study will provide a
reference for steam education researchers in practical exploration.
1. Introduction
The training goal of “disciplinary literacy” in China's current steam education has limited its
development to some extent. Many international researchers have advocated that core literacy and
subject literacy are put into the same position, and carried out some experiments. On the other hand, the
gamification education in recent years has faced serious problems of “fragmentation” and “hollowing”
due to the lack of physical curriculum. The teaching methods of cultivating the core literacy advocated
by gamification teaching, such as fun practice, exploration and innovation, provide a reference for the
improvement of steam education. According to the above situation, this paper proposes a steam
education model based on gamification task orientation. It shifts its educational goal orientation from a
disciplined literacy to a comprehensive literacy that combines discipline and practical collaboration,
from general problem-solving ability to creative problem-solving ability.
2. Research Background
STEM education is a national development strategy proposed by the United States to cope with future
social challenges [1]. Because it is in line with the direction of education reform, countries around the
world have introduced stem or steam education to varying degrees. This paper focuses on the design of
classroom examples and teaching practice, and uses the literature analysis method to sort out the current
research status and hotspots. The literature is mainly collected through domestic and foreign literature
databases, such as CNKI database, Taiwan Huayi database, EBSCO, ERIC, etc. The time is from 2009
to 2019. Keywords include “steam lesson”, “steam class”, “steam practice”, "steam application" and so
on. After screening, 120 articles with higher correlation were obtained, and the keyword co-occurrence
network map was drawn, as shown in Fig. 1.
According to Figure 1, the co-word network of the entire keyword is not completely dense, and
the secondary nodes are more prominent. The network is centered on steam and stem education, and it is
surrounded by relatively obvious secondary node centers such as project learning, curriculum design,
self-learning, empirical research, 3D printing lessons, scratch, flipping classrooms, and
interdisciplinary integration. There are also three-level nodes based on science, biology, physics,
geography, innovative thinking, and case teaching. To a certain extent, this shows that the research on
steam education has a certain breadth and depth. The research hotspot is based on the project design
research of science, physics, chemistry and other disciplines. On the other hand, it is the curriculum
development to train high-level steam ability.
2.2 The Origin of Gamification Teaching and the Integration with Steam Education
In ancient times, the relationship between education, life and games was close, but with the introduction
of the class system in Comenius, education and games gradually became opposed [2]. Educational
researchers are beginning to seek change. German educator Froebel suggests that early childhood
education should be combined with games. Italian educator Montessori believes that games are a
necessary stage for early childhood development, and American educator Dewey believes that games
should be part of the school curriculum. To sort out the development of gamification education, we find
that researchers all over the world agree that games are important in the development of children.
China's steam education is more dependent on a specific subject, and relatively more emphasis
on the cultivation of subject quality, it is easy to fall into the trap of the surface steam education.
Combined with the above literature analysis, we found that there is a broad application prospect is the
task orientation of life and gamification, so the team proposed to design the task of the Steam lesson to
be closer to the game, whether or not it contains modern technology. At the same time, combined with
the theory of steam teaching design, build a steam teaching activity design pattern.
There are three parts of the theoretical thoughts related to steam instructional design. One is the learning
theory represented by the theory of generative learning and the theory of learning in practice.
Generative learning theory means that learning is mainly influenced by existing knowledge and
experience, rather than by external stimulus or reinforcement [3]. The active generation process is
different from the simple storage information, which emphasizes the characteristics of the learning
subject and cognitive strategies. The theory of learning in practice is the theory put forward by the
educator Dewey on the basis of the ideas of “education is life” and “education is the transformation of
experience” [4].
The second is the design theory of steam teaching activities based on project-based learning,
group cooperative learning, and 6E teaching mode. Project-based learning provides students with the
questions they need to solve in real situations, helping to understand science, technology, engineering,
and mathematics [5]. Group-based collaborative learning is a mutual-assisted learning in which
students have a clear division of labor in order to accomplish common tasks. The 6E learning model
divides the STEAM teaching process into attraction, inquiry, interpretation, design, development and
evaluation, focusing on integrating the engineering design process into classroom teaching [6]. The
third is the idea of gamification teaching, which is very compatible with the characteristics of the
mobile Internet, such as diversification, experience, fragmentation and so on. It can stimulate learning
motivation, promote cognitive development, and develop high-level steam skills such as problem
solving, collaborative learning, and creativity [7].
The design model of steam teaching activity based on gamification task orientation is constructed by
four aspects. The first aspect aims to cultivate a comprehensive quality that combines the discipline and
practical cooperation. At present, the focus of the steam education reform in all countries falls on the
core literacy. The early European Union proposed the eight literacy of lifelong learning, and the United
States proposed the core skills of the 21st century, as shown in Figure 2 [8]. In 2016, China proposed six
core literacy: responsibility, practical innovation, humanistic heritage, scientific spirit, learning to learn
and healthy living. After the literature and field research, we decided to put the cultivation of basic
subjects such as writing, reading and calculation into an important position in combination with the
situation of local schools, and at the same time increase core literacy, such as induction, reflection and
other learning literacy; classification, spatial imagination, Modeling and other abstract thinking;
innovative creativity, etc. The second aspect is to design a reasonable fun game as a task-driven and
analyze its rationality. For example, analyzing learners' learning foundations and requirements based on
generative learning theory, analyzing specific subject knowledge and core literacy, determining
learning objectives from the perspective of three-dimensional goals, and finally analyzing feasibility,
such as whether learning space, resources, etc. are sufficient to support the completion of practice.
In the third aspect, the learning style is learned in the practice of group cooperation. First,
design teaching context and specific module teaching knowledge in order to ensure each training goal,
and then complete the learning bracket design, including designer activities, learning expectations and
solutions. In the fourth aspect, the evaluation method is a dynamic evaluation of discussion sharing and
creative problem solving orientation. Based on the above, a design pattern of steam teaching activity
based on gamification task orientation is drawn, as shown in Figure 3.
5.1 Research Design and Teaching Process
Based on the established model, we designed four major themed steam classes—observing leaves,
garbage sorting, origami art, and campus sandboxes. The course is about 2-3 class hours per week, and
a theme class is completed in one month. The first round of practice took four months, targeting five
fifth-grade classes in a city in Fujian Province, China. The second round of practice is in progress in
Qingdao. The schedule is shown in Table 1. This article selects "Campus Sandbox" to elaborate.
The first lesson is observation and description. First of all, creating a game task situation leads
to the theme of this section, inspiring interest and thinking about whether it can make a campus sand
table for the alma mater, and then the teacher guides and emphasizes the importance of the project plan.
Study the orientation description method through case study to test the learning effect. Finally, leave the
after-school activities to draw a floor plan, and use the wrong floor plan to inspire and guide the
importance of the ratio. The second lesson is measurement and calculation. First, use the case to explore
new knowledge, and introduce the discussion of proportional calculation and application with maps.
Then enter the group practice (steam course is based on the teacher's understanding of the classmates to
divide the 5-6 heterogeneous study group), the teacher helps the students to divide the "work" of the
teaching building, playground, etc., and measure the campus by means of step test. Then summarize and
convert to model data.
The third lesson is a hands-on building. After the model data is compared, the construction
starts. Each team member should be able to work with others to share work, exchange experience, help
each other, evaluate, and solve various production and complex layout problems. Teachers can give
advice and reference practices as appropriate. The fourth lesson is communication expansion. Each
group displays the works of this group in turn, and evaluates each other whether the image is accurate
and beautiful. And recommend students to share their own task list, reflect on defects, give advice.
Finally, teachers use onion cells, planetary models, etc. to guide students to understand that from small
to very large, modeling is an important idea and method.
The Learning Motivation Scale was based on the revised learning motivation test conducted by Zhou
BuCheng of East China Normal University in 1991. The modified subscale is shown in Figure 4. After
completing the questionnaire online, 102 valid questionnaires were retrieved. The scale has good
reliability and validity, and its half-correlation coefficient is 0.83-0.89, and the re-test correlation
coefficient is 0.79-0.86. Questionnaire options are never, sometimes, and often recorded as 1-3 points,
so the total score is 12-36 points. The evaluation method below 21 points indicates that the learning
motivation is weak, and the higher than 28 points indicates strong. Calculated to have a mean value of
28.1, that is, at a strong level of learning motivation, and draw a fan chart proportionally, as shown in
Figure 5, it can be clearly seen that the gamification task drive basically makes the students have a more
positive learning attitude, which is good for the steam course and the learning effect.
The team designed a questionnaire to investigate the student's steam course learning and results, using
the Rickett scale to have a positive statement, from completely disagree to very agree with the five
options, the score is 1-5 points. After testing, the reliability coefficient is 0.912>0.7, and the validity
coefficient KMO 0.902>0.6, so the reliability and validity of the questionnaire is good. Count the
percentage of the total number of people in each of the 121 valid questionnaires that reached 4 points
and above, as shown in Figure 6. The proportion of consent for most topics reached 75%, indicating that
students have a lot of experience and gains in the course, especially in terms of learning interest,
participation, learning of subject knowledge, and ability to solve problems. The percentage of the two
topics related to whether gamification task orientation can stimulate creative inspiration and develop
modeling thinking is relatively low, but it is also close to 70%. It shows that this steam course has
played a certain role in the above aspects, but because the cultivation of ability and literacy is a
long-term process, it is difficult to show obvious effects in the case. In addition, we conducted
interviews with students, and the results are shown in Figure 7, which is mutually validated with the
results of the questionnaire.
The team invited two graduate students who participated in the steam project as scorers, including the
final eight works. Each aspect that can be evaluated is up to 10 points. A paired sample T test was
performed on the two sets of data to obtain Fig. 8. The probability value was less than 0.001 and the
correlation coefficient was positive, indicating that significant correlation and evaluation were
effective. The average score is taken and rounded off as the final score, as shown in Figure 9. Overall,
the team that finished the work scored higher, with an average score of 60 or more (total score of 80),
indicating that the completion was good. However, the gap between the groups is large. In combination
with the specific teaching situation, most of the groups of 5-6 people complete the work, while the C, D,
and E groups are all the whole class to complete a teacher's centralized guidance and gather the whole
class, so the score is relatively higher, especially in terms of the integrity, aesthetics and presentation of
the work. However, after communicating with the teachers, it was found that there were individuals in
the three classes who contributed less to the group's works, which needs to be improved.
Both the evaluation of the work and the interviews between teachers and students have verified the
effectiveness of the gamification task orientation, but the student base is different, and some hands-on
and collaboration skills are not high, so the design needs to be improved. For example, the preparation
work should be designed more fully. In addition, regarding the group study, the students took turns to be
the team leader, the spokesperson, the disciplinary officer, etc., and basically completed the task.
However, it is necessary to pay attention to the targeted, disciplined and underachievers of the group
activities. In general, this study focuses on the design and implementation of the steam class case,
proposes the advantages of combining gamification teaching, and constructs the design pattern of
teaching activities. The "Sandpaper Sandbox" is taken as an example to analyze the implementation
process and effect. This is a scientific practice inquiry, including the stages of participation, exploration,
sharing, expansion and evaluation, and forms a classroom mode in which groups and classes share,
communicate and question. The research results show that the students' interest and experience are
good, the classroom teaching effect is obvious, and the cultivation of disciplines and core literacy has
achieved initial results. However, there are still shortcomings in the research. For example, only
through questionnaires, there is a lack of discussion on deeper cognitive rules. The sample size is small,
and long-term verification is needed to promote the improvement of core literacy. In the future, we will
continue to explore steam classroom teaching based on gamification task orientation, and hope to
contribute to the development of steam education.
This research was funded by the research project of the Department of Education of East China Normal
University, "Application and Practice of STEAM Education in Weak Areas", and was completed in
cooperation with team members. I would like to thank you.
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Burke B N. The ITEEA 6E Learning By DesignTM Model: Maximizing Informed Design and Inquiry in the
Integrative STEM Classroom[J]. Technology and Engineering Teacher, 2014, 73(6): 14-19.
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Chang, M. et al. (Eds.) (2019). Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Computers in
Education. Taiwan: Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education
Abstract: Augmented reality applications for anatomy education have seen a large growth in
their literature presence as an educational technology. However, the majority of these new
anatomy applications limit their educational scope to the labelling of anatomical structures and
layers, and simple identification interactions. There is a strong need for expansion of augmented
reality applications, in order to give the user more dynamic control of the anatomy material
within the application. To meet this need, the mobile augmented reality (AR) application,
InNervate AR, was created. This application allows the user to scan a marker for two distinct
learning modules; one for labelling and identification of anatomy structures, the other one for
interacting with the radial nerve as it relates to the movement of the canine forelimb. A formal
user study was run with this new application, which included the Crystal Slicing test for
measuring visual spatial ability, the TOLT test to measure critical thinking ability, and both a
pre- and post- anatomy knowledge assessment. Data analysis showed a positive qualitative user
experience overall, and that the majority of the participants demonstrated an improvement in
their anatomical knowledge after using InNervate AR. This implies that the application may
prove to be educationally effective. In future, the scope of the application will be expanded,
based on this study’s analysis of user data and feedback, and educational modules for all of the
motor nerves of the canine forelimb will be developed.
1. Introduction
Due to the increased accessibility of educational technologies, the higher education anatomy curriculum
has seen rapid reformation (Biassuto et al., 2006). Traditionally, anatomy courses are primarily taught
with the methods of didactic lectures and cadaver dissection. The anatomy classroom teaching materials
are characterized by static and two- dimensional images. Laboratory involves dissection guides, animal
cadavers, and aids such as plastinated anatomical models (Peterson, 2016). However, decreased
laboratory funding and laboratory time, and increased technology development, have led to limiting
animal use to only teaching procedures which are considered essential (King, 2004; Murgitroyd et al.,
2015; Pujol et al., 2016). With the evolvement of learning theories in the classroom, as well as the
growth of 3D interactive technology, there is a need for those who work in the anatomy higher
education field to re-examine the learning tools that are used in anatomy courses (Azer & Azer, 2016).
One of several new trends to emerge in anatomy education technology is mobile augmented
reality (Mobile AR) applications. Augmented reality is defined as a technology that superimposes a
computer-generated image on a user’s view of the real world, thus providing a composite view. Mobile
AR has a large potential to serve in education, as it can make the educational environment more
engaging, productive, and enjoyable. Furthermore, it can provide a pathway for students to take control
of their own learning and discovery process (Lee et al., 2012). However, the majority of anatomy AR
applications focus primarily on labelling of anatomical structures and layers, or simple identification
interactions (Jamali, 2015, Kamphuis, 2014, Ma, 2016). It is important that anatomy content in Mobile
AR be expanded from simple identification questions, and labelled three-dimensional structures.
Mobile AR allows students to dynamically interact with digital content that is integrated with current
print-based learning materials.
We developed a mobile AR application called InNervate AR for smart mobile devices, which
explores the selected topic: deficits to canine muscle movement, in response to motor nerve damage.
This is a concept that is often frustrating to undergraduate anatomy students because it requires mental
visualization of the anatomical structures involved. InNervate AR also supports students’ critical
reasoning skills, while learning about motor innervation of the canine limb. This paper describes the
development of InNervate AR, as well as the user study to test its effectiveness as an anatomy learning
2. Application: InNervate AR
2.1 Design
InNervate AR includes two learning sections, which are incorporated in user study handouts. Canine
cadavers are used in many undergraduate school anatomy courses, as well as the course that participants
in this study have used in their coursework. Therefore, the anatomy of the canine was used in this
anatomy mobile AR application.
Section 1 involves labelling and identification of the structures of the canine thoracic limb. This
was purposefully developed to make sure that InNervate AR offered the same baseline tools for
user experience and learning as the existing anatomy applications that are available. Figure 1-1
shows the view of the participant during both learning modules.
Figure 3-41 The view of InNervate AR participant during the labelling module (left) and
the radial nerve animation module (Right).
In Section 2, the user dynamically interacts with a musculoskeletal system of the canine
thoracic limb, and plays animations of a healthy canine limb’s range of movement. They can
then visualize “damage” to different areas of the nerves of the limb, and be educated on what
deficits exist. The “damage” is cuts to the nerve with the swipe of a finger on the device screen,
and the resulting muscle action deficits are displayed with before and after animations of the
muscles’ ability (or inability) to move. Thus, the user can explore different combinations of
affects upon the anatomy, and become more actively engaged in the educational process of the
mobile AR application.
2.2 Development
For the radial nerve animation module, a total of five animation sequences were created. The first
animation sequence was the entire healthy range of motion of the canine thoracic. The other four
scenarios involved changes in movement capabilities of the limb, based on the motor innervation
provided by the radial nerve. These four radial nerve scenarios represented different possibilities of
damage that could have occurred to the radial nerve. Due to the infinite number of possible damage
scenarios to an organic animal’s nerves, the number of nerve damage scenarios was narrowed down to a
more finite set of 4 ranges. These 4 ranges would produce the most visually distinctive results between
each of the scenarios. This was done so that the scenario possibilities would not overwhelm the user.
InNervate AR was designed as a marker-based system with Google ARCore software, utilizing
image recognition developments from Viro Media. This means that the camera of the mobile device
detects a shape on a piece of paper, known as the marker, and then the application loads the
programmed learning module that corresponds to that marker (see Figure 3-2).
Anatomy students struggle with combining several layers of their knowledge together to make logical
conclusions about motor nerves and their relationship to the muscles which they innervate. An example
of this difficulty is when the students are asked to answer an exam question about which muscle
movement deficits would exist based on the information provided about an injury to a specific section
of the thoracic limb. When answering that question, the student has to complete several mental steps.
First, they must correctly mentally visualize the muscles and nerves of the thoracic limb. Next, they must
recall which motor nerves are located in the injured section of the thoracic limb. Afterwards, they must
recall which muscles are specifically innervated by the motor nerves in that area of the thoracic limb.
By processing that information, they can recall what the actions of those muscles are, and then describe
which muscle movements will be impaired. The final consideration that they must make is if the nerves
which were damaged continued further down the limb, because if so, then further deficits might exist
distally due to the linear relationship between nerve signals and the muscles that they communicate
InNervate AR was designed to give students a learning platform for seeing a 3D representation
of these clinical reasoning scenarios. The AR technology allows the students to view all of the
anatomical structures together, and then actually see how they work together when healthy, or become
impaired with damage.
3. User Study
Students from the a Texas A&M physiology course were recruited for a user study with InNervate AR.
This course is the class that Texas A&M students are required to take in their degree plan after
completion of their required anatomy course. Each participant was given 90 minutes maximum to
complete the activities of the user study. First, the participant was asked to complete a pre-activity
questionnaire. The participant was then asked to complete the timed Crystal Slicing Test (Ormand et al.,
2013). They had 3 minutes to complete the test. The participant was next asked to complete the 38
minute Tobin and Capie 1981 TOLT (Test of Logical Thinking) test (Tobin & Capie, 1980).
After completion of the TOLT test, the participant was provided with a mobile device
(SAMSUNG Galaxy) and a corresponding paper handout for how they were to proceed with interacting
with InNervate AR. This handout asked them to perform specific tasks, in a defined sequence, in order
to ensure that the user had interacted with all parts of the application. The handout had a place for them
to check-off when they had completed a task within the application. This handout also had image
markers that Innervate AR could scan, to bring up the different learning modules that are built into the
The participant’s duration of use of the application was recorded. The participant was free to
ask the user study facilitator questions about navigation of the application. While the participant was
using the application, another mobile application on the same device was recording the screen of the
device. The participant's interaction with the mobile AR application was also recorded on video with a
camera. After completing their interaction with InNervate AR, the participant was asked to complete a
post-activity questionnaire.
Within the quasi-experimental design of this study, the non-equivalent groups design was
followed. This means that no randomized control group exists, but a pre- and post- test is given to
groups of people that are as similar as possible, in order to determine if the study intervention is
effective or not. The pre- test was written to include anatomy knowledge questions, a free response
question, demographics questions, and Likert-Scale based questions about their anatomy education
experience. The post- test was written with five knowledge-based questions, three of which mirrored
the anatomy knowledge questions of the pre-test, with the same concept being asked in a different way.
The post-test also included Likert-Scale based questions about their experience with the InNervate AR
system, as well as place to write additional feedback. The objective of these questionnaires was to
obtain quantitative data based on the anatomy knowledge questions, and qualitative data based on the
Likert and free-response questions.
The data from all of the user study participants was compiled and analyzed for patterns and trends. This
involved grading the users’ performance on the learning instruments used in this study, and identifying
similarities and differences in the qualitative answers given during the pre and post questionnaires. We
specifically wanted to identify how the critical thinking scores, and the visual spatial ability scores of
the users effected their change in performance on the anatomical knowledge questions after using
InNervate AR. Furthermore, the screen recordings and video recordings of the study were reviewed to
analyze the overall user experience of the study participants.
There was a total of 22 participants in the user study for the InNervate AR application. All of the
participants were Biomedical Sciences majors at Texas A&M University, and had taken the TAMU
VIBS 305 Biomedical Anatomy course within the two previous academic years. Five of the participants
were male, and 17 were female. When asked, 18% of these participants answered “Strongly Agree” and
59% of them answered “Agree” to the statement “I consider myself to have a high level of critical
thinking ability.”
The highest possible score that a participant could make on this 3-minute test was 15 points. Only
9.09% of participants scored a 10 or better on this test. The majority of the user study pool (54.55%)
made a score in the point range of 7-9. The next most common point range (22.73%) was a score of 5 or
6. The remainder of the participants (13.64%) scored less than 5 points. This data demonstrates that the
participants in this user study had average or low visual spatial ability in general.
4.3. Participant Test of Logical Thinking Results
With an allotted time of 38 minutes, the highest score that a participant could make on the TOLT was 10
points. A perfect score of 10 was made by 40.91% of the participants. A score of 9 was achieved by
31.82% of the participants. A score of 8 was made by 9.09% of the participants. Only one participant
(9.09% scored a 7 on the test. The remaining participants (13.64%) scored a 6 or lower on the TOLT.
This data showed that the participants trended toward having high critical thinking skills.
In the pre-questionnaire, the participants had 3 anatomical knowledge test questions. In the
post-questionnaire, the participant had 5 anatomical knowledge test questions, 3 of which were matched
to the pre-questionnaire test questions. In other words, the same content was tested on in those 3
questions, but asked in a different way. The scores of the participants were analyzed, and 77.27% of the
participants’ scores improved on the 3 matched questions, after using the InNervate AR application.
18.18% of the participants made the exact same score on the matched anatomy questions, and 4.55% of
the participants had a lower score in the post-questionnaire on the 3 matched questions. This data shows
that the majority of the user study participants showed an improvement in their performance on the
matched anatomy knowledge questions in the post-questionnaire.
In the post-study questionnaire, a series of Likert-Scale questions were asked in regards to the
participants’ perception of InNervate AR. The users’ responses to these questions were all positive.
Some of the categories they were asked to rate were: the usefulness of the application as a visual aid for
the spatial relationships between the anatomical structures, the flow and user interface of the
application, and the usefulness of the application to practice critical reasoning scenarios.
The participants were also given free response questions. The first question asked: “What did you like
least about the InNervate AR application?” Common themes to how the participants answered this
question included: no “zoom” feature, problems with how to cut the nerves, and problems with
selecting the labelling spheres. The second question asked was “What did you like most about the
InNervate AR application?” The most frequent responses to this question included: getting to visualize
the actions of the muscles with the animations, the graphic aesthetic of the application, how easy the
application was to use, and the accuracy of the anatomical content. The last free response question
asked the participants if they had any further suggestions about the InNervate AR application. The
responses included adding the ability to compare the healthy and damaged animation scenarios
side-by-side, adding even more details about the muscles in the labelling module, and further
customizing the visual user interface of the tool.
Finally, some of the verbal comments of the participants during their use of the InNervate AR
application were:
“Oh man I wish I had had this when I was in anatomy lab...because it really connects it all
together, especially with all of the bones articulating and everything being there. I
remember having to draw so many layers. (ID: 1001).”
“This is super helpful, I just can't get over it, it’s one thing to see the words on paper, but
to see a cut branch! (ID: 1001)."
“Nice way to look at the anatomy from different angles... Most apps don't have what
would happen if something is wrong, they just have the structures (ID:1009)."
The goal of this project was to create a mobile anatomy AR application, InNervate AR, which provides
more dynamic interactions than other mobile AR applications that have been previously created. This
mobile AR technology is innovative because rather than having another simple viewing interaction and
labelling interface, the user was able to take a more interactive roll in what information was being
presented by the application.
The results of this user study showed an extremely positive response from the participants, both
in their qualitative feedback data, as well as their anatomical knowledge improvement. The majority of
the participants tested for a high critical thinking ability, and there was one student with an average or
low visual spatial ability. Therefore it was difficult to investigate how the base critical thinking ability
could impact on learning anatomy using mobile AR. In terms of spatial visualization, there was no
significant difference between high spatial visualization students and low spatial visualization students.
The qualitative feedback from the participants demonstrated areas where the InNervate AR application
could use improvement, such as problems with how to cut the nerves, and problems with selecting the
labelling spheres. However, the responses from participants were overwhelmingly positive in many
categories. They enjoyed getting to visualize the actions of the muscles with the animations, the graphic
aesthetic of the application, how easy the application was to use, and the accuracy of the anatomical
It is planned to use the data and feedback from this study as a guideline while further expanding
InNervate AR to include all of the motor nerves of the limb as learning modules. Any future user studies
will be completed in a classroom setting, so that a larger participant population can be guaranteed, and
statistically significant results can be achieved. Furthermore, the limitations such as a low number of
matched anatomy knowledge questions, and gender bias will be addressed. Future user study and
application design will also be more error tolerant, so that user errors with the technology, or differences
in user background will not have huge consequences when analyzing results (Rouse, 1990).
This study was a wonderful learning opportunity because it showed the great potential that
InNervate AR has for anatomy higher education, and brought to light what weaknesses in the
technology and research study design should be worked on in the future. It our hope that this initial
push for expansion of anatomy content in mobile AR will hopefully encourage other researchers to add
additional interactive content to their educational tools, and strengthen the presence of this technology
in higher education anatomy curricula.
We would like to thank all of the contributors who have worked on the project. We also appreciate
support from the Department of Visualization at Texas A&M University.
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Chang, M. et al. (Eds.) (2019). Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Computers in
Education. Taiwan: Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education
Abstract: The aim of this research was to develop the computer assembly skill using virtual
computer laboratory in conjunction with team game tournament (TGT) method. We exploited
virtual reality technology in developing virtual computer laboratory which was designed and
developed as an interactive media in form of 3D animation model displayed in 360 degree
perspective with sound effect so that learners are able to get experience like being in a real
environment. TGT was used in our learning management process which motivated learners to
encourage, help each other to solve problem, enjoy to learn and challenge from the activities in
class. Research instruments consisted of VR-based virtual computer laboratory, pretest-posttest,
questionnaires and lesson plan. By purposive sampling, the participants in our preliminary
study were 12 high school students who had low pretest score. The data were analyzed by mean,
standard deviation, and t-test dependent. The results showed that the average posttest
achievement score was statistically higher than that of pretest at significant level of .05. The
average normalized gain of class was 35.83 percent which was at the medium level. In addition,
the average of overall students’ satisfaction was 4.29 (SD=0.60) which was at the high level.
Keywords: Virtual Laboratory, Virtual Reality, Computer Assembly, Team Game Tournament
1. Introduction
Computer assembly is a large part of a computer skills needed a logical, methodical manner when
working with computer components, thus it is necessary to improve computer assembly skills
dramatically with practice (Cisco, 2006).
Computer subject has been added, by the basic education core curriculum of Thailand, to be a
parts of science area curriculum since 2017. The purpose of this subject is to develop students’
knowledge and understanding about technology for everyday living (Ministry of Education, 2017). As,
to know technology is not only knowing the way to use it, even so, to know the way to maintenance it is
also important. In Thailand, some secondary schools who foresee this advantage also provided
computer maintaining session for students along with general computer class.
In fact, the high school in Ubon Ratchathani, Thailand has placed computer maintenance
subject in 12th grade curriculum in order to prepare first step of computer assembly knowledge and to
arrange fundamental skill in computer maintaining for their students (Course description, 2018). With
this kind of learning, the school certainly needs workshop class that allows student working on real
computer devices. From on-site class experiences, regarding fresh trainees and pieces of computer
component are highly electrical sensitive, the practical of students work on real equipment caused
damages in almost all experimental accessories. Since the price of computer devices are expensive and
the limited of school budget, a teacher needs to use the crashed components for students practicing and
it led to the cause of students unable to learn computer assembly as good as it need.
From the problems mentioned above, the cutting-edge technology can help to simulate real
event and offer ability to virtually engage activity. The demonstration method called virtual reality
(VR) technology allows user to see and manage 3D images or objects by wearing head-mounted device
or sensor glove in virtual environment (Malithong, 2000). Using this technology, the teacher does not
need to teach computer assembly subject by real hardware, on the other hand, they can use VR
technology to enhance their classes without limitation of hardware damages.
Moreover, it also needs learning method for helping students to understand content and to
engage in study. Since computer equipment is sophisticated electronic component, high school students
who have no basis in this knowledge will be difficult to overcome subject matter which lead to boredom
and undesirable learning. Team Game Tournament (TGT) is a learning method which provided fun
learning activities that can be used for producing positive outcome on social, attitude, and academic
performance dimension (DeVries, 1980). It manages students in classroom into small groups. Each
group has member from all achievement level. TGT is a part of cooperative learning, which motivate
learners to encourage and help each other master collaboration, critical thinking and communication
skills required in the 21st century skills (Battelle for Kids, 2019).
Therefore, in this study, we integrated the using of VR technology with the advantage of TGT
to enhance computer assembly skills of high school students. The VR-based virtual computer
laboratory was developed to allow learners to explore inside components of a computer, and to compose
each component to get the complete result of the virtual computer by learning activities with elaborating
the collaborative from teamwork learning.
2. Methodology
30 students from the high school in Ubon Ratchathani, Thailand, who were studying in science
classroom program on the first semester of the academic year 2019 were asked to take the pretest. The
12 students who had low pretest scores were selected to be our sample group.
In order to allow students to learn about functions of computer devices and practice their skills leading
to enhancement of their computer assembly skills, we designed and developed the VR-based virtual
computer laboratory by using the Oculus Rift and Oculus Touch (www.oculus.com) to display and
interact with 3D models in virtual environment. In the virtual laboratory, it’s consisted of 3 sections
including learning center for learning of the devices (Figure 1 (a)), computer assembly practice (Figure
1 (b)), and exercises (Figure 1 (c)).
Teaching plan was developed based on TGT approach that consisted of 3 steps (Team, Game, and
Tournament). In team step, students are divided into groups of 3-4 members. Each group has members
from all levels of achievement (high, medium and low-achieving) which is categorized by their pretest
score. In the game step, each group will choose the member to assign in tournament table according to
member performance. The tournament step allows student do table activities to find the winner in each
table and bring their score to be a group score. Our VR-based virtual computer laboratory will be used
during the game and tournament steps. Last step, praise the success, the teacher summarizes each
team’s score and gives the reward to the winner group.
2.2.3 Pretest-Posttest
Pre- and post- tests were designed based on concept of Bloom (1976) in terms of an objective test and
multiple-choice items. There are 20 questions which were divided into 2 different sets (pre- and post-
tests). Some examples are shown in Figure 2. They were developed using the Google Forms.
(a) (b)
Figure 2. Examples of tests for evaluating students’ understanding of fuctions of computer devices and
computer generations (a) pre-test (b) post-test
2.2.4 Questionnaire
There were 11 items in questionnaires used for examine students’ attitude toward the VR-based virtual
laboratory with TGT. It was developed according to 5-point Likert scale including strongly disagree = 1,
disagree = 2, neither agree nor disagree = 3, agree = 4, strongly agree = 5.
There are two skill assessment forms designed according of scoring rubric (Hart, 1994; Pickett &
Dodge, 2001) including 5 scales: excellent – 5, good – 4, average – 3, poor – 2, and weak – 1 as
illustrated in Figure 3. These forms were used to evaluate students’ computer assembly skills.
(a) (b)
Figure 3. Computer assembly skill assessment form (a) for level 1 (b) for level 2
2.3 Implementation
The preliminary study was conducted to investigate the possibilities on the use of the developed virtual
computer laboratory integrated with TGT approach in enhancing student understanding on the topic of
computer assembly in a high school. Figure 4 illustrates the implementation design started with pre-test
and chosen sample group from students, who had score at the last 12th in the score rank. After that, 12
students were categorized into 3 ability groups: high, medium and low achieving. Then the teacher
assigned the students into 4 teams called home group; each home group consisted of 3 members with
different abilities. In the team step shown in Figure 5 (a), students from home group were shared the
duties among their team to study the computer generations and functions of computer devices through
the learning center in the VR-based virtual laboratory; each group was given the limited time. In the
tournament step shown in Figure 5 (b-c), the student was assigned to assemble the computer in the
virtual laboratory in which there were three levels. The low, medium, and high achieving students were
assigned the level of 1, 2, and 3, respectively. The score from each student was summed to be a group
score. Finally, teacher and students summarize each team’s score and students did the post-test. In
addition, teacher asked the students to answer the questionnaire in order to investigate students’
satisfaction toward virtual computer laboratory.
3. Results
Table 1
Learning achievement score
Students Pre-test (20) %Pre-test Post-test (20) %Post-test Normalized gain
1 6 30 16 80 0.71
2 8 40 15 75 0.58
3 8 40 15 75 0.58
4 8 40 17 85 0.75
Low-achieving group 38 79
5 9 45 16 80 0.64
6 9 45 16 80 0.64
7 9 45 16 80 0.64
8 10 50 16 80 0.60
Medium-achieving group 46 80
9 11 55 17 85 0.67
10 11 55 17 85 0.67
11 11 55 18 90 0.78
12 11 55 18 90 0.78
High-achieving group 55 88
Average 9 46 16 82 0.67
Table 1 shows the percentage of learning achievement test in which post-test was statistically higher
than that of the pre-test. The average of student pre-test score is 46% while that of post-test score is
82%. Moreover, the class normalized gain is 0.67 which is at medium level.
3.2 The comparison of learning achievement between pretest - posttest and normalized gain
by difference levels of achievement
Low achieving Medium achieving High achieving
students students students
Normalized Gain (%)
High gain
Medium gain
Low gain
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Figure 6. The normalized gain by difference levels of achievement
Figure 6 illustrates the percentage of normalized gain of students in 3 difference learning abilities. From
the results, we found that two students in low group were able to develop their skills to be in the high
gain. This could be concluded that our developed approach could help students gain more
understanding of concept of computer assembly.
Table 2
The Results of Students’ Satisfaction toward Virtual Computer Laboratory
Questions Mean Std. Dev. (SD)
The image is beautiful, clear, realistic. 4.25 0.52
The sound is clear. 4.17 0.70
Satisfaction with animation 4.33 0.53
Satisfaction with 3D models 4.42 0.53
Can be used easily 4.17 0.63
Get fun and enjoy 4.25 0.48
Get more knowledge about computer equipment 4.33 0.48
Get more knowledge of computer assembly 4.58 0.70
Able to recognize more computer devices 4.25 0.63
Understand how to build a computer 4.25 0.42
Total of satisfaction with virtual laboratories 4.17 0.67
Overall 4.29 0.60
Table 2 shows that the average of students’ satisfaction was at the high level (Mean = 4.29, SD = 0.60).
Form the results, we found that the highest satisfaction was get more knowledge of computer assembly
followed by the satisfaction with 3D models, and satisfaction with animation.
The score, collected by the assessment forms, of computer assembly skills was compared between
groups. The results, illustrated in Figure 7, show that all of the team score is higher than 70 percent
which is the pass criteria. Figure 7 shows the comparison between team score and individual score.
10 20
Individual Score
8 15
Team Score
70% Criteria of Team score
2 5
0 0
Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4
Student groups
Figure 7. The comparison score between students’ groups with criteria of 70 percent
This paper is presented the using of virtual computer laboratory in conjunction with team game
tournament learning method for 12th grade students. By using the advantages of virtual reality
technology that can simulate computer laboratory and various computer equipment. The virtual reality
technology allows the user to manage objects in virtual environment for training computer assembly
skill. To promote learners to collaborate and to increase the challenge of learning, we integrate the team
game tournament (TGT) learning approach to encourage students to have cooperative skill and helping
each other to solve problems. The most important is that it leads to the development of learning
achievement of learners better. From the result of this preliminary study, we found that all 3 achieving
groups had a higher post-test score than pre-test, and the average of normalized gain was at the medium
level. With virtual reality technology integrated with TGT approach, it enables learners who have
different levels of learning skills to help each other and increasing the learning progress of low group to
have a post-test score, equivalent to students in the medium and high groups.
The authors acknowledge the Project for the Promotion of Science and Mathematics Talented
Teachers (PSMT), the Institute for the Promotion of Teaching Science and Technology (IPST),
Ministry of Education, Thailand. They thank Mr.Ruengyos Soikeaw from Ubon Ratchathani
University for assisting development of the virtual computer laboratory. The authors are also grateful
to Faculty of Science, Ubon Ratchathani University for use of facilities.
Battelle for Kids. (2019). Framework for 21st century learning definitions. Retrieve from
Beal, V., (2010). The five generations of computers. Retrieved from https://www.webopedia.com/
Buttach, N., (2018). Course description: Computer maintenance. Ubon Ratchathani: Lukhamhan
warinchamrab school.
Cisco. (2006). IT Essentials: PC Hardware and Software v4.0. Retrieved from http://www.uobabylon.
DeVries, D. L. (1980). Teams games tournament: The team learning approach. New Jersey:
Educational Technology publication.
Malithong, K. 2000. Educational Technology and Innovation. Bangkok: Aroonprinting.
Ministry of Education. (2017). Learning Area of Science. Bangkok: The Agricultural Coorperative
Federation of Thailand.
Chang, M. et al. (Eds.) (2019). Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Computers in
Education. Taiwan: Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education
1. Introduction
Nowadays, countries are faced with the contradiction of lack of comprehensive talents while the task of
cultivating innovative competence is becoming more and more crucial. However, problems remained in
STEAM education can be attributed to three-fold. First, the results of some theoretical studies are too
macroscopic to be landed in practical teaching and application. Second, there is a considerable gap in
establishing a systematic and rigorous curriculum resource system. Third, lack of funds and education
equipment has led to the inability of popularizing STEAM education to some extent.
The purpose of this study is to first, design a curriculum resource by accessing to literature and
field research, and combine science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematical into a project to
help solving problems derived from reality. Second, apply virtual reality technology to create an
immersive and simulated learning environment aiming at fostering learners’ ability. LEGO Bricks
were used as an example since this study is aimed at preschool children.
2. STEAM education
By integrating knowledge and skills in science, technology, engineering, art and mathematics, STEAM
Education integrates disciplines that are traditionally unconnected and isolated, combining knowledge
points in the discipline (Hetland & Winner, 2004; Liao, 2016; NAEA, 2016). In the process of project
learning, it can effectively avoid the knowledge split caused by traditional teaching, which is not only
conducive to cultivating students, but also help cultivate the comprehensive quality, hands-on practical
skills, teamwork ability and innovation ability (Gates, 2017).
With the development of technology, virtual reality technology has made great progress. At the same
time, virtual reality has lots of advantages (Ke et al., 2015). Applying virtual reality technology to
STEAM education can combine the advantages of both: providing a virtual immersive teaching
environment to stimulate students’ interest; adopting interdisciplinary project teaching methods to
improve students’ comprehensive quality and innovation ability. Besides, the combine of these two can
cost the least but create the more.
4. Instructional Design
Project-based learning is a student-centered approach to teaching, and it emphasizes the tasks and
problems of the real world, can be related to the reality of life. At the same time, project-based learning
is usually carried out in small groups, they can communicate and collaborate with their partners, which
is conducive to cultivating students’ teamwork and communication skills. The project-based learning
can be used in the STEAM education, and it also cultivates the students’ comprehensive ability.
The “learning by doing” was proposed by the famous American educator Dewey. He believes
that “all learning is a by-product of action, so teachers should ‘do’ to encourage students to think and
learn”. The instructional design of this study starts with the problems in real situation, which lets the
students solve problems through hands-on practice to achieve real “learning by doing”.
In the case of consulting relevant literature materials and field visits of existing STEAM training
institutions, the content of the teaching is determined to “a big manor”. It is necessary to use LEGO
bricks to make houses, cars and parking lot gates. The project design is shown in Table 1.
Table 1
Project design
Project name: A big manor
Project goals:
To master basic scientific knowledge points and methods for building LEGO bricks.
To use building blocks to build space thinking ability and hands-on practical skills.
To enhance teamwork and communication skills through cooperation.
Design Challenge:
Students are expected to design a manor. The project’ success criteria are aesthetics and practicality.
Mini project Challenge 1: Lovely house
To know the common building blocks in LEGO bricks.
To master the method of “stitching” the building blocks.
Mini project Challenge 2: Fast car
To know the special blocks such as nine-hole beams and pulleys in LEGO bricks.
To initially understand the existence of friction and simply determine the amount of friction.
Mini project Challenge 3: Flexible parking lot gate
To know the special blocks such as beams, gears, handles and turbine boxes in LEGO bricks.
To know the simple turbine and understand its self-locking function.
This study uses Photoshop and 3ds Max to create classroom models and LEGO bricks’ models, teacher
role models and other models required by the classroom. And then import 3D models into Unity3d for
integration and optimization, to achieve the basic functions of STEAM teaching. The software structure
diagram for instructional design is shown in Figure 1.
The STEAM instructional design is mainly divided into three parts: “Recognition”, “Learning”
and “Doing”.
“Recognizing”: Introduce the LEGO bricks. Introduction and voice of the corresponding will
appear if click on the Lego bricks. The mouse can control the zooming and rotation of the scene.
“Learning”: Through the “Project Introduction Video”, the tasks that need to be completed in
this project are proposed. Other videos explain the skills of building LEGO bricks.
“Doing”: Apply the above-mentioned learning to the actual situation. The left mouse button
controls the appearance of the LEGO bricks, the middle mouse button controls the zoom of the screen,
the right mouse button controls the rotation of the screen, and the keyboard control the movement of the
screen. As all shown in Figure 2.
5. Results
After the instructional design content was completed by virtual reality, it was practiced for three months
in the audition course of a STEAM institution, and the results are quite good.
Students can integrate the life content in the learning process and make it easy to understand.
And the construction of LEGO bricks requires not only three-dimensional design, but also the
observation and analysis of the geometric features of the LEGO bricks, which has great benefit to the
development of students’ spatial thinking ability. Besides, through project-based learning, students can
develop creativity and hands-on practice in the process of independent inquiry.
6. Conclusion
The development of STEAM education can be combined with the emerging technologies of the
moment, and the combination with virtual reality is a good way. Virtual reality has many advantages
such as stimulating learners’ motivation, creating a realistic teaching environment, feeling immersive
learning experience, and integrating cross-border knowledge. Because of the commonality of STEAM
education and virtual reality, their combination will create a huge advantage. However, how to better
demonstrate the advantages of virtual technology in teaching and how to better implement and
popularize STEAM education is worth further exploration.
Gates, A. E. (2017). Benefits of a STEAM collaboration in Newark, New Jersey: Volcano simulation through a
glass-making experience. Journal of Geoscience Education, 65(1), 4-11.
Hetland, L., & Winner, E. (2004). Cognitive transfer from arts education to non-arts outcomes: Research evidence
and policy implications. In E. W. Eisner, & M. D. Day (Eds.). Handbook of research and policy in art
education (pp. 135-162). Routledge.
Ke, F., Im, T., Xue, X., Xu, X., Kim, N., & Lee, S. (2015). Experience of adult facilitators in a
virtual-reality-based social interaction program for children with autism. The Journal of Special Education,
48(4), 290-300.
Liao, C. (2016). From interdisciplinary to transdisciplinary: An arts-integrated approach to STEAM education.
Art Education, 69(6), 44-49.
National Art Education Association [NAEA] (2016). Using art education to build a stronger workforce.
Chang, M. et al. (Eds.) (2019). Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Computers in
Education. Taiwan: Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education
Abstract: In recent years, technology has revolutionized all spheres of life. Since
programming is the heart of software technology, it is thus imperative that the demand
for programmers is also increasing day by day. With advancements in the field of
augmented reality (AR) and Computer Vision (CV), we can now develop applications
for unique experiences in the field of education. This study aims to develop a game for
elementary school students to learn programming skills. Students are provided with
cards which act as markers for our Game. Each marker acts a distinct programming
block in AR which causes our game character to perform a certain action. The student
needs to place these blocks in the right manner to accomplish a given task. It thus
enables students to learn some basic programming skills in a way appealing to them.
1. Introduction
Programming is involved behind every new technology developed around us. Therefore,
learning how to program is becoming more and more common among individuals day by day. Research
has shown that programming promotes logical thinking, reasoning skills, and general problem-solving
skills in students of all age groups (Liao & Bright, 2011). Recent developments in the field of AR have
created new opportunities for unique experiences in healthcare, education, and entertainment. This
study uses AR to develop coding skills of elementary school students. The research involves the
integration of computer vision techniques with AR to develop an AR-based game: CodAR. The
developed game enables students to learn the importance of algorithms, sequencing and loops in an
interactive and visually appealing way. The game has been developed in Unity3D software with support
of Vuforia software development kit. We believe that the introduction of this game will captivate
students’ interest in the field of programming and give them an intuitive understanding of the same.
In the following sections, we discussed the related work (Section 2), elaborated the design and
development of the game (Section 3) and followed by conclusion and future directions (Section 4).
2. Related work
Gamification in education refers to the inclusion of game design and principles in education to
provide unique and engaging experiences. Research has shown that it can influence users in mainly
three aspects - cognition, emotion and social (Detering, Khaled, Nacke & Dixon, 2011). Gamification
broadens the player's perception about learning, besides teaching users the process of thinking
(Detering, Khaled, Nacke & Dixon, 2011). Many research works have been done in this field, but we
did not find such an AR-based game to learn programming skills. Guenaga et al. (2014) developed a
game to learn programming skills but it was not totally AR-based.
Lee and Hammer (2011) proposed the use of game-like rules system, player experiences and
cultural roles to shape learners' behavior. Researchers have also used meta-analytic techniques to show
that Serious games influence learning in two ways, by changing cognitive processes and by affecting
motivation (Wouters, Van Nimwegen, Van Oostendorp, & Van Der Spek, 2013). Games invoke a
variety of emotional experiences - from frustration to joy. Students learn to see failure as an opportunity
and in turn try to find out the cause of the error instead of feeling helpless about it. Our research,
therefore, not only helps in cognitive development but also motivates the next generation of innovative
3. Proposed system
The proposed system is developed using a smartphone/computer and a set of markers which are
provided to the user as cards. Figure 1 shows the markers used in the proposed system. There are five
types of markers used in this game. The detailed purpose of each marker is described below:
a) Task - It generates a virtual game area on the screen comprises of our game character, generated
level and the task of the level.
b) Direction - It moves the game character one block forward in the direction it is facing
c) Rotation - It rotates the game character by 90˚ in the clockwise/anti-clockwise direction
d) For Loop - It repeats the marker placed immediately before a given number of times, which is
generated automatically by the level
e) While Loop - It repeats the set of markers placed before it infinitely or till level completion.
Figure 2 shows the screen of the proposed system. On the screen, a virtual block corresponding to the
recognized marker is displayed. The user moves the marker which moves the corresponding virtual
block on the screen. The virtual blocks are brought in the scene one by one and placed next to each other
to generate a sequence of commands. The set of these virtual blocks corresponding to each marker is
shown in Figure 3.
After the user is satisfied with his/her sequence of markers, the play button should be pressed. Then, our
game character performs actions corresponding to the set of instructions received, if feasible. The type
of markers and the number of each marker required on each level are displayed in the upper right corner
of the screen. The task is displayed on the upper left corner of the screen. The user has to complete the
task using the specified type and number of markers. As the user clears easier levels, the game
automatically starts incorporating the use of Loops and tougher Sequences. In Figure 4(a) the user has
to complete the level just by using simpler blocks (Direction and Rotation). There can be various
solutions to the same level also. Such a solution to the same level is shown in Figure 4(b) where the user
is trying to clear the level by using For Loops. This analogy between conventional programming and
virtual programming helps the user to understand the intuition of using Loops better.
Figure 4(a). Solution 1 to Game level Figure 4(b). Solution 2 to same Game level
Detering, S., Khaled, R., Nacke, L. E., & Dixon, D. (2011). Gamification: Toward a Definition. In
Proceeding of the CHI 2011 Gamification Workshop, Vancouver, Canada
Guenaga, M., Menchaca, I., de Guinea, A. O., Dziabenko, O., García-Zubía, J., & Salazar, M. (2013).
Serious Games, Remote Laboratories and Augmented Reality to Develop and Assess
Programming Skills. In International Simulation and Gaming Association Conference (pp. 29-36).
Springer, Cham.
Lee, J. J., & Hammer, J. (2011). Gamification in education: What, how, why bother? Academic
exchange quarterly, 15(2), 146
Liao, Y.-K. C., & Bright, G. W. (1991). Effects of computer programming on cognitive outcomes: A
meta-analysis. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 7(3), 251-268
Sharma, V., Musarrat, R., Chimalakonda, S., Reddy, Y. R. (2017). Muse : A Musically Inspired Game
to Teach Arrays and Linked Lists. In Yang, J. C. et al. (Eds.) Proceedings of the 25th International
Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE 2017) (pp.802-807). Christchurch, New Zealand:
Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education.
Wouters, P., Van Nimwegen, C., Van Oostendorp, H., & Van Der Spek, E. D. (2013). A meta-analysis
of the cognitive and motivational effects of serious games. Journal of educational psychology,
105(2), 249.
Chang, M. et al. (Eds.) (2019). Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Computers in
Education. Taiwan: Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education
Abstract: This study aims to explore English language learners’ (ELLs) perceptions and
experiences of a mobile urban game. How ELLs perceive its value for English learning and
exploit the affordances of the mobile game are emphasized. Through the data analysis of 15
ELLs’ recorded gaming processes, written reflections, and interviews, this study reported that
these ELLs perceive the mobile urban game to be useful in creating meaningful and authentic
English language learning opportunities. In addition, they exploit multiple mobile applications
(e.g., search engines, online chatting tools, online dictionaries, google maps, built-in cameras)
and interact with social members in their surroundings (e.g., peers, the instructor, vendors,
foreign visitors) for the game quests. Future research can examine larger study population’s
experiences of similar mobile urban games and explore how social members can facilitate
ELLs’ language learning processes in the game.
Keywords: mobile urban game, mobile location based game, mobile game, gamification,
English language learning
1. Introduction
In recent years, mobile games have received increasing attention in the field of second and foreign
language (hereafter L2) education. Featured with portability, social interactivity, context sensitivity,
connectivity, and individuality (Squire & Klopfer, 2007), mobile games can offer ubiquitous,
interactive, contextualized, authentic, and personalized learning environments for L2 learners (Holden
& Sykes, 2011). Harnessing these features, a few scholars have started to investigate how to integrate
mobile location-based game in L2 classrooms (Holden & Sykes, 2013; Perry, 2015). Different from
immersive digital games that involve players solely in virtual spaces, mobile location-based games
integrate the physical and the virtual in a gameplay. Players use a physical public space, such as a
museum or a town, as the game board, and move around the assigned geographical locations in reality,
to gather real-world materials, items and clues, while solving problems and completing missions in the
virtual gameplay (Pitura & Terlecka-Pacut, 2018). Encouragingly, research shows that some L2
learners exploit artifacts, materials and social members distributed in their surroundings to accomplish
game quests during the gameplay (Thorne & Hellermann, 2017). Studies in this line can continue to
contribute to our understanding of L2 learning in mobile gaming contexts.
The purpose of this study is to explore English language learners’ (hereafter ELLs) perceptions
and experiences of an English mobile urban game, a type of mobile location-based games that integrates
virtual-physical spaces and exploits the portability, the social interactivity, and the context sensitivity
features of portable devices. How ELLs perceive its value for English learning and exploit
game-mediated affordances for game quests/challenges are emphasized.
2. Research Methodology
The English mobile urban game of this study, Scavenger Hunt in YanCheng, aims to familiarize
students with cultural concepts and artifacts, and their associated English expressions that can be used
to introduce local communities and histories in town. On the basis of experiential learning and situated
problem solving, the researcher designed 7 challenges/quests in relation to the local areas/shops for the
players to experience English meaning making in situ (Thorne & Hellermann, 2017).
Game challenges, structured in the forms of riddles, crosswords, multiple-choice questions, and
short-answer questions, were developed to elicit players’ motivation of searching for clues and
information in physical and virtual spaces. Game quests, delivered through error correction, speaking
and writing tasks, were devised to encourage players to reflect, speak and write in English, and to make
use of the English words, expressions and concepts they have just experienced during the game
Players used Google Form to go through the game, reading challenge/quest information and
submitting answers and tasks for the game by using their mobile phones. QR codes were embedded in
the Google Form for players to access context-aware information about the game
This small-scale research was conducted in an undergraduate course designed for ELLs in a university
in southern Taiwan. 15 students, from Taiwan, Indonesia, Korea, France and Mainland China, were
divided into 6 different groups to play the game in this study. Their English proficiency levels ranged
from intermediate to advanced level based on the English standardized tests taken prior to the study.
This study was qualitative in nature. Data collections consisted of audio/video recordings of the
gaming processes, students’ reflections of the game, as well as stimulated recalls and interviews.
Because this study is interested in learning about ELLs’ perceptions and experiences of the English
mobile urban game, their emic perspectives and gaming behaviors are taken as the primary focus in the
data analysis. The researcher applied Miles, Huberman, and Saldana’s (2014) guidelines for initial
coding and pattern coding, allowing emerging codes and reoccurring patterns to be derived from the
data (e.g., participant evaluations: authenticity; contextualization, meaningfulness; gaming behaviors:
online inquiry; expert inquiry; peer discussion; vendor support; foreigner conversation, etc.). These
codes and patterns were further examined for possible relationships and analyzed for explanations for
their roles and importance. Clustering, matrices, and analytical memoing were used as analytical
strategies to examine and document these relationships and explanations.
The findings of this study suggest that the study participants hold positive opinions about the mobile
English urban game. While many of them reported that they enjoy participating in the scavenger hunt
situated in the game, they also appreciate the opportunities to explore the culture of the local YanCheng
Notably, the mobile English urban game provides the study participants great opportunities to
experience English meaningfully and authentically. While the game contextualizes the participants in a
meaningful English storyline, it also requires their close attention to the background information and
the clues offered in the physical spaces for quest solving. Such designs encourage students to “be
attentive to the historical introduction provided by the store on the site…and repeatedly engage in trial
and error for problem-solving (Student C).” Meanwhile, being at the physical place where particular
English expressions are used, students experience and embody the authenticity of the English language,
revealing the importance of meaning making in situ (Thorne & Hellermann, 2017). As student D
revealed in the written reflection,
…during the time that we have spent in the coffee shop, I have learned lots of stuffs that related in
coffee [in English], including the syphon coffee maker, coffee pot, and each specific step I need to
do before I can get a cup of coffee.
3.2 Student Exploitation of Game-Mediated Affordances
In terms of affordances enhanced by the mobile urban game, participants in this study take advantages
of mobile applications, such as search engines, online chatting tools, google maps, online dictionaries,
and built-in cameras to assist them with their English game quests. Clearly, study participants exploit
the portability, social interactivity, context sensitivity, connectivity, and individuality features of their
mobile devices. However, peer scaffolding and instructor support remain salient during the process of
quest solving. With peers in the physical space, and the instructor in the virtual space, students exploit
collective (Donato, 1994) and expert scaffolding (Wood, Bruner, & Ross, 1976) for the problems they
are incapable of solving independently. Interestingly, foreigner visitors and local vendors also play
major roles in ELLs’ quest solving. Some students reported that it was the cultural talks with the owner
in the coffee shop enhanced their capability of solving the English quest in the mobile urban game.
Although the number of the participants in this study is limited, the findings of this study can provide
initial understanding about ELLs’ perceptions and experiences of a mobile location-based game. Future
research can apply similar designs to study larger research population and to examine ELLs’ perceptions
and difficulties during the gameplays. It is also worth exploring how social members (e.g., peers,
experts, vendors, foreigners, etc.) can contribute to ELLs’ language learning during the mobile
location-based gameplay.
This research was supported by the Ministry of Science and Technology of Taiwan (MOST
108-2410-H-110 -023). I would like to thank all the participants who joined this research project.
Donato, R. (1994). Collective scaffolding in second language learning. In J. P. Lantolf & G. Appel (Eds.),
Vygotskian approaches to second language research (pp. 33-56). Norwood, NJ: Ablex.
Holden, C., L., & Sykes, J., M. (2011). Leveraging mobile games for place-based language learning. International
Journal of Game-Based Learning (IJGBL), 1(2), 1-18. doi:10.4018/ijgbl.2011040101
Holden, C. L., & Sykes, J. M. (2013). Complex L2 pragmatic feedback via place-based mobile games. In N.
Taguchi & J. M. Sykes (Eds.), Technology in interlanguage pragmatics research and teaching (pp.
155-183). Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
Miles, M., Huberman, M., & Saldana, J. (2014). Qualitative Data Analysis: A Method Sourcebook (3rd Edition).
Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Perry, B. (2015). Gamifying French language learning: A case study examining a quest-based, augmented reality
mobile learning-tool. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 174, 2308-2315.
Pitura, J., & Terlecka-Pacut, E. (2018). Action research on the application of technology assisted urban gaming in
language education in a Polish upper-secondary school. Computer Assisted Language Learning, 31(7),
734-763. doi:10.1080/09588221.2018.1447490
Squire, K., & Klopfer, E. (2007). Augmented reality simulations on handheld computers. Journal of the Learning
Sciences, 16(3), 371-413. doi:10.1080/10508400701413435
Thorne, S. L., & Hellermann, J. (2017). Mobile augmented reality: Hyper contextualization and siutated language
usage events. In J. Colpaert, A. Aerts, R. Kern, & M. Kaiser (Eds.), Proceedings of the XVIII
International CALL Conference: CALL in Context (pp. 721-730). Berkeley, CA: University of
Wood, D., Bruner, J. S., & Ross, G. (1976). The role of tutoring in problem solving. Journal of Child Psychology
and Psychiatry, 17(2), 89-100. doi:10.1111/j.1469-7610.1976.tb00381.x
RESEARCH TREND ........................................................................................................................................ 608
ENGLISH LANGUAGE SELF-EFFICACY ............................................................................................................ 644
MULTITASK LEARNING FOR CHINESE GRAMMATICAL ERROR DETECTION .......................................................... 656
PRIMARY SCHOOL EDUCATION .................................................................................................................... 673
EXPRESSION IN AN ENGLISH CLASS .............................................................................................................. 685
LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT.......................................................................................................................... 691
ANALYSIS ..................................................................................................................................................... 698
BUILDING A CONFUSED CHARACTER SET FOR CHINESE SPELL CHECKING ........................................................... 703
A Review of 3D Virtual Environments for
Language Learning: New Teaching Practice and
Research Trend
Chun-Ping ZHENG*, Ling-Yu XU, Meng-Ya GAO, Qian-Qian CHENG, Zi-Tong YANG & Li-li
School of Humanities, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China
Abstract: Three dimensional virtual environments (3DVEs) have been noted as effective
learning space for promoting learners’ language acquisition and academic performance. This
paper reviewed a total of 33 empirical studies published in the Language Learning & Technology,
ReCALL, Computer-assisted Language Learning, System, CALICO Journal and Computers &
Education from 2010 to 2017. At first, the current study explored the yearly publication trend of
the journals and the research productivity of different countries. Then, based on systematic
content analyses, the present paper shows that a majority of the studies employed the mixed
research method and only a few articles adopted pure quantitative or qualitative method. The
potential affordances of the 3DVEs include enhancing language learners’ overall language
proficiency, language performance or target language output as well as non-linguistic knowledge
and skills. Drawing upon the synthesized research findings, we claim that the 3DVE has become
a burgeoning area of research with great potential for innovating language education. Pedagogical
implications were summarized and suggestions for future pedagogical innovations were also
discussed at the end.
1. Introduction
With the unprecedented momentum of technological development, scholars are calling for a better
understanding of applying emerging technologies for educational purposes. Three dimensional virtual
environments (3DVEs) or virtual world (VW) have been noted as positive learning space which promotes
learners’ knowledge construction and meaningful learning. The newest generation of virtual environments
was featured by multiple interaction channels, such as voice or video-based synchronous online
communication, simulated avatars, and virtual reality systems (Shih, 2014). Compared with conventional
text-based or voice-based CMC technology, these innovative technologies provided more possibilities for
transformative language learning and teaching, facilitating the transmission of symbols to convey users’
meaning (e.g., Shih, 2014; Stevens, 2006). These innovations also represent major improvements upon
traditional classroom settings which usually cannot create authentic or required conditions for specific
language learning contexts (Chen et al., 2011; Clarke, Dede, & Dieterle, 2008).
2. Research Methodology
The 3DVEs refer to “immersive, three-dimensional (3D), multimedia, and multi-person simulation
environments, where each participant adopts an alter ego and interacts with the world in real time”
(Wagner and Ip, 2009, p. 250). In the field of applied linguistics, the application of 3DVEs is still an
emerging research topic. Peterson (2012) made a preliminary comparison between the 2D virtual worlds
and the 3DVEs and revealed the superior characteristics of the latter learning environment: (1) 3D
interfaces with high representational fidelity may improve learner engagement; (2) multiple
communication channels (synchronous and a synchronous textual, audial or visual interactions) could
promote target language production; (3) virtual representation of language learners (usually in the
form of avatars) improve learners’ social presence, alleviate their foreign language anxiety and further
motivate their TL learning. 3DVEs were perceived as “stimulating environment for learners to undertake a
range of beneficial forms of social interaction involving collaborative dialogue in the Target Language
(TL)” (Peterson, p. 37). The use of 3DVEs in CALL has becoming an increasingly interesting topic and
researchers are calling for more further research on how this dynamic and interactive context could
enhance learners’ target language development (Peterson, 2012). Since there are still few systematic
review studies on the use of virtual environments for foreign language learning and teacher, this study
aims to reveal the general publication trend of the studies published in key CALL journals from 2010 to
2017. Moreover, we are going to analysis the affordances of 3DVEs for linguistic and non-linguistic
knowledge and skills.
3. Methodology
This research adopted the systemic content analysis as the major method for reviewing studies. We
selected six representative refereed journals in the field of technology-enhanced education, in particular,
language learning as follows: Language Learning & Technology (LLT), The Journal of EUROCALL
(ReCALL), Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL), The CALICO Journal (CALICO), System
(System), Computers & Education (C&E).
Drawing upon the selection criteria by Hsu, Hung and Tsai (2013), we select the above six
journals with following features:
All the journal articles are fully refereed;
All the journals have a strong devotion to the application of technology for educational purposes,
and the first four journals have a particular focus on the application of technology to language
teaching and learning;
Five of the journals are indexed in Social Science Citation Index (SSCI), and the CALICO journal is
also chosen for its professional reputation in the field of computer-assisted language learning;
All the journal articles are published in English;
All the journals have international readership and authorship.
In the first stage, we formed a panel of five researchers, one senior researcher and four assistant
researchers in the field of CALL. The researchers manually screened publications (from 2010 to 2017) in
the above six journals by referring to the titles and the abstracts. When extracting articles, we only selected
regular full-length research articles, excluding book reviews, technical reports or commentaries.
Moreover, we only screened articles involve two sets of key words: (1) 3D virtual/interactive learning
environments, virtual reality (VR), virtual worlds, virtual characters or Second Life; (2) target/foreign
language (such as English, French, etc.), (first/second/foreign) language teaching (teachers),
(first/second/foreign) language learning (learners), (second/foreign) language education or
computer-assisted language learning (CALL). Since the application of virtual reality technology to
language education is still a burgeoning research area, only 37 journal articles were identified after the
first stage.
In the second stage, we followed the coding framework by Chai, Koh and Tsai (2013), integrating
with the analytical framework summarized by Macaro, Handley and Walter (2012), and postulated the
preliminary framework for content analysis. Then, we divide the four assistant researchers into two
groups (two people in one individual group), and asked them to use the preliminary framework for initial
article analysis. Researchers in each group were asked to code the articles independently, without any
discussion before the final coding was completed. One article from each of the above journals was
selected, and in total six articles were piled for the initial analysis. After the researchers completed the
preliminary coding, disagreement and revising suggestions for the analytical framework were proposed
for the whole panel discussion. The disagreements were resolved and revision upon the preliminary
analytical framework was amended after the panel discussion. The following table shows the finalized
coding framework for in-depth content analysis.
In the third stage, the research panel followed the coding process in the preliminary analysis stage
and completed the coding based on the finalized coding scheme. The disagreements were discussed and
further resolved in the end. To identify three major types of language play and their subcategories, I, the
author, independently coded individual students’ data with the help of one trained research assistant. We
then discussed data turn by turn by looking at their previous and subsequent discourse.
The Social Science (SPSS 22.0) and Nvivo 11.0 were used to conduct the content analysis in this
study. The SPSS was used to do the descriptive data analysis for the coded items.
4. Results
According to Table 1, there are in total of 33 empirical studies related to the applications of 3D virtual
environments for language learning published in the six journals during 2010 to 2017. In the past eight
years, Computers & Education (C&E) and Computer Assisted Language Learning published the largest
number of studies (eight studies each). As further indicated by Figure 1, all the six journals have papers
published concerning the applications of virtual learning environments to the language education. The
solid lines show the yearly publications in the six journals while the dotted line indicates the total number
of publications in the six journals. It’s quite obvious that the total number of articles published concerning
the integration of 3DVEs to language learning is still quite small, largely due to the virtual reality as an
emerging technology and its well-recognized complexity of being integrated to the language classrooms
(e.g., Kramsch & Steffensen, 2008; Mroz, 2015). Moreover, the year of 2016 witnessed the largest number
of publications, in which, seven studies were published in five journals.
Table 1
Figure 2 presents the countries or regions of the first author for the 33 empirical studies. It is quite
interesting to see that thirteen studies were contributed by scholars from Taiwan, which accounts for over
one third of the research in the previous seven years. Researchers from the US (four studies) and Japan
(three studies) were also quite active in exploring the application of 3DVEs in language learning. No
related investigations were contributed by authors from developing countries. In general, use of styles
rather than manual formatting is preferable to enable us to give the proceedings a uniform appearance.
Quite similar to the Figure 2, about one third of the empirical studies were carried out in Taiwan (thirteen
studies). Four studies were conducted in the US, three studies in Japan, and two in the Netherlands and
Australia respectively. Morton and Jack (2010) conducted the only cross-country study and evaluated the
application of a 3D virtual environment among French language learners in Scotland and EFL learners in
mainland China. The environment combines “virtual worlds and virtual agents with automatic speech
recognition technology” (Morton & Jack, 2010, p.296), and provides language learners with a unique
platform for both verbal and non-verbal communications. Their study further investigated learners’
attitudes and motivations towards the environment and the nature of learner discourses when interacting
with others within the virtual setting.
As suggested in Figure 4, among the 33 empirical studies, it is quite obvious that English is the dominant
target language (16 studies). English has already become the lingua franca of the world and its popularity in
the academic, economic and technological field has been well accepted (e.g., Lan, 2015; Lan, Sung, &
Chang, 2007; Su, 2006). Therefore, how to learn English well with emerging technologies will still remain
as the central topic in the field of CALL.
Worthy of note is that a sizable amount of research (five studies) has explored how to learn
Spanish with VR technologies. Three studies explored learning Chinese in 3DVEs and since Chinese is
gaining more popularity and we expect the related research may increase in the next few years. Five
studies addressed the language education among speakers of different languages. For instance, Levak and
Son (2017) investigated the effectiveness of using Second Life and Skype for improving Croatian and
English language leaners’ listening comprehension. Jauregi, Graaff, and Canto (2011) reported learners’
experience in a two-year cross-cultural language exchange project, in which sixty interactional tasks were
designed for learners of Dutch, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish. In their study, positive negotiations of
social and cultural meanings were revealed through the cross-cultural interactions between language
learners and native student teachers.
More than half of the articles we reviewed were conducted in high education settings, indicating the
popularity of applying the 3DVEs to the language education among adult students. It is easy to understand
since adult learners may be more familiar with 3DVEs or be more competent with new technological
innovations. An interesting research trend is that researchers have started to realize the potential
effectiveness of applying VR or more recently, AR technologies to promoting young learners’
performance in learning language (either their mother tongues or a second or foreign language).
As indicated in Figure 5, five studies were conducted in the primary education setting while three
studies were carried out in secondary education setting. As Lan (2015) summarized, although plenty of
research has focused on the possibility of applying VR technologies, particularly game-based role playing
for enhancing language learners’ performance, few studies focus on supporting students in elementary
schools to improve their self-directed learning. She further proposed three key design principles
(“Individuality,” “adaptability,” and “scaffolding”) for improving elementary students’ performance in a
VR-supported contextual learning environment, providing learners with more individualized and
flexible learning experiences. Dalton and Devitt (2016) adopted an action research approach and further
elaborated children’s learning experience of and attitudes towards 3DVEs. Their findings further indicate
that child language learners may prefer a more game-like 3DVE with clearly defined learning objectives
and tasks (Dalton & Devitt, 2016). Cheng and Tsai (2014) explored children and parents’ reading of
picture books equipped with augmented reality (AR) technology, and revealed four interesting behavioral
patterns as well as their corresponding cognitive attainment. As they suggested, more studies should be
conducted to investigate factors that may affect children’s learning behaviors when traditional learning
materials integrated with VR or AR technologies (Cheng & Tsai, 2014). Hsu (2017) investigated learners
variables, such as cognitive load, foreign language anxiety and effectiveness of learning among
third-graders in primary school and offered experimental data for a better understanding of children
learners’ learning styles when engaged in AR educational games.
Figure 5. The research settings of the empirical studies
Among the reviewed articles, we found nineteen studies focusing on the affordance of the 3DVEs for
improving language learners’ linguistic knowledge and skills. As we can see from Figure 6, over half of
these studies (thirteen articles) explored the potential benefits of the 3DVEs for enhancing language
learners’ overall language proficiency, language performance or target language output. Others dealt with
specific linguistic skills achieved through effective learning tasks in the 3DVEs or AR materials, such as
listening (Levak & Son, 2017), speaking (Lan, 2014; Lan et al., 2016; Morton & Jack, 2010), writing
(Collentine, 2011; Wang, 2017) and vocabulary retention (Franciosi et al., 2016).
4.6.2 Affordance of 3D Virtual Environments for non- Linguistic Knowledge and Skills
Fourteen studies were identified as to explore the affordance of virtual reality technology for improving
learners’ non-linguistic knowledge and skills (Figure 7). A variety of aspects concerning their
non-linguistic knowledge and skills were discussed, among which, a majority of studies (eleven articles)
centered on fostering language learners’ communicative skills, strategies or their social cultural
interactions through the applications of 3DVEs. The benefits of 3DVEs for other non-linguistic knowledge
and skills also include boosting learners’ critical thinking (Mroz, 2015), their cognitive attainment when
using AR materials or playing AR games (Cheng & Tsai, 2014; Hsu, 2017), cultural learning (Shih, 2015),
and collaborative learning skills (Ho et al., 2011; Kozlova & Priven, 2015). Be more specific, (Shih, 2015)
discussed how learners’ learning experience through the virtual environment may impact their cultural
knowledge acquisition, positive attitudes toward the target culture and their cross-cultural adaption or
adjustment. (Ho et al., 2011) explored leaners’ collaborative skill in the 3DVE while 27 proved teachers’
collaborative learning through a 3DVE.
5. Conclusion
The present research is a systematic review of 33 empirical studies selected from six high-impact academic
journals concerning the application of 3D virtual environments in language learning. Content analysis
method was employed and a coding scheme was constructed from aspects of publication trend, location
distribution of the first author, research sites, target language, research settings, and affordances of 3DVEs
for language learning. Drawing upon the findings, we conclude that two essential issues on the application
of 3DVEs in language learnings are “why to use it” and “how to use it”. The key to the application of
3DVES in language teaching lies in the design of teaching activities. It requires the cooperation of
front-line teachers, SLA schalors as well as technical specilists to fully realize the potential of 3DVES in
fostering better language teaching effect.
This research is funded by Fok Ying Tung Education Foundation (161093) and Postgraduate Teaching
Reform Project of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications (2019Y002) awarded to Dr.
Chunping Zheng.
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Abstract: Interactive digital technology has great potentiality in providing life-like learning
contexts and in-time interactions to facilitate language learning, especially for the low
achievers. Contexts are essential for effective language learning. In this study, two types of
digital interactive technologies, including interactive digital map (iMap) and augmented reality
(AR), were employed to deliver and enhance contextualized learning experiences with gamified
learning tasks for the low achievers’. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of
type of technology-enhanced learning, including the iMap-enhanced learning and the
AR-enhanced learning, on low achievers’ learning performance and attitude while learning
from the gamified technology-enhanced contextualized EFL learning. A preliminary
experiment showed that (a) the AR-enhanced learning group outperformed the iMap-enhanced
learning group on learning performance, (b) all participants’ post attitudes toward the received
technology-enhanced learning were significantly increased in all attitude aspects of confidence,
preference, anxiety, attention, and learning strategy, and (c) both technology-enhanced learning
group revealed similar positive in most attitude aspects, excepted that the AR group showed a
higher degree of attention than the iMap group. It was concluded that technology-enhanced
contextualized learning is effective in promoting learning attitudes and helping EFL learners
achieve acceptable learning performance.
1. Introduction
Contexts are essential to meaningful information processing and knowledge acquisition for language
learning. The learners need to consciously attend to the language input so that the perceived information
can be further processed in the working memory, but novice learners usually lack the capability in
attending to the key information and result in poor comprehension efficiency. Furthermore, digital
interactive technology has great potential in providing life-like learning contexts and in-time
interactions to facilitate language learning. Therefore, technology-enhanced contextualization is
conducive to effective language learning as it emphasizes the need of language learning in authentic and
interactive situations. Thus, this study employed two types of digital interactive technologies, including
interactive digital map (iMap) and augmented reality (AR), to deliver and enhance contextualized
learning experiences with gamified learning tasks for the learners and expected that the low achievers
can benefit from the context-rich language learning activities and bring about effective meaningful
2. Related work
Learning English as a Second or Foreign language (ESL or EFL) is a global imperative as English plays
an essential role in the international society (Smith et al., 2013). With the development of innovative
technologies, diverse approaches to technology-enhanced language learning have emerged in recent
years, providing learners with personalized, contextualized, and socialized learning experiences. Among
various technologies, augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), and context-aware ubiquitous
learning systems have been frequently noted in the literature as facilitative for language learning, one
common feature of which is that they are effective in contextualizing the learning content.
The use of AR has been increasingly popular in educational settings (Azuma et al., 2001). The
literature indicates various advantages of AR, among which, the most significant one is its ability to
create immersive hybrid learning environments where learning situations are contextualized through
combining digital and physical objects (Akçayır & Akçayır, 2017; Dunleavy, Dede, & Mitchell, 2009).
This contextualization is realized by visualizing concepts and events through displaying virtual
elements over real objects (Wu, Lee, Chang, & Liang, 2013). It enables students to immerse themselves
in the learning process, raises the level of engagement, and enhances educational outcomes.
Similarly, context-aware ubiquitous learning delivered by hand-held devices and smartphones
has been widely acknowledged as being conducive to effective learning. With wireless communication
and GPS facilities, context-aware ubiquitous learning provides learners with on-site interactions with
physical objects and digital multimedia, contextualizes learning content in concrete and appropriate
situations, and emphasizes the need of language learning in authentic and interactive situations. This
new approach extends the applications of location-based learning and situated learning, enabling
learners to interact with real-world learning targets without constraints of time or place in real situations
(Ogata & Yano, 2004). Thus, it has great potentiality in promoting EFL learners' motivation and
learning effectiveness.
The nature of how context-aware ubiquitous learning and AR-enhanced learning promote
learning is to some extent similar in facilitating learners’ sense of contextualization. They both
contextualize learning contents, integrate virtual and real-world learning environments, and support
real-time interactions. Despite a large number of studies on AR-enhanced learning and context-aware
ubiquitous learning respectively, little research has been conducted to compare these two, and thereby
the present study aimed to examine the similarity and difference between the AR-enhanced learning and
the context-aware ubiquitous learning. Furthermore, as learners' attitudes towards technology-enhanced
contextualized learning may vary according to the types of innovative technologies, and there has never
been any attempt that compared the use of AR and interactive digital map in contextualized language
learning, although these two have been investigated by several studies before, it is necessary to
investigate and compare the effects of AR and interactive digital map in promoting contextualized
language learning.
3. Implementations
Analysis of Covariance (ANOVA) was conducted to examine participants’ learning
performance between groups with prior content knowledge as covariant to eliminate prior knowledge
effect on learning achievement, paired t-tests were employed to examine participants’ attitude changes
after receiving the treatment, and Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA) was implemented to
examine the differences in participants’ attitude changes between groups. A significance Alpha level
of .05 was used for the statistical analysis.
Figure 1. The interactive digital map (iMap, on the left) and the interactive AR (on the right)
assist learners to navigate and learn the theme-based content.
As shown on the left in Fig. 1, the iMap-enhanced theme-based learning utilizes the navigation
function and the GPS positioning of a digital map and allows learners to explore and learn the
geographic-arranged theme-based content through intuitive navigation or real-time GPS positioning.
Furthermore, as shown on the right in Fig. 1, the AR-enhanced theme-based learning utilizes the AR
recognition function and allows learners to explore and learn the geographic-arranged theme-based
content through AR interactions.
An English content knowledge test was administered prior to and immediately after the
treatment to evaluate participants’ previous acquired prior knowledge and learning achievement from
the treatment, respectively. Similarly, a 5-aspect 25-item attitude questionnaire was conducted prior to
and after the treatment to survey participants’ learning attitudes toward previous EFL learning and their
received versions of technology-enhanced contextualized EFL learning, respectively.
4. Results
The group means of participants' learning performance in English content knowledge are shown in Table
1. The overall mean scores reached acceptable levels of 49.49% and 56.51% of correct-answer-rate for
the iMap group and the AR group, respectively. The AR group had a higher mean score and lower
deviation than the iMap group. Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) was conducted with prior content
knowledge as covariant to examine whether the difference of participants’ learning performance
between groups is significant. As shown in Table 2, the ANCOVA summary indicates that prior content
knowledge was significant on learning achievement. That is to say, employing prior content knowledge
as covariant in the analysis can eliminate the impact of prior content knowledge on participants’ learning
achievement. Moreover, the type of technology-enhanced learning is also significant (F(1, 62)=13.07,
p<.01), indicating that the AR group outperformed the iMap group while learning from the
technology-enhanced learning. In other words, the embodied AR-enhanced learning seemed to bring
about better learning achievement than the virtual navigation of the digital map did.
Table 1
Group Means and Standard Deviations of Learning Performance
GRP Mean S.D. n
iMap 49.49 8.98 32
AR 56.51 7.12 33
Total 53.25 8.71 56
Table 2
ANCOVA Summary on Learning Performance with Prior Content Knowledge as Covariant
Source Type III Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Partial Eta Squared
Prior Knowledge 279.33 1 279.33 4.62 .04 .08
Group 789.62 1 789.62 13.07 .00 .20
Error 3202.57 62 60.43
As shown in Table 3, the group means and standard deviations of pre-attitude and post-attitude indicate
that participants seemed to possess higher confidence, preference, attention, and learning strategy, but
lower anxiety. The summary of paired t-tests, as shown in Table 4, indicates that participants’ attitude
changes before and after the treatment are significant in all attitude aspects. That is to say, the
implemented technology-enhanced learning brought about a higher degree of confidence, preference,
attention, and learning strategy, but lower anxiety for the participants. Whether different types of
technology-enhanced learning has a similar or different impact on attitude is further analyzed as follows.
As shown in Table5, the group means and standard deviations of attitude changes the iMap
group and the AR group suggest that the AR group seemed to obtain higher attitude changes in all
aspects of confidence, preference, anxiety, attention, and learning strategy. Multivariate Analysis of
Variance (MANOVA) was implemented to examine the differences in participants’ attitude changes
between the experimental groups. The results suggest that both the AR group and the iMap group
obtained a similar degree of attitude increases in confidence, preference, attention, and learning
strategy, but the AR group possessed a higher attention increase than the iMap learners. The results
suggest that the embodied AR-enhanced learning seemed to draw more attention of the learners and
engage them in the learning activity than the virtual navigation on the digital map of the iMap learners
did. It is reasonable to infer that the embodied AR interactions can engage the learners in the
information processing efficiently and, therefore, result in meaningful and effective learning.
Table 3
Group Means and Standard Deviations of Pre-Attitude and Post-Attitude
Mean Std. Deviation n
Pair 1 Pre-Confidence 2.59 1.50 65
Post-Confidence 3.04 .91 65
Pair 2 Pre-Preference 2.52 1.48 65
Post-Preference 3.02 .93 65
Pair 3 Pre-Anxiety 3.18 1.34 65
Post-Anxiety 2.54 .60 65
Pair 4 Pre-Attention 2.45 1.29 65
Post-Attention 3.05 .57 65
Pair 5 Pre-Strategy 2.61 1.45 65
Post-Strategy 3.25 .80 65
Table 4
Summary of T-Tests on Attitude Differences
Attitude Aspect Mean Std. Deviation t df
Pair 1Post-Confidence – Pre-Confidence .46 1.27 2.04 64 .05
Pair 2Post-Preference – Pre-Preference .50 1.22 2.32 64 .03
Pair 3Post-Anxiety – Pre-Anxiety -.64 1.15 -3.15 64 .00
Pair 4Post-Attention – Pre-Attention .60 1.11 3.05 64 .01
Pair 5Post-Strategy – Pre-Strategy .65 1.25 2.93 64 .01
Table 5
Group Means and Standard Deviations of Attitude Difference for the iMap and AR Groups
Attitude Difference GRP Mean Std. Deviation n
Confidence iMap .21 1.27 32
AR .46 1.07 33
Total .33 1.17 65
Preference iMap .24 1.22 32
AR .50 .97 33
Total .37 1.10 65
Anxiety iMap .32 1.15 32
AR .64 1.04 33
Total .47 1.10 65
Attention iMap .06 1.11 32
AR .60 1.02 33
Total .33 1.09 65
Strategy iMap .22 1.25 32
AR .65 1.16 33
Total .43 1.22 65
Table 6
MANOVA Summary of Type of Technology on Attitude Differences
Type III Sum of Partial Eta
Source Dependent Variable df Mean Square F Sig.
Squares Squared
GRP Confidence 1.02 1 1.02 .74 .39 .01
Preference 1.08 1 1.08 .89 .35 .01
Anxiety 1.69 1 1.69 1.41 .24 .02
Attention 4.75 1 4.75 4.17 .05 .06
Strategy 2.99 1 2.99 2.05 .16 .03
Error Confidence 86.78 63 1.38
Preference 76.51 63 1.21
Anxiety 75.40 63 1.20
Attention 71.86 63 1.14
Strategy 91.95 63 1.46
5. Conclusions
This study employed a gamified framework to implement two types of technology-enhanced
contextualized learning to promote learners to learn theme-based EFL learning content by means of
3-stage of learning activities of Learning from video dialogues, Learning from pictorial vocabulary, and
Practicing what you learned. The employed gamified framework aimed to encourage the participants to
engage in the learning tasks by giving them awarding stars in accordance with their task performance.
The AR-enhanced learning and the iMap-enhanced learning were employed to provide life-like
theme-based contexts and in-time embodied and virtual interactions to facilitate EFL learning. The
preliminary analysis confirmed the research hypotheses as follows. Firstly, both types of
technology-enhanced learning brought about acceptable learning effectiveness, and the embodied AR
interactions can engage the learners in the information processing efficiently and, therefore, result in
meaningful and effective learning. Secondly, all participants showed positive attitude changes toward
technology-enhanced learning in confidence, preference, attention, and learning strategy, but lower
anxiety, and it suggested that technology-enhanced contextualized learning is effective in promoting
learning attitudes and helping EFL learners achieve acceptable learning performance. Thirdly, the
embodied AR-enhanced learning draw more attention of the learners and engaged them in the
theme-based learning contexts than the digital map virtual navigation of the iMap did, and therefore, it
resulted in meaningful and effective learning. Finally, future studies are suggested to examine the
superiority of AR interactions in facilitating learners’ sense of contextualization and engagement in
learning tasks in detail.
This study is supported in part by the National Science Council of the Republic of China under the grant
MOST 106-2511-S-003 -018 -MY3.
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Abstract: Conjunctive words connect two sentences logically. This property is divided into
same-meaning and different-meaning commutativity. The former emphasizes a meaning that is
explicitly represented in the sentences that already exist, but the latter adds a meaning beyond
what is explicitly represented in them. Doing exercises to learn how to use both the former and
the latter is important because conjunctive words play an important role in reading and writing
effective sentences. Exercises to learn the former are easy, as there is only one correct answer to
a fill-in-the-blank problem. On the other hand, to demonstrate mastery of the latter, the
exercises must be difficult because various correct answers with different meanings exist. In
this study, we designed and developed a conjunctive word learning support system for
performing conjunctive word exercises to master different-meaning commutativity. In this
system, the learner is provided with an exercise that entails assembling a sentence structure
composed of two sentences and a conjunctive word and a conjunctive logical structure
composed of two explicit situations and an implicit situation. The system also automatically
diagnoses the learner’s performance on the exercises and gives feedback based on the diagnosis
results. Furthermore, we carried out an experiment to verify the validity of this system, and the
results suggest that the system is effective for helping students to master this aspect of language.
1. Introduction
Connective words play an important role in both reading and writing (Aidinlou & Mehr, 2012; Manan
& Raslee, 2018), and they are sometimes called “discourse markers” or “linking words” (Fox Tree,
2010; Yale Center, 2012). Connective words are especially important in Japanese-language learning
because they play an important role in reading and writing effective sentences and are one of the most
important elements of the language (Ichikawa, 1978; Baba, 2005; Yamamuro, 2008). Therefore, we
focus on the role of connective words in Japanese-language learning. The role of conjunctive words is
to logically connect the contexts that exist before and after them. Furthermore, if the context is
understood semantically, the conjunctive word is not always required. In this case, the conjunctive word
does not add a new meaning to the existing context. In fact, a conventional exercise on conjunctive
words is to choose a conjunctive word that represents a connection/relationship. Whether the
relationship is appropriate for the context is determined only by the sentences before and after the
conjunctive word.
On the other hand, many studies have pointed out that an important role of conjunctive words is
to give the reader a hint to make the future context easier to discern during the process of reading
comprehension (Ujiie, 1973; Itou & Abe, 1991; Ishiguro, 2008). These words also play a role in
establishing the context beforehand. In other words, conjunctive words indicate meaning in the process
of reading comprehension and description, although the reason for the choice of conjunctive words is
obvious after all contexts become clear. At times, the meaning of the sentences is changed by the choice
of conjunctive words. In this study, we define this property of conjunctive words as “different-meaning
commutativity.” This definition is described in Chapter 2.
In this study, we designed and developed a conjunctive word-learning support system for
mastering different-meaning commutativity. The implementation of such an exercise was not easy
because it needed to target the implication that was changed by switching conjunctive words. In this
study, the information structure of a conjunctive expression is understood as consisting of a sentence
structure and a conjunctive logical structure. Furthermore, the sentence structure consists of three
elements of two sentences and a conjunctive word that connects the sentences. The conjunctive logical
structure consists of three elements of two explicit situations that the sentences that comprise the
sentence structure explicitly express and an implied situation suggested by the conjunctive words. In
correspondence with these two structures, we articulate a framework in which a conjunctive expression
with different-meaning commutativity and its meanings constitute a mutual dependence between a
conjunctive word and an implied situation model. As an exercise based on this model, we designed an
activity that entailed assembling and manipulating the sentence and conjunctive logical structures and
developed an environment in which the system could diagnose students’ performance and give
feedback on the results of the activity (Ogata et al., 2015). Furthermore, to verify the validity of this
system, an experiment using it and an evaluation of the results were performed.
2. Different-Meaning Commutativity
A conjunctive word provides a logical connection between the sentences before and after it. This is
called a “conjunctive expression.” A conjunctive expression consists of two sentences and a
conjunctive word that connects them. In addition, this expression holds even if the conjunctive words in
the conjunctive expression change. This property is often called “commutativity” (Itou & Abe, 1991).
Due to this property, the meaning does not change or the meaning changes as the conjunctive
expression changes. We call commutativity that does not change the meaning “same-meaning
commutativity” and commutativity that changes the meaning “different-meaning commutativity.” In
this study, we focus on conjunctive expressions that reflect different-meaning commutativity. The
following is an example of this type of commutativity (Ishiguro, 2008):
(Conjunctive expression 1) “I practiced hard every day and participated in the tournament, so I came in
fourth out of twenty people.”
(Conjunctive expression 2) “I practiced hard every day and participated in the tournament, but I came in
fourth out of twenty people.”
In these two conjunctive expressions, the two clauses before and after the conjunctive word are the
same. Therefore, the meanings explicitly expressed are common to both. However, the meanings
implied by the conjunctive expressions are different because of the difference in the conjunctive word.
In conjunctive expression 1, the expression implies that coming in fourth out of twenty people is a
reasonable result of practicing hard every day. On the other hand, in conjunctive expression 2, the
expression implies that coming in fourth out of twenty people is a disappointing result after practicing
hard every day. Thus, different-meaning commutativity entails a change in meaning when the
conjunctive word is changed.
The importance of different-meaning commutativity has been pointed out in many studies.
According to one interpretation, the conjunctive word is not meant to represent pure or objective logic,
and conjunctive expressions include the subjective intentions of a writer as their premise (Ujiie, 1973).
Through them, the individual logic of the writer is expressed. The importance of the role of conjunctive
words has also been pointed out by scholars. Such words aid in the recognition of speakers and impart
the subjective situational understanding of writers (Kawabata, 2009). In addition, another function of
conjunctive words is to help the reader understand what a writer is implying (Ishiguro, 2008). This is
regarded as a creative aspect of conjunctive words, and the implication appears logical if the
subjectivity of writers is accepted by readers. On the other hand, it has been noted that exercises to
examine conjunctive expressions with different-meaning commutativity have not been conducted
before (Ishiguro, 2008). Therefore, it is important to provide support for mastering the use of
conjunctive expressions that involve commutativity.
3.1 Mutual Dependence between Conjunctive Words and the Implied Situation Model
The mutual dependence between conjunctive words and the implied situation model is a framework for
representing the different-meaning commutativity model. The model represents the mutual dependence
between the conjunctive word and the implied situation. A diagram of this model is shown in Fig.1. The
conjunctive expression consists of two sentences, with a conjunctive word placed between them. In
addition, such sentences are composed of a front sentence and a back sentence. This is called “sentence
structure.” In addition, the meaning of the sentence structure consists of an explicit situation and an
implicit situation. The explicit situation represents an obvious connection between the front and back
sentences. The implicit situation represents a situation implied by connecting the sentences with the
conjunctive word. This is called a “conjunctive logical structure.”
Figure 1. Mutual dependence between conjunctive words and the implicit situation model
The different-meaning commutativity model is a principle that explains the essential content of the
conjunctive word exercise in this study. Based on the diagram of Fig. 1, Fig. 2 shows a conjunctive
expression with different-meaning commutativity. Its distinguishing characteristic is that two
conjunctive expressions are given, and they respectively imply different meanings. The two expressions
consist of two identical sentences with a different conjunctive word connecting them. The two
sentences and the two conjunctive words are the components used to assemble these two conjunctive
expressions, since the two conjunctive expressions are composed of the same two sentences and a
different conjunctive word. These are called “sentence expression elements.” In Fig. 2, the meaning of
each sentence is comprised of its explicit and implicit meanings. The explicit meaning is indicated
explicitly in a sentence, and the implicit meaning is implied by the conjunctive word. Furthermore, the
explicit meaning is represented by the same two sentences as the sentence expression elements, and the
implicit meaning is represented by a different sentence. The meaning of the sentence is comprised of the
two sentences that represent the explicit meaning and the sentence that represents the implicit meaning.
Furthermore, the meaning of two-sentence structures in relation to different-meaning commutativity is
inferred from two sentences that respectively represent the same explicit meaning and two sentences
that represent a different implicit meaning for each conjunctive word. These are called “conjunctive
logical expression elements.” Fig. 3 shows an example of two conjunctive expressions with
different-meaning commutativity. This example is the same as the example in the introduction and is
represented by this model expression. In this study, we designed a conjunctive word exercise by
assembling a pair of sentence and conjunctive logical structures from the sentence expression and
conjunctive logical expression elements. This design of the exercises is described in the next chapter.
Figure 2. Definition of a different-meaning commutativity model
In this study, this conjunctive word-learning support system includes providing the sentence expression
elements and the conjunctive logical expression elements to learners. This system allows the learners to
assemble the information structure of the conjunctive expression with different-meaning commutativity
as a conjunctive word-learning assignment. By using the pairs in Figs. 2 and 3, a sentence expression
element list and a conjunctive logical expression element list, as shown in Fig. 4, can be prepared. By
applying this system to the diagram of the sentence and conjunctive logical structures in Fig. 1,
reconstructing Figs. 2 and 3 can be made into an assignment. In this type of assignment, although the
relationship between the sentence and conjunctive logical structures is a many-to-many relationship,
designing such an information structure and using it as an assembly activity can form the basis of a
system that allows learners’ level of mastery to be diagnosed automatically. This approach is called the
“open information structure approach” (Hirashima & Hayashi, 2018). Furthermore, it has been
confirmed that a system designed using this approach promotes the learning of information structures
such as arithmetic word problems and concept maps (Hirashima, 2015, 2016). Therefore, we designed
and developed a conjunctive word-learning support system based on this approach.
In order to diagnose students’ level of mastery automatically with this system, we prepared
sentences that included an explicit meaning (explicit sentences) and conjunctive words, and sentences
that included an implicit meaning (implicit sentences) that could be indicated by their combination. By
asking learners to combine the elements, this system provided them with assignments that helped them
recognize conjunctive expressions that indicated different-meaning commutativity. In each assignment,
two explicit sentences that could become the front and back sentences in the sentence structure were
presented, as were two conjunctive words that could be inserted between them to construct sentences
that made sense. Depending on the elements, if the conjunctive word was changed, the implicit sentence
could change and vice versa. In this study, one of the goals of this conjunctive word exercise was to help
learners understand different-meaning commutativity.
Furthermore, the variations in combinations increased by changing the type of target
conjunctive word. The conjunctive words included in the assignment created using this system included
resultative and adversative types to represent logical connections (Inoue & Hirashima, 2011). In the
case of resultative and adversative conjunctive words, the following exercises, in which six sentences
and two conjunctive words are presented, can be used to assess learners’ mastery.
(1) Prepare a pair of explicit sentences that can be used as the front and back sentences.
(Examples: “I wanted to see my friend” and “I went to the station”)
(2) Select two conjunctive words that can connect explicit sentences.
(Examples: “so” and “but”)
(3) Consider concrete examples of implicit sentences when the explicit sentences are connected by the
conjunctive word and create a conjunctive logical structure.
(Examples: “My friend is at the station” and “My friend isn’t at the station”)
(4) Prepare sentences that are the opposite of the front and back sentences.
(Examples: “I didn’t want to see my friend” and “I didn’t go to the station”)
The elements created based on this procedure are both elements of the sentence and conjunctive logical
structures. From the examples above, it can be seen that the learner's answer should correspond to a
sentence and conjunctive logical structure that can be formed by the combining six sentences and two
conjunctive words. In this procedure, multiple sentences can be composed. Fig. 5 shows the
combinations that can be given as answers when the assignment is designed this way. The combinations
of answers can be organized in a tree structure. The sentence structure includes 60 ways (6 sentences ×
2 conjunctive words × 5 sentences = 60 ways), the conjunctive logical structure includes 120 ways (6
sentences × 5 sentences × 4 sentences); thus, there are 7,200 total ways to answer (60 × 120). Therefore,
the flexibility of the system is maintained because the number of potential combinations of answers is
The types of exercises in this system are classified into (1) free-assembly exercises, (2)
transition-assembly exercises, and (3) partial-assembly exercises. The free-assembly exercise requires
learners to assemble the entire sentence and conjunctive logical structures. The transition-assembly
exercise requires learners to change part of the sentence and conjunctive logical structures from a state
in which all the components have been assembled in advance and then reassemble the other parts
accordingly. In the partial-assembly exercise, some of the components of the sentence and conjunctive
logical structures are decided in advance, and the remaining parts are assembled by learners. This
exercise is divided into 5 components because there are multiple patterns of predetermined parts.
Therefore, the parts assembled in each exercise are different.
Figure 4. Sentence expression and conjunctive logical expression element lists
Figure 5. Instance of mutual dependence between a conjunctive word and an implicit situation
4.3 Interface of the Conjunctive Word-Learning Support System
An interface from this system is shown in Fig. 6 (translated from Japanese to English). The upper-left is
a blank space where the sentence structure is assembled, the upper-right is a blank space where the
conjunctive logical structure is assembled, and the lower half shows the options available to the learner.
At this stage, the learner assembles the sentence and conjunctive logical structures at the top using the
options at the bottom of the screen.
The sentence structure is constructed by moving the front sentence, the conjunctive word, and
the back sentence from the lower-left card group to the upper-left blank. The conjunctive logical
structure is constructed by moving explicit and implicit sentences from the bottom-right card group to
the upper-right blank. After that, the result is shown by pressing the answer button.
In order to verify that this system could be used by primary school students in practice, we analyzed the
log data of this system and the questionnaire. The results of the questionnaire suggested that these types
of assignments were difficult for some of the children because the proportion of negative responses to
questions about their difficulty was high. On the other hand, the other questions yielded mostly positive
opinions, and the exercises and system in this study were generally well-accepted. Therefore, the results
suggest that the children understood the significance of the exercises and engaged in them with interest
even though they recognized that they were difficult. Moreover, 32 out of 39 subjects filled out the
comments section in the free-writing portion of the questionnaire, and many of their responses were “I
want to use this system again” or “I enjoyed this system.”
An analysis of the results of the system log shows that the children answered an average of 1.95
times per minute during the first 5 minutes and 1.58 times per minute during the last 5 minutes of the
26-minute exercise. Therefore, we believe that students were continuously engaging in the learning
activity because the system was used constantly from the beginning to the end. Moreover, we believe
that the learners answered while thinking about the validity of the combinations of a conjunctive word
and an implied situation within this framework. This is because the rate of correct answers given by the
learners was higher than the rate of correct answers among all the combinations that the learners could
choose in this exercise. Based on these observations, we believe that the children actively engaged with
these exercises and gave them careful consideration when choosing their answers.
In the pre-test and post-test that were conducted before and after the class, the same three questions
were given in the form shown in Fig.7 (translated from Japanese to English). These tests were different
from the assignment given using the system that we described, and they were given to investigate
whether the children could find more combinations of conjunctive words and implied situations. During
these tests, the test subjects were given adequate time to allow them to record all possible combinations.
Fig. 8 shows the results of the pre- and post-tests. The results are analyzed by dividing
assignments into one category for the resultative and adversative and another for other conjunctive
words. The recall rate (the number of correct answers in the learner’s responses divided by the number
of all possible correct answers) and the precision rate (the number of correct answers given by the
learner divided by the total of all learners’ responses) were determined for both assignments. The
analysis results for the resultative and adversative conjunctive words show that the average recall rate
increased from 64.7% to 73.7%. Furthermore, when an analysis of the variance was performed, a
significant difference was confirmed (p = 0.00661), and the effect size was large (d = 0.81). The average
of the precision rate decreased from 94.6% to 93.6%; thus, no significant difference was confirmed. On
the other hand, the analysis results of the other conjunctive word assignments show that the average
recall rate increased from 47.3% to 51.9%. Furthermore, when an analysis of the variance was
performed, no significant difference was confirmed. The average precision rate decreased from 44.6%
to 38.3%, indicating a significant difference (p = 2.91E-05).
The analysis of the assignment for the resultative and adversative conjunctive words suggests
that more correct combinations were chosen in this exercise. The reason is that the recall rate
significantly increased without changing the precision rate, although a few mistakes were still included.
Therefore, this result suggests a meaningful learning effect on students’ mastery of conjunctive words
of the resultative and adversative types. The analysis results of the other conjunctive word assignments
did not suggest that there was a significant learning effect in the numerical sense. This is because the
recall rate increased but was not significant, and the precision rate decreased significantly. However, the
increase in the recall rate and the decrease in the precision rate suggest a tendency to use conjunctive
words in various ways. Therefore, it is believed that this exercise affected the learners’ awareness and
understanding of conjunctive words in general. At the same time, the results also suggest that it would
be necessary to do similar exercises for each conjunctive word.
Figure 7. Format of the pre-test and post-test
6. Concluding Remarks
In this study, we discussed the significance of different-meaning commutativity and its modeling based
on previous research. Based on the model, we proposed a conjunctive word exercise focused on
different-meaning commutativity and developed a system for administering it. Furthermore, we
performed an evaluative experiment to verify the validity of this system. From these results, one can see
that the positive learning effect on students’ mastery of different-meaning commutativity for
conjunctive words of the resultative and adversative types was verified. In the future, we would like to
create guidelines for assignments focusing on other types of conjunctive words, discuss more advanced
methods of gathering feedback, and verify the usefulness of learning activities through a detailed
analysis of learners’ responses.
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Abstract: In this paper, we present an analysis of the change processes of a Turkish EFL
teacher who participated in an Online Professional Development (OPD) program that included
online lesson study procedure and webinars. The aim of the study was to uncover the short term
and long term changes of this teacher through the use of Clarke and Hollingsworth’s (2002)
Interconnected Model of Teacher Professional Growth (IMTPG). As part of the OPD program,
this teacher attended six webinars about language teaching methodology and the use of
technology in language teaching. In a period of 13 weeks, she also became part of online lesson
study procedure with three other teachers. To this end, they met online once a week to do lesson
planning for a research lesson and to later discuss about the effectiveness of that lesson by
viewing its video recording. In this case study, the data collection tools comprised a background
questionnaire, interviews, group meeting extracts, pre-and post-observations, lesson plans
prepared by the group, video recordings of the research lessons and group meetings. The
findings showed that various short term changes were initiated by different domains including
personal domain, the lesson study discussions and webinars in the external domain with various
pathways of change. More long-lasting changes, on the other hand, came about when she
integrated her learning from the webinars into her classroom teaching and reflected on the
student outcomes of these new practices, which promoted changes in her earlier beliefs and
attitudes towards some aspects of teaching. It was also revealed that the changes in her
cognition and teaching behavior were related to her increased knowledge and skills about
incorporating web 2.0 tools into language classes.
Keywords: Online professional development, webinar, online lesson study, teacher change,
Interconnected Model of Teacher Professional Growth
1. Introduction
Conventional approaches to PD which include one-time training efforts with few examples of effective
teaching and few opportunities for teacher collaboration and reflection have been maligned for their
inefficacy in leading to teacher change (Bickerstaff & Cormier, 2015). More constructivist forms of PD
which are situated in teachers’ daily teaching practice and view teachers as ‘active and reflective
practitioners’ have been shown to contribute to teacher development (Wideman, 2010, p.4). With a
common goal, collegial support and activities that focus on student learning, teachers are found to be
better positioned to alter their teaching practices (Prenger, Poortman & Handelzalts, 2017). The
observations from the extant body of research in PD also point out that teachers feel the need to
‘experiment with new instructional strategies and materials’ in socially bound professional learning
communities (Schipper, Goei, de Vries & van Keen, 2017).
In the last decades, the online PD programs have been shown to meet many of these teachers’
professional needs (Dede, Ketelhut, Whitehouse, Breit & McCloskey, 2009). When OPD appears in the
form of online professional learning communities, it presents a wealth of advantages. First and
foremost, the teachers have a chance to get connected with other teachers having similar problems
(Lieberman & Pointer Mace, 2010), to engage in joint enterprise for improving their practice
(Lantz-Andersson, Lundin, & Selwyn, 2018) and to perpetuate these activities in an ongoing manner by
transcending time and place limitations (Powell & Bodur, 2019). They can also have access to various
resources including expert knowledge thereby meeting their learning needs as professionals (Blitz,
2013). In the current study, an OPD program was designed based on an online professional learning
community model with a consideration of the key features of effective professional development. To
this end, online lesson study procedure was implemented with a group of Turkish EFL teachers along
with a series of webinars offered to these teachers (Yursa & Silverman, 2015). Wideman (2010) argues
that despite the abundance of studies on OPD, very few studies had a direct assessment of the changes in
teachers’ cognition and classroom practices after their participation in an OPD program. To address this
research gap, this study sets out to examine how an OPD program which integrates online lesson study
with webinars contributes to a language teachers’ development.
2. Literature Review
Lesson study originated in Japan early in the 1900s (Cheung & Wong, 2015; Fernandez & Yoshida,
2004) and since then became widespread in many countries all over the world. (Clivaz & Ni
Shuilleabhain, 2017) In LS, generally, small groups of teachers (usually four to six teachers)
(Fernandez &Yoshida, 2004) work collaboratively to set goals for student learning and co-plan research
lessons that target these goals. One of the teachers teach the lesson in his/her own classroom and other
teachers act as observers and collect data on student learning. In post-lesson discussion, they reflect on
the data to improve the lesson and if possible and teach the revised lesson in one or more classroom
(Lewis 2002; 2009). LS started to be adopted worldwide as a viable means for supporting teachers to
improve their professional knowledge and practices. For instance, the World Association of Lesson
study founded in Hong Kong in 2005, has ‘members from over 60 countries’ now (Xu & Pedder, 2015).
Some countries took initiatives to conduct lesson study nation-wide as a school improvement policy or
fostering reform-minded teaching (e.g. Hadfield & Jopling, 2016). Extensive studies conducted in
different parts of the world such as US (Fernandez, Cannon, & Chokshi, 2003), UK (e.g. Cajkler,
Wood, Norton, & Pedder, 2014), Australia (e.g. Hollingsworth & Oliver, 2005), China (e.g.Yang,
2009) Indonesia and Malaysia (White & Lim, 2008) among many others (Doig & Groves, 2011) also
reflect the growing interest for LS all over the world. In their review of studies on LS, Xu and Pedder
(2015) report many studies which indicate improvements in teachers’ subject content knowledge,
pedagogic knowledge, pedagogic content knowledge and knowledge about pupils as a result of their
learning from lesson study procedure (Xu and Pedder, 2015). Despite the abundance of research on LS,
an online version of LS has received only scant attention in literature. Only two studies mentioned how
they implemented online lesson study with a group of teachers (Sharma & Pang, 2015; Yursa &
Silverman, 2011). However, as a limitation, only self-report instruments were used and teacher change
was not within the scope of these studies.
Online community is defined as ‘a group of people’ who have ‘common interests and shared goals’ and
utilize online technology for communication in lieu of ‘face-to-face interactions’ (Hew, 2009).The idea
of online community, which bolsters the sociocultural approaches to learning (Mackey & Evans, 2011)
arises as a relatively new professional development model (Barab, Kling & Gray, 2004). Learning
communities are characterized by ‘explicit learning goals’ and are aimed at achieving certain
pre-defined outcomes (Whitehouse, McCloskey, & Ketelhut, 2010).
Wideman (2010) indicates that although OPLCs are around at least for a decade, the number of
studies that examine their effectiveness and sustainability are quite limited. Most of the research centres
on a description of teachers’ experiences through the use of self-reports (Blitz, 2013) whereas the
impact of collaborative teamwork on teachers’ processes of learning are quite unstudied. There are also
very few studies that looked at changes in teachers’ classroom practices as an outcome of their
participation in OPLC or the impact of community activities on student learning (Wideman, 2010). This
study, which focuses on teachers’ development of new knowledge and skills through an OPD program
also aims to fill in the gap in the literature related to the effect of OPLCs on teachers’ knowledge
development and pedagogical practices.
2.3 Interconnected Model of Teacher Professional Growth
In IMTPG, Clarke and Hollingsworth (2002) proposes four different domains where change can occur:
the personal domain (PD), the domain of practice (DP), the domain of consequences (DC) and the
external domain (ED) (See Figure 1). The personal domain consists of teachers’ knowledge, beliefs and
attitudes. When new knowledge, beliefs and attitudes are acquired, there is a change taking place in this
domain (Voogt et al. 2011). The domain of practice refers to teachers’ professional experimentation.
This experimentation occurs when teacher try out new practices. The domain of consequences is related
to the inferences teachers draw from their practices about themselves and their students as affected by
their value system’ (Witterholt, Goedhart, Suhre, & van Streun, 2012). In order for a change to happen
in this domain, the consequences need to be salient to the teacher. For example, when a teacher observes
improvement in student outcomes consequent to the use of a new teaching practice, this can be
perceived as salient by the teacher and change this domain. Finally, the external domain refers to the
‘outside of the teacher’s personal world’ (Witterholt et al. 2012) and is composed of any external source
of information that yields change such as meeting with colleagues, attending professional seminars, etc.
There are two mediating processes that enable a change between the four domains: enactment and
reflection. Enactment is putting new ideas into action by trying out these new ideas or practices as
professional experiments (Wang, Kim, Lee, & Kim, 2014). Reflection, on the other hand, refers to
teachers’ evaluation of their’ students’learning outcomes’ and their self-analysis of their ‘teaching
beliefs, attitudes and knowledge’ as a lens for examining the effectiveness of the enacted pedagogical
practices (Hung & Yeh, 2013, p.154). The processes of enactment and reflection have the primary
function of enabling multiple pathways between the domains.
Figure 1. The interconnected model of teacher professional growth (Clarke & Hollingsworth,
According to Clarke and Hollingsworth (2002), these pathways can lead to two types of teacher
change, which are either temporary changes or more lasting changes. Called as change sequence, the
temporary changes represent the learning processes, the effect of which continues for a short time on
teachers’ mentality and practices. When the change in any of the three domains (domain of practice,
personal domain, domain of consequence) is long-lasting, it is seen as an indicator of professional
growth and the change sequence is turned into a growth network. Growth network is a more meaningful
outcome of professional development initiative compared to short-lasting effect of a change sequence
(Clarke & Hollingsworth, 2002).
3. Methodology
As the research design, case study is used in the current study. Case study refers to “the in-depth study
of instances of a phenomenon in its natural context and from the perspective of the participants involved
in the phenomenon” (Gall, Gall & Borg, 2003, p. 436). It is one of the most frequently used qualitative
research methods (Borg, 2003) which provides a detailed exploration of a case through the use of
multiple data sources (e.g. interviews, observations, documents, etc.) (Creswell, 2007). In this study,
the case consisted of a Turkish EFL teacher who participated in an OPD program. To identify the
unique pathways of change experienced by this teacher, the following research questions guided the
direction of this study:
1. What sequences of change, mediated by reflection or enactment processes are observed for the
Turkish EFL teacher participating in the OPD program?
2. Which growth networks are identified for this teacher?
As revealed by a background questionnaire administered at the beginning of the study. Sally had her
undergraduate degree in Translation and Interpreting and held MA degree in Curriculum and
Instruction. She had 15 years of teaching experience apart from working in Research and Development
Division at Ministry of Education. Sally took part in some PD activities in Turkey and she travelled
abroad for some Erasmus projects. At the beginning of the OPD program, she expressed her desire to
improve her teaching skills since she was not a graduate of English Language Teaching Department and
felt the need for professional development. She followed some teacher, project or graduate research
groups in Facebook.
This OPD program which lasted for 13 weeks between November 2017 and January 2018 consisted of
two main activities for the participating teachers, which were the webinars and online lesson study
procedure. As part of a Marie Curie Project that targets language teachers’ professional development in
Europe, six webinars on different topics were prepared by the researcher and her academic advisor and
piloted with the teachers in the online lesson study group. They focused not only on information
delivery but also on some hands-on practice. The topics of the webinars included reflective practice for
language teachers, innovative techniques in teaching English I, II, Using New Technologies in
Language Teaching I, II and III. In these webinars, the focus was on language teaching methodologies
and the web 2.0 tools that can be used in language classes. WizIQ was used as the webinar platform.
The online lesson study component of the OPD program, which was implemented once a
week throughout the study was prepared with some adaptations made to Dudley’s (2015) version of
lesson study. In online meetings held in WizIQ, the teachers exchanged ideas about lesson planning
filling in the lesson study proposal and the research lesson planning, observation and discussion sheet
collaboratively with the use of Google Docs. The focus of the research lessons was three case pupils and
the teachers did the lesson planning with these three students in mind. The co-planned lessons were
taught by one of the teachers and some small-data were collected from the students including interviews
or student work samples. Later the video recordings of these lessons were shared with the other teachers
with the use of Google Drive. Following the implementation of the research lesson, the teachers had a
post lesson discussion in which they referred to their observations about the efficacy of the lesson for
student learning. Based on the teachers’ joint contributions, the research lesson was revised and taught
by another teacher in the group. After the second implementation, the group held another post-lesson
discussion in order to evaluate the impact of the lesson on the students. This LS procedure was
completed three times in the online lesson study group.
3.4 Data Collection Tools
Since it was a case study, various data collection tools were utilized in order to provide an in-depth
understanding of the case (Creswell, 2007). Firstly, a background questionnaire was applied to the
teacher before the OPD program to get some information about her professional background and about
the activities she does for her professional development. She was also interviewed three times in total in
that each interview took place after two research lessons in each LS procedure were completed. 4
classes of this teacher were also observed before and after her participation in the program. Finally, the
recording of the group meetings and lesson plans prepared by the group were also included as a data
collection tool.
As the analytical framework, Clarke and Hollingsworth’s (2002) model of Interconnected Model of
Teacher Professional Growth was used for investigating the learning processes of the teacher attending
the OPD program. However, some adaptations were made to this model due to the idiosyncratic
features of the program. Firstly, the external domain, which refers to any external source of information
provided to the teachers, was separated into two parts as ‘webinars’ and ‘lesson study discussions’
(LSD). The webinars served to represent the information presented to the teachers about language
teaching methodology and web 2.0 tools for language classes. The lesson study discussions, on the
other hand, referred to any peer-to-peer learning arising in group meetings when the teachers exchanged
ideas with each other.
Secondly, some elaborations were made on the Domain of Practice to include the
practice-oriented activities in lesson study procedure. Hence, Domain of Practice was divided into
‘lesson planning’, ‘teaching’, ‘revising’and ‘reteaching’ which are the components of LS procedure and
‘common teaching practice’ outside these LS components. The common teaching practice was included
in this domain in order to display professional experimentations in teachers’ own classes as distinct
from the LS procedure.
Data analysis process was initiated with the transcription of all data. Through constant
comparison method (Merriam, 1998), all data were coded with the use of the coding scheme adapted
from Zwart, Wubbels, Bergen and Bolhuis’s (2007) study in order to uncover the changes in the
teacher’s cognition, beliefs and her common teaching practices after her participation in the OPD
program. The frequency of the identified change sequences were provided for the teacher. Later, the
pathways of change among the domains were identified with the use of Justi and Van Driel’s (2006)
criteria. The distinction between a change sequence and a growth network was made according to
Clarke and Hollingsworth’s (2002) descriptions in which growth networks are ‘explicit evidence of
lasting change in practice or in teacher knowledge or beliefs’ (p. 958) unlike change sequences
representing short-term changes. For inter-coder reliability as a means of ensuring trustworthiness, all
data were also coded and analyzed by a colleague of the researcher. Only small differences were
detected in two sets of analysis and an agreement was reached for these differences. Member checking
was also done in that the researcher sent her analysis to the teacher and made some changes in her
analysis after getting some feedback from the teacher.
4. Findings
The results pointed at many instances of short term learning on part of Sally which were represented by
various change sequences initiated by different domains (See Table 1). It was found that most of the
change sequences identified in Sally’s data were initiated by the webinars in External Domain and
Domain of Practice. It was seen that the webinars in External Domain led to change sequences
especially when the ideas presented in the webinars were integrated into the research lessons. In
addition, the Domain of Practice was also an efficient information source for the teachers since it
provided the teachers with the opportunity to observe the effect of the research lessons and each other’s
teaching practices and techniques. The effect of the lesson study discussions in External Domain and
Personal Domain were less paramount for the teacher since teacher contributions to the lesson study
discussions were not even with some teachers having few contributions to the discussions for lesson
planning or revising.
Table 1
Domains Frequency
Personal Domain 3
External Domain (webinars) 6
External Domain (lesson study discussions) 4
Domain of Practice 10
The change sequences initiated by Personal Domain were represented in two ways with only a slight
difference in the pathway of change. In the first one, Sally offered a particular activity to the group as an
active teacher in group meetings (PD→ED) and it continued with the acceptance of that idea by the
other teachers for the research lesson (ED→ DP (lesson planning)). Following the teaching of the
co-planned lesson, she reflected on the general quality of the lesson (DP (teaching) →PD). In the other
change sequence, the ending point was Domain of Consequence in lieu of Personal Domain as the only
difference. To illustrate the first one, in group meeting one, Sally suggested using Kahoot in the first
research lesson: “We can use Kahoot at the end of the lesson. I use it for revising vocabulary” (Source:
Group meeting 2). Kahoot is integrated into the lesson plan and in group meeting three, she evaluates
the lesson as follows:
I have seen that Kahoot might be troublesome in some classes. The internet problems in the
class culminated in utter chaos. Not sure it is good to use all times. It could have been better to
think of a b plan when using technology in case of any technical problems. (Source: Group
meeting 2)
The findings indicated that there were three different change sequences initiated by lesson study
discussions or webinars in the External Domain. The first change sequence represented a reflection
process on the learning that comes about as a result of the teacher’s participation in the lesson study
meetings (ED (LSD) → PD) or in the webinars (ED (webinars) →PD). In the following quotes, for
example, Sally indicated that holding lesson study discussions with colleagues was of great benefit for
I believe these kinds of meetings are very beneficial. Even if you don’t learn something new in
every meeting -I believe I have learnt many new things though- it definitely has many
contributions for you. At least, it helps you to think about your practices and what you can do
about it. It is a thought- provoking process. (Source: Interview 1)
In a similar vein, the quote provided below illustrated Sally’s reflection process on the content
covered in the webinars. She stated that she had increased knowledge about using web 2.0 tools in
language classes as a consequence of her learning from the webinars:
In the webinars, I have learnt many Web 2.0 tools. Most of the tools covered in the webinars
were new to me. In each webinar, I found many things to do research about. I started to search
for other technologies. I thought more about what I can do with these technologies. (Source:
Interview 2)
Another change sequence was initiated when the group members suggested some activities
and some of these ideas were put into practice in research lessons (ED (LSD) → DP (lesson planning).
Following the teaching of the research lesson, the teachers reflected on how this lesson turned to be
effective in terms of student learning outcomes (DP (teaching)-DC). In group meeting one, for example,
Lucy proposed a warm up activity to the group as seen below:
For the first lesson, we can use a trailer to attract the students’ attention as a warm up activity.
We can ask the students some questions after watching the trailer to get them to guess the topic
of the reading passage. (Source: Group meeting 1)
Upon Lucy’s suggestion, the group decided to find a trailer to use before the reading passage
about Agatha Christie. In the group meeting in which the teachers evaluated the class implementation,
Sally reflected on that lesson as below:
The idea of using a trailer as a warm-up activity worked well in the classroom. I did not try it
before. The students’ interest in the reading passage increased since they were wondering about
what to read. Doing some speaking about the trailer was a good introduction to the lesson for
the students, I think. (Source: Group meeting 3)
Finally, Sally often transferred the know-how she gained in the webinars to her classes in an
immediate fashion as different from the other teachers (ED (webinar) → DP (common practice). The
integration of new practices was followed by her reflection on the student outcomes of these lessons
(DP (common practice) →DC). For example, in the fifth group meeting, in which teachers were
discussing about the activities to be used in the forthcoming lesson, Sally talked about how she
employed the treasure hunt activity she learnt in the webinars in her own class. In her reflection, she also
explained the increased student interest in the lesson as given below:
I used QR code and treasure hunt game in one of my classes. I was teaching present tense. I
prepared five questions and qr codes for each of them. I posted the qr codes on different parts of
the school. I chose a leader from each group. There were seven groups in total. Some
instructions on how many questions they needed to answer appeared when they scanned the qr
code. They answered the questions as a whole group. The activity was very nice, but chaotic, at
the same time. The students had so much fun but when it is a crowded class, it is not quite
possible to get rid of the noise. (Source: Group meeting 5)
There were two different change sequences initiated by Domain of Practice. The first of these included
a reflection process on the student outcomes of class implementations in research lessons (DP (teaching)
→DC). This can be seen in the following quote from a group meeting:
I really liked to see that doing individual listening instead of whole class listening can work
well in the classroom. In the lesson, the students were able to concentrate better and did not get
distracted as they did the other times. (Source: Group meeting 10)
The other change sequence included a reflection process on the student learning or motivation
observed in the research lessons (DP (teaching) →DC) which was followed by a change in teachers’
previous cognitions or beliefs about teaching or learning (DC→ PD). This change sequence is apparent
in the following group meeting extract. Here Sally evaluated the consequences of the research lesson in
terms of student outcomes by comparing it to a more traditional lesson. Later, her realization about the
favorable outcomes in the lesson led her to make new decisions about trying out a different approach to
teaching listening in her own classes:
I really liked to see that doing individual listening instead of whole class listening can work
well in the classroom. In the lesson, the students were able to concentrate better and did not get
distracted as they did the other times. It is a pretty good practice we can use in our lessons. I
plan to use it sometimes. (Source: Group meeting 10)
The results of the study demonstrated that there was one particular pathway of change identified for
Sally which represented long-term changes in her cognition and teaching practices. This growth
network was initiated when Sally incorporated the newly learnt web 2.0 tools introduced in the
webinars into her common teaching practice. Consequent to her implementation of that new teaching
practice, she reflected on the favorable student outcomes, which resulted in a change of her prior
cognition about teaching.
To illustrate, in the third interview, Sally talked about how she integrated Padlet in the fifth
webinar into her own teaching. In the post-observation data, she was also seen to use Padlet for a
writing activity in the classroom (ED (webinar) → DP (common practice).Evaluating the lesson, she first
referred to the effects of using Padlet on students’ writing performance (DP (common practice) →DC).
Second, she explained her intention to use it in further lessons (DC→ PD).
In class, I sent my students a padlet link and they did writing activity about the topic we covered
that day. They really liked using Padlet. They enjoyed looking at their own writings and those
of their friends. This time, they were more careful about grammar and they wrote more
enthusiastically than they did other times. I believe when Padlet is used, they give more
attention to the writing activity and the product is better compared to the times when classical
methods are used. I will keep using it. (Source: Interview 2)
As another finding, the analysis of the interviews and the group meetings also demonstrated
that the changes she made in her classroom practice during the online PD program were centered not on
language teaching methods or techniques but on the integration of web 2.0 tools. This finding was
reaffirmed in the pre- and post- observations which showed that she maintained her common teaching
practices consequent to her participation in PD. She only started to integrate more technological tools as
the only difference between pre- and post-observations.
The findings of the study demonstrated that different domains with the joint effect of the mediating
processes of enactment and reflection had an influence on the participating teachers’ development in the
OPD program. The contextualized research lessons in which practice-focus and collegial sharing were
paramount were found to contribute to teacher learning (Xu & Pedder, 2015) affirming the value of
online lesson study for teacher professional development (Sharma & Pang, 2015; Yursa & Silverman,
2011). Additionally, webinars focused on web 2.00 tools served to increase the teacher's technological
know-how and motivated her to use these tools not only in research lessons but also in her own classes.
Despite the presence of change sequences with different entry points, all of the long-lasting
changes in the teacher’s cognition and teaching behavior were found to be initiated by the webinars in
the External Domain. The teacher integrated the newly gained information from the webinars into her
regular practice. This was followed by her reflection on the student outcomes of the lesson, which
resulted in a change in her earlier cognition and beliefs about teaching. As an important finding, these
more permanent changes were found to be related to the teacher’s increased knowledge and skills about
incorporating web 2.00 tools into language classes. As an active group member, she was a teacher who
already used some tools in her classes, which can account for her success in integrating new practices
into her teaching. This finding could also be due to her positive attitude towards technology use in
language classes (vanOlphen, 2007) since not all teachers are able to implement the teaching techniques
introduced in the webinars in their own classes at satisfying degrees of success (Mai & Ocriciano,
The absence of any growth network initiated by lesson study discussions in the External
Domain showed that collegial learning was not intense enough to bring about long-lasting changes in
this teacher. It is possible that the lesson study meetings were not enough to create cognitive conflicts
for this teacher which are considered necessary for teachers to change their firm beliefs about teaching
and student learning (Clarke & Hollingsworth, 2002). It is also likely that the online lesson study group
was not able to create a collaborative dialogue among the teachers as a typical problem in professional
development programs (Akiba, Murata, Howard & Wilkinson, 2019). It is anticipated that the low level
of social engagement and real collaboration within the group can be due to the lack of a facilitator who
can interfere in group interaction and sustain a ‘regime of participation’ (Henderson, 2007). As an
implication of the study for future OPD efforts, therefore, a facilitator can be included in the online
lesson study group as a moderator of teacher discussions. Moreover, webinars can be provided to the
teachers (Blitz, 2013) in OPD programs along with the opportunities to test out the newly gained
information in teachers’ classroom practices and to reflect on the student outcomes of these
implementations. Additionally, since reflection on student outcomes arose as an important means to
teacher learning, it can be asserted that further PD efforts should focus on developing teachers’
reflection skills and help them gain better understandings of their students’ thinking. Finally, due to
some limitations of this study related to the short duration and few number of cases, further research can
examine the development of more teachers in a longer period of time.
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Department of Foreign Languages, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China
School of Educational Technology, Beijing Normal University, China
QC Education Innovation Institute., China
Abstract: An increasing amount of research has been conducted on the integration of new
media in English language learning and teaching, while limited studies have explored English
as a foreign language (EFL) learners’ English new media literacy. This quantitative study
developed an instrument with two questionnaires for assessing EFL learners’ new media
literacy and English language self-efficacy. It further investigated the associations between the
two constructs. The participants were 486 EFL learners at a comprehensive university in China,
who took a compulsory language course for improving their overall English proficiency. The
results validated the two questionnaires and further confirmed the correlations between the two
constructs. It was very striking to see that both functional consuming and functional prosuming
literacy played the most significant and positive role for predicting all the four aspects of
learners’ English self-efficacy. Moreover, critical consuming was found to act as a significant
predicator of students’ self-efficacy in listening and reading. This study sheds light on the role
of new media literacy on EFL learners’ self-efficacy, and also provides EFL instructors and
policy-makers with pedagogical implications on the effective integration of new media literacy
education into EFL teaching and learning.
Keywords: English new media literacy; English language self-efficacy; functional; critical;
consuming; prosuming
1. Introduction
Along with the emergence of new media technologies, English media is serving as a unique and
significant approach for Chinese EFL learners to improve their English proficiency (Guo & Yu, 2002).
Although research on second language acquisition (SLA) have shown a growing research interest in
applying new media tools in language teaching and learning (e.g. Rachels & Rockinson-Szapkiw, 2018),
little attention has been paid to English new media literacy of EFL learners, particularly in the Chinese
context. Hence, this study, situated in mainland China, aims to reveal the under-investigated intricate
relationship between EFL learners’ English new media literacy and their language self-efficacy, and
further explore the predictive role of new media literacy on EFL learners’ self-efficacy.
2. Literature Review
Considering both the technical and socio-cultural characteristics of new media, a preliminary
framework of NML was proposed by Chen, Wu, and Wang (2011), consisting of two continua named as
consuming and prosuming (producing and consuming). Based on the above two continua, four types of
NML can be recognized. They are (a) functional consuming, (b) functional presuming, (c) critical
consuming, and (d) critical prosuming. The functional consuming literacy refers to the ability to gain
access to created new media and understand what is being conveyed while functional prosuming
literacy focuses on the ability to participate in the creation of media content. Meanwhile, the critical
consuming literacy is concerned with media consumers’ ability to study the social economic, political
and cultural contexts of the media content, while critical prosuming literacy refers to individuals’
contextual interpretation of the media content during their media participation activities. This
framework was further refined with ten indicators by Lin et al. (2013) based on various discourses of
media literacy and new media studies. In the subsequent study of Lee, Chen, Li and Lin (2015), an
NML instrument was developed to provide a more comprehensive understanding of new media literacy.
In the field of SLA, English language self-efficacy is considered as “one’s belief about how
well he/she can successfully carry out a task in English based on his/her past experience” (Wang, Kim,
Bai and Hu, 2014). According to Bai, Hu and Gu (2014), language learner’ self-efficacy is regarded as
an important motivational variable influencing their’ behaviors and learning performance. Because
self-efficacy may vary depending on different contexts or domains (Bandura, 1997), it is suggested to
be approached by using multifaceted instruments instead of general self-efficacy items to measure
language learners’ self-efficacy (Wang, Schwab, Fenn, & Chang, 2013).
With the continuous development and prevalence of new media technologies, an increasing
attention has been paid to the potential of integrating new media in a wide range of practices in EFL
context. (e.g., Laire, Casteleyn, & Mottart, 2012; Yang, 2013). Considering both the affordances and
constraints of new media (Zheng, Yim, & Warschauer, 2018), there was still controversy regarding the
effect of new media on EFL learners’ self-efficacy. For example, several researchers claimed that the
use of new media technologies could enhance students’ self-confidence in EFL learning process (e.g.
Rachels & Rockinson-Szapkiw, 2018; Sun & Yang, 2015). Conversely, other researchers (e.g. Wu &
Hsu, 2011) have cautioned that students’ motivation of learning might decrease since studying in an
open environment of social media will make some students feel anxious. Therefore, the present study
aims at filling in some of these gaps by exploring the relationship between Chinese EFL learners’
English new media literacy and their English language self-efficacy. The following two research
questions will be addressed:
1. What is the relationship between EFL learners’ English new media literacy and their
2. What predictive role does EFL learners’ English new media literacy have on their
3. Method
This investigation was undertaken in the context of an EFL language course at a public
university in China. A random sample of 486 sophomores (around 20 years old) were involved in this
study. Since most of the participants were majoring in telecommunications, computer science and
electronic information science, male students (322 males) outnumbered females in our research. All the
participants had received formal EFL education for more than twelve years.
3.2 Instruments
Two questionnaires were employed to evaluate EFL learners’ English new media literacy and
English language self-efficacy. Both of the questionnaires were measured on a five-point Likert scale
from 1 ‘Strongly Disagree’ to 5 ‘Strongly Agree’. The items in the instrument were translated into
Chinese since that was the first language of all participants. The following paragraphs give a brief
account of the two questionnaires.
Based on the previous theoretical framework of NML (Chen et al., 2011; Lin et al., 2013; Lee et
al., 2015), we maintained four subscales to explore Chinese EFL learners’ new media literacy. The
questionnaire consists of 39 items under four subscales with eleven indicators: (1) functional
consuming (consuming skill and understanding); (2) functional prosuming (prosuming skill,
distribution and production); (3) critical consuming (analysis, synthesis and evaluation); and (4) critical
prosuming (integration, feedback and participation). The sample questions of the four subscales are as
(1) Functional consuming: I use search engine such as Google, Baidu or Yahoo to find English
(2) Functional prosuming: I can set up a social network account or blog account to send English
messages to foreign friends.
(3) Critical consuming: When I read a Media Message on English websites, I find it is selling
some values.
(4) Critical prosuming: I interact with other people in English in real time chat room, video
conference such as WeChat, MSN or Skype.
The other instrument, the English language self-efficacy (ELSE) questionnaire, was from Su,
Zheng, Liang and Tsai (2018)’s survey for measuring EFL students’ self-efficacy in listening, speaking,
reading, and writing skills. The questionnaire includes 25 items concerning students’ beliefs about how
capable they are to complete specific tasks in English. The four factors in the ELSE are described below,
with one sample item each provided:
(1) Listening efficacy: Can you understand English lectures of general topics?
(2) Speaking efficacy: Can you ask people for help in English?
(3) Reading efficacy: Can you read English newspapers?
(4) Writing efficacy: Can you use accurate grammar when you write English essays?
4. Results
To clarify the structure and validity of the ENML survey used in this study, an exploratory
factor analysis was performed by using the principal component analysis with varimax rotation method.
As suggested by Stevens (1996), items with the loadings weighed higher than 0.40 on the relevant factor
and lower than 0.40 on all the other factors were maintained in the finalized ENML. Finally, 37 items
were retained and grouped into four subscales. It also indicated that students showed strongest
agreement on functional consuming (Mean =3.65, SD = 0.66), followed by functional prosuming
(Mean = 3.50, SD = 0.72), critical consuming (Mean = 3.37, SD = 0.75), and critical prosuming (Mean
= 3.31, SD = 0.67). The reliability coefficient (Cronbach’s alpha) for each scale in this survey ranged
from 0.63 to 0.83, with an overall reliability of 0.91. The results show the satisfactory reliability for
measuring EFL learners’ English new media literacy.
With regard to the ELSE instrument, we applied a similar process of exploratory factor analysis
to identify its structure. Four factors with a total of 25 items were displayed in the finalized ELSE,
explaining 68.48% of the total variance. Specifically, the students scored highest on writing (Mean =
3.77, SD = 0.67), followed by speaking (Mean = 3.67, SD = 0.71), reading (Mean = 3.53, SD = 0.73),
and listening (Mean = 3.20, SD = 0.76). The reliability coefficients ranged from 0.61 to 0.81, with an
overall alpha of 0.88, suggesting that the internal consistency was sufficient and the four scales were
adequately reliable to assess students’ English language self-efficacy.
To examine the hypothesis that there is link between the EFL learners’ English new media
literacy and their self-efficacy in the process of learning English, Pearson correlation analysis was
conducted based on participants’ responses to the two questionnaires. Statistically significant positive
correlations were found between the scales in ENML and those in ELSE (r = 0.37-0.60, p < 0.001).
In order to fulfill our second research purpose, stepwise regression analyses was conducted to
examine the relations between learners’ English new media literacy and their English language
self-efficacy. For the analyses, the EFL learners’ ENML scales were processed as the predictors, while
the ELSE factorswere the outcome variables. First of all, we can clearly see that the ‘functional
consuming’ played the most powerful role for predicting all the factors in the learners’ English
language self-efficacy. Moreover, functional consuming significantly and positively predicted the
listening (β = 0.21, t = 3.61, p < 0.001), speaking (β = 0.27, t = 4.78, p < 0.001), reading (β = 0.20, t =
3.43, p < 0.01) and writing (β = 0.29, t = 4.94, p < 0.001) scales. Similarly, it was found that the score
disclosed by the factor of functional prosuming in ENML has positive predictions for the factors of
listening (β = 0.33, t = 5.42, p < 0.001), speaking (β = 0.34, t = 5.99, p < 0.001), reading (β = 0.30, t =
4.74, p < 0.001) and writing (β = 0.25, t = 4.32, p < 0.001) in ELSE. In addition, critical consuming was
also found to have positive prediction for learners’ self-efficacy in the two English language skills,
namely listening (β = 0.15, t = 2.59, p < 0.05) and reading (β = 0.13, t = 2.06, p < 0.05).
5. Discussion
This study employed two questionnaires to explore the relationship between EFL learners’
English new media literacy and their English language self-efficacy. Our findings reveal that both
instruments are valid and reliable for assessing students’ English new media literacy and their English
language self-efficacy.
5.1 Correlations between EFL learners’ English new media literacy and their self-efficacy
More importantly, this study explored the relationship between EFL learners’ English new
media literacy and their English self-efficacy. The correlation analysis indicates that there is a close
interplay between EFL learners’ ENML and their ELSE. This result is in accordance with previous
findings about the positive link between new media literacy and self-efficacy (e.g. Rachels &
Rockinson-Szapkiw, 2018).
5.2 Predictive roles of learners’ English new media literacy on their self-efficacy
The regression analyses further reveal the following predictive roles of learners’ English new
media literacy for their English self-efficacy. First, functional consuming and functional prosuming are
significant predictors for all the factors of students’ English self-efficacy, namely, listening, speaking,
reading and writing. Functional media literacy refers to the individual’s competency to use media tools
for accessing and creating media messages and understanding them at the textual level (Chen et al.,
2011). Our research further echoes previous findings that audio-visual aids may help to reduce EFL
learners’ test anxiety in both listening and reading (Lee, Lee, Liao, & Wang, 2015). Similar evidence
can also be found in Chartrand’s (2012) and Lin, Warschauer and Blake’s (2016) study with respect to
the positive influence of social-networking sites on students’ confidence in using their target languages.
This study also reveals that critical consuming is a major predictor for English language
self-efficacy in both listening and reading. A critical consumer is capable to interpret the social
economic, political and cultural contexts of the media content (Chen et al., 2018). It suggests that EFL
learners with the ability to analyze, evaluate and synthesize media content tend to be more confident in
their listening and reading activities.
The current study validates the research instrument for evaluating EFL learners’ English new
media literacy and self-efficacy in English learning. It further explores the interplay between learners’
English new media literacy and their English self-efficacy and discloses the intricate relations between
the two constructs in a Chinese higher education setting. According to the results, it is revealed that both
functional consuming and functional prosuming are identified as the two critical factors for predicting
students’ sense of self-efficacy in English listening, speaking, reading and writing. Besides, students
with higher critical consuming literacy tend to possess more confidence in listening and reading
Given the increasing significance of emerging technologies in education, several pedagogical
implications are also provided for fostering learners’ English language self-efficacy. First, it is essential
for EFL instructors to skillfully integrate a variety of new media tools into language teaching and
deliberate over the socio-cultural elements of new media, so as to provide students with more timely
and appropriate scaffolding tailored to their diverse need, abilities and proficiencies (Zheng &
Warschauer, 2018). Second, this inquiry also serves as a reminder for English language educators and
policy-makers of the necessity of integrating new media literacy education in EFL school curriculum.
Besides, due to the insufficiency of self-report questionnaires, more in-depth qualitative studies through
interviews or observations could shed more light on the complex interplay between language learners’
English new media literacy and their self-efficacy. Finally, because of the limited generalizability of our
findings, it should be replicated in different contexts to give a more complete picture of the relationships
between English new media literacy and English language self-efficacy.
This research was supported by the teaching reform projects of Beijing University of Posts and
Telecommunications (Grant 2018JY-B09 and 2019Y002), the graduate students’ teaching reform
projects of School of Humanities, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications (Grant
RW-YJ-201903), and QC Education Innovation Institute., China
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Education. Taiwan: Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education
Abstract: This study examined the effect of a blended learning mode on students’ English
self-efficacy and self-regulation in a Chinese university, and further explored factors associated
with their English listening self-efficacy. Results showed that after 16-week blended learning
implementation, students’ English listening self-efficacy, Task Strategies and Self-Evaluation
have significantly improved. Students from more developed places reported higher level of
English self-efficacy as well as the sources of English self-efficacy. Further OLS regression
models identified Social Persuasion as a strong predictor of students’ listening self-efficacy.
The implications of the study are also discussed.
1. Introduction
Blended learning (BL), or the integration of face-to-face and online instruction, is widely adopted
across higher education (Graham 2013). The “Guidelines on College English Teaching” issued in 2017
by the Ministry of Education of China urges College English to “integrate information technology with
curriculum”, and to “implement a blended teaching mode, in a way to foster students’ active,
autonomous and personalized learning”.
In blended learning settings, autonomous learning is required as students have to complete
learning tasks online before and after class, and set their own learning pace. Yet the lack of
self-regulated competence and learning belief can lead to non-compliance issues, such as failure in
watching online videos before class (He, Holton, Farkas, & Warschauer, 2016). Although much
research has investigated learners’ self-regulation and self-efficacy in blended learning settings
(Barnard, Lan, To, Paton, & Lai, 2009; Shea & Bidjerano, 2010), few have focused on Chinese
university-level EFL learners.
2. Literature Review
Self-efficacy refers to beliefs in one’s capabilities to organize and execute the course of action required
to produce given attainments (Bandura, 1997). Four principal sources of information constructed
self-efficacy beliefs, namely, mastery experiences, vicarious experiences, social persuasion and
physiological states (Bandura, 1997). Most researchers have used adapted versions of the Sources of
Mathematics Self-Efficacy Scale developed by Lent, Lopez, and Bieschke (1991) to measure the
sources of self-efficacy in academic settings (Usher & Pajares, 2008).
Self-regulation refers to the self-directive process through which learners transform their
mental abilities into task-related academic skills (Zimmerman, 2001). Learners with stronger
self-regulatory capacity are known to be more active and effective in academic task performance
(Zimmerman & Schunk, 2011). And highly efficacious students are more likely to report the use of
self-regulatory strategies (Kim, Wang, Ahn, & Bong, 2015).
As the construct of self-efficacy is domain specific and context specific (Zimmerman & Cleary,
2006), in order to better understand Chinese EFL learners’ self-efficacy, Wang, Kim, Bai and Hu
(2014) have developed a self-efficacy questionnaire in an attempt of transferring the educational
psychology constructs to the field of second language acquisition (SLA). Su, Liang and Tsai (2018)
further validated the scale of the questionnaire and examined the positive relationship between EFL
learners’ online self-regulation and their English self-efficacy.
This study intends to further explore Chinese EFL learners’ English self-efficacy and online
self-regulation after a blended learning approach. Two research questions were proposed:
(1) What is the effect of blended College English approach on students’ English self-efficacy
and online self-regulation?
(2) What are the factors that may be associated with students’ English listening self-efficacy?
3. Method
3.1 Participants
The study involved 135 sophomore (second year) students in a College English class at a Chinese
comprehensive university in northern China. There are more male students (67%) in the class as all of
the participants are engineering majors. Their ages ranged from 17 to 25 years, with an average age of
20.22 years (SD=0.77).
3.2 Instruments
The study employed three questionnaires. The first questionnaire is the Sources of EFL Learners’
English Self-Efficacy (SESE) adapted from Zheng, Liang and Tsai (2017) with four dimensions
included: Mastery Experiences, Vicarious Experiences, Social Persuasion and Physiological States.
The second instrument is the Questionnaire of English Self-Efficacy (QESE) from Wang et al (2014). It
is composed of four variables of Listening Self-Efficacy, Speaking Self-Efficacy, Reading Self-Efficacy
and Writing Self-Efficacy. The third questionnaire is Online Self-regulated English Learning (OSEL)
(Zheng, Liang, Yang, & Tsai, 2016). The variables are Goal Setting, Environment Structuring, Task
Strategies, Time Management, Help Seeking and Self-Evaluation.
All the items in the three questionnaires were translated into Chinese and measured with a
five-point scale, from 1 “I do not agree at all” to 5 “strongly agree”, or from 1 “I cannot do it at all” to 5
“I can do it well”. The Cronbach’s alpha of the SESE, QESE and OSEL are 0.92, 0.93 and 0.88
separately. All the data analyses including t-test and OLS regression were processed in Stata 15.
3.3 Procedure
The research was conducted in the fall semester of 2017 in an integrated college English course aimed
at improving students’ listening, speaking, reading and writing. The course lasted for 16 weeks. The
same lecturer was in charge of two parallel classes with 68 and 69 students.
Two identical sets of questionnaires were administered during class time at the second and the
fifteenth week to guarantee completion rate. The lecturer designed a blended classroom approach with
“iClass” (Blackboard) and an online learning platform “New Perspective” developed by Shanghai
Foreign Language Education Press. The “iClass” platform was mainly used for curriculum notices and
students’ assignments. The “New Perspective” platform provides the digital version of the textbook,
learning resources and online tests. In order to support students’ online English learning self-regulation,
the lecturer provided a variety of listening materials to foster students’ learning interests, and also
created a “WeChat class group” as an out-of-class communication platform.
The mid-term listening test is selected as it contains more listening questions compared with the
final exam. It includes 25 multiple-choice questions testing students’ listening comprehension of
conversations, passages and news reports.
3.4 Data Analysis
To answer the first research question, paired-sample t-test of pre- and post- survey data was conducted.
For the second research question, OLS regression of students’ English listening self-efficacy on
students’ gender, high school location, sources of self-efficacy and online English learning
self-regulation was reported.
Table 1 shows the descriptive statistics of students’ age, gender, listening test and all the mean
values of their post-survey variables by students’ high school location. One-way ANOVA was
conducted to compare the group differences and F-ratio (3, 131) is listed in the last column.
Table 1
Descriptive Statistics of All Analysis Variables by Students' High School Location
Provincial Town or
Full Sample Municipality Other Cities F
Capital Village
Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD
Listening Test
0.00 1.00 0.69 1.02 0.27 1.06 -0.23 0.92 -0.27 0.84 6.43***
(Standard Score)
Age 20.22 0.77 20.14 0.36 20.31 0.47 20.22 1.05 20.22 0.67 0.18
Male 0.67 0.67 0.5 0.75 0.70 1.64
English Self-Efficacy
2.92 0.60 3.27 0.65 3.14 0.53 2.81 0.59 2.71 0.52 6.06***
3.46 0.63 3.77 0.74 3.58 0.49 3.50 0.56 3.16 0.64 5.27**
3.28 0.64 3.62 0.84 3.29 0.45 3.38 0.55 2.93 0.62 6.95***
3.60 0.56 3.59 0.77 3.74 0.53 3.66 0.47 3.43 0.54 1.91
Sources of English Self-Efficacy
2.58 0.74 2.93 0.66 2.72 0.88 2.52 0.76 2.39 0.56 3.00*
3.77 0.68 3.86 0.77 3.85 0.71 3.77 0.67 3.67 0.64 0.49
2.98 0.87 3.55 0.82 3 0.98 2.86 0.87 2.80 0.71 4.07**
2.69 0.94 2.35 1.03 2.41 0.88 2.75 0.98 3.01 0.78 3.31*
Online English Learning Self-Regulation
Goal Setting 3.02 0.69 3.25 0.78 3.15 0.71 3 0.65 2.83 0.64 2.09
3.68 0.63 3.45 0.68 3.78 0.59 3.86 0.62 3.49 0.56 3.89*
Task Strategies 2.85 0.81 2.79 0.85 2.71 0.84 3.04 0.77 2.73 0.81 1.50
3.03 0.77 2.76 0.92 3.31 0.63 3.13 0.75 2.85 0.71 2.81*
Help Seeking 3.20 0.81 3.38 0.60 2.92 0.82 3.38 0.89 3.04 0.73 0.29
Self-Evaluation 3.08 0.82 3.06 0.93 3 0.65 3.16 0.90 3.04 0.77 3.09*
Observations 135 21 26 51 37
Note. All the survey items are measured on a 5-point rating scale and all the data except the listening test are
from the post-survey. In mainland China, four cities are identified as municipality—Beijing, Tianjing, Shanghai
and Chongqing.
*p<0.05, ** p<0.01, *** p<0.001.
4. Results
Table 2 shows the result of the paired-samples t-test of students’ English self-efficacy and online
English learning self-regulation. Only listening self-efficacy shows a significant improvement in
post-survey (t=2.89, p<0.01). This result implies that after a semester of blended learning approach,
students’ listening self-efficacy has significantly improved, yet no significant change is found in their
speaking, reading and writing self-efficacy.
As for their online English learning self-regulation, the result shows significant improvement in
their Task Strategies (t=4.80, p<0.001) and their Self-Evaluation (t=2.12, p<0.05). The mean value of
Task Strategies is the lowest among all the variables in the pre-survey (2.46, SD=0.84). After the
treatment, the mean value of Task Strategies improved to 2.85 (SD=0.81).
Table 2
Paired Samples t-test between Pre-Survey and Post-Survey
Dimension Mean SD t P
English Self-efficacy
Listening Self-efficacy post-survey 2.92 0.60 2.89** 0.005
pre-survey 2.79 0.61
Online English Learning Self-Regulation
Task Strategies post-survey 2.85 0.81 4.80*** 0.000
pre-survey 2.46 0.84
Self-Evaluation post-survey 3.08 0.82 2.12* 0.036
pre-survey 2.92 0.79
Note. All the survey items are measured on a 5-point rating scale.
*p<0.05, ** p<0.01, *** p<0.001
As only the listening self-efficacy shows a significant improvement after the blended learning mode,
OLS regression models were used to further investigate factors associated with students’ listening
self-efficacy. In the first model of table 3, students’ listening test score is a strong predictor of students’
listening self-efficacy. In Model 2, comparing with students who are from municipality (the reference
group), students from towns or villages on average show significantly lower listening self-efficacy,
controlling for other variables.
In both Model 3 and Model 4, Social Persuasion is a strong predictor of students’ listening
self-efficacy (p<0.01). With one out of a five-point scale increase in students’ Social Persuasion belief,
their listening self-efficacy increases 0.18 point. In Model 4, students’ Goal Setting, Environment
Structuring and Task Strategies are significantly associated with students’ listening self-efficacy
(p<0.05), controlling for other variables. The R-squared value (0.43) in Model 4 indicates that the
model explains 43.3% of the total variances in students’ listening self-efficacy.
Table 3
English Listening Self-Efficacy Regressed on Students' Listening Test, Gender, High School Locations,
Sources of English Self-Efficacy and Online English Self-Regulation
Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4
Listening Test 0.08***(0.01) 0.06***(0.02) 0.03(0.02) 0.03(0.02)
Male 0.08(0.10) 0.10(0.10) 0.14(0.10) 0.20*(0.10)
Students’ High School Locations
Provincial Cities -0.02(0.16) 0.05(0.15) 0.12(0.16)
Ordinary Prefectural Cities -0.27(0.15) -0.22(0.14) -0.19(0.14)
Towns and Villages -0.36*(0.16) -0.29(0.15) -0.26(0.15)
Sources of English Self-Efficacy
Mastery Experiences 0.10(0.08) -0.03(0.09)
Vicarious Experience 0.10(0.08) 0.09(0.08)
Social Persuasion 0.18**(0.07) 0.20**(0.07)
Physiological States 0.04(0.05) 0.03(0.05)
Online English Learning Self-regulation
Goal Setting 0.21*(0.09)
Environment Structuring -0.21*(0.08)
Task Strategies 0.13*(0.06)
Time Management 0.04(0.07)
Help Seeking -0.02(0.07)
Self-evaluation 0.04(0.07)
Constant 1.64***(0.26) 2.05***(0.32) 1.20**(0.43) 1.14*(0.44)
R-squared 0.18 0.23 0.34 0.43
Observations 135 135 135 135
Note. All the survey items are measured on a 5-point rating scale and all the data except the listening test are from
the post-survey. Standard errors are in parentheses. Municipality is the reference group in high school location.
*p<0.05, ** p<0.01, *** p<0.001.
5. Discussion
The results from the paired samples t-test showed that only students’ listening self-efficacy had
improved over the 16-week implementation of the blended approach. During the semester, students
spent more time doing listening activities and tests online, as blended learning mode provides more
high-quality multimedia resources to train their listening comprehension than traditional classrooms.
In terms of students’ online English learning self-regulation, only Task Strategies and
Self-Evaluation showed significant improvement. Students on average were more likely to read aloud
the English instructional materials online to fight against distractions, and took more thorough notes
when learning online. They have also reported improvement in finding how they were doing in online
learning by communicating with teachers and classmates. Generally speaking, more targeted and
specific treatment is needed to improve EFL students’ speaking, reading and writing self-efficacy as
well as their online English self-regulation.
As shown in Table 1, students from more developed cities on the whole reported higher level of English
self-efficacy as well as the sources of English self-efficacy. The difference in mean values between
“municipality” and “provincial capital” is not as sharp as the others because most provincial capitals are
also well-developed big cities. In China, students in bigger cities have better English learning resources
and enjoy more communicative-driven teaching pedagogies in high school. On the contrary, high
school English teaching is more test-driven in small cities or towns.
However, the effect of students’ high school location disappears with more controlling
variables added to the OLS regression model. Table 3 shows that Social Persuasion is a strong predictor
of students’ listening self-efficacy, which corresponds with the finding in Zheng et al (2017).
Encouragement and praise from parents, teachers and peers whom the students trust can boost their
confidence in their English ability, and this is more prominent in China given the collective cultural and
social context.
6. Conclusion
This study has further validated the instrument for measuring Chinese EFL learners’ self-efficacy and
provides some preliminary findings in a blended learning approach carried out in a Chinese university.
It provides a clearer picture of the relations among students English listening proficiency, English
self-efficacy and their online English learning self-regulation.
However, this study has many limitations. Further research with more sophisticated design is
needed to get a better understanding of the effect of blended learning approach on learners’ self-efficacy
and self-regulation.
This paper is supported by the Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications Teaching Reform
Project (2019JY-C08).
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Chang, M. et al. (Eds.) (2019). Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Computers in
Education. Taiwan: Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education
Abstract: Chinese as a Foreign Language (CFL) learners often make grammatical errors such
as missing words, selecting wrong words and wrong word order due to language negative
migration. In this paper, we propose a neural sequence labeling model with a supplementary
objective for Chinese grammatical error detection. We use the manually labeled dataset written
by CFL learners to train the models. This multitask learning model has better performance than
other sequence labeling model because it can learn the bias in the label distribution and learn
richer features for semantic composition.
1. Introduction
The number of Chinese as a Foreign Language (CFL) learners has continuously increased these years.
Unlike English or some other languages, Chinese sentences are composed with the string of characters
without spaces to mark word boundaries. Also, Chinese has quite flexible expressions and loose
structural grammatical, so it has been regarded as one of the most difficult languages in the world (Bo
Zheng et al., 2016). CFL learners often make grammatical errors such as missing words, selecting
wrong words and wrong word order due to language negative migration, over-generalization, teaching
methods, learning strategies and other reasons.
Automated Grammatical error detection and correction system are very essential and invaluable
to language learners because manual correction is time-consuming and laborious (Leacock et al., 2010).
GEC for English has been studied for many years, with many shared tasks such as CoNLL-2013 (Ng et
al., 2013) and CoNLL-2014 (Ng et al., 2014), however, few grammatical correction applications have
been developed to support CFL learners because of the limited labeled data and the complexity of
Chinese. The exist Chinese grammatical errors detection applications are based on a range of
techniques, such as statistical learning (Chang et al, 2012; Wu et al, 2010; Yu and Chen, 2012),
rule-based analysis (Lee et al., 2013) and Deep Learning-based models (Gaoqi et al., 2017; Lee et al.,
2016, 2015; Yu et al., 2014).
In this paper, Chinese grammatical errors detection is considered as a sequence labeling
problem which assigns each Chinese word in a target sentence with a tag indicating the error types.
With limited labeled data, we use multitask learning to solve this problem. To be specific, we propose a
neural sequence labeling architecture which consists a supplementary objective of predicting
surrounding words in addition to labeling each token to encourage the framework to learn richer
features for semantic composition without requiring additional training data.
2. Related Work
Grammatical error detection is a sub-task of sequence labeling in natural language processing which
assigns semantic label to each word of the input sentence. Our work builds on previous research
exploring sequence labeling model on grammatical error detection.
The researchers used many different methods to study the grammatical error detection task and
achieved good results (Tou et al., 2017). As for English, Marcin et al., used phrase based translation
optimized for F-score using a combination of kb-MIRA and MERT with augmented language models
and task-specific features, and got a good result(Junczys-Dowmunt and Grundkiewicz, 2014). As a
universal language model, the Long Short-Term Memory network (LSTM) has achieved good results in
many tasks in natural language processing in recent years, including text classification tasks, machine
translation tasks, and sequence annotation tasks(Hochreiter and Schmidhuber, 1997). Rei et al., used the
Encoder-Decoder model similar to neural machine translation to process the English Grammatical(Rei,
Yuan and Briscoe, 2017).
Compared with English, the research time of Chinese grammatical error diagnosis system is
short. In recent years, the Natural Language Processing Techniques for Educational Applications
(NLPTEA) workshops have hosted a series of shared tasks for Chinese grammatical error diagnosis.
Some researchers have done some works based on the given dataset. Bo et al., propose a CRF+BiLSTM
model based on character embedding on bigram embedding, on the CGED-HSK dataset of NLP-TEA-3
shared task, their system presents the best F1-scores in all the three levels (Zheng et al., 2016).Ruiji et
al., improved the model of bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory with a conditional random field
layer (BiLSTM-CRF) with several new features and adopted a probabilistic ensemble approach. This
model achieved the best F1 scores on NLPTEA-2018 CGED(Ruiji et al., 2018). Chen et al., proposed a
two-stage hybrid system which combined the BiLSTM-CRF model along with some handcraft features
and three GEC models which achieved the highest precision(Chen et al., 2018).
3. Task Definition
Table 1
Two errors are found in the sentence below, one is word selection error (S) at positon 8, the other is
word ordering error (W) from position 9 to 12.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
国 家 不 应 该 盲 目 的 经 济 发 展 。
Error Type S W
Error Position-start 8 9
Error Position-end 8 12
Correction 国家不应该盲目地发展经济。
The grammatical errors made by CFL learners are varied. The NLPTEA shared task for
Chinese Grammatical Error Diagnosis (CGED) which has been hosted for years has divided those
errors into four types, including redundant words (denoted as R), missing words (M), word selection
errors (S), and word ordering errors (W) (Gaoqi et al., 2017,2018). The goal of this task is to detect
these four types of grammatical errors. The input sentence may contain one or more grammatical errors.
Example sentence and corresponding notes are shown in Table 1.
4. Methodology
In this section, we introduce the proposed multitask neural CRF sequence labeling model (MTN-CRF).
First, we will introduce the sequence labeling model used in our main task. Then we will introduce the
neural language model used in our auxiliary task.
Our Bi-LSTM grammatical error detection model can efficiently use past input features via an LSTM
layer. The model is shown in Figure 1, we build Bi-LSTM blocks (h1) for each input word, and
concatenate these block in two directions to form the forward Bi-LSTM and backward Bi-LSTM. These
Bi-LSTM blocks are parameter sharing.
Compared with traditional grammatical error detection models, Bi-LSTM based model mainly
have two advantages. The first is that Bi-LSTM model can capture the context features for each word.
For example, consider the input sentence “我 中文 学” in Figure 1, when predicting the tag for the
Chinese word “中文”, the Bi-LSTM model can using the features from the whole sentence (i.e., “我”
and “学”). While traditional models usually cannot capture such features since the data sparse issue and
the computation is costly. For a given input length n, the Bi-LSTM model can learn such features in
time complexity O(n), while traditional models will have a time complexity O(n2). The second
advantage is that Bi-LSTM model is an end to end model, which can extract features automatically. In
traditional models, the model performance largely depends on the feature engineering. Doing such
feature engineering is exhaust for the system developer.
In this work, we also combine our grammatical error detection model with a Bi-LSTM language model
to enhance the model performance. The Bi-LSTM language model is shown in Figure 2. The training of
the Bi-LSTM is a unsupervised learning. It takes an natural language text as input, and models the
probability of the next word at each time step. Consider the example in Figure 2, the input of the
Bi-LSTM language model is a sentence without any labels (i.e., “我 学 中文”). For the first time step,
the input of the LSTM unit is “我”, and the output of the Bi-LSTM is the probability of the next word.
Suppose the word vocabulary is 3, includes “我”,“学”,“中文”, then the output of the first time step
will be key-value pairs like ( “我”: 0.2), (“学” : 0.5), (“中文” : 0.3). The key is the vocabulary, the value
is the probability to occur at next time step. If the model is correctly trained, the word “学” will have a
higher probability then others. This model is quite similar to the traditional n-gram language model in
natural language processing. They both models the probability distribution of the next time step given
each input word. In practice, the performance Bi-LSTM language model is better than the traditional
n-gram language model.
4.3 Multitask learning framework
In this section, we will introduce how we combine the grammatical error detection model with the
language model to form the multitask learning framework. The multitask learning framework is shown
in Figure 3.
Lossall = Losslm+αLossged
Where Lossall is the joint loss of the multitask learning framework, Losslm is the loss of the
language model, and the Lossged is the loss of the grammatical error detection model, αis the weight
parameter of the Lossged which we set 1, and automatically tuned through training of the multitask
learning framework.
5.1 Dataset
The dataset we use was from the NLPTEA (Natural Language Processing Techniques for Educational
Applications) shared task for Chinese Grammatical Error Diagnosis. The corpora used in CGED task
were taken from the writing section of HSK (Pinyin of Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi, Test of Chinese Level)
which is for Chinese as a Foreign Language(CFL) learners. The data set which contains the origin
sentence, the error type, the position of the error and the correction of the sentence is manually labeled
by the experienced teachers.
Table 2 shows the distributions of error types in the training set, validation set and testing set.
The ratio of training set size to validation set size is about 10:1. Besides the sentences with grammatical
errors, there are over 40% of the sentences contain no error which was simulated the sampling in the
writing sessions in HSK to test the performance of the systems in false positive identification.
For the supplementary objective, we use an external dataset Lang-81 to train the model, which
contains more than 700,000 items, and each item consists of an original sentence and corresponding
corrected sentences.
Table 2
The distributions of error types in datasets
#R #M #W #S
Training Set 10671(22.55%) 11955(25.26%) 3516(7.43%) 21178(44.75%)
Validation Set 574(21.95%) 682(26.08%) 171(6.54%) 1188(45.43%)
Testing Set 795(21.97) 928(25.64%) 281(7.76%) 1615(44.63%)
5.2 Results and discussion
The evaluation of the test results is determined three levels including detection-level,
identification-level and Positon level. Detection-level is binary classification of the given sentence, that
is, correct or incorrect, should be completely identical. All error types will be regarded as incorrect.
Identification-level could be considered as a multi-class categorization problem to identify the error
type. Position-level judges the occurrence range of the grammatical error. Table 11 Table 12 and Table
13 shows the evaluation result for detection level, identification level and position level of multitask
learning architecture on grammatical error detection datasets. The two baseline results are from our
previous work in 2018 CGED shared task (Yujie et al., 2018).
Table 3
Evaluation results of sequence labeling architectures on Detection Level
Detection Level
Precision Recall F1
CRF 0.5923 0.5445 0.5993
BiLSTM-CRF 0.8202 0.5652 0.6692
Our Work
Multitask learning 0.8314 0.5932 0.6924
Table 4
Evaluation results of sequence labeling architectures on Identification Level
Identification Level
Precision Recall F1
CRF 0.4452 0.2740 0.3392
BiLSTM-CRF 0.6068 0.4183 0.4952
Our Work
Multitask learning 0.6342 0.4723 0.5414
Table 5
Evaluation results of sequence labeling architectures on Positon Level
Positon Level
Precision Recall F1
CRF 0.3532 0.1346 0.1949
BiLSTM-CRF 0.4631 0.2568 0.3303
Our Work
Multitask learning 0.4735 0.2984 0.3661
According to experiment results, we found that Multitask learning model has better
performance. The CRF baseline is low, because CRF model largely depends on feature engineering. It
is hard to do feature engineering in grammaticaltical error detection, because the training data is sparse.
And it is also difficult to find certain feature to capture a specific error type. The BiLSTM-CRF model
performs slightly better than CRF model, since it can automatically extract features for CRF models
rather than handcraft feature engineering. But it still suffers from the data sparse issue. The multitask
learning model performs better than Bi-LSM-CRF on all three level. This is because the sequence
labeling model is only optimized based on the labels contains information. While in our test set, over
40% of the sentences in the test set contain no error and 84% of all tokens have the label O (correct). So
many of the tokens in the dataset contribute very little to the training process. Multitask learning
architecture which contain a supplementary objective is able to learn this bias in the label distribution
without obtaining much additional information from the majority labels. It allows the model to make
full use of the training data and get better results than other sequence labeling task in Grammatical error
detection task.
In this paper, we propose a neural sequence labeling model with a supplementary objective for Chinese
grammatical error detection. We use the manually labeled dataset written by CFL learners to train the
models. This multitask learning model has better performance than other sequence labeling model
because it can learn the bias in the label distribution and learn richer features for semantic composition.
For further work, we plan to address more complex errors in addition to the four-main error type in this
paper and focus on Chinese grammatical error correction which may involve Machine Translation
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Abstract: While summary writing has been acknowledged by many scholars as an integral skill
that builds the background knowledge of learners, and enhances writing outcomes, only a
handful of theory-based online summary writing tools have been developed to date. In view of
this, the Summary Writing-PAL (SW-PAL) was developed, rooted in several learning and
education theories, in the attempt to assist ESL non-English majors in improving their summary
writing skills. This study presents both the development and the evaluation of SW-PAL. The
three primary features of SW-PAL are prior knowledge activation, summarising strategies
instruction, and scaffolding. Prior knowledge activation applies a concept mapping tool as an
advance organiser that activates the students’ prior knowledge while comprehending the text.
The worked examples tool is meant to aid students in acquiring the essential summarising
strategies. The self-generated feedback provided by the tool serves as a scaffolding tool to assist
students through the summarising process. Pre- and post-tests, as well as an interview session
held with students, ascertained the effectiveness of the tool and perceptions of its users. The
study outcomes revealed that the developed SW-PAL had managed to improve their
summary-writing ability at a significant level.
1. Introduction
Most tertiary and secondary education institutions learning, particularly those established across
ASEAN countries, view summary writing as a significant aspect of assessment to evaluate one’s ability
to comprehend texts written in the English language (Abdi, Idris, Alguliyev, & Aliguliyev, 2016; Idris,
Baba, & Abdullah, 2011; McDonough, Crawford, & De Vleeschauwer, 2014; Wichadee, 2014).
Students, due to poor text comprehension and summary writing skills, may end up rewriting parts of the
original excerpt in a haphazard manner. Writing apprehension stems partly due to lacking of writing
skills (Wichadee, 2014). Typically, summary writing is taught as follows: 1) identifying the main idea
and deleting unimportant content (deletion); 2) identifying umbrella terms or general words based on
the main idea and supporting details (generalisation); and 3) identifying and rephrasing the main idea to
improve the sentence (construction). Students with exceptional summarising skills may better
understand the text, and hence, produce better summaries.
Comprehending reading texts simply refers to understanding the gist of the written texts by applying
cognitive skills. In order to comprehend a text effectively, one would require good decoding skills
(Kintsch, 1988) and prior knowledge (Best, Ozuru, Floyd, & McNamara, 2006). Activated prior
knowledge aids learning, while the opposite hinders learning (Ambrose, Bridges, DiPietro, Lovett, &
Norman, 2010). Prior knowledge is vital while reading a text to gain better understanding of the gist,
while summary writing has been proven to connect old and new knowledge effectively so as to enhance
reading comprehension (Marzec-Stawiarska, 2016).
The essentials of summary writing are generating a concise text comprising of only important
information while discarding explanatory and supporting details from the original source. Summary
writing skills are imminent to understand the gist of a text, which are tested across schools in ASEAN
countries (Idris et al., 2011). The key to writing a good summary is by integrating important ideas into a
single paragraph in accordance to summarising or macro rules. Brown and Day (1983) listed five macro
rules for summarising a text, which are: elimination of unimportant information, deleting redundant
information by rewording, and restating several vital sentences. Additionally, similar words are
substituted with synonyms and the gist found in the source text is rephrased in the writer's own words
(Idris et al., 2011; Lemaire, Mandin, Dessus, & Denhière, 2005). Despite introducing these strategies to
the students, some continue to fail in writing exceptional summary (Idris et al., 2011; McDonough et al.,
The Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD), Transactional, Meaningful Learning, and Cognitive Load
theories are significant upon assessing the correlation between reading comprehension and summary
writing (Ausubel, 1963; Rosenblatt, 1988; J. Sweller, 1988; Vygotsky, 1978). Typically, transaction
takes place between the source text and the students’ prior knowledge. Activation of prior knowledge is
essential to understand the gist of a text, which in turn, facilitates learning (Mason, Ariasi, & Boldrin,
2011). Vast prior knowledge enhances reading comprehension skills (Calisir & Gurel, 2003). Summary
writing can only take place after understanding the gist of a text. In enabling students to write summary
effectively, scaffolding must be integrated with ZPD and cognitive load should be decreased. A
computer-assisted learning tool that addresses these issues may enhance the summary writing ability
among students.
The conceptual framework displayed above motivated the researchers to build a theory-based
computer-assisted summary writing learning tool called Summary Writing-Pal (SW-PAL) to aid
students learn summary writing skills. The purpose of this study is two-fold. First, it determined if
SW-PAL can improve the performance of students to write summary, and second, it analysed the
perceptions of students who were exposed to SW-PAL.
1. Is there a significant difference in ESL students’ summary writing performance after using the
2. What are the students’ perceptions towards the use of SW-PAL?
The three primary components in SW-PAL are Prior Knowledge Activation (PKA), Summarising
Strategies Instruction (SSI), and Scaffolding (SC). The first component, PKA, activates knowledge for
students to understand the text effectively with the aid of their prior knowledge prior to summary
writing. Here, the concept of mapping tool serves as an advance organiser to improve both text
comprehension and summary writing (Sung, Liao, Chang, Chen, & Chang, 2016). The second
component, SSI, exposes students to a range of summarising strategies through the use of worked
example instructional approach. According to Sweller, Ayres, and Kalyuga (2011), the effect of
split-attention may be obtained by integrating various information sources. The last component, SC, is a
feedback tool that identifies strategies for the students to check their summary writing strategies. It is
vital to ensure the correct use of summary writing strategies. This SC feedback tool assures that students
learn and practice writing summaries independently, thus minimising the teacher’s workload.
3. Methods
Twenty-five Malaysian undergraduate students, four males and twenty-one females, were exposed to
SW-PAL to learn summary writing. A pre-test and post-test experimental design was adopted to assess
the impact of SW-PAL on the performance of the subjects in writing summaries. This study took five
weeks, with a week for pre-test, three weeks for SW-PAL intervention, and the final week for post-test.
3.2 Instruments
The scores retrieved from pre- and post-test determined whether the subjects had improved their
performance in writing summary. The sample text was selected by using the Flesch Reading Ease
(FRE) readability index. An expository excerpt was applied for both pre- and post-test, while the other
text types had been used for the SW-PAL intervention period. Two worked examples of the summary
were used for every text, along with a range of strategies for summary writing prepared via SW-PAL.
3.3 Procedure
A pre-test, six SW-PAL practice sessions, a post-test, and a semi-structured focus-group interview had
been carried out for all the selected subjects in the study. The pre-test took place in the first week, which
required the subjects to summarise a text after reading it. Next, six practice sessions were carried out
between week two and week four to teach the subjects SW-PAL operation and summary writing via
worked examples, as prepared by the instructor. The subjects practiced with a text for every 90-minute
session. Lastly, the post-test was performed in the fifth week after completing the practice phase. All
procedures implemented in the post-test were similar to those used for pre-test.
By using the Grading Rubric for summary (Desoiza, 2011), two ESL lecturers assesses the
summaries retrieved from both pre- and post-test. The Grading Rubric was composed of five criteria:
main ideas, accuracy, words and style, organisation, and length. Next, the marking scheme had
four-level grading: exemplary (4 points), proficient (3 points), adequate (2 points), and needs to
improve (1 point). Upon summing the scores for every criterion, score for cumulative summary
performance was retrieved (5-20 points). Lastly, the scores were assessed using paired samples t-test.
Five subjects were selected for a semi-structured focus-group interview by adhering to the interview
protocols devised by the researchers. The interview was performed for several purposes, including: (1)
to assess their learning experiences with SW-PAL, (2) to determine if they liked the SW-PAL features,
and lastly, (3) to gain feedback about SW-PAL features. The interview was recorded, transcribed, and
analysed in accordance to qualitative study design.
4. Findings
Research question 1 determined the effectiveness of SW-PAL in improving the summary writing
performance displayed by the subjects. The descriptive statistics (see Table 1) showed that the mean
score of the post-test (M=12.88) exceeded the mean score of the pre-test (M=10.04) significantly.
Based on the paired-sample t-test (see Table 2), the mean variance between pre-and post-test was 2.84;
reflecting significant improvement among the subjects at 5%, t = -11.70, and p < 0.005. Hence,
SW-PAL had significantly enhanced the students’ performance in their summary writing.
Table 1
Descriptive statistics of subjects
Test N Mean (M) Std. Deviation
Pre-test 25 10.04 2.09
Post-test 25 12.88 1.72
Table 2
Paired-Sample t-test between Pre-test and Post-test scores of subjects
Test Mean Difference t df Sig. (2-tailed)
Pre-Test Score –
Post-Test Score -2.84 -11.70 24 .000
Research question 2, which refers to students’ perceptions towards SW-PAL, was addressed via
semi-structured focus-group interview. The subjects admitted that they felt motivated to use the tool
and agreed that the SW-PAL had greatly aided and enhanced their performance in writing summaries.
According to them, the concept mapping was helpful in logically organising thoughts and concepts
before they proceeded with summary writing, besides activating their prior knowledge while reading
the text. The subjects claimed that they preferred applying the worked examples in order to learn the
various strategies to write a summary effectively. As for the feedback tool, the subjects found it
beneficial in checking their summary writing strategies.
A theory-based computer-assisted learning tool called SW-PAL was successfully developed to aid
summary writing, by integrating three primary aspects, namely: concept mapping, worked examples,
and feedback features. This study determined the effectiveness of SW-PAL in enhancing the subjects’
summary writing performance, including their perceptions towards the SW-PAL features.
A total of 25 ESL undergraduate students participated in this study to assess the developed
SW-PAL via pre-test post-test experimental design. The study outcomes revealed that SW-PAL was
indeed an effective tool that enhanced the subjects’ ability to write summaries. In fact, the findings are
in agreement with those reported in several past studies (Chiu, 2015; Wade-Stein & Kintsch, 2004),
which highlighted improvement in language learning through the use of learning tool.
The subjects claimed that they preferred using SW-PAL for summary writing, particularly the
worked examples that exposed them to a range of summary writing strategies. A few subjects admitted
that they had anxiety at the initial stage when using the concept mapping, which served as advance
organiser to activate their prior knowledge. The subjects also found the feedback tool beneficial in
improving their language proficiency. The intent of the researchers is to perfect this developed
SW-PAL in future.
A number of limitations were detected in this study. First, the sample size in this study (25
subjects) is insufficient to generalise the efficacy of SW-PAL to other populations. Second, the impacts
of SW-PAL could be generalised merely to ESL population that share similar attributes, but not other
ESL students with varied English language proficiency, age group, and learning institutions (university,
college, matriculation, foundation). Lastly, the validity of the study outcomes is questionable due to the
short empirical period – merely five weeks.
The main objective of this study is to assess the worked examples of SW-PAL. Future
investigations may examine the impacts of concept mapping and feedback aspects or even their
combination on the summary writing performance amongst a range of subjects, besides ESL students.
Additionally, this study calls for more assessments that analyse the intelligent feedback in SW-PAL, so
as to enhance the ability of writing summaries.
We would like to thank all the people who prepared and revised previous versions of this document.
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Chang, M. et al. (Eds.) (2019). Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Computers in
Education. Taiwan: Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education
Abstract: This study aims to analyze which particular learning behaviors with eBook supported
learning are associated with high-achievers in language learning. This specifically focuses on
English output (refers to English writing in this study) performance. Furthermore, to compare
learning with and without an eBook, this study observes the correlation between self-regulated
English learning (SREL), English self-efficacy (ESE), and learning achievements. This is done
as a means to suggest which particular form of learning autonomy awareness should be
explicitly addressed to boost language learning outcomes. This semester-long study was
conducted with EFL students from the College of Management in a “General English for
Specific Purposes” (GESP) course in a four-year comprehensive university in Taiwan. Pre-class
reading materials were uploaded to an eBook platform and features of the platform were
introduced beforehand to facilitate self-learning prior to class. Through analyzing the students’
1) learning logs on the eBook platform, 2) scores on SREL and ESE questionnaires, and 3)
learning achievement, the results revealed that online reading behaviors of adding markers and
memos had a significant, positive correlation with students’ learning achievements. Meanwhile,
the experimental group students outperformed those in the control group in open-ended, short
essay style questions in terms of written statement quantity. With regards to SREL, scores in
both the control and experimental groups increased throughout the study.
1. Introduction
The acquisition of a foreign language consists of language perception and language production.
Language perception can be assessed through comprehension questions, and language production can
also be assessed by various rubrics to determine the level of capacity. Evaluations of language
perception and production are a standard practice used to ensure that the desired effectiveness of
language teaching is met. Notably, the process before achieving language perception is often neglected.
How second language learners process language input is an essential area of study, which can assist
instructors in intervening at an early stage to offer the necessary help at the right time (LaBrozzi, 2016).
Processing language input is a personal decoding process that used to be unrecorded when media was
paper based. With the advance in technology, eBook supported learning allows instructors to possess a
better understanding and influence on learners’ learning outside of the classroom (Lai, 2015). Unlike
first language reading, second or foreign language reading requires skills in both decoding the language
and the content. Whilst reading, second language readers regularly deal with the two sets of skills,
simultaneously. Therefore, the significance of this study is to identify positive connections between
second language reading behaviors and language performance. Through the adoption of eBook
platforms, the connections of the two in question can be revealed partially if not wholly.
eBook reading behaviors can be associated with several learning models from the perspective
of self-regulated learning (SRL). According to Zimmerman’s (2000) model, students undergo the
stages of forethought, performance, and self-reflection, thus acquiring skills through monitoring their
use of the platform. In Winne and Hadwin’s (1998) model, rooted in the Information Processing Theory
(Greene & Azevedo, 2007), students acquire tactics and strategies through their interactions with the
platform. Several eBook reading behaviors have been analyzed as a means to effectively predict
students’ learning outcomes. Consequently, this allows the implementation of in-time intervention from
instructors to facilitate students’ learning. For example, Yamada and Goda (2016) discussed the
relationship between procrastination in eBook reading and learning performance. By analyzing
students’ learning logs, instructors are able to focus on the specific behaviors that learners produce,
which provide them with evidence-based insights for future classroom activity designs. BookRoll, the
eBook platform utilized in this research, can track the following activities: opening a file, closing a file,
adding bookmarks, deleting bookmarks, adding a marker, deleting a marker, adding a memo, deleting a
memo, changing a memo, clicking the next page, clicking the previous page, jumping a page, and using
the search function. The feature known as “Marker” allows learners to highlight important points in red
and confusing words or statements in yellow. Moreover, “Memo” enables learners to annotate quick
notes, self-reflection points, questions, comments, and the like.
While SRL refers to the ability to self-teach and monitor, self-efficacy (SE) refers to
self-evaluation and reflection on learners’ ability to complete tasks. Bandura and Schunk (1981)
emphasized that there is a strong correlation between students’ self-efficacy and actual ability. Studies
of Second Language Acquisition have indicated a positive correlation between English self-efficacy
(ESE) and learning performance. Finally, as Su et al. (2018) concluded, according to the results of
questionnaires on self-regulated English learning (SREL) and ESE, SRL has a strong positive
correlation with SE.
Based on the above introduction, this study aims to analyze the relationships among SREL,
ESE, eBook supported learning, and language learning achievement. Additional attention will be placed
on students’ writing fluency as demonstrated through the word counts of short essay writing. Therefore,
three research questions are established to evaluate the effectiveness of eBook learning activities for
further instruction design in language curricula:
RQ 1. Which eBook supported learning behaviors are positively associated with language learning
RQ 2. What is the correlation between students’ ESE and language learning achievement?
RQ 3. How do SREL and ESE evolve after a semester of study in both the control group and the
experimental group?
2. Methodology
This study was conducted in a university setting in Taiwan, with 82 sophomore students in two classes
undertaking a required semester-long language course in “English for Business Communication.” The
control group consisted of 43 students, while the experimental group comprised of 39 students. The
English proficiency of both groups were similar according to their English scores on the General
Scholastic Ability Test taken prior to entering the university. Their average English proficiency was
close to CEFR A2 to B1. While undertaking this required course, students were advised to read
supplementary reading materials before class. In-class activities included weekly short essay writing
assessments, group discussions, and micro-presentations. Short essay writing assessments were used to
reflect their understanding of the assigned readings, while also used to demonstrate their critical
thinking skills. Grading was weighted more on the content and the flow of expression, rather than the
technical aspects of grammar or spelling. Notably, points were not removed due to grammatical or
spelling mistakes unless such mistakes hindered the understanding of the essay. In-class group
discussions would adopt the same open-ended questions as essay prompts. These were designed to
boost students’ collaborative critical thinking skills. After discussion, each group would appoint a
representative to deliver a micro-presentation. Both the control and experimental groups had an
identical course which consisted of pre-reading, short essay writing, group discussion, and micro-
presentations to enhance their language skills in different aspects. The differences between the two
groups included the following aspects: 1) the control group was given access to downloadable PDF files
of reading materials, whereas the experimental group was introduced to BookRoll, an eBook platform.
On BookRoll, students’ reading behaviors could be tracked by the instructor, 2) in the experimental
group, the instructor started each class with a quick review of the platform dashboard, which illustrated
an overview of the class’ reading status. This was, not only to ensure expectations of material previews
were met, but also to respond directly to questions or confusing concepts students marked or annotated
on the platform. At the end of this course, students were evaluated by their weekly assessments scores,
mid and post-course learning achievement tests, and group discussions. The learning activities and
collected datasets are illustrated in Figure 1.
Data was collected from both the experimental group and the control group, which includes scores and
word counts of the weekly assessments, pre and post-achievement tests, and SREL and ESE
questionnaires. During this study, word counts of the weekly essay assessments were used as an
indicator of learners’ writing fluency. eBook learning logs were also collected for the experimental
Zheng et al. (2016) designed the SREL questionnaire regarding self-regulated learning, which
focused on English learning. The questionnaire contains six components, referring to self-regulation
theories in educational psychology proposed by Barnard et al. (2009) and Zimmerman & Schunk
(2011). Along with the SREL questionnaire, Su et al. (2018) designed an ESE questionnaire which was
a modification of Wang’s et al. (2014). This was designed as a means to assess students’ English
self-efficacy in four skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
Figure 1. Learning activities and collected data from the experimental group and control group.
3. Results
According to the Spearman correlation analysis, we found that online reading behaviors that used the
functions “add marker,” “delete marker,” and “add memo” on the eBook platform have a strong
positive correlation with the students’ learning achievement within the experimental group. Students
used the marker function to highlight important points or unclear statements and added memos on the
side of reading passages to note down translations of keywords or to raise questions. Table 1 shows that
the features of “add marker” and “add memo” on eBook platforms may help students “consciously
register” input and then transfer the input to be intake.
Table 1
Correlation between eBook Learning Behaviors and Academic Performance
3.2 Correlation between English Self-Efficacy and Academic Performance: On the Quantity
of Written Output
Table 2 shows the t-tests for the control group and experimental group on writing fluency. Students in
the experimental group outperformed the control group in terms of the flow of their writing.
Table 2
T-test of Control Group and Experimental Group on Writing Fluency/ Word Count
Table 3 indicates that the experimental group’s results on the final ESE questionnaire have a stronger
correlation with their academic performance, especially in reading, writing, and internet skills. The
results also indicate that the correlation between ESE and academic performance continued to intensify
over the pre-, mid-, and post-course ESE questionnaires. Students’ use of an eBook platform which
allows them to “add memo” may have had a positive influence in helping them raise their writing ESE,
thereby enhancing the flow of their written output in open-ended essay questions.
Table 3
Correlation between Students’ English Self-Efficacy and their Academic Performance (Experimental
Group- Post-test)
Table 4 shows the correlations between students’ ESE post-tests and their academic
performance in writing fluency in the experimental group. Students in the control group do not exhibit a
distinctive correlation between the two, whereas students in the experimental group show a positive
correlation in listening, speaking, reading, and internet skills.
Table 4
Correlation between Students’ English Self-efficacy (Post-test) and their Academic Performance in
Writing Fluency (Experimental Group)
Tables 5 and 6 reveal that SREL scores on “task strategies” and “self-evaluation” increased from the
pre-test to the post-test in the control group; whereas the scores on “help-seeking” and
“ self-evaluation” increased in the experimental group. Both groups improved their scores on
Table 5
T-test of SREL and ESE (Control Group’s Pre-test and Post-test Scores)
Table 6
T-test of SREL and ESE (Experimental Group’s Pre-test and Post-test Scores)
4. Conclusion and Future Works
eBook platforms possess great potential in elevating the abilities of instructor to proactively monitor
students’ progress of acquiring language input through reading. The results of the study demonstrate
that the eBook functions of “add marker,” “delete marker,” and “add memo” have a strong positive
correlation with academic achievement. This indicates the importance of developing active reading
strategies that could empower learners to be more constructive and responsive whilst reading. Future
applications in teaching may include the introduction of active reading activities such as paraphrasing,
predicting or commenting to increase the productive usage of the “add memo” tool. The study also
indicates that the monitoring of reading activities on an eBook platform by the instructor could
potentially help students. Such method could assist by transferring reading input to written output more
effectively, as more in-time interventions and clarifications are proactively provided for confusing
points. Further research could direct attention to spoken output analysis. Moreover, such studies could
observe how identical eBook supported learning processes can affect output in the spoken form.
We would like to thank Professor Hiroaki Ogata’s team from Kyoto University, Japan for granting the
usage of BookRoll platform in this study. Special thanks also go to Meng-Wei Mavise Lin from Asia
University in sharing EFL instruction insights and a team led by Professor Stephen J.H. Yang from
National Central University, specifically Dr. Anna Y.Q. Huang, for assistance in data analysis.
Bandura, A., & Schunk, D. H. (1981). Cultivating competence, self-efficacy, and intrinsic interest through
proximal self-motivation. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 41, 586-598.
Barnard, L., Lan, W. Y., To, Y. M., Paton, V. O., & Lai, S. L. (2009). Measuring self-regulation in online and
blended learning environments. Internet and Higher Education, 12(1), 1-6.
Greene, J. A., & Azevedo, R. (2007). A theoretical review of Winne and Hadwin’s model of self-regulated
learning: New perspectives and directions. Review of Educational Research, 77, 334–372.
LaBrozzi, R. (2016). The effects of textual enhancement type on L2 form recognition and reading comprehension
in Spanish. Language Teaching Research, 20, 75-91.
Lai, C. (2015). Modeling teachers' influence on learners' self-directed use of technology for language learning
outside the classroom. Computers & Education, 82, 74-83.
Su, Y., Zheng, C., Liang, J., & Tsai, C. (2018). Examining the relationship between English language learners’
online self-regulation and their self-efficacy. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 34(3),
Wang, C., Kim, D., Bai, R., & Hu, J. (2014). Psychometric properties of a self-efficacy scale for English language
learners in China, System, 44, 24-33.
Winne, P. H., & Hadwin, A. F. (1998). Studying as self-regulated learning. In D. Hacker, J. Dunlosky, & A. C.
Graesser (Eds.), Metacognition in educational theory and practice (pp. 277-304). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.
Yamada, M., & Goda, Y., (2016). How does self-regulated learning relate to active procrastination and other
learning behaviors?, Journal of Computing in Higher Education, 28(3), 326-343.
Zheng, C., Liang, J. C., Yang, Y. F., & Tsai, C. C. (2016). The relationship between Chinese university students'
conceptions of language learning and their online self-regulation. System, 57, 66-78.
Zimmerman, B. J. (2000). Attaining self-regulation. A social cognitive perspective. In M. Boekaerts, P. R.
Pintrich, & M. Zeidner (Eds.), Handbook of self-regulation (pp. 13-39). San Diego, CA: Academic Press.
Zimmerman, B. J., & Schunk, D. H. (2011). Self-regulated learning and performance. In B. J. Zimmerman, & D.
H. Schunk (Eds.), Handbook of self-regulation of learning and performance (pp. 1-12). New York:
Chang, M. et al. (Eds.) (2019). Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Computers in
Education. Taiwan: Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education
Abstract: Unlike other phonetic alphabet languages, the pronunciation and writing of Chinese
are different learning modes. This study intends to motivate primary students to learn Chinese
characters and improve learning performance by integrating Augmented Reality (AR)
technology with 3D models. The paper first describes the exertion of AR and 3D models to
construct a Chinese character recognition application and then presents the findings of the pilot
test in assessing the effectiveness of AR and 3D models in learning Chinese characters. Data
collection methods are pre-test, post-test, teacher focus group, and student focus group. The
study reveals that the prototype of this AR learning application enables students to have a better
understanding of the recognition of Chinese characters. This enhances the learning motivation,
concentration, and interest of school children. In summary, the study shows an interactive and
interesting way to promote Chinese character learning via the AR environment and 3D models.
Implications for future development in using AR and 3D models in supporting Chinese
language learning discusses at the end of the paper.
language subject since 2008. Currently, about 71.7% of elementary schools and 36.9% of secondary
schools in Hong Kong have adopted Putonghua as a medium of instruction in teaching Chinese.
2 Application of Augmented Reality (AR) technology with 3D models
An application provides a scenario for students to recognize Chinese characters at their own pace. The
application provides games in 6 learning sections. Each section has 3 learning exercises. Students took
a bone card to scan through a back-end camera of an electronic device. After scanning the “bone card”
(Figure 2), a 3D animal model (Figure 4) popped up. Then, students pressed an animal cartoon (Figure
5) to listen to the animal sound and pressed a Chinese character (Figure 5) to listen to the pronunciation.
Then, students entered the Game 1 (Figure 6) to recognize the pronunciation of the character and the
animal cartoon. After finishing Game 1, students automatically entered Game 2 (Figure 7). Students
pressed the underscore “ __ ” and a window popped up (Figure 8). Students picked and scanned a
relevant pinyin card (Figure 3). When students answered correctly, students automatically entered
Game 3 (Figure 9). In Game 3, students pressed the animal to listen to the pronunciation and matched
with the correct Chinese character. Students repeated the games with different “bone cards” (Figure 2).
Figure 1. Gabi for Chinese Figure 2. Learning Material Figure 3. Pinyin Card
Character Recognition (Bone Cards)
Figure 7. Interaction Figure 8. AR Technology for Figure 9. Interactive Sound
Animation and Interactive Chinese Character Recognition Attraction and Learning
Sound Attraction Material
4. Findings
4.1 Analysis of learning performance
About Table 1, the sample size of each group was ten students. The full scores of each test were 6. The
average pre-test scores of Group 1 were 5.8. The average pre-test scores of Group 2 were 5.9. The
average pre-test scores of Group 3 were 5.0. The average pre-test scores of Group 1 and Group 2 were
extremely similar and exhibited a difference of 0.1. The average pre-test scores of Group 1 were quite
obvious to Group 3 and exhibited a difference of 0.8.
Table 1: Mean scores, sample size and improvement for pre-test and post-test
Variables Pre-test Post-test Difference Improvement Sample Size
Mean Mean Mean % N
Group 1 5.8 6.0 0.2 3.45 10
Group 2 5.9 6.0 0.1 1.69 10
Group 3 5.0 5.8 0.8 16 10
After all learning activities were completed, the average post-test scores of Group 1 and Group 2
were 6.0 respectively. The average post-test scores of Group 3 were 5.8. The average post-test scores of
Group 1 and Group 2 were the same. The percentage of scores in Group 1 increased by 3.45%. The
percentage of scores in Group 2 increased by 1.69%. The percentage of scores in Group 3 increased by
16%. By comparing the improvement of total score gain in three groups, Groups 3 exhibited the most
significant improvement after performing the learning activities by the full employment of AR
technology with 3D models.
Regarding Table 2, the improvement of each character was recorded among all three groups.
After the intervention of tutorial guidance, students’ learning performance was generally improved.
Nevertheless, the non-traditional class achieved considerable progress. For those Chinese characters
with more strokes, such as horse (馬), snake (蛇), and dog (狗), the improvement was relatively
significant by the employment of AR technology with 3D models. The improvement rate was from 10%
to 20%.
We would like to thank Dr. Richard LUI, Miss LEUNG, Miss LEE and Miss YIP to arrange and assist
in the pilot tests. We would like to thank Miss Doreen CHONG to provide us valuable feedback.
Twelve Zodiacs, known as Sheng Xiao, is based on a twelve-year cycle. Each year in that cycle related
to an animal sign. These signs in order are the mouse, cow, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep,
monkey, chicken, dog and pig. It is calculated according to Chinese lunar calendar.
Chan, L., & Nunes, T. (1998). Children's understanding of the formal and functional characteristics of written
Chinese. Applied Psycholinguistics, 19(1), 115-131.
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integrating robots into the mixed-reality environment. Computers & Education, 55(4), 1572-1578.
Liu, P. H. E., & Tsai, M. K. (2013). Using augmented‐reality‐based mobile learning material in EFL English
composition: An exploratory case study. British Journal of Educational Technology, 44(1), E1-E4.
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language learning: a review of technology types and their effectiveness. Computer assisted language
learning, 27(1), 70-105.
HKSAR. (2018). LCQ21: The use of Putonghua as the medium of instruction for teaching the Chinese Language
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Perry, B. (2015). Gamifying French Language Learning: a case study examining a quest-based, augmented reality
mobile learning-tool.
Radu, I. (2014). Augmented reality in education: a meta-review and cross-media analysis. Personal and
Ubiquitous Computing, 18(6), 1533-1543.
Salaberry, M. (2001). The Use of Technology for Second Language Learning and Teaching: A Retrospective.
Modern Language Journal, 85(1), 39-56.
Thiengtham, N., & Sriboonruang, Y. (2012). Improve template matching method in mobile augmented reality for
thai alphabet learning. Int. J. Smart Home, 6(3), 25-32.
Tse, S.K (2000). 高效識字。載於中文教育 http://www.chineseedu.hku.hk
Yuen, S. C. Y., Yaoyuneyong, G., & Johnson, E. (2011). Augmented reality: An overview and five directions for
AR in education. Journal of Educational Technology Development and Exchange (JETDE), 4(1), 11.
Zhao, Y. (2013). Recent developments in technology and language learning: A literature review and
meta-analysis. CALICO journal, 21(1), 7-27.
Chang, M. et al. (Eds.) (2019). Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Computers in
Education. Taiwan: Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education
Abstract: In this paper, we provide the rationale for a computerized diagnostic language
assessment (DLA) of email writing for Japanese undergraduates. The development of a rapid
prototype of the DLA system is then described, and lessons learned from the process are shared.
The DLA focuses on pragmatic competence – the ability to alter one’s language choices relating
to politeness, formality and structure, depending on the social context of the communication.
While tools now exist to assist with learners’ grammar problems and vocabulary, few exist for
this pragmatic aspect of communication. Furthermore, traditional language assessments
typically provide an overall score of learner ability without identifying specific strengths and
weaknesses. The DLA seeks to address this issue via a three-stage process: 1) assessment
administration; 2) provision of feedback to the learner, and 3) provision of further
individualized instruction based on the assessment results. To gain a better perspective of the
problems and to start to climb the learning curve as quickly as possible, rapid prototyping using
Axure RP was selected. This high-fidelity prototype of the DLA was designed for some use
cases. Numerous lessons were learned. Notably, rapid prototyping is not necessarily rapid.
Early feedback on usability and the user experience were received from the rapid prototyping,
helping the developer gain a better understanding of the user needs and discover any unexpected
usability issues prior to actual coding. Another ongoing advantage is that rather than describing
the expected functionalities of the software to stakeholders or interested parties, the
functionalities of the fully-fledged DLA can be shown using the prototype. The prototype
functions as an interactive visual aid, reducing miscommunication and providing a focus around
which discussions can be based.
1. Introduction
As part of an ongoing larger project, in this paper we describe and reflect on the development of a rapid
prototype of a computerized diagnostic language assessment (DLA) for Japanese EFL learners’ English
email writing. The particular focus for the DLA is on the pragmatic aspect of learners’ email writing –
the relationship between the social contexts of the emails and the language choices the learners make.
We put forward a rationale for the use of DLA in the EFL classroom, and the ways in which
computerization can enhance the potential of this form of assessment. We then describe the steps taken
to develop the basic DLA prototype, and conclude with the lessons learned by the developers from the
prototype development process.
2. Background
Traditional language assessments typically focus on scoring overall learner ability, without analyzing
specific strengths and weaknesses, and so may not be helpful to teachers or students (Poehner, Zhang &
Lu, 2015). This issue is addressed with recent diagnostic language assessment (DLA) methods that
implement a 3-stage process: 1) administration of the assessment; 2) provision of feedback to learners,
and 3) further individualized instruction based on the assessment results. Therefore, the purpose of a
DLA is to assess learners’ strengths and weaknesses, and provide tasks to help them improve. Practical
DLA implementation faces three key challenges: 1) designing DLAs suitable for different learner skills;
2) identification of the most effective types of feedback for learners (Lee, 2015), and 3) efficient DLA
administration (Poehner, 2008). One possible way to achieve efficiency is through computerization;
however, typically this has meant learners receive only generic, rather than individualized, feedback
(Harding, Alderson & Brunfaut, 2015).
A faculty survey carried out at the higher education institution in which the current study is taking place
has identified English email writing as a key task the undergraduate students should be able to perform
(Kaneko et al., 2018). Upon graduating, this skill can also be beneficial for their future careers in a
globalizing world. However, many students struggle with email writing in English. In particular, the
pragmatic aspect of communication- in which social contextual variables such as the interlocutor’s
relative social status, social distance (how well the interlocutors know each other) and the potential
imposition of the email communication upon the receiver (Brown & Levinson, 1987) can affect
language choices related to politeness, formality and structure. This can be especially challenging for
EFL learners (LoCastro, 2012). In addition, the pragmatic aspect of communicative competence is
frequently undertaught in the EFL classroom; when it is addressed, it is often taught in an ineffective
manner (McConarchy & Hata, 2013). While there are now various tools available that can help learners
with the formal aspects of language such as grammatical difficulties (Grammarly or Google Translate
for example), there is little help available for the pragmatic element of email communication. Further,
while recently there have been efforts to develop DLA for reading and listening comprehension
(Poehner et al., 2015; Yang & Qian, 2019), little DLA-related research has been conducted
investigating writing ability. Specifically, applying DLA principles to communicative writing in
varying social contexts, such as in email writing, has yet to be explored.
We suggest focusing on two elements of this problem with pragmatic competence: 1) identifying
precisely which pragmatic aspects of email writing learners find problematic; and 2) helping the
learners improve their performance. Within the context of classes with large enrollments, the only
feasible way to provide assessment and feedback is to implement a computerized DLA system; further,
it should be able to provide individualized, specific feedback. However, little research has been done on
developing a DLA of email writing skills that can help address problems students have with adapting
their language choices to suit different social situations.
3.1 Context
As part of a larger study of DLA, Japanese EFL learners and email writing, the development of a basic
computerized DLA prototype is one of the central tasks of the project. Figure 1 shows the overall
development process for the DLA. The development of this prototype is the first part of the fourth step,
Build DLA.
3.2 Rationale for Rapid Prototyping
Development of full-working versions of complex software packages is costly in terms of time, labor
and finance. Prototypes or mock-ups are frequently used to gauge requirements, test design ideas and
elicit feedback from stakeholders. Many organizations develop prototypes that can be trialed with
stakeholders before starting work on the actual code. This enables developers to test the depth and
breadth of their understanding of the requirements prior to developing fully-fledged code (Käpyaho &
Kauppinen, 2015).
According to Tate (2010, n.p.), there is a “continuum of fidelity” that needs to be considered,
starting from sketching concepts on paper to visual mock-ups and on to functional prototypes. The two
most common types of rapid prototypes are low-fidelity and high-fidelity. Low-fidelity prototypes are
very quick to create, but may lack either functionality or design, while high-fidelity prototypes appear
professional and are fully functional for a number of use cases. High-fidelity prototypes aim to mimic
the functions that users experience. For example, when creating a simple submission form, event
handlers, such as mouseover and onclick need to be replicated. This is achieved by creating states and
using interactions to switch between them, thus mimicking website behavior. The main downside to
high-fidelity prototypes is the amount of time needed to create complex interactions.
Rapid prototyping was selected to create a high-fidelity prototype of the DLA system due to it
being fast and economical (Chasanidou, Gasparini, & Lee, 2015). There are three key advantages to
rapid prototyping: the early discovery of issues, its use as a communication aid, and its ability to test
user interfaces and user experience.
Communication aid
Another advantage of rapid prototyping is that it is easy to show the software developer of the
fully-functional version how the users are expected to interact with the interface. This can save time
and reduce miscommunication between the developers and the clients. The developers can see how
the clients expect users to interact using the prototype, and then aim to re-create the same feature
and/or functions in the actual version. In short, high-fidelity prototypes provide developers with
“living specifications” and enable showing rather than telling.
Tool to gain insight into the user-interface (UI) and user experience (UX)
This initial test of the graphical user interface (GUI) can help identify aspects of the user experience
that can be enhanced. Multiple aspects of the user interface need to be considered, including layout,
theme and colour. UX focuses on the whole experience of using the website. Simply put, UI focuses
on what the user sees while UX focuses on what the user feels. The instrumental, experiential and
emotional aspects of a GUI combine together to create the UX (Hassenzahl & Tractinsky, 2006). UI
can be visualized through sketches on paper and stakeholder feedback gained on those sketches, but
it is difficult for users to imagine how they might feel when using a website if they cannot actually
use it. With a high-fidelity prototype, users can provide detailed feedback on UX.
Use case models were created to envisage how actors will interact with the DLA. Table 1 shows some
of the use cases considered in the development of the rapid prototype. A primary persona specification
was created to represent a typical user.
Table 1
Sample use cases for the Rapid DLA Prototype
Use Case Actor Task
1 Student A new user registers to use the DLA and logs off
2 Student An existing user takes a DLA task
3 Student An existing user receives a report after the fifth DLA task
Based on the use case models and discussions with stakeholders, a brief requirements analysis
audit was conducted and a software requirements specification (SRS) was drawn up. The required
functionalities were then listed. The prototype was developed based on the SRS and the list of required
functionalities, taking into account the primary persona specification.
Axure RP 9, a desktop prototyping tool with a built-in cloud-based shared facility, was selected based
on its availability, suitability and ease of use. Axure is one of the most popular prototyping software
programs (Carter & Hundhausen, 2010). According to Axure Software Solutions Inc. (2016, n.p.), “86%
of the Fortune 100” companies create prototypes with their software and over a million prototypes are
shared on their cloud-based platform. Axure RP has an intuitive GUI (see Figure 2).
4. Lessons learned
As with any new technology, novice users climb a learning curve. Five lessons were learned by the
developer during the prototype design, development and initial ad hoc usability trials. The lessons
described below aim to raise awareness of issues for other educators who may be considering
prototyping their technology-enhanced language learning projects using Axure RP.
Figure 3. The prototype DLA GUI for task one created in Axure RP
When creating web-based tools, it is necessary to switch between various technologies, languages and
libraries. For example, websites may use html, css, JavaScript and JQuery. PHP might be used to
interact with a server and MySQL for a database. In Axure, however, the developer does not need to
switch between different web technologies, reducing the need for mastering multiple technologies and
speeding up the prototyping process.
5. Conclusion
The development of the DLA prototype was a steep learning curve for the developer, but was a very
positive experience. Not only did the developer create a working prototype in a short timeframe, but
there were many tangible outcomes that have a positive effect on the full-code version of the DLA.
Most importantly the process forced numerous operational decisions to be made earlier than
anticipated. Secondly, feedback on the UI and UX at such an early stage in this multi-year project
means that resources can be dedicated earlier to improving these aspects. Thirdly, the prototype looks
and behaves in a similar manner to the actual DLA and so can be used as an effective communication
aid showing how the DLA works rather than describing how it should work. Therefore, it is suggested
that the interactive nature of the prototype promotes understanding in a way that written descriptions or
pictures cannot.
This research is supported by a JSPS KAKENHI (Grants-in-aid for Scientific Research), Grant Number
19K00826, “Developing a diagnostic language assessment of Japanese EFL learners' English language
email writing”.
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Education. Taiwan: Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education
1. Introduction
In recent years, Augmented Reality (AR) has gradually been closed to people’s daily life and aroused
widespread concern. In the field of education, mobile-based AR has been focused on by a crowd of
researchers and recommended to teachers for teaching (Akcayir & Akcayir, 2017). With the adoption of
AR in learning activities, it is assumed that primary school students will have better performance in
motivation, confidence and related dimensions(Chiang, Yang, & Hwang, 2014; Han, Jo, Hyun, & So,
2015). Based on its advantages, AR has been regarded as a breakthrough in the solution of some
teaching difficulties, such as teaching of abstract concepts(Crandall et al., 2015).
In this study, we try to use AR in English as a foreign/second language (EFL) learning field. In a
primary school in China, the EFL teachers had difficulties in creating attractive situations when giving
lessons about an interdisciplinary integration content. According to AR’s characteristics on enhancing
physical real world by adding virtual computer-generated information to it, we presented a special
situation for teachers and students through an AR application. And we did a new instructional design to
contribute to a good integration of AR and courses at the classroom level.
2. Current states and related works
AR is a technology that supplements the real world with virtual objects and appears to coexist in the real
world(Azuma et al., 2001; Rt, 1997). AR has been used in EFL learning for a long time.
During the early time, researchers used AR to directly afford models, audios or videos when learners
catching right labels in real environment. In these years, AR was mainly used to teach the meaning and
pronunciation of words(Amaia, Inigo, Jorge, & Enara, 2016; He, Ren, Zhu, Cai, & Chen, 2014). There
were also some researchers taking notice of promoting learners to interact with special labels or the AR
system(Barreira et al., 2012). These studies primarily showed AR’s effects on improve students’
motivation, satisfaction or attention. Further researches later confirmed AR’s effectiveness in teaching
children and attempted to use AR in higher education to improve learners’ language skills(Safar,
Al-Jafar, & Al-Yousefi, 2017). Richardson (2016) presented that AR can be used to arrange tasks for
advanced level language learners to improve their motivation and learning performance. Yang and Mei
(2018)founded that learners have positive perception and attitude towards the immersive language
learning experience afforded by the AR programming.
In summary, previous studies have proved that AR used in EFL learning is able to ensure better attitude
and performance through more interesting activities or immersive experience. However, almost all of
these studies focus on informal learning neglecting the learning difficulties happen in class. Wu, Lee,
Chang, and Liang (2013) suggested that researchers need to explore the possibilities and solutions of
integrating AR into regular school curricula. Therefore, we hope this study can show AR’s effects on
solving teaching difficulties in a formal lesson based on this technology’s features and previous
researches’ results.
3. Method
The main aim of this study is to test the effects of learning activities. On the basis of a well-designed AR
application, students’ understanding and expression in a regular 50-minute EFL class was recorded and
analyzed. A pre-test and a post-test were carried out to trace students’ change. And interviews with
students were conducted at the next step to investigate how AR assists students in class.
Based on literature review and our prediction, the research questions of this study are presented below.
Q1: Can leaning activities based on AR benefit student’ understanding in regular EFL class?
Q2: Can leaning activities based on AR benefit student’ expression in regular EFL class?
Q3: How does AR assist students learning in regular EFL class?
3.2 Participants
92 students in grade 4 and their English teacher in Beijing, the capital of China, participated in this
study. These students and their teacher all had experience of using mobile devices in class before this
study. And these students experienced other AR applications before this class to learn how to use
camera to observe and interact with virtual objects in an AR environment with location-based
technology and multisensory technology.
3.3 Instruments
The pre-test consisting of 5 short-answer questions aims to evaluate students’ prior knowledge of sun
and earth. The first three questions are used to test students’ English vocabulary and expression skills
about the sun. And the last two questions are used to test students’ cognition about cycles of day and
night as well as four seasons. The last two questions are also used as post-test to acquire students’
conceptual changes after class. Two teachers were required to score the last two questions with
standards below in Table 12:
Table 12
The Standards for Students’ Cognition about the Sun and the Earth
Score Standard
1 Blank
2 Response containing error messages
3 Response containing irrelevant messages
4 Response containing incomplete messages
5 Response containing complete messages
Semi-structured interviews were used to examine if and how AR helped students to learn in students’
own view. The outline of the interviews is shown below.
What activity do you think is particularly interesting in class?
Do you remember how we saw the sun and the earth in class?
You learned through AR today, and is there any difference from this class and your previous
English classes?
Could you tell me what abilities you have improved in class?
Do you want to continue to use AR to learn in the future?
How do you think AR can be better used in this class?
4. AR Application Design
In this study, the application containing three main scenes is designed and implemented. The
mobile-based AR application, called the Sun and the Earth, which can run on Android devices with
cameras and gyroscopes. This application is developed based on Unity 3D engine, and Vuforia SDK is
used to link virtual objects with the real environment. This application contains three main scenes: (1)
See the Sun, (2) Day and Night, and (3) Four Seasons. These scenes are designed and implemented to
make learning activities in class more vivid and interactive.
In the first scene, users can see the solar system around by lifting the device to different directions with
gyroscope. There is a thermometer on the right side of the screen. It gets redder and taller when users
make the sun bigger. And if the sun becomes big enough, the thermometer will explode and a voice will
say so hot.
In the second scene, users can see the sun and the earth from a side-view, so that they can directly
observe the cycles of day and night on earth. Users can start or stop the earth's rotation by
clicking on the earth and feel about the cycles of day and night directly by observing the girl in
pink and the boy in blue standing in different hemispheres on the earth.
In the third scene, users can see the earth’s revolution around the sun from an overlooking perspective.
With gyroscope in device, users can see earth in different seasons when facing different directions.
There is a tree in the northern hemisphere showing the changing process of four seasons clearly, and a
text message at the top of the screen present the season information. Users can start or stop the changing
process by clicking on the earth.
5. Instructional Design
In this study, an English reading lesson for fourth grade students, named “The Sun”, containing some
learning activities with mobile-based AR applications is designed. This class should be an extended
lesson which is implemented after students have learned basic vocabulary to describe the sun.
The basic goal of this class is to introduce the sun and its influence on the earth logically in English.
Students dialogues will be carried out to help students understand the content better and perfect their
oral expression. Students should learn at their own pace in dialogues, and they also develop the
autonomous learning ability through the chatting activities. However, the sun and the earth are huge
objective things that can hardly be observed and controlled by humans. The use of AR offers contextual
support for students’ dialogues by presenting corresponding phenomenon directly and allowing
interaction with visual objects.
Lead in (2 min)
AR presentation: give context
Warm up (5min)
Production (10min)
Basic expression (6min) AR activities: student-student dialogue
Extensive expression (4min)
The basic structure of this class is shown in Figure 44. In this class, the AR application is used in leading
in and learning about Part 2 and Part 3 of the text. Part 2 claims why earth has day and night and Part 3
states why earth has four seasons. These are difficult parts to understand and express in the text. In
warming up, teacher first asks students to guess the sun according to some descriptions and enjoy a song
about the sun to review some related words. Then they use AR to see the sun closer to intuitively feel the
heat of the sun.
AR in learning activity of Part 2 help students practice these sentences: (1) Earth takes one day to spin
around, (2) Yao Li is in the day, (3) Mike is at night, (4) China faces the sun, and (5) America faces
away the sun. AR in learning activity of Part 3 help students to act as the sun and the earth and practice
these sentence: (1) You take one year to go around me, and (2) It’s spring/summer/fall/winter. After
finishing the group work, volunteers can present in class.
6. Results
In terms of why we have day and night, the means of pre-test and post-test are 3.14 and 4.25, as SD’s are
1.35 and 1.06. There are 43.8% and 84.9% of the students getting more than 4 score in pre-test and
post-test. The t-test result also confirms that there are significant differences between their scores in
pre-test and post-test. This implies that the students get better understanding about the sun gives us day
and night through the learning activity based on AR.
In terms of why we have four seasons, the means of pre-test and post-test are 1.64 and 3.49, as SD’s are
1.20 and 1.00. There are 12.3% and 67.1% of the students getting more than 4 score in pre-test and
post-test. The t-test result also shows there are significant differences between their scores in pre-test
and post-test. These results meant learning activity based on AR that related to why we have four
seasons help students construct their understanding effectively. However, some messages might not be
presented clearly enough, so students tried to explain the phenomenon with some incorrect or irrelevant
information. If the messages about the formation of seasons are presented more clearly, students will
have better performance. It also inspires us the amount and clarity of information in an AR application
is very important for the effects of using it.
3 questions in pre-test were used to test students’ vocabulary and expression ability before class. Most
of the students are able to describe the sun in terms of shape and heat. The common answer is that the
sun was big and hot. The color of the sun is also a factor that many students talked about. Some students
said the sun was like a ball. Few students referred to the relationship between the sun and the earth.
Even if the earth appeared in students’ answers, it was usually presented in a comparison of size or heat.
So the students’ expressions before class were simple and illogical.
Formative evaluation was used to test students’ expression in class. Almost all of the students can
introduce the sun in a comprehensive and logical way as the activities going on. Students were required
to introduce the sun with following sentences: (1) It is a star, (2) It is very big, (3) It is made of superhot
gas, (4) It can give heat and light, (5) It can give day and night, (6) It can give four seasons, and (7) It is
the most important part of our solar system. Students practiced saying these sentences for several times
and were checked by their partner in group and teacher in class. Some of the students could explain why
the sun give day and night as well as four seasons. They can say earth takes one day to spin around and
earth takes one year to go round the sun.
The improvement in students’ expression was established in learning activities based on AR. One of the
teaching difficulties in this class was to break and reconstruct students’ understanding of the sun. The
presentation and interaction with AR helps students get better understanding, and then it becomes much
easier for them to expand own expression about the sun.
5 students performing well in class were interviewed according to the semi-structured outline to show
how AR assisted students to learn in this EFL class. Students thought the visual presentation of AR
brought about more authentic experience and more frequent interaction with others. The use of AR
extended the teaching space from the podium to the entire classroom. As for abilities, they thought AR
benefits in the improvement of collaboration ability, inquiry ability and autonomous learning ability.
They thought there was a clearer division of work in the activities based on AR. And they were able to
discovery some new knowledge when they use AR to learn. In summary, students will have more time
to learn and communicate by using AR in class. In this way, they can get more authentic and rich
learning experience to support better understanding and expression of learning contents.
7. Conclusion
The experimental results in this study revealed that learning activities based on AR was able to assist in
the construction of understanding and expression about learning contents. Furthermore, by interviewing
the students, the mechanism of how AR worked in this class was reported. Students would have more
time to learn and communicate in AR-based activities. They needed to acquire knowledge by
interacting with learning material and other people instead of just listening to the teacher or reading
books. In this way, they get better understanding and expression of learning contents.
This study proves that AR takes advantages in EFL learning not only in informal learning but also in
formal learning. First, AR can let learning experience be more authentic and interesting, which improve
students’ positive attitude and motivation(Amaia et al., 2016; He et al., 2014; Yang & Mei, 2018).
Second, complex language skills are also improved in learning activities based on AR(Liu & Tsai,
2013; Safar et al., 2017). This study found the authentic presentation and frequent interaction are the
cores of using AR in class. Only when the use of AR enriches the learning environment and changes
students learning style to autonomous learning, students can really improve their abilities through the
use of the technology.
The results of analyzing in this study also inspire us to notice the amount and clarity of knowledge in an
AR application. When we design and develop the AR applications, we choose what objects and
relationships will be presented in them. Proper presentation may help students pay attention to
knowledge that they ignore in daily life. And inappropriate presentation may bring misunderstanding of
the learning content. It’s worthy to be further discussed how to choose and present knowledge in AR
Our work is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (61602043) and 2019
Comprehensive Discipline Construction Fund of Faculty of Education, International Joint Research
Project of Faculty of Education, Beijing Normal University.
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Chang, M. et al. (Eds.) (2019). Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Computers in
Education. Taiwan: Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education
Abstract: This study aims to create an interactive and immersive language learning
environment for children with the support of robots and IoT sensors. In this paper, we first
presented our key design principles for a system that integrates robots and IoT sensors into
children’s learning of a language while playing. The intergraded system was developed
following the procedure of requirement analysis, prototyping and system testing and evaluation.
Following the identification of learning needs and system requirements, a prototype of the
system was built and evaluated using the cognitive walkthrough method. Although some
usability issues were reported by the participants, the overall results confirm that learning tasks
were successfully completed using this integrated system, and it is an easy-to-use system in that
non-technical professionals were able to design scripts to control the robot and the IoT sensors.
Keywords: robot, IoT toys, robot for language learning, script editor
1. Introduction
Second language (L2) and/or foreign language learning has been driven by many theories and
approaches such as the communicative, interactionist and intercultural approaches. With the adoption
of technology in language learning, the validity of these theories and approaches have been further
confirmed. At the same time, learning a second or foreign language through such a conscious learning
process (Krashen, 1982; Schmidt, 1983) has also been criticized for their lack of effectiveness and
native-like proficiency on the part of the learner in comparison with native language acquisition
(Chang, Lee, Chao, Wang, & Chen, 2010; Pot, Monceaux, Gelin, & Maisonnier, 2009; Valk, 2010).
Consequently, the advantages of acquiring multiple native languages at an early age in an immersive
multilingual environment have received much academic attention. However, the reality is that most
children lack access to such an environment during their critical period of language development. The
current research aims to design such an immersive learning environment for children, taking advantage
of the robotic technology and Internet of Things (IoT).
Robot-Assisted Language Learning (RALL) was introduced in early 2000 to facilitate learning
foreign languages. Studies have shown that incorporating robots in young children’s education may
result in various benefits in terms of children’ cognitive and behavioral development as well as
language learning performance ( Kanero et al., 2018; Kuhl, 2011; Mathur & Reichling, 2016; Morse &
Cangelosi, 2017; Vogt, De Haas, De Jong, Baxter, & Krahmer, 2017). With the help of sensors, robots
are able to perceive and react to the surrounding environments, providing proper responses through
sounds or emotional expressions. In addition to affording anthropomorphic interactions, it is also an
easy way to record and track the learning process. However, the incorporation of robots and sensors in
language education can present various challenges to educators who do not have a technical
This study aims to design an easy-to-use system for language professionals who want to create an
interactive and immersive language learning environment using robots and IoT sensors. To develop
such a system is the end goal of the current study. Thus this study is guided by the following two
research questions: 1) what are the design principles for developing an easy-to-use integrated system for
non-technical background professionals to incorporate robots and IoT sensors in language education?
and 2) what are the usability issues of such a system that system designers should be aware of?
2. Literature Review
3. Method
with robots, and 2) the requirements of an integrated system that allows non-technical professionals to
manage robots and IoT sensors to meet their teaching needs. The recordings of these discussions were
coded and themes were identified to inform our needs and requirement analysis. This analysis led to the
creation of the specifications of the proposed system. Phase 2 was to develop a prototype according to
the specifications identified in Phase 1. To facilitate the iterative cycles of testing and refinements, we
used 3D printing to build a prototype of a robot and used a plastic box to build a prototype of a toy.
Phase 3 was to test the system and to identify usability issues in the early developmental stage. This
study adopted the Cognitive Walkthrough method to evaluate how easy it is for new users to accomplish
tasks using the system we developed. Cognitive Walkthrough is a usability evaluation method in
evaluators work through a series of tasks to identify system usability issues. We invited four
non-technical professionals and parents, who are interested in using robots for children’s language
education, to participate in the testing of the system. The participants were first given a 10 minutes
introduction of the system and the tasks they were to perform. The participants were then asked to
design a script to specify interactions between the robot and the IoT sensors using the system we
developed. At the end, the participants were to report the usability problems they encountered and give
a severity score to the problems.
Figure 3. The design of the language learning robot and IoT toy.
The toy was designed as an interactive toy box, providing interactions through pressing the flashcards
on the side of the toy box. Whenever the child pressed the flashcards on the side, either the toy or the
robot would generate instant audio feedback to interact with the child, so as to engage he or she in
playing. The toy was designed using a touch sensor board that connected to 12 objects, allowing
children to learn through exploring nearby objects and to practice motor skills while listening and
speaking the target language with the robot. Different from existing interactive sound books, of which
the learning content is fixed and irreplaceable, this toy box was designed to provide flexibility to
accommodate the needs of replacing learning contents whenever needed. Another reason for the
inclusion of toys was to provide a focal object that drew the attention from both the robot and children,
while the robot played toys with children in order to facilitate children’s language development in an
interactive and immersive environment. Scenarios were created using the toys as a stimulus for the
robot to engage a conversation with children in the target language. With the help of the sensors on the
toy, the robot was able to detect what children were doing and prompt instant feedback as parents would
do when playing with their children.
system settings, e.g. the Internet access setting. This study also developed a graphical script editor. As
shown in Figure 4, the script editor adopted Windows Forms, allowing users to program a robot and a
set of touch sensors by clicking a few buttons. In order to generate multiple interactions using the 12
sensors, we designed two interaction modules to enrich the variety of interactions: a single sensor
module and a multiple sensor module, allowing users to design the responses by specifying a set of
content content cr
management\scri ID\ e
pt management\ typ a
log files \ system e t
configuration of e
co \ select sensor ID
nt\ d cont
spe e e
ed l
of e
spe t
ec e
h \
m select response
d sequences
Figure 4. The interface of script management
i sub-system and script editor.
4.2 Preliminary Result of System Usability Evaluation
This study conducted a usability evaluation using the Cognitive
c Walkthrough method. The preliminary
results from four participants are presented below. All ofon the participants, assuming the role of the end
users, were able to complete the given task using the integrated
t system. 10 usability problems were
reported, as shown in Table 1. The usability problems were categorized into six categories, including
poor hardware design, system scalability, error prevention
t and recovery, system learnability, visibility
of system status and efficiency of use. The participants also made two suggestions to improve the
system, speech control and scheduling. With regard to affective speech, since the system was designed
for children’s language education, the TTS function provided by the system should be able to adjust the
tones and speech speed of the speaker in order to effectively engage children’s attention. As far as
scheduling is concerned, the participants suggested that the system should include a scheduling
function, e.g. executing good morning script before 9 am, and bedtime story script after 9 pm.
Table 1
The List of Usability Problems
Problem description Numbers of Average Problem Category
participants severity
Bad connections 4 4 Poor hardware design
The way of creating and editing a script is 3 3.7 System Learnability
not intuitive
Nonstop playing learning contents when the 2 3.5 Error prevention and
same button was mistakenly pressed. recovery
Complex WiFi setting 4 3.25 System Learnability
Limited sensor slots 2 3 System scalability
Unable to add new functions to the script 4 3 System scalability
editing system
Unable to adjust the sound volume of the toy 2 2.5 Poor hardware design
and the robot from hardware
No information about the cause of system 3 2.3 Error prevention and
crash recovery
Unable to observe battery status 2 2 Visibility of system
Lack of accelerators to indicate which 1 2 Efficiency of use
learning content has been selected or used
5. Conclusion
This study has discussed some critical issues relating to the design of creating an interactive and
immersive language learning environment using robots and IoT sensors. The pedagogical concern of
this study is to create a play scenario for children to learn a language through playing toys with a robot.
To achieve this goal, we developed an intergraded system for non-technical professionals to control and
specify interactions between robots and IoT sensors. In this preliminary study, we presented the design
of the system architecture, system components and the employment of a graphic programming editor.
As presented in this study, the system can be used in various learning scenarios, allowing educators and
researchers to incorporate robots and IoT sensors in education effortlessly for language studies.
This study reports the preliminary results of an ongoing project with the aim to identify
usability problems in the early developmental stage of the system, which will be addressed in our next
round of design and improvement. We recognize that the complexity of designing an easy-to-use
integrated system for children’s cognitive and language development requires a systematic and iterative
approach to the evaluation and improvements of the system design. We are planning to solve the
identified usability issues and conduct more evaluations to improve the design of the system.
Eventually the system will be evaluated in an authentic learning environment in which children will be
invited to play and interact with the robot and the IoT toys, with the aim to develop a more
comprehensive evaluation taxonomy for an intergraded systems of robots and IoT devices.
This research was supported by the National Science Council, Taiwan under project numbers
108-2511-H-224 -008 -MY3, MOST-107-2511-H-224-007-MY3 and MOST-
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cartography of the Uncanny Valley. Cognition, 146, 22-32.
Morse, A. F., & Cangelosi, A. (2017). Why are there developmental stages in language learning? A
developmental robotics model of language development. Cognitive Science, 41, 32-51.
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Schmidt, R. (1983). Interaction, acculturation, and the acquisition of communicative competence: A
case study of an adult. Sociolinguistics and language acquisition, 137, 174.
Valk, L. (2010). A Beginner's Guide to Building and Programming Robots: starch press.
Vogt, P., De Haas, M., De Jong, C., Baxter, P., & Krahmer, E. (2017). Child-robot interactions for
second language tutoring to preschool children. Frontiers in human neuroscience, 11, 73.
Chang, M. et al. (Eds.) (2019). Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Computers in
Education. Taiwan: Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education
Abstract: Learning English as a foreign language is a core part of K-12 education for many
countries in which English is not the main spoken language, and especially in Asia. One of the
fundamental tasks that students encounter is to learn vocabulary that is a part of the assigned
curriculum. These are often sourced from reference materials or assigned vocabulary lists and
may not consider the learner’s current proficiency or the semantic context of words that were
recently learnt. By suggesting vocabulary that have similar proficiency or semantic contexts to
what a student has recently studied could improve and support vocabulary learning. In this
paper, we propose a method for recommending words that have similar difficulty and semantic
context with previous words learnt based on the analysis of prescribed textbooks for Japanese
junior high school students. This research could be used to guide a student learning English by
helping them select a sequence of vocabulary that is appropriate.
1. Introduction
When studying vocabulary, students are often faced with the challenge of selecting appropriate words
to learn at their current level of proficiency. Often students will refer to reference materials or an
assigned vocabulary list that are part of their current curriculum. However, these materials do not
consider the learners previously learnt vocabulary, which can give insight into the semantic context of
their current study.
Nation & Hunston (2013), suggest that learning from context is one of the most important
sources when studying vocabulary, and should be an integral part of second language learning. This
highlights the strength of the role that context plays in helping learners not only understand the meaning
of a word from its surrounding sentence, but also the similarities in contexts of words which are close to
each other semantically. Wolter (2006) investigated the differences in native language lexical networks
and the learner’s perception of the foreign language lexical network. It was found that learners often
rely on their knowledge from the native language lexical network. Borodkin et al. (2016) found that
foreign language learners do not possess lexical networks that are as well-organized as the network of
their native language. Therefore, learning vocabulary from a recommended vocabulary map might help
improve the lexical network of the EFL or ESL learners.
In this paper, we propose a method for recommending English vocabulary that a learner could
study based on a map of the whole curriculum. The map has been organized with the intention of
recommending words that are closely related both semantically and according to the student’s current
level of acquisition. The analysis of three English as a foreign language textbooks that are widely used
at Japanese junior high schools are examined as case studies of the proposed method.
Previous research into the use of semantic context analysis in language learning has focused on
the substitution of difficult or unknown words to support reading. Azab et al. (2015) analyzed existing
semantic maps, such as: WordNet (Miller, 1995), Roget, and Encarta, to find synonymous that could be
used as substitutes to describe words the learner could not understand with reading text with a web
browser. While similar methods could be employed to the problem presented in this paper, there are
numerous words that excluded from such semantic maps, and the relations are not derived from the
actual context in which the word is used. To overcome these limitations, we propose that a word2vec
corpus trained using the actual contexts of words would be better suited to the task of recommending
vocabulary for learners.
2. Method Overview
In this research, we focus on the analysis of three-year levels of learning materials that are used
extensively in English Language classes at Japanese Junior High-Schools. A list of prescribed
vocabulary is available for each textbook, and was used as a mask to focus the analysis in this paper.
However, it should be noted that it is also possible to extract such information automatically from a set
of textbooks by comparing the unique words in each book. An overview of the books and vocabulary is
shown in Table 1.
Table 1
An overview of the three different levels of EFL learning materials that were targeted in this paper.
Junior High School Year Level Vocabulary Studied Pages
1 389 124
2 225 116
3 341 106
An ordered list of the vocabulary was extracted from each of the textbooks by finding the first
mention of a word in the book. If words occurred on the same page, then words that were higher up the
page were considered to have occurred before words that were lower down the page as the book is in
single column layout.
Word2vec was proposed by Mikolov et al. (2013) to effectively learn word embedding representation
by examining the context of surrounding words in sample sentences. In essence, the resulting model is
trained to predict a word in a sentence based on the surrounding words within a specified window. The
weights of the resulting model are then used as a vector representation of the predicted word in a
semantic space. Therefore, words that are around a similar area within the vector space are words that
usually occur in similar contexts, and therefore have a similar meaning. This technique has been
successfully applied to several semantic problems in previous research (Mikolov et al., 2013; Lau &
Baldwin, 2016), and could be used to find semantically similar words for language learners to study.
For the purpose of this research, we trained a word2vec vector space model using a corpus
based on the full collection of English Wikipedia. The trained model contains a total of 2.5m unique
words, with each word being represented by a 300-dimension vector. A subset of this model was
extracted for each of the three textbooks that are analyzed in this paper.
In this section, we introduce a method of creating a map of the vocabulary for each textbook. A word in
the vocabulary is represented as a node, and the weight of edges between each pair of words represents
the semantic context distance between the 2 words. The vector representations of vocabulary that were
obtained from the word2vec model were used to measure the context distance by calculating the cosine
distance between the vectors of two words. As a number of the items in the vocabulary list contain
multiple words that would result in an equal number of vectors which could not be compared using
standard techniques. A method of representing these words as a single vector is necessary, and the sum
total of the word embedding vectors as proposed in Lau & Baldwin (2016) was used to represent these
items. The map contains a large number of edges, and an optimal sub-map of the strongest relations was
extracted by the minimum spanning tree algorithm as described in Flanagan et al (2019). This results in
a map that links words by the closest similarity while keeping the number of edges in the map at a
minimum. The distribution of the similarity context distance of all of the edges of the maps before and
after optimization are shown in Fig. 1 along with the mean and standard deviation in Table 2.
Figure 1. Distribution of semantic distance of all word relations (left) and of optimized word relations
(right) for all year 1 (top) to year 3 (bottom) of junior high school.
Table 2
An overview of the three different levels of EFL learning materials that were targeted in this paper.
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD
All 0.7884 0.0911 0.7996 0.0824 0.8193 0.0740
Optimized 0.4645 0.1244 0.5384 0.1116 0.5415 0.0996
The distribution of the semantic context distance of vocabulary in the textbook for year 1 has a
lower mean and greater standard deviation than higher years. This suggests that the range of vocabulary
broadens as the target proficiency increases. Also, the mean distance of the optimized map is
substantially lower than that of all relations, indicating that the relation of the vocabulary has greater
semantic context similarity.
Figure 2. Overview of semantic vocabulary learning maps for year 1 (left) to year 3 (right) of junior
high school.
An overview of the maps generated for three different textbooks using the proposed method
based on cosine distance are shown in Fig. 1. Some of the branches in the map are long and are usually
related to specific themes that are covered in the textbook, whereas shorter branches mostly cover
specific language concepts.
Figure 3. Details of a branch representing vocabulary that relate to time concepts that are studied in
third year junior high school textbook.
An example of the types of vocabulary paths that the map can recommend a student to learn are
shown in Fig. 3, which contains a detailed view of the red highlighted branch in Fig 2. It is made up of
words that are related to the concept of time that students learning in the third year of junior high school.
One sub-branch “past” and “present” represents the tense time concept, while other parts are related to
time relations, such as: since, until, and period. An example of recommendations that could be made
using this map would be if a learner has just studied the vocabulary “since” the system would then
recommend that the learner next studies the words “until” and “past”. These vocabularies have the same
semantic context of time in common with the parent word “since”. If the learner chooses to then study
“past”, the system could then recommend that they should study the word “present” afterwards. The
weights of the edges that are connected to the current node could be used to rank the recommendation,
giving higher importance to vocabulary that have a close semantic context to previously learnt words.
In addition to recommending vocabulary based on the semantic context, recommendations
could should also be based on the difficult of the word. As described in section 2.1, we extracted an
ordered list of vocabulary from the textbooks based on the first occurrence of words. On the assumption
that the textbooks would introduce increasingly difficult words as study progresses, this list can be
analyzed to recommend vocabulary based on the difference of the position. For example the tense
branch occurs in the following sequence within the textbook: “since” → “present” → “past”, which
suggests that a learning should study the vocabulary in this order.
3. Conclusion
In this paper, we propose a method to automatically generate a map of the semantic context relations of
vocabulary, and define how it can be used to recommend vocabulary items that a learner could study
based on their learning history. The relation of the vocabulary items was determined by measuring the
cosine distance between two words in a word2vec corpus that was trained on the sentence contexts of
the English Wikipedia corpus. We applied the method to three textbooks that are frequently used in
Japanese junior high schools when studying English as a foreign language and examined parts of the
maps that were generated as case studies. The maps will be introduced to a knowledge mapping system
(Flanagan et al., 2019) that is being deployed in Japanese K-12 institutions to support the study of
In future work, we plan to formally evaluate the use of the recommendation system in Japanese K-12
English as a foreign language class.
This work was partly supported by JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S)16H06304 and NEDO
Special Innovation Program on AI and Big Data 18102059-0.
Azab, M., Hokamp, C., & Mihalcea, R. (2015). Using word semantics to assist English as a second language
learners. In Proceedings of the 2015 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for
Computational Linguistics: Demonstrations (pp. 116-120).
Borodkin, K., Kenett, Y. N., Faust, M., & Mashal, N. (2016). When pumpkin is closer to onion than to squash: The
structure of the second language lexicon. Cognition, 156, 60-70.
Flanagan, B., Akçapınar, G., Majumdar, R., & Ogata, H. (2018). Automatic Generation of Contents Models for
Digital Learning Materials. Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Computers in Education
(ICCE2018) (pp. 804-806).
Flanagan, B., Majumdar, R., Akçapınar, G., Wang, J., & Ogata, H. (2019). Knowledge Map Creation for
Modeling Learning Behaviors in Digital Learning Environments, Companion Proceedings of the 9th
International Conference on Learning Analytics and Knowledge (LAK19).
Lau, J. H., & Baldwin, T. (2016). An Empirical Evaluation of doc2vec with Practical Insights into Document
Embedding Generation. ACL 2016 (pp. 78-86).
Mikolov, T., Sutskever, I., Chen, K., Corrado, G. S., & Dean, J. (2013). Distributed representations of words and
phrases and their compositionality. In Advances in neural information processing systems (pp. 3111-3119).
Miller, G. A. (1995). WordNet: a lexical database for English. Communications of the ACM, 38(11), 39-41.
Nation, I., & Hunston, S. (2013). Learning words from context. In Learning Vocabulary in Another
Language (Cambridge Applied Linguistics, pp. 348-388). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Wolter, B. (2006). Lexical network structures and L2 vocabulary acquisition: The role of L1 lexical/conceptual
knowledge. Applied Linguistics, 27, 4, 741–747.
Chang, M. et al. (Eds.) (2019). Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Computers in
Education. Taiwan: Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education
Abstract: In this paper, we describe the construction details of a confused character set for
Chinese spell checking. The SIGHAN 2013-2015 bakeoff datasets are adopted to measure the
performance of correct character suggestions. Our confusion set significantly outperforms the
existing confusion set in candidate selection for automatic spelling checkers.
Keywords: Chinese spell checking, confusion set, shape similarity, pronunciation similarity
1. Introduction
Automatic Chinese spell-checking tools (like those for English in MS Word) are valuable for Chinese
language learners. However, it is particularly challenging for Chinese, in part, because whether or not a
Chinese character is correct depends on its context. For example, the character “偏” (“pian” in
pronunciation) is correct in the word “偏見” (“pian jian4”; “prejudice” in English), but it is incorrect in
the word “普偏” which instead should be “普遍” (“pu3 pian4”; “common”). Hence, a sentence “學生
打工的情況很普偏” is incorrect and its corresponding correction is “學生打工的情況很普遍” (A
student having a part-time job is very common). The possible error causes may be similar pronunciation
and/or shape which are shared between the characters “偏” and “遍”.
Ideally, automatic spelling checkers should be capable of detecting character or word errors and
making correction accordingly. In practice, they often first pin-point the locations of various types of
spelling errors and then suggest a candidate list of correct characters for the detected error where the
correct one should be as ranked as early as possible (favorably top 1 in the list) in order for automatic
replacement. In other words, spell checking is often a two-step process: Once erroneous characters are
identified, a confused character set (henceforth referred as “confusion set”) is applied for error
correction/replacement. This paper focuses on the second part of the Chinese spell checking. In
particular, we focus on building of a confusion set that is independent of the methods to spot the spell
errors and that is better than the existing ones.
Empirical analysis shows that most Chinese spelling errors arise from phonologically similar,
visually similar, and semantically confused characters (Liu et al. 2011). A confusion set contains a set
of seed characters each accompanying with a list of corresponding confused characters. For example, a
character “不” in the set can be used to find its confused character list such as “部, 步, 布, ….”. In
general, a confusion set is built according to similar shape or pronunciation that are concerned.
However, without a proper order of the confused character list, it is inconvenient for an automatic
spelling checker to seek possible correction candidates effectively and efficiently. This observation
motivates us to build a universal confusion set to facilitate automatic Chinese spell checking.
A first step for confusion set construction is to determine candidate characters as seeds. The Sinica
Corpus is the balanced Chinese corpus with word segmentation and part-of-speech tagging. We obtain a
word list with accumulated word frequency in Sinica Corpus 3.0. From this word list sorted in
decreasing order of frequency, there are 4,743 distinct and commonly used Chinese characters. These
characters are regarded as the seeds and stored according to their frequencies decreasingly.
The next step is to find easily confused characters for each seed character. The following three
major methods are used and combined to yield a confused character list for each seed character:
Real-Error Frequency. In SIGHAN 2013-2015 bakeoffs, real spelling errors caused by Chinese
native speakers or Chinese-as-a-foreign-language learners were collected and manually corrected to
evaluate the performance of automatic spelling checkers (Tseng et al., 2015; Wu et al., 2013; Yu et al.,
2014). In the training sets, there are 8,772 spelling errors, in which 3,394 characters are unique. We
utilize these spelling errors (and their corrections) to find the confused characters for each corrected
character (which is also in seed characters). For example, the most seen character “的” in the spelling
errors is frequently misused as “得” (161 cases), followed by “地” (32 cases). In this case, we create a
list of confused/misused characters for the character: “的”.
Shape Similarity. For this error type, we use common and basic vocabulary, e.g., use the word
“unusual” rather than the word “arcane”. The Master Ideographs Seeker (“全字庫” in Chinese)
developed by National Development Council, Taiwan provides the components of each Chinese
character. For example, a character “腦” consists of components “ ”, “ ”, “ ”, “ ” and “ ”.
We then measure the shape similarity between two characters using the Jaccard similarity coefficient.
For example, the similary of “腦” and “惱” (its components are “ ”, “ ”, “ ”, “ ” and “ ”) is
0.66 (=4/6). If a character have more than one unique constructed components such as “行” (there are
two constructed components: one is “ ”, “ ” and “ ”; the other is “ ”, “ ” and “ ” ), each
combination will be used to measure the similarity respectively and the larger one will be retained.
Pronunciation Similarity. The Master Ideographs Seeker also provides the pronunciation of
each character. If more than one pronunciation is used for a character, the most common usage in the
CKIP Electronic Dictionary will be adopted. In Chinese phonetics, a character can be pronounced using
initial consonants, vowels, and tones. Because its relative complexity, we describe the three phonetic
similarity measures individually and their combination with examples as follows.
For the initial consonants of Chinese phonetics, Table 1 shows points and manners of articulation
and the corresponding coordinates. The similarity of any two consonants is regarded as distance
calculation in the coordinate system. All distances are normalized into values ranging from 0 to 1. The
most similar is 1 when identical consonants exist between two characters. For no-consonant cases, its
similarity with any one of consonants is 0. Besides, the similarity of two no-consonant cases is also 1.
Table 1. Places and Manners of Articulation for Consonants and their Corresponding Coordinates
Places labioden post
Manners bilabial alveolar velar palatal dental
tal alveolar
status airflow
unaspirated ㄅ(1,1) ㄉ(3,1) ㄍ(4,1)
plosive voiceless
aspirated ㄆ(1,2) ㄊ(3,2) ㄎ(4,2)
unaspirated ㄐ(5,3) ㄓ(6,3) ㄗ(7,3)
affricate voiced
aspirated ㄑ(5,4) ㄔ(6,4) ㄘ(7,4)
nasal voiced ㄇ(1,5) ㄋ(3,5)
lateral approx. voiced ㄌ(3,6)
voiceless ㄈ(2,7) ㄏ(4,7) ㄒ(5,7) ㄕ(6,7) ㄙ(7,7)
voiced ㄖ(6,8)
For vowels (or called finals for more general cases) of Chinese phonetics, they are divided into
five types called: 1) prenuclear glides: ㄧ、ㄨ、 ㄩ ; 2) simple finals: ㄚ、ㄛ、ㄜ、ㄝ; 3) compound
finals: ㄞ、ㄟ、ㄠ、ㄡ; 4) nasal finals: ㄢ、ㄤ、ㄣ、ㄥ; and 5) retroflex final: ㄦ. If two prenuclear
glides are the same, the similarity is 1, otherwise 0. For the remaining finals, if two finals are the same,
the similarity is 1; if they are the same type, the similarity is 0.5; other cases are 0.
For tones of Chinese phonetics, there are five distinct tones, that is, neutral tone, 1st tone, 2nd tone,
3 tone, and 4th tone. The largest similarity is 1 for identical tones and the lowest similarity is 0 for the
pair tone: neutral vs. 4th. The similarity is 0.75 for the following pairs: neutral vs. 1st, 1st vs. 2nd, 2nd vs.
3rd, and 3rd vs. 4th. The similarity is 0.5 for the pairs: neutral vs. 2nd, 1st vs. 3rd, and 2nd vs. 4th. Finally, the
similarity is 0.25 for the pairs: neutral vs. 3rd and 1st vs. 4th.
The above similarities of consonants, vowels, and tones are then averaged to yield the final
pronunciation similarity. Take the two characters “生” (ㄕㄥ) and “身” (ㄕㄣ) for example. 1) Both
initial consonants is “ㄕ” ; 2) both do not contain prenuclear glides; 3) the vowels “ㄥ” and “ㄣ”
belong to the same type (i.e., the nasal finals); and 4) both tones are 1st tone. So the pronunciation
similarity of “生” and “身” is 0.875, which is the average of similarities: 1, 1, 0.5 and 1.
Finally, to construct a confusion set, each candidate character is used to measure the confused
degree with the seed character. Take a character “買” for example, the confused degree with “賣” is
14.59, in which it is calculated by the sum of real-error frequency 13 times, shape similarity 0.66
(exceeds the threshold of 0.5) and pronunciation similarity 0.93 (exceeds the threshold of 0.8), i.e.,
13+0.66+0.93=14.59. Finally, as an indexed seed character “買”, only a maximum of top 20 confused
characters “賣, 乃, 奶, …” ordering by the confused degree are included in our confusion set.
In this section, we evaluate our confusion set, compared with the confusion set provided by Liu et al.
(2011) which is the only one we could find. The experimental data came from the SIGHAN 2013-2015
bakeoffs (Tseng et al., 2015; Wu et al., 2013; Yu et al., 2014), including 2,773 Chinese spelling errors.
The objective is to measure the effectiveness of confusion sets after erroneous characters have been
identified. For this purpose, Mean Reciprocal Rank (MRR), which is the average of reciprocal positions
of correct characters in the descending-ordered list of confused characters, is adopted as an evaluation
metric. The only previously existing confusion set (Liu et al., 2011) that contains confused characters
generating from the combinations of the same/similar in shape/pronunciation/tone/radical/stroke are
used for comparisons. Table 2 shows the evaluation results. Our confusion set achieved the best MRR
of 0.4184, which significantly outperforms the existing set no matter which similarity measurement is
used. This evaluation result supports us to apply the confusion set built by ourselves rather than using
the existing one, so that we achieved the second prize in the 2018 Chinese Language Teaching
Application Software Competition.
4. Conclusions
This study describes a new confusion set constructed for Chinese spell checking. Base on the
experimental results, our set performs better than the previous one. Future work may re-rank the
confused candidate list based on the contextual information to achieve better MRR performance.
This study was partially supported by the Ministry of Science and Technology, under the grant MOST
106-2221-E-003-030-MY2, 107-2221-E-003-014-MY2, 108-2218-E-008-017-MY3 and 108-2634-F-002-022.
Liu, C.-L., Lai, M-H., Tien, K.-W., Chuang, Y.-H., Wu, S.-H., & Lee, C.-Y. (2011). Visually and phonologically
similar characters in incorrect Chinese words: analysis, identification, and applications. ACM Transactions
on Asian Language Information Processing, 10(2), Article 10.
Tseng, Y.-H., Lee, L.-H., Chang, L.-P., & Chen, H.-H. (2015). Introduction to SIGHAN 2015 bake-off for
Chinese spelling check. Proceedings of SIGHAN’15 (pp. 32-37). Beijing, China: ACL Anthology.
Wu, S.-H., Liu, C.-L., & Lee, L.-H. (2013). Chinese spelling check evaluation at SIGHAN bake-off 2013.
Proceedings of SIGHAN’13 (pp. 35-42). Nagoya, Japan: ACL Anthology.
Yu, L.-C., Lee, L.-H., Tseng, Y.-H., & Chen, H.-H. (2014). Overview of SIGHAN 2014 bake-off for Chinese
spelling check. Proceedings of CLP’14 (pp. 126-132). Wuhan, China: ACL Anthology.
Chang, M. et al. (Eds.) (2019). Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Computers in
Education. Taiwan: Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education
Abstract: Recently, access to information is easier than before, but most of them are written in
English. It leads to another new problem for a non-English speaking country. This research
proposes an approach to improve English reading comprehension with the help of Kit-build
concept map (KB-map) with an additional function named source connection. A university
teacher in Indonesia practically used this approach and the other two approaches in several
English classes of the second year of undergraduate student to compare the effectiveness of
those approaches. The result shows that KB-map with the source-connection function was more
effective in English reading comprehension compare to the traditional summarization and the
normal Kit-build method.
1. Introduction
Concept mapping is one of the popular strategies used to improve Reading comprehension for English
as a Foreign Language (Chang, Sung, & Chen, 2002). As a kind of concept map method, Kit-build
concept map (KB-map) proven to have the same efficiency as the original concept map but unlike the
original concept map (Funaoi, Ishida, & Hirashima, 2011, Alkhateeb, Hayashi, & Hirashima, 2013)
even though KB-map is a kind of “closed-end” approach because it delivering the component of the
teacher or expert concept map and student can only reconstruct the provided components without the
ability to create or delete the component. This paper proposes an approach to improve English reading
comprehension with the help of Kit-build concept map (KB-map) with an additional function named
source connection. This approach helps the student to externalize their understanding in the form of the
concept map and to confirm the relation between the concept map and the reading material. This study
evaluates the effectiveness of the approach with the practical use of this by a university teacher in
Indonesia, compared with the traditional summarization and the normal Kit-build concept map.
2. Kit-build Concept map and the additional function called source connection
Kit-build concept map (KB-map) has several phases (See Figures 1), the first phase called goal map
building; this phase required a teacher/ expert to create an initial map from the reading material. The
initial map will be called a goal map. After the teacher/ expert finished creating the goal map, the system
will automatically disassemble it into components called kits consisting of nodes and links. The second
phase, called learner’s map building. This phase required students/ learners to reconstruct the kits into a
map. They cannot create or modify a component. The third phase is the KB Analyzer. This is the last
step where the teacher/ expert can check the comparison result between their map and the students or
learners. Since between the teacher or expert and the students using the same component, it will be
easier to make the comparison by conducting an exact match comparison method.
Figure 1. KB Map Phases
Source connection function aims to improve the use of KB map. This function facilitates learners
to make confirmation between their reconstructed map to the reading material directly. By making a
confirmation, hopefully, will decrease the number of misunderstanding. Source connection function
facilitates students/ learners to confirm each proposition (consist of two nodes and one link) of the map
to the reading material (see Figure 2) and then modify the proposition if necessary.
We experimented Indonesia. The experiment was involving two hundred and thirty-two undergraduate
students. They are all learning English as a Foreign Language as a mandatory subject in the university.
We are dividing the students into three groups. We divided them equally by using the English
comprehension test result conducted before the experiment. The experiment was conducted for three
times by using three different material for almost four weeks. Each experiment has the same activity as
described in Figures 3.
After 1 week
The test result for each material is shown in Figure 4; we also conduct the Holm's Sequentially
Rejective Bonferroni Procedure to rank up the groups to see the differentiation among the groups. The
result shows the significant difference between the KB-map with source connection group and the
control group in all material. While the KB map group only superior in two material to the control
Material 1 Material 2
Material 3
Figure 4. Test result for all material
4. Conclusion
In this paper, we propose the new function of KB map, source connection. The source connection
function in KB-map helps students to confirm the relation between the concept map they have made and
the reading material as the source. From the result of the practical use of it in Indonesian university, the
effectiveness of this function is better than the reading comprehension with the traditional
summarization and the normal Kit-build concept map. The future work is the analysis of the reading
process with KB-map and source connection to confirm whether the function provides learners with the
opportunity for self-reflection.
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Funaoi, H., Ishida, K., & Hirashima, T. (2011). Comparison of Kit-Build and Scratch-Build Concept Mapping
Methods on Memory Retention. Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Computers in, (pp.
539-546). Chiang Mai.
TRANSITIONING EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM ...................................................................................................... 710
BEHAVIORAL OUTCOMES ............................................................................................................................ 738
PERSPECTIVE ................................................................................................................................................ 756
DEBRIEFING WITH THE SUPPORT OF SOKRATES CLOUD SERVICES ............................................................... 762
SINGAPORE .................................................................................................................................................. 768
FROM THE PHILIPPINES ............................................................................................................................... 774
FINDINGS FROM PISA 2015 .......................................................................................................................... 777
Chang, M. et al. (Eds.) (2019). Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Computers in
Education. Taiwan: Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education
Abstract: The rising technology sector in the Philippines has called for a holistic structural
reform in its educational system through the implementation of the K-12 program. As such,
higher educational institutions are in constant quest to look for strategies to increase enrollment
in their Information Technology programs. To be effective, educational institutions must
understand individual perceptions towards pursuing an IT degree in higher education. This
paper presents the results of a study among senior high school student, who are one of the first
recipients of the newly implemented system of education. Using additional constructs to the
established Theory of Reasoned Action, a survey instrument was deployed in two higher
educational institutions and gathered a total of 431 responses. Using Partial Least Squares –
Structural Equation Model, results revealed that computer self-efficacy and job availability does
not positively influence the attitude towards an IT degree at a significant level. The study also
confirmed prior research that job salary and social image are primary factors that positively
influence the attitude of students. Aligned with the findings of other research, attitude and social
norms are strong predictors of the behavioral intention of students to pursue an IT degree. The
paper concludes by suggesting theoretical, educational and social implications of the study and
acknowledging its limitations.
1. Introduction
The Philippines is one among the Asian countries that has exhibited a healthy economic growth in the
recent years. A Philippine Economic Outlook report reveals that the country’s GDP increased by 6.7%
in 2017, a figure that is slated to grow in the next years to come (FocusEconomics, 2018). The
technology services industry is one sector that contributes to this development, which in 2014 raked in
$2 billion in revenues, a 20 percent increase from the previous year, and the second-highest growth
amount in the information technology-business process management (IT-BPM) subsectors. The
positive economic outlook was credited to the diversification of services by global in-house centers
(GICs) and the growth of information technology outsourcing (ITO).
An industry road map for 2011-2016, however, reveals a need for the industry to develop more
talent and skills and to gain stronger government support, specifically in providing remedial training
and structural reforms at all educational levels (Mitra, 2013). The industry, government and academia
are further called to establish stronger linkages and to exert more effort to expand the scale and scope of
educational and ICT-related training programs. Education is considered as the main foundation of
national development and serves as the driver of social and economic development (UNESCO, 2008).
Higher education is expected to provide new skills to meet the demands in emerging markets (Hendel &
Lewis, 2005). However, the Philippine education system has not been matched by adequate resources to
deliver relevant skills (World Bank, 2012). As a result, a Filipino graduate is considered to be
underqualified compared to the graduates coming from other countries (Acosta & Acosta, 2017).
The supply of graduates is not adequate to meet the requirements of the industry. In a Korn
Ferry Institute report (2018), there are 85.2 million job openings globally, almost half will be
contributed by countries in the Asia Pacific region. Failure to address this deficit will have long-term
negative economic impact worldwide. In order to address the growing manpower demand particularly
in the technology services sector, the Philippine government embarked on an ambitious education
sector reform program. In 2013, the Republic Act No. 10533 known as the Basic Education Act was
passed and extended the elementary and secondary education cycle from 10 to 12 years (DepEd, 2013).
The Philippines was one of the three countries left to have implemented the K-12 program worldwide,
only having the 10-year basic education system and as such, the educational reform was a necessary
move towards the improvement of the nation’s global competitiveness. The transition to the new
educational system is to be completed by 2021.
Prior studies investigating factors that influence the decision-making process of students in
pursuing technology-related degrees are based mainly on environments that have adopted and
implemented the twelve-year basic educational system for years. The unique situation in the Philippines
presents an opportunity for research to understand determining factors of K-12 students in their pursuit
of an IT degree while the system is undergoing a shift in its educational structure. As one of the latest to
adopt this educational system, investigating the insights of students born in the digital age and how they
perceive an IT degree as an option in their future academic plans merits further scholarship inquiry.
Lastly, by incorporating additional dimensions to the Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) such as
computer self-efficacy, job availability, job salary and social image, we contribute further to its
theoretical precision.
2. Related Studies
Recognizing the economic impact of technology courses, prior research has investigated factors and
motivation of students that influence their intention to enroll in such programs in higher education. The
study by Joshi and Kuhn (2011) argues that attitudes and social beliefs collectively influence the
decision of students to enroll in a tech-related program. The study further investigated the influence of
other factors such as self-efficacy, image, work value and congruency in the behavioral intention to
pursue an IT career. The students’ interests, prospects, curriculum and social influence are also critical
factors considered by students (Zhang, 2007). Moreover, in a cross-cultural work by Shin, et al., (2018),
career motivation of university-bound students is affected by different socio-cultural factors such as
gender, race and educational level. A longitudinal study by Mau (2016) also reveals that gender and
racial differences are major factors. These studies further call for an investigation of socio-cultural
contexts embedded in each country when examining the factors that contribute to the students’ decision
in pursuing a degree that will help them land a technology-related career in the future.
In the Philippines, there is a high regard for university graduates and education is embedded in
the political, social and cultural ecologies. Since the K-12 program in the country is still in its infancy,
its impact remains under-investigated. In the study of Montebon (2014), students are found to be
perceptive to the new curriculum of the K-12 program which meets their cognitive requirements. A
study by Mohammad (2016) captured insights from students, parents and the community and revealed
heterogenous perspectives towards the new educational system. The additional years in senior high
school are perceived to be a financial burden to some parents. On the other hand, students expressed the
lack of their readiness to embrace K-12. While these studies focused on perceptions, the work by
Bonifacio (2013) addresses the challenge of K-12 by calling for standards in the ICT curriculum.
Furthermore, this study stressed the importance of different stakeholders to successfully implement
K-12 such as administrators, teachers, and the government.
influenced by their attitudes towards pursuing an IT degree and the social pressures exerted on them to
choose the course.
4. Methodology
To test the applicability of the TRA in the research context of this study, an empirical approach is
adopted. Questions from prior research are incorporated in a survey instrument. To test the validity of
the instrument, a pilot test was conducted with selected students. Two institutions, A and B, offering a
senior high school program were approached and the validated instrument was distributed online.
Institution A is a state university based in the Southern Philippines. Institution B is a private college
located in Metro Manila. The responses are recorded and a Partial Least Squares – Structural Equation
Model is applied to test the propositions by the study.
To account for the constructs in the proposed framework, questions from previous studies were
modified and included in an initial instrument. To represent the dimension of computer self-efficacy
(CSE), 3 questions from a study by Joshi and Kuhn (Joshi & Kuhn, 2011) were included. Social image
(SI) is operationalized in this study through the 3 questions adopted from the research of Zhang (Zhang,
2007). Job availability (JA) and job salary (JS) were investigated in prior studies to have an influence in
student’s attitude towards pursuing a college degree and are integrated in the instrument with 2
questions each adopted from the study of Kumar and Kumar (Kumar & Kumar, 2013). Attitude (ATT),
social norm (SOC) and intention (INT) are the primary constructs of the TRA and are adopted in this
study through the questions of Zhang (2007) with 2, 5 and 2 questions respectively. The preliminary
survey instrument is shown in Table 1.
Table 1. Instrument
Indicators Questions
CSE1 I often find it easy to use a computer.
CSE2 I do not need assistance in computer-related tasks or
Computer Self-Efficacy
CSE3 I usually find computer-related assignments easy.
SI1 Businessmen look up to IT professionals
SI2 If I choose an IT degree in college or university, I will have
Social Image a respectable career.
SI3 The business world treats IT professionals with great
JA1 There will be plenty of job opportunities available in IT.
Job Availability JA2 There will be job opportunities available in IT when I
JS1 I can get a high paying job in IT.
Job Salary
JS2 My starting salary will be satisfying in IT.
ATT1 Choosing IT degree seems a good idea to me.
ATT2 It will be wise for me to choose an IT degree.
SOC1 My friends think I should choose an IT degree.
SOC2 Other students recommend that I enroll in an IT degree.
SOC3 My class adviser recommends that I should choose an IT
Social Norms
SOC4 My teachers believe that choosing an IT degree is best for
INT1 I intend to choose an IT degree in college or university.
INT2 It is likely that I will choose IT degree.
Table 3. Demographics
A 137
Number of Respondents
B 294
Gender Male 184 42.69%
Female 247 57.31%
15 and 2 0.46%
Age Belo
16 70 16.24%
17 218 50.58%
18 131 30.39%
19 7 1.62%
20 2 0.46%
21 1 0.23%
Year Level 11 209 48.49%
12 222 51.51%
Table 4
Summary of Results
Hypothesis Statement T-Statistics Decision
H1 Computer self-efficacy positively influences a 0.793 Rejected
student’s attitude towards pursuing an IT
H2 Job availability positively influences a student’s 0.930 Rejected
attitude towards an IT degree.
H3 Job salary positively influences a student’s 5.068 Accepted
attitude towards an IT degree.
H4 Social image positively influences a student’s 3.421 Accepted
attitude towards an IT degree.
H5 A positive attitude towards IT is positively 6.590 Accepted
associated with the intent to pursue an IT degree
in college.
H6 Social norms are positively associated with the 10.860 Accepted
intent to pursue an IT degree in college.
However, the result of the study revealed that a student’s computer skills do not necessarily
translate to a positive attitude towards pursuing a technology-oriented degree. Several explanations
were offered by this study including the fact that the respondents are digital natives who possess ICT
skills and are inherently technologically savvy. In addition, the respondents may have used their access
to digital technologies, the Internet and its vast array of information to research professions that they are
interested in, which may not be necessarily specializing in IT.
Additionally, the study does not support that the availability of IT jobs encourages students to
pursue an IT course in college. A possible factor leading to this result is the fact that most BPO and tech
companies in the country are concentrated in the urban areas and are yet to be distributed into the other
regions. Also, many Filipinos still view job opportunities available abroad particularly in the hospitality
and healthcare industry which possibly influence their decisions to choose their academic path.
Several implications can be drawn from this study. For theoretical implications, attitude and
social norms are confirmed to be influential in behavioral intention to pursue IT. However, other
determinants in addition to job salary and social image of the IT profession may be more appropriate to
positively influence the attitude towards pursuing an IT degree. For educational implications,
regulatory bodies that govern K-12 should emphasize on active industry-academic curricular
integration and promote opportunities in the technology sector. For social implications, to narrow the
digital divide, stakeholders of the technology industry should develop a blueprint that will distribute the
IT opportunities across the country.
This study is not without limitation therefore the findings should be interpreted with caution.
First, although this study examined perspectives from private and public higher educational institutions,
the limited number of respondents may limit the generalizability of the results of this research. Second,
there was no comparison between the results of institutions A and B, therefore this investigation cannot
account for the significant differences of the results of the two sets of respondents. In this regard, we
encourage future researchers to focus on the significant differences in attitudes and behavioral intention
of students in pursuing an IT degree in different contexts such as public versus private schools, rural
versus urban areas, and schools with different K-12 track offerings.
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Abstract: The purpose of this study was to engage Indonesian English teachers in designing
lessons for multimodal learning. Given that technological pedagogical content knowledge
(TPACK) is the emerging framework that accounts for teachers’ professional expertise, this
study attempts to address how to support the teachers to develop TPACK through the learning
by design approach. In this study, 36 Indonesian high school English teachers participated in the
teacher professional development (TPD) workshop, and 28 of them completed the pre-and-post
surveys that measured teachers' perceived efficacy to apply TPACK for multimodal literacy.
Paired-sample t-tests revealed that all seven factors changed significantly after the workshop,
indicating the positive efficacy of TPD. Overall, our findings show that when TPD is designed
with the co-design principles and relevant scaffolds, it can be effective for raising teachers’
competency in designing technology-integrated lessons and producing positive changes in
teachers’ efficacy.
1. Introduction
In the digital world, the conception of literacy has undergone fundamental changes and reviews.
Literacy as one’s ability to read and write, has been broadened with the ease of producing and sharing
digital media and artefacts. Given the current advances in digital technology and media, students now
have access to multiple modes of communicative resources, such as video, audio, images and even
hybrid forms (e.g., blogs, wikis, social media), in daily life. From pedagogical perspectives, such
multiple communication sources offer both opportunities and challenges. Multimodal literacy, which is
the combined use of multiple communication modes, offers rich opportunities for learners to better
construct and deconstruct the meaning of messages. Advocates of multimodality in education argue that
it provides learners with more situated and relevant contexts for meaning-making (Kress, 2003). On the
other hand, it is also challenging for learners to understand and interpret how the different modes are
subtly shaping messages. Further, multimodal literacy has challenged the traditional notion of language
teaching, which mainly focuses on the acquisition of linguistic knowledge and communicative skills.
The multimodal approach requires substantial design efforts from teachers to re-contextualize language
learning in a media-rich world.
Given that technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) is the emerging framework
that accounts for teachers’ professional expertise (Chai, Koh & Teo, 2018), and that multimodal
communication is a desirable capacity for the 21st century school and workplace (Jenkins, 2006) with
potential to enhance students’ language literacy, this study attempts to engage language teachers in
designing lessons for multimodal learning. This study was the first part of a 6-month long professional
development process where the instructors (the first and second authors) conducted a workshop for
Indonesian teachers. The aim was to equip the participants with basic knowledge and experiential
understanding of multimodal meaning-making and the iterative design processes that would allow them
to continue the journey when they leave the workshop.
To achieve such aims within two days, a set of design principles based on the past research on
TPACK and teacher professional development (TPD) was adopted. A study conducted in Indonesia
indicates that while the Indonesian teachers have positive beliefs about the importance of using
technology for pedagogical innovation, they do not possess strong efficacies in designing
technology-integrated learning environments (Drajati, Tan, Haryati, Rochsantiningsih, & Zainnuri,
2018). Therefore, the specific design features of the workshop included epistemic and cognitive
scaffolds that could help the participants improve their beliefs and efficacy to design
technology-integrated lessons based on the principles of multimodal literacy. In this paper, the effects
of the TPD workshop on teachers’ knowledge and skills are presented in self-reported forms of surveys
and interviews. The implications of co-designing pedagogical innovations as well as directions for
future research are discussed.
2. Theoretical Framework
With the digital turn, the range of technologies available for communication has grown rapidly (Mills,
2010). The emergence of various digital media calls for reconceptualization of the meaning of literacy,
which has been broadened with the proliferation of multimodal texts. More than two decades ago, the
New London Group (1996) published the seminal work on multiliteracy, which foregrounded the
changing nature of literacy, and the profound affordances of multiple modes of communication and
texts. In essence, multimodal literacy refers to the combination of multiple semiotic modes. Here, a
mode is “a socially and culturally shaped resource for meaning making” (Bezemer & Kress, 2008,
p.171), and a mode of meaning includes diverse representations such as visual (still and moving), audio,
gestural, and spatial, other than linguistics. Multimodal literacy engages students to create multimodal
texts that ensemble different modes. Multimodal literacy, however, is not merely combining different
modes, but to understand similarities and differences underlying each mode. Ajayi (2009) reported the
study of engaging ESL (English as Second Language) students from diverse cultural and language
backgrounds to encode and decode multimodal texts and its positive impact on students’ critical
thinking skills.
Teacher learning is a developmental trajectory spanning from initial teacher education and induction to
in-service training and continuous professional development. In-service teachers enter professional
development programs with certain beliefs and ideas with regards to what teaching and learning is
about, built on their lived experiences. One of success factors in teacher professional development is to
recognize such rich existing experiences and tacit knowledge as valuable assets. The existing body of
literature highlights some core features that makes TPD effective. For instance, Garet et al. (2009) argue
that teachers’ knowledge and skills can be enhanced when TPD is designed to focus on content
knowledge, active learning (e.g., hands-on work), and coherence. Under reform initiatives, the design
of TPD programs needs to consider teachers’ readiness for changes, especially when promoting
unfamiliar pedagogical approaches (Twining, Raffaghelli, Albion, & Knezek, 2013).
While numerous efforts toward TPD exist, the research still points to the problem of teachers
lacking content-specific teaching skills. This becomes even more problematic and complex when
teachers are required to integrate new types of technologies and pedagogical approaches that create
tensions with their habitus, or set of disposition (Belland, 2009). In particular, with the paradigm shift
toward learner-centered pedagogy, teachers are increasingly seen as designers of learning environments,
and designing for pedagogical innovation has become an important competency required for teachers
(Laurillard, 2013). Despite such a paradigm shift, how to scaffold teachers’ developmental trajectory to
become designers of learning environments is less understood. The notion of teachers as designers also
carries implications to multimodal literacy in education. In a digital age where new media become rich
sources for literacy and communication, teachers’ role is shifting from s a mere actor of implementing
prescribed curricular to a designer of new learning experiences encompassing multimodal learning
activities (Kalantzis & Cope, 2010).
In this study, we adopted TPACK as an overarching framework to scaffold teacher learning about
multimodal literacy. TPACK is a theory designed to account for teachers’ ability to integrate
technology into the curriculum (Mishra & Koehler, 2006). TPACK includes the technological
knowledge (TK), pedagogical knowledge (PK) and content knowledge (CK) and the interaction of
these knowledge, which include technological pedagogical knowledge (TPK), technological content
knowledge (TCK) and pedagogical content knowledge (PCK). Koh, Chai, Wong and Hong (2015)
postulate that teachers need to activate the various forms of TPACK to bear on the classroom
pedagogical needs to design feasible lesson ideas.
To identify the relevant literature that attempted to teach in-service teachers about multimodal
literacy, we used the keywords such as "multimodal", "language learning" and "teacher professional
development" in the Scopus database. The search only surfaced 9 studies. Closer examination, however,
revealed that none of the studies focused on developing teacher’s capacities to design language learning
lessons that employ multimodality as learning resources or multimodality as means for students’
production of digital artefacts. Two studies that provide some relevant information for this study were
conducted by Drajati et al. (2018) and Bruce ad Chiu (2015). Drajati et al. (2018) surveyed Indonesian
pre- and in-service English language teachers about their understanding of multimodal literacy and
TPACK and concluded that both ideas were new to the teachers. Bruce and Chiu (2015) surveyed 240
America English language arts teachers who had completed at least one digital videos project with an
open-ended questionnaire. The findings indicate that the teachers welcomed the learning experiences
and appreciated the pedagogical affordances of digital videos. In sum, both studies seem to indicate that
language teachers are keen to undertake multimodal teaching and learning.
However, without adequate design from teacher educators to enrich teachers’ understanding of
multimodality and TPACK, teachers may not be able to develop sufficient knowledge and skills to
undertake such complex changes in teaching practices. Lee and Kim (2017) attempted to support
preservice teachers in developing technology integration using the TPACK framework. Their study
reveals that there were several gaps in the teachers’ competencies. Their first design surfaced the
preservice teachers’ lack of pedagogical knowledge and their second design surfaced the problem that
the actual teaching practice of their pre-service teachers continued to be teacher-centered. It took three
iterative design cycles before they could achieve their pedagogical aims.
Learning by Design (LBD) has been suggested as an effective method to help teachers gain
situated understanding about the complexity of technology-integrated lesson design (Koehler & Mishra,
2005). Kolodner et al. (1998) define LBD as “students encountering a design challenge and attempting
a solution using only prior knowledge - individually and/or in small groups” (p.16). Similarly in TPD,
the LBD approach structures teachers to work collaboratively to solve pedagogical problems through
authentic design tasks. Koehler and Mishra (2005) argue that the LBD approach is effective for
enhancing teachers’ TPACK since the approach engages teachers to make the intricate connection
among content, pedagogy and technology in every stage of design. LBD has also been applied as a
pedagogy of multiliteracies. Cope and Kalantzis (2016) reported the LBD project as a reflexive
pedagogy in multiliteracies with the knowledge processes including experiencing, conceptualizing,
analyzing and applying. They argue that LBD is a relevant pedagogy in multiliteracies since it provide
teachers with opportunities to reflect on how to achieve transformative learning for diverse students.
TPACK emerges through the explicit and intentional connection among content, pedagogy and
technology. Despite more than a decade of TPACK research, however, little is understood of how
TPACK emerges and become solid contextualized knowledge. Whether TPACK is a new form of
teacher knowledge or an integration of different knowledge types is a debatable issue. What is clear is
the role of technology, which is not to merely support or extend but to transform existing practices for
pedagogical innovations (Twining et al., 2013).
This study aims to address how to support teachers to develop TPACK through the LBD approach. The
bulk of the time in the proposed workshop, hence, was devoted to closely work with the teachers to
scaffold their design thinking process. The design of the workshop included specific scaffolding
strategies in the learning-by-design approach. In view of the research gaps identified, this study
examines the following research questions concerning TPACK and TPD.
a) How do teachers’ efficacy and beliefs about multimodal TPACK change after the workshop?
b) How do the teachers perceive the impact of the TPD activities?
3. Method
Thirty-six Indonesian high school English teachers participated in the TPD workshop for improving
teaching with TPACK for multimodal literacy. The workshop was held in the Surakarta region for two
days in May 2018, as the first part of a 6-month long professional development process. Twenty-eight
teachers (24 female and 4 male) completed the pre-and-post workshop surveys that measured teachers'
perceived efficacy to apply TPACK for multimodal literacy. Half of the participants was over 41 years
old (46%), followed by 9 teachers who were below 30 years old, and 6 teachers in their 30’s. The
average of teaching experiences was 13.7 years. Overall, the majority of the participants can be
described as experienced teachers in their 30s-40s with more than 10 years of teaching experiences. All
participants joined the Facebook group that was created to facilitate the workshop activities such as
resource sharing, presentations, peer feedback, and reflection.
Table 1 presents the core design principles underlying the workshop. Employing TPACK as an
overarching framework coupled with the design principles of learning-by-design, the researchers
activated relevant knowledge that the teachers have about curricula, school contexts and students. Such
a co-design approach ensures that a relevant set of TPACK is foregrounded as epistemic resources to
contextualize teachers’ design (Koh et al., 2015).
Table 1
Design of the Teacher Professional Development
TPD Activities Duration Design Principles
Lecture 2 hours Knowledge inputs to address knowledge
Multimodality & gaps (Sweller, 1994)
TPACK TPACK design framework to establish a
Gamification & Social shared framework for design (Chai et al.
Media 2018)
With knowledge gaps and design
framework addressed, cognitive overload
during design process and activation of
relevant knowledge for design can be
Hands-on activities 1 hour Just-in-time learning of technological tools
Google site development to build technological knowledge (TK)
Mobile apps for language
Group-based design 7 hours Learning-by-design (Mishra & Koehler,
Supporting reflective practices through
scaffolding by worked examples and in-situ
instructor scaffolding (Schön, 1987)
Co-design with distributed expertise where
both teachers’ CK and researchers’ TK and
TPK are synthesized and transformed into
TPACK (Koh, Chai & Lim, 2017).
Peer critique and refinement of 4 hours Iterative co-design (Koh et al., 2017)
The bulk of TPD was then devoted to co-design a web-based learning environment in the Google
Site platform (see Figure 1) in small groups (5-6 members) with researchers’ in-situ scaffolding and
worked examples as another form of scaffolding. Learning how to design is essentially a process of
being a cognitive apprentice and engaging in reflective practices (Schön, 1983; 1987). From the
perspective of cognitive load (Pass, Renkl & Sweller, 2003), working examples and distributed
expertise (i.e., working in teams) are both likely to assist in reducing the complexity of learning to
design language learning lessons with multimodal expressions.
In this study, we view a lesson design as a form of concretized TPACK that embodies teachers’
integration of content, pedagogy, and technology, coupled with other contingent considerations such as
student characteristics and classroom environments. TPACK is a form of contextualized knowledge
creation as each lesson is designed for a specific class with unique and collective characteristics of
diverse learners. The current TPACK research is moving towards the direction of creating lessons for
specific technology, pedagogy and content areas (Chai, Koh, & Tsai, 2016). For the present study, the
specific content knowledge (CK) lies in social semiotics (theory of meaning making), and multimodal
media with the gamified approach as technological knowledge (TK) and technological pedagogical
knowledge (TPK).
To investigate teachers' perceived efficacy of TPACK for multimodal literacy, we administered the
survey instrument with 40 items that were adapted from the existing instrument developed and
validated by one of the authors for the purpose of this study. Table 2 shows seven factors measured in
the survey with sample items and Cronbach’s α values. Reflecting this study’s focus on multimodal
literacy, the factor ‘Content Knowledge (CK)’ was designed to measure teacher knowledge of social
semiotics (theory of meaning making) whereas ‘Pedagogical Knowledge (PK)’ refers to knowledge of
supporting 21st century learning dimensions (e.g., collaborative learning, self-directed learning). Items
under ‘Technological Knowledge’ (TK) were designed to measure knowledge about digital media
tools. Other factors such as TPK, TCK, and TPACK were created to measure the intersection of content,
pedagogy and technological knowledge. Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) was not measured
since the workshop focused on the integrations of technology, and PCK does not include a
technological dimension of knowledge. Instead, we included the factor ‘Beliefs about the new culture of
learning’ to measure epistemic beliefs that teachers hold about the changing nature of teaching and
learning. The items were measured on a 7-point Likert scale (1 = strongly disagree, 7 = strongly agree).
The reliability measures of each factor in Cronbach’s α were in an acceptable range (all above .90).
Survey data was analyzed using the SPSS, and the corresponding paired-sample t-tests were conducted
to investigate statistically significant differences between the pre- and post-workshop responses.
Table 2
Factors and sample items
Factor Number Sample items Cronbach’s
of items α
Content Knowledge 6 I have sufficient knowledge about how .97
(CK) semiotic modes (e.g., linguistic, audio,
visual, gestural and spatial) work.
Pedagogical 6 I am able to stretch my students thinking by .97
Knowledge (PK) creating challenging tasks for them.
Technological 5 I am able to use social media (e.g., .92
Knowledge (TK) Facebook, Edmodo, Twitter, etc.).
Technological 5 I am able to use technology to help my .90
Pedagogical students develop diverse perspectives for
Knowledge (TPK) authentic issues.
Technological 4 I can use specialized software programs .90
Content Knowledge created for a multimodal text analysis (e.g.,
(TCK) video annotation tools, etc.).
TPACK 7 Using appropriate technology, I can .97
stimulate my students to read and write
critically about current affairs represented
in media.
Beliefs about the new 7 Todays’ learners should be able to remix .93
culture of learning relevant resources to publish their ideas.
In addition, we conducted the focus group interview with nine teachers after the workshop to
better understand their perceptions and experiences about multimodal pedagogical content knowledge
and the co-design activity. The interview was semi-structured with the following guiding questions: (a)
can you describe your experience in these two days?; (b) why did you decided to attend this workshop?;
and (c) how is your belief about teaching language changed? The interview lasted approximately for 30
minutes and audio-recorded for transcription. The researchers analyzed the content of the transcribed
data to identify emerging themes.
4. Results
To understand the first research question concerning whether the workshop was effective in raising the
teachers’ perceived efficacy in multimodal lesson design and their beliefs, paired-sample t-tests were
conducted between the pre- and post-workshop survey. As documented in Table 3, all seven factors
changed significantly after the workshop. In the pre-workshop survey, the mean scores of factors range
from 4.51 to 6.04. The mean scores after the workshop ranges from 5.88 to 6.42 where five factors were
above 6.00. Relatively large gains were observed in the factors CK (pre-workshop M = 4.51;
post-workshop M = 5.88) and TCK (pre-workshop M = 4.42; post-workshop M = 5.78). On the other
hand, the teachers’ beliefs about the new culture of learning were already high in the pre-workshop
survey, and hence showed the smallest gain. All six factors except the Belief factor showed the high
effect size at .98 and higher. In general, the Cohen's d value is interpreted as a medium effect size at .5
and a larger effect size at .8 or higher (Cohen, 1992).
Table 3
Descriptive analyses and results of pared-sample t-test (N = 28)
Pre-workshop survey Post- workshop survey
Measured M SD M SD t-test Cohen’s d
CK 4.51 1.19 5.88 .74 6.74* 1.38
PK 5.08 1.23 6.19 .67 4.98* 1.12
TK 4.83 1.40 6.01 .80 5.28* 1.03
TPK 5.18 1.04 6.17 .54 4.96* 1.19
TCK 4.42 1.35 5.78 1.00 5.17* 1.14
TPACK 5.03 1.24 6.07 .84 4.67* 0.98
Belief 6.04 .94 6.42 .56 2.32* 0.49
*p< .001
Overall, the FGI revealed that the teachers see the workshop as relevant and they are beginning to
embark on the design developmentary trajectory. They seem to recognize that developing their
competencies in designing multimodal language learning is a worthy pursue and a means for personal
growth. Most teachers attended the workshop as they were attracted by the novel terms TPACK and
multimodal, as the teachers put it “What kinds of thing is this TPACK… it hasn’t been applied yet, so
far for English teachers” (MT). “I think… I will be more familiar with…. multimodal TPACK” (CT).
Some of these teachers travelled far (7-9 hours land transport) to attend the workshop. These topics
were attractive because the teachers recognized that their students know more about technology and
students are reporting that they are learning English because of games such as “Mobile Legends” (ST).
The teachers believe that “we are teaching in the 21st century now so I need to change the way I teach
my students.” (ST).
The teachers reported that they knew gamification and some technological tools, but they either
use games without computers or Facebook for socialization. In other words, they seem to lack
experiences in connecting technological, pedagogical or content knowledge. One teacher reported that
“we got our model lesson plan from our government. When you showed us the latest one, I tell myself I
have to insist on getting out of my comfort zone. It is going to be very challenging, but that’s fine” (UT).
Technology does not seem to be foregrounded. While the teachers are acutely aware of the gaps
between them and the students’ in terms of technological skills, their concern is about designing
‘meaningful’ learning experiences and tasks that align with the standards. The changes that the teachers
experienced seem to be best captured by the following quote:
“Learning language is not merely doing what the teacher said but is about doing something
meaningful. And I am trying to analyze how he (the instructor) develops his task. Several years ago, I
took task-based design as my thesis. And I know what a meaningful task is. But it is quite difficult to
develop such kinds of task in two days. Actually, I don’t worry about technology because I can ask my
students. But what worries in my mind is how I can decide the tasks… something very different from
what I always do in my teaching. I mean designing the task that it is really meaningful for the students.
And relating the task with the students’ interest. I think the important thing is designing the task” (CT).
Nonetheless, the teachers also reported that they may face challenges in school because of the
school infrastructure and policies such as the low bandwidth and banning the use of mobile phones in
classrooms. When the researchers suggested that they could do action research to show results, one of
them responded “It is not so simple. It is a culture thing”. A teacher representative in the government
multiliteracy program also expressed the following concern; “the basic and the fundamental literacy for
Indonesia is not really there yet. Literacy is what we need to be concerned about. I just want to be sure
that the regulation about multimodality will be suitable for our students. not for creating the jumping
In sum, while the workshop was welcomed and it started the teachers in connecting relevant
knowledge which was manifested in the Google Site lessons they completed at the end of the workshops,
they forecasted that they would face other systemic problems.
This study presents the specific design features of TPD informed by TPACK and teacher learning
literature and the impact of the TPD on teachers’ knowledge and skills in self-reported forms. It also
exemplifies the design principles of TPD that aimed to promote pedagogical approaches that teachers
are rather unfamiliar with. From the TPACK perspective, multimodal literacy is the intersection of
content, pedagogy and technology. The teachers who participated in the workshop had to understand
multimodal literacy and how digital media and technology are related to multimodal literacy in the
context of language learning.
This study demonstrates one possible design of TPD, given the condition where teachers are
struggling to understand new pedagogical practices, coupled with the lack of relevant internal expertise
and support systems. The workshop was successful in promoting efficacies and providing the basis for
the developmental trajectory. The lesson design that teacher created in the workshop was complete and
workable for the classroom implementation. In particular, the co-design process with multiple scaffolds
that aimed to reduce teachers’ cognitive load was perceived to be important, coupled with the peer
critique that promoted collegial knowledge sharing. Undoubtedly, a workshop, which is a structural
approach often scheduled after school or over weekends/school breaks occurring outside of teachers’
school context, is the most common format of professional development in the literature. The workshop
format, however, has been also criticized as being ineffective in promoting deeper substantial changes
in teachers’ practices (Garet et al., 2001). While we do not argue that short-term workshops can produce
deep changes, our findings show that when TPD is designed with the co-design principles and relevant
scaffolds, it can be effective for raising teachers’ competency in designing technology-integrated
lessons and producing positive changes in teachers’ efficacy, which is the first level of change needed to
launch the teachers on a developmental trajectory.
Some limitations of this study should be noted. This study mainly examined the perceived beliefs
and efficacy of teachers through the self-reported survey and interviews, and did not examine the actual
enactment of the designed lessons. Further, the effects of professional development on student
achievement were not investigated in this study. As mentioned earlier, this study was a part of the
6-month long professional development process, and we plan to continuously support the teachers’
development trajectory through subsequent work, including the support of teachers’ lesson enactment
and the examination of student achievement, especially their digital artefacts that embody multimodal
literacy practices. We also plan to administer the questionnaire again after six months in order to
analyze teachers’ lesson designs and to observe the enactment of designed lessons.
This research was supported by the HEAD foundation, Singapore, and the international collaboration
research fund by Ewha Womans University, Korea.
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Abstract: This study examined effects on enacted teaching practice in an exclusively online
context within a large vocational education sector in Australia. A wide-ranging exploratory
survey instrument was constructed with questions drawn from validated surveys and a review of
literature in the field of online pedagogy. The study found that both teaching conceptions and
teaching context affect enacted practice in this online vocational education teaching context.
Notably, some of the teaching context factors investigated in this study were found to cause
enacted practice to shift away from what these teachers perceived as good online teaching. This
study contributes to our understanding of online teaching practices and what affects it.
1. Introduction
Online education is one of the fastest growing fields of education across sectors (Richardson, Besser,
Koehler, Lim, & Strait, 2016; Sun & Chen, 2016). However, that growth has brought challenges for
institutions as they balance the tension between demand for online education with lower successful
completion rates and lower student grades relative to those secured in traditional face-to-face teaching
contexts (Capra, 2011; Drouin, Stewart, & Van Gorder, 2015; Gaytan, 2015).
Teachers are at the heart of online education, yet teachers are often unprepared for the online
teaching environment and its fundamental differences from teaching face-to-face (Banas &
Velez-Solic, 2013). Palloff and Pratt (2013) report that teaching online is more than knowing how to use
technology or how to transfer materials to an online platform. Rather, teaching online requires different
pedagogy and skills than teaching face-to-face (Terblanché, 2015); it is not something simply added to
existing practice. Today’s online teachers have little experience of the online learning environment
(Niess, 2011), and previous studies have evidenced that knowledge of face-to-face teaching does not
directly translate to knowing how to teach online (Seaton & Schwier, 2014; Terblanché, 2015). This
means that not all teachers inherently possess the skills to teach online (Yen, Lo, Lee, & Enriquez,
2018) yet, as reported by Banas and Velez-Solic (2013), professional development for online teachers
lags behind the growth of online education. Consequently, transitioning to online education can be
confronting for experienced teachers as they struggle with becoming novices in the online teaching
context (Redmond, 2011) and struggle to communicate their objectives and meanings online (Kearns,
2012). Furthermore, because online education requires a reconceptualisation of the teacher role
(Rodrigues, Almeida, Figueiredo, & Lopes, 2019), teachers also go through a process of understanding
what good pedagogy is within an online teaching context. Therefore, it is vitally important to
understand clearly what a teacher conceptualises as good online pedagogy as this affects their practice,
especially if they are coming from a face-to-face setting.
Conceptions of teaching are an indicator of what a teacher thinks they should do, or would
prefer to do, in a teaching context (Clark & Peterson, 1986), and teaching conceptions are known to
affect enacted practice (Conrad, 2012). Sun and Chen (2016) conceptualise good online pedagogy as
characterised by constructivist, student-centred philosophies where facilitation of collaborative learning
opportunities are valued. Practices associated with such pedagogy can be understood from Bain’s
description of ‘what the best teachers do’ (2004) which has been updated for online education by
Brinthaupt, Fisher, Gardner, Raffo, and Woodard (2011). Those works purport that good online
pedagogy is where teachers stimulate intellectual development, foster student engagement, and build
rapport with students. Nine practices associated with those principles are presented in Table 1.
Table 1
Bain’s ‘what the best teachers do’ (2004) with teaching practices updated by Brinthaupt et al. (2011)
for online education
Category Nine Online Teaching Practices
Facilitate discussion forums where students explore concepts
and develop deep knowledge together.
Utilise technology for real-time engagement with groups of
Stimulate intellectual development
Utilise engaging tasks students will find interesting.
Utilise a variety of technologies such as videos or podcasts.
Create a friendly, social atmosphere where deep learning is
Develop group cohesiveness, helping students work together
Foster student engagement
for mutual benefit.
Use discussion forums to facilitate social interaction between
Use introductory videos or other self-disclosure methods to
Build rapport with students humanise self to students.
Consciously build rapport with each individual student.
An additional factor that affects enacted practice is the teaching context. The real or perceived
needs, affordances, or limitations within teaching contexts can cause teachers to adapt their practice
toward or away from their ideal (Eley, 2006; Samuelowicz & Bain, 1992). This means that different
teaching contexts can result in a teacher enacting different practices (Lindblom‐Ylänne, Trigwell,
Nevgi, & Ashwin, 2006). Example teaching context factors that affect enacted practice within online
education include teacher workload (Goldman, 2011), class size (Sorensen, 2014; Taft, Perkowski, &
Martin, 2011), the discipline being taught (Arbaugh, Bangert, & Cleveland-Innes, 2010), and course
duration (Akyol, Vaughan, & Garrison, 2011).
A final contributor to the enormous complexities within online education is that not all
education sectors receive the same research attention. Much of the academic research undertaken to
understand and improve online education is set within higher education contexts (Jaggars & Xu, 2013;
Nguyen, 2015) and Australia’s vocational education sector currently lacks research about how its
teachers engage with technology for teaching (Chang, 2016). This is an important gap because
vocational education and training (VET) is Australia’s largest education sector (Atkinson & Stanwick,
2016). Known as VET, this post-school sector provides work-ready skills for employment within
entry-level jobs and highly skilled professions (Productivity Commission, 2019). Future jobs growth in
Australia requires 53% of occupation qualifications to be at VET level (Productivity Commission,
2011). As a critical contributor to Australia’s labour market, to support widening industry demands
VET must continue expanding (Wheelahan & Moodie, 2011). Importantly though, Reeson, Mason,
Sanderson, Bratanova, and Hajkowicz (2016) report that a major enabler for VET to meet its current
and future challenges is an expansion of online education.
As reported by Bliuc, Casey, Bachfischer, Goodyear, and Ellis (2012), VET is an already
complex teaching context and the introduction of online education adds further complexity. VET is
bounded by a competency-based-training (CBT) framework making it fundamentally different to other
forms of post-secondary education (Fowler, 2017). Furthermore, like other education sectors, VET too
has observed lower successful completion rates for students studying online (DET, 2016).
Unfortunately, those lower success rates, along with reporting on parliamentary inquiries into VET, has
linked unscrupulous VET providers with the inaccurate suggestion that online education is a poor
substitute for face-to-face teaching (CEDA, 2016).
This study draws together the complexities of VET and the shift to online teaching by
examining what online VET teachers conceive as good practice online and what shapes these practices
as the teachers move from conceptualisation to enactment. In investigating this, an exploratory survey
was constructed to examine both teachers’ perceived beliefs about online teaching as well as their
perceived online teaching practices.
2. Methodology
To investigate the pedagogy of online VET teachers and what affects their enacted practice, a
quantitative survey was designed and implemented. Questions for the wide-ranging survey were
developed from reviews of online education and VET studies, as well as the incorporation of previously
validated survey tool components. As an exploratory study, the focus of this survey was to establish
what teachers believe to be good online teaching and how they perceive their enacted practice is
affected by factors within their teaching context.
To investigate whether online VET teacher beliefs align with the nine student-centred online teaching
practices that were presented previously (see Table 1 above), teachers were asked to rate the importance
of these practices within online VET. The validated survey design of Owens (2015) resulted in a
profiling of teachers teaching conceptions along a five-point scale from teacher-centred to
student-centred. This approach was adopted here. Then, using the same nine teaching practices,
teachers were asked in the survey to report their frequency of enacting those practices. This series of
nine questions provided data on what practices teachers enacted more frequently than others. In effect,
survey data was used to build a teacher profile of both teaching conceptions and (perceived) enacted
practice. This data was analysed to identify any differences, similarities and nuances between the two
perceptions. Separately within the survey, teachers were asked whether particular teaching context
factors affect their practice.
The VET teachers voluntarily participating in this survey taught exclusively online with no face-to-face
teaching responsibilities within a large public VET provider in Queensland, Australia. They were
purposefully drawn from an established team of 66 fully online teachers, teaching more than 40,000
online subjects a year. After survey piloting, and ethical approvals from the researcher’s university and
the host site, a survey token and weblink was sent to those 66 target participants. Of the 46 teachers who
subsequently completed the survey, 76% were female, and 89% were full-time employees, ranging in
age from 32 to 66 years ( =51). Participants represented a variety of teaching experience ranging from
0 to 40 years face-to-face ( =11 years), and 0.5 to 15 years online ( =4.5 years). Six teaching
disciplines were represented, and the largest group of respondents came from early childhood (33%)
followed by business (28%).
2.3 Analysis
Survey data was analysed using the statistical software package SPSS. The survey featured Likert-type
and Likert-scale questions that both utilise scales to capture a “belief, preference, judgement, or opinion”
(Warmbrod, 2014, p. 31) of participants. Likert-type questions are single questions and were analysed
here individually; Likert-scale questions are designed as a series and as such were analysed here
through their composite result (Boone & Boone, 2012) achieved by calculating the mean-item score
(Warmbrod, 2014). Many of the questions in this survey were categorical and ordinal. For analysis
purposes, numbers were assigned to represent the answer options offered, however this did not indicate
one category was better than another – all scale items were equally weighted (Warmbrod, 2014).
Numerical values for negatively worded questions were reversed prior to analysis (Ary, Jacobs,
Sorensen, & Razavieh, 2010; Warmbrod, 2014).
Non-parametric tests were utilised in the analysis because they do not assume the sample is
normally distributed (Field, 2013) and are therefore ideal for small sample sizes, especially when
categorical and ordinal data is present (Pallant, 2016). The Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test was utilised to
compare participants under two different conditions (Field, 2013; Pallant, 2016), such as when
comparing conceptions of teaching and enacted practice responses. The results of this test were
reviewed adjacent to Friedman Tests to confirm consistency of result. The magnitude of the effect was
interpreted using Cohen (1998) as cited in Pallant (2016): 0.1 = small effect, 0.3 = medium effect, 0.5 =
large effect.
Separately, the Kruskal-Wallis H Test is suitable for comparing differences between more than
two groups by using ranks (Field, 2013; Pallant, 2016). It was utilised in this analysis when comparing
participants by group such as by age, years teaching experience, or discipline being taught. Such
analysis identified if, for example, participants with higher level teaching qualifications had similar
answers within a question or question set. This paper reports only those results relevant to the topic and
that yielded a significant result, seeking <0.05.
The internal consistency of the survey items were tested using Cronbach’s alpha coefficient
(Pallant, 2016). Scales reported in this paper were deemed reliable and have alpha coefficients of
between 0.67 and 0.91. However, an acknowledged limitation of this study is its small sample size. The
survey has internal validity in that it accurately measures what it was intended to measure (Cohen,
Manion, & Morrison, 2011; Creswell, 2014). However, with only 46 useable responses, the findings are
reported to be informative in nature and not indicated as generalisable or transferable across other
online teaching contexts.
3. Results
Teacher demographics were tested to identify relationships with enacted practice, and no relationships
were found. In other words, how teachers perceived the way they teach online was not affected by
factors such as age, years of service, and teaching qualification. However, as presented next, enacted
practice was found to be affected by conceptions of teaching and by factors within the teaching context.
The summated responses from teachers ranking the importance of nine student-centred teaching
practices developed from literature found 71.7% of teachers aligned with the conception that good
online pedagogy is student-centred. Three of the nine teaching practices within this set relate to
student-to-student interaction and notably these practices were rated least important by the online VET
teachers. This is illustrated in Figure 1, where the nine teaching practices are sorted highest to lowest
mean. The three teaching practices at the bottom of the figure are considered least important by
teachers, as indicated by the shorter blue line.
The difference between perceived conception and practice for four question pairs was found to
be statistically significant, with a large effect size (r=0.5). These practices are utilising engaging tasks,
creating a friendly learning environment, developing group cohesiveness, and using technology for
real-time engagement. Two questions resulted in a significant difference between conception and
practice with a medium-to-large effect size (r=0.4). These are utilising a variety of technologies,
facilitating discussions for knowledge development, and humanising self such as with introductory
videos. The final two questions, facilitating discussions for student-student social engagement and
consciously building rapport with students, reported no statistically significant difference between
conception and practice.
Differences between conception and practice indicate that an external factor also affects the
enacted practice of this sample of online VET teachers. As proposed in previous literature, factors
within the teaching context can affect practice to be enacted that is different from conceptions of
teaching, and this was investigated next.
In this section, eight teaching context factors were identified from literature and investigated in this
survey of an online VET teaching context. Of those, five were identified as affecting enacted practice.
Teacher workload was reported by 66.7% of teachers in this study as often or always preventing
them from enacting a teaching practice they believe would be beneficial. Teachers further reported that
their three highest workload tasks are assessing student competency (marking assessments), providing
direct assessment help, and doing administration. Teachers reported they would most like to spend more
time actively facilitating learning and building rapport with students, and they would like to spend less
time on technological issues and administration.
Both small and large class sizes were investigated for their effect on practice. 52.6% of teachers
reported that small class sizes affect practice, however the reported nature of that effect is a mix of
positive (31.6%), negative (7.9%), or both positive and negative (13.2%). In contrast, large class sizes
were reported by 58.8% of teachers as negatively affecting practice and 17.6% of teachers as both
positively and negatively affecting practice.
Next teachers reported whether complying with the strictly enforced CBT curriculum affected
their practice. Firstly, teachers reported that complying with CBT curriculum sometimes (51.2%) or
often (14.6%) prevented them from enacting a teaching practice they believe would be beneficial.
Secondly, teachers reported that complying with CBT curriculum sometimes (46.5%) prevented
teaching a concept they believe is important for their students to learn.
The number of students per teacher in this study ranged from 10 to 310 students ( =131) and
the number of students per teacher was found to have an effect on one conception of teaching indicator
and one enacted practice indicator. Teachers with >175 students were more likely than teachers with
less students to agree that with the student-centred conception that students should be helped to learn for
themselves rather than be told (H(2) = 7.70, p = 0.02). Teachers with <75 students were more likely
than teachers with higher student numbers to report more frequently enacting the student-centred
practice of using technology to engage with students in real-time (H(2) = 7.55, p = 0.02).
Analysis of data identified that the discipline being taught affects enacted practice. I.T. teachers
were more likely to report a higher frequency of using discussion forums to facilitate student-student
social interaction (H(5) = 11.26, p = 0.04), of using technology for real-time student engagement (H(5)
= 22.00, p = 0.00), and for getting students to participate in online discussions (H(5) = 12.42, p = 0.03).
Justice and government teachers were more likely to report a higher frequency of facilitating discussion
forums for students to explore concepts and develop deep knowledge together (H(5) = 12.63, p = 0.03).
Accounting teachers were more likely to report a higher frequency of ensuring students are well skilled
in the subject competencies (H(5) = 17.16, p = 0.00).
Teachers in this study reported being responsible for teaching between two and 57 online
classes at any one time ( =12). Enacted practice was not found to be affected by the number of classes
per teacher.
Literature has previously reported that professional development is lacking for VET teachers
and is not always relevant for online teachers. These perceptions are not supported by this group of
online VET teachers who agreed or strongly agreed that professional development is regularly
available (73.9%), that it is relevant to their online teaching role (54.3.%), and that it is high quality
(56.5%). Enacted practice was not found to be affected by availability, relevance, and quality of
professional development in this context.
Finally, course duration was not found to affect practice in this teaching context and 51.4%
confirmed that practice is neither positively or negatively affected by course duration.
3.3 Summary
In summary, data analysed evidences that enacted practice is affected by conceptions of teaching. This
is highlighted by teachers with teacher-centred, intermediate, and student-centred profiles reporting
different frequencies of enacting some students-centred practices. Importantly, teachers with a
student-centred teaching conception reported more frequently using discussion forums and creating a
friendly learning environment. Those teachers also reported a stronger desire for more training
regarding using technology to teach their discipline. Notably, all 46 teachers in this study reported that
their enacted practice is less student-centred than their conception of teaching indicating additional
external factors affect practice.
Eight teaching context factors from literature were investigated and five were found to affect
practice within this teaching context. Teachers reported that workload, class sizes, and compliance with
the CBT curriculum all directly affect their practice. Data analysis found that enacted practice is also
affected by the number of students per teacher and the discipline being taught. For example, teachers
with the smallest number of students were more likely to report a higher frequency of enacting the
student-centred practice of using technology for real-time student engagement. Differences between
frequency of enacted practice were also identified among teachers from different teaching discipline
Enacted practice was not found to be affected by teacher demographics, the number of active
teaching subjects, course duration, or the availability, relevance, and quality of professional
4. Conclusion
There is a deficit in our understanding of how teachers perceive and enact online pedagogy
(Prieto-Rodriguez et al., 2016; Sun & Chen, 2016). This deficit extends to our understanding of the
tensions that result in online education being perceived by teachers as a challenging teaching
environment, and to our understanding of how those challenges affect enacted practice. The
under-researched online education context of this study is Australia’s VET sector which requires a
growth in the quantity and quality of online education to support its continued expansion, which is itself
necessary to support jobs growth.
This small (n=46) exploratory study investigated what online VET teachers conceive is good
online pedagogy and the alignment of their enacted practice with that conception. Enacted practice was
found to be affected by conceptions of teaching, and teachers with student-centred conceptions reported
more frequently enacting some student-centred practices than teachers with intermediate or
teacher-centred conceptions. Analysis of the data suggested that while the sampled online VET teachers
report aligning with conceptions that good online pedagogy is student-centred, their enacted practice is
substantially less so. While 71.7% of teachers aligned with student-centred conceptions of teaching,
only 23.9% evidenced student-centred enacted practice profiles. Five factors within this online VET
teaching context were identified as affecting enacted practice. These are teacher workload, class size,
compliance with CBT curriculum, the number of students per teacher, and the discipline being taught.
The differences between teaching conceptions and enacted practice found in this study reflects a
compromise between conceptions of teaching and the teaching context navigated by teachers (Norton,
Richardson, Hartley, Newstead, & Mayes, 2005) and is why teaching context factors are deemed
essential to any investigation of teaching (Clark & Peterson, 1986).
For researchers, although the small sample size within this study means the findings are not
generalisable across other online teaching contexts, the survey is scalable. Broadening the application
of this survey will contribute more to our understanding of what teachers conceive as good practice
online and what shapes these practices as teachers in different online teaching contexts move from
conceptualisation to enactment. This study is ongoing and the findings reported above have also
informed the focus of subsequent data collection strategies. The second stage of data collection includes
observation of teaching practices to map the range of online teaching practices enacted and the range of
technologies actively utilised by teachers. The third stage of data collection includes interviews with
online VET teachers to more deeply understand how they understand the nature and purpose of their
teaching role. Findings from these stages will be reported in due course.
The employing organisation who provided access to online VET teachers for this study are
navigating both the continued expansion of online education and the increased demand for its enhanced
quality and effectiveness. That institution intends to use the results of this study to review their online
teacher hiring, training, and management practices, and to better understand online education as more
than simply a different mode of delivery. Their intent is that understanding and responding to factors
that affect practice will support the enactment of online education that aligns to what is currently
established in the literature as good online pedagogy for teachers, thereby subsequently enhancing
student learning outcomes.
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Abstract: Parents are assumed as one of the key figures to foster programming learning among
children after school. However, little effort has been directed to the examination of parents’
perceptions and their consequent emotional and behavioral outcomes regarding programming
education to date. This study attempted to explore how parents’ intrinsic motivation and
positive affect would positively influence the relationship between their perceptions of
programming education and involvement for providing a better learning opportunity to
children. We collected 695 questionnaires from parents who brought their children to a one-day
coding fair where they could experience the fun of programming. Results from Structural
Equation Modeling (SEM) analysis indicated that parents’ programming perceptions is
positively related to their intrinsic motivation and positive affect. Mediation results suggested
that parents’ perceptions such as understanding, support, and expectation can trigger their
intrinsic motivation for encouraging children in programming learning and enhance their
positive affect toward learning programming themselves, which consequently lead to increased
attempts of parental involvement for the better guidance in technology use for children.
Implications of the study were discussed.
1. Introduction
Programming education for younger learners has become a trend around the globe (e.g. Grover & Pea,
2013). Parents’ role is important to help children learn programming after school. If parents understand
the significance of programming education, they tend to provide greater emotional support and involve
in children’s coursework (Kong, Li, & Kwok, 2018a). In other words, parents’ programming
perceptions can lead to their emotional and behavioral changes in programming education. Kong, Li,
and Kwok (2018b) developed a scale to measure parents’ perceptions of programming education in
P-12 schools. However, there is no existing literature further exploring the relationship between
parents’ perceptions and their consequent emotional and behavioral outcomes regarding programming
education. To bridge this gap, this study aimed to investigate parents’ dynamic changes in
cognitive-behavioral mechanism via the potential factor of emotions towards programming.
Specifically, this study comprehensively examined how parents’ positive affect (affect) and intrinsic
motivation (motivation) of programming education influence the relationship between their perceptions
of programming education (perceptions) and involvement in guiding children to use technology
(involvement). Abbreviations in parentheses for key study variables will be used throughout the paper.
2. Literature Review
Kong et al. (2018b) proposed that perceptions of programming education include individuals’
understanding, support, and expectation. Previous study found that intrinsic motivation is related to
people’s understanding and expectation. For example, if parents understand that the coursework is
useful, they will highly encourage children to engage in it (Katz, Kaplan, & Buzukashvily, 2011). In
technology education context, Rozell and Gardner III (2000) also found that perceived task importance
will affect one’s intrinsic motivation in completing the task. It means that people are more willing to
motivate themselves or others to engage in the computer-related activities when they understand the
usefulness of computer. Thus, this study expects that parents with positive programming perceptions
will have greater intrinsic motivation to encourage children in programming learning.
Past studies suggested that one’s motivation will affect his or her involvement. For instance,
students who have strong intrinsic motivation to study a subject are more likely to dive deeper into the
topic (Bergin & Reilly, 2005). Witherspoon, Schunn, Higashi, and Baehr (2016) supported that there is
a significant relationship between students’ motivation in learning programming and their subsequent
involvement. Regarding parents, motivation beliefs like parental role construction and self-efficacy are
associated with their involvement in children’s education (Walker, Wilkins, Dallaire, Sandler, &
Hoover-Dempsey, 2005). Katz et al. (2011) also found that parents’ supportive behaviors of helping
with children’s homework is related to their autonomous motivation. Thus, we assume that parents with
greater intrinsic motivation will also have higher involvement in guiding children to use technology.
Positive affect toward programming education refers to one’s positive feeling towards the use of
programming. For example, students’ liking for school and their perceptions of school subjects are
closely related to each other (Ireson & Hallam, 2005). Wang and Holcombe (2010) also found that
students’ perceptions of the school environment and school engagement will influence their affective
reactions. In technology education context, Teo (2009) indicated that the perceived usefulness of
technology will bring positive impact to a person’s liking of using technology. Although there is a lack
of literature directly investigating parents’ perspective, this study expects that parents with positive
programming perceptions will show more positive affect toward programming education.
Fredrickson (2001, p.218) argued that “experience of positive emotions broaden people's
momentary thought–action repertoires”. For example, Meyer and Turner (2006) argued that students
with positive emotions at school will have higher levels of engagement. Besides, Katz et al. (2011)
suggested that parents engage in children’s homework because they think the work is interesting and
enjoyable. In technology education context, it is also believed that people’s perceived liking of
computer will bring positive impact on the intention of using technology. For example, teachers with
positive attitudes towards computers are more likely to integrate computers in their teaching (Zhao &
Frank, 2003). Thus, this study expects that parents with higher positive affect toward programming
education will have higher involvement in guiding children to use technology.
Hypothesis 5: Parents’ positive affect toward programming education is positively related to their
involvement in guiding children to use technology.
Hypothesis 6: Parents’ positive affect toward programming education will positively mediate the
relationship between their perceptions of programming education and involvement in guiding children
to use technology.
3. Method
A one-day coding fair was held in 2018 for parents to bring their children to experience the fun of
programming. Some workshops and seminars were organized to introduce computational thinking
education. The parents were required to complete the questionnaires before they participated in the fair.
There were 695 parents who returned the questionnaires, thus the response rate was 69.5%. In our
sample, 43.6% of the participants were male and 51.7% were female. 52.4% were between 41 to 50
years old. 75.5% obtained bachelor’s degree or above. 58.4% of the parents did not know programming.
3.2 Measures
Perceptions: This is a 9-item scale developed by Kong et al. (2018b). The sample item is “It is good for
my children to learn programming.” In our study, the Cronbach’s alpha is .96.
Affect: We adopted a 3-item liking subscale developed by Ng (2011). The sample item is “I like to
discuss programing-related topics.” In our study, the Cronbach’s alpha is .90.
Motivation: We adopted 3 items from Gottfried, Fleming, and Gottfried (1994) for this study. The
sample item is “I encourage my children to learn more programming.” In our study, the Cronbach’s
alpha is .97.
Involvement: This study adopted a 5-item scale developed by Walker et al. (2005). The sample item is
“I will provide feedback when my children are using technological devices.” In our study, the
Cronbach’s alpha is .93. All the scales in the current study anchored from 1 strongly disagree to 5
strongly agree.
Control variables: We included gender, age, education level, and programming experience for
investigation, as past studies found that these demographic variables might be closely related to parents’
perceptions towards computer-related activities and involvement (e.g., Vekiri & Chronaki, 2008;
Overstreet, Devine, Bevans, & Efreom, 2005; Walker et al., 2005).
4. Results
The descriptive statistics of mean, standard deviations, and reliability coefficients of all the variables
were shown in Table 1. The Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient of perceptions scale and its three
subcomponents were ranged from .88 to .96, indicating good internal consistency. Besides, affect scale
(α = .90), motivation scale (α = .97), and involvement scale (α = .93) all showed satisfactory reliability.
In addition, factor loadings for all items in each scale were ranged from .83 to .96, which confirmed
convergent validity of the scales. Positive inter-correlations were found among the four study
variables—perceptions, affect, motivation, and involvement.
Table 1
Mean, Standard Deviations, and Reliability Coefficients of the Variables
Mean SD 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1. Perceptions 4.00 .80 (.96)
2. Understanding 4.05 .88 .95** (.95)
3. Support 3.88 .83 .93** .82** (.88)
4. Expectation 4.09 .84 .94** .85** .82** (.93)
5. Affect 3.95 .82 .87** .79** .83** .84** (.90)
6. Motivation 4.10 .85 .84** .82** .73** .83** .77** (.97)
7. Involvement 3.94 .86 .71** .65** .67** .68** .72** .76** (.93)
Note. N=673 *p <.05; **p <.01; ***p <.000.
4.2 Structural Equation Model
Hypotheses were tested using structural equation modeling (SEM) in AMOS version 24 (Ackerman,
2003). Several statistics were used to assess model fit, including the chi-square (χ2) statistic, the root
mean square error of approximation (RMSEA), the comparative fit index (CFI), and Tucker–Lewis
index (TLI). According to Hu and Bentler (1999), CFI and TLI which are greater than .95 suggested an
excellent fit. RMSEA in the range of .05 to .08 also indicates acceptable fit (Browne & Cudeck, 1993).
In this study, the hypothesized measurement model showed a good fit with the data collected (χ2 (95) =
455.695, p < .000, CFI = .97, TLI =.95, and RMSEA = .07). The SEM results showed significant paths
from perceptions to motivation (β = .89, p < .001) and from motivation to involvement (β = .56, p
< .001). Thus, Hypothesis 1 and 2 were supported. In addition, there were significant paths from
perceptions to affect (β = .94, p < .000) and from affect to involvement (β = .31, p < .000). Therefore,
Hypothesis 4 and 5 were also supported. Moreover, mediation analyses were conducted using
bias-corrected bootstrap method (2000 resamples) in PROCESS (Hayes, 2012) to test the significance
of the indirect effect of motivation and affect. Results indicated that the mediating effects are statically
significant (95% CImotivation = [.40, .61], 95% CIaffect = [.16, .36]). Thus, hypothesis 3 and 6 were
fully supported. Figure 1 showed the theoretical model of this study.
5. Discussion
Parents’ role in children’s education is critical; however, their perceptions and consequent emotional
and behavioral outcomes regarding programming education is less known in the literature. Leutner’s
(2014) study attempted to explore how positive emotions and interest influence the cognitive processing
and multimedia learning results. However, he did not provide empirical evidence to support his
proposition. Indeed, past studies predominately focused on perceptions (Zainal et al., 2011; Rozell &
Gardner III, 2000) and few of them rigorously tested the relationships among cognition, emotion and
behavior in a comprehensive way. This study contributes to the current literature by providing empirical
results showing the dynamics of cognitive-behavioral mechanism via positive emotions. Specifically,
mediation analyses were conducted to examine how parents’ affect and motivation influence the
relationship between perceptions and involvement. The results found that affect as well as motivation
can strengthen the relationship between perceptions and involvement. It yields a significant insight
about the importance of emotion and motivation in affecting people’s behavioral involvement as a
This study also found that parents’ demographics are associated with perceptions and
involvement. Parents’ gender is related to perceptions (β = .09, p < .05). Mothers tend to have better
perceptions than fathers do. It concurred with Kong et al. (2018a) research which indicated that mothers
have higher expectations on what children can learn through programming. Parents’ gender is also
associated with involvement (β = -.07, p < .01). More fathers tend to involve in children’s technology
education, because more of them have programming experience than female counterparts in this study.
Knowing the different roles that both parents might play, we advocate the proactive involvement of
both parents in children’s programming learning, that is, we encourage mothers to provide more
emotional support and fathers to provide more instructional support in order to achieve optimal learning
experience for their children. In addition, parents’ age is related to perceptions (β = .10, p < .05). Older
parents have more positive perceptions than younger parents do. Researchers suggested that older
adults can function effectively when the given tasks allow them to draw upon their expertise (Rybash,
Roodin, & Hoyer, 1995). Parents’ education level also influences perceptions (β = .11, p < .01). This
result is in line with the literatures suggesting that parents’ education level is positively related to their
educational expectation on children (e.g. Overstreet et al., 2005). However, there is no relationship
between parents’ education level and involvement. We argue that parents’ social ranking like education
level cannot predict parental involvement while psychological motivators and life context might be
better predictors. Finally, programming experience influences involvement (β = -.13, p < .000), because
parents self-perceived knowledge can contribute to their involvement in children’s education.
This study found that without perceptions, motivation and affect can hardly be nurtured. Thus, we
should increase parents’ understanding of programming education to stimulate their motivation of
encouraging children to learn programming. Conducting programming workshops is an effective way
to enhance perceptions. Kong et al. (2018a) reported that parent’s understanding, support, and
expectation of programming education increase significantly after workshops. Therefore, educational
practitioners are encouraged to design programming workshops that can strengthen parents’
understanding and expectation in programming education. It is also crucial to raise parents’ motivation
in programming through positive interventions. Despite that a single workshop may only generate a
situational interest of programming (Teague, 2002), Mitchell (1993) argued that a learning environment
with high situational interest will bring positive changes to one’s long-term interest over time. In fact,
we suggested that a series of workshops should be provided for parents since a single positive
experience is insufficient to maintain their interest. More importantly, workshops should be designed in
a way that provokes the intrinsic motivation in parents such that they can form habits of supporting
children in their learning. Researchers found children can program in a more systematic way with fewer
errors if parents are motivated to involve when children are writing programs (Lin & Liu, 2012). Last
but not least, findings of this study also provided a general implication that parents’ attitudes, emotions,
and behaviors are of great importance because their influences are not limited to programming learning,
but are profound in all other learning areas, such as science and math, etc.
This study has three limitations that we need to address in the future. First, the data might be sample
specific. Parents who participated in the coding fair might have greater interest in programming than
parents who did not show up. In the future, more general parent samples should be tested for
generalizability purposes. Second, this study adopted four validated scales to conduct a mediation
analysis with multiple mediators. However, there might be other existing models that can fit our data
adequately well. In the future, we should explore more alternatives by comparing our hypothesized
model with other potential models. Third, self-reporting data of this study might cause common-method
bias, which might inflate relationships between study variables. Ratings from various sources can be
used to avoid this problem. For instance, observations from multiple raters of how parents interact with
children in the future coding fair can be included for results validation. Moreover, qualitative data such
as parent interviews and group discussions are encouraged to comprehend the interpretation of
quantitative results.
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Education. Taiwan: Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education
Abstract: This paper introduces a system for collaborative learning which is designed to assist
teachers in forming and grading groups for in-class group activities. The system is implemented
as an extension of a learning analytics dashboard system and uses log data from a learning
management system for operation. It consists of a group formation parameter console and the
results console where formed groups are visualized and can be graded. The system supports
teachers by using algorithms based on reliable learning evidence thereby simplifying the group
formation process. All the group formation and grading data is logged thereby cyclically
providing an infrastructure for subsequent collaborative learning activities.
1. Introduction
In collaborative learning students work in groups on a task towards a goal (Dillenbourg, 1999).
Collaboration is not only important for learning about content, but also for acquiring negotiation skills,
learning to provide good arguments to support own ideas and nurturing social sense of belonging to the
team (Stahl, Koschmann, & Suthers, 2006). With the advancement of ICT, new tools that include
constructivist and collaborative learning are starting to emerge (Paredes & Martin, 2004). In this paper
we examine the notion of collaborative learning based on the data in LMS platforms and existing
learning analytics services.
According to Vygotsky’s Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD), collaboration leverages peer
and group resources so that individuals develop their potential and extend their knowledge (Vygotsky,
1978). To achieve this, imbalance between group members and their resources is sometimes designed
for in group activities. On other occasions, friendship amongst students can be considered, making the
groups homogeneous. For successful in-class collaborative learning, teachers need to envision the
lesson, enable collaboration, encourage students, ensure learning, and evaluate achievements (Urhahne,
Schanze, Bell, Mansfield, & Holmes, 2010). Amongst these tasks, group formation is the fundamental
component since it determines quality of group work (Wessner & Pfister, 2001). When undertaken by
the teachers, the task of forming heterogeneous or homogeneous groups is by any means no trivial and
teachers might often feel confused since they do not always have an immediate access to the
background information and data about the students.
The system presented in this paper builds on an existing learning analytics platform and
provides features to support teachers in group work formation and analytics. It also contributes to the
learning analytics platform by supplying group work performance data to other learning analytics-based
services. By using its visualization support teachers can compare students’ performance in group work
and make more informed group formation decisions in their subsequent learning designs.
2. Theoretical Background
Since the 1960s, there has been considerable effort invested in research of cooperative learning and
small group dynamics (Gillies & Ashman, 2003). Cooperative learning is done by individuals, who then
contribute with their individual results to the group and present the collection of individual results as
their group product (Dillenbourg, 1999). In collaborative learning the interaction among group
members is stressed and learning occurs socially as collaborative construction of knowledge (Roschelle
& Teasley, 1995). Computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL) is an emerging branch of
learning sciences concerned with studying how people learn together with the help of computers (Stahl
et al., 2006). In CSCL, teachers are often overwhelmed with the amount of work when setting up and
implementing collaborative learning activities. To make in-class group work successful, teachers
should direct their energy on orchestrating classroom activities, rather than spending time on technical
things like group work set-up and technology adjustments (Austin, Smyth, Rickard, Quirk-Bolt, &
Metcalfe, 2010).
Today’s online learning platforms provide massive log data that can be used for learning
analytics possibly leading to improved learning designs and outcomes (Siemens, 2013). There exists an
abundance of research evidence on how these logs can be used to improve e-book contents and the
quality of learning and education (Arnold et al., 2012; Fujimura K; Ogata, H; Okubo, F; Shimada, A;
Yamada, M; Yin, C;, 2014; Lu, Huang, Huang, & Yang, 2017). Our study is contextualized around a
learning analytics platform connected to a Moodle-based learning management system (LMS) designed
in Japan (Flanagan & Ogata, 2018), which is being used at several international locations.
In this paper we examine a variety group formation algorithms (Hoic-Bozic, Mornar, & Boticki,
2008). These algorithms are used in conjunction with user modelling (Boticki, Akçapınar, & Ogata,
2019), where the most common way is to rank students according to the data in the user model variables
(one example for such a variable are Moodle quiz scores) and organize them into groups.
The group formation module introduced in this paper is an extension of a learning analytics system and
its dashboard application which is a central component for visualizing learning evidence (Ogata,
Majumdar, Akçapinar, Hasnine, & Flanagan, 2018). As illustrated in Figure 1, learning log data is
collected from educational applications such as the BookRoll system (Flanagan & Ogata, 2018),
organized into student model variables which characterize students’ features (Brusilovsky et al., 2016)
and stored into the analysis database. The group formation module makes use of the user model data and
grouping algorithms to generate groups. Once groups are formed and their performance is graded, these
data are used to update the student model for further learning analytics use.
Figure 1. The main learning analytics components including the group formation module.
Figure 2 shows the workflow of group work activities. In the beginning, teachers need to
decide which course and students are to be used as part of collaborative work. Following that, the
teachers decide on the group formation parameters that best suit the concrete learning activity. During
and after group work, teachers grade the performance of group work and give feedback to the students.
Using performances obtained from the previous application cyclically, teachers get more informed for
the next group formation processes. The group score user model gets more reliable as group activities
and grading get frequent.
Figure 2. The process of group formation.
The process described in Figure 2 are supported by the group formation module which gets
input containing course and student data from the Moodle LMS platform. Teachers can modify the data
by excluding inactive students from group formation and use the parameters feature to decide on an
adequate algorithm and user model variable (Table 1 and Table 2). Alternatively, the teacher can select
automatic grouping and leave the parameter selection to the system (default settings being
heterogeneous algorithm, the group score user model variable, and the group size of four). Teachers can
view the formed groups and evaluate their group performance in three indicators (Table 3), which are
then recorded as group score user model variables.
Table 1
Algorithms used in the group formation process
Algorithm Algorithm Operation Description
Homogenous The algorithm groups students with similar values of a variable.
Heterogenous The algorithm groups students with differing values of variables.
Friendship The algorithm groups students who are friends as identified by the teacher.
Random The algorithm groups students randomly.
Table 2
Variables used in the group formation process
Variable Variable Explanation
Engagement The variable records the time student spent on using the learning platform.
The variable models two reading styles: receptive reading and responsive
reading (Pugh, 1979). The former refers to the style of reading page after page
Reading style
sequentially and the latter deals with students engaging in more interaction with
the digital material (taking notes and posting comments).
The variable describes the mastery of each key concept found in academic
materials of a course.
Score The variable records previous assessment scores.
The variable models students’ previous performance of in group, gathered as
Group score
part of group grading.
Table 3
Metrics of group performance evaluation
Indicator Metrics for evaluation
Collaboration Interaction and communication occurring during group work, participation of
quality members and rational division of labor
Speed / efficiency Whether each subtask is finished on time and reasonable time management
Final output The quality of final outputs and artefacts of group work
4. Teachers’ Use of the Group Formation Module
This section will demonstrate two examples of group formation: the heterogeneous group formation
based on course grades and group formation using the Friendship algorithm. In a group lesson, teachers
may want students with different course grades to work together and learn from each other. In that case,
teachers can select heterogeneous algorithm and choose score as the user model group formation
variable via the parameters feature shown in Figure 3.
In some learning activity designs teachers may want to group students with good mutual
relationships together. After setting mutual relationships between the students and getting an overview
of the whole class (Figure 4), the teachers use the Friendship algorithm to form the groups of friends.
Figure 4. Student relationship graph used by the Friendship group formation algorithm.
Figures 5 and 6 depict the results of the heterogenous and Friendship grouping algorithms
operation, respectively. Traffic-light colors are used to give indication of previous group work
performance to the teachers who guide the group formation process (green, yellow and red color denote
good, average and low previous group work performance, respectively). Group performance indication
is shown both at the group level and at an individual student level. Teachers score the group
performance for each indicator and the scores in all three indicators are stored as part of the group user
model giving an overall estimation of students’ collaboration performance.
Figure 5. Groups formed (3 groups of 4 students) using the heterogeneous grouping algorithm
and the color indication of individual and group collaboration performance.
Figure 6. Groups formed (one group of 5 and two groups of 4 students) using the Friendship
algorithm and color indication of the individual and group collaboration performance.
Teachers might get overwhelmed when using CSCL in their teaching activities and need support to be
able to execute and manage such activities in a timely and informed manner. The group formation
system provides group formation assistance with visuals to the teachers and enriches group work
experience with the help of the learning analytics platform. In the system presented in this paper,
teachers have an option of choosing an automatic group formation feature which favors imbalance
between members of a single group. This is grounded in the research in the area of the Zone of Proximal
Development (ZPD) and potentially promotes construction of knowledge and an elevated level of
mutual understanding of a topic (Nyikos, 1997).
In terms of group performance, the system allows real time rating of groups by the teachers in the
three main indicators. The performance rating component is available directly on the group results
panel, for the teachers to take an immediate record of group performance and adjust the grade in real
time. Such a feature facilitates the adequate timing of teachers’ interventions, which proved to be of
importance for in-class collaborative learning (Coll, Rochera, & De Gispert, 2014). Meanwhile, not
only summative but also formative indicators such as collaboration quality are stressed in the system
(Strijbos, 2011).
The group work module presented in this paper was developed as an extension of an existing
learning analytics platform and allows teachers to conduct group formation based on the existing user
data (user models) in their in-class activities. Future work will examine the ways of using the system in
in-class group activities with a focus on evaluating group performance in realistic collaborative
environments with social loafing and free-riding, as the most challenging problems in today’s
collaborative learning. In parallel, empirical research is necessary to verify whether and to what extent
group formation algorithms help teachers with groupwork and in fulfilling the collaboration goals of a
lesson. This will lead, as part of the planned future work, to automatized suggestions of group formation
algorithms to the teacher, depending on the identified group formation purpose.
This research was supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S) Grant
Number 16H06304 and NEDO Special Innovation Program on AI and Big Data 18102059-0.
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1. Introduction
While governments and other stakeholders are merging efforts to integrate technology in schools, there
are many barriers that have been highlighted to hinder effective integration. Ertmer (1999) identified
two barriers: factors that are extrinsic to the teachers themselves such as lack of equipment, time, and
lack of teacher training on ICT, and support from the management; and factors that are intrinsic to
teachers such as attitude change.
Training teachers on ICT integration in Tanzania has been done on face to face mode, where
selected in-service teachers meet at a training centre to be trained on a number of ICT modules over a
period of intensive 5-10 days. In many cases, transfer of learning does not happen. To solve this, Tsai
and Chai (2012) suggested designing topics that are relevant for immediate application, with activities
that help in designing technology-enhanced lesson planning. However, to have a larger number of
teachers, disruptive technologies such as MOOCs can come into the picture.
Despite the growing interest of MOOCs for Teacher Professional Development (TPD),
implementation in the context of developing countries such as Tanzania has not taken place.
Liyanagunawardena, Williams and Adams (2014) pointed out that varied levels of access to digital
tools, ICT facilities; differences of language and accent from one country to the next are barriers to
adoption of MOOCs in TPD in developing countries. We developed an online course with topics to help
teachers in integrating technology in their teaching and learning. Online courses can be in different
formats: synchronous, asynchronous and blended (Elliott, 2017). Advantages of using online learning
for teachers include reflection on their practice (Rienties, Brouwer, and Lygo-Baker, 2013);
participation in discussions about their practices (Rodesiler, 2017). To solve the challenge of diversity
for teachers participating in global MOOCs for TPD, contextualization of the courses is important. This
led to a need to develop a local online course to train teachers on ICT integration. This research was
guided by the following research questions (RQs):
i) What are the perceptions of teachers on the usefulness of the online course for their
professional development?
ii) How do teachers intend to apply their learning from the online course?
iii) To what extent have the teachers applied their learning from the online course in their own
2. Methodology
Course design started with a needs analysis survey form for school teachers to suggest topics they
would like to be trained on during their June 2018 vacation. This was done to 1) ensure that the selected
topics were relevant to most of the school teachers who filled the survey, and 2) allow the different
school teachers teaching diverse subjects to participate in the course. A total of 303 school teachers
responded to the online survey mentioning up to three topics each. Analysis of the responses gave a total
of 19 different topics. The first 8 topics with the highest frequencies were selected. We then developed
a 10-day online course named "Online ICT Course for School Teachers”. The
course consisted of short videos (4-8 minutes) with reflection spots which required participants to
respond to questions related to the content. Each topic was followed by a short quiz to test
understanding and a discussion forum with a focus question to guide the interactions. The course was
run on MOODLE learning management system, from June 15 - 25, 2018. Videos were uploaded on
YouTube Channel named Tehama Shuleni. The flow of the topics covered is shown in Table 1.
2.2 Procedure
Information about course starting was shared among teachers’ networks. They registered and enrolled
into the course. The instructor changes the role to the researcher during analytics and reporting of
findings. Before the course started, the instructor developed needs analysis and entry surveys; deigned
the course, customized MOODLE platform and uploaded contents. Participants were required to
complete course modules, interact with peers in the discussion forum and participate in live
interactions. Impact analysis and learning analytics were done by the researchers after the course
A total of 134 teachers, majority with 4-10 years of experience; teaching different subjects from
sciences, business and arts; majority aged between 31-40 years; from all the 26 regions of Tanzania
mainland registered and participated in the course.
Data were collected using online course entry survey, course end survey and impact evaluation survey.
Entry survey consisted of open-ended questions and few scale questions intending to find out subjects
taught, teaching experience, and purpose to join the course while exit survey had some questions to
measure the usefulness of the course, plan to use the knowledge and confidence to teach the topics. An
impact evaluation survey was conducted at the end the two months after the training to collect data on
knowledge application in schools.
2.5 Data Analysis
Quantitative analysis of the closed-ended questions was performed to generate frequencies and scales
that were needed for determining research constructs such as usefulness and confidence. interactive
Stratified Attribute Tracking (iSAT) was used to show the proportions of the different strata to one or a
combination of the desired attributes of the course (Majumdar, Alse, & Iyer, 2014). iSAT is an
interactive visual representation tool developed at the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay is to
highlight transitions in a dataset.
Thematic analysis, following Braun & Clarke (2006), was applied to open-ended questions from
all the three surveys to identify patterns. Each participant’s response was taken as the unit of analysis.
We first read all the data from participants to understand their responses. After familiarization with data,
categories of responses that had the same meaning were generated. This made it easier for us to create
six themes from the categories. These themes were then reviewed to make sure that there are not equal
with the same meaning. Finally, we defined the last four themes that are presented in the result section.
3. Results
RQ1: What are the perceptions of teachers on the usefulness of the online course for their
professional development?
At the end of the course, we asked about its usefulness on a scale of 1 (Not Useful at all) to 5
(Most Useful). Most of the participants with different teaching experiences found the course very useful.
For example, 95% of all the participants with 4-10 years of experience found the course useful. This
could be due to the way topics were selected taking into account diversity and applicability. The
variation is shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Usefulness of the course
RQ2: How do teachers intend to apply their learning from the online course?
Participants suggested different approaches to use the knowledge from the course. Figure 2
provides a variation in age group, usefulness and plan to use the knowledge gained. 69% of all the
participants (in different age groups) who found the course to be very useful to them planned to use the
knowledge in many ways. More than half of these (57%) planned to start using some technology in their
teaching and learning activities.
RQ3: To what extent have the teachers applied their learning from the online course in
their own practice?
Two months after the course, we conducted an online evaluation to find out the impact of the
course and how participants might have applied the knowledge from the course in their own settings.
Thematic analysis was applied to the open ended question and generated four major themes. Majority of
the participants who had access to the Internet used visualizations (animations, videos and simulations)
in teaching different abstract concepts. Figure 3 shows the themes and the voices from participants.
This work presented an online course that extends the training of teachers to scale the formal face to
face teacher training sessions in Tanzania. The design of the course involved teachers in the selection of
relevant topics. This was one of the motivating factors to participate in the online course. It also helps to
increase the course completion rate. The findings show that Training teachers on ICT integration is a
step towards teachers’ growth and improved teaching practices.
With 82% of the participants being new to online courses, interactions among the course
participants in the discussion forum were during the course were high. The fact that participants knew
that they would receive completion certificates kept them working hard. The first research question as
shown that 95% of all the participants found the course useful. This level of satisfaction is consistent
with the work by Nir and Bogler (2008) which says that teacher satisfaction with professional
development courses is an important factor in transforming knowledge. This can be attributed to the fact
that the teachers were involved in selecting the topics to be covered (Ketelhut, 2006), and hence making
it relevant to the participants.
Previous studies have shown that demographic differences between teachers (age, years of
experience) have an influence of teachers’ readiness to use technology (Inan, & Lowther, 2010).
However, in this case, teachers planned to use the knowledge in many ways: in teaching and training
others and improving their teaching practices. This implies that, as long as the course is relevant to the
participants, they can be able to transfer the learning in their contexts.
It is always important to evaluate the transfer of knowledge that happens after teachers have
completed a professional development activity. Course impact evaluation was done two months later.
Milheim (1994) pointed out factors such as structuring expectations and establishing awards as ways to
increase learning transfer. In this regard, participants transferred the learning to their own schools in
many ways including preparation of teaching resources and improving their own teaching practices.
Depending on the course objectives, this study therefore suggests that evaluation of online courses need
to be done as long as the number of participant is not massive.
Contextualization was implemented in two ways: topic selection and language. Course topics
were suggested by the teachers and this ensured that those with the highest frequency were used in the
design and development. On the other hand, participants followed up the lessons with ease since they
were familiar with the language accent of the course instructor. In this way, participant diversity in the
online course can be addressed and hence leading to effective learning.
Online courses, if well designed, based on the needs of the teachers, can help in improving
teaching practices at the same time improving the performance of students. This course has shown that
teachers are excited to learn specific topics of their choice in the online environment. They have,
however, been able to transfer knowledge from the course in their teaching and learning activities.
Another finding is that using the available resources such as smartphones, TPD initiatives can be
extended to reach teachers who are in under-resourced schools. These online courses also open doors of
sharing experiences among teachers across different subject domains. Through this course, teachers in
Tanzania continue sharing experiences through their social groups and YouTube channel. This brings
up a professional learning community of teachers making them grow professionally. Overall, this
research shows that contextualization reduces the level of diversity and hence learning is enhanced.
Future research work would look into how online courses can be deployed to benefit in-service teachers
at large scale in the local context.
We thank CDEEP and UDOM Studios for video recording and editing; all school teachers in Tanzania
who participated in this online course. Special thanks to Dr. Gargi Banerjee of Indian Institute of
Technology Bombay, for the initial review of the paper.
Braun, V., & Clarke, V. (2006). Using thematic analysis in psychology. Qualitative research in psychology, 3(2),
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Educational Technology Research and Development, 58(2), 137-154.
Ketelhut, D.J. 2006. “Core tensions in the evolution of online professional development”. In Online professional
development for teachers: emerging models and methods, Edited by: Dede, C. 237–263. Cambridge, MA:
Harvard Education Press.
Liyanagunawardena, T. R., Williams, S., & Adams, A. A. (2014). The impact and reach of MOOCs: a developing
countries’ perspective. eLearning Papers, 38-46.
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learning analytics. In 2014 IEEE Sixth International Conference on Technology for Education (pp. 138-139).
Milheim, W. D. (1994). A comprehensive model for the transfer of training. Performance Improvement Quarterly,
7(2), 95-104.
Nir, A.E. and Bogler, R., 2008. The antecedents of teacher satisfaction with professional development programs.
Teaching and teacher education, 24 (2), 377–386.
Rienties, B., Brouwer, N., & Lygo-Baker, S. (2013). The effects of online professional development on higher
education teachers' beliefs and intentions towards learning facilitation and technology. Teaching and teacher
education, 29, 122-131.
Rodesiler, L. (2017). For teachers, by teachers: An exploration of teacher-generated online professional
development. Journal of Digital Learning in Teacher Education, 33(4), 138-147
Tsai, C. C., & Chai, C. S. (2012). The “third”–order barrier for technology-integration instruction: Implications
for teacher education. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology.
Chang, M. et al. (Eds.) (2019). Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Computers in
Education. Taiwan: Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education
Abstract: Virtual reality (VR), which is regarded as one of the important educational
technologies in recent years, has become more popular to be adopted in teaching and learning
contexts in Hong Kong. The present study investigated the changes in teachers’ pedagogical
and technological knowledge, attitude and satisfaction after attending a teacher training course
on the educational use of VR. Participants were 29 in-service teachers in Hong Kong taking the
course. Data were collected from the pre- and post-participation in the course by using four
scales: (i) Pedagogical and Technological Knowledge, (ii) Technological Knowledge, (iii)
Positive Attitude towards Harnessing VR, and (iv) Teacher Satisfaction. The results showed
good reliability of the scales and significant differences between the pre-test and post-test on
using VR in their teaching. Participants had significant improvement in the knowledge of the
VR technology and the ICT integration after the training course. They also showed a positive
attitude towards harnessing VR in their teaching. Since the factor of content knowledge was not
significant in the present study, we will reinforce the teacher training course based on the
subject content via school-based development. Thus, the teaching training package will be more
comprehensive and suitable for training teachers to adopt VR in practice.
Keywords: Virtual reality technology, EduVenture VR, teacher training
1. Introduction
Knowledge construction is based on active experience (Jong, 2019). Piaget and Dewey indicated that
educators’ role was to shape a learners’ experience and the learning environment to promote
meaningful learning experience (Ornstein & Hunkin, 1998 cited in Huang, Rauch, & Liaw, 2010).
Virtual reality (VR) can create immersive environment for students to experience what they are
learning. It can improve students’ interaction with the learning environment and make learning more
vivid (Chang, Hsu, Chen, & Jong, 2018).
2. Literature Review
Virtual reality (VR) is broadly defined as “an interactive computer system that is so fast and intuitive
that the computer disappears from the mind of the user, leaving the computer-generated environment as
reality” technological (Kendrick, 1996, p.145). The characteristic of VR comprises the notion of
collaboration and interaction among users in an intuitive computer-generated environment that appears
real, with full integration of artificial intelligence products and information tools (Schwienhorst, 2002).
In education, visuals are often used for receptive purposes, serving as scaffolds that help students to
comprehend complex information (Cappello & Lafferty, 2015) because the use of images helps make
ideas more concrete for students.
Nowadays, visualization technologies include anything from still images, infographics, and 3D
printing, to VR tools (New Media Consortium, 2016). VR tools largely expand what a single image can
convey by creating immersive, sensational and interactive experiences without the travel. For instance,
spherical video-based VR uses 360° images and videos to create virtual scenes. With a mobile device
and a pair of VR goggles, users can turn their heads around in a full 360° circle and observe the
environment in all angles. This VR tool combines technologies from computer graphics and vision and
create virtual environments from either photographs or video images to immerse users in the VR
environment (Lorenzo, Lledó, Pomares, & Roig, 2016; Passig et al., 2016; Chang et al., 2018). Faced
with the increasing importance of experiential education, the present study uses VR technology to build
an educational VR platform, allowing learners to access richer and more lively learning materials
specifically accommodated in pedagogical needs of teachers, so as to enhance the effectiveness of
experiential learning.
Experiential learning theory defines learning as ‘‘the process whereby knowledge is created through the
transformation of experience” (Kolb, 2014, p. 41). The four steps of the experiential learning cycle are
concrete experience, reflective observation, abstract conceptualization, and active experimentation
(Baker et al., 2002). The immersive nature of educational use of VR can be a useful tool to promote and
enhance experiential learning (L.M. Pilgrim & J. Pilgrim, 2016). In the virtual tour, students can
observe the people, places, and the environment intimately and repeatedly. This may create an enriched
experience which students can make sense. For example, students can be immersed in a cave
environment where bats live and generate much questions and consequently inquiry about the living
environment and the creatures. Thus, VR could be an essential teaching tool for enhancing teaching and
learning experience and effectiveness in the classroom. The immersive learning environment provides
individual opportunities for experience and reflection (J.M. Pilgrim & J. Pilgrim, 2016). For example,
Google Expeditions is one popular mobile application for teachers to virtually bring students to every
corner of the world without setting foot outside the classroom.
VR in education is becoming a prominent feature at schools in recent years. However, very few studies
examined how teachers develop their competencies in designing VR for classroom use teachers can
provide opportunities for students to engage in the environment with VR tools only if they are able to
understand the affordances of VR, what are students’ gaps in learning a topic, and how VR can help to
bridge understanding gaps. In other words, teacher need VR-based pedagogical content knowledge.
This is a form of Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) framework which is about
how teacher integrate information and communication technology (ICT) in their teaching (Chai, Koh,
Tsai, & Tan, 2011). The TPACK framework provides new directions for teacher educators in solving
the problems associated with integrating ICT into classroom teaching and learning (Hewitt, 2008). In
the present study, we emphasis how to teach effectively through educational VR combined with
pedagogical approaches to address language learning problems, i.e., we attempt to build the teachers’
VR-PCK. Thus, the technological knowledge such as techniques of making education VR resources,
design of VR-based lesson plan is essential in the teacher training course. From the teachers’
perspective of educational VR, it is significant to enhance the participating teachers’ satisfaction and
have a positive attitude towards harnessing VR.
2.4 EduVenture® VR
EduVenture® VR (EVVR) is an educational VR platform developed by the technical team of Centre for
Learning Sciences and Technologies of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Geng, Jong, Luk, &
Jiang, 2018; Jong, Luk, Leung, & Poon, 2018). It can design SVVR learning resources by combining
360° images and videos of real scenes and learning content. In contrast with most of the VR
entertainment platforms in the industry, EVVR provides an easy-to-use authoring environment for
teachers to tailor-make interactive VR field trips that suit their subject content and students’ learning
needs. The interactive possibilities on EVVR include voice answering, object searching, etc. which are
unique to other VR platforms and greatly accommodate the pedagogical needs of teachers. Students can
then experience the VR scenes by using their mobile phone and low-cost VR equipment (e.g. Google
Cardboard, iQiyi, etc.).
The assessment module of EVVR (Retriever) lets teachers view and compare the feedback of
students and keep tracking the learning progress of the whole class. The database module contains
databases of VR learning materials, learning portfolios, student information, and quiz results. With
mobile devices and VR goggles, students can experience outdoor learning in VR, which makes teaching
and learning more interesting and flexible.
The training course in the present study focuses on how teachers may enhance learning and teaching
effectiveness by adopting VR technology and relevant strategies in the classroom. First, the course
provides the definition and global trend of VR technology in education. It provides techniques and
essential skills of using VR equipment, designing VR learning resources (i.e. including 360 photo and
movie capture in the University campus and 360 movie clip transfer, editing and publishing on different
VR platforms) and implementing learning and teaching strategies in the classroom. Composing VR
Learning and Teaching in EVVR and school management in EVVR were also introduced at the end of
the course. Three research questions framed the present study:
Q1: Will teachers’ pedagogical and technological knowledge be enhanced significantly after
participating in a teaching training course?
Q2: Will teachers’ attitudes towards harnessing VR in education improve significantly after
participating in a teaching training course?
Q3: Will teachers’ satisfaction be enhanced significantly after participating in a teaching training
3. Method
3.1 Participants
The participants were 29 in-service primary and secondary school teachers who attended a 3-hour
teacher training course on VR for enhancing students’ Chinese language literacy held by CLST of
CUHK. Of the total number, 27.6% were male, 69% were female. Their mean of age range was 31-35
(27%). Fifty-nine per cent were teachers and 28% were senior teachers, 4% were teaching assistants,
9% were unknown. Half of them have been used e-learning platform such as Kahoot, Nearpot and VR
1-3 years, 31% of them have been used 4-10 years and a few of them have been used for over 10 years.
Self-administered questionnaires were collected at the beginning and the end of the teacher training
course. The instruments used in this study was adapted from Schmidt et al. (2009), Koh et al. (2010) and
Chai et al. (2013). The initial instrument consists of 30 items. Four factors were included in this
questionnaire, namely (i) Pedagogical and Technological Knowledge, (ii) Technological Knowledge,
(iii) Positive Attitude towards Harnessing VR, and (iv) Teacher Satisfaction. Teachers responded using
1 = strongly disagree to 7 = strongly agree. A total of 28 valid responses were matched (i.e. pre-test and
post-test) and adopted as sample for subsequent analyses. The preliminary analyses were conducted,
including descriptive statistics, reliability of instruments, paired sample t-test and effect size of the
variables, using SPSS 25.
4. Results
Table 1 displays a summary of the reliability coefficients, mean (M) and standard deviations (SD), and
effect size (d) of the variables. The reliability of the four scales was satisfactory, i.e. the range of the
scales was from (M = 6.05, SD = 0.42, Cronbach’s α = 0.95) (Factor name: Pedagogical and
technological knowledge – content knowledge) to (M = 5.09, SD = 1.10, Cronbach’s α = 0.97) (Factor
name: Technological knowledge).
Table 2 displays the results of the paired sample t-test and effect size of the four scales. Five out of six
pairs of t-test showed significant differences between pre-test and post-test. For example, there was a
significant difference in the scores of Technological Knowledge (pre-test: M = 3.54, SD = 1.31) and
(post-test: M = 5.13, SD = 1.10), t(27) = -6.43, p = .000). In addition, the range of the effect size was
from (d = 0.06 to d = 1.31) of the scales.
5. Discussion and Conclusion
The results showed a good reliability of the scales and significant differences between the pre-test and
post-test on using VR in the teacher training course. Participants showed significant improvement in the
knowledge of the VR technology and the ICT integration after the teacher training course. They also
showed positive attitude towards harnessing VR in their class. Since the factor of content knowledge
was not significant in the present study, we will strengthen the teacher training course based on the
subject content via school-based development.
Regarding the teacher training program, it is significant to facilitate teacher development for
better integration of ICT. The technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPCK or TPACK)
framework (Mishra & Koehler, 2006) has reflected a paradigm shift in the recent studies (e.g., Jong et
al., 2018). Therefore, teacher professional development requires cycles of iterative lesson design,
implementation, and reflective refinement to resolve. This is especially for emerging technologies
where information about how they could be employed in the classroom.
Teacher satisfaction is another focus in the present study. Teachers showed significant
improvement after the intervention. Teachers feel satisfied after completing this teacher training course
because it can improve students’ learning achievement with the implement of VR in a pedagogical
design. Teachers’ level of satisfaction on the instruction programs will be related to what they perceive
regarding various aspects of the teacher training programs (e.g., school-based or non-school-based,
whether teachers’ actual needs and concerns are being addressed, etc.) (Jong & Tsai, 2016).
Huang, Chen, & Chou (2016) indicated that experiential learning differs from teacher-centered
instructive learning which focus on self-regulating judgment, free-thinking, and personal experience.
Through interactive learning processes, students gain personal experience from which they derive an
understanding of the core aspects of learning tasks and explore the correlation between activity concepts
and implications. Learners integrate their learning experience into their lives, that transforms their
attitudes and prompts further reflection on their behaviors (Jong, 2017). Experiential learning theory
emphasizes the relationship between concrete experience and learning and teaching. In the present
study, it showed how the VR technology enriched the teacher development for better integration of ICT,
and how they gained more technological knowledge. The participants also have more positive attitude
towards harnessing VR in the classroom after the intervention.
It is planned to collect more data to further examine the scale validation. Also, more advanced
statistics will be conducted in the future, such as factor analysis and multiple regression analysis. Since
the factor of content knowledge was not significant in the present study, we will reinforce the teacher
training course based on the subject content via school-based development. Thus, the teaching training
package will be more comprehensive and suitable for training teachers to adopt VR in practice.
We would like to thank The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust for supporting the project of Jockey Club VR
Project for Enhancing Chinese Language Literacy.
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1. Introduction
Debriefing, a postexperience analytic process (Lederman, 1984; 1992) originated from army (Gardner,
2013), plays an imperative role in the process of professional development in various fields. Due to its
simplicity and effectiveness in improving performance (Tannenbaum & Cerasoli, 2013), the debriefing
technique was then applied to other career fields, such as nursing and healthcare (Dreifuerst, 2015),
human resource management (Reyes, Tannenbaum, & Salas, 2018), and software development
(Collier, DeMarco, & Fearey, 1996).
In addition to the above-mentioned fields, debriefing is also regarded as an effective technique
for improving teachers’ teaching capabilities. Such a technique provides teachers with opportunities to
gain a deep insight of their teaching practice, which, in turn, may not only help teachers enhance their
teaching and research skills but also facilitate students’ learning thanks to the improvement of teachers’
instructional plans and implementations (Hail, Hurst, & Camp, 2011). In schools, (post-lesson)
debriefing is usually regarded as a method of inquiry aiming at helping inquirers explore and look into
the critical issues that are not easy to be identified by the inquirers themselves via disclosing personal
experiences to peers (Lincoln & Guba, 1985).
A debriefing session consists of seven elements: (1) the debriefer (guide), (2) the participants to
be debriefed, (3) participants’ experience, (4) the impact of participants’ experience, (5) the recollection
of participants’ experience, (6) reporting mechanisms, and (7) time for debriefing (Lederman, 1991).
More specifically, there would be a debriefer who coordinates the entire debriefing session within a
specific duration. The debriefer facilitates the process of experience sharing and manages the foci of the
experience to be debriefed. For a post-lesson debriefing session, the participants to be debriefed are the
teachers who have taught a planned lesson. A debriefing session starts with experience sharing. The
participants are requested to recount their personal experience of the planned lesson. The debriefer may
ask some questions to facilitate the debriefing process. In addition to the debriefer–participant
conversation, the debriefer would also invite peer teachers to express their opinions about the strengths
and the weaknesses of the participant’s lesson. Peer teachers are also encouraged to interact with the
participants after the participants finish their experience sharing (Lewis, 2002). Such interaction among
peers may not only help the participants recall more details but also provide the participant with
different perspectives for self-reflection (Hail, Hurst, & Camp, 2011).
Table 1
The Three Phases of Debriefing Framework
The participants share their experience, including facts, feeling, and
Review and personal opinions towards specific events. Peers are encouraged to
Phase 1
reflection interact with participants to help them elicit more detail and identify the
pros and cons of their teaching.
The identified pros and cons are discussed to explore the underlying
causes. The debriefer may raise questions to stimulate the participants
Understanding and peer teachers to think deeply and broadly and link up with their past
Phase 2
and analysis experiences so that they may gain a deeper understanding about the topics
being discussed and explore the impact of their experience by which the
participants’ performance on future tasks might be influenced.
Summary and This phase reviews what has learned from the experience and discusses
Phase 3
generalization how to apply the learned lesson in the future.
Past studies from different disciplines involve various forms of debriefing, which implies there
is no a standard format for debriefing (Spillett, 2003). Even so, there are three phases (Table 1) which
forms the main debriefing framework (Gardner, 2013; Lederman, 1992; Rudolph, Simon, Raemer, &
Eppich, 2008). In this framework, experience sharing constitutes the first step of debriefing. The latter
steps rely on the participants’ experience as the source for discussion. In other words, the quality of
recollected experience may decide the result of a debriefing session – success or failure. Hence, it is
critical to help participants recollect their experience. Traditionally, the debriefer may prepare some
tools, such as a survey or questionnaire, to facilitate the recollection of participants’ experience,
(Gardner, 2013). Although these tools may help participants recall more details, they still rely on
participants’ memory. Alternatively, we started to consider if there is a tool which provides objective
and detailed information to facilitate debriefing. Actually, there is a tool which may fulfills the
requirements: videos.
Flanagan (2008) suggested that videos may be served as a tool for facilitating experience
recollection. Past studies indicated that teachers behaved differently on recalling their teaching
experience if they were provided with the video of their teaching. Without the support of videos, the
recalled experience mainly focused on classroom management and personal performance. However,
teachers would put greater emphasis on reviewing how they deliver their instruction and students’
responses when they were provided with the video clips of their lecturing (Rosaen, Lundeberg, Cooper,
Fritzen, & Terpstra, 2008). Although videos provide detailed information, teachers may have to
interrupt debriefing and spend time on seeking and playing the videos, which may become another
To address the above issues, an interactive teaching analytic system, the Sokrates Video Player
(Sokradeo) (Fig. 2), was developed. Sokradeo is an interactive player which integrates videotaped
lectures, smart tags, analytic dashboards, and a comment collector. These features are designed to
reconstruct the whole lecture and foster the recollection of teachers’ teaching experience during the
process of debriefing. The following subsections describe the design details of the Sokradeo.
2.1 The Design Principles of Sokradeo
Three principles are applied to develop the system; the system should be (1) automatic, (2) intelligent,
and (3) interactive. First, it is a labor-intensive task to record all the events occurred in classrooms with
traditional methods (e.g. Gall & Acheson, 1980; Flanders, 1966). Thanks to the advancement of
technology, we are now able to operate various devices to record and process necessary data of a lesson
automatically and simultaneously. Second, the data should be processed intelligently. The raw data is
processed with AI algorithms tuned by human experts. These algorithms imitate how human experts
evaluate teachers’ performance and then visualize the results with analytical dashboards. Third and the
last, instead of merely serving as a one-way information deliverer, the system should provide users with
an interactive interface so that users may get additional information through interacting with the system.
As shown in Figure 1, the interface of Sokradeo is composed of four different panels; they are (1) a
video player, (2) smart tags of teaching behavior, (3) smart tags of comments, and (4) analytic
The left three panels can be operated jointly to provide users with an extended controlling interface for
playing lecture videos. The smart tags in panel 2 are generated automatically after the Sokrates Cloud
Services analyzed teachers’ teaching behavior data. This panel serves as a navigator guiding users what
interaction tools the teacher executed at a specific time. These “smart tags” can be used to interact with
the video directly. Users can click on the smart tags to trigger the video jump to the corresponding time
point. For example, if a teacher wants to share the experience of carrying out a pedagogical pattern (the
framed area in panel 2 of Figure 1), the teacher can click on the smart tags in the frame and describe
her/his experience with the support of corresponding video.
In addition to the automatically generated smart tags, users can manually add annotations to a video.
These annotations then become the other type of smart tags (smart tags of comments) that interact with
videos. Experts and peer teachers who are invited to evaluate a taught lesson can leave public
comments. Other users can add private comments for personal reference. For example, teachers who
taught a planned lesson can add some annotations to the video so that they could use the annotations to
remind themselves what to share during a debriefing session. Figure 2 illustrates the interface of the
comment collector of Sokradeo.
The panel 4 shown in Figure 1 demonstrates the analytic dashboards which summarize how teachers
delivered their lectures in smart classroom environment. These dashboards with the orders from top to
bottom, left to right are (1) technological interaction index, (2) pedagogical application index, (3)
content implementation index, (4) the frequencies of interactive technologies, and (5) the accumulated
time on using interactive technologies. Unlike the other four automatically generated dash boards, the
third dashboard, content implementation index, is designed to complement the other two automatically
rated indices since the Sokrates AI engine still has its own limitations. Hence, we implemented this
index rated by human experts to evaluate how teachers prepare, implement, and deliver their lectures.
In order to evaluate the effects of using Sokradeo to support debriefing sessions and find out the
shortcomings of system design, a preliminary study was conducted in 2018 in an elementary school.
The study lasted for three months (from September to November). There are totally 83 teachers, of
which 39 teachers have never taught in a smart classroom before participating this study while the other
44 teachers have one to three years’ experience of using a smart classroom, participated in this
preliminary study (N = 83). The details of this evaluation are presented in the following subsections.
3.1 Method
Teachers’ technological interaction and pedagogical application indices (T index & P index) of their
lessons are used as the indicators to observe the change of teachers’ performance on their teaching.
T-tests are applied to compare the performance between teachers with no and at least one year’s
experience on teaching in a smart classroom. Due to the fact that this preliminary study is conducted in
a regular semester, a rigorous experiment was not able to be conducted since we could not alter school’s
schedule as well as interfere how teachers carried out their teaching plans. Hence, a qualitative report
from the teacher participants, which explained how teachers utilized Sokradeo to conduct post-lesson
debriefing to promote teacher professional development was adopted to serve as a supplemental
material to discuss the possible advantages of debriefing with the support of Sokradeo.
Technological Pedagogical
Interaction Index Application Index
47.87 64.05
55.33 5962.94 63.94 100
45.27 47.72
37.04 40.16
50 50
0 0
9 10 11 9 10 11
Month Month
Table 2
The Result of T-tests between Teachers with Different Levels of Experience on using Smart Classrooms
September, 2018 October, 2018 November, 2018
Experience N T index P index T index P index T index P index
M 47.87 23.87 59.00 40.16 63.94 47.72
0 39
SD 19.25 27.17 19.47 24.79 18.32 24.93
M 60.45 46.07 66.27 49.61 64.18 45.73
≥ 1 year 44
SD 19.24 27.78 17.17 22.05 19.00 24.89
t 7.98*** 9.84*** 6.14*** 6.24*** 0.10 0.64
*p < .05; **p < .01; ***p < .001
Three of the teacher participants who coordinated the teacher professional development group created a
report to describe how they conducted debrief sessions in their school with the support of Sokradeo.
Before this study, teachers in this school had already collected thousands of videotaped lectures.
Among these videos, several videos or video clips with model examples were identified and saved as
example lists. When this study started, those model clips are used as an additional resource for
enhancing the effects of debriefing. Teachers conducted debriefing sessions regularly with the use of
Sokradeo. The teachers indicated that there was usually only one case could be debriefed during a
traditional debriefing session. However, they might able to debrief at least two or three cases thanks to
the features of Sokradeo that help teachers locate critical episodes quickly and precisely.
4. Discussion
The quantitative results indicate the novice teachers might have grasped the skills of teaching in smart
classrooms within two months. More specifically, the T index demonstrates the level of a teacher’s
familiarity with lecturing in smart classrooms while the P index represents the level of a teacher’s
knowledge of applying the smart classroom tools to carry out various pedagogical model in his/her
lesson. In fact, it may take longer time to master the pedagogical skills since teachers might spend time
on mastering the skill of using smart classroom tools first. However, the novice teachers performed
almost equally to their experienced peers in both aspect after two months. This may be due to the effect
of debriefing since debriefing may help teachers not only master the use of tools but also a gain deeper
understanding on integrating the tools into the lesson design optimally (Groth, 2011). The qualitative
responses from teachers might explained why the novice teachers could demonstrate comparable levels
of performance to the experienced teachers in both technological and pedagogical aspects in two
months since the efficiency of debriefing was improved.
5. Conclusion
Past studies provided a lot of evidence of using debriefing to promote personal performance in various
domain of professions, including teaching. Lesson study is one of the common methods adopted by
teachers to promote their professional development, and debriefing constitutes the final step of lesson
study, which help teachers reflect on if their teaching fulfilled their plans. More importantly, the results
of debriefing create the foundation, which may induce the next lesson study cycle (Groth, 2011).
This study developed a system, Sokradeo, of which an important application is supporting the
process of debriefing. Since the teachers being debriefed have to reconstruct their experience of a taught
lesson, Sokradeo provides a feature to help teachers locate critical episodes efficiently. A preliminary
study was conducted to examine the effects of using Sokradeo to support the process of debriefing to
promote teacher professional development. The results indicated that novice teachers achieved similar
levels of performance when comparing to their experienced peers after two months. Such a result might
be contributed by the integration of debriefing and Sokradeo. Since a controlled experiment was not
able to be conducted, the true effect of Sokradeo could not be confirmed yet. We only got a message
which implied the Sokradeo might improve the efficiency of debriefing from teachers’ response. Hence,
a controlled experiment should be conducted to verify the effects of Sokradeo on supporting post-lesson
debriefing. A rigorous qualitative study should also be conducted to find out the deep meaning of how
teachers interact with Sokradeo to improve their professional development.
We would like to thank the reviewers for their insightful comments and all the people who participated
in this project.
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Abstract: In this paper, we describe research conducted around a 180 hour programme
designed to introduce secondary school students to computational making through app
development. The quantitative data analysis indicated that most of the participating students,
whether male or female, seem to have developed a high level of interest and acceptance of
computational making activities. The correlational and SEM analysis indicated that although
these students, from various schools, have benefited in different dimensions. Design thinking
readiness and coding readiness should be highlighted as the prominent factors derived from this
Computational Making Programme for students to develop their interest and make
recommendations to others
1. Introduction
Singapore launched a “Digital Readiness Blueprint” in 2018 to ensure that every citizen is equipped to
live in a Smart Nation and have access to the tools and knowledge to benefit from technology. This push
towards digital technology aims to deepen its citizens’ technical capabilities, especially in key areas
such as data science, artificial intelligence and cyber security. The value of computational capabilities is
highlighted in this vision and to meet this vision, the government has started introducing computational
making related activities in schools. Computational making is an important skill to have in today’s
digital economy, especially so to meet the ever-changing global challenges and work demands (Riddle,
2015). In education, it is regarded as a key component of 21st century learning. Marenko (2015)
describes computational making as an activity where computation and making come together in the
digital medium through sensory participation and an understanding of materiality. Making has its
origins in the works of Papert, Dewey, Piaget, and Montessori (Martinez & Stager, 2013) and its
emphasis on active learning through the creation of artefacts is gaining traction in recent years (Rode,
Weibert, Marshall, Aal, von Rekowski, Mimouni, & Booker, 2015). It has been suggested that making
is apt for linking the digital and the physical mediums, especially in the computing field (Rosner, 2010;
Buechley, Rosner, Paulos, & Williams, 2009; Mellis, Follmer, Hartmann, Buechley, & Gross, 2013).
Papert, the pioneering force behind the maker movement, strongly encouraged children to use
computers to invent and build various artefacts (Gershenfeld, 2007). Indeed, making should allow
learners to understand the complexities and workings of technology, rather than be contented as a
passive consumer of technology (Kafai et al., 2014a).
As schools start introducing computational making in the classroom, it is important to take note
of some of the difficulties faced by learners. Computational making can be cognitively challenging as it
is technically complex and demands both declarative and procedural knowledge (Á lvarez & Larrañaga,
2016; Renumol, Jayaprakash, & Janakiram, 2009). Computational making also encompasses more than
just coding – students learn skills related to problem-solving via computer science concepts like
abstraction and decomposition (Lye & Koh, 2014). A review of the literature indicates that students
often consider programming or computational making boring as they find the theoretical concepts and
techniques too tedious and abstract (Bennedsen, Caspersen, & Kölling, 2008). Traditional didactic
ways of teaching are often critiqued for their limitations in engaging the diverse learning needs of
students (Benda, Bruckman, & Guzdial, 2012; Boy, 2013). It is especially difficult for students who are
hands-on, less linear learners, as a didactic style tends to emphasis an analytical teaching approach that
dictates that there is a right (and only) solution to a prescribed problem (Buechley, Eisenberg, Catchen,
& Crockett, 2008; Grove, Jorgenson, Brummel, Sen, & Gamble, 2011). Other findings have revealed
that students’ difficulties stem from poor teaching methodologies and low interactivity (Barker,
McDowell, & Kalahar, 2009; Coull & Duncan, 2011). The ways lessons are designed do not promote
active learning and fail to offer contextual information of how the particular functions and commands
are to be used (Kim & Ko, 2017).
In reviewing on the teaching and learning of computational thinking through computational
making, Lye and Koh (2014) found that an effective learning environment would be one that is
contextualised and most relatable to the students. For lessons to be more intellectually stimulating,
students should work on an authentic problem applicable to them and create corresponding artefacts
(Jonassen, 2011; Kafai & Resnick, 1996). A study by Marshall and colleagues (2010) proposed the idea
of using tangible interfaces to support teaching and learning computing. In a similar vein, Kafai and
Burke (2014) suggested applying the maker culture to introduce key computing concepts. Their
research in demonstrated that teaching computing using e-textiles can broaden students’ participation
(Kafai, Lee, Searle, Fields, Kaplan, & Lui, 2014b) Similarly, Rode and colleagues (2015) discussed the
benefits of computational making and examined how it could how account for a more effective way to
support teaching programming in to a diverse range of students.
In this study, we describe a study conducted around a 180-hour out-of-school programme
designed to introduce students to computational making through App development. The students were
to develop apps based on challenge-based learning, storytelling and design thinking. The purpose of this
study is to explore the effectiveness of the programme and the students’ interdisciplinary perceptions
and readiness through attending the programme.
3. Method
RQ: What are students’ acceptances (in terms of recommendation and enjoyment) of the
Computational Making Programme?
3.2 Research Instrument
To address the research questions, we design a survey instrument that is to explore the effectiveness of
the Programme on students using a framework that incorporates eight inter-related constructs that we
have identified from the literature (Hughes, Nzekwe, & Molyneaux, 2013; Kong, Chiu, & Lai, 2018;
Lim, Hosack, & Vogt, 2012; Pierce, Stacey, & Barkatsas, 2007). Two constructs are about students’
acceptances of the programme including Recommendation and Enjoyment. The other six constructs are
about students’ interdisciplinary readiness: Interest Development, Science & Math Readiness, Design
Thinking Readiness, Problem Solving Readiness, Communication & Collaboration Readiness, and
Coding Readiness. To maximize measurement reliability, students were asked to indicate their level of
agreement with each item on a 7-point Likert scale (1 = Strongly disagree; 7 = Strongly agree).
4. Results
4.1 What are students’ acceptances (in terms of recommendation and enjoyment) of the
Computational Making Programme?
Overall, all respondents would recommend this Computational Making Programme to other students,
with 75% strong recommendation. All respondents enjoyed participating in the training sessions in the
programme, with 67.9% strong agreement. 85.7% have started learning more about their own
coding-related interests after attending the programme. Moreover, 85.7% want to do coding-related
work in the future. 71.5% want to do design-related work in the future (such as design of products, apps,
human-computer interfaces, etc)
Table 1
Pearson correlation analysis
5. Discussions
In qualitative feedback, one student responded: “Personally, it has helped me to improve my coding
skills , and allowed me to now be able to code better, and find bugs more quickly e.t.c. This helps in
finding errors in everyday life, and being more meticulous and careful in what I do, while teaching
values such as perseverance and resilience as you feel the satisfaction after solving a bug”. Another
student felt in another way: “It helped me gain more confidence in presenting things to other people and
helped me cultivate more responsibility for my own projects and actions. In terms of academics, it has
helped me think of solutions more effectively using methods like design thinking.” Some highlight
agree that “I have improved in my math and computing classes, more others think “It has really inspired
me to explore more into the field of mobile app development.”
The Pearson correlation analysis of the eight constructs of students’ perceptions of the
Computational Making Programme and found they are highly correlated. With an SEM path analysis, it
is found that design thinking Readiness and Coding Readiness as the two most common acknowledged
factors in the programme for students to develop their interest and make recommendations to others. An
ANOVA test shows that both boys and girls share similar perceptions and views on the programme.
6. Conclusion
As the literature suggested, a key strategy of that an effective learning environment of learning
computational thinking through computational making would be one that is contextualised and most
relatable to the students. This study, with K12 students learning in an out-of-school Computational
Making Programme in Singapore, enables us to better understand students’ acceptances and perceived
interdisciplinary readiness on six dimensions: on all the six dimensions: interest development, coding,
design-thinking, math & science, problem solving, communication & collaboration. The quantitative
data analysis indicated that most of the participating students, whether male or female, seem to have
developed a high level of interest and acceptance of computational making activities. The correlational
and SEM analysis indicated that although these students, from various schools, have benefited in
different dimensions. Design thinking readiness and coding readiness should be highlighted as the
prominent factors derived from this Computational Making Programme for students to develop their
interest and make recommendations to others.
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Education. Taiwan: Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education
1. Introduction
The Philippines implemented in SY 2012-2013 the K to 12 Basic Education Program, in response to the
need to address the mismatch of competencies and job requirements of industries (“DepEd Order No.
36, s. 2012.pdf,” 2012). The K to 12 program includes kindergarten and twelve years of primary (six
years) and secondary (four years junior high school and two years senior high school) education. The
two years of senior high school (grades 11 and 12) aim to prepare students for entry to higher education
and at the same time equip them with relevant and globally competitive skills that will promote
employability and entrepreneurship or technopreneurship (“DepEd Order No. 36, s. 2012,” 2012).
With a curriculum that is aligned to the 21st Century Core Skills and College Readiness Standards, the
Senior High School (SHS) offers different tracks: Academic, Technical- Vocational-Livelihood (TVL),
Sports, and Arts & Design (DepED, 2014). Under the Academic track, the following strands are offered:
General Academic (GA), Accountancy, Business and Management (ABM), Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics (STEM), and Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS) (DepED, 2014).
The full implementation of SHS was in SY 2016-2017, and the first set of Grade 12 students that
graduated at the end of SY 2017-2018 reached over 1.2 million (Mateo, 2018).
For the graduates who decide to continue to college, thereby having the opportunity to learn
more and be ready for the workplace after four to five years, it is important that they have the
appropriate preparation as this is one of the goals of the SHS program (“The K to 12 Basic Education
Program | Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines,” 2012). This study aims to evaluate the
students’ readiness for higher education, specifically, the SHS-STEM graduates who are currently
enrolled in IT education degree programs. The SHS-STEM strand focuses on the several branches of
sciences, pure and applied mathematics, engineering, and technology.
2. Research Design
This study will be conducted using a framework based on the social cognitive career theory (SCCT)
(Smith, 2002) which states that past performance, computer self-efficacy, outcome expectations, and
academic goal positively influences academic performance. This study will focus on the impact of past
performance on academic goals only. Specifically, the focus is on academic goals which refer to the
student’s competence or the expectation of getting good grades and performing better compared to
others (Moeller et al., 2012). In light of data privacy concerns and the availability of data, the study will
exclude the evaluation of students’ grades in relation to academic performance. We hypothesize that
past performance predicts computer self-efficacy (H1) and outcome expectations (H3). On the other
hand, computer self-efficacy has a positive influence on the academic goal (H2) and outcome
expectations (H5). Lastly, we further posit that outcome expectations predict academic goal (H4).
3. Research Methodology
The participants were 162 1st year Information Technology students (65 women, 97 men) from two (2)
private universities located in the capital and a state university located in the province. The survey was
administered via Google Forms, where responses were received from mid-November to mid-December
2018. Participants were enrolled in a preparatory information technology course for the 1st semester of
SY 2018-2019 and came from different secondary education institutions and track specializations:
STEM, n = 126, 77.78%; HUMSS, n = 9, 5.56%; ABM, n = 10, 6.17%; and GA, n = 17, 10.49%.
The assessment of past performance was adapted from the 9-item Information Technology
Literacy Measurement of Fraillon, et. al. (2014) to assess the students’ knowledge of fundamental IT
concepts. The study adapted the 30-item Computer Self-Efficacy scale (CSE) of Torkzadeh &
Koufteros (1994) to assess students’ self-perception of computer-related skills and knowledge. Further,
the instrument for the Technology Outcomes Expectation was adapted from the Usefulness of
Mathematics scale of Fennema & Sherman (1976) to assess current students’ insights of the importance
of information technology in regard to their future academic goals and career plans. The academic goal
variable was assessed by asking the students what grade they expected to receive at the end of an ITE
course. The grade distribution is: 1.0-1.9, Excellent (n = 74, 45.68%); 2.0-2.9, Good (n = 79, 48.77%);
3.0-3.5, Satisfactory (n = 9, 5.56%); 5.0, Failed; NC, No Credit; and WD, Withdraw.
The research model was tested by performing Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) for data
analysis of the structural models, consistent with other studies that used PLS-SEM (Ebardo, 2018,
2017). The result of the pilot test shows Cronbach alpha of greater than 0.70 values and the Average
Variance Extracted (AVE) of greater than 0.50, showing an acceptable degree of internal consistency
The student’s past performance in SHS has a significant effect on the student’s self-efficacy in using
information and communications technology (ICT)-related technologies in college, which supports H1.
Computer self-efficacy also influences the students to achieve their academic goals in college; therefore,
H2 is supported. Also, both past performance and computer self-efficacy have a strong influence on
technology outcome expectations, which supports H3 and H5. However, the technology outcome
expectations have a less significant effect on the students’ achievement of their academic goals. Thus,
the evidence for H4 is not enough to support the hypothesis, which is consistent with the previous study
(Smith, 2002). Therefore, further investigations may need to consider clarifying and refining the
outcome expectations measurement.
The research paper did not consider the actual grade to refer to academic performance since the
study was conducted prior to the end of the semester and grades were not available yet. Academic goals
defined by students in terms of grade expectations served as the reflection and perception of their
performance in school. Past studies show that students’ previous performance in school mediated by
self-efficacy could be a determining factor to shape academic grade goals (OECD, 2012). Thus, the
higher the expectation or academic goals of the student, the more they are prepared for higher
A practical application of this study may include designing the curriculum and educational
process in college that allows assessment of IT students’ previous experience using technology and
efficacy concepts. With these, educators will have a better understanding of the competency and
confidence of the students and will facilitate the revision of teaching methods and policies in response
to the current needs of the students. Additionally, the SHS curriculum must also be updated to provide
students with an understanding of the impact of different influences on their self-development and to
explore career options for learning and work.
The newly implemented K to 12 Basic Education program in the Philippines provides opportunities for
expansion of this study and other future research endeavors. First, there is a need to enrich the data
collected to ensure equal representation of all the universities in the Philippines. Second, a comparative
analysis is recommended between private and public schools in determining the effectiveness of the
implementation of the said program. Also, future research should apply other methodologies such as
qualitative interviews, content analysis or social media analytics to discover other socio-cultural factors
that may also influence students on their academic perception and performance in the field of ICT.
The study contributes to the body of knowledge by using the social-cognitive career theory to
explain what influences students to achieve their academic college goals. The results of this study
support previous studies that students’ past performance influence computer self-efficacy, encouraging
them to achieve their academic goals (Smith, 2002). Therefore, it is important that educators and
institutions investigate the data acquired from past performance, computer self-efficacy, and outcome
expectations and incorporate it into the curriculum and ICT education to further enhance students’
motivation in terms of academic achievement.
Council, N., & Education, M. (2018). Fennema-Sherman Mathematics Attitudes Scales: Instruments Designed to
Measure Attitudes toward the Learning of Mathematics by Females and Males Author: Elizabeth Fennema
and Julia A. Sherman Source: Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 7(5), 324–326.
DepED. (2014). Senior High School (SHS) Curriculum and Program Requirements, 1–27.
DepEd Order No. 36, s. 2012.pdf. (2012).
Ebardo, R. (2017). The use of activity trackers for health empowerment and commitment : the Philippine cycling
perspective commitment : the Philippine cycling perspective ”. In 7th International Workshop on
Computer Science and Engineering WCSE 2017, pp. 25–27.
Ebardo, R. A. (2018). Visibility and Training in Open Source Software Adoption : A Case in Philippine Higher
Education. In 8th International Workshop on Computer Science and Engineering WCSE 2018, pp. 368–
Fennema & Sherman. (1976). Mathematics Attitudes Scale: Instruments Designed to Measure Attitudes toward
the Learning of Mathematics, 7(5), 324–326.
Fraillon, J., Ainley, J., Schulz, W., Friedman, T., & Gebhardt, E. (2014). Preparing for Life in a Digital Age.
Mateo, J. (2018). Senior high school results exceeded expectations — DepEd | Philstar.com. Retrieved December
13, 2018, from https://
Moeller, A. J., Theiler, J. M., & Wu, C. (2012). Goal Setting and Student Achievement: A Longitudinal Study.
The Modern Language Journal, 96(2), 153–169.
OECD. (2012). Grade Expectations: How Marks and Education Policies Shape Students’ Ambitions. PISA,
OECD Publishing.
Smith, S. M. (2002). The Role of Social Cognitive Career Theory in Information Technology based Academic
Performance. Information Technology, Learning, and Performance Journal, 20(2), 1–10.
The K to 12 Basic Education Program | Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines. (2012). Retrieved
December 13, 2018, from https://www.officialgazette.gov.ph/k-12/
Torkzadeh, G., & Koufteros, X. (1994). Factorial validity of a computer self-efficacy scale and the impact of
computer training. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 54(3), 813–821.
Villarreal, B. J., Heckhausen, J., Lessard, J., Greenberger, E., & Chen, C. (2015). High-school seniors’ college
enrollment goals: Costs and benefits of ambitious expectations. Journal of Adolescence, 45, 327–340.
Chang, M. et al. (Eds.) (2019). Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Computers in
Education. Taiwan: Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education
Abstract: The present study used the PISA 2015 dataset (n = 39,297) of six East Asian
economies to investigate the relationship between students’ ICT-based learning and their
science proficiency level. Using Mplus 7, CFA and SEM were conducted to obtain the three
major findings. Firstly, students’ socio-economic status is highly related to students’ science
proficiency level but is weakly related to ICT-based learning. Secondly, although both learning
enjoyment and instrumental motivation are weakly, positively related to ICT-based learning,
the association between learning enjoyment and students’ science proficiency level is much
stronger than that between instrumental motivation and science proficiency level. Lastly, ICT
efficacy is positively related to ICT-based learning, which in turn, is significantly and
negatively related to science proficiency level.
1. Introduction
Students’ science literacy and performance are considered closely related to 21st century skills and their
future life in modern society (Millar, 2006; Tsai, 2015). With the mushrooming of internationally
large-scale surveys and related research, contradictory findings have been obtained regarding how
students’ science achievement has been influenced. Since PISA 2015 is the most up-to-date
measurement with a focus on students’ science achievement, the present study targets at exploring the
relationships between students’ science achievement and its major influencing factors.
2. Research Hypotheses
H2: Both science learning enjoyment and instrumental motivation in science learning are positively
related to science proficiency level.
H3: Both science learning enjoyment and instrumental motivation in science learning are positively
related to ICT-based learning.
3. Method
3.1 Participants
The participants of this study thus were 15-year-old students from Japan (16.8%), Korea (14.1%),
Mainland China (Beijing, Shanghai, Jiangsu and Guangdong Provinces) (24.8%), Chinese Taipei
(19.5%), Hong Kong (13.5%) and Macao (11.3%). After removing missing data, a final sample of
39,297 students was used in our study.
3.2 Measures
3.2.1 Scales
The present study adopted four scales from PISA 2015 survey, measuring science learning enjoyment,
instrumental motivation for learning science, ICT efficacy and ICT-based learning. See brief
information about the scales below.
Table 1
Scales involved in the present study
Scales Likert scale No. of items Cronbach’s α
Science learning 4-point (1 = strongly disagree’ to ‘4 = 5 0.95
enjoyment strongly agree’)
Instrumental motivation 4-point (1 = strongly disagree’ to ‘4 = 4 0.93
for learning science strongly agree’)
ICT efficacy 4-point (1 = strongly disagree’ to ‘4 = 5 0.85
strongly agree’)
ICT-based learning 5-point (1 = never or hardly ever’ to ‘5 12 (6 parcels) 0.91
= every day)
3.2.2 ESCS
The index of economic, social and cultural status (ESCS) for each student was calculated and provided
by OECD, and it is operationalized as a comprehensive measure of students’ socio-economic status in
the present study.
Science proficiency levels were derived from the plausible values provided in PISA dataset and taken as
a measure of students’ science achievement. Using cut-off scores for proficiency level provided by
OECD (2015), the 10 plausible values were recoded into 10 proficiency levels.
Using Mplus 7, confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was conducted to ensure the validity of the
measurement model, and structural equation modeling (SEM) was then conducted to estimate all path
coefficients. SPSS 21 was also used to generate descriptive data and synthesize replicate estimates.
Table 2
Reliability, descriptive statistics, and correlations
M SD 1 2 3 4 5 6
1. sci-enj 2.62 .79 (.95)
2. sci-mot 2.85 .77 .47** (.93)
3. ICT-eff 2.50 .65 .18** .09** (.85)
4. ICT-L 1.70 .70 .20** .16** .31** (.91)
5. ESCS -.55 .99 .01** -.06** .09** .06** -
6. spl 1 3.09 1.29 .26** .09** .10** -.06** .36** -
Notes: the Cronbach’s α coefficients were in parentheses; ** p < 0.01.
A four-factor model was tested using CFA. The four factors were science learning enjoyment,
instrumental motivation for learning science, ICT efficacy, and ICT-based learning, respectively. When
conducting CFA with the final weight, the results generally confirmed the construct validity of the
measurement with an acceptable model fit (χ2 = 6388.203, df = 164, p < .001, CFI =.97, TLI = .96,
RMSEA = .031, SRMR = .032).
The final results of SEM were obtained by synthesizing 90 replicate estimates. To be specific, for the
ten models estimated with 10 science proficiency levels by the final weight, χ2 = 8846.50~8923.15, df =
200, p < .001, CFI = .96, TLI = .95, RMSEA = .033, SRMR = .037~.038; for the model estimated with
the first science proficiency level by the 80 replicate weight, RMSEA = .052, SRMR = .038.
.45 /
Notes: all significant paths (significant at .001 level) were presented as solid lines, and a
non-significant path presented as a dotted line; numbers before the slashes were unstandardized
estimates of the path coefficients, and numbers after the slashes were standardized estimates.
As is shown in Figure 1, the findings were threefold. First, ESCS was highly related to students’
science proficiency level (β = .37, p < .001), but was weakly, though significantly, related to ICT-based
learning (β = .05, p < .001). Second, although both learning enjoyment and instrumental motivation
were weakly and positively related to ICT-based learning (sci-enj: β = .10, p < .001; sci-mot: β = .08, p
< .001), the association between learning enjoyment and students’ science proficiency level (β = .30, p
< .001) was much stronger than that between instrumental motivation and science proficiency level (β =
-.01, n.s.). Third, ICT efficacy was positively related to ICT-based learning (β = .31, p < .001), which in
turn, was significantly and negatively related to science proficiency level (β = -.16, p < .001). Thus,
hypotheses H1, H3 and H4 were supported but hypotheses H2 was rejected due to a non-significant
negative association between instrumental motivation and science proficiency level.
Millar, R. (2006). Twenty first century science: Insights from the design and implementation of a scientific
literacy approach in school science. International Journal of Science Education, 28(13), 1499-1521.
OECD. (2015). Students, Computers and Learning. OECD Publishing.
AKCAPINAR GOKHAN 300,312,318,351,360,698
BODEMER DANIEL 121,131,158,412
CAI SU 685
DU A-MEI 453
FLANAGAN BRENDAN 300,312,318,351,360,698
HAYASHI YUSUKE 101,273,369,543,624,706
HIRASHIMA TSUKASA 101,273,369,543,624,706
HU YILING 146,357
ITOH YUKIHIRO 306,348,354
KOGURE SATORU 306,348,354
LI YIN 644
LIU CHU 377,386
MAJUMDAR RWITAJIT 312,318,351,698,300
SHIH JU-LING 2,5,197
SUN DI 324
WU DI 224
ZOU DI 617