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High-Purity Methyl Acetate via Reactive Distillation Computer simulations were used to test methods of minimizing the size of reactors and recycle streams, maximizing yields and conversions, and refining the methyl acetate in as few steps as possible, Victor H. Agreda, Lee R. Partin, and William H. Heise, Eastman ‘Chemical Co., Kingsport, TN 37662 of methanol and acetic difficult be- cause of reaction equilibrium limitations and the formation of methyl acetate-methanol and methyl acetate— water minimum-boiling azeotropes. Conventional processes use schemes with multiple reactors in which a large excess of one of the reactants is used to achieve the high conver sion of the other reactant. Some use a series of vacuum and atmospheric distillation columns to change the composition of the methyl acetate-water azeotrope (1). The refined methyl acetate is separated from the unconverted reactants, and the methyl acetate-methanol azeotrope is then recy- cled to the reactors. Other schemes use several atmospheric T: ‘manufacture of high-purity methyl acetate via the i id Wi, Agreda is superstor ofthe Advanced Process Technology Grow lt Eastman Chemea! Co. whose background inchides project man ‘agement end supervisory assignments in research; pilot plants: pro- Ces development, simulation, modeling, design, and improvement; ‘lant startups and production operations. The author of several tech- ‘ical articles andthe holder of a number of patents, he is @ licensed professional engineer teith a BS degroe in chemistry and BS, MS, and ‘PAD degres in chemical engineering trom North Carolina State Unie. LR, Parlin, a principal chemical engineer at Eastman Chemical Co. Ean expert on chemical process modeling and synthesis. His assign. ‘ments have included the management of process modeling tools and {ead design responses on capital projects. A registered profes. Slonal enginoer fn Tennesse, he earned a BSCKE degree from the Univ of Kentucky and an HSCAE degre From Purdue Unio. W.ll Helse Aas been with Eastman Chemical Co. since February 188 were Rs aslgnments have involved process modeling and op- timizaton inthe chemicals from coal fecly. He ecraed Ws BSCAE degre from the Unie. of Dayton and his doctorate fom Auburn Unie. distillation columns and a column with an extractive agent, such as ethylene glycol monomethy ether (2), to act as an ‘entrainer to separate the methyl acetate from methanol Early attempts to produce refined methyl acetate via re- active distillation failed because the formation of azeo- tropes was not recognized (3). More recent work (4) found that enrichment beyond the methyl acetate-methanol azeo- trope can occur in a reactive distillation column, but con cluded that refined methyl acetate cannot be obtained in the primary reactive distillation coluran and that a second cok ‘umn is required to fractionate methyl acetate from the methyl acetate-methanol azeotrope. Additional problems are posed in commercial processes by the presence of in purities in the methanol and acetic acid feedstocks. Such impurities may be (or may form) intermediate boiling com- pounds that will contaminate the product, accumulate in the process recycle streams, and require additional distillation columns for their removal. ‘This article describes the development of Eastman Ko- dak’s commercial process for the production of high-purity methyl acetate via countercurrent reactive distillation (5) ‘The development and scale-up steps described include con- cept inception, laboratory testing, bench-scale testing, pilot plant development, modeling and design, full-scale com struction and operation, and final troubleshooting and op- timization, Background As part of the development of the plants in the Eastman Chemicals from Coal Project (6,7), a conventional process Chemical Engineering Progess_|had been tentatively chosen in 1980 for the manufacture of high-purity methyl acetate. This process had as its primary components two reactors and eight distillation columns. De- velopmental work on this process, which included pilot plant testing, had been completed. Because of the complexity of such a process, however, it was deemed desirable to con- tinue the optimization work and to pursue the search for a more economical process. A key consideration was time be- cause detailed engineering and the procurement of mate- rials for the plants (chemicals from coal complex) was about to begin, Delays in plant construction could be quite expen- sive and negate any savings due to optimization work. | __ After additional literature and patent reviews, many ideas were considered. Computer simulations were used exten- sively to test such ideas, most of which dealt with ways to minimize the size of the reactors and recycle streams, max- imize yields and conversions, and refine the methyl acetate | ina minimum number of steps given reaction equilibrium constraints, the constant boiling mixtures or azeotropes that methyl acetate forms with methanol and water, and the presence of several impurities in the raw materials to be used, It was at this time that a proposal was made to carry ‘out the reaction and distillation steps in one vessel so that refined methyl acetate could be made without additional pu- rification steps and with no unconverted reactant streams to be recovered. At the heart of this process was the counter- ‘current methyl acetate reactor column. Concept. In the reaction step of conventional methyl ace- tate processes, liquid methanol is reacted with liquid acetic acid in the presence of an acidic catalyst to form methyl acetate and water. The rate ofthe reaction is a function of the temperature, the catalyst concentration, and the con- centrations of the products and reactants. The reactor size is then determined by the temperature, the catalyst concen tration, the ratio of acetic acid to methanol inthe feed, and the desired conversion. The reaction is CH,COOH + CH,OH % CH,COOCH, + H,0 (1) = MiuoiKiya) ial Lae) s Because the reaction is reversible and the equilibrium constant is 5.2 (reasonably independently of temperature), the reactor product stream will have all four reaction com- onents. As long as the reactor is a standard plug flow or back-mixed reactor, the maximum achievable extent of re- action is given by the liquid phase equilibrium constraint. ‘Therefore, high conversion of one reactant can be achieved only with a large excess of the other reactant. Ifthe react- ing mixture is allowed to flash, however, there is a vapor L petruara 2990 ‘composition that is related to the liquid composition by the activity coefficients and vapor pressures of the components in the mixture (assuming no reaction in the vapor phase). tutne _ (martion mati) x wor-Yrans~ Nivore Pose Pon Pha At vapor-liquid and reaction equilibria, the ratio of prod- ucts to reactants in the vapor phase is higher than in the liguid phase because of the higher volatility of methyl ace- tate relative to the other components. Thus, the overall ex- tent of the reaction achieved between the vapor and liquid phases is greater than can be achieved in the liquid phase alone. Because the reaction is reversible, the rate of reaction in the liquid phase is increased by removing one of the prod- ucts (methyl acetate) preferentially to the other components in the reacting mixture. Furthermore, if the reactants (methanol and acetic acid) can flow countercurrent in a se- aquence of flashing reactors, the high concentrations of reactants at opposite ends will ensure the high conversion ‘of both reactants at the opposite ends of the series of flash- ing reactors. Thus, the concept of a series of countercur- rent flashing reactors can be used to great advantage for this, particular reaction. ‘Conventional processes for the manufacture of methyl acetate also have to deal with the problem of refining the methyl acetate. Unreacted acetic acid can be separated eas- ily from methyl acetate and methanol by a distillation step in which acetic acid and water are underflowed. Refining the acetic acid for recycle is a well-known (8), energy-intensive procedure that involves azeotropic ing equipment. A tougher problem is the puri methyl acetate in the presence of the minimum boiling mix- tures (azeotropes) of methyl acetate with water (5 wt% wa- ter, boiling point = 56.1°C) and methyl acetate with meth- anol (18 wt% methanol, boiling point = 53.9°C) given that the methyl acetate boiling point (57°C) is very close to that of the azeotropes. As discussed earlier, conventional refining schemes use vacuum columns to change the boiling points and composi- tions of the azeotropes or use extractive agents to remove water and methanol by extractive distillation. This, of course, requires additional distillation columns and recycle streams. Distillation modeling and laboratory experiments, however, show that one such extractive agent is acetic acid. ‘Therefore, the countercurrent flow of acetic acid and methyl acetate with its azeotropes can be used to purify methyl acetate. This occurs as a natural consequence of the coun- tercurrent flow in the sequence of flashing reactors dis- ‘cussed previously. ‘The conceptual basis of the countercurrent reactive dis- tillation column is summarized in Figure 1. The reaction ‘occurs in the middle or reaction section in a series of coun- tercurrent flashing stages. Above this section, water (and, to ‘lesser extent, methanol) is extracted with acetic acid in the extractive distillation section below the acetic acid feed. Acetic acid and methyl acetate are separated above the acetic acid feed, in the rectification section. In the lowest column section, methanol is stripped from by-product war ter. Thus, refined methyl acetate is the overhead product of the reactor column, and water is the bottom product. To make the concept practical, a suitable catalyst is needed and impurities with intermediate boiling points (which, if not removed, would accumulate in the column) ust be removed through a sidedraw at an appropriate point in the reactor column. Unless no impurities are present in the process feed streams, a system for the removal of inter- ‘mediate boiling impurities is required regardless of the pro- cessing scheme. Figure 1. Conceptual diagram of the MeOAe countercurrent reactive ‘station column. lation process was based on these concepts. Because pre- liminary economic analysis revealed that the idea was at- tractive, laboratory testing was recommended Process development Laboratory development. Physical property and kinetic data for various catalysts were gathered using batch labora- tory equipment. The rate equation developed for the design of the commercial reactor column (with sulfuric acid as the catalyst) was 1 ky exp{—BIRT) (Cone Cryo ~ Crore Cal (8) where ky = KiKi)? + fi Bigs for Xrsoy S 0.004 and fy aig ~ KA explkel&yso, — 0.004)] for Xiysoy > 0.004. Ur other equations available in the literature (9-12), this rate equation covers the full range of compositions en- ‘countered in the reactor column. Other catalysts tested were found to be less satisfactory. For example, much higher ‘concentrations of phosphoric acid are required compared to the sulfuric acid rates required. An acidic resin such as Am- berlite 200 requires complex reaction- and flashing-stage mechanical designs. Other catalysts are simply too expen- unless a catalyst recovery system is provided. Feasibility tests were carried out in the laboratory using packed and sieve tray columns. Typical methyl acetate pro- duction rates in the laboratory reactor columns were 0.05- 0.10 Ibfh (22.7-45.4 g/h). This work demonstrated the fea sibility of the reactor column concept and showed that sul- furic acid would be the most suitable catalyst. The results of computer simulations showing the extractive efficiency of acetic acid were confirmed, and it was determined that, for reasonable catalyst concentrations, hold-up requirements would be a critical design factor for the reactor column. Be: cause a new economic analysis showed favorable results, ‘The intial proposal for the countercurrent reactive distil | langer scale testing was recommended. Chemical Engineoring Progressr t ee High conversion of one reactant can be achieved only with a large excess of the other. Bench-seale development. A 5 lbh (2.27 kgf) methyl acetate production eapacty, 4 in. (20.16 em) in diameter by 430 ft (9.14 m) high, gla reactor column with high hold-up trays in the reaction section and packed sections for metha- nol stripping, methyl acetate-acetie acid rectification, and extractive distillation was built for further development of the process. This reactor column provided more realistic testing feed materials expected to be used during fullscale operation were used, corrosion testing was started, column composition profiles at different operating conditions were determined, and impurities were removed through a side- draw. ‘Operating this column revealed that reflux ratio was a very important factor inthe process. Work described in e- cent literature on this subject (fils to achieve satisfactory results primarily because of operation at excessively high re- flux ratios and insufficient reaction holdup. The bench-scale unit also showed that process contro, such that high-purity methyl acetate is the overhead product and water the bot- tom by-product, would be quite dificult unless a robust con- trol system could be developed to control both ends ofthe reactor column and keep the feeds in stoichiometric bal ance. Based on the results ofthe corrosion testing, Carpen- ter 20 Cb3 was tentatively chosen as the most suitable ma- terial of construction for the commercial reactor column. ‘The data obtained were used to prepare a preiminary full scale design and a new economic analysis. The results rein- forced the expectation that this could be a viable commer- ial proces ifthe identified problems could be overcome. A pilot plant-scale reactor column was then designed based on the preliminary full-scale design, and pilot plant testing be- san. Pilot plant development. A 100 lbfh (45.4 kgh) methyl acetate production capacity, 8 in. (20.3 em) in diameter in the stripping and reaction sections and 6 in. (15.2 cm) in di- ameter in the extraction and rectification sections by 100 ft G0.5 m) high, Carpenter 20 Cb3 reactor column was built. ‘This reactor column had high hold-up reverse flow bubble- 2p trays in the reaction and stripping sections and Pall ring packing in the extraction and rectification sections. Special precautions were taken to ensure adiabatic operation, for accurate reflux ratio measurements. The purpose of this plant was to confirm the feasibility and controllability of the process and to provide the design data needed for full-scale implementation. Tt also allowed the testing of the reactor ‘column design and a system for the removal of intermediate boiling impurities. Figure 2 shows the process flow di gram, ‘The intermediate boiling impurity removal system con- sisted of a stripping column and a concentration column. This system allowed the recycle of methyl acetate and un- reacted acetic acid from the sidedraw stream back to the re- actor column, Detailed corrosion studies were made of the February 1990 [Figure 2. Process Tlow diagram ofthe methyl acetate plant best candidates for materials of construction for all the equipment that would be needed in the commercial plant. A control strategy suitable for the control of a column in which reactive distillation and three different types of fractiona- tion occur simultaneously was developed. In addition, both the top and bottom product compositions were to be con- trolled. The reactor column control strategy is presented in Figure 3. Scaleup and design data, such as column tray compositions and the optimum reflux ratio were gathered for use in the full-scale design. Figures 4 and 5 show typical reactor column composition and temperature profiles, re- spectively. Instrumentation, on-line analyzers, and other ‘equipment to be used in the commercial plant were tested, and operating procedures were developed. Perhaps the most important result of the pilot plant work ‘was the demonstration of the reactor column's ability to ae = rs Figure 3. Control strategy lor the methyl acetate reactor column. i1 rey mame Ure Figure. Compotion profes produce refined methyl acetate with excellent quality, over a significant period of time, at high yields, and in such a tmanner that process control and recovery from upsets could be performed easily and without the use of complex control ‘equipment. For example, production of methyl acetate with a typical composition of 99.5 wi% methyl acetate and 0.33, 1wt% water, 0.15 wt methanol, 0.02 wi% methyl propion- atelisopropyl acetate, and less than 0.01 wt% acetic acid (while simultaneously underflowing by-product water con- taining only traces—less than 0.1 wt%—of unreacted acetic acid and methanol) was demonstrated on several two-week runs. The operation of this unit also showed that control ling the position and composition of the reaction profile thin the reaction section of the column was critical both to controlling the process and to recovery from upsets. This, finding had significant implications for the mechanical de- sign of the reaction trays andthe control strategy. “enero degrees © 8 verti, lyre Figure 5. Temperature profile. ‘These results and a new economic analysis confirmed the feasibility and economic advantages of the process. They showed that the single reactive distillation column was an elegant and economical solution to a challenging chemical ‘manufacturing problem. The countercurrent reactive di lation process was then chosen for full-scale implementa tion. The entire development process from concept incep- tion to the start of detailed engineering for the commercial plant was completed in less than a year Modeling and design At the time the conceptual proposal was made, Tennes- see Eastman had not yet developed a reactive distillation computer simulator. Therefore, given the urgency of the project and the need to develop the concept quickly, stage- to-stage hand calculations were done utilizing a flash with reaction program to calculate vapor and liquid comp: ms in the reaction section. The distillation sections were simu- lated using an existing distillation staging computer pro- gram, Concurrently with the pilot plant work, two reactive distil- lation computer programs were developed. One was a dy- namic simulation based on the DYFLO (13) subroutines; the other was a modification of an existing in-house, steady-state staging program. The steady-state simulator used Thomas's algorithm (to solve the tridiagonal matrices) as well as a Newton-Raphson convergence algorithm. Both programs were rather difficult to use and converge, but they provided the information necessary for the design of the reactor col- umn. Both programs predicted the experimentally observed temperature and composition profiles with remarkable ac- curacy. The staging program also possessed limited hy- draulic calculation capabilities. Of course, the state of the art of reactive distillation has progressed substantially in the past several years. Much ‘work has been presented in the literature on how to per- form the required calculations in an efficient and robust ‘manner. Holland (14) documents the techniques and makes. ‘recommendations on when to apply the different conver- lation computer simulation capable of handling up to 200 stages, many components, and simultaneous reactions for a range of variables such as feed and sidedraw locations, feed compositions and temperatures, reflux ratios, catalyst feed rales, etc. This program also performs hydraulic and tray- rating calculations. It is currently used, among other appli- ‘ations, for the optimization and improvement of the com- mercial countercurrent reactive distillation methyl acetate process. Full-seale design construction and operation. As pilot plant development neared completion, detailed engineering for the commercial plant was started. Design heat and ma- terial balances were prepared, column and tray designs for the different sections of the reactor column were finalized, and process and instrumentation diagrams were prepared. When the plot plan and construction drawings were com- pleted, construction of the plant begun. Although the pilot plant work demonstrated that the process requires only one (Chemical Engineering ProgressVee The most important result of the pilot plant work was the demonstration of the reactor column’s ability to produce high yields of refined methyl acetate over a significant period of time with easy process control and recovery from upsets. reactor column and two impurity removal columns, the final process flowsheet has, as its main components, one reactor column and three distillation columns. A methanol recovery column has been added in order to process the underflow of the reactor column for two reasons: 1) to lower the reac tor column's base temperature by allowing some methanol underflow, this reducing the corrosion rate at that point, and 2) to provide a method for minimizing chemical losses during upsets ofthe reactor column operation. The fullscale reactor column is operated frequently without the methanol recovery column, and it has even been operated without the sidedraw columns when high-purity acetic acid and metha- nol feedstocks were available. During the construction phase, which proceeded on schedule and within budget, operating procedures were written. They included procedures for startup, normal op- eration, normal shutdown, emergency shutdown, trouble- shooting, rate changes, and so on. Upon completion of the construction phase, plant inspection and water checkout [took place, Many problems were identified and corrected at this stage. Typical problems included improper installation of equipment, construction debris blocking flow-through lines, and incorrect sizing or calibration of equipment and instrumentation. After plant checkout, the commercial methyl acetate pro- cess was started up in May of 1983. This was the first plant to start up in Eastman’s new chemicals from-coal complex. ‘The most challenging debugging and troubleshooting took place as the production rate was raised toward the design rate of 50,000 Ibfh (22,700 kh), and limitations were elim- inated as they were identified. In some instances, the limi- tations were due to improper matching or control of utility supplies to the different plants in the complex (resulting, for example, in insufficient flow of cooling tower water to the methyl acetate plant). Other limitations were due to improp- erly sized equipment, such as condensers and pumps, but the most difficult problems to correct were related to the scale-up and design of the reactor column itself. ‘The pilot plant development work showed that the reactor column could be satisfactorily operated at reflux ratios ranging from 1.5 to 2.0 with an optimum ratio of approx mately 1.7. For economic reasons, the commercial unit was designed for a reflux ratio of 1.5, which reduced opera tional flexibility if @ higher reflux ratio was required in the full-scale reactor column, Furthermore, each reactor col ‘umn section was designed for the expected steady-state va- por and liquid loading with a minimum safety factor. Fi- nally, due to the high hold-up requirements of the reaction zone trays, the design calculations had to be performed by February 1990 29 extrapolating correlations used for the design of standard bubble-cap trays, acknowledging the risk that such extrapo- Tations may not be accurate. Bubble caps with 5 in. (12.7 cm) risers were used in reverse flow trays with 5 in. (12.7 ‘mm outlet weirs and a tray spacing of 24 in, (61 cm). ‘To provide sufficient hold-up for the reaction, sumps were provided in the flow-reversing areas and at the bottom of the downcomers (5). The design of the downcomer sumps was such that the bottom of the sump protruded 10 in, (25.4 em) below the bottom ofthe tray, directly above the next outlet weir. This design created a vertical entrance opening to the downcomer that was only 9 in. (22.9 cm) high. The liquid on the tray is highly aerated, more so than in normal distillation, because of the generation of lowboiling methyl acetate. Thus, highly aerated liquid entered the high hold-up downcomer sump where additional methyl acetate was generated and flashed in a manner that can best be de- seribed as effervescence (as seen through an observation port in the pilot plant reactor column). The vapor disen- aged from the downeomer liquid had to flow back through the 9in. 22.9-cm) opening into a wal of froth generated by the outlet row of bubble caps. Excessive pressure drop de- veloped across the trays with the highest vapor loads, the downcomers backed up, and column flooding ensued. Con- firmation of the high froth level on the trays was provided by the high liquid entrainment seen in the vapor sidedrav. ‘The problems encountered were diagnosed by using pres- sure drop measurements and by analyzing reactor column composition and temperature profiles. Gamma radiation scanning allowed the determination of both clear liquid and froth heights. ‘Actual operation has shown that reflux ratios of 1.65 to 1.85 (depending on production rate, desired product com position, catalyst rate, etc.) are needed. Furthermore, start- up, rate changes, or improper process operation cause the composition profile (and, therefore, the vaporfiqu loading profile) to shift up or down in the reactor column, which causes problems if the profile shift increases the vaporliq- uid loading in 2 column section beyond what that particular section can handle effectively. Ail problems have now been corrected by debottleneck- ing the different reactor column sections. Froth-related problems were corrected in the vapor sidedraw system as well. To ensure no acetic anhydride production losses (enethyl acetate is one ofthe key raw materials to the acetic anhydride plant in the complex), temporary fixes were pro- vided by unloading liquid and vapor flows from the top sec- tion of the reactive distillation section of the column via ex- ternal bypass lines, relocation of the sidedraw system's lines, edee The plant is very easy to operate as long as it is kept within its hydraulic capability limits. and the spreading and shifting of the reaction zone by spit ting the sulfuric acid catalyst feed. The ultimate solution, which was implemented during normal scheduled complex shutdowns, was the modification of the reaction trays. The outlet row of bubble caps was removed from the trays in the upper section of the reaction zone of the column in order to provide a deaeration zone for the froth, and the outlet weir height was lowered on the most heavily loaded trays. In ad- dition, the column's operating pressure was increased from 3 to 10 psig (122 to 170 kPa). It is particularly noteworthy that, in spite of the challenges encountered, absolutely no production losses were incurred in the complex due to the scale-up problems encountered in this plant. In conclusion ‘The countercurrent reactive distillation process is rou. tinely operated at rates above 100% of design or at other rates as production requirements dictate. Depending on the operating rate, product quality meets or exceeds specifica- tions. Process improvement and optimization have allowed ‘process operation at up to 125% of design ‘This plant has been proven to be extremely easy to oper- ate as long as itis kept within its hydraulic capability limits. [At the design rate, the plant has operated for several months at a time with essentially no operator intervention and all automatic control loops closed and operational. Process op- timization has reduced catalyst usage to approximately 50% of original design, and product yields have been found to be ‘greater than expected. Stoichiometric operation in the full- scale plant has been demonstrated during month-long trials, eliminating the need for a methanol recovery column in fu- ture plants provided that adequate corrosion protection is builtin for the reactor column's base. ‘The plant is highly heat integrated. Reboiler condensates are flashed to generate atmospheric steam to preheat the acetic acid feed, and the hot by-product wastewater is used ‘to preheat the methanol feed. The vapor sidedraw provides ‘most of the heat to run the impurity-stripping column. Most importantly, the reactor column is inherently heat inte- grated. It ean be thought of as four distillation columns, one ‘on top of the other, with the top and bottom of each “col- umn" acting as the reboiler and condenser for the “col lumns” above and below, respectively. ‘This process is a simple and elegant solution to the chal lenge of producing low-cost, high-purity methyl acetate for Eastman's chemicals-from-coal complex. It is the culmina- tion of the work of many scientists and engineers who had to solve significant problems in equipment design, specifi- cation of construction materials, development of a suitable control system, piloting, modeling and simulation, commer- cial start-up and troubleshooting of the final process, and process improvement and optimization. Hl Lae. °° ‘Nomenclature 7 C= Concentration db + mel); E> activation energy (~ 9198 calmly: K—& Tgud equiva constant = presxponentil rate constant (s+ mali : Ky constants fr rate constant expression = 1-5; B= pure component vapor pressure, R& pesconstant (= 1887 calimo, F> Neacion ate “moth i T= Temperature = Taguid moe faction; y eons MeOH HOAe — Literature cited 1, Harrison, J. M, US. Patent 2,708,271 (ar. 1965). 2. Kummer, Ko Cerman Patent 1.070.165 (Dec. 1959 : Backhaus, A.A. US, Patent 1400,899 Dee. 1921), 4. Seuowal Hy and PA. Pinas, Chem B.S, 43, 9385 i 5. Agroda, V.H, and L. R Partin, US. Patent 435,595 (Ma. 1988). | 6, Agreda, V, H, Chemtch,p. 250 (186). 7. "Whemiais from Koal Kodak,” Chem. Eng. Prog. p. 24 (1984, 8. Mark, HF, ed "Kirk-Othmer Encylopetia of Chemical Techno og” Sd Bl, Vol. 3, Wiley dnterscience New York (1878) | 9. Role, A. Cy and C. N. Hlashelwood, Trans. Furadey Soc, 80, p 985 (es, 10, Willamson, A. T, and C. M. Hinshelwood, Trans, Faraday Soe 1143 (934) thy H. A.J. Am, Chem. Soe, 61, p. 256 1939. t . aco RA. and CN Minsblvond, Thos Faraday Soc 6 p.583 08 18. Peanks, R, G, E. “Modeling and Simulation in Chemical Boginecr Ing John Wiley and Son, New York G972) 14. Holland, C. D,, “Fundamentals of Multicomponent Distillation, MeGransil, New York 0980). un. chanical migess Pagst_|
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Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
4.5/5 (444)
The Outsider: A Novel
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The Outsider: A Novel
Stephen King
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
4/5 (1954)
The World Is Flat 3.0: A Brief History of the Twenty-first Century
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The World Is Flat 3.0: A Brief History of the Twenty-first Century
Thomas L. Friedman
Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
3.5/5 (2281)
The Yellow House: A Memoir (2019 National Book Award Winner)
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The Yellow House: A Memoir (2019 National Book Award Winner)
Sarah M. Broom
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
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Yes Please
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Yes Please
Amy Poehler
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
4/5 (1961)
Devil in the Grove: Thurgood Marshall, the Groveland Boys, and the Dawn of a New America
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Devil in the Grove: Thurgood Marshall, the Groveland Boys, and the Dawn of a New America
Gilbert King
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
4.5/5 (273)
The Art of Racing in the Rain: A Novel
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The Art of Racing in the Rain: A Novel
Garth Stein
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
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A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
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A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
Betty Smith
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
4.5/5 (1934)
A Heartbreaking Work Of Staggering Genius: A Memoir Based on a True Story
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A Heartbreaking Work Of Staggering Genius: A Memoir Based on a True Story
Dave Eggers
Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
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Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln
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Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln
Doris Kearns Goodwin
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
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Fear: Trump in the White House
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Fear: Trump in the White House
Bob Woodward
Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
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On Fire: The (Burning) Case for a Green New Deal
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On Fire: The (Burning) Case for a Green New Deal
Naomi Klein
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
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Rise of ISIS: A Threat We Can't Ignore
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Rise of ISIS: A Threat We Can't Ignore
Jay Sekulow
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Manhattan Beach: A Novel
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Manhattan Beach: A Novel
Jennifer Egan
Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
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The Unwinding: An Inner History of the New America
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The Unwinding: An Inner History of the New America
George Packer
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John Adams
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John Adams
David McCullough
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The Constant Gardener: A Novel
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The Constant Gardener: A Novel
John le Carré
Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
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Experimental Analysis in Different Batch Operating Units For Process Intensification: Methyl Acetate Production Case Study
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Experimental Analysis in Different Batch Operating Units For Process Intensification: Methyl Acetate Production Case Study
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Performance of Esterification System in Reaction-Distillation Column
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Performance of Esterification System in Reaction-Distillation Column
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Fluid Phase Equilibria: Andr Es F. Martínez, Cesar A. Sanchez, Alvaro Orjuela, Gerardo Rodríguez
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Chemical Engineering & Processing: Process Intensi Fication: Sciencedirect
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Chemical Engineering & Processing: Process Intensi Fication: Sciencedirect
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Little Women
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Little Women
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